#► she killed it with kisses and from it she fled (naruto)
pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
@foxcurse || ♥
{ ♪ } -- She took a slow breath, brushing her hair out of her face. The medical ninja was working to find her place in the village. At this point, she was after something to eat. Settling herself into a seat at the counter of the ramen shop, she gave a soft sigh.
Bella rubbed at her eyes and took a breath while the chef made her food. Hearing someone come in and sit next to her, she pushed herself to brighten considerably.
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"Well, hi there!"
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Like Father, Like Son
Rating: Teen
Warnings: mentions of death, mentions of prostitution, like slightly dark? Gritty maybe is a better descriptor, Naruto world taken seriously.
Length: 1888 words
Pairing: MinaKushi, Minato’s Canonical Dad x Minato’s Canonical Mom
Genre: romance, drama, slight angst (we know how these two ended up), crack taken seriously
Summary: the story of Minato’s parents, and how that influenced Minato’s decisions, and his courtship of Kushina. Inspired by this post about Minato being extra.
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Like many children in ninja villages—and truly, just children in general, since the Warring States Era and the formation of the Ninja Villages—Namikaze Minato is an orphan. His father was a self-taught ninja from a small village on the boarder of Kaze no Kuni, while his mother was a kunoichi from Tsuchi.
Though Minato's parents had died when he was young, he was old enough to remember them. He was old enough to understand why his parents were forced to hide away from their home countries, old enough to know when and why he had to hide and lie.
He was old enough to understand why tousan had to escape in the night while he and kaachan had to flee in the cover of tousan's sacrifice distraction.
He was old enough to understand why he and kaachan had to lie about their ninja training when they immigrated into Konoha with forged papers so realistic that not even Konoha's infamous T&I, or their renowned Yamanaka clan could tell the difference.
He was old enough to understand why kaachan was forced to work in the way she did, why strange people would spend an hour or two, or sometimes even the whole night behind the door to his mother's room, why she made him leave when some specific visitors stopped by, why he eventually came home to find her laying in bed, blooms of red and shocks of shiny white against her cold, still skin.
He was old enough to remember it all—to want to change it all, one day—but his mind would always take him back to one specific memory.
His most precious memory of all.
The love in his parents' eyes.
Minato could recite the story word for word, with how much his kaachan told it—how much more she would cling to the words after tousan was gone.
Kaachan was from Iwagakure, having sworn her life to the Tsuchikage and the Tsuchi no Kuni daimyou as a kunoichi of the Rock. Touchan truly had no allegiance—his skills had come from a talent with chakra and a necessity for self-defense.
So when touchan had seen a group of Suna-nin abducting a woman, he did what any good man would do.
He saved her.
Touchan had followed after the Suna-nin in secret, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Touchan was not sure he could defeat the two Suna-nin on his own, but he knew that with the help of the right environment and a few tricks, he could come out victorious.
With his wind chakra aiding him in both speed and his strikes, touchan caught the first nin completely off guard. As the second nin—the one holding kaachan—noticed his partner listing to the right—before the dead body could hit the ground—touchan had just as swiftly eliminated the other, catching kaachan in his arms.
Unwilling to linger at the scene, touchan carried kaachan away, until it was safe for them to stop. When touchan untied kaachan's binds, she couldn't help herself.
Kaachan pulled touchan into a kiss.
It was in that moment that kaachan fell in love with touchan. Both were alone in this cruel ninja world. The shinobi nations were in the midst of the second Great Ninja War. People were dying left and right, hundreds every day.
Who would miss one kunoichi? Who would recognise one self-taught man from the edges of Kaze no Kuni?
Who would give up on the chance of happiness, love, and family, when the world had taken so much from them?
He remembers asking his parents how they knew they were in love after just one meeting.
His mother always answered, “A selfless act of kindness in a cruel world is a rare thing to be treasured. When you find that, especially when you're alone and hopeless, it's easier to leave behind the entirety of your harsh, unfriendly life for even just a single moment with such a person."
When Minato asked his touchan, his father always answered, "There is not much kindness in this world, not much any single person alone can do to fix that. We work hard, we may try to help others, but that's not going to get any one man very far. Kaachan has a fire in her, a toughness, a resilliance which cannot be crushed. She is fierce in her mind, body, and soul. As a man forced to grow and survive on his own, I know just how valuable, and how rare those traits are. I had desperately craved for companionship, for a family, and your mother has the strength and resilliance to ensure our story will be longer than most."
At the time, Minato didn't truly understand what either of his parents meant. But as an orphan, as a boy all alone, who had witnessed the worst of the world and wanted to make it better, who had his world stripped from him in a place that should have been safe, with the weight of his parents sacrifices on his mind and the desperate urge for a family once more...
Minato fell in love.
All he knew about love was what he'd seen from his parents. With no advice, no one to turn to, Minato did the only thing he could:
He emulated the fond, much told memory of how his parents fell in love with the percotions, strong-willed, resilliant Uzumaki Kushina.
And like a blessing from beyond, like a gift from his absent parents, Uzumaki Kushina—who had only ever glared and grumbled at Minato before then—had fallen in love with him.
It hadn't been hard to use the shadow-clone jutsu and then henge them into Kumo-nin. It wasn't hard to find Kushina all alone, after tricking the ANBU who followed her with a genjutsu laid out by Uchiha Fugaku's sharingan.
It wasn't hard for Minato to gently disable (but not disperse!) his own clones, to catch Kushina in his arms, to take her to "safety" (as if she were in any danger at all).
It wasn't hard to attract her heart and capture it—not with his boyish good looks, his patience, and most damning of all—
Kushina's lonliness and desire for connection.
With her home village destroyed and Mito-sama recently deceased, there wasn't a better time for him to put his ploy in motion. Maybe to a civilian that might seem callous, but to a ninja, that was just smart planning.
What did it matter if he was using her grief and loneliness to his advantage? His company would heal that for her anyways.
(Besides, it was his grief and lonliness which drove him to do it).
Minato would grow up to be a lot of things: a hero and a curse, a soldier and a leader, a husband and—just briefly—a father.
Minato would not go on to share the story of how he got Kushina to love him with his son. Minato would instead go on to emulate his father, sacrificing himself in the hopes of giving his child a shot at a better life.
