#♚ — ( abarith ) headcanon.
kinglyisms · 8 months
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𝗤𝗨𝗘𝗘𝗡 𝗦𝗛𝗜𝗭𝗨𝗞𝗔 𝗡𝗔𝗞𝗔𝗠𝗨𝗥𝗔 The story of Hiroki's Mother
Shizuka was arranged to marry Gaito Nakamura when she was tweleve years old. The daughter of a high ranking family in Abarith, one of the right hands in the King's court, she was greatly admired for her beauty and reveared by most women later in life. At a young age she knew her place would always be at the King's side and was raised for the single purpose of eventually commiting to her arranged marriage and becoming Queen of the Kingdom.
She didn't marry Gaito until she was twenty, he was twenty-five at the time and working to take the crown from his own father to take the reigns of Abarith. Shizuka was the picture perfect wife in beauty and personality. She never really got involved in the matters of Abarith, never really paid more attention to her husband unless she needed to. The marriage was, strictly speaking, one of convenience for the both of them. Shizuka wasn't attracted to anything Gaito offered, and he was only interested in her for her body.
The previous King of Abarith, Gaito's father, died one winter morning around the same time Hiroki was concieved. Gaito showed no sadness over it, and Shizuki didn't question it more than she should. After all, it was labeled natural causes. She'd taken to spending a lot of her time in the garden, growing plants and nurturing the dying flowers. Her gift was linked to the earth, to plants and their life, and being amongst them brought her joy. As she spent most of her time in the garden, her husband soon noticed her love for the place and the flowers and did the first act of kindness toward her.
The gardners were dismissed and the Royal Gardens were renamed to the Queen's Gardens. Shizuki created her first own unique flower in that garden, the Otretta. It was a flower that only grows in Abarith, created with Shizuka's magic. The flower was dark purple with large petals, shaped like a heart. The flower blooms at night and sparkles with magic. You'll find them abundently in the Queen's Garden.
The flower, surprisingly, was also poisonus.
When she got to big carrying Hiroki the gardners were brought back to work temporarily and Shizuka started spending time with the women of the court. She grew attached to Evelyn Cross and Lacina Reid easily, though she was closer to Lacina than Evelyn in the beginning. Mirette, who had Amir as an infant, joined their small circle they became the quite close knitted bunch.
Luka, who was already born and over a hundred years old but barely five looking, helped take care of the babies when they were born. Entertaining them and playing with them while their mother's hung out. The children grew up together, a close knitted little circle brought together by their parents friendship. Hiroki, Wyatt, his twin Alexander, Luka and Amir.
They were close, and so were their parents.
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Shizuka noticed things going wrong with the Kingdom when she was approching her middle thirties. Her husband was cold, callous, and growing worse. It wasn't just that though, walking in the town she could hear the sobs of people. The heartbreak of the town. The guards coward in the Castle, tired of war and terrified of dying. Cattle more or less to climb to where they needed to. Ordered by the King to throw their lives away.
Stepping stones to claim more land for Abarith. Shizuka was as terrified of her husband as she was for the people she was supposed to be doing something to support. She wasn't a great Queen, she looked better sitting beside the King as a doll than she did acting, but she took an oath and she was tired of watching people suffer who looked to her with terrified eyes.
Lacina was the first one she went to.
Her friend for years had been watching the King too, had been with him since he was a child to see the decline in his personality, the horribleness to him. She could see what Shizuka could to easily. The way he twisted things around to do what he wanted. The man was nothing like his father, nothing like the King she had so willingly served and listened to. He was a bad man.
Taking out a King though wasn't as easy as throwing a sword through the air or snapping his neck before everyone's eyes and claiming dominance over the Kingdom. If he saw it coming, they were doomed. He had everyone tangled up in his web. So they thought of doing it quietly, of sneaking him something, of tea laced with a toxin or a dagger in the heart while he slept. Sneaky methods, things Shizuka would need to do on her own.
The Otrette.
It would require some refining, the toxic was to colorful, to tasteful, to biting. Lacina was only a Vampire. So she reached out to Evelyn and included the Witch in their plan. Then Mirette a powerful Mage who could refine the toxin too. The four of them worked together, twisted the plant, used magic to make it more hidden and tasteless. Something someone wouldn't notice. Enough to kill. They finished the vial after months of work and research, then sent it off with Shizuka.
They were close.
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The Cross Family was slaughtered in their own Mansion in the middle of the night. Under the floorbaords of his family home Wyatt watched as his mother begged for her families life in the face of people who had them bound surrounded in their own home. Weapons preventing them from using their magic, a witches seal on the ground, magical cuffs strapped to Evelyn's hands. She begged, pleaded, cried, anything and Wyatt watched her throat get slit in a slow and intentionally cruel way. His father had been shot when answering the door, head splattered across the ground and blood spraying.
Wyatt screamed and was found, dragged from the basement and tossed into a car with his siblings. They injected him with something and he was knocked out with what remained of his family. In the house the mercinaries that remained arranged the scene, planned, to make it look like Vampires did it. Bite marks in the body, organs ripped out, bullet and seals cleaned up. Staged.
They were found in the morning by a neighbor, concerned the mansion door was left open. Her screaming could be heard all through Abarith.
And the Witches Coven's connection to the Ley Lines in Abarith shattered.
