infernal-lightning · 2 months
Hey folks! I know I've been a bit M.I.A this month, for a couple reasons, but I'm trying to get back into the swing of things over the next few days! Just going to do another quick check in with those that I've been threading with. I know I owe quite a few replies, but if you'd rather not continue the thread we have (or would want to start a new one instead) feel free to DM/IM me!
Otherwise, just give this post a like if you're still interested in writing the thread I'm listing here.
Crossing off threads that have been dropped.
@hazs-been - Distracted (this never got a reply, should I assume it's lost interest for ya?)
@amischiefofmuses - A New Resident (This was our main thread but hasn't gotten a reply since the last post so just checking in!)
@amischiefofmuses - Rude Awakening (I don't know if this was meant to just be a one-off kind of thing haha)
@amischiefofmuses - Guilty (same deal as above?)
@helluvah0tel - Meeting in the Tower (this also never got a reply so shall I assume it's not of interest anymore?)
@moonlightsdew - Sleepless Nights (I owe a reply!)
@radioiaci - Photo Propositions (I owe)
@hells-fvry - Maintaining Composure (been over a month now, assuming you've lost interest?)
@demondads - Middle of the Night (I owe!)
@tuneonin - Humming
@misbchave - Don't Play Games (I owe!)
@unholy-ordainmemt - Meeting
@spider-slvt - Nail Painting
@mmorning-stars - Lighting and Drinks
@radiosrequiem - Lonely Whiskey
@radicheart - Nightmares (not sure if this was supposed to be a one-off kind of thing? lol my bad if so)
@daddymothxxx - Bored Now (I owe!)
@inside-of-every-demon - After The Battle (I owe!)
@screentimeoverlord - A New Target (I owe!)
@tunedradio - Weep (I owe!)
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Continued from X @amischiefofmuses
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"Why, of course I do my good man, though I figured a friendly chat was in order." Oh how Alastor just loves to mess with people and to get a rise out of them. After all, the passion of anger and annoyance is such a fun form of entertainment. "Surely you agree, yes?" The radio demon asked, giving Husker a pat on the back.
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hazbinned · 3 months
@amischiefofmuses , branched from here.
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Husk was the first one to notice. He was on his way back to the bar to refill some drinks for the group, when he stopped in his tracks and his wings fanned out, a low growl rising in his throat. Instinct— not his fault. He couldn't help it.
Someone was here, and he doubted they were meant to be.
Charlie would have told him if there was a new guest. She always made a huge deal out of it, especially since it was such a rarity. There would have been a whole party, complete with games and decorations and who knows what else. Husk would have been working all night.
Even if someone had walked in from outside right now, everyone would have heard the doors open. Their banter wasn't that loud.
And what was with the cheesy Alastor outfit?
Either Charlie was keeping secrets, or...
Husk shook his head, donned a frown, and dragged his feet the rest of the way across the room, drink glasses still in hand.
Something else was going on. He might not have all the answers, but he wasn't stupid. He could piece context clues together.
"What's with the parlor trick?" he asked, voice low and unimpressed.
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hells-fvry · 4 months
@amischiefofmuses cont. from (X)
Perhaps Husk should be bit more afraid of the demon who quite literally held his soul in the palm of his hand, but he'd been around Alastor long enough to know which topics had give, and which would end with the cat trembling on the floor. It was funny, that, seeing as how Husk was under the firm belief that Al liked having a former overlord as a 'pet'. He was unpredictable, sure, which was why he would never say such a thing to the other demon's smiling face, but it wasn't very often Husk genuinely feared for his soul anymore. Alcohol had a tendency to numb near anything after all.
This...whatever this was, tiptoed the line on what Alastor would be wiling to discuss, he was sure, but so long as Husk watched his footing, everything should be fine.
At least, he hoped, and really there wasn't much else to could do.
