#∬Phobes Spanos
twst-stupid-ocs · 7 months
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“Morning Charin! I missed you<3”
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My boy Phobes x sippy’s boy Charin (without him showing<3 but we love him)
I love them your honor
And why does this look so good?! I peaked here I swear
The black thing on his head and face are his horns btw, they loop to his face<3
Anyways~ @siphoklansan you better see this bestie!!!
!!Likes do nothing, Reblog instead!!
Tagging some people because I want them to see this<3: @catboiie16 @jade-s-nymph @midnightmah07 @drdepper and @dibbledoodle if any of ya’ll don’t wanna be tagged again tell me please<3 this is Cece btw
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cecilebutcher · 1 year
Hello And thank you for my dear friend sippy for letting me use your incredible oc’s and I hope you like how this turned out^^
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Word count: 1.1k
Summary: The pain and Panic duo meeting three interesting students
Warning: none:D
For: @siphoklansan
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Aɴᴀɴ + Cʜᴀʀɪɴ
Shoes could be heard across the almost empty halls of Night Raven College along side some panting. “Hurry up Phobes!” Stated Aikat as he turned a corner in a hurry. The male behind him, Phobes, let out an annoyed groan as he followed. “No whining! We’re gonna be late”
It had been a couple of weeks since the school year has started. But even still, the twins weren’t all that familiar with the layout of their new school and got lost pretty easily -especially with how shit they are at directions- “I told you we should’ve asked Orpheus or Ortho!” Said Phobes as he continued to run through the halls. “Or even Idia!”
As the two continued to banter back and forth between themselves, Aikat suddenly collided into someone. As he fell back with a yelp, Phobes crouched next to him to make sure he’s alright. “Oh? And what do we have here?” The two looked up at who was talking to find not one, but two people peering down at them. Phobes let out a small yelp and hid his face in his brothers shoulder. “Sorry about that” Aikat laughed out “wasn’t looking where I was going”
“It’s alright” the white haired male, the one who spoke earlier, said and offered his hand to the two. Aikat gladly took it and dusted off his clothes. “You two look like freshmen, correct?” Aikat nodded while the stranger helped up his brother, who let out a small thanks and hid behind Aikat. “Yup!” He exclaimed happily “I’m Aikat Spanos. This is my twin, Phobes Spanos” he tilted his head to his brother, where Phobes stayed hidden “he’s a bit shy”
“I’m Anan Atthakornmetha” spoke the other stranger, now known as Anan “this is my bodyguard Charin Kamolnath” Charin gave them a small wave and grin. “Oooh bodyguard! Are you like, famous or something?” Aikat asked with a tilt of his head. The two now no longer strangers looked at him with a blank face before Charin let out a chuckle. “Do you really not know who he is?” He asked, Aikat’s response was a shake of his head.
“He’s a prince Kat” Phobes said to his brother with a slight frown “how do you not know about him?” He asked with a sigh, a bit annoyed. “Your twin is right. He’s a pretty famous guy around here” stated Charin. “Really? Sorry your… majesty?” Ana shook his head “it’s quite alright. No need to apologize or for the pleasantries. Ana is fine” “sounds good Anan!” Aikat beamed at the two.
“Anyways. What were you two in a hurry for?” Charin asked and crossed his arms. “Huh…… don’t know” the blue haired male shrugged and placed his hands in his pocket “I forgot. Probably isn’t important” Anan raised a brow at him “is it perhaps your first class of the day?” He asked the two since the first day of the class for freshmen has already begun. “Oh yeah! That’s what we were running to! I totally forgot about that thanks!”
The four of them continued to stand in silent before Phobes let out a flustered sigh before grabbing his brother by the upper arm “I’m sorry but we have to go to class” he said before hurrying off, dragging Aikat with him. Charin let out a laugh as Anan shook his head in disapproval.
Aikat stretched as he left his class with his twin. They had finally finished their last class of the day. It’s been a week or so since their meeting with Anan and Charin, and they’ve been hanging out a couple of days. Aikat usually hung out with Charin, while Phobes goes with Anan. But since both pairs are often together, they usually just hang out together.
