#☁️sleepover sat☁️
kedsandtubesocks · 1 year
i’m here for the sleepover 🛏️ in my oversized hoodie and sadly i don’t have a face mask but i did bring snacks!! 🍩🍿i would like to suggest:
🌹 and!! some 🪐 specifically the zodiac sign you feel you gravitate most towards!!
hope you can cool off with your ice cream and that you’re rest is going well 💗💖💞
AHHHH thank you mi amor you are so wonderful and omg I bet you look ADORABLE in ur oversized hoodie be still my heart 🥺 plus you bringing snacks ur the best babe of all I’ll got get us some face masks brb! 🏃‍♀️
🌹 - Omg so ill talk about our dumb blasty guy (I was going to talk about gooj but I put my foot down) so…because this is a sleepover and everyone always reveals big truths at sleepover I can admit that I actually hated bakugou IM SORRY 😭 but the moment I caved in… was seeing the 2nd movie in theaters lmaooo it’s so cheesy but that entire time I was like “nope no nope this is not happening u hate this stupid punk ass” and then the scene comes where he catches the little girl so gently?? Like straight up dives to make sure he reaches her in time?? I was done…and now here we are LMAOO 🤡
but omg OMG pls tell me now when your Moment™️ was 🥺
🪐 - OOO such a good question you asked I love it!! It never fails that I’m always drawn to either water or air sign placements!! a lot of my chart is air and water so I’m just kinda always sticking with familiar vibes lol but honestly I get excited when fire signs come into my life because their energy is so vibrant like a certain Aries Queen I know (it you 😌)
But oh my goodness thank you so much for sending some cute asks in Nemea darling!!
I’m picturing us sharing the snacks you brought (im a hot Cheetos girlie so I know we’re having some of those) while we watch that 2nd MHA movie so we can cry about it together 😭🌹✨
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mouseymilkovich · 2 months
carmy brainrot u say ... 10. "you're the only thing that i want" from the lyrics list 😘
"you're the only thing that i want." - from my lyric prompts
A/N: should I write a fic that leads up to this lmao
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☁️ let's have a sleepover ☁️
You sat on the other side of the walk-in, back pressed against the cold door. You were in total disbelief about what you'd just blurted out... what you just confessed.
"What did you say?" He asked with a bit of a grunt, he almost couldn't believe it himself.
"I said you're the only thing that I want." You breathed out.
Your trip to The Bear had been less than ideal, you were lucky to be included in the whole "friends and family" thing, but you didn't exactly feel welcomed by Carmy - you were one of Sydney's old friends, not his. But you'd spent time around The Beef when the building used to be that, you'd gotten to know Carmy a very little bit... but when it came to The Bear, he thought you were only a distraction to Sydney.
The truth was, as much as you enjoyed spending time with Sydney and getting the opportunity to see her thrive after everything she'd gone through, you were also strangely drawn to one Carmen Berzatto. There was just something about him, something you couldn't quite put your finger on. You couldn't deny the little crush you'd gotten, but you thought it was just that, a little crush. In all of these months, watching the build up to the new restaurant, even though he was annoyed with your presence, your feelings developed past the little crush.
"Why?" There was a hint of insecurity, a hint of doubt in his voice as he asked.
Your silence hung in the air for a moment as you thought... you wondered how to word the whole little crush thing without sounding like a maniac - partially because you were sure he didn't like you.
"I... I don't know. You're just... you're different. I know you don't like me, but-"
He cut you off abruptly. "Why do you think I don't like you?"
"Because you acted like I was a nuisance every time I came around while you guys were getting the restaurant ready, I guess?" You muttered.
If you could've seen Carmy then, you would've seen his face scrunched up, his brows furrowed. "You were distracting."
"Yeah, yeah, I know, I was distracting Sydney-"
"Me. You were distracting me." He confessed as he cut you off again.
You couldn't fight the smile that tugged at your lips when he said that - even though you weren't sure if that was good or bad. "I was distracting you?"
"I can't focus around you... you fuckin' hypnotize me or something." He muttered.
Before you could say anything else, Richie was finally here with the fridge guy - Tony? Tim? Something like that.
"Comin' to get'cha out, Carm, sit tight." Richie sat, giving the door a pat before guiding you away from it to give the fridge guy space to free the trapped Carmy.
As soon as he got out, he was greeted by your sweet, smiling face. It made him smile, even if it was just a little bit.
"The fuck are you two jagoffs smilin' about?" Richie asked, almost ruining the moment. Almost.
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cloudymistedskies · 1 year
“Stuck in the classroom together”
Marimui short fic ☁️🌫️!! (Kimetsu gauken au)
Word count: 1047 (oh yeah this may be ooc for Muichiro here aaHhaahhsJS)
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The two sat on their respective chairs in the empty classroom they both got locked in. Mari forgot about her stuff and Muichiro decided to accompany her, considering she might get distracted by something or someone. By some stupid luck, while the two were in the classroom, someone seemingly passed by and didn’t think of checking in the classroom before closing it and locking it.
Mari was trembling in fear while Muichiro appeared calm, comforting the anxious brunette.
“There, there…” Muichiro whispered to Mari in a soothing tone. This managed to calm Mari down a little, but she was still anxious nonetheless.
“This is just great! We’re stuck in this classroom and my phone is dead! I should’ve charged it while I had the chance to!” Mari curses herself, hugging her knees and hiding her face. Muichiro looks down at Mari with a sympathetic expression, shaking his head. Unfortunately for Muichiro, he left his bag with his older twin, which has his phone. The two were gonna be in this classroom for only a few minutes or less.
“This is just reminding me of those scary movies! Gah…!!” Mari hugged her knees tighter, tearing up. Muichiro pulls Mari into a hug, caressing her back in a way to comfort the green-eyed girl.
