#⋮ ❛ bree speaks › ooc.
indeliblemarking · 2 months
abuse / trauma obviously isn’t an excuse for behavior and we see that notion applied (rightfully so most of the time) in fandom but i feel like in catra’s case you really can’t remove her suffering when analyzing why her redemption is written the way it is. she’s abused interpersonally and systematically as a child soldier from toddler age and it warps her perception of every relationship in her life to the point where she isolates herself to extreme degrees to the point that she’s consistently on the brink of a mental breakdown. yes she treats people like garbage yes she makes horrible decisions but her case is like…very extreme. and that’s not to necessarily play trauma olympics with characters in other pieces of media but i feel like people kind of downplay how that factors into her reasoning and also sort of forget how young she is throughout her entire story, flashbacks and all. so obviously the show is gonna have the good guys extend sympathy and not have her prove her worth. (which is one of the main ideas that messed her up in the first place) her arc needed more time but I think it’s unnecessary to devalue it just because the characters aren’t mad at her for as long as you want them to be, they offer her love and support as she exists but still don’t excuse or enable poor behavior and don’t allow her to be in their lives and make morally corrupt decisions. anyway ik it’s 2024 but that’s something I’ve thought for a while
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atvrvxia · 1 year
so this isn't easy. but after much thinking, i have decided that it's time for me to leave the tumblr roleplaying community. lately, i find that being on here is starting to feel more like a chore than an entertaining hobby, and it's time for me to focus on other things, mainly writing my own stories, focusing on my youtube channel and preparing for film school.
i've been a part of this community for the past ten years and it had its ups and downs, but i have met so many wonderful people and made so many amazing friends over the years. some i have lost touch with, and others i still talk to to this day. i'm so completely grateful to each and every single writing partner i've had on this website, for giving me the best memories, the best plots and ships. so this is my goodbye to the community, and a very heartfelt thank you to all of you who had welcomed me and written with me over the last ten years.
i would still love to be in touch, and so, any of my mutuals who don't have my discord, can private message me and i'll send you my discord. i will archive this blog, but i do have a new blog that's hockey and multifandom-based if you wish to follow me on there ( just shoot me a message if you're a mutual and i'll link you ). again, i can't thank you all enough for everything.
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karnakian · 2 years
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nancy completely nailing leon on the head after knowing him for approximately 2 minutes
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lcstinfantasy · 7 months
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verse: (v; bree: the upside down)
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back before vecna took full control of the upside down, back when he was just a child and had no control of his abilities, the upside town took victims of hawkins. 1955 was the year that bree armstrong went missing. never to be seen again by family and friends. no one had an explanation. just that she had left her shift at the dinner she was working and rode her bike home. she never made it that night. while her community searched for her, bree was waking up in an unknown dimension. black and decaying. the air felt suffocating and although the young girl had lost hope and wished for death, the upside down had different plans for her. creating her into some creature. one able to withstand the air of the upside down and allow her to survive from other creatures there too. a vampire, wolf hybrid. strength, speed, hearing, healing -- all the powers she could want but no human interaction. it was a lonely world. when vecna finally made an appearance, bree hid the best she could in a world he created and knew.
the only interactions she had with any human were always short. vecna bringing them, only to kill them shortly after. that was until the party arrived. coming in an out and leaving the portals open. she could get out. she could be in the real world. after 30 years of being captive in the unknown world, bree had a chance to live again.
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titanslayer · 5 years
when ur away i feel like i don't get to send u the 'i love u / i hope u had an amazing day' asks that i like to send u as frequently as i want to so i love u, SO much!!!!!! i hope u are having an amazing start to your week – so many people love you in such huge ways because you are such a vibrant and warm hearted person who truly is like, hilarious and thoughtful and creative and puts good into the world on a constant basis! thank u for being urself nat, we miss u always and love u to pieces:3
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please know tht i adore n cherish every message u send me n please know tht regardless of whether u send a message or not, whether we talk that day or not , i love u, n hope u are doing well & getting everything u want out of the day :( ❤️ u deserve ONLY the best and i cannot say this enough or with enough emphasis: u make this rpc SO fun to be in bc u are so intelligent, welcoming n witty a writer!!!!!!!! ur skill knows no bounds!!!!! we all love writing with u n talking to u and seeing u have fun in this loving environment u shaped!!!!!
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summary: a chance encounter puts Fiona Tanner in the sights of the Cullen family. Emmett takes an immediate liking to her, but Edward thinks she's a threat to the family. No Emmett x Rosalie. warnings: kidnapping, ooc behaviour? words: 4kish
From the moment her boots hit the cement on the busy Seattle sidewalk, the search was on. Holding tightly to the handle of her suitcase she tried to get her bearings. Fiona Tanner’s sister had been missing for months. The cops had nothing, and they weren’t taking any of Fiona’s advice.
“Let us do our jobs, ma’am. We’ll find your sister…” had not so slowly turned into “we can’t find someone that doesn’t want to be found.” Insinuating that her sister had run away with some boy, over the fact that the cops simply hadn’t done a good enough job. Bree was a troubled kid, who left home in a hurry before she’d turned fifteen. But she always stayed in contact with Fiona. Little messages from burner phones to let her sister know that she was okay.
A person could only drag their sister back just to watch her run away again so many times before they needed an alternative solution.
Like she was going to just sit around and hope that they were right. She was an extra set of eyes and ears. There was nothing that could stand between her, and finding her sister. At the very least she was going to get the truth.
Besides, she knew for a fact that her sister was dead.
The bus dropped Fiona off in front of an old diner. It looked out of place next to two modern buildings, but the charm of it drew her in. The ladies inside were friendly, offering her a table and some coffee. She ordered a burger with fries and a root beer. While the waitress withdrew to the kitchen, Fiona pulled out a map of the city that she had started using as her guide to remember everything. The map and a small notebook she’d bought at the dollar store.
The map had a small blue X over a bookstore just a few blocks over, which was her first stop after getting some lunch. Now seemed like the best time to take stock of everything she knew so far.
Bree’s friends had no idea where she was. But they weren’t the brightest bunch, and not really the trustworthy type either.
Another boy from the area had gone missing recently as well. Riley Biers, last seen in May, 2010. He went missing near Pike Place Market.
Bree wouldn’t ever just run away with someone without telling her. She was in trouble.
And that was it. That was all Fiona knew.
But the family couldn’t just move on. Bree had looked exactly like Fiona did at her age. It became a curse when her own parents would struggle to look into her eyes, preferring to stare into their glass whenever she entered the room. It was like that a year ago, but when she had to tell her parents that she’d been talking to Bree, and hadn’t told them…
Being away from them wasn’t the worst thing right now.
It wasn’t something she wanted to think about at that moment. Her concentration needed to be on her investigation.
“Here ya go,” the waitress said, setting down the plate of food. Fiona smiled, and slid her map out of the way. She was starving.
She picked up a fry and brought it to her mouth, but suddenly felt… wrong. There was a weird feeling in her mind. Like someone was watching. No, not watching. Listening.
Then clear as day she heard it. This tiny little nagging voice that had started harassing her a few weeks ago. It sounded just like her sister, except this voice was deeper, raspy like she was dying of thirst.
Run, Fiona.
She put the fry back and grabbed a twenty from her wallet, strolling up to the counter to pay and get a to go container. Fiona kept her cool, but kept her defences up.
Don’t think about me.
Fiona looked around the diner. There were two teens taking pictures of their milkshakes and giggling. Then there was a couple. A girl and an Abercrombie model. Only one plate of food between them.
As if on cue, the boy picked up one of her fries and put it in his mouth. But Fiona didn’t miss the confused look on the girls’ face when he did it. He whispered something under his breath that made the girl look down, her hair making a waterfall to block out her face. But it didn’t matter, Fiona had his face painted in her memories.
I said, run!
The voice was annoying. But the scary thing to Fiona, was that she could hear dead people. Kind of like a medium, but she suppressed it. Pushed it down, down, down until it was suffocated. Bree, however, always knew how to get under Fiona’s skin.
Please, Fiona thought, just tell me what happened.
I told you, it’s not safe. Go home!
“Lady?” said the waitress, holding out the change to her. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” Fiona said, putting her phoney smile back on. “Sorry, keep the change.” She took her to go box to the table and threw the fries in it, and everything else she owned back in her bag. She flipped it over one shoulder gracefully and grabbed her burger, taking a big bite of it. She looked back at the couple, but caught his narrowed eyes staring at her.
