konohagakurekakashi · 3 months
“I’m itching to kill you.”
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My, my...you always have such warm sentiments for your old sensei, Sasuke-kun. If you keep this up, people might start to think that you're serious.
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irukasenseii · 9 days
send me a ✧ and i’ll bold all that apply to your muse.
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I would kill you. ✧ I would physically hurt you. ✧ I would attack you unprovoked. ✧ I would manipulate you. ✧ I dislike you. ✧ You annoy me. ✧ You scare me. ✧ You intimidate me. ✧ I hope I intimidate you. ✧ I pity you. ✧ You disgust me. ✧ I hate you. ✧ I’m indifferent toward you. ✧ I’d like to get to know you better. ✧   I’d like to spend more time with you. ✧ I’d like to be friends with you. ✧  I’m unsure what to think of you. ✧ I’m unsure how I feel about you. ✧ You are my friend. ✧ You are my best friend. ✧ You are my mentor. ✧ I look up to you. ✧ I respect you. ✧ You are my hero. ✧ You inspire me. ✧ You are my enemy. ✧ You make me happy. ✧ I want to protect you. ✧ I would fight by your side. ✧ I consider you an equal. ✧ I think you are beneath me. ✧ I think you are above me. ✧ I would lie for you. ✧ I would lie to you. ✧ I would sleep with you. ✧ I would sleep by your side. ✧ I would hug you. ✧ I would kiss you. ✧ You are family to me. ✧ I would die for you. ✧ I would kill for you. ✧ I would trust you with my life. ✧ I would trust you with my most precious belonging. ✧ I would trust you with a secret. ✧ I would trust you with my biggest / darkest secret. ✧ I love you (platonically). ✧ I love you (romantically).
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kiigan · 4 months
@chidoricry It’s early in the morning. The Main house in the Uchiha clan is not quite set to wake. Unless one counts the pitter patter of little feet making their way down the wooden flooring to a certain Crow’s room. The door is flung open and a small frame is launched at Itachi. “Niiii-saaaan!” The Uchiha squishling crashes into Itachi and he wraps his arms around the much taller one’s back (He is still quite short). “Happy birthday Itachi-Nii-San!” Little Sasuke pulls back and hands the elder a poorly wrapped present with far too much tape holding it together. Yes, the present is wrapped in dinosaur themed wrapping paper. In it he’d find a crow plushie.
ㅤContaining his smile is a challenge that Itachi does not bother himself with just yet; keen sense of hearing having caught the little pap pap pap of tiny bare feet from practically the other end of the house, before it reaches right outside his room. And then the door is nearly plucked off place by Sasuke's enthusiasm, and he does his very best to appear surprised and taken aback - even offering a very convincing gasp as the child clings to his back.
«...Sasuke! Why are you up so early!»
ㅤTo deliver the most adorable gift, that's what it is. Finally unleashing the smile from before, Itachi undoes the wrapping as carefully as possible, because the cute dino paper will be saved and treasured as well - which, yes, implies spending a couple extra minutes going through an amount of tape enough to stick this same Sasuke to a tree upside down. It only adds to the charm of it all. With the plushie finally in hands, he coos and brings his little brother into a very snuggly hug.
«I love it, thank you! What should we name it?»
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sandzephyr · 1 month
Temari gets a head pat from little! Sasuke.
"You have cool hair!"
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bakeryisms · 3 months
“I hate sweets.”
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“That’s definitely alright! We have a lot of savory foods as well, we don’t just have sweets here! We also have breads and other non sweet things!”
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kyuusou · 3 months
Just stares at Hinata. Why is she so strange?
Hinata is staring back at Sasuke without blinking. Did he lose his tongue or what? If he isn't going to say anything, why should she say anything? Is this going to be a staring competition? If so, Sasuke was going to lose. 
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desertgourd · 3 months
“I have long since closed my eyes. My only goal remains in the darkness.”
