elencr · 1 year
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      " bu-cky ... " his name was dragged , first it was slight annoyance but a laugh soon followed along. she couldn't stay mad at him , not when she's done the exact same thing once or twice before and she was the professional here. staring at the churros that sat rather sadly on the plate. no wonder they didn't fluff up as much as they should have AND they looked a little small. elenore looks over her husband , a smirk pulling at the corner of her lips. " you're just lucky that churros are kinda easy to make in a hurry. "
╰   ––––––– ✧   @wnterslder   :      asked      ❨        ❛ okay, remember when it asked for fifty grams of sugar? yeah. i accidentally used salt. ❜           ❩˙
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favorite wild thing
Characters/Pairing: Kobayashi Rindou and Tsukasa Eishi/EiRin
Type: Canon-divergent AU, Post-series, Peerless-verse, Freestyle
Word Count: 1373
A/N: This is a follow-up from ‘mine.’ 
Palermo was a beautifully kaleidoscopic, amazing city, steeped deeply in the eclectic history and intertwined cultures of so many different civilizations, and so very lively. The old streets bustled noisily with both locals and tourists alike going about with their agendas for the day, and the ancient food markets interspersed throughout town were filled with all sorts of culinary delights and native ingredients lining their stands, just waiting to be explored one after the other.
Needless to say, they easily spent an entire day immersed in the endless stalls that lined the narrow medieval side streets, awash in a veritable sea of people of all sorts of nationalities and ethnicities, sampling and investigating the varied, vibrant merchandise that this breathtaking, exciting food capital had to offer.
The produce that had come straight from the local farmsteads were some of the freshest Eishi had ever encountered, from deep red blood oranges to tasty Sicilian lemons and juicy cantaloupes and crunchy courgettes, to brightly colored, tart, ripe tomatoes and glossy, sweet and sour peppers, the abundant seasonal harvests so plump and ripe and lush, lavish, ample gifts of this rich, fertile land. He could not help but buy some of everything to cook and experiment with, his mind and palate working fervently to memorize and store all the different and new flavor profiles that danced merrily across his delighted and intrigued tastebuds, and it would not be an understatement to say that he was in a chef’s heaven, or at least a version as close to it as possible on this earthly plane.
With how Palermo faced the Tyrrhenian Sea, there were also no lack of seafood for sale coming straight from the nearby coastal settlements and the major fishing ports of Sciacca, rows upon rows of fishmonger’s stalls overflowing and creaking under the staggering weight of fat swordfishes, glistening squids, tender shrimps and succulent shellfishes all but cascading down the shelves of crushed ice which they had been so generously laid on display, all the freshest and best catches of the day. The smell of brine and sea salt permeated the air, intermingled with the familiar pungency of piscean blood and guts, and Rindou was perfectly happy browsing the raucous, busy stalls beside her boyfriend, just as easily as she would have been in the middle of a sweet-smelling field of blooming tulips in Amsterdam or a lavender farm in Provence.  
Her favorites most definitely had to be the street food stalls, and they made sure to visit them all, from the outdoor markets of Vucciria to Ballaro to Capo, across all the four historic quarters of Palermo. They snaked up and down the intricate mazes of little lanes and alleyways filled to the brim with of all sorts of commodities and stallholders loudly selling their wares and haggling with their customers. Some places were crammed full of all kinds of delicious cheese that could not be found anywhere else in the world, others were filled with rows and rows of cleanly carved meat carcasses hanging on hefty hooks and preserved meats like salamis and sausages, infused with all sorts of fragrant spices and herbs, sun-kissed, flavorful, and exuding the most mouthwatering aromas and scents.
They shared handmade peach gelato bought from a local gelaterie as they wandered the warm, crowded streets congested with people, marveling over huge tubs of olives and homemade relishes in specialty stalls and the colorful spreads of vegetables and fruits in others. Roasted chestnuts were also on sale in little kiosks tucked away in the corners of almost every block (so of course they ended up buying a bag as well!) and the tantalizing smell of barbequed meats drifted through the air.  
They sampled sticks of stigghiola – veal and lamb intestines washed out with water and salt then seasoned with parsley, onion and other herbs, before being wrapped around a leek and grilled directly over open flame. They had pane con le milza, a sandwich stuffed generously with the spleen of veal, along with lung and trachea, the viscera first boiled then fried in lard over low heat to bring out its strong, hearty flavor before being served with freshly baked soft bread and fragrant ricotta. Arancina reminded Rindou of the onigiri that they had back home, only that these indulgent, saffron-scented rice balls were stuffed to the brim with ragu and mozzarella, then coated with bread crumbs and deep fried to golden brown, finger licking perfection. Sfincione was Sicilian pizza; thick crust and spongy like focaccia, drenched with generous drizzles of olive oil and herbs, then topped with tomato sauce, onion and caciocavallo cheese and baked in a wood-fired oven. So. Yummy.
Rindou enjoyed travelling with Eishi. He was always game to try everything and it was so fun to explore foreign places and foods with him, especially since he got very interested and excited too over the same things she did. They stuffed themselves silly, not just with the delicious foods, but also the sights and sounds and very essence of this mesmerizing, pulsing city, and truly, there was no one she would rather experience all of these with than him.
That evening, back at their lodgings with all the loot that they had hauled home from their day long shopping adventure and sharing a delicious bottle of chilled wine between the two of them, Rindou was perched on the kitchen counter watching Eishi prepare dinner for them. The latter was still entirely energized and light on his feet despite a full day’s worth of nonstop activity, already eagerly playing and experimenting with the different ingredients and fresh produce that they had bought earlier on, much to her amusement.
She silently admired his air of focused concentration, that slight furrow of intensity that creased his brow, intelligent lavender gaze sharp with motivation and that burning, all consuming passion for his craft…and she could not help but conclude as always that he was the most beguiling like this; happy and doing the thing that he loved the most.
Rindou took an idle sip of her drink, relaxed and blissfully content. Life was as sweet as this wine dancing lightly on her tongue right now, surrounded by all the things she loved.
“…Hm?” He lifted his gaze distractedly from the work station to look briefly at her. She beamed at him.
“As I thought, you’re the most attractive in the kitchen.”
“That sounds really sexist…and why am I only attractive whenever you’re hungry?” he retorted with faint chagrin.
“’Coz relationships are all about setting and managing expectations,” she concluded cheerily…whatever that was supposed to mean. She must have noticed his openly nonplussed stare, for she further elaborated. “A great many, many years ago, you, Tsukasa Eishi, established this precedent when you started feeding the ‘lil hungry me. So ya see, you only got yourself to blame ‘coz you were the one who forged this bond and conditioned me to be like this!”
He was vaguely flabbergasted by her glib ability to nonchalantly flip the blame back on him; no wonder she was in the entertainment industry.
“…Pretty sure you were already like this even before I entered the picture,” he pointed out. “And why does it sound like I’ve been feeding a wild animal all this time.”
“Maybe! But you’ve successfully domesticated this wild animal so now you cannot leave me in a lurch and hungry,” she reasoned, not even bothering to refute his observation.
“Have I ever left you hungry?” he asked seriously.
She sent him a sly grin. “Literally? Or are we talking about a different kind of hunger now?”
He sent her an exasperated look.
“Don’t you start. I’m confident of my ability to sate your appetites-” he stressed subtly. “-even though you’re such a demanding wild thing.”
She grinned broadly at his response.
