#hey so remember when we talked about rebecca and bucky being the only ones to survive :)
elencr · 2 years
⸤ 🧁 ⸣  ⸻  based on your thread      ,      rebecca & bucky      |      @wnterslder​
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* .  ♡             she’s shaking her head quickly.  her lip was split and she was pretty sure that her ankle was sprained but becca KNEW she hadn’t been bit.  “ no  ,  no  ,  no  - ” she complains  ,  trying her best to slap his hand away from her face.  “ dad i’m fine.  ” it wasn’t zombies she had been fighting.  she knew that she shouldn’t have disappeared but she had been ... bored.  of course word of the winter soldier surviving d day had spread like wildfire  -  almost as much as him having a daughter (having two of his three girls killed).
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milliedazzledust · 3 years
Somewhere Only We Know (Bucky Barnes imagine)
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Request: @the-craziestone story about Bucky x Reader, where Bucky is really obsessed with Reader - But not in a creepy way, more like he's really really in love with her and he can only see her, like she's his world Anon: can you do something with reader gifting Bucky Barnes the 3 Lord of the Rings books? They were published after WWII, and reader knows he liked The Hobbit so she thinks it's something he'd like
Words: 2943
A/N: this is pure fluff with no warning, also I changed a tiny bit the second request to fit the story - enjoy ;)
He couldn’t explain the sadness he constantly felt every time he was walking through the streets of the city he used to know by heart. A stranger in a strange land was the best way to describe him. More than seventy years had passed, and he hadn’t witnessed any changes. While he had been a puppet deprived of freewill and controlled with the sole purpose of killing, he had missed the birth of a whole new world. Now, as he strode around the streets, he could easily remember each of their names, but none of them were familiar. His mind remained in the 1940’s and in the middle of the noises, surrounded by the sound of first responders vehicles, the children running around and cars piling up on the road, he was a stranger in his own home. It was an unsettling feeling, a pining melancholy that reminded him in every step he made that his Brooklyn didn’t exist anymore. 
He was furious in a way, but mostly confused. Haunted by memories he had gotten back a second ago, and they didn’t fit this new reality. He wasn’t even nostalgic, but the loneliness was getting heavier every day. He could still picture the park he used to take his sister, the alley where Steve had gotten beaten up one day, the bakery his mother used to go to every morning. Treasure of souvenirs he would keep forever. And although the park, the alley and the streets names were still here, he was left alone walking down Brooklyn. 
“Hey, Y/N!” He heard a voice shouting. “Where do I put those ?” 
His head mechanically turned to a young boy carrying a heavy box of what looked like antics. Without thinking he crossed the road and when his eyes laid on the small shop, he gasped. There it was, one small piece of his past still here. It was an old bookstore he used to go to with his sister. The man, a friend, an immigrant from France with a thick accent, would let them stay for hours. Bucky loved reading to Rebecca. They would sit inside and she’d insist to hear The Hobbit. François, the man owning the store, would make coffee and stay with them, relating the stories he had heard around the world, telling them all about the France he had known. It was all still here. ‘Au Nom de la Rose’ was still here. 
He didn’t hesitate a second and rushed inside the place, an honest smile on his face. His eyes roamed over the room and he took a deep breath. It was just like he remembered, a place filled with murmurs and whispers floating above his head and through the roof, indistinct conversations between friends, huge windows bringing in a powerful light at this hour of the day, plants in almost every corner. Even the atmosphere was the same, this powerful smell of imagination coming from the laying books on the shelves, begging to be read, mixing with a distinct smell coming from the dust. The small couch and the old table he used to sit by with his sister were also there. The wooden pieces had many rough and sharp edges but looked just as smooth and clean as he remembered. Finally, his eyes landed on a woman there. He watched her rearranging a bouquet of daffodils, breathing in the perfume of the vibrant flowers as she tended to them meticulously. 
For some reason, he couldn’t look away. She felt familiar, like he had known her all his life, yet he had never seen her before. When she turned around he took an instinctive step toward her. She noticed, raised her head and that was the moment their eyes met. His breath caught in his throat when she smiled at him. He stood, frozen on the spot, staring at her. He couldn’t comprehend that instant connection. There was an inexplicable sense of excitement yet weird feeling that they had known each other forever, that they were meeting each other again after a long journey. He was transfixed, almost stuck by the confusing mixture of emotions but oddly comforted by them - all at the same time. 
“Can I help you ?” She asked him.
He surprised himself thinking there was something eerily calming about her voice, that he could listen to her for hours.
“Do I know you ?” He quickly wondered out loud, mentally facepalming himself for his lack of tact. 
“Shouldn’t I be asking that question ?”
“Why ?”
“You’ve been staring at me for the past five minutes” She grinned.
“I’m … I’m sorry” He apologized profusely. “I didn’t mean to…” 
“Look weird ?” 
He could swear his heart skipped a beat when he heard her laugh.
“This place is beautiful”
“Thank you” 
“How long have you been working here ?”
“Forever” She smirked. “The store belongs to my family. Passed on from generation to generation” 
Bucky raised an eyebrow, surprised.
“You’re related to François Y/L/N ?” He questioned.
She tilted her head, crossing her arms.
“Now I’m intrigued” She told him. “How do you know about my grandfather ?” 
“We’ve met,” He answered without thinking. He rapidly realized his mistake when she narrowed her eyes in utter curiosity. “I … I didn’t mean … I mean … It was … It was a long time ago”
He gulped, hoping she wouldn’t push it. She looked him up and down, assessing him. 
“What’s your name, weirdo ?” She inquired, giving him a skeptical glance.
“Bucky. M’am” 
She smirked.
“Let me guess, a soldier ?” 
“How … ?” 
“You all have the same manners, and the same eyes”
“What do you mean ?”
She was now standing in front of him, staring at his face with the most adorable smile he had ever seen.
“You carry the same sadness and the horror you’ve seen” She replied honestly. “My father was a lot like that too” 
Her answer had the effect of a punch in the gut he hadn’t been expecting. He felt naked under her gaze, a stranger with the power to see through his soul.
“I’m Y/N” She introduced herself, raising her hand to shake his.
It was rare for him to smile truthfully but the unexpected bliss slowly growing made his lips twitch before he could even acknowledge it.
“Hi, Y/N” He greeted her.
She chuckled, amused. 
“Hi, Bucky” She murmured. 
After that encounter, he made a point of coming back as much as he could. He stayed for hours sitting on the couch, reading the same book over and over again. They shared quick words but he didn’t dare to start up a conversation, too afraid he would say something he shouldn’t, something that would scare her away. He was content like this. There was no Winter Soldier, no war, no fight, no one else than Bucky. Being next to this girl was in itself a medication for him. It made no sense but she was so bright and radiant. Like a magnet, he was sucked into an invisible gravitational pull toward her.
By the second week of him coming into the store, she started to notice the small marks of attention. He would come so silently she wouldn’t hear a thing, bringing a fresh cup of coffee he would lay on her counter when she wasn’t looking, replacing the daffodils before they could fade, carrying the heavy boxes filled with new books. When she wasn’t working, she would grab something to read and sit next to him. They would exchange a smile but wouldn’t talk. The proximity was enough. Their presence was louder than any word. A quiet routine they were slowly creating. 
By the fourth month, nothing had changed and that day was no different. Rain was pouring outside and the store was empty, except for Y/N and Bucky. Just as usual, he was reading in a corner while she was working. New stacks of books had arrived and she was methodically putting them on the shelves. Standing on a ladder, on the tip of her toes, she was so focused on the task she had failed to notice the soldier walking up to her. 
“Do you need any help ?” He offered. 
Surprised to hear his voice so close to her, she lost her balance and slipped. She yelped as her ankle hit one side of the ladder and automatically closed her eyes, anticipating the fall. She tried to brace herself but before her body could touch the ground she felt something cold holding her waist. Suddenly, instead of laying on the floor, she was against his hard chest, in a protective embrace. She recognized his arms around her and shivered at the odd coldness. He  felt it immediately and was quick to put some distance between them, making sure his metal arm was no more on her body and only his human hand was steadying her. 
“Are you alright ?” He questioned. She pursed her lips, trying not to show that she was hurt when she heard how worried he sounded. 
“Yeah, it’s fine. I’m fine”
He looked skeptic but didn’t say anything about it.
“I didn’t mean to scare you,” He apologetically told her.
He took the books scattered on the ground, putting them away, and helped her walk to the couch.
“You know, if the goal was to literally make me fall for you, I’d say you did a pretty good job there” She flirted, making him chuckle. 
He sat on the table in front of her and grabbed her calve, gently laying her leg on his thigh to assess the damage. From the corner of his eyes, he could see her blushing. It made him insanely happy to know he wasn’t the only one affected by their closeness. They tried not to look at one another, too embarrassed by the situation. This was the closest they had ever been and the touch on his skin on hers was more than enough to make her heart ready to jump out of her chest. When he clasped her injured ankle, she cried and instinctively pushed him back. 
“Fine, huh ?” He repeated her own words with a smirk.
She huffed and rolled her eyes.
“It’s not a big deal, Bucky” She reassured him. “I’ve got to get back to work”
“You’re not moving from this couch” He ordered.
“Is that an order, soldier ?” She ironically threw at him, crossing her arms in annoyance.
“You bet it is”
She watched him, intrigued, as he stood up and piled up some books on the table to put her ankle to rest on it. 
“No moving around, got it ?” He made sure she would follow his advice.
“Aye, aye, Captain”
He chuckled 
“Technically speaking, I’m not a Captain” He confessed as he continued what she had been doing earlier and started putting the books carefully on the right shelves. 
“Would you have preferred Sergeant ?” She replied, bitting her lips, unsure this was the wrong moment to admit she knew who he was.
He instantly stopped what he was doing and slowly turned around to stare at her.
“What did you say ?” He asked, more scared than ever.
Up until that moment, he had avoided telling her who he was. Becoming part of the Avengers meant his identity wasn’t a secret anymore, and although he had done a terrific job staying hidden among the mass of people, it wouldn’t have taken more than a little push to find who he really was. He stood in front of her, frozen, not having a clue how to react.
“Sergeant Barnes, isn’t it ?” She sounded nervous, almost frightened to say his name out loud.
“I… “ He tried to say anything, but as the rain kept pouring outside, slowly turning into a thunderstorm, he blankly stared back.
“Would you have told me ?” She whispered.
She humorlessly snorted. 
“We’ve known each other for more than three months, Bucky. I see you practically every day. Be honest, eventually would’ve never come” 
“It’s not like that” He tried to explain.
“I’m not mad, don’t worry” She sadly smiled. “I just wish… I guess I wish you could’ve trust me” 
He rubbed his jaw in frustration and made a step toward her. Without breaking his gaze, he slowly took the glove off, revealing his metal hand. Still, he didn’t look at her, too afraid of her reaction. The cold metal had never felt so hot against his skin, a burning reminder of the stranger he had become.
“I didn’t want you to be scared,” He admitted in a broken voice. 
“Of you ?” She was surprised. “Why would I be ?”
“I’m not a good man, Y/N”
“Why don’t you let me be the judge of that ?” 
“You don’t understand…”
“The red box under the counter” She interrupted him. “Can you take it for me ? And turn the sign of the shop, we’re closed.”
He gave her a puzzled look, but did as she said anyway. He locked the front door and took the box she asked for before walking to her and putting it directly in her hands.
“Sit” She instructed him.
He didn’t dare to stay near her and chose to stay on an opposite chair.
“I found this a little after you and I met” She told him, motioning to the box. “It was in the basement, hidden under old junks my parents had kept over the years”
He let her speak, not understanding where this was going or why she was telling him about that. She slowly opened the mystery box and took a small envelope out of it. It looked old, so old the paper had turned into a deep shade of yellow.
“My grandfather wrote this” She confessed. “In 1957. It’s addressed to Bucky and Rebecca Barnes. I believe it belongs to you” 
She handed him the letter that he took with shaky hands.
“How did you… ?” He started to ask.
“It was a long shot,” She explained. “The first time you were here, you said my grandfather's name like it meant something to you. Like you really knew him. When I found the box, and the envelope, I didn’t make the connection with you right away. But your name was all I needed to start my research. My parents kept pretty much everything so it didn’t took me too long to find an old photo with you and him, back in the 1930′s” 
He wasn’t moving at all when she showed him a picture François had taken of them right before he was enlisted. 
“I wanted to wait for the right time to tell you, I guess. I mean, you have enough ghosts as it is”
“Still not scared ?” He inquired in a humorless chuckle.
“Not one bit” She didn’t hesitate to reply.
She softly smiled and motioned for him to come closer. When he sat next to her, she moved the box from her lap to his. 
“We were friends, François and I” He recalled, his eyes glued on the letter. “He was married to Eloise. This bookstore was their treasure. He kept repeating that I shouldn’t go to war when I could stay hidden under the pages of books that would take me around the world without risking my life”
She took his metal palm between her fingers when she heard his voice breaking. He almost tried to remove it but she tightly entwined their hands together.
“Maybe he was right” He muttered under his breath.
“Or maybe you and I were meant to meet almost a century later” She shrugged.
He snorted before turning around the envelope to open it. Y/N gently laid her head against his shoulder and let him read in silence. She didn’t move when she felt his body shaking with tears but only held his hand harder.
“They’re originals, from 1954 I think. He kept them for you” She told him as he slowly took what was in the red box. A set of three old books. “Why Lord of the Rings, though ?” 
He laughed,sniffing, before brushing the tears off his face and staring down at the woman. At that very moment, he felt like the journey was done. His soul had stopped the search it had been on for a time that felt like forever. Like a century. 
“My sister and I, we used to come here often,” He said in a melancholic grin. Sorrow was finally starting to be replace by something much better, happiness. “We would sit on this very couch and she would make me read the Hobbit. She used to love that story so much.”
“How many times has she make you read it ?” The woman smirked.
“Enough to remember every single word” He exaggerated, making her giggle. “When I told François I was leaving, he said he would send me books to help me travel away from the war, even just for a moment. I guess he kept them, hoping I would come back. Even after I was declared dead” 
“Maybe deep down he knew you weren’t”
“And he planned this whole meeting with his granddaughter ?” He ironically added.
“Oh no, that was beyond him. That was fate, Barnes”
“I was meant to find you” He agreed, a deep feeling of love and utter contentment forming in his heart. He bent his head down and let all he needed to say be spoken through the kiss they shared. 
“Will you read it to me ?” She playfully requested.
Overflowed with joy, he smirked and kissed her forehead before opening the old book on his lap. There it was, the only choice he needed to make. The only home he had yearn to create. Her. 
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unwrittenlibrary · 3 years
keep you warm and safe
summary // bonus part to my arms will hold you; bucky and his wife as she goes through the twelve hours of labor. stories, pain, games, jello and lots of love. [established bucky barnes x fem! reader]
words // 3.2k
warnings // depiction of labor, epidural usage, hospital birth & excessive use of nickname pretty girl
notes // eeeeeeeeeek i was so excited for this request! i love bucky + the mrs + this dynamic so much. note this is written in a similar style as the first piece; snippets of each hour.
》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《
Hour One 
Bucky doesn’t know what to do to help you, that much is obvious to you. It might even make you laugh, if it hadn’t been for the pain that was coming and going. Dr. O had apologetically explained that you were only six centimeters dilated and would have to wait until you were at ten, which you knew, but it still sucked to hear.
You groan, a mixture of pain and annoyance, as Bucky looks at your doctor sadly. “How long will that take?” He asks curiously. 
She shrugs before pulling up your chart on the tablet at the end of your bed. “It really depends. It could be anywhere from an hour to more than twelve. Every woman goes through the stages of labor differently.” 
Bucky’s hand is still rubbing your stomach gently as he continues to ask questions. “But her water broke. Her contractions are only a few minutes apart. How can it take another, like, ten hours?” 
Your hand grips him tightly. “Buck, it doesn’t matter.” You say in a tired voice. 
He turns to you a little apologetically. “Sorry, I’m just curious.” He admits sheepishly. Dr. O takes her leave with a kind smile and a gentle pat on your shin. Bucky looks down at you again. “Dads didn’t really go in the room with their wives when I was younger. My dad and I sat out in the waiting room when Becca was born.” 
You look at him with curious eyes. “Really? Your mom was all alone?” 
“I think my grandma was with her for a while, but yeah, pretty much.” He shrugs. “We were let in after Rebecca was cleaned and wrapped up. It’s nice being able to be with you. I just want to help.” 
Your heart swells at his admission. “That’s so sweet, Bucky.” You whisper resting your head against his shoulder. “Tell me about that day.” You demand quietly, hoping a story would help distract you. 
“I don’t really remember much of it.” Bucky starts. “But I remember my dad and I sitting in the waiting room and you know, we lived in such a gloomy time. Before the depression we weren’t too well off, so I know my parents were a little stressed about having two of us hooligans.” He laughs gently and you smile. You feel yourself relax at his voice and although there’s still pain, you’re not struggling to breathe anymore. “But when my dad saw Becca and the nurse let him hold her I saw it all go away. My mom let me crawl into the bed with her. Nothing like this one, mind you. It was smaller and way less comfortable, but she still wrapped her arm around me and kissed my head and my dad introduced me to Becca.” He hastily wipes a tear away. “It’s one of the few good memories I have of back then.”
“I’m so sorry, Bucky.” You say, a little guilty. You hadn’t meant to make him sad by bringing up his family. “I wish they could meet me and our babies.” 
Bucky smiles down at you then presses a kiss to your cheek. “Me too, but I know they’re proud of me. I know they would’ve loved you. That’s all I need.” 
You groan as another contraction hits and Bucky sits up a little straighter, his hand immediately rubbing up and down your back. “You’re so strong. I love you so much.” He murmurs as you breathe deeply. 
“I’m so proud of you.” You say a moment later when the sharp pain has passed and you have a second to breathe. 
Bucky snorts and looks you over with his eyes. “Not prouder than I am of you. Nothing I’ve done in this lifetime can compare to what you’re doing right now.” 
And - well - a small part of you wants to argue that Bucky saved lives daily, but the rest of you agreed. Bucky would never do this and his support and pure adoration made it a little easier. 
Hour Three
“I’m hungry.” You complain. Dr. O had left a little over twenty minutes ago after declaring you were still only dilated six centimeters, which felt impossible but who were you to argue with her? “What can I eat?” 
Bucky’s begun pulling out some of the stuff you had packed in the go bag and organizing it in the small hospital dresser. 
“The nurse said I can get you ice chips or jello, but that’s really it.” He answers apologetically. You sigh mournfully. All you really wanted was something to fill you up. “Want me to grab some?” 
“Jello, please.” You shrug. “Are you sure I can’t eat anything? I want, like, mashed potatoes.” You tap your fingers against your stomach as you adjust your pillow behind you with one arm. 
Bucky laughs as he comes over to you. “I’m sure, pretty girl.” His hand cups your cheek gently and you look up at him with a pout. “I’ll bring you some jello.” 
“Thank you.” You smile up at him. Dr. O enters as he leaves and he pauses. “Go! I’ll be fine.” You wave him away as she comes to your bedside. He waits for a moment before finally stepping out of the room. You look at Dr. O with a tired smile. “Checking me again?” You ask.” 
“I will in a little while. I came to talk to you about an epidural. You’ve already been in labor for a few hours and it looks like you’ll be one of the women who is in labor for a tough amount of time.” She explains gently. “It’s completely up to you. You have some time to think.” 
You nod. Your contractions still hurt and they took the wind out of you when they came every few minutes, so it didn’t feel like the worst idea. “Come back in half an hour? Can I have some time to think?” 
“Of course!” She nods. “Take your time. Remember nobody is here to judge you, it’s your body and your choice entirely.” 
You smile. “Thank you.” You relax against your pillow as you wait for Bucky to return with your jello. You think of Dr. O’s advice torn between having a natural birth and the gruelling pain it could leave you in for hours. 
“I come bearing jello.” Bucky pushes the door open softly and smiles at you with two cups of jello in his hand. You frown at their small size and Bucky chuckles. “I know they’re small, that's why I brought you two.” 
You smile gratefully when he peels one open and hands it to you along with a small spoon. You moan at the taste of it and the feeling of being able to eat something even though it’s something small like jello. 
“Dr. O asked if I wanted an epidural.” You murmur in between bites. Bucky nods. “What will that do?” He asks curiously. 
You take a deep breath as pain shoots through you. “Help with these contractions in case labor goes on for hours. I don’t know some women just go entirely natural, I’m torn.” 
“Well is it unsafe?” He asks before handing you the second cup. You shake your head. “There are risks to every medical procedure. It’s not like, bad for the babies but it can have some risky side effects.” You explain. 
Bucky looks at you with intent, like he doesn’t want to miss a word that comes out of your mouth. “You know it’s up to you. Nobody else's opinion should matter, it’s not their body.” 
You take a deep breath. “I know… I just don’t want people to think I’m like, not woman enough or-“
“Stop.” Bucky cuts you off harshly. You look at him with wide eyes. “Pretty girl, nobody can tell you anything about your choices. Got that?” He tilts his head so you’re forced to look him in the eyes. 
You’ve always loved Bucky’s eyes. His emotions reflected in the blue that held your own stare until you nod slowly. 
He smiles then flexes his vibranium arm. “And if they do, they can deal with me.” 
Hour Five 
“Call them back!” You laugh as you sit up in bed. The pain has lessened considerably after the epidural at hour four, when you had only been dilated around seven centimeters. “I’m fine, Buck!” 
Bucky looks hesitant as he pulls the phone out. “Are you sure, pretty girl? If you’re tired you can take a nap or-“
“Bucky.” You whine a little. “I want to talk to my friend! Call Sam back!” He sighs as he pulls out his phone and sets it up on your little tray for food. 
It rings for a few moments before Sam’s face appears on the screen with a wide smile. “My favorite people!” He cheers when he sees you two both in frame. “Man, has anybody told you how beautiful you look right now?” He says sweetly. 
You roll your eyes. “Only every hour. Bucky won’t stop saying it.” You nudge his side playfully. “I look like a disaster, but I appreciate it.” 
Sam and Bucky both shake their heads. “Not true at all. You look like a goddess.” Bucky says sternly. You giggle as Sam snorts. 
“How far along are you?” He asks. You shrug. “About three more centimeters to go, but the doctor said it could take awhile.” 
“Should Steve and I come camp out in the waiting room?” He smirks. “I’m about to buy out the whole gift store.” 
You laugh. “Not necessary! Bucky will text you when we get closer if you want to come down.” 
Sam rolls his eyes good naturedly. “Of course we do. Life gets so boring here at the compound. Steve!” He yells out. You and Bucky flinch at the drastic change in tone. “Steve! Come here!” He looks back at the camera. “He came to help with training today, that worked out great, didn’t it? We can carpool.” 
You both nod as Steve forces his face into the camera view. You and Bucky smile brightly at him and wave. “Hey! You guys look great! I can’t believe you’re gonna have two babies soon.” 
“I can!” You shake your head. “Almost nine months of these babies inside of me, I can’t wait to have them in my arms. I want to drink coffee again and have wine!” 
The three men laugh and Bucky presses a kiss to your forehead. There’s a knock at your door and you two look up to see one of the nurses quietly coming in. “We’ve gotta go! Bucky will text you when you can come down.” You wave goodbye before Bucky grabs his phone and sits up. 
“Hi!” She smiles brightly. “I wanted to come in and say hi, there’s a shift change right now so you'll be seeing me for the next twelve hours.” 
You frown. “Is Dr. O still here?” 
She nods. “Dr. O is on call for you! We’ll be doing regular checks and then we’ll call her back when we believe it’s time to start.” You nod gratefully as she moves towards your bed. 
Hour Seven 
“D1?” You look behind Bucky’s shoulder quickly before back down at your small model ocean. He lets out a defeated sigh and nods. 
“Hit.” You smile victoriously as you place the red pin on your screen. You had sunk his carrier, cruiser and submarine. There were only two left. “A11?” He guesses.
You shake your head. “Miss.” He places yet another white pin on his screen. “E1?” 
Bucky looks up at you suspiciously. “How are you so good at this?” 
“I just know you, my love.” You smile a little too big and Bucky’s eyes narrow. “What?”
“You’re lying.” He looks your face over. “How are you cheating? Can you see over here?” 
You let out an offended gasp. “I would never cheat!” Your tone is a little over dramatic, so you’re not really selling it, but it makes both of you dissolve into laughter. 
Bucky turns around and catches the reflection of his board in the wall mounted television. He nods in an impressed manner before turning back to look at you. “Nice. I’ll let slide because you’re about to push out our children but any other time…” He trails off wagging a finger at you. 
You laugh softly as he begins to pack away the game. “I love you, Buck.” You say sweetly. 
He smiles at you. “I love you too, pretty girl.” 
