#★thank you for the ask!!★
starsinthenigth · 4 months
I heard you like stars.
Any opinions on the star closest to earth: the Sun?
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⭐| WELLLL- For starters, It is common knowledge that the sun is like- important, even crucial for our planets existence since it the main source of light and heat for our planet !!
⭐| The fact that just the SURFACE reaches up to 5.600 ° celcious, which is almost as hot as the core of the earth is both cool..and a bit frightening at the same time, I'm not going to lie.. AND THAT'S JUST THE SURFACE- (the core of the earth can reach up to 6.000° celcious btw !!)
⭐| It's center however.. urh- it can go up to- or is, 15.000.000 ° celcious. That's - wowahwoahwa. Cool and horryifing.
And like I said, while it is crucial for the earth's and the other planets to have a smooth existence- ( I don't know a better term. =[ ) ,the thought of such a hot and superheated astral body suddenly going supernova is.. erh. Even if it's 10 million or, more correctly, 5 billion years from now, it is still a worrysome concept to think about. Plus, I've heard somewhere that If the sun exploded- we wouldn't really notice it until 8 minutes so.. arh. (⁠⊙⁠_⁠◎⁠).
★So. In shorts: The sun is both important, fascinating and extremely terrifying and deadly- well, obviously it's deadly. It's a supergiant body of mass, gas and fire and..It's nothing compared to another star called UY Scuti or TON 618-★
★erm. I like yeah I like the sun and stars in general.★
★..m'kay bye- !!★
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bruisedboys · 1 year
he really is just so boyfriend. like the kind who would reach the boxes in shelves you can’t reach
he is just always into being your hero . doing things to make you swoon
peter quill has a hero complex for sure but it gets hiked up about 200% when it comes to you. he’s obsessed with doing everything for you because he knows you like it, even if you don’t actually need the help. he knows you’re totally capable of taking care of yourself but he wants to do it because he’s so incredibly down bad for you it’s sick.
yes he’s definitely the type to reach high shelves for you!!! so casually dominant of him tbh. he comes up behind you where you’re tiptoeing in front of the shelf and easily snags the box you’re reaching for. when he hands it to you he’s veryy smug about it. especially if he gets a thank you kiss, which he usually does.
he’s also always tying your shoelaces or zipping your dress or fixing your clothes for you. your shoelace comes undone while you’re out with him and he doesn’t even hesitate to get on the dirty floor to do it up for you. you put your hands in his hair and tug gently as a silent thank you and he swears he dies on the spot. and if your clothes ever ride up and threaten to show more skin than he knows you’ll want to, he’ll fix them without a word and it flusters you so much.
ugh and if you’re clumsy!!! he gets so good at catching you before you hurt yourself. if you’re about to trip he’ll catch you before you do and dip you cos he’s a dork, his arm locked around your lower back. you’ll laugh and swoon and say my hero all sarcastic and it boosts peter’s ego wayyy more than he’d like to admit.
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piquuroblox · 28 days
helloo!! So sorry about the amount of hate comments, I hope it gets better :(
I was curious, how do you draw Vee? (If you don’t have a design for her rn that’s okay)
something like this
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(those are glisten’s heels)
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zu-is-here · 10 months
Take a look at this. I swear you wont regret it!
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gunsblazingg · 5 months
Ramon Ramon Ramon Ramon Ramon Ramon
(Name affirming since people call you rayman a lot I think)
aw, that’s nice of you… thank you.
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opikiquu · 3 months
if you want Money To Spend On Jades For The Foxian Man, I would be delighted to commission some Ratiorine art from you! :3
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hildergard · 2 months
Okay I think it's obvious that many-many ppl liked "gentle hands" But I'd like to elaborate. I love your writing style, I love the way the dialogue and interactions are written and I especially love that it's not rushed to the "main course" and the actual interaction with Aemond himself was basically near the end of the short. I love how you introduced and placed all the characters that are tied to Gentle Hands (I actually adore that as a nickname for the maid) and how they interact with each other and what she thinks about them, It's all went so smoothly and felt quite natural. Absolute gem, I love it. Amazing. Spectacular give me 14 of them
I just might frame this comment and put it on my wall because this is the nicest thing someone has ever said to me on my writing <333 Thank you so much!