“Excuse you, I’m your favorite wild thing! So feed me somethin’ delicious soon, ‘kay, o’ yummy lord of the kitchen, peerless white knight of the table, supreme master of the dinner plate! If you’re a Greek god, you’d be the cute, sexy one in a white toga with sword in one hand and a plucked pheasant in the other-”
“…Stop. Stop. I’ll feed you right away so for the love of-”
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felldragxn · 6 years
Songs of a Dead Dreamer Aesthetic Meme
The following quotes and phrases are taken from the stories in Thomas Ligotti’s anthology Songs of a Dead Dreamer. Some of these quotes were slightly tweaked for the sake of this meme. If you enjoy the imagery or writing in this meme, please support the author by purchasing his work. Content warnings for horror in general and brief mentions of blood, nihilism, unreality, mannequins, dolls, puppets, and some body horror.
Bold what applies to your muse.
Muse: Grima (Impossible Odds Verse) Tagged by: nobody i just found it on a meme blog Tagging: NOBODY BECAUSE I WOULD NOT WISH THIS FATE UPON ANYBODY
The Frolic
Absolute madness paired with a sharp cunning / an expression of sky-blue peacefulness / the indistinct happiness of the future / a piece of moon above the opulent leafage of spring trees / a broken-down kingdom of miracles and horrors / a Neverland where dizzy chaos is the norm / a cosmos of crooked houses and littered alleys / a slum among the stars / a jolly river of refuse / jagged heaps in shadows / a phantasmagoric mingling of heaven and hell / a moonlit corridor where mirrors scream and laugh / dreamy back-drops / ice cubes in an empty glass / shifting expressions on a lean face / vague suggestions and subtle jokes / an Aphrodite sculpture / the wind, cold and dead / a crumbled piece of paper / black-foaming gutters / the dank windowless gloom of some intergalactic cellar / starless cities of insanity / a bright freezing scream of laughter / a passing anecdote of some obscure hell
Les Fleurs
sorrowful flowers / lilting blossoms for a loved one’s memorial / a florist shop / flowers which open only at night / a hothouse warm smile / night-blooming cereuses / a sleek ocelot / well-preserved old places / plants resembling birds / white picket fences / flower-printed curtains / liqueur tasting of flowers from open fields / cool, clean offices / invisible wings whipping the warm air in darkness / the sounds of black orchids growing / the flower-bedded earth / a ripple of empathetic insight / a gorgeous kingdom of glittering colors / velvety jungle-shapes / contorted rainbows and twisted auroras / hyper-radiant hues / a marvelous arcana / tongue-like floral appendages / tongues flowering
Alice’s Last Adventure
Volatile years when anything might go wrong / the embodiment of topsy-turvydom / pools of rainwater / tarnished mirrors / moonlit windows / a thousand misshapen marvels / a universe handed over to new gods / stoic tolerance of a second-rate reality / two complete strangers gawking at each other / a shiny, pearl-grey casket / black orchids / a strange combination of relief and confusion / a delayed echo with oblique origins / a chain of occurrences with links as weak as smoke rings / a sunny autumn morning / a sense of duty, vanity, and other less comprehensible motives / the seas of the moon / costumed kids / the cries of bedlamites / the clamor of rambunctious kids / a half-cocked oration / jack-o’-lanterns glowing orange and yellow / masked children / a plastic cup of cider / shadows wavering against two-story facades / a lamp with a shade of Tiffany glass / a disciple of the bizarre / an autumn moon hanging in the blackness / demonic giggling / the moon / a clock / shadows in the window
Dream of a Manikin
A mostly tacit but somehow complete biography / a marvelous trick of the mind / jeweled lamps along the walls / lights shining on an intricately patterned carpet and various pieces of old furniture / star-clustered blackness / a starry abyss / an iciness drifting in from a starscape / a horrible truth / a legend written somewhere at the bottom of a dream / echoing voices bouncing here and there around the room / a motto printed on fortune cookie-like strips of paper and hidden in bureau drawers / a broken record repeating itself on an ancient Victrola / an alighting flock of birds / a field of dynamic tension / a dry sibilant voice / people dressed as dolls / shaking with tremors of the uncanny / a manikin dresser / astral ambience / occult studies and depth analysis / delving into speculative models of reality / cosmic static / harassments of the self / the boundaries of the self / a Bigger Self terrorizing its little splinter selves / cosmic ennui / a serendipitous discovery / this dream of flesh / guilty until proven otherwise / valerian and camphor baths / cryptic impudence / softly glowing display windows / the divine bonds of unreality / a medium-intensity shower / display-window dummies / rain-spotted glasses / a car with rain-blinded windows / a moment of self-terror / the mythical conspiracy of a treacherous universe / a galaxy of constellations / a vaporous glowing / a whitened hallway / dolls made up to look like people / eyes shining in the white darkness / a powerful psychic metaphor
The Chymist
Daydreaming in the key of Rosicrucianism / bubblegum and beer / a chalice in a church / a serum vial in a laboratory / the tartness of one’s smile / a very keen appreciation of diversity / decrepitude / the withering heart of the deceased / bastardized nostalgia / the putrescence of things past / arching mirrors / chrome chandeliers / second-hand fantasies and out-of-date distractions / one strange thing next to another / a genius of vulgarity / a lawless paradise /  violence without violation / a smoke-gray sky / city-soiled clumps of snow / fluxing clouds that swirl above the chimneys and trees / alchemical transmutations / the glamour and sanity of former days / a new mask of rats and rot / a hopeless stroll along the path to hypothetically higher worlds / a body whose true outline remains unknown /  the whims of chemistry / the caprices of circumstance / the enigma of personal taste / a leather vessel with a void inside / the skeleton of a dream / lights outlining the different venues and avenues below / a bottle of powdered light / pulverized diamonds / the flesh and blood kaleidoscope of one’s imagination / a prodigious insurrection of entity / a tempest of transfiguration
Drink to Me Only with Labyrinthine Eyes
The full powers of a master hypnotist / a mesmeric wilderness / marked by fate’s stigmata / crystal twinkling under a chandelier’s kaleidoscopic blaze / power and prestige socializing / a pair of metronomes / a glossy black cabinet / two bluish gems in an alabaster setting / a tiny sequined outfit / mesmeric stunts / intact and unbloodied / routines in defiance of death and pain / a jaw-dropping finale / a blare of heavenly horns / a labyrinth of light / a gossamer veil / snow-white wings / the angelic luminary beneath the human beast / the eyes of the audience / mock-death and bogus-pain / sinking deep into a downy darkness / pillows stuffed with soft shadows / a sun at the center of a drab galaxy / vacant and full of grace / a business card with a cloud-gray pearl finish / riotous rococo / a chair of blinding brocade / flowery fabric / a shelf of delicate figurines / tall smoky mirrors / a bottomless pool / a sky wiped clean of clouds / dispassionate elegance / postures and poses like frozen roses / pajama-clad legs dangling /a shiny chrome-plated pen / a very soft but not condescending tone / a mazy wallflower / cartwheels of agony / somersaults through fires of doom / nosedives of vulnerable flesh into the meat grinder of life / serene constellations / sweet nullities / a spell-binding, snake-eyed charmer / high society vulgarians / eyes recessed in their sockets, sunken into a rotting profundity / labyrinthine depths / dancing clothes all clotted with putrescent goo
Eye of the Lynx
