#◈ — ic; soma
chromatophorium · 4 months
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This is an entirely self-indulgent SOMA/Splatoon crossover, haha. (a reworked au, as those who have seen certain other posts of mine may know)
So, helmet/head is a Octocopter helmet. Arms are the hoses of Octotroopers. Legs are the ones of a Octopod. And the internals of the torso is a Octoling Soldier's inktank.
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tsukastims · 3 months
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👑🐾﹔ Agere & petre Prince Soma themed stimboard !
Contains blue and agere, petre and purple related stims !
Requested by ﹔ @d34d-ch4nn !
Request status ﹔closed !
|| 👑 🐾 👑 // 🐾 × 👑 // 🐾 👑 🐾 ||
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icecreampizzer · 1 year
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all three of my sonas dressed up as some of my favorite albums from some of my favorite artists! Had this idea for a while but I've only finalized one of my sonas very recently. This was really fun to work on!
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icedtoastt · 1 month
Hi. First time making text posts. Enjoy some marutoku textposts one part 1
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[ 1, 2, 3 ]
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deathfavor · 3 months
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Like the previous years, this is going under the read more or its the only thing that would be on anyone's dash ( and really, what else could you want to read?? ) but these two are eternally precious and deserve all the spotlight
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@yeonban​​ said: One more year has passed, perhaps the hardest in Hi no Moto's history and certainly one neither of them had quite expected to survive, yet the rays of a new dawn shine on them and against all odds signal a second birthday they can spend together. Whereas only one year ago Soma had obliviously commemorated Seiroku's birthday while completely unaware of his true identity, he is now consciously celebrating the day regardless of the bloody trail it has left on the bushi world at large. Although his existence may have heralded doom and tragedy for the majority of the bushi; for Soma, and for the Date as well, Seiroku has been nothing short of a blessing.
A low hum leaves Soma at the thought, little consideration spared for his unfortunate childhood friends, and crimson eyes glance down at the sleeping figure in his arms when it begins to stir awake, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth as he leans down to kiss the top of Seiroku's head in greeting. ❛ Good morning, ❜ Rather than give him space though, the red soul adjusts his position to gently press his forehead against Seiroku's, taking advantage of his sleepiness to burn this memory into his brain with each of its minuscule details. But even so, no matter how many times he's already had the opportunity to admire his beloved's beauty and no matter how perfect his memory might be; the sight in front of him always finds a way to portray Seiroku as even more beautiful than he can remember; a quite a commendable feat indeed when the one in front of him isn't even trying in this half-awake state.
❛ Slept well? ❜ The words are whispered softly enough to not irritate Seiroku's ears first thing in the morning, and Soma waits patiently, fondly staring at the yellow soul throughout his waking process before giving him a proper kiss. ❛ Any plans for today? ❜ Unlike last year, there is nothing urgent or monumental to attend to this time around, as had been the band-wide birthday cheer back then. Or at least, so should Seiroku be led to think. ❛ If not, do you want to come with me? There's something I haven't had the chance to show you yet. ❜ A carefully picked set of words, ones that don't imply a birthday gift, even though the surprises in question were very much prepared with this exact day in mind.
Once they leave the warmth of the futon and start preparing for the day ahead, Soma begins to linger near Seiroku, waiting for him to reach for his clothes and realize that atop his usual garments lies a brand new outfit, made out of Hi no Moto's finest materials and bearing a striking resemblance to the belt Soma had gifted him long ago. The outfit and its patterns are also in white and black, as the belt had been and as the yellow soul's wardrobe typically tends to be, but with tasteful bits of real gold sewn in here and there as well, meant to prove Seiroku's newfound prestige as a soon-to-be member of royalty. To harmonize with the gold, dozens of different accessories made of pure gold lay above the outfit too, from hairpins, to necklaces, bracelets, anklets and even face veils, for the other to choose from at his heart's content.
