#⌜ *¨*•.¸ hijirikawa mai┊🇨 🇭 🇪 🇷 🇷 🇾    🇧 🇱 🇴 🇸 🇸 🇴 🇲 ⌟
blueesnow · 3 months
(3/6) Hijirikawa Masato's Private Story [Utapri Live Emotion]
Ch 1: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 6 with Masato)
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-Shining Agency Dorm's Living Room- Masato: Oh, Nanami. What a coincidence. Are you on your day off today? Haruka: Yeah, I came here to return the materials that I borrowed before. Are you also on your day off too, Hijirikawa-san? Masato: Yeah. Since the wheather looks nice I thought I'd go outside today. I'm thinking of going to those events at the park. Masato: If you're okay with it, do you want to go with me? I've heard there were also markets and music events too. Haruka: Wow…that looks so fun! I want to go. Masato: Thank you. I've had a feeling you would say that. Well then, let's head out. -Park- Masato: Paintings and lacquerware, clothing and accessories…there were also food and beverage stall too. It seems like there's a lot of stalls being set up here. Haruka: There also seems to be a lot of handmade stalls too. Oh, look at that! There are a lot of cute accesories lined up. Masato: Oh, I think it might be a good idea as a gift for my little sister. If you don't mind can you tell me which one are you interested in? (choices) <How about cookies?> Haruka: Hmm… how about icing cookies? Not only does it look pretty, but it also looks delicious too. Masato: Indeed, these cookies were made with so much attention on the details. Look, there's even a pattern on the edge of it. Masato: Look at how delicate it is. As if it was painted with a paintbrush. How beautiful… <Accessory might be a good idea> Haruka: Beaded accessories are beautiful in my opinion! Look, something like this. It's cute isn't it. Masato: Accessory, huh. Certainly these color seems to be her favorite. Masato: I'm not that knowledgeable about fashion, so your opinion might helped. (back to story) Masato: However all of them are so fascinating, I'm troubled which one to choose… Haruka: Why don't we take a look around a bit more while we're here. Oh, how about that stall over there? Masato: Hm, that's…!
Ch 2: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 11 with Masato)
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-Park- Haruka: It's an amigurumi*, aren't they all cute? Masato: They look very well made. There's the rabbit one, a bear… Oh, they also have an owl too. Masato: Alright I've decided, let's go for an amigurumi for her next present. I think it might be a good idea if I could also make a hat or other accessories that goes along well with it. Haruka: Wow, that's so lovely! I'm sure your little sister will be very happy. Masato: It's all thanks to you for finding it for me. I'm very grateful. Haruka: Oh no, I didn't do much… Eh, a cheering sound? You can also hear the sound of instruments too! Masato: Looks like they're holding a concert on that special stage next door. Let's go and check it out. - Masato: Oh they're actually a band consisting of students from a nearby school. It seems they're also selling CDs of their original songs too. Masato: Although their singing and performance is a bit rough around the edges, but you can definitely feel no hesitation on the messages they're trying to convey. There's something in it that resonates within your heart. Haruka: Yes, the way they play feels like they can't help but just enjoy themselves in music. Somehow it reminds me of us back then. Masato: Perhaps the teachers and seniors felt the same way too when they saw us back at the academy. Masato: Although we were still technically and mentally inexperienced, we all had strong aspirations born out of our love for music. Haruka: That's right… It's because I met Hijirikawa-san and everyone that I'm here right now. Masato: I felt the same way too. Maybe their performance here could actually change someone's future too. Masato: …As a matter of fact, I've also had a fateful encounter too that changed my whole life a long time ago.
*: Amigurumi (編みぐるみ) is a Japanese art form that involves crocheting or knitting small, stuffed, yarn creatures or objects.
Ch 3: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 21 with Masato)
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-Park- Haruka: Hijirikawa-san's fateful encounter…? Masato: Yeah. It happened back from before I entered the academy, and you could say that it was an encounter that can be considered a turning point in my life. Masato: If it weren't for that miraculous day, there's probably no chance of me choosing an entertainment industry as my path. Masato: It was all thanks to that person that I am now able to move forward without any hesitation. Masato: And then, if I could become an idol who shines bright someday, I might be able to return the favor to them. Haruka: Hijirikawa-san… Masato: Though I wonder if the current me now is even worthy of being such a bright example as of that… Haruka: Hijirikawa-san is already shining bright. So much that just staring at you would blind my eyes away. Masato: …Thanks, Nanami. Hearing your words gives me a lot of confidence. Haruka: Likewise, thank you for letting me listen to that wonderful story. Haruka: Once again I was reminded that I, too, want to bring the music that I love to as many people as possible. Masato: You're right. I also want to deliver more of my feelings through music too. Masato: I will have to work even more harder so that I can perform a sound that will change even fate. Haruka: Fufu, I will use the inspiration I received here today in my songwriting as soon as I return home. Masato: I'm glad that this is worth your time. Let's go out together again just like this sometime.
Ch 4: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 31 with Masato)
Ch 5: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 41 with Masato)
Ch 6: (unlocked if you reached intimacy lvl 51 with Masato)
29 notes · View notes
fictional-birthdays · 4 months
Happy Birthday, Cyan Hijirikawa! (Show By Rock!!)
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deciessomnia · 1 year
tag dump
Uta no Prince-sama :: Request Only Muses
🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. tokiya ichinose ⊱ hoshikuzu ☆ shall we dance 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. masato hijirikawa ⊱ snow ballade 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. natsuki shinomiya ⊱ moon rain 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. syo kurusu ⊱ let's start our first love again 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. eiji otori ⊱ just you 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. nagi mikado ⊱ cosmically cute idol 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. shion amakusa ⊱ lyrical poetry 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. eiichi otori ⊱ LIFE~with thanks~ 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. camus ⊱ melting of snow
🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. satsuki shinomiya ⊱ genuis composer
🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. mai hijirikawa ⊱ hijirikawa's little princess 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. kotomi aijima ⊱ queen of agnapolis 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. renge jinguji ⊱ mother dearest 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. seiichiro jinguji ⊱ president of jinguji group 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. ryuu jinguji ⊱ middle jinguji son 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. ihy aijma ⊱ king of agnapolis 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. ryuya hyuuga ⊱ idol / teacher 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. touma hyuuga ⊱ 3rd hyuuga son 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. makoto hyuuga ⊱ 4th hyuuga son 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. ume kurosaki ⊱ ranmaru's younger sister 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. hana kotobuki ⊱ reiji's older sister 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. daiku yajima ⊱ composer 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. haruki mori ⊱ composer 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. raging 'moretsu' otori ⊱ raging entertainment president 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. shining 'mitsuo' saotome ⊱ shining entertainment president
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shiningwonderland · 6 months
Otoya Ittoki (Repeat)
Translator: Mae (Twitter: itoshikimaegirl)
Proofreader: Raz (Twitter: agnadance)
Editor: Aoi (Twitter: AoiTsukihime)
QA: Rei (Twitter: wolfe_raine)
November — Analyse Going Nowhere
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After the festival, the school was closed for three days. Today is my first day back since then.
Haruka Nanami: … Good morning.
Tomochika Shibuya: Good morning, Haruka.
Natsuki Shinomiya: Good morning, Nanami-san.
Masato Hijirikawa: Good morning… …? What’s this? You seem unwell. 
Haruka Nanami: Oh, I-I’m fine. I’m just a little tired…
Back then…
At the school festival… Otoya-kun tried to kiss me. And then…
I pushed him away with all my strength. The thought that he might hate me now… is a little scary.
It’s been on my mind for days, even keeping me from being able to sleep. I’ve been trying to consider what would be best for Otoya-kun and myself…
Do I… Maybe I like Otoya-kun romantically…?
On and on,  my thoughts swirled around until I wasn’t sure what to think anymore.
After the school festival, we didn’t have any contact with each other.
Before the stage performance, we said that we would kick off the festival and then have a meeting after to reflect on how we did. 
Now I’m worried we’ll be too nervous to meet up.
I wonder how I should act when I see him again.
Natsuki Shinomiya: Oh, that’s right. I saw your performance! You both looked wonderful.
Haruka Nanami: T-thank you very much.
Masato Hijirikawa: Mm. Adding a dialogue exchange in the middle was a rather nice touch too. 
That part where I messed up a little, is that what they thought it was?
Masato Hijirikawa: However, it would be good if you worked on your vocalization and enunciation a bit more. 
Masato Hijirikawa: Even if you don’t plan to perform onstage in the future, it would be easier to convey your ideas to vocalists if you have a certain level of singing ability.
Masato Hijirikawa: The earlier you begin, the better, especially when it comes to vocalization. Tsukimiya-sensei said that whether you can build a foundation in your teens or not makes all the difference later on. 
Haruka Nanami: Right. … I’ll do my best.
Tomochika Shibuya: Now that you mention it, Ringo-chan seems to struggle with vocalizing well, huh? 
Natsuki Shinomiya: Ringo-sensei must have slacked off when he was a student.
Otoya Ittoki: Mornin’!
Natsuki Shinomiya: Good morning.
Masato Hijirikawa: Morning.
Tomochika Shibuya: G’morning! 
Haruka Nanami: Eh… um… g-good morning…
I can’t face Ittoki-kun properly, so I turn my face away.
Otoya Ittoki: Morning! Haruka. Hey, why are you looking away?
Haruka Nanami: That’s…
Otoya Ittoki: Is it ‘cause you don’t like me?
He leans in, closer and closer.
His face being so close makes me blush—it reminds me of how we almost kissed.
Haruka Nanami: That’s not… true… exactly. But…
Otoya Ittoki: But what? Actually, are you still thinking about “that”?
Haruka Nanami: That… that’s…
Natsuki Shinomiya: … Huh? What’s going on? Things feel a bit off between you.