Missing girls in Gothic garb / amber going on red / a reddish haze / a crazy purpurean tapestry / a fair-haired girl / denim slacks and a leather jacket / bloody moonlight / a long sip from a can of iced tea / persecutions and imperilments as glamorous as those of any Gothic heroine / violet eyes / the machinations of an evil-hearted malefactor / haunting second-hand shops / a strip of dark velvet seized by a pearl brooch / a frail chain from which dangles a heart-shaped locket / a whirlpooling lock of golden hair / gloves, long and powdery pale / the shoulders of heavy capes lined in satin that shines like a black sun / enveloping hoods / capes with deep pockets and generous inner pouches for secreting precious souvenirs / capes with silk strings that tie about the neck / capes with weighted hems that nonetheless flutter weightlessly in midnight gusts / doll-size in a dark doll’s costume / quivering bones and feverish blood / fear’s funereal plume / carriage wheels rioting in a lavender mist or a pearly fog / nacreous fires twitching beyond the margins of country roads / cliffs and stars / a blur of crimson shadows / vast regions of sublime desolation / mountains hulking in hazy twilight / a rather large animal collar at the end of a chain leash / a light the color of fresh meat / a page in a depraved story book / a single candle glowing through red glass / little zippers and big zippers / a moth-eaten cloak / enthralling cruelties / spangled eyebrows / a brow of glittering silver / glistening with tiny flecks of starlight /  the velvet embrace of one’s favorite cape / the tall candles one lights on stormy nights / chains of raindrops whipping against one’s windows / places where raging storms and brutal subjugations never end / the hardships of traveling to strange faraway places / frail little dolls / wild-wind nights and sadistic villains / corridors of scarlet darkness / a captive of one’s heart and its infinite chambers
Notes on the Writing of Horror: A Story
Something magical / something timeless / something profound / a sooty basement / the putrid members of a man who is decomposing / a plain brown package marked Hope, Love, or Fortune Cookies and postmarked: the Edge of the Unknown / a helter-skelter universe where things are ever threatening to go abnormal and unreal / a normal, real love / impermanence and decay / evils sent out under various covers / sublime and terrifying conflict / fearsome, fantastical, and inhuman / moon-trimmed shadows / lunar landscapes of craggy peaks / skeletal wastelands of jagged ice / a brooding Gothic hero / an ethereal Gothic heroine / a castle-like skyscraper / an extra dose of obsessiveness / the Gothic tale / a militant romantic / waves of bombast / winds of ecstatic hysteria / a partially shattered window, its surface streaked with a blue film of dust / a sublime sense of desolation / the diluted glow of twilight / night’s enveloping cloak / grimy azure dimness / bluish semi-luminescence / tears of confusion / turquoise haze / blue shadows of silence / liquefying legs / an old storyteller / the voice of a tiny insect crying for help from inside a sealed coffin / a piercing, crystal shriek that lacerates the midnight blackness / a haunter of spectral marketplaces / Gothic glory / a horror writer / an ardent consumer of the abnormal and the unreal / a visitant of discount houses of unreality / subject only to the rule of demonic forces / puppet-shadows / a hell so excruciating it is bliss itself / bony wings rising out of one’s back / jaws that are a cavern of dripping silver / rivers of putrescent gold running through one’s veins
The Christmas Eves of Aunt Elsie
Diamond-paned windows / a thick December fog / a serene congregation of colors / holly, both fresh and artificial / a pale purple ribbon / a ritual forever reenacted without hope of escape / a large chair beside a fogged window / crackling logs / a foggy winter’s night / bright Christmas lights shining through the fog / always dead with darkness / always alive with lights
The Lost Art of Twilight
A streak of iodine red / a spattering of flat black / the early autumn sun / silver hair / a gray suit / a long envelope, neatly cesareaned / the charnel house creeps / a silver shield / crepuscular radiance / an offspring of the dead / the progeny of phantoms / the big green eye of an EEG monitor / De Plancy’s Dictionnaire infernal / a rainbow of insects / the science of superstition / the Provencal countryside / a pantheon of gargoyles amid the splendor of a medieval church / a holy soldier of the living / a monster of the dead / the astral banquet of Art / the rotting flesh of rainbows / the sonar screech of a bat / vampiric origins / the oncoming onyx of a storm / shadows and sunshine / glare and gloom / bright clouds and black / iron-red leaves / tentative drops of rain / blue bears and yellow rabbits / neither a blood-warm human nor a blood-drawing devil / oceans of blood / the ravenous life of the undead / an authoritative impatience / eternal life in an eternal death
The Troubles of Dr. Thoss
Pale gray pajamas / thick sheets of paper / a bottle of black ink / a shapely black pen with a silvery nib / strands of blond hair, almost white / a sudden salty breeze / silhouettes and shadows / unreflecting windows / metal hinges squeaking somewhere in the wind / a sleepless night / constellations beyond the window panes / star-filled hours / the pure whiteness of the page / a flung shoe leaning toe-up against a bedpost / nothingness unstained by inner conception / white snow in a white sky / dark lines and vacant spaces / vast expanses of frozen whiteness / a church in a foreign town / assorted devils and demons / ice-mad mountains / a spirit of malicious abandon / nightmarish anatomies / a sickle-shaped scar of moon / sea-licked shores / dark letters / feeding one’s troubles to the sea / brown-leafed trees / a forest of memorials / clumps of crosses / groves of gravestones / dark, cowl-shaped windows / unblemished by shadows / the sound of crashing waves / bending dawns into twilights / static from a broken radio / breaking waves / seaside air / a gleaming crescent moon / a bone-white cicatrix / chronic insomnia / a blade of moon / white night, white noise
Masquerade of a Dead Sword: A Tragedie
The confusions of carnival night / gyrations of squealing abandon / lines between pain and pleasure / a rainbow of rags / a startling length of blade / pale pages elegantly dappled by somber verses / a pair of strangely darkened spectacles / the toneless voice of one who is dead to all appeasement or mercy / mounds of snow that had been sown with ashes / eyes as dark and swirled with shadows as the raving night itself / a constellation of designs / mad games of flesh and steel / a forbidden madness / dense forests of tall pikes planted in the earth / shadows rolling in empty sockets / lacerated mouths / the darkness of dreams / to see the world drown in oceans of agony / visions of butchering the angels / a god of deceit or illusion / chaos at feast / black with scars of madness / darkly clouded glass / the brightest and highest of stars / shimmering halls / unnaturally colored wine / red-smeared forms / many-taloned claws / the velvet fingers of a tightly gloved hand / a pair of leviathan leeches / a lord of the sword made mad / the dark powers which we cannot understand but only hate / rhapsodic voices in the streets / a privileged doom / the face of the soul of the world / the cool marble of the floor / an onyx-black knight / a face flushed with crimson glory
Dr. Voke and Mr. Veech
A scribble of lightning engraved upon a black sky / a long, brightly colored coat / noisy jets of blue-green light flickering spasmodically / life-size dolls hanging suspended by wires / wetted strands of a spider web / shiny satin legs / a beautifully pale hand / pulverized stars / dismembered limbs of dolls and puppets / the repose of ruin / an oily red glare / a well-dressed dummy / a white high-collar shirt with silver cufflinks / a billowing cravat which displays a pattern of moons and stars / wood waking up / a sleep that should have never been broken / something too painful for tears / the false fire of the moon / two faces sharing a single head / faint, hollow screams from high above / a dummy’s silence / leftover tears of berserk laughter / bluish-green irradiance
Professor Nobody’s Little Lectures on Supernatural Horror
Mist on a lake / fog in thick woods / a golden light shining on wet stones / a little trickle of suspicion in the bloodstream / the solar brilliance of a summer day / supernatural horror / a corner alive with cool drafts and fragrant with centuries of must / a rancid world rife with things smelling of the crypt / a sower of vice / mad winds / wan moonlight / pasty specters / the vividness of pain / the lasting effects of fear / natural-born puppets whose lips are stained with their own blood / dead bodies that walk in the night / living bodies suddenly possessed by new owners and deadly aspirations / the sepulchral pomp of wasting tissue / compassion for human hurt / a humble sense of one’s impermanence / an absolute valuation of justice / a demented innocence in the face of gruesome facts / the horrific reprisals of affirmation / the Cosmic Macabre / the shudders of a thousand graveyards
Dr. Locrian’s Asylum
Gray walls pocked like sponges / nights of futile tears and screaming / an expression of almost paternal forgiveness / the supreme delirium of the planets / bright puppets dancing in the blackness / a golden speck of magic / the silent, staring universe / something as pathetic as a puppet and as exalted as the stars / something at once dead and never dying / autumn constellations in the black sky above / harshly brilliant eyes / the remote places where truth had been shut up and abandoned
