#⋞ ephine ⊳ in character ⋟
constellaris-a · 2 years
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         @featherpcnned​     //     unprompted  ( always accepting )
Djura's going to simply kiss Ephine without any warning, running a hand through her hair and making it as intimate as he can. It's a new year, and he aims to spend even more time with his beautiful wife.
       ( can continue / reblog )
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   She always  hated  whenever he was gone for long periods of time,  whenever she couldn’t steal his attention for herself.  When he finally returned,  however,  it was almost as if everything in the world was right again.
   No sooner had he come within reach did arms lock themselves about her dear husband’s neck,  body arching against his own in the search for more of him  -  of the contact and affection the Goddess  thrived  on.
   “ D - Darling ... ~ ”  Lone word breathed out against his lips,  tugging at lower tier with her teeth as she tried  desperately  to find some way closer.  “ Djura ... ”
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belladonazeppole · 1 year
Ephine, The Knight of Helheim
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CV: Fairouz Ai
Goddess of Moonbows, Truth, Festivals, Beauty, Crossroads, The Arts and Equal Love.
Pantheon: Greek
Age: 4000+
Height: 5'8 ft (1.75 cm)
Gender: Female
The Knight of Helheim.
The Princess of Olympus.
The White Rose of the Netherworld.
The Knight that Ties Loose Ends.
The Thorn Knight.
Ephine is a young woman of medium height and fair complexion. Like Hades and Poseidon she has pointed ears. She has curly white hair that is above her shoulders and golden eyes. Has an athletic build, moderate chest, small waist and wide hips.
Her clothing consists of a amber jacket with burgundy trim, two black roses on each side of the lapel, black military shoulder pads, black tailored pants and armored boots and leather gloves.
Has a sword tattoo cover in roses in her forearm.
Charming, Critical Thinker, Kind, Realistic. Ephine is a kind goddess who will do anything to help anyone who needs it, she likes to spend a good time with people but becomes serious and cold when it comes to her duties as part of Hades court in Helheim. She isn't afraid to talk back to powerful gods like Zeus or Hera and won't bend down when they snap back at her.
She loves all her younger siblings and will do anything to make them happy such as protecting them from Hera's wrath. She is proud of her abilities and power so it is difficult for her to admit when she needs help or when she is wrong.
Ephine is very patient but driven to her limits can have a temper similar to Hera's, something she hates.
Her sacred animals are the sparrow, moths and raven. Her sacred plants / flowers are the daffodils and blue delphiniums.
She is the firstborn of Zeus and Hera, she doesn't have a good relationship with them.
She is childhood friends with Thor.
Her divine weapon was made by Akaboshi.
Although she is the oldest, she is the shortest of her siblings.
She had humans lovers some of these be Sappho of Lesbos and Aristophanes.
Due to be a truth goddess she can't lie.
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constellaris-lewd · 2 years
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⤪ @feathersinning​​ ⊳ destroy her. do it -- ⤨
--- "Spread those legs for me, my love. I want to taste your sweetest parts~" Djura chimed as he places his hands on Ephine's thighs, slowly rubbing up and down while looking directly at her. The incubus is in quite the mood it seems, already licking his lips while showing off that dexterous tongue of his.
    ⊳ can be continued / reblogged
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   It had been far,  far too long since they’d last been granted such time together,  but to finally be alone with the man she loved with her entire being ...  All he had to do was look her in the eye and,  just like that,  even a Goddess like herself couldn’t help melting like a silly love - sick mortal woman.
   Legs easily settled themselves over his shoulders as she leaned back more comfortably,  hands already lifting away long white robes to give him easy access to her waiting womanhood.
   “ Surely you will allow me to properly return the favour afterward ,  my dearest ~ ”  Ephine purred as slender digits traced along his jaw.  “ Djura ...  My very soul craves all of you ~ ”
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aspectedstar · 3 years
UNTITLED; Angst one shot Rating: Mature Pairing: Elidibus x WoL/Azem CW: Possessive behavior, character "death", violence, kidnapping, captivity Summary: The Warrior of Light defeats the Warrior of Darkness at the top of the Crystal Tower. Ready to deal the final blow, his blade hesitates to finish the job.
The Hope of Mankind had won. Darkness defeated; Light will still prevail.
The Warrior of Light form of Elidibus stared down at the crumpled form of a Raen female. Battered, bruised, bloodied, and knocked out. This woman, who had given himself and his deceased brethren so much trouble, was finally going to be put to the sword.
Listelle Viyrel will be no more; He would be free to continue his work of rejoining the shards.
