#── tiger tiger burning bright . horangi
knot-ee · 3 months
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From the jewelry depicting lepidoptera to the pallor dominating not only flesh but also hair, eyes, and attire, it was difficult to keep his mouth shut. Despite what people would say about Kim, no one could ever accuse him of being a sociopath though there were plenty of other negative attributes someone could pin on him. Naturally he knew right from wrong, knew there was a filter connecting his brain from his mouth, yet he opted to speak plainly. In his perspective, there were far too many people who were willingly deceitful or too shy to speak necessary truths. The world was better off in the long run if people spoke their minds, or so Kim believed.
" Strangers, colleagues, lovers — yeah. Why not? Did I offend you? "
Kim adjusted black balaclava disguising the lower half of his face before running the pad of his thumb across the thick scar running across his brow, then followed the path to push his hairs out from his eyes. He was freshly showered, shaved, and dressed, having returned from deployment not five hours ago, but he looked ready to deploy for another mission. The sleeve of his black compression shirt was drawn over his forearm to pick at a healing wound. He would typically refrain from showing such disgusting behavior in public but judging by the bandages wrapped about the pale man's fingers @hauntsect, Kim figured he wouldn't mind.
" Hey, no one can accuse you of blending into a crowd, at least not the ones I'm usually in. You know how many Korean idols would kill to have your hair colour? "
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tokyo-terror · 1 year
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characters: los vaqueros + könig & horangi
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alejandro vargas:
☆ very passionate about everything he does, which can make him come off as very aggressive. that being said he's a softie !!! 🙏 almost instantly when first talking to you he starts using the car scene voice when talking to you
☆ religiously tries to fold every piece of clothing in the military style, and gets upset when folding new things that won't fold properly. very strict about color mixing, so he just ends up taking any chore that has to do with laundry when he gets back from deployments
☆ takes any chance to talk about how proud he is of los vaqueros, and wants you to meet rudy when the relationship starts getting serious. has rudy drive you places when he cant, you end up paying for gas because you feel bad.
☆ big soccer fan (rudy caused this), piles soccer memorabilia onto shelves and cabinets. spends quite a bit of his time rearranging it with you, asking for opinions on if he should arrange it by years, rarity, etc. gets you jerseys :) (will not be pleased if you don't like the same soccer team as him)
rodolfo parra:
☆ definition of designated driver, nice clean car with constant familiar air fresheners that he routinely changes out. kicks alejandro out of shotgun every time he sees you, has pillows and blankets in the back for everytime you want to take a nap during a long drive
☆ certified wine drinker, has a soft spot for The White Mom (franzia sunset blush ‼️). occasionally allows himself more expensive wine if he's going out with you, will limit and pace himself throughout the night though so you can enjoy yourself
☆ not a spoon user, if he's able to grab it with a tortilla then he's doing it. accidentally burns many of them though because he leaves them on the stove too long while trying to watch you cook, he cannot cook all that well
☆ sprawler 100%, sleeps like a starfish and expects you to also sleep like a starfish or get off the bed (/hj </3). he accidentally kicked you off the bed once and wouldn't stop apologizing until a week later you elbowed him in the face while asleep, you guys keep count of the sleep fights you have (he lets you say you win)
☆ big boy, big heart 🫶 he's constantly worrying about if he's too much to handle with his anxiety. though he doesn't show it, he finds himself getting unnerved when at home without any distraction from it. ends up picking up many little hobbies with you to keep himself from spiraling
☆ uses his height to put things on the top shelves so you ask for help, denies it vehemently even though he despises certain things only you eat. only to find it on the very top cabinet, laughs when you attempt to get it before asking him
☆ long scalding showers, if his skin isn't bright red by the time he's done then he didn't shower properly (by his standards). runs naturally colder than most so he enjoys the warmth of the shower and the steam afterward. likes having you wash his hair even though it's impractical to bend himself in half for it, the hot water and fingers in his hair is bliss
☆ regularly gets prescribed muscle relaxers when he's on leave because he has muscle spasms, he usually waits till the very last second when the spasms turn from slightly painful to not being able to walk. self-medicates by you massaging the areas until they relax, complains that the medicine doesn't work as well as you do after.
kim "horangi" hong-jin:
☆ old habits die hard. he's the biggest spender out of all the boys, he's always coming home with new stuff outside of the grocery list when he convinces you to let him shop. only difference is that he can pay it now, and he finally has somebody to show the things he buys.