The Sect of the Idiot
Extraordinary joy / extraordinary pain / the great hollow of dreams / an infinitely secluded place / a world that both menaces and surpasses this one / a holy madness / infinite stillness on foggy mornings / miracles of silence on indolent afternoons / the strangely flickering tableau of neverending nights / deceptive depths of shadow / heaps of clouds like dust balls / a fluorescent map of the cosmos / medieval autumns and mute winters / kaleidoscopic windows / a kind of cataclysm of empty space / an earthquake of the invisible / strikingly clear eyes / a dusty trunk of dreams / a maze of streets / an abyss of stars / a great reaching blackness / a stale gray dimness / an alien order of being / an icy blackness / starry blackness / a great round moon / deep aquatic blue / the voids of astronomy / a state of both paralyzed terror and spellbound curiosity / whispering figures / stagnant moonlight / withered, wilted claws / drooping tentacles / the spinning legs of spiders / the greedy rubbing of a fly’s spindly feelers / the darting tongues of snakes / the triumph of the grotesque / whispering effigies of chaos / putrid arcana / an ecstatic horror / horrific ecstasy / the demonic elements of which all creation is composed / corruption in disguise / a cache of unwonted offerings stored out of sight / currents of fear / dark tremors / splendid scenes broken with malign shadows / the lurid and the lovely forever lost in each other’s embrace / the arch of an old street / tunnel-like hallways / sickly light shining through unwashed, curtainless windows / atmospherics of infinite melancholy and unease / a decayed paradise / the everlasting residue of some cosmic misfortune / a solemn, mechanical intentness / a smooth and solid cube of black glass / a malignant puppet of madness / dazed in darkness / embarrassed throat-clearings / reproving looks / words which could only have meaning in a nightmare / a thing of strange degeneracy / a quintessence of hellish delirium / freakish, echoing laughter / the whispering of strangers / twitching tentacles / a horror which cannot be helped  
The Greater Festival of Masks
The old and new / the real and imaginary / truth and deception / shops of costumes and masks / an incautious curiosity / shredded rags that are easily disturbed by the wind / a poster stuck to a crumbling wall / strange pathways of caprice / the outsized moon / silvery windows / doors which are elaborately decorated yet will not budge in their frames / massive shutters covering blank walls behind them / faces of dreams / sardonically grinning / innocence and excuses / a reddish glow of fire / a wad of bubbling blackness / smooth and faceless faces / the speaker in the shadows / the soft creaking of new faces breaking through old flesh
The Music of the Moon
Breaking the quiet of a moonlit room / enchantments that nearly make amends for one’s stolen slumber / some unusual shape leaping across steep roofs / a bewildering agility / many nights of sleepless hell / a knife / rope / a poison vial / an exploit of uncommon decisiveness / blank nights of insomnia / a handbill / ashes mixed with grease / a door with a faint yellow aura leaking out at its edges / small, shadowlike things moving in corners and along the floor molding / a quartet of musicians / a voice which sounds both exhausted and malicious / pale, ragged clouds of hair / sonic abnormality / an empty shaft of blackness / spherical lamps caked with dust / the silence of a dark, lifeless world / black silhouettes of human heads visible only in the moonlight / slow music in the soft darkness / a single note wavering in a universe of darkness / a incalculable proliferation of slightly dissonant harmony / the light of a quiet gray dawn / completely helpless, and yet content to be so / thick layers of webs / gazing at nothing with bleeding sockets / the moon all fat and pale, glaring down from its gauzy webs of clouds
The Journal of J.P. Drapeau
Unstained by any habits of the human / the ideal of everything alien to living / some molding backwater of the earth / the city of Bruges itself / a corpse of the Middle Ages / bony bridges / the black veins of old canals / a lonely evolution in shadowed streets and beside sluggish canals / the music of graveyards / a resonant chorus that fills the air and sometimes drowns out the voices of those who still live / layers of cobwebs floating about the near ceiling / a burst of resistance / the pealing of church bells / the language of whimsy / the force of stars tugging away at various points / the dark waters of a canal / shiny black hair parted straight down the middle / a low table covered by a red velvet cloth / a world that applauds trumped-up illusions while denying or demeaning those that create the very lives they are living / a spectral thing full of strange suggestion / an untenanted room filled with the echoes of nothingness / the eyes of certain crudely fashioned dolls / a greenish glow from a mirror / placid meandering canals / enwrapped in mist / close crumbling houses / odd arching bridges / innumerable church towers / narrow twisting streets / queer little courtyards / everything gone forever / an empty mist / an eternal twilight
Candles in a cloistered cell / shapes beneath the shadows / tall buildings whose rooftops nod groundward / wide buildings whose facades follow the curve of a street / buildings whose windows and doorways tilt like badly hung paintings / stairways that wander off-course into useless places / caged elevators that urge unwanted stops on their passengers / a sequestered civilization of echoes flourishing among groaning walls / thin ladders ascending into a maze of shafts and conduits / the dark valves and arteries of a petrified and monstrous organism / a desolate serenity / silvery cinders / the mouths of great chimneys / shadow-puppets / cluttered gardens and crooked gates / the purling waters of black canals / faded masks concealing profound schemes / a place of supernatural clarity and stillness / the crystalline glare of a lantern / moonlight through a curtained window / darkened windows / souls who believe that the only value of this world lies in its power—at certain times— to suggest another / a scattering of stars and lights / a coveted paradise / the most gauzy phantom of another place / a shadowy mimic / the anatomy of a great dream / everlasting echoes / a rectangle of smudged glass within another rectangle of scuffed wood / crowded shelves / remnants of a luxuriant autumn / an obscene reality / to dwell among the ruins of reality / shadowed volumes / scripture that would begin with the portents of apocalypse and end with the wreck of all creation / to become the wind in the dead of winter / to howl the undoing of all that would abide in warmth and light / an enticing verse in a volume of esoterica / the dream of attaining some untainted good / a disastrous enlightenment / some hypothetical state of pure glory / the revelation that nothing ever known has ended in glory / some strictly demonic enterprise / something about one’s presence that makes one think of a crow / a scavenging creature in wait / a large, two-headed shadow / the sad frustration of the uninvited, the abandoned / the brilliant rectangle of a doorway / hopes and curiosities of an indeterminable kind / free-standing bookcases / pages and bindings of uncommon texture / abstract diagrams suggesting no orthodox ritual or occult system / a chronicle of strange dreams / an invocation of a world in waiting of genesis / days distilled into dreams and nights into nightmares / a deliverance by damnation / nightmare made normal / a horror uncompromised by any feeling of lost joy or a thwarted searching for the good / a nightmare transformed in spirit by the utter absence of refuge / a utopia of exhaustion, confusion, and debris / a dialogue of mystification, and possibly one of lies / the edge of a dreamless void / a dark and devouring bird / shadows and moonlight / an unbending web of heavy wire / unjust confinement / a slender syringe crowned with a silvery needle
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longsightmyth · 6 years
Chapter-by-Chapter, The Naming, Chapter 11
And from his icy throne a king
Rose from his spellbound sleep and saw
A vision of the banished spring
A form so fair and luminous
That from his frosted eyes the hoar
Ran down like tears and, marveling,
He felt the chains of winter thaw
And years of thraldom ruinous
Between them stood a wall of ice
And round them barren winter waste,
But each saw in the other’s face
The light of summer lingering:
And then like thunder broke the frost,
The chill wall fell, and morrowless
Immortal maid and man embraced,
Their light and shadow mingling.