❛ Happy birthday, Seiroku. May you continue to have happiness for a long time, ❜ Soma states when he notices his love has laid eyes on the (first) gifts, the smile from before once again finding its way on his face as the general decides to re-enact what he'd done the year prior by stepping closer and reaching for Seiroku's hand in order to kiss it, reverence shown in how he carefully kisses each knuckle before settling on the back of his hand. If seen from any other person's perspective, it might well appear as though Seiroku is the royal between the two of them, and Soma the one vying for his affection. ❛ I love you. ❜ And it would seem the truth isn't too far off if the rare words he spews, alongside the admiring glint in Soma's eyes when he looks up, are of any indication.
Once they are both ready to leave, Soma unexpectedly offers his hand out for Seiroku to hold, much unlike in their previous year together and despite the potential to be perceived by other members of the band, and begins to calmly steer them towards the castle's main hall. There isn't anything out of the ordinary in his subsequent actions, except for when he brings the both of them to a halt next to the series of immense portraits made in his family's likeness and depicting every noteworthy member of the Date (be they past captains or otherwise considered valuable additions to the band thanks to their accomplishments), with the current captain having been the most recent addition... until not long ago. Right next to Soma's portrait now lies a recently painted portrait of Seiroku in the very clothes he was gifted earlier, the portrait's gold frame subtly tied to Soma's own. ❛ Not bad, right? ❜ Soma utters, looking up towards the painting as though Seiroku's presence on that wall is a given. ❛ I'd say the royal painter got everything right this time around. ❜
But it isn't long before Soma decides to continue their walk after only giving Seiroku enough time to take the portrait in, and proceeds to bring them to a part of the castle which had generally hosted industrial buildings... only for there to no longer be any in sight in that corner of the band. Instead, as perhaps one of Soma's most daring endeavors yet, lies a large, man-made swimming pond implemented specifically for Seiroku's leisure. It had been a test of both Soma's patience and the Date's technology, but at last they have managed to create something similar to a smaller artificial lake within the flying castle's grounds, thus sparing Seiroku from either having to postpone his visits to bodies of water, or being forced to leave the castle each time he wished to be near one. ❛ What do you think? I figured it'd be easier for you to relax if we didn't have to be floating around bodies of water for you to be able to take a swim. No fish to pester you here either, unless you want to add some. ❜
Soma glances up towards the sky after a while, and after the novelty wears off he gently pulls Seiroku in the direction of the plateau where their yearly bushi festival takes place; with their presence signaling the start of a fireworks show taking to the sky, alongside the bustle of the band members' loud birthday wishes for Seiroku. Soma squeezes Seiroku's hand then, and it isn't long until the rest of the members let the birthday man in on the secret they all already know. Namely, Seiroku's birthday is no longer to be considered simply a birthday anymore, but it has been officially decreed as a festival for the Date to celebrate for the rest of their history as a band, which becomes evident in the amount of people gathering for the festivities instead of working; and in the stalls scattered throughout the area. And unlike during the last year cheer, the Date members have positioned themselves evenly on two sides of the road, with a path left in between them for Soma and Seiroku to tread on, which blatantly leads up to the entrance of a building mainly used for ceremonies, where those willing have placed their own gifts for Seiroku. Though they may vary from silk clothes, to medical equipment, to homemade meals and so forth thanks to the difference in everyone's respective assets, what is clear is that everyone who has contributed to the pile, has done so from the heart.
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Slowly sleep uncurls its grasp on the slumbering doctor, though it's never a particularly quick process. Certainly not when Soma is still with him and the body heat has him yearning to melt into it and never move again. ( Well, till he inevitable got restless. ) He gives a half-awake hum in response. " Good morning. " He replies, voice soft and a bit slurred with the part of sleep that still clings on. He smiles at the kiss though, and a soft little laugh, sweet and delicate as a small stream leaves him when he feels Soma's forehead against his. He presses back just a fraction, just to show that he is paying attention, that he's aware and the gesture is reciprocated in kind.