I'm so happy you loved these little details I spent so much time on⏤the interactions, the characters... all the "unnecessary" worldbuilding, really. You stating it feels "natural"? That's the kindest thing you could’ve said to me, the very feeling I hoped to convey. I am a slut for realism after all, even in a fantasy setting.
& I am so happy you liked the idea of the nickname!!!
I am currently planning Part 2 and I was struggling⏤should I just focus on Aemond and Reader or continue adding those characters, those little details? Well, the choice is obvious now! But we’ll see more of our lovebirds. Can we even call them that?
Anyway, once again, thank you, Anon <3333
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dixons-sunshine · 5 months
Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out ❤️
You have no idea how much I needed this today. It's just one of those days if you get what I mean, so reading this put a huge smile on my face. Thank you so freaking much! And the same applies to you—you're beautiful inside and out. Don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise 💜
Accurate representation of me while reading this:
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dailysarachidouin · 9 months
Sighs must I send in all the reqs here /j
Can you draw her with 44 & jamming to some music :3?
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DAY 186: R U MINE? !!
happy sara to make up for yesterday's sad one :)
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planete777 · 4 months
hi love! I know you’re not taking recs so just making it clear that this is just my mind wandering🫶🏻 bad influence is like my fav read of all time and if you were to ever make a part 3 I would (respectfully) pass away cause in my mind it would be half smau of online reactions and half smut of the actual filming and devils tango🫣 (of course feat Oscar cus he’s vital to the fantasy). Anyways, sorry about your break up that fucking sucks honestly and good luck on your exams🤞🏻🤞🏻 take all the time you need to focus on the important stuff🤍
i really do wanna make a pt 3 of leaf tapes but you see, the devil on my shoulder wants me to leave you guys yearning for more... without getting it 🤭
i knowww its evil of me but idk what to even write. my creativity has its limits and unless i make it about landoy/n and another driver, then there's only so much landoscar x y/n filming themselves i can write before it becomes boring and drawn out 😔😔
im open to any ideas definitely, but i do have other fics that are of a higher priority than a pt 3 of leaf tapes so i won't make promises i can't keep 😞
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paracultureis · 8 months
Not an ask but a question if your ok with answering Me personally I would say that I am rq, but I don't want to push my rq beliefs onto others at all. I am curious though, how is one pro para but anti rq? sometimes I don't feel very connected to the rq community but I presumed paraphiles were only safe in rq coms. How have you separated the two?
Hello anon, I personally am anti rq due to being a former rq who was heavily traumatized by the community, and the rq community having become fae more pro-contact for harmful paraphilias in the last bit, but theres plenty of other spaces accepting of those with paraphilias! I've personally found the mogai community to slowly be more accepting of folks with paraphilias! ^^
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starsinthenigth · 6 months
Hey there! I think you're still doing requests! (i hope you are-) Could you do a oneshot with Leo and an overachiever reader? a reader that would go above and beyond for their grades and won multiple competitions, known for their smarts that often burns themselves out and pull all-nighters and all that jazz?
Take your time, eat, drink, etc! -MysticMidnight
|★| A/N: Hiya hey, uuuh- just to let you know, this is a bit of a slow burn and it's also quite long. The reader is gender natural, by the way. I feel like this could use part two so yeaaah.. we see If I make it. I hope you enjoy. By the way, this is my first ever one shot, so I hope you enjoy <3
|☆| TW: mentions of burnout, mentions of (reader) pulling all nighters
|★| Other warnings: long oneshot ahead, Leo may be occ.
|☆| Tropes: romantic, angst-y
|★| Request: Leo with an overachiever reader
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Another message notification pops up onto their phone, which is followed by the short, familiar, high pitched ringing that reminds them that someone just texted them. It's the seventh time today, well, the seventh time in half an hour to be exact, almost as if the messenger is eager for them to reply, however, their attention remains on the note book that's placed on their desk. (Reader's) gaze is locked on the page, the half of the sheet is filled and scribbled with multiple assignments and notes that they finished, looking at the freshly written letters and numbers on the worn piece of paper with a proud, yet tired look on their face. Their hand lets loose off of the pen, setting it aside for a moment to take a small breather before they move on to the next piece of homework that they have. Although the assignments felt never ending, that didn't stop (Reader) from getting them done and even if they didn't have anything to do in terms of homework, they would make up an assignment of their own, all for the sake of learning and learning, in order to achieve more in life.