☆ finds anything tiger related very amusing, he ends up drawing little tigers on all loose papers. little comics of tigers with different patterns and masks are very common to find, and he will lightheartedly not be happy if you question who the tigers with little heart tails are supposed to be
☆ bad habit of leaving lights on when he leaves rooms, he always has to double check before you guys go out to see if he turned off all the lights. if he didn't then he always grabs a water bottle for you, if he remembered to turn them off then he walks back to the car patting himself on the back
☆ prefers handholding over kissing in the beginning, as he's scared that his scars will deter you away from him. as time goes on he becomes very affectionate with kissing your head or hands, though he tries to deny ever doing anything
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captain-mj · 1 year
Korangi mafia au 👀
I don’t know I wanted to Drabble
Horangi shivered in the bottom of his cell, body aching. The men that had been in the room previously had cut him. Using knives to make tiger stripes across his body. He was now… decorated. It had been a very rough week for him.
Horangi tried to sit up while his body burned. It told him to please sit the fuck back down. He should get up. Was supposed to get up. They would come back at any point and finally finish him off. But Horangi couldn’t drag himself up. It was definitely a low point. He knew that all of the gambling would eventually catch up to him, but he didn’t really expect to die here. In some random gang’s members basement.
Someone walked in after a while. There was an unnerving silence before freezing cold water was splashed on him, soaking him to the bone. He swore he felt chips of ice hit his body and the fresh wounds. It hurt so bad that his eyes started to water but he refused. He wouldn’t fucking cry.
“Do you speak my language?” The man had a thick Austrian accent. Now that Horangi was looking at him, he thought he recognized him from somewhere, though he couldn’t pinpoint it. Based on the fact he was here and so nicely dressed, he assumed someone important from some gang or mafia or mob or some other group that wanted his head.
Horangi nodded numbly. He hurt all over. But he didn’t cry. Not once.
“I don’t think you’re worth the amount of money i just paid for you to get released. But you’ll do.”
Horangi frowned. “What?”
“Paid your debts. Hong-jin, right?”
“Prefer Horangi.”
“Horangi.” The man repeated and stood up. He was… very well dressed. Hair slicked back. He was much older than Horangi. His arms were covered with tattoos.
“Why did you pay my debts?”
“Have a job for you. You’re lucky too. They were just about to come down here and…” He mimed putting a bullet in Horangi’s head. “But we don’t need to dwell on that do we? Because I’m going to give you a job. Once you’ve paid off what I paid today, I’ll start paying you. Good money too. If you do it right.”
Horangi’s body reacted. It tensed and it felt like he’d split open where the scarring was. “You’re not whoring me out. I swear to God I’ll fuc-”
He felt them strike his face hard. The rings on his hand cut open his skin. “If I wanted to, I would already be doing so. Wouldn’t have bothered waiting for you to wake up.”
Horangi bit his tongue and looked up at him.
“Now, my guys here are going to pick you up and finish cleaning you off. Then we’re going to go home. You have one week to recover and after that, we’ll talk. You understand?”
Horangi nodded, having a lot of questions but making the decision to save his own life first. He could always escape later. Couldn’t exactly resurrect himself.
“Get him up.” The man left and Horangi felt the other men pick him up like he was a doll. His body dangled to the floor helplessly as they moved him elsewhere. He noticed vaguely he was in a car but everything went dark around the edges and then he was out.
The bed He woke up in was so soft. Someone had bandaged him up. This time, Horangi managed to drag himself out of bed. He needed to find a way out. Debt be damned. He’ll pay later.
He opened the door and almost fell back.
Large man. He had to be close to 7 feet tall. Horangi thought he was a bit… scrawny, but he made up for that in height.
The man had turned bright red. His hair was a dark auburn that was almost the same color as his face. He had a patch of freckles as well over his nose and cheeks.
“H-hi.” The poor guy managed to stutter out.
Horangi stared at him, a little surprised someone as dangerous and with enough money to pay off the… excessive amount of money Horangi owed, would hire… this guy.
“Can I help you?”
The man held up some bandages and it clicked that he was probably a medic. A waste considering his size, but that’s exactly what he needed right now. With a small amount of hesitation, Horangi had to admit that this was a lot better than dying of infection and surely staying just a little longer wouldn’t hurt.
“What’s your name?”
“Um isn’t a very good name. Mine is Horangi.” He knew he shouldn’t be so mean, but it was a little too easy.