He was the one listening. She tried to immediately cover her thoughts by thinking the alphabet as loud as possible, but she could read from the look on his face that it was too late.
You’re going to get hurt. Bree had been fighting Fiona every step of the way. Putting fake clues in her mind, trying to push out clues that were helpful…
It was annoying.
C’mon Bree, Fiona thought. Gimme a clue.
How about a hint?
Yes, Bree! Please give me a hint.
Okay, go home. That’s your hint. Goodnight.
Goodnight, yourself. It’s not even dark out.
Wake up!! Bree was shouting. It was frantic, unlike anything Fiona had ever heard before. Please, Fiona, please, wake up!! Someone is in the bathroom!
In a second, all of the grogginess was wiped away. Fiona sat up quickly, pulling the blankets to her chest. She had triple, quadruple checked that the door was locked before bed. And she could see that it was still locked now. How could someone have…
I think… they’re leaving.
How?? Fiona was starting to shake. There’s no window in there.
Then something in the air shifted. And the only reason she knew something was different was the tiny breeze she felt on her face, and the fact that the door wasn’t locked anymore.
Who was in here, Bree?
I’m not telling.
But you know?
Fiona rubbed her temples. Bree’s yelling had given her a headache. To make things worse, Bree was loudly singing, “go hoooooome” over and over. Fiona got up, changed out of her pyjamas into jeans and a white tee. And pulled her boots on. She has at the edge of the bed for a minute, her head in her hands as she took some deep breaths.
Fiona looked out the window, and noticed something bizarre. There was a girl, standing stiff as a board. And Bree went radio silent.
Know that girl?
When Bree didn’t answer, Fiona dropped down, hiding herself out of view. Holy shit! Do you actually know that girl?
Fiona was getting tired of this. If Bree wasn’t going to talk, someone else was going to. With reckless abandon, she threw open the door and stomped across the parking lot, not really caring that this girl was starring at her.
“Do you know Bree Tanner?” Fiona asked loudly, before she was even close to the girl.
Shut up! Shut up! You have no idea what you’re starting!
“Excuse me?” said the girl. She was impossibly beautiful. The kind of beautiful that wasn’t even fair for the rest of the world.
“My sister is Bree Tanner, and I think she knows you.”
“And how could you know that?”
“She told me.”
“I doubt that.”
“Why? Because she’s dead?”
The girl shut up after that. Fiona was getting sick and tired of no one answering her questions. She knew she was playing with fire, but she didn’t care. If this girl was some drug dealer who got Bree killed, she was going to find out. And she wanted to find out today, right now.
“I don’t care what shit you’re in with the police, I just want to know what happened to her.”
Shut. Up! Or you’ll be dead like me.
The girl didn’t speak again. “Do you know the boy who listens?”
The next five seconds went faster than she could have possibly believed. She was suddenly in complete darkness. With all her belongings beside her. In a small, tight space. Where was she? What happened.
You’re in a TRUNK, dumbass, you just got kidnapped.
Well that, was bad news for Fiona. She wanted to scream but her mouth was covered. She wanted to fight but her hands were tied. How did that happen? How did she miss her own kidnapping?
The boy who could listen was here. Probably in the car. She could feel him in there.
“How could she know this much?” The beautiful girl asked. Fiona had no idea why, but she could hear them in her head. In her mind.
“Be quiet,” he said sharply.
“She can hear us,” he said. “I can’t… I can’t look in her mind, I’m just hearing my words echoed back, louder than her thoughts. I think she’s burying them.”
Instead of burying them, she turned it around. Played it loud like shouting into a megaphone. Did you do this to Bree, too? And then she projected Bree’s image. She closed her eyes and tried to push every detail of her sister’s face into his mind. But, he edited it. Saw it the way he saw it, with bright red eyes. She felt the car swerve violently and she cracked her arm as she rolled onto it. It hurt so badly. She hoped it wasn’t broken but the way her fingers stopped responding to her made her worried.
“Knock it off!” he shouted.
“What?” His passenger asked. Don’t be rude, she thought.
Not you, Rosalie. Did the listening boy think that?
It was getting too confusing for her to keep all these voices straight. Rosalie was sitting with the boy who listens. She didn’t know his name. It made no sense, how could she hear them? She could only ever hear the dead, but this wasn’t the same. Bree sounded like she was in the middle of Fiona’s brain, but the other two… they sounded like Fiona was listening to them from a couple feet away. They were on the outside, and Bree was on the inside.
Please, Bree begged, I don’t know how to help you now.
It didn’t matter. Fiona passed out.
Emmett hated when the family went into crisis mode. Jasper didn’t want to play chess because he was too busy fretting over Alice. Edward was having four panic attacks a day thinking that these “loose ends” were going to get Bella killed. And Carlisle and Esme were making Plan B arrangements in case they had to move, which is what everyone kept saying. No one was brave enough to say in case we have to kill her.
He heard Edward and Rosalie driving over the speed limit. Faster than ever, maybe. And he was excited to at least see some kind of action around here. Ever since he got to the house everyone has treated him like he’s stupid. Which he was not.
“Jasper!” Emmett called, beaming up the stairs. “They’re coming!”
“Yes, thank you Emmett. I hear them too.” Jasper spoke normally. Knowing Emmett could hear him through the walls.
Edward skidded his car to a quick stop in front of the house. Emmett happily joined Carlisle and Esme on the front lawn. They had all agreed to greet their guest and try to explain things as civilly as possible. Edward and Rosalie were supposed to go get her, invite her on a tour around town and then invite her for a dinner. Emmett was excited to make a friend, and also excited to watch his family force down a pizza. They all got so miserable after eating human food.
“Oh dear,” Esme said.
Emmett didn’t understand what the big deal was. Edward was out of the car, talking to Bella on the phone. The wedding was still a ways away, this was only supposed to be a minor inconvenience. Rosalie had run off into the woods before even greeting anyone. She hadn’t been coping well lately and hadn’t spent much time talking to anyone. Not that she was very friendly on a regular basis.
Only then did Emmett notice that the car door was open, but he could tell the heartbeat he heard and the blood he smelled was behind a wall of metal. She wasn’t in the backseat. They put her in the trunk?
Seemed a little rude.
The girl was bleeding back there too. Probably why Rosalie had to run. He couldn’t blame her, this girl smelled so good. She smelled like joy would taste.
“Pop the trunk!” Emmett said, laughing at Edward’s constipated expression.
“Emmett,” Carlisle whispered. His dad didn’t want to make a joke out of this. “Edward, please.”
Edward didn’t get off his phone call but clicked open the trunk with his keys. Emmett and Carlisle ran over to examine the damage.
As soon as Emmett saw her, he was smitten. Absolutely smitten. She was so pretty. The most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Short black hair, round little face with the pinkest lips in the world. And they looked like they would be so fun to kiss. Emmett was aware his brother wasn’t answering Bella, and instead was staring at Emmett, but he didn’t care though. He could see the relation to Bree in her features, but she was definitely older.
“Her arm is broken,” he said. “I’ll bring her to my office and set it, and cast it.”
Esme coughed for a moment, briefly distracted by the pooling of blood in the trunk of Edward’s Volvo. “Need anything from your office, dear?”
Emmett could see the appreciation on Carlisle’s face. Emmett wanted love like these two had. Or like Alice and Jasper. Or Edward and Bella. Or Rosalie and her reflection. Carlisle gave her a short list of things he would need to cast her arm, he was only missing a few things that he had used before they came back to town.
Carlisle reached to pick her up, but Emmett swatted his hands away quickly. Not harshly, as it wasn’t meant to hurt Carlisle. But Emmett had to do it himself. He had to be the one to carry this girl. It didn’t matter what Edward wanted. No one was going to hurt her. Edward doesn’t get to always have everything his way.
“What’s her name again?” Emmett asked, his voice more gentle than they’s ever heard it as he gingerly picked her up.
“Fiona.” Carlisle watched Emmett’s every move.
“Fiona,” Emmett repeated quietly.
He didn’t want her to wake up, so he walked slowly through the house. Setting her down on the space Carlisle made on the desk. The blood didn’t bother Emmett for even a moment. He never even hesitated. He just brushed the hair off her face, and waited while Carlisle worked.
