#โ–ˆ โ–Œ ๐™—๐™จ๐™–๐™–'๐™จ ๐™œ๐™ค๐™ก๐™™๐™š๐™ฃ ๐™—๐™ค๐™ฎ. / chris.
etcnnante ยท 2 years
@kudakenai | STARTER !
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FINGERS CURLED onto the handle of metallic gun , clutching firmly against cold metallic grip. an AGONIZING headache permeated his frontal lobe - GREAT . another migraine was upcoming. it was perhaps due to the excruciatingly long day that had come to pass - but most likely because of the immortal teen that sat before the male that didn't seem to believe a word that fell from his lips. though , for a good cause. after all the false promises that chris had instilled in her , it was going to take much more than just saying 'you're free' when they finally made it to the helicopter. to her - this did just seem like a start to another mission. ' look , I GET IT. you still don't trust me. but - i didn't risk everything - my job, my reputation , my LIFE , just for a silly little prank , kid. ' AN EXATERBATED sigh left his mouth , hanging head in disbelief briefly before he gazed back up at the woman. this time , with a noticeable distraught look on rugged featured. ' i - WE , certainly didn't risk everything for you to still not believe us , yukako. but , i ... i understand why you would have every reason to not believe a word we say , but ... i'm being sincere when i say you're finally free and safe from the hands of the BSAA. as long as i'm by your side , i'm not letting them take you. '
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hauntsdestruction ยท 2 years
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ย  ย  ย  ย ย โ€˜ย  iย  feelย  likeย  iโ€™veย  beenย  workingย  forย  sixย  daysย  straightย  nowย  ...ย  iย  eitherย  needย  toย  sleepย  forย  aย  weekย  straightย  ,ย  orย  chugย  aย  monthsย  worthย  ofย  coffee.ย  pleaseย  tellย  meย  weย  haveย  coffee.ย  โ€˜ย ย 
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etcnnante ยท 2 years
@kudakenai asked ! : no, you donโ€™t get to die. (for chris) sendย ย โ€œno, you donโ€™t get to dieโ€ย  for my injured muse to react to yours saying this while theyโ€™re bleeding.ย  / accepting !
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PIERCING SENSATION burned furiously throughout aching body , vision struggling to correct itself as he felt unknown hands press against chest. every inhale was met with the same piercing feeling - hearing a wheeze with every breath. adrelaline started to finally wear off , the pain becoming UNBEARABLE as a familiar figure came into focus. yukako ... HE TRIED to collect himself , trying to sit up before being met with immediate sharp pain - gagging on the thick liquid that pooled within his throat , spitting it out to clear airways. get up - get up , dammit ...! played over and over in his mind , fighting off the urge to collapse from exhaustion.
' i - i'm not dying ... just ... just help me up - and f - find me the suture kit. maybe some tablets or - AGH - sprays if possible. check my medical b - bag. ' CHRIS SEETHED through gritted teeth , trying to conceal how the pain affected his entire existence. it was OVERPOWERING - feeling his nails dig deep into the ground below and how the dirt got into every and all crevices within his fingers.
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