Masato Hijirikawa: Did something happen at the school festival? If you’re troubled, you can talk to me about it.
Masato Hijirikawa: I may not be of much help, but I think I could at least offer some advice as a friend.
Otoya Ittoki: How to say this… At the school festival, I got a little overexcited. I tried to kiss her and she ran away…
Haruka Nanami: Eh, u-um. You shouldn’t say it so casually!
Otoya Ittoki: Eh? I shouldn’t? But that’s what happened…
Masato Hijirikawa: Ittoki… Come here for a moment. I need to talk to you.
Hijirikawa-sama grabs Ittoki-kun’s shoulder firmly.
Otoya Ittoki: Eh… um… Wait… Masa, that look is terrifying…
Masato Hijirikawa: Just come here!
At last, Ittoki-kun surrenders and allows himself to be dragged away by Hijirikawa-sama. 
Tomochika Shibuya: Masayan is the type who stays cool when he’s upset. Those types are always scary when they get angry.  
When they return after a few minutes, Otoya-kun’s face is pale. … I wonder what happened to him. 
Ringo Tsukimiya: Good morning, everyone~ Come on, hurry and take your places. 
Tsukimiya-sensei arrives and everyone takes their seats. 
But… There’s a noticeable amount of empty seats. Maybe people got sick after the school festival…
Ringo Tsukimiya: … Ah… Oh my, seeing it like this, the numbers have dwindled a lot.
Ringo Tsukimiya: As some of you may know, during the school festival, a student who was breaking the no-love rule was discovered by Shiny… The principal detained them.
Ringo Tsukimiya: The student was judged as a serious offender and consequently expelled. 
Murmur. Murmur, murmur. 
The classroom erupts in turmoil.
Ringo Tsukimiya: Alright, alriiight. Settle down~ See, you all may underestimate how strict the no-love rule is, but…
Ringo Tsukimiya: It’s an absolute decree from the principal. No one in this school, no—no one in this industry—can stand in opposition to him.
Ringo Tsukimiya: So, please. Please do not put yourself in the line of fire. 
If you fall in love, you’ll be expelled from the academy. It’s something I’ve heard about many times. Even the principal has said it…
But… I still can’t believe someone was actually expelled. 
Classmates who were laughing here a week ago are gone now. They must have had dreams of their own.
Haruka Nanami: Sensei!
Ringo Tsukimiya: Hm? What is it, Haru-chan?
Haruka Nanami: What exactly did the people who were expelled do?
Whoosh. The class seems to gasp in unison.
H-huh? Did I say something funny?
Select the Phrase!
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ダメ・・・・・・でしょうか? Did I… say something wrong? (+5 Love +10 Music)
Ringo Tsukimiya: Specifics… that’s a pretty daring question. But, very well. I’ll tell you. 
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す、すみません。P… pardon me. (+0 Love +0 Music)
Ringo Tsukimiya: You’re fine, Haru-chan. “It might be me in the future,” right? I’d want to know too.
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どうしても知りたくて。I’d really like to know. (+10 Love +5 Music)
Ringo Tsukimiya: Quite the enthusiastic one, aren’t you? I wonder if you’re in love too? Hehehe. But, alright, I’ll answer your question.
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Ringo Tsukimiya: Well, there’s been a variety of behaviors, but I think one of the most obvious ones was the kids who were kissing in the garden.
Ringo Tsukimiya: Even though they were caught the moment they kissed, they tried to smooth things over which only incurred Shiny's wrath.
Ringo Tsukimiya: Well, it did seem like some students got off with just a suspension, but it’s up to Shiny in the end. 
Ringo Tsukimiya: There aren’t any hard and fast rules, exactly. It’s just up to Shiny and whatever suits his whim at the time. 
Ringo Tsukimiya: Well, I understand getting passionate during events, but please look after yourselves. 
“Alright.” The class rings out in agreement, bowing their heads obediently. 
Select the Phrase!
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気をつけよう。I’ll be careful (+5 Love +10 Music)
I don’t want to get expelled…
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やっぱり恋愛はいけない。It’s true—it’d be bad to fall in love (+0 Love +0 Music)
I… have to avoid falling in love with him…
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なんで恋愛はダメなんだろう Why can’t we fall in love? (+10 Love +5 Music)
Thinking on it, I don’t really know the reason.
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Otoya Ittoki: I’m really sorry!
During lunchtime, Otoya-kun came to my seat, put his hands on the desk, and bowed.
Haruka Nanami: Huh…?
Otoya Ittoki: I wasn’t thinking. I’ll never do anything like that again.
Haruka Nanami: Um…
Tomochika Shibuya: Hey, just what did you do to him?
Masato Hijirikawa: Nothing much. I simply instructed him on how to treat women and girls. 
Masato Hijirikawa: I also scolded him and told him not to be careless when bringing up his love life, since there’s the no-love rule.
Tomochika Shibuya: Well… I guess anything’s fine if it makes things less awkward…
Haruka Nanami: U-um… I’m… also sorry… for running away. 
Otoya Ittoki: No, it was all my fault. Um, so…
Otoya Ittoki: I’d appreciate if we could just go back to normal, without making it a big deal.
Haruka Nanami: Yeah!
Haruka Nanami: Ah, but… Um, romance is off limits… If you upset the principal, you’ll get expelled…
Haruka Nanami: I really want to see you become an idol, Otoya-kun…
Otoya Ittoki: Right, thanks. I’m happy you feel that way.
I wondered what would happen after the other day, but I’m glad things seem back to normal.
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After school, Otoya-kun called Tomo-chan and I—and then Hijirikawa-sama and Shinomoya-san—to the rooftop. 
Otoya Ittoki: Oh, nice. You guys actually showed up. 
Tomochika Shibuya: Of course we come when called, but we don’t exactly have a ton of free time, so if this is for something trivial, I’m gonna be mad.
Otoya Ittoki: It’s not trivial at all! I’m super serious.
Natsuki Shinomiya: It's something serious? 
Masato Hijirikawa: That’s enough preamble. State your business.
Otoya Ittoki: Right. Hang on. So, we know there’s a no-love rule, but aren’t you curious why the principal made that rule?
Haruka Nanami: What…?
Otoya Ittoki: … I mean. We’re going to be singing a lot of songs about love and romance.
Otoya Ittoki: They always tell us that we should be singing with all our hearts, that we should put our feelings and souls into our songs in order to try and convey our visions and emotions. 
Otoya Ittoki: But… if I become a professional and sing about love and romance without knowing anything about them, I know I won’t be able to reach the audience.
Otoya Ittoki: But even so, the principal is dead-set on banning “love” at this school. It’s completely ridiculous!
Tomochika Shibuya: Maybe so, but… He’s the one who made the decision. There’s no way we can reason with him.
Otoya Ittoki: But if he feels so strongly about it, there must be a reason, right? That’s what I want to find out.
Otoya Ittoki: I love singing… and, just until a little while ago, I was happy as long as I was able to sing. But… that’s not enough. I’d like to be able to express myself and convey my thoughts properly.
Otoya Ittoki: I believe that songs can convey what words or music on their own cannot. 
Otoya Ittoki: I guess I just want people to know who I am. I’m here. This is the person I am. 
Otoya Ittoki: I want to be able to convey myself through song. If I remove “love” from who I am right now, I think I’ll definitely turn into a boring version of myself. 
Haruka Nanami: That won’t happen. You’ve always sparkled from the first time I met you.
Otoya Ittoki: Really? Then don’t I sparkle even more now? I’m really happy right now. If I lost the love I feel, I’d be half as charming. For sure.
Otoya Ittoki: I don’t want that. I want to sing about myself with all my might. I want to put my feelings of love and affection into my songs. 
Otoya Ittoki: I want to shout “this is me!” I want to be accepted as I am.
Otoya Ittoki: In order to do that, I have to do something about the no-love rule.
Haruka Nanami: Otoya-kun…
Otoya Ittoki: That’s why… I just wanted to ask for your guys’ help.
When Otoya-kun says that, we all look at each other.
Masato Hijirikawa: Still, the person we’re up against is the principal of Saotome Academy. 
Natsuki Shinomiya: It might be quite difficult, huh…
Tomochika Shibuya: What about you? Do you want to find out? Or do you want to let it lie?
Tomo-chan turns and asks me.
Tomochika Shibuya: If one were the principal’s age, you might just take the stance from the time that “idol’s shouldn’t fall in love.” 
Tomochika Shibuya: Wanna risk it all to find out?
Select the Phrase!
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音也くんが知りたいなら。If Otoya-kun wants to know… (+20 Love +0 Music)
Otoya Ittoki: For me…? Ah, what the heck, I’m really happy. Thanks, Haruka.
Tomochika Shibuya: Yeah, yeah, your relationship is great, we get it.
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それほどでも…………。Not that much… (+0 Love +0 Music)
Otoya Ittoki: Eh, really…?
Haruka Nanami: I think the principal must have considered it deeply. But… I guess I might want to know…
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私も知りたいかも。I kind of want to know too (+10 Love +0 Music)
Haruka Nanami: I think the principal must have his own reasons. 
Haruka Nanami: However, I don’t think it’s right to blindly follow him without knowing what those are. 
Otoya Ittoki: I thought you’d say that. Thanks.
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Otoya Ittoki: As for our official strategy: first, I’m going to ask the principal directly.
Otoya Ittoki: While I’m doing that, I want you guys to ask the other teacher or anyone who knows about the principal’s past. 
Otoya Ittoki: I’m certain the principal must have failed in a romantic relationship in the past. That’s why he’s so against it. I’m begging you guys. 
Natsuki Shinomiya: Wow, a decoy strategy? It sounds kind of exciting. Okay. I’ll go along with it.
Masato Hijirikawa: Since you’re my friend and you’re asking with such urgency, of course I can’t refuse. Very well, I’ll help out however I can.
