#⌬ lyra — thread
As everyone settled in the theater Artem takes a breath.
That’s. A lot of people… people that would be affected probably forever by their mistake….
They steal themselves. No matter how much they want to run away from this, it was their kids out there. It was their friends, and Beaus friends… the people out there were people they talked to, that they cooked for.
They can’t run away from that, from them.
So they stepped out and turned on the projector.
The screen reading: Fae Food and You
“Welcome… everyone” Artem is very thankful their powers don’t work through technology, so no one would feel the projections of anxiety
“Beau and I… have made an error and were unsure of how many of you are affected… I… well… uh just… wait until the end for questions please…? We have a lot to cover…”
And with that, Artem began their lecture. It was chaotic and very obvious that this PowerPoint once had a conspiracy board style of organization.
It starts with the literature surrounding fae food, the historical accounts of its affects, how earthly food tasted different forever and how this drove some into despair, then there was an entire section of the presentation dedicated to the kinds of food that would have been available to the person giving those accounts.
Then they move on to what is fae food in this case?
“Well… we know for sure that food made with fae ingredients would count as fae food”
At this a picture of Artems Rose in its natural state as well as its various edible forms are displayed.
“and it’s possible that food made with earthly ingredients but made by fae hands could count as well but we aren’t sure”
The lecture continues as Artem lays out the proposed experiment:
Everyone is going to try some of the takeout they ordered and see who among them are under the effects of fae food. This would also allow the ones under the effect to know what the difference in taste actually is.
Then they have food Artem made, they made magical food, nonmagical food, and nonmagical food that’s also historical recreations of what was described in their earlier presentation to compare modern food to the food that would cause people to despair after trying fae food.
After that those who have confirmed they are affected by fae food could try some of the food Beau made, some containing artems rose and some not so they could compare that as well.
After rambling the idea Artem trails off and looks to the people before them
[ @gotham-its-too-early-for-this @gothamiiz @riddle-me-this-riddler @the-second-boy-wonder @funnygirlclaire @posts-from-gotham @evandalist-in-gotham @bugboi-of-gotham @bennytheredonethat @flying-graysons-fan @number1-red-robin-stan]
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loosesodamarble · 6 months
As Time Moves On Part 4: The Mystery in Spade
Summary: The reconstruction effort in Spade Kingdom brings about a disturbing revelation. Genre: general Word count: ~1800
The bitter cold was nothing new to the Spade Kingdom. Winters were long and harsh. Summers were fleeting like a breeze. But the people of Spade became resilient over the generations, especially so after the reign of terror that was the Zogratis family.
Thanks to the efforts of Spade’s Resistance Force and Clover Kingdom’s Magic Knights, freedom and peace were restored.
The long night known as the Devil Banishment War was passed. And the people of Spade, with renewed hope and strength, worked to usher in a new era of peace.
“Thanks to the citizens, as well as the aid sent from Heart and Clover, we’re keeping a decent pace for the reconstruction plans we initially put forth.”
“Diamond Kingdom is in a state of political unrest. Not only from the Zogratis annexing some of their territory but also due to internal conflicts. We can’t expect any word from them any time soon.”
“We’ve sent messengers to Lumi Kingdom regarding assistance. There’s no telling how long it will take for them to respond though.”
“Every resident of the capital city has confirmed that they have new lodging. Either within another town or in the nearby tent cities.”
Ciel nodded along as her team of advisors filled her in on the state of affairs. It fell to her to lead her people after the Zogratis family was removed from power. She wished she didn’t have to do it alone, that Loyce was still there sharing the burden.
But Loyce was no longer of this world. He was in a better place. So Ciel made it her duty to restore Spade to the joyous land they’d once led together.
While listening to her advisors, Ciel also concentrated her mana on a spell: Full Moon Haven.
With the spell, she imbued an area with the gentle light of the moon, healing wounds and restoring stamina. She’d learned it years ago, before ever being queen, and in the present, she used it to tend to the many volunteers who toiled to clear debris and find those who were injured or killed during the Devil Banishment War. It was a blessing to have in her grimoire, as it meant she was able to serve her people as kindly as they served her.
“How soon do you think the capital will be rebuilt?” Ciel asked while slowly diminishing her mana output.
“Due to…” Albert, the leader of the resistance and one of Ciel’s advisors, paused and cleared his throat. It was more to break the tension that came with what he was about to say. “Due to the King of Devils leveling most of the capital city, there hasn’t been much large debris so clearing the land has been quick work. However, we can’t proceed quite yet as the task of recovering the bodies of the deceased has come to a standstill. It’s concerning the… high priority ones.”
