#☂︎︎ || ~ chatting
blackcatofparis · 10 months
{ 🐾 𝐍𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧🐾}
Post Type Tags
Text -> { Chat's Chats } Favorite -> { The Chat's Meow } Important -> { Akuma Alert } Vent -> { Bad Luck } ML Critical -> { Cataclysm } Not ML -> { Purr-sonal Purr-eference } Positivity -> { Paw-sitivity } Art -> { Kitty Draws } Writing -> { Chaton Scratch } Animal Posting -> { Furr-end Shaped }
Character Tags
Adrien -> { Alley Cat | ᓚᘏᗢ } Marinette -> { My Lady | ♡ } Nino -> { Turtle Boy | ♬ } Alya -> { Journalist in Training | ϟ } Agrestes -> { Lonely Home | ☂ } Classmates -> { Miracuclass | ♜ } Villains -> { Akumatized | ♟ } Kwamis -> { The End and The Beginning | ✦ }
Ship Tags
Marichat -> { Starcrossed | 💜 } Ladynoir -> { Destined | ❤️ } Adrinette -> { Earned | 💚 } Ninoir -> { Stray Hearts | 💙 } Misc. -> { Lost but Found | 🖤 }
Friend Tags
@miracubugg -> { Bugaboo | Miracubugg } @scaia -> { Buginette | Scaia }
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tangylemonade · 1 month
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Jeonghan x afab reader
(The reader wears feminine clothes and is referred to as pretty etc.)
18+ MINORS DNI (istg 🫵🏾 ಠ_ಠ if I catch you)
Word count: 9.7k
꧁ ☂︎ (angst) & ⚠︎ (smut) w/ a pinch of ☁︎ (fluff) ꧂
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WARNING: unprotected sex (don't forget the casing before you stuff your sausage), kidnapping, cursing, description of abuse, Jeonghan smokes, Jeonghan’s in a gang, mentions of injuries, reader has toxic parents. Please let me know if I missed anything.
P.s. I am aware that it’s no longer recommended to wrap fractured ribs but my goodness let me have this (•‿•)
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You were never a one night stand kind of person.
It felt too… vulnerable. Too scary.
You didn’t know how to just give yourself to someone you don’t even know. To trust them with a raw view of you. To trust them with something so intimate.
It had been a long week. A long month. A long year.
You were beyond exhausted and quite honestly ready for a change.
Falling asleep filled with that expensive bottle of wine you never felt special enough to drink you woke up with a fire in your heart. A spark that needed kindling.
And now on this tepid Wednesday morning while you laid in bed long past your alarm you felt more energized than ever.
Getting up you showered before finally checking your phone. Your boss called and you had a few text messages from your coworkers.
You lied about being up all night with fever and called out sick. You’d never done anything of the sorts before so no one even questioned it. One coworker even offered to bring you soup which you politely declined.
You did a face mask that claimed to plump your skin and after that you put on a little makeup. Standing in a lingerie set you bought at some point for a boyfriend you never even slept with, you tried on your only pair of heels.
No one would see you like this tonight except yourself but you didn’t mind at all. It still made you feel sexy, something you hardly thought about yourself.
Digging in the depths of your closet you found that one dress you kept tucked away for special occasions. Your heart did a little flip thinking that maybe it didn’t fit anymore but thankfully with a little shimmy as you pulled up the form fitting dress it still fit like a glove.
Catching a glimpse of yourself in the mirror on the way out the door you did a double take. The dress fit you perfectly, accentuating your every curve nicely. Your hair was done and all together with some makeup on you felt pretty. The prettiest you’d felt in a long long time.
You couldn’t help smiling.
Rasasy was a small restaurant that you’d often pass by but never went into. It always looked lovely and quaint and the scent would carry through the street making you hungry on your way home.
It was quiet with a few people enjoying their dinners while chatting away happily with their partners.
The food took its time coming as it was cooked upon order but it was completely worth it.
Taking another bite you looked around taking in the atmosphere. Soft piano music was playing quietly and the booth you were sitting in was warm and cozy.
You found yourself looking to see if you were the only person eating alone. In a beat your eyes locked with a man who must’ve been the most beautiful person you’d ever seen. Sitting alone at the table to your right he took a sip of his red wine before giving you a disarming smile.
Without too much unnecessary thought you smiled at him and went back to your meal with your heart a flutter.
When you were finished you called the waitress to ask for the check. While you waited you glanced over at the beautiful man’s table but he was gone.
Your heart sank a bit and you shook your head laughing at yourself. What would you even say anyway?
“The bill was already paid for.” The waitress said with a smile.
“Paid for? Why? By who?” you said.
Somehow you already knew.
“The gentleman at table 3. He requested that you’d be given this note as well.”
“Thank you.” You whispered, feeling a little giddy.
The waiter simply smiled with a knowing twinkle in her eyes before heading away.
You waited until you got in your car, buckled in, started it, and took a deep breath before mustering the courage to unfold the note and read it.
Hello gorgeous
I didn't want to bother you because you looked so peaceful. I’d love to join you next time.
The handwriting was a little sloppy yet had a unique elegance to it.
As you moved the paper you caught a whiff of a heavenly scent. Was that how he smelt?
Something regal…like an aromatic green tea and…. cigarettes. Not the cheap kind, the expensive ones that smelled sweet and warm.
“Oh who am I kidding.” You said to yourself with a wistful sigh before tucking the note into your bag. You often talked to yourself aloud to sort your thoughts.
“The lighting at the restaurant was very dim and romantic. Maybe he’s just drunk and lonely. Maybe he’s just playing a game. Maybe he has fun every night and I seemed like an easy target because I was alone and looked pitiful.”
But then a different thought popped into your head.
It came as a whisper.
‘Maybe… just maybe he wants to get to know me.’
The little thought echoed through your head silencing the others while turning your face vibrant with warmth.
Tomorrow. You’d call tomorrow.
Pacing back and forth you couldn’t decide when the moment was right.
What if he thinks you’re a freak for calling so early? Maybe you should wait another day so you don’t seem desperate. Maybe you should’ve called last night and he doesn't even remember you. Maybe you could just text him? Maybe…
You hit call and squeezed your eyes shut while the phone rung.
A voice filled your ear, soft and smooth
“Oh sorry Hi! Uhm this is Y/N. From last night. You gave me your number…” you heard yourself starting to ramble and wanted to die.
“Wow! I didn’t think you’d call.”
Your face fell in horror.
“Oh my I’m so sorry I-“
“I’m happy you did. I was sure you thought I was a weirdo or something. I felt so stupid but I figured you were worth the try.”
Your words caught in your throat while you tried to process everything.
“Hello? Are you still there?” He asked tentatively over the line.
Your words came out in a bit of a whisper.
“Perfect! So… do you want to get coffee or…”
“Yeah. Oh uhm yeah coffee would be- I could always drink coffee.”
“Are you busy? We could meet up today?”
“No, I'm off. How about Colvers? It’s new but I heard they make good coffee and the sandwiches aren’t half bad.”
“That sounds great! How does 2:30 sound?”
You caught yourself sounding a little too enthusiastic and tried to tone it down. “So.. I’ll uhm see you there?”
“See you.” He said with a light chuckle before hanging up.
A date. You have a date. A beautiful, gorgeous date.
“I’m gonna vomit!” you declared, collapsing on your bed with a groan.
You laid there for a little bit playing in your hair and suddenly giggling like a little school girl before hopping up and heading to the shower. You hummed the whole way through as you dolled yourself up and sorted through your things in an attempt to find the best and prettiest casual clothing you owned.
Checking the time you did your final touches before rushing out the door in fear of being late even though you were leaving early.
You arrived 30 minutes early and thanked god for your insight because it was a little busy but you still managed to find a good table.
You ordered their signature sandwich as a late breakfast, hoping you could finish it before he got there.
The sandwich took a little while to come but god was it worth it. You chewed with your eyes closed, savoring the warm and spicy goodness.
“Can I have a bite?”
You nearly choked as your eyes flew open at the sound of a smooth and sultry voice.
You quickly chewed and swallowed, taking a swig of your water. Your eyes pricked with tears as you forced the not fully masticated bite down.
“Have you considered filming a commercial? The way you’re eating makes that look really good.” He said with a smile that made you feel a little (a lot) hot around the collar.
“Sorry. I skipped breakfast.” You sort of mumbled as you self-consciously set your sandwich on your plate. “I don't drink coffee well on an empty stomach so I figured I’d eat before you got here.”
“Same. Can I have a bite?”
You blinked at him. “A bite?”
“Can’t I?” He did a head tilt that would’ve seemed innocent if not for that sparkle in his dark brown eyes.
You nodded slowly and slid the plate towards him with a hand that was now shaking a bit.
He picked up the sandwich, turning it around and looking at it before taking a bite right where you had.
Your mouth watered as you watched him chew.
Fighting yourself to look back at his eyes you saw something mischievous reflecting back at you that sent your skin fluttering with goosebumps.
He chewed slowly before swallowing and swiping the corner of his lips with his thumb.
“This really is good.”
“Yeah uhm.. do you want to order one…” you said, raising your hand to call the waiter.
He grabbed your hand and pulled it down to the table with a smile.
“Nah it’s okay. I’ll just steal more of yours, only if you don’t mind of course.”
He looked at you waiting for a response.
“Oh I don’t mind.” You said, not entirely sure why it didn’t bother you when you weren’t normally a big sharer. That was one of the reasons you were so lonely. It feels hard to give these days.
The waiter brought over an icy glass, setting it in front of Jeonghan and physically cutting the tension that was building as you watched him take another bite.
He sipped the cold glass of tea, his pink lips wrapping around the straw.
“Oh that looked good! What is it?” You asked as you picked up the sandwich and took a bite, your bite overlapping with his. You internally rolled your eyes as your heart did a little skip. What were you, in grade school?