“Most people call me König.”
“König? Doesn’t that mean King?”
“They call you King?” Horangi very much doubted it.
König frowned at him, looking more and more flustered by the second. “And they call you Tiger?”
“You know Korean?”
“No. I looked it up.” König admitted rather quickly. “Can you lay down for me? You are very injured…”
Horangi slowly obeyed, not really believing that this marshmallow of a man could hurt him. He laid down and stretched. His entire upper half only had bandages. His face had a few too, but he didn’t really want to think about that. They were stretched over his face.
Now that he wasn’t actively bleeding out or freezing to death, he could feel it more. The cuts ran along his spine and then curling down his ribs. They ran over his arms and even to his knees. Along his face, they had carved little lines to represent how much he owed. They had done tally marks for every 1000 euros. He supposed it was better than what they could’ve done.
König was gentle. He unbandaged him and gently cleaned the wounds. His hands were warm and although there were clear calluses on his pointer finger, most of his hands were nice and soft. König also took a considerable amount of care in being nice. No fast movements, no rough pressing of the cloth, not an ounce of unnecessary pressure.
Once König was done cleaning each wound, he carefully bandaged him back up in the fresh bandages. His fingertips grazed his skin and Horangi was surprised by the amount of goosebumps that gave him. It had been a while since someone had touched him this way. It had been while since anyone touched him in general unless it was to hurt him or… worse. He sighed softly and relaxed more.
König patted him gently. “All better?”
No. Not at all. “Feel cleaner. Don’t suppose I could take a shower?”
“After all my hard work? No. If you’re able to stand long enough, I’ll help you shower tomorrow.”
Horangi groaned but nodded. It was fair. The idea of a hot shower was alluring, but he probably could not stand for long enough. He fell asleep and eventually someone brought him food. It was just soup, rather plain soup at that, but he ate it and continued on.
This time, when he went to make his escape, someone was there guarding his door, not about to come in. They simply flashed their gun and made a motion for him to go back inside.
“Need anything, ask. Boss says we need to take real good care of you.”
Horangi did not like the sound of that. He checked his windows but they were nailed shut. His bathroom was nice, but there was only a tiny window at the top that he definitely could not fit in.
Horangi sighed and waited for König to come back. Eventually his back started to pull tight again and he decided to lay down again. Everything hurt. He paused as he left the bathroom and considered looking at himself. After a few minutes of hesitating, he decided to not. He’d wait until he had healed mostly.
So Horangi laid back down and tried to focus on anything other than the ache on his skin. The burn of his muscles when he moved them wrong. He wished he had something for it. Pain medicine of some kind or even just compresses would be nice.
Horangi asked the guard for it and they pulled out their phone to text someone.
König arrive again. He looked just as anxiety riddled and big as before, only now with the added bonus of having dark circles and a small frown.
“Everything alright? I didn’t really need assistance. Just the items.”
König shook his head. “I want to make sure no infection has set in. The wounds are so close to your spine… I worry about what might happen.” He gently pushed him down and put his hand on the nape of his neck to keep him there. Horangi tensed and grabbed the sheets as hard as he could. The position made him nervous but he stayed still.
König examined them again and cleaned them once more. He then put something cold on them while he fed Horangi two pills. They were pretty small so Horangi doubted they’d work until suddenly it felt like he had been knocked flat on his ass. The world melted away and with it all the pain.
König’s hands were magic. They gently soothed away any heat. He blinked and König was tugging him up.
“What are you doing?”
“Don’t you want a shower still?”
“I thought you said tomorrow.”
“It is tomorrow. I forgot you’re smaller. Need smaller doses.” König lifted him with a little too much ease.
Horangi groaned, too tired and sluggish to be mad about the comment about his size or the way he picked him up. “What did you give me?”
“Don’t worry about that. Ill bathe you instead.” König set him down on the sink and Horangi just nodded. He wasn’t wearing much clothing so it was easy for König to undress him. The water turned it and after a few minutes, he gently scooped Horangi back up.
Horangi tensed at the last second above the water, expecting it to be either freezing cold or way too hot, but it was pleasant. Maybe a little warmer than he would normally make it, but pleasant. He melted as König started to wash him. The warm rag ran over every inch of skin. König seemed particularly careful behind his ears and along his arms.
“Do you know what my job is?”