“You seem to have taken to this girl.”
“I just think she’s pretty,” Emmett said. “It’s not her fault about her sister. If one of us went missing, would you not stop at nothing to get us back?”
“You’re right about that.” Carlisle looked pained. “May I ask you something, Emmett?”
“Yeah, of course.” Emmett didn’t look up from the girl’s face, and instead dragged his fingers softly around the edge of her face. Maybe she would be his Bella.
Was it creepy to be thinking this before she had a chance to wake up and meet him? He can’t just claim her, only hope that she was as fascinated by him.
Edward came through the door before Carlisle could ask about what Emmett was thinking. Edward was clearly mad. Esme slipped in, giving Carlisle the things he asked for, but opted to slip out and remove herself from the blood. Emmett understood, Fiona smelled as tempting as a fresh apple pie.
“Why is she untied?” he asked, grabbed the abandoned tie off the ground. It was all he’d had to tie her up with at the time.
“Do you think she needs to be?” Carlisle asks.
“Yes, I do.” Edward crossed his arms. Emmett was getting irritated by the vibe in the room. It was bad vibes in here.
“No, Edward.” Carlisle kept working. “We don’t hold hostages.”
“You’re right, we should just kill her now,” he said, cooly. As if it wasn’t a person they were talking about. Carlisle paused, but continued.
Emmett stood up tall, puffing his chest out and blocking Edward’s view of Fiona.
“You’re not touching her,” he said.
“Are you going to stop me, Emmett?” Edward asked. “You don’t even know her.”
“I know that I’m not a danger to her,” he said. “And you are. So get out while Carlisle works.”
“You’ve lost your…” Edward trailed off, and dropped to his knees clutching his head. Emmett stooped down on one knee, immediately changing from being worried about this girl to worried about his brother. “It’s her.”
Fiona was stirring awake, Carlisle finishing and clearing himself just in time for her to start squirming.
“Oh my god, her thoughts - there’s so many…” Edward tried to clear a path, try to sort between her thoughts and the thoughts of others’ that lived in her mind. “They’re not hers.”
“STOP!” she shouted, sitting perfectly up. “My sister doesn’t know the truth, she’s no danger to the secret.”
“Fiona?” Carlisle asked. Everyone was totally stunned. The girl looked lifeless behind her eyes, like this wasn’t her but a cheap replication of her. Other than sitting up, her limbs were still and lifeless, no sign of pain or distress.
“Bree?” Esme said, slipping in the door. “Bree is it really you?” Esme fluttered over, putting her hands on the girls’ face. She was close to tears. “I’m so sorry.” Esme had been feeling guilty over Bree everyday since it had happened.
“Esme,” Carlisle said softly. He didn’t want to silence his wife, but he didn’t know how much time they had to talk to her.
“She doesn’t know what really happened. You still have time to lie. Don’t kill her.”
“Don’t worry little buddy,” Emmett said. “No one is going to hurt Fiona.”
“Remains to be seen,” Edward muttered.
“No, it doesn’t.”
“Sounds like family meeting time,” Esme said. “I’ll go find the others.” She slipped outside the office.
“I don’t understand,” Fiona said, her eyes focused. Her voice settled. It was her now. There was life in her eyes, but also fear, and she touched the cast on her arm. Even her voice was beautiful. Is this how the dogs feel? Emmett had never felt stronger than right now. Emmett didn’t move towards her for fear of startling her, she was so small.
“She can’t stay up here alone,” Edward said.
“I trust Carlisle to speak for me,” Emmett said, looking at Fiona. She was frightened, but brave. Trying to establish her surroundings. “I’m not going to let you hurt her no matter what you say anyway.”
“You’re risking everything,” Edward said. “For someone you don’t even know.”
“Sound familiar?” Emmett asked, scoffing. “I always had your back, even when I didn’t get it.”
Edward flashed a look of guilt but shook it off. Emmett knew they couldn’t keep taking risks like this, but she wasn’t a risk, she was a person. As fast as he’s ever run, Emmett grabbed her things from the car, and dropped them right at her feet. She was shaking, clearly terrified.
“How did you do that?”
“Your phone is in there, I checked.” Emmett heard his family go silent. The conversation was a waste of time anyway, it was just Carlisle trying to convince Edward that there were more options than murder. “I won’t stop you from calling 911. We are the Cullens, you’re in Forks. I’ll even give you the number for Chief-”
“Emmett!” Rosalie yelled. But Emmett got to the door first. Holding it shut from Rosalie’s destructive fists. It cracked and splintered under her heavy hits. “If we have to start over you are so dead.”
Fiona was crying now. Confused by all the thoughts in her head. She could hear the whole family. Pieces of the conversation downstairs. She could hear the listener getting mad. He didn’t like his own thoughts being repeated back to him but she couldn’t help that. There was also the typical voices that she usually had buried, but coming out of whatever happened to her allowed them to flood in. People screaming in pain, or begging for help, or just taunting her for the fun of it. What did the boy who listens make of her?
“I’m not calling the police,” she whispered. “I just want to know what happened to Bree.”
Rosalie stopped busting the door at Carlisle’s request. But each of her exaggerated stomps could be heard as she left the house. She turned on music in the garage and started fussing with her cars. Emmett just looked at her, welcoming her to make the first move.
“You’re Emmett?”
“Yes.” For his huge stature, he seemed so kind and timid to her. She could hear him thinking about her. And it was so, so flattering.
“Are you dead?”
“Then how are you alive?”
“I don’t know if I should answer that right now,” he said. “Let’s skip for now.”
“Was Bree dead?”
“I thought you already knew she was dead.” Emmett looked down. “I’m really sorry about that.”
“I meant… uhm… when you met her, for the first time, was she already dead?”
“Explains why I can hear you twice.” She needed a minute to process all of this. How was she supposed to process all of this?
“Can you hear me think?” He asked.
“Oh,” he said, lowering his head. “That’s kind of embarrassing.”
Fiona smiled, and chuckled. Which made Emmett smile and chuckle. It was quiet in the room for a minute. Fiona tried to sort out her thoughts and Emmett watched her.
“I really don’t want to cause any trouble for your family,” she said. “Can you just tell me what happened to my sister?”
“No one here hurt her,” Emmett said. “We were trying to save her but there are some people who just… get their way.”
“Why did they want to hurt her?”
“Can I skip?” he asked.
She nodded lightly. His vague answers were disappointing but he seemed genuine, and it was probably a “the less you know the better” kind of deal around here. Maybe she should’ve listened to Bree.
You think? Bree thought. She sounded weak after taking control of of Fiona.
“Am I going to die, Emmett?” she asked, her voice wavering.
“No, I’ve got you now. You’ll be safe with me.”
“You promise?”
“I promise.”
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19: do you speak another language besides english? If yes, write a sentence in that language!
i speak six languages (including english)
cantonese: 我就係鍾意學習語言 (bonus: 我是双性恋)
spanish: requería aprender esto para escuela, pero me gusta.
german: der gnädiger herr, ich bin dummkopf, danke schoen.
russian: Да благословит вас память, Анастасия Романов. Тебя будет не хватать. (Клянусь, я научился этому не по коммунистическим причинам, я просто думаю, что это классно.)
french: skate vite, mange du cul.
//OOC: this was accomplished through the help of some gug admins!! shoutout to will, ame, lys, bree, and crys for helping me not butcher people’s languages
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sangre · 5 years
rp about
i like to be called: bree/breezy
my favourite colour is: teal and baby pink? special mention for maroon, which i dress in most often and look the best in 
gender: bigender, but use he/him for me unless we’re close please! 💕
one thing you should know about me: i didn’t try them for the first time until last year but in my recent phenomenal discovery, i can eat the tamales my family makes for breakfast lunch and dinner. literally. all day long i don’t get fed up at all 
one thing you should know about my muse(s): i can and will make any song that i like apply to them by doing an olympic reach SJDKMGBG no but ummm usually they don’t like music that i don’t like. i can’t diagnose my characters with shitty music taste unless it’s good shitty, or like early 2000′s hits 
first language: english
second language(s): i used to speak spanish fluently when i was really young, but i’m pretty limited now unfortunately
age range:  under 13  |  14–17 | 18–22 | 23–25 | 26–29 |  30+ |  70+
am i okay with nsfw?: yes | no | maybe. bro yeah i recently was like oh i DO enjoy writing smut sometimce. altogether i luv talking headcanons with people it’s a good time, if we have a ship together feel free to bring up nsfw hc’s. i’m in it to win it 
my favourite/most common thing to rp is: angst | fluff | smut | crack | action | other
oc friendly?: yes | no | depends - of course! 
rp blog:  does | doesn’t contain ooc posts - every so often
tagged by: @ninazcnik​ literally 10 months ago... i found this in my likes. i’m sorry adrian, i’ve let you down. 
tagging: You
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artislifeevans · 5 years
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ParaIIProbably Think This Song Is About you|| Samcedes
Tagging—> Sam Evans and Mercedes Jones
When: 11:30 pm August 6,2019
Where: New York
General notes: Sam goes out with a friend from work for a good time, only to bump into Mercedes. OOC: Enjoy Guys!