Ciel’s eyes went wide and she bit the inside of her cheek to keep her face composed.
“I see.”
Ciel finished casting Full Moon Haven and sent off the patients, either to their lodgings or to a more skilled healer for severe wounds. Then, she and the advisors slipped away, towards the shadows of the castle ruins.
There were some questions she would need answered in privacy.
Dante Zogratis, Vanica Zogratis, and Zenon Zogratis of the Dark Triad. Moris Libardirt, former Magic Scholar of the Diamond Kingdom.
While reports from Clover’s Magic Knights attested to their downfalls, Ciel and her advisors had made it a priority to find their bodies again to confirm their deaths. The people of Spade had put their all into the task alongside preparing for the rebuilding of homes. And yet after four months…
“Has nothing from any of them been recovered?”
Ciel’s advisors frowned grimly.
“Are we certain that we’ve checked every possible nook and cranny of the castle? We’ve left no piece of rubble unturned? We haven’t ignored any rooms by accident, have we?�� Ciel inquired between deep breaths.
“Your Majesty, we’re sure,” Albert answered and bowed his head slightly. “This was our fifth full area search. We cannot find a trace of them.”
Ciel wrung her hands together. Closed her eyes, squeezed them shut tight. She took deep breaths. Deep, slow, trying-to-prevent-panic breaths. With a final exhale, Ciel opened her eyes and looked her advisors in the eyes.
“Thank you for informing me,” she stated with the grace she’d practiced as queen. “If I may, I ask that I have a moment to myself.”
“Yes, Your Majesty,” the advisors spoke in unison as they bowed their heads. Then, they turned and left her be.
When Ciel felt sure she was on her own, she let out a heavy sigh. She placed her hands over her heart, feeling its anxious rhythm. After the coup and so many years living in hiding and praying for a miracle, Ciel believed she’d gotten used to being worried. But no, she’d only been used to worrying about the Dark Triad finding her to finish what they’d started.
Now, she feared that they could return and ruin the peace that was still new to the kingdom.
Ciel paced the area.
Yuno’s personal witness testimony detailed how Zenon turned into a devil and how his body crumbled upon defeat. The search for his body had been futile from the start. But that didn’t explain why nothing of Vanica, Dante, or Moris was found. Could it be that their bodies were completely crushed in the rubble? And that only unidentifiable, rotting bits of flesh and bloodstains remained?
Ciel shuddered.
There were individuals, the Dark Disciples, who earnestly followed the Zogratises. Is it possible that some of them survived and salvaged their leaders’ bodies? And since the Dark Disciples had no qualms about using Forbidden Magic, if the bodies were found… Then…
Her breath caught in her throat.
Vanica’s piercing, maniacal laugh while demanding a fight echoed in her ears.
Zenon’s listless gaze flashed across her mind’s eye, as if burned into her memory.
Dante’s hands and how they so carelessly dropped Loyce’s body to the floor, prepared to take her life next, made her body tremble.
Not again… She didn’t want the terror to return… To lose everything all over again…
Ciel clenched her hands into fists and shook her head.
“Don’t worry. Spade is safe now,” Yuno had said with a hushed confidence. “And I won’t let it come to harm again. As the next Wizard King, it’d be my duty to.”
A half-hearted laugh slipped past Ciel’s lips. Yuno’s statement didn’t make much sense but his heart was in the right place. It was in a place full of hope.
“That’s right…” Ciel told herself. “I can’t give into fear. Not now.”
There wasn’t a chance that Ciel would let herself give up so easily after everything that she and her people had endured. Not after hope in the form of mages from Clover and Heart arrived and chased away the darkness. Not after she got to see the man her son had become and still strove to be.
The Queen of Spade looked to the sky. The clouds were gray as per usual. However, their shade appeared lighter than usual.
“Dear people of Spade Kingdom. I thank you all for gathering today so that I may address you regarding our current reconstruction efforts.”
Ciel’s voice carried across the crowd of people. Their faces showed tiredness and concern but mostly curiosity.
“As of now, we’re making good progress in rebuilding our kingdom.”
Smiles began to appear on people’s faces.
Ciel went on to summarize how clean up has concluded, how foreign aid would continue to be provided, and how resources were being allocated for the various reconstruction projects. The good news that she shared made the people’s moods brighter. And it lightened Ciel’s own heart to know that Spade was already rising up.
All that good news, though, would be soured by the troubling announcement she had to make next.