Hour Nine
“You’re at eight!” The nurse cheers. “Two more, mama! We’re so close!” You look over at her with a tired smile. You had been in and out of sleep since Bucky had packed away the Battleship game. 
Bucky runs his fingers up and down your arm. His fingertips offer some cooling comfort, but you’re exhausted. Nine hours of sitting in the room, getting hourly checks and not being able to move around besides small walks has taken a toll. 
“What do you need from me, pretty girl?” Bucky murmurs. 
You shrug. “I want this to be over with. I want to have them in our arms. Why is it taking so long?” You mumble in a trembling voice. You hadn’t realized how emotionally exhausted you were too. 
Bucky sighs sadly as he stares down at you. “I’m not sure, pretty girl. The doctor said every woman goes through labor differently.” 
“That does nothing to help me.” You snap at him. Bucky’s eyes widen and you squeeze your eyes shut willing the tears gathering in them to go away. 
You feel Bucky rub his hand up and down your arm. “You’re okay.” He whispers. “You can cry, pretty girl. Nobody is gonna judge you.” He says quietly, his other hand coming up to cup your cheek. 
You open your eyes to look at him apologetically. “I’m sorry.” You whisper, but he shakes his head. 
“Nothing you say or do while going through this is going to offend me.” He explains gently. “If you wanna yell at me, yell at me. Just let me help.” 
You laugh wetly. “I’m not gonna emotionally abuse you.” You rest your hand over his on your cheek. “I just need you here to listen to me complain and say I know it sucks.”
“That’s it?” He chuckles and you shrug. “And maybe get back in bed with me for a couple minutes.” He smiles and you scoot over a little bit. 
Bucky presses himself to your side and wraps a careful arm around you. You take a deep breath and rest your head against his shoulder. You don’t even notice the tears until Bucky begins to wipe them silently off your cheeks while pressing kisses to your forehead. 
“You got this, pretty girl. Just a little while longer.” 
You nod. “Get more jello for me, please?” You ask quietly. Bucky laughs, but moves to stand up. “The cherry flavor this time!” You call out as he opens the door, his laughter echoes in the hall and it makes you smile.
Hour Ten
“Nine! You’re doing so well! Your babies are almost here.” You smile brightly at the words and turn your head to look at Bucky. 
“You know you can sleep a little? You’ve been awake this entire time.” You urge. Bucky had been with you every minute you were awake. He ate when you were asleep so you wouldn’t be jealous of the food. Finished unpacking your go bag and talking to nurses, you couldn’t imagine that he had found the time to rest. “I don’t want you passing out when you see what happens when I push these kids out.” 
Bucky lets out a loud laugh. “I promise you I’ve seen worse.” He pulls one of the chairs up to sit beside you. Squeezing both of you on there had just become too hot and uncomfortable for you. “Besides, I slept for a little while you napped.” 
“For how long?” You cross your arms over your stomach. 
Bucky rubs the back of his neck. “Like twenty minutes? I’m fine, pretty girl. I used to go days without more than an hour of sleep. You don’t have to worry about me.” 
“That’s why I worry about you.” Your hand finds his resting beside you on the bed. “I know you’ll play it off until you pass out from exhaustion.” 
Bucky smiles like he’s surprised by your love for him. Maybe he still is, even after all this time together. You smile back. “I’m supposed to be the one comforting you, pretty girl. Not the other way around.” He teases. 
You shake your head. “I think we’ve always been good at comforting each other. Doesn’t matter when.” Bucky smiles brightly at you with a nod. 
“You’re always right.” He murmurs. “What would I do without you?” You open your mouth to respond. “Don’t answer. I don’t even like thinking about it.” 
Hour Eleven
“God. Fuck.” You groan. The pressure you feel mixed with the dulled contractions was awful. “Can I push? Please?” You look down at Dr. O. 
Your room has been set up with incubators, medical tools and you felt exposed to the group in front of you. She nods. “When you start, we’re gonna count to eight, okay? Then a rest period.” She looks between you and Bucky.
Bucky presses a quick kiss to your forehead before wrapping one of your hands between both of his. “Ready, mama?” You nod hastily as Dr. O begins to count out loud. 
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” You squeeze your eyes shut and focus on her counting only letting out a breath when she says stop. “You look amazing right now.” Bucky whispers and you scoff.
“Just need you to breathe with her, Mr. Barnes.” Dr. O urges gently and he nods, breathing in with you before breathing out.
The routine breathing helps relax you for your small rest break before Dr. O begins counting again for another push. “You’re doing so well, pretty girl.” 
Bucky’s got his left hand interlocked with yours. “Breathe.” Dr. O lets out. “You’re so close.” She cheers you on.
“I can’t do this. I can’t.” You shake your head with teary eyes. After hours and hours of restlessness, you’re exhausted. You can’t help but feel this will take you out. You can hear your heart monitor spike a little. Bucky’s eyes frantically look around the room which does little to quell your worry. “Bucky.” You cry.
“We need to push, Mrs. Barnes.” Dr. O urges. You shake your head but stop when Bucky’s hand grips your chin and forces you to look at him. 
“You can do this.” His voice is stern. “You know you can. What did I say? This isn’t gonna be what takes you out, pretty girl.” You sniffle as you watch him talk. “You gotta push for me, okay?”
You take in a deep, shuddering breath before nodding. “Okay.” You say quietly before turning your attention back to Dr. O. “Okay.” 
Hour Twelve 
“A boy and a girl.” You murmur tiredly as Bucky pushes back stray hairs and wipes the sweat off your forehead. “Our babies.” 
“Our babies.” He agrees a little wetly. “You did amazing, pretty girl. I’m so fucking proud of you.” 
“Did you call the boys?” You ask. You can hear the cries echo in the room as nurses perform necessary checks. Bucky laughs. “I did. They’re in the waiting room.” He answers. 
“Are they okay?” You ask, unable to move and check yourself. Bucky looks over his shoulder before looking back down at you. “They are. They’re perfect, just getting cleaned up. A boy and a girl.” Bucky murmurs in awe. 
“Eleanor and Steven.” You whisper. “Can I hold them?”
“Soon.” Bucky smiles before leaning down to press a gentle kiss to your lips. “A couple more minutes.” 
》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《
notes // i’m so glad someone liked my arms will hold you enough to want more of it! i love family bucky, he has my heart. 
replies and reblogs are appreictaed if you enjoyed this! 💞
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missvelvetsstuff · 2 years
Friday's Place
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Mob AU
Chapter 6
Warning: swearing, angst, Sharon is a bitch.
Friday sat at her desk, staring off into space. Sweet little Rebecca was Sharon's daughter? How did she miss that? Friday remembered about 7ish years ago Sharon made a big deal about being accepted into one of the premier equestrian programs in Europe and was gone for a couple of years. It was one of the best times Friday could remember, no drama from Sharon and before Brock came sniffing around.
She shook her head, this was just more drama she didn't need. The almost irresistible mobster that was pursuing her was Sharon's ex? Friday wasn't interested in more grief from Sharon if she gave in to Barnes. And forcing sweet Becca to call her Miss Sharon in public? No wonder Becca was so needy for affection and approval. Without even trying Friday was peeling back the layers to find out what's really going on and it kept getting more insane.
MJ came in "We're all done, everyone is fed and tucked in for the night." She looked at Friday who was still staring off into space "Hey, Boss! You ok there?"
Friday shook her head to clear it. "Yeah, it's uh yeah. I'm alright. This whole local drama just keeps getting more bizarre. Not only is Becca Mr Barnes' daughter but Sharon is her mom. I don't know how I never knew that. Becca has been riding here for almost a year."
MJ looked at her in shock. "Our sweet little Becca is Sharon's kid? That Apple fell way far from the tree. And Barnes is Sharon's ex? If you go out with him you'll never hear the end of it."
Friday nodded "I'm just going to keep on and try to keep my head down and out of their way."
MJ chuckled grimly "I don't think any of them will let you do that."
"Maybe not but I have to try. The council meeting is in a few days so we have to be prepared. Keeping this stable up and running is my main priority"
She stood up "Go ahead and take off. I'm going to grab a bite and crash. All this drama is exhausting"
When Dot and Becca returned home that night Dot noticed how quiet the house was. Most nites, especially the weekends, there were Bucky's associates coming and going until all hours, if he was even at home.
Dinner was just the three of them which was also odd, he usually entertained in the formal dining room or his office next to it, while Dot and Becca ate in the kitchen.
The tension was palpable but Becca didn't notice and went on about Cookie kissing her and how much fun riding was. After dinner and a bath, Dot put Becca to bed and went to Bucky's office to see if everything was alright. He was on the phone when she came in and motioned for her to sit.
Bucky looked at her, angry "Thanks Tony for keeping me updated. I have some things to take care of. Yeah, I'll see you for brunch tomorrow. Right" he hung the phone up and looked at Dot.
"So, Dot. Anything happen today that I should know about? How was Becca's lesson?" He asked, too nicely.
Dot laughed nervously "No, Bucky. Nothing interesting. Her lesson was fine. She's really good."
Bucky looked at her hard "Nothing interesting? Are you positive about that?"
Dot flinched "There was a thing with that Friday woman-"
Bucky bristled "Really? What kind of thing. Exactly. Because I know you wouldn't do anything to go against my orders. Like how I told you to leave her alone and do your fucking job."
Dot started crying "I'm so sorry Bucky, I just miss you so much and she acts like she's so perfect but Sharon told me-"
"SHARON!" He roared and Dot yelped "When did you talk to Sharon? And why? I told you to stay away from her and Brock. I do not want them around Becca."
Dot stuttered "But, but Sharon came up to me a few days ago after I dropped Becca off at school. She told me how Friday was a slut and a cheat and a liar. How she was trying to steal Brock and how she cheated in a bunch of horse shows they were in and lied to turn Sharon's aunt Peggy against her. Sharon said she was worried about you and Becca"
Bucky scoffed "That would be a first. She's the one who cheated on me with Brock. Do you know why Sharon doesn't get visitation alone with Becca? Sharon signed away all of her rights shortly after Becca was born. Do you know about what she let Brock do to my daughter? The last time Sharon had any private visitation she left 2 year old Becca wandering around naked, crying and hungry while Brock and his buddies smoked, drank and cheered on her crying. Sharon is the cheating, lying, whore.
Tony Stark sent his security to keep Friday safe from them and you just walk up and slapped her? Because I won't fuck you anymore? Pack your bags, you're done here. I want you out first thing tomorrow."
Dot started bawling "But, b-but, Bucky, no, please. I lov-"
"NO! Shut the fuck up! Don't you try to fucking manipulate me. You're just like Sharon and I won't have you near my daughter. Get out! You have one hour before I send Clint to drag your ass off of my property."
Dot ran to grab her things and go.
Bucky paced his office until he couldn't hold it in and screamed in frustration. That didn't help so he punched the wall. Steve came running, expecting some fight, only to find Bucky with his flesh hand bleeding and the metal hand running thru his hair and then looked and saw a hole in the wall.
"Jesus, Buck. I thought I was going to find a body. What the fuck happened?" Steve looked at him in shock.
"Fucking Sharon. Again. She told Dot some bullshit about Friday and Dot slapped Friday when she took Becca for her lesson. I thought it would be better for me to stay away but it's only getting worse. I don't know why Sharon hates Friday and I don't care. I've had enough of her interfering in my life. I took full custody of Becca and I've even left that scumbag Brock alone but enough is enough.
Get Sam and Clint in here, we need to brainstorm."
The next morning Bucky took his crew to brunch at Tony's
"Good morning Barnes. I didn't realize we were having a full meeting so what happened since we spoke last nite?"
"Fucking Sharon Carter is what happened. She's the one that filled Dots head with lies about Friday. Told her that she was worried about me and Becca."
Bucky scoffed "like that's ever happened. I confronted Dot last night and she cried and tried to tell me she loves me. I fired her and she was gone within the hour but she doesn't know that the watch I gave her last year has a tracker and she went straight to Brock's."
Tony shook his head "I guess that means you're going to escalate things with Brock. Right?"
Bucky spat "He hasn't left me much choice. Bastard is lucky he isn't dead yet. I'll start with a legal and nonviolent approach. I just wanted to give you a heads up, it might get a little crazy around here." 
At the council meeting Friday couldn't sit still, waiting to find out if she could stay and continue Peggy's work. She was more than surprised when Bucky stood up and spoke to the council. He explained why he had gone from being an investor in the project in question to pulling his support and passionately told them what he had learned of Fridays Place and Nat, Wanda and Yelena's classes and the work they did. The improvement in the high school graduation rate, the kids who were the first in their family to attend college, the reduced youth crime in the area, the veterans whose PTSD was helped enough for them to lead normal lives. He even spoke briefly about his own daughter whose self esteem and confidence had improved since she started riding. "Fridays Place has given immeasurable benefit to this community and needs to stay."
Friday sat back in shock. What was Barnes game? She couldn't trust him. This, it was too much to just be a ploy to get in her pants. Wasn't it it? She stared at Bucky, mouth open, unable to figure him out.
Bucky felt her stare and looked at her confused expression. The thoughts that went thru his head ranged from kissing her gently, smoothing out her wrinkled up forehead and comforting her to ripping her clothes off and taking her right there but he just grinned and winked at her.
Buckys wink brought her back to reality and she started to smile back at him until she heard MJ next to her whooping. Friday looked up at MJ who had jumped out of her seat, confused. MJ took her hands and pulled her up "We won!!
Friday looked around the hall, confused. "What? We won? I don't understand."
MJ grabbed Friday's face. "They won't give Alexander Pierce the permits to build his project. We get to stay. Nat and Wanda get to stay too. It's over"
Friday smiled until she saw Sharon heading her way. She nudged MJ "I don't think it's over yet."
Sharon shoved her way through the crowd and into Friday's personal space "Don't get too comfortable old friend. This is definitely not over. I'll get you out of Brooklyn if it's the last thing I do. You just make sure you stay away from Brock and Bucky."
Friday shook her head "I've never been near either of them by my own choice. And seriously? Why do you have the need to hurt me and force me out of my home."
Sharon scoffed "You know exactly what you did. You lied and turned Aunt Peggy against me. Why else would she call you her best rider, a prodigy when everyone knows I'm better than you? Why did she leave you that dump? You poisoned her against me."
Friday shook her head "I never lied to Peggy, she took me in after my mom died. I owe her everything." She smirked at Sharon.
"Maybe you should just accept that I'm a better rider than you. Always have been."
Sharon started shaking in anger "You are not better than me you stuck up bitch. I'm the one with the trophies and Olympic medals. I'm the one with the world class stable, training future Olympians while you have that little dump and the loser riders that couldn't make it into my program.
You're so full of yourself that you thought you were good enough for Dave. A cheap little tramp like you, thinking you could marry one of us. I had to save him and now he's marrying one of the girls I went to prep school with, not some dirty wannabe. She deserves a man like him, you deserve to be alone." Sharon started pushing Friday back into the crowd. "I'm going to destroy you and your dump, I promise. You'll be lucky if you survive the next month" she flashed a malicious grin at Friday.
When Brock came up to get Sharon he scowled at Friday. "I don't know what, or who, you did to get them to vote against me but it doesn't matter. I'll have your land soon enough." He leaned into Friday and whispered in her ear "I'll have you even sooner."
That night her friends all wanted to celebrate but Friday knew it was only going to get worse and claimed she had a headache and went home alone.
The day after the council meeting Friday was up early, too restless to sleep any longer. The sun was barely coming up and when she saw Val's door was still closed she chose to let her keep sleeping. She decided to take Destry for a ride since she hadn't in a while. As they walked thru the neighborhood that was just beginning to wake with the sun she relaxed a little. Riding always made her feel better.
When Destry startled over a plastic bag, Friday worked to get him under control when she felt a sting in her neck. She started feeling groggy and like she was moving through molasses and couldn't calm Destry down so when he reared she slid right off of him to the ground and was unconscious before her head hit the pavement.
Peter and MJ pulled up to the stable at 7am to feed and were surprised to see that Friday wasn't there. When they saw Destry's stall was empty they figured she had gone for a ride. Until he came racing up the driveway with Friday's saddle, empty.
When Val came out of the house answering her phone she heard Tony's voice "After the meeting last night I think it should be alright for you to end the around the clock security for Friday, should be all good now. Val? VAL?"
Val shook her head "Fridays missing, her horse came back without her. I don't think it's all good."
Chapter 7
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wienerbarnes · 3 years
Are You Growing?
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader (Cheek to Cheek) Word Count: 1,886 Warnings: mentions to alzheimers A/N: idk about yall but im loving posting about the earlier times w bucky n reader
You sit on Bucky’s couch, Alpine curled up in your lap, purring softly with closed eyes as you lightly scratch behind her ears.
Bucky’s sitting on the floor in front of you, in the place of where his coffee table used to be, which is now pushed into the corner for the time being. He rereads the instructions to put together his new bookshelf for the eleventh time now, still not understanding where exactly to put each screw.
You were no help to him, your first suggestion was to toss out the instructions and build to his heart’s desires; whatever felt right.
The last thing he needs, though, is for his bookshelf to collapse in the middle night and scare the shit out of him, so he tries his luck with the instructions.
He’s grateful for the ring of his cellphone, perhaps a break for a phone call will somehow make the instructions easier to read.
His stomach drops when he sees the caller ID as Rebecca’s retirement place. He pushes down his nausea and answers the phone.
“Hello? Is Rebecca okay?” He answers, quickly standing and moving to another room, not missing when your eyes look up at the sound of his sister’s name.
Is Rebecca okay? Did she hurt herself? Did she hurt one of the nurses? Is she dead?
“Hi, Bucky. Yes, Rebecca’s okay,” The receptionist Bucky’s gotten to know well responds, causing him to let out a sigh of relief, “She’s asking for you, is all. She’s… not eating. She didn’t touch her breakfast or lunch, she just keeps asking when you’re coming. I know you don’t normally come until tomorrow, but I promised her I’d call you.” She finishes explaining.
“Uhm… okay, okay. Tell her I got hung up at work and that I’ll be over as soon as I can.” He tells her, sparing a glance into the other room to see you peeking at the instructions on the ground.
“You’re amazing Bucky, thank you.” She responds, and all he does is hum through his anxiety before hanging up, returning to the living room where you sit.
You look up at him as if to ask if he is okay and he only stares back for a few seconds, thinking, before deciding, “Put your shoes on, we gotta go somewhere.” He tells you, voice still a little shaky from the scare of that phone call.
You don’t question it, recognizing that it’s probably not the time, and move to go grab your shoes by the door. Bucky silently pushes out air through his mouth, an attempt to calm himself down and get the nausea to go away. Rebecca’s okay, he reminds himself, she’s having a bad day, but she’s okay.
You’re worried at how quiet Bucky is and with how fast he speeds on his bike down a route you don’t really recognize. Finally, though, you see the sign in the distance, St. Francis Alzheimer’s Hospital, and you understand.
He parks the bike out front and turns it off, not yet moving, and you take off his helmet you’re wearing to get a better look at him. You say his name when you notice tears have gathered in his eyes; you’ve never seen him cry before.
“Sorry,” He wipes his eyes, “This shit is just so… exhausting. Everytime the phone rings, everytime I come here, I don’t know what I’m going to get, if she is okay.” He vents before letting out a long sigh.
You don’t know how to respond, choosing to rub his back as he composes himself. Bucky’s always been a tough rock; always knowing what to say, what to do, always knowing how to take care of everyone and how to solve everyone’s problems. You’ve never seen him so tired, so nervous before, and you see the toll doing this has taken on him.
Before you can say anything, he stands, “Let’s go.” He holds out a hand to help you off the bike and rests the helmet on the seat, knowing no one’s going to take it.
You follow quietly behind him as he enters and greets the receptionist, walking past the desk and down the hall. You feel out of place, not only here, in the retirement place Bucky’s sister lives at, but in public. You’ve barely left the apartment while you’ve been in hiding; you think this is the most amount of people you’ve been around in months.
Bucky approaches a door and knocks quietly before entering, “Hey, troublemaker,” He calls out, voice no longer strained or shaky as it’s been for the half hour, as though he flipped a switch to make himself normal again.
“Bucky!” You hear an excitement-filled elderly voice call out.
You enter to see her sitting on the bed, arms reaching out for Bucky to embrace him in a hug.
“Sorry, I’m late, I got caught up at the gym.” He tells her, hugging her back.
“Oh, I didn’t know you were at work, I just wanted to talk to you about the carnival, it’s coming this weekend.” You notice Bucky’s jaw clench for a second before loosening.
“It is, isn’t it. I’ll get Steve and we’ll all go together, I know how much you love the rides there.”
You linger by the door still, observing the interaction. How Bucky plays along so perfectly and so composed. You tense when you notice that Rebecca’s eyes have found you.
Bucky follows her gaze and snaps his head to you, “Becca, this is a friend of mine.”
You walk over and hold your hand out, giving your name, and she reaches out and accepts it, giving you a gentle smile, “A friend, huh?”
“Bec -”
“I’ve heard a lot about you, it’s really great to finally meet you.” You tell her.
“Well, it’s lovely to meet you, too, I haven’t met one of Bucky’s friends in a while,”
“Rebecca -”
“Who was that floozy you brought home once, the one that Mama hated?” She teases Bucky, who now stands with arms crossed looking at you take a seat in the chair next to Rebecca’s bed.
“That was Madeline.”
“Madeline! My goodness, she didn’t last very long at all -”
“How about we talk about something other than my love life? Are you hungry, Bec?”
“A little bit.” She responds, and Bucky feels relief flood through his body. He nods and leaves the room to go fetch her lunch from one of the nurses.
“I love these flowers on your shirt.” Rebecca compliments, snapping your eyes away from the door Bucky exited out of and back to hers. They’re the same blue as Bucky’s.
You glance down at your shirt, one you thrifted with lilac’s all over them.
“Thank you, they’re, uh, lilacs. They symbolize growth. Like, change from ignorance to knowledge, innocence to wisdom, and all that.” You tell her.
She hums, “And are you?”
“Am I what?”
You pause to think about it. Have you grown? Changed?
“Yes. I think so.” You respond.
“Well, then I’m happy for you.” She says sincerely.
You feel a knot swell in your throat at the validation, being greatly reminded of Bucky in that moment, and it’s then that he returns with a tray of food, a bowl of fruit, and a glass of juice.
Bucky places the tray on the small table that can swing over her bed, cutting the food on the plate for her small pieces, before moving to the fruit and juice, taking both lids off for her.
You watch as he takes gentle care in moving the tray closer to her, piling small pieces of food onto a spoon before feeding it to her.
She clears about half the plate before saying she’s full, which is more than enough for Bucky to be satisfied; it’s better than this morning.
Whatever problem there seemed to be this morning that caused Bucky to come over here in a rush is gone. To you, it was like his presence was the only thing she needed to feel better; it’s like there wasn’t anything wrong in the first place.
Soon enough, the two of you leave, with a promise from Bucky that he’ll see her tomorrow on Thursday and they’ll go to the carnival this weekend.
You don’t mention anything else about the visit to Bucky the entire way home, and choose to help him on the floor of his living room for the rest of the evening instead.
Thursday and Friday pass, and Bucky goes to Steve’s on Saturday.
“Remember that girl I told you about? The one I’ve sort of become friends with? That I’ve been looking out for?” Bucky stirs sugar into his coffee, his sweet tooth showing up more frequently since he’s been hanging out with you.
“I remember.” Steve says, sitting down next to him at his table with his own cup of coffee. Steve’s is decaf, though.
“I, uh… I took her to meet Rebecca.” Bucky doesn’t meet his eyes, waiting to see what his reaction will be.
“Oh?” Steve responds, setting his mug down and resting his aged hands on the table, paying all attention to Bucky now.
“There was a situation on Wednesday, Becca wasn’t eating and she was at my apartment -”
“At your apartment?”
“So, I just took her with me -”
“You haven’t even taken Sam to meet Rebecca.” Steve tells him, making Bucky stop.
He pauses for a moment before continuing, “When I saw Bec on Thursday, she remembered her.”
Steve’s head tilts, processing his words.
Bucky continues, “I went to go see Bec on Thursday, and she asked me about her, apparently they talked about some flowers and she wanted me to bring her some so she can see them in person. Asked when I was going to bring her to see her again.” He finishes explaining.
“Wow.” Is all Steve says.
“Rebecca… doesn’t remember anything. I mean she remembers me and you, but she barely remembers anything she and I talk about when I visit, barely remembers her kids. But she remembered talking about lilacs with this girl she’d never met before!” Bucky says, still in disbelief.
“...Must be something special about her.”
“Oh, don’t you start now, too.”
“Just saying. Maybe you should bring her here sometime.”
