#⌬ lyra — verse: main (rogue one)
mercifulmemories · 3 years
Lyra Erso tag drop
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sassysnowperson · 6 years
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Total Words Posted 2018: 269,752!
Total Works: 64 works in 3 fandoms (sorta, it was all Star Wars and then I wrote one crossover fic that was Not Star Wars At All and picked up the other two) with 40 different pairings.
As compared to last years: 253,511 words, 25 works, 3 fandoms, 8 different pairings.
Compare/Contrast between this year and the last: Roughly the same wordcount! SIGNIFICANTLY DIFFERENT pairing and work count! I remain Mostly Stuck in Star Wars Land. 
Major thing I learned this year: My range! This year I wrote fics from 500 words to over 50k, with wildly different genres, focuses, and narrative goals.  In this, I feel like I have to talk about Stone and Sand, my first novel-length fic that is actually one coherent story. Knowing I can do that was...huge, and it’s also the fic I’ve done some of the most worldbuilding on. It’s made me grow as a writer, and I’m tremendously chuffed by it. 
Also! I did my first exchange! Now that I’m more aware of exchange culture it’ll be interesting to see how that impacts things.
How I did on my Goals for Last Year: My goal was to write shorter pieces, and I DID! I wrote 27 works that were just around 500 words! I feel like I got better at distilling a scene.
Goals for the Coming Year: Go back to my ongoing series. I hope to update Bodhi Lives (I have...two stories I can tell before IX comes out and I need to figure out how much I’m going to stick to canon in the future universe). I also hope to work on a MASSIVE modern AU that I’ve been picking at, actually get that out into the universe. I’ve also discovered I really enjoy writing fic as gifts, so probably spacing out the longer series with shorter gift works. We shall see. 
Under the readmore is a round-up of the fics I wrote in 2018, divided by fandom, then series, and if they’re not in a series, by event, and if none of the above apply, by ship or main characters. 
l don’t have a good statistic to sum it up, but the widening and deepening of my fandom friendships has been a continuing joy. Thank you all for being a part of that!
If you’ve been reading my work, talk to me!
What’s been a favorite story? Most unexpected? What was the first thing of mine you read? What are you hoping I’ll write more of in 2019?
Note: Titles are links to the series and works.
Star Wars - New Series
Stone and Sand Verse (Bodhi and Luke’s relationship in a universe where both Bodhi and Jedha live, Bodhi/Luke - 69,410 words) 
Stone and Sand - (Bodhi/Luke) (52,318 words) - Bodhi goes back to Jedha, Luke tags along, a love story between two people and a place.  
Coming Flood - (Bodhi/Luke) (859 words) - Established Relationship fluff, with some political worldbuilding on the side. 
Different Deserts - (Luke & Rey) (15022 words) - Luke goes to Jakku to find a Sith artifact, and he finds a bit more than he expected. 
For Those that Read Stone and Sand - A meta for the series, explaining the setup I worked out for how the canon diverged, and some of Bodhi and Luke’s backstory.
Lyra Lives (An AU take on what would have happened if Lyra Erso had decided to stay with Jyn at the start of Rogue One - In Progress, 48,315 words at the end of 2018) 
Troublesome as Ever - (Jyn & Lyra Erso, Lyra Erso/Galen Erso) (17189 words) - A retelling of Rogue One, with an alive Lyra Erso. 
Traitors and Liars - (Galen Erso & Cassian Andor) (2515 words) - Galen and Cassian have a conversation about the whole ‘That one time I tried to kill you’ thing.
Critical Flaws - (Galen Erso/Lyra Erso/Bodhi Rook) (In progress - 28611 words as of the end of 2018) 
Modern Pilots (Poe/Luke as airline pilots, good friends, casual lovers, and maybe something more? - 22,396 words) 
Eight Hours to O’Hare - (Poe/Luke) (7335 words) - After eight solid hours of sass from his mouthy first officer, Captain Luke Skywalker takes Poe back to the hotel for a very thorough dressing-down. 