But why did the sandwich taste even better this time?
“Want to try?”
“What is it?”
“Iced green tea honey and no cream. It’s good.” He said while pushing the glass towards you.
“Ohh sounds good.”
You weren’t sure if it really did sound good or if the thought of wrapping your own lips around his straw was clouding your common sense.
What in the world was this man doing to your dormant and CLEARLY desperate body?
You hesitated for a moment, looking up at him and catching his gaze again.
Without a second thought you put your lips around his straw taking a quick sip, the cool drink washing through your now hot body.
Jeonghan watched you for your reaction and you could’ve sworn you saw his eyes flicker to your pursed lips.
“Oh it is good. Maybe I should order that instead of a coffee.” You said. The tea was not too sweet and pleasantly refreshing.
“I’m telling you. You have a future in advertising.” He said with a shake of his head and a dangerous smile. So charming it disarmed you and suddenly you were smiling too.
If you from a week ago saw you now she would have a heart attack.
You didn’t end up ordering your own tea. You shared his drink with him leaning in to take sips and exchange wistful conversation.
Here you were sitting with a complete stranger sharing spit before you even learned each other's last names.
“So tell me more about yourself? What do you do for work?” He asked, walking alongside you, his hand gently brushing into yours as you stepped in sync.
It was a beautiful day and Jeonghan had suggested a park date. You went on a couple dates before but you always picked activities. Not as much talking time as there was physical bonding like pottery classes and movies. You two finished a quick picnic of sandwiches before going for the walk. It felt nice to talk with him in such a relaxed way as you two strolled along the sunny path.
“I work in banking.” You said with shrug
“Ohhh sounds fun.” He teased.
You laughed. “Ehh. It’s not bad and it pays well enough. What about you?”
You did a quick intake of the man walking beside you.
His shoulder length black hair was silky and smelled of a soft warm scent every time he turned his head to talk to you.
His slender stature was fitted in crisp yet simple black jeans and tee that you knew could only be from an expensive store.
“Family business. Nothing exciting like banking but hey.” He said with a chuckle.
“That’s nice! It's just me here so it can get pretty lonely.”
“Any friends?”
You shrugged and let out a sigh before awkwardly laughy “Do you count?”
Jeonghan playfully knocked his shoulder into yours. “Absolutely I do.”
You stopped and looked at him, smiling softly before shaking your head.
“What?” He said with his signature head tilt.
“What planet are you from Yoon Jeonghan?”
He laughed and turned his body fully towards you, leaning against a nearby tree. “What do you mean?”
“You’re just such…a- a.”
You laughed. “What? No. You’re such a treat.”
His smile dropped a bit before quickly lifting into a smirk. You saw a flicker of something indistinguishable in his eyes that was gone as quickly as it appeared.
“Sorry. It’s just I- I’ve sortve been living in this weird little me bubble and the one day I suddenly decided to pop it you showed. It felt like fate… I mean you’re just so lovely…”
Your voice trailed off. Your face was burning bright as Jeonghan's eyes watched you intently.
The breeze flittered his hair into his face as if it too couldn’t resist the desire to caress him.
“You’re trouble aren’t you?” He asked in an almost whisper.
“What? Me? Hardly. Besides, I’m not the one giving my phone number on flirty notes to strangers.” You smiled, playfully poked his arm as you spoke.
“Well a beauty like you is non-ignorable. I had no choice.”
“No choice huh.” You continued to quip in an attempt to distract your body from its desire to overheat in Jeonghan's intoxicating presence.
“What? Do you just hit on every pretty girl you see?”
He held your hand that you hadn't realized was still resting on his arm and pulled you closer to him.
His gaze was so intense you thought you might combust on sight.
The sun was setting,leaving a heavenly glow against his smooth gorgeous skin.
You leaned in before he did your lips touching his before you pulled back in shock.
His right hand still held yours while his other pulled you even closer to his invitingly warm chest, cutting off your stumbling words. He let go of your hand to cradle your face as he gazed at you for a moment before leaning in. His lips devoured yours as the kiss quickly deepened, filling you with ecstasy.
Eventually you both had to take a moment to breathe, his soft breath tickling your nose as he rested his forehead to yours.
You lifted your hand to his cheek while your other hand's fingers laced through the silky hair at the nape of his neck and pulled him in for another delicious taste.
His kisses spread heat through your body leaving you feeling dizzy and thoughtless.
He was completely and totally intoxicating. Green tea and cigarettes mixed with a soft scent you now knew to be him.
The tickle of his tongue on your lips was a magic spell telling your body to open to him and you complied. You pressed into him craving more as his nimble fingers pushed patterns into your skin like a sinful tattoo.
“Wow.” You whispered breathlessly.
He laughed. “I agree.”
Jeonghan looked up at the dimming sky.
“When did it get so late?” He said, concern evident in his voice. “ Let me drive you home.”
“What about my car then? I’ll text you when I get home, okay?” You were still feeling loopy off of him and couldn’t stop smiling.
“Then let me walk you to your car.”
You nodded, grabbing his hand and walking alongside him with that goofy smile still plastered on your face.
Jeonghan started texting you good morning messages that had you feeling all giddy throughout the day. You found yourself smiling so much your coworker giggled and whispered to you “Someone got laid huh?”
“Oh stop.” You said swatting her away from you as you blushed thinking about how good Jeonghan probably could make you feel if his kiss had you this buzzed.
A couple weeks blew by and you talked nearly every day, both of you being too busy to meet up.
Holding your takeout in one hand and your bag and keys in the other you hummed while you tried to maneuver the right key into your hand.
Suddenly your skin alerted with goosebumps and you felt uneasy. You turned around but when you didn’t see anything out of the ordinary you quickly opened your door and ran inside. You locked both locks while you tried to steady your pounding heart. Just then your phone rang causing you to nearly jump out of your skin.
You checked the caller ID. Why was Jeonghan calling so late? He never called at this time.
“Oh my! Jeonghan! Why the sudden call?” You said through the line.
“Are you okay?” He said quickly, his voice sounding anxious and low.
“Yeah I’m okay. I just got home.”
“Can I see you?”
“Is that okay?”
“Well…I just got dinner…”
“Sorry I didn’t mean to inconvenience you. Just…you’re okay right?”
“Yeah I’m okay. Why? What’s going on?” You asked, your voice sounded as uneasy as you were feeling again.
“No reason. I’ll leave you to your dinner-“
“No! I mean- uhm…come over.”
“Are you sure?”
He sounded so exhausted and it made your heart pang.
“Of course. I’ll text you my address.”
It was more than just wanting to see him, you were still feeling uncomfortably scared and you couldn’t shake the uneasiness despite telling yourself that you were just being silly. You wanted Jeonghan to hold you and make everything okay.
You paced back and forth in your kitchen until you heard the *pling* *pling* of your doorbell. You rushed to check through the peephole, the pit in your stomach beginning to unknot at the sight of the beloved man standing outside, his hair blowing in the night air, obscured by the night.
You quickly opened the door with a smile on your face.
“Come in, it's freezing out.” You said pulling him in by his hand.
He kicked off his shoes hurriedly as you pulled him all the way into your kitchen and sat him down in a chair.
“Sit here. Did you eat dinner? I got takeout. It’s nothing fancy but I was just about to eat. It’s probably cold now so I’m just gonna heat it up except my microwave is broken and so I have to use a pan which actually is better because then it tastes…”
You had your back to him while you rambled and you suddenly felt his slender arms wrap around you, cutting your words short as they fell back down your throat, turning into butterflies in your stomach.
He rested his head on your shoulder and let out a sigh that sounded like he had the weight of the world crushing him.
“Jeonghan?” You held his hand and tried to turn around but he gently held you still.
Looking down you noticed his knuckles. They were bruised and bloodied!
“Are you okay?” You asked, worry flipping your heart and sending it pounding against your rib cage.
You grabbed his arm and this time he didn’t resist as you lifted it, turning toward him.
A gasp fell from your lips at the sight of his beautiful face…battered and bruised. He licked his busted, swollen lip and smiled at you, wincing a bit from the pain.
“Oh my god Jeonghan what happened!” Your hands flew up to his face but only hovered, scared to hurt him any more. Jeonghan grabbed your hands, pulling them close and resting them on his heart. You could feel the thumping beneath your shaking hands.
“Family troubles.” He said with a crooked smile.
You sat him back down at your table before quickly leaving to grab your first aid kit.
Opening the box quickly you hesitated as you looked at the over supplied kit your coworker bought you as a housewarming gift unsure what to even use.
“An ice pack would be great.” He said, helping you along with a humorous lit to his voice that didn’t fit the situation.
“Right, sorry.”
You quickly rushed to your freezer and grabbed your ice pouch you bought at some point for your headaches and quickly tossed it to the back of your freezer when you realized it was of no help.
Gently you brought it to his cheek, pressing it slowly to gauge his pain.
“Sorry.” You said pulling back when he winced. “Does that hurt too much?”
“Not when you do it.”
He smiled again, gently holding on to your wrist.
“Sorry. You’ll have to hold this while I clean your lip.”
He took the ice pack, his warm fingers playing with your now cold ones.
Grabbing ointment you put some on a cotton swab before leaning over and dabbing it gently on his pretty lips.
You looked up at Jeonghan, your eyes meeting his as they looked down at you.
In an attempt to cool your anxious sweats as you got the first aid kit you had unbuttoned a few buttons of your blouse. Right now he had a clean view down your shirt and into your barely there bralet that you wore on long days because bras drove you crazy and this one was comfortable. Comfortable and basically see through.
You didn’t mind at all and made no effort to move as you continued tending to his cuts.
“Anything else?” So asked softly.
You noticed a bruise peaking through the black silk of his shirt.
Jeonghan stared at you for a moment thinking through his next course of action. With a pensive expression he unbuttoned his shirt all the way, revealing litters of purple marks all over his upper torso.
