#food image tw
hatchetsfield-arch · 5 months
y’all look at my birthday cake! do you think if we sing the summoning instead of happy birthday the lords in black’ll appear
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ragedagainst · 2 years
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yes i know its not munday but i went to the ren faire yesterday and had a BLAST 
more turkey leg under the cut: 
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hangmanbrainrot · 2 years
snickerdoodle donut with vanilla glaze. so proud of this one. 🥺
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castielsprostate · 10 months
🚘impala1967 FOLLOW
I truly think people people should just get paid to live a living wage without having to work themselves to death but that's cOnTrOvErsIaL
😈kingofphatass FOLLOW
arent you the guy that fucked his car??
🚘impala1967 FOLLOW
Omg that was litrally MONTHS ago!!!!! Let it go already, jeez!
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#why is the king of hell's pornblog on my post anywayy omg shoo #i litrally have a DNI in my bio
💼lawboyatstanford ✅✅ FOLLOW
Passed the bar! 📄🖋️ On my way to become a lawyer 💼👨‍💼 (for real this time)
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#so proud of myself #education #stanford #stanfordlawyer #officialdegree #someonepayoffmystudentloans
👼thursdayangel 🦀📷FOLLOW
wishing you were here...
👼thursdayangel 🦀📷FOLLOW
talk to me babygirl
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🍔dean-identifying-meat-in-posts FOLLOW
a black angus 200 grams grill smashed deluxe, farmed in north west-virginia
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#identified meat #meat identified 17391 #tw food
🧓jwinchester FOLLOW
dating is hard with your ex wife being resurrected for the third time. i keep running into her on my grindr dates. #awkward
⚔️notvirginmary FOLLOW
Stop blaming me for things I have no control over! That red tie looked ugly on you btw.
💼lawboyatstanford ✅✅ FOLLOW
gross 🤢
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#why can't my parents we normalllll #they already fucked up my childhood let me have my adulthood
🧛benwiththefang FOLLOW
a local werewolf pissed on my lawn. AGAIN.
🐺garthster🌓 FOLLOW
Well maybe if you stopped spraying your vamp hormones everywhere, local wws wouldn't feel so threatened! There's kids living here!
🧛benwiththefang FOLLOW
blocked and reported.
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#can't stand these beasts on my post #dni werewolfs
🧚godchuck👒👒👒👒📝✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅👻💀🌅🌓 FOLLOW
idk i think i need to fuck that man some more...
🧚godchuck👒👒👒👒📝✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅👻💀🌅🌓 FOLLOW
wrong account
85,158 notes 🔃♡
#fuck i keep doing this 😩😩 #@staff fix this issue!!!!!!!
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uncanny-tranny · 11 months
Whenever people who are entrenched in diet culture talk about how terrible chemicals are, I just want to whip out this:
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#diet culture#diet culture tw#described images#image description in alt#'it's got CHEMICALS in it' and so do you! and me too! IT'S ALL CHEMICALS ALL THE WAY DOWN#instead of running from this world we must learn to embrace it#i'm not particularly angry at people who say this because it makes me think that they're incredibly invested in diet culture...#...i just don't want the whole 'food = bad' or 'bodies = bad' to go unchallenged...#...part of the reason why diet culture seems just as prevalent now (if not moreso) is partially because it isn't really...#...challenged or questioned without provocation. it's just assumed to be correct because it makes you 'feel in control'#when chemicals are bad you can control what chemicals you consume. it's individualistic and places the blame onto you for 'being good'#it places responsibility onto the person in such a way that it becomes impossible to fulfill#it isn't that i'm upset that people want to treat their bodies in a way they think is responsible...#...moreso that the *way* they go about it ensures that they're stuck in a cycle of self-blame and even self-hatred#because the METHOD is ineffective. not the desire to treat your body well#also the state of ohio looks stupid and i do Not respect it#it looks like a ball that is simultaneously deflated and over-inflated#also their state flag looks silly to me#it looks like the person who was making it fell asleep making it#i'm just clowning on ohio at this point. have never been to ohio but. are you guys okay
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chaotixx-stims · 1 month
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agere baby bill stimboard!