Six Hours to La Guardia - (Poe/Luke) (15061 words) - The prequel to the above, showing the first time Poe and Luke spent some time together. You can honestly read these in either order, but this was the order they were written in. 
Star Wars - Continuing Series (Started in Prior Years)
Merrick/Draven (Antoc Merrick, fighter pilot, and Davits Draven, spy, are fighting the same war in very different ways - 8,077 words in total) 
Who Pays the Cost - (Merrick/Daven & Cassian) (500 words) - Merrick, Draven, and the problem of child soldiers. (Seriously, good Lord Star Wars, there are so many child soldiers in your universe!) 
Time Enough for Mourning - (Merrick/Draven) (2191 words) - Sorrow, Joy, and what happens to Draven after Merrick meets his canonical fate during Rogue One. 
And in the Morning, Joy -  (Merrick/Draven) (1988 words) - I made myself sad so I had to go write a fix-it. Merrick, Draven, and what happens to them during ANH when Merrick does NOT meet his canonical fate. 
What We Know - (Merrick/Draven) (2352 words) - The spy and the flyboy consider life after war, and when exactly a war ends. 
Bodhi Lives Short Stories (technically two different series because I have DREAMS of expanding and discussing further, but I’m not there yet) 
Impending Demise - (Bodhi & K-2SO) (832 words) - Bodhi and Kay play chess. 
No Better Plans - (Bodhi & K-2SO) (497 words) - In another universe, Bodhi and Kay become pirates. This one has art because I fell in love with the image of Bodhi with gold and purple hair. 
Choices and Changes (My sprawling Modern AU, featuring cops turned nurses and gangsters turned cops, in 2018 I wrote some short stories to better fill in the universe) 
Impatience - (Bodhi/Cassian) (1742 words) - A lazy, suggestive morning in bed. There is no sex. This is the most overtly sexual thing I have written that does not actually include any sex. 
Friends and Lovers - (Bodhi/Cassian, Background Ahsoka/Padme) (6846 words) - Cassian tells Bodhi a story about what happened during their years apart.
Favorite Cover - (Bodhi/Cassian) (490 words) - Bodhi and Cassian make out in a closet...to maintain their cover, of course. 
Year after Year - (Ahsoka/Padme) (500 words) - I loved them so much I had to write their story too, framed through Christmases together. 
Star Wars: Events
February Ficlet Challenge - write a different pairing for every day in February!  (Note, where appropriate, I grouped the ficlets with their appropriate series, instead of here, though this link will take you to the entire series page)
Additional Note: Each of these ficlets is right about 500 words, so I will not be including a wordcount. 
Nightmare Scenario - (Luke/Bodhi) - No power, no heat, Luke and Bodhi stuck in the black. 
Good and Bright - (Cassian/Jyn) - Some nights, Cassian trusts Jyn to take control.
The Things You Miss - (Obi-Wan/Chirrut/Baze) - Masquerades are an interesting opportunity. 
Knock-Off Jedi - (Cassian/Luke) - They’re about the same height, and Cassian has cause to regret this. 
Strange Customs - (Kes/Shara) - What happens to an accidental marriage trope when the people are already married?
Kiss the Sky - (Antoc Merrick/Luke Skywalker) - Merrick, an innocent bystander, gets pulled into the younger pilot’s initiation rituals. 
Easy Mark - (Bodhi/Jyn) - Bodhi’s still not sure if Jyn likes him or just thinks he’s an easy mark. 
Pebble - (Lyra/Galen) - Superpowered / Fantasy AU, Krennic makes a play for Galen, and very much underestimates Lyra. 
Out of Turn - (Leia/Bodhi) - The Death Star is a horrible thing thing to share, but they share it.
Kitchenette - (Wedge/Mon) - They find their peace with each other. 
Gentle Grace - (Leia/Amilyn) - There’s not much room for softness in Leia’s life anymore. 