As it should have been long ago.
However, at the same time, she...had been interesting. Just something about the mortal frame of hers sparked a familiarity in her. The mannerisms, the appearance, and her hobbies all reminded him of someone he couldn't remember. Just who...? Who could it be? It was there--at the back of his mind; Just out of reach for him to grasp. A millennia of lost memory would not help him.
The healer had pleaded multiple times that she wished to not fight him. That there had to be common ground amongst them somewhere, somehow. The times they had met in secret; the times he indulged her curiosity of the Ascians themselves. The fact that she had mourned over Emet-Selch's death so much still made him second-guess his choices.
Regardless, his duty came before anything. He had to stay the course for the good of this star, no matter the cost.
Elidibus approached the unconscious form of the downed Warrior of Dartkness; His blade lifted to just where he had to hit. Once she was dealt with, nothing else would get in their way. Listelle had been by far the biggest nuisance they had encountered for a long time. He would remedy that situation quite quickly.
To deal the final blow, the Emissary went to bring his sword's blade upon her neck.
....Except, it never met it's mark.
The tip of the blade was barely above the small mortal's neck. He had stopped himself from dealing the execution of this girl. No! It should have been easy. All Elidibus had to do was kill her. Nothing else mattered, right? Zodiark being reborn would be much, much easier, once she was dead.
His hand trembled violently as he tried again, which ended in the same result. The blade stopped above her neck once more. Frustration was all over his face. No, he couldn't do it. Why? Why did this woman have a hold on him?
Was it because she felt comfortable around him, despite being on opposite sides? Was it because he secretly hated the fact that he would subconsciously seek her out at times? The time where he comforted her, when she had pangs of pain, due to the Lightwardens' aether in her? The time where she burst out in tears after dealing with Zenos yae Galvus to free Ala Mhigo? So many little instances of their encounters....
Elidibus longed for her, despite the insistence to end her here and now.
No, he would not. He would not end her life. Not now, not today, not ever. She was too valuable to him.
Elidibus would find a way to keep her out of harm's way, but also to keep her from interfering. Listelle would live regardless of what their one, true god wanted. This is what the Emissary wanted for once in his lifetime.
He would make sure of it.
Only three more Rejoinings until the world would be whole again.
In a plane only the Emissary could access, there was a single, large crystal within the center of the room. A deep blue color that housed a familiar face. The Warrior of Light of the Source was trapped and in a deep slumber within the mineral substance.
Still the same as Elidibus remembered after putting her within this crystal stasis. To keep her safe from harm and the calamities that were brought on the Source. There were mortals that did try to stand up to him and his remaining brethren, but had fallen.
Soon, it would be safe for Listelle to exist. Exist for herself; For him. It seemed the one, true god didn't mind this. The Emissary had remembered a few things by now. The incomplete woman before him was Azem, or at least, the sundered version of her.
Ephine.... how could he have forgotten her? Such a bundle of energy. Always willing to help people, but also be too self-sacrificing. Her love for plant life and animals was a breath of fresh air for him. He had looked up to her when he had been welcomed into the Convocation. Including the fact she didn't want a volcano destroying a precious kind of grape. Which could be turned into a delicious wine to drink. So much about Ephine he loved and missed.
Despite this, he knew she had been against the summoning of Zodiark in the past. The fact that they used him made her even more upset. He had told Emet-Selch and Hythlodaeus to take care of her. They would find a way to fix this star, no matter what the cost. She'd see why he was doing this. For their people; For the world; For her.
Elidibus never saw Ephine again after that; Something that he regrets.
However, he would make that up, once the world was whole again. Start anew with Listelle, or Ephine, whatever she wanted to be called.
He'd make her happy, no matter what the cost.
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coreyndanian · 4 years
My idea for a Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Okay, to start off with, I enjoyed the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy (2015 - 2019) very much and this post isn’t an anti-sequel trilogy. I can understand the flaws in it but I have had an open mind about Star Wars since the Disney acquired it. Hell, I enjoyed the heck out of Rogue One and Solo was great, IMO the reason the later fell over was because uptight fans still spitting from TLJ were too stubborn to get over it. And as to the TV shows -- The Mandalorian (2019 -), Rebels (2014-2018), Resistance (2018-2020) and Clone Wars (2009-2014, 2020) -- were really good as well (aside from the whole matter of Barriss Offee in Season 5 [headcanon: impostor Barriss for that final arc of S5]).