But that was for later. In this moment, in the shoddy comfort of the bachelor apartment allotted to orphaned ninja-in-training, Minato put the pieces of his plan together.
Minato was old enough to retain memories of his life before Konoha, before his parents were taken from him, but only one memory stood out.
And so he remembered.
And so he took the past and made it his present with dreams of the future on his mind.
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Fun Facts!
I imagine Minato's mom to be blonde like he, Naruto, and Deidara are, while his dad has red hair similar to Kushina and Gaara. His mother's hair was smooth and straight while his father's was spikes like Minato and Naruto.
The ninja who killed Minato's father were sent after his mother for desertion. Another Iwa-nin had caught sight of her and reported back to the Tsuchikage. The nin were sent to kill Minato's parents but were instructed to bring Minato back alive in case he was useful. I kind of puts Minato's massacre of those thousand Iwa-nin during the Third War into a new light...
Fugaku only agreed to help Minato because when he initially refused, Minato accused Fugaku of not being able to do it. Fugaku, like a certain other Uchiha we know, was desperate to prove himself. Minato didn't tell Fugaku about his plan, he just dared Fugaku to trick the ANBU.
Minato had to practice with his clones for weeks to be able to fight them without them "popping." He ended up having to use a seal on them to make them more resilliant. It was his first time working with fuinjutsu, and what sparked his love for it. Kushina's interest only heightened his own.
Yes, Minato's dad only went along with kaachan's feelings because he was lonely and she was strong. Relationships have been built on less. He was a very pragmatic man. He did genuinely fall in love with her though.
When Minato and his mom immigrated to Konoha, she had to pretend to be a civilian with no ninja training to avoid suspicion, and be offered asylum as a Hi no Kuni refugee. As a foreigner (even one posing as a Fire Country citizen) and with the growing number of refugees, it was hard for her to find a job, so she became a prostitute. She was killed by a nin who was triggered and experienced a panic attack/flashback. He fled the scene after, and ended up letting himself get killed during his next mission. The case of her murder remains unsolved—not that the police did much investigating. There were more pressing issues to deal with at the time.
The harsh life Minato lived—as a fugitive and then a refugee and orphan—is what led him to want to be Hokage. He wanted to save people from the pain he and his parents suffered.
Kushina's spirit (and declaration to be Hokage) is what attracted Minato to her. His father's words of finding someone strong and stubborn enough to survive in this cruel ninja world is what made him decide she was the one for him.
Kushina is dumb. So dumb. Didn't catch on even once. Fell for the plot hook, line, and sinker. Even when, years later, Minato shared the story of how his parents met with her, Kushina did not piece his plan together.
Due to Minato using "Kumo"-nin to carry out the abduction, he made their already poor reputation in Konoha worse. This was further exasterbated when real Kumo-nin actually tried to kidnap Hinata.
Minato sacrafied himself that night when Kurama was unleashed on the village, because all he could think of in that moment was the way his father sacrificed himself to save Minato and his mom. It clouded his judgement from more logical options, like, I don't know, not casting a suicide jutsu to trap half a tailed beast in his minutes old son and his soon to be dead body.
Kushina was delirious from pain meds, having an tailed beast extracted from her, and her own hotheadedness. It was a bad mix.
In the end, Naruto learnt that rescuing a girl is the way to her heart, following the Namikaze family tradition of courtship.
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AN: So, uh... This got darker than I thought. The post that inspired this was so cute too. I wrote this a few weeks ago on a night I was too busy for this bs and yet it would not let me rest until it was released. I wrote this after being challenged prompted by @books-n-guns, as crack is my apparent specialty (we been knew, I know. After the LeeKaguya fic I think I solidified my place in this fandom). I hope you enjoyed it!
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southsidestory · 5 years
The Valley of the End: Ch. 12 Excerpt
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Graphic Violence
Author’s Notes: To celebrate diving back into Naruto fandom, I’m sharing the first scene of Chapter 12 of The Valley of the End! I hope you guys like this sneak peek. :)
Read the whole story on fanfiction.net or AO3
The village is burning. The Uchiha clan is famed for fire techniques, and now that they’re in danger, their fear is consuming Konoha. Sakura sees shops and apartment buildings reduced to ash, orange embers flickering on the wind. Smoke billows all over, clouding the morning sky, making her cough.
Sasuke. The world is falling down around her, and even as she runs home--she must find her mother and make sure she’s safe--he’s all she can think about. The look of hatred he shot at her as she fled, leaving his cousin dead on the ground behind her. It’s done, whatever love was growing between them, crushed underfoot with one blow to Saiyuri’s chest.
She doesn’t have the luxury of stopping, of taking even one moment to mourn her loss properly, but she cries as she runs. Fire and salt rest on her tongue, ashes and tears. This is supposed to be the first step toward freedom, but Sakura can only taste destruction.
She finds her mom outside their apartment building in her combat gear, and Sakura throws her arms around her before she can say a word. For a moment, she isn’t a strong kunoichi or a woman who’s known love, just a girl held close by her mother. She could be small again, a child made safe simply by her parent’s presence. It can’t last, though. There isn’t time.
Sakura steps back, wipes her face free of tears, and says, “Mom, I need you to help protect civilians. Things are crazy out there, and a lot of people are getting hurt.”
Her mother nods, then asks, “What will you do?”
Sakura gives the best smile she can, but it feels feeble on her lips. “I’m going to fight.”
Mom cups her face between her hands, kisses her on the forehead, and says, “I believe in you, Sakura. I know you’ll survive.”
She wants to hug her mother again, but she’s already spent too long here.
Large groups of the Uchiha and Hyuuga clans left to capture Naruto, weakening their ability to hold Konoha, but both sides have been caught off guard. It’s chaos, fire and erupting earth, buildings crumbling and shuriken cutting through the air. This isn’t a battle, just rebels against Uchiha clansmen and their loyalists, slaughtering whichever enemies they come upon in the streets.
And Sakura is among them, killing, killing.
She stabs an Uchiha boy no older than her with a kunai laced with a fast acting poison, and he falls to the ground, seizing. His veins turn black, spreading across his skin like rivers of ink.
She punches a Hyuuga girl in the cheek, and her skull splits open, ripe blood and brains showing beneath cracked bone.