The two had originally planned to have dinner with the young prince and his bodyguard, but they had to cancel last minute due to some important thing. So instead they decided to go to the library, pick up a few books, and have their lunch in the botanic garden. So that’s we’re they’re headed.
The library was mostly empty since it was the weekend. Only a few students plus the librarian were around, making the entire place ever quieter than normal. Aikat took a seat farthest from the door and pulled out his phone. If he’s just going to sit there and wait for his brother to finish finding all the books he needed, he might as well have some fun.
Phobes skimmed through the book shelves looking for something exciting to read. He stopped in front of a history book, specifically an autobiography, of a soldier that died during a war. He picked it up and started reading the first few pages of it.
“Excuse me” he glanced up to see a girl with short brown hair and brown eyes. “Would you mind handing me the book over there?” She asked while pointing at a book behind him. He blinked a few times and looked behind him. “Um…. Which one?” He asked as he scanned the books. “The purple one with a hardcore cover please” Phobes nodded in response and picked it up. It was an old one, with peeling leather and barley visible letters. Then he handed it to the girl with a smile “thanks!” She smiled back and took the book from him.
“What type of book do you have there?” She asked and pointed to his book “it looks nice” “oh, um, it’s an autobiography” she nodded before asking another question “are you also writing a paper on it?” He shook his head no “I just like reading. Are you using that book for a paper?” The girl nodded her head “yeah! It’s for an essay on the history of sunset savanna” Phobes nodded and turned back.
“If that’s what you’re writing about” he mumbled before picking up a few books from the shelves “I suggest these instead” Phobes held out the books “they’re much better for that topic then the book you’re holding” the brunette smiled and took them from his hand “thanks! I’m Siphok by the way” she smiled and held out he hand “you?” Phobes gladly took her hand and shook it “I’m Phobes Spanos, I have a twin named Aikat, he looks like me but with dark pink hair and glasses”
Siphok nodded at him “I’ll keep that in mind. I have to get going. It was nice meeting you Phobes!” She waved as she walked away, the stake of books still in her hand. Phobes smiled and waved back at her before walking back to his brother.
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This is honestly so much longer then I originally planned it to be😭 but I hope you enjoyed this sippy<3
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siphoklansan · 1 year
Sippy I’m writing the oc interaction between the Spanos twins(Aikat and Phobes) and your oc’s. And I was just wondering if they like the two or not^^
If you read them or not you can delete this!!
WAJDHJAKHCKSJWBDKASWMDLJAMSL YEAH THEY ALL LIKE THE TWO!! I’ll give a long answer once I get to another one of your oc interaction asks (whereas the three’s first impression and current opinion on Phobes and Aikat)
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twst-stupid-ocs · 6 months
『Oc’s as flower analogies pt.1』
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“Everyone uses lavender for their own pleasure” —Vesper
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“Everyone says they know Bluebell, but they actually don’t” —Tao
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“Yarrows did nothing wrong, yet people still hate them” —Igor
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“Cherry blossoms despise their mother, but can’t imagine their life without her” —Najih
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“Hyacinth won’t make it once you leave them” —Aikat
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“Lily of the valley acts innocent,But when you touch them you’ll get hurt” —Phobes
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“No matter what, Tulips won’t be anyone’s favorite” —Hippolyta
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“Lilies are toxic, but they don’t know why” —Daria
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“Daisies always want attention, but don’t know what to do when they get it” —Cyrus
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Annnnd done with all the oc’s currently out!!
I 100% will post more of these, and post more in general 😭😭
Tag list🔖: @catboiie16 @dibbledoodle @siphoklansan (if you want to be added to any work of mine on this or any account do let me know in the comments^^)
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cecilebutcher · 1 year
⌊↝𝐏𝐡𝗼𝐛𝐞𝐬 𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐧𝗼𝐬↜⌉
Based off Panic From Hercules
More info
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Name: Phones Spanos
Age: 17
Date of birth: August 19
Zodiac sign: Leo
Hight: 160cm
Dorm: Ignihyde
Class: C1
Place of birth: Island of Woe
Mother: Penelope Spanos
Father: Ajax Spanos
Brother(Twins): Aikat Spanos
Phobes is 160cm. He has light brown skin with bruises all over from being an idiot. His his hair is dark turquoise colored with a dark raspberry streak. He has bandages over his arm and face because of the bruises . His eyes are a grey-ish yellow color.