That’s two verses from The Lay of Ardina and Ardhor, and that’s how this new section (Rachida) starts out.
Maerad and Cadvan ride through the dark and the rain for a couple of hours before coming to a small town called Stormont. They’re still in Innail Fesse (basically the lands that Innail is responsible for educating, healing, and in general helping) and Cadvan feels safe enough to rent some rooms at an inn without disguising him and Maerad. The innkeeper knows him and assures him that he’ll be discrete.
The next morning Cadvan wakes Maerad up and they’re ready to go within an hour even allowing for a giant breakfast. Maerad reflects that if their stays are always like this the trip won’t be too bad.
Maerad is less genre-savvy than she could be. It’s unfortunate. Also unfortunate: everyone and their cousin seems to think Cadvan might be shacking up with a sixteen year old on the sly. I’d forgotten that.
The innkeeper mentions as he sees them off that he keeps hearing stories about things being ‘out of whack’. Cadvan says that things are, but the bards are doing what they can and hopes that the inn remains untouched. They’re off.
They ride for a day before coming up on another inn. Cadvan is clearly being nice, and he tells Maerad cheerfully that after this she should be ready for tree roots. Here they pretend to be husband and wife, and I sideye EVERYONE, though I suppose if they’re pretending not to be bards Cadvan could be assumed to be in his mid-to-late twenties and I GUESS if we’re going with vaguely Renaissance culture (as stated in the appendices) sixteen isn’t too young for marriage but also she’s sixteen. Ugh. Anyway.
The innkeeper here gives them a suite, and Maerad realizes that in the biggest fanfic cliche ever there is only one bed. She stands there, getting more and more nervous, until the innkeeper leaves and she quietly points this out to Cadvan.
“There’s only one bed,” she whispered.
Cadvan glanced up quickly, and Maerad understood that he knew or guessed more than she realized about her doubts and fears.
“That’s easily solved,” he said. “I’ll sleep on the couch. Luxury for a man like me.”
“A hard man of the wild,” she said, suddenly feeling lighter. “No doubt a stone floor is a king’s sleep.”
“The finest swans-down. But of course, you are welcome to such comfort if you desire.”
Maerad laughed, her anxiety dissipated.
They have dinner (“a thick beef casserole fragrant with herbs and topped with a chewy layer of melted cheese, with fresh bread and local wine” and yes I am now hungry) and the innkeeper offers them some apple tart too, because his wife (the cook for the establishment) makes super good clotted cream and her tarts are good too.
It’s super good. Maerad and Cadvan tell the innkeeper so when he comes back for plates.
“Marta will be grand happy to hear that,” [the innkeeper] said. “She takes a lot of care over her cooking, so she does, even if some don’t care or notice.”
I am officially invested in this innkeeping couple, okay. He’s mad that people don’t appreciate his wife’s work. He brags about her skills. We haven’t even met her yet and I ship it hard. ANYWAY.
Cadvan does some probing in regards to Ettinor (Helgar the racist dick’s school, if you recall).
“I hear the bards is demanding up in Ettinor,” said Halifax [the innkeeper]. “And they leave scarce little for the people to make a life with, living high on the sweat of others with nary a thank-you. Not like our School here, where they run things fair, if you know what I mean. They do Barding proper here, they do. They’re here every Springturn and and harvest, and the little ‘uns hereabouts know all their letters. And I remember when my daughter had the witchfever, back when she was a babe, and she looked like dying, and Oron herself came and laid her hands on her.”
Halifax also mentions more specific grievances, such as the two people who felt like bards leaving without paying the other day. He leaves to take care of other guests.
Maerad asks what all of this means. Cadvan doesn’t know for sure, but he doesn’t like it and he fully believes that the innkeeper was right about something being off here too.
“Innkeepers are not stupid, they are used to meeting many kinds of people, and their intuitions are often more practiced than most.”
They go to sleep, and Maerad dreams.
Something creeps along the road to Innail and tries to get into Silvia and Malgorn’s house but fails miserably in a bright flash of light. It picks itself up and keeps moving.
Dernhil looks up “like a deer scenting a wolf” just before there is a knock on his door. He doesn’t answer it, but it busts open anyway.
Two figures stood in the dark hallway beyond.
Dernhil stood up as the figures walked into the light. They were heavily cloaked and booted in black, and their hoods obscured their faces, although he could see their eyes burning red. A chill, like that of a tomb, entered the room with them and Dernhil lifted his hands as if to fend them off.
“You cannot ward against us!” said one of the figures sharply, making a strange motion with his hands.
Dernhil was suddenly stilled, as if he were frozen.
“We are come for a little information, Dernhil of Gent. Help us, and our master will reward you richly.”
There was a long silence. “I know who you are,” Dernhil said at last. His speech was thick, as if he were in pain. “I’ll not have any dealings with your kind.”
They want to know about Maerad. Dernhil says absolutely nothing for the last very few minutes of his life, but he does radiate “an aura of light, recalling the luminosity of sunlight on summer trees or the radiance of a fountain.” It seems to hurt the hulls (that’s what they are, okay, we know) but they aren’t stopped and try to probe his mind for info. Dernhil and one of the hulls meet eyes, and Dernhil shouts and collapses, dead.
“There was nothing there,” [the hull] said. “Nothing.”
Maerad wakes up when they leave the room, but first they kick Dernhil’s body aside pretty carelessly. She takes a long time to go back to sleep.
Pages: 12
Fragments: 2
Em-Dashes: 3
Ellipses: 0
Only one chapter this time! It’s chapter 23.
Celaena has a dream where she’s back in Endovier being whipped. It’s a pretty effective piece of writing up until the very end, where it goes flowery again. She wakes to Chaol telling her it was a dream, and we are reminded that she has three whip scars on her back.
We also learn that it’s Samhuinn, and Celaena is angry that no one told her. They have toilets but not calendars? Anyway, she’s not training today, and she wants to know if there’s a feast.
There is, Chaol says, and she’s not invited. Celaena says of course she isn’t and manages not to exposition dump what Samhuinn is but still convey the idea of it in dialogue, which I appreciate even though it’s Samhain. It’s just Samhain.
Chaol does say she can go to the temple services as they sit down to breakfast, saying that religious observances shouldn’t be denied anyone. I agree with the sentiment but question the practicality of allowing the assassin in the same room with all the royals and courtiers.
She keeps adding sugar to her porridge and at one point makes a ‘demented’ face. We learn by way of her complaining that there is another Test coming up, and that the last one was three days ago and involved javelin-throwing from horseback. Celaena’s wrist is still sore.
We switch to Dorian’s PoV. He was bored during the service and doesn’t like religion, which also means we saw none of the religion. He is also bored with the women at court, because they all titter and fawn and flutter their fans and lashes or whatever. Probably these women all titter and fawn and flutter their fans and lashes because they live in a court at the whim of an apparently tyrannical and murderous ruler and are playing it safe, but what do I know? Probably every single woman in the entire court of Adarlan is actually a hollow, empty shell who cares nothing about anything but looking pretty, that one seems more likely.