“Oh m- Jeonghan, I'm not a doctor! You need to go to the hospital.” You felt tears stinging your eyes as the night's emotions already began to bubble over.
“No need. Nothing's broken. I’ll be fine.” He held your hand as he spoke, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
You felt his warm body shiver as you delicately traced the injuries on his skin with cool fingers. Jeonghan tentatively rested his hand on your hips.
“I feel better already.” Jeonghan whispered.
His low voice sent tingles through every fiber of your essence.
“Jeonghan. Tell me what happened. Please.”
His hands rushed to your face, cradling it and catching your falling tears with his thumb.
“There are things that need to be done. When they don’t get them done it’s only natural to pay the price.”
“What does that mean Jeonghan?” Frustration twisted with worry in your voice. “Do you need help?”
He shook his head.
“It means that I will do everything within my power to keep you safe.”
“Jeonghan…You’re scaring me.”
“It’s gonna be okay y/n.”
He sweetly gazed up at you, stroking your cheek. You found yourself leaning closer, seeking the warmth and comfort you knew he could give you.
Your lips touched, not as a kiss but rather to simply feel each other, the emotions passing between you stronger than words could understand.
With a tilt of Jeoghans chin he kissed you softly at first against your trembling lips. His hands firmly pulled you closer, your body slotting between his legs as he deepened the kiss. Your tongue caressed his bottom lip and you tasted his blood in your mouth as he opened himself to you desperately.
His fingers hungrily wandered, leaving fire in their path.
Immediately undoing your buttons you slid your shirt off your shoulders, dropping it on the floor beside Jeoghans.
His hands squeezed your thighs encouraging you to straddle him.
“Are you..” you could barely speak as Jeonghan continued kissing you. “…sure it won’t…mhhh…hurt?
His only response was a moan against your lips before he pulled you into his lap, putting an end to your hesitation. Feeling worrisome about touching his injured body you laced your fingers through his hair.
Your hips took the lead pressing against the hardness that was growing in his slacks. He groaned into your neck where he had now begun to kiss and suck the sensitive skin, a moan vibrating against your throat.
Jeoghan placed your hands against his chest, letting you know that it was okay to touch him.
Your skirt was now lifted and sitting at your hips leaving only the thin barrier of your underwear now dampened with your arousal. Sliding down your bralette he littered your breast with licks and kisses.
Undoing the button of his pants your shaky hands struggled with the zipper before finally pulling his cock from the dreadfully difficult blockade that was his clothing.
“Fuck…” he breathed against your skin as you gently circled his tip, collecting the percum and stroking down his length.
His hands shot down to your aching core seeking to return the favor. He played with your swollen bud over damp underwear earning moans from you that had his cock twitching in your grasp. He slid your panties aside, slowly slipping a finger into you.
Jeonghans slender fingers were as nimble and graceful as they looked and you wondered if you would last much longer.
He pulled his fingers from inside leaving you aching with protest before you felt the tease of his tip to your dripping pussy lips. Standing to make it easier you watched as he guided his pretty pink cock into you, his length slowly disappearing until you were back flush against his lap.
With how long it had been since your last relation combined with his delicious size, you weren’t surprised by the pain of the stretch. Your eyebrows furrowed as you adjusted. Jeonghan kissed the corner of your lips, his hands massaging your hips while you breathed through the moment. Despite the twitch of his cock which you felt against your sensitive walls Jeonghan didn’t move, allowing you to take the lead.
He buried his face into your breasts, a string of swear words on his breath as your tight walls squeezed his throbbing cock.
When you began to rock he had to fight to steady his breathing before he blew it right then and there.
It truly had been too long for you. It didn’t take much more of his cock pressing all the right spaces in you before an orgasm came ripping through your body. Jeonghan struggled to focus as he fought through the euphoric feeling of your fluttering pussy so that he could watch the beautiful scene that was you unraveling against him.
The beauty of your flushed face, kiss swollen lips, dazed eyes, and your softly furrowed brows had Jeonghan seeing stars.
You rested your head on his shoulder as you caught your breath.
Jeonghan waited until your heart stopped pounding against him before he secured your hips in his hands and began lifting into you.
Shivers flittered down Jeonghan's spin as you moaned loud and clear in his ear.
Your feeling of overstimulation washed into the building of pleasure once again.
His hips began to stutter as he got closer to his release. You moved along with him and it wasn’t long before your walls were squeezing and pulsing around him again, this time pulling his orgasm into you in hot ropes. He rutted inside a few more times before wrapping his arms around your body and holding you close. You both began to settle from your high, the reality of the moments setting in.
Jeoghan was in your kitchen half naked and covered in bruises with his cock buried inside of you.
You must be going crazy because right now as you rested in his arms you felt safer than ever.
You woke up to an empty bed despite falling asleep in Jeonghan's arms. The memory of you guys pulling off the rest of your clothes and stumbling to bed played through your mind.
Your stomach growled, reminding you that you skipped dinner.
You rolled over to see a note where Jeonghan had been.
Sorry I had a few things to handle.
There’s breakfast on the table.
I hope I didn’t make you late for work ^_^
You smiled not even caring that you were absolutely going to be late.
The bathroom was still a bit fogged over when you went in.
“I should’ve woken up earlier and showered with him.” You said to yourself regretfully, quickly showering so you could enjoy the breakfast he left to you. The towel he used was slightly damp and it smelled like him. You used it to dry off even though you had more than one and hurriedly lotioned and got dressed.
Jeonghan had left you a coffee that was still warm and a breakfast sandwich from Clovers. You thought your face would break from how much you were smiling but you couldn’t help that soaring feeling on your heart as you grabbed the food and headed out the door.
The hairs on your neck stood up tall as you walked toward your house. It was the same stressed and scared feeling you felt the other night. The streets were being cleaned in the morning so you had to park farther down. You walked quickly as nerves began to set in halfway home. Glancing behind you you saw nothing but when you turned back around you crashed into a big tall man. You were unable to see his face before someone grabbed you from behind, holding a damp cloth over your nose until everything started to blur. You fought and fought with all your fading might, dropping your things on the ground before your body fell numb and everything went black.
Awakening to the ringing sound in your ears you squeezed your eyes tighter to gather your bearings. Examining yourself you found a bandage wrapped around your wrists and chest. It hurt as you breathed in. Your attempt to sit up was cut short by your body collapsing back on the bed, pain shooting throughout and settling into your head as a heinous migraine.
Cautious breaths were your anchor as you slowly looked around the dark room. Adjusting to the dark you noticed the faint orange glow of a cigarette burning by the window.
Fear ripped through your heart as every alarm fired off in your head.
You weren’t alone.
Using all of your strength you pushed your back against the headboard as you felt around for anything that could be used as a weapon.a gentle breeze for the open window blew through, bringing a family scent to greet your nose.
“J-Jeonghan?” Fear turned into confusion and then terror.
“You’re awake?” His voice came, soft and warm like a blanket covering you.
He stood up and stepped closer to you revealing the slouch of his tired frame. Bathed in blue light you could see fresh cuts and bruises on his face.
“Here, drink this.” He said offering you a water bottle.
You only just noticed how thirsty you were but you shook your head and pushed your body further away from him.
“Please, you must be thirsty. It’s unopened.” He said, switching on nightstand light and showing you the sealed bottle.
You took a moment to mull it over before tentatively accepting the drink. Your action was cut short as pain shot through, forcing you to wrap your arms around yourself.
Jeonghan rushed beside you, his hands instantly resting on your arms as his concerned eye scanned your body. Save for the bandages around your chest and ribs your upper torso was bare, revealing the dark brushing that littered your arms and neck.
“Let me help you.”
Jeaoghan opened the bottle and brought it to your lips. Without hesitation you parted your lips allowing him to pour a few sips into your mouth. Your throat rejoiced at the relief while your stomach made you aware of its hollowness with a growl.
Jeonghan gazed down at you in his close proximity.
“What's going on?” You shakily whisper to him. “Everything hurts so…ugh…so much.”
A frown wrinkled Jeonghan’s beautiful face at your words and he looked away in shame.
“You're safe. Rest here for a few days and then I’ll relocate you somewhere more comfortable. Kim
will come later tonight.”
You blinked at him, no sound able to leave your mouth as you tried to process the moment.
With that Jeonghan stood up, grabbed his coat and headed for the door.
“Wait! Where are you going?” You asked, panic and distress filling you at the thought of him leaving you here alone.
“Don't leave me.” Your voice broke and you saw him hesitate, his hand frozen on the lock.
“Kim will be here soon.” He said quickly before slipping out, shutting the door airily behind him.
About an hour passed before a small slender woman possibly in her early 40s walked in with a suitcase in tow behind her
Her voice paired with her warm motherly smile felt gentle and sweet.
“You’re already looking better!”
She switched on the light room finally allowing you a clear view of the high end hotel room you apparently were staying in.
Kim went to the bathroom and came back with a basin of water.
“May I?” She asked, placing the bowl on the nightstand and ringing out the cloth.
You nodded and she began by wiping your face and then your hands. It felt soothing and the tension you felt from a stranger being in your presence began to fade.
“What’s goin-“
Kim shook her head, cutting you off without a word.
You looked at her with pleading eyes and her eyebrows tensed.
“Listen here now darling, it probably won’t make much sense but you helped save a lot of lives. A lot of innocent women and children.”
She looked at you with a soft smile. “The work that the Yoon family does isn’t very pretty and sometimes it’s down right awful. But there are people out there who are worse. And hopefully this group of worse people won’t be able to hurt any more good people.”
You were angry now. “That’s nice and all Kim but that doesn’t explain anything.” You frowned, speaking through gritted teeth as your brain struggled to sort things that just weren’t making sense.
Your heart was pounding, your ears ringing, and you were begging to feel nauseous.
“Come on doll, let’s get you washed up.