The entirety of Konoha and half its allies had rallied to prevent one man from descending into this very darkness, to no avail. Nothing more could be done. Gaara had perched on this ledge before; he had nearly lost himself to it. The support from his family and those who would come to be his friends was invaluable, but it was he who had taken the first step.
"Whether or not they remain closed is up to you. You may not see it now, but you will always have a choice."
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pretiumus · 3 months
Question. Do you think sasuke in his Fairy tail verse could take jellal in a duel? Assuming he has access to his lightning, fire and blaze release magic?
To be frank, absolutely not.
The short answer is -- if Sasuke wants a chance at fighting Jellal he'd have to resort to either Curse Seal, Mangekyo Sharingan, or both.
Fire God Slayer (Blaze Release in context) is powerful, but so is Heavenly Body. Jellal only got more powerful in time and, his loss during Tower of Heaven was a hubris loss: lost because he was too confident and underestimated his opponents. As both he and Sasuke are now relatively cool-headed, it's up to actual skill as to who wins. And since Jellal has an all-around strategy and has been proven to be one of the strongest characters in the verse (aside from being Mashima's favorite character) without naming the several feats he has -- with just Fire, Lightning and Blaze, Sasuke will be made short work.
I'll up the argument and claim that even with standard Mangekyo Sharingan, this is still not an even fight. This is backed by the fact that Jellal has been subject to Illusions taking over him before and, ultimately triumphed those as well. Sasuke is fast and can read an opponent's movements before they happen, but Jellal's natural speed is actually kind of broken; in a way that Sasuke wouldn't be able to react to. I'm thinking that for this fight to be fair, Sasuke is required at the very least, to use Susanoo; if not outright use the Rinnegan. Then, they can just like. Have fun throwing meteors at each other, I guess.
This is even if we put them at their standalone strengths by the end of their respective series (Sasuke by the end of Naruto Shippuuden vs. Jellal by the end of Fairy Tail), where Sasuke essentially becomes a demigod.
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variantia · 4 months
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@chidoricry said : (Chara) “That man took everything from me. Why shouldn’t I do the same?” / CHARA.
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“ Did someone say you should not ? Because I think you SHOULD. ”
There’s no way it’s good for a child to be this enthusiastic about revenge, is there ?
But the permanent smile on their face doesn’t waver an inch. The anger born of memory in their own eyes shines brightly, as if stoking the fire of someone else’s vengeance is a grand excitement for them.
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“ Take everything. Burn his life to the ground. If he made you suffer, MAKE HIM SUFFER TEN TIMES WORSE. ”
Their little fists ball up at their sides, sharp teeth in their voice. “ The world will not be fair until you do, will it ? ”
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redlineoffate · 6 months
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@kitxkatrp @chidoricry @ironleonine @trxgicfairytxle
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cursedfortune · 6 months
Could you see Mortem taking on an apprentice?
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Mortem has had apprentices before, though rarely to learn what it is she does. She can and will teach others what they need to know about, well, just about anything they need to know. If she is uninformed about something, the witch knows how to get the context needed to teach another.
She is a kingmaker and has mentored nobles that would replace their parents - or seek out unions to new territories. Mortem has had a hand in raising such individuals from a young age, strictly as a mentor. Though that didn't stop her from being practically their stand in parent with the amount of dedication she often puts into her work.
She also has mentored adults, since there's no limit on being taught something. If there's a mortal that's suitable to play a particular role, she'll mentor them. If there is someone who has potential and seeks her out to learn from her, she will mentor them. The time in which she dedicates to such ranges depending on what another seeks or what the duty laid before her is.
Mortem is an excellent mentor and advisor - especially if she is there as a willing participant and not subjugated to a forced arrangement that may lead to some... unpleasant outcomes eventually. She is observant of the needs of those apprenticing under her, factors in their wants and goals - anything from physical to mental health she'll watch over. For an apprentice means you are her charge to look after to a large degree.