But to the reason I post this. The original Star Wars Legends timeline had its ups and downs -- the Bantam era (Shadows of the Empire, Thrawn Trilogy, Bakura, X-wing, Jedi Academy, Callista trilogy, The Crystal Star, Black Fleet Crisis, The New Rebellion, Corellian Trilogy and Hand of Thrawn duology) certainly did while the Del Rey era (NJO, Dark Nest trilogy, LOTF, FOTJ, Crucible) IMO had more downs then ups. But this was what we were used to until 2014 when the acquisition happened and its taken fans time to adjust to the change. If you haven’t read the Legends books, I highly recommend them and start with Timothy Zahn’s Thrawn Trilogy (particularly if you loved Thrawn in Rebels).
Okay then...
Here I go...
My idea for a Sequel Trilogy is essentially set in the Legends Universe, but it will not follow the NJO timeline (25 ABY onwards) though some characters would appear because I like them. So essentially, you’d need to read until the end of the Young Jedi Knights series to kinda understand what I am doing. So here are the descriptions and in future I can present my databank for each separate film idea. Be warned, each description WILL spoil the ending of the previous entry but not the details.
Star Wars Episode VII: Shadows of the Past
Twenty-five years after the events of “Return of the Jedi” and ten years after the end of the war between the New Republic and the Imperial Remnant as told in the novel “Vision of the Future”, the galaxy is moving forward through an uneasy time. When a dispute breaks out between the historical Obroan Institute and citizens of an Outer Rim world that saw most of its culture artifacts stolen by the Institute under the Empire, New Republic Chief of State Borsk Fey’lya and Ambassador Elegos A’Kla, accompanied by twenty-year-old Jedi Knight Jacen Solo, travel to the planet Obroa-skai to mediate the tensions. However, the meeting is interrupted when the forces of the self-proclaimed Dark Lady of the Sith Lumiya attacks, killing Fey’lya and A’Kla and capturing Jacen, who Lumiya plans to turn to the dark side of the Force and use her in a plan against her former lover, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. As Jacen is tortured, his twin sister Jaina Solo and their nineteen-year-old brother Anakin Solo struggle to locate him as Princess Leia Organa Solo, her husband Han and her brother Luke, along with Chewbacca, Lando Calrissian and General Wedge Antilles must do their best to keep the New Republic together as forces within the Senate threaten to break everything apart. All the while, Lumiya spreads division within the Imperial Remnant, recruiting half of the Moffs to her side, and prepare for the resurrection of the Galactic Empire under the secret leadership of her new master, “The Dark Man”.
Star Wars Episode VIII: Into the Unknown
Five years after the death of Lumiya, Jedi Knight Jacen Solo has gone on a journey of self-exploration and struggles to find a place within the galaxy while recovering from his fall to the dark side of the Force. But his time with the Fallanessi sect is cut short when a call from the Unknown Regions leads him to join other Jedi who also feel the pull, including his twin sister Jaina and most of their friends. They soon find themselves involved in the struggle between the Chiss Ascendancy and the Killiks, an insectoid species that once called their mother’s homeworld of Alderaan home millennia ago, in a border dispute led by the long-missing Jedi Knight Raynar Thul, now known as UnuThul, and unknowingly the fallen Jedi Knight Alema Rar and Dark Jedi Lomi Plo and Welk. On Yavin 4, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and his wife Mara Jade Skywalker find themselves at odds with their 14-year-old son Ben Skywalker, who soon disappears in the company of the mysterious Gorog. Jacen travels back to Hapes to acquire the support of the Hapan forces, encountering his childhood friend Tenel Ka, who serves as a bodyguard to her family and tutor of her younger twin siblings, and fighting off an attempt by the Dark Nest Killiks led by a brainwashed Ben. With forces closing in on all sides, and Jaina fighting against her former friend and crush Jagged Fel while Anakin Solo and Tahiri Veila work to free their friends from the influence of the Killiks, Luke, his sister Leia and Han must protect the peace of the known galaxy and convince the Chiss to come to the table, discovering the entity known as “The Dark Man” and his plans have not yet come to pass.
Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of the Force
A year after the events of “Into the Unknown”, the forces of “The Dark Man” attack the New Republic capital of Coruscant, annihilating the entire Senate and much of the High Command leadership including Chief of State Cal Omas and Supreme Commander Sien Sovv. As the surviving forces retreat to the late Mon Mothma’s homeworld of Chandrila, Han Solo and Chewbacca are captured, leading to the death of the Corellian legend, while “The Dark Man” comes to Yavin 4 and drains Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa Solo of most of their life force and die shortly afterwards. Convinced that the dark side of the Force will hold an answer to freeing the galaxy from the return of the Sith, twins Jacen and Jaina Solo, their brother Anakin Solo and cousin Ben Skywalker travel to Korriban, facing trials by Darth Bane and Darth Sidious that discover something within. Meanwhile, the Sith forces strike Yavin 4, destroying the Jedi Academy as the last of the Jedi evacuate, with Admiral Gial Ackbar sacrificing himself to save the Jedi while Chewie is rescued by Lando Calrissian, Mara Jade Skywalker and the Jedi Prince Ken, who assumes control of the Jedi from his former guardian Luke. Jacen and Jaina head to Exegol, the legendary homeworld of the true Sith Order, with Anakin and Ben leading a combined force of Jedi, smugglers and remaining fighters of Ackbar’s cruiser following shortly afterwards. As the twins face off against “The Dark Man”, a failed apprentice of Palpatine’s master though nevertheless a true leader, the New Republic led by Wedge and Admiral Traest Kre’fey, joined by the Imperial Remnant under Moffs Kurlen Flennic, Ephin Saretti and Crowal, Chiss forces led by Soontir Fel and his son Jagged, Hutt forces led by a somewhat nice cousin of Jabba the Hutt and other forces from across the galaxy, travel to Exegol to face off against the Sith fleet. The Sith are soon defeated and peace is restored to the galaxy. For the Solo-Skywalker clan, they mourn the passing of their parents and travel to Tatooine before going on their paths into the future.
There you go. Tell me what you think.
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imandymo · 3 years
Dia 19 de junho de 2021, foi stremado na http://twitch.tv/muhwalker, o primeiro capítulo da sessão de RPG "O Legado das Dunas", narrado pelo ator e educador @rgcom2n. Os jogadores @bvnovaes, @mr.reneartur , @karol_chandelle , @ericktuller e @imandymo_art fogem de uma prisão, onde são forçados a trabalhar, análogo a escravidão, em minas. Em meio a escavação, os heróis encontram uma possível saída, uma antiga passagem de uma ruína esquecida. Eu ajudei na concretização deste trabalho com o character design. Além de jogar hehe Meu personagem: Ayira, humana, clérigo Ayira é uma das jovens da caravana do deserto, um grupo nômade que atravessa as dunas e o sol fustigante, carregando diversos tipos de mercadorias, desde joias para reis a comida e provisões para refugiados. Ayira cresceu ouvindo histórias, lendas e milagres da Deusa Ephine, a protetora dos viajantes do deserto. Encantada com as narrativas mágicas, sempre imaginou poder conversar com a Deusa e trocarem conhecimentos. Em uma viagem a água que deveria ter durado a viagem, evaporou com o calor. Preocupada com sua família entrou em meditação profunda, logo água começou a escorrer por suas mãos. Todos chamaram de bruxaria, mas ela sabia que aquilo foi obra divina. Vendo que podia ajudar com suas habilidades, dedicou-se a estudar sobre a filosofia de Ephine. Gostou? Venha assistir a aventura no canal da twitch muhwalker! Estaremos esperando por vocês! Nos ajude a espalhar essa incrível trabalho! Compartilhe com os amigos! . . . #rpggame #ilustração #twitch #desenho #gaming #muhwalker #magneto #illustration #gamer #coda #art #youtube #rpggames #drawing #xbox #redublagem #arte #ps4 #humor #draw #pc #dungeons #sketch #games #senhordosaneis #dibujo #game #newlinecinema #sketchbook #stream https://www.instagram.com/p/CQZiDYxrcaC/?utm_medium=tumblr
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constellaris-a · 2 years
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        “ Now what brings you all the way to my temple ,  hm ~? ”
   The divine’s sing - song voice called from her perch among vividly blooming orchids,  lilac - toned gaze regarding her new visitor with clear curiosity.  It wasn’t often people came by,  after all.
        “ Are you seeking out a blessing ~? ”
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constellaris-a · 2 years
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   She’s wondering where her husband is ...