Sometimes, they would set aside stuff like hang outs, friends, and most importantly their own health- as well rest and taking breaks, even if they are short ones. The most of a hangout they would do is if they study, or go to a competition with someone, in order for their friends to see them thrive at their victory. And the most of a break that they would allow themselves to take was to just take a deep breath, to mentally prepare themselves for the next thing. And at the moment, it felt like the time to catch that break.
With their chest slowly rising upwards, their breathing is soon tagged along with a yawn that's about to spill from their mouth, a yawn which they try to repress by locking their lips shut- before sliding their hand up to their face in order to keep it from coming out. They feel the muscles in their sore collarbones stretch as their shoulders rise, their head sliding upwards a bit, their gaze shifting from the notebook to the ceiling in a matter of seconds. That proud little smile that played on their lips just a moment ago vanishes off of their face.
They can't deny that they feel a little dozed off at the moment, although, they have more work to do, and they shall get it done.
They force their body to relax once more, feeling a little limp from the lack of movement. They've been sitting down at their desk for a couple of hours now, refraining themselves from getting up until they've finished everything they have and want to get done.
Shaking off their dizziness, replacing it with determination to finish more assignments, they hang their head down low to stare at the notebook, blinking a little in order to get rid of their hazy vision. The letters and sentences on the page become a little distorted at first glance, however- (Reader), has already memorized what they wrote down, along with what they needed to do. Their fingers stretch forward onto their desk, reaching for their pen- their hand feeling a little limp as they do so. Their eyebrows narrow a little at this, their fading gaze locking onto their hand, glaring at it for a brief second.
It's almost as if they are mentally scolding themselves that it's silly of them to stop working, just because of a little fatigue.. Well, fatigue that's slowly taking over their body that is.
Despite that, (Reader) pushes the tired feeling away, attempting to battle it with a want for pride, knowledge and satisfaction, therefore pushing themselves further as well, to finish their homework. Normally, whenever they are in need of motivation, they would lock their eyes at the multiple medals and trophies from both past, and recent competitions, prizes and rewards sit proudly on their shelf above the TV set in their room, but at the moment, they feel as if they can't bring themselves to strife their attention away. As their hand begins to pull the pen towards them, shifting in their fingers in order to get a good grip on it, the faint- and this time, somewhat distorted sound of the message notification that emits from their phone, passes through their ears once more, followed by screen flashing automatically. The bright glow of their phone is one of the few things at the moment that successfully captures their attention, although their brain- is telling them to not allow themselves to look or do anything that could wipe away their focus. Nonetheless, they snap their head at the glowing device, the light that contrasts through the dim room sends a small stab of pain towards their head, making them shut their eyes closed for a couple of moments, their eyelids feeling as if they are glued.
They slowly open their eyes, trying to adjust their vision to the environment around them Secretly and silently, they prayed that their eyes would remain closed- however, that prayer was short lived, as it was eliminated by yet another fast, strict scold of their brain, therefore opening their eyes so that they can at least get a glimpse of who is messaging them at this hour.
And once they do so, their eyes are met, or more likely re-introduced, to the vibrating, and bright device, along with the name of the eager messenger.
'That Dorky Jupiter Jim Loving Slider'
Their fatigued mind does a little equation in order to remember who..
oh... Leo.
(Reader's) eyes widen a little at the realisation. The person who was messaging them was their partner. He was messaging them for at least half an hour and they didn't even spare a glimpse at his messages. They felt a small pang of guilt hit their mind, almost like waves to the shore. It drowns away their determination, though, it's just for a moment. Their hand shivers a little as it abandons the pen, their fingers being a little stained with the blue ink that was meant to help them complete their assignments and it's now instead, inching closer to their phone to unlock the screen, and enter the messaging app. Squinting their eyes at the white screen, trying to make out the texts of their partner with a fuzzy vision, they sense another yawn coming their way. Their hands twitch a little, lips sewing themselves shut in an attempt to contain their energy.
If managing to stay awake after pulling four all nighters in one week was a competition, they would unfortunately lose, despite the many wins that they've had so far.