Word reached the Castle, Shizuka mourned her friend with pain and fear. Terror clenching at her heart and the vial feeling like a led weight in her chest. Vampires, the report came. Bitten and drained, the report said. Shizuka wasn't entirely sure she blieved it. The Reid's wouldn't do that. Wouldn't let that happen.
But the Witches would have their revenge.
The Reid family Mansion burning down happened that very night, the flames licking the skies as the Vampires raged in the street. John Reid dragged his screaming and sobbing son from the Mansion, the night air filled with shouts of "--Why!? You have to save Mom too! You have to try!" the anguish the Vampires felt at the loss of their Pureblood Matriarch was something that couldn't be put into words. Their dead hearts seeming to ache in their chests as John Reid held his angry and mournful son to him, the fire on his house reflecting back in his horrified and heartwrecked eyes.
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She knew she was next. Inevitable, it felt like. Heart crushing. Hiroki, only ten at the time, she pulled aside one day and just reminded him how much she loved and adored him. Reminded him that he could be kind. That he had a strong and loving heart. That no matter what happened, what the world seemed like, what it all did to him--she would always be by his side and believe in him. Her little light in this world, her heart.
Gaito came to her that night, the vial of poison they'd made in his hand. He sat down at her little table, a flower in the middle of it in her vase, and placed two glasses of wine down. He poured the vial into her glass, sat it down on the table, and picked up his own glass.
He played with her.
He'd known since the beginning.
He took away everyone that mattered to her one at a time.
Mirette and Hiroki were all that she had left. Her son and her remaining friend. He asked if she wanted to protect what she had left in this world. Protect the life that was still connected to her, that looked up to her, that loved her. He asked if her desire to protect that life, was worth her own. What she was willing to do for her own son.
On a bright fall morning the screaming of the Crown Prince could be heard through the Castle. Anguished and heart broken. The Kingdom would mourn the loss of their Queen for a week, Hiroki for his entire life.
No one would learn Mirette betrayed all of them by telling Gaito that they were planning to kill him and where to find the poison made from Shizuka's own flower.
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kinglyisms · 8 months
♚ — Residents & dating.
Hiroki: Prefers to go out, likes small resturants and cafes. He'll pay for everything, wants to be out late, probably ends through a night time walk through the Castle gardens.
Toshiro: he's only 20. He doesn't know what he's doing. Probably suggest running in the woods? He'll catch you a deer.
Luka: Home. He can't cook so--he'll offer you a book to read. Sit on the couch with you?
Casimir: This man will spoil you and worship the ground you walk upon as long as you feed him. Date will include making out and or sex as long as the partner is willing. But please feed him.
Zero: What? Is? Dating? Needs guidance. Will take care of you, he is a Servant. Knows the best ways to make someone comfortable. Probably needs to be reminded this isn't a one sided things and that he's not currently working whoopse.
Elliot: Would like to go out to the bar, get a bit of alcohol in them, fool around.
Akira: Work-a-holic. How do you go on a date with unfinished work? He likes picnics especially amongst the flowers.
Elijah: Can it be some place that Silas can go? But also willing to do a nice, quiet and romantic restaurant if his parents can watch Silas. He's a gentleman, he'll treat you good so long as you don't mind him rambling about his kid all night.
Wyatt: Fuck you. Fuck your offer for a date. Fuck dating. Fuck love. Fuck emotions. Fuck him over Starlight's bar.
Amir: Secret. His mother can't know. Quiet dinner at home. He'll cook.
Satoru: Does it involve touching? He loves museums, aquariums, bookstores, libraries, he'll take you to see history. Then a nice dinner, a walk in a park, and back home.
Adriel: Quiet. Quiet place. He's not above people watching through. Crowds do make him nervous. He's always willing to try something at least once, he hasn't gotten out much, the idea of a movie at home sounds inviting. Just not HIS house.
Eric: If you get him out of the manor he'll go anywhere that isn't crowded. But, he prefers to be home. Zero will cook and prepare the bath. But he'll still take care of you, probably sit on the edge of the tub and gently help you wash up. Let's play a game of chess after or read together.
Artemis: Hey. Wanna go on a date in the woods? A scavenger hunt? Some hunting? First one to find the buried heart gets to kiss the other.
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kinglyisms · 8 months
♚ — Residents & scars / tattoos.
Hiroki: Has one long sword slash across his back, from his shoulder blades (right side) to his left hip. An accident during training(?), caused by his father. He can't decide if he believes it was an accident or not given what he knows of his father.
Akira: No scars but his hands are quite calloused from all the writing he does.
Toshiro: Has quite a bit of small ones from fights, claw marks along his back, shoulders and upper arms. He has bite marks in his shoulers and legs.
Luka: None, he heals very fast and very well, however if you catch him on a day John (his father) visits, Luka heals slower when injured by him and is often sliced up by John or smacked around a bit.
Satoru: No scars.
Casimir: He has the tattoo of a rose with his mother's name (Diantha) over his heart.
Zero: Where doesn't he have scars. Being stitched together he has many physical stitches and stitch marks across his body. The notible places are around his elbows, his knees, his neck, his waist. He has scar marking over his heart from where Eric needed to fix him. He's also got quite a few little scars on his hands from learning to cook.
Elliot: Scars from fighting with other people, his body is littered with fairly long ones. The worst is his ears. There's a split in the top of his right one, and a knife scar on the left that trails down the side of his face. This has caused him to be mostly deaf.