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constellaris-a · 2 years
so due to waning muse for certain characters arising or just a clear lack of interest/interactions,  i’m going to be retiring certain muses from my roster.  those muses are as follows:
albedo,  arlecchino,  artoria,  columbina,  ayana,  camilla,  ei,  kevin,  laslow,  murata,  sara,  setsu,  shenhe and xinya
with that said,  my muse list is now as follows:
     canon muses aether,  al-haitham,  ayaka,  ayato,  byleth (fe3h),  candace,  childe,  dehya,  diluc,  eden (honkai),  eula,  gentaro (hypmic),  hifumi (hypmic),  jean,  kaeya,  kaveh,  kazuha,  kokomi,  lisa,  lumine,  nemu (hypmic),  nilou,  ningguang,  olivia (fea),  shinobu,  thoma,  xiao,  yae miko,  yelan,  zhongli
     headcanon heavy canon muses azhdaha,  capitano,  guizhong,  miss hina,  mikhail,  niwa,  pulcinella,  saiguu,  skirk,  tatiana,  tomo,  yuxin
     original characters ambriel,  botan,  chihiro,  damian,  ephine,  evali,  hotaru,  ichika,  ichirou,  jianyu,  junko,  kiriko,  kiyomi,  leilani,  letitia,  lorelei,  luca,  nari,  nethalia,  nirvaan,  orion,  quinn,  rayan,  rehan,  sonata,  takumi,  tsubaki,  xue,  yulia,  zasha,  zyaire
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belladonazeppole · 1 year
Progenitor AU
Main Chracters
Akaboshi, The Monarch of the Gods.
{Character Info} {Abilities} {Relationships}
Alvah, The Unholy Mother.
{Character Info} {Abilities} {Relationships}
Ephine, The Knight of Helheim
{Character Info} {Abilities} {Relationships}
Tiras, The Executioner of Gods.
{Character Info} {Abilities} {Relationships}
Asmodeus, The Cardinal of Lust
{Character Info} {Abilities} {Relationships}
Aradia, The Queen of Witches
{Character Info} {Abilities} {Relationships}
Minor Characters
Pytix, The Mother of the Sea Monsters
{Character Info} {Abilities} {Relationships}
Tel, The Beast of the Seas
{Character Info} {Abilities} {Relationships}
Usagiza, The Star Courier
{Character Info} {Abilities} {Relationships}
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constellaris-a · 2 years
this is to give a little clearer of a look at my ocs while bios are still being updated. the listing is alphabetical in order ♥  not all icons are styled the same as i haven’t gotten around to updating all of them,  but please bare with me.
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        AMBRIEL  -  immortal witch  -  female  -  bi - curious
ambriel by nature is a flirtatious,  yet kind woman that has quite the soft spot for children.  chased out of her home village at a young age due to them fearing her natural power she spent most of her life hiding in the forests,  developing most of her craft on her own.  though she was almost married once,  her fiancé unfortunately died before they could be wed,  leaving her to blame herself as some sort of bad luck catalyst.
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        AYANA  -  tartaglia twin/female alternate  -  female  -  pan
ayana has two potential roles:  either as a twin to childe,  or as a female alternate to take his place.  she’s very much similar to her male counterpart,  but tends to be a little more doting toward certain people and more fond of physical contact than he is.  most remains the same as the male’s canon.  ayana remains request only.
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        CHIHIRO  -  human blacksmith  -  female  -  unsure
chihiro is kazuha’s younger twin sister,  but the two were separated at birth.  chihiro was taken to a hidden home of the kaedehara clan,  where she was taught the family’s almost lost blacksmithing arts,  of which she excelled in.  she’s a bubbly,  very sweet and friendly woman that takes great pride in her work,  but at the same time was also taught to act more in line with  “ traditional ”  ideals for a woman’s behaviour.
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        DAMIAN  -  human drifter  -  male  -  demi / grey - ace
for his entire life damian had to do whatever it took just to see the next day.  he devoted his everything to trying to get his ailing sister treatment,  but she unfortunately lost her life before he hit adulthood.  with this,  he was completely alone.  closed off and brutally honest,  he makes a point to try and push everyone as far away as possible,  believing he isn’t worth affection or any other’s time.
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        EPHINE  -  love,  sex & fertility god  -  female  -  pan
though it may come as no surprise ephine has a rather loud personality.  she’s outgoing and honest,  takes great pride in herself and what she governs and demands respect.  even still,  she’s a true sweetheart that wants more than anything to see those around her happy,  and to perhaps find her own love somewhere out there. 
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        EVALI  -  poison / shadow dragon hybrid  -  female  -  bi - curious
due to the volatile natures of both dragon species within her,  evali was kept far away from any she may be at risk of harming.  as soon as she hit adulthood,  she was on her own,  tucked away in a rarely visited mountain range to live in solitude.  in truth,  she’s a very gentle soul.  all she ever wanted was to find someone she could simply be herself with,  to help chase away her loneliness,  but always worries she might one day hurt or even kill the person she loves.