“Nah, I didn’t even plan to take her to see Becca. That was a risk all by itself, taking her out in public like that.” Bucky glances up to see Steve smirking at him with that stupid wrinkled mouth of his.
“Stop looking at me like that, would you, punk?!”
Steve chuckles, “She sounds like a sweet girl.”
“She’s my friend, Steve.”
“I didn’t say she wasn’t.”
“But you’re implying -”
“Implying what? What are you thinking?”
Bucky huffs and rolls his eyes, Steve twisting his words around, and he realizes he won’t escape this conversation without teasing.
“Whatever. She’s just a friend. If that. We just hang out sometimes, I help her do things that I had trouble with when I got out of HYDRA. I’m just around to help her.”
“Sure, pal. That’s nice of you.”
Bucky sighs, standing to go refill his coffee, and Steve smiles to himself, glad that Bucky’s met someone like you, and glad to see where it’ll inevitably lead, even if the two of you don’t see it yet.
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americancowgirl19 · 4 years
Story of Our Life
Summary: In which your daughter finds your diary detailing your life since you were a young girl all the way to a few days before you die. She learns first hand how you fell in love with her father, Bucky, and survived everything life through at you.
Warnings: angst, mentions of death of loved ones, fluff, 
Reader: Female Reader
Pairings: Bucky x Female Reader
Word Count: 5,575
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“Hey, has anyone checked this box yet?” Rebecca questions, finding a dusted cardboard box in the corner of the basement.
“No,” Her sister, Stephanie, mutters offhandedly. Rebecca glances at her before kneeling besides the box.
“Anything interesting in it?” Toni, the middle child, questions abandoning the box of vintage clothes in favor of the box Rebecca had picked out. 
Rebecca doesn’t respond as she carefully opens the flaps of the box. At first it looks like there’s a bunch of junk in it, causing Toni to lose interest and return to her box. Rebecca pulls out the various items and sets them on the floor.
“Hey, Steph, there’s some old clipping of Uncle Steve,” Rebecca calls out. “And some of Uncle Tony... and Uncle Sam... and pretty much everyone else,” Both sisters find themselves sitting on either side of Rebecca in order to look through the clippings.
“Mom had to have been the one to do all this,” Toni mutters.
“You really think Dad would sit down and take the time to find these articles and then cut them out?” Stephanie asks, scoffing. 
“Hey, look at this,” Rebecca alerts, pulling out an old framed picture. It shows their parents and their Uncle Steve. It was easy to place when the picture was taken because both of their parents were in their war uniforms and Uncle Steve had yet to get the serum that made him Captain America.
“They look so young,” Toni whispers. All three girls look at the picture but their eyes linger on you, their mother. 
Out of the three of them, Rebecca looked most like you. She had your hair, your eyes, your height but more of Bucky’s bone structure. Stephanie was the one who looked like the perfect mixture between you and Bucky while Toni favored her father.
Stephanie sniffles and forces herself to look away from the picture. Her eyes return to the news clippings, which don’t help lessen the grief. By this point the only one still alive is Uncle Sam, and even he was on his last leg.
Uncle Steve had been the first to go, long before Rebecca and Toni were born. Stephanie still remembers him, vaguely but he’s still there. Stephanie had been born nine months after half the universe was snapped away. You didn’t know you were pregnant until after everything had gone down. Stephanie grew up with Uncle Steve as a father until Bucky was able to return. She remembers not understanding how one second Uncle Steve was young and the next second he was an old man but she remembers still loving him till the day he finally passed.
Toni was the next one to be born. She hadn’t been planned either. She had been conceived while you and Bucky were stuck in some random cabin during a surveillance mission about five years after Bucky had been brought back.
Then came Rebecca nearly two years later. She was the only one planned and the baby that convinced you to transfer to a more normal life. Bucky cut back on missions but didn’t stop completely like you had. 
“Oh, I wonder if this is another art notebook Uncle Steve filled up,” Toni wonders, snatching a heavily worn thick notebook from the box. Rebecca glances at it while Stephanie continues to try and hold herself together.
“Those aren’t pictures,” Rebecca mutters.
“No, they’re words, genius,” Toni rolls her eyes. Rebecca snatches the notebook and flips through it.
“It’s a diary,” Rebecca whispers, gaining Stephanie’s attention. “It’s mom’s...” She realizes, lowering the book onto her lap. Stephanie and Toni share a look before looking at the notebook.
“Dad had a few of those,” Stephanie mutters. “His were... heartbreaking...” Stephanie whispers, remembering stumbling upon one of the dozen notebooks Bucky had filled throughout his life. She remembered that she had found it while the three of them were going through his stuff a few days after he had died, just like they were doing with your things now. “I couldn’t finish his...”
“I don’t think I want to know about hers...” Toni admits. “Mom and Dad told us all the stories they wanted us to know. We all know they had it rough. I don’t want to find out just how rough it was,” Toni says, standing up and returning to the vintage clothes.
“Keep it if you want it, Becca. I don’t want to find out things I won’t be able to forget again,” Stephanie says, standing up and returning to the box of more modern clothes.
Rebecca looks at her two sisters before looking back down at the notebook. She could only imagine what her mother had put in the book. Looking at the dates it seemed as if she started around the time she was a young teenager all the way to a few days before her death.
It wouldn’t be until another three weeks before Rebecca looked at the diary again. She had been debating whether or not she should read it since the moment she figured out what it was. Eventually, she gives in.
The first entry is when you were about 14. You started writing in the diary because your mother died and you needed an outlet. The first few entries were heartbreaking and made Rebecca cry as your death was still so fresh in her mind.
Unable to continue, Rebecca flips forward a few years. Unfortunately, she stops around the time you had lost your dad. Not wanting to cry again, Rebecca flips forward once more. 
She stops on an entry from December. You’re in your early 20′s and your describing your day. It’s normal at first. You talk about how you had been shopping with your best friend when you stumble upon a scene you just can’t walk away from.
“I think he’s going to propose on Christmas... Or maybe he’ll do it on Christmas Eve. One or the other,” You friend rambles, with a love struck grin on her face. “He’s been dropping hints ever since Thanksgiving and you know how he is, can’t keep a secret to save his life. I’m surprised he’s been holding it in for so long,”
“I’m sure he just wants it to be special, a night to remember,” You comment, adjusting the bag on your tiring arms.
“I know,” She sighs. “I just want him to blurt it out already. I want to be the fiancé now, not the girlfriend,”
“It’ll happen,” You assure her. “He’s obsessed with you, there’s no way you’ll be the girlfriend for long,” She smiles, daydreaming about the future wedding. “There’s the car,” You mumble in relief.
“Oh, finally!” She groans, picking up the pace while you slow to a stop. It takes a moment for her to realize your not following. “What are you doing? You planning on walking all the way home?”
“I think there’s somebody down there,” You comment, seeing movement in the alley.
“It’s Brooklyn, Y/n... There’s people everywhere. Come on,” She pleads but you ignore her and go down the alley. “What is it with you and going down creepy places?” She grumbles, begrudgingly following you.
The further you two walk, the clearer the scene becomes. There’s a large, brute of a man beating on a smaller guy. The guy looked stick thin and obviously couldn’t fight back every easily. Although, you did have to respect the fact that the guy didn’t give up. He kept standing and attempting to fight back.
It only takes a few seconds for you to become fed up with what’s happening in front of you. You shout to gain the man’s attention. You grew up the youngest of 5 brothers, you’re used to making people pay attention to you.
“Well, hello, there,” The large man smirks, shoving the smaller one to the ground. You watch as the blond rolls into trashcans, your anger towards the larger one growing.
“Hi,” You smirk. “What’s a stupid brute like you doing in an alley like this?” You question, enjoying how his face falls. “You like hurting people smaller than you?”
“Sometimes you just have to show people who’s the alpha, ya know?” He winks, but you unamused.
“I don’t see an alpha here,” You tell him. “I see a bully who’s probably been bullied before so he gets the idea in his head that it’s ok for him to bully other’s since it’s happened to him,”
“I ain’t ever been bullied,” He snaps, clearly offended by the mere thought of being the bullied instead of the bully.
“Oh, so you were one of those brainless ‘pretty’ boys who thought it was ok to bully people smarter than you because you could never reach their level of intellect. Oh, and that means you’ll never be as smart as them. Either way, you’re a spineless jackass with no place in this world,”
“Listen, lady-”
“You, you listen,” You snapped, stepping up to him instead of backing down like he wanted. “You’re just a waste of space, asshole trying to bring others to your level instead of climbing out of your own crappy life to become a decent human being. News flash, nobody really likes assholes like you so why don’t you go back to your parents basement and never come out again until you’ve grown up like the rest of us. Ok? Bye,” 
“How about you come with me?” He suggests, a suggestive smirk on his lips. You stare at him dumbfounded. “I can teach you a lesson on how you’re supposed to talk to me,”
“Hey, why don’t you leave the lady alone?” The blond swaying on his feet demands. You glance at him but the large man in front of you completely ignores him.
“I’m wondering, how would you know how people talk to men when you’re just a little bitch?” You ask. Your little jap is the last straw and the man snaps.
You barely register your friend gasping as he attempts to slap you. Luckily, you managed to lean out of his reach and dodge the hit. You don’t hesitate to drop your shopping bags and slam the heel of your shoe into his foot. He groans, too focused on his foot to see your fist heading straight for his jaw. He staggers backward giving you the opportunity to kick him in the balls. 
He hunches over covering his man hood. You examine your hand for a second, forgetting how uncomfortable it is to punch someone. Before you reach forward and grab the mans chin, forcing him to look at you.
“My brother taught me how to do that, you should go see him when you’re ready for a lesson on how to treat other people like decent human beings,” You growl, before shoving his head away from you.
“Oh my God, Y/n, are you alright?” You friend asks coming up beside you. You offer her a coy smile and nod.
“I’m fine,” You assure her before noticing a new guy standing a few feet from you with an awestruck look in his eyes. Nobody says anything for a moment as you size the newcomer up. He’s tall with short cut, dark hair with beautiful blueish grey eyes.
“Well, I came over here to see if the beautiful dame needed some help but looks like I’m not needed,” He smirks, walking closer to you and your friend. You feel a surge of pride run through you, a smirk mimicking his coming to your lips.
“What can I say? Mama didn’t raise a damsel,”
“No, no she did not,”
“Y/n,” You introduce yourself, your eyes locked with his. They’ve been locked since he first spoke up and you felt as if he had trapped you with his gaze. The greyness in his eyes seemed endless, you would willingly get lost within them.
“James but people call me Bucky,” He introduces himself. “You can call me whatever you want, beautiful,”
Rebecca couldn’t stop the shit eating grin from coming onto her face as she read how her parents met through her mothers eyes. She read how her mother described Bucky as handsome and charismatic yet also goofy and lovable.
Before she turns the page, she notices a footnote. The footnote is more recent, it’s dated during the 21st century. 
“I learned today that Bucky told Steve he was going to marry me the instant my friend and I were out of ear shot. Seconds after just meeting me,” Rebecca could feel her grin widening. “Had it been up to him, we would have been married within a week but Steve convinced him to wait. Bucky could only wait seven months before proposing.”
Rebecca knew what the world thought of her father. Most of the world knew him as the Winter Soldier but she knew him as the incredible father he was and the hopeless romantic he had been for you. 
She spends a few minutes reminiscing on the memories of Bucky stopping on the way home from school to randomly pick you up flowers. She remembers the dances in the kitchen when she and her sisters had moved the the living room. She remembers the random dances everywhere, Bucky loved to dance. He had danced with his daughters multiple times but it was never like how he held you.
Rebecca remembers how she and her sisters would spy on you and Bucky. They were meant to be in bed but on the days they knew Bucky felt extra romantic, they snuck out to see what he had planned. Of course, being soldiers and spies you both knew you had eyes on you but pretended not to notice.
Bucky would always hold your hand in his and wrap you close with his other arm. There wouldn’t be a space between the two of you as you swayed together. Even the blind could see that you two were head over heels in love, even after everything you went through.
Flipping through the pages, Rebecca stops on an entry dated in the month of July. It was the date you told your grandmother, who you had lived with when your parents died, about your engagement to Bucky.
“You’re shaking, doll,” Bucky mutters, pulling you to his chest. You rest your head on his shoulder. “It’s going to be fine,” Bucky whispers, kissing your hair lightly.
“She’s going to be mad,” You whisper.
“She’ll get over it,” Bucky assumes. You smile, leaning your head back to look into his eyes. 
“You don’t know my grandma,” You mutter, “She’s a horrible person,” Bucky laughs and kisses your forehead.
“It doesn’t really matter what she thinks right? We’re going to get married either way. You do want to do this, right?”
“Buck, I’d marry you tomorrow if I didn’t want some kind of a wedding,” Bucky smiles, tucking some loose strands behind your ear. His hand stays there, caressing your head.
“We’re going to be just fine,” He promises. “No matter what happens, you’ll have me. You have me from now till the end of our days,” He whispers.
“I’ll hold you to that, Mr. Barnes,” You whispers, back. He smirks, pressing your heads together. “Once you marry me, I won’t ever let you go,”
“I should be saying that to you,” He mutters, tightening his grip around you. “You sure you wanna do this, doll?”
“Marry you? Absolutely... Tell my grandma? No,” Bucky smirks, kissing your nose.
“Come on, the sooner we get this done the better,” You sigh but let him pull you into the large house that belonged to your grandma.
Your grandma is an impossible person. She’s judgmental and cynical. She came from money and looked down on those without it. Those like Bucky. She had disowned your mother because she fell in love with a blue collar man. Deep down you knew the same was about to happen to you.
“Well, looks like street rats can clean up,” She comments, looking at Bucky’s attire. You jaw clinches tightly as you quite literally bite your tongue.
“Nice to meet you ma’am, I’m James but you can call me Bucky,” He introduces himself, politely. He holds his hand for her but she just looks at it.
“Your late,” She states, staring at you before walking into the dinner room. 
“Well, she seems nice,” Bucky mutters.
“We should make a run for it,”
“Think we just got locked in,” Bucky whispers, seeing the main door close. 
“Damn,” You whispers. Bucky smiles, holding your hand tightly.
“We out number her, stronger in numbers right?”
“We’re gonna need a couple more people to outnumber her,” Bucky sighs, giving your hand another squeeze before leading you into the dinning room.
Dinner had been tense with few words spoken. Bucky talked about himself when your grandma had flat out refused to answer him. You tried to ease the tension but nothing seemed to work. 
“So, Y/n,” Your grandma finally speaks.
“How long as you going to keep this hoodlum?” She questions. Your jaw drops for a moment as you wonder if she had seriously just asked you that. Bucky pauses in his feast to glance at you. Your mouth slowly closes and a glare sets.
“For the rest of my life,” You tell her. “I’m marrying him,”
“No, you’re not,” She laughs, shaking her head.
“I am,” You state sternly. Bucky gently caresses the inside of your thigh but it doesn’t soothe you like it normally does.
“No, you won’t,” She says. “Why don’t you marry that dashing Vince from next store?”
“Because Vince is a tool who can’t think for himself. I don’t love Vince, I love Bucky and I will marry him,”
“Darling, do not make the same mistake your mother made,”
“My mother loved my father,” You snap. “They loved each other to the day they died,”
“Your mother would have still been alive had it not been for that man,” 
“My father was not at fault,” You growl. “Besides, had they not gotten together me and my siblings wouldn’t have been alive,” She scoffs.
“Oh, and the world surely wouldn’t have been able to survive with disappointments like you and your brothers in the world,” She rolls her eyes.
“My brothers and I are not disappointments,” You snapped. “If anything, you’re the disappointment with you bitterness and lack of love for the world and your family. Someday soon, you will be lying on your death bed all alone because of your cruelty and hatred. I will not live like you. I’ll live with love in my heart and family around me. I will marry Bucky and you won’t stop me,” You said standing up.
“If you marry that boy, you’ll die without a dollar to your name,” She tells you.
“As long as I die with the ones I love by my side, I’ll be considered the luckiest woman in the world,” You grandma scoffs as you grab the back of Bucky’s collar and yank him out of his seat because apparently he hadn’t gotten the idea that you two were leaving.
“Wow, Grandma really was a bitch,” Rebecca mutters. You hadn’t talked about your grandma. You just only ever mentioned having lived with her until moving in with Bucky. You never went into more detail and the girls just stopped asking, not that they were entirely interested in the old hag.
Rebecca continued to flip through the diary. She smiled when she read about the simple wedding they hand in your brother’s back yard in upstate New York. You had worn a crème colored sun dress. A dress Steve had accidentally stained right before you walked down the aisle.
“I am so sorry,” Steve apologized for the millionth time as you and your brother’s wife tried to clean the dress.
“Steve, it’s fine,” You laugh, smiling at him. 
“It’s not like it’s going to be on all night,” Your sister-in-law, winks at you. You smirk, laughing as Steve’s cheeks flamed red.
“You uh... you still look beautiful,” Steve promises. “Bucky probably won’t even notice,” Your sister scoffs and you pinch her arm. “I’ll uh... I’ll be outside,” Steve slips out. You sigh looking at the mirror. The large stain covers your entire stomach.
“Well, we knew anything that Bucky and Steve were going to be apart of was going to be interesting,” She tells you. You smile and nod.
“Definitely a wedding to remember,” You mutter.
“Alright, ladies!” You eldest brother shouts coming into the room in his best trousers and button up shirt. “You look....” Your brother starts to chuckle causing his wife to slap him upside the head.
“Just do your job and make sure she makes it down the aisle,” Your sister snaps, pointing at him threateningly. He smirks giving her a wink and a salute before smacking her ass as she leaves.
“So, you’re positive you want do to this?” He asks. “We can have a car here in 30 seconds and have you in the next state in 30 minutes,” 
“I’m fine, I want to do this,” 
“Poor bastard,” He mutters. You laugh, punching his arm. He laughs pulling you into a hug. “Come on, the sooner I can give you away the sooner I can run away,” 
“Here goes nothing,” You whispers, as you and your brother begin to walk down the aisle. 
“Make no mistake, all these people are looking at this handsome man,” Your brother whispers to you.
“More like stupid man,” You mutter back. He smirks but doesn’t say anything. Once you reach the end, he hands you to Bucky, who pulls your as close as possible.
“Nice stain. Really brings out your eyes,” He winks at you.
“You can thank Steve for the finishing touches,” You whisper. He smirks, kissing the top of your head. 
“You could be getting married in your underwear and I’d still be happy,” He whispers.
“Something tells me that you’d prefer it if I wasn’t wearing anything,”
“Hey, if the shoe fits,” You laugh leaning into him as the preacher talks in front of you two.
“135 years,” Rebecca whispers, once she figured out how long the two of you had been married before Bucky had died. Buck had passed a few years ago. You had never been the same but managed to stick around before you passed in your sleep on his birthday about a month ago.
Rebecca continues on. She reads a few of the shorter entries. They’re mainly milestones for you and Buck. Your first apartment together, your first car together, your first pregnancy that had unfortunately ended in a miscarriage.
A few years later, the United States enter the second world war. She read about your fear of losing Bucky. She read about the numerous attempts Steve had made to get into the Army, being rejected each time. She read how you supported Steve despite everything he does worries you. She skimmed past the parts where your brothers enlisted but stopped when she saw the part where you had enlisted.
Your father had been a pilot in the first world war. He told you stories and you clung to them growing up. When you got the opportunity to become an Airwomen, you jumped at the opportunity.
You knew you should have mentioned it to Bucky but he hadn’t said anything about joining the Army. You knew he would but he could have spoken to you about it first. Instead, he enlisted and showed up in his uniform. You remember being so angry but understanding why he had done it.
You were many things and petty is one of them. You didn’t talk to Bucky about joining the military because it isn’t his decision, it’s yours. The same reasoning he had for joining the army.
When you got accepted, you showed up at home in your uniform. To say Bucky was surprised is an understatement.
“What are you wearing?” Bucky asks, staring at you.
“A uniform,” You tell him. “I’ve been recruited for the Women Airforce Service Pilots program,” You explain. “I’ll be leaving for training a little bit after you. Base is in Avenger Field, Texas.“ Buck stares at you as what you told him sinks in. “I’ve been told if I go over seas, they’ll be noncombat missions,” 
“So, you just join the Air Force and not talk to me about it?” Bucky asks. You laugh and shake your head.
“You don’t get to be mad at me Buck, you didn’t talk to me about joining the Army-”
“That’s different-”
“How?!” You snap, as he stands up. “How is it different Buck? We both want to protect this country, we’re both doing it our own ways. How is it different?”
“Because it’s expected of me to go over!” Bucky shouts. “If I hadn’t volunteered I probably would have been drafted, I didn’t have a choice,”
“Oh, please, even if you had a choice you’d enlist,” You roll your eyes. “Just because I’m a female doesn’t mean that I can’t fight in the war,” You tell him. “I have every right to lay down my life just like you do,” Bucky clenches his jaw before pacing and racking his fingers through his hair.
“I know,” He grumbles, falling back on the couch. “I know you deserve the same chances as I do but that doesn’t make this any easier,” He finally meets your gaze. “I’m still coming to terms that I’m in the army. It’s just... It was easier knowing that when I leave you would still be here. Safe. I love you, Y/n. You’re it for me, you’re all I want. Joining the war... Even if it’s noncombat, you’ll still be in danger and I can’t lose you,”
“Buck, I could lose you just as easily,” You whisper, sitting beside him. “I can’t lose you Buck but I can’t stay here and wait for you to come back. I’ll lose my mind,” Bucky smiles a bit and gently pets your hair. “I love you. I wish there wasn’t a war but there is and we’re both apart of it now,”
“What is it with you and Steve?” Bucky grumbles. Your smile, leaning your head on his shoulder. He holds you close.
“You know I can handle myself,” You whisper to him. “You and me, we’re going to be fine. We’re going to make it through this war and we’re going to have a hundred babies, everything’s going to be fine,” You shift your head to look up at him.
“I love you, so much,” He whispers. You smile, gently pressing your lips against his. “Are you sure this is something you want to do?”
“Yeah, Buck,” You whisper nodding. Bucky sighs holding you tightly. “I have to do this,” 
“Just when I thought you couldn’t get any sexier,” Bucky whispers. You slowly begin to grin. “You come strutting in that nice uniform,” You smirk straddling his waist.
“Now you know how I felt when you came home, Mr. Barnes,” You wink, rubbing down his chest. Bucky hums, a coy smirk on his lips.
“I’ll love you forever, baby doll,” Bucky whispers, gently holding your hips in his hand.
“No matter where we are shipped to in the world, I promise I’ll always find my way back to you,” You promise him. “I won’t let anything, not even death, keep us apart,”
“I’ll hold you too that, doll,” Bucky whispers, kissing your lips tenderly.
Rebecca takes a break from the diary. She makes herself some food and debates if she wants to go further. She knows that everything begins to go down hill once the two of your are separated by the war. She didn’t know if she would be able to handle your personal thoughts on what happened.
Rebecca had learned about you, Bucky and Uncle Steve in school. She had seen you all in museums. They never really intrigued her since she had the real stories at home. It’s one thing to read the stories on a random wall or listen to watered down versions from your parents and an entirely different thing to listen to your unfiltered thoughts.
Stephanie had told her and Toni what she had found in their father’s notebooks. His notebooks consisted of the same stories written down as he remembered, forgot and then remembered them again. She briefly explained the guilt he felt and just how detailed he had gone into with all the things he had done.
Rebecca knew your story would be just as traumatic and bloody. She didn’t know if reading it would taint the memory of you or not. She wanted to remember you as the loving, caring, yet badass mother you were. Not the weapon Hydra had made you into.
However, her need for the truth and her thirst for knowledge made her want to learn more. Before she knew what was happening, she was back in front of the diary.
The first thing she noticed is that your diary jumped from right before you had been kidnapped by Hydra to the 21st century after you and Bucky had been reunited with Steve.
“Whatcha doin’ there, doll?” Bucky asks, coming up behind you. You glance at him from your seat at the desk.
“Writing,” You whisper. “I used to do it way back when and my therapist thinks it’s a good idea I start again,” Bucky sits beside you, your thighs pressed against each other.
“Is that the same diary-?”
“Yep,” You nod, smiling a bit. “Don’t ask me how it survived but here it is,” You tell him. “Thought I could pick up where I left off,” You whisper, your mind slowly slipping back to the last entry you had made. It was two days before your plane had been shot down and you were kidnapped by Hydra.
“I’ve been writing, too,” Bucky admits. You glance at him. “It helps keeps the thoughts together but other than that...” Bucky sighs, frustratingly. 
“Hey, we’ve made it this far,” You smile, pressing your hand on his leg. “We survived the world war, survived Hydra, reconnected with Steve, became Avengers,” You laugh a bit. “At this point, I’m feeling pretty damn invincible,” You tease.