Wyatt: Due to his time spent on the black market as a slave Wyatt has many many scars. You are unlikely to find a spot of skin that doesn't have a scar on it. Notably he has whip scars across his back, knife marks on his inner thighs, and a burn mark on his right hip where he actually burned off a part of his skin to remove something that was there. There's a branding on the back of his neck, above his shoulder blades, the mark of the black market. Wyatt wears high collared shirts because of that.
Amir: Burn marks on his hands from when he was learning to control fire magic.
Eric: One in the center of his chest, where his heart was pulled from him.
Artemis: None.
Adriel: Two across his shoulder blades parallel to each other where his wings appear.
Ceto: No scars but has a intense and complicated seal across the entirety of his back that looks like a tattoo. The seal binds his magic and dragon side.
Chyrvin: Circular scars around his wrists and ankles from magical cuffs he was chained with.
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kinglyisms · 8 months
♚ — Residents by height.
Artemis (chaotic form): 4'8" (142.24cm)
Hiroki: 5′5" (167.64cm)
Toshiro: 5'8" (176.7cm)
Ceto: 5'8" (176.7cm)
Adriel: 5'8" (176.7cm)
Luka: 5'9" (179.8cm)
Casimir: 5'9" (179.8cm)
Zero: 5'12" (156.0cm)
Elliot: 5'12" (156.0cm)
Akira: 6′0" (182.88cm)
Chyrvin: 6′0" (182.88cm)
Satoru: 6′0" (182.88cm)
Wyatt: 6′0" (182.88cm)
Amir: 6′5" (198.1cm)
Eric: 6'6" (201.1cm)
Artemis (normal): 7'5" (228.6cm)
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kinglyisms · 8 months
The Reid Family & Reid Pharmaceuticals.
Current Owner: John Reid Future Owner: Luka Reid Location: West side of Abarith, upper part.
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The Reids are the local Pureblood Vampires, the first and only ones to ever settle in Abarith. Their blood is what turned most of the Vampires currently living in Abarith, as their family line is quite old. Luka himself is around two hundred years old, however his father is several thousand years old and his mother was right up there along with him. Their family, while not having as deep a connection with Abarith's roots as Wyatt's and Amir's, is deeply and well respected by the other Vampires simply because of what they are. Pureblooded. Untainted by human blood and connected to the first Vampire. They are where all of it started.
Luka's Mother, Lacina Reid, was the one who bridged the gap between Abarith and the Vampires. To prove that Vampries aren't just lifeless dead creatures that want to eat and turn anything that looks good that day. She was the oe to create a better place for the Vampires in Abarith. To make them more. They gained respect through her taking care of them, guiding them and nuturing them.
Lacina Reid served on the King's court for over a hundred years. She served the 20th, 21st, and 22nd King of Abarith. Going through several lifetimes of King's in Abarith. She loved being able to help and being able to try and further her family for more than what it was. And she raised her son to try and view the world in a positive light no matter what it threw at him.
Her death at the hands of her own best friends betrayal shook the very foundation of the Vampires. Murdered by the Witches, bound in her own home that was set on fire, Lacina Reid was greatly mourned and lost. It hurt them, their view in the Kingdom, and the growing bond between them and the rest of Abarith, especially the Witches. It also completely broke John Reid.
Ried Pharmaceuticals was found by John Reid while he was still married to Lacina Reid. He had an idea for something that would help the Vampires and keep them from feeding entirely on humans. He struggled with this idea, with stabalizing it and making it make sense. He tried a few different things, sane things, and blood tablets were tenatively born. Though the formula for it wasn't exactly very strong and it kept being not quite enough.
Then Lacina Reid died.
Reid Pharmaceuticals, found by John Reid, kidnaps humans and bleeds them dry to use their blood as the base for the formula in blood tablets. John Reid, who has a supernatural hold over his son uses him to hunt down these humans and kidnap them. He also uses his son as a weapon to slaughter Vampires and other people that get in his way.
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kinglyisms · 8 months
Spiderweb of connections.
Hiroki: Childhood friends with Amir, Wyatt and Luka. Reluctantly listened to by (crazy) Artemis. Toshiro serves on his court, Akira is his right hand man and Advisor. Was taught as a child by Satoru. Is in a friendly place with Eric and Zero, often gets advice from Eric.
Akira: Advisor to King Hiroki, friends with Amir. Forced acquaintanceship with Wyatt, Luka, and Toshiro. Friendly with Zero. Artemis would like to step on them. Good friends with Elijah.
Amir: Friends with Akira. Childhood friends with Hiroki, Wyatt and Luka. Has a forced rivalry going with Satoru. Is reluctantly liked by Artemis because of his family's history in Abarith.
Toshiro: Forced and unaccepted acquaintanceship with Hiroki, (hates this one) Luka, Amir, (despises this one) Wyatt and Akira through their shared court. Friends with Casimir and Chyrvin. Is related to Elliot through him being adopted. Friends with Casimir. Liked by Artemis because he's a born wolf.
Luka: Tenative truce with Hiroki, Akira, Amir, Toshiro to run the court. Dismissive of Wyatt's presence at said court meetings. Ongoing fued with Wyatt. Childhood friends with Hiroki, Amir and Wyatt. Friendly with Satoru and Casimir. He enjoys the library and helps guest lecture the Vampire students. Liked by Artemis because he's a born Pureblooded Vampire.