⊱Sᴘᴇᴀᴄɪᴀʟ Mᴀɢɪᴄ⊰
panic of the brain. The ability to cause hallucinations that look so very real, usually the hallucinations cause panic and stress but sometimes they can be nice and calming
Idia. Ortho. Phobes. Several Ignihyde students. Ruggie. Epel. Tao(oc). Jamil. Trey. Kalim.
⊱Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛs Oɴ Cʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀs⊰
𝚁𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚕𝚎: House warden Riddle is a bit strict. But he’s really reliable! Whenever I need help with something he has no problems giving me some advice.
𝚃𝚛𝚎𝚢: Trey is so cool! We hang out every now and then and usually bake, he taught me so many amazing recipes that I can’t wait to try!
𝙲𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛: Cater is….. a bit interesting. He’s loud and always seems to be making friends but can also be a bit weird at times but people seem to like him.
𝙰𝚌𝚎: I haven’t met him but Aikat says we might get along, so I’ll take his word for it!
𝙳𝚎𝚞𝚌𝚎: Deuce is great! We’ve met only a few times but he seems to be trying hard to be a good student, so I like him.
𝙻𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚊: Leona is so cool! He doesn’t even do anything and yet he knows how AWSOME he is. I hope I’ll be like that some day.
𝚁𝚞𝚐𝚐𝚒𝚎:…… I’d rather not say. People say whenever he’s brought up I talk too much about him^^.
𝙹𝚊𝚌𝚔: Haven’t met Jack but Epel says he’s super cool.
𝚃𝚊𝚘(𝙾𝙲): Have you laid on his clouds before?! They’re super comfy and make you sleep instantly. 10/10 would recommend.
𝙺𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚖: Even though he’s loud I really enjoy being around him! He makes me feel heard and that he actually enjoys my company!
𝙹𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕: Even though Jamil can be mean and cold at times he’s still fun to hang around with! He gave me a book that has recipes from the Scandaling Sands and I’ve tried making some of them, he says that they taste good.
𝙰𝚣𝚞𝚕: I’d rather keep my distance from his, Idia said so.
𝙹𝚊𝚍𝚎: He seems to be hiding something, so I’d rather not get to know that.
𝙵𝚕𝚘𝚢𝚍: why go to a chiropractor when you have Floyd to crack your back? But he’s pretty cool, an open book.
𝚅𝚒𝚕: Aikat looks up to him and I personally think he’s super pretty and cool.
𝙴𝚙𝚎𝚕: Epel is one of my best friends! He’s super cool and awesome. People might only see him for the cute guy he is but let me tell you he can throw a punch!
𝚁𝚘𝚘𝚔: I’m not a fan of running, but I’ll gladly run 20 marathons if it means he stays always from me.
𝙸𝚍𝚒𝚊: Idia is like an older brother to me!! I’ve known him since me and Aikat were kids!
𝙾𝚛𝚝𝚑𝚘: Ortho is like a younger brother. He knows anything and everything and I can just ask him the most random questions and he’ll answer.
𝙰𝚒𝚔𝚊𝚝(𝙾𝙲): He’s my Twin!! I love him so much and get sad when I don’t see him for too long(3 hours) we’ve been together through thick and thin and I hope that it’ll stay that way:).
𝙼𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚞𝚜: Haven’t met him, but he seems ok.
𝙻𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚊: Aikat likes him so he’s ok with me!
𝚂𝚒𝚕𝚟𝚎𝚛: I often find him asleep in the botanic garden and whenever I wake him up he says he doesn’t recall falling asleep.
𝚂𝚎𝚋𝚎𝚔: really loud, like TOO loud. I tend to keep my distance from him
Phobes is a kind and sweet kid. He’s creative, independent and loyal. He’s dedicated, hard working and ambitious when it comes to something he wants. He’s open minded and pretty easy going. He’s also very patient and empathetic. He’s friendly and charming when he opens up. He’s also very trustworthy and dependable. He’s witty and people see him as talented and gifted.