Sam: didn’t know how he allowed his friends from work to talk him into staying him later then he wanted to be. But yet here he was being dragged into a lounge where every where can listen to music and just relax. Don’t get Sam wrong he loved music and he loved going out and having fun. But for the past few months all he has been doing is working his ass off and going home to bed, and he was starting to love his routine. Sure his routine was something an old man would do. But Sam didn’t care, all he wanted was his bed. Sam was brought out of his thoughts by a strong around wrapping around him. come on old man” said his very good friend Darren, leading Sam into the building “You’re gonna like it.” He chuckled at the pouting Sam was doing. “If I don’t you owe me” Sam Warned. Darren playfully rolled his eyes “Don’t be a little bitch Evans.. you’ll love it” he assured Sam, walking them to the table to sit down.
Mercedes: sat in the back of the bar, practicing her preshow routine. It was the same thing every night. She had a beer, laughed with her pianist Bree and practiced vocal stretches with her guitarist Garrett. When she first started doing this, she was beyond nervous. She’d never thought of actually singing for a living but here she was, doing it. Sure, the pay was awful but she had a bit of savings to live off of and she would do this every day even if she got paid pennies. One of the stage hands came back to let them know it was almost time to start and she put her beer on the table before fluffing her hair. “You look good Mama. No need to primp it up,” Garrett winked, his southern drawl coming out. She patted his shoulder and smiled. “Thank you…. oh and I was thinking, we should play the new song second…” He raised an eyebrow. “You ready for that for sure?” She nodded. “Yeah. I mean it’s raw and real and if we start with any of the crowd pleasers, I’ll lose my nerve and never share it with anyone besides you.” He smiled and bobbed his head before leading his way out to the stage. It was surreal, the same thing every night. She could hear the sounds of people as they announced that they were coming out to play. She inhaled deeply and came out on stage to loud cheers. “Now that’s what I wanna hear,” she spoke into the mic. Normally she’d build up the crowd but instead wanted to reel them in first. She nodded to the band and they started to play their first song. It was upbeat and happy. Something that Mercedes had played dozens of times in dozens of cities. It made the people stand up and dance and laugh. It got them invested before she hit them with her next song.
Sam: sighed as he sat down in the chair next to his friend. He looked around the room, seeing how crowded the place was. He was thinking maybe if he would just make up some excuse to leave he could make a run for afterwards. “Hey you know what? I-“ he tried to say but got interrupted by Darren “Uoire not getting out of this Evans” he said Darren, shaking his head “listen.. I get it.. you don’t like going out.. but man you haven’t been out like this in forever..You’re 29 Sam! Not 70.. I mean shit… my grandfather is 80 and still goes to strip clubs every Friday night” he said waving down a waiter. Sam whined dramatically, but quickly raised his head up “They let her out of the nursing him late at night.” He asked. Darren chuckled “nahhh he breaks out.. with my help of course..”he grinned, telling the waiter he wanted two cokes. Sam couldn’t help but laugh at his friend. Even though he was annoyed at Darren at this point he was truly grateful that he wanted out of his way to spend some time with him. It had been forever since he has spent time with anyone. That it felt good to be around humans that he didn’t see outside of work. He looked at the stage as the person walked to the mic to introduce the singer that was about to come out. Sam was praying to god that this person could sing, otherwise he was gonna run out of here and never look back. He grabbed his drink, rising the glass up to get a sip of it, but only ending up choking a bit as soon as he heard a familiar voice “it can’t be” he muttered, looking up to see Mercedes standing on the stage singing. He felt Darren patting him on the back “Evans?! You good?!” He asked in concerned. Sam didn’t say anything, all he could do was sit there and stare in shock.
Mercedes: wrapped up the last of the first song and reached behind her to take a sip of the water she had on stage. She cleared her throat and nodded to Garrett confidently. “For those of you that dont know me, these are my old stomping grounds,” she smiled. “I know, a singer that lived in New York, shocker but I chose to leave about a year and a half ago because I made some monumental mistakes. And yeah it was because of a man,” she laughed. “I wrote this in the midst of all of these crazy feelings of guilt and I hope you like it.” She took a step back as the piano started and pulled the mic towards her as she started to sing. "I’m lost, is it really even my fault? I don’t think that it’s supposed to be hard. If it’s really meant to be. So give me a sign….Is he always gonna be mine? Have I given it enough of my time? You cannot blame if it don’t mean nothing.” The tempo picked up and while she’d sung this song multiple times with the band and she thought she got all of her emotions out, it was still hard. It was raw and it reminded her that a year ago she was broken because she let a man change who she was because she loved him. “ Sweet, sweet fate. I had about all I can take. Am I living in the bed that I made. Is it yours? I wonder. Sweet, sweet fate. Oh if it’s really out of my hands. Can you forgive all of my sins? Have mercy on me.” She opened her eyes and blinked a few times, wondering if the bright lights were playing tricks on her. She wasnt sure if it was the beer or what but it almost seemed like Sam was sitting in the audience as she sang. She shook off the feeling and kept going.
Sam: quickly put his glass down, catching his breath “yeah I’m good.. just went down the wrong way” he assured his friend. He watched silently while Meecede sing without a care in the world. He couldn’t help but smile as he finally came down from the shock of seeing her. He knew just from the letter that she finally found some peace. But seeing her on stage singing with a smile on her face only clarified that she was in a good place. He looked around to see people dancing around and having a good time as they listen to her sing. Even Darren was trying two step to the beat. He took another sip of his drank, putting his attention back to Mercedes when she started to speak. Darren shifted in his seat “she is really good,” he said as he sat back in his seat. Sam smiled and nodded his head “Yeah.. she is.. in fa-“ he went to say but stopped mid sentence hearing Mercedes words. Even though Sam knew he was the reason she left New York, hearing it from her mouth made he wince a little. He never wanted to be a reason for her to leave and in some ways he kept telling himself that she left for other reasons as well. But he knew he was only lying to himself. He sat there quietly as she began to sing her next song, listening and I every single word that was coming out of her mouth. This wasn’t the first time that Sam has ever heard Mercedes sing. But for the first time in a long time it was as if her voice sounded different. You could hear the hurt and the pain just from the words alone. But it was also written all over her face. Sam knew that their actions wasn’t all on him. But he couldn’t help but think that if he was honest in the first place and not allow other people in his head. Neither one of them would have been through some much drama and pain, especially Mila. His eyes connected with hers and he thought for sure she saw him. But the way she shifted to the other side of the stage as she sings, she didn’t. He glanced at Darren who was rocking back and forth almost in tears. Sam played with his fingers, hanging on to every single word she was singing.
Mercedes: closed her eyes and hummed gently into the mic. “How come, when I’m lookin’ at everyone. They get away with havin’ little fun? I’m paying these dues when they don’t mean nothing,” she took a step back and sang along as Garrett came in with the background vocals. “Sweet, sweet fate I had about all I can take, am I living in the bed that I made. Is it yours I wonder?” The music got louder and louder and she got more and more lost in it. In the way she felt when she wrote this song. In the guilt that ate her up for so long after the wedding. It was like this was the only way she was able to let it go and learn from her mistakes. She hated what she did to Mila and how she hurt her but if it weren’t for the mistakes she made, she wouldn’t have this song and feel this moment. Not only was it her truth but it showed off her vocals, something she wasn’t able to do often. She finished the song with a high note and slowly let it leave her lips like a whisper in the dark. She felt chills down her spine, the same adrenaline rush she got every time she performed, and finally opened her eyes when the piano stopped playing. Her heart pounded despite how slow the song was but it was like she’d bared her soul to strangers. The applause that replaced the silence was deafening and she could do nothing but bow and smile with humility. “Thank you,” she said into the mic, realizing she needed a break. There was only so much revealing she could do on stage without a moment to collect her thoughts. She nodded to Garrett and he started to play something fast and distracting as she went off the stage and down the steps towards the bar for a drink. “Hey can I get a rum and coke,” she asked, sliding cash across the bar to the bartender and waiting for him to make her drink while she ran a hand through her thick curls.