Wyatt: Hateful of Luka, Akira, Amir, Toshiro. There is no one he hates more than Luka and constantly attempts to outright murder him. Neutral with Hiroki. Childhood friends with Hiroki, Amir, and Luka. Hated by Elliot because he's rude to Toshiro, indifferent toward him. Detests whatever the fuck Eric, Artemis and Zero are. Is tortured by Artemis because the man knows it bother's him.
Elliot: Adopted and protective older brother of Toshiro. Respects Hiroki. Detests Wyatt and how he treats his Alpha. Friends with Chyrvin and Casimir and respects Satoru. Disliked and mocked by Artemis for being half-witch and half-wolf.
Elijah: Captain of the King’s Royal Guard. Fiercely Loyal to Toshiro as his Alpha and King Hiroki. Doesn’t get along with Elliot due to his solution of solving problems with his fists. Good friends with Akira and Toshiro, tends to have very pleasant conversations with Eric (possible friend?).
Chyrvin: Younger brother to Ceto, was locked up by one of Hiroki's ancestors making him and his brother very wairy and distrustful of the entire castle and anyone on the Court. They have a very mutual and calm agreement with the Wolves, especially Toshiro, helping to protect the forest in turn for protection from them. Chyrvin likes Elliot and considers him a friend, he also greatly enjoys Casimir and Satoru's company.
Ceto: Older brother of Chyrvin, due to his brother being locked up and tortured by one of Hiroki's ancestors who also cast the binding spell on him, he's very distrustful of the entire castle/court and hateful toward Hiroki. They have a very mutual and calm agreement with the Wolves, especially Toshiro, helping to protect the forest in turn for protection from them. Ceto likes Adriel and considers him a very endearing and level headed person.
Satoru: Taught everyone at some point (minus Eric/Zero/Artemis/Chryvin/Ceto). Specifically taught Hiroki in the Castle as the acting Royal Tutor. (not legally) Adopted Casimir when he was twelve, took the boy under his wing and helped him figure out who and what he was. Is familiar with everyone, but hated by Wyatt for reasons he's unsure. Friendly toward Artemis and tries to give the man some form of stability through treating him kindly.
Casimir: Ward of Satoru. Friends with Toshiro, Luka, Elliot, Chyrvin. Best friends with Zero. Reluctant acquaintanceship with Wyatt due to spending so much time at Starlight. Has fed from him. Hated by Artemis for being a halfling. HAS GOSSIP ON EVERYONE.
Zero: Servant of Eric and technically Artemis. Respectful toward Hiroki, Luka, Akira and Amir. Spiteful of Wyatt for the way he speaks to and treats them. Friends with Adriel and Akira. Best friends with Casimir. Artemis despises him.
Eric: Zero’s creator/master. Knows Hiroki, Akira and Amir. Reluctantly has met Wyatt (he lived). Has met Toshiro. Questionable, uncomfortale, overly friendly conversations with Satoru he can't label. Enjoy’s conversing with Elijah. Artemis' favorite person and his son.
Adriel: Son of Nethroas, the God of Beginnings and Fate, Artemis' oldest brother. Making Artemis his Uncle, and Eric his cousin. Enjoys Zero's company and is fairly friendly with Casimir by extension. Frequently visits Chyrvin's store for supplies and considers Ceto a friend.
Artemis: Father of Eric. Uncle to Adriel (he can't decide how he feels toward him because he's family but the son of the fucker who ruined his life). Likes; Hiroki, Amir, Luka, Satoru, Wyatt. Tollerates; Toshiro, Akira, Ceto, Chyrvin. Hates; Zero, Elliot, Casmir. Though specifically he would like to rip Zero apart and feed what energy he has taken from Eric right back into him and burn his remains.
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kinglyisms · 8 months
Eric & Elisabeth
Full name: Elisabeth Eleanor Kingston Nicknamed: Lisa
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Elisabeth was mortal, human, and born to a Noble family in a neighboring Kingdom near Abarith in the late 1830’s. Eric had been drifting around for quite a while at this point, not quite sure where he was meant to be or where he was going in life. He spent a while working as a consultant for the King of Abarith, which led him to attending the party where he met Elisabeth, attending herself alongside her father and mother. Elisabeth was young, in her early twenties, a picture perfect example of a young nobles daughter and heir to an estate. Unwavering beauty and elegance, Eric found himself drawn to her.
Eric, giving off the appearance of being entirely human himself, and a perfect gentleman, was easily engaged in conversation by the Viscount Kingston. They exchanged pleasantries, tea and snacks, over the table while Elisabeth watched him. Enraptured by the unusual aura Eric gave off, the tall and mysterious persona, she kept a close eye on him the entire conversation. Unable to interrupt her father or the chatter at the table, they waited until the Viscount was lured away by someone else before finally getting to speak.
Names exchanged, written addresses traded, Eric left the gathering with a feeling of purpose and the start of happiness that he hadn’t quite ever been accustomed to. A feeling he hadn’t been able to put a name to at the time.
Over the course of several months Eric and Elisabeth readily exchanged letters. Eric learned she loved the arts, music, rose flavored tea and poetry. Eric told her about his love of books, chess, and building things. Eric had a drive for knowledge and understanding the world around him that seemed to captivate Elisabeth’s attention, his own feelings drawn toward that from a desire to understand what exactly he was. Though he’d yet to divulge that part to her, not wanting to shake the steady bond they had been growing over letters.