“No need to worry, Mari. The teacher who is on night duty will help us get out.” Muichiro reassured, kissing her forehead softly. Mari hummed in response. She peeks her head out a little, revealing her teary eyes and wiping it with the back of her hand, sniffling.
“I…Don’t know why I’m even crying… I shouldn’t be this scared but yet I am…” Mari muttered, hiccuping right after muttering those words.
“It’s normal to react like that, Mari. Don’t put yourself down.�� The long-haired boy helps Mari wipe her tears off her face, then the brunette went back to hiding her face in her knees. He tries to think of anything to distract Mari from this. Then an idea popped up in his mind.
“Hey, Mari… Did you remember the one time me, you and nii-san were in your house for a sleepover?” Muichiro asked Mari, a small smile appearing on his face. Mari looks up to Muichiro, letting out a small ‘hm’ and blinking before answering.
“U-Uhh… Which one to be specific?” The green-eyed girl wipes her tears as she raises one of her eyebrows.
“When we were 10! Both you and I decided to try to make smores with the stove…” The mint-green eyed boy trailed off, finding himself feeling slightly embarrassed of what he’s about to say, but then giggled shortly after.
“..You and I forgot to turn the stove off and the house would’ve probably been in flames if it weren’t for nii-san turning it off…” He continued, before letting out another small giggle. Mari returned the giggle.
“Ah… right… He reprimanded us and pulled both of our ears. Haha…” Mari started to smile, making Muichiro’s smile widen.
“He was like ‘Do you both wanna burn the house down, you two?! I can’t believe you both forgot to turn off the stove just because my little pony was on TV!’ Pfft…” Mari quoted Yuichiro’s words, eventually the two laughed together, Mari seemingly forgetting about her anxiousness. This made Muichiro relieved. He loves Mari’s smile.
“Oh my god… Mui! Did you remember the time when we entered middle school and the three of us were new to this school?” Mari asked Muichiro with a grin. Muichiro’s eyes widened before nodding and giggling.
“Right! You got lost and caused a huge scene! Shinazugawa-sensei chased you down the halls after you bumped into him carrying a bunch of papers and it scattered around!” The two shared a good moment to laugh at any funny moments they remember.
And it was like that for a while…
“Milo and I were late to school, so I helped her sneak in and not get caught by Tomioka-sensei!”
“Nii-san nearly had a heart attack when we saw you wearing your Halloween costume!”
“Oh! Oh! My cousins and I accidentally brought way more eggs than necessary and nee-chan was really… disappointed…in us for that…”
Eventually, the two heard the door unlocking, making Mari remember that they were stuck in this classroom.
“Ah, right. Forgot about this…” Mari said before grasping Muichiro’s arm and hugging it tight as they watch the door slide open, revealing whoever unlocked the door and them stepping in.
“Mari…?! Tokito?!” Riko looks at the couple in shock as Mari did the same too. Muichiro only had his eyebrows widened.
“N-Nee-chan…!” Mari immediately stood up and rushed towards her older sister, bear hugging her tight.
“Nee-chan! Thank god you’re here!” Mari cried out, tightening her hug. Riko stood still for a moment before chuckling and returning the hug, gently patting her younger sister.
“..It was my time to do night-patrol and I heard voices here… I was wondering where you two were. I’m guessing you both got stuck here…” The blonde explained. Muichiro stood up and walked towards the Kaizumi sisters, putting his hand on Mari’s shoulder.
“Ah. That reminds me. Tokito, your brother was looking for you and Mari. He was worried something might’ve happened to you two.” Riko informed Muichiro, who nodded in response. Mari…seemed to have fallen asleep, hugging Riko. The two stared at the sleeping brunette before the bakery teacher giggled, holding Mari and picking her up.
“Looks like my baby sister is asleep now… I’d return her back to home but I’m still on my duty…” Riko sighed, unsure what to do.
“Oh, I can take her home if you want, Kaizumi-sensei.” Muichiro suggested, gently patting the sleepy Mari.
“Ah… If that’s not too much trouble, Tokito.” Riko responded, giving a slightly worried but warm smile. Muichiro shook his head and took the sleepy brunette from Riko, holding her bridal style.
“Not at all.” Muichiro said, smiling fondly at his girlfriend and kissing her forehead, gently. The blue-eyed woman giggled at Muichiro’s actions.
“In that case, I should head back to my duties now. You should get going since I’ll be locking back this classroom.” Riko advised. The long-haired boy nodded silently and head out of the classroom with Mari in his arms. Riko stared at the wide open door, smiling.
“Those two are a match made in heaven…” Riko mumbled to herself, sighing. The keys chimed as she grabs them before exiting the classroom and locking it
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Kimetsu academy whispers:
Mari may have made Muichiro stay in her house for the night...since she held onto him in his sleep... Or that's just Muichiro's excuse since he has the capability to get out of her grasp...
Mari always had this fear of being stuck in a room with no way out, hence why she was anxious and scared.
Mari likes fluttershy
I also made this fic during school so it may suck ass HAHAHD
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bouttogolinkurbitch · 6 years
apricot princess: Grayson Dolan
another grayson fic inspired by Rex Orange County
Sorry for errors ;))
@heathendolan (love you Paige 💙)
(My edit so like/reblog if saved)
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"Come on!" I whined to Paige. She looked up from her book with a lopsided smile. "I don't have anything to wear!" I turned to my closet and tapped my chin in mock thought before I pulled out an Iron Maiden dress like shirt, some skinny jeans, and some checkered Vans. "This should do." I laid it out and she started to change. I turned back to my closet and got some black joggers, and a baby pink hoodie to wear with my pink checkered Vans.
When we were both ready, she led me to her car and I started our travel playlist. Rex Orange County came on and we started jamming to his song Best Friends. We started singing loudly as I did an interpretive dance in the passenger seat. Giggles were shared before I fell back against the seat. The diner we were headed to had always been our spot. When we were kids this is where we came after school, play dates, or sleepovers. As the years went on, the diner embedded itself deeper in our hearts. We shared everything, and little did we know we would be sharing brothers.