He's safe, and he's loved, so he can indulge in this peace he's craved at the root of his soul for so long. Soma seems entranced and Seiroku lifts his hand, fingers gently brushing over his jawline. " You're so handsome. " He murmurs, and he's said it before but he'll never stop saying it. He's always entranced by the other. It makes his chest tighten to think he once thought he'd never get this ever again. Once he would have accepted a sword through his chest and called it love even then. What more can you give to someone than your dying moments, to greet death not with defeat or hatred but a bleeding heart full of love and wishing them nothing but the best? You are my ending, even in violence. But he gets this and it is so much BETTER than what he had once expected.
" I always sleep well when you're here. " Seiroku nuzzles against Soma, tucking his lithe frame against the much broader one to indulge in just a few seconds longer. He grins into their kiss, blue eyes bright and alert to signal he's truly awake. " Mmm...Nothing in particular. " Seiroku answers with a small shrug. Maybe something with the medical team later, enjoy the day off the team had insisted he'd take. Chima had seemed particularly insistent. It might not be anything as big as last year, but Seiroku didn't need that. Never asked or demanded anything. The fact Soma was lazing about with him some was a gift in of itself. Curiosity grows in his chest at Soma's words, intrigued and invested in whatever it might be. " Sure. I'd love to. " He agrees easily, and decides that is enough motivation to encourage him to get up and playfully tug Soma up with him. Mostly only achieved when the red soul goes along with it.
His hair is always the first thing he fixes, brushing out glossy locks and pulling it back into his signature ponytail. It's only then he reaches to go for his usual outfit and STOPS when he sees that there's something new there. Many new things, actually. His fingers linger over the fabric, eyes drifting over the accessories with a smile. The style similarities certainly aren't missed by him and he knows better than to think it was an accident. If it hadn't been for the timeline, he might have otherwise believed it to be an especially long plan. He doesn't really need all this, but he's learned gift-giving seems to be a major love language and he's not inclined to comment otherwise when such care and effort has been made for him.
" You spoil me. " Affection lays heavy in his voice as he smiles and turns to Soma, a gentle shade of pink painting his fair features. " Thank you for this. " He says, voice a soft musical note. He instantly recognizes what Soma is doing, the memory unfurling warm and sweet in his mind as he watches Soma do it again with the same look of awed wonderment. This is his. This isn't a dream. This is his. His eyes widen a fraction at the words; he knows they are true in the depths of his heart even without them being spoken aloud. But it is a joy to hear them every time, rich and sweet. He bows his head with an almost shy giggle as he stands up, up, up onto his tippy toes to properly kiss Soma again. " I love you too. Every piece of my soul. "
It takes a moment to part and get dressed - his hesitation lingering on all the accessories he has to choose from. One of the golden face veils is a given, a bracelet, a hair piece- but his eyes linger on the necklaces for a long time. His scars still linger, when it had bene silver not gold that rested there. A collar of obedience and control, inflicting pain for the stubbornness of another. A reminder that he was a dog on a leash. The scars itch at the thought. There is no demand he wear this - there's far too many accessories for him to even wear all at once. But he wants to do this. Maybe no one else will understand the meaning or weight of it, but Seiroku will. He's not forced to stay, this is his choice. What is love if not a wild animal willingly trusting another? He picks up the lightest looking necklace and hesitates a second before he puts it on... And the itching stops. His scars are soothed under the cool metal and it isn't heavy like silver. He barely feels it and it feels like one more arrow in his side that he's pulled out. He looks at the mirror one more time to ensure he's satisfied before he turns to Soma.