Then she comes across a little Uchiha genin, brave but unskilled, and she disables him with a genjutsu. He falls to the pavement, lost in dreams.
Sakura finds Kakashi, Obito, and Rin encircled by enemies, and she rocks the earth with a strike to the ground, knocking down half of the shiboi around them. She leaves them then; those three can handle themselves.
The Uchiha compound is surrounded by her comrades, and just as she joins them, they take down the wall. Minato leads them inside, flashing from one enemy to another, taking them down with quick slashes to the throat and stabs to the gut. It’s a sight she’ll never forget, men and women falling, death delivered in seconds.
Minato leads them to the center of the compound, to the homes of the most influential families, and a Nara man shouts, “The Uchiha aren’t the only ones who can use fire!”
There is a terrible beauty to it, wind and fire working together to burn down these fine houses, monuments to Uchiha wealth.
But then she hears the screams from within, and children run out of their homes, innocents who had been left behind to hide.
“Stop!” Sakura screams. “There are kids in there!”
Someone has the mercy to use a water jutsu, but the blaze is spreading down the street, consuming, relentless--
Sakura runs toward Sasuke’s house, because she can feel Mikoto’s chakra inside, waning and flitting like an injured butterfly, trying to escape.
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nejihinata · 6 years
Day 5 – Road to Ninja
1747w | Romance/Crack | Read on AO3
That definitely wasn’t a bad way to wake, Neji thought before he could stop himself when he opened his eyes and saw her face so close, cascades of indigo hair shrouding them, her hands on his chest, her hips settled on a part of his anatomy that was especially sensitive that time of the morning.
That was also a very wrong way to wake.
Fighting the urge to swallow, he stared hard at her.
“What is the meaning of this, Hinata-sama?”
“You were taking too long to wake up.”
Never in his life had Neji slept in, and his internal clock told him that he still had a few hours before his usual rising time, it should be dark yet even, if she would let him, he could check himself. And was the uneasiness what liberated him too look down, something he wouldn’t never let himself to do in normal circumstances. Hyuuga Neji did not used training sessions as excuse to checking out Hinata no matter what Hanabi or Tenten would say. So, when he did it, when he looked down, and instead of view the modest cotton nightgown he had the privilege to have seen Hinata wearing once, and the image imprinted in his head forever. For he was presented with the image of Hinata’s breasts accented by sexy dark lace picking from the generous neckline of her almost see-through white satin negligee.
He pushed her out of him hard, trying ever hard to kill the images his over-creative teenage boy hormones fuelled brain started to breed and spread like wildfire.
“You are not Hinata-sama.”
That made her furious.
“Of course I am!”
“No you are not. Byakugan!”
He couldn’t find anything, no sign of ninjutsu, no henge, no clone, nothing. What the hell was going one? Who was that person? Why did she looked so painfully like his lady?
His lady…
He knew it was dangerous to abandon a stranger on his room, but at that moment, he didn’t care, he just needed to know she was alright, so he bolted from the fake Hinata’s presence and ran towards the true Hinata’s room only to find if empty.
Anger and fear spreading through his veins like poison, he turned to look for the fake and get answers, she should have fled by now. Maybe that was Hinata’s body in some kind of possession jutsu his eyes couldn’t detect, but he would find her, no matter when she hid, he would get Hinata back and would make that impostor pay.
So, it was really anticlimactic when he turned and she was by the door, looking at her crimson painted nails as if she was waiting for his dramatic brooding moment to end.
“I guess for my byakugan readings and you completely rejecting the chance of sex earlier that you are not my Neji-nii either.”
He had reject the chance of what????
“Who are you?” He asked coldly.
“Hyuuga Hinata. But I guess… Not your Hyuuga Hinata.”
Neji never fancied he really had one.
“What have you done to her?”
“Me?” She looked shocked. “Nothing. Why would I want to have to do something with your Hinata? Wait, on second thought…” She seemed a bit lost in thoughts there. “Oh man, you would want to see that.” She got out from her hazy dreams and considered him. “Well, maybe not you. My Neji-nii would, the pervert. Hey, why did you push me like that?”
“Strange woman, half-naked, over me. What did you expected?”
“First: Not strange, I’m Hinata. Second: I expected you to make out with me, don’t you like woman? That would be a funny one considering my Neji-nii.”
His anger was starting to be difficult to keep on this preferred artic temperatures and began to burn.
“You are not Hinata and that is not of your business.”
“Ho ho ho. He’s repressed the poor thing. What? Your Hinata don’t give you any?”
“Don’t you dare to talk of her like that!” He morphed into a fighting stance but she didn’t see not even a little fazed. In fact, she was unconcerned enough by his killing aura that she walked towards him, all swaying hips and bare legs, until she was invading his personal space.
“Like how?” She started to trace the line of the top of his pyjama, her ghost almost-touch making the hairs of his arms stand. “You know, I bet your Hinata would give you something if you just asked. I mean, I quite dig the repressed look, with my Neji-nii is always so easy, you I’d have to seduce first. Could be fun.”
“Get away from me.” But he didn’t bat her hand away. There was something wrong with him, why wasn’t he moving?
“Oh please, you might not be my Neji-nii, but you are a Neji, you want me.”
“I do not!” He retorted noticing with horror that he was, in fact, lying.
“Oh… Not me? Her then? I mean if you are nothing like my Neji and I’m nothing like your Hinata, what should I do seduce you?” She put a finger on her bottom lip contemplating the situation, then her eyes shone with malice, before all her body language changed, shoulders feel, back curved slightly to make her smaller, lips became a little pouty and lashes flapped with fake innocence. “S-should I st-t-tutter a bit? Should I p-play shy?”
“Stop it!”
“It is working, isn’t it?”
He wanted to die. But die could he not. Not when he didn’t know what happened to Hinata. Willing his blood from nether locations back to his eyes he focused on his byakugan. There had to be something, anything!
Nothing, nothing, nothing. Hell! But he couldn’t give up like that, and as he tried to find the flaw on that impostor, she kept taunting he with lascivious words and excessive amounts of bare skin that she had no right to put on display.
“You won’t find what you are searching. I am not a fake. Look at me. Not my chakra, me. I know you want.”
