#⌬ lyra — dislike: orson krennic
mercifulmemories · 3 years
Lyra Erso tag drop
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sharontcte · 8 years
Star wars
Send me a fandom and i’ll tell you…
the character i least understand  - Maybe Boba Fett? That character is just…irrelevant to me. I don’t hate him or anything, I just don’t acknowledge him really.
interactions i enjoyed the most - Definitely the interactions between Obi Wan and Anakin. Their whole story is beautiful and tragic and it makes me want to lie down and cry. But I have to say, after seeing Rogue One, I’m so intrigued by Galen Erso and Orson Krennic’s history. Their brief interactions in the movie gave me all the feels. 
the character who scares me the most - Hahahaha well when I was little I was terrified of Yoda! I remember one summer I was staying in my cousins house who were all star wars fans and there was this one particular Yoda figurine in the kitchen that literally made me want to run away. I only really discovered my love for the story in recent years so when I was a kid a) I didn’t really know who Yoda was and b) I didn’t know a thing about Star Wars haha. How things change with time, oh my
the character who is mostly like me - I think Anakin. I’m Extra af, I don’t seem to know how to chill, I trust waaay too easily, I’ve got terrible anger issues and while I always intend to do the right thing, I always seem to fuck up. Bad decisions? I’m a bad decision making connoisseur. Oh, and I love puns.
hottest looks character - obiwangalenanakin
one thing i dislike about my fave character - I love Anakin Skywalker with all my heart but sometimes he’s one annoying little shit so, idk, his annoying tendencies? (but then again look who’s talking I am not one to judge haha)
one thing i like about my hated character - Palpatine’s force lightning.. That’s pretty cool. (My reason for always loving to play as Palpatine in Battlefront don’t judge me)
a quote or scene that haunts me - The opening crawl of a New Hope, specifically ‘ During the battle, Rebel spies managed to steal secret plans to the Empire’s ultimate weapon, the Death Star  ‘ Soul crushing. 
a death that left me indifferent - Qui Gon Jiinn. Yes, I liked him but I didn’t really feel anything when he died. It was more of a ‘ awh no and move along ‘ scenario for me.
a character i wish died but didn’t - all my most hated died so we all good.
my ship that never sailed - So technically it was canon, but I think I would love to have seen waaaay more of Lyra and Galen omfg. So I mean, the ship left the port but we never got to see the voyage ya feel me
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