The extended hand is a surprise - one he gladly takes and laces their fingers together. He doesn't know what's changed, he doesn't mind. He's content to follow after Soma as they walk together till they stop alongside the portraits. He remembers the awe the first time he'd seen it all, and he's spent countless hours studying, memorizing, learning. The history of the clan was as important as the future ; something to be valued and respected. He doesn't expect to see his own face. The days of Seiroku having been someone important in the world had died the day the oni and demon metal had arrived. From the very top into the pit of despair. He stares at his portrait in open shock, every paint stroke perfect and flawless. He looks....beautiful. Of course Seiroku knows he's attractive, but that's different. This is beautiful in the way nature is, in something that is felt. And to think he's on the wall with everyone else that's so important. He wants to ask is this how you see me? but swallows instead. " Not bad? I think the painter deserves a little more credit. " He manages to find his voice with a smile. " It's gorgeous. " He should have known outfits and accessories would never be all from Soma. It's still overwhelming how much he is gifted, and everything no matter how small or big always earns the most genuine thanks - never taken for granted nor greed ever present.
He allows himself to be led again, wondering just what Soma has planned. It's not a part of the castle he recognizes as much. Familiar - but one he's only been to here and there. But the buildings are all gone. Seiroku gasps, the veil doing nothing to his his open-mouthed shock at the glittering light of the pool. " How- You- " Seiroku's rarely caught without a coherent remark, but every though and question stumbles over themselves into nothing particularly coherent. It doesn't matter. His happiness is OBVIOUS, when his bright blue eyes rival the very sun or the most perfect blue diamond. He squeezes Soma's hand with a breathless laugh of admiration and shock. He can't fathom how long this must have taken. He feels like a child again, giddy with joy. " What do I think? " He gives an incredulous noise. " That it's beautiful. And that I am going to be a lot easier to convince to relax and take proper breaks. " He adds with a genuine laugh - he's gotten BETTER but there's still times where he's stubborn. " That is true, it is much easier now. I can't believe you managed this - " He pauses only a fraction of a second before " - actually, i can believe it. " Because it's Soma. He hasn't stopped smiling and his cheeks hurt but it's perfect. No one else is around - so Seiroku tugs Soma down a bit closer to his level and gently lifts the face veil to press another kiss to Soma's lips. " Thank you. We're definitely coming here later. Or tomorrow. " It's a statement he intends to be cemented as fact. He smiles and affectionately bumps their noses together before turning back to soak in the awe of the water a little longer. The joy is still flowing in his veins but it settles, no longer a frantic rapid of emotion but a gentle current weaving through his chest.
Intrigue grows when he sees them heading for the plateau, and then he has his answer. The fireworks catch his eyes for the first few before he lowers his eyes again to greet the birthday congratulations that he answers with a smile. His throat feels tight with emotion and he can feel the tears at the corners of his eyes. Happiness lingers in the air so intense that he can practically taste it like a delicious sugary confection. Everyone had known. Everyone had remembered. There's so many stalls and so many people - and that's what he cares about most. It's not the gifts ( though he treasures them all ) , it's not the fireworks, it's not about it being his day. It's about having so many people around celebrating and enjoying each other's company. THAT'S what is most precious to Seiroku. His free hand lifts to delicately wipe away at the tears in his eyes ( and he spots the medical team with knowing grins on their faces that has him swallow back a laugh. ) " I didn't expect happy tears to be a yearly tradition too. " He whispers to Soma with a trembling laugh - but his voice is rich and warm and happy. It touches his heart to see the heartfelt gifts everyone has given him ; not because of what the gifts ARE so much as what they REPRESENT. Love, acceptance, a place where he finally, finally, belongs. He turns to everyone with a shout of thanks and a beaming smile, his chest so warm and full when everyone cheers that he'd almost fear it would explode. He turns his head just slightly as everything really picks up to try to hide the few more tears that escape, but his smile had never once faltered or faded. No, this is simply perfect.
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desi-anime-memes · 2 years
You gotta Admit these Anime Glow-ups were insane!
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sorrowveined · 21 days
"There's no need for you to remember."