That's right, brothers. As in two. These two just happen to be twins. Grayson and Ethan Dolan- two absolute heartthrobs who I would've never associated with if it wasn't for Randy Mathers. Randy was the schools creep, the kid you didn't go to unless you wanted drugs or alcohol. Randy happened to be in the diner that night.
I sat on my side of our usual booth as Paige and I shared a plate of fries. "So then Damien told me he wanted to hook up, and I told him to fuck off." I rolled my eyes as I chewed on the fry I just put in my mouth. My gaze shifted to the neon world out the window, "He's such a fucking creep. Like he seriously needs to back off before I hit him with my car." She giggled, "Manslaughter isn't the option." I gave her a deadpanned look before we laughed. Randy had slithered his way in, and he made his way over. "Hey Y/N." I looked up from Paige and I quirked a brow. He scooted into my side of the booth, "Uhm, hi, Randy?" His arm came behind me on the booth and Paige frowned.
"You need to leave." He looked her up and down before he eyes flicked back to me. "You interested in being my two for one? They advertised that deal outside on the window." I scoffed and moved away, my back to the window. He moved closer and Paige bumped the table into him, "Leave her alone, you creep." As she was about to leave to get someone, a deep and gravelly voice sounded from behind me. "Is there a problem?" Paige's eyes softened as she nodded, "Randy won't leave Y/N alone." With his hand on Randy's shoulder, Grayson squatted down, his dark eyes were level with Randy. "You need to leave these girls alone before I escort you out of the diner. And I know you don't want me to do that, Randy."
Randy pushed his hand off, "Don't touch me, Dolan." Ethan stood next to Paige now, "Come on, bud. No one wants to get hurt here, and it's not looking good for you." Grayson removed his hand and his fingers folded over his chest. "I'll count to five, Mathers." Randy moved away from me, and just when I thought he was going to leave, he turned and grabbed my breast. I slapped him hard against the cheek. Paige gasped softly and Ethan put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. Grayson looked at me before he took Randy by his collar. "Stay with the girls." He growled to Ethan before he took Randy outside. Henry, the owner, whistled loudly as he drew the blinds. I cracked a smile at the older man. With my arms folded over my chest, Paige and I looked at each other, and we sighed in unison.
Ethan sat beside Paige with a frown. "He didn't touch you, did he? Like before Gray and I came over?" He asked after a bit and she shook her head. I put my face in my hands, "I'm sorry I made us come out tonight." I heard the scuff of boots and Grayson looked down at me. His lips were turned in a small frown and a sort of scowl, "Babe, it's not your fault creeps like Randy lurk around." Grayson slid into the booth beside me. His busted knuckles were barely shown under the cuff of his jacket. "Everything's on the house." Henry said as he shuffled over with milkshakes. I gave him a sympathetic smile. His hand came onto the back of the booth, "Thank you boys." Ethan nodded to him, and Grayson smiled before he popped the cherry off his shake into his mouth.
Paige and I walked side by side to her car in complete silence. "We don't tell my mom about this." She nodded. I sighed and stuffed my hands into my pockets. "Want us to follow you home? Make sure you get there safe?" Ethan asked. He had his bike straddled and a helmet in his hands. Paige turned with a blush, "If you want." Grayson faced away from us, the expanse of his back covered in denim made me bite my lip. Ethan whistled to his brother and they shared a nod. Ethan went out first, we went next, and Grayson followed.
We pulled up to the light and we were both singing loudly. Ethan looked at us on the left side of the car, before he laughed at Paige's dance moves. Grayson was on the right and he watched as I sung into a water bottle. We started laughing and I watched him crack a smile. "You think Ethan likes me?" She asked as she turned the radio down. I gave her a look and we smiled, "Peach, he would be stupid not to." Her eyes rolled and I shoved her arm lightly, "I'm serious! You're an absolute bombshell honey! So gorgeous! Just imagine yourself leaning on his arm, riding his bike, riding his dick." I raised my brows and we both started to laugh heartily. The light changed and we drove on.
"Girl have you heard this song?" Paige asked as we continued our ride. I checked the screen to see If You're Going to Break Yourself by the Unknown Mortal Orchestra. I laid my head back as I listened to the song, my eyes slid closed. "I love this." I said softly and she nodded. The car stopped outside of my house and I sat up. Ethan's bike was parked in front of her car and he was getting off. She cut the engine and we got out before I stretched. "Here's my number, just in case." Ethan said softly. His eyes met Paige's and her cheeks reddened. Grayson stood next to them as I rounded the car with my hands shoved in my pocket of my hoodie. "Here Y/N." Gray said as he held out his hand. I opened a fresh contact and he typed quickly. "You two stay safe." Ethan said before he and Gray walked back to their bikes. I looked at Paige as we headed up the walk way to my house, "Mom's sleeping so be quiet." She rolled her eyes, "I know, I've been here before." I snorted as I unlocked my door before we went in.
I laid across my bed with my legs folded, and Paige laid beside me. "I never gave him my number so should I text him so he knows it's me?" I huffed and rolled over. My eyes were barely open as I stared at my best friend, "Get that Dolan dick." She kicked me under the covers, and seconds later her face was illuminated by the screen of her phone.
I stood at my locker, Paige barely awake beside me as she depended on the wall of lockers to keep her upright. "Wild night last night?" Ethan asked as he breezed by. She smiled nodded, "Yeah I had to hang out with these two obnoxiously attractive boys and my dumbass best friend." I punched her tit and scowled, "I'm a blessing." We shared a look and laughed. "Gray is late. He woke me up but had to drop our sister off at work." I raised my brows, "So we're a last resort?" He rolled his eyes, "No, Y/N. You two just happen to be our only friends outside of each other." Paige looked at me, "You two aren't the most inviting." Any response he had died on his tongue as the gasps of our fellow students sounded.