The next time Eric saw Elisabeth in person, they’d been invited to a ball at the King’s Castle in Abarith. Eric hadn’t expected Elisabeth to be there, given the unsteady alliance their two Kingdom’s had with each other. Eric knew, not only from speaking to the Viscount but from the stories in Elisabeth’s letters, that the Viscount and most of the other Kingdom didn’t view non-human people very well. The Viscount himself had expressed his loathing of such creatures to Eric’s own face. However, they had come, and Eric wanted to greedily soak up every chance he could get with Elisabeth.
While the Viscount and the Countess was busy mingling, Eric stole Elisabeth away and danced with her in the Ballroom. He swept her around, pulled her in close, and held her tightly for hours. That night, just the two of them dancing to the gentle sway of the music, will always be to Eric one of the best nights of his long life.
The letters after the party turned much more romantic, flirting and teasing. They met up for a few dates, picnics and tea parties that he could steal her away from her family for. Eric was thoroughly captivated and entranced by her and Elisabeth was steadily falling for everything that Eric was. By the end of their year-long courtship Eric finally told her what he was, though the definition was far from easily to explain, and Elisabeth simply told him; you’re not as scary as you pretend to be. Words he’ll carry with him for the rest of his life.
After much deliberation, and another year of dating, Eric grew the nerve to ask Elisabeth’s father for her hand in marriage. Unaware of what Eric was, the man approved it, and they planned a wedding for the spring of the following year. A wedding of flowers and love with hope blooming in both of their hearts.
A decade they were married.
Love and dedication filling both of them.
A year in a house crafted for a future, for a life that could be held.
Someone told the Viscount one day what Eric was. A hateful and spiteful man with not a single bit of passion and understanding for anyone that wasn’t human. Eric remembers Elisabeth telling him her father wanted her to stop by and see him. He remembers her telling him that day to pick her up around dinner time. He remembers her telling him that she’d wanted to talk about their future, about where it was going, about maybe expanding their little family. Eric remembers the love in her eyes, the softness of her skin, the kiss to his cheek before she was gone and the door to visit her family. Family that was supposed to love, protect and care.
He’d spent that day reading and working on some paperwork the King’s had asked for his opinion on. He’d watched the clock, eager for when he’d get to pick Elisabeth up. When it got close enough he’d finally left, not caring if he arrived early to pick his wife up or not. She’d asked him to come get her and he was more than eager to do that. Eric arrived at the Kingston estate around late afternoon, had knocked on the doors, and the butler let him in. He’d asked for Elisabeth and was directed to the lounge where she was meant to be. Eric knocked and announced himself before he stepped inside, finding not only Elisabeth but her father too, shoving a stake into his own daughter's chest.
Eric, panicked and horrified, moved across the room in a flash and snapped the man’s neck without a second of thought before pulling the stake from Elisabeth’s chest. Inches from her heart she lived but the wound was already bleeding impossibly quick, drenching herself and the chair she was in beneath her. Eric pulled her from the chair and into his lap as he crouched on the ground, attempting to apply pressure to the wound as tears rolled down his face.
Elisabeth wasn’t long for the world, incoherent in whatever she was saying and rapidly losing blood. Eric didn’t have many options, regardless of what he’d do he’d lose her anyway. So desperately he attempted the easily solution; biting and changing her, giving her immortality, keeping her at his side.
He hadn’t thought it might not work.
It wasn’t long after he heart stopped, his blood filling her mouth, that she seemed to react to whatever he’d done. Screaming and writhing in his lap, her eyes bleeding and pain wrecking her body. Eric realized the horror of what he’d done, his blood too much for anyone to handle let alone a mortal. To many creatures inside of him, to many things attempting to be transferred to her. Unable to take the screaming anymore, Eric held his wife to him and pierced her heart with his own hand, killing it and ending her suffering.
Elisabeth was buried in a tomb near where the Manor stands in Abairth’s desert. Eric built the Manor from the wood of a nemeton tree, his magic infused with it, away from everyone else. His heart broken, the pain unbearable each day, he carved his heart from his chest and buried it beneath the cellar of the Manor, ending his own suffering as he did Elisabeth’s. He has her locket she always wore, a painted picture of both of them inside of it from their wedding day.
The Kingdom that once existed, Elisabeth’s home, was slaughtered and burned to the ground in a single night the day she died. People will tell you they don’t know who did it, but that the screams of the townsfolk could be heard all the way to Abarith as the sky and river ran red that day.
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kinglyisms · 8 months
Starlight Bar
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Owned by Wyatt Cross. Running for seven years. The bar stands at two floors with a cellar beneath it, located in the back of the Witches District on the West Side of Abarith. The bar has a dark blue roof and neat wood finish on the outside. It's open Wednesday through Sunday, three pm to three am. Wyatt is typically there Friday, Satuday and Sunday. He bartends himself on Sunday nights or if they have a call off. Kareoke Night is Friday.
The bar specalizes in magical drinks. Their signature drink is the Starlight which is a purple drink that looks like a galaxy and has a sweet taste. It's strong enough to get even a werewolf drunk. Only the Witch, Mage or Wizard bartenders can make the magical drinks, so they have to have a balance of one magical bartender and someone else.
The upstairs has Wyatt's second office he rarely uses and a couple of bedrooms. It's rooms for those that need privacy if they order for special reasons. The bar employs under the table those that are fine with being a feeder for a Vampire and those that are willing to offer secondary services.