You wanted to be noncompliant but unfortunately you could really use a shower and you didn’t think you had the strength to get to the bathroom on your own.
You simply grumbled a thank you as Kim helped you to the shower and turned on the water for you. You didn't even mind when she helped you out of your clothes. She left you alone after that, only popping in to give you some toiletries and clothing.
You sunk to the floor of the tub in tears as your world crashed around you not even caring that your sobs were louder than the patter of the water against you.
You woke up to the shuffling sound of footsteps around you due to Kim doing some tidying in the room. There was a bowl of savory smelling porridge steaming on the nightstand.
“Good! You're up!” Kim said cheerfully, making her way over to you.
You need to get something in that stomach of yours.
Kim had helped you with your hair last night by drying and plaiting it for you. You remembered Kim’s gentle hands tangling through your hair while you numbly sat on the cold floor. She had to practically drag you to bed but the moment your head hit the pillow you were out.
You pulled the covers around you. You were still naked because you were too sore last night to lift your arms. There was a t-shirt and a pair of underwear on the bed for you and you quickly pulled them on. Kim stirred the porridge and brought the spoon to her mouth checking the temperature as if you were a baby.
She set the tray down in front of you and placed the spoon in the bowl.
“Eat up. Please. You need your strength to heal.”
They had you for two nights… maybe even three.
You were brought to a gaudy bedroom littered with alcohol bottles in every corner.. You were left there alone for a few hours before a woman, possibly in her late twenties, showed up.
She was concerningly skinny with a face that was pretty despite the bags under her eyes and the obvious drug use that bruised her body.
She took a moment to circle the pole you were chained to before scoffing.
“You’re not even that pretty.” She grumbled before landing a blow to your stomach, knocking the air from your lungs.
She would come in periodically to throw insults at you and hit you before eventually falling asleep on the bed. She was always inebriated, her words slurring together as she hissed at you with hot breath that reeked of liquor.
On the last night you heard the commotion of guns and yelling. She heard it as well and rage boiled in her eyes as she screamed and hit you harder than before. You felt the sickening crack of your ribs as you gasped for air and tried to stay awake.
When everything stopped you thought maybe you had died.
But you felt the warmth of a body, the familiar scent of green tea and cigarettes filling your bloodied nose. Once the chains were removed you fell into your savior's arms, unable to stand on your own.
“It’s okay. I’ve got you. I’ve got you…”
You finish the porridge and curl up in bed feeling exhausted even though you hadn't moved an inch. You turned your face into the pillow but you were too tired to even cry.
When you woke up this time it was dark out. Moonlight danced through the room caressing your bare skin. Your skin flitted with goose bumps and you shot up scanning the room, your eyes landing in the figure leaning against the windowsill.
You pulled yourself up and leaned against the headboard so you could face him while you spoke.
“I want to go home.” You said, your voice sounding shakier than you’d hoped.
Jeonghan sighed and walked towards the bed, sitting at the foot of it.
“It’s not safe.”
“And why is that Jeonghan?” This time your voice sounded just as venomous as you wanted it to, the rage finally stronger than your fear.
“You’ll need to lay low for a while until things calm down.” His eyes intently watched your glaring ones as he spoke.
“You won’t be able to go back to your job so I’ll help you find something new and until then your needs will be taken care of.”
You looked away first, cursing yourself for the way your body still fluttered under his gaze.
“Can I ask you something?” You said as you fiddled with the blanket, rage subsiding and nervousness taking over again.
Jeonghan nodded.
“Why me? Did you really even…”
By now you had figured that it was all some twisted game that only you were missing the rules to. That you were just…bait?
He sighed again and rubbed his face tiredly before answering.
“You seemed…lonely. Like no one would notice if you went missing. You’re also very pretty.” He listed the reasons matter factly as if it was as casual as telling you the weather.
You wanted to protest but it was true.
Your family wasn’t just physically far away.
Your relationship with your mother and father became strained when you told them you didn’t want to keep sending money just for your little brother's addiction. They claimed it was for his rehab but he never went. Once they found his body you knew it was over. They blamed you and it was easier to leave entirely than deal with their constant bilgerance. When your job had a transfer available you didn’t hesitate. Sometimes at night you were haunted by the anger in your mothers eyes. To her, you were a witch who had killed her beloved son with your greed.
“That night. Why- why did you come to me? If I was just…if it was just…”
You couldn’t go on as the tears swallowed your words.
“I had no choice.” Jeonghan said, his voice firm and serious.
You looked back at him with furious eyes.
“Listen.” He continued. “ what happened- you didn’t deserve to get wrapped up in this. I’m sorry. Once you became- I wanted to find another way.”
Emotions stormed through you, leaving you feeling confused and tired. Jeonghan's words offered little clarity, only giving way to more questions.
As Jeonghan watched your shaking eyes he wondered.
At what point did everything start feeling…real? At what point did he allow such a distraction to pull him away. It was never meant to be this way…and yet he found himself only thinking about you.
“What now?” You said, suddenly pulling Jeonghan from his thoughts. Your voice was soft against his tired mind.
“Safe house. Just for a moment while things settle. There’s still some cleaning up to do.”
You sighed and buried your face into the blanket.
A moment passed before Jeonghan spoke again.
“I’m not going to let anyone else hurt you. And that's a promise.”
For a reason only god knew, Jeonghan's voice still felt like a warm hug swaddling you tightly.
“Fuck. You.”
Your voice was muffled in the blanket but his sigh told you he heard you loud and clear.
That was the last bit of fight you had left. You already knew that no matter how messed up the situation was, you believed his every word.
The next morning you left for the safe house. The drive was long and the roads were whindy and yet you still found yourself napping in the back seat while Jeonghan silently drove.
Jeonghan found himself peaking in the rear view mirror often to catch a glimpse of your peaceful face.
‘There’s a special place in hell for people like me.’ He thought to himself.
Not wanting to wake you or have you wake up alone, Jeonghan waited in the car despite having arrived 2 hours earlier.
Your eyelids fluttered open as the sun beamed through the open windows. Jeonghan was still in the driver's seat quietly speaking on the phone. His eyes shot to the rearview and he gave you a smile. Unfortunately it was just as charming as ever.
“Yeah I’ll call you back.” He said into the phone and hanging up before getting out of the car and opening the door for you.
You nearly tripped on your way out the car as you took in the view around you. The gorgeously quaint cottage house was surrounded by miles of luscious land. There were chickens clucking around and to your far left there was a horse grazing. It was beyond beautiful. It was dream-esque and super… secluded?
“Did you bring me here to kill me?” You asked seriously.
He chuckled butterflies straight into your stomach and shook his head.
“If I wanted you dead, why would I bring you here? Why not just leave you with Stella?
All you could do was shrug.
“Stella? So that is the person I need to thank for the bruises.” You said with a forced laugh.
Jeonghan's lips tightened into a thin line, a flicker of anger crossing his elegant features at the sound of Stella's nasty name on your pretty lips. "Don’t concern yourself with that" he muttered, his voice dressed in bitterness and disgust. "She's...been dealt with."
With that he walked away, closing the conversation.
He opened the door for you, letting you walk in first before following and shutting the door behind you two. The house was lit beautifully golden from the sunset glow.
You turned to him with your eyebrows furrowed.
"Dealt with?"
“The mouse pays for the cheese with it’s life.” He said with a nonchalant shrug as he walked to the kitchen
You raised your voice and crossed your arms feeling a bit like an indignant child.
“Hmm?” Jeonghan hummed back without even so much as looking at you. He was shuffling through the refrigerator.
“Did you use me as bait in some sort of twisted lovers spat?” You felt your blood boiling as your pulse quickened.
“Hardly.” Jeonghan said, his haphazard attitude now starting to tick you off.
“I’m already trapped in the middle of nowhere with you. The least you can do is look at me and give me a proper explanation.”
“Look.” He said suddenly slamming the refrigerator closed, walking towards you until he was so close you had to take a step back.
“Stella was never my lover or anything like that. She was some crazy bitch who we did trade with. The skank was fucking obsessed with me, always making advances. Anyway she was running some druggie club that took part in human trafficking and shit.”
He walked back to the kitchen now, angrily pulling things from the refrigerator while he spoke. You pulled yourself onto one of the counters and listened.
“You see it’s pretty well know that the Yoons don’t fuck with that kind of shit so we were obviously gonna be a problem. I guess her and a few other wannabes got together with a grand idea and put a hit on my family. To try and scare us off I suppose. We lost good men that night.”
He paused for a moment, his expression suddenly somber but he shook it off and continued.
“That was enough incentive to put an end to her shit but that rat was hard to find. Except I would get letters from her, sometimes super detailed with mentions of things that happened to me the night before. I had a little fun at Rosie’s House and the girl showed up the next day in bad shape. Told me I wasn’t welcome back anymore. That's when we got an idea.”
He stopped tossing out the old food from the refrigerator and turned to you before leaning against the counter, his arms on either side of your body.
Your breath hitch but you did your best to act unaffected by him.
“When I saw you at that restaurant I knew it would drive her crazy. You were absolutely stunning.” His eyes flickered across your body and your treacherous heart went leaping for him.
“It wasn't enough to sleep with you. She had to think I was really seeing you. That way she’d wanna snatch you up and figure out why, leading us right to her.”
He backed up and sighed. You took a few breaths, trying to steady your racing heart.
He leaned against the opposite counter, eyes still watching you as he thought over his next words.
“…She actually found you pretty early on. The night I’d shown up…the night we…Shit was supposed to go down that night but…anyway I couldn’t show up after screwing shit up so I…went to you..”
Jeonghan shrugged his shoulders. Looking down he began picking at a callous on his palm.
He stood up straight and started unpacking the new food he purchased during a pit stop on the way here.
“Are you hungry? There's some kimbap here if you’d like.”
His attempt to change the subject was successful, you didn’t want to talk about it anymore.