Where Did You Get A Ring? - (Wedge/Cassian) - A fake engagement makes for a pretty good cover. 
A Pilot First - (Wedge/Poe) - Wedge is a senator now, and there are precious few people in his life that see him as a pilot first. 
Explain This to Me - (Obi-Wan/Owen/Beru) - There’s a bleeding man on Beru’s couch, and she would really like to know why.  
A Fine Distraction - (Biggs/Bodhi) - After Scarif and the Battle of Yavin, Bodhi and Biggs carry similar scars. 
Newest Muse - (Cassian/Poe/Bodhi) - Artist!AU, Bodhi tries his best to steal C. Andor’s newest muse. 
Stranger while Slouching - (Wedge/Leia) - Wedge isn’t sure what Leia looks like when she’s actually relaxed. 
A Gentle Man - (Bail/Obi-Wan) - Their time together is a fiction, but it’s a fiction they both enjoy tremendously. 
To Better Memories - (Wedge/Bodhi) - They experienced the same Empire, very differently.  
Teeth Aren't Supposed to Ache - (Bodhi/Galen) - Bodhi gets the flu. 
Supposed to be Romantic - (Biggs/Luke) - Luke really doesn’t understand the concept of picnics. 
Mine to Claim - (Cassian/Leia) - Fairytale AU, The Princess is in the tower, but nobody is expecting the spy. 
Tell Me a Secret - (Wedge/Luke) - Wedge, Luke, and secrets shared through the years. 
Star Wars Rare Pairs Exchange - a gift exchange for lesser-written Star Wars Pairings, aka a two-month BLITZ of writing A LOT OF FIC (October and November).
A Body of Unanswered Questions - (Davits Draven/Mon Mothma) (770 words) - Mostly featuring Draven’s existential crisis, also featuring smut.
A Series of Better Decisions - (Padmé Amidala/Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker) (9,211 words) - Revenge of the Sith is less tragedy and more comedy, because Anakin Skywalker is less evil and more of just…a disaster bisexual.
Beyond the Clouds - (Lando Calrissian/Biggs Darklighter/Luke Skywalker) (23277 words) - Luke and Lando are both reeling from the events of ESB, but are slowly building something with each other. The news that Biggs Darklighter, Luke’s childhood love, is alive is amazing news, but it does make their relationship more complicated. 
Bury Your Heart - (Leia Organa/Han Solo/Wedge Antilles) (9051 words) - Leia’s heart is torn between her duty and her love, and agrees to an arranged marriage for the sake of Alderaan’s survivors. To her surprise, her old friend Wedge Antilles is on the list of acceptable candidates.
Decent Organics - (Cassian Andor/K-2SO, Lando Calrissian/L3-37) (2541 words) - Snarky droids, and the organics that love them. L3-37 is trying to get under Cassian’s skin, and Cassian enjoys it tremendously.  
Hang With You for a Minute - (Bodhi Rook/Luke Skywalker) (3883 words) - Bodhi is trying to get away from a clingy ex-boyfriend, and asks a random adorable blond for help.
Heat Heals - (Finn/Luke Skywalker) (2002 words) - Two kind people find a bit of comfort in each other, and also discuss the cultural construction of the idea of attraction. 
Reckless Idiot - (Wedge Antilles/Tycho Celchu) (1530 words) - Semi-Public sex with some Power Dynamics…and also a lot of emotions about pilot lifespans and the worthwhile but difficult reality of love during wartime.
The Survivor - (Cassian Andor/Shara Bey/Kes Dameron) (13,667 words) -  Shara Bey drags Cassian off of Scarif, much to his chagrin. And then she and Kes decide to look after Cassian, as they don’t trust him to look after himself. 
Waystation - (Poe Dameron/Bodhi Rook) (12,763 words) - Pre-TFA, Poe Dameron’s ship gets…a little bit damaged, and he has to pull into a space station. The mechanic there has a familiar name. It’s on the tip of his tongue. Maybe something out of the stories Mama told him - daring heroes up against impossible odds.