Tomochika Shibuya: Sheesh, I guess that’s it, then. I’ll give it all I’ve got!
Otoya Ittoki: You guys! Thank you!
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Otoya Ittoki: … Let’s go. Okay?
Haruka Nanami: Right…
Afterwards, we had a brief strategy meeting, and it was decided that Hijirikawa-sama would ask Tsukimiya-sensei and Tomo-chan would ask Hyuga-sensei.
Then, Shinomiya-san heads to the library to research into the principal’s past while Otoya-kun and I distract him from interfering with anyone else. 
Knock knock.
Otoya-kun knocks on the door to the principal’s office. 
Shining Saotome: Occupied!
Otoya Ittoki: Occupied, I see—wait, this ain’t a bathroom stall! … Oh, well… Principal, I’m coming in!
The door opens with a creak.
Shining Saotome: HA HA HAAA~ I will answer your question!
Otoya Ittoki: What do you mean “answer?” I haven’t asked anything yet!
Shining Saotome: HA HA HA!! I know what students are thinking as well as the back of my hand!
Otoya Ittoki: …
Principal. By any chance, have you realized what we’re up to?
Shining Saotome: Hehehe. The title of school principal is no joooke!
Shining Saotome: BUT. It’s rude to ask a lady her age, you know. I cannot tell you what age is ME. I’m still a big idoool.
Otoya Ittoki: No, principal, you’re not a lady. Anyway, I don’t want to know the age of some old man to begin with.
Shining Saotome: OH. What a heartless thing to saaay! What would your parents look like if they heard that? 
Otoya Ittoki: You already know, don’t you? I don’t have parents.
Shining Saotome: … Yes, that’s true… I take it back. My apologies.
Huh? The principal, just now—he was speaking normally…
Otoya Ittoki: I’ll ask you flat-out! Why is love forbidden here?
Otoya Ittoki: We’re going to sing about love and romance without even knowing anything about it! It’s ridiculous! 
Shining Saotome: … It’s not ridiculous!
Otoya Ittoki: Answer me, old man!
Shining Saotome: Because it’s not allowed.
Otoya Ittoki: That’s not a good reason.
Shining Saotome: …
Is it just me, or… Principal, you don’t seem to be as spirited as usual. Why is that?
Shining Saotome: Without love, no songs can be born. No people can be born. But love…
Shining Saotome: Immature love only brings misfortune.
… Eh? The school principal is speaking normally!
Otoya Ittoki: Well, listen here. Is it bad to like someone? 
Otoya Ittoki: I want to do things for that person, and even smiling at them alone makes me happy. 
Otoya Ittoki: I want to do whatever I can for that person. Is that feeling also a sin?
Shining Saotome: If we regulate even the act of having feelings, there would be no more students! If it’s only the feeling, I’ll allow it. 
Shining Saotome: BUT dating is no good, no good, no good! Only feelings are allowed! Only one-sided love is allowed!
Shining Saotome: Even if you actually have feelings for each other, if you don’t confirm them, they will remain unrequited.
Otoya Ittoki: Like I said, what makes that so wrong? Wanting to be together forever, knowing that we both feel the same way.
Otoya Ittoki: I don’t want to deny my interest in others! It’s natural, isn’t it? Even you think so too, right, Principal? 
Shining Saotome: Feelings are not a sin. However, feelings that are too strong bring tragedy. 
Ah, the principal looks terribly sad again.
However, it’s only for a moment before his expression returns to normal.
Shining Saotome: HA HA HAAA~! That’s all I’ll say! Now, if you’d kindly, hurry up and get out of here.
Otoya Ittoki: What’s that? Aren’t you just dodging the question? I’m not going anywhere.
Otoya Ittoki: I just want to know why you’re so against love! You jerk!
Ittoki-kun pounds on the principal’s desk. A book that was sitting there falls down, sending a piece of paper floating to the ground.
Otoya Ittoki: Huh? That’s…
Ittoki-kun reaches for the letterhead by instinct. But…
Shining Saotome: Absolutely not, not, nooot!
The principal hurriedly grabs the paper and hides it behind his back. 
Shining Saotome: A-anyway! Sometimes it’s better not to know! Otoya-san, please take that to heart!
Ah... The principal just called Otoya-kun by his name. 
Shining Saotome: Never mind that and just get out of here! AND, if you try to look into ME, know that it’s use-use-useless! Kindly give it uuup.
The door closes as we’re ejected from the room.
Otoya Ittoki: Darn it!
Otoya-kun strikes the door with a loud thud.
Haruka Nanami: Um… Otoya… kun.
Otoya Ittoki: … What?
Haruka Nanami: Why are you so worked up about the principal?
Haruka Nanami: Besides just learning about the no-love rule, you seem like you want to know about him in particular, Otoya-kun.
Otoya Ittoki: … Earlier, I mentioned I don’t have parents.
Haruka Nanami: Yeah.
Otoya Ittoki: I don’t think my father was around when I was born and my mom died when I was very young. Honestly, I don’t remember much about them.
Otoya Ittoki: Just that… My mother used to sing to me. Apparently she was a person who loved singing… I don’t remember anything else.
Otoya Ittoki: The reason why I’ve been able to live well is because there was an older guy who’s been helping me from behind the scenes. 
Haruka Nanami: …
Otoya Ittoki: I never learned who exactly he was—I never met him.
Otoya Ittoki: I only… saw him through the window one day. I watched his back as he was leaving the orphanage. 
Otoya Ittoki: I thought that he had long legs. I also remember thinking his feet were big. I remember it well because he left footprints. 
Otoya Ittoki: Well. One time, I saw the principal on TV, and the way he looked from behind, he reminded me of that older guy in the moment. 
Haruka Nanami: The principal?
Otoya Ittoki: Yeah. But the old man is a very famous idol, so I told myself it couldn’t possible be true. Still, I wondered…
Otoya Ittoki: Besides, the principal was my mom’s favorite idol, so… I wanted to meet him no matter what.
Otoya Ittoki: I understand now. That man’s song was full of love. That’s why it ended up being such a hit. 
Oh, I think he means the song “For love…”
When the principal was an active idol, that song was a huge hit. It’s true that it’s an incredible song. I love it myself.
Otoya Ittoki: How could you not know love?! That old man… whenever I used to feel alone, I’d listen to his songs. 
Haruka Nanami: Really?
Otoya Ittoki: Yeah, sometimes I’d even cry while listening to it. It was my emotional support, that song. 
Otoya Ittoki: So, I thought… if I could sing too, I might be able to give someone else emotional support. Someone who needs it. 
Otoya Ittoki: Maybe I want to be needed by someone. Maybe I just want someone to look at me.
Haruka Nanami: Otoya-kun…
He’s probably been lonely for some time. 
Otoya Ittoki: Having an idea like becoming an idol is naive, sure. But I don’t regret choosing this path. 
Otoya Ittoki: I think it’s the best way for me to live my life. But since I’ve started, I’ve had a lot of hardship. 
Otoya Ittoki: I actually wanted to be an idol because of him, so that’s why I applied to this school. 
Otoya Ittoki: I obviously couldn’t afford the tuition, so I’m here on scholarship. If I don’t debut as an idol, I’ll be spending the next five years doing odd jobs around the agency. 
I… didn’t know that…
Otoya Ittoki: Anyway, that’s why I was so focused on him. I can’t believe he’s so determined to keep the no-love rule. 
Otoya Ittoki: I thought something must have happened to him. Something he’s been dragging behind him. 
Otoya Ittoki: Idols are in the business of selling dreams… Why does he say such a hollow thing? Isn’t that way too lonely?
Select the Phrase!
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やさしいね You’re rather kind (+10 Love +5 Music)
Haruka Nanami: You’re really kind, Otoya-kun. You’re worrying about the principal and trying to do something to help him. 
Otoya Ittoki: It’s not like that. I just wanted to do it. It was actually kind of selfish of me.
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うん Yeah (+10 Love +0 Music)
Haruka Nanami: I feel the same way. I hope the principal’s problem will be solved.
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愛情って大事だよね。Love is important (+20 Love +5 Music)
Haruka Nanami: Otoya-kun, you were lonely too. But, now you have everyone else. … and I’ll also be by your side. 
Otoya Ittoki: !!! Haruka. You always know exactly what I want to hear. 
His large hand cups my head. Feeling Otoya-kun’s warmth, I find myself wanting to be his support too.
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Afterward, we all meet back up in Otoya-kun’s room.
We deliberately chose to gather in the dorms because we were afraid we might be interrupted by the principal if we were inside the school
I wonder if it was a good idea to enter the boy’s dormitory…?
Otoya Ittoki: My roommate, Tokiya, said he’s going to be late today, so we can talk as long as we want. So, how’d it go? Did you guys find anything?
Natsuki Shinomiya: Shining Saotome. Real name: unknown. Height: 6’6”. Weight: 220 lbs. 
Natsuki Shinomiya: His debut single, “For Love…” was a massive hit, selling 20 million copies. His career up to that point is a mystery. That’s what I found.
Masato Hijirikawa: In short, everything aside from basic information is unknown…
Natsuki Shinomiya: … That’s right.
Masato Hijirikawa: Well, it was the same on my end. A few years ago, another student also tried to find out more about the principal’s past, just like Ittoki.
Haruka Nanami: What happened…?
Masato Hijirikawa: That student disappeared from not only the school but from the entire industry.
Masato Hijirikawa: “If you want to be an idol, don’t look into Shining Saotome’s past.” That’s what seems to be the unspoken rule in this industry.
Tomochika Shibuya: Yeah, same here. I was told not to ask about the principal.
Tomochika Shibuya: However! I was undeterred. I did a little digging and found some info.
Haruka Nanami: What kind…?