“That’s not something you need to concern yourself with right now.” König smiled at him, red again. Only now did Horangi consider how this might be for him. Poor little anxious man.
“So you do know?”
“...i do.” König sighed. “It really isn’t important.”
“Then why won’t you tell me?” Horangi pressed him but also pressed into his hands.
König grabbed his face, gently cleaning the tally marks and then scrubbing the rest. “I don’t want to upset you. You should be focused on healing.”
Horangi stared at him for a moment. “Is it bad?”
“Depends on your definition of bad.”
“Fine. Define bad for me.”
König hummed. “Well… I consider something bad when it causes me physical harm on a regular basis.”
“With this?”
“Only if you’re bad at it.”
Horangi glared at him and watched him drain the water. He put his thoughts together long enough to cover himself. König wrapped him in the towel and then took him back to the sink, drying him off carefully.
“Is it degrading?”
“I’d consider it well respected.” König smiled at him. He was only slightly blushing now and it was… endearing instead of amusing.
Horangi frowned but just nodded. “Why can’t you just tell me what it is?”
“They haven’t decided if they want to actually give it to you.”
“If they don’t give it to me?”
König looked uncomfortable. “No one will hurt you.” There was a weird amount of conviction in his voice.
Horangi nodded a little. “Yeah, okay…”
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knot-ee · 2 months
🖤 BLACK HEART 💄 LIPSTICK 🎀 RIBBON BOW 💭 THOUGHT BALLOON ☀️ SUN (Ahem don't mind me, just sending these over again for Piers and Horangi, feel free to ignore if you want!)
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🖤 what would he say is the darkest thought he's ever experienced? what do you think caused him to have that thought? has he ever planned on or fantasized about acting on it?
Walking into his debtor's building and killing every piece of shit in there. Loan sharks are just bottom feeding gangsters in Korea, and he used to get in DEEP with them. They took advantage of him, and he was stupid enough to keep gambling. He never actually did it because he knew he wouldn't get out alive and his family would get fucked over for his mistakes.
💄 has kim had any romantic or sexual experiences that made him realize something about himself?
Several, actually. The first was accidentally finding two of his male classmates holding hands and realizing that it seemed nice. He didn't out them. Another time, he was getting busy with his first girlfriend and couldn't get hard. She looked prettier with clothes on than off. Yes, she was incredibly mortified and pissed off. One time he got hard while sharing a futon with his friend because he smelled good after his shower. This all happened before the age of sixteen. When he had sex with another man for the first time, he was the bottom despite his reluctance; he ended up loving it.
🎀 how confident is he with his physical appearance? is there anything about it that he is insecure about? is there anything about it that he is happy about or gives him confidence? how does he think people perceive him based on his physical appearance?
This is a complicated matter. He was extremely confident as a teenager. He was always in shape and surpassed his classmates with looks. After getting in debt and gaining some fucked up scars, his confidence hit rock bottom. He had to terms with his appearance in his late 20s and now into his early 30s. He does think his scars are ugly, but he doesn't think he is necessarily is ugly. As long as he cover most of them, he's got massive rizz. He does wish he was taller. Traveling around the world and his non-Korean team members make him feel fucking tiny. He's certain people think he looks like a thug or loan shark what with his muscles, tattoos, and scars.
💭 is there something or someone he finds himself thinking about more often than other things? if so, why do you think he does this?
Unfortunately one of the things he thinks about most is gambling. Betting on something risky, beating his opponent, raking in the win. He's not desperate for money; it's just the act of gambling and winning. Considering his sex drive he thinks about sex A LOT. His mind really revolves around high risk situations, training, combat, and sex. He doesn't really have healthy hobbies and relationships.
☀️ would kim describe himself as more of an introvert or extrovert, or is he somewhere in between? how come?
Extroverted for sure. He loves talking and making short term friends. Loves drinking with strangers. The only time he's quiet is when it comes to matters of military/contract work. He keeps his mouth shut and eyes open until he can figure out who he's dealing with.
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🖤 what would he say is the darkest thought he's ever experienced? what do you think caused him to have that thought? has he ever planned on or fantasized about acting on it?
Piers is fairly stable and a little religious, so he really hasn't had many dark thoughts. At least what he would define as dark. He's not prone to violence and greed. However he did once or twice imagine beating the shit out of his dad. He immediately stopped these thoughts and was overwhelmed with guilt. He only imagined something so violent after his dad acted up like an abusive and drunk asshole. He would never actually do this.