Randy Mathers walked down the hall in a tank top and shorts, completely showing off his bruises and cuts. He stopped in the middle of the hall, "Last night Grayson Dolan beat the shit out of me." People turned and looked at Ethan. He scowled, "Because you sexually assaulted a girl and she couldn't defend herself." Paige grabbed my hand and tugged me closer to her. "We should go." I shook my head and the doors behind Randy squealed on their hinges. Grayson walked in and stopped once he saw Randy. "Did we move on to verbal abuse, Randall?" Randy spun on his heel and got in Grayson's face. Profanities were yelled and soon, Randy was on the ground. Ethan broke away from us to tear them apart.
Grayson picked up his denim jacket off the ground before his stoney gaze set on his brother and he stalked away. Ethan propped Randy against the lockers before he followed his brother. My jaw dropped and I turned with Paige as we headed towards our first hour.
"Grayson scares me." I whispered as Paige and I headed towards her car. The twins had ignored us during school for the rest of the day, thank god. After this morning, I wanted Grayson to lose my number. Paige had been talking to Ethan all day, and she sighed. "Gray got expelled for a week." My eyes widened and she nodded, "Ethan is so pissed off. We need to be there for them." My lips slid into a frown, "He almost beat Randy to death! And he just walked away!" She nodded and bit her lip as we sat in silence. "I wanna go see them." Before I could protest, she threw her car into reverse.
The Dolan's house was much larger than I anticipated. She parked at the curb and texted Ethan, telling him we were here. Soon the front door opened and he came out in checkered pajama bottoms and a hoodie. "Gray is in the kitchen, or at least he was when I left him. Come in." Paige walked beside him and she spoke to him softly. I followed closely behind and stopped on the foyer. "Holy shit." Ethan chuckled and pointed to the mat, "Take your shoes off please." We did as he instructed and followed him to the kitchen, "Want anything to eat?" He opened the fridge and got out a bag of grapes.
I took a few and sat on one of the stools. "Grayson!" Ethan yelled, then he looked at us. "He was absolutely pissed this morning after Principal Windsor told him he was expelled." The dull thud of footsteps made me feel nervous. "He kind of scares me now." I said softly and Ethan frowned. "He felt like shit for doing it, but Randy did sexually assault you." I nodded and put my face in my hands before I sighed heavily. "Tough day, princess?" Grayson asked as his bowl clattered in the sink.
Our eyes met, "You know, I appreciate what you did, but you didn't need to beat the poor kid into a coma!" Gray leaned on his arms as he stared at me. Paige and Ethan watched silently before Grayson cracked a smile. "I didn't quite get him into a coma, princess. He walked away just fine." I looked down at his hands to see his purple, swollen knuckles. "You need to ice your hands. If you're gonna get in fights, at least treat yourself properly." I walked to the fridge and freezer before I got some frozen fruit and I turned back to him. His brows raised and I placed it over his knuckles, "You're noble. Stupid but noble nonetheless." Grayson's small smile mirrored mine as I slid back into my seat and I popped more grapes into my mouth.
Saturday rolled around. Paige met me in my house, after she yelled at me from downstairs. I headed down with my hair tied in a bun. "Finally! We've been waiting forever!" I stopped in the hallway to look at my hair before I rounded the corner into the kitchen, "We?" I looked up to see Ethan and Grayson standing beside Paige. I glared at her, "You didn't tell me you'd be bringing guests." Her smile made me want to scream before she laughed. "Forgot to mention it. Gray and E wanna go watch a movie together." I raised my brows before I walked to the fridge and I got the orange juice. I checked the date before I shrugged and got a cup. "You're an animal." Paige muttered and I looked up. "I'm in my natural habitat. This is my home. If I'm gonna drink almost out dated orange juice, it'll be from my own fridge." Grayson shook his head and I looked at him as I poured my cup. "Movie? Yes or no?" Ethan asked with a laugh. I finished my glass and I sighed, "I guess. Give me at least twenty minutes to get ready. Paige, I swear if you show them my baby pictures, you're dead." She laughed as I raced back upstairs, "No promises!"
When I arrived back in my living room, they all were laid out across the couches, watching Impractical Jokers. I took my keys and jiggled them by Paige's ear, "Let's move!" She grabbed me wrist and turned before we started laughing. I locked the door behind us and we headed to her car. "Shotgun!" I yelled before I ran ahead and I looked at Paige, "Unlock the damn car." She clicked the button and as I was about to open, she clicked it again. I whined and she unlocked the doors. As she was about to do it again, I opened the door and I turned before we flipped each other off. Ethan rolled his eyes and Grayson watched me like a hawk.
Our playlist blasted throughout the car and we sang terribly before Ethan leaned between the seats and turned down the radio. "I'm sad to say you both will not be continuing this season of X Factor. You won't be going to Hollywood." I looked at Ethan, "Well fuck, there goes my future." We all laughed before Paige cranked up the radio and we started dancing to Monkey Wrench. Grayson and Ethan's laughter boomed over the music, before we all screamed the lyrics.
In the theater, I was squished between Paige and Grayson. "You two share a large, and we'll share." Ethan said as he looked at me and Grayson. I looked to Gray, "Please tell me you like your popcorn extra salty and buttery?" He gave me a look, "Why would I have it any other way?" I giggled and I looked the screen. The boring ass adds came on and Ethan leaned forward to make a face at us. Paige threw some popcorn in the air and he caught it before they laughed. "I think Ethan likes Paige." I said to Grayson as I sipped my Sprite. He chuckled and took a handful of the popcorn before he shoveled it in his mouth, "I think you're right." We both started to laugh at how ridiculous he sounded with popcorn stuffed in his mouth. An older couple hushed us and I covered my mouth. Grayson snorted and I hid my face against his arm to muffle my giggles.