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flowerakatsuka · 4 months
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Osomatsu-San x Oshiado Collaboration Café ( 2024 )
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gooberscollage · 1 year
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Nick Magazine Images
1. Nickelodeon Magazine March 2005
2. Nickelodeon Magazine March 2005
3. Nickelodeon Magazine 1990
4. Nickelodeon Magazine Oct/Nov 1994
5. Nickelodeon Magazine Nov 2005
6. Nickelodeon Magazine 1990
7. Nick Magazine Nov. 2000
8. Nickelodeon Magazine Summer 1993
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
Random quote from each of the PowerPoint night slides please??
(zoom for quality)
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crazylittlejester · 5 months
i see so much of Warriors with an eating disorder where he’s starving himself and wants to be thinner (for whatever reason, ive seen a lot of different ones), and like slay, love those headcanons, keep going crazy everyone, im obsessed with it /gen
but may I suggest:
Warriors who wants so desperately to not look as thin as he does. Warriors who because of all the attempts on his life has become so scared to eat anything but his safe foods that he can’t get enough food to prevent him from losing weight during the war. Warriors who wishes more than anything he could he as muscular and big as Twilight but who’s body won’t let him because he can’t gain the weight required for that no matter how hard he tries and no matter how much progress he makes. Warriors who LOVES food, and loves cooking for people he loves, but who sometimes is physically unable to eat anything but his safe foods because hes too afraid of being poisoned and he gets frustrated with himself for being unable to eat. Warriors who wishes he weren’t as thin, but there is literally nothing he can do about it. Warriors who is still strong, but who has a build similar to a ballet dancer’s and is all muscle and bones.
And Warriors who is slowly healing, slowly gaining weight (even if he doesn’t see it) who will one day look at himself in the mirror and genuinely smile, happy with how far he’s come
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codreinhart · 2 years
A few months ago, I tried clean eating. I cut out sugar, soda, carbs, you name it. At first I was miserable because I really, really missed my Mountain Dew and my Taco Bell at midnight but now I think I’m getting the hang of it. There’s something to be said about treating your body with the respect it deserves...and it makes me feel grateful that I’ve got one that lets me do such incredible things. Do I occasionally have a slice of Domino’s cheesy pizza? Hell yeah. Life is too short but for the most part, I try to eat food that will make me feel good on the inside and outside. Lately though, I’ve been stuck with the same old recipes. Does anyone have any suggestions? I’ll even cook you it as thanks! @cityofdreamsstarters​
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garbagedisp0sal · 15 days
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randomgifsxx · 1 month
Hii, could you maybe do a m&m stim board? Love your work!
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Thank you so much!! <3
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umseb · 6 months
vettel to mercedes?! 👀 | sebastian vettel reveals dicussions for f1 return [part 1/2] - 2024 (transcript under the cut)
Interviewer: "Yeah, it's great to join Sebastian Vettel live on Sky Sports News ahead of the Japanese Grand Prix, which is a favorite circuit of yours, obviously, Sebastian. But, I mean, what a career you've had. You've been out of F1 for a year and a bit now, but four times a world champion, 53 times you sprayed champagne or sparkling rose water from the top step of the podium. But it's a different beverage which brings you to London today. What's the big concept?" Seb: "Yeah, so there was the time where I was spraying champagne. Obviously, racing in Formula 1 at the highest level, it's an environment where you're looking for perfection, so you're trying to tune everything you can, and it's also your body. You try to train as good as you can, you try to eat as well as you can, and you try to have the best drink inside the car that gives you the energy for the full two hours. It's trying all sorts of stuff-powders, gels-and they didn't really work, but they came, mostly-and that's the problem-with side effects. I suffered stomach cramps. Speaking to other drivers, they felt similar; other athletes. So it seemed to be a thing, and it was only until the end of my career where I stumbled across a product that is now Perple, a sports drink that didn't do that, that didn't give me any suffering, and giving me the energy towards the end of the race. So I was curious why that is and got to know the person behind- the founder, the story, and got involved, as well, invested, so… I think the biggest surprise to me was that the industry of sports drinks, all your supplements and so on, is not regulated. There's a lot of synthetic stuff that people are taking in every day. These are expensive products, and they're trying to optimize their performance, whether it's your cyclist that goes for one or two rides a week, whether it's the occasional runner, squash player, but then also your professional, and that's where Perple now kicks in. And Perple, not with U but with E, and it stands for P-E-R-P-L-E, performance and pleasure, and it's an all-natural product so you're not putting any of this rubbish stuff into your body. So yeah, give it a go. I'm a big fan of it, obviously, and I think obviously proving it in the testing ground of the car, it did make a difference and I hope people are giving it a go and see what they think." Interviewer: "Sustainable fuel for the body, I guess." Seb: "It is! It's a good comparison, yeah, it is. Yeah." Interviewer: [laughs] "But, I mean…" Seb: "And people become more and more aware that the stuff that we used to consume, eat, drink, maybe isn't doing the trick, so that's where stuff like this offers an alternative." Interviewer: "Okay. Well, I wanna know how sustainable you are, Sebastian, because you're only 36."