Seeing there was nothing he could achieve with his doujutsu, Neji deactivated the byakugan.
“Much better. Be honest. There is really much difference?”
“You are nothing like her. Tell me where she is!”
“She’s closer than you think. Why?”
“Is not it obvious? I have to rescue her from whatever you have done to her.”
“I haven’t done anything to her. And that was not what I was asking. Why am I nothing like her?”
Of course he couldn’t trust her, but the ropes on his heart unleashed a bit. If that person wasn’t lying Hinata was fine, he just had to keep her talking to find out where he could find his lady.
“You might look like her, but she does not present herself like that.”
She smiled wickedly, the seductress back on.
“Like how?”
“She would never look so vulgar. Where is she?”
“Not telling you! And oh dear… She is a woman, she could look like this is she wanted.” She then let one of the thing straps of her negligee fall in a provocative pose. “I don’t think I look vulgar, I look sexy.”
He swallowed. Her smile became bigger.
“What do you think you will achieve? You stole the princess of the Hyuuga, you are surrounded by the main house. You are not leaving alive even after I find Hinata-sama.”
She started to play with his top again, she hadn’t fixed her falling strap and when she moved the arm she gave him a show of a little bit more of tantalizing breast exposure.
“Why should I fear? I’ve told you. I am Hyuuga Hinata. No one will be able to tell or care about the difference besides you. And about what I want…” She got even closer to whisper on his ear. “Isn’t that obvious?”
When he didn’t move she just sighed heavily.
“I give up.”
She took a step back, the seductress was gone, even with the red lips and sexy sleepwear, that was just plan old sad Hinata.
Neji was horrified.
“I j-just made a fool of myself did I not?”
“Hinata-sama?” He tried cautiously.
“It is me…” She looked away and blushed, crossing her arms to hide. “I have been sending you all this signals but you never seen to understand my intentions… Why must it always be like that for me?”
He held his hands for her to stop and blinked a few times.
“I do not understand.”
“Sakura-san told me about she and Naruto-kun went to this other world in which everyone had opposite personalities, and I thought maybe was that could help me…”
“Help you? Help you with what?”
She blushed even harder.
“W-w-w-with you.”
“With me?” He considered her. “What about me.”
“Oh… Nothing. I just thought… But I was wrong.”
“About what? What did you think?”
“It does not matter.”
“If went to this lengths I think it do.”
She sucked a breath and looked up at him almost angrily.
“I thought that you wanted me, alright? But you do not. It is ok, it does not matter I will just-“
But she couldn’t complete her thought because his hand grabbed her waist and pushed her flush against him as he kissed her hard.
Hinata felt her surprised yelp be swallowed by his hungry lips, and her eyes fell closed, the hand that had protected her from shocking herself with him too hard by hanging of his shoulder sliding to his neck and hair.
But before that she could really enjoy herself, he was a step back and not touching her at all.
“I am…” He swallowed. “I am sorry. I should not… I should have asked first.”
She giggled.
“Oh you have my permission.”
Saying that, she stepped forward and after a moment staring his eyes, she kissed his lips softly.
“Do you really want me, then?”
“But not looking like this?”
“Hinata-sama, I do not think there is a way I will not want you.”
“But you resisted me until the end.”
“And it was very hard. And I did not, I kissed you.”
And to illustrate he kissed her again, this time letting his tong caress the roof of her mouth as his hand explored her back covered only by that thin satin.
“Please do not resist me anymore.” She asked on a breathy voice when he let her go.
 “I do not think I would be able too.”
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kalira · 6 years
Word: "Him"
Hedging your bets pretty securely there Mousie. XD
(Okay I limited myself to WIPs I’ve actually opened to work on lately. Er. This is still . . . a lot. You have definitely fulfilled my request to distract me.)
Harlock rarelyresisted him very hard - he enjoyed being coaxed, and even more so spendinglazy mornings tangled up in bed and half dozing with his lover . . . or fuckinginto him warm and slow.
also this one
Yama yawned and letHarlock’s sleepily insistent arms tug him back down.
and this
Harlock claspedYama’s shoulder and directed him down a slightly narrower corridor.
“Oh, is kiddo upset I was there first?”Kate said, tsking at him.
Adrian’s eyes swept over him admiringly - he had yet to donhis clothes beyond breeches, particularly that godawful shapeless heap he called a cloak, leaving a rathernice view.
and this one, same line from M’s word
“Would it kill you not to leave your filthy articles ofclothing flung everywhere?” Alucard asked dryly, flicking a neatly-patchedshirt that was half-sodden in demon guts at Trevor and making him duck to getout of its path.
Kotetsu carefullydisengaged his faceplate, pulling it away, and a bit of tension seeped out ofhim along with a sigh when he saw Barnaby’s bright eyes were open. 
Lee Hwon/Woon (The Moon Embracing the Sun)
Woon had grownquieter since the Crown Prince had chosen him to be companion and guard, everat the Prince’s side.
Okay there’s a lot so . . . Naruto, ATLA, and Voltron WIP lines are all beneath the cut.
Gai has touched damnnear every inch of him through one challenge or scrape or another and there’sno one Kakashi trusts more in the world.
more KakaGai
“Kaka- I- I wouldnever-” he stuttered out as Kakashi cocked his head, eyeing him.
and again
Kakashi identifiedthe presence immediately, of course - his sleeping brain had categorised theintruder as Gai and thus not a threat even before the bright shout had wokenhim.
oh look again >.>
Kakashi stared at himas he postured a little more.
and this one is part two to the one before
“Jan Ken Pon!”Kakashi said hurriedly, because Gai looked like hell, everyone in the villagewas still giving him half-confused, half-pitying looks, and . . . well, Kakashiwasn’t actually great at reacting in a hurry outside of battles.
It was a warm, softvoice calling him, one he didn’t quite recognise, though there was a strange,barely-there edge of familiarity.
also this
Lee leapt out of bed,tangled in the blankets enough that he stumbled and it took him a moment tofree himself, though he managed to do it without crashing about.
Iruka unrolled thescroll and only long experience with pre-genin and jounin - and no tellingwhich group was worse than the other - prevented him from reacting.
and this one!
Iruka only pulled him in closer, tuggingthe blankets over him, ignoring the fact that he was still mostly dressed and,indeed, cold and wet.