On Arikado's lips, the words he speaks taste like ash. He couldn't say why, exactly, they feel so hollow - after all, he doesn't want Soma to remember, and he really does believe that that's what's for the best. Not just for the world, but for Soma himself, too...
After all, if Soma starts remembering the past, no-one can say what will happen or who he might become. But more so than that, Arikado doesn't wish for Soma to bear that burden. The rage and grief felt by his father, so strong that they drove him to madness and devoured the man Arikado used to know, leaving nothing left... he has no doubt that Soma deserves better than to experience them again. ...Soma is different to Dracula - so it's only natural that Arikado would come to care for him, isn't it? After watching over him for such a long time... that's all it is. He's sure of it. So...
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"You should just live your own life, Soma." Arikado insists, as he always has done, in response to Soma's latest question. It's not the first time they've had this conversation.
"Aren't you satisfied with what you have now?"
@reincarnight ( starter! )
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maurlce · 5 months
" Now, whatever you do, don't get excited ! "
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Folding his arms, absolutely unprepared for whatever idiotic thing Soma was about to present to him, he huffed. " That shouldn't be a problem" he muttered.
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yeonban · 1 year
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❛ ... ❜
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getoutofthisplace · 7 months
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Dear Gus & Magnus,
I've been working from home the last few days as Mom and I continue to regain our strength. We went and voted, then got the sushi Mom has been craving since we got sick. Gus had book character day at school -- he was Calvin (of Calvin & Hobbes fame) -- and then we took him to cash in his aluminum cans. It was his biggest haul yet at $13.30. We celebrated with Loblolly Ice Cream and he graduated himself to a double scoop with a house-made waffle cone -- my order. I was shocked when he ate the whole thing. It was a good day.
Little Rock, Arkansas. 3.1.2024 - 3.37pm.
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austerulous · 2 years
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◈   @warmaiidens​ :   ❛ "Soma!" Evie cried out toward the door, using the heel of her boot to knock against the door. Her arms cradled the child in her arms, she was so small and scared and Evie couldn't find her parents. She was traumatized by the labor she was forced into by the templars, and she hated to think that maybe part of it was her fault as she had to take them out to get to the children. Her jacket was wrapped around the child to keep the rain from soaking her but in turn, Evie was soaked to the bone in her outfit. "If not Soma, anyone, please. I have a child who needs help," ❜
It was the hour of witches, when night was at its deepest pitch.  The moon had been swallowed by a thick veil of clouds, its scant light casting an eerie pallor on the sleeping city.  Rain beat its fists on the high, narrow windows, while the fire burned low in the grate.  Walled in by the dark and the damp, it made for a quiet, contemplative time.
Soma had not expected a guest at this unholy hour, and she was quickly summoned by the commotion, by the desperate cadence of Evie’s familiar voice.  The door was unlatched, opened by urgent degrees, and in came her companion carrying a child.  Any austerity the caretaker might have exuded cracked into an expression of concern.  A girl, small and pale, with hands that had seen terrible hardship, drowsed in the cradle of Evie’s arms.  Dressed in ragged clothes, she was barefoot, dirty toes peeking out from under the frayed hem of her skirt.  At least she was dry, thanks to the sacrifice of her deliverer’s sodden coat.
“Oh, the dear child…” 
Sighing her sorrow, Soma ushered Evie further inside Grantebridge Hall.  Heat leached into the grey walls, so she kept the fires fed through the night.  Upstairs, the orphans slept, blankets stacked on their small bunks, their breath milky and sweet as they slumbered.
“It is quite fortuitous that I have a bed to spare.”  Soma offered a tight smile, pushing back a curl that had escaped her hair clasp.  “Come, Mistress Frye, I will show you the way to the dormitory.  You need not worry about dripping on the floors.”