But he’s also very anxious and fearful most times and can be possessive at times. Some people see him as destructive and uncaring. He can get very jealous and hateful at times. He’s also a bit forgetful and naive.
Phobes is shy quiet and calm when meeting people but he’ll open up if he feels the person means no harm. He’s a bit sentimental and stubborn. He’s curious about a lot of things and likes to explore those things. When people get to know him they see that he’s talkative and really soft. But a lot of people can see him as weird.
⊱Fᴜɴ Fᴀᴄᴛs⊰
Phobes is the younger of the two Spanos twins.
He’s seen as the quiet one out of the two.
He has anxiety problems.
He doesn’t like talking to people if he doesn’t have to.
He’s on the spell drive team and usually spends his time with Epel or Ruggie
Speaking of Ruggie, Phobes has a crush on him. But he won’t admit it
Autistic brain rot
Back at the Island of woe he had his own garden that he loves to tend to
Now that he’s in nrc he helps the gardener with the botanic garden
And that’s where you can find him a lot of the time
Loves loves LOVES spicy food
But hates sea food
Biggest sweet tooth
Cannot STAND tight clothes
90% of his closet is just over sized clothes
If you think some of them are Idias, you’re wrong. End of discussion.
Just like his brother he also has sensory issues so he also Carrie’s headphones
Has a corner in his dorm room just for his books
He calls it “my mini library nook”
A lot of people tend to give him love letters, weather that be in school or outside
He has zero idea why people like him like that and feels very bad after rejecting them
Has fangs
Looks up to Leona for reasons unknown
Has and will fought someone for implying they find Aikat annoying
His parents are very rich, so he’s also very rich by extension
Has a weird hobby of trying to figure out if he sold someone how much will he get
Continuing the last point: has told people what they’re worth like talking about the weather.
Loves games like DND
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cecilebutcher · 1 year
Saw you moots w my moots and i was wondering if you would like to also be moots? Totally fine if not owo
Also i was looking at your ocs for the interaction and i thought it would be funny to see Pain and Panic x2 interaction (bc i also got ocs based on them lmao)
Hi! I would love to be moots with you!! Ngl I love the fact that you named them Castor and Pollux, mixing actual mythology into twst is one of my favorite things and I can appreciate it^^ anyways hope you like this
Word count:
Summary: Phobes and Aikat end up meeting two unfamiliar faces, that somehow seem familiar.
Warning: none
For: @the-v-lociraptor
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“Did you hear that?” Asked Phobes, the younger of the two Spanos. his older brother, Aikat, Looked up from his gaming counsel at his brother worth a confused expression. “Heard what?” Phobes frowned and got up from his chair “I swear I heard something” He said with a pout, taking off his gloves “it was probably nothing” Aikat said with a shrug and went back to his game.
Phobes rolled his eyes and went to the door to investigate “I’ll be right back” he informed and left the room, hearing a small ‘kay’ coming from his brother. The teen started walking down the Ignihyde dorm halls looking around, sure he heard something unusual.
“I told you not to touch that!” Phobes jumped slightly at the sudden voice. Helpless around the corner to find two males with ignihyde uniforms on, one with blue hair one with pink hair. “Jeez calm down Pollux” said the pink haired male “We’re still in Ignihyde”
“Are you two lost?” The two turned their heads in surprise when Phobes spoke “I can help you out” he reassured with a small smile “I’m Phobes by the way. I’ve never seen you two around, did you just transfer to Ignihyde?” The two boys looked at each other then back at the shorter male “I’m Pollux, this is my brother Castor” said the blue haired male, Castor “and no, we’ve been part of Ignihyde since freshmen year”
Phobes tilted his head a bit, a confused expression on his face “I’ve never seen you around” “it’s a big dorm kid” said Castor with a shrug “you’re not going to meet everyone”. Phobes nodded in understanding “But yes, we do need some help” Phobes smiled and turned around “Follow me! My brother will be able to help!”