The bar is a front of the money Wyatt pulls in from the Black Market.
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kinglyisms · 8 months
The Manor
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Built by Eric when Abarith was still very young, the manor is now several hundred years old. The manor is quite large, has two floors. The manor was hand built by Eric, infused with his magic and energy, and made from a magical tree. Due to this the house is very much alive with magic. Is aware of those that enter and leave it.
The house responds to Eric's emotions and he can feel everything that goes on inside it. He can also tap into the magic of the Manor and essentially magically lock it down if he feels there is a threat. Inside or out. You don't want to be the enemy locked inside with him. Eric uses this sometimes to keep Artemis trapped inside if he's being a particular threat to someone or especially unhindged that day. He doesn't like trapping his father inside.
The Manor has an attic that is used for storage and a basement that is used for other things. The basement has a magical array carved into the ground that allows Eric's magic to flow more freely through the manor. The array also hides what is hidden and buried beneath it (Eric's heart).
Eric doesn't leave the manor. He can wander a good distance from it, can even head to Abarith but the further he gets from the manor (that magical tie to his magic and his heart) he gets weaker. He spends a lot of time inside his office or the library, since he rarely needs to sleep unless he wants to.
The Manor can't be found by normal means. The magical dust storm that covers the desert was created by Eric to hide the manor from those that would seek it out. The manor can be stumbled upon unintentionally by those wandering the desert. It can also be found by those with a connection to any of the residence inside, or have been to the manor multiple times.
The manor is primarily run by Zero.
Artemis tends to keep himself locked in his room. Adriel has a room in the Manor, as he’s staying with them temporarily with nowhere else to go and for protection.
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kinglyisms · 8 months
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙒𝙖𝙧 𝘽𝙚𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙒𝙞𝙩𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙑𝙖𝙢𝙥𝙞𝙧𝙚𝙨
The largest part of Abarith's residence are made up of Witches and Vampires, both who live on the West side of Abarith, the Witches district directly below the Vampires. They have an ongoing war, almost like a territory war, that continues due to an incident several years ago.
When the previous King of Abarith was in power, his court was made up of the coven heads, the Patriarchs of the rueling families. This included Pureblood Vampire Lacina Reid, High Witch Evelyn Cross, High Mage Mirette Samaha and Alpha Werewolf Tadashi Kobayashi. All whose children have taken over the current role in modern day.
The 22nd King of Abarith, Hiroki's father Gaito Nakamura, was a man whose only desire was power and bloodshed. He used the soldiers like stepping stones to get what he wanted and had little care for the actual people inside his city. Though he put on the pretenses of a kind and caring man, he simply didn't care who got hurt in his fight for power. Seeing this his own wife Shizuka Nakamura the Queen spoke with Lacina who pulled the other women in the court together and devised a plan, a way to take him down and end his reign of tierney.
Before the plan could come to fruitition, the Cross Family Mansion was broken into in the middle of the night. Slaughtered like animals Wyatt watched through the floorboards of the cellar as his mother begged for her family to be spared and was killed. The mansion painted with blood, the family ripped apart, fang marks in their skin. The Witches were lead to believe their Patriarch had been murdered by Vampires bloodthirsty and on a bindge.
In retaliation to this the Reid Family Manor was burned to the ground with Luka and Lacina inside, Lacina magically bound to prevent her from escaping and saving her own life. Though Luka would give everything to try and save his mother before she was fiercely burned alive in revenge.
Although the truth of what happened is unknown to Luka and Wyatt, Wyatt is very aware that it was not Vampires that murdered his family. This doesn't stop him from holding a grudge again Luka though. Even though Luka is the one who should hold it and doesn't truely anymore. He's grown tired of constantly fighting with Wyatt and he is the only reason that the Vampires have stopped being such a pest to the Witches. Constantly putting them all in their place.
In truth; Mirette had betrayed Shizuka, Evelyn and Lacina. She told Gaito what they were planning to spare her own neck and cement a bigger place for herself in the world. This is the reason she's the only one left alive.
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kinglyisms · 8 months
The Castle
Built in the late 1600's, the Castle has gone through many changes over the years. Advancing and changing. The Nakamura Family is deeply connected to the first King of Abarith, his blood carried through their veins and passing down the unique gifts that come with being related to him. The Nakamura family always has three main active abilities, and the passive ability to sense and identify magic in others.
The Castle has several floors and many bedrooms, Hiroki's room is located in the King's Suit, a room previously belonging to his father. He ends up rarely using the bedroom, most the time he'll fall asleep in his office, on the desk or on the couch. As much as he detests doing paperwork, he'll work through other things in the office constantly trying to better Abarith and better the people's lives. Hiroki cares very deeply for everyone in Abarith, the supernatural and the humans.
Abarith Castle is open to the public Tuesday, Wednesday's and Thursdays, from eight AM to Noon. This is when Hiroki takes questions in the Throne Room and addresses the questions and concerns of the citizens. That's as far in the Castle as people are allowed to go, the rest of it is closed off to the public. Including the Royal Library and the Archives.
The people that live at the Castle are; Hiroki, Amir and Akira. The people that can be found there against their will: Wyatt and Luka.