Star Wars - Standalone Fics By Pairing
Not Too Much - (4625 words) - Wedge is convinced that he is probably not the best person to be in a relationship with. 
 Future on the Other Side - (1084 Words) - After Endor, Bodhi and Wedge find each other. 
Kissing Strangers - (1662 words) - Modern AU, Luke regrets helping Leia with her art project.
Good Books and Goodbyes - (807 words) - Reading is distracting, much to Bodhi’s amusement. 
Force of Nature - (241 words) - Cassian was a force of nature when he kissed.
Wisdom of the Queen - (1123 words) - Breha decides to spend the day in bed.
Alone and Otherwise - (3201 words) - Jyn isn’t sure how to let anyone in, anymore. 
Marriage, and Other Unorthodox Solutions - (29,541 words) - Luke is ready to give up on the college of his dreams, because his aunt and uncle couldn’t afford tuition. Wedge has a different, slightly unorthodox, solution...
Sit Down and Buckle Up - (2538 words) - When Han Solo finds himself hit over the head with a blackjack he's got no choice but to turn the piloting of his precious Falcon over to one Bodhi Rook. Bodhi, it turns out, is a very good pilot. Han, it turns out, is really into that.
Gen/Humor Fics
The Glorious Ascension of Emperor Solo - (2170 words) - Han Solo agrees to use the Falcon as prisoner transport, and everything goes horribly wrong...or right, depending on your point of view.
The Definitive Guide to Galactic Wildlife - (1345 words) - K-2SO, who is Clearly an Expert on Organic Creatures, provides the definitive guide to wildlife in the Galaxy Far Far Away.
Shout out to My ONE AND ONLY Non-Star Wars Fic!
Diana Prince (Wonder Woman) / Evey Carnahan (The Mummy)
Set and Osiris - (3313 words) - Evy Carnahan and Diana Prince meet in an abandoned Egyptian temple. It is most unexpected.
OH MY GOODNESS THAT WAS SO MANY LINKS. My hands ache. My eyes are blurry. 
If you actually read this far, know that I appreciate you, so much, and wish you all the best. *blows kisses* 
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anghraine · 6 years
“whatever we deny or embrace” - prologue
For those who prefer to read over here, a formal post for the full version of the queer AU, which I’ve meant to post for a long time, but actually forgot about! 
title: whatever we deny or embrace verse: queer Rogue One/f!Cassian AU (1/6) characters: Bail Organa, Cassian Andor, Saw Gerrera, Jyn Erso; Mon Mothma; implied Jyn/Cassian stuff that happens: The early resistance to the Empire spits out two troubled young women.
When Bail and Breha talked of adopting a girl, they always thought of a baby girl. An infant they could protect and nurture, one they might guide into womanhood without memories of another past shadowing her, another mother and father who might divide her heart. She would be clean and safe and beloved from the first, knowing nothing else until she grew old enough to understand. She was, in short, not Cassia Andor. - Bail always regretted Cassia, at least a little. Of course, he had many regrets, too many to possibly name, and one child who grew into a fine woman could not make up much more than a drop. The early mercy missions that had cloaked something increasingly like sedition scooped up other refugees, other orphans. But Cassia was one of the first, a six-year-old girl they pulled from the rubble of Fieste, still smeared with ash and blood as Padmé—pale with outrage—marched her through the consulate ship. A six-year-old who could smile or break down sobbing at a moment’s notice, who convincingly repeated their lies to the troops that came to secure the vessels of opposition senators. She was, to be frank, useful. He hated to think of a child that way, a little girl. But she was exceptionally so. Nevertheless, something in him twisted when he saw her in her fatigues at thirteen, sixteen, seventeen. Private, corporal, sergeant. Scaling the subgrades so quickly that he could only guess what they had her doing. She bothered him even later—at twenty-one, young enough to smile at his Lieutenant Andor, though by then she could pass for thirty. The double pips of captain by twenty-three. They were quick to find a use for anything and anyone, and quick to reward achievement. They had to be. Nevertheless, Bail wished things could be different. He wished the Rebellion could be different.