After the movie, it was only natural for us to go to the diner. I sat on my side, and Grayson tucked himself beside me. Henry walked up with a notepad and smiled, "Welcome back kids. What can I get ya today?" We all spouted off our orders before he went to the kitchen. I yawned and covered my mouth before Paige and I looked at each other. "Let's go back to mine and take naps." I said as I pulled my hood up and I put my head back. Grayson laid his arm over the back of the booth and I slumped against him. "I need a fuckin' nap." Ethan grumbled and Paige nodded. "I agree to all of this. Her mom gets home at five." I nodded before I looked at Paige and Ethan and I smiled, "She won't care if they're over. She'll be happy I have more friends than just you." Paige rolled her eyes, "You would die without me." And I nodded in reply, she was right.
I riffled through some papers for school when there was a loud bang on my door. I jumped in place and moved to look out the window. Grayson leaned against the door with his jacket over his shoulder. My brows furrowed as I opened the door and he stumbled in. His hand landed against the wall and he looked at me with sad eyes. "Did you drink?" His hiccup and lost eyes told me I had hit the nail on the head. "I'm sorry." I took his arm and led him to the couch, "Sorry for what?" He looked at me and squinted before he laid his head back. "Don't tell Y/N but I slept with Andrea Wright." My eyes widened and I brushed his hair off his forehead, "Why can't we tell Y/N?" He scoffed and looked at me, "Are you dumb? I like Y/N." I squeezed his hand, "Let me get you some water, Gray. I'll call Ethan." He nodded and groaned as he went back into his previous position.
I called Paige and she picked up, "Babe as much as I love talking to you, Ethan and I are on a date." I frowned and sighed, "Grayson is here. He's drunk." She giggled, "Did he do something stupid?" I pursed my lips, "Yeah he slept with Andrea Wright and then told me he liked me. But it's a secret so don't tell me." I paused and rolled my eyes, "Tell Ethan I need him to come get Gray." She started speaking to Ethan and soon I heard her address me, "He'll be there in ten." I hung up and got a glass before I got some water. Grayson took it from me when I got back and he gulped it down. "Thank you, Y/N." I smiled and sat down on the couch opposite of him.
I laid in bed after Ethan left with Grayson. My heart started to hurt when I thought of him sleeping with Andrea, and the fact that he liked me. I felt small tears slide down my cheeks but I wiped them off. Laying in bed, I had never felt so heavy. My bones felt as if they were full of led and I wanted to cry so loudly. But I suppressed that urge and stared at the ceiling above, wishing this was a dream.
"So then I got absolutely shitfaced at the party. I woke up in my bed but, well, I'll spare the details." Gray said as he explained his weekend. Ethan and Paige sat together, with their hands tangled on the table. "We went on a date. And then yesterday she came over and we had a pool day." I put my water down as they all looked at me. With a shrug I said, "Just stayed home. Watched some tv and chilled." Paige gave me a sympathetic look and I ignored it as I bit into an apple. "We should all hang out." My eyes shifted to Grayson as he sat beside me, his arm laid behind my chair and he was looking at Ethan. "You down, Y/N?" I turned to Paige and I raised my brows, "For what?" Ethan chuckled, "Our place, tonight. Bring your swimsuit."
I shook my head, "Can't. I got some studying to do." Paige's eyebrow quirked, "You don't study." I smiled, "I do now." The twins watched our exchange and I sighed. "Big test. Sorry." I stood and gave Paige a pointed look, "Can we dump our trays and stop at the bathroom?" She nodded and we walked away from the boys. "I'm not going to hang out with Grayson after this weekend. I'm still trying to process the fact that he likes me." She halted and stared at me, "You say that like you don't like him back." We dumped our trays and turned, "I liked him a lot more before he was balls deep in Andrea Wright." Her sour expression turned somber and she pulled me in a hug. "Forgot about that." I frowned and sighed, "He's such an ass."
I laid on the floor of my bedroom with my phone in hand as I scrolled down Instagram. Paige texted me saying, "Happy you didn't come. Gray invited Andrea over." My blood boiled and I typed back, "Tell me what's good after you leave. This pisses me off." She sent a wink and I knew she would. She always did have my back.
By midnight, I had done nothing and I now laid in bed. Paige never gave me the update about Andrea, which left an awful taste in my mouth. What if Paige stopped being my best friend for Andrea? I would cry until I couldn't. Until there were no more tears left to cry and I was left in a slump.
Three days had passed and I was being flaky as hell. At lunch, Ethan and Grayson finally confronted the topic. I had just downed a bag of chips with Paige when Ethan coughed. Our eyes met and he frowned, "You know you can tell us if we did something wrong." I gave him a look, "What do you mean?" And Grayson sighed heavily to my left, "How have you been feeling? You keep ignoring us and not hanging out! A month ago you would've showed up no matter what. Now you're studying and not talking. We want our Y/N back." Paige looked at me, "I hate to not side with my bestie, but they're right. You've been flaky." I looked down at my lap and I pressed my fingers to my eyes. "The other week when Grayson went to the party, he showed up at my house." Ethan nodded, "Yeah I told him. So what?"
I scrubbed my palms down my cheeks, "While he was there, in his drunken state, he told me he plowed Andrea. Which didn't really bother me because he's a teen boy with teen boy needs. But what really got to me was when he said he liked me, as in romantically, and he told me not to tell myself. That shit sorta stuck with me and I've been really confused about our friendship, where it's gonna go, and if you all even want to be my friends after I've been neglecting you all." I breathed in and looked at Paige, "Then the other day, she said Andrea showed up at the pool party which made me even more confused because I thought Grayson liked me, which was already confusing enough as it was, and now I'm just mentally jammed with stress and information. I feel like I'm going to explode."