Seb: "Yeah." Interviewer: "You've only been out of Formula 1 for a year and a bit. Are you potentially on the driver market for next season?" Seb: "Well, potentially I am because I haven't got a ride, but the question is am I looking for one. I think it depends on the package. I retired from Formula 1 not to come back, but I also did say that you never know, so I think it still stands. Obviously there's things that I miss, which is mostly the competition, and things that I don't miss, so yeah, that hasn't changed. Obviously life is very different if you're not involved, and I do enjoy that still. Still trying lots of different things. Now we're talking about a sports drink. I didn't think [laughs] years ago that this will be something I'll be talking about in the future or be involved in, but you never know where life's taking you, so maybe it takes me back behind the wheel, maybe it doesn't." Interviewer: "I'm just thinking, might it be now or never? As I say, you're still young. It looks like some interesting potential opportunities on the grid for next season. There's a rule change coming in, as well, with some sustainable aspects which you have promoted. I know you've had some conversations with Toto Wolff. If that Mercedes seat was offered to you, how hard would it be to turn down?" Seb: "Well, I had conversations with him, not really about a seat. We did speak about the whole situation, in short, as well, but I did speak to others, as well, because I'm still keeping in touch every now and then. I have some projects and ideas together with F1. We'll see if they will turn out or not, but yeah, so I am staying in touch. I don't know. It has to be a couple more phone calls and conversations, I guess, to really, yeah, find out a little bit more. But for sure it's one of the best cockpits, or best seats, on the grid. I think, performance-wise, Mercedes has a great track record. Struggling a little bit in the last years, but then struggle, you're still second or third in the constructor's, it's not like you're racing in no man's land." Interviewer: "Well, Lewis Hamilton was prepared to leave that car…" Seb: "Yeah." Interviewer: "…even though he had another year on the contract. Going to Ferrari, what sort of fit might he be at that team? He's a big individual and we know it's very much about the team at Ferrari. Is that any…" Seb: "Well, it's true. I think it's about the team everywhere you go. Obviously each to their own, but I think it is a team sport and I think someone like Lewis has said that over and over again, thanking the team around him. I think, without Mercedes, Lewis' career would have been very different. Mine, too. [laughs] But that's how it goes. No regrets. [laughs] No, no. But yeah, I think time will tell. I think if he's excited, that's the main thing. It was ultimately his decision and he took it for himself, so best of luck. I know the team in Ferrari, and yeah, obviously for us or for the outside, the measure is always whether you're successful or not, but the real measure I think is whether Lewis is happy or not."
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*clenches teeth and fists* it's fine no one comments on how Dorian is more "lithe" than before. It's fine that he's not "nearly as bulky". It's fine that he doesn't sleep well then has to wake up just to be the sunny optimist the next day. It's fine that his strings are wound so tight that he's ready to snap.
It's fine that Dorian's health is being ignored. He's the new guy, right? Fresh faced? Not burdened by the trauma of the last few months, right?
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umlewis · 4 months
lewis hamilton goes full send while eating spicy wings | hot ones [part 1/3] - may 30, 2024
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