Jyn Erso was Saw’s pride, and what passed for joy in these times. What warmth he could feel for another being, he felt for her: the child who resolutely brushed tears away as she reported Lyra’s horrifying death, the girl so ready to learn that she could dodge blows and sabotage a building at eleven, the young soldier who outfought, outwitted, outmatched every one of his people. At every turn, she showed herself as earnest, faithful, strong, all that he ever demanded of her, and then some. She was his best, most trusted fighter, his— She was his daughter, and he loved her. For all his failings, he tried not to lay too much of that burden on her. Saw knew it would have been kinder to drop her in an orphanage somewhere far from the Empire’s eyes, or better yet, to have turned her over to the Alliance. Undoubtedly they could find a use for her. He trusted them that far, although he generally wouldn’t have committed a damaged speeder to Alliance leadership. But they knew how to find use in things, weaknesses and strengths to exploit. And they had operations running throughout the galaxy, even if their weak-bellied supposed-leaders chose to stay ignorant. Jyn, who excelled at everything from combat to slicing to sabotage, would be welcomed with open arms. She would have even before she could offer any particular skills, because she was always quick and resolute and clever, and he knew perfectly well that they made use of children like that. Yet— Well, he didn’t hand her over. Saw kept her as his own, and turned her into something that Lyra would never have wanted, and loved her with all that remained of his heart. And when the danger of her true identity finally grew too much, he left her to find her own way. He could give her that much.
Jyn no longer parroted Saw Gerrera’s beliefs and screeds the way she had once done. But like her—her mentor before her, she cherished no warm feelings for the Rebel Alliance. The cuffs they clapped on her didn’t help. She wasn’t fool enough to call this no better than Wobani, but it was certainly not as much better as she’d have preferred. 
She faced down a general without much interest. Right, they had officers in the Rebellion, like the Imperial knock-offs they were. But she didn’t know who this "General Draven" was or how he’d proved himself (if at all), so she didn’t care. She cared only slightly more about the woman with the robes and chain of a senator. Mon Mothma had an air of pained dignity that reminded Jyn unpleasantly of Saw, and a mild, reasonable voice nothing like his. Jyn instantly classed her as the main threat. In the meanwhile, Mothma had managed to summon another woman into her orbit without doing much of anything. Jyn frowned. “This is Captain Cassia Andor,” said Mothma, “of Rebel Intelligence.” Captain Andor turned out to be a sharp-faced woman of about thirty. She was very attractive, which didn’t matter, and she studied Jyn through narrowed, distrustful eyes, which did. Then again, Jyn didn’t find her particularly imposing. Not that she found anyone imposing, but Andor had a tired leanness about her, and if she stood a bit taller than Mothma—several inches above Jyn—the general dwarfed her. Incongruously, she also had glossy dark hair that slanted over her brow in a neat fringe, too long for pragmatism, too even for carelessness. Beneath the hair, her hard features somehow came together to form a delicately pretty face. Altogether, she looked nothing like a soldier. But then, she wasn’t a soldier, was she? Not like Jyn had been. Intelligence—she must be a spy. And she absolutely looked that, whatever title the Rebellion might slap on her. Without preamble, Andor said, “When was the last time you saw your father?”
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stardusttings-blog · 8 years
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really want to start actually writing soon, but i still have A LOT of work to do on getting together a bio and verses page. i’m thinking of having two main verses - one in canon, before and during the events in rogue one, and one divergent wherein jyn and the rest of the crew somehow survived scarif and played a role during the original trilogy. 
i’m also really keen on a verse where she was adopted by krennic after the death (?) of galen and lyra and raised pro empire so....y’know. lots to think about. and did i mention i ship the ever loving fuck out of cassian and jyn so there’s that too!  
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