Everything got dangerously quiet and I looked around the table. Ethan was glaring at his brother, Paige was looking at me, and Grayson's eyes bored into the table top. "I'm so sorry, Y/N. I'm so sorry." Grayson finally spoke. Ethan huffed and covered his mouth with his hand, "That's shitty, bro. Really fucking shitty." Grayson shot daggers at his brother, "I know, ass clown. I feel terrible." He looked back me and and laid his hand on my arm, "Y/N I don't like Andrea, if your worried about that. I invited her over because I felt bad. The other night when we hooked up, I left and I went to see you. The next day I felt so shitty for what I had done. I almost called you and apologized." I laughed softly, "You did when you came over. You said you were sorry, and then I asked why, and then you told me."
His face was smushed into his hands, "Fuck I'm so stupid." I shook my head, "Gray, it kinda sucks but I don't really care all that much. I'm more stressed about how you feel about me." His eyes widened and he frantically threw himself at me in a bear hug. "Oh my god, you're like my best friend. Ethan, Cam, my mom and dad, and then you. Definitely top five, Y/N." He sounded so rushed, I smiled as he squeezed me tighter in his arms. "Holy shit I'm so sorry. Of course I like you, what's not to like? You're such an amazing girl, and you can obviously handle my bullshit. I wish I had told you when I wasn't drunk." His head flopped onto my shoulder and I rubbed his back.
"It's okay Grayson." His lips turned up in a smile, "Do you like me too?" Paige looked at me with a beaming smile. "She never shuts up about you." Grayson laughed and sat up straight, "Y/N, do you wanna go on a date sometime soon? Like Friday night?" I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled, "Sounds perfect." He leaned down and kissed my cheek, before he looked at Ethan and they high fived. We all started to laugh as we settled to how we once were.
"Honey! Grayson is here!" I heard my mom yell. I squealed before I got my phone and keys, and I started to run downstairs. "Be home before midnight, no sex, and have fun." I rolled my eyes before I kissed her cheek and we hugged. She took me to the door and opened it with a smile, "Hey Gray." He chuckled and gave her a quick, brisk hug. "Hey Mrs. Y/L/N. I'll bring her back in one piece." She gave him a pointed look, "I'll hold you to that, Grayson. I put forty dollars in your pocket babe. You kids have fun!" I kissed her cheek again before I took Grayson's outstretched hand and we headed to his truck.
"I've never seen you drive anything but your bike." He shrugged as he buckled, "We can go get the bike. I just didn't really think your mom would approve of the badass biker I truly am." I rolled my eyes, "You don't even have tattoos. And that's pretty much a dirt bike, babe." He looked at me quickly with a small smile, "Babe?" I shrugged and leaned forward to connect my phone to the Bluetooth. He watched before he looked back at the road, "Play a good one." I hit shuffle on my playlist and Vacant Lot came on. I giggled as he yelled out the lyrics to the song. I pressed my back to the door and I laid one leg out, slightly bent, on the seat.
He smiled at me once we got to the light, "You ever wanted to get a tat?" I nodded and I looked out at the road, "Definitely but my mom would kill me." He chuckled before we turned, "I know a guy who could give you anything you wanted at any time as long as you pay him upfront. And, by the way princess, I have tattoos. You just didn't see them because you didn't come swimming with us." I scoffed and pushed my cheek against my fist, "That's hardly my fault." We looked at each other and laughed. "You would seriously take me to get a tattoo?" He shrugged and nodded, "If that's what you wanted to do." I smiled, "What were we gonna do on this date?" His eyes flicked to mine and you could almost see the ideas rolling around in his head, "I was thinking we could go skinny dipping."
I stood on the bed of Grayson's truck as he turned on the lights on top of his truck. "People get murdered in the woods, Gray. I hope you're ready to fight off predators." He looked up at me with an amused look. "This is on our property. So they would be trespassing and I'd call the police." I scoffed, "Not if they shank you to death." He climbed up and stood next to me, "Are we gonna jump in or keep talking in hypotheticals?" I pressed my hand to his chest, "So demanding." He nodded and put his hand over mine before he squeezed at my fingers.
Soon we were both left in or underwear. Little teases were thrown around before it got serious. "You can keep your bra and stuff on if you want." I watched Grayson's cheeks shift to a light pink shade. "You planned on keeping your boxers on?" His shoulders slumped with his shrug, "If you wanted me to." I smiled, "Is Grayson Dolan getting shy?" His lips turned up and he leaned down, "Maybe. Are you? I haven't seen your bra come off yet." I bit my lip as I leaned closer to him, "That's because I was waiting for you to take it off me."
I felt his nimble fingers against my spine as our eyes locked. The crickets and bugs faded out as he unhooked the clasp and let go. Both straps fell down on my shoulders. His throat bobbed and he looked down to see his chest was holding it in place. "You're so pretty Y/N. So fuckin' gorgeous." I rolled my eyes as he stepped back and it clattered to the ground. His eyes never left mine as he moved his hands down to slide his boxers off. "You're up." His voice came out gravely and harsh, I wanted to melt. I slid the band of my undies down before they pooled at my ankles. "Let's go for a swim, yeah?" I smiled, "Yeah." We both ran off the bed of his truck and jumped off into the water below. The truck acted as a sort of diving board. Only after we jumped did my eyes leave Grayson's and right as I almost saw what he was packing, we hit the water and went under.
After paddling around, splashing each other, and having a breath holding contest, he finally swam close to me. I moved closer and kissed him, with my hands gripping at his shoulders. He kissed back harder and he groaned softly. "Y/N. Y/N. Do you really wanna do this?" I sighed against his cheek as I leaned as close to him as I could. My legs stayed tied around his hips and he gripped my waist. "Gray." I whined, and that was enough motivation for him to leave open mouthed kisses against my neck.
I laid on his arm as we both looked up at the moon and stars that drifted over the water. He slid back on his sweats and I was wearing my underwear and his shirt. "I wanna get a tattoo." He checked his phone to see it was only half past eleven. "I'll text him and tell him we're on our way." I nodded as I moved to slide back on my leggings and my own shirt. Grayson sat up and started to type on his phone. My heart squeezed in my chest before I squatted down behind him and I kissed his shoulder, "Thank you for tonight, Gray." He turned and kissed me before he smiled, "Anytime princess."
