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rubldus · 5 years
♡(ŐωŐ人) // i was obligated
Send ♡(ŐωŐ人) to meet our muses’ lovechild! || ACCEPTING
Fushimi x Yata (4/4)
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Name: Fushimi Hana (伏見花)
Physical appearance: She has long, bright orange hair that she keeps pulled up in a ponytail, and sky blue eyes. She’s petite and wears reading glasses, and she can most always be seen wearing some shade of blue.
Personality: A very outgoing and easily excitable person (much like Misaki), Hana has a deep and very passionate love for what she cares about. From Saruhiko, she maintains an endless unquenchable curiosity. She’s protective of the ones she loves and strives to keep an air of happiness amongst her family and friends. 
That being said, she loves dearly her little family, all of them: but she’s daddy’s little princess. She loves her dad like nobody else, and he saves a soft spot just for her. Her big brothers are pretty up there too however, and she’s constantly being smothered by them. She’s very spoiled but is very careful not to take advantage of their tendency to spoil her, and doesn’t like using it to get what she wants. She’s her family’s god-sent little angel and if anything happened to ruin her innocence they might just kill a man. Not just her parents and brothers, but all of HOMRA and Scepter 4 too. They’re all very protective. 
She lacks patience for those she considers ‘bullies’ and is always the first one to jump on people who pick on others. Her admiration and adoration of ‘heroes’ create her views on certain things to be slightly warped. She doesn’t always understand things and looks at the world through rose colored lenses.
She’s a child prodigy and, if believable, is even smarter than Koji. She taught herself to read and was speaking in whole sentences before she was a year old, writing in full sentences by four, and reading war and peace by age five. 
The most prominent part of her personality, however, is her desperate longing to be part of Scepter 4. Her parents say NO to clan joining of any kind, but she thinks her dad is literally superman, and sees Scepter 4 as superheroes that protect and help people. She wants to be a part of that. It’s the one thing in the world she’s been told no to and won’t give up on or stop pursuing. In fact, it’s something she’s wanted from a very young age. She asked for a toy saber for the very first birthday she could comprehend doing so, and every one thereafter was a common theme- toy police stations, gymnastics, sword fighting lessons from Munakata, boxing with Kusanagi, blue clothes, etc. 
With continuous begging and pleading, Saruhiko eventually signed her up for fencing because he can’t say no to her, and her new favorite thing became training with him. He doesn’t go easy on her however, because he wants to deter her from wanting to join the blues. Even so, she was amazing at it right away (of course) considering whose daughter she is. She still hasn’t been able to beat her dad, but she’s managed to best Hidaka and Enemoto once or twice- which is pretty impressive considering they’re on the special squad. It’s hard for her dad to get irritated about it, because she gets so proud of herself and she always comes to tell him excitedly about what she’s learned and how many matches she’s won- always with the goal of getting to spar with him. But her dad is clever, and he makes getting to spar with him extremely challenging to try and prevent her getting to practice, and his rules are ‘only once she beats x person can she spar with him. And if she loses she’s gotta do it all again.’ She isn’t discouraged though- nothing can make her discouraged because she’s stubborn like her ‘mom’ and really wants to spar with her dad. 
Her parents tend to really beat themselves up because they screwed up so badly with the other kids. That’s why she’s their little angel. It’s not just because she’s their only girl, its because she’s a really good, sweet, kind hearted kid. Sure, they might’ve fucked up with the others, but then there’s Hana- who picked up only the good things, like her Misaki’s friendliness and excitability and high energy, and Saruhiko’s intelligence and sense of reading people and desire to watch over the people he cares about, and even his curiosity and desire to learn that Niki tried so hard to stomp out. She’s sweet to other people and good at socializing and she loves to help others. She’s their insurance that they have to be doing something right.