Sam: continue to sit there in silence as he watched Mercedes give her all into her song. And honestly he was amazed at how raw and uncensored she was. But he knew that song was reminded of what had happened with them and Mila. He then understand how Mercedes was able to let go of everything that has happened. It was like she was singing the guilt was melting off of her and he even though everything was replaying in the back of his head. Which was marking him on edge of bit. He was happy that she was able to find peace of mind, especially in the one that he knew she loved so dearly and that was music. He sadly smiled as Mercedes hit the high note, hearing people clapping and praising loudly in his ear. “Damn” chuckled his friend Darren. They both stood up and clapped their hands, watching Mercedes quickly leave the stage. Sam sat back down, wanting to go at least say hi. But he wasn’t sure if now was the time. Darren finished his drink and laughed “Wow she was so good! I bet you’re glad that you came huh?!” He said playing poking Sam causing him to chuckle. “Alright! alright.. I’m glad I came.. especially now..” he said looking toward Mercedes way. Darren kept looking between Sam and Mercedes who was sitting at the bar “Evans.. listen.. there’s no way you can get a girl like that.. she’s too much for you..” he teased. Sam playfully rolled his eyes “For your information.. I know her.. “ he confessed “She’s the one I was telling you about..” he said softly. Darren eyes got big “Wait.. that’s her.. You let HER go?” He laughed shaking his head “You white boys are really stupid” he said earning a look from Sam.. “Sorry boss” he shrugged. Darren knew how guilty felt about everything that had happened between Sam and his exes. Every time Darren would ask about Sam’s friends every conversation has ended up with Sam talking about Mercedes. “Go talk to her” he said finally ending the long silences. Sam quickly shook his head “No.. I couldn’t.. she wouldn’t want to see me” he assured his friend. Darren rolled eyes ass and sighed “Sam.. you told me about the letter she wrote you. Obviously she is in a better place…go talk to her. What’s the worst that can happen” he said getting up to pull Sam out of his chair. Sam wine, getting out of his chair “Well she could throw her drink in my face.. or cut me” he rushed out, feeling Darren pushing him toward the bar. “Stop being a pussy Sam… being a coward is what got here in the first place,” he stated. Sam wanted to argue but he knew Darren was right. He walked slowly to the bar, praying that this would go well. The last thing he wants is for her to freak out and kick him. He fixed his jack, trying to wipe the sweat off his hands, clearing his throat once he got behind her “H-Hi” he greeted nervously.
Mercedes: finally got her drink and smiled at the bartender before taking a sip of the drink. She was barely able to swallow before she heard someone clear their throat behind her. She turned around and froze, her heart leaping into her throat and her stomach flipping. So she wasnt seeing things up on that stage. It was Sam she saw. But she wasnt sure how? She was playing at a dive bar in the Bronx. This wasnt his side of town exactly. Either way, she wasnt ready to see him, at least she thought so. She’d written the letter and thought she’d never see him again and yet here he was, standing in front of her. She wasnt sure what she should say or if she should say anything but all she could do was look at him. He looked tired, like he hadnt gotten a good night sleep in so long. She felt bad for him. She finally opened her mouth to speak but her words muffled away the minute Garrett bum rushed her with compliments. “Mama you were so good!” he applauded, kissing her cheek multiple times. “I mean when you showed me that song I thought it was good but that was something else!” Mercedes smiled and turned back to Sam. “Garrett, this is Sam,” she finally spoke, her voice sounding foreign. Garrett turned towards the other man and cleared his throat. “Sam? As in Sam Sam?” he asked. Mercedes nodded. “I only know one Sam.” Garrett extended his hand forward. “Nice to meet you Sam. One, you’re a royal jack ass, and two, thank you. If it werent for you, Mercedes here wouldnt be writing those damn good songs,” he said, his twang coming out even more now. “You wanna talk to him Mama or do you want me to make him leave?” She contemplated his words for a moment before shaking his head. “No… It’s okay Garrett um… can you give us a second?” Garrett nodded and walked away, his eyes never leaving Sam. Mercedes placed her drink down. “Sorry about Garrett he’s… protective.” She exhaled slowly and shook her head. “What are you doing here Sam?”
Sam: took a breath as Mercedes turned to face with shock written all over her face. If he was honest, he was scared out of his mine to even be in front of her. He knew that she had forgiven him, but that didn’t mean she was ready to face him. He walked a little closer toward her, but stopped when Garrett rushed in to praise her. He smiled nervously when Mercedes introduced him, Sam could tell just from their interaction that Garrett was protective of Mercedes, as he should be. He reached out to shake the man, trying not to react to his comments. Sam was about to speak but stopped when Garrett offered to kick him out. He looked between them, thinking maybe he should just leave. It was obvious this was awkward and she didn’t seem like she was ready to talk to him “I can-“ he tried to say,’only for Mercedes Chim in. Sam followed Garrett’s eyes until he finally turn to look straight. “wow and I thought Charice eyes were scary” he chuckled lightly, seeing that Mercedes wasn’t laughing “sorry..” he said clearing his throat “Listen.. I didn’t want to be here.. I sort of got kidnapped” he said glancing over at Darren who had a goofy look on his face. He shook his head turning back to Mercedes. He always thought about what he would say if he ever say her again. And a million and one things came to mind. But now that she is really in front of him. He had no idea what to say. “Wow.. I really don’t know what to say right now.. but just hi..” he scoffed at himself “I didn’t want to bother you-“ he trailed off nervously “I guess I just wanted to see you close up.. I was so surprised to you on stage and I just wanted to see if this was real.. “
Mercedes: tucked a stray curl behind her ear and looked down at her feet bashfully. “I’m real,” she whispered, looking back up to meet his eyes. She nearly got lost in them but made sure to break eye contact. “I um… I wrote you a letter.. did you get it?” she asked.
Sam: couldn’t help but smile softly when she looked down at the ground. Even though things between would never be like it used to be and he has learned to accept it. She still had her way to get him to smile at the littlest things. He nodded and chuckled, “You are.. beautiful smile and all” he said softly. He locked eyes with her for a second, reminding himself not to stare for too long. “O-oh Yeah… I got it.. um thank you for writing me.. you didn’t have to..I’m the last person you should write.. but I’m grateful you did”
Mercedes: shook her head. “Dont do that. Dont talk about yourself like you dont deserve good things. I didnt write you for the hell of it. I wrote you to release you and in a way me from all the crap that happened before. I wrote because loving you and hating you at the same time was killing me. And I wanted be free to live and love again and not feel like I had a Sam sized cloud over me all the time. And I wanted that freedom for you too.”
Sam: bit his bottom lip and shook his head “Listen.. I have done some things that I’m not proud of.. and I know that I can get pass it. But it’s just gonna take some time.. but thanks to your letter.. I finally can.. doesn’t mean I’m not gonna still feel some kind of guilt about everything.. “ he said honestly. He could tell how different, she was happy and she was free of everything that had happened and Sam was happy for her. He nodded his head gently as she explained why she wrote the song, thinking about how she was right. When it came to them, they loved each other hard to the point that it was taken over their lives and it was becoming toxic for the both of them “I understand.. I didn’t know I could love someone to the point that it was hurtful.. for not just you or me.. but everyone around us.. “ he pointed out. If Sam was honest it was hard to think about having to live without Mercedes and not having her beside him. But over time, he had time to think about how they got to the place they were in and he realized that it was time to let her go and move on. “But I’m finally realizing that I can still love you.. but as far as us being together it’s just not meant to be and for the first time.. I’m actually okay with it….I mean seeing you so happy and that is all I ever wanted you to feel…” he smiled brightly.
Mercedes: smiled gently and nodded her head. “Thank you. And I want the same thing for you. I always have even when I didnt think I did…” she trailed off, not sure if she should say the next thing she wanted to say. “Sam… you look tired. I know we arent close anymore and I dont even know if friends are what we should be but you can talk to me about whatever is going on right now.”