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xamassed · 1 year
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⟬ @crimsontroupe / anita's birthday 5 • 13 ⟭
"Life, as it is known to you." The question comes abrupt, his tone calm and soothing as it tends to be. Adonia has had his fill of tricking the young woman, of making her go on sweet but small treasure hunts. It would give her something to do, to attune herself to parts long forgotten and buried deep down.
A small flash of green, a crown of flowers so carefully handcrafted. With a smile, Adonia lays it upon Anita's head. His eyes crinkle just a little bit, fondness so clear in his countenance. "Do you enjoy it? Another year on your long journey.
One of many, so small but so meaningful at the same time. Do you have regrets? Flowers can not last forever - unless they are altered by things beyond their nature. Do you think you have bloomed beautifully, marigold?"
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It was strange and sometimes confusing to have two large influences tugging at her wants and behaviors, but she wouldn't have it any other way if she were totally honest with herself.
The world she lived in now encouraged growth and new experiences. She learned to read and write, how to socialize and use devices that had been well beyond her as an animal. She made friends and, in the process, realized that life as a bear had been exceedingly dull.
Adonia helped her to realize that it was perfectly acceptable to miss the monotony of her old life. He helped her embrace that, deep down, she was a child of the forest. She would never truly feel at home amongst concrete and steel, but there was nothing wrong with that. She would do her duties, live her life and return to her den in the mountains because she was free to live how she pleased.
For that, she adored him, openly and without her usual stubbornness.
The energy spent could be felt in that flash, dark hair rustling with a stray breeze before the strands were compressed under the lavish flower crown. Both hands immediately rose to touch and feel, gentle strokes of calloused fingers releasing the scent of flowers from faraway lands.
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"What are you asking about — the flowers or my life?" She was open to him, but that didn't mean she lacked for sass. "I think I love them both."
The glide of her fingers against the flowers grew slower, but she continued to trace the shape of each petal as she gradually processed her feelings and pieced them into words.
"I think I'm always going to have regrets, but it's not like I can do anything about them. It's done, it's over. I gotta move on, right? The forest will mourn fallen trees, but that won't stop it from spreading." In her long three-hundred years, that was likely the most profound thought she had ever had.
A small shrug raised at her shoulders, but there was a content smile on her lips. "I can't say for sure if I bloomed beautifully, but I definitely bloomed. I don't hate it here as much as I used to, anyway. Don't hate the people either. . ."
The air became charged for a moment as she debated with herself. Do it, don't do it — she knew she would have another regret under her belt if she didn't, so she leaped.
Arms open, the onikuma latched onto Adonia. Her face rubbed into his side like a child would their father, arms tight and squeezing while her hands grappled with flowing robes.
"Thank you."
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all-dogs-r-queens · 2 years
Spending a week on Adderall Classic: “Oh fuck why am i going into withdrawal every other night”
First day back on Adderall XR: “aw frig, My Astroglia are on overdrive, my dendrites are connecting to sympathetic reality, Maybe i should have re-titrated, oh FUCK wait im a functional human being”
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icecreampizzer · 1 year
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going on a silly little self-discovery journey right now <- thinking about gender fuckery. Anyways it's a good time to properly introduce all my current sonas!
Beans was created in 2020, and tbh she's the main sona I use to represent myself. Probably the first sona I ever truly connected with (other than myself)
Dr. Soma was made in 2021! She was originally an adopt idea that I got attached with once again.
Ice Cream Pizza is my oldest sona, but this redesign was made a few months ago and it's probably my favorite version of this design!
And Gene (Silly Mode) was made yesterday! Thought about giving myself some of my favorite design tropes. Now I think she's my ideal form.
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sentofight · 1 year
moved x | @aswrittenbydestiny
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"Alright, that does it." another puff of his cigaratte then he glanced back at his sister who notified them that their mission is about to begin. "No rest for the wicked, huh." taking another puff before he tossed it to the side, stepping on it.
"Soma," he called the young God Eater. "Just because you are Johannes's kid does not mean you have to go above and beyond; just do what you can. And, Soma, I have three big orders, listen carefully." at that moment, Tsubaki moved on ahead to be in her position.