💄 has piers had any romantic or sexual experiences that made him realize something about himself?
Several things in his childhood made him realize he was gay, but he was slow on the uptake hence the several things. Nothing romantic just sexual in terms of watching porn if that could be considered an experience. He hasn't been in a relationship so nothing romantic has ever made him realize something about himself. As for actual sexual experiences... it's more like he figured out he didn't like certain things in the bedroom as opposed to realizing "something about himself". Once again, he hasn't had much experience even in a sexual manner.
🎀 how confident is he with his physical appearance? is there anything about it that he is insecure about? is there anything about it that he is happy about or gives him confidence? how does he think people perceive him based on his physical appearance?
Piers considers himself extremely average. Not ugly but not handsome. He think his forehead is too big. His brow bridge too prominent. His face generally unfriendly. He thinks it would be nice if he looked cuter or happier, but he wouldn't do anything to alter this. This is something he doesn't really put too much thought into unless he gets rejected by someone. Nothing about himself makes him happy; the thought seems silly. He likes his shape because he puts a lot of work into being fit. He's fairly confident about it but it's more about the hardwork than having muscles for show. He thinks people perceive him as unfriendly and square-headed.
💭 is there something or someone piers finds himself thinking about more often than other things? if so, why do you think he does this?
He thinks about work. He's a workaholic and a slight perfectionist. He always thinks how can I be better, how can we be better. Beside work Piers also thinks about ever finding the right person, how to attract the right person, and... Chris Redfield. He's foolishly enamored with a man he can never have.
☀️ would piers describe himself as more of an introvert or extrovert, or is he somewhere in between? how come?
HMM. Somewhere in between? He would LIKE to interact with more people, but doesn't feel like he quite fits in. If they're civilians, what does he talk about? He feels like his life dominates his life so it's hard to connect with people. He's not usually the first to speak or strike a conversation, but he can keep up with interactions if there's something worth contributing.
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knot-ee · 2 months
🗡️❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹🩵 -> Horangi (teehee part 2)
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🗡️what is something or someone kim knows he can't afford to lose? how far is he willing to go to make sure he doesn't lose it/them?
Something he can't lose? Several somethings: his vision, his hearing, his reflexes, his wits, his shape. This is probably not the context the question is referring to, but there's little in his life that is actually his and he has an emotional connection with. He has more allies than friends, and his family have pretty much fucked off. He can't afford to use his physical attributes and skills because that's his livelihood. Otherwise he'd end up a degenerate gambler in the streets of Seoul. My man kills for a living essentially, so one could say he goes far to prove himself and keep himself healthy. You could also say he risks a lot by doing something dangerous. One wrong move, and he's fucked. If he DID have someone close in his life, like a lover or a family member who wanted to be a part of his life, he would definitely kill to keep them safe.
❤️‍🔥 what angers him the most? what triggers this anger, and how does he cope with it? what does this anger feel like, if he had to describe it?
Getting Kim hot is quite the thing. It takes a lot to get him angry in "normal" instances. The two things that anger him the most are: being treated like a dog, a degenerate gambler and an enemy getting the best of him or his team. In either instance, he'll go from 0 to 100 and likely kill someone. At the very least harm them badly. Before joining the Korean special forces, he really was a nothing gambler and needed his shit kicked in every now and then. But there were thugs and debt collectors who treated him like less than human. Being treated like that again would end up with bodies on the ground. His coping mechanism is violence. He really can't think straight in those situations.
❤️‍🩹 how strongly does he experience his emotions? does it depend on who he's interacting with and/or the context of the situation?
To be human is to experience emotions, ain't it? Okay, he is not a person who plays things as aloof or emotionless. He's very friendly and a pretty open book. If he's happy, he smiles. If he's annoyed, he rolls his eyes. Of course he's more willing to show all spectrums of his emotions with people he trusts (or when he's drunk). When around commanding officers or people he doesn't get along with, he'll keep a straight and professional face. When he first joined KorTac, he was pretty silent and was known for being rabid, but that was more rumor than anything else.
💙 what does kim fantasize about the most often (generally/sexually/etc)? are there any people that are significant or that he can see in this fantasy and why?
