#⊰  ☠  ||  ▰ THE VOICES IN MY HEAD ▰ ( ooc. ) ⊱
lit3rallyll0yd · 10 months
Whenever I see someones requests are open all of my ideas disseaper and my mind is all blank :/
Maybe bsd characters caught reader in a situation where it made them think reader is cheating but later understand it is just their fear and totally explainable situations with reader doesnt understand how different the situation can look like. Please be creative about them 😉 (Of course if you are comfortable with writing a concept like this and if you havent already) with chuuya, tecchou, jouno and whoever you want.
when they wonder if your cheating on them
chuuya, tecchou, jouno & dazai<3
warnings: lowercase writing, mention of sex in dazai's, dazai is kinda possesiver, ooc jouno!! unedited writing!!
F/N means friends name!!
a/n: REQUESTS ARE OPEN !!what kind of dazai love blog will i be if i DIDN'T write for dazai as well ☠ I'D BE A FRAUD!! AUAGAHHSA why does jouno's part make me cringe-
chuuya nakahara 🍷
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"where we're you all night?"
the first question he asked you the moment you stepped foot into the apartment.
you didn't have time to take off your coat.
"out with the girls?"
you replied, tilting your head.
"i thought i told you.."
"if you did i wouldn't be asking, would i?"
"okay! okay- i'm sorry!-"
"you could have texted me!"
"i forgot to-"
"is that really all you got?"
"okay- what has gotten into you!!"
he paused.
you realized through out the week he's been on your tail. 'where have you been' 'how long are you going to be' 'who's going with you?' 'can i come?'
chuuya didn't even realize he was worrying so much about you.
"i was out for 2 hours!"
"then another 30mins!
"i just lost track of the time!"
"you told me two hours!"
"i know i did- but again, i lost track of time-"
"AGAIN you could've called!!"
his voiced raised slightly.
you stared at him, a annoyed look on your face.
"awh- what's with that look? why are you annoyed?"
"because i let you go out without pestering questions every minute when i get home! your not my parent, your my boyfriend!"
"are you sure about that?!" he cuts in...
"you know if anything we're to happen i would cal-" you pause...looking up at him slowly...
chuuya realized what he said and rubs his face.
"awh- n-nothing!"
you cock an eyebrow..
"chuuya- what do you mean? something's wrong with you...you can talk to me, you know?"
he didn't sound confident at all.
you looked at his feet before letting out a loud sigh..
"is this because of F/N?"
F/N is your middle school friend. you two were like peas in a pod, nothing could separate..
well, maybe execpt for chuuya now him and you are dating.
F/N was so happy for you. finally you were able to snatch someone- someone rich and hot for that matter...but that's not all that you saw in chuuya- not at all.
he cared deeply for you, and he knows how much you and F/N are together...he sometimes feels...out of place.
like he's boyfriend...but also just a boyfriend.
chuuya stood in silence, looking anywhere but your eyes.
you knew you were correct, you didn't need his confirmanation.
you slowly made your way toward him...reaching your hands out to hold his.
"you don't have to worry about me and F/N, babe!" you laughed softly, kissing the back of his hands.
he slowly looked up at you, "i just...i don't want to lose you, okay?"
you smiled softly, kissing his lips as he gently cupped his cheeks.
your ginger-haired boyfriend immediatly melted into the kiss, holding your hands, finger interlocked.
moments later, you both parted. touching foreheads and smiling softly to one another.
"i promise..."
tecchou suehiro ⚔
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he didn't have to even think to wonder.
however, here he is.
he doesn't really get upset with you, your his lover why would he get upset?
it was around 10pm at night, both him and you were comfy in your PJ's and sat on the couch of your living room.
you both were facing each other backs, his legs were dangling off the arm on the couch, and your back leaned against his own, your legs curled to your chest and phone close to your face.
your boyfriend kept over hearing your giggles from behind him. he tilts his head toward you and asked, "what's so funny, babe?"
you shook your head, covering your mouth.
and soon after, you were giggling once again.
now, tecchou knew you. if something was so funny, you would 100% show him and laugh along with him, although he barely laughs...he still feels loved when you engage with him.
now, showing that you are not showing him what you are laughing at- he felt uneasy.