Sam: chuckled lightly “thanks.. I’ll be okay.. it’s just gonna take me a minute.. but believe it or not.. I am happy.. I just need to remind myself to be happy” he said softly. Sam smile melted away at her question, if he was honestly he didn’t really think people can notice just how tired he was. But then again this was Mercedes, she could always read him like a book. And even though they haven’t seen each other over a year, she still had that super hero power. “He walked over to the bar to sit down, letting out a long sigh “I-I’m” he said shaking his head “I’m exhausted…I’m still at my dad’s company.. I’m trying to get out of my contract.. but.. Mr. Wong.. won’t let me go..he is even t-“ he trailed off “Its nothing Shortie..it’s nothing that I can’t fix.”he assured her.
Mercedes: took a seat next to him and shook her head. “Sam, in every moment, you get to choose what your future will look like,” she smiled. “You hate that company. I can see how much you hate it and how it makes you feel like you’re becoming your dad. But you’re not him. You never have been.” She sighed, sitting up straight. “You want my advice? Sell the goddamn company. Screw Mr. Wong. If he threatens you, use that smart head of yours that keeps that company running to bury him. You have a choice. You’ve always had a choice. Choose you this time.”
Sam: wanted to believe that he could fix this without getting him or anyone hurt. But right now he couldn’t see it. “I knows But Mr.Wong could take everything that I have worked hard for away.” He said softly. He sat there quietly thinking about every word Mercedes was saying and he knew she was right. He was miserable and if he was honest Mr.Wong couldn’t hurt him anymore then he already has. “I wish it was that simple.. but everyone in the business world is scared of him… But.. I really need to get out of this company.. it’s driving me nuts.. and I’m losing time with Allison as is.. she is always with Marley or Charice now.” He said softly, glancing at her. He wanted to reach out and grab her hand, but he didn’t want to ruin the moment “Thank you..”
Mercedes: shook her head. “You’re not scared of anything. You fight for what you love, to hell with anything else. If this company is taking you away from Allison, let it go.” She frowned a bit when he mentioned Charice and sat up straight in her seat. “H-how is Charice? I wrote her a letter and she sent it back to me…”
Sam: nodded his head at her kind words. She always did have the right words to say. “You’re right.. I’m gonna work something out.. I lost people that I didn’t expect to lose..I refuse to lose Allison too.” He said noticing the change of Mercedes body language when he mentioned Charice. He sighed softly “Other then working and chasing after the kids.. she seems to be doing great.. But I know she misses you..”
Mercedes: scoffed. “She doesnt miss me… I knew that when I left I’d hurt people and I knew it would take a lot for them to forgive me but I have no doubt in my mind that she might never forgive me.”
Sam: shook his head “Listen.. sure she is mad.. but she does miss you.. you know Charice she will let you know all about how pissed off at you.. but then she’ll let you know that she missed you.. well at least in her own way.” He said with sighed. He hated how their actions caused them so much trouble with their friends. Especially since they just got to the point where they were connected again “They will all come around.. I know they will forgive you.. besides they know none of that would have happened if it wasn’t for me. I mean the only reason why Charice and Brittany even talk to me is because of Allison..” he shrugged sadly “But listen.. just give them time. They’ll forgive you. They love you too much to stay mad for too long”
Mercedes: didnt have much hope in what Sam was saying but she didnt want to let him know that. She knew when Charice was mad and even when Brittany was mad but there was radio silence on both of their ends. She knew she’d really messed up and she was just going to have to live with that. She nodded her head and looked over to the stage as Garrett nodded her back over. “I’m sorry, I’ve gotta get back to the show. You should stick around though,” she smiled, placing her drink down and turning to Sam one last time. “It was really nice to see you again. I mean it. I hope…” she didnt know what she hoped for. She knew their friendship would never be the same the way it used to be before but she also didnt want to lose him completely. “I hope we can keep in touch,” she settled on with a smile before patting his shoulder. “Bye Sam.
Sam: could tell that she was still worried about Charice still being upset with her. He wished that he could ease her mind better. But couldn’t. Especially since everyone was still pissed off at him and only spoke to him when it had to do with her father and Allison. Which he didn’t blame them. He just truly missed them and wish that things could go back to the way things were. He nodded his head as she told him that she has to leave, getting up with her. “No it’s okay.” He assured with a smile “same here shorty” he said softly. He was happy to hear her words about them keeping in touch because he knew they could ever be romantically involved anymore, but he still wanted her in his life even if it was only as a friend. “Of course. I’m always here if you need me shorty.. bye” he sighed, watching her get back on to the stage. Sam headed back to the table, thinking that he was actually happy that he came tonight. Because he got to see Mercedes and maybe just maybe got his friend back in the process.
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me: [takes a deep breath] me: i lo- anyone who has spent five seconds around me ever: yes, you love Neal Caffrey, we know, you love Neal Caffrey so much, he’s the light of your life, you love him so much, you just love Neal Caffrey, we KNOW , you love Neal Caffrey you fucking love Neal Caffrey ok we know, we get it, YOU LOVE NEAL CAFFREY. WE GET IT.
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ironforgedrp · 6 years
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           sometime during the early hours of the morning a FIRE broke out in one of the bakeries. while it was extinguished out before too much damage could be caused, smoke is THICK & HEAVY over most of the marketplace and generally surrounding VISENYA’S HILL, THE SEPT OF ASHAR & THE GUILDHALL OF THE ALCHEMISTS.   
       ANY CHARACTERS who have breathing difficulties such as asthma or allergies would be effected by this.   three westerosi citizens died in the fire: the baker and his wife; endry and tysha and an unidentified smallfolk man.  the bakery was almost entirely destroyed by the blaze.
      however, out in the morning collecting her produce for the castle kitchens was @adelaynehill /  ADELAYNE HILL, and after inhaling a too much smoke she was taken in by the maesters of HOUSE CLEGANE at @myrcellaclegane​ / LADY MYRCELLA CLEGANE’S request, though she will be fine by end of day.   also notified by (npc) petyr stone, @mcrrec / LORD MORREC CLEGANE has chosen to go and visit his half-sister to enquire about adelayne.
   in a more serious turn of events, the smallfolk involved in the putting out of the fire noticed something SCRAWLED ON THE WALL.    when the smoke cleared enough to see, the smears took the shape of a MESSAGE;  in the common tongue and painted on the exterior wall of the fire-gutted building, read three simple words   ‘ FIRE AND BLOOD. ’    the house words of the queen horrifyingly scrawled in the BLOOD of the unidentified smallfolk man, whos throat had been slit.
         WITHIN AN HOUR OF THIS it came to light that several people had gone missing and all of whom have connections to the queen and house targaryen.    @ashoflemonwood / ASHARA DALT, who’s come into recent employ of the queen and with her @azrxcls / AZRIEL, the guard who attended the queen in the dothraki meet.    rhaena’s lady in waiting, @rosa-arryn / LADY ROSALYN ARRYN also reported as missing, as well as @visenyatargaryenii / LADY VISENYA TARGARYEN; cousin to the queen and @jvcrys / PRINCE JAERYS TARGARYEN, the queen’s brother and the last blow was felled against housee targaryen as SEPTA HYLAR, a older woman who had taught the queen and prince in their childhood, was found with her throat slit in her sleep...  and all before the sun reached it’s peak.
     a WARNING, THREAT or MESSAGE ?  and from WHOM ?    some whisper of targaryen madness and cast eyes at HOUSE TARGARYEN / @rhcena, @jvcrys.   others look towards HOUSE MARTELL / @scrella, speaking of the bad blood of old and the princess’s broken betrothal to the prince who never was / @jvcrys and the death of prince mors martell in days past.   many pairs of dark eyes and whispering lips fall to the houses who declare themselves independent of the crown and all the members of those houses who reside in the capital / @emerictyrell, @highgcrdxn, @jynessas​, @caffrenbaratheons, @lyn-high, @sheraen, @tatethetully, @eleanor-tully, @rosa-arryn & @ofrowenas.   and some who’s eyes still narrow onto @stallionofnight​ / KHAL NAJAHO and his bloodriders...  there are more theories than there are mouths to spread the rumours in westeros.