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“So let me get this right” Aikat looked between the twins, confused by the whole thing “You were messing around with some technology you didn’t understand, and now you’re here?” Castor rolled his eyes in annoyance “Yeah, that’s just what I fucking said” Aikat frowned at the older teen “I was just making sure, jeez”
Pollux, for his own sanity, decided to ignore the two glaring daggers at each other and opted to go see what Phobes was doing. “Are those” he looked at the screen in front of his, a bit confused “School documents?” Phobes nodded before responding “I’m looking for any records of you or your brother, but there isn’t any” that managed to catch Castor’s attention and he quickly went over to the two “you can see school documents?!” He asked a bit shocked.
“Yeah it isn’t hard” the two 18 year olds turned around with a small jump as Aikat spoke a bit too close “The school isn’t very safe technology wise” the Oikonomos glanced at each other then back at the screen “we do this all the time to make sure our grades are Bs and As” “you hack into the system and change your grades?” Asked Pollux “no, we just check. That would be wrong” Responded Aikat “Yeah, Cause this is super ethical” Castor said sarcastically with and eye roll, warning him a small kick from his brother.
Phobes sighed and turned off his pc before spinning his chair to look at the three “so, we might be able to build whatever you touched that transported you here. But it’ll take a while” he said and leaned back into his seat “until then you two can stay here with us!” “Alright, thanks I guess” Phobes smiled at Pollux’s response, while Aikat and Castor continued to glare daggers at one another.
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If you couldn’t tell. I had no idea how to finish this. But this was still pretty fun to write thank you for the request<3
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cecilebutcher · 1 year
♡⊰𝓐𝓲𝓴𝓪𝓽 𝓢𝓹𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓼⊱♡
Based off Pain from Hercules
More info
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Name: Aikat Spanos
Age: 17
Date of birth: August 19
Zodiac sign: Leo
Hight: 160cm
Dorm: Ignihyde
Class: C1
Place of birth: Island of Woe
Mother: Penelope Spanos
Father: Ajax Spanos
Brother(Twins): Phobes Spanos
Aikat is 160cm. He has light brown skin with bruises all over from being an idiot. His his hair is dark raspberry colored with a dark turquoise streak. He has bandages over his arm and face because of the bruises and wears glasses. His eyes are a grey-ish yellow color.
⊱Sᴘᴇᴀᴄɪᴀʟ Mᴀɢɪᴄ⊰
Pain of the heart. The ability to cause severe pain to anyone is a 20 mile radius. The pain can go as far as causing someone to black out.
Idia. Ortho. Phobes. Several Ignihyde students. Vil. Epel. Tao(oc). Cater. Lilia. Kalim.
⊱Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛs Oɴ Cʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀs⊰
𝚁𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚕𝚎: he keeps collaring me and saying that I “need to follow the rules”. What is he the fun police?
𝚃𝚛𝚎𝚢: have you tasted his cooking?? They are so good!!
𝙲𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛: Cater is great!! I like to hang out with him and the music club whenever I can!
𝙰𝚌𝚎: Doesn’t care what people think of him which I respect. He also doesn’t care if he says something that might sound mean. I feel like Phobes would like him.
𝙳𝚎𝚞𝚌𝚎: Haven’t met him. Phobes says he’s ok so ig he’s ok.
𝙻𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚊: Has too much of a temper in my opinio. But Phobes looks up to him so eh, he’s ok.
𝚁𝚞𝚐𝚐𝚒𝚎: oh Phobes has the biggest crush on him. Don’t see the appeal in him though. But if he hurts my brother I’ll personally see that he dies :)
𝙹𝚊𝚌𝚔: don’t know don’t care. Tao says he has too many morals though.
𝚃𝚊𝚘(𝙾𝙲): Is always up for some mischief, And always ready to talk or fight our way out of Trouble. But he’s also the 2nd highest student in terms of grades which honestly shocked me.
𝙺𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚖: He’s super fun and his parties are awesome! I can talk to him for hours on end no problem!
𝙹𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕: not my cup of tea. But he’s nice to Phobes so all’s well ends well.
𝙰𝚣𝚞𝚕: Idia says to stay away. So what will I do? Get on his nerves>:)
𝙹𝚊𝚍𝚎: Phobes seems to dislike him a bit, so I dislike him a bit.
𝙵𝚕𝚘𝚢𝚍: Too tall in my opinion, he could use to loose a few inches. Other then that meh, don’t care.