"but your laughing?"
"ihi swear- it's nothing! uhm- what movie do you want to watch?"
"i want to know what your laughing at?"
you sighed, "i'm serious, babe! it's just-"
"another person?"
you paused.
it was quiet now.
"uhm. i'm sorry. i jumped to conclusions...i'm sorry."
you were silent as you nodded slowly, looking back at your phone and smiled softly.
you turned on your side and rested your head on his shoulder. holding your phone up.
"i was watching puppy videos!"
you pressed play on the youtube video, and the sigh of of puppies flashed on screen.
he chuckled to himself before feeling your hand on his thigh and you smiled up at him,
"i would never leave you babe, you know that?"
he didn't respond for a while, until a silent nod caused you to cuddled into his side.
he kissed your head, and apologized again.
"i love you!!" you sang, making duck lips. he laughed and kissed your lips, "i love you, too."
jouno saigiku 🌱
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why would you do that?
do you have the guts to cheat on him?
you've shown how much you love him just by being loyal towards him. so when you didn't come back home until late at night, this is where his protective side comes around.
lucky you.
you entered your aparment as exactly 4: 53am. so it wasn't late- but early.
you had no idea if your boyfriend would be home because he mentioned something about having a really important mission as a hunting dog.
he also mentioned you shoudn't be out alone at night, after hearing about the ADA being terrorists and all that.
he just wants you to be safe.
as you locked the door and placed the keys on the dresser, you felt a figure stare you down in the dark.
you reacted quickly and flashed open your camera flashlight as was about to throw your umbrella until you noticed it was just...
"jouno?" you called out, noticing the figures looks.
there he was,, standing just feet away from you with his hunting dog gear on, however his hat was in his hands as his arms were crossed.
"you told me you would be home by 11..."
he could feel your heartbeat beat fast against your chest.
"i-i just lost track of the time-"
"it's 4am, Y/N."
no nicknames.
he's serious.
you knew he could read you like a book, there was no denying it.
"look- i was just out with F/N and their other friends!"
"and you went to the bar?"
he could smell the stench of alchoal on you.
"i had two shot glasses- barely any alchoal!"
"doesn't matter; you should have told them you were on a curfew!"
"are you serious right now?"
"you know i don't like it when you're out on your own this late in yokohama!"
"i'm not 5, jouno, i can look after myself. besides, i wasn't alone!"
"right, i'm sorry, you were at a bar with three other people who were just a drunk as the next guy?"
"it's not that big of a deal-"
"it is when your dead!"
"this isn't jsut about the ADA, is it?"
he paused/
"what do you mean?"
you didn't respond, he only felt you walk past him, his cape flowing with the wind you created.
"last time i was out late, i told you i was left alone with F/N's boyfriend. and then you kept asking me questions about "him". and this none question stood out to him, "what did he do to you when you and him were alone."
jouno stayed quiet, letting you speak.
"did you think i was cheating on you?"
it was silent. the only sound was the sound of your heartbeat and breathing.
"i'm just...worried about you."
you sighed and he felt you ove closer to him.
your hands touched his shoulder and you leaned up to kiss his forehead.
"i would never cheat on you..."
he's heard that before.
"i find that hard to believe when you come home hours later."
"it was just a one-time thing, hun...i just fell asleep a F/N's place after the others left an forgot to text you, thats all!"
he gave you a sincere look with his facial features, and kissed your lips.