MadaKaka (that’s a new one for me and IDK if I’ll write them again after this request is done or not. . .)
Madara bounded overthe fence without touching it, following the silvery streak of Kakashi’s hairthat was the most visible part of him as he fled into the shadows under theheavy canopy.
It will be all right she willed him to realise, assuring him with her eyesthat she knew what she was doing, as best she could without giving any hint orground to the Elders before her.
as is this one
“You shouldn’t be here.” she whispered, moving towards him, her kimono rustlingaround her.
“I’m . . . sure he can be romantic if hetries!” Sakura said, trying to sound more certain than she actually felt,because she remembered Sasuke, andshe knew him now - or liked to think she did - and. . .
so’s this one
Beside him Kanamisnickered and stretched out her forelegs, then slid slowly onto her side, hermuzzle almost reaching his ankle.
and this
Hatred and confusion resonated through him,and he allowed his strength to seep through to his jinchuuriki.
Zabuza approached himand trailed his hands up over Haku’s arms.
His strong armsturned and tugged gently at the ribbon binding him to the headboard, but hedidn’t fight too hard.
Sokka doesn’t knowwhy this feels like a revelation; Zuko has alwayssmelled like fire, since the first time Sokka faced him, hot and angry in thesnow.
Zukka again
Zuko had made thechoice and gotten caught, Sokka had gone with it, abandoning it now wouldn’thelp and would only land him in acell too.
Zuko looked at him,and Sokka’s attention refocused.
you guessed it!
He grabbed Zuko’sshoulders to hold him closer, then cupped his jaw with one hand, tilting hisown head to mesh their kiss a little more comfortably.
yep still (I’ve been poking at a lot of my Zukka WIPs lately trying to get back to these boys)
It felt way too soon for him to be woken up.
still Zukka
Katara just stared athim, and Sokka fidgeted uncomfortably.
yes still
When Zuko might notbe able to get to him.
look there is a reason I’ve been trying to get back to Zukka and that reason is I need to finish some of my bajillion WIPs for them
“Is your prospective title really what you’re worried about,Sokka?” she asked, watching him even though he was making her slightly dizzy.
yes this one as well
He ducked his headpolitely and slid the cups in front of the two merchant ladies sitting primlyat one of the tables, murmuring a reminder to call for him if they neededanything else.
several of them are requests too! (although not this next one)
Although perhaps itwas best he hadn’t spouted that off at Suki, she had laughed at him enoughalready this summer - he had a tendency to put his foot in his mouth when shewas around.
whoops not done yet
He had spokenhonestly when he offered her respect, and when he said she was welcome, it wasstrange for him to be troubled now.
I don’t really like kid!fic that much why do I keep writing it? (well at least for Zukka there kind of needs to be offspring at some point for royal heir purposes)
“There there. . .” hecrooned, scooping Kiran up and cradling him close with a gentle pat.
this one is sort of Zukka but actually it’s labelled Sokka/Zuko/Mai
Sokka would haveknocked, but the royal guard waved him in through the doors without pausing -they were standing ajar, but . . .royal quarters?
Maiko (and the first one I ever started for them still not done)
He would learn, she knew, and she supposedshe didn’t really know how to please him,either.
That concludes the ATLA portion holy sheesh.
“I am from Altea.”Allura told the child, bending down to come closer to eye-to-eye with him.
okay brace yourselves because here we go again
They all turned tolook at him.
yes there will be a lot
His throat tightenedwhen Keith patted him lightly and switched back, pushing him into flexing hisarm at a different angle - Shiro felt like he was dragging the weight of hismetal arm painfully, barely able to move - before beginning again.
even filtering out WIPs I haven’t worked on lately
Shiro ignored him,and Hunk sleepily shoving at him from his other side, probably in attempt toget him to be quiet.
I have . . . a lot of Sheith you guys
Kuro woke feelinglike his bones had been electrified until he shut down, and it took him a whileto realise he had other hurts as well.
I think it may be the only ship I have more of than Zukka in fact
Pidge shooed herbrother gently forwards onto the Castle, feeling bubbly and delighted tofinally have him here with her.
the series/AUs may have something to do with that
“He wouldn’t rest ifI left him alone. He kept crying.”
like that one and this next one are both from The Empress’ Elite
Allura would have himsubdued if necessary, but if he recognised Pidge enough to let her help,recognised Allura enough to let her touch, then he would be no hindrance, andAllura wouldn’t spare the time.
but mostly not actually
I could change it, Shiro thought, eyes wide as the possibility yawnedbefore him.
this one is connected to the last
He bumped into thefirm feeling of someone else’s skin and leaned up, then froze as more lightfiltered around him.
okay I think that’s it for Sheith with this one
Keith punches him in the face as hard as hecan.
Her paw was curledinwards, offering him support and sheltering his body behind the metal of herleg.
“Fine, I won’t puthim in a prison pod, but he’ll be locked in his bunk.” Allura said sharply.
all of the ones for this ship are from the Unbalance series
“Keith?” Shiro looksconcerned, for him, and that’s-
I am actually still trying to work on that
“I knew that . . . sort of; she wasn’t alwaysvery . . . happy with him.” 
a couple pieces are just so close to ready to post, too. . .
“Kuro,” Shiro began,the name feeling oddly comfortable on his lips, though he still twitched to seeKuro, to see an almost-me, turntowards him with a familiar movement, strange golden eyes gleaming, “I... May Ispeak with you?”
there’s also this one frigging Klance piece from 80s Voltron
Keith let the doorsslide closed behind him.
Holy cow how many sentences even was that oh lord I have so many WIPs *mad laughter* 56 holy fuck. So. That’s not even all the WIPs I’ve worked on lately there were a handful that didn’t have him in them. . . (Including some femmeslash. :P)
So hey! Send me a word and I’ll share a line from my WIPs!
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vesperlionheart · 8 years
Under the Rabbit’s Moon 2
Part 1
Her next unsolicited invader wasn’t another Senju boy, but surprisingly it was one of the Uchiha’s brood. Not nearly as young as Kawarama, the older Uchiha child was able to see through her first genjutsu with no problem, and even managed to dismantle her second layer of illusion. Sakura held herself back from the third layer, watching to see if he would catch it.