Wyatt and Luka are required to report to the Castle for Court Meetings Wyatt unwillingly will show up rarely, Luka usually shows up right on the dot and is the first one to leave. If both of them actually show up; the meetings never reach a conclusion because a fight ends up breaking out. Hiroki is doing his best to mend whatever anger Wyatt holds against Luka that causes them to fight so much.
Places of note in the Castle:
The Gardens: One of Hiroki's gifts thaat he got from his mother is the ability to grow and control plants. The garden is large and well cared for, Hiroki spends a lot of time there tending to his mother's flowers. He loves flowers, and the garden is the closest connection he still has to his mother.
The Library: Not as impressive as Satoru's, the library is still rather large being two floors, with books lining every single shelf. A lot of books on Abarith's history and memoirs written by the old Kings and Queens can be found in there.
Hiroki's office: The place he's most often found if he's not in town, the office is placed on the first floor with a large window that looks out into the garden. Hiroki's office door is the biggest victim of his loss of control when his temper gets to high and he blows it up. The desk is the other. The guards will tell you to "approch from the side and with caution".
Akira's office: Down the hall from Hiroki's. Where people are most often directed to. Akira handles a lot of Abarith's more tedious tasks, like permits, questions, complaints, request forms. He also handles a lot of Hiroki's paperwork. he's usually very stressed, he doesn't show it.
Amir's office: Located on the second floor of the Castle, has a door connected to his bedroom, Akira doesn't usually see guests in here unless it's people that know him or work in the Castle. His job doesn't require him to interact much with the civilians inside the Castle. He'll help Akira with paperwork if he's overlaoded though.
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kinglyisms · 8 months
𝘈𝘭𝘶𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘢; 𝘈𝘤𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘈𝘳𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘦
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Founded by Satoru when he was twenty five, it has been in operation for one hundred and five years. Referred to primarily as the Academy or the School for the Gifted, Alutora is a school in Abarith that focuses primarily on education for Supernatural and magically inclined children. From ages three to eighteen, with buffers for those who don't quite age the same as everyone else or learns at different speeds. Satoru will never kick someone out if they still want to learn.
Alutora is several levels high, three floors of classrooms. At the center of the school is the Great Library, Abarith's only library collection that is easily accessed by the public (the other being in the Castle but not open to the public). The Library is five floors, four of books and a cellar behind a hidden, locked, spelled door that only Satoru has the key to. The forbidden section of the library (the cellar) holds dangerous, dark, arcanic magic tomes that he does not share with the public and is trying to simply keep them out of circulation.
Behind the school is the dorms, which he rents out to those that simply have nowhere else to go. Most of Alutora's students live in Abarith, but those that don't have a home, are orphans or simply don't want to live at home can stay in the dorms behind the Academy. The parents or students that can pay "rent" do though he keeps the price very low. The others that can't pay by helping out around the Academy.
Satoru teaches several classes, his main one is advanced magical practices and arcane arts. He loves children and enjoys teaching the younger ones. He's very popular and well beloved at the Academy. He works himself hard enough constantly that he's often falling asleep in the library when he has a moment of freetime.
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kinglyisms · 8 months
The Samaha Coven.
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Current Matriarch: Mirette Samaha. Future Patriarch: Amir Samaha. Location: Upper Right of Abarith, large wrapping family estate.
The Samaha's are a family of mages that have a deep and innertwining network of history in Abarith. Their Coven Line is nearly as old as Abarith itself and the Samaha's have always served on the King's Court. They are very old, very deep, magic users that tend to lean more toward fire magic but can master nearly all forms of elemental magic. Mirette's strength is water and light, Amir's is fire and light. Amir's father is water and earth.
Mirette is the only living member of the previous King's court, because she is the one who betrayed her friends and told King Gaito about the coup that was going to be held against him. She is directly responsible for the loss of all her friends. She holds no regrets for what she did because it is the reason she is still alive. It's an eat or be eaten kind of world in her eyes. Fight for your own survival.
Amir is Mirette's only child. Medically she can't have anymore and this is a sore spot for her and a heavy weight on Amir because it means he is her only focus and only heir. Mirette expects Amir to get married to another mage, a woman, and create children for Mirette to further the magical Samaha line. She often, and frequently, is trying to set him up with someone and also checks in on how he's developing magically. She expects him to be perfect and powerful. Amir has sacrified most of his life and childhood perfecting his abilities to prove himself to his mother.
The Samaha have the largest magical tome collection in Abarith, Satoru being the second. Satoru has more dark magic tomes than them but the Samaha don't practice dark magic. They often try to get Satoru to relenquish them though because they do believe they should be the ones guarding such dark magic. Mirette is a sore spot often in Satoru's spine.
The Samaha family has over a hundred living members, between elderly, adults, teens and children. They have the purest line because it's forbidden to marry anyone other than another mage. The Estate itself is large and locked behind a gated entrance. Amir tries to spend as little time there as possible, but is often called away to deal with things or have family dinners with his mother that will leave anyone trumatized.
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kinglyisms · 8 months
♚ — Residents & their parents.
Hiroki: Dad killed mom and then Dad died a very questionable weird and sudden death.
Toshiro: Mom went out for beer and never came back. Dad died.
Luka: Mom burned alive, Father is an overbearing psycopath who manipulates and uses him.
Casimir: Dad's an incubus who probably doesn't know and or care that he exists, Mom died, ward + surrogate father Satoru after.
Zero: Doesn't have any??? Doesn't count Eric.