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        GABRIEL  -  incubus wanderer  -  male  -  pan
he is what many among his kin would call quite the oddity.  gabriel cares little about his own well being,  about collecting energy even at the cost of himself,  and instead chooses people to go to that are in need of someone.  he seeks out lonely souls,  those that have been hurt and abandoned,  and helps them build themselves back up before leaving again.  he can sometimes come across a little cold or perhaps emotionless,  but he’s always putting others before himself.
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        HOTARU  -  nekomata blogger  -  female  -  bi - curious
ichika’s younger sister and a review blogger for fashion,  food and whatever else she feels like at the time.  she’s managed to garner quite the following on social media,  and she’s extremely proud of herself for doing this.  at the same time however,  she also works as a call girl / escort to help pay the bills.  she finds it fun,  sure,  but wouldn’t mind the idea of settling down one day.
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        ICHIKA  -  nekomata model  -  female  -  pan
hotaru’s older sister and a lingerie model.  ichika is proud of herself and her appearance,  and she most certainly isn’t afraid to flaunt it.  she’s not exactly the smartest,  having dropped out of high school a long time ago,  but she hardly cares about that sort of thing.  she’s a woman in high demand that longs to live the life of luxury,  and she won’t stop until she reaches her dream.
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        JIANYU  -  god of victory  -  male  -  bi - curious
one of the younger of the gods to come from celestia.  jianyu came about after the events of the archon war,  but it didn’t take long for him to grow to dislike the way things were being handled up in the  “ heavenly ”  city overseeing teyvat.  soon enough he left to live among the mortals,  but it was when he heard tale of the tsaritsa’s plan that he made himself known  -  becoming an ally in her goal to take down celestia once and for all.  he’s headstrong,  sometimes a little clueless,  but he’s a genuinely good hearted person.  he believes in honesty and integrity above all else,  and refuses to ever stoop to underhanded means.
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        KIRIKO  -  usagi spirit fitness model  -  female  -  hetero
kiriko is loud and proud and lives life the way she wants.  self employed as a fitness model and personal trainer she takes great pride in her appearance and physical capabilities,  she’s more than happy to show off just what she can do.  beyond just her appearance she’s actually extremely business smart,  but it’s something she keeps more quiet about.  she loves to travel the world,  and if she could find someone that would join her in both work and play,  she’d be the happiest rabbit in the world.
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        KIYOMI  -  dai - oni wanderer -  female  -  pan
last in the line of pure blooded oni directly descended from shuten - douji,  kiyomi has a very sisterly aura about her.  she gets along well naturally with those that can get past what she is,  but also sees no shame in being what many still hold fear of.  currently she spends her time simply wandering around the world.  she’s unafraid of doting on people at any given chance,  just be careful  -  her hugs are pretty strong.
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        LEILANI  -  sentient ley blossom  -  female  -  n / a
leilani came about when the soul of a young yokai child merged with a ley blossom.  though she’s much older than she looks and acts,  she has the mentality and physical body of a child.  bubbly,  sweet and curious,  though rarely is she ever seen too far from her adoptive parent,  sylvie.  leilani is request only,  and no matter what her parental figures will be sylvie (sylvatica)  and zhongli (goldenorder).
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        LETITIA  -  custom lumine,  goddess  -  female  -  pan
letitia takes the place of lumine in genshin impact,  either as the traveller or abyss twin.  there’s not too much of a difference,  but letitia tends to speak her mind a lot more freely  -  even at the expense of sometimes offending or upsetting others.  this isn’t because she doesn’t care,  it’s because she struggles at times to properly understand just how she  should  respond.
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        LORELEI  -  changeling idol  -  female  -  pan
her dream was always to see the world,  and to say she does so now is quite the simple way to put it.  lorelei can sing and rap in english,  japanese and korean,  writes her own songs and oversees composition as well as handling most of her own choreography for performances.  she’s a passionate woman who loves her work,  but also loves to play just as much.  she can be a party animal in her own way,  to say the least.
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        LUCA  -  custom aether,  god  -  male  -  pan
luca takes the place of aether in genshin impact,  either as the traveller or abyss twin.  he’s been very simply described as rather puppy - like by those that have gotten to know him,  always seeking to do what he can for anyone that comes to him for help,  regardless of how exhausted he might be.  sadly he can be rather oblivious to those that might be romantically interested in him at first,  but once he knows?  he’s extremely affectionate.
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        MURATA  -  pyro archon  -  female  -  bi - curious
in truth,  murata’s not exactly as blood hungry as some might think for the archon of war.  the reality is that her main goal is to bring teyvat together under one ruler,  in the hopes of building an army strong enough to take on celestia and earn her place on the ultimate throne.  she’s ambitious,  certainly,  but beyond that she’s also ...  rather lonely.  she’s fiery and passionate,  most often too intense for many to keep up with.