𝚅𝚒𝚕: His royal highness is great!! He gave me tips to keep my skin and hair better and always looks out for me in practice.
𝙴𝚙𝚎𝚕: Phobes likes him a lot so he’s cool with me.
𝚁𝚘𝚘𝚔: if you think I’m weird wait till you meet him. I don’t know why Vil keeps him around.
𝙸𝚍𝚒𝚊: Boss is, well, he’s boss! He gives me stuff to do and I have no problem doing them ever since we were kids and I’ve always looked up to him. All in all he’s awesome.
𝙾𝚛𝚝𝚑𝚘: Ortho is adorable!! He’s super nice and super cool.
𝙿𝚑𝚘𝚋𝚎𝚜(𝙾𝙲):My cute baby brother<3 I would die for him. He’s always there and never leaves me. I do tend to worry about him a lot but hey, what do you expect from me?
𝙼𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚞𝚜: He’s alright, abbot stuck up but hey, what do you expect from a prince?
𝙻𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚊: Lilia is amazing! He knows a lot and is super cool! Just don’t eat his cooking…. Please.
𝚂𝚒𝚕𝚟𝚎𝚛: Met him a few times. He sorta reminds me of fairy tale princesses
𝚂𝚎𝚋𝚎𝚔: He’s so loud!! And not in a good way>:(
Aikat is seen as the bold one of the twins. He does whatever he wants whenever he wants as long as his brother is cool with it. He has abandonment and trust issues so he’s prone to panic attacks when the people closest to him are away. He’s cheeky and a bit too honest at times but he means well and just doesn’t realize he’s being a jerk sometimes. He’s kind and generous and a bit of a genius when he wants to be. He’d also very reliable and dependable and Idia sees him as his no.1 go to guy. He’s quite brave and confident and likes to challenge himself. He’s also super cheerful and can always be seen with a smile on his face. He’s also easy going and open minded, and can be funny at times. He’s friendly charismatic and social.
But he can come off as rude and disrespectful because of how blunt he is at times. He can also be quiet clumsy with stuff. He’s impatient and doesn’t like to wait much for things. He can also be really naive and foolish at times and can be seen as childish.
He’s also energetic but has a calming demeanor to him. And as I mentioned is truthful(but can lie and will lie if he wants) and lighthearted.
⊱Fᴜɴ Fᴀᴄᴛs⊰
Aikat is the eldest of the two Spanos twins. He was born 20 minutes before his brother.
He has severe attachment issues and abandonment issues due to his parents disappearing when he was 8.
He’s been living with the Shrouds for so long he considers them family.
He tends to lie to get his way, especially if he was in trouble.
He tends to be calm and nothing can tic him off, except when his brother is sad
He LOVES singing and dancing. So when Idia and Ortho heard he joined the film club they were confused.
While he likes playing video games he also enjoys doing calligraphy, something that a lot of people(including himself) find weird
He has ADHD
Likes to play pranks on people a lot.
Has gotten into trouble with teachers and the head wardens on several occasions.
He is so oblivious to relationships and romantic love it hurts
Loves loves LOVES sea food.
But hates spicy food.
Put him in a dark room with no light and he’ll just die, right then and there, on the spot.
Has sensory issues so he always has headphones on him.
Can’t see for shit but refuses to wear his glasses correctly
Calls Idia “Boss” and Vil “Your Majesty”
Has a weird hobby of trying to figure out if he sold someone how much will he get
Continuing the last point: has told people what they’re worth like talking about the weather.
The most reckless person ever. Safety? What is that an energy drink?
Has Fangs
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cecilebutcher · 9 months
Original Characters List
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Ibhana “Vesper” Baske (based off no one)
Tao Yúchi (Sun wukong- Aka monkey king- from journey to the west)
Igor Kazentoc (anglerfish)
Najih Al-Amin (assassin)
Aikat Spanos (Pain from Hercules) || Phobes Spanos (Panic from Hercules)
Hippolyta Salenfotot (nyx from Greek mythology)
Daria Olympia (Athena from Greek mythology)
Cyrus Olympia (Apollo from Greek mythology)
Kareem Hamdan (Disney: Jasmine)
Amin Mufti (Disney: The genie)
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