“There are many good things in store for Spade as we continue to rebuild our kingdom. However, it is with a heavy heart that I also deliver bad news to you all. It is a matter of transparency that I tell you all. While parties worked to recover the bodies of the deceased for proper burials, a select group was tasked with finding the bodies of specific individuals: the Dark Triad and their conspirator Moris Liberdirt. I and my advisors desired to confirm without a reasonable doubt that those four were indeed dead. Unfortunately, nothing of them has been recovered during these last four months.”
The grinning faces fell away and color drained from many complexions.
“As your queen, I apologize for being unable to fully confirm their deaths. I apologize for having to deliver such a frightening message. But I felt that you needed to know, so that you may understand my dedication to putting everyone at ease and giving them reason to have even greater hope, even if I could not follow through this time.
“The Zogratises and Moris haven’t turned up thus far and we might have to consider that their bodies may never turn up. However! We cannot let the memory of the Zogratis family and their actions hold us captive. My dear and brave citizens, I implore you! Let us remember how we have endured and overcome a dark period of our kingdom’s history. Let us bolster our spirits with resolve. We shall rebuild the Spade Kingdom to what it once was and make new memories for the next generation of our people!”
After Ciel’s voice dissipated into the sky, silence permeated the crowd.
Ciel looked upon her people.
Let my prayer resonate with them…
“For Spade Kingdom!” a voice from the crowd yelled.
“Towards a brighter future!” cried another as they raised their fist.
“This is our kingdom again!”
“Here here!”
Shouts of determination arose, a testament to how the people had been weakened but not broken.
It was later decided that the corpses of Dante, Vanica, Zenon, and Moris didn’t need to be found. In all likelihood, the Zogratis family and Moris were dead. Their bodies lost to the land and their souls damned for their cruelty. As cold as it sounded, Ciel was glad to think that to be the case.
Uncertainty nestled within Ciel’s heart. However, the memory of her son’s affirmation and the optimistic calls of her citizens drowned out the whisper of fear.
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silcntsinners · 3 months
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@asrielbelacquaaaa liked for a small starter
Asriel x Lyra
Lyra glanced to her uncle, her facial expression displeased as she always felt abandoned by him. “But, I wanna go with you. I ain’t doing nothing in Oxford, I’m bored. I want to go on your adventures. Please take me, uncle” she said with pleading eyes, a huff leaving her lips since she knew the answer before even asking it. It was always worth a try though. The young girls eyes flickered to Stelmaria before she glanced over to Pam who was snuggled at the end of her bed. “I can’t stay ‘ere much longer, the professors are all mad at me because I keep escaping” she stated and smirked.
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scxrpiusxmalfcy · 1 year
🤏 - one of our muses pinches the other for not wearing green
“Son of a -..” Scorp all but jumped, feeling a sharp pinch just above his hip, turning around fast to curse out whoever it was who decided to partake in the tradition to go around and assault those who weren’t wearing the ‘correct attire’. Seeing it was his sister though he could only roll his eyes, “I’m guessing this is revenge for not going with the suggestions you lay out for me for today, huh?”
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sebastianxorpington · 4 months
"Hm, makes sense." Sebastian commented upon seeing the shorter blonde's wrist being marked with red. Not that he was any different and he was aware that this situation would very be picked up by the other, but still, he couldn't find himself stopping. "That you're single that is. I mean Merlin knows I can't tend to be around you for more than ten minutes, so it makes sense that you're unable to find someone who has to spend days with you."
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rcsegld · 3 months
open to: m/nb plot: your muse is dating lyra's twin sister (lucia). they share an apartment and your muse mistakes lyra for her sister. bonus points if they haven't met before
lyra stood at the kitchen counter with her back to the rest of the room as she brewed her morning coffee. it was early and the dim light of morning was only just starting to creep in through the windows. she moved with a quiet grace as she went about her morning routine, lost in her own thoughts. as she reached for a mug from the cupboard, she heard the sound of footsteps behind her. before she could turn around, arms were around her waist and she felt warm lips against her neck. "oh my god." she started and turned, pushing the arms away as she did. "what are you doing?"
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doctordonovan · 10 months
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@secondbetrayer | continued from here
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too chewy indeed,   and likely not the healthiest,  but if anything it was a victory just to get a proper answer no matter how well-deserved the giggles may truly be.  ❝ it would be,  wood-n't it? ❞   low joking pun came with another small  &&   warm smile,  unable to resist the temptation to joke just a little more.