"I'm literally just fucking standing here." Dry and even in tone, Husk came around to the front of his bar to make for the light switch. Maybe if Al could see he'd be less....this. "Fell asleep on my bar again, not my fault you didn't fucking see me." A pause where his paw hovered over the switch for the room. "I'm turnin' on the light, alright? I don't need it, but I'm guessin' you do."
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dark-ambition · 4 months
@amischiefofmuses continued from X.
“..Hmm.” His tail flicks a little from where he sat at the bar counter, eyes darting down to where a drink had been slid over to him without him ever asking for one, picking it up to consider it, having been unable to read what the proper labeling of the booze had been from the bottle. “…Sssso I take it that Alassstor doesss that sort of thing quite a bit? Pull you into hisss scheming and plotsss to draw people into dealssss and what not.” After a moment, he gingerly moves to take a sip, swallowing not too soon after as the bitter tang of alcohol makes him wince a touch. He was never really a fan of imbibing directly from a bottle.
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universalextortion · 7 months
@amischiefofmuses for error
Silence and Blinding White. That was what Blue had come to know better than anything and anyone. There was also loneliness, boredom, and such severe disassociation that he sometimes would go days without doing anything but laying on the ground.
Time really had no meaning in the antivoid, but Blue thought it had been a long time since Error left him here. He thought it'd been a long time since he begged him to come back, too. And he thought it'd been a long time since he'd... Changed.
His former companion, the human soul, was also gone. In a fit of sudden rage he'd... Well, it was best not to think about how his lv was now at 2, wasn't it? Blue hoped he'd just forget about it entirely. He was forgetting about a lot of things, lately. He tried to cling onto what he could remember, but... This place seemed to eat away at memory, sanity, and time. Time.
Blue opens his sockets. How long had he been laying on the ground again? He wasn't sure. But he could have sworn he'd heard something in the distance. That was ridiculous, of course. But still, he pushes himself up to sit and swivels his head from side to side. Curious.
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etherdwellers · 7 months
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"Ah," Julian says, in faux-surprise, as though he's truly been wrenched from thought and hadn't just been lying in wait for the Captain specifically. He steeples his fingers, doing a splendid job of imitating a man lost in rumination. "You caught me thinking, you know, about the spirit of camaraderie around here. How we're basically always doing favours for one another—I know I am—and isn't that such a nice thing?"
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angelindust · 4 months
@amischiefofmuses continued from HERE
"But I ain't lying!"
This was Angel putting his foot down. Yeah, he was suffering and maybe everyone at the hotel was picking on it. All the parts of himself that he was showing at the hotel, that really was him. He was giving out a little bit of his heart every time. Even if people didn't believe what he had to say. Husk was the last person he thought he'd open up too in this hotel, but after their last talk he felt like they had more in common than he thought.
"I blame myself for all of it. I just wish there was someone that both of us could get out of our contracts."
He sits down on the stool, this time he was being real. No mask to hide how he was truly feeling. This was what he wanted.
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olliesmultimuse · 3 months
@amischiefofmuses || continued from here
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"Now, now...Husk. I believe you've forgotten your place." Alastor's voice came out rather menacing and staticky in a way as he laughed. "I find it quite rude for you to be talking about me behind my back, I heard everything that you told our dear friend, Angel Dust." He then yanked Husk's leash towards him, looming over the former Overlord.
It's clear that Alastor has taken extreme measures and he is furious. "Amuse me, did you find it funny that I had to leave in the middle of a fight due to getting injured?" He tightened his grip on Husk's leash as his grin widened even more. "Do you really have such a problem with me having control of you? You should be lucky that you're still alive and that I didn't kill you just like the former Overlords."
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"Trust me, I can't kill you or get rid of you because the rest of our friends cares a lot about you and I'd rather not get on Angel Dust or the Princess of Hell's bad side." His eyes glowed a bright ruby red as he crouched down to Husk's height. "Husk, you're going to have to make it up to me if you'd rather keep your skin well-intact."
"Whaddya say?"