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        NARI  -  werewolf ceo  -  female  -  hetero
after her late husband’s untimely passing,  nari was the one he left his entire company to  -  one of the largest beauty companies in south korea.  she was lucky in the fact that he taught her many things to do with the business prior to his passing,  but even with the immense challenges,  she’s managed to thrive.  she’s a gentle soul,  loving and personable,  but she always holds the memory of her late husband and his kindness to her in her heart.
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        NIRVAAN  -  god of flowers  -  male  -  pan
after the events of sumeru in freeing nahida and complete upheaval of the akademiya,  nirvaan decided it was time to make himself known.  it didn’t take much for his old bond with kusanali in their previous incarnations to bloom once more,  even if the memories of back then had been slightly altered thanks to irminsul.  he’s a rather carefree man that believes in the freedom to live to one’s true self,  and he wants nothing more than to work closely with nahida to see sumeru into a bright new age.
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        ORION  -  human fatui elite  -  male  -  demi
head of intel and recon in the fatui with one hell of a talent in assassination.  no one knows what his true personality is like,  or at least that’s what many say.  he struggles to express his own feelings,  but is a master in the art of mimicry and reading situations.  he knows how to act and when in almost any situation,  and isn’t afraid to work to manipulate people into giving him what he wants.  not once has he ever seen himself as a good person,  and it’s likely that will never change.
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        RAYAN  -  dragon mercenary  -  male  -  demi
rayan is the only child of his clan’s leader,  thus expected to take on the role once his father passes.  he’s rather indifferent to many,  reclusive and hard to pin down,  but behind this is a man that simply was never taught how to process his own thoughts and feelings in a healthy way.  he longs for company,  for at least one person that can help him come to understand himself and what it’s like to be loved,  and he wants to find a way free of the role forced upon him.
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        REHAN  -  familiar to the dendro archon  -  male  -  demi
rehan is,  in a way,  an extension of nahida.  he’s protective of her now that he’s been awakened from his slumber and his archon freed,  and rarely ever is he seen outside of sumeru.  currently,  he and nirvaan share the role of grand sage of the akademiya  -  nirvaan is the more public face while rehan works behind the scenes.  he’s a cheeky,  flirty fox that loves to tease and mess around with people to see their reactions,  but this is never mean spirited  -  unless you happen to be disrespecting nahida,  that is.
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        SETSU  -  mermaid / siren hybrid bar owner  -  female  -  hetero
abandoned by her mother at a young age to fend for herself,  setsu worked hard to get where she is today.  in general,  she’s seen as cheerful and bubbly,  a friendly face that many of her patrons love chatting with after a long day,  but she hides a lot of loneliness and resentment behind a smile.  she focuses on her work above all else,  and she takes great pride in the bar that she built from the ground up.
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        SKIRK  -  heart of the abyss  -  female  -  demi
skirk didn’t always reside within the abyss.  once upon a time she was simply a wandering god,  exploring teyvat and testing herself in sparring matches with others of her kin,  but when the archon war began she decided it was time to find somewhere else to hide away.  thus she went to the one place celestia could not reach her  -  the abyss.  she’s a serious woman,  powerful and ruthless,  but she wants only to bring out the best in any around her.  to date,  childe is the only one to have been trained by her  -  and she holds quite the high opinion of him.
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        SONATA  -  elder succubus model  -  female  -  pan
one of the few elder succubi left that still roam the mortal plane.  while she’s flirtatious and seductive as any of her kin are,  sonata holds an air of refinement and elegance that many tend to toss aside.  she’s  extremely  picky when it comes to who she’ll lay with,  while prideful in her work as a fashion model and occasional actress.  the thing to keep in mind is this  -  just because she flirts doesn’t always mean she’s truly interested in you.  she might just be toying around.
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        TAKUMI  -  9 tailed kitsune scholar  -  male  -  bi - curious
takumi has always preferred to simply keep to himself and his twin,  tsubaki.  he trusts few and speaks to even fewer,  but despite this he can still often be described as courteous and humble.  he’s a genuinely gentle soul that wants only to live in peace,  learning as much as he can about the world while enjoying the solitude of his realm. still,  he can be a very loving and affectionate man,  should you earn his affections.