And it's a competition that they, like many others, have to win. But the few things that could help them win are their stubborn mindset, the glow of their phone and the muffled knocking coming from behind their window.
Wait, knocking from the window..? Their head spins at the direction of the noise. It falters for a second, going quite for a short period of time. Soon enough, that sound was substituted by their phone vibrating in their hand. That little notion was followed by the sudden sound of chirping sounds, that came from the same device. (Reader) didn't even have to look to understand who was calling them, they recognised the caller by the sound of the off the ringtone. A sound that they understand when their mutant partner is calling them, the sound of red eared slider turtle chirping.
Despite knowing who it was, the sound surprised them and jolted them awake, for a short period of time that is. With a heavy heart, and a hitched sigh, they leave behind their wants for knowledge, just for a couple of moments to go and either greet him, or to try and explain to him to leave alone them with their homework, their body shivers a little from exhaustion as they pull themselves away from the chair, their feet struggling to stabilize them.
They felt a small groan rip from their hoarse throat, which reminds them that they have to drink water, although- they brush off that thought. With their hand squeezing the vibrating device and their body practically slumping, (Reader) forces themselves to straighten their posture as they walk, or more likely stomp closer to the window. As they slumped closer to it, the shadowy- although recognisable silhouette of the blue cladded terrapin waiting at their window fills their vision, a sight that would usually surprise them in a positive manner, however at the moment- they saw it as a distraction. But they couldn't bring themselves to protest against it, not at the moment at least.
After reaching the window of their room, they raise their arm upwards to knock back to him, the cool and smooth surface of the thick glass making contact with their soft skin, the light pressure of their knuckles creating a couple of quick tapping sounds which immediately grasp the turtle's attention, who whips his head to look at them through the thick glass. Once his focus is locked onto them, (Reader) catches a glimpse of a little grin appearing on his face, which gives them the message that he is happy to see them. However, they don't open the window immediately like they would usually do, therefore not allowing him to enter.
This causes his smile to falter a tiny bit, an undertone of concern could be briefly seen on his face. The slider's mouth opens, mouthing something at them- his faint voice slips away from both (Reader's) ears, and mind. Nonetheless, they still notice his concern and they decide to not waste any more by just letting out their partner in the cold. With quick, yet forced movements, they began unlocking the window, putting their hands on its smooth sill, pulling it in order to get it open.
It was normally a swift motion, however, they struggled to get it open, as their arms started to feel weak as well, but they managed- and once they did, their legs thumped backwards so that they can make room for the mutant to come in, which he swiftly did- in almost excited pace. A cold gust of the fresh, midnight wind tagged along with Leonardo's entrance, bringing a rather pleasant contrast to the damp atmosphere of (Reader's) room. Letting fresh air in their room is, as well, one of the things that they forget to do whenever they study for long periods of time.
They can't argue with the fact it's pleasant having Leonardo over, however- there are more pleasant things in life, like gaining knowledge and fixing up their grades.
"Oh, man- that felt like forever.." The blue clad complained in a somewhat playful manner, his voice rang around his partner's room, filling the silence that they were so used to these past couple days. However, there's a worried undertone creeping up on his words.. one that's familiar with them.
"Yeah, uh.." They can hear their own voice straining a little as they start speaking, that same hoarse tone finding its way in their words. It makes them want to grimace, and the dryness that is stuck in their throat as they try to clear it is not any help either.
God, they really need to get some water, and they are not the only one who thinks that. (Reader) shudders a small breath, trying to recollect their energy that abandoned them just a few minutes ago.
"Leo- listen, about the messages, I'm sorry but-" Once more, they start speaking, feeling as if they own their partner an apology. They try to make their voice a little more audible to both their and the sliders ears, as it sounds a bit scratchy for comfort. Despite their attempts at soothing their discomforting tone, it's all in vain- and it's not long before they are cut out by the slider.
"Woahwoahwoah! I've- I've got a question.." He quickly shushes them up, the little smile he had on his face begins to fade away into an expression of worry as he takes a mental note of their state. Their slumping, their tired looking state. It was a worrysome sight to look at, but the mutant should have expected something like this to happen. He can also guess the reasoning behind their lack of responses for the past hour..