He didn’t, and it was with much snickering that Sakura helped herself to the snoring child who looked pretty enough to put on a coin.
“Careful, Sakura sama, at this rate you’re going to want your own if you keep collecting little boys from the bushes,” one of the sentry nin volunteers teased her.
“Why would I want that when they just seem to grow on trees? I can pick them off whenever I want.” Sakura cradled the child in her arms, noting his weight was greater than Kawarama’s and his body was more developed. He looked so much like Sasuke when he was that age.
Sakura couldn’t help it. She didn’t want to let this one go.
There was a stream that fed into her camp from the mountains, and along the way there was a pleasant sort of bend that Sakura liked to visit when she needed to leave her settlement behind and pretend she didn’t hid herself in layers of genjutsu just to be safe while she waited to find some direction in life.
It was at this same river bend that Sakura sat down to figure out exactly how many years it had been sine she ripped open the moon goddess’s chrysalis and cheated death. That had been three years and eight months ago, making her older than she first figured.
It was also at this same river bend that Sakura felt safe enough to stretch her limits and find how far she could take the stolen power before it snapped back on her like a rubber band.
There was a well of new potential in her, but Sakura still had the same limits of chakra. Many of the things she now had the ability to do, were beyond her practical control because they used too much chakra. She had so little to spare in comparison to people like Naruto or Sasuke. Yeah, her control was perfect, but her potential was limited.
Sakura found her favorite spot and set Izuna down against a tree’s trunk. He mumbled something in his sleep that sounded like his brother’s name and it was cute enough to make her giggle. He really did remind her of Sasuke and she wondered if it was a unique Uchiha trait for younger brothers to worship their elder brothers.
 Just like Sasuke.
Discarding her sandals and hiking up her simple cloth kimono Sakura waded into the water. It lapped at her knees and she could almost touch it with her fingertips without bending down. It was cool on her skin.
In the quiet Sakura pooled chakra into her eyes and looked down at herself in the water. Her reflection was warped as she looked through what she thought were seven different layers of colored glass. The world was a mess and she blinked, tearing up and staggering before her vision focused. She felt herself emptying as she struggled to maintain the mutation of two Rinnegan. A cold sweat broke out and then sakura felt her limit come up and the swirling purple light fled her eyes in a flash of what felt like knives.
Sakura cursed, wiping her face with shaking hands, once dipped into the waters. Too much, it was too much. She had only maintained the Rinnegan for a maximum of nineteen seconds, and the first few seconds were blurry and unfocused as her physical eyes went through the mutation. Her body wasn’t suited to it. She was living in stolen power, after all.
‘It’s too bad you’re so stupid, but thank god you’re compatible.’
Sakura froze and swore the water shifted into ice around. She turned sharply in the water, searching for the voice, hating how much it sounded like her inner self from so many years ago.
‘Who was that?’ Sakura screamed inside her mind as she turned slowly and looked over her surroundings with a ninja’s eye. The Uchiha boy was still out like a light by the tree, breathing easy. As she turned the surface of the water rippled.
‘It’s been a long time since we’ve talked. Feeling lost?’
Sakura stepped back and looked down at her reflection in the water. She was staring down at herself, but her reflection was a body of black, outlined in white with the familiar markings tattooed across the forehead. Inner cooed and blew a fake kiss.
‘What is this?’ Sakura seethed in mental frustration, falling too easily back into the inner banter she was once so fluid in. She knew how to talk to herself.  ‘What are you doing here?’
‘Keeping you from killing yourself, obviously. You’re going to end up dying an immortal’s death if you keep trying to summon those eyes. You don’t like to try anything small, do you? Really, out of all the stupid eyes you just had to want the hardest.’
‘It grants the user the most power, and it’s the most useful.’
‘Yeah, and you need it? Look around, cupcake, you’re in the boonies living the life of a hermit. What you gonna do? Summon a demon fox to cuddle on lonely nights? You’re pathetic.’
‘You’re insulting yourself.’
‘It’s my job, remember. I’m you. I’m your will. I’m here to make you the best you that you could possibly be. Also, it just hurts to watch you be so stupid.’
Sakura felt her cheeks burn, knowing that she was both right and wrong. ’What did I do that was so stupid, huh?’
‘You can’t use the Rinnegan in your eyes, stupid. They’re not genetically compatible.’
‘I don’t need that. Kaguya gave me this chakra power. I’m like Naruto and Sasuke were. I can just magically-‘
‘Don’t lie to yourself, you’re lying to me. You’re not like either of those two and you know it.’
Sakura staggered back in the water, back until the backs of her legs hit a bank of rocks. She pulled herself up and let her legs dangle in the water. She hated how her reflection followed. She wanted to run away from the water, but she knew she couldn’t. She knew she had to stay and listen to the end.
‘How am I different?’ Sakura asked after a long time, her voice nearly cracking.
‘Heritage. They have the DNA that allows them to adapt those skills. You know this. It may seem like magic, but I know you remember hearing about this back when Naruto and Sasuke fought her.’
‘But I can use it.’
Inner just sent Sakura a look and it was enough to remind Sakura that she was arguing with herself. There was no point in lying. It would not end well.
“What do I do?” she asked out loud, not caring if it was an unnecessary action. She wanted to voice her worry.
‘What do you want? You really want to use the Rinnegan out of all the available abilities? What about the wood controlling? What about that third eye you’re keeping closed up behind your Yin seal? Those would be easier to manage.’
‘I want to do this.’
Sakura truly didn’t know, and that was likely why Inner was asking. ‘I’m not a Hyuga or an Uchiha, those eyes are meant for them, but I feel like I could claim this Rinnegan for myself. It’s not so vividly linked in my memories to the boy who died  for his cousin or the teammate who was killed next to me.’
Inner is silent for a moment before shifting in the water. There are no ripples, she is only a manifestation of illusion from Sakura’s will.
‘The Rinnegan grants the wielder a wide range of abilities without any known chakra requirement to keep the eyes active. Certain abilities are only available to the original owner of the dōjutsu, but possession of even a single transplanted Rinnegan can grant overwhelming power, you just can’t manage it with eyes that aren’t compatible.’
‘You haven’t told me anything new.’
