sparrowmoth · 2 years
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yeah, sorry, I gave your girlfriend a knife. yeah, no, she's gonna use it
My edit. Please don't repost without credit.
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klaudia96art · 1 year
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Autobot or decepticon ?😈
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necropervert · 26 days
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just a guy thinking about his hot girlfriend idk
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It's so wild seeing people call Ben an "abuser" and feeling disgusted that a show would romanticize him.
Like... that's an extreme take. I feel like they've skipped quite a few steps to get to that point.
It's like "GAH! A flawed character! Let's burn them at the stake!"
I know it must suck that the ship you wanted didn't end up together, but damn! Calm down!
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"romancing Christian with the beautiful brown mcs (brown and black eyed Devis) should be illegal actually."
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If D3 insisted on giving us another True Love couple right after Bal then it SHOULD HAVE BEEN HUMA!!!
I will not argue or debate on this, Huma was/is more deserving of TL status along with Bal then Devie ever was!
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ratanslily · 9 months
this is a ian hate blog🙌🏽
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he's a colonizer, I'm an Indian
wild animals are meant to be in jungles, not as exotic pets
see 1) and 2)
where was that tiger caught from? hm.. Bengal is famous for their tigers, kcd/fs in set in Bengal. that means the yt btch exploited our jungles to capture and tame the poor creature. maybe he got it from somewhere else but the coincidence is too hard to ignore. this reminds me of the time british used to use our raw materials and cheap labour, and sell the product to us in high prices under the Queen's name. 🤡
but for real, I hope Pride!Devi has the option to slit his throat open like Amala. I'd feed him to the tiger, tbh🤷🏽‍♀️
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poohsxhunny · 10 months
A female character can do bad things and be flawed and be annoying and say things she shouldn’t and get angry and be slutty and be loud and be unlikeable and do unhinged things and take up space all while being a good character to the story. I hate seeing women who are overly perfect on screen.
This also extends to real life when we talk about how women are inherently kinder, mature, emotionally stable, detail oriented, better at communicating, and natural care takers. No the fuck we’re not!! We are fucking human beings too who make mistakes and we hate to admit when we do, get angry with others and ourselves for the wrong reasons, ignore or ghost people instead of having that hard convo, use people to get what we want, etc. I’m not inherently good because I have a uterus. That’s gender essentialist bullshit!! It just causes women and girls to be put on this moral pedestal and when they make a mistake we can tear them down. But when a man makes a mistake “he’s still learning” and still gets more chances to prove himself. This is all in the way we socialize girls vs. boys!!
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camscendants · 2 months
Overall I won with RoR because there wasn’t a single reference to do*g
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hitchell-mope · 1 year
(After Audrey says yet another thing that pisses Mal off)
Ben (carrying Mal’s legs): no you won’t
Jay (carrying Mal’s arms): not until you’ve had something to eat first, at least.
Evie (watching the chaos): why do you never carry me like that?
Doug: because you’re unbelievably ticklish under your armpits, around your hips and behind your knees
Evie: oh yeah. That.
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edwinspaynes · 5 months
Ngl Mindy Kaling is super weird for making every single one of her FMCs a cheater. Like what's up with that. Is this like, her kink or something 💀 Anyway I really wish that we could hire more WoC who are actually funny to make awesome, diverse shows who understand character development, don't use tired tropes, and don't make characters that are just stereotypical archetypes (of both Indian and non-Indian characters)
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throwbacktears · 1 year
being a daxton shipper and reading through the nhie tag like
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heycoyotegirl · 1 year
thinking about how devi comforted herself by listening to the voicemail where mohan calls her his perfect girl and how nalini says that she'll find someone who loves her exactly as she is and then how paxton, who fell for her because she was unapologetically herself, tells her not to reinvent anything because she's good as is only for her to end up with ben like
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"If I were Devi, I would've picked Paxton."
Well, you're not Devi. She didn't love Paxton and she moved on from him.
Paxton didn't pick her, either. He moved on from her.
Ben never moved on from Devi. Devi never moved on from Ben. They dated other people to distract themselves from each other, but they were always drawn to each other.
In the end, there wasn't a choice. There was only Ben for Devi and Devi for Ben. You don't have to like it, but that's how it is.
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blues-valentine · 1 year
people that liked Ethan and Devi together are probably very very young and read wattpad fan fiction as a past time because there’s not way…
The amount of people acting like Ethan was some sort of “one that got away” for Devi is concerning. Or worst, one she should’ve fixed.
Ethan was hot. He served his propose which was entertain Devi and get her off Ben. That was pretty much it. It’s okay. He was not doing anything for Devi outside of her sexual life. Stop projecting on Devi a situation that wasn’t going to last or was meaningful for either of them.
Devi wanted to go to college. Ethan was a liability. A dead beat boy without a plan and Devi is not going to start this new chapter of her life babysitting some dude that writers “bitches” on a teacher’s car because he got mad. I can assure you, Devi is not crying over him in college wishing she had “given him a chance”. He is going to be remembered as a bad boy she dated once in high school.
Devi got over her horny haze because as she said, it’s not worth risking her college life over. And Ethan pretty sure found himself another girl to hookup with after Devi dumped him. End of story. Stop trying to make it more than it is.
And funny enough, I saw a TikTok complaining he wasn’t there for the rest of the show or at Nirmala’s wedding. Why would he be on the same table as Devi’s close friends? Be serious. Let hot guys be a plot device and move on.
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Doug faked the sleeping curse to get Evie to kiss him.
I'm telling you, no one under a true sleeping curse moves the way he did! He moved twice with a yawn as Evie was going in to kiss him. He knew she was there!
Further proof of it: What does he do when he 'wakes up?' He laughs and thinks it's funny that Evie's crying, becuse she thinks it didn't work!
The guy who is supposed to be her True Love is laughing over her tears!
No, you can never tell me that that dawf creep wasn't awake the whole time, and just thought it would be a 'funny' way to get a kiss from his girlfriend.
Honestly, since there's no mention of him after D3 I HC that Evie saw the red flags, and they broke up sometime before Mal and Ben's wedding. Really, I don't actually believe, that Evie and Doug are a real True Love with this in mind. But you know...try telling Devie shippers that.
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