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lcngdays · 4 months
@amischiefofmuses // continued
"dude it was just an accident. it's not a big deal. it's in fact a very small deal, i would say." Who drank hard liquor this early in the morning, anyway? "anyway i was just thinking about a dream i had last night. weighs heavy on the mind, you know. dreams, i mean."
Their grin is sharp, but impossible to see under the constant glitching that overlays their face.
"besides, you should be happy. if i hadn't tripped into you, i could have tripped onto the ground and like. i don't know. hit my head. bled out all over the floor. what a nightmare that would be to clean up, right. so yeah. you're welcome for that, actually."
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infernal-feminae · 4 months
How Intimidating Am I?
Send 🐭 for slightly intimidating
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Nothin' to be intimidated by, my dude. I'm just a squishy marshmallow. Tbh I'm probably more intimidated by you than you are of me lol
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hellshoard · 4 months
amischiefofmuses asked: 💙 - Are there any muses you’ve been considering trying out?
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Mmmm, currently no. I HAD been debating to write adam but a certain SOMEONE BATTED THEIR EYELASHES AT ME and it sealed my fate.
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monmuses · 4 months
Have you any old muses that you’d love to bring back? c:
♡ Munday Meme ♡ - currently accepting!
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GOD i really need to think... i honestly have a lot of muses on here, and a lot of them i add when i want to write them / i think are interesting to mess with. honestly? i kind of wanna bring back my Xenophanes muse again for something big.
he was one of my first major muses that got a lot of attention two years ago and even now, i'm still surprised with how much people wanted to interact with him. i don't write him much anymore since my interests have changed, but i need to throw him out there again! there's a lot of ideas i wanna throw at him + possibly some cool ideas or vibes i wanna write him in. there's a lot of potential and he's a rewritten version, so i can sort of mess with his character a bunch and solidify it.
i also want to commission a friend of mine to draw him in his fullest. he was just fun to write and was an asshole for good reason. so hopefully, if i get the chance to write him, ill throw him back out on the dash again.
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hosticaaa · 4 months
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@amischiefofmuses ; The thing at last.
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With  the  Hotel  pulled  back  together  and  Mimzy  long  gone,  along  with  Charlie's  dead-beat  father,  Lucifer,  a  modicum  of  normalcy  had  been  restored,  giving  a  certain  radio  demon  a  little  time  to  think  about  events  that  had  transpired  earlier  in  the  day. One  event  in  particular  seemed  to  reoccur  in  his  mind. 
He  found  Husker  precisely  where  he  kept  him.  At  the  specially  themed  liquor  station  that  he'd  manifested  the  first  day  he  arrived  here,  tending  the  bar  as  usual.  A  shadow  bolted  across  the  ground at  a  rapid  pace,  almost  so  quickly  it  might  not  have  been  seen  if  you  weren't  really  looking  for  it,  and  all  of  a  sudden,  he  was  there,  sitting  right  at  the  lonely  bar  in  front  of  Husk, that  big  toothy  demented  grin  fixed  firmly  to  his  face. 
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❝ Good  evening,  Husker !  Wonderful  that  things  have  finally  quieted  down  around  here,  no ? ❞ He  asked  rhetorically,  friendly,  congenial,  his  usual  faux  self as  he  rested  against  the  bench  of  the  bar  with  a  sigh  of  exaggerated  exhaustion.  ❝ What  a  day  we've  had. ❞
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demondads · 4 months
"With all due respect, which is none." [For Lucifer, from Alastor]
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"Choose your next words carefully... Bambi."
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etherdwellers · 7 months
Usually, the library is where Thomas goes to get his best moping done—but today he greets his housemate with a jaunty smile from where he's perched on the windowsill. The strange air of joy radiating from Thomas is perhaps more unsettling than his typical melancholy.
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"Captain," he greets, with the sort of gravitas that normally suggests a round of spoken verse is about to follow. But he falters, brow furrowing while his mouth twists in musing. "Actually, I can't think of a single word that rhymes with your title."
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