"i'm sorry if i overreacted.."
you laughed, "don't worry about it...i should have told you...i love you~"
he smiled, "love you more~"
dazai osamu 🩹
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it's not like he doesn't care-
he just knows you love and him and will never cheat on you.
would you?
when his suspicions about this becomes more larger, he now gets extra clingly with you.
holding you close while sleeping.
walking to work with you.
holding your hand when crossing streets.
asking where your going with your friends so he knows your location-
okay, wait- what?
see, to him that's normal.
but to you-
you noticed this far to quickly but never had the courage to ask him about it to him because it would flash you the brightest smile, gaslighting you that everything's okay.
he has a smal secret.
he kissed you passionally on the lips a couple days ago, and as you melted into it he opened his eyes and noticed your phone on the bed facing upwards.
he saw a new message by someone that goes by the name, "cody."
now that's a name he's never heard you speak about to him, and he's met all your friends.
he closed his eyes and pushed you back down on the bed.. yadayadayada...oh yay sex...ANYWAY.
days later, he started to get closer and clingly with you.
you couldn't find the time to ask him this question because he would always change the subject until he's ready tp speak to you about it.
it was a calm evening in your and dazai's apartment home.
both him and you ate dinner, took a shower together and now your both on your shared and wore comfy PJ's.
"are you going to pull another all-nighter?" you asked him as dazai leanes against the bedframe.
he shoke his head, "unless you are."
you hummed softly and leaned against his chest.
couple minutes of silence passed and you could just feel his heartbeat.
he spoke..
"who's cody?"
you sat up and looked up at him, "what?"
he looked at you...
"is he another man?"
he looked at you dead in the eye; "cody?"
"how do you know-"
"about cody?"
"thats not important...who is cody?"
"cody is..."
"dazai, dont talk mad!"
dazai sat up
"dazai- that's my boss!"
he blinked...and relaxed..
"is he?"
"yes!" your eyes widened as you rubbed your face.
you laughed, "your serious, osamu?"
"look- you can't blame me!"
"it was on the couch, come on!"
you just laughed, your anger just gone...well- a little bit of it.
dazai begged for you to znot be upset with him, and aplogized left and right.
until you finally forgave him by going on a date and buying anything you wanted
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leahrintarou · 1 year
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☠︎︎ WARNINGS: y/n is needy, oikawa is a shitty tease, one-sided pleasure, sleepy stuff, fem reader, he's kinda ooc lol
☠︎︎ WORD COUNT: 1.3k
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"toru, are you still awake?"
y/n tilted her chin up slightly, allowing her to shift her gaze from his chest and instead, to his tired features. she'd noticed how the small caressing action's of oikawa's hands against her lower back had stopped for a minute too long.
"mhm" he hummed, low eyes slightly opening after y/n placed a small kiss onto his neck. "aren't you tired yet?" he asked, noticing how her eyes were filled with anything but exhaustion. she shook her head, making oikawa loosen the hold in which he had around her waist. y/n pulled herself closer to oikawa as her leg rested over his own. "n/n"
if they were under any other circumstance, oikawa would be glad to aid y/n in her current state of neediness but as if for right now, he was already struggling to keep his eyes from shutting due to the busyness that took place earlier that day. she placed more kisses against his neck, desperately trying to initiate some sort of intimacy to provoke her lover.
"n/n, i'm tired. go to sleep"
a small frown formed onto her lips when oikawa showed no interest into her affection at all. he couldn't blame her much though. after all, the two hadn't had time for each other for the past two weeks. each time they'd tried to spend quality time together, it would always get interrupted by literally anything and everything. "please". her voice resulted as a whisper, afraid that if the volume was increased by even the smallest amount, it'll take away the rest of oikawa's patience.
"tomorrow. you can wait until then, right?"
"you have early practice tomorrow and if it's like any of the ones from this week, you won't be back until late" she reminded. he let out a groan and the hoarseness caused by his exhaustion was quite noticeable. "toru" she mumbled, making him roll onto his back out of annoyance. she only made swift movements to straddle his waist before leaning down and resting her chin on his chest to meet his gaze.