Tomochika Shibuya: Well, I heard that the school principal used to have someone precious. But remember, it’s just a rumor. Still…
Tomochika Shibuya: I heard that, even now, a large amount of his money is transferred to a private account periodically. Though, it might just be some kind of donation…
Tomochika Shibuya: The rumors say he might have a mistress or an illegitimate child.
Masato Hijirikawa: But isn’t Saotome supposedly a bachelor? Why not make her his wife instead of keeping her as a mistress?
Natsuki Shinomiya: Now that you say that, that would make sense, hm.
Tomochika Shibuya: Since it’s a rumor, take it with a grain of salt. I mean, the school principal has been single for a long time, right?
Tomochika Shibuya: Maybe it’s because he’s been single for a while that he’s envious of couples? 
Otoya Ittoki: No way! The principal isn’t like that. That’s not the kind of guy he is…
In the end, we can’t reach a real conclusion. Realizing that it would probably be better not to pry into the principal’s past any further, our classmates decide to let sleeping dogs lie.
And having decided that, they head back to their rooms.
Otoya Ittoki: Wait… Just a lil longer. That’s okay, right?
Haruka Nanami: Y… yeah.
I’m the only one Otoya-kun stops from leaving.
Otoya Ittoki: Remember that piece of paper that fell out when I hit the principal’s desk earlier?
Haruka Nanami: Huh…?
Otoya Ittoki: Actually, I wasn’t sure if I should tell you guys or not…I’m a little concerned about something…
Haruka Nanami: What are you concerned about?
Otoya Ittoki: I only caught a glimpse for a second, so maybe I’m wrong…
Otoya Ittoki: It was an old letterhead, and written in a woman’s writing: I want your dream to come true. Become a pro for sure.
Otoya Ittoki: It said something like that. At the end, it was signed like “I’m really sorry. All the best, Kotomi.” 
Otoya Ittoki: My actual mother… She was called Kotomi. … Is this a coincidence?
Haruka Nanami: EH?!
Otoya Ittoki: If my mother is related to the principal in some way, he might know something about my father. 
Otoya Ittoki: But I don’t know how to bring it up, ugh…
Saying that, Otoya-kun sighs sadly.
Otoya Ittoki: Sorry. I’ve kept you too long. I just wanted to tell you. 
Haruka Nanami: It wasn’t any trouble. Thank you for talking to me. Um… Otoya-kun… are you okay?
When I see his anxious expression, I feel worried.
Otoya Ittoki: If I say I’m not okay, will you stay with me until morning?
Select the Phrase!
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はい、でも恋愛禁止令が・・・・・・。Yes, but the no-love rule….  (+20 Love +0 Music)
Otoya Ittoki: Sorry. That was a lie. I’m kidding. But it’s true that I want to stay with you.
Haruka Nanami: U-um… Er… I want to stay with you too. So, if it’s just for a while…
When I say that, Otoya-kun gently takes my hand and smiles.
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あの・・・・・・少しだけなら。Um… just a little bit (+10 Love +0 Music)
Haruka Nanami: Er… I-if it’s just until Ichinose-san gets back. Here…
Otoya Ittoki: Yeah. That’s fine. I feel like being near you right now.
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朝まではさすがに・・・・・・。Until morning is a bit… (+0 Love +0 Music)
Haruka Nanami: B-but… Since I want to be with you too… So… that…
Haruka Nanami: I’ll stay until Ichinose-san… gets back…
When I say that, Otoya-kun smiles happily.
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Suddenly, Otoya-kun makes a serious face and looks into the middle distance.
Is he thinking about the school principal?
Otoya Ittoki: If he’s loved before, I wonder if the principal had a bitter experience with love in the past. That’s right—idols weren’t allowed to fall in love in those days.
Otoya Ittoki: But what if he fell in love anyway? And… what if he got his heart broken?
Otoya Ittoki: Yeah. No matter how firm a rule it is, the heart wants what it wants.
Otoya-kun mumbles as he rolls over to lie on his back.
Otoya Ittoki: … that makes sense, right?
Haruka Nanami: Eh…?
Otoya Ittoki: Maybe he just couldn’t stop himself… Wait, that’s it!
With a jolt, Otoya sits up.
Otoya Ittoki: In that case, it’ll be fine if I prove it! Never give up. There’s no thought that can’t be carried through!
Haruka Nanami: Otoya… kun?
From the side, Otoya’s face is full of confidence. He looks happy.
But, for some reason, my heart feels uneasy. 
I have a feeling that something terrible is going to happen in the future.
Still, if I’m with Otoya-kun, I feel like we can get over it together.
I gently place my hand on top of Otoya-kun’s.
Mini Game
Ringo Tsukimiya: Riiight. We’ll do a written test this time. Practical skills are important, but knowledge is important too, so do your best.
Ringo Tsukimiya: Studying doesn’t require much practice, so as long as you do your homework and reviews, you shouldn’t have any problems.
Ringo Tsukimiya: The format for the test is the same as before, but it might be a little harder than it was then.
Ringo Tsukimiya: Choose the correct answer from multiple choices. Now, begin!
S Rank
When I get to school the next morning, I find Otoya looking a bit down.
Seems he got a low score on his test.
Haruka Nanami: Um… cheer up… If you study hard, I’m sure you’ll get a better score.
Otoya Ittoki: Right, I’ve decided! Every day from now on, let’s come to class 30 minutes earlier! That way we can study together. 
Otoya Ittoki: If I study first thing in the morning while seeing your face, I’m sure I’ll be able to get a good score.
Haruka Nanami: Understood! I’ll start coming to school early tomorrow!
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Chapter End
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uta-no-fakku-sama · 5 months
i like the way your au tastes dear shitty admin. may i ask for its contents.
oh boy
i’d love to ramble on and one about my stupid ideas but like
this is overall a shitpost blog so i can’t go too in depth without looking weird, y’know?
you’re probably the only one who wants to know more about this and i think that’s cool because you’re like the second person who’s into this (i’m the first)
i decided to name this au thing after the made-up disease that’s causing all this
i called it sinner’s symphony
because this is utapri it has to be music-related
if you’ve heard of that one cesshi route in the games you can probably tell i very loosely based it off of that
with many tweaks to make it become this
i don’t really know if i can really explain all my thoughts and ideas properly other than just showing off some of my notes like
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all these
so not only do we have brother trauma, we also have schrodinger’s infected and whatever cecil aijima has going on here with us
other points of note include otoya losing an eye, ai turning himself into a killing machine to guarantee protection, literally satsuki, kaoru helping cesshi to make a cure, and mai hijirikawa because i couldn’t stand the thought of masato being distraught over mai getting hurt i need her alive and well
speaking of mai, how old do you think she is now?
i also have this short story idea that kinda acts as a sort of follow-up to yamato’s pov short story but instead it’s from the view of kira acting as a third party to eiichi and yamato
i have a good basis on what goes down in that story but i think the most i can reveal is the title and that is “today i buried my best friend’s brother”
i have so many thoughts i am so sorry everyone
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utapriyanderes · 3 years
Happy Halloween! (Harem AU: ST☆RISH Path)
Happy Halloween everyone! So before Halloween is officially over, I would like to offer everyone a treat~. It’s a new AU (because I just make new ones instead of continuing old ones) and I hope it’s to everyone’s liking. Though I have the ST☆RISH path here and ready right now for everyone! So, enjoy this introduction~!
~ ~ ~ ~     I feel myself slowly waking up from my dreamy haze. I move around in the warmth trapping me, hoping to go back into the world of dreams. Yet a noise of some sort in the room disrupts the quietness. Then some small hushed mumbles, causing me to stir. When I open my eyes I find the ceiling not to be my own...
    How I know it isn’t mine is by the light of the moon shining in through a big window. Still hearing some hushed words being passed around I try to stay as still as I can and close my eyes in hopes they don’t notice I’m awake. Then as though I’m asleep I turn onto my side.
    “They look so cute~! Can’t I go up and hug them?”
    “Don’t think about touching them, Shinomiya.”
    “Eh, but we’re sharing aren’t we? So isn’t it okay?”
    I can hear a conversation going on between two people. I continue to hold still, but can’t help but to shiver at the thought of being touched by someone I don’t know.
    “Shh, did you see that?” A tenor sounding male says between the conversation.
    “What? I didn’t see anything?” Another voice gets added to the group letting me know four people are in here.
    “Yes, they moved slightly.” I swear to myself in my head but also wonder how they could see me so clearly in the dark, but then I think of the moon shining in.
    “Maybe they shifted in their sleep?” I’m hoping they go with this.
    “Hmm, I think the little lamb is definitely awake~.” I don’t hear anything after that. I don’t know if they suddenly got way quieter or if they are going to kill me now that they know I was listening in. Though suddenly I feel a hot breeze touch the back of my neck, causing me to jolt.
    “So the little lamb is awake~,” his hot seductive voice is right next to my ear. I squeeze my eyes tighter and fold even more into myself, “P-Please, I’ll do anything, so please don’t hurt me.”
    I’m greeted with silence. Then someone yanks off the person beside me and takes his spot, “(Y/N), we don’t want to hurt you, we could never think of doing anything of the sort to you.”
    “Yes! We love you, our prince/princess!” I’m left speechless at these words, and the name he called me sounds familiar. I start to debate on whether I should open my eyes or just hope that this is just some crazy fever dream.
    “It’s alright (Y/N)! You don’t have to be scared of us!” I hesitate, but choose to look at my captors. When I open my eyes and sit up I’m completely surprised to find the group I adore to be right in front of me.
    “S-ST☆RISH?!” I can’t help but to let my jaw drop. Their voices, the things they said, and the name… How come I didn’t notice when they were speaking?
    “I’m so happy you remember us (Y/N)-chan!” Natsuki says to me with a beaming smile on his face. I look around to see all seven group members looking at me with a certain gaze in their eyes.
    “Now that you’re here with us you can see us everyday instead of us trying to make plans,” Tokiya tells me with a small smile dusting his lips.