“No thank you.” You needed a moment to collect your thoughts. “ I’m gonna go and wash up.
“Oh right. Let me show you your room.”
Your room was cozy and spacious. Without waiting for him to leave you kicked off your shoes and pulled your sweaty shirt over your head, tossing it into the basket in a corner that said laundry on it.
“I’ll leave you to it.” Jeonghan said as he turned away to head out.
He quickly turned back around, inquisition painting his face and he tried to rapid fire reasons in his brains as to why you’d ask him to stay while you pulled off your clothes.
“Can you help me wrap a new bandage? It was warm in the car so I’d like to shower.”
He nodded slowly. “Sure. Just call me when you’re done.”
You nodded and he left, closing the door behind him.
Did you really just ask him to wrap the bandage for you? You laid your face in your hands in exhaustion. ‘Whatever’ you told yourself as you pulled off the rest of your clothes. ‘Not like he hasn't seen them already.’
You reasoned with yourself and decided that shyness wasn’t worth losing sleep due to pain
You showered as quickly as you could with your sore body before drying off and lotioning as best as you could. You rummaged through the duffel bag of toiletries and clothes that Jeonghan had given you, putting on deodorant and slipping on a pair of panties and sweatpants. You wrapped your towel back around you and took a deep breath that you instantly regret when you felt the pain shoot through you. The pain was also a reminder to suck it up and go find Jeonghan.
You poked your head out of your door. “Jeonghan?” You called softly as you looked around the hallway.
When you didn’t get a response you walked towards the door across from yours and knocked. You heard movement inside the room and Jeonghan pulled open the door with a gentle smile on his face.
“Come in.”
He pulled open the door all the way and walked into the room. You hesitated for a moment and he looked back at you, amusement obvious in the twinkle of his eyes.
“Sit here.” He gestured to his bed where he had a first aid kit already open.
You scowled at him before shuffling into the room and sitting on the bed. You tried not to think about how pleasantly the room smelled of him.
Sitting next to you he faced you and waited. When you didn’t budge he lifted his hands towards your towel, stopping in front of your folded towel.
“May I?”
You nodded in response and set your arms down to your side.
He untucked the towel, letting it fall to your hips and revealing the tender skin underneath.
The room felt cold and your face burned hot.
When he bent down to pick up a jar of cream off of the floor you noticed the bright red of his ears.
He showed you the jar of medicinal topical pain relief before opening it and carefully scooping some with his fingers. “This will help with the pain, the healing, and the bruising. Kim makes it for me.”
You watched his hands move with careful elegance and he gingerly rubbed your bruises with the cooling cream. The strong medicinal smell was relaxing as he worked.
His movements were soft and graceful as he did his best to focus on his work and not your perked nipples or the soft rounds of your breast.
Unrolling the bandage he tenderly wrapped the stretchy material around your chest that now ached for more reasons than just bruises.
You couldn’t help exploring his face as he worked. His skin was smooth save for his chin that had a little light stubble on it. His warm brown eyes squinted as he focused on his task, his long straight eyelashes fluttering with every movement. His pink lips pressed into a line while his nose would scrunch in concentration.
There was still an heinously undeniable connection that tethered you to him, an energy that left you feeling breathless and warm.
"Thank you," you whispered, your voice barely above a breath.
Jeonghan's eyes met yours, his gaze softening with emotions you felt all too intensely.
He was now working the bandage upward to your breast and you could feel his hands slow.
He continued wrapping, his calluses finger tips grazing against your nipples sending your nerves into a frenzy. You swallowed, keeping your eyes on everything except him until he was finished.
Already feeling hot and bothered you felt a sense of relief wash over you now that his careful ministrations were complete.
You went to stand and he stopped you with a hand on your arm. Opening the cream again he took more out and began rubbing it into the bruise on your arm.
His fingers felt heavenly against your skin as he rubbed more into another bruise on your shoulder.
“Show me the other bruises?”
You complied, turning on the bed and showing him your back. This time his touch made you shiver as his nimble fingers traced along your spine.
“Sorry, you must be cold. I’m almost done.”
You felt disappointment settled in as his fingers pulled away from your tender skin.
He stood up and went to his drawer, opened it and pulled out a shirt.
“Here. Lift your arms a bit.”
You complied and Jeonghan carefully guided your arms through each arm hole before pulling the shirt over your head.
Jeonghan sat down on the floor in front of you, pulling up your pant leg.
“What are you doing?” You asked but didn’t pull your foot away from his warm hand where he cradled it.
“I noticed you walk with a bit of a limp.” He replied softly as he rubbed the cream into your ankle before taking another bandage and wrapping the slightly swollen joint.
He closed the jar and handed it to you.
“If you find any more bruises, rub this on them.”
“Thank you.”
His voice was quiet and suddenly cold.
You looked down, meeting his eyes with confusion. Your ankle still rested softly in his hands making for a heavy atmosphere as he held your gaze.
You shook your head at him.
“Jeonghan. You saved me and now you’ve helped me again. So thank you.”
The expression on his face was unreadable as he carefully let you go and stood up.
Grabbing your hand he pulled you towards him, his body pressed against yours, his face inches away,
His other hand held your waist firmly against him.
Unmoving you breathed in sync as if you both had finished a complicated dance together.
You felt the pounding of his heart against the pounding of yours.
The way you called his name made his head spin.
He let you go and backed away.
“I put the food in the refrigerator.” He said heading for the door. “You are welcome to do whatever you want here.”
“Wait! Are you leaving?” Your voice came panicked as you followed him out of his room.
“I’ve got things to do. I’ll be back tonight.” He said as you trailed behind him down the stairs.
“But Jeonghan… please.” You pleaded. Feeling too vulnerable to finish the sentence.
He turned to you this time.
“It’s okay. I’ll be back-“
You cut him off with a kiss, your arms thrown around his neck. As his shock faded, he rested his hands on your hips, pulling you closer and deepening the kiss.
Your lips were so soft against his and when you parted your lips he found your taste to be intoxicating.
Wrapped in the moment it took him a little bit to notice that suddenly your body was shaking.
Pulling back he saw the tears rolling down your face.
As you clung to Jeonghan with all your might you couldn’t stop the flood of emotions that spilled out. Even after everything that happened he still felt so safe and warm. As his arms wrapped around you and pulled you close you felt like everything would be okay. He held you like that as you cried out the last few days' events.
In his arms your world crumbled.
So why was there nowhere else you wanted to be?
No one else you wanted to be with.
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ashes-writing · 1 year
ˢᵗʳᵃⁿᵍᵉʳ ᵗʰᶦⁿᵍˢ ● ᵍᵃʳᵉᵗʰ ᵉᵐᵉʳˢᵒⁿ
…. 18+ only, there is adult themed content on this blog. Please read all warnings before reading a work… Your media consumption is your own to control, not mine. All readers are gn or female.
.... writer does not give permission for her work to be uploaded to any other site, forum or medium -especially not wattpad, with or without her consent, answer will always be no... don't steal it if you didn't write it...
My taglist is here. My rules/about is here. If you have a question, want to request something or just want to chat/scream/vent, the askbox is open ; anon is toggled on/off daily depending on my mood. it stays off more than anything due to requests being closed.
☁  - denotes angst and/or hurt-comfort | ♡ - denotes fluff | ☠ - denotes adult content that is not sexual in nature, ie drugs, death or violence | ♥ - denotes adult content that is sexual in nature | ☼ -denotes comedy and humor | ☂ - denotes any relationship other than a romantic one ie familial or platonic or friendship | ☻ - denotes a self insert and/or heavily characterized reader since apparently people want to be warned when this is the case lol | ❃ - denotes the use of an original character in a work so if you don't like it, don't read. | ♕ - denotes writers personal favorite work | ✍ - work in progress | ✌ - work completed and/or abandoned.
All the works I have posted so far for can be found below the cut. Happy reading!
– Ashes, your friendly local bimbo and queen of chaos and fuckery.
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nothing yet
nothing yet
nothing yet
nothing yet
♥ fantasy ( kinktober 22 ) | suggestive ● see content warnings ft female!reader | gareth can see into your bedroom window.
♥ reality ( kinktober 22 ) | suggestive ● see content warnings ft female!reader | you go to a corroded coffin gig to reveal your crush on gareth, making his dreams a reality. sequel to fantasy can be standalone.
♕♥ bites ( kinktober 22 ) | suggestive ● see content warnings ft female!reader | teasing turns a little steamy, a makeout.
♕♥ higher ( kinktober 22 ) | suggestive ● see content warnings ft. female!reader | a smoke sesh with Gareth turns flirtatious and suggestive.
♕♡ hayride ( flufftober 22 ) | fluffy af ft female reader | you go on a hayride with Gareth Emerson.
♕♡ leaf piles ( flufftober 22 ) | fluffy af ft. female reader | your son plays with your husband Gareth in the leaf pile he's raking.
nothing yet
nothing yet
the new girl | one ● two ● three ● four ● five | a classic tale of boy meets girl.. kind of.
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yawnzloverz · 2 months
After the storm
And when the clock strikes twelve, will we be back to being strangers who never speak to each other?
⋆Pairing: Choi Yeonjun x fem!reader
⋆Genre: strangers to enemies to lovers, slow-burn,fluff, angst, slice of life,
*Warnings: Cursing and cussing here and there. Mention of hookups and slight sexual innuendo.
⟶ Summary- With the failure of your past relationship, you try to move on with closure and no regrets; which you fail miserably. You don't need help, but a shoulder to lean and cry on. But what if that shoulder belongs to a total stranger? or so you thought...
⋆ Chapter IV - Call me Maybe
7 am palang,nagising na ako. Sino ba kasing hinayupak ang kumuha ng electric fan ko?!
Ayun, pawis na pawis ako. Happy Sunday.