“You are, baby doll... I can’t seem to get rid of you,” He smirks.
“I do remember telling you that I wouldn’t let anything, not even death, keep us apart,” Bucky wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you onto his lap. The two of you hold each other tightly.
“You did,” Bucky recalls. “And thank you, so much, for keeping that promise,” He whispers.
“You’re mine, Bucky. You’re it for me, I don’t want anybody else,” You whisper, kissing his forehead. “Sure, we may be a bit more screwed up now,” He laughs a bit. “But we can be screwed up together,”
“There’s no one else I’d rather be with,” Bucky whispers, nuzzling his head in your neck. You smile, running your fingers through his hair.
“I love you,” You whisper to him.
The next entries after that one were more horrific. You described the assassination's you had done. You wrote about the people you had tortured, interrogated, and killed.
Although, through all the darkness of the entries you made, something stuck out to Rebecca. You wrote about the fact that Hydra never woke you and Bucky up at the same time. 
You and Bucky had been so in love with each other that you could snap each other out of Hydra’s hold. Even if you couldn’t bring each other’s memories back, you just instinctively knew how important the other was. Nothing, not even Hydra’s agenda, was more important than keeping the other safe and close.
You two had caused so many problems with Hydra that you had to be separated. They had originally tried making you two work together but then you both disappeared. You both knew Hydra was bad and that you two were good. Hydra unfortunately found you two hiding out somewhere and recaptured you. After that, you two weren’t woken up at the same time again.
Keeping you two apart was the best decision for Hydra. Until Alexander Pierce got antsy. Captain America and Black Widow were close to taking down Hydra and stopping Project Insight that he woke both of you up despite knowing what would happen.
He was desperate and it was his downfall. The instant you and Bucky were left alone, you both turned on Hydra. You helped Steve bring down Hydra in return Steve helped you both regain your memories.
There was a little blip when they found out about Bucky killed Tony’s parents but they managed to work it out without killing each other. Eventually, you and Bucky had become close with Tony.
Tony went out of his way to sure you and Bucky were comfortable. He continuously made upgrades to Bucky’s arm. He made it to the point where Bucky could feel with it. He even made an arm that looked human, as if he had never lost it.
Against all odds, the pair of you became Avengers and saved the world.
Rebecca was proud to call you and Bucky parents. She hated that you both were gone yet happy that you two were together now. She knew that even in your late years of life the horrors of your younger years still haunted you. Now, however, the two of you were at peace together. 
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avengerscompound · 4 years
The Tower: Family - 29
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The Tower: Family An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 1858
Warnings:  Pregnancy, labor, delivery, medical proceedures
Synopsis: With new powers, Thor now living on Earth full time, a wedding to plan, and Natasha and Wanda expecting, a lot is changing for Elly and her large and rather unconventional family.  When Elise’s parents try to reestablish connections, Elly questions what being a family actually means.
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Chapter 29: Becca
When Natasha went into labor it was about as dramatic as what you’d expect it to be for her.
It was a week before her due date, but well into the zone the doctor’s call full term.  She was uncomfortable and hating it but she still insisted that she be the one that walked the kids to and from school every day so that she could cloak them.  Because it was getting so close to her due date, Clint and Bucky had started to shadow her again.  That meant, rather than a random changing of the guard for the people doing the drop-off and pick-up, it was always Clint, Bucky, and Natasha.
They had been out for around half an hour when they returned.  I was sitting in the living room with Sam and Wanda while she nursed the babies.
Wanda had been such a star with breastfeeding.  With Riley and Pietro I’d ended up needing a bottle supplement which had turned to complete formula diets when they realized the bottle was a much easier way to get lots of milk.  I also remember struggling to feed them both at the same time.
Wanda had no such trouble.  I don’t know if it was just her and she would have been fine no matter what, or if it was the fact her powers pretty much allowed for anything - or a combination of the both - but she could feed both twins at once, never complained, and the babies were steadily gaining weight.
If there was a way for a person to burst through elevator doors, Natasha did it.  All three of us looked over startled as Nat hurried inside, beelining straight to the stairs.  There was a shadow of wetness on her maternity pants and a look of frustration on her face.  
“What’s going on?”  Sam asked his eyes flicking from Natasha who was already halfway up the stairs to Bucky and Clint who were following after her.
“Nat’s water broke while we were dropping the kids off at school.  She started getting contractions on the way back,” Clint explained.
Wanda gave an excited squeak that made Rose give her the dirtiest look a newborn can muster.
“Wow, alright,” Sam said.  “El, you go with them.  FRIDAY, let the others know it’s happening.  And tell Happy, Travis, and Amber that I need to see them.”
“Yes, sir,” FRIDAY replied.
I gave Sam a curious look.  “Well, the kids are going to need to be picked up, I figure if Happy drives one either Travis or Amber. And they’re both going to need to be extra hands-on, because I’m pretty sure Wanda’s going to want to come down and be with Nat too, right, honey?”
“Oh yes,” Wanda agreed.  “I’ll come up to feed these two, but I don’t want to miss that.”
“Alright, I’ll go check on Nat,” I said getting up.  “I’m sure we’re still many, many hours away.  She probably won’t come until tomorrow morning.”
“Wanna bet on the time?”  Sam asked. 
I smirked at him.  “Yeah, alright.  I think 3.30 am.”
“I’m gonna say 11 am.  Rebecca’s going to sleep in,” Sam said.
“Closest to it wins?  If it’s exactly in the middle it can be you,” I suggested.
“Sounds good,” he said, holding out his hand for me to shake.
“What’s the prize?” I asked.
Sam smirked at me.  “I’m sure we can think of something.”
I giggled and headed upstairs to check on Natasha.  I found her in the shower with Bucky, while Clint lazed on the bed.  “How are you doing there, Nat?” I asked.
“Completely mortified,” she said.  “I was talking to one of the other mothers and I just … exploded all over them.  Amniotic fluid went everywhere.  All over her pants legs.  And the floor.  The worst part was that I think the labor started this morning, but I thought it was those Braxton Hicks contractions so I ignored them.”
“That is very dramatic, Tasha,” I teased.  “Perfectly you.”
“I am really glad I have those powers, I tell you,” Natasha said.  “I would have to murder half the population of the planet if pap photos came out with me looking like I wet my pants.”
I smothered a laugh.  “No, we wouldn’t want that.”
“Careful, El,” Natasha warned.
“Yeah, El, don’t anger the assassin that’s in labor,” Bucky teased.
Natasha got out of the shower and I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her as Bucky turned off the water.
“What no towel for me?”  Bucky asked, stepping out onto the bath mat.
I grabbed another towel and threw it at him.  He caught it laughing and I giggled and turned my attention back to Natasha.  “Have you called the medbay?”
“Yes,” Natasha said.  “I called them on the way home.  They said to wait until five minutes apart and then come down.  I only had -” she looked at Bucky. “-two? Since my water broke, so I think we are a ways off yet.”
She wasn’t kidding.  Most of the rest of the day was spent just as normal.  Only every half hour, give-or-take, Natasha would have a contraction.  Happy and Travis went and collected the kids from school.  By dinner time Natasha was beginning to feel it and opted out of eating anything but she sat at the table with us.  She only winced once during the meal but tried not to let the kids see her discomfort.  Bruce even had time to read Riley and Pietro their bedtime stories before things started to get serious.
At around 11.30 Natasha was in serious pain and not able to hide it anymore.  Given her background and the super-serum her pain tolerance was higher than most, so it was difficult to see her struggling so much with it.
We took turns pacing with her, rubbing her back, and feeding her ice chips.  At around one I ran a bath for her and Steve sat on the edge of the tub and held the nozzle against her back.
By two she couldn’t take it anymore.  We went down to the medbay and Clint supported her while they put in an epidural.  When that kicked in, it was like Nat was a completely different person. She just kicked back in the hospital bed dozed through her contractions and we all spread out around the room doing the same.
We all awkwardly slept where we could, only waking when the nurses came in to check her progress.  At a little after three, they told us it was nearly time for Natasha to push.  They turned off the epidural and the pain of childbirth returned to her in full.  She hunched forward grabbing her knees and bared down.  Sweat clung to her skin and her face flush red.
“That’s it, Natasha,” Doctor Shroeder coached.  “Push.”
There was nothing beautiful or romantic about the way Natasha gave birth.  It wasn’t a magical moment where life miraculously entered the world.  It was messy and bloody and loud.  After half an hour of pushing, Rebecca began to crown, and right away we could see she was going to take after her biological mom more than her biological dad.  She had a little cap of pale red hair that was just visible.
“We can see her, Nat,” Sam said, excitedly.
“Not long now, Tasha,” Bucky added.
“It’s gotten to that freaky horror movie part, Nat,” Clint said.  “You want a mirror so you can see?”
Natasha nodded and Doctor Schroeder grabbed a mirror and held it up for her to see.  “There she is.  Your little redhead girl.”
Natasha smiled and started to sob.  She had gone past the point where she could speak it seemed and everything had gotten too much.  Bucky patted her forehead with a damp cloth.
“Alright, Natasha, next time you feel the urge again, push,” the doctor said.
Natasha bared down.  “I hate you so much, James Barnes,” she moaned as she pushed.
“I know, Tasha,” he said.  “I don’t blame you.”
“You’re doing so well, sweetheart,” Steve praised.
She shot him a look that screamed bloody murder.  “Shut your stupid, positive mouth.”
Tony tried to stifle a laugh as Steve’s cheeks flushed.
It was another two pushes until Rebecca’s head was clear, and only two more after that before she joined us screaming her head off.  “Here she is.  Your daughter has a lot to say.”
Natasha lay back exhausted but looking very pleased with herself.  I was ushered forward and cut the cord and the little squawling baby was put onto Natasha’s chest.  “Hey, Becca,” she croaked.  “You made it.”
Her cries began to settle and she lay staring up at all the faces peering down at her. “You did so well, Natasha,” Wanda praised.  “Look at that perfect little girl.”
“I can’t believe you did this with two and no drugs,” Natasha sighed, caressing Rebecca’s back.
“What time is it?”  Sam asked, reaching over and playing with Rebecca’s hand.
“Her official birth time is 4.23 in the morning,” Doctor Shroeder answered.
“Ha! I win,” I teased.
Sam smirked at me.  “Seems to me, we both win, princess.”
“Okay, okay, enough of that talk in front of the baby,” Bruce joked.
The medical staff fussed around Natasha, giving Rebecca her shots and a shot to Nat to help her deliver the placenta.  We were all too caught up in Rebecca’s presence to pay that much attention.  Though Bruce and I both looked over the placenta fascinated when it was out.
Eventually, the nurses took Rebecca off Natasha to clean her up a little and check her over.  Thor rubbed my back.  “Only one more to go,” he said.
“He can stay put for a little longer,” I said.  “Let him get fully cooked.”
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Once Natasha had been taken to her room with Rebecca and she’d showered and changed into her pajamas it was just past breakfast time and Amber and Travis brought Riley, Pietro, Sarah, and Rose down.  It was funny, even though Sarah and Rose were almost three weeks older than Rebecca they were still a little smaller than her.  We once again got Riley and Pietro gifts from the newborn and they were much more interested in opening those than interacting with their new sibling.
“Alright kiddos, you better say goodbye to everyone, it’s time to get to school,” Amber said.
“Do we hafta?”  Riley asked.
Steve shrugged.  “You can stay if you want, but we’re all very tired and everyone will most likely be sleeping.”
Riley seemed to ponder the predicament for a moment and then nodded.  “Otay, we go.”
“Sounds good, bug,” I said and kissed them both goodbye.  “Are you going to say goodbye to all your sisters?”
“Otay,” Pietro said and the two went around kissing first all their parents and then the babies goodbye.
“Bye-bye!” They called as Amber led them from the room.
“Okay but that was really cute,” Clint said.
“Yeah,” I agreed.  “I have to say I am really glad we have FRIDAY recording things because I definitely want framed pictures of them kissing the babies goodbye.”
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janeykath318 · 3 years
Happy BIRTHday! (Shieldshock)
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“I should have known your kid would insist on being born on our birthday,” Darcy groaned, clutching her husband for dear life during a contraction.
She’d gone into labor late in the evening of July third, and strongly suspected baby America wouldn’t arrive until the date showed July fourth.
“We’ve still got a few hours yet,” Steve noted, eying her with concern and excitement. She knew he was totally stoked for fatherhood, given how happy he’d been ever since they’d found out she was pregnant.
“I highly doubt he’s just gonna pop out in two hours,” Darcy observed skeptically, slumping against Steve to catch her breath as the contraction eased. “Much as I wish that would be the case. Jane’s kid was definitely the exception, not the rule.”
Jane and Bucky’s daughter had arrived with astonishing speed, and Darcy was deeply envious.
“Alright,” she sighed. “I think I’m good. Let’s get to the hospital.”
Picking up her bag, Steve helped her out to the car, mentally reviewing all the advice he’d received on supporting one’s partner through childbirth.
Meanwhile, Jane was relaxing in bed, half heartedly perusing a science journal while her husband attempted to distract her with kisses. Hearing a buzz from her phone, she reluctantly pulled back to check it.
“Darcy’s in labor.” She informed Bucky. “They’re headed to the hospital now.”
Bucky beamed.
“Another Fourth of July baby? How very Rogers of him,” he murmured. “Do they need anything?”
“Darcy says no and has ordered me to stay put and not pace around all night,” Jane reported, rolling her eyes at Darcy’s typical bossiness. . “She says Steve will keep us updated. I sure hope it goes okay. It’s impossible not to worry when childbirth is happening.”
“As I recall all too well,” Bucky agreed, remembering how scared he’d been watching her go through it a few months ago. “You were such a trooper, doll.”
“I’ll never forget the look on the doctor’s face when he told me I could start pushing and we had barely even got settled at the hospital,” she reminisced quietly, a smile lighting up her face.
Little Rebecca had been in a tearing hurry to enter the world, and Jane had been grateful for that. She’d heard horror stories of how long labor could be and was bracing for the worst, only for her daughter to arrive after only three and a half hours.
“She was impatient to be out and start sciencing,” Bucky said with a shrug.
Jane giggled and poked his shoulder playfully.
“You goof,” she said lovingly, leaning in to kiss him again.
Sharon and Sam received a similar text as they arrived home after a long mission.
“Looks like you’re gonna owe me, Wilson,” Sharon commented. “He’s gonna be a Fourth of July baby.”
“I’ll happily pay up,” Sam admitted. “I should have known Steve’s kid would do that. Is Darcy doing alright?”
“Yeah. But there’s a long way to go yet. First babies take a while, unless you’re Jane Foster,” Sharon sighed. “I’m dead tired, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to sleep while we’re waiting for news.”
She kicked off her shoes and shed her jacket, wincing as her bruises were aggravated. It had been a tough fight, and she was expecting to be sore for a while afterwards, but they’d caught the weapons smugglers, and she was relieved to count it a success.
“Hmmm. Maybe a nice hot bath would help?”
Sam suggested, holding up her favorite bubble bath solution.
Sharon cracked a tired smile.
“Maybe. Will you join me?” She asked hopefully.
“Happily.” Sam assured her with a grin.
It was nearly seven the next morning when James Samuel Rogers finally made his appearance, screaming his lungs out.
Darcy winced a little at the volume.
“I guess he got an enhanced set of lungs,” she gasped out as he was placed on her chest.
Steve chuckled, even as his eyes filled up with tears.
“He’s beautiful,” he whispered. “Our son.”
“Oh, he’s definitely our kid,” she agreed. “He’s got my hair and your stubborn chin. Hey there, James, it’s all right. Mommy and Daddy are right here,” she said soothingly, running her hand along the baby’s tiny back.
Late that afternoon, baby James’s two sets of godparents arrived, eager to meet him. Steve and Darcy hadn’t told anyone the name yet, and greatly enjoyed the stunned expressions on Sam’s and Bucky’s faces when Darcy introduced baby James for the first time.
“Wow, Steve…..I don’t know what to say,” Bucky managed, giving his friend a big hug. “He’s pretty adorable.”
“We’re honored, man,” Sam added, in his turn. “Congrats!”
“Oh, he’s so cute!” Jane agreed, rushing over to Darcy’s side to admire the newborn. “He obviously inherited the Lewis hair.”
Darcy chuckled. Baby James had a thick head of dark hair just like her.
“Yup. But look at his little chin and ears,” she cooed. “Totally Steve.”
“I’ve seen that look before,” Sharon commented, shooting a sly glance at Steve. “He’s got that stubborn Rogers jaw.”
“I call it the jawline of Freedom.” Darcy said, winking at Steve. “He’s also got his dad’s beefiness. Nine pounds, six ounces.”
Sam whistled, Bucky smiled, and Jane winced in sympathy.
“Holy crap, Darcy. You deserve a medal. You better treat her extra special, Steve,” she declared, pointing her finger at the new father, who nodded seriously.
“I will. She’s my hero,” he stated, looking at his wife and son with a very besotted expression that Darcy referred to as “heart eyes.”
“Do they know if the serum affected little James?” Sharon asked curiously. That had been one source of concern for both Steve and Bucky during the pregnancies. So far, Rebecca had not shown to have inherited any super abilities.
“We don’t think so,” Steve said. “But I just wanted him to be healthy. I can tell you from personal experience, It’s no fun spending half your childhood in the hospital.”
He shared a rueful glance with Bucky, who nodded knowingly.
Darcy passed Baby James to an eager Jane to hold and tugged Steve close to her.
“Steve was great. He let me crush his hand and swear at him without breaking a sweat,” she said fondly. “And he told me funny stories about you two to take my mind off the pain.”
She grinned at Sam and Bucky, who only sighed.
“We’re glad we could be of use,” Sam said with a snarky grin. “What stories did he tell?”
“Oh, the one where Spidey webbed you two up,” Darcy revealed with a sly smile. “You got your butts beat by a teenager.”
“A teenager who can lift an elephant!” Bucky defended mildly, making cute faces at baby James, whose dark blue eyes were now open and looking around.
“Hey there, little guy,” Bucky said to him. “I’m your cool uncle Bucky, this is your awesome aunt Jane and your awesome aunt Sharon. Over there is your much less cool Uncle Sam.”
“Quit feeding the kid lies, Barnes,” Sam retorted. “We all know I’m the cool uncle. You’re the embarrassing caveman uncle who scratches his back with random knives and grunts a lot.”
Darcy, Jane and Steve burst out laughing. The ridiculous banter between Sam and Bucky was ongoing and provided a great source of amusement for their friends.
Next, it was Sharon’s turn to hold little James and she too, quickly fell under his spell.
“He’s just perfect,” she admired, gently touching one tiny fist. “Talk about a birthday present, huh?”
“You can say that again,” Darcy said emphatically. “The best,” Steve agreed, a tender smile on his face.
That night, after an exhausted Darcy had fallen asleep, Steve held his tiny son until the baby also succumbed to slumber. “Happiest Birthday Ever”. He thought, kissing James’s tiny head as he laid him in his bassinet.
“Happy birthday, sweetheart,” he whispered to the sleeping Darcy.
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lokis-army-77 · 3 years
If You Please
Chapter eleven
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 3560
This is technically a reader insert but without the (y/n) and all that. She also has no name mentioned so feel free to imagine as you please.
Follow the reader through the events of the Captain America movies and experience her love for Bucky Barnes.
Warnings: none
Note: Honestly, this chapter reads a little weird to me but my friend who helps me edit said it was fine. IDK going from the 40s to 2012 is weird when trying to write.
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Seven months had gone by since Steve and I had been unfrozen. This new world I suddenly woke up in was exhausting. Everything had changed from the simplest thing like manners to complicated things like technology.
Days after waking up, we had been sent to a place called “The Retreat” so we could catch up on the seventy years we had missed out on. There was so much that we took to writing everything down in small notebooks, so we could remember.
I caught onto using the new technology quicker than Steve since I had worked with Howard Stark for several years. Being able to adapt to strange and new tech on the fly was a requirement when working with him.
After those few weeks there, we were both moved into two separate government apartments located in New York. I wish I could say that it got easier with time, but it didn’t. Instead of going to hang out with Steve or actually trying to make acquaintances with anyone, I just stayed in my room, locked away from everything. Coping with being in the future was the easy part, learning to live without everyone I ever knew was hard.
I hadn't known peaceful sleep in a long time. Every time I closed my eyes I am met with nightmares. The softness of the mattress had made it feel like I would fall through at any moment, back into the ice. To try and combat this I pushed my bed into the far corner of the room and made a cot directly under the frame. It felt safer to lay on the hard floor in the dark. The nightmares still came through, sometimes they were battles, sometimes they were of the plane crashing, but most of the time they were about losing Bucky. Every time I woke up in a cold sweat and never went back to bed. I just stared unblinking at the metal that made the bed frame.
One night after a particularly taxing dream I decided to take a walk. It was three in the morning, so I wouldn't have to deal with a lot of people. I changed out of my pajamas into some of the clothes I had been provided. The clothes of the future were tighter than in the forties. It had taken me a while to get used to the feeling of fabric clinging to my legs and upper body. The outside world was quiet except for the occasional car passing by. I kept my eyes to the ground, not really caring where I ended up. I only looked up when I was almost run over by another late-night walker. Peering from left to right, my eyes fixed on an old faded sign hanging above me. The letters were just barely readable and said in large letters ‘Boxing gym’. With another survey of the area, I realized where I was. This was the gym that Bucky used to take Steve when teaching him self-defense. I had tagged along a couple of times before I had joined the SSR, I was surprised it was still here. I smiled weakly and turned to the door. The light inside was on, it couldn’t hurt to see if they were open. The door creaked open and I slipped in quietly. The sound of someone working out came down the long brick hallway. Hesitantly I made my way to the open doors that led to the sparring room.
Stopping just past the threshold, to my surprise, I spotted Steve, who was busy punching the life out of a punching bag. I walked through the small office and around the boxing rings before I stopped again and leaned against one of the columns a few feet away from where Steve stood. I watched him for a while before he landed a hard punch on the bag and it flew off into the distance. I started clapping slowly and he turned around in shock.
“Good job, you broke the bag, but you do know you’re gonna have to pay for that right?”
“Hey kid, I haven’t seen you in a while. I came by your apartment but you didn’t answer.”
“I know Stevie, I just haven't felt up to company since we got back to New York. I hope you can forgive me.” He looked at me with sad eyes and took three long steps in my direction. His arms came out to engulf me in a hug.
“It’s okay, I understand. Promise you’ll tell me if something's wrong, okay?” I nodded into his chest and he squeezed me tighter.
“I couldn't sleep, I guess you couldn't either.”
“No, too many thoughts.” He let go of me and went to get two more punching bags. He hung them up a few feet away from one another before turning to me and asking if I wanted to join. Pretty soon we were both laughing together if it felt almost like we were back home before everything happened. That was until the same dark-skinned man from that day seven months ago showed up. I later learned he was Nick Fury, director of SHIELD.
“I’m glad to find you both here.” He stated.
“Are you here with a mission, Sir?” Steve asked.
“I am.”
“Is this to try and get us back out in the world?” I asked.
“No, I'm trying to save it.” he thrust out an open manila folder. I grabbed it slowly and brought it to where Steve and I could both look at it. The blue cube that had evaporated Johann Schmidt was in the photograph pinned to the first page. In large bold letters beside the pictures spelled out TESSERACT. We slowly walked to a nearby bench and sat down.
“That's HYDRA’s secret weapon. I thought it fell into the ocean that day,” I whispered.
“Howard fished it out of the water when they went looking for you both. He thought what we think, that this cube could be an unlimited sustainable energy source.” Fury informed us.
“Who took it from you?” Steve questioned.
“He’s called Loki, he’s not from around here. We have a lot we're gonna need to catch you both up on if you agree to help. This world has gotten stranger than you already know.”
“I doubt anything could surprise us anymore, right Stevie?”
“Yeah,” he agreed.
“Ten bucks says you’re both wrong.” Fury bet. We both got up from our seats and handed the file back. Steve went and grabbed another bag from the floor and I just headed straight for the door.
“There are debriefing packets at your apartments, read through them and get back to me by tomorrow afternoon. And before you leave, is there anything we should know about the tesseract?”
“You should have left it in the ocean.” Steve and I said at once before walking out of the gym. Once we were outside on the sidewalk we hugged and said our goodbyes for the moment and then went our separate ways.
The walk home felt longer than the walk to the gym, but this gave me time to think about what I wanted to do. Whether I wanted to go on this mission, or if I just wanted to lay low and live my life. By the time I walked through my front door I had almost made my decision, but I was waiting to read the file before I decided for good. With a quick look through the minimal information provided I sighed and threw the papers down onto my kitchen counter. Shaking my head I murmured to myself.