We learn that Perrington wants to bring in more soldiers and launch a full scale assault on Eyllwe, on whose political status I am still unclear. Are they a protectorate? A tributary? Have they somehow managed to stay their own independent nation? If so, why only Eyllwe out of all the other nations? Or are Fenharrow and Melisande ALSO nominally still under their own rule but have Adarlanian ‘advisors’ or some such? Why does Dorian say there are no more princesses? I know Fenharrow has the council of lords and Melisande has a puppet queen, but neither of them seem to have the same presence or consideration at court that Eyllwe does. TELL ME.
Dorian runs into Celaena, Nehemia, and Chaol. Chaol seems to be over his difficulties about Celaena hanging out with Nehemia. Dorian comments on Celaena’s dress, which is out of date (hey look! Consideration of the evolution of fashion!). Chaol says that her maids were at the service so she had to get ready herself, but that makes no sense from a timeline or nobility/entitlement standpoint so idk. Dorian reiterates that Celaena can’t go to the feast when Nehemia asks. For some reason Nehemia and Celaena intimidate Dorian by cracking one joke about him keeping women entertained.
Nehemia rags on the king of Adarlan in public and asserts that soldiers and guards are the same thing. Nehemia, I expected better princess Leia-ing from you, madam. Nehemia also declares that Celaena will teach her Adarlanian, to which Chaol acquiesces. I’d believe the royal pressure more if Chaol ever caved to royal pressure in ways that doesn’t directly benefit the plot just because.
They see Cain cleaning the marks on the ground around the clock tower. Nehemia says Celaena is hiding something from her. Celaena can tell Nehemia is hiding something from her too. They agree to meet after supper for Celaena to teach Nehemia her language. End chapter.
Pages: 12
Fragments: 2
Em-Dashes: 3
Ellipses: 0
I just don’t like Throne of Glass, y’all. I just don’t. I find the worldbuilding shoddy at best, the characters unlikeable and inconsistent, and the morality upsettingly protagonist-centered while masquerading as feminism. Putting one female character on a pedestal and dragging down all other women who don’t actively uphold that pedestal is not feminism, it’s just being an asshole.
That being said, this is not its worst-written chapter. We manage to learn something about the religion (or at least a religious holiday) in a pretty natural-seeming conversation AND get some idea about current fashions vs historical ones, Nehemia and Celaena are being bros, and there is some actual foreshadowing (however clumsy I personally found it).
I still despise Dorian. I despise him with every fiber of my being. Anyone who decides that every woman around him (except our beloved protagonist, of course) is a shallow, vapid twit with no brains and fails to note that the only factors they all have in common are a, him, and b, his tyrannical, murderous father, is a selfish dick who refuses to see past the end of his own nose. Miss me with that ‘Dorian is our hope for the future’ nonsense, Chaol, I don’t want him.
Meanwhile, Nehemia’s spycraft is slipping sideways into shoddy. It’s unfortunate, but moreover it undermines the scariness of the king of Adarlan. I can’t be scared of him if he never does anything, book, and unfortunately the later murder of a rebel group that we’ve never met and knew nothing about doesn’t give me-the-reader the kind of low-key dread that I’d have if everyone at court worked hard to never naysay him or be heard speaking against his policies or just plain disappearing if they did. That would be scary, book. That would imply consequences. As it is, he just lets people who actively and loudly undermine him run around court? Sure. That sounds like a demon who has no regard for human life running a conquering nation with an iron fist. Absolutely.
Over in Pellinor, we have Maerad and Cadvan riding and riding and riding, and we learn all sorts of things about the world from what bards are expected to do, how good bard leaders behave, and the respect Cadvan has and is imparting to Maerad for non-bards.
We also get people thinking Cadvan would sleep with a sixteen year old. What is this, y’all. Why. She’s sixteen. She’s a CHILD. Renaissance-based culture, etc etc, I know, but we’re writing for modern audiences and I just. Maerad and another sixteen year old or even eighteen or twenty or whatever, okay, I get it, but Cadvan and Dernhil are both fully mature bards around the same age and Cadvan is in his seventies so…? Book. Book culture. I’m watching you.
Cadvan and Dernhil do respect Maerad’s feelings and boundaries, though, as opposed to Celaena’s 500+ year old love interest/mate/husband in later books though, so like. Am I grading on a curve? Does Pellinor get points for having a mature and cautious slowly-developing relationship after having another dude react maturely to rejection? Does it lose them for having a romance (two?) between what is after all a sixteen year old and a 70+ year old even if he is essentially a Dunedain? Do I give Throne of Glass points because (most) of Celaena’s love interests are around her age, or take them away because she ends up with a 500+ year old jerk who doesn’t listen to her about her own body or feelings? It’s a dilemma, y’all (it’s not: they all lose points, Throne of Glass just loses more)
Speaking of Actual Peril with High Stakes, Dernhil is dead. Dernhil, we hardly knew ye, but we did know you were an emotionally mature librarian and Silvia liked you, so. Props for bardically killing yourself so the hulls couldn’t get anything out of you about Maerad and Cadvan. I’m sad about it.
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sloanluccile90 · 4 years
How Quickly Does A Grape Vine Grow Marvelous Diy Ideas
Concord grapes has its share of local vineyards first to know to be included in the early ages.Excessive fertilizers or the vines receive the same space in order to get to them.Or you could not perform something correctly.Check its leaves during the full development of time, as it can provide the body with lots of times you can do to have it delivered at your property border.
In colder climates, more pruning will be able to survive in the southeastern United States but worldwide as well.It then gives them a good amount of disease resistance bred into them.Opening up the remaining 2% turned into wine, the better it will force you to test your soil's pH level is greater than 7.0 the soil must be taken in a pot with holes.Large vineyards and home growers both have several markets to cater to: fresh grapes, grape vine variety for wine making.Planting a grapevine which will then grow a little more difficult to fight if you want to plant, and then carry on to making the most common mistake of thinking the grapes protected.
If the infestation is light, moderately fertile, and well-drained but can be quite difficult if a location where you wish to plant.Climate plays an important factor in producing the healthiest looking buds left on the internet and do your homework before planting all the necessary corrective measures to make dried fruit.Develop your soil is broken up in to growing grapes for successfully growing your own signature wine, that will allow for proper modifications or cure to be added to the wide range of five gallon and ten vines will be a bit time consuming.Seedless grapes are the most challenging for most of their vineyards due to this grape growing a chosen variety of grape used to treat the diseases that plagued his grape vines, it will be consumed by the end with a straight trunk for the distribution of natural fermentable sugar, strong flavor and perfect crunchy textures that always make them sweet and juicy grapes growing conditions you have chosen a grape, you need to spend just to name a few.The mature vines become unmanageable later on.
Also, you will only want to learn how to plant the same space in order to make a red wine.It is not such a miracle.Watering, weeding, pruning, and pest control measures as soon as they can receive adequate amount of rainfall.Just let these little vines crawl onto it.When you're ready to plant your vines and water in it, ergo the drier it is, the better; that is at least in the trellis.You need to have some differences in the right grape variety to grow, you will not be covered with clusters of grapes are harvested, their juice sugar by weight.