    “Though I would still like to make plans if possible, little lamb. Since I do cherish our alone time together.” Ren moves to sit on the other side with me and comes into my personal space. I try not to stare directly into his eyes and try to move my attention elsewhere. Yet two hands grab me by the shoulders and pull me into a chest.
    “We can work on schedules later, but we should allow them to clean up and get dressed.” All of a sudden at Masato’s words I am conscious of how I look. I look down at my body and can see that I’m still wearing the pajamas I feel asleep in. This whole entire situation has been so odd that I forgot what I looked liked in front of these idols.
    “Then we shall allow them time to get ready. We’ll be right outside your door if you need us.” Cecil’s words leave me a bit uneasy knowing they will be right there. Though I watch as each of them leave the room with Masato going last. He looks as though he wants to stay, but eventually leaves with the rest of them.
    The first thing I do is turn on the lights. When I look around at the room I can see it is fit to my liking. Though I instantly wonder about the situation. Why did ST☆RISH kidnap me? They all love me supposedly, but I don’t think they ever showed it in any of our meetings? Except I guess it’s a good thing they aren’t planning on hurting me, but I guess that would be bad for their reputation if someone finds out about it.
    I move to go wash up, and continue my thoughts. Natsuki said earlier that they were sharing, and by that I can only assume it was me, but they didn’t even ask what I wanted. Then they also kidnapped me like this too. I was fine being by myself, and even if I did think about dating one of them, I never wanted it to be like this.
    Then after getting washed up, I go ahead and get dressed. Continuing my thoughts, I realize what I have to do. Since they aren’t planning on hurting me in any way… I just have to be smart enough to get out of this situation. Once I find a way to escape, I’m home free.
    As soon as I’m done and have my plan in order I go up towards the door and give a light knock before opening it.
    “Alright, so what should we do now?”
(To be continued.)
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hancfubuki · 4 years
@combatcontinent​ && shunmaru / s.c
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          “well, people often doubts the fact that i am the new head of the hijirikawa group. but who am i to blame them? i am very young after all.” 
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majihxpe · 4 years
Tag Dump #1 (Muses)
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melcdiam · 5 years
      Three... Two... One!!! 
   There went Mai running towards her onii-chama. The small girl tackled him with a hug accompanied by a small giggle. She looked up at him with a bright shining smile on her face. ❝Happy birthday onii-chama!❞ Mai laughed once more and gave Masato one last squeeze (or at least tried to) then she let go of him. She then pulled out a small gift and held it in both her hands up towards him.
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      ❝I hope you like it onii-chama~❞ she said with a brighter smile. Inside the small present would be a light snow blue handkerchief with Masato’s initials embroider into left hand corner of the cloth.
         🎵 » @universalcrossover​ &&. Masato
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uwugahh · 5 years
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Tokilock event is going to murder me so here is some cute drawing of masato and his sister.
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eikyuuxparadise · 4 years
tag dump
Since I forgot to do this, lol~ Part 1
🎤 ▸      ic. nanami haruka     `   goddess of music
🎤 ▸      ic. sumeragi kira     `   heavens silent angel 🎤 ▸      ic. mikado nagi     `   cosmically cute idol 🎤 ▸      ic. otori eiji     `   heavens voice of reason 🎤 ▸      ic. kiryuin van     `   heavens big brother 🎤 ▸      ic. hyuuga yamato     `   heavens strongest 🎤 ▸      ic. amakusa shion     `   heavens poet 🎤 ▸      ic. otori eiichi     `   heavens leader
🎤 ▸      ic. ittoki otoya     `   brand new melody 🎤 ▸      ic. ichinose tokiya     `   hoshikuzu ☆ shall we dance 🎤 ▸      ic. kurusu syo     `   let's start our first love again 🎤 ▸      ic. hijirikawa masato     `   a true melody sings who's my beloved 🎤 ▸      ic. jinguji ren     `   from love to love... and to the future 🎤 ▸      ic. aijima cecil     `   ☆ light ☆ night
🎤 ▸      ic. hijirikawa mai     `   masato's little sister 🎤 ▸      ic. shibuya tomochika     `   fashionista and idol 🎤 ▸      ic. jinguji renge     `   former idol and mother 🎤 ▸      ic. aijima kotomi     `   queen of agnapolis and mother 🎤 ▸      ic. kotobuki hana     `   reiji's older sister 🎤 ▸      ic. kurosaki ume     `   ranmaru's younger sister
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mune-no-koi · 6 years
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Uta Has Nose Sama
I'm so sorry about this, it was a good idea at the time but it's just too derpy not to laugh at.
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masatos-wig · 6 years
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masa tposing at you at 3am in his yukata wyd
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shiningwonderland · 1 year
Masato Hijirikawa (Repeat)
Translator: Boo (Twitter: masatoswife)
Proofreader: Rei (Twitter: wolfe_raine)
Editors: Mae (Twitter: itoshikimaegirl), Terry (Twitter: turtlemudge)
QA: Rei (Twitter: wolfe_raine)
May — Knight of Vocalist
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As we enter May, I’ve pretty much gotten used to this school.
Just before homeroom, I listened back to the composition I wrote...
Back when I made it, I thought I did the best I could, but when I listen to it now, I feel like there are some things I’d like to fix.
Haruka Nanami: Hmm… As I thought, listening to it now, it’s not good enough...
Masato Hijirikawa: Hm? Nanami. What are you listening to?
Haruka Nanami: Ehm… I was listening to the composition I submitted at the time of the entrance exam. I thought I could use it as a reference for when I write something new.
Masato Hijirikawa: ...Your composition…? Would you mind letting me listen to it as well?
Haruka Nanami: Ah, not at all. Here you go. It’s a bit embarrassing, though…
I handed my headphones to Hijirikawa-sama.
He closed his eyes and silently listened to my composition.
…I...I wonder what he thinks of it. Ba-bump, ba-bump.
I can’t really tell if it’s good or bad based on Hijirikawa-sama’s expression.
Then, he finished listening and slowly opened his eyes.
I-it probably wasn’t that good after all...
Masato Hijirikawa: …Ah, it’s a wonderful piece. It touches my heart.
As he said that, he returned the headphones to me.
Haruka Nanami: T-that’s…
Masato Hijirikawa: I like it, at least. Listening to it causes me to feel warm. Please be more confident.
Haruka Nanami: I will, thank you so much!
Ringo Tsukimiya: Alriiight! Everyone, feeling good~? Let’s do our best today~! Homeroom is startiiing~!
Haruka Nanami: Okay!
Then, in that moment…
Shining Saotome: This is suddeeen, but the ‘Idol Reinforcement Training of Hell’ is starting nooow!
Suddenly, the principal's voice started emanating from the classroom speaker.
Ringo Tsukimiya: I see... So we will be doing it after all...
Haruka Nanami: ‘It’...?
Ringo Tsukimiya: Whatchamacallit. Ahaha~! The ‘Idol Reinforcement Training of Hell’ is a tradition at this school.
Select the Phrase!
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どんな実習なんですか? What kind of training is it? (+0 Love +15 Music)
Ringo Tsukimiya: Ehehe~ Wait till you see it… Now, let’s hurry and head to the auditorium! A wonderful event is beginning!
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Ringo Tsukimiya: Oh? How strange... Shiny isn’t here…
Even though we all gathered in the auditorium, there was no principal on the stage.
Otoya Ittoki: Is he gonna fall from the sky again?
Masato Hijirikawa: We cannot deny the possibility.
However, there are no signs of the ceiling opening.
Shining Saotome: HA HA HAAA~!
The door on the opposite side of the stage opened and the principal appeared.
Otoya Ittoki: That was surprisingly normal.
Masato Hijirikawa: No… Do not lower your guard yet.
Natsuki Shinomiya: I’m excited!
Shining Saotome: TOOOH!
Aiming for the stage, the principal ran and launched himself from downstage in one go.
He jumped up high, showing off three impressive mid-air somersaults and meaning to land on the platform…
But in his attempt, he smashed his head into the edge of one of the stage tiers and collapsed on the spot, not moving at all.
Haruka Nanami: Ouch… That looked painful…
Blood flowed rapidly from the principal’s head, creating a pool of blood right where he fell.
Otoya Ittoki: This time he’s really dead, right? If he’s still alive after that, he’s gotta be a monster…
Masato Hijirikawa: I don’t think so… If it is him we are talking about, he's probably…
At that moment...
The principal got up as if nothing happened, and...
Shining Saotome: HA HA HAA~ We will now begin the ‘Idol Reinforcement Training of Hell!’
...declared this with a loud voice.
Otoya Ittoki: He may act like he’s fine, but his forehead is broken for sure. Blood is spouting out with amazing force...
Masato Hijirikawa: …I would prefer he at least staunch the blood.
Despite all our worries, the principal proceeded smoothly.
Shining Saotome: Everyone will form a pair with their partner and search for the ‘Idol Endorsement’ while one of you princess-carries the otherrr!
Otoya Ittoki: Heeey, questiooon! What is the ‘Idol Endorsement?’
Shining Saotome: YOUUU’ll understand when you seee!
Masato Hijirikawa: Why princess carrying?
Shining Saotome: One who is an idol has to be a woman’s knight at any given time! Princess carrying is a necessity in order to learn that iron rule.
Masato Hijirikawa: However, this school has an overwhelming amount of male idols as well as male composers.
Masato Hijirikawa: I think there are more men partnering with each other, rather than men with women.
Shining Saotome: There will be male pairs as well. It’ll just be faaanservice.
Shining Saotome: However, any team that cannot keep up the princess carry will be disqualified immediately!
Otoya Ittoki: Whoa... A guy holding another guy princess-style… That’s a sight I wouldn’t really want to see…
Shining Saotome: Then, let me show you an example! Ringo-saaan! Ryuya-saaan!