“No, I am not doing this. This cube is not worth it.” Rubbing my eyes I went back to my room and crawled under the bed, not caring that I was still in jeans and a t-shirt. I was not going to walk blindly into anything dealing with that cube again. I lost my fiance and everyone I have ever known because of that stupid blue thing, I'm not going to go anywhere near it again. I laid there quietly for a while before I eventually drifted off into a restless sleep.
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The next morning I woke up with a start, almost hitting my head on the bed above me. Furious honking made its way from the street into my room. One thing I definitely missed from the past was how quiet it once was at seven a.m.
Along with the decision to not join the mission, I had also made up my mind about leaving New York. This had been a long decision in the making and the talk with Fury last night was enough to make the choice for me. I couldn't live in this city anymore. The places I used to hang out at were still here, but they had been renovated so many times that they were unrecognizable. Everywhere I turned It was like I was walking through a strange alternate reality. I saw glimpses of the past, like ghosts around every corner, it was worse when it was a place Bucky and I frequented.
When I had gotten back from the Retreat I made the mistake of going to mine and Steve’s old apartment. It had been torn down to construct a bookstore, along with several other retail shops. I broke down in the street when I saw it, waves upon waves of emotions crashed into me. All the memories I had there with Steve, mom, and Bucky had no place to live now other than in my mind. The next mistake I made was to go down the next few blocks to Bucky’s apartment he shared with his mom and sister, Rebecca. It was no longer there either, a bakery stood in its place. I turned and left before the onslaught of tears came. After that day I thought it would be best to go somewhere else, somewhere I had no memories.
I crawled out from under the bed and slowly moved to the bathroom to start getting ready for the long day to come. Once I had showered and gotten dressed I sat myself down on the living room sofa, looking wearily at the telephone on the end table. Hesitantly I picked up the receiver and dialed the number that had been in the tesseract briefing file. It rang twice before Nick Fury answered.
“Mr. Fury, I’m calling to tell you that I won’t be joining your team for whatever mission you have going on. I just want to lay low and rebuild my life and live it quietly without interruption.” I let out a long breath.
“Well, that’s unfortunate. Was really hoping to have you fight with us. If you change your mind, you know where to contact me. Goodbye Agent Rogers.” He hung up quickly after that, not giving me a chance to tell him goodbye as well. The next call was going to be the hard one, I had to tell Steve my plans. I dialed his number slowly as I raised the receiver to my ear. It didn’t even have time to get through the first ring before Steve picked up.
“Hello?” He asked on the other end.
“Hey, it’s me.”
“What’s up kid. Have you called Fury about joining the mission? I called about an hour ago letting them know I’d help.” He sounded a little enthusiastic.
“That’s actually what I’m calling about. I’m not sure how you’ll feel about this but I’m not going to help with the mission.”
“Oh,” he sounded surprised. “Why not? I thought you’d want to help get rid of that thing once and for all.”
“It’s not that, I want nothing more than for the tesseract to be gone for good. I just don’t think I can be a part of it, I don’t want this thing to take over my life if we can’t get rid of it. This brings me to another important thing I need to tell you. I can’t stay here in New York, so I’m moving to DC.” He was quiet for a while after I had said that, the only thing I could hear coming from his side was his breath. I grew more anxious by the minute waiting for him to say something.
“What do you mean you’re moving? Why can’t you stay here with me?”
“Don’t be selfish.” I snapped.
“I’m not being selfish, you are.” he raised his voice. I huffed through my nose, getting annoyed.
“I can’t stay here any longer. I have no idea what it is like for you, but for me, being in this city is torture. I see ghosts from the past every time I leave my house. I can’t go anywhere without seeing him, and every time I see him, I break down. I never got to say goodbye and that day plays over and over in my head. Steve, I’m being tormented with nightmares to the point where I have barely gotten five hours of sleep in the past week. I need to get out of here whether you like it or not.” Tears had started to stream down my face as I yelled into the phone.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner? I could have helped you, I still can help you if you let me. If you leave I can’t keep you safe, I can’t protect you like I’m supposed to.” He was using his soft “grown-up” voice he always used with me when I was younger to try and calm me down but the tears kept streaming down my cheeks at a rapid pace.
“I can protect myself, we did take the same serum,” I choked out. “I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to bother you with my problems, I can deal with them myself. Plus you have your own things to deal with, you don’t need to help me with mine.” My head was starting to hurt now and my cheeks and neck itched with quickly drying tears.
“Fine. The only way I will be okay with you leaving is if you promise to call me at least twice a week and you let me help you move.” I gave a strained laugh and nodded, even if he couldn't see it.
“Okay, it’s a deal. I actually already have an apartment lined up, so you can come over and help me pack everything up whenever you want to. I’m going to try and be out of New York by the end of next week.”
“I’ll be right over.” I laughed as I told him that I’d be waiting. I laid the receiver back down in its spot and stood up to go to the bathroom. I stared at myself in the mirror, thinking. I was glad my relationship with Steve could handle an argument, understand one another, then go right back to normal, I don’t think we would be this close if it couldn't. I blinked back a few stubborn tears and bent down to grab a rag from the sink cabinet, I dampened it in warm water then wiped the dried tears from my face. The warm water felt wonderful on my skin.
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Over the next week and a half, Steve and I boxed up what few belongings I had and packed them and the furniture into a moving truck. I didn’t own a car so the moving truck would be my transportation to DC. One of the many things SHIELD had us do was take a modern driving test, which wasn’t hard, just a few more signs to remember and more gadgets in the car than there used to be, I ended up passing with flying colors.
By Friday morning we had everything ready to go. Steve would follow me on his motorcycle and I would drive the truck the whole three and a half hours to my new apartment.
We stopped several times on the way down, mainly so Steve didn’t have to sit on the bike for the whole three hours straight. We also stopped for lunch. All in all the trip took us about five hours, with traffic added. We made it to my new home just after two and we started moving my belongings in immediately.
Admittedly the apartment was way too big for just me but I liked the extra space, it was different from the tiny two-bedroom apartment I had grown up in. The first thing I made sure to unpack and put up was the bed. I still hadn't told Steve I wasn’t actually sleeping in the bed, but he didn’t need to know that. After that clothes were sorted through and put in their respective places. With our enhanced strength and stamina, we had the whole place relatively furnished in just under two hours. We stopped for dinner when everything had been brought up from the moving truck.
The day went by fast with us talking and laughing like we used to, it was a good change of pace from my usual aimlessly roaming around my apartment alone. But, all good things have to come to an end and Steve had to leave. He pulled me into a tight hug, almost crushing me, and wouldn’t let go until I pinky promised to call him several times a week. I just laughed and promised him I would. I was sad watching him walk down the hallway to the stairs.
I turned back into my apartment and closed the door, locking it behind me. I stared at the box littering the floor and decided to get to work unpacking the rest of what we hadn’t gotten earlier.
Most of my belongings I found in thrift stores and antique shops around the city. It may have been the twenty-first century now, but that wasn’t stopping me from making my home a comfortable, familiar space. If you walked in from the outside world, you would have thought you had been transported to the past with how much authentic 1940s and before things I had littered about. Some things had been saved from the apartment we lived in in the forties. I learned a few weeks before we came back from the retreat that Peggy had been the one to put everything in storage after they had failed to find Steve and me in the ice. I had gone through all of it and took out what I wanted to take with me and Steve had done the same. I was thankful Peggy had done what she did, otherwise, everything would have been lost to time.
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That night as I tried to sleep, I realized it was a little easier to relax. DC was a whole lot quieter than New York, there was no honking or yelling every two seconds to keep me awake. I was left alone in almost complete silence, which for others may be worse than being bombarded with noise, but I didn’t mind. I fell asleep almost an hour after laying down for the night and had a restless sleep. I woke up many times in the night covered in sweat, but I couldn't remember the dreams, anything I could remember dissipated as soon as I opened my eyes.
I woke up again very early the next morning, the clock on my wall said it was four forty-five. It was still dark out, but I could hear birds starting to chirp. I crawled out from under the bed frame and went to put on some exercise clothes. Running always helped to clear my mind after not being able to get any sort of rest. The run itself didn’t take long, even though it was seven miles, any normal person would be exhausted but I had barely broken a sweat. I did get to see some nice places, taking a route around the zoo, to the National Cathedral, and then back around to the Dupont Circle neighborhood, where my apartment was. The sun was just starting to come up as I made my way back into my building.
Although I had just moved in the day before, I was ready to start finding some sort of job. The money SHIELD was giving me to help assimilate back into the world comfortably was appreciated, but I wanted to make my own way in life without their help. Finding a job was going to be harder than it used to be, but I did have expertise in several areas. Upon being unfrozen, along with the driving tests, SHIELD created a new resume for me. I had degrees in history pertaining to the 1940s, World War II, and several of the New Deal programs, with a specialty in the SSR. I was also given a Veteran ID, although I don’t really know how that one works because I definitely was not a part of the apparent ongoing fighting in Afghanistan. I still looked twenty-four, I doubt anyone would believe it.
Anyway, I had interviews lined up for today at the Smithsonian, and hopefully, the resume that SHIELD created and my knowledge would be enough to land a job. I had already figured that I would be volunteering at the local VFW. I knew I could find people there to relate to and hopefully be able to make some friends.
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Tag List: @ginger-swag-rapunzel @underc0vercryptid-reads @geek-and-proud @intothesoul @leyannrae @starkleila
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hawkbucks · 3 years
I don't even remember if I reposted it, but here's the WinterIron fake dating AU that I found on my disc drive. I combined all the posts in one; where there's a divider, that means it was a new post.
Lotta fake dating fics have Tony be the one who asks Bucky and I love it, but also: Bucky being the one asking Tony?
Like, maybe Rebecca is getting married and she asks him “are you bringing anyone?” with the most hopeful look on her face.
Bucky sorta bluescreens and stutters out a “yeah” because he knows Rebecca really wants to see him with someone and happy, but he’s only really been focusing on his studies instead of his social life.
She smiles and claps her hands together, exclaiming her excitement to meet Bucky’s date! Meanwhile, Bucky is panicking on the inside.
He could ask Steve, considering that he and Steve are best friends and no one would really question them getting together, but there’s also the fact that Rebecca knows Steve better than Steve probably knows himself and would tell they’re faking right off the bat.
There’s Sam who, despite their teasing relationship, they really do like each other. He wouldn’t have too much of a problem bringing Sam around if he doesn’t already know that Sam would hang this over his head for the rest of his life and all but force Bucky to buy him food and clothes and stuff to repay him, and that’s not even talking about the endless teasing.
There’s Sharon, but she wouldn’t agree. She’d just roll her eyes and call him dramatic. It’s a fair judgement.
There’s Natasha, and they’ve actually dated before and that would be awkward. “Oh yeah, the girl I used to date back when I was a sophomore in high school and I are back together again!”
He still ends up texting Steve and explaining his dilemma and please, Steve, do you know anyone?
Steve tells him he’s an idiot which, fair, yeah, but then he tells Bucky that he knows a guy, cute, your type, I can give him your number. Then he sends Bucky a photo of himself and some other guy with brown hair and pretty eyes and dimples, what the fuck.
Please give him my number.
I can feel your thirst, Steve texts. Disgusting.
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So, he brings Tony (all it took was confirming that there was going to be food and that yeah, they have salmon as a menu item, is that what you want me to pick?), and Tony’s a hit! He’s charming, polite, and pretty cute to boot.
Then Rebecca corners Bucky during the reception while Tony’s getting some cupcakes and Bucky immediately jumps to the conclusion that Rebecca figured out that they’re not actually dating and she’s about to tear him a new one, but she smiles and gives him a bear hug. “Your boyfriend is a sweetheart,” she gushes, “and I’m glad you brought him along. And, you know, Robert and I are having a party for Thanksgiving. Maybe you two would like to come?”
And the only thing that runs through Bucky’s head is shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit—
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Bucky can’t handle these feelings. He just can’t. It’s too much too soon, and the intensity at which he feels them is both overwhelming and terrifying to him, especially since he and Tony haven’t even known each other for that long.
During the party, Tony really pushes the act. He takes Bucky’s arm and places it around his shoulders, feeds Bucky some pumpkin pie, blushing when Rebecca coos at the both of them, and even sits on Bucky’s lap when everyone heads to the couch to catch the recording of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade that Rebecca set.
And Bucky desperately wishes it was all real. He wishes that Tony really is in love with him as opposed to doing this to help out. He’s never felt warmer than when Tony smiles at him, bright and genuine and making him ache all over. He knows that his feelings are only going to keep snowballing and snowballing until he can’t take it anymore and snaps and confesses to Tony, and he doesn’t want that. He doesn’t want Tony to feel obligated to go out with him. He doesn’t want Tony to feel like he’s being put on the spot.
Tony cuddles closer to him, whispering about how the Snoopy float looks really cute. He chokes down a sob and responds with “yeah, doll, it does”.
Bucky drives Tony home. He always does. It’s the least he can do. “So, when are you going to need a boyfriend again?” Tony teases, feet up on the dashboard. They’re already at Tony’s apartment complex, but Tony, infuriatingly attractive Tony, insists on talking to him. “If you’re swinging by Becca’s for Christmas, I can come with you.”
He doesn’t respond, instead choosing to continue looking ahead and squeezing his hands on the steering wheel. “Hey, you alright?” Tony asks softly and, god, he wishes Tony wasn’t the way he was.
Rip it off. Like a band-aid. C’mon, Barnes. “It’s fine. I’ll just tell her we broke up.”
“What?” Tony’s voice wavers, an undercurrent of hurt swimming below that one word. Bucky hates himself for it. “Did I do something wrong? At the party? I—”
Bucky sets his jaw, looking at Tony (and wishing he didn’t because Tony actually looks devastated). “We were never really together, Tony. Don’t act like it matters.”
He hears a hitch in Tony’s breath. He looks away. “Yeah, I guess it doesn’t.” Tony unbuckles his seatbelt and opens the car door. “Maybe this is why you don’t have an actual boyfriend.” It hurts, but it’s better that Tony leaves hating him because he can’t imagine the breakdown he’d have if Tony kept coming around with those kicked puppy eyes of his and asking why Bucky has been avoiding him.
Tony walks into his apartment complex without looking back.
Bucky thinks he needs to get drunk.
And that’s how Steve finds him. Completely sloshed, half-sitting half-lying on the couch with red-rimmed eyes and a tear-stained hoodie. “St’ve,” he slurs, lifting his bottle of Jack Daniel’s.
Steve sighs. “What, did Becks show everyone your baby pictures again?”
Bucky shakes his head. “Fucked up.”
“Yeah, I can see that. At least save some of that for me.”
He shakes his head again. “Tony hates me.”
Steve freezes, halfway through shucking off his jacket. “What did you do?” He looks at Bucky with that Disappointed Parental Stare of his.
“He hates me.” Bucky feels himself start to tear up again as he reminds himself that he won’t be able to see Tony again. Won’t be able to breathe in the comforting smell of that vanilla and cinnamon lotion that he’s so fond of. “Made ‘im hate me.”
“Why in the hell would you do that?” Steve gets his jacket off this time, throwing it on the hook and not paying it any attention when it slips off and falls to the floor with a thud.
“Don’t know.” Which is a lie. He knows why. He just doesn’t want to face it.
“No, no, you don’t get to feign ignorance.” Steve walks over and takes the bottle from him, ignoring Bucky’s protests and whines and taking a few swigs of his own. “I’ve only seen you get this drunk twice before: the first was when you and Nat broke up and you broke into your dad’s liquor cabinet, and the second was when you came home from the army. Considering I don’t see your fatigues with you—”
Bucky growls weakly. “Shut up, Steve—”
“Then stop pushing people away,” Steve growls right back. “You fix this.”
“We didn’t ev’n know each other that long—”
“No, you might not have, but if you’re sitting here on our couch, drunk off your ass ‘cause you think he hates you, that means something. Fix. This.”
Then Steve’s phone goes off. He sets down the Jack and he fishes his phone out of his pocket. A swipe, and it’s unlocked. He snorts, shaking his head. “You know who just texted me?”
Hope. “Tony?”
“No. His best friend. You want to know what it says?”
Bucky doesn’t think his answer matters much. Something tells him Steve will tell him even if he says no. “Go.”
Steve clears his throat. “’Hope your buddy is happy. Tony won’t stop crying.’ Then some middle finger emojis. Seven of them, to be exact.”
Bucky sinks further into the couch, his stomach twisting into knots and nausea rising up his throat now that he knows Tony is crying and he’s the reason why. He makes a swipe at the Daniels, but is unable to reach far enough. “You gon’ reply?” he croaks.
“Oh, yeah. I’m gonna tell him that you’re being miserable, too. And that you’re an idiot.”
Bucky grunts.
“It’s for your own safety. Believe me, if he thinks you’re getting your jollies from this, he’ll send you on a one-way ticket to hell.”
He grunts again. That’s only mildly terrifying. And probably not even close to what he thinks he himself deserves. “You gon’ leave?”
“Yes. And I’m taking this—” Steve picks up the Jack— “with me.”
True to his word, Steve leaves with the bottle of Jack.
Bucky sits up and uses the sleeves of his hoodie to dry his eyes. He tries to keep quiet as he sobs.
The next day, he goes out, stretches his legs after spending the entire night on his couch. He contemplates going to visit Tony and beg for his forgiveness, but it’s… it’s probably too soon. He’ll just wait. In the meantime, he picks up a plush of Snoopy holding a heart. It’s cute.
1 week. He thinks he’ll wait a little more.
2 weeks. Maybe just a bit more.
(Rebecca calls. Asks him about Tony. He says that they broke up. She only replies with a small I’m sorry. It was clear that you two loved each other.
He bites his lip so hard that he tastes copper.)
3 weeks. It’s just a bit before Christmas. Steve comes into his room. “Rhodes texted me. He said Tony admitted that he wants to see you again. Apparently he passed on my word that you were being pretty gloomy about it too.”
Bucky fidgets on his bed. “So, what, I’m just supposed to roll up on his apartment with some flowers and chocolate?”
“Sarcastic bastard,” Steve mutters, although there’s no real venom behind his words. “It’d be a start.”
Bucky thinks for a second. He gets up and starts rifling through his closet. “Alright. Leave so I can change.” Thankfully, Steve obliges. Bucky tucks the Snoopy into his backpack.
He picks up some Ferrero Rocher. He remembers Tony eating them by the handful at the reception. It’s packaged in a transparent box shaped like a heart. For the flowers, he picks up some red roses, the classic choice. He even gets a card that says “I’M SORRY!” with a picture of a sad-looking cat on it.
“Girlfriend troubles?” the cashier asks as they ring him up.
“Boyfriend, actually,” he replies, surprised at how easily that rolls off his tongue.
They hum. “Hope it gets better soon, man.”
He hopes so too. “Thanks.”
Somehow, he manages to make the drive to Tony’s apartment without crashing the car. 6339. He remembers Tony telling him his apartment number if he ever wanted to come up and visit. Looks like he’s finally taking him up on that offer.
Before his nerves can take over and tell him to run and maybe flee the country, he takes the elevator up after explaining to the concierge that he’s there to visit a friend. He knocks on Tony’s door, holding the flowers up in front of his face, the Snoopy plush sitting on top of them along with the card. The box of chocolates he holds behind his back.
When he hears the door open, he pulls the flowers down just enough to see over them. “Hi.”
“Bucky,” Tony breathes out. He looks like he’s about to start crying again, clad in his donut-patterned pajama pants and an oversized shirt that advertises a noodle place that Bucky passed on his way. (Seriously. So many tears!) “Why’re you here?”
“To say sorry.” Bucky holds the flowers out.
“What you said really hurt,” Tony says, voice cracking, but he takes the flowers. “You got me a Snoopy?” He takes the plush off of the bouquet and smiles softly at it before looking back up at Bucky, expression holding cautious hope. He places Snoopy back in the bouquet.
“I know. I’m sorry. I was… I don’t know, scared. Not that I’m tryin’ to come up with an excuse for myself, but… you know.” He shows Tony the chocolates this time.
“Scared?” Tony takes the chocolates like he took the flowers.
“I really like you, Tony. I was thinking about asking you out for real after the party,” Bucky admits, looking Tony in the eye and hoping that Tony can see that he’s being genuine. His palms start getting clammy. Is the temperature rising or is it just him? “And I was scared.”
“Why?” Tony asks, sounding on the edge of desperation. “Why were you so scared you couldn’t just tell me?”
“Because I didn’t want you to feel obliged to say yes.”
Tony tilts his head to the side, eyebrows furrowed as a frown tugs at his lips.
Bucky begins to regret his answer. Obviously it isn’t one that Tony likes.
“Is that it?” Tony sounds gentle. So gentle. “I like you too, you know. And you know I’m not a pushover. If I didn’t want to go out with you, I would’ve told you that.”
“I know. I know, but I never said my mind was good at thinking rationally.” The corner of Bucky’s mouth quirks up at the self-deprecation.
“Mine isn’t either.” Tony places the chocolates with the card and the Snoopy in the bouquet, using that now free hand to wipe at his eyes. His sniffles. “And I have to apologize too. For what I said before I left your car.”
“It’s fine, Tony—”
“No, it’s not. It was such an asshole thing to say.” Tony sounds upset on Bucky’s behalf.
“I made you angry.”
“That didn’t give me the right to imply that you’re unlovable.” Tony stares at him in silent challenge. Try and refute me, his eyes say. “I’m sorry.”
Bucky shakes his head, knowing there’s only one way to end this. “I accept your apology.”
“And I accept yours.” Tony smiles at him, nose tinged with pink, and a burst of warmth spreads in Bucky’s chest. It’s gratifying to see that smile directed his way again. He just might join Tony in sniffling if this continues.
Tony reaches out to grab his hand, lacing their fingers together. “Why don’t you come inside? I can make you some coffee.”
“I’d like that,” Bucky says, squeezing Tony’s hand once. “I’d like that a lot.”
If you guys are curious, I listened to this song on repeat while doing this lol. (The link should lead to a video with the English translation!)
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all1e23 · 4 years
Between the Stars [Pt. 4]
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Pairings: Past!Steve x Reader, Bucky x  Reader
Series warnings: CHARACTER DEATH. Grief. Overall sadness. Depression. It’s pretty angsty if I’m being honest. Things mellow out as the series goes on. TW: Military/Spouse death
A/N:  This Chapter is a Bucky chapter. Each chapter is a month since steve has been gone as a reminder. Let’s not judge Steve harshly after we learn some truths, okay? He can’t defend himself! As always for this series, flashback are italicized. If you like it write a book report, sing me a song or come scream at me. Remember not to judge everyone too harshly till all the secrets come out. ;-)
***My fics are not to be saved or posted on any other sites without my written permission. Reblogs are my jam, though! Thanks!****
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The days continued on in a way that left Bucky hoping the next would be over quicker than the last and following would be gone just as fast. He had hoped with each passing day, things would become more natural. They hadn’t, for the most part anyway. Some things seemed easier, like running to the store, going for runs, and fixing the shocks on Steve’s truck, so it didn’t have that ridiculous bounce anymore. Then there were days when he picked up the phone without thinking, dialed the number he’s had memorized nearly his whole life, only to hear Steve tell him he can’t come to the phone right now. 
He left a few voicemails, but the inbox quickly filled up. Bucky assumed he wasn’t the only one leaving him messages. After long stretches without hearing Steve’s voice, it felt like one day he would get the chance to listen to them. 
Bucky spent the last month trying to figure out what Steve expected of him, what the hell he was supposed to do with those damn letters, and whether or not he should be upfront with Y/n about having them. It wasn’t fair of Steve to put this on him, but it wasn’t fair that he was in love with Steve’s wife. Maybe he deserved this. Perhaps this is his punishment for betraying Steve while he was alive. 
Or it was his punishment for living when Steve was the one who deserved to come home. 
It was hard to celebrate being home when Bucky didn’t think he earned the right to be. Steve and Bucky had always been two halves of the same coin, polished side, and the tarnished. The dark and the light, and it wasn’t right that only one half survived -- the wrong half. That was the biggest reason Bucky avoided going home. Winnifred was so excited to have him back for good, she fawned over, and Rebecca talked about the future non-stop. She posted all over Insa-whatever and Bucky didn’t have it in him to tell them that he was the furthest thing from happy to be home. They would attempt to assure him none of what he thought was right, and Steve loved him, that Steve would feel the same if things were reserved. 
Bucky knew better.
Facing his mom while Rebecca was at school would be easier, or he was hoping it would be bearable at least. 
"I can't stay long. I gotta pick up Sam,” Bucky said as he returned Winnifred’s kiss to her cheek and let her smother him in a few more, hands rubbing his arms and running over his chest to convince herself, he was solid and sure in front of her. Once she was satisfied, he allowed her to nudge him into a chair at the kitchen table and make him toast with some of her plum jam; it had been a favorite of his as a kid. 