First love: Gojo Hibiki (五條響), eleven years old. The biological child of Mishakuji Yukari, left as an infant with one Sukuna Gojo who reluctantly kept and raised him. His father isn’t in the picture and his current whereabouts are unknown. He was named Hibiki- meaning ‘echo’- because that was how Sukuna felt about this child- just an echo of Yukari that he didn’t want, the fact only becoming more true as Hibiki grew older and proceeded to resemble his dad more and more. Hibiki sort of raised himself as a result, Sukuna making it a point to almost always be out of the house, put him in school/daycare/whatever until super late, and never really look directly at him. Therefore, Hibiki understood he wasn’t wanted from a very young age and now maintains that mindset as he moves through life, keeping almost completely to himself. He also goes to a not so great school with not so great kids, but it isn’t an issue for his guardian and frankly, for him either. 
He met Hana one day while walking home from school, when he saw a bunch of older kids ganging up on an old man. He was going to keep walking- but then this kid in blue came up behind him and started muttering about how ‘he had seen it too’, was ‘there to help’, etc. and ‘on three’ they would go. And then, before he could stop her, this tiny little girl with a bow in her hair bounded out and started smacking the boys with her bag. Stupefied for a moment, he told himself it wasn’t his problem..but then he saw one of the kids coming up behind her and, unable to stop himself, rushed forward and joined in. Eventually, the older kids left: but not before he and Hana were both beat up. He got up to leave but was shocked to see Hana laughing, and even more shocked when she grabbed his hand, smiled up at him, and introduced herself with a ‘good job’! The old man interrupted them, offering them some popsicles from his convenience store as payment, and Hibiki somehow managed to find himself sitting on the grass in one of the city’s parks- eating ice cream next to a strange girl whose eyes sparkled while she talked. 
She told him about herself, and her family, and how she wanted to join the blue clan. He sat quietly with her, and finally told her his own name. She replied with ‘that means echo, right?’ and his response was ‘because i’m only an echo of someone else.’ To which she looked at him, smiled, and declared all at once that the ‘ki’ in his name meant heart, so he must have had a big one, and she was going to call him that. He stared at her a moment before she asked him what he wanted to do with his life, using her popsicle stick to mimic sword fighting. Nonplussed, he told her he didn’t know quite WHAT he wanted to do. It was when she stood up and matter of factly stated that she was going to ask him ‘again tomorrow’ to see if he’d figured it out that he became interested in Fushimi Hana.
( Oh, and it should be mentioned that Saruhiko and Misaki are completely unaware of their friendship, but if they knew then there would be QUITE the issue. After all, both are quite #AntiHanaandAnybody and even more #AntiGreens and most of all #AntiSukunaandYukari )
Future: After a long while of some form of skinny love, the two ended up officially dating during their freshman year. Being the whiz she is, Hana kept burning through assignments levels above her grade with no issue, and was able to finish university by the time she was eighteen. Hibiki wasn’t stupid by any means, but he wasn’t the prodigy she was either. So he finished up school in the typical amount of time and opted out of higher education after high school. Instead, he and Hana- after lots of begging to her family on her part- eagerly joined Scepter 4 at nineteen as their simultaneously most enthusiastic and promising new recruits. Rare though it was for them to get field assignments, (Hana’s overprotective father worked in the same building, after all, and his prerogative was the utmost safety for his daughter. Anything beyond desk work and intel gathering through computers was intercepted as often as possible by him) once in awhile something slipped through and Hana and Ki approached it as partners and equals (Fushimi/Gojo, ready!) and made quite the reputation for themselves while doing so.
At twenty-three, after a close call involving a strain that left Hana partially blind in one eye and Ki lacking two fingers on one hand, relief and adrenaline brought forth a mutual decision for marriage and ‘the highest form of partnership, permanence!’ according to Hana. Her parents put up a huge fight in their disapproval, as did her brothers- but they were married all the same, a sweet outdoor winter ceremony in the snow, themed white and blue- which they and all their guests wore. All of their friends and family attended, and it was a beautifully simple event per the couple’s request. 
With twenty-seven came the unexpected arrival of their first and only child, a sweet little lilac haired boy called Yuki (ゆき), meaning ‘happiness’. 
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