#★..this made me search more knowledge bout space and the excuse to infodump as well!!★
starsinthenigth · 4 months
I heard you like stars.
Any opinions on the star closest to earth: the Sun?
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⭐| WELLLL- For starters, It is common knowledge that the sun is like- important, even crucial for our planets existence since it the main source of light and heat for our planet !!
⭐| The fact that just the SURFACE reaches up to 5.600 ° celcious, which is almost as hot as the core of the earth is both cool..and a bit frightening at the same time, I'm not going to lie.. AND THAT'S JUST THE SURFACE- (the core of the earth can reach up to 6.000° celcious btw !!)
⭐| It's center however.. urh- it can go up to- or is, 15.000.000 ° celcious. That's - wowahwoahwa. Cool and horryifing.
And like I said, while it is crucial for the earth's and the other planets to have a smooth existence- ( I don't know a better term. =[ ) ,the thought of such a hot and superheated astral body suddenly going supernova is.. erh. Even if it's 10 million or, more correctly, 5 billion years from now, it is still a worrysome concept to think about. Plus, I've heard somewhere that If the sun exploded- we wouldn't really notice it until 8 minutes so.. arh. (⁠⊙⁠_⁠◎⁠).
★So. In shorts: The sun is both important, fascinating and extremely terrifying and deadly- well, obviously it's deadly. It's a supergiant body of mass, gas and fire and..It's nothing compared to another star called UY Scuti or TON 618-★
★erm. I like yeah I like the sun and stars in general.★
★..m'kay bye- !!★
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