Okay, adult Bucky liked it, too. 
"You didn't have to come, sweetheart,” Winnifred’s soft voice was gentler than usual as she set the plate in front of him, two slices with more than an acceptable amount of scarlet tinted spread on each. He stared at it, and his stomach twisted with something he was coming to recognize easily: regret.   
Steve didn’t even eat plum jam. Why did his guilt have to surface at the worst damn time?
"I know that, but I've been staying with Y/n, and I didn't want you to worry. I promise I'll come by more. She's just-- I need to be there with her." 
In the rarest of truths, Bucky was hurting to be away from her right now, and they’ve only been apart an hour. Thankfully, Natasha stopped by to visit early this morning, so Bucky knew she was in good hands, and she was doing better these last few weeks. Y/n slept in his room most nights. They didn’t touch, and Bucky always stayed on top of the blanket, but she hasn’t woken up in tears since that first morning.  Bucky never brought it up when he finally made an appearance that morning. That wasn’t what she needed. She didn’t need him to shed light on the things she wanted to keep hidden. Bucky knew why she cried that morning and knew what it meant for her to work through it on her own, so he wasn’t about to force her to admit all of that out loud. Just like he knew the reason she liked sleeping with him was for the warmth. It felt like she wasn’t alone. 
It had nothing to do with who was thawing the cold, only that it wasn’t still there when she woke.  
Nearly every night, they made dinner together, and she usually picked the menu. Which would piss Steve off because most of their fights started with what was for dinner -- Okay, Bucky might find that a little funny. Y/n seemed to be healing, albeit slower than Steve or Bucky would like. Even a bit of her sass was coming back. He caught a few laughs, plenty of smart-ass comments, and several smiles, but the hurt was still there, buried deep in her eyes. Bucky was still working on getting her out of the house. It was rare when she did, and with her career on hold, she was burning through her benefits faster than brush fire in a drought. 
"I think you need her a little bit as well." 
Bucky shrugged it off but with one raised brow from his mother, and his walls began to crumble. 
"You look better than when we saw you last." She cupped his cheek in her hand, and Bucky immediately nuzzled her palm, soaking in the small bit of comfort. "Guilt is still there,” Winnifred murmured thoughtfully.  “I'm not sure if it's over losing Steve as much anymore." 
Winnifred was good at knowing what Bucky felt before he did, motherly intuition he supposed. He did feel guilt over that failure. Always would. Bucky made a promise to the most important woman in his life, and he let her down. He should have been paying attention, but he wasn't. He was so focused on that damn scarf sticking out of the back of Steve's jacket he didn't see what was coming. He should have been walking in front of him, forgetting his rank and who was leading the mission. Steve had someone waiting on him, and Bucky should have done everything he could to make sure he came home, but Winnifred was right. 
That wasn’t the only cause of his guilt. 
He was in love with Y/n and never told Steve. Bucky never owned up to that deception, never faced Steve with the truth, and now he was here by her side while Steve didn’t get to be. It was unfair, and it made Bucky sick to his stomach. Even with that weighing heavy on his conscience, but most of all, Bucky’s guilt came from Y/n. Because every time Y/n smiled at him, he prayed for someone, anyone to send him back to that night so he could keep her from ever becoming Steve's. 
And he hated himself for it. He hated himself for still wanting her.
“I don’t know what I’m doin’, mama. Steve gave me these letters and…” Bucky sighed and yanked his hat off his head, tossing it on to the table in frustration. He wanted to hate Steve for putting this all on him, for dying and leaving Y/n's heart in his broken, blood-soaked hands, “What the hell am I supposed to do with those, ya know? How could he put that on my shoulders? I-- I don’t know how to help her. I’m no good at this.” 
The truth was finally out. He was no good for Y/n. 
“You are when it comes to Y/n. Always have been.” 
“You think I can’t see when my own son is in love? I saw it in you the first time you brought her home. Eighteen or not, you were in love, and I don't think you ever stopped loving her, hm?" 
Bucky couldn't get the words out. If he said them, it made them real and made his treachery real. Winnifred tugged gently on his arm until his head fell onto her shoulder the way it would when he was a boy, her fingers slipped into his hair, and she could feel the moment the walls fell, and he sank into her comfort. 
"Why didn't you ever tell her, baby?" 
Bucky squeezed his eyes shut as hard as he could, hoping and praying no tears will slip past. He let out a stuttering breath and choked out in heaping breaths, "S-she deserves someone better now and back then. Someone like Steve." 
"Did she say that or did you decide that you knew best and she didn't deserve to know? Didn’t deserve to make her own decision?” 
The ache Bucky was feeling dulled, the claws on his throat loosened and misery disguised as hope squirmed into his chest as his mother’s words fluttered around in his head. 
Had he done that? Had he taken away her choice by not telling her? They would never get the chance to find out unless someone had invented time travel, and he would never stab Steve in the back when he wasn’t around to pull the knife out. 
None of that mattered anymore. 
"Maybe. I don't know, but the second Steve kissed her. I knew it was over, mom. She would never pick me over Steve. Everyone knew,” He paused, debating whether to admit what his heart has known for decades now. Winnifred kissed the top of his head, an affectionate nudge to continue, and Bucky blew out a breath, admitting the harsh truth he’s been carrying with him all these years. 
“Even Steve knew I didn’t stand a chance next to him.” 
“Hey, Trouble.” 
Bucky held back his chuckle as he watched Y/n nearly jump out of her skin at the sound of his voice. Once she realized it was merely Bucky, she narrowed her eyes, and he could no longer contain his chuckle. Y/n dug an elbow into his ribs, and he feigned a groan for her sake. Bucky leaned against the railing, resting on his elbows and doing everything he could to keep his eyes focused on the water before him, not exactly where he wanted to look. 
He wasn’t sure he could look at her. Not right now. Bucky’s nerves were jumping like a live wire, and he was worried if he saw her pretty eyes staring back at him, he would chicken out. 
“Sorry,” Bucky said, soft and unsure. “I didn’t mean to scare you.” 
That was true. Bucky hadn’t meant to. He only wanted a few minutes alone with her. 
“It’s okay. I’ve seen one too many horror movies. I feel like Jason is going to come up out of the lake or something,” she said with a shiver and instinctively slid closer to Bucky, letting their arms brush against each other. 
Shit, she was adorable when she said things like that. Bucky grinned and leaned his head towards hers with his eyes trained on a piece of driftwood floating nearby. He took a deep breath and whispered in her ear, “I’ll protect you, Y/n. I promise I’ll always protect you.” 
Bucky didn’t know why he said that. That was so utterly stupid. They were friends, and it didn’t matter what he wanted, Y/n never crossed that line or hinted that she wanted him to cross it. He should know better, but then she turned to face him, and the driftwood floating against the black water couldn’t hold his attention a second longer. He swallowed the lump in his throat and watched the way her lip reddened from the friction of her teeth, her eyes were brighter tonight under the moon, and her voice never sounded as sweet.  
“Always saving me. How’d I get so lucky to have a friend like you, Buck?”
He felt his heart drop at her words. Okay. It was now or never. He had to say something because he couldn't stand this anymore. Bucky stepped closer to her and set a hand on her hip, pulling her a step closer to him. He could blame it on the cold wind that made her shiver. A gentleman, he was a gentleman. If he had to, he could still get away with claiming it was beer, and it had nothing to do with how much he loved her. 
“Y/n…” Bucky licked his lips, and his hand tightened on her hip. “I, uh--�� 
“Yeah, Buck?” She looked up at him with wide, almost hopeful eyes -- he was probably seeing things. 
“I wanted to--” 
He internally cringed at the sound of Dot’s voice, and his heart clenched at the look of disappointment floating in Y/n’s eyes. Dot linked her arms in his and tugged him back away from Y/n, a flash of hurt flickered across her face, but she quickly hid it. 
“Bucky, you promised we would hang out. Remember?” Dot leaned forward and whispered in his ear, “You promised to help me make Smores, show me how to melt everything just right...” 
Even though Dot was trying to be considerate of Y/n standing there, it was obvious Y/n heard her lush fueled whispers. Liquor has a way of making everyone a little more brazen, and Dot was no Exception. It wasn’t her fault. It was Buckys. If he would only make his feelings for Y/n clear to her and everyone else, and stop leading other girls on, Dot and the rest of them would know they didn’t stand a chance. They would know any teasing whispers would fall on deaf ears, and all those sultry touches would never bring him to his knees while his heart was tethered to Y/n’s. 
Wanda called out for Y/n, and she slipped past them before Bucky’s brain could come up with a reason for her to stay. You could tell her you love her, his brain scolded him. Bucky wasn’t listening to anything his brain had to say tonight. Clearly, because he was letting Dot lace their fingers together and drag him towards the huge bonfire that rested on top of the bank. 
The fire was a good ten feet around. It was a tradition at the end of summer; everyone got together at the lake, a cool summer night full of booze, food, and music. Every year was different, sometimes it was over a hundred people, and other times they barely made it to forty. Bucky usually enjoyed himself. It was fun to let loose before the new term started, but things were different this time. He didn’t come to make-out with some pretty girl for the night and maybe make it to second base, he came for Y/n. Now, she was standing across the fire, a good twenty feet away, and there was no way she would believe any confession he gave after Dot’s performance. 
Probably thought he would be wrapped around Dot, hands, and lips, which was why she was doing everything she could to avoid looking through the flickering flames towards him. Bucky was so wrapped up in watching Y/n he didn’t notice Dot walking away to grab marshmallows and Steve taking her place next to him. 
If she would only look up, give him a sign he could fix it… 
“I thought you liked Y/n.” Something in Steve’s voice got his attention, causing Bucky to turn to face the blond. He was nervous. “Why are you all over Dot?” 
Was he that obvious? They never talked about it, but Steve knew how Bucky felt. It was an unspoken understanding between the two men that Bucky Barnes was in love with Y/n L/n. That didn’t mean he wanted everyone around them to know, and what did it matter at this point? She would never see him the way she did in his dreams. 
“She’s way out of my league Steve.” Bucky’s eyes clouded, and he gave the taller man a charming smirk he usually saved for special occasions, one that would protect his heart from the truth. “I don’t think-- it’s not like that with Y/n. She's my friend. She doesn't see me that way." 
Steve was quiet for a long time after that. They both stood in silence, watching Wanda attempting to make Y/n laugh. After giving up, she walked around the flames towards them, and Steve turned to face Bucky once more, gulping before asking. “So… you're okay with me asking her out?” 
Bucky swallowed the knot in his throat. How did he not see that coming? 
“You-- “ He squeaked, cleared his throat, and tried again with more confidence, “You, uh, you like Y/n? 
He watched Steve’s gaze dart across to where Y/n was standing all alone now, looking like she was ready to bolt. Bucky knew that look anywhere. He’s seen it on her more times than he could count, but it usually involved school or facing her parents. Not once has it ever been tied to him, and that was a God awful feeling. 
“Yeah,” Steve said with adoration as he gazed at Y/n, never once taking his eyes off her. “ I mean what’s not to like. She’s smart, beautiful, and constantly keeps you in check. She’s amazing.” 
Yeah, I know she is. Bucky thought. 
“Listen, go for it, pal.” He patted Steve on the shoulder and contrived the best smile he could muster at the moment. “ You guys would be great together. I'm, uh, I can’t stay with one gal longer than a coupla day, right?… Like I said, she's out of my league."
Steve eyed him carefully until Dot appeared back by Bucky’s side, hooking her arm in his and leaning into his side. Only then did Steve nod and left the pair on their own. He couldn’t move or speak. Bucky could only watch. He watched through the flecks of yellow and orange as Steve approached the woman who held his heart. Sam was by his side saying something, Bucky didn’t know what. He couldn’t focus on anything but the way Y/n was laughing at his best friend, and when Steve kissed her, everything in his chest hurt. There was cheering and some whistles, Bucky didn’t have it in him to pretend. Not when everything was falling apart, and his heart was being ripped from his chest. 
Right then, Bucky knew whatever chance he had with Y/n was gone. In a matter of seconds, he lost her. 
Bucky was running late. Winnifred insisted he finish breakfast and then forced a jar of jam in his hands on the way out the door, which led to the stain on his shirt and the first thing Sam did when Bucky picked him up was make fun of the drooping red stain gracing the breast pocket of his grey button-up shirt. Not the best way to impress someone, Bucky doesn’t have time to change, so he will have to hope his charm can overshadow the state his shirt. He glanced at Sam out of the corner of his eyes, and Sam was still staring at him from the passenger seat. Bucky cleared his throat and aggressively pushed his sleeves up to his elbows to distract himself from asking Sam what his problem was. 
It was that or shoving him out of the truck. Bucky wasn’t sure which would happen if Sam kept watching him -- one or the other that was for sure. The volume on the radio dropped, and Bucky’s stomach went along with it. Not today, was all Bucky could think, please not today. He couldn’t talk about Steve today after the morning he had at his mom’s.  
“You ever gonna tell her you love her?” 
Bucky frowned at Sam’s question. 
Okay, not what he thought, but today wasn’t a good day for this, either. 
“Go up to my best friend’s wife while she’s mourning him and say hey I know you’re dealing with a lot, but I’ve been in love with you since we were kids and never said anything. What are your thoughts on that?  No, man. I ain’t ever gonna tell her that. There’s no point. It ain’t gonna change anything, and she doesn’t need the added guilt.”
“What would she have to feel guilty about? It’s your guilt you’re worried about, not hers.” 
The guilt for that does lie with Bucky, but she would share the burden once she knew the truth, and Bucky wouldn’t add to the pain she was already feeling. 
“No, it’s not an option, okay? It stopped being an option the night they kissed. That’s it. There’s nothing to talk about.” 
“I was there that night if you remember correctly. She and I talked a lot more than you did back then. She was waiting for you to kiss her then you fucked it all up--” 
“Stop. Stop. If I had kissed her that night, Steve wouldn’t have. They wouldn’t have dated, never married and--” 
“And things might not be as messed up as they are right now.” 
Bucky’s mouth snapped shut, and he slammed on the breaks when they got to the end of the long dirt road they’ve been on for twenty minutes or so now. The truck jerked to a halt with the heaviness of Bucky’s foot, and he threw it into park, his voice was deadly quiet when he spoke again, “I don’t wanna talk about this. Ever again. She’s Steve. It doesn’t matter if he’s here or not. She’s Steve’s wife, and I’m not crossing that line.”
“Buck, that’s insane. So in five years from now--” 
“Just shut up and wait here." 
The truck door slammed, and Bucky was walking up the pebble filled dirt drive before any more could be said, and before Sam could ask him what the hell they were at some farmhouse two hours from home. Bucky jogged up the four light green steps of the porch and rapped his knuckles against the darkly stained oak front door. There was music playing that could be heard through an open front window, and Bucky caught a tiny voice yell for their dad. He smirked as the little girl’s voice floating along with the white curtain that was billowing out the window, “It’s some tall, really big guy, daddy.” And then she giggled, “his hair looks weird like it’s trying to be long, but it looks bad.” 
He would have to tell Y/n about that later. She would get a kick out of some kid making fun of him growing his hair back out.
Bucky took a deep breath when the front door finally opened, and he straightened his shoulders, trying to remember the man he was before going to war. That guy that could talk just about anyone out of anything; he needed to be that guy again, even though it wouldn’t last beyond these front steps. 
“Can I help you?” 
I sure hope so, Bucky thought. 
“You recently bought a piano from a young woman? Y/n L/n? It was about two months ago.”
The man stepped outside, closing the door behind him, suspicion clear in his eyes. “Yeah, I did. What is this about?” 
Bucky slipped his hand into his jacket and pulled out a wad of cash thicker than his fist. He shook his head, huffing out a laugh of mixed relief and self-deprecation. Bucky explained why he was darkening the front steps to ease the wary man, “Took me forever to track you down. I, uh, I wanna buy it back.” 
The stranger slowly reached their hand out to take the bills, turning them over in his palm and running a thumb over the edges. Nothing smaller than a twenty in the bunch. He wasn’t sure how much was there, but it was far more than he paid for the used instrument. Bucky could see the question in his eyes, and he was quick to assure him the deal was in his favor.
“It’s triple what you paid for it. You can go and buy a new one ten times better than that one with cash leftover.” 
The man looked completely bewildered. He tapped the bills against his hands, the glint in his eye said he was ready to hand the money back and send Bucky away. Instead, he asked, “Why don’t you just buy her a new one? It would be cheaper.” 
Yeah, Bucky could do that. It would be cheaper, but it wouldn’t have that chip in the back corner where he and Steve banged it on the doorframe moving it into the new house; turned out Y/n had been right, they should have gone through the backdoor. There wouldn’t be 3 keys slightly off in color because they had to be replaced four years ago, and their initials wouldn’t be written on the bottom thanks to one boring afternoon when they were teens.
“It wouldn’t be hers,” Bucky responded with a fond, slightly sad smile. Apprehension was still pouring off the stranger, bucky took a deep breath and steeled himself. He needed this, and more importantly, Y/n needed this. 
“Just- please? I can’t explain it. I need to bring this one thing back to her.” 
“Still seems like a lot of trouble for one old piano,” The man grumbled, but he still opened the door for Bucky to follow him inside. Bucky gave a quick glance to Sam and gave him a wave that said it was okay to get out of the truck and follow them inside. A sigh left his lips when he saw it, that old black grand piano, knicks and blemishes still shining bright in all their glory right by the front window. 
“If you knew the woman it belonged to--” Bucky whispered quietly and ran his hand along the painted maple, the one promise he could actually keep “--you would understand.” 
Bucky knew first hand, she was worth this and so much more. 
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ofstarsandvibranium · 4 years
omg sis since you’re doing Chubby!Bucky requests, pls omggg imagine if Dot came back, and trying to be apart of Becca’s life but she refuses cause she sees reader as her mom, and Dot is hella pissed, also, she’s like pissed Bucky moved on married and has a baby. Like literally fuck Dot, sis! ps I miss this STORY!
(Set in the SACS universe)
You’re in the kitchen standing beside Bucky at the stove. Both of you are working on dinner while Becca is in the living room working on homework.
The both of you hear the doorbell ring as right as you both take a step away from the stove, you hear a Becca holler, “I got it!” The now sixteen year old walks over to the door and peers through the peephole. The person she sees on the other side makes her gasp and immediately pull the door open.
There stood a woman about five foot seven with brown hair and green eyes. Becca steps back, trying to gather the sight of the woman, “Mom?”
“Rebecca?” The woman asks in surprise, “Wow. You’re-You’re so big now.”
“Becca, who is it?” Bucky asks as he heads to the door. As soon as he sees the woman, he stops, “Dot?”
He could see the hesitance in her eyes, “Hi, Bucky,” she murmurs and gives a shy smile.
“What’re you doing here?” He asks his ex-wife aka the woman he hasn’t seen since the divorce had been finalized and he’d been given full custody of Becca.
“I-I don’t know to be honest. You and Rebecca have been on my mind a lot lately and I just-I don’t know-wanted to check in?”
Becca scoffs, crossing her arms over her chest, “Why? You suddenly care about us now?”
“I’ve always cared about you, Rebecca-”
“I go by Becca and how dare you think you could just waltz in here and expect us to welcome you with open arms! You left us, remember?!” Becca shouts and Bucky pulls her back.
“Bec, hey, easy.”
“No, dad! I won’t be easy on her because she-”
“Hey, hey, what’s going on?” you ask as you waddle over to the three of them, hand on your stomach. 
Dot eyes you then the ring on your finger as well as your large round stomach. She scoffs, “You got married again? And got her pregnant? So much for me being the love of your life, James,” she sneered, crossing her arms over her chest. 
Becca glares at the woman who birthed her, “Fuck you, Dolores!”
“Becca!” You and Bucky shout.
“Fuck you for coming here and thinking we’d be happy to see you! Fuck you for leaving me and dad because being a wife and mother wasn’t cutting it for you anymore! Fuck you for thinking that you still meant something to me and dad after you ABANDONED us! You may have given birth to me, but Y/N has been more of a mother to me than you have ever been! SHE’S my mom! SHE’S the love of dad’s life! NOT. YOU. 
“You honestly thought we’d be happy to see you? You honestly thought that he wouldn’t have moved on after all these years? Well jokes on you, Dolores! We’re SOOOOO much happier without you!”
Becca doesn’t realize that she’s crying until you’re beside her, thumbing away her tears, “Bec, let’s go to the kitchen and let them talk okay?”
Becca sniffled, wiping her tears with the sleeve of her hoodie, “Fine,” she mumbles, shooting one last glare at her birth mother before you escort her to the kitchen.
Bucky sighs, running a hand over his salt and pepper cropped hair, “Dot, what’re you doing here?”
Dot snorts, “I have birth to her and this is the welcome I get?”
“Can you blame her? Like Becca said, Dot, you left us. You didn’t want to be a family anymore.”
“Well what if I do now? I get it, okay? I messed up, but Bucky, that’s our girl-”
“No, she’s MY girl. You may have birthed her and share some DNA with her, but for the majority of the sixteen years she’s been alive, I’VE raised her. Not you.”
Meanwhile, you and Becca are sitting at the kitchen table. She’s crying into your shoulder and your hand is rubbing soft circles on her back, “Ssshhh. It’s okay, sweetheart.”
“I hate her, mom. I hate her so much.”
“I know, baby. I know.”
“Why now? After all these years, why does she have to come back now? We’re happy. We’re a family again and she suddenly decides to come back and welcome her with open arms?”
She pulls back and you wipe more of her tears away. Her blue eyes that match her father’s are red and watery and it breaks your heart, “Becca, I honestly don’t know what to say. I’ve never been in this situation before, but I know you’re hurt. That woman did quite the number on you and your father. It seems like she wants to make amends.”
“I don’t want to make amends with her. I don’t want her in my life. She’s not my mom, you are.”
“I know. But we’ll see what else she says to your dad and we’ll go from there, okay?”
“Okay,” she mumbles and lets out a shaky breath, “Thanks. I love you, mom.”
“Love you too, Becca.”
You both hear the door close and moments later Bucky walks into the kitchen looking completely drained, “Well that was...a lot.”
Becca snorted, “No kidding.”
“What else did she say?” you asked, moving from your spot and leading Bucky to occupy the seat you were just in. You stand behind him, massaging his shoulders because you know he tends to get really tense in stressful situations. 
“She wants to be in your life, Becca. I told her that was up to you and she said if you refuse, then she might take it up to court. Might fight for custody of you.”
Beeca then groans, “Are you fucking kidding me?!”
“Hey, language,” Bucky says with a stern voice, “Bec, I know this isn’t...ideal and Lord knows we’re both tired of appearing in court. So, maybe just, think about it?”
In a typical teenager fashion, Rebecca Barnes rolls her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest as she mumbled, “Fine.”
“Okay. Go ahead and finish your homework.” the chair screeches against the wooden floor and Becca heads back to the living room to continue her homework. 
You lean down and peck Bucky’s cheek, “You okay?”
Bucky takes your hand and brings you around so you could sit on his lap, “Yeah, sugar, I’m fine. How are you though? You okay?”
You nod, “I’m doing fine considering that your beastly ex-wife just showed up on our doorstep like half an hour ago. Other than that, I’m fine.”
“It’s only Tuesday and I already want this week to end,” he murmurs before nuzzling his stubbly face into your neck causing you to giggle.
“I know, I know. But come on, Sarge. We gotta finish dinner. Your kid is starving and I’m not talking about Becca.”
He hums, standing up when you offer your hand to him, “Alright. Alright. But one more thing?” he pulls you in for a soft, but passionate kiss, “Thank you.”
“For?” you ask with a playful smile.
“For everything. For loving me. For loving Becca. For opening our hearts up to love again. For being an amazing mother to our daughter. For being my wife and mother of my two children. For being...perfect.”
“You’re welcome, Buck.” you smile wide and Bucky melts.
“After all these years and you still make my heart skip a beat, sugar.”
You giggle when you both head back to the stove to continue cooking, “Back at ya, Sarge.”
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fangirlinsweden · 4 years
Nexus part 5
Part 5:  The Truth and Apologizing
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader, Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Angst, Secrets, talk about death and loss (think that is all)
Word Count: About 3200 words
Summary:  Y/N is a pain in the ass according to Steve. She is brought on to missions sometimes by Fury when they need help, but she is wild and does not listen to orders. She does what she wants. Now Fury has given her a place in the Avengers. And Steve is not liking it. Having to deal with her every day. He hates her. Or does he? And what is Y/N relationship with Bucky? They seem to get closer and closer.
A/N: This takes place after Avengers: Endgame, but Steve never left. Tony and Nat are still alive.
This is written for Gab’s @buckysmischief Birthday Challenge. My prompt is: “Did you bring us here to die?” “Obviously.” “I really can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not.”