Leaving Mortem's apprenticeship will often give you an advantage in the world because what she has to teach goes beyond combat and magic - basic survival, tricks to keep sane are, enjoying the mundane are all important lessons one must learn to endure the world.
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kiigan · 1 month
@chidoricry Angry little Sasuke noises intensify!
ㅤAh, perfect timing - not because he ever enjoyed seeing his little brother in distress, of course, but because he could already tell the motive for Sasuke's crying and it was finally time to put his newly gained knowledge to good use. Newly gained knowledge being the pile of books about child development that was currently occupying the entire kitchen table, but Itachi would get to tidying up later; their parents would only return well into the evening, anyway. Hopping off the chair, he quickly made his way to the bedroom and peered inside the crib, wasting no time to carefully pick up the flailing baby.
«Shhhh, it's all right... let me take care of it.»
ㅤEasy for him to say, Itachi supposed. According to the books, feeling uncomfortable and grumpy while teething was not uncommon at all for babies at this age, but he was determined to help. Which was, exactly, why he'd used his allowance money that he'd been saving for a few weeks to buy a teething ring. A mint green one with tiny dinosaur patterns, nothing fancy or out of the ordinary but, hopefully, it would serve its purpose. Bringing Sasuke over to the mat nearby, he sat down and snuggled the baby into the crease of his neck - starting to place little kisses over his brother's head while gently nudging at his mouth with the ring.
«Try it, Sasuke. The books said this should help.»
ㅤIt better! Because, if it didn't, then the authors of all those books would be getting a strong-worded letter from a five year old, including a threat for suing for false advertising and inaccurate scientific facts. Nobody played with this little brother's well-being.
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biisutoarm · 8 months
ooc:Imagine Elfman and Colonel Armstrong from Fullmetal Alchemist flexing their muscles together.
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Honestly we got a good idea of what would have happened in all versions of the show. There's Sig to display what happens lol
I crave that interaction.
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kinslain · 1 year
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@chidoricry asked:
Sasuke proceeds to drag his brother by the ear. “You’re coming home for your birthday. Oka-san is expecting you.”
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Amidst the rush of gathering last-minute supplies for his party and reconnecting with familiar faces from school, Itachi had lost track of time. Although his mother had urged him to be quick, he finds himself seated on a stool, bewitched by a plate of dango. A birthday treat from one of his aforementioned school friends. It would be impolite to refuse, he reasons, mouth watering in anticipation.
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“Itadakima-ouch!” A sudden jolt disrupts his reverie, drawing Itachi’s gaze to the disgruntled expression worn by his little brother. For a fleeting, yearning moment, his gaze flits back to the dango, only for his attention to be redirected as tiny fingers clamp down. “Ouch, ouch, ouch!” Before he can devise a plan of action, Sasuke tugs, and Itachi, knowing resistance could cost him dearly, acquiesces by sliding silently off the stool. “You can let go now.” The pleading falls on deaf ears and Sasuke, holding his ear hostage, continues his march of shame through the Uchiha compound. Walking while hunched is an awkward affair, so Itachi wraps a hand around a small wrist and stops, compelling his brother to pause mid-stride.
Lowering himself to a crouch, Itachi places both palms on Sasuke’s round cheeks and smiles at the distorted expression that greets him in return. “Thank you for collecting me.” Then, effortlessly, he hoists his brother up and onto a hip. His ear burns and continues to do so as Sasuke refuses to let go of it: at least until he has safely escorted his charge to his intended destination. Which is fine. At least Itachi can walk properly now. 
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gerudospiriit · 9 months
Cue Sasuke bursting slicing through the wall with his overly sharp chokuto, ready to do battle with ganondorf.
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She stared. " ............Your evil king is in a different castle. "
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irukasenseii · 10 months
“This village is garbage.”
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"I guess...it's a matter of perspective..." He remembered feeling the same way when he was younger, after his parents died and he had no one left. "I'm sure there are some hidden gems you can find here that makes it a little more bearable."
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