#▲  ooc ╎ permanent starter call!
draconicfool · 4 months
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From the desk of your local menace Rat, please give this a like [or even a reblog for sideblogs] if you'd like to give me permission to pester you and your muses with random @'s, starters, asks, possible plots and all of those sorts of things !
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protectxthem · 3 months
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By liking (or commenting for side blogs) this post means that you are giving me permission to do the following, which includes but isn’t limited to:
Tag You In Random Starters
Send You Ask memes
Come at you with AU’s for our muses (granted sometimes they’ll be half assed)
Plot With You
Tag You In Stuff
Invade Your Ask box
Send You Headcanons About Our Muses
Tag you in shit that I come across that makes me take pause and think ‘Yup. This is them. This is them to a T. This is our idiots.
The right to tag you in wishlist stuff;
The above call extends to all forms of ships, including but not restricted to: friendships, romantic ships, companionships, enemy combatant ships, apprenticeships, and really any ship(s) you can think of.
This is also my way of telling you that all of the above can be reciprocal
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ramblexn · 4 months
Permanent Starter Call!!
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Hello!! Hello my mutuals!! I'm sure most of you know how these work!
Like, reblog, reply, etc to, going both ways, give permission for
Random starters
My discord (dm if you want it regardless btw!)
Plot/just kinda blindly throw ideas around
Make/send headcanons
More stuff that I don't remember if it goes on these
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bashxdash · 2 months
permanent starter call
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⸺Like/Replying gives me permission to
send in unprompted asks and memes
tagging you in random starters
tag you for dash games and stuff that reminds me of your muse(s)
make/send headcanons
IM you to plot/throw out random ideas
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flameandindifference · 2 months
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Let's drop a permanent starter call for my devilish son! This counts for all verses! This post lets me know if you're okay with me answering opens, making dash commentary, invading your inbox, leaving comments and making random starters for you on a whim or whenever prompted to do so!
Drop a 🐉 in the replies if you're interested! If you're a multimuse then please specify which muses are open for demonic nudging and bothering!
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heiilari · 10 days
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welcome to my Permanent starter call so that I have an idea of who is alright with me doing the following ::
Tagging you in random starters Coming into IM’s and either plotting stuff or just straight up hollering about things we like Sending in ask memes Plotting possible ships, be it family, friend, or romantic etc lots of random ooc talking (either IM's or Discord) This is also an invitation for people to come do the same as well of course!!
So if you’re okay with the above, please give this a like if you haven’t already! Or reply with your side blog(s)
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helluva-hazbins · 2 months
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Liking this post will show me you are interested in interactions for Lucifer Morningstar muse. And always alright with the following!
Receiving Inbox msgs and memes from muse.
Being tagged in starters randomly.
Muse leaving unprompted comments on your posts.
Muse interacting with all of your open posts.
You are comfortable with muse commenting on your dash activity.
Muse will form a continuity with yours.
This will let me know you are predominately here for interactions with this muse.
If muse moves to a new blog this will help show you are interested in a refollow.
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itsumoegao · 2 months
Permanent Starter Call !!
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Please give this a like if you're alright with me
Sending Memes and Asks
Sending random [[ non meme related ]] Asks
Writing you starters
IMing you at 3am with sudden plot ideas
Gushing at you about our muses
Talking to you in general
If you’re ok with one of the above and not the other, let me know via replying here!
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exxtermini · 1 month
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welcome to my Permanent starter call so that I have an idea of who is alright with me doing the following ::
Tagging you in random starters Coming into IM’s and either plotting stuff or just straight up hollering about things we like Sending in ask memes Plotting possible ships, be it family, friend, or romantic etc lots of random ooc talking (either IM's or Discord)
This is also an invitation for people to come do the same as well of course!!
So if you’re okay with the above, please give this a like if you haven’t already! Or reply with your side blog(s)
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laznivec · 7 months
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welcome to my Permanent starter call so that I have an idea of who is alright with me doing the following ::
Tagging you in random starters Coming into IM’s and either plotting stuff or just straight up hollering about things we like Sending in ask memes Plotting possible ships, be it family, friend, or romantic lots of random ooc talking
This is also an invitation for people to come do the same as well of course!!
So if you’re okay with the above, please give this a like if you haven’t already! Or reply with your side blog(s)
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gunslinginnhogtyin · 4 months
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blazeoflife · 5 months
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So, since I am getting into the groove of getting myself more onto this blog, I wanna make this post so that I can keep a constant reminder of who I can annoy/pester for stuff! lol
Please like this post for any of the following~:
Send you unprompted asks and perhaps have fun/annoy you
A starter of any length (if you have anything specific you’d like to RP, then feel free to DM me!) when the opportunity comes knocking and/or I am motivated to try something out with you
Tag my muse in stuff that reminds you of them {bonus points if they are in a relationship with Junpei}
Discuss possible shipping options (platonic, romantic, family, enemies, etc)
I am sure there will be more to come, but as of now this is all I can come up with! <3
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memuntos · 6 months
starter call : as per usual, this won’t be fast. just going to be somewhere i can reference when the muse strikes. plotting will always be faster !
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heiilari-a · 16 days
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welcome to my Permanent starter call so that I have an idea of who is alright with me doing the following ::
Tagging you in random starters Coming into IM’s and either plotting stuff or just straight up hollering about things we like Sending in ask memes Plotting possible ships, be it family, friend, or romantic etc lots of random ooc talking (either IM's or Discord)
This is also an invitation for people to come do the same as well of course!!
So if you’re okay with the above, please give this a like if you haven’t already! Or reply with your side blog(s)
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realmythsmoved · 5 months
Permanent starter call. Like this at any time and I will post a starter for you. Specify muse if you want someone specific, and your muse too if you're also a multi.
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flameandindifference · 4 months
Permanent Starter Call
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What does this mean? By liking this (or leaving a comment) you have granted permission for this devlish boy to have full access to you and gives me an idea on if you're comfortable with:
Lucius popping into your inbox at any time
Lucius answering any opens you happen to post
Lucius answering any 'dash commentary' posts with ones of his own
Lucius making remarks about the activity of your muse via 'dash commentary'
@'ing you in random starters
Plotting involving Lucius to minor and major degrees
Comfortable with me IM'ing you in regards to Lucius
Lucius causing trouble and shenanigans for your muse, both plotted and on the fly.
This is just here for me to get an idea of who wants full interaction with this silly lil Anti-Christ.
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