Ringo Tsukimiya: Of course~!
Ryuya Hyuga: Geez, so troublesome…
Even though he said that, Hyuga-sensei picked up Tsukimiya-sensei with a practiced hand.
Ringo Tsukimiya: Aha, as strong as ever~!
While saying so, Tsukimiya-sensei wrapped his hands around Hyuga-sensei’s neck.
Ryuya Hyuga: Quiet. I’ll drop you.
Ringo Tsukimiya: Nooo~! You’re so mean~!
Tsukimiya-sensei, who looks as cute as a girl, and the cool Hyuga-sensei.
Their princess carry is as wonderful as in a movie scene.
Ringo Tsukimiya: Girls, wrap your hands firmly around the gentleman’s neck like this. Otherwise, you’ll fall!
Ringo Tsukimiya: Now, please try for yourself!
Even though Tsukimiya-sensei prompted us to do so, the male pairs were either resistant or so unstable that they fell down.
And so, almost all people lost their eligibility.
Ringo Tsukimiya: Ah? There are only these few left? What do we do, Shiny~?
Shining Saotome: Hmmm... This is no fun. YOU over there, pair up!
The principal started pointing his fingers as he saw fit.
Syo Kurusu: Eh? M-me? Well, my partner’s recovering from a cold today, but… Why do I have to pair up with this guy...?
Natsuki Shinomiya: Ehehe~ My partner is also absent today, so I thought it was a shame I couldn’t participate.
Natsuki Shinomiya: I’m happy that I can participate with Syo-chan.
Shinomiya-san gently picked up Syo-kun, whom he shares a dorm room with.
Natsuki Shinomiya: Whoa, Syo-chan is so light!
Syo Kurusu: I-idiot! Stop it, put me down!
Natsuki Shinomiya: This is useless, Syo-chan. If you keep kicking around, you’ll fall.
Syo Kurusu: Then put me down already!!
Syo-kun seemed to hate it, but... Shinomiya-san did not care at all.
Shining Saotome: HA HA HAAA~ Isn’t it just wonderful to get along…
Shining Saotome: I might as well pair up with someone too. HMMM! YOU give me good vibes!
Saying that, the principal picked up Ittoki-kun.
Otoya Ittoki: EH? W-WAIT… W-Why me!? Hey, someone he—!
Ittoki-kun’s face turned terribly pale.
Shining Saotome: There’s no use in arguing! Start the training, NOOOW!
The principal gathered strength to his feet, and just as I thought he was going to jump, he broke through the auditorium window and leaped outside.
Otoya Ittoki: WAAAH!!!
Masato Hijirikawa: …Ittoki… Please stay safe… Well, there is no point in staying here any longer. Let us begin moving as well.
As he said that, he looked at me.
Select the Phrase!
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よろしくお願いします. Let’s do our best. (+20 Love +0 Music)
Masato Hijirikawa: Likewise, let us do our best. Uhm… We will be in a state where we will be in constant physical contact, is that a problem for you?
Haruka Nanami: N-no, it’s okay. I’m the one who’s sorry you have to princess carry me the entire time…
Masato Hijirikawa: If that’s your concern, then it’s fine. As a man, one must be able to protect women and children at any possible time.
Masato Hijirikawa: It is the Hijirikawa family’s own tradition. I have been disciplined that way since childhood.
Haruka Nanami: I-I see…
W-what an amazing family…
Hijirikawa-sama lifted me up swiftly.
Haruka Nanami: W-waahh!
His face… is close… And besides that, he’s surprisingly strong.
He holds me up effortlessly, without staggering at all, giving off a sense of stability. He doesn’t appear to be feeling shy either, making him look very brazen.
Masato Hijirikawa: …You feel light. Have you been eating appropriately?
Haruka Nanami: I have... I’m okay.
Masato Hijirikawa: I see… It should be fine, in that case... However, since you are an adolescent, you may be worried about your appearance. Please ensure you take care of your physical condition.
Haruka Nanami: …I will.
Then, from nearby…
Rumbling footsteps.
A terribly loud noise could be heard as Jii-san hurried towards us.
Jii: YOUNG MASTEEER~! F-for you to be holding such a girl…
Jii: ...However, the young master looks very handsome princess-carrying someone, just as expected~
Jii: HAH?! I was enchanted for a moment. That’s not what I meant to say!
Jii: You shouldn’t be holding such a poor-looking girl… If you are going to participate in the training, it will be Jii princess-carrying you, as unworthy as I am!
Masato Hijirikawa: That will not be necessary. As long as no contingencies occur, we should pair up with our regular partners. Am I wrong?
Jii: B-but…! Holding this girl will taint your hands.
Masato Hijirikawa: Jii. That is disrespectful towards women. This woman is my treasured partner. Ridiculing her will not be forgiven.
Jii: ...My sincere apologies.
Masato Hijirikawa: Don’t worry about it, just step back. From here on, we are opponents. Now, if you will...
Jii: …Of course.
Scolded by Hijirikawa-sama, Jii-san dejectedly dropped his shoulders and left.
Haruka Nanami: U-uhm… Thank you.
Masato Hijirikawa: What for?
Select the Phrase!
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愚弄することは許さないって... You said you wouldn’t forgive him ridiculing me… (+20 Love +0 Music)
Masato Hijirikawa: As a matter of course. There is a limit to disrespect.
Masato Hijirikawa: You carry a natural sensibility with you. Eventually, you will become a splendid composer who writes thousands of masterpieces.
Masato Hijirikawa: That existence is by no means insignificant. Assessing such a person based on nothing but their status and family position would be shameful.
Masato Hijirikawa: I, at least, intend to learn your real value.
Masato Hijirikawa: In any case, since I have only stated what was obvious, there is no need to thank me.
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Then, we moved around the school, looking for the “Idol Endorsement.”
Masato Hijirikawa: Hmm. This is…
Hijirikawa-sama stopped in the middle of the hallway.
Haruka Nanami: What’s wrong?
Masato Hijirikawa: It seems like someone set up a trap. It is likely to be a pitfall…
At first glance, it felt like I was looking at a regular floor, but… now that he’s mentioned it, the color of the floor looks just slightly different. It’s incredible how Hijirikawa-sama saw through the trap.
Masato Hijirikawa: However, the fact there is a trap means there will be more ahead. Should we move forward, or should we return…?
Haruka Nanami: Let’s go on. I’m sure that if we went back, there’d be traps too.
Masato Hijirikawa: Though, you will be exposed to danger.
Haruka Nanami: I’ll be all right.
Masato Hijirikawa: I see… Then, I want you to hold on tight.
Haruka Nanami: …Okay.
I wrapped my hands around Hijirikawa-sama’s neck.
Masato Hijirikawa: That won’t do. Hold on tighter, strong enough that your face is closer. Can you try clinging onto me?
Haruka Nanami: I-I’ll try.
I strengthen my hold around his neck. Our cheeks are so close that they’re almost touching...
Ba-bump, ba-bump.
The sound of my heartbeat. I wonder if he can hear it…
Masato Hijirikawa: That is good enough… This will be… more stable.
Masato Hijirikawa: Here we go!
He spoke with a determined face and put his foot down.
His face looked so manly. It held a fearless strength.
Haruka Nanami: Yes!
On the floor was a mechanism designed to collapse if a certain amount of weight was applied.
But it looks like it will be able to endure if the weight is applied to it for only the slightest moment. If we just run fast enough, we can probably make it across somehow.
However, unlike normal conditions… Right now, Hijirikawa-sama is carrying me.
Masato Hijirikawa: HAAA—!
Nonetheless, Hijirikawa-sama sprints through the long hallway with a yell.
Masato Hijirikawa: Huff, huff, huff… We made it across somehow…
Having made it across the pitfall hallway, Hijirikawa-sama stands still to catch his breath.
Since he’d run at full speed, his breathing is rough and his forehead is covered in beads of sweat.
Haruka Nanami: …
I took my handkerchief from my pocket and gently wiped the sweat from Hijirikawa-sama’s forehead.
Masato Hijirikawa: Ah, I apologize.
Haruka Nanami: Don’t apologize, I just, uhm… Are you okay…? You’re sweating a lot…
After all, it’s tough to run while holding me…
Masato Hijirikawa: Heh. The real fight is yet to come. If this alone were enough to exhaust me, what would we have done now?
Masato Hijirikawa: Let us move forward!
Haruka Nanami: Yes!
Hijirikawa-sama’s foot touched a piano wire that was stretched across the floor.
In the next moment…
Arrows were shot from the walls on both sides.
Masato Hijirikawa: Look out!
Hijirikawa-sama instantly crouched down.
Masato Hijirikawa: Are you okay!? It hasn’t scraped you?
Haruka Nanami: Ah, it hasn’t. I’m fine.
Masato Hijirikawa: I see… That is a relief…
Hijirikawa-sama was genuinely worried about me...
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After that, we walked through a corridor where pachinko balls fell from above and came across things like a staircase with water flowing down like a waterfall.
We made it through various traps.
Masato Hijirikawa: It seems to be safe here. ...I apologize if you are feeling intimidated. Aren’t you feeling unwell?
Hijirikawa-sama’s complexion has worsened.
He made it through so many traps that he must be exhausted.
But I haven’t heard Hijirikawa-sama complain a single time.
Haruka Nanami: …I’m fine. More importantly, it is much harder on you...
Haruka Nanami: You, erm… moved so intensely while carrying me around… You must be exhausted…
Masato Hijirikawa: No, doing this much is nothing special. It is a knight’s duty to protect women. The principal said so as well, did he not?
Masato Hijirikawa: Moreover, you’re... uhm... as light as a feather.
Haruka Nanami: That’s not…true…
Then, suddenly…
Otoya Ittoki: WAAAH—!!!
Bursting through the hallway window, the principal and Ittoki-kun appeared.