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        TSUBAKI  -  9 tailed kitsune influencer  -  female  -  pan
twin to takumi,  tsubaki is more outgoing than her brother is.  she loves to meet people,  to explore the wide world and play around to her heart’s content,  but longs for a true,  deep connection with someone even after centuries of betrayal and heartache.  she’s hard to understand for some,  being that she tends to keep her true feelings hidden from those unable to pick up on the small signs,  but just know there’s more to her than meets the eye.
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        XINYA  -  half dragon prince  -  male  -  pan
a young man baring the weight of a kingdom on his shoulders.  xinya is,  at his core,  someone that is still fighting to understand the world around him,  but is giving his all to provide what he can for his people.  while many view him as a naïve pushover,  still blind to the ways of the world,  he would give almost anything if it meant those under his banner can live as they deserve.
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        XUE  -  hydro yaksha’s daughter  -  female  -  unsure
while many are unaware of the yaksha having any offspring before their passing,  xue was one such child.  her mother was liyue’s hydro yaksha,  her father an illuminated beast,  giving her quite the mix of divine blood.  she was kept in solitude most of her life and trained in combat,  but with the recent changes in liyue her father finally thought it time for her to step out into the world.  she’s very soft spoken and shy,  hesitant to approach anyone,  but still thoughtful and selfless.  xue is a pure soul,  looking for companionship.
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        ZYAIRE  -  dragon illuminated beast  -  male  -  pan
not once did this dragon ever feel a sense of loyalty to his archon.  despite his natural affinity for combat himself,  zyaire prefers to simply wander teyvat rather than be tied down and forced to fight for someone he despises.  he’s generally seen as somewhat lazy,  teasing,  even heavy handed,  but once his loyalty is earned he’s a tricky one to shake.  he’d gladly follow those who earn his trust to hell and back,  teasing them along the way.
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constellaris-a · 2 years
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⤪ @featherpcnned​​ ⊳ happy wife sounds ⤨
No warning whatsoever, just Djura lifting Ephine's chin and tilting it up as he pushes his lips to hers. And a 'good morning' muttered against her as he pulls back, smiling that smile reserved only for her.
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   Even after all their time together,  he still managed to bring a smile to her face with such ease.  Cheeks warmed faintly,  a soft smile lifting on her lips as she took the opportunity to cuddle against his chest.  This  was where she belonged ...  In the arms of her beloved husband.
   “ Good morning to you too ,  my dearest ~ ”  Ephine purred,  taking one of his hands to place against her gradually growing belly.  “ Our little one says good morning as well ~ ”
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constellaris-a · 2 years
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" Would now be the time to tell him , I wonder ... ~ "
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constellaris-lewd · 2 years
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   Oh,  now her mind is certainly wandering to certain places ... ~
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constellaris-a · 3 years
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⤪ @featherpcnned​ ⊳ o w o ⤨
--- "Ephine." Djura's voice was clear as he spoke her name, arms behind his back as he approached. "I fear I've forgotten some things of late- This, for example." Taking a knee, he revealed what was hidden behind him: A box containing a ring, stunningly beautiful, meant for her. While he wasn't entirely sure whether or not he had already proposed to her, the gesture was sure to be met with joy, he thought. "Will you make me the happiest man? Will you marry me?"
     ⊳ can be continued / reblogged
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   Their love had been something she never thought she would be so lucky to have.  Sure,  she was the very  embodiment  of love,  but to find it for herself  -  and in someone she’d never have to worry about losing to the passage of time ...  Just being at his side had her feeling blessed,  but the moment such a question was finally posed after what felt like an eternity at his side already had the Goddess feeling like an overjoyed child.
   Without so much as a moment of hesitation arms were thrown around his neck,  kiss after kiss being pressed all over Djura’s face before finally finding the words to properly respond.
   “ Do you think I would so much as consider any other ?  You are the only one I would wish to spend eternity with ,  o light of my life ~ ”
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constellaris-a · 3 years
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⤪ @featherpcnned​ ⊳ love for the love goddess ⤨
--- Given that Ephine's a goddess of love, what sort of things might she expect to get on Valentine's Day? Don't mind that Djura's within earshot.
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   “ I would hope that my dearest  husband  might have planned a few things ,  but I do not blame him if not .  I know he is usually preoccupied with his work ,  after all . ”  She let out a soft hum of thought,  flicking hair back over her shoulder.
   “ Roses and chocolate are classics ,  yet boring .  I can simply obtain these whenever I so desire ,  as with any gift .  Oh no ,  I wish to be given positively  undying  devotion and love .  I want a true gesture that reflects genuine feelings ,  grand or not .  Being swept off my feet would certainly not go astray either ~ ”
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