He is... a daydreamer, so he fantasizes a lot about anything, but it doesn't really mean anything. He fantasizes about eating his weight in spicy rice cakes and getting drunk. He fantasizes about shoving a live grenade inside the mouth of those who annoy him. It really doesn't mean anything. The things he does fantasize that he wants to happen are: winning the lottery so he can buy himself the most absurd sports car and... plenty of sexual fantasizes. He's horny on the regular and even while in combat he wants some dick. Sucking dick. Getting his dick sucked. Threeways. Hookups while high. Yeah, sometimes he fantasizes about getting his fellow KorTac members wrapped around his finger, but usually his fantasies just involve handsome strangers he wants to ride.
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knot-ee · 5 months
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Some quick traits about Kim:
He is the shortest member of KorTac at 170 cm / 5'7"; 3 centimeters shorter than Oni, the next shortest member. While around base and donning his civies, he is more likely to be wearing wide sunglasses than a neck gaiter. He does not any particularly gruesome scars on his face though there certainly are a dozen or so scattered across; the most prominent is a scar running from his bottom lip to his chin and a diagonal scar across his eyebrow. The most off putting thing about his face is his right eye. After a certain incident in his early twenties which left him with eye trauma, his pupil and iris are misshapen. Some have made the comparison to a feline pupil. He does have reduced visibility in his this eye, but it is not tremendous and does not hinder his work.
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knot-ee · 8 months
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HEADCANON. Horangi's call sign is not derived from any perceived similarities between a tiger's stripes and his scarring, nor did he adopt the call sign after hearing someone's playful nickname. He is not the kind of person who takes a liking to nicknames, and in the case which he would like a particular moniker, it wouldn't nearly be enough to sway him to adopt it full time. Simply, perhaps even lackluster, Kim gave himself the call sign. When he felt like shit on the bottom of someone's shoe, it made him feel better to view himself as a tiger. A solemn and fierce creature which exterminates those with foul energy, according to Korean culture. Because Horangi is extremely quick on his feet, secretive, and picky with the company he keeps in the long run, people have made the feline comparison.
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knot-ee · 2 months
2. Are they sexually active?
3. When was the last time they had sex?
4. What was the most dirtiest place they had sex in?
5. Do they masturbate often? 15. Tell us about their sex fantasy? Things they want to try and do, but haven’t yet. (Horangi)
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Sexual activity.
Absolutely yes. As stated in another post, he can survive months without sex, but he's hyper sexual and likes getting laid on a weekly basis when possible. Though daily basis would be chef's kiss.
Last time Kim went to pound town?
...Ouch. It's been several weeks. Don't bring it up. He's frustrated.
Dirtiest place he had sex at?
Dirty as in physical location or dirty as in body pa- Bathroom of a club/bar. Seriously, those places reek of piss and/or shit. Desperate times, man. It really is not his favorite place or anything close to favorite. He'd rather in a gym, and that's just a BO battleground.
Frequency of choking the weasel?
Several times a week depending on what the fuck is going on. If he's deployed, he'll rub one out whenever he can a few minutes of privacy. When he hasn't gotten laid in a while, it might be every other day.
Does he have any untapped degenerate desires?
Kink wise, if he's been curious about it then he's tried it out. It's really more about situations and people. He hasn't gotten to fuck in uniform, and he would like to. He would also like to fuck at least one of his KorTac teammates. Considering he's an adrenaline junkie and a recovering gambling addict, he likes the idea of fuck-or-die situations. He doesn't know how this would pan out in real life, but the thrill gets him off. Dangerous sex in general is something he would like to explore but has not.
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knot-ee · 3 months
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BOLD any that apply to your muse/their habits. Italicize any of your muse’s turn-on/likes. Strike any of your muse’s turn-offs/dislikes.
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homosexual. bisexual. pansexual. demisexual. asexual. monogamous. polyamorous. long term relationships. casual relationships. rough. loud. growling. screaming. crying. sobbing. gentle. tender. whispers. moaning. touching others. touching self. being touched. lingering caresses. kisses. french kisses. licking. nibbling. biting. scratching. hair pulling. dominance. submission. power play. struggles. wrestling. hugs. cuddling. shower/bath sex. up against a wall. being held down. breasts. butts. legs. thighs. feet. hands. ears. love bites. innuendo. choking. breath play. bondage. leather. silk. velvet. lace. being watched. watching others. half-clothed. bared skin. teasing. indoors. outdoors. public. private. lingerie. stockings. corsets. crossdressing. pegging. penetrating. being penetrated. receiving oral sex. giving oral sex.
tagged by — @hauntsect tyyyy
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