English is not my native language and I am doing the best I can when it comes to writing.
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“I see you,” Steve smirked. “And the way you are acting with Bucky. If you think Hydra will get their Winter Soldier back you are wrong. Bucky is never ever going back to Hydra” You fisted your hands.  “You are not even going to listen to me explain this?” you growled already knowing the answer. “Why listen to more of your lies?” Steve looks you up and down. “I know that you lived across from me in Brooklyn to get close to me, but that backfired when I thought you were spying on me for S.H.I.E.L.D. when you, in fact, were spying for HYDRA. Then you lost Bucky and you had to find a way to get close to him.” You are so mad at that point that you almost hit him. But the sentence where he thought you were spying on him explains why he started avoiding you all those years before. “Joining the team is the perfect cover to get close to Bucky. And now that the two of you are together you think that flirting with me would make me blind to what you are doing.” Steve gives you one final look before he storms out. Apparently finding pictures has been enough proof that Steve needed it. His mind was set and there was nothing you could do at this point. When you walk over to your box you see that Steve had taken two of your favorite photos with him. You want to run after him and get the photos back, but all your energy drains and you end up sitting on the floor. A tear runs down your face and drops down on your hand with your grandmother's ring. It hurt that a man you had seen as a hero your entire childhood up until now thought you were Hydra. At least Bucky knew the truth and deep inside you hoped that that would be enough. To get back from eating breakfast and finding Steve looking through your private things had not been who you had thought this day would be. Apparently yesterday's mission scared Bucky, so he wanted to come clean about the two of you to the entire team. He just wanted to tell Steve first, in private. Bucky had probably been looking for Steve while Steve was looking through your photos. Looking around your room, you did no longer feel at home. You feel violated. Maybe you should move back to your apartment? A picture of your grandmother and grandfather in Central Park caught your eye. You picked it up and knew exactly what to do. After packing up all the pictures and letters Steve had tossed out you closed the lid of the box and walked out of your room. 
One hour later you walked over to the two gravestones that were put up for the four most important people in your life.  “Hello Mom and Dad you said to the gravestone on the left that read:
‘Mary Williamson Y/L/N  Born July 9, 1955 Died November 8, 2004  “A life of beauty and service”
‘James Steven Y/L/N  Born April 4, 1952 Died August 29, 2007  “Brave in spirit, Strong in love”’
“Hello Grandpa and Grandma” you said to the gravestone to the right that read:
‘Lewis Y/L/N  Born May 4, 1920 Died February 5, 2008.  "If I could do it all again, I wouldn't change a thing."’
‘Rebecca “Becca” Barnes Y/L/N  Born September 21, 1922 Died January 10, 2011  "I hate to leave you all behind, but we'll meet again one day."’
You sat down in front of the two graves and felt a kind of peace.  “It all went to hell and I don’t know what to do,” you whisper and feel the tears in your eyes. “I miss you more than you will ever know.” And then you let it all out. 
At the compound Steve had gone to his room for a while before talking to Bucky. Seeing Y/N’s face when he told her he knew she was a member Hydra had put some doubt in his mind, but at the same time there could be no other truth. She had to be Hydra. After a few minutes of peace he went to find Bucky, still holding two of Y/N pictures. Eventually he finds Bucky in the Gym working out. Bucky is spotting Sam who is lifting weights. “Hey, I was looking for you before,” Bucky started to say and was planing on continuing, but something about the look on Steve’s face stopped him. “We need to talk,” Steve says with his arms crossed over his chest and a face that showed no emotions.  “So talk,” Bucky says and looked at Sam. “Not here,” Steve tries.  “Why not?” Sam wonders looking at Steve. “We need to talk about Y/N” Steve is still holding the pictures behind his back. “Whatever you have to say about her you can say here,” Bucky insists and Steve groans. He feels himself get riled up and there is no way to contain the words that he needs to get out. “Y/N is Hydra,” Steve almost yells. There are several bangs around the gym and Sam stands up and crosses his arms. Bucky’s eyes are big. “What did you say?” Sam glares at Steve. “She is Hydra,” Steve gets out again, a bit lower this time. “I have proof.” He hands Bucky the photo’s. Sam pears over at the photos and just shakes his head. “She is not HYDRA,” Bucky roars and Steve takes a step back. He makes a gesture to the pictures in Bucky’s hand. “Your absolute idiot,” Sam shakes his head at Steve. Nat, Wanda, Clint and Tony are walking towards them in the gym looking everything but happy. Steve swallows. “Y/N is my family,” Bucky shoves Steve.  “Just because she has lured you into falling in love with her does..” Steve is interrupted by Nat slapping him in the face. Bucky is read in the face. “I am not in love with Y/N. She is Becca’s granddaughter,” Bucky yells. Steve feels all blood leave his face. What had he done? And why had he not seen that. That explains so many things. Not all, but so much. Bucky drops the photos on the floor and moves towards Steve. “What did you do?” Bucky is standing nose to nose with Steve. The rest is surrounding him.  “And how did you get these photos?” Nat wonders as she picks them up. Steve swallows. “I saw the wooden box in her room and opened it,” Steve whispers. “She found me looking through them and I told her what I thought about her.” Bucky pushes Steve away from him and runs out of the gym. Steve looked after him. “You are an asshole,” Wanda shakes her head. “I could hit you again,” Nat’s eyes are almost black now. Clint has his hand on her shoulder and it is like that is the only thing that is keeping her from hurting him. “You should have come to me,” Tony sighs. “I have known who she is the entire time.” “Then why did you not say anything?” Steve demanded to know. “Because it was her secret,” Tony crossed his arms over his chest. “It is her life and she has to decide when she was ready to share it.” “Exactly,” Sam agrees. “Wait, how many of you knew the truth,” Steve looked at his teammates. “Only Nat and Tony. But the rest of us had our guesses,” Wanda looked at the other who nodded.  “So nobody more than me thought Bucky and Y/N were in a relationship,” Steve was starting to feel more and more bad. “Or that she could be Hydra.” “Nope,” Sam answered. “And you do know that she is friends with about every hero in at least 1000 miles radius?” “Mmmhh,” Steve mutters. That was not something that was on his mind right now. He needed to talk with Bucky and apologize to Y/N. He scratched his neck. “You do realise that most of those people will want to kick you ass when they find out about this,” Sam smirks. Steve swallows and looks around.  “Shit,” He crocs out.   Tony nods and walks away. Nat and Wanda walk away as well, but not before Nat give’s Steve one more of her killer stares. Steve looked at Sam. He had no idea how he would solve things or if he even could solve it. 
You hear someone coming up behind you. It puts you on alert until you hear his voice. “Y/N,” Bucky almost whispers.  “Hey, Bucky,” you turn around and look at him. “You remembered.” Bucky sat down beside you looking at the grave of his sister and her husband and the grave of his nephew with his wife. You had told Bucky that you went to the cemetery when you needed someone to talk to. Even if you were just talking and never got answered it was as you had your parents and grandparents there beside you. “Yeah,” Bucky scratched his neck. “I should have brought flowers.”  “Next time,” you leaned your head against his shoulder. Bucky clears his throat. You knew what was coming next. “Steve..” Bucky started but you lifted a hand. “I know what he told you,” You whispered and felt the tears threatening to start falling again. “I don’t want to talk about it.” “I set him straight,” Bucky put his arm around your shoulder. “I still can’t believe my best friend would think something like that.” “Bucky, I really don’t want to talk about this,” You sigh and play with your grandmother's ring. “Sweetheart, we need to talk about it,” Bucky kissed your forehead.  “No, we really do not,” you say firmly. “This is my fault,” Bucky sigh. “No, it’s not. This is Steve’s fault,” You stand up and start pacing. “He could just have asked, not accused. He has been treating me like shit for years now. Just because he had made some assumptions and never got them checked out. This is just the icing on the cake.” Bucky looked up at you and let you rant. Then he tilted his head. “You have feelings for him,” Bucky blurted out. That made you stop and look down at the ground. Not really knowing what to say. “No comment,” was all you could come up with and it made Bucky cuckle.  “Sweetheart,” Bucky stood up and took a hold of your left hand. “I understand if all of this makes you want to stop being an Avenger.” “Stop being an Avenger,” you snort. “No chance in hell will Steve’s behaviour make me want to stop that. I am stronger, smarter and wiser than letting a man chase me away from my life.” Bucky nods and smiles.  “Atta girl,” Bucky pulled you close and hugged you. “Let’s get back to the compound.” You nodded, closed the lid on your wooden box and lifted it. Bucky nodded towards the box and when you nodded he took it under one arm and he put the other arm around you.  “Where is your car?” Bucky wondered. “I got a ride from a friend, so no car,” you said and Bucky lifted a brow. You smiled at him, but did not elaborate.  “Then you can ride back with me,” Bucky concluded and walked over to black BMW. A car you know that Tony owned. You hoped into the front seat and Bucky secured your wooden box in the back seat, before he took the driver seat. “I know you don’t want to talk about it,” Bucky admitted. “But you know that you will have to face Steve at some point.” You sink a bit further down your seat.  “I know,” you sighed. “But I will deal with it.” “Good,” Bucky reached over and took your hand. “Just know I am on your side in this.” That made you smile, then frown. “Whatever he did,” you sit up a bit straighter when the compound came into view. “He is still  your best friend and like a brother to you. I don’t want to do anything to destroy that.” Bucky looked down at your hands for a quick look. “What he did and said to you is not easily forgiven,” Bucky sighed. “Even if I know I will forgive him eventually, does not mean you are less important to me. You are still my family and I want you in my life.” This brings tears to your eyes. Bucky saw you as family. A warm feeling spreads in your body and it makes you smile.  Bucky parked the car in the garage and went out of the car. You sit there for a minute taking a deep breath. Bucky opens your car door and holds out his hand, under the other arm he has your wooden box. “Ready?” his smile makes you feel confident. “Yeah,” You say and take his hand. Together you walk to the living quarters of the compound. 
Steve saw Bucky driving the car into the grounds at the compound and that Y/N was with him. He knew that he needed to talk to them. After a while he heard their voices coming toward him and he got ready to talk to the two of them. He had a whole speech ready to go. But when it was only Y/N that came into the kitchen, no Bucky. She stopped the moment she saw him there, but then she walked over to the fridge and took out two water bottles, without as much as look at him again. Steve cleared his throat but still no reaction from Y/N. “Y/N,” Steve started and his mind was blank. His speech had been to both Bucky and Y/N and now that she was standing here in front of him he had no words. She did not turn but started to look through the pantry. “Y/N,” Steve tried again, but she took out a bar of chocolate and placed it on the counter. It made him irritated that she did not care that he was trying to talk with her. How was he supposed to apologize if she did not even look at him? Before he knew what he was doing he had walked over there and tapped her against the counter. She turned to look at him with a stone face.  “I am trying to talk with you,” Steve almost growled.  “I don’t care what you have to say to me,” Y/N snarled at him. “I think you said enough a couple of hours ago.” “Y/N,” Steve growled this time. Y/N yawned. “Do you really think this caveman behaviour will get me to listen to anything you have to say,” Y/N looked down at her nails. Steve felt himself lose control. “I am the leader of this team,” He bellowed. “You will listen to me.” “All I see is a toddler having a tantrum because he can’t get what he wants,” Y/N sassed and stood on her toes so she was almost eye to eye with the angry Steve. “What the hell is going on in here?” Bucky shouted when he walked into the room. “Steve!” That made Steve take a step back and Y/N took the water and the chocolate and walked over to Bucky. “Y/N, I am trying to apologize,” Steve got out. Y/N looked at him.  “No you are not,” She shook her head. “You are trying to bully me into talking to you and forgiving what you said.” With that she walked away. Steve started to walk after her but Bucky stopped her. “Leave her alone,” Bucky demanded. “I am her Captain,” Steve grunted. “I can’t leave her alone. We need to sort this out so I know she can be professional out in the field.” “I have the utmost respect for her ability to compartmentalise and be an asset out in the field.” Bucky snorted. “And if there is anyone who needs to check his professionalism it is you going through her room and acting like a jerk.” Bucky turned around and walked away. Steve stood there looking after his best friend.  “Fuck,” Steve sighed at the same time as Tony walked into the kitchen. “Did you just say a bad word?” Tony smirked but when he saw Steve’s face the smirk disappeared. “I take it the conversation with Y/N and Bucky did not work so well,” Tony patted Steve’s back. “No,” Steve hung his head. “I think I made it worse.” Tony took out a water bottle from the fridge.  “You know,” Tony started then stopped. Steve looked over at him. “My father once told me that an apology needs to be as loud as the disrespect was.” Then he left the room. “How am I going to be able to do that?” Steve said to the room, but since there was nobody there the only answer he got was silence. Steve goes to his room hoping a good night sleep will give him the answers.
The next morning Steve is not sleepy even a minute and he still has no idea how to fix things. His last resort is to google it. And there it is. The best apology in the world. Flowers. He tried to think of a flower that could help him. Red roses felt wrong, those were romantic and apologizing was not romantic. Sunflowers came to mind. Sunny and happy. Steve ran out of his room and took a car to the nearest flower shop and ordered a large bouquet of sunflowers.  Then he hurried back to the compound and walked right up to Y/N door and started to knock. He heard movement inside and then the door opened to Y/N standing there in only a pair of pj shorts and a tank-top.  “What the hell are you doing here?” She grumbles and Steve just hands her the flowers.  “I wanted to apologize,” Steve scratch his neck. “The flowers are a part of my apology. So hmm.. I am sorry.” She starts to laugh and shake hear head. Steve just looks at her. What is happening? Why is she laughing?
There was a frenetic knocking on your door. You wish that it would just go away, but it seemed to only get louder. Sighing you stand up and walk over to the door. The sight outside your door was not what you had ever thought you would see. Steve in crumpled cloths and a big bouquet of sunflowers.  “What the hell are you doing here?” You ask even if you don’t really want to know. All you wanted to do was yell at him for waking you up. It had been a late night the day before since  Bucky and you had ended up going through all of the pictures in your box and you had told him everything that he had missed that included your family. Steve handed you the bouquet. “I wanted to apologize,” Steve said, but he did not really look apologetic. He looked nervous. “The flowers are a part of my apology. So hmm.. I am sorry.” The look on his face and the flowers, it just got to much. You started to laugh. Was he fucking serious? He thought that could be taken as an sincere apology and flowers.. Nope. You handed the flowers back. “Take those before I stick them somewhere the sun does not shine,” you sass at him and close the door in his face. It was oddly satisfying and you crawl down in your bed again.
Steve stood there with his moth hanging open and the flowers back in his arms. What had just happened? He hears a chuckles from the vent over him. “Barton, get down here,” Steve sighs. Clint jumps down beside hi and pat him on his back.  “Thank you for today's laugh,” Clint smirked and start to walk away. “What did I do wrong?” Steve wondered and Clint shrugs and walk away.  “Clint, please,” Steve walked after him.  “Do you really think that sunflowers is a worthy apology for going through someones personal things and accusing someone of being a member of Hydra?” Clint left Steve standing there. Steve looked down at the flowers in his arms, maybe he needed something more expensive. Something more. Steve could not find the words for what he needed,  but he knew where to find it. Google. That sight seemed to have every answer.
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Becoming a Part of the Family
Sam and Sarah talk about Bucky and how he is now part of their small family.
For @theirtheretheyre
Ao3 link here
Sam always knew Sarah and him were close. To a point. Some siblings complained about their siblings but they had to help each other growing up. They helped with meals and helped around the house as much as they could. They knew their parents had a lot going on and they always made sure to help. Maybe that is why it meant something when Bucky showed up and Sarah seemed to accept him with open arms. Sarah seemed to like Bucky from the first time he showed up which worried Sam because he thought that Bucky would ask Sarah out. Bucky didn’t though as he focused on Sam instead. Sam was thankful even if he pretended he wasn’t.
“So when am I going to get a new brother?” Sarah asked. Sam looked at her like she was crazy. “Don’t pretend you and Bucky aren’t going to be a thing. Bucky has that look and you seem to only have eyes for that boy anymore.”
“I have eyes for more than Bucky,” Sam said. Sarah gave him a knowing look. Sam just ignored her as he started helping her with dinner. Bucky was coming over that night to join Sarah, Sam, and Sarah’s boys for dinner. Sam knew if he was distracted and if Sarah was distracted then she wouldn’t ask more about Bucky. Sadly the plan didn’t work as all her questions became about Bucky. She asked about where he was and where he was staying. She asked about what Sam knew about his past as if Sarah didn’t know about his past already. Bucky’s past was all over the net now and Sam knew that everyone knew about that.
“Have you told him?” Sarah asked her brother.
“Told him what?” Sam asked. He knew what she was talking about, but there was nothing to say. He didn’t like Bucky like that. He liked Bucky in a different way than what she was applying.
“Look I like Bucky and he is good for you, Sam,” Sarah said. “Just don’t hurt him. I actually like having him around helping out with things.”
“I should have known you had a reason for keeping Bucky around here,” Sam told her. Sarah just smiled at him, that mischief younger sibling smiled as Cass and AJ ran in, asking Sam about when Bucky was going to get in because now his nephews were obsessed with the ex-assassin. Sam said the same thing he had told Sarah earlier about Bucky getting there when he gets there. The boys nodded but still kept talking about how amazing Bucky was and asking Sam when Bucky and him were going to get married. Apparently Sarah had been telling his nephews that Bucky and Sam were more than co-workers.
“Bucky and I are not dating,” Sam said.
“Then why does he always talk about the places he takes you?” Cass asked. Sam just explained that they went on adventures then. Cass and AJ asked Sam to tell them more about what the two got up to so Sam figured telling them about the time he fought in Wakanda knowing the boys would find that fascinating.
Bucky arrived an hour before dinner was done and was put to work by Sarah immediately. Sam teased her about putting Bucky to work but Bucky didn’t mind. He missed having his sisters around and being around Sarah and Sam made up for it. Sarah was like a sister to him.
“I’m sorry she put you to work as soon as you got here,” Sam told him later when they were on the back deck as the boys were chasing fireflies and laughing.
“I enjoy it,” Bucky said. “I used to help my sisters and mom with dinner.”
“I always figured you and Steve were both alone back then,” Sam said.
“Steve was like a brother to me back then. His mom and my mom were friends. We both hung in the same circles. He was always ill so I would come with stuff for him like books that I had read multiple times. He didn’t care too much but he was thankful for the company,” Bucky admitted.
“You are like family too,” Sarah said, joining them. “Sam might not think so but he can be stubborn from time to time.”
“Hey,” Sam said as Bucky and Sarah laughed. Sam muttered about the unfair treatment.
“When I was little Rebecca, one of my sisters, always teased Steve about being part of the family. She even called him Steve Barnes a few times. Ma thought it was the cutest thing ever,” Bucky told Sarah. “So one day after the serum, we were in New York for who knows what and Rebecca called out Captain Steven Barnes and the whole room got confused. I got congratulated by even a member of our squad for a week about marrying Steve in secret.”
“I once told Riley about how Sam used to sleep in his Captain America costume when he was a kid. Riley of course was so amused that he asked for pictures. Do you want to see some pictures?” Sarah asked.
“No, he does not,” Sam said.
“Not tonight. Maybe next time when Sam is less grumpy,” Bucky said with his charming smile. Sam wanted to get back at him for that.
“I’m not grumpy. It’s just embarrassing,” Sam said.
“I’m sure that Steve would have loved to know you dressed up as Captain America as a kid,” Bucky said.
“He probably would have,” Sam said. “Probably made him embarrassed. He wasn’t much for the spotlight.”
“No he was not. He preferred his art over everything else,” Bucky said. “You should have seen some of the drawings he did.”
“What did you even do back in the day without Steve?” Sam asked.
“Wonder about what stupid thing the idiot was getting up to,” Bucky admitted. “I think that is why this was the hardest for me until you came back into my life again. I had no one at this time. My sisters and parents are dead. Steve is gone. It is pretty much you left.”
“Well it's not just Sam,” Sarah told him. “You have me and my boys as well. They already see you as an uncle as well. You are always welcome at the Wilson residence.”
“Thank you,” Bucky said. “Will that stay the same if I ask Sam out?”
“What?” Sam said. He didn’t think Bucky was being serious.
“If you can get it through his head that you like him,” Sarah said. “My brother doesn’t use his brain from time to time so it can be a struggle to get him to understand something.”
“I am right here,” Sam reminded the two but they continued to talk. Sam started to pout and Bucky pulled him into a hug.
“Don’t worry, we both do remember that the captain is here,” Bucky said. Sam muttered that they were better. Sarah smiled.
“You can stay with Sam tonight, just don’t be too loud. I rather not have to explain anything to my boys,” Sarah told them.
“The couch is fine and a perfect place for a gentleman,” Bucky said.
“No, Sarah is right. My bed is more comfy and you owe me now,” Sam said. Bucky went to argue but Sam was already going in to set up sleeping arrangements. Bucky thanked Sarah before going after Sam. Sarah just watched them shaking her head at her brother and his boyfriend.
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idy-ll-ique · 4 years
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Requested: Nope
Warnings: None
Summary: Steve Rogers, and Bucky Barnes' niece Erica decide to play matchmaker. It doesn't really go as planned...
Author's Note: This was already posted on my old account with the same name but since I deleted it, here you go again.
Y/N- Your Name.
Y/N and Steve stood outside Bucky's house. "First time here, how do you feel?" Steve smirked at his best friend. She shrugged, chuckling nervously. She did hear stories about Steve's suave, notoriously flirtatious friend from him before, but hadn't actually met him. Steve rang the bell and the duo waited for a few seconds. To Y/N's absolute surprise, a little girl opened the door. "Uncle Steve!" she cooed, running towards him.
He picked her up, laughing. "Erica! Darling, it's been so long since I last saw you!" he grinned broadly, kissing her cheek. "How's Aunt Peggy?" Erica smirked. Y/N burst out laughing as Steve went red, putting Erica down on her feet. At the noise, Erica finally turned to Y/N. Her eyes went wide as she saw the beautiful woman standing next to her Uncle Steve. Who allowed her to be so pretty? Erica liked her immediately.
"Are you Y/N?" she asked, remembering the words of her Uncle Bucky. "Uncle Steve is coming to visit us in the evening, he's bringing his best friend along. Her name is Y/N," he had said to her. "I am! It's nice to meet you, Erica." Y/N and Erica hugged each other. "Are you ever going to come in?" a deep, soft voice called out from inside the house. Y/N looked up to see the most handsome man she had ever seen grinning at them. "Buck! How are you, man?"
Steve and Bucky gave each other a hug. Erica was still hugging to Y/N and the grown woman had her arms around the girl. "Erica really likes you, Y/N," Bucky commented, smiling at her. When he got a good look at her face, her smile and how her eyes twinkled with happiness when Erica talked to her, he was instantly enamored. Y/N was certainly beautiful and he wanted her to be his. "So, Erica, how old are you, love?" Y/N questioned softly.
"I'm 10! Going to turn 11 in 2 months, I hope I get my Hogwarts letter!" Little Erica was a huge fan of the Harry Potter series. She loved the books more than the movies and had finished reading all of them more than 3 times already. She loved reading. "You like Harry Potter, too? That's awesome! Which house do you think you'll be sorted in?" The three adults settled down on the couches. Erica, meanwhile, made herself comfortable on Y/N's lap.
She didn't want the beautiful woman to leave the house again. It got super lonely being the only girl in the house, since Uncle Bucky's friends were all boys. Now that Y/N was with her, she felt relieved. It helped that they shared interests. "I want to be a Hufflepuff! They're sweet and they like food!" Erica laughed, grinning at the woman. "Really? I rather like Gryffindor. The brave house," Steve smiled, flexing his muscles.
Erica poked his muscles, giggling. "It's Slytherin for me. Cunning and ambitious," Bucky smirked. "You know, Y/N will make a fine Ravenclaw. She's super smart and witty, Erica. Did you know, she's a doctor?" Steve commented and Erica looked at Y/N, a wonder-filled expression on her face. With the beauty came brains? Awesome! "Well, not a doctor, per se. More like a doctorate, I have a PhD," Y/N blushed, rubbing the back of her neck.
"In which subject?" Bucky asked, surprised. He had a huge grin on his face. "Criminology," she answered and he nodded, amazed. "Do you catch thieves and murderers?" Erica asked, shocked. "Kinda, yes," Y/N chuckled. "Erica, why don't you show Y/N your drawings? Go get them from upstairs!" Bucky said suddenly. Erica nodded, hopped off Y/N's lap and ran towards the stairs. "Your daughter is wonderful."