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chocolatl and fruit.  not exactly a balanced diet but at least she'd be a unique little bug,  ❝ there's these tiny bugs,  they're called mirids.  they're plant bugs   -   they generally pierce plant tissues, feed on the sap, and sometimes transmit viral plant diseases.  they're pests,  basically.  but there's a specific branch of their family called cocoa mirids,  they cause a lot of cocoa production damage.  so I'd argue there's already a bug out there that loves chocolatl as much as you do when it's in bean form. ❞
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we-are-a-dragon · 1 year
Tati (playing Seraph): I'm going to move into the room now that the nearest automaton is dead-
DM: I didn't say it was your turn.
Tati: But it is, I'm next in the initiative.
DM: It's not your turn yet. The disembodied voice acts at the end of each round.
Hamish (playing Thaddeus): Oh no, it's got lair actions!
DM: The voice says, "You want to go into this room? Very well." It sends a silver thread for Una. 32 vs Fortitude?
Andy (playing Una): Misses!
DM: Nice. You're getting used to this game, and though you feel the pull toward the door, you manage to hold strong.
Andy: Get good, bitch!
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savingthrcw · 9 months
@forthewinn liked for a shippy-oriented starter!
It was ridiculous, as well as making her feel guilty, that Winn had to distract and nearly comfort her over meeting his ex girlfriend; but she had been so infuriated by Lyra's aggressive attitude towards Winn that she had very nearly killed her on the spot, and Jemma's distress after holding back was so obvious that they had skipped the bar in favor of Doctor Who at her place - it was baffling how Winn wasn't scared of her even when he knew she had a hard time controlling her emotions. She had eventually stopped shaking with anger, though her eyes were still of the wrong color, and at some point had leaned against him, and had felt more herself than she had in a long time.
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"You are an amazing man," she murmured halfway through the second episode, her hand gently touching his arm, "More importantly... you are a good man. You aren't just brilliant, you are kind, and you are funny, and brave, and selfless. I don't know what happened between you and Lyra, but you deserve to be treated better. You deserve everything." She looked up, and all she could feel was that she wanted him to have that. "I'm sorry I got in the way, but I can't-won't let you get hurt."
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rotzaprachim · 2 years
one thing that’s kind of poking at me a lil bit ficwise is kind of. unpicking the threads of Galen and Lyra and Jyn. I think there’s a fandom and to an extent a canon tendency to make her early childhood in Lahmu into Those Good Years, and to an extent that’s part of the structure of a film with a running time- the opening, before everything Goes Wrong. but I can’t stop thinking about how, if not fearful, then deeply paranoia-laced and isolated Jyn’s early childhood must have been. your father is on the run, your father took you and your mother with you in the night, you know literally no one else but your mother and your scientist father who has made himself a god? there’s such a kind of, cold, isolationist biblical patriarch narrative edge to the opening shots of lahmu and the Erso family as purposefully isolated and separated from everything. I’m not sure it’s quite a horror story- thought it sure has potential to be- but I do think there’s room to deeply unearth and nuance the situation there a bit. after all, by the time rogue one starts Galen and Lyra are terrified, and the story begins in many ways with their fear. what is it to be a child of that? 
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wrensfm · 1 year
location: starlight supermarket
closed starter for: @lyranelson​
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in the crowd of the farmer’s market, wren stood out like a sore thumb. or rather, she drew attention to herself for the simple fact that she was toting her camera along with her. she was working on a new photo series, an in-depth look at everyday life and the people that come along with it. of course, she was also picking up things for the apartment while she was there, meticulously juggling a bag slung across her body and her camera hanging around her neck. needless to say she looked foolish, and as she stumbled to a nearby table so she could set something down, wren nearly ran head-first into another market-goer. “shit, i’m so sorry,” she muttered, aware of the pineapple that had rolled out of her shopping bag and onto the ground. but wren was more focused on checking on the victim of her crime. “i think i need to get my eyes checked or something, considering i just blindly wandered over her. i mean, you’re right in front of me and i still manage to nearly bowl you over? old age is really fucking with me.”
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faithdevotion · 2 years
closed starter for @spellbindingnights​​ [lyra/liam]
Word of her East Coast operations failing reached Lyra and as a Rainford, she held too much ambition and pride to let it crumble to dust. Before her jet — that took off from Birmingham, her city of birth and base of operations — could land at the JFK International Airport, she urged her informants to gather intel on what the motives behind such failure were. They were all connected and pointed towards an Irish mob boss that worked there, his name being Liam Sullivan. This man wasn’t dull-witted, however. The intel was brief, lacking further information on him and his involvement in business, perhaps because he was as clever as Lyra and concealed such information from even hackers, which strongly meant he was an enemy; a challenge for the British woman, a playful mission. She had to play her cards well enough. 