Masato Hijirikawa: Argh…
Hijirikawa-sama instantly turned his back to the window, taking cover for me.
Whoosh. A piece of glass grazed my right hand.
Shining Saotome: HA HA HAAA~! The next part is over heeere!
Otoya Ittoki: WAHAAAH! Give me a break already!!
By the time I realized they’d appeared, the two were already all the way down the hallway.
Masato Hijirikawa: Ittoki… Please do not die…
Hijirikawa-sama stared after the principal and muttered something to himself.
Masato Hijirikawa: …Nanami, there’s blood…
Haruka Nanami: Ah, it’s fine. It’s just a little cut…
Masato Hijirikawa: I apologize, I was unable to protect you…
Haruka Nanami: D-don’t say that. It’s... not that big a deal... I just cut my finger.
Masato Hijirikawa: It is not ‘just’ a cut, that is beyond question. Because that finger of yours is not just like any other finger.
Masato Hijirikawa: In the future, many beloved masterpieces will be born from that finger. Therefore, I want you to please cherish it more.
Haruka Nanami: Ah, that’s right... I will be a burden to you if I can’t write songs...
Masato Hijirikawa: No, I meant no such thing… I apologize. It seems like my words lacked clarity…
Masato Hijirikawa: I am truly concerned about you.
Select the Phrase!
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心配していただくような者でわ... I’m not someone you should worry about… (+20 Love +0 Music)
Haruka Nanami: I’m not worthy of something like that.
Masato Hijirikawa: ...Don’t say such belittling things. I do not remember pairing up with someone who has no value.
Haruka Nanami: But, it was a lottery…
Masato Hijirikawa: Luck is an ability as well. Besides, I do not think I drew the short end of the stick.
Masato Hijirikawa: Good fortune was tied to the end of my thread. ...When I first listened to your composition, that was how I felt.
Masato Hijirikawa: It is as if your composition is mythical. Just how many songs on earth are there that allow you to experience ‘the world’ like your song did…?
Masato Hijirikawa: It was an evocative, touching piece of music… Would you call the person who created that ‘worthless?’
Masato Hijirikawa: If you do feel that way, then perhaps my sensibility is poor, for finding your song wonderful.
He thinks of me that way…? That makes me happy…
Haruka Nanami: Uhm… Thank you… I will do my best to gain confidence, little by little.
Masato Hijirikawa: …I apologize. I might have gone a little too far… Now, you require treatment. It would be tragic to leave a scar.
Then, when we went to a nearby classroom, Hijirikawa-sama continued to princess carry me as he sat down on a chair.
It’s inevitable, since we will be disqualified the moment he’s unable to carry me, but…
It’s a bit embarrassing.
While still carrying me, Hijirikawa-sama gently holds my hand and wipes the wound with disinfectant.
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Masato Hijirikawa: Though… This is the second time I have taken care of your injury since the entrance ceremony.
Haruka Nanami: A-ah, I’m sorry. I’m clumsy, so, uhm... I think I should be more careful, but…
Masato Hijirikawa: Please do take enough care of yourself. If you continue to get injured in the future, I won’t be able to help being concerned about you.
Masato Hijirikawa: In the unlikely event you injure yourself out of my sight, it will be beyond my power to save you. If it occurs too often, I will not allow my eyes to wander away from you.
He won’t allow his eyes to wander away… Does that… mean he’s worried about me?
Ah… What should I do? I’m so happy…
Even though I know I’m being an inconvenience…
Masato Hijirikawa: Hm? Is something wrong? Your face is red. Could it be… You have tetanus?
Haruka Nanami: I-I really don’t!!
Masato Hijirikawa: Are you certain? It is not a disease that develops immediately… Either way, we will head to the hospital as soon as your symptoms worsen. Understood?
Haruka Nanami: Yes…
Hijirikawa-sama’s words may be steadfast and commanding, but in the end, he’s worried about me. How sweet...
Haruka Nanami: Ow...
The disinfectant soaked into the wound, which made me frown a little.
Masato Hijirikawa: I apologize. Are you all right...? Did it hurt?
Haruka Nanami: Y-yeah, I’m fine.
Hijirikawa-sama’s face is so close that whenever he speaks, his breath brushes my ear…
Every time it happens, I startle a little and my body stiffens.
My heart is ringing like an alarm bell, and my face is growing violently hot.
Masato Hijirikawa: This should help.
Lastly, he applied a bandage. He then took the hand he had just treated and kissed it softly.
Haruka Nanami: ...!!! U-u-uhm, uhm…
Masato Hijirikawa: …Hm? Ah… My apologies.
As he spoke, he seemed a little bashful.
Masato Hijirikawa: I used to do the same thing when my little sister injured herself. ...It is like a magical spell, so that the wound will heal swiftly.
Hijirikawa-sama had a very gentle expression talking about his sister like that.
I’m sure he adores her so much that he can’t help it.
Haruka Nanami: Something like… ‘Pain, pain, go away~?’
Masato Hijirikawa: I guess it is similar. I must have done it by force of habit.
Ah, there’s his usual calm face.
Haruka Nanami: I see…
Hijirikawa-sama’s little sister… I wonder what kind of child she is…
And, how would Hijirikawa-sama interact with her? I wonder if he acts brotherly around her?
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Then we continued to move around, looking for the “Idol Endorsement.”
After a while, two large panels appeared at the end of the hallway.
On one of them was an O, on the other an X.
There’s something written there.
It says: ‘True or false quiz. Please jump onto the one you think is correct.’
And the question is…
Masato Hijirikawa: Shining Saotome is in fact not a human. True or false… That is quite the question...
Hijirikawa-sama knits his eyebrows.
Masato Hijirikawa: He certainly goes beyond human intellect. However, he is of the human race… is he not? Probably…
Masato Hijirikawa: Although, there is also the possibility that he is a demon lord, a new breed of human, revived in present time by aliens or modern science...
Masato Hijirikawa: ...All right, I have decided. This one!
Hijirikawa-sama jumped onto the panel with the ‘O’.
And so…
Haruka Nanami: Waaah!!
My body plunged downward as we fell from a wide, open hole towards the hallway directly below.
Masato Hijirikawa: …Argh! Nanami, are you hurt!?
Haruka Nanami: Ah, no. I’m okay.
Because Hijirikawa-sama was holding me tightly, it didn’t hurt at all.
Masato Hijirikawa: I chose the incorrect panel...
Haruka Nanami: Uhm, why did you choose ‘true?’
Masato Hijirikawa: Well, Shining Saotome is an existence that goes beyond human knowledge. I feel like he should not be categorized as one of the human race.
Masato Hijirikawa: Rather, I think he should be recognized as his own existence.
Shining Saotome: HA HA HAAA~! Correeect! This is the last path, leading to the ‘Idol Endorsement.’
Haruka Nanami: Eeh!? H-he answered correctly… To answer such a difficult question correctly, that’s amazing…!
Masato Hijirikawa: No, this time it happened by accident... More importantly, Principal Saotome? Where did he...?
Haruka Nanami: U-uhm, over there…
I pointed to a small speaker that had been set up in the hallway.
Masato Hijirikawa: I see… It is only his voice.
Shining Saotome: The ‘Idol Endorsement’ is just 200 meters from here! Do your beeest!
Masato Hijirikawa: It seems like our goal is in sight.
The moment he looked farther down the hallway, Hijirikawa-sama’s expression froze.
Haruka Nanami: Uhm, is something wrong?
Masato Hijirikawa: Pay it no mind. ...Let us proceed.
While Hijirikawa-sama continued to hold me, we moved forward in the dim hallway.
This hallway seems to be an underground passage, as it smells a little moldy and there are a lot of insects on both the floor and walls.
Every time an insect runs over his feet, Hijirikawa-sama tightens his grip.
Haruka Nanami: Uhm, Hijirikawa-sama?
Masato Hijirikawa: What is it?
Haruka Nanami: By any chance, are you afraid of bu-
Masato Hijirikawa: You’re mistaken! It is nothing like that.
Cutting off my words, Hijirikawa-sama raised his voice.
Haruka Nanami: Eh, really…?
Masato Hijirikawa: You’re being quite insistent! Please do not make me repeat myself over and over.
Hijirikawa-sama desperately tried to remain calm, but sweat gathered on his forehead and his hands were trembling slightly.
Then, when we reached a dead end, there was a plastic case containing a microphone with the words “Idol Endorsement” written on it.
Masato Hijirikawa: So this is the ‘Idol Endorsement…’
Hijirikawa-sama reached out to the plastic case.
Masato Hijirikawa: ...
But he stopped his hands right in front of it.
I think he hesitated because there were insects clinging all over the case as well.
As I thought, he’s not good with bugs…
Haruka Nanami: U-uhm, maybe I can…
Then, when I reached for the plastic case…
Masato Hijirikawa: No, I am taking it!
Turning a blind eye, Hijirikawa-sama pulled the microphone from the case in one go.
Masato Hijirikawa: Argh! …Huff, huff, huff…
His shoulders are trembling slightly. I-I wonder if he’s doing okay…
Masato Hijirikawa: My apologies. I might start swaying a little. ...Therefore, uhm… I want you to hold on tight.
Haruka Nanami: …I will.
Masato Hijirikawa: At any cost, please… Do not remove your hands.
Then, Hijirikawa-sama ran back via the same path we came from.
I bet he didn’t want to be in that place full of insects any longer…
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We somehow managed to get our hands on the ‘Idol Endorsement’ and handed it to the principal after tracking him down.
Masato Hijirikawa: …Huff, huff… This is… the ‘Idol Endorsement…’ right? Huff, huff, huff...
Hijirikawa-sama breathed heavily, since he was winded from running this entire time.
Shining Saotome: HA HA HAA~! That’s right!
Haruka Nanami: Uhm… What’s so special about this microphone…?