very few nobility would have been directly involved and/or present for the fire itself - this is largely centralized around our smallfolk characters and NPC’s. this being said, the smoke would have been seen throughout the city and word will have reached the Keep quickly. upon news of the message written in blood, there is a likelihood that your character ( or perhaps someone who is trusted and answers to them ) is sent to confirm what the message truly says.
paired thread: myrcella clegane & morrec clegane ( @mcrrec, @myrcellaclegane ) ━ in a private room nearby where adelayne is being treated by house cleganes maester.
who does it effects: adelayne hill ( @adelaynehill ) ━ smoke inhalation, dizziness, slight concussion, sore throat & any characters with allergies or breathing difficulties.
it will slowly come to light that people have gone missing, but not everyone will immediately pair the fire and the hostages together. unlike previously, the target intended for crippling is one person rather than a large group ( rhaena targaryen ). due to the time between hostages being taken ( i.e. our previous plot drop ), its possible some will believe the two are connected, while others think that the royals are trying to cover their tracks.
who has been taken:  @rosa-arryn, @visenyatargaryenii, @ashoflemonwood, @azrxcls and @jvcrys  ( though bree does remain on hiatus if they choose to, should they want to stay on hiatus jaerys will be rendered unconscious in character )
what do they know: in the early hours of the morning ( while many were distracted by the sight and smell of the fumes of a fire drifting up to the Keep ), several individuals were taken from their rooms. Unlike those previously taken, this group was gagged and knocked out, not drugged. you wake in a dark, wet, dingy smelling place. sound travels easily and it’s visenya targaryen who whispers that you’re in the plethora of tunnels located beneath the city. divulged of any weaponry you might have on your person, your only light is a small fire surrounded by four guards. all men are unrecognizable ( and lacking of any sigils ) and pay you little mind - convinced the binds at your wrist and ankles will hold. it quickly becomes clear that the connection you all share is the Queen and the need to escape is heightened when someone mentions the previous group taken didn’t all make it back alive.
this is a part of the same kidnapping arc as this is not a new plot drop, and does not need its own tag.
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atvrvxia · 2 years
fall out boy’s new album has me absolutely obsessed and i’ve got crazy muse for my band muses. LIKE THIS for a one liner lyric starter from the album. list of band muses are below the cut, and feel free to request a specific muse or i’ll randomize !!
ERIN EVANS / twenty three- twenty five / drummer and backup singer for 21 days of anarchy /  heterosexual / she/her / the benevolent /  fc: kristine froseth 
the purest ray of sunshine despite going through hell; also the designated mom friend in every friend group. 
HENRIK VAN DER BERG / twenty one- twenty three / frontman, lead vocalist, lead guitarist and secondary songwriter for 21 days of anarchy  /  bicurious / he/him/his / the muso /  fc: herman tommeraas
the youngest in his family and the only one to turn away from the path set out for him by his parents.
JAVIER ‘JAVI’ MORALES / twenty one- twenty three / bassist and vocalist for 21 days of anarchy /  bisexual / he/him/his / the supernaturalist /  fc: froy gutierrez
the bassist who is into conspiracy theories and believes in the supernatural. 
KATERINA ‘KAT’ EVANS / twenty one- twenty three / guitarist, vocalist and primary songwriter for 21 days of anarchy / bisexual / she/her / the vixen /  fc: kathryn newton
the seductive singer with both beauty and brains and constantly rubs it in your face.
ELIAN ‘ELI’ BARNES / twenty one- twenty three / guitarist, (occasional) keyboardist, vocalist and secondary songwriter for bullet beach / bisexual / he/him/his / the lothario / fc: rudy pankow
the indecisive fuck boy who used to have no purpose in life and now finds his purpose with his band. also radiates extreme dumbass energy.
LEVITICUS ‘LEVI’ BEAUFORT / twenty five- twenty seven / frontman, lead vocalist, lead guitarist and primary songwriter for bullet beach / bisexual / he/him/his / the prodigy / fc: freddy carter
the child prodigy who went from playing classical music to being the lead singer and guitarist in an up-and-coming punk rock band
CODY MITCHELL /  twenty two- twenty four /  lead singer and rhythm guitarist for scorching starlight  / bisexual / he/him/his / the songbird /  fc: danny griffin
the lead singer who is so sweet and very hard to dislike; has the tendency to be a bit of a people pleaser and sometimes allow other people to walk all over him.
CORINNA ‘CORI’ MITCHELL /  twenty two- twenty four / bassist for scorching starlight /  bisexual / she/her / the dynamo /  fc: olivia welch
the tomboy bassist who is incredibly ambitious and a little too competitive at times; very sociable and likes to party a lot too.
MÁXIMO ‘MAX’ DE LEON /  twenty one- twenty three / drummer for scorching starlight /  bisexual / he/him/his / the hellion / fc: benjamin wadsworth
the troublemaking drummer who is rebellious and parties hard, but is a true ride or die for those he considers friends; also tends to get into way more fights than he should
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karnakian · 3 years
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leon’s homeland and language pt 1/2
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wbster · 6 years
so awhile back, like probably a good few months ago now, the loml sakra sent me an ask ft. a bunch of urls when i was feeling particularly positive and wanted to spread some love around. ngl, i had to work on this list for a few days, and i even started tweaking it here and there today. n u know what ?? i’m not abt to write this much (especially for my Sun And Stars, Y’all) and let it go to waste. so, continuing forth...
CECE. [ buddy vc ] cece! i know them! i know them !!!!! okay cece, buckle up for a second because i am about to love the HELL out of you. first and foremost, i’d just like to thank you for being my home skillet, and i value your presence both on my dash n in my life, despite how little we interact. which is sad, bc i ? have known you since we both rped michael, and even then i think it was just like ,, quiet + mutual respect. but let me tell u smth. u ? my friend ???? not only do i have respect for you, i have mad respect. which is like. a whole new level and subcategory of respect. when you write a character, you add your own special qualities to them, qualities that, while they may not have any canon grounding (but since when has canon been relevant ??), feel canon. like, when i think of your characters, there’s this part of me that substitutes your version. you are very talented in this regard, and i applaud you, because it can be very difficult to make a character of ones portrayal so...y’know. impressionable to others, i guess??? (idk the exact word i’m sorry ,) but here u are, doing it with practiced ease and blowing me away as per usual. keep up the good work !!!!! i’m so proud of u !!!!!!!!
BREE. i’ve followed you since i was still on grover, and we haven’t talked a whole lot, but irregardless, you have amazed me time and time again. as someone who doesn’t check their dash frequently or anything like that, it’s always. such a joy when i do decide to really check toomblr and see you on it? ooc, ic —— all of it. like! you seem like a hella rad person, and that’s sugarcoating it. you just seem! rly rly cool to be around, and, like, i say this in the best way possible, you’re a total meme and just. kasjdfnl. i love seeing what you have to say about...literally anything and everything, you’re good with Words (tm) both when it comes to actual threads and generally speaking, and. you’re so friendly and, this might sound weird, you just feel like someone that’s trustworthy n ! listen bree i’m sorry i’m probably stumbling over myself, here, but you are Cool; Premium, even, and you’re such. a good person. that’s a rock fact alright, 
ELI. hey so uuuuuh did y’all know i love eli-minator lastname because, i do. i vividly remember the first thing you ever said to me being “i’m a rich stan first and a person second” when i told you i thought you did a fantastic job of portraying him and were just generally cool, and i can’t quote you on that, but Trust Me, i remember. i know we don’t talk a whole lot, and our conversations usually happen randomly for . rly short durations of time, but getting the chance to interact with you has been...so good these past few months. the amount of love you feel for all your muses is overwhelming, and it honestly !!! warms my heart to see you get so passionate, and, tbh, just to hear (or read?) you talk in general. you’re so kind and intelligent and, frankly, funny as hell, and i will appreciate you to the ends of the earth —— and you can quote me on that, because i’m being serious, here. i love you, i truly do, and i know that’s gay as hell but i genuinely appreciate your friendship, and it means so much to me. thanks fam. tldr; i’m an eli stan first and a person second.