In the back bedroom of this guy's house. I sat in a chair and he started to sketch the design I wanted. It was a little bumblebee on my ankle. Grayson toyed with my fingers and I focused on him as the process started. My hand gripped his tightly and he chuckled. "Hurts?" I rolled my eyes and let my head roll back on the chair. Grayson stood and came behind me so he could lean down and kiss me. "I'll get one too." I raised my brows and he smiled, "I'll get a little angel wing." I smiled back and we shared another kiss.
When we both finished I looked at the time to see it was one. I pressed my lips to Grayson's cheek greedily as we sat outside of my house. "I don't wanna go in. Tonight was perfect." He nodded and our noses brushed so gently, it made my giggle. His lips trailed down my jaw and to my neck, "Tomorrow we can do it all over again. Let's not tell E and Paige we went as far as we did." I nodded and kissed him again. Grayson pulled me onto his lap and he tugged at my lower lip before we pulled apart. "Next time let's go cliff jumping." He smiled, "I'll take you out on my bike and we can go on a trip." I nodded and pecked him again.
He walked me to my door and wrapped his arms around me. I laid my head on his chest and I sighed, "Drive safe, please." Gray nodded and kissed my forehead, "Go shower babe, you stink." I pushed him back and turned to unlock my door. He kissed my neck, "Sweet dreams. I'll text you when I get home." I nodded and kissed him over my shoulder. I heard him walk away as I got the door open. He waved before he drove off and I shut the door. I turned and headed upstairs to the bathroom. I stripped off my slightly wet clothes and I looked at my ankle. "Fuck." I whispered and I laughed softly. Grayson brought out the best in me, it seemed.
Ethan picked me up, Paige was already in his car and Grayson was in the back. "Tell us about the date!" Paige said as she turned in her seat. I shared a look with Grayson, "It was good. We went to the theater, watched a movie, and then he took me home." Ethan snorted, "They were out until almost two in the morning. So my ass." Grayson chuckled and laid his head against mine, "We did a little more than that but it doesn't matter. All that really matters is that Y/N is my girl." I nodded and laid my head on his shoulder. His lips found my hair and I smiled at Paige. "I want details later, missy." I shrugged, "No promises."
Gray pulled me away from Ethan and Paige as they looked at records on display, before he leaned down and kissed me. "I wanna show E my tat but he won't approve." I raised my brows as I laid my hands on his chest, "Why wouldn’t he? It's a good tat." He nodded, "But he'll ask when I got it, and if I told him it happened on our date, I'm screwed." I bit my lip, "True. Paige wants details later. I'm not telling her about the skinny dipping, what happened after, or the tattoos. She would freak the fuck out!" He nodded and laid his forehead against mine.
I smiled and kissed him quickly. His fingers squeezed at my hips, "You didn't hurt last night, did you?" I shook my head no and he sighed. "Thank god. I was worried about that last night once I showered. You tore up my back." I giggled, "My hips were a bit bruised but that was expected." His lips came into contact with my neck, "I loved last night."
After the record store, Paige and Ethan headed to the car as Gray and I walked behind slowly. My cheek was pressed to his arm as he held me to his side, "I can't believe we became friends over Randy Mathers." Grayson said with a little yawn. I nodded and kissed his arm, "I'll have to send him a thank you note or something." Gray snorted with his laugh as we got to the car. Paige and Ethan were kissing in the front seat and I rolled my eyes. Those two fell for each other quickly, it seemed. Both seemed to be happier in their relationship, which in return made me ecstatic.
We travelled back to my house and lounged around for a bit. "Gray and I are gonna teach you guys how to make specialty recipe in the Dolan house, the infamous Dolan chocolate chip cookies." Ethan said from his place on the opposite couch. I raised my brows at the older Dolan, "That so?" He nodded with a smile and pulled Paige up. I could hear her protesting, claiming she was warm and comfy, but Ethan silenced her with a kiss and she seemed to melt against him.
Gray stopped rubbing my back and he kissed my hair, "Wanna get up, babe?" I tilted my head back and smiled, "Not particularly. Kinda comfy." His chuckles rumbled through his chest and I sighed as I rolled off of him. I pressed my face against a throw pillow on the sofa, and he leaned forward to kiss my leg. My eyes widened and he gave me a playful look as he stood. "Either you get up, or I pick you up. Your choice babe." I smirked up at him, "That a challenge, Dolan?" He shrugged a shoulder and leaned down, "Don't make me tickle you."
I squealed and ran past the doorway to the kitchen, Grayson was hot on my heels with his arms out in front of him. He looked like a zombie, but instead of trying to kill me, he was trying to tickle me. His loud laugh echoed off the walls as I skidded around the corner. I slid into the laundry room on my socked feet, catching myself on the dryer.
He slid up behind me and started to kiss my neck as his hands came down to my hips and he tickled me. I threw my head back against his shoulder as I laughed. His arms seatbelted around my hips and he lifted me, placing me over his shoulder. I whined, "Gray! You can't tickle me and then expect me to be okay. I'm mentally scarred." I could almost hear his eyes roll before I noticed we had made it to the kitchen, and I was placed on a bar stool.
Grayson and Ethan had found aprons in a drawer, and they were struggling to tie them on. Paige sat beside me with her chin in her palm, I mirrored her stance as I sighed. Grayson looked up, "The cookies will be ready soon." I smirked, "You seem to be the only thing in the kitchen that looks appetizing." Ethan fake threw up, and Paige laughed. "Y/N! You two have only been together for like two days." I shrugged in place, "I have a very attractive boyfriend." Paige smile and leaned close, "The best part? I have one too!" We high fived and laughed. The twins watched us with similar smirks and they too shared a look.