Lyra’s influence upon her arrival in the States spread quickly enough to make her land in his office and await his arrival to face him. Despite his guards insisting that she wasn’t allowed to enter unless he was present, she ignored them and had her own bodyguards threaten them. While they awaited outside, Lyra’s bright blue orbs scanned the office that was neatly organized and was minimalist enough. 
It didn’t take long enough to hear the door being open. Seated with legs crossed on one of the chairs opposite the one where he supposedly sat on, Lyra lifted herself up from the chair and turned to face the Irishman, a cunning narrowed gaze and smirk greeting him. Taking a few steps towards him, her head cocked to a side as their gazes met, her eyes then sliding down his frame to then rest once more on her enemy’s eyes.
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“It is quite absurd to defy a woman, Sullivan. I would advise you to shove your snout somewhere where it belongs. Perhaps, a sewer. My domain shall not be taken by a pathetic Irish, unless you are asking for your own departure from this life. I’ll have it done without these fingers staining from your blood, if you wish.” Her smirk spreads into a grin, tongue running over her upper lip slowly. 
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silcntsinners · 11 months
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starter for @toxicmalicex
It had been a few years since all the adventures she had and also faced all the loss of people she cared for. Even now, lyras dreams still haunted her and many nights she was woken by one of her parents after she had been kicking and crying in her deep slumbers. They had been living far away to escape any magisterium and to keep their family safe. Lyra was finally experiencing what it was like to have both her parents in her life. It felt strange and some days were still hard. Her father learning how to actually be a father and she knew her mother still struggled to understand how to show love at times.
Lyra was snuggled in her parents bed whilst they were downstairs. She laid with pan as he was jumping around with the golden monkey next to lyra. “Be careful pan…” she whispered softly and gently took the golden monkeys hand, pulling him in for a hug. She had become connected to Marissa dæmon, it was always frowned upon to touch another dæmon but it weirdly brought comfort to Lyra whenever the golden monkey was around her. Everything was different but in the best way possible, she truly believed this was her happy ending and nothing could destroy that feeling. That’s what she thought, anyway…
The girl lifted her head up when seeing marisa by the door, a soft smile forming on the girls lips as she squealed when she felt pan and the monkey tickle her face a little with their hands and feet as she tried to swat them away. “Hello mother” she said softly and slowly sat up once they were done annoying her, bringing pan onto her lap and stroking through his fur. “What’s wrong? You look like ya seen a ghost” she said with sniggering.
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scxrpiusxmalfcy · 1 year
text // scorpius & lyra
SCORPIUS: Please tell me you decided to go back home, as ridiculous as this sounds I feel like the manor is probably the safest place right now.
SCORPIUS: But if you haven't, then stay away from St. Mungo's, okay?
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totouchthcstars · 1 year
@champagneprblms || Lyra & Amity cont. from x
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.。.:*☆ Pan, who had been travelling in the hood of Lyra's jacket, peeked out his head at the noises and cursing, ears all perked up. The marten then looked at her companion, obviously worried because they seemed to be in pain.
"It is alright," Lyra rubbed their ankle again, making a grimace and glancing at Pan while speaking. And then, her attention turned to Amity again.. "I do get your frustration. Those portals are sort of fascinating, but not knowing where they lead.... it is like finding a door to get back home, but not having the key, right?" A sigh followed her words. Was Lyra already starting to get frustrated now, as well?
"I am Lyra. Lyra Silvertongue. It's still nice to meet you then, Amity."
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khaenriahn · 1 year
STARS LINE THE BLANKETED DARKNESS, clearly seen from the emptied pews of the theatre of calliope itself. and there kaeya alberich sits, one leg comfortably across the other, accompanied with a glass of wine in hand alongside his company. ❝ Of course, we have someone in Mond who does similar lines of work. Astrology is quite a fascinating ordeal to many regardless of the world, it seems, ❞ he chimes back with ease, having heard of the interest many seem to have in the knowings of their fates.
not that he, himself, wished to hear of it for more reasons than he can count一
another sip of his glass is taken, all before glancing up toward the skies with a small smile fit perfectly upon his face. although company had been the last thing he was to expect when arriving here for a quiet night with wine and his thoughts, he could hardly claim the astrologian was a horrible companion for the night after their conversation began not long ago. rather, he finds it just as well to pass the idle hours before the evening becomes too deep amidst its lonesome, twilit moments.
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❝ So, were I to request it, would you be capable of divining the stars we see now? ❞
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