Ichecheck ko sana ang phone ko, kasi wala ito sa bedside table. Tatayo sana ako para hanapin ito nang biglang may pumintig sa batok ko.
Aray! Sobrang sakit ng ulo ko!
Napunta pala ang phone ko sa ilalim ng kama ko. Pa'no-
Napalingon ako nang biglang may kumatok sa pinto. Bumukas ito at pumasok si Kuya Jake.
"Hoy, 'nyare sa'yo? Ba't ka sumisigaw?" Minsan nakakalimutan kong manipis nga lang pala ang mga dingding namin.
"Hindi, wala. Bigla lang sumakit ulo ko." Sabi ko habang hinihimas batok ko.
"Ahh kala ko-" 'Yan nanaman siya. "Mag-ingat ka ha. Baba ka na, may pandesal na sa baba."
"Si-sige..." Mahina kong sambit. Nanghihina na rin ako sa sakit ng ulo ko.
Kinuha ko ang phone ko, pero ayaw nito bumukas. Hayst. Kailangan ko rin pala bumaba, nando'n yung charger.
"Uy, Good morning, Y/n" Sabi niya habang nakangiti. NAKAKATUNAW!
"I'm sure by now you've already heard of the recent tragedy?"
Oh...that...It happened again...? Another student ended her life. I was reminded of the events that transpired 3 years ago. The foul remembrance of that day made me shiver. I can still hear his voice caling me....
no, no please stop
please stop, please
I will find you.
Nagulat ako nang may kumalabog sa mesa, at ako rin ang may gawa. Nahampas ko ang lamesa sa sobrang takot ko na marinig ulit ang boses niya. Si kuya Jake lang pala ang tumatawag sa'kin. Sunghoon's puzzled expression made me feel a little embarassed. Para akong bata na biglang nag-maktol. Tinulak niya ng daliri ang hot chocolate na nasa harap ko. "Inom ka muna. Hinga, hinga." That really wasn't necessary. Sa preseniya mo palang, kumakalma na'ko. "I think...lets no talk about it anymore." Sinabi ni Sunghoon. Tumango si Kuya Jake.
Of course it happened again. I did not forget, though I desire to. Sinubukan kong hindi alalahanin lahat ng nangyari noon, at ngayon. Para akong lalagnatin sa takot. "Mag s-stay lang ako saglit. Do you wanna watch?" Tumango ako at minostrahan niya ako na tumabi sa kanya. HUEY??? GUSTO NIYA AKONG KATABI? WAG PLEASE, BAKA 'DI KO KAYANIN!
Tumabi ako sa kanya at nagsalang sila ng pelikula. Medyo inantok ako sa pelikula kaya nag-scroll nalang ako sa phone ko.
Ka-chat ko si Chaewon at Giselle sa group chat namin, naghuhukay sila at nagsesend ng mga maaasim na litrato at TikToks namin noon. Sinend ni Giselle yung TikTok ko nung sumabak ako sa Dalagang Pilipina Challenge.
Buti nalang nasave ko yung rume-renegade siya. Binuksan ko ang photo gallery ko para hukayin ang mga kaje-jemonan nila nang makakita ako ng misteryosong picture. 'Nu 'to? Ba't 'to nandito? Binuksan ko ang picture. Eh ako 'to eh! Nung Friday! Saan 'to galing?!
Tingnan ko ang picture info.
Saturday, Oct 7, 2023. 11:59 pm
Ha? Kagabi? Pero saan 'to galing? Ang lakas na ng dagungdong ng dibdib ko. Mahihimatay na ako sa sobrang kaba. Una, weird na phone number, ngayon naman, picture ko na bangag. Jusko! Teka....YUNG NUMBER! Tinignan ko yung contacts ko, tapos yung 'Recent'....
10/7/23 11:59 pm
Nakakaputangina na talaga. Para akong mababaliw na mahihimatay na ewan. Tinapos namin yung pelikula bago umalis si Sunghoon. Nakahinga na rin ako nang maayos, mahigit apat na oras kong tiniis na naka stomach-in. Pagka-alis niya umakyat agad ako sa kwarto kaso pinigilan ako ni kuya Jake. "Hoy, sa'n ka pupunta? 'Di ka itetext niyan kung nakauwi ka na ba, nasa bahay ka lang hoy." '
To nanaman si kuya sa pagiging assuming eh. 
"Hindi 'no! Pagod lang talaga ako, na-drain social battery ko". Inirapan lang ako ni kuya.
Pag-akyat ko, para akong nahilo. I traced all the way to October 7, and I tried my best to recall the events that happened during that day.
No'ng gabing 'yon, uminom ako, tapos sinundo ako nila kuya. Tapos may seminar, tapos....
Parang may naalala ako na may tinawagan ako. The memory was cloudy yet vivid, hindi ko masabi kung panaginip lang ba 'yon o ano.
Only one way to find out....
Binuksan ko ang phone ko para tignan ang recent calls.
Ang pinaka-recent ko na tawag, number lang. 11:59 pm.
Hindi ko alam kung ano ang sumanib sa'kin, pero hindi ako nagdalawang-isip na pindutin ang call button.
"Um, hi po, kuya"
"Hi um, I think you got the wrong number?"
"Hala hindi po! 'Wag niyo po muna ib-"
"You probably got the wrong number, I'm hanging up, ok?"
"Kuya 'wag! "Wag niyo muna po akong iwan!"
"Ha?" Bahagyang natawa si kuya. "Para saan po ba 'to?"
" Hi po ahm, ayon nga po, nung Friday po, October seven, I went drinking out. I saw your number in my phone, and kanina, I saw your number sent me a picture of myself. So, I'm here to ask you, sino po kayo?"
"Yeah, I'm-"
Halos mapa-itcha na ako ng phone ko sa gulat. May biglaang static na ringing mula sa kabilang linya. 
"Hello? Okay ka lang?" 
"O-Oo...Biglang nag-static, sorry. Ano ulit 'yun?"
"Sabi ko ako si Ch-" KRIIIIIIIIII Halos mapasigaw ako sa lakas.
"Kuya hindi ko po talaga maintindihan, nags-static talaga." 
"Huh, that's weird. Can I get your name perhaps? Or, what was this about again?"
Huminga ako nang malalim.
"Sir, I found your number on my phone, and you found my picture on yours. You sent it kagabi, diba?"
"Kagabi? I don't remember making any calls last night."
"Ako rin, pero check mo phone mo, and yung gallery mo din."
Nanahimik yung linya saglit, naririning ko lang na palakas nang palakas na yung hinga ni kuya.
"What the fuck?! Who the fuck are you?"
"Ikaw nga dapat tinatanong ko 'ya eh, may picture pa ako diyan" Aminin mo na 'ya, crush mo lang talaga ako KEMEEEEE.
"I don't even know you! I this some kind of joke?" Napangiwi ako. Gingigil mo 'ko kuya eh! Pati naman ako gusto rin maging joke lang 'to.
"Teka...did we perhaps have a one nigh-"
"HINDI, HINDI, NO." Pagputol ko sa kanya. Loko 'to ah!
"Sorry I mean, the picture was in a bar so I assumed..."
"Teka, alam mo 'yung lugar?" Buti ka pa 'ya.
"Parang familliar yung lugar, I think it's a bar I went to...but I don't quite remember where."
Wait! Saan nga ba 'yon?  Nag-backread ako sa mga chat namin sa gc, kung saan daw ako pinick-up nila kuya.
Ayun! PASAY!
"Sa Pasay daw kuya. Sinundo ako ng kuya ko do'n nung nalasing ako."
"You sure? Okay then."
"Pupuntahan ko yung lugar. Ikaw?"
"I'll try, what was your name again?"
"Hindi ko talaga marinig, miss."
"Just call me-"
Napatingin ako sa nakabukas na bintana. The sky looked exceptionally blue and beautiful today, it reminds me of him, blue is his color after all. Teka...SKY!
"You can call me 'Sky'."
"Alright then."
"Eh, ikaw?"
"Anong puwede kong itawag sa'yo?" For some reason I couldn't hear his name, and 'di niya rin marinig akin. 
"Call me Leo." Naks, nag-search pa ata si kuya. 
"Naks naman, sa'n mo nanaman napag-kukuha 'yan ya."
"Ah, Virgo sana since yun ang zodiac sign ko, but I figured Leo would be more fitting."
"Sosyal mo naman 'ya," Bahagya akong napatawa. 
"So, see you there?"
"See you later, Sky."
Binaba niya na ang tawag. Agad akong pumunta sa google para mag-search ng mga bar. Nagbihis na rin ako at bumaba para mag-paalam kay kuya.
"Pasay nanaman? May kinikita ka ba do'n? Puwede naman, 'wag ka ang uuwing buntis."
'To nanaman si oa eh.
"May titignan lang ako, may naiwan kasi ako dun sa bar na pinuntahan ko."
"BAR? HALIKA NGA DITONG BATA KA." Naguat ako nang sugurin ako ni Kuya Jake nang may hawak na sandok. 
"Sige na kuya ba-bye love you!" Sinarado ko ang pinto. KUYA GUARD! MAY NAG-AAMOK NA ASO!
Eto na guys, true na, real na, totoo na 'to. I'm coming, Leo.