As soon as Y/N saw Bucky, she was infatuated. He was sweet, caring and not to mention, handsome and smart. He was perfect in her eyes, but she couldn't help but feel guilty, too. He had a daughter, and probably a loving wife, too. Though, she didn't hear any woman in the house. "Oh, no, she's not my daughter. I'm her uncle, she's my sister's girl. Rebecca died a few years ago. This poor child had no one, so I took her in."
"How nice of you! I'm so sorry for what happened," Y/N frowned, tearing up. She shouldn't have commented. "It's okay, Y/N, don't worry. We're good," Bucky laughed, shaking his head. Y/N nodded and wiped her tears away. "You know, Y/N, Bucky's very much single right now," Steve smirked and the two looked at each other, blushing. "Cut it out, Rogers," Y/N hissed, nudging him in the ribs. He scowled at her, rubbing his side.
"How's Peggy? Doing okay?" Bucky blurted out, desperately changing the subject. "She's fine, as well as she could be," Steve chuckled. Soon, Erica ran down the stairs, tons of sheets of papers in her tiny arms. She dumped all the papers in Y/N's lap, grabbed Steve's hand and pulled him towards the kitchen. "I have to talk to you!" Bucky and Y/N, watched, confused. "What's— Oh, drawings. They're beautiful," Y/N smiled, going through the drawings.
Most of them were Erica and Bucky figures. Some were unusual, like nature or buildings. Bucky sat next to Y/N, explaining all the drawings to her. She listened patiently, unconsciously scooting closer to him. They were lost in their own world. Y/N could listen to his voice the whole day and Bucky could happily sit there and talk to her if it meant they would get to spend time together. Meanwhile, Steve turned to Erica. "What is it, troublemaker?" he whispered, grinning.
"Troublemaker? More like matchmaker! We have to do something about them!" She pointed to the couple in the sitting room. Steve nodded. "I was planning that, too. They'd be perfect for each other," he realized. "What can we do?" Erica asked, standing on a chair so that she could be of Steve's height. "I dunno…" he muttered. "Let's leave them alone for a few more minutes and see if their own conversation leads somewhere," Erica whispered to him. Steve turned to her, smirking.
"You'd make a fine matchmaker. Let's stay here." Suddenly, the chair under Erica tipped and she fell down with a huge crash. Bucky and Y/N looked up, alarmed. "Is everything fine?" Bucky asked worriedly. "A-Ok, Uncle Bucky! We're bringing snacks!" Erica lied easily and Steve gave her a thumbs up. Bucky and Y/N shared suspicious looks but gave up, shrugging. "That duo is chaotic," Bucky laughed, keeping Erica's drawings away.
"So, what do you do, Bucky?" Y/N asked him, smiling. "Just got out of my last job, I have applied elsewhere. Hopefully I'll get it," Bucky chuckled, running a hand through his hair. He leaned back on the couch, placing his right ankle over his left knee. "You will! I trust you. You're smart and I'm pretty sure they won't reject a handsome man," Y/N chuckled, realizing a second too late what she had said. "You think I'm handsome?" Bucky smirked.
Y/N went tomato red, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she stared at her lap. "I- uh," she stammered, laughing nervously. Bucky couldn't resist putting his index finger under her chin, tilting her head towards his. Their faces were too close now. "For the record, I think you're beautiful yourself," he breathed out, smirking at her blush. "Stop," Y/N chuckled, finally finding her confidence as she pushed his hand aside, looking away.
"Aw, come on Y/N, I mean it," Bucky whined shamelessly, scooting closer to her. He didn't have the title of 'notorious flirt' for nothing. Except, with Y/N, something was different. He meant every word he said. She was pretty and he wanted her to be his indefinitely. Not like the other girls is the best way to put it, he thought. She wasn't like any girl. She wouldn't give in to his flirting. The girls would've already kissed him by now.
"Bucky, there are kids around," Y/N hissed as Bucky leaned over, burying his face in the crook of her neck. "She's in the kitchen with Steve, they don't have to know." Y/N felt his smirk against her skin. She giggled softly, putting her hand on his thigh. "I would at least like a date first," she teased and Bucky pulled away, grinning. "You got it! How about this Saturday at 5?" he asked excitedly. Y/N laughed at his excitement, nodding. "That sounds good." Bucky leaned over again, kissing her cheek.
Steve and Erica watched from the kitchen with a raised eyebrow. They looked at each other, shocked. "Looks like we didn't have to play matchmaker," Erica whispered to the grown man, who nodded. "Say, Bucky, Steve and Erica have been gone for a long time, what are they even doing?" Y/N asked curiously, looking at the kitchen. Bucky put his arm around Y/N, also turning to the kitchen. "Guys! What are you doing?" he bellowed.
Just then, the kitchen door opened and out stepped Erica and Steve, a bowl of chips in Steve's hand. "Told ya we were bringing snacks," Steve shrugged, setting the bowl on the table between them. Erica walked up to Y/N, pushed Bucky's hand away and made herself comfortable on Y/N's lap. Bucky pouted at his niece as Y/N laughed, wrapping her arms around the sweet girl. "Hey, no fair! That's my date!" he whined.
"Good for you," Steve snorted, taking a handful of chips. "Leave some for us," Y/N chided, picking up one. "Are you two really going out?" Erica asked happily. The two adults looked at each other, nodding and smiling. "I'll babysit when you have to go," Steve said, giving Erica a high-five. "Yes! Aunt Peggy and I will drive you up a wall," Erica smirked. Steve groaned as Y/N and Bucky laughed. They looked at each other, soft smiles on their faces.
A/N: Leave a like if you liked it! It would mean a lot :)
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justkending · 5 years
10 Years Time. Chapter 18.
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Series Summary: As princess of Alberia, it is your duty to grow into a rightful young lady if you plan on ruling your family's country. Of course, the only way your father can see this happening is sending you off to a boarding camp at the age of 14 for 10 years to learn what it means to grow into a Queen. That means leaving all your friends and family behind. One specific person, your best friend, you never want to say goodbye to. But 10 years later, you come back grown into a young lady like your father hoped, and find your best friend has grown into a knightly young man. How will you two adjust after 10 years apart? Will things be the same, or will all that’s happened in that span of time affect your relationship?
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Stark Daughter Reader
Word Count: 3900+
A/N: HAPPY THANKSGIVING to those who celebrate! I am currently making deviled eggs and turkey as we speak;) I hope you all enjoy this chapter I had so much fun making! Love you all and I’m so very thankful for each and every one of you!!!
Chapter 18:
Chaos. That would be the best word to describe what exactly this day consisted of. Lucky for Y/N, she had two very comforting and capable ladies to help her through it all. 
At one point something had gone terribly wrong with the food, something about allergies for a certain kingdom. But luckily Rebecca, Bucky’s sister, got it under control before Y/N had to mess with it. 
Then another time, something about the decorations not working how they planned. Then another with the fireworks that Y/N didn’t even know her father ordered. Then another issue with the guest list possibly not being delivered right, which ended up being a mistake and not true. A nervous new assistant looked over a few things wrong. 
And now, just about 3 hours before the whole ceremony was supposed to take place, there was word that Janet was running behind on the dress. Dear God. The dress. 
Nat was practically hyperventilating because of the supposed rumor, and Y/N and Wanda were fanning her to calm her down. 
“Nat, you know Jay will come through. She’s never let us down.” Y/N said holding her robe in place with her hair still half way done, and taking a break from the makeup artist to calm her friend. 
“B-But the dress. If you aren’t in it for the ceremony, th-then-,” Nat said through breaths. 
“I have never seen her this panicked. Nat doesn’t panic.” Wanda said with worried eyes still fanning her on the other side. 
Y/N shot Wanda a reassuring look before bending on her knees and getting to Nat’s eye level.
“Hey. Jay said she is just a little behind. Nothing to worry about. Want to tell me what the real issue is?” She said placing her hands on Nat’s.
The green eyes shot at her, and Y/N could see the worry and anxiety bouncing around in them. 
“If I remember correctly, this is my day to be nervous and anxious.” Y/N said with a laugh trying to lighten the mood. 
“Yes, but-” Nat paused not sure where to go with the thought. 
“But what? Talk to us.” Wanda said joining Y/N on the lower level. 
The other red head took a deep sigh before closing her eyes. “I just want everything to be perfect for you Y/N/N. You’ve worked so hard for this and everything has to be just right.” she said in almost a defeated tone.
“Oh, Nat.” Y/N said moving closer and squeezing her friends hand. “Nothing is every going to be perfect. Do you know how many bumps we hit along the way to get here? A lot. But that’s what’s making it all the more special.”
“No. No but’s. We’ll be fine. Everything will work out how the world intends for it to. If that means a disaster here and there, then so be it. We have yet to not come out on top before. We aren’t going to start now.” Y/N smiled pulling Nat up from her seat. “Now, what do you say we finish my hair and make up so that when the does get here, we are on schedule?”
“What if it isn’t-”
“It will be. I have full faith in Jay. And if not? Then we will be fashionably late to the party. Quite literally.” Y/N giggled pulling Nat in for a hug that she took without a second thought. 
“Awe! I love you guys!” Wanda jumped in excitement before throwing herself into the group hug.
As if in perfect timing, just as they were finishing the last touches of Y/N’s hair, the knock on the door signaled Jay. 
“Hey girls. You ready for the next part of the make over?” she smiled walking in with the dress under wraps. 
“Oh thank God!” Nat said, letting out a sigh as Wanda clapped next to her jumping on the balls of her feet. 
“Did you guys get to spend a good chunk of time with each other last night?” Bucky asked as they checked the guards station since the party was just an hour away. People already showing up early. 
“Yeah, we did.”
There was a pause as Buck waited for Steve to continue, but that’s all he said. 
“Ok, and…” he probed nudging his friend. 
“And what Buck? What are you trying to get out of me?” Steve chuckled. 
“I mean nothing specifically, but you’re being quiet. Did something happen?”
Steve looked at his friend knowing he could read him like a book. He rolled his eyes, and tried to ignore it, but Bucky just waited staring at him and making him more uncomfortable. 
“She brought it up again ok! You got me!” Steve groaned throwing his hands up. 
“Steve, why don’t you believe her?”
“You would make a great King to the throne. I don’t get how you don’t see that-” Bucky started in a soft tone so that no one would hear.
“That’s not the only issue.” Steve groaned not happy about doing this conversation yet again. 
“Then what?” Bucky said also annoyed at having to try and convince Steve the same thing Y/N was trying to. 
“I don’t know…”
“Clearly you know.” 
“Drop it Buck.”
“No, why are you so freaked out about this?” 
“I’m not dropping it. Neither will Y/N until you get it through your thick head that you are more of a man than you think you are-”
“I don’t think I’ll ever be enough for her! Ok!” Steve shouted luckily away from everyone making it just them. Bucky stood back shocked, but let out a sigh. 
“So, some other guy is?” Bucky asked making Steve’s dropped head snap up.
“What? No. No guy is good enough-”
“Ok, so wouldn’t you rather you be with her knowing you are giving her your all, or would you want some rando that you know for a fact wouldn’t?” 
“Of course I want it to be me. I would give her the moon and the stars if she asked me to.” Steve said almost offended that Bucky would think he would have it any other way. 
“See? You two were made for each other. Neither of you think you are enough for the other, even if that’s far from the truth, but you try and show each other that you would do anything for the other no matter what.”
“Get out of your damn head Steven. She loves you. You love her. She wants you by her side for the rest of her life. If that means as her king, than take the damn position. It’s not that hard.” Bucky rolled his eyes throwing his hands up. 
“What if-”
“No what if’s. Do you love her?”
“Yes.” Steve said without hesitation.
“You would do anything for her? Death included?”
“Of course! Why do you even have to ask?” he shouted again only getting a laugh out of Bucky. 
“Because apparently you can’t get it through your head that she does deserve someone like you. No less, punk.” Bucky said placing a hand on his friend’s shoulder. 
Steve wanted to fight him on it, but he made a good point. If there was anyone that he believed Y/N deserved, it was someone who wanted to treat her like he wanted. As the queen she was. No. The goddess she was. She deserves everything he could offer and so much more. The only person that he knew would strive to give her just that, was him. 
“Ok. We are all ready.” Janet said stepping back after making the final adjustments. “Wanda, can you grab me the crown?”
“Yes ma’am.” Wanda nodded going to get it from the case it was in. 
“You look stunning Y/N. Words can’t express how breathtaking you are.” Nat smiled folding her hands in front of her. “You somehow managed to pull of this look better than your coming home party.” 
“I’ll be honest. I didn’t think you would ever be able to top that outfit off Jay, but here we are. Somehow one step up from the last.” Y/N said admiring the details of the dress around her in the mirror. 
“Well my dear, if you could see the visions of dresses I have for you in my head, you would be taken back by how much I can do.” Jay smiled.
“I already am.” Y/N winked. 
“Here we go.” Wanda said bringing the crown to the back of her head. Nat coming to help adjust it to where it needed to be. “Oh, and it goes perfect with the hairstyle Nat did!” Wanda said all giddy. 
“Oh, Jay. This-This is stunning. How did you-?” Y/N said watching the piece come together with the rest of the attire in the mirror as her ladies positioned it just right. 
“You’re secret admirer gave me the idea.” Jay said coming to her side and placing her hands on her shoulders as they admired the work together. “You are everyone’s sunshine even if he claims you as his own.”
Y/N was close to tears. She had a piece of Steve with her through the necklace that still lay on her chest, but the crown was perfect for Steve’s nickname for her. It was all just so… Perfect.
“Now, no crying. You’ll ruin your makeup.” Jay said patting her shoulders before wiping a few stray tears of her own. “We need to get you down there. We are running just on schedule to not be late.”
“Yes, ma’am.” All three girls said trying to push back the tears. Only laughing at each other from the shared emotion. 
“Let’s do this your majesty.” Wanda said extending her arm on one side while Nat did the same on the other. 
“Let’s do this.” Y/N said taking in a deep breath and linking their arms. 
“So you’re Prince Summers?” 
Scott turned at the deep voice to see a long haired blonde with deep blue eyes, and another man next to him with black sleek hair and lighter blue eyes. 
“Yes, that would be me.” he said with a smile and straightening his posture. 
“Nice to meet you. I’m Thor and this is my brother Loki. We’re the Princes of Asgard.” Thor said with a friendly smile while Loki gave his signature mischievous one. 
“Right. I’ve heard about you two. Y/N said that you are of one of the top alliances Alberia has.” Scott smiled extending his hand. 
Thor took it seeing that Scott was actually a kind man, but still kept his grip tight showing his dominance. 
“Yes. We’re neighboring kingdoms with Alberia. We grew up and were raised with Princess Y/N.” Thor said never breaking eye contact. 
“We would do anything for her.” Loki added. 
“Well, I’m glad. The Princess is a very special woman, and I’m glad to have made such a friend in her.” Scott said shaking Loki’s hand next. 
“Right.” Loki said with a twerked brow. “Now Scott, you do plan on keeping the agreement with Princess Y/N after this alliance is signed correct?” Loki said not letting go of Scotts hand. 
Scott looked down at the contact and caught onto what was happening. 
“Of course.” he said with only genuine looks. “Y/N said that you two were like her adopted brothers. Always keeping an eye out for her.”
“That or taking an eye out for her.” Thor shrugged his shoulders with the same smile on his lips that was now coming off as intimidating instead. “No one hurts our little Y/N. No one.” he said the last line with his smile gone.
“O-Ok…” Scott said noticing his hand was still being shook by Loki, and the grip was getting tighter. 
“Prince Scott.” A comforting voice said coming from behind the three men. 
They turned at the noise, and once Loki saw Y/N approaching them with a raised eyebrow and a smirk he dropped the hand. Scott bringing it to him and massaging the pain from the grip. 
“I hope that these two brutes are treating you kindly.” she said with her looks directed to Thor and Loki even though she was talking to Scott. 
“Uh, y-yes…” Scott said, but he was distracted by the appearance of Y/N. Just like all the other men in the room were. 
Who wouldn’t be? She was wearing a stunning dress that was mainly red and gold, the colors of Alberia. It had a stunning neckline with details and jewels shining all kinds of different colors. Same for the train of it. Caught in the right light, the mirror like jewels that looked like quails almost gave a rainbow kind of gleam to it from the light reflection. 
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Her makeup was done simple, but elegant. Her eyeshadow being a metallic gold, her lashes voluminous and bringing attention to the specks of color in her eyes, and her lips stained a dark ruby red. 
To pull it all together, the crown sitting on the back of her head looked like rays of sun sprouting from her. As if each one represented a piece of light that she shined on the kingdom. 
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She was superior to any other woman. The natural beauty she had was jaw dropping and the three men in front of her couldn’t seem to form a thought let alone a sentence of her presence. 
“You boys are playing nice I hope, right?” She said coming around to stand by Scott, and the men’s eyes followed her. 
“Y-Yes, of course we are.” Loki stuttered out elbowing his brother. “Right brother?”
“Y/N, you look absolutely amazing.” he said not answering Loki.
“Thank you Thor.” she giggled at their wide eyes. “You two look as handsome as ever too. You as well Prince Scott.” she said turning to him, and watching as he shook his head out of his thoughts. 
“Wh-Why, uh,” Scott coughed to try and compose himself. “Why didn’t they announce you? I figured they would announce your entrance so we could get the ceremony started.”
“No one else was announced. Why should I be?” she shrugged placing her hands in front of her and interlocking her fingers. 
“But you’re the whole reason for this ceremony.” he added. 
“As are you. Were you announced?” she said back with a smirk.
“Well, no, but-”
“See? No need to be center of attention from start to finish. Everyone will see us eventually. I mean, we are signing a pretty big contract tonight.” she winked. 
He let out a small laugh as she gave him a friendly smile. 
“Pretty big turn out. It’s crazy actually.” Y/N said looking around. “I guess we should be making our rounds, hmm?”
Scott snapped out of his thoughts once again, and extended his arm. “I guess we probably should.” he smiled. 
“Boy’s I’ll be seeing you at the after party correct?” she said to the brothers who hadn’t taken their eyes off of her. 
“If you mean our friend group staying up late until the sun comes up? Yes. You will see us there.” Loki answered. 
“Perfect. Enjoy the party. King Stark really went all out this time.” she winked before being escorted by Scott through the crowd. 
Y/N and Scott made their rounds for about half an hour. Explaining to those that were still lost on the concept of what the whole evening was about, and doing their best not to get annoyed when they were asked about the hundredth time why they just weren’t getting married instead. 
Of course, Y/N’s did her best to hide her snarky remarks when the older groups said that it was just insane and just a young person’s mistake to be making. The Tony Stark in her really wanted to come out, but with a squeeze on the arm from Scott, she bit her tongue. Something Tony never learned how to do. 
Throughout the time, she was trying her best to find Steve, or Bucky and Sam at least, in the crowd. The whole time though, there was no sight of any of the knights that were her friends. Maybe they had some problems with the guards to take care of. 
Then just as her patience was running dangerously low with some of the guest still prodding about the reason for the night, trumpets played calling everyone’s attention to the stage. 
“Ladies and gentleman, King Stark.” the announcer shouted. 
Tony made his way up. Completely decked out in jewels and the best royal cape a king could wear. The crown on his head the biggest and most eye catching one he had. He was really showing off for his country. Why shouldn’t he?
“Wow. A great turn out. Thank you all again for coming tonight, and I hope you’re all a little buzzed for what’s to come. If not, the drinks being passed out are free so I have no idea what you’re doing.” he smirked getting a laugh from the crowd. “Tonight isn’t about me though, like we’re use to. I would like to invite my daughter Princess Y/N Stark, and Prince Scott Summers up here so we can get this ceremony rolling.”
Lucky for Y/N and Scott, they were in the middle and not far from the stage, so it was easy to maneuver once everyone moved out of the way. 
“There they are!” Tony said gesturing to the two, and everyone applauded. 
Once on stage, the two broke apart and waved at the mass of people in front. Y/N keeping her eyes out for Steve still. She found Nat and Wanda  at the foot of the stage, close as always. She saw Morgan, Peter, and Shuri over by the food table talking, but still looking her direction. She saw Thor and Loki were talking to some other princes before turning toward the stage. She saw Peitro and Carol off in the distance, but no Clint, Bucky, Steve, or Sam. All the head knights nowhere in sight. 
“Y/N, I’ll let you explain the events of tonight.” Tony gestured patting her back and walking to stand on the side by Pepper. 
“Right.” she smiled, taking a deep breath and turning to Scott who gave a reassuring smile. “As you all know, tonight is not like most alliance forming type ceremonies. And if you don’t know that, then we have some news for you.” the crowd chuckled, but she saw the older couples/ rulers roll their eyes. “Anyway, I just want to reiterate what exactly is going to be taking place tonight.” She took a deep breath all of a sudden nervous. She was about to do something not many people dare to do because of how out of the ordinary it was. 
But just as her heart stuttered, she looked in the back seeing new people coming in the ballroom. How she saw them, she wasn’t sure but she knew who they were nonetheless. 
Steve, Bucky, and Sam had finally arrived and were walking in watching every move Y/N made. Giant grins on Bucky and Sam’s face. Steve on the other hand had a smile full of pride and admiration. Something he had on the nights on the roof, but somehow about 100000x brighter. 
Like all the air in her lungs had been replaced by Steve’s, and all the nerves had been replaced by his pride, Y/N straightened her shoulders and began her speech. 
“Many of you tonight have asked what the whole deal was. Why I decided to rule without a king arranged to rule by my side.” She sighed putting her hands together. “Because as amazing as Prince Scott here is, I felt as if if I can’t rule my own kingdom without someone's help from the outside, I shouldn't rule at all. But I know I can. I know I can do just that and marriage isn’t going to help me do it. My own brain, my own thoughts, my own strategies and understandings of this kingdom that is my home, is what is going to keep us growing and becoming stronger. I of course have the help and power of the kingdom’s people with me and I’m excited for this journey and the change that is to come.” she smiled getting a few new smiles from those that were hesitant before. “I ask the same thing that I asked the Summer’s family who has been nothing but kind this whole time.” 
She smiled at the family that was on the other side of the stage and returned it. 
“I ask that you all go into this open-minded, understanding, and positive. This is a new way of things for this time, and I believe change is the only thing that is going to keep us persevering and thriving through the future.” She paused finding Steve’s eyes again. The pride somehow still growing. “It’s ok to dive in head first and not know what to expect. It’s ok to be unsure of things. But what we have to understand, is there is no growth in just standing in one spot. We have to move forward and go all in.” 
She smiled seeing what almost looked like a gloss in Steve’s eyes at her words. Without noticing it, she too had the same gloss. 
A few moments passed before Scott put a hand on her shoulder and nodded seeing she needed a second. 
“She stole all the words I could possibly try and explain with, and made it about 1000 times better.” the crowd laughed. “Which is why I know Y/N will do amazing things. I agree completely with the princess. Because of that, I am happy and very excited to be a part of this change.” he smiled at Y/N who gave a soft smile trying to reel her feelings in. “I won’t bore you with a speech from me. Y/N is a hard act to follow, and like I said, I couldn’t have said it better than her. So.” he turned to the crowd grabbing Y/N’s hand and moving her up with him. “Shall we begin the signing?”
The crowd cheered and the couple raised their hands before moving back where advisors and lawyers were bringing the treaty to the families. 
The lawyers went through the agreements that were compromised and to be met with the signing. Taking a good amount of time to explain it out to the crowd.
“Are you all ready?” the head guy asked and motioned to both families. 
Y/N turned to her father seeing any sign of nerves from the past 2 months, completely gone. Instead replaced by how proud he was of his little girl. She was a stunning copy of her mother and in that instant, he was almost 100% sure the he saw her there right in Y/N. In a flash, his daughter was back making him honored to be next to her. 
Y/N gave a nod to her family seeing that Morgan had joined them at some point in her speech. She turned to Scott seeing him smile and offering his hand. 
She took it and they both grabbed a pen ready to sign. 
“Here and here.” 
The two signed where asked a few times here and a few times there. Then. It was done.
“I now pronounce, the Kingdom of Alberia and Turan united in a signed alliance,” the advisors said together as the princess and prince raised their joined hands.
Marvel Tags:
@girlintheshire​​ @thejourneyneverendsx​​ @zlixlle​​ @death-unbecomes-you​​ @heyiamthatbitch​​ @zeilenkrieg​​ @lizzymacy555​​ @iheartsebastianstan​​ @srrymydood​​ @sebastianstanfavpita​​ @xa-dia​
Steve Rogers/ Chris Evans Tags:
@lil-lex1​​ @capsiclesdoll​​ @snow30285​​ @ce-vans​​ @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory​​ @starstrucknature​​ @katurrade​​ @sp2900​​ @badassbeckettswan​​ @cevanswhores​​ @patzammit​​ @cheeseburgersstuff​​
My Lovelies forever:
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10 Years Time Tag:
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