Inner sighed, looking exhausted. ‘You’re going to have to manipulate the genetic foundation of your eyes or cultivate new ones, like, maybe in your hands or something. I’ve seen that done.’
And it was weird because Sakura had never seen that done. Only Deidara of the Akatsuki had an ability where on his palms he had mouths that could mold clay and infuse them with explosives. But Sakura had never seen anyone with eyes on their hands.
‘It’s not one of your memories, but one of Kaguya’s memories,’ Inner explained. ‘It’s also how I know so much more than you.’
Sakura felt the truth of it, but turned her mind away from those moon colored feelings that hid deep inside her. Kaguya had put so much of herself into Sakura. Since waking up, Sakura had done all she could to cut away the woman’s influence and block out as much as she could.
‘What is the memory of?’ Sakura asked after a while.
‘It’s this guy who had eyes on the palms of his hands. He was born with the genetic mutation, but manipulating the base makeup of an eye from nothing is easier than transforming the subpar eyes you already have.’
‘Yeah, that sounds super easy.’
‘You can hold the Rinnegan for nineteen seconds. That can be enough time to make something out of nothing.’
Inner pushed forward into Sakura’s mind and she felt the pressure of a thought puncture her mental identity.  She saw a man she recognized as the sage of six paths forming a world between his hands. It was unsettling and unnerving, but Sakura managed.
’By using his Yang chakra, the essence of physical energy, along with his Yin chakra, the essence of spiritual energy, Hagoromo had the ability to create form from nothingness with a mere thought to bring it to life. Guess who’s already a master of Yin and Yang chakra.’
Sakura felt the pressure on her forehead and for once was confident it was from her seal and not the third eye that slept behind her seal. Yin and Yang chakra…her natural affinities were for earth and water, but under the training of Tsunade she had studied, trained in, and mastered both Yin and Yang chakra, becoming one of the few people alive to do so. Or at least, at the time she had been. In this odd day and age Sakura didn’t know who could do what. She was so out of it.
‘Let me think.’
Sakura pulled her legs up under her and sat in a lotus position, not caring it it was improper as long as she wore a kimono. The Uchiha boy was dead asleep behind her and she was alone. Her brain was a vice of memory and she drowned in it, mixing theory with recall.
“Creation Rebirth,” she said out loud after a long while.
Tsunade’s legendary jutsu would create the conditions so that the body’s cell division is forcibly stimulated by proteins, reconstructing all organs and all tissues making up the human body. However, when combined with the Creation of All Things Technique, she could stimulate growth from a single cell in both palms.
In addition to that, the Creation of All Things Technique would eliminate the only known downside to creation rebirth. She wouldn’t have to fear splitting her own cells so often because she could generate new ones, effectively rendering her-
Sakura startled, not used to the sound of another human. She turned quickly, sliding backwards on the rocks and into the water on a startled shout. Even though it wasn’t deep, Sakura’s standing was shaky and she felt her ankles twist and lift in the riverbed, sending the rest of her into the water with a cry of complaint.
“Are you okay?”
Sakura looked up at the concerned face of a Sasuke Uchiha look alike and nearly whimpered. She felt her face flush and she almost reached up to hide her blazing cheeks before remembering that this wasn’t Sasuke and she wasn’t the little girl who once was so head over heels for the loner Uchiha. Also, she was the adult and he was the child. Who cares if she slipped a little?
“I-I’m okay. I just was startled. I heard you wake up after so much quiet.”
Sakura grabbed the edge of the rock outcropping and started to pull herself up. Her kimono clung to her in weighted chunks. She didn’t doubt she looked miserable.
“I am sorry. I do not recall falling asleep in this area.” He looked away from her to take another glance about his surroundings.
“Yeah, I almost didn’t see you when I came by this way. Sorry, did I wake you?” Sakura lied.
She didn’t look too out of place. She could pass as a simple town girl doing chores. One good thing about the misogyny in the old ages was no one suspected women of much. He wouldn’t think much of her.
“No.” He blinked, looking her over once more. “Who are you? I’ve never seen you before.”
Sakura huffed and fisted her hands over her hips. “Wow, you’re rude. I’m the one who lives in this area, little boy. You’re the one I’ve never seen around here. This here is my favorite creek. I do plenty of my chores here and I’ve never noticed a kid before. What’s your name anyway?”
The Uchiha puffed up and seemed to hold himself with dignity as he stared down at her from the ledge. “I’m an Uchiha, woman. I am the noble son of the main family, Uchiha Izuna. Who are you?”
“Sakura.” She smiled and spoke so innocently. “You’re pretty young to be out by yourself. Your mom or dad around? Maybe an older brother or something?”
Izuna flushed. “I’m old enough to fight. I’m a ninja in my father’s company. Don’t treat me like a child.”
“You are a child.” Sakura folded her arms in front of her chest and kept smiling, enjoying the way Sasuke Lookalike Izuna Uchiha flustered at her tone and words. He seemed to not hear them often from members outside the clan.
“Stop it,” he actually whined. “I’m not a child, don’t treat me like one.”
It was enough to actually make her laugh. “Sorry, sorry. I didn’t mean to make you angry. I’m not good with avoiding hurt feelings when it comes to people I just met. I have a bad habit, they tell me. But, what are you even doing out here. You seem like too big a deal for a watering hole like this.”
“I thought you said this was a creek.”
Sakura felt her brow quirk in agitation. “Uh, same thing.”
“No, they’re not.”
“Whatever. What are you doing here? It doesn’t change the nature of my question.”
Izuna crossed his arms over his chest and looked away. “I can’t tell you. It’s top secret.”
“You’re lost, aren’t you?”
His face turned a deadly shade of pink. “No! I was looking for someone.”
“No one else lives out her, kid. If you need help finding your way you don’t have to be embarassed.” Sakura waved her hand in front of her face, grinning in spite of her resolve to keep up the act. It was too much fun teasing the boy.
“I told you I was looking for someone, I’m not lost, and I know I was close because I fell asleep for no reason.”
Sakura stared blankly and let the silence between them grow awkward. Izuna whimpered, face heating further until it became too much and he cried out in embarrassment, turning on his heel and running off into the trees.    
Sakura watched until he was no longer visible and then chuckled out loud. “Wow, he is too cute. Someone better watch out or else the women will run all over themselves for him one day.”  