HILARY. look, the only interaction i’ve had with hilary is that One (1) Cursed Thread, but I LOVE ! like !! heck !!! look at u go hot Dang ! your nico is...just absolutely phenomenal, fam, and i say that with the utmost sincerity. reading your threads when they pop up on the dash is such a treat, and it’s fun to see you interact with all these different characters and see how you adjust nico to different situations !! you are undeniably creative, a fact that i will personally fight to defend if anyone says otherwise, and ur ?!!!!!! so so nice ,, like even in the tags i see nothing but kindness from u tbh ??? this part feels really short bc i , rly don’t know much abt u, and on top of that we haven’t really talked, but. honestly. i hope ur having a good day bc u deserve it, my friend!!
KAT. wow, icb i have the honor of calling The leo v.a.ldez my friend?? wrow....wrow.............in all actuality, i’m so glad to see someone in the rpc (scratch that, in the fandom to begin with) that adores leo as much as you do. you put so much thought into his character and, unlike a lot of people, acknowledge the things he has been through and make him more than the comedic relief a lot of folks reduce him to. but that’s not all. on top of having outstanding characterization, you are funny, bright, and just a sweet (both kickass and kind) person all around! it’s so much fun to discuss hc’s and plot with you, like...honestly, i get so excited to talk about our Sad Kids ™ ??????? all the time ???????? you’re just. so awesome, and i cannot thank u enough fr bringing even more light into my life fam.
SAKRA. i bet you thought i wasn’t gonna put you on here, did you? well, jokes on you, sakra, because i love you, and therefor, you’re getting suplexed on this shit whether you like it or not. i would just like to give you a big warm kudos for all the time and effort you have put into developing laine, zane, and their whole universe. you love them, so much, and it’s so obvious in the way you portray and speak about them. and dede!!!!!!! i would Die for dede !!!!!!!! tbh tho, i would die for you, too, though, so I Mean ,,, but, legit. i truly believe that you’re gonna go places and i can’t wait for the day that your name is up there amongst the big guys :heart_emoji:
this isn’t for anyone in particular, but i just wanna say that every single one of you, even the ones who aren’t on this list, are loved. you might not have faith in yourself, and you might think yourself lesser than other writers on here, but just know that you can only go up in your abilities. it’s okay to go through rough times; it’s okay to have low points. that’s how life is. but you are all so outrageously amazing and inspiring, and god, y’all are so fucking valid. that sounds like a joke, but i’m not kidding! i just ! lov u guys and i want you to know that i’m not the only one who does, okay? u got this. u got this.
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elescritora · 7 years
A. Malcolm - 3x06 musings
I've just watched 3x06 again, and here are some fresh thoughts - fresh in they I don't think they've been rehashed to kingdom come by every single fan who ever fanned. It's a curse, not getting to see the show til Tuesday nights.
Geordie is hilarious and Claire is totally going to cure that goiter. The end.
Ok, not really the end.
I'm calling any OOC moments for Jamie in the print shop 'shock'. Sometimes he was emoting like mad and sometimes he felt a bit icy. Shock could do that. They're cute though. Claire's so nervous and hopeful and gorgeous and doubting herself and insecure and proud, and Jamie's so 'what the fuck?! Give my mind a moment to catch-up! Ok, it’s caught up and I want you. But I'm conflicted! Halp!’
Cait acting with her chin all through this episode - that chin deserves awards all by itself, let alone put together with the rest of her. I do love me a good chin wobble.
Fergus - everyone has been rabbiting on about how gorgeous Cesar is for months now, but honestly, I was just a bit meh. But now I've seen him in action - awww, he's wee Fergus all grown up! Didn't he catch Romann's mannerisms well? He's lovely, and I loved his and Claire's reunion, although I wish we'd seen a bit more of her missing him or telling Bree about him in the previous episodes.
Fergus isn't stupid though, he grew up as a pickpocket and is used to intrigue, plus he knows Claire's glass face - and boy, was it glass when she was making up her story about where she'd been for 20 years. Every man and his dog could tell that was a bullshit story, so surely he knows she's lying. So does this mean Fergus will he find out about her time-travelling abilities sooner than in the book? It never rung true to me that he was the last to know - actually, did he even find out ever? It would be another thing for him to bond over with Murtagh when they finally catch up. OMG, Murtagh and Fergus reunion! I hadn't really thought much about it but how awesome and cute and gruff is that going to be?
I also loved Fergus going back in for the second hug with his cute little grin. Maman's boy!
From his convo with Fergus and a few other hints dropped along the way, it sounds like Jamie is already trying to extricate himself from the marriage to Laoghaire. He's inherently honourable, so I don't see him leaving for no reason or just because he's unhappy - living apart perhaps, but not divorce, and if he's speaking to Ned Gowan then it sounds like he's taking legal proceedings. So I reckon divorce is on the cards. What happened to push him that far? Perhaps the show writers are trying to get around having him know what Laoghiare did to Claire, by having had him marry Laoghaire under duress or false pretenses? Considering his stall and quick acquiescence to 'not rush things' when Claire asks him what he did 'when he had the need', it makes me wonder if perhaps he once had sex with Laoghaire 'as a brute, blind with need' and she in her desperation/need for someone to support her family/long-lost love/delusions used this to make him marry her. The only thing compelling enough to make Jamie overcome his dislike and distrust of her (or rather, try to learn to live with them) would be pregnancy. Did Laoghaire fake a pregnancy to get Jamie to marry her? And then pretended she lost the baby and Jamie found out the truth - and how long after the fact? I mean, it might have been real, but I don't know if Jamie would go to divorce in that instance, cos he'd feel bad for Laoghaire. To take it to the next level, did Jamie even have sex with her or did she make that up too?
Is it wrong that I'm hoping this happened? It's one of the only ways I can think of for the show to justify Jamie marrying Laoghaire while knowing all along that she tried to have Claire burned at the stake. Like, that's the only reason it was acceptable in the book - because he was unaware of this. But since he definitely knows in the show... I hope I'm right!
Yi Tien Cho was better than in the books, but it would be hard to get worse. I think he still came off as a second-class citizen and Jamie still spoke patronisingly to him. So that sucked a bit. Hoping it improves.
All the sexy times were seriously some of the least gratuitous sex scenes I've ever seen, and they lasted for ages so you'd think they'd eventually cross the line to tits and arses just for the sake of them at some point, but I really didn't feel like they did. It was hot as, of course, but there was just so much development of the characters and their connection that it all felt beautifully necessary. I even got a bit watery-eyed at a few points on the first watch, and I am pretty sure I can say that's the first time I've ever nearly cried while watching fictitious characters bonk. I mean bond. Via sexy times.
I wasn't in love with all the cinematographic choices though. There were a few really long lingering shots of body parts that I thought were overdone - like a big pan down Jamie’s back, where they were initially following Claire's hand, but that went mostly out of frame, so there was just scar city and nothing else for a while. (Which reminds me, earlier there was a shot of Jamie's back where he moved in such a way that the prosthetic scars folded a bit, and it was at the end of a shot so would have been so easy to cut so why didn't they, argh! Pay attention!) Aaaanyway, they then followed up by another big long shot of arms and necks - this time with Jamie's hand, but after a while that too became less of a focal point. Then it was just so much of Claire's shoulder. I know they were trying to break the shots up - like those shots of Claire's face were already super lingering - but I wish they'd been able to do something that focused more on the relationship rather than rando body parts.
Love how Claire is teary after their midnight chat about Bree. She misses her baby! I hope we get more Bree bonding and more of Claire missing her, and maybe telling Fergus about his baby sister!
Jamie's 'maybe I'm a ghost' statement got me wondering - what if there was a super angsty AU fic where all this was Claire inside her head? A dream, a hallucination..? Maybe she was seeing his ghost and hallucinated the rest around it to make it make sense?
Not a fan of what they've done to Madame Jeanne's character, she's a bit of a harpy and I don't remember that from the books. I loooooved the 'hoors though, that scene vies for my fave scene of the episode (admittedly it had numerous scenes as competition). So hilarious, love the facial expressions and the nether mouth line was brilliant and so well delivered.
Was Claire being choked or grabbed by the face in the last scene? Hard to tell with the lighting. My eyes say grabbed, but my ears (that noise Claire makes) say choked. Just, you know, for interests' sake. To distract me for gratuitous rape threats (the one bloody gratuitous scene in the whole episode!).
Overall, I liked it, job well done!
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atvrvxia · 1 year
to those that have hbo, can y’all send me a list of your recommended tv shows? i’ve finished the white lotus and i’ve got succession on my list. but i kinda wanna know what else is good to watch?
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