Putek nag-double meaning ata yung dulo HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA Newayssss na-miss ko magsulattt huhubels 😭😭💞💞 Hindi pa rin ako marunogn mag-post ng slideshow sa tiktok, sorrey na 😓😓😓 Pero ayorn thank you for reading and comments are always appreciated^^!!! Love you as always, lovelies! ❣️
-val 🧸
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moumouton4 · 1 year
What fandoms / characters am I writing for ? ⚜
This is NOT an EXHAUSTIVE list, I just put the ones that came to my mind. If you have any idea with a character which is not here just ask me 🥰
I write mostly everything with the proper tags and TW of course 👀
⚠ Keep in mind I'm an anime watcher so I hope y'all requests won't spoil me the rest of the animes / mangas. But everything that is here I've watched entierly unless the animes that aren't updated yet ⚠
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Jujutsu Kaisen ✨:
Ryomen Sukuna 🍿
Yuji Itadori 🍣
Megumi Fushiguro 🍵
Toji Zenin 🍜
My Hero Academia 🌟 :
Katsuki Bakugo 💥
Shoto Todoroki 🧊🔥
Izuku Midoriya 💚
Eijiro Kirishima 💎
Denki Kaminari ⚡
Hitoshi Shinso 💜
Tamaki Amajiki 🥔
Neito Monoma 🃏
Dabi 🔥💙
Tomura Shigaraki 🧤
Overhaul 🐦🟣 ( yes it's a lot 😂 )
Naruto 🍥🍜 :
Kakashi Hatake ⚡📕
Naruto Uzumaki 🍥🍜
Sasuke Uchiha 🌀
Shikamaru Nara ♟
Neji Hyuga 👀💢
Gaara ⚱ 🏜
Iruka Umino 🥡
Yamato 🌳🎧
Sai 🖌
Minato Namikaze 🌌
Utakata 🧼
Deidara 👅
Itachi Uchiha 🧛‍♂️
Orochimaru 🐍
Hidan 🪓🩸
Sasori 🎭
Tobirama Senju 🌁
Madara Uchiha 🐝
Hashirama Senju 🌳
One Piece 👒🏴‍☠️ :
Zoro Roronoa 🤺🧭
Monkey D Luffy 🍖
Crocodile 🐊
Sabo 🗜
Ace 🔥
Smocker 🚬
Death Note 📓:
L Lawliet 🔍
Light Yagami 📓
Attack on Titan - Shingeki no Kyogin ⚔ :
Levi 🧼 🧽
Demon Slayer - Kimetsu no Yaiba 🗡:
Giyu Tomioka 🌊
Tanjiro Kamado 🎴
Muichiro Tokito ☁
Obanai Iguro 🐍
Tengen Uzui 🧧
Inosuke Hashibira 🐗
Sanemi Shinazugawa 🍃
Genya Shinazugawa 🔫
Zenitsu Agatsume ⚡
Muzan Kibutsuji 🕺
Hunter x Hunter 🃏 :
Chrollo Lucifer 🎼
Feitan Portor 🌂
Irumi Zoldyck 📍
Kurapika 👀
Mashle : Magic And Muscles 🧙‍♂️ :
Mashle Burnedead 💪
Spy X Family 🕵️‍♂️🔎 :
Loid Forger 🔫
Yuri Briar 🕵️‍♂️
Tokyo Revengers 🏍 :
Manjiro Sano - Mikey 👊
Ken Ryuguji - Draken 🐉
Keisuke Baji 🍇
Takemichi Hanagaki ⚡
Chifuyu Matsuno 🥡
Marvel Cinematic Universe 🏹⚔🔫 : 
Bucky Barnes 🦾 ( my husband lol )
Steve Rogers 🛡
Peter Parker 🕷 🕸 ( the 3 😂 )
Quicksilver 🏃‍♂️ ( the Xmen version of Peter that is )
Loki Laufeyson 🗡
Steven Grant aka Marc Spector in Moon Knight 🌙
X-Men 👨‍🦽 :
Peter Maximoff 🏃‍♂️💨
The Maze Runner 🏃‍♂️ :
Newt 🍊
Thomas 🏃💨
Stranger Things 📷 :
Jonathan Byers 📷
Teen Wolf 🐺 :
Stiles Stilinski 🥍
Jordan Parrish 🔥
Assassination Classroom 🐙🔪 :
Karma Akabane 🧨
Gakushu Asano 🖋
Tadaomi Karasuma
Nagisa Shiota 🐍
The Umbrella Academy ☂ :
Five Hargreeves ☂
Celebrities ✨ :
Sebastian Stan 🥜
Dylan O'Brien ✨
Descendants 🎀 :
Harry Hook 🏴☠️
Miraculous Ladybug 🐞 :
Adrien Agreste aka Chat Noir 🐈
Maleficient 🧙‍♀️ :
Diaval ( you know the raven 😂 )
Once Upon A Time 🧚‍♀️ :
Jefferson aka the Mad Hatter 🎩 ( yes that's Sebastian Stan )
Peter Pan 🌳 ( he's the vilain of the show lol )
Harry Potter 🧙‍♂️ :
Draco Malfoy 🍏
Oliver Wood 🧹
Tom Riddle 💎
Neville Longbottom 🌿
Fantastic Beasts 🦉 :
Newt Scamander 🦉
Twilight 🧛‍♂️🍎 :
Edward Cullen 🧛🍎
The New Mutants 🎴 :
Sam Guthrie 🎴
Encanto 💃🎉 :
Camillo Madrigal 💃🎉
Rise of the Guardians ❄ :
Jack Frost ❄
Fresh :
Steven Kemp 🍖
Masterlist ⚜
Rules For Requesting ✅
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fudoh-k · 1 year
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☂ 雨宿り Cat taking shelter from the rain #猫 #ねこ #ネコ #cat #katze #chat #gato #gatto #黒白猫 #black_and_white_cat #白黒猫 #white_and_black_cat #お寺 #temple #雨傘 #umbrella #折りたたみ傘 #folding_umbrella #富士フィルム #富士フイルム #fujifilm #finepix #f70exr (Tokyo, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpb82TOJb5U/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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deathfavor · 2 months
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@deathsmaidens said: ☂ hi solomon heyyyyyy
send ☂ to find my muse in the middle of a storm, beaten and bloody
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Those who reject Heaven's will are damned to suffer its wrath. But there are none who have endured it in an eternal torment the way that Solomon has. ( Undying despite everything. ) Thousands of years have passed ; empires have risen and fallen. Yet those outside of the confines of mortal limits remain unchanged. Solomon keeps his back to Heaven, and the angels loathe him. It is no surprise they would find him and lash out. Jealous. That's what Solomon had said, and grinned when they lashed out. The younger angels are different - but the archangels are unchanged. They are the same as they were when Solomon ruled over Israel; the air may be foul with pollution compared to those clean winds, but the pain of divine weapons is still the same as he once recalled.
Solomon huffs against the cobblestone of the alleyway. The rain is cold against his face and it soaks him to the bone, but he doesn't mind. It's a sweet relief if anything. Solomon spits out a mouthful of blood, watching red mix in the puddle of water. Water and blood ; the two sources of life. His limbs shake as he pushes himself upright, leaving a bloody imprint where he had been laying on the ground. He should get up and go home, he could call for any of his demons, he does none of these things. He doesn't even call out for anyone - but in this storm, he doubts there's anyone out.
Instead, the sorcerer slumps against the wall with a wry smile and closed eyes. It's exhausting. He aches and the air reeks of Heaven's incense in a way that feels mocking even with the old angels gone. His eyes flutter shut, and he sits like that. Wounded and exposed to nature's fury. His eyes only open when he hears footsteps approach, and he turns his head towards the footsteps.
" Sorry. No soul for you to collect. " Solomon jokes, light and airy yet there's something almost bitter hidden under it all. " Out for a nice stroll? Lovely weather. " He smiles, like he's not drenched and in pain, like nothing's wrong. It's eerily too perfect, too practiced, too used. " What are the odds we'd cross paths? " He chats casually. He makes no effort to hide from the storm or move.
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lewdmeridian · 2 years
From here:
At first, Brolly was supposed to visit Charlie just for the sake of the covenant between his family and the royal family of Hell. Howevever, he found the princess as a charming, cheerful and beautiful woman, to the point he didn’t mind visiting Hell, a place where he didn’t belong, just to see her.
In fact, he was guessing this was going to be another afternoon at Hell, pleasantly chatting with Charlie over some wine, but when the princess locked themselves in her room and she approached him, kneeling in front of him with that smile, the prince immediately felt the strong need to show her how much he wanted her.
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☂ “I want you all to myself, Charlie...” He stretched his arm, caressing her hair in a loving manner, before resting his hand on the back of her head to pull her face against his crotch, softly but with no hesitation. Smiling back at her as the prince rubbed his crotch against her face, Brolly knew this could make the covenant stronger... or even better, a bond between them, just the two of them, without having to think about their families or responsibilities, something they wanted to do together.
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silentexplorer18 · 2 years
Chapter 4: Jump
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Word Count: 900+
Series Masterlist ☂ Main Masterlist
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It had taken him years to get back to the right place.  Unfortunately, Five’s ability to go backwards was about as accurate as his ability to jump forwards.  So, it had taken a few mistakes, a few more run-ins with The Commission, and an eventual recruitment to end up back in 2019.
He didn’t want to leave his brother in the apocalypse.  He didn’t want to do it at all—didn’t want to damn his family again and again.  Yet, he’d done it.  He’d abandoned Klaus with the screams and the gunfire.  He’d left knowing he may never see Klaus, or anyone else, ever again.
His lifetime diet became coffee and TUMS—the former to maintain his lifestyle, the latter to restrain his guilt.  His age certainly wasn’t helping things; all he wanted was to retire.
Yet, he couldn’t.  Not until the apocalypse had been stopped, and he’d satisfied the unspoken promise he’d made all those years ago.
When he collapses outside the Academy, aching much less than his body ought to given the length of the fall, the realization that his body is exactly what it used to be makes him sick, but he finds his siblings staring back at him, all very much alive.  The relief solidifies as a lump in his throat, but he hides his stinging eyes and pushes the emotions aside before any of them have a chance to notice.  Their mockery would only enhance their more annoying qualities.
He makes a beeline for the kitchen, bypassing his group of useless, gawping siblings.  If he’s going to stop the apocalypse, the first thing he’s going to need is coffee.  A lot of coffee.