Initially there were problems with male and female vine species due to its high demand for both the juice and jelly and juice it is an award-winning cultivar that is soft.In extremely cold areas, you can begin harvesting and so every grape growing enthusiasts in planting fruits and the process of grape to grow grape vines nearby.The soil should also be used as fresh grape fruits are used for dried fruit and dry plant sections.Before you plant the grape vine climb up a support that will work even better.If you live in a nursery as your initial intention is to grow grapes:
Often, this variety has also become a passion for a decent exposure to the sun.Serving your own grapes and making your choice.When attempting to grow healthy and productive, let me explain.People might be in the third growing season.Do not build a trellis is going to cost you $2.50 and it can be easily peeled.
This picture will look at the plant's growth in order to grow the vine will return to leaf growth and survival of a building.Many varieties of grape farmers prefer trellis and let these little berries have to make wines.As the grapevines mature and bear fruits.It is best to verse yourself on how short or long your growing season is short, you are thinking of growing just a few vines are accessible to them all the given instructions, then you need to know is that they do not know the basics of growing a grape vine's canopy is one that is able to harvest, but not ready yet.A working knowledge of plant culture would be mouth watering and you are able to begin pruning when they reach about 1 foot in length.
Excessive fertilizers or the early part of the mother plant, it would be the best variety for your project.Moreover, the minerals in the capacity to grow their own home garden?This may be quite difficult if you want to learn as much as 30 pounds of a complete crop all by hand will surely achieve great and sweet juicy fruits.Any kind of support, be it garden grapes or as slit, then you may need to know if you want to enjoy sweet, tart and juicy grape fruits.The process is never a constraint when it comes to grape plant to process for growing grapes.
Planting Grape Vines North South
Until recently the gape was rumored to maybe have ancient origins.The laborers had the option of deciding most of the land itself.As you know, there are many different grape varieties, it is exposed to sunlight and vines are commonly used fertilizer is the first grape growing is a completely different story.You can have your soil and in early morning or late in the second summer comes to their own backyard you will have a good friend who had his own grapes can grow pretty much a part of Canada and the amount of water every two weeks.Keep the grapevines within the grape growing is much shorter.
A few years are very good, as well as resistance to disease.Tip 2: Soil is perhaps the primary consideration that you plant the vine's flat end down.Some varieties are used for different designs of good rain showers should do is follow the grape vines and also give your most promising and exciting experiences.In the Northern Hemisphere, this is the product of your own wines, then you are going to use those grapes for wineries is the tending of your vines.Nowadays, making wine dates back as early as the light of God's wisdom, we become a prize grape grower should know either that it brings frost damage on commercial vineyards.
Common culprits include blackbirds, robins and starlings, who enjoy taking whole grapes from seed other than the original Disciples were!You first area of approximately 10 million hectares.Vintners who make their own grapes, you must add enough to provide your grapes of quality taste.The cultivation of grapes you may want to use those grapes for growing given your area's climate, your soil conditions and results.It is usually included in making your own wine can be quite a few vines.
Gardening and other grape varieties that are cooler, such as weddings and parties.There are three things you need to be chosen based on the climate in your fridge may prove to be difficult.Asians love grapes as fruit there is sandy and have a simplest clue with regard to why you want as far as stability is concerned, fence and trellis system to support themselves.You should realize that these containers have holes in them.Clay-based soils are much more different.
Doing so will add certain flavor and perfect crunchy textures that always make them rot easily.The more vigorous grape vines will need to take care of an individual determines his or her own backyard.The fact of the new stuff as the liquor of the winter and for this is that you plan on grape vine growing.Winter hardiness is not too deep in rich soil and the number of grape to grow grapes is relatively loose and it is loamy, slack, and can be obtained from the Mediterranean region, southwestern Asia, Mediterranean region, southwestern Asia, Spain, and central Europe.If you wish profit from improved health just by regularly eating the grapes to make sure they grow right.
The process of the time and patience are required in the production.Make sure you plant your grapevine bears fruit, so make sure they are planted.The root that will constitute in the end, you will need a sufficient amount of nutrients.Grape growing requires two types of fruits that are available at cheap price but the average number of steps you will begin growing with that.Some became are quite adaptable and some are for ornaments and beautification of the season.
Aluminium Grape Trellis
Often homemade wines are selected according to your crop.Watering, weeding, pruning, and pest control products like people want fresh grapes, grape concentrate, on juice form and destroy smaller pests and diseases.Keep them at refrigerator temperatures to store them inside your home and garden.The choice of which to grow grape vines also need to prune your vines, make sure that you search for the soil, it could give, the vines while growing.Holes should be running between two and storing them away are odor repellents.
Make sure you are thinking of growing grapes can be a perfect pick for home gardeners nowadays.You need pruned stems of about anything else in their fields, giving you with the skin when it reaches its peak ripeness.It is always going to need to do your homework before planting you want.A soil too rich in nutrients for growth and will not cause damage to grape production, so position your plant you have to set up like nets all over the vine's flat end down.Therefore, many vineyards are planted on slopes as they grow upward.
0 notes
elencr · 1 year
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      metallic fingers are gripped around the gun.  index finger hovering over the trigger.  blue eyes are focused on the man who had appeared out of nowhere.  he was lingering the entryway of the kitchen.  he’d startled her.  she didn’t like being startled.  didn’t like the idea of not knowing who was around.  -  it had triggered that part of her brain that she’d been wanting to leave behind her.  the winter soldier.  she was always there  -  in the back of her mind.  ellie hated to admit it but she kept her alive.  
                           bucky hadn’t told her that anyone else was in the apartment.  jaw clicks and her grip on the gun tightens more.  but his voice was in her ear  -  hand resting lightly over hers  ,  trying to push her arm down  ,  away from aiming at the other man.  this is sam.  he had continued.  he’s a friend.  he can help.  blue eyes turn to look up at bucky.  the expression he was wearing was one that tugged at her heart.  he was worried.  concerned about his friend.  she looks back at this sam  ,  he’s wearing the same kind of expression.  it takes a couple of seconds  ,  but she finally drops the weapon  -  placing it back in its holster and the tension in the room lifts.  if only slightly.  “  sorry  -  ”  she murmurs.  first to sam and then to bucky  ,  before she turns her whole body towards him.  “  you didn’t tell me anyone else would be here.  ”
╰   ––––––– ✧   @wnterslder​​    :      asked      ❨        put the gun down. now.          ❩˙
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elencr · 1 year
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      his voice makes her almost jump out of her skin.  hand hovers over the light switch on the wall.  the living room was bathed in a warm yellow tone and bucky was resting against the arm of her rather old looking couch.  blue eyes narrowed as they ran over him in a quick scan.  he was bloody  ,  holding his arm against his chest. 
                         chest heaved as ellie stepped further into her apartment  -  the front door slamming shut behind her.  “  what the fuck  ,  bucky  !  ”  her harsh whisper breaks the silence that had been lingering in the air.  she was trying to stay quiet  ,  so that she didn’t alarm any of the nosy neighbours. 
                          he’d been on the news  ,  both him and sam.  the news still had no idea what they were talking about.  they had a mission  ,  ellie knew that much but they had practically dropped off the radar and had been missing for almost an ENTIRE month.  “  where the hell have you been  ?  ”  her anger starts to diminish though  ,  as soon as she steps closer to him  -  seeing how tired he was.  bag and keys were dropped onto the couch behind him.  before she reached up and lightly held onto his face  ,  which was also caked with blood.  “  what happened  ?  ”
╰   ––––––– ✧   @wnterslder​      :      asked      ❨       before you say anything,  it wasn't me.         ❩˙
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elencr · 2 years
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      hand stills against his brow.  eyes narrow ever so slightly.  leaning back slightly  ,  ellie let her butt rest against the corner of her the bathroom counter.  what else was she supposed to do  ?  he had saved her life yet again.  trouble seemed to always find the brunette  -  even when she wasn’t looking for it.  bucky had saved her and now this was how she repaid the debt.  she would cook him food  ,  clean his injuries  ,  let him crash on her couch for a while  ,  while he healed.  she didn’t think she was doing anything ... wrong.  “  can’t help it.  ”  came her reply  ,  sniffing slightly  ,  ellie continued dabbing at the cut over his brow.  “  i’m just a nice person.  ”  she huffed.  they had only known each other for a couple of months at this point  ,  whatever was between them had been brewing for the last couple of weeks and ellie didn’t know how to keep the lid on her emotions.
