#╰ ♥ ╮ ━ ic: jonas.
bydesiign · 5 years
‘ I can leave this place forever. ’ // for jonas
“C’mon, kiddo, maybe we can talk to the Overseer about this.” He raises his voice above the blaring sirens, knowing deep down that Alphonse has never been much for talking . It’s his way or the highway; hence he and the Doc constantly being at odds. Yet, James left Jonas in charge of Violet. Finally, he sighs, relenting before she can even argue with him. “Stupid plan, right? Look, let’s get out of here together, okay? I’d be out of my mind to let you brave the GREAT UNKNOWN without me.” He claps her on the shoulder. “I’m going to grab as many supplies as I can, and you tell me about Amata’s plan.” 
marianas trench meme i’m too lazy to find the link for rip
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