oikawa's hand lazily moved up and under the fabric of her shirt, before resting against the warmth of her lower back. "we haven't done anything together in an entire two weeks" oikawa noticed her desperate expression and couldn't help but muster up his small amount of energy so the both of them could finally get some rest. "you're so fucking needy, n/ n" y/n smiled at oikawa's words that signified him giving in to her small and non-innocent intentions. "it's what you signed up for"
oikawa rolled his eyes before pulling y/n down, closer to his face to place a rough kiss against her lips. "use me as you wish" he mumbled, receiving a confused look from y/n. he managed to allow a smirk to creep onto his lips when y/ n murmured a few annoyed curses. "i told you i was tired and you're the one being needy. i dont have the energy to actually fuck y-"
"toru, i got it the first time" y/n interrupted and finally leaned up, hooking her index and middle fingers in the hem of his sweat pants before pulling it down to expose his semi aroused erection. "i thought you were too tired?" she asked, noticing his evident interest from the whole situation. "you've been grinding against me ever since you decided to sit on my lap. i couldn't help it"
y/n's eye's slightly widened since she wasn't even aware of her own movements. she was soon snapped out of her partial daze once oikawa tapped her leg, urging her to carry on so he can attempt to fall back into his slumber as soon as possible. y/n swiftly removed her pants, along with her underwear before returning back to her previous position, now straddling his unclothed erection.
she noticed how he was more aroused than before, making her smile at the fact and continuing her acknowledged grinding motions. oikawa let out a sigh, syncing his sounds with the moan that erupted from y/n. the evidence of her arousal coating him entirely when the sudden pleasure was finally being received. oikawa couldn't help but keeps his eyes on y/n's hazed expression.
she finally guided her hand to grip oikawa's length, to slide himself into her sex. a moan was drawn out, when she finally felt a sensation of relieving pleasure. oikawa placed his hands on y/n's hips, and with a firm grip, he guided her to grind against him. she leaned down, pressing her face into to crook of his neck to hide her expression's and pleasured noises. "feel better?" he asked. y/n moaned a small hum before nodding at his question.
oikawa knew how long y/n had been waiting for his touch. ever since yesterday, her eye's would take longer glances at each part of his body, no matter what it was that he was doing. he couldn't blame her though. he too, wanted to initiate some kind of intimate moment with y/n but due to his tied up schedule, he just never got the chance. but now that he did, he noticed how y/n's entire body reacted differently to his touch.
the way her hips rose, before falling back down to meet his own, extracting a whine each time she did so, oikawa was somewhat thankful that he gave into her acts of begging. as y/n only continued to lift her hips and grind against oikawa's lower abdomen, her moans began to raise at a higher volume. he let out small sighs with each stroke before tapping y/n's shoulder so she'd raise her head from its spacing in the crook of his neck. he leaning up, placing a kiss to her lips, not expecting her to lean into it with such greed.
the messiness of their lips, was an evident sign that y/n most likely wouldn't last for too long, she rarely did it times like this. if oikawa wanted her to, they could last hours but as if for right now, all he wanted was to please her so they'd be able to finally relax. whispers of his name fell from y/n's lips, signifying her built up pleasure that was finally going to break. it was a brief moment but neither of them actually cared. especially on a night where all y/n wanted to do was meet her peak and oikawa only wanted the exact same.
his hand wondered to her sex, his thumb making it's way to her bud to rub small circles against the area. with a couple last drawn out moans, y/ n finally reached her peak as her legs shutterd in an attempt to receive as much friction as she could. oikawa noticed this and sped up the movements of his thumb as he admired her pleasured expression. her chest rose and fell, panting from the satisfaction. he met with her hazy gaze, slightly raising an eyebrow to ask if she were finished.
with a nod, y/n managed to lift herself off of him before tiredly allowing her head to meet with the pillow, the exhaustion finally creeping up on her. her eyes shifted to oikawa's still evident erection, guilt immediately enveloping her figure. "do you want me to..?" she asked. oikawa shook his head, reassuringly pressing a kiss to her forehead. "it'll go away" he mumbled. "i want to go to sleep and you should too" he draped an arm around her waist, pulling her body closer to his own so she could focus her gaze onto his tired expression instead.
"i'll get home early tomorrow so we can have all the time we need, together"
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