I nervously asked the question. Since it’s called the “Idol Endorsement,” I’m sure it must be something amazing.
Shining Saotome: HA HA HA~ It’s my favorite mic! It will come in handy for practicing!
Haruka Nanami: Ehh?! Uhm, that’s… all there’s to it?
What we’ve been struggling so much to get our hands on is just… the principal’s favorite microphone?
When I happened to look at Hijirikawa-sama, his mouth had dropped open in shock as well.
Shining Saotome: That’s right! BUT, it should have deepened your bond! That’s the treasuuure!
Masato Hijirikawa: Heh, I see… Bonds, huh? It has certainly deepened our bond. So that is what it meant... I understand now.
Masato Hijirikawa: …Without effort, there can be no success. As expected, the principal does quite clever things. Hah, hahaha!
Ah, Hijirikawa-sama seems to be having a good time. He’s always so calm, but there’s this side to him as well. It somehow feels refreshing…
Haruka Nanami: You’re right. Our bond really has deepened.
Hijirikawa-sama and I looked at each other and both started laughing.
Just because we got the “Idol Endorsement,” does not mean Hijirikawa-sama can become an idol right away.
Still, I believe that our partnership has become stronger than ever. After laughing for some time, Hijirikawa-sama set me back down onto the floor.
Masato Hijirikawa: There are many parts to us that are still insufficient, so let us devote ourselves to complementing and encouraging each other to refine our abilities.
Select the Phrase!
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はいっ!Yes! (+20 Love +0 Music)
At my emphatic reply, Hijirikawa-sama smiled with a huff. As I thought, any effort will be tolerable when working with him. We will work our hardest together.
Which means I will have to work even harder. Harder, so that we can become professionals, together.
Mini Game
Ringo Tsukimiya: Ahaha! Today, to review what we have learned so far, everyone will be taking a written test!
Ringo Tsukimiya: Despite what one might say, the questions aren’t all that difficult, so rest assured~.
Ringo Tsukimiya: It’s a test to see how much knowledge you’ve gained from what we’ve studied so far, so there should be no problems if you’ve studied well!
Ringo Tsukimiya: In this test, you choose the answer to the question from the choices that are given.
Ringo Tsukimiya: A lot of the questions are based on the dictionary, so you should be familiar with the answers if you’ve checked it properly.
Ringo Tsukimiya: Ehehe~ Well then, let the test begin!
Perfect S Rank
Masato Hijirikawa: Astounding… You truly are wonderful… and, your determined appearance is beautiful. Every time I look at you, I feel that I should do my best as well.”
Haruka Nanami: That’s… You’re already working hard enough, so I want to do my best too.
Because I want us to keep doing our best together, forever.
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Chapter End
8 notes · View notes
uta-no-fakku-sama · 6 years
Masadia must be the ultimate big sister since masato also has a little sister
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the biggest and bestest sibling you could ask for
*Magic!Anon: MasaDia - 9/10*
19 notes · View notes
utapriyanderes · 3 years
Yandere Sub AU (Fairytale AU) - Masato Hijirikawa ver.
    Masato lived repeating the same patterns of life over and over again. A noble in his village, he was born to be the next heir of the Hijirikawa estate. This was his fate since birth. He was raised to know all of the inner workings so they could prosper even more. All throughout his days he would learn and study to become the best his family has ever seen.
    The noble’s days were mundane for the most part. Times he didn’t mind and was used to. Except there was this one thing that scared him tremendously. His father. As a boy he looked up to him. His father was the prime example of what he should grow up to be in life. Yet his father was cruel.
    If Masato were to make one wrong step he would get punished severely. The punishment could range from isolation to verbal abuse or worse. His father never laid a hand on him but everything he did still broke him piece by piece. He would barely move, even breathe when his father was around. He had to force himself not to shake in his presence so he wouldn’t have to face such harsh cruelty. He ended up becoming a machine in this life of his. Someone who does as they're told without a mistake to be made.
    This was how the man now lived. Though under that machine was still a scared little boy. A boy who wanted to go free and run away from his fate. From this harsh life he was placed into. These thoughts were kept a secret in his heart.
    One day he got called to meet with his father. Masato’s expression was serious as he entered, despite being scared and wanting to leave the moment he stepped inside. He squared his shoulders as his father noticed his appearance. His dad was quick to get down to business.
    “Masato, I have picked out a suitable spouse that you will be meeting tomorrow. I expect you to get along with them for the Hijirikawa name.” Masato is surprised when he hears those words. He doesn’t show it but his mind is running with the information he just learned about. After that statement he is excused and he’s left to ponder on his thoughts.
    The next day he’s introduced to his spouse to be. They get up from where they sit on the sofa and smile kindly at him. He couldn’t help but to be slightly taken aback as they curtsy/bow in front of him.
    “Hello Mr. Hijirikawa, it’s nice to finally meet you,” their words are soft and delicate. Their aura was nothing like he was expecting. He was expecting someone cold hearted that was just using this opportunity to get an advantage.
    “It’s a pleasure to meet you as well Miss/Mr…?” He’s polite and greets them with a smile as he bows back, coming up to get their name. When they do respond he ends up putting that name deeply into his heart.
    With the common introductions out of the way he asks them if they would like to explore the estate. Offering them his arm they accept. The two of them explore many rooms together and each one the noble man is greeted by the servants they pass by and see.
    “Wow, you’re really popular here,” they laugh softly to themselves. The male glances over at them before turning away with a light speck of pink dusting his cheeks. As they walk the hallway he finds another room to lead them into. Leading them to it he opens the door for them to go inside.
    Inside the room they are in awe at the big piece of furniture being the centerpiece. They run up to it and start to play a few notes from the grand piano. Masato’s impressed at their excitement of the instrument. The soft tune they play touches his heart. A smile forms to his lips.
    “Do you enjoy the piano?” The noble looks at them as they continue to play. He walks over to stand by them.
    “Indeed, I’ve been playing since I was little.” They smile at his response before they stop playing. They move over on the bench and open their arms towards the piano.
    “Can you play something for me?” He’s again taken aback. He never thought anyone would want to hear his music besides his younger sister. Yet their smile is encouraging and warm. Something he’s not used to. Timidly he sits down next to them and plays a song that matches his emotions.
    When he’s done he turns to look at them. Tears are welling up in their eyes.
    “That was beautiful! I could feel everything you kept hidden in your heart. Your true emotions.” He didn’t expect such a response. That response made him happy. Overwhelmingly happy. He didn’t expect to find a perfect match so quickly and yet here they are. Someone who understands him and supports him.
    He shifts his body to face them head on. His expression is serious as he speaks.
    “If you enjoyed your time with me today. Then... would you consider us going into a courtship?” He can see their expression change to a look of pure happiness.
    “Yes! I would love to be courted by you!” Their response leaves him happy. A happiness he didn’t know was possible to achieve.
    After that the both of them continue to see each other. Both families are content as well as the couple. Each time he saw them he could tell he was falling more and more in love. He continued to open himself up to them and so did they. Yet he had yet to notice the other feelings growing inside of him. A feeling of need to keep them at his side, all the time.
    The next visit involved the both of them sitting outside in the garden by themselves besides a few gardeners tending to their work. The person beside Masato lays their head on his shoulder. He stiffens up slightly before relaxing himself.
    “This is nice isn’t it?” They ask him languidly with a tweedia in their hand. He responds with a simple “yes” as he looks down at them. A few moments go by before they sit back up looking at the grass.
    “Is something wrong?” Concern washes over him. A sharp panic coming from the peaceful atmosphere. They look back up with a smile on their face.
    “Masato… what’s your dream?” The question was out of the blue. He doesn’t know if he should tell them since he doesn’t know how they’ll respond. Yet overall he trusts them and answers them truthfully.
    “My dream… isn’t to run my family’s estate.” He looks at the ground now too. He feels a warmth touching his arm.
    “Then don’t. Be who you want to be. I’ll still be here with you too. Wherever you go.” Their encouragement is the final piece that was missing. It was the last thing he needed to go free from these chains that bind him. He grabs their hand.
    “Then let’s-”
    “There they are! Separate the two as quickly as possible!” The two of them hear someone shout before they are both grabbed and separated from the other. The noble man’s confused. He looks over towards their partner and can see the fear and sadness in their eyes. He turns his head and watches his father come into view. He’s about to speak but his father beats him to it.
    “The courtship is over. Their estate recently fell into bankruptcy. We don’t need their debts harming our name.” His father’s words made a dark feeling rise over him.
    “Father-!” He looks him straight in the eyes yet he stops himself short. There’s no room for arguing with him when he won’t listen, he never has. The younger noble  instead looks at his partner and watches as they hang limply there with tears running down their face. That feeling rises up even more. He yanks himself free from the servants. He rushes up and grabs you tightly into his arms.
    He doesn’t care about their family debts. All he cares about is this person in his arms. He sees from the corner of his eye that his father is getting prepared to say something. The younger noble stops him short.
    “Father, I'm leaving the estate. I want to be with them and if I can’t here then we’ll go somewhere else.” His words are laced with an unusual edge and strictness. The fear he once harbored for his father slowly goes away. He moves to grab their partner’s hand. He faces his father directly.
    “We will not be going to their estate. We’ll be in a place where you will never find us.” With these final words he leaves the garden and estate behind with them, before his father could throw out any disapprovals.
    That day the two lovers left their previous lives behind. They were happy, but the man never went back to who he was. Something snapped inside of him and that darkness only continued to spread and get worse. After the two got married his betrothed was never allowed back out into the world. He was afraid that his father would send people to look for him and try to take them away again.
    They were the ones who gave him his freedom. They unlocked the chains pulling him down. Which means he couldn’t allow them to be taken from him. He wouldn’t ever take that chance if it meant losing them.
    The dam in his heart was strongly built for so long. Then you came along. Unleashing all that he had built up.
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