"So you add some flour." Ethan muttered, Grayson's eyes widened. "No! You put that in that bowl! Ethan!" He whined and Ethan dropped the bag of flour, "It's all getting mixed!" Grayson put his hand on the counter as he looked at Ethan, "We have to separate the ingredients, ass clown." I giggled and Gray looked up with a smile. "Okay, Grayson, but it's literally all going in one bowl so fuck off!" Paige turned her head in an attempt to hide her laughter but it failed. Ethan pouted as Grayson took over again, "After you add the flour, you need to add a little salt and some sugar."
Ethan held the plate of cookies in one hand and the gallon of milk in the other. Paige and I had moved to the kitchen table. "Keep those peepers closed!" Ethan yelled as he came in. I heard glasses clatter and the two sat down. "Okay and open!" Grayson beamed. My eyes snapped open and I looked down to see two cookies on a napkin next to a glass of milk. "These look amazing." Paige said as she picked one up and put it in her milk. I took a bite out of mine and I smiled, "I'm genuinely shocked." Gray scoffed, "Why?" Ethan blinked at me and gave me a sassy look. "I didn't think you two could do this without burning yourselves or my house. Also they taste fucking delicious." Ethan and Grayson high fived as Paige and I shared a knowing look.
After the cookies were tucked away and the milk was put up, we all migrated back to the lounge. "Should we tell them?" Grayson asked softly as he sunk into the cushion. I shrugged, "Get ready for backlash." He coughed loudly to draw the attention of Paige and Ethan. Both turned and looked at us with raised brows. "Y/N and I have something to tell you." Paige smiled, "Is it about the date?" I nodded and bit my lip as Grayson scrubbed his free hand down his face. "We got tattoos." Ethan jumped off the couch, "Shut up! No you did not." I rolled up my leggings to show my bumble bee. Grayson did the same with his sweats to show off his angel wing. "Those actually look so sick! And they aren't coordinated so if you ever broke up, it wouldn't matter." Ethan said enthusiastically. Gray threw a pillow at him, "Don't think so negatively about me and Y/N." I laughed softly as Paige reached down to touch my ankle. "I cannot believe you did this." I smiled, "It's real and it happened."
Gray smiled before he kissed my cheek. "Let's wait to tell them about us hooking up." I nodded and kissed him. Paige and Ethan went back to their own conversation opposite of us. For now we were in the chaotic neutral. I pulled out my phone and googled edible arrangements. Grayson snorted from behind me, "Why are you looking that up?" I turned my head slightly from its place on his chest and I smiled, "I told you. I owe Randy Mathers a ‘thank you’ for getting us together." Grayson's laugh boomed loudly, and his chest rumbled. I smiled at him, and Grayson smiled back with his signature grin. I would never get tired of hearing his boisterous laugh or seeing his teasing smile.
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whenemmafallsinlove · 5 years
I need advice! So a few weeks ago maybe 2-3 ish or longer now, my friend asked me to make him a car sticker I sell them I do custom ones and shirts so I said yes for the size he wanted I was charging 60 which he knew and was okay with. We sat for like two hours going through fonts and then we talked about doing a trade for Taylor merch instead of cash cause that’s where it was going anyway, it didn’t happen then today he posted on fb he got it made somewhere else it’s like a slap in my face tbh
ughh that really sucks. are you looking for advice on like..what to do about it or what? :( im sorry that happened anon
☁️sleepover saturday!
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kedsandtubesocks · 1 year
NIKU!!! Why do I get the vibes that ur the gal at the sleepover that would make me a mix drink and not tell me it’s a gross concoction LMAO but wow I’m so glad ur here you little cute menace 💖
👀 - I honestly thought you’d send me truth or dare to pick but alas I am the fool and didn’t explain that better or aka clown behavior 101 honk honk 🤡
but I’ll pick truth so send me anything if you want dear Niku but instead i’ll instead ask you… a truth question heehee 👀
What writing piece do you feel most proud of and why!
💫 - I’m doing Gojo and I’m bonking you on the head you just gotta deal with it!!! So… the AU for GoNiku (yes that’s my ship name for y’all) is royalty AU, Gojo is a ridiculous prince you run into and don’t realize he’s a prince, he’s just this annoying loud guy who doesn’t see you when he rushes out of a store and bumps into you and you’re just a simple artisan who yells at him for making you drop your favorite book in the mud (he of course buys you a first edition as an apology) it becomes a whole whirlwind romance after that of him trying to romance you with extravagant luxury flowers or sweet treats while you try ignoring him as best as you can but princes always get their ways soooo 😌
These were actually so adorable wow I’m so glad you sent these in even if though I’m still bonking you on the head and making you eat all the left over gummy bear flavors I don’t like cause that’s true friendship LMAOOOO 🫶🏼💕💖
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kedsandtubesocks · 1 year
hey lovely!! i hope your rest be restin, and you're feeling better 💗
for your sleepover, i'd LOVE to hear what you'd say for 🎶, & also to know what flavor ice cream you've got.
HAYLEY!! Hi beautiful omg thanks for sending something in 🥹💕
Feeling so much better thank you bb and am enjoying that good rest with a yummy s’mores blizzard from Dairy Queen and oh my god it’s ✨HEAVENLY ✨
And okay so a song choice for you is from our dear Dance Gavin Dance and it’s their song Chocolate Jackalope!
Mainly because it’s such a fun and energetic song and it’s one that always can put a smile on my face just like you do whenever I get to chat with you!! Plus that wonderful pumped up energy that makes me wanna thrash and dance around just feels so perfect to fit ur vibes! And honestly… us having the same emo/punk song vibes makes me feel as excited I did when I first met my friends in high school who listened to the same bands I did and that same giddiness came when we freaked out over realizing we like the same bands so that same fondness is just is all tied together with and you and DGD (if that makes sense wow ignore me)
Plus DGD forever lol 😌🤘
I hope ur getting rest too and staying cool!! 💖
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