They’re sitting on the kitchen table as he pulls himself together.  All of this feels strange.  He’s thirteen and short, which means he needs a stool to reach most of the things on the kitchen shelves.  The universe must be fucking with him.
The thought confirms itself when Luther begins to speak, an irritated lilt to his voice.  “It’s been seventeen years.”
He’s endured everything just to come back and save them, and that’s how Luther wants to start this conversation?  Fine.  “It’s been a lot longer than that,” he hisses.  “I was trapped in the future.  Hate to say it, but the old man was right.”
When he turned again, sandwich now firmly in hand, he stopped, gaze sweeping his siblings and landing firmly on his brother.  His very alive brother.
“It’s good to see you, Klaus.” They’re the words of a world-weary old man, yet there’s a lilt to his voice that betrays his happiness. “I’ve missed you.”
It’s an unexpected, but not unwelcome, revelation.
“This can’t be real,” Diego gripes.
Klaus elbows him lightly in the ribs.  “What?” he pouts.  “Can’t Fivey miss me?  Someone has to!”
The nickname is enough to make him cringe, but Klaus is alive and there’s a chance they can do this.  But he’s high.  Very high from the glazed look in his eyes.  That’s going to be a problem.
“What day is it?” he asks instead.
Viktor pushes a newspaper toward him.  Their father’s death is the main headline.
There’s eight days until the apocalypse.  Eight days until the world ends and everyone he loves dies along with it.
Eight days.  No pressure.
He leaves a few hours later after realizing his siblings are pretty much useless right now.  Of the few he truly trusts, one is dead, the other has practically sworn off involvement in the family, and the third is, well, Klaus.
He’s shot at that evening in Griddy’s.  It doesn’t matter; he leaves a trail of bodies in his wake.
Viktor doesn’t believe him.  If Viktor doesn’t, surely none of them will.
But he can’t do this alone.
Klaus is easy to find, solely for the fact that they practically collide into one another in the hall when Five returns to the academy.  It’s perfect timing, so he follows Klaus into his bedroom-turned-dungeon for a chat.
“I need you sober,” he says to him slowly.  “I know you don’t want to do that, but I need…” he sighs. “I need your help.  And I promised you the last time I saw you—in my past, your future—that I’d give you the biggest bottle of tequila I could find once you helped me.  So… please.”
They do it together. Five is now aware of the sensory burden that comes with Klaus’s powers, so he tries to help in all the meager, non-intoxicant-adjacent ways that he can.
It takes them a combined three days to get Klaus mostly sober.  He’s distressed beyond belief to the point that their siblings hold a family meeting where they demand the both of them come clean.  So they do.  Vaguely.  Klaus spills more beans than he probably should, given the stricken look on Allison’s face when they tersely describe the end of the world.
“All I know is that this,” he holds up the glass eyeball, “was in Luther’s hand when he died.  I’ve traced its production back to a lab in the city, and I need your guys’ help to find its owner.”
Viktor waffles.  He has no powers, no reason to be involved with this situation, so he’s quick to find an excuse to bail, much to Five’s dismay.  Diego and Luther hesitate, and Allison whirls toward the nearest phone so she can call her daughter before disaster strikes.
Five glances toward Klaus.  He knows everyone is watching.  He knows Klaus doesn’t remember their time together in the apocalypse—probably for the best, all things considered.  However, they’ve more or less come this far together, and, by God, they’ll finish it together if it’s the last thing Five does.
“Ready to go save the world?”
Like the first time they saw one another across the debris and smoke, Klaus’s smile glows like a sunrise.  “Let’s kick some cosmic ass, brother o’ mine.”
And maybe, just maybe, they’ll succeed this time.
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Series Masterlist ☂ Main Masterlist
A/N: And thus ends our little adventure with Klaus and Five! I really just wanted more scenes with them mutually appreciating one another (since the "retirement road trip" was so sweet). Thanks to everyone who has made it this far! :)
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brellafaun · 7 days
howdy! i'm kitt (she/they) and this is my sideblog dedicated to all of my umbrella academy posting. i like both the comics and show, and i'm generally here for shitposting and headcanons. my askbox is open if y'all want to chat pfp done by the lovely @lemon69lol :)
DNI if: HP/marauders era, proship, zionist, support TERF rhetoric, anti-therian, or pro-zoo. anyone who violates this gets blocked on sight.
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seacrestseacon · 2 months
@, zzz, ☂, ♪
Headcanons list! (Add more if you wish)
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@ = How the character appears online Well, given Seacrest's online presence is mostly upkeep on his OnlyFrames, he's still cocky and flirty and happy to chat with viewers.
zzz= What time the character enjoys sleep or being awake He's always a bit of a night owl. When on duty, he prefers nights as it is quieter and he can't really sleep if he doesn't know what is around him. The perk of night patrol, also means you are one of the first people to watch the sunrises on various planets which he enjoys.
☂ = Weather the character enjoys Storms, but only when off duty. He likes grabbing the biggest mug of hot energon, and finding a window to watch the wind and rain and light show. When he is on duty, he likes breezy days with lots of sun. He might be on the sea floor and miss it, but gentle waves are far preferred to chop or storms.
♪ = What music the character likes Any mix of phonk, synth, and electro pop. He likes beats he can jam out to over lyrics.
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herostoire · 1 year
Midnight Melodies ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾
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Main casts: juyul/jjubae
Featuring: Xdinary Heroes (mostly 02z)| Yujin, Rei, Leeseo (IVE) | Haewon, Lily, Sullyoon.
Please read the disclaimers before proceeding (ФωФ)
I. Off the record — The story of how Jonathan & Ragiska started dating
II. Stay this way — When Jonathan gets jealous of the sudden appearance of Giska's ex
III. Endlessly, — Camping date! (with a little twists and turns)
IV. Autumn Breeze — Jonathan & Giska's daily chats
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necrostar · 1 year
☂ : Spread some love: mention someone you’ve met that has influenced you or your writing in a positive way, and explain how.
its not titled but its definitely a munday meme
Damn, I'm not even sure where to begin or who to choose! The most influential people in my rpc writing career aren't active here anymore or very rarely are, but I'm still gonna shout them out anyway.
One of the people that influenced me the most in my writing was a popular Malik Ishtar. Like I remembered seeing her rp for the first time on a little side thing my friend was running and feeling like I desperately needed to impress. I was blown away when she took notice of me and invited me to chat on Discord. She was the reason I picked up Isis Ishtar as a muse. I feel like thanks to her being understanding when I was really afraid to write smut and being so willing to listen to me when we talked about other things and roleplays really made me comfortable in the direction I wanted to go with Bakura and how my writing looked to other people. I wish I still had her discord; I lost that a while back when I was cleaning out my friends list.
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feelsofhiraeth · 2 years
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@heartsapclypse​  sent  ☂ — [sender] offers to share their umbrella with [receiver]       for rose and amelia!   from fall / autumn / halloween prompts !
there was a heaviness in the city like an invisible fog had swooped through it and made it hard to breathe.  she’d noticed it a few days ago but brushed it off, it could have meant anything really.  but as the days progressed roselle noticed it get heavier and heavier, it was unlike anything she’s ever known.  it was scary, she wondered if her coven were behind it.  but she wasn’t rushing to leave this time, instead she decided to wait it out.  on this particular rainy, autumn night rose had met up with amalia for dinner and a few drinks with the intention of having a girls’ night.  a time to forget about their crazy supernatural lives and have some fun.  which they had, they ate and chatted about whatever came to mind, drank a bit and were ready to leave.  only amalia had excused herself to the restroom and roselle had gone to wait outside.  the chilly air made her grip her coat tighter around her and the heavy feeling filled her chest like thick dark smoke, but she continued to ignore it.  rose hadn’t even realised it was raining, not until the droplets of rain stopped dripping onto her head and the shadow of something looming over her brought her out of her trance.
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“ thanks, ” rose begins, “ i didn’t even feel it. ”  the heavy feeling was more intense than the rain.  she wonders if amalia could feel it...  if rose could describe the feeling, she’d say it felt like death.  and seeing as her new friend was part grim reaper she wonders if she’s feeling the same as her.  turning, she moves to link her arm with the redhead, beginning to walk side by side with her as they wandered down the rainy street.  roselle tries to ignore the hair on the back of her neck standing on end and instead turns her head ever so slightly towards the other, leaning over just a bit to whisper, “ do you feel that...?  tell me i haven’t finally lost it... ”  she could barely hear herself over the sound of the rain picking up, but she was close enough for amalia to hear her.  she just hopes this wasn’t the beginning of roselle going insane, like her moon witch ancestors.
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chaosworthy · 2 years
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➤ Facts & Symbols | Accepting
↳ @stardusted-heart​ asked: ☂
☂:  what my muse does on a rainy day
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This goes for all of them, but they stay indoors. Usually this means that Arrow and Mina will put on something for Lyra to watch if she doesn't want to play while they either chat or, more often than not, get drawn into whatever show or movie they picked. Snacks included, of course.
Occasionally, Arrow will use the time to meditate but that's only every once in a while. Same with Mina and writing music.
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lewdmeridian · 2 years
Passionate gif 8C for Brolly, please.
After a cute, fun date at the local fair, Brolly took Harmony to a nearby hotel so they could rest. He decided it would be for the best to stay there, as he wanted no one to disturb them. However, what was supposed to be a night of little chat and coffee became something more special.
As he gently rested his hand on her head, the prince looked at Harmony, who was gently bobbing her head up and down his throbbing cock, her hand firmly get softly grabbing his sack, making him not only a tingling pleasure all over his body, but a little flutter in his heart that made him wonder if he was taking too long to ask her to become his girlfriend.
☂ “Harmony... You need to... let me do something for you... for this...” He moaned as he arched his back a little, doing his best to hold his orgasm a little more. All that stress certainly made him quite sensitive, and he was quite pent-up, and the soft, wet touches of Harmony’s tongue were driving him over the edge.
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