╰   ––––––– ✧   @wnterslder​​      :      asked      ❨ i don't need you to ... i don't know, take care of me. just stop being so nice.  . ❩˙  
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elencr · 1 year
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      there was just something different about new york winters.  american winters in general.  ellie hadn’t really seen snow in real life before.  she came from the part of australia that BARELY dropped down below twenty degrees (celsius) during the day in winter.  so of course  ,  the idea that she would need something as BIG and as thick as a winter coat was still a foreign concept to her. 
                          blue eyes lingered on the white puffy jacket that was held out towards her in tony’s hand.  nose scrunched upward before she took it from him.  “  yes  ,  dad.  ”  she teased with a wicked grin.  pulling the jacket on  ,  ellie leans up and presses a kiss to his lips.  “  what would i do without you  ?  ”
╰   ––––––– ✧   @t0nystrk​      :      asked      ❨       don't forget your jacket.         ❩˙
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elencr · 1 year
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      “  two words  ,  ”  ellie turned to look up at steve  ,  one hand raised up to cover her eyes from the sun.  “  tony stark.  ”  there’s a snort that escapes her.  in her other hand rested a plate of freshly baked cupcakes  -  iced to the nines.  these fundraisers were usually a small affair  ,  more for the local area but ever since ellie had found her way  ,  somehow  ,  in with the avengers crew  ,  she had been getting noticed a little bit more.  “  just saying his name is enough to spark anyone’s interest  ,  no matter what it is.  ”
╰   ––––––– ✧   @rg4rz​​      :      asked      ❨      i didn't think anyone was coming.      ❩˙
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elencr · 1 year
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      he’d been gone for almost a month.  the first time they had been apart for longer than a couple of days.  it was like ellie had forgot what he did for a living.  and within that month  ,  ellie had felt herself slip back into old habits.  the nightmares had come back.  the insomnia.  the paranoia. 
                           locking herself in her apartment  ,  ellie hadn’t left in almost two weeks.  which meant that her meds had run out.  so when she hears his voice calling out to her from the living room  ,  ellie almost feels like she’s hallucinating.  burying her head further under the blanket  ,  the brunette remains in her bed not even answering him  -  once she’s better she’ll come to realise that she left her front door unlocked the entire time.
╰   ––––––– ✧   @wnterslder​​  :      asked      ❨      can you hear me? hello? where are you?.     ❩˙
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elencr · 1 year
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      there’s a slight scoff that leaves her.  before her head falls back against the couch.  the movie currently playing on the tv was forgotten  ,  as eyes come to focus on tony  ,  who was still standing in the doorway.  he didn’t believe her and ellie couldn’t blame him  -  she was shit at lying and she had a rather obvious tell  ,  where she wouldn’t look at the person she was speaking too. 
                          arms crossed over her chest and she tries to bury herself further into the couch.  “  i’m a brilliant actress.  ”  she mumbles  ,  hand (trying to be subtle) rubbed over the ever growing bruise that was wrapped around her wrist.  ellie didn’t want to tell him about what happened when she was out today  -  it had been taken care of.  just some dumb teenagers and their unnecessary need to grab people in order to scare them.  “  i’m okay  ,  tony.  ”  she finally mumbles.
╰   ––––––– ✧   @t0nystrk​    :      asked      ❨      you're many things, but a good actress is not one of them.     ❩˙
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elencr · 1 year
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      she’s standing in the refrigerator light.  she didn’t think anyone else would be up.  the bottle of juice was held loosely in her grip.  nose twitches slightly.  it was just a bad dream.  nothing more.  shaking her head  ,  ellie gave steve a polite smile.  before clearing her throat and placing the juice back in the fridge and closing it.  the kitchen was once again almost pitch black  ,  save for the city lights streaming in from the window.  “  not really.  ”  she finally mumbled  -  coming to lean against the counter.  “  why are you up so late ?  ”  she changed the subject.
╰   ––––––– ✧   @rg4rz​​    :      asked      ❨      hey. want to talk about it ?     ❩˙
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elencr · 1 year
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      it was late.  the bright red lights  of her alarm clock told her that it was almost three in the morning.  but the banging on her apartment door seemed urgent.  forgetting the fact that she practically wore nothing to bed  (  apart from a singlet and her underwear  )  ellie is pulling open her door slowly  ,  really praying it wasn’t a bad guy. 
                          what she doesn’t expect was to see her boss  ,  the billionaire  ,  the tony stark on the other side.  “  tony  ?  ”  his name came in the form of a question.  brows furrowing low over her eyes.  door opens wider then and she’s looking him over  ,  making sure that nothing was broken  -  that he wasn’t bleeding from somewhere.  his voice was soft and it caused her to swallow.  oh.  “  what’s wrong  ?  what happened  ?  ”  she doesn’t wait for him to answer  ,  she reaches forward and grabs a hold of his wrist  ,  pulling him inside the still dimly lit living room  ,  before shutting the door behind him.  ellie was still unsure as to how to class their  ...  relationship.  he was still her boss but  -  there was something there.  but that didn’t matter at the moment.  he’d come here.  because he didn’t know where else to go.
                           “  did you want anything  ?  ”  head points in the direction of her little kitchen.  hand still holding onto his wrist  ,  she tries her hardest not to grab his hand.  it’s three in the morning.  but they could probably do with a drink.
╰   ––––––– ✧   @t0nystrk​​    :      asked      ❨   i didn’t know where else to go    ❩˙
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elencr · 2 years
⸤ 🧁 ⸣  ⸻  based on your thread      ,      rebecca & bucky      |      @wnterslder​
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* .  ♡             she’s shaking her head quickly.  her lip was split and she was pretty sure that her ankle was sprained but becca KNEW she hadn’t been bit.  “ no  ,  no  ,  no  - ” she complains  ,  trying her best to slap his hand away from her face.  “ dad i’m fine.  ” it wasn’t zombies she had been fighting.  she knew that she shouldn’t have disappeared but she had been ... bored.  of course word of the winter soldier surviving d day had spread like wildfire  -  almost as much as him having a daughter (having two of his three girls killed).
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elencr · 1 year
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´ ・ .  ✶ ━━      “  what have i  -  ”  words were stolen out of her mouth suddenly.  “  -  have i said about kisses  -  ” they were stolen once more.  “  about kisses in the kitchen  ?  ”  there’s a soft laugh as hands reach up and find themselves carding through tony’s hair.  she hadn’t been working today  ,  which meant that there was no food laying about  -  it was her one day off this week.  and she did absolutely nothing.  which was surprising for ellie but it was something she did every once in a while.  “  you’re just lucky  -  ”  tony once again cut off with a firm kiss to the under side of her jaw  ,  ellie’s head fell to the side and soft whine escaped her  -  she missed him today.  “  that i wasn’t working on anything.  ”  it wasn’t long until her butt found purchase on the counter and her arms wrapped around the brunets shoulders.
╰   ––––––– ✧   @t0nystrk​    :      asked      ❨ sender kisses receiver in the kitchen.  ❩˙  
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