Okay, the past days If we are being literate. (Reader) can as well sense, what he is going to ask-
"Oooh- Is that medal new??" ..Only for their prediction to go out of the window as they now hear the distracted and rather amazed tone of voice of their partner, his focus doing a whole 180 as his eyes lock on the shelf that holds all the rewards that they've earned. Upon seeing him get so thrilled over their achievement, (Reader) lets a mental sigh of relief to cross over their hazy mind, as well as feeling a stinge on pride pinching at the corners of their brain. In these types of cases, they would happily explain to him the effort they put into gaining their prize, sharing fun facts about the things that went down at the competition as well, although now, it didn't feel like the best time for explanations, no matter how much they would like like to talk. So, to keep things short, they just give a quick nod- a tired smile forming onto lips as they do so.
Their head then shifts directions, eyes now glueing at the notebook on their desk. At this point, they can barely recognise the containments on it, despite the fact that it's used as a reminder for them to get their homework done. The longer they look at it, the more Leo's compliments and positive comments begin to spill out of their brain, soon, completely missing his distracted rambling.
Those assignments. They have to get them done. They have to finish them. They need to-
"(Reader)? Hey-! The earth and the galaxies are all calling to (Reader)!" It's not long before the slider snaps them back to reality, the motion of his gloved palm running up and down their face, just inches away from touching them. The quick motions block whatever sight they once had with the scribbled sheet. It resulted in a small yelp to rip from their throat, therefore startling both themselves and the blue clad. They almost forgot he was in their room for a moment. Hitching a sigh, before relaxing their body-they make one last attempt to clear their throat, rapidly fluttering their eyes so that they can fix their poor eyesight. However, their slumping state is bringing great worry to their partner and before they could even get a word out, he cuts them off.
"Eeggh.. Yeesh, you don't look- you don't look so good."
He looks at their face. It appears to be a little hollow, exhausted even, there are dark bags that surround their eyes as well.
He thought about making a little joke, asking what kind of brand those bags are- a joking question that he usually makes to Donnie. However, he acknowledges that this might not be the moment for such jokes.
A grimace takes place scrunches up on his face, it's not particularly a look of disgust, but rather a look of solicitude. A look in which, despite their fuzzy vision, is noticed by (Reader). They know that he is right, they know it.
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|★| NOTES: ..Theres way more that i want to add, so I feel like i have to make a part two. Also I am sorry for any potential grammar mistakes sbsjs. Also, the ending might feel a bit rushed-
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omgeto · 1 year
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bbina · 7 months
i actually wanna send this at the end of btl series but i can't wait anymore ㅠㅠ i love all abt it the storyline, the character all of it was perfect,, i admirer ur writing style a lot it was fun to read !! i love all of your work tbh, just by reading it already making me feel giddy ><
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also, wonbins pic for u <33
RARA T_T this means so much to me T_T thank you sosososososo much for reading and enjoying it so far!! u dont know how happy i am rn reading all this T_T
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astonmartingf · 6 months
may i ask why in your smau abt co parenting with fernando the reader keeps calling him alo/alonso 😭
you know what i never realized this until i reread all of the previous chapters and confirmed that the reader does call him alonso
here are a few reasons as to why:
A. reader calls him alonso or ales' father because the reader and alonso were actually engaged, and were supposed to get married but something happened (you'll learn this in the next chapter or two?)
B. despite all this, reader is bitter and loves to hurt because the engagement didn't come through and calls him alonso to remember what could've been, and that reader could've been alonso as well
C. reader calls him alonso to keep a formal relationship with him (even though reader is longing and yearning for him...)
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magnifiico · 10 months
What is your majesty Queen Amaya's love language hkfjbd
@itsthedeadlyduo || you're playing right into our soft spot here let's go
“Gentle and decidedly firm counsel against my occasionally less than magnificent ideas—far more uncommon nowadays, of course. She has an incredible head on her shoulders, and to that, I owe a great deal.”
And there, on the ghost of a light chuckle, his smile softens, and the king shakes his head to himself. Momentarily, he's consumed in private musings, those keeping command of the ever-adoring curve on his lips.
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“But—!” Magnifico straightens his posture. “Let's not get too carried away with what should remain between the queen and myself. She, ah... Lessons have been learned regarding the disclosure of these details. You understand.”
// @howthesleeplesswander tagging the bae (´ε` )♡
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