Ceto & Chyrvin: parents died from hunters.
Elliot: Father died in the battlefield, Mom died of a broken heart.
Elijah: Sylia (mother), Henry (father) both alive and live in the Pack.
Akira: Dad went out for milk and never came back, Mom died.
Wyatt: Both parents slaughtered at the same time by hired hitmen.
Amir: Dad's alive and fine. Wishes mom would go out for Milk and not come back.
Satoru: Both parents are alive and fine, retired, moved away.
Eric: Father is a perfectly fine perfectly well adjusted man.
Adriel: Mother (@solmxri) is a lovely person with questionable choices in partners. Father is an abusive insane God on a power trip to get more power and uses him to achieve that.
Artemis: doesn't technically have them.
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kinglyisms · 8 months
The Residents & Romance.
In the Castle.
Hiroki Nakamura: Very unsure, bisexual, wants someone who will rule with him and not just be a place holder. Is afraid of handing the burdens of the Kingdom to someone else especially with his complicated relationship with the Kingdom.
Akira Senju: Bisexual. Married to his work, virgin, to naive to realize someone is flirting with him or even when he likes someone.
Amir Samaha: Closed homosexual, nervous around attractive men, thinks his homelife is far to difficult to drag someone into. Feels sexual attraction quicker than love.
In Town.
Wyatt Cross: Fucks anything with legs. IS AN ASSHOLE. Does not believe in romance / love / gentle relationships. IS AN ASSHOLE. Has never been in a normal, stable relationship. Has had a lot of sex. Bit of a whore.
Luka Reid: Closed off, bisexual, simply doesn't want to deal with romantic situations at all.
In the Academy.
Satoru Matsuki: Bisexual. Is very nervous in romantic situations, worse in sexual, considers all of it very inconvenient and complicated with himself. Has never had sex sober.
Casimir Rose: Panromantic / bisexual, Doesn't believe in love. Doesn't believe he can have a normal relationship given what he is. Falls VERY EASILY and ends up with his heart broken. Wants so badly for real love.
Outskirts (lost manor).
Eric: Doesn't really label himself but enjoys either gender. His heart is ripped out and buried he can't feel emotions normally, he doesn't realize when he likes someone, his body reacts before anything else does.
Zero: Bisexual. Has no soul, fairly certain he is incapable of making it work. Bound to the manor and Eric. His existance is fairly complicated so he doesn't want to drag anyone else into it..
Adriel: Enjoys both genders a lot, mostly polyamorous, has a crush on Ceto. He loves romance and the ties that bind people. He enjoys romance a lot. Can come off as rather cold but is actually a very caring person. He just is awkward.
The Great Forest.
Toshiro Kobayashi: Bisexual. Believes in true mates, is young enough to believe in romance and love at first sight.
Elliot: Leans more towards men, bisexual overall. He sells his body at the bar (not seuxally for Vampires to feed from). Doesn't consider romance much really.
Elijah: Bisexual, falls rather easily, nervous about following through with that because of his son though. He doesn't want to let anyone in to easily and have both of their hearts broken.
Ceto: Doesn't reallycare for genders or anything, enjoys people overal. Has a crush on Adriel back (neither of them know it), doesn't trust people easily, definitely cold and hateful. He can be a nice person, it's better when Adriel is around.
Chyrvin: Bisexual. Very happy person. Loves a lot and loves easily. Considdering he is the reason Ceto is cursed he worries about letting people close that they might get hurt because of him.
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kinglyisms · 8 months
Residents of the Manor.
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Eric, the Master of the Manor. It's his magic which he fed into the manor when building it that makes it alive. The manor, though spoken about as if it's an entity itself, is just a living expansion of Eric's magic. It bends to his will, both physical and subconciously. The Manor will always work in Eric's best interest even if that is against what he wants. Eric spends most his time in the office, there is a library attatched to the office and his room is often untouched. Though he does need to sleep, technically (less than normal people), he rarely does. He'll fall asleep in his chair in the office.
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Artemis, Eric's father, God of Creation Monsters. A very chaotic, very mentally broken, God with a shattered soul and nonexistant morals. He is the worst part of visiting the Manor as he gets great joy out of mentally (and even physically) tormenting someone. Artemis does live in the Manor and when he's home spends most of his time locked in his room. He does spend a good amount of time playing Chess with Eric or tormenting Zero. Anyone visiting he considers free game to be a toy. He does not care who you are he will torture you. Thankfully, he listens to Eric.
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Zero, the Manor butler, a creation of Eric's. Zero is a soulless doll but has the most loving personality and care. He tends to all the needs of the Manor, including Eric's own, and takes great love in the things he does. The Manor looks as spotless anc clean as it does because of Zero and the constant work and dedication he puts into it. He loves to cook, loves to bake and loves to garden. All things he does around the Manor. Zero is often the subject of Artemis' cruelty, as the God detests him greatly and he has a heart condition. Those often has him collapsing when he pushes himself to hard.
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Adriel, the Angel of Fate, Artemis nephew and Eric's cousin. Someone who tends to keep to himself but also works hard to help Zero around the Manor without it being noticed. Attempting to take some of the weight off of his shoulders so he doesn't work himself into the ground. Adriel has a complicated relatioship with Artemis (who doesn't know if they want to kill him yet or not). He doesn't spend a lot of time at the Manor, he enjoys hanging out in the forest with Ceto at the Apothecary.
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