It was a month before she saw any more children, and the child that came to her hedge was Tobirama. She didn’t go out to greet him, but let her genjutsu work on it’s own. Unlike the others, Tobirama knew better than to underestimate her simple terrain and stay sensitive. He sensed her genjutsu, tried to dispel it, but only found another layer, and then another layer, until his doubt was a layer all on it’s own.
He stopped before he could fall asleep, turned, and left on his own.
Sakura wouldn’t admit to being disappointed, but the way the others in her sanctuary teased her meant she hadn’t needed to admit to anything.
One of the nursing mothers teased Sakura over the wash with a knowing smile. “Don’t worry. Miko’s boy will be just as captivating when he’s born. You can stalk him then.”
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pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
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@chidoricry whispered: Cue little! Sasuke playing with Bella's hair. It's so soft and silky!
{ ♪ } -- Giving a surprised little hum, she watched the child loop his fingers through her curls. Some people would have gotten upset with most anyone toying with their hair, but she simply smiled and let him do what he would. As long as he didn't tug or try to pull it out, it would be fine.
"Do you like the color, love? Or how it feels?"
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Textures were important for littles, after all.
0 notes
pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
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@foxcurse whispered: 😳
MEME // Send 😳 if your muse thinks mine is pretty
{ ♪ } -- She chewed her lip, feeling her face warm. What was with this, all of a sudden? Still, Bella gave a sheepish little smile and giggled nervously.
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"Thank you! You're handsome, yourself!"
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pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
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@foxcurse whispered: 𝐒𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐇   𝐎𝐑   𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐒 ?
{ ♪ } -- Humming softly, she tilted her head from one side to the other. Her arms crossed over her chest, weight shifted to one hip and she chewed on her lip.
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"Based mostly on looks since we haven't conversed enough for me to really know your personality... I'd probably say smash! You're cute, and you seem sweet enough."
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pluviacuratio-a · 2 years
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@siixpaths whispered: “Know pain.”
{ ♪ } -- She looked at him a moment. Looked away. Looked back at him.
"Honestly, I'm good. After all, my whole schtick is, like, diminishing pain... Y'know?"
Bella smiled wide. Leaning forward a bit, her gaze focused on him again and her head tilted to one side.
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"If you're experiencing some issues, I'd be happy to give you a little check up~!"
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pluviacuratio-a · 2 years
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@chidoricry whispered: "Pretty lady!" The three-year-old points a stubby finger at the medical ninja.
{ ♪ } -- The redhead stopped, blinking at the child in quiet surprise before erupting in a brilliant smile. Her cheeks flushed and she leaned down a bit to be closer to eye level with them.
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"Well, thank you, sweetheart! I think you're pretty lovely yourself!"
0 notes
pluviacuratio-a · 2 years
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@chidoricry whispered: “Are you always this annoying.” (I am sorry about him)
{ ♪ } -- "Only to people who make being angry or otherwise unfeeling their entire personality."
She smiled wide, shrugging her shoulders.
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"I'm not sorry if you find me annoying, I've no intention of changing the large majority of my personality."
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pluviacuratio-a · 2 years
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@bestfriendsclub​ whispered:  [ PLAY ] for one muse to play with / brush / braid the other’s hair //Uhh let Li braid Bella's hair? :' )
{ ♪ } -- The medical ninja honestly adored having her hair toyed with. The feeling of fingers or even a brush running through the curly red locks was heavenly to her, and she loved it when someone she trusted enough offered to do it. Li was a newer face, sure, but she found him easy to talk to and easy to trust. Her eyes fluttered closed as she let him tame her wild hair. 
     “If it’s too hard to manage, it’s okay. It can tangle easily, and the curls hardly behave for anyone...”
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   She’d managed to learn how to tame it and make it look good, but that took a lot of effort and lessons from family members who shared her hair texture. Even still, she loved it when others wanted to do her hair.
     “Your hair always looks so good, so I was pretty excited when you said you wanted to braid mine! Do you do anything special to make it so shiny?”
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pluviacuratio-a · 2 years
Verse drop pt 1: Naruto Verse!
► She killed it with kisses and from it she fled (Naruto)
A student of Tsunade (pending approval from any Tsunade rpers I interact with ofc and does not have to be followed) Arabella Cesario is training to be a medical ninja. She specializes in antivenoms and cures for various poisons, though has a good understanding of general medicine as well. Chakra depletion is another thing she works particularly well with. 
Living in Konoha, she strives to improve herself as much as possible. Despite not being fond of it, she is capable of fighting. She has passed the jonin exams, but it was rough for her. She is still very pacifistic, not wanting to put anyone in danger. 
She spends her days when she isn’t working at the hospital treating various patients out in the city. She also enjoys the nightlife of Konoha and finding new restaurants to enjoy. Though, Ichiraku is a particular favorite of hers.
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pluviacuratio-a · 2 years
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@foxcurse​ whispered:  💙
💙 …for a first greeting
{ ♪ } -- The kunoichi had been out and about that morning, deciding to stop and get a bowl of ramen for an early lunch. Though, she hadn’t anticipated seeing the familiar blonde sitting at the counter. They’d passed each other before, of course, but she’d never actually introduced herself to him. It seemed he’d noticed, because he leaped up from his seat and pressed a kiss to her cheek.
   Her face flushed red and she squeaked in surprise. Shaking her head, she gently shoved at his chest and squeezed her eyes shut. 
     “I-! You can’t just-! I mean!”
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   Her mother would often greet others with a kiss, but not when they weren’t entirely familiar with one another! 
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pluviacuratio-a · 2 years
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@bestninjaclub​ whispered:  ‘ come on! split this with me. ’ //uhhh from Rock Li? :’)
{ ♪ } -- She blinked, feeling a warmth rise to her face. He likely offered because he caught her staring at the lunch box with wide eyes. The redhead tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and smiled sheepishly. 
     “I couldn’t, it almost looks too good to eat!”
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   The way her voice wavered clearly gave away the fact that she wanted nothing more than to indulge and try the delights, but she had to be polite! Bella wasn’t particularly familiar with Li, other than having heard rumors of his feats and seeing him here and there on occasion. 
     “You’re... Li, right? I don’t think we’ve ever been properly introduced.”
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