"First order, don't die. If you are outnumbered, get the hell out. If you can hide, hide. Oh, and if you managed to catch them off guard, go for it. Hm ... one...two.. oops, are these four orders?"
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deathfavor · 6 months
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Anonymous said: Seiroku, you were prepared for Soma to die since you met him, weren't you? Why are you surprised he died?
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" . . . "
Yes. But no. When Seiroku had first met Soma, it had been with the intent to stain the ground and rivers red with blood. He would gather all the valuable pieces of information to report back, and then carnage would ensue. It had been as simple of a plan as that. He had chocked on rage and hatred to play his part, all while plotting a grand massacre. He hadn't just prepared for the idea of Soma dying. He'd been it's originator. It had been his idea to spy on the Dates. Many of the other clans were easier to throw into chaos or sow seeds of discord into ; the Date had been the greatest threat of them all. They had numbers, strength, and discipline that others lacked.
And then he'd forgotten. Bit by bit, his original plot had faded like ink left too long in the sun until there was nothing left of it. Nothing of it remained in Seiroku's heart. And as time passed, he'd selfishly indulged in the idea that he could have this life. He liked the idea that he could stay by Soma's side and the Date. The longer he stayed the more he could forget the hatred that used his body and his name; the more the real him that could have been was let free to flourish.
The more time passed, the more Seiroku hoped for the Date's success. He never forgot his hatred for other bushi. But to them alone, he hoped for their success. Despite how the thought felt like betraying himself after so many years lost in the waters of rage, he had hoped.
The more time passed, the more he considered his own death. ( Because that is what would have to happen, and he would let it. )
Soma's death was not an option. It was delusional hope. Seiroku tilts his chin up slightly, jaw clenched as he forces his tears to not fall. It was pure, delusional hope that they could ever have a happy ending. He knew better ; but he had yearned for it so desperately that he'd indulged in the fairytale. He wanted to believe there was a way for the Date to stay safe, for Soma to stay safe. But the Obsidian Eight's success would mean their demise ; their success would mean Seiroku's demise.
He knew one of their death's would come. But be prepared for it? No. Seiroku hadn't been prepared for that in a long time. Because it wasn't supposed to happen.
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" Why? " Seiroku lifts his eyebrows. " Because his strength is legendary, plus he had the benefit of a black heart without risk of insanity since he's so new. He's stronger than any of the other new people we've had in a long time. " Lies. It's all a bunch of lies. Seiroku couldn't care less about the legends and stories of Soma's strength. He knew it but that wasn't the reason. That wasn't the reason at all. Why was he surprised? Because Soma was never supposed to die. Because that was the man he loved. That was reason enough to believe he'd never die. Seiroku didn't want him to die. Maybe that's what doomed Soma more than anything else. The world loved to take and break everything that Seiroku cared about, to crush any chance Seiroku could have at being anything more than a beast of hatred. Soma wasn't supposed to die. He was. He told Soma where to stab him. It was supposed to be him that died.
But the answer he gave was Black dog like, wasn't it? It was something he would have said before meeting Soma, right? Right? Why wasn't he sure anymore? How could months replace decades of hatred? Who......was he? Who was Seiroku Inukawa anymore? It'd been easier. When he killed his past self full of optimism and taken a new name. Seiroku Inukawa was a monster. But now Soma had known him as Seiroku too. Now he wasn't sure who he was, monster or loved.
" I mean, who would expect a red bushi like him to - " die. It's a single word, and Seiroku can't say it. He knows it. But he can't say it. He swallows and looked away. " Most of the obsidian eight go mad, though battle is the next most common. " Facts, he needs facts to stop his pain for bleeding everywhere. " So of course it was a surprise. Especially given who he was against. Guess we should've killed that general sooner. " He says, but the words are flat and his heart isn't in it.
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