#dark themes cw
shallliveoninsong · 8 months
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◇ Verse added! Because I hate happiness for my muses apparently lol.
v; lightless dawn [sleeper agent au]
After the battle with Phantylia while the general was still healing from his injuries the Disciples of Sanctus Medicus broke into the Alchemy Commission and captured him. While believed the act was done in an attempt to hold him as a hostage for leverage, in reality it was done to make him into a sleeper agent of sorts for their causes.
The 'medicinal' pellets and injections forced on him combined with the power of the Destruction still in him caused Jing Yuan to slip into half Mara-struck half puppet of the Destruction state. Like a virus flaring up under the influence of these two powers he is willing and able to betray everyone he used to hold dear to further the plans of his torturers. However, he is far from mindless when in this state. He's as cunning as ever, making it all the more difficult for anyone to attribute any disruption of Xianzhou operations or acts of violence back to the general. When this 'virus' goes into hibernation Jing Yuan has no idea what he's been doing while under the influence of the Mara and Destruction and acts as his usual self.
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galaxofmuses · 5 months
❛ i would burn the world for you. ❜ For Rai and Hunter! TFW you're that protective of your frenemy because he's the only friend you have left ;w;
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darker vibes //Accepting!
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Hunter's lip softly biting as the canine fangs glinting from the moonlight. He looks over at Rai with a perplexed look. Hunter is so used to him being a gremlin, but for the former Xaolin apprentice to be so vulnerable. The confusion washed off and masking back to his anger and spats out to him.
"Really? Like the one night when ya burned my home down? Yeah sure...ya would do anything."
A thought across his mind and leaving out a menacing grin at Raimundo.
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"Why don't ya burn yours instead? Maybe ya might feel my pain." He lets out a laugh, yet there was a bit of a wavering sadness trailed off at the end." He mockingly puts his arms up as if he is asking for an embrace.
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"What do ya think? You really want to trust me?"
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kinglyisms · 8 months
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𝗤𝗨𝗘𝗘𝗡 𝗦𝗛𝗜𝗭𝗨𝗞𝗔 𝗡𝗔𝗞𝗔𝗠𝗨𝗥𝗔 The story of Hiroki's Mother
Shizuka was arranged to marry Gaito Nakamura when she was tweleve years old. The daughter of a high ranking family in Abarith, one of the right hands in the King's court, she was greatly admired for her beauty and reveared by most women later in life. At a young age she knew her place would always be at the King's side and was raised for the single purpose of eventually commiting to her arranged marriage and becoming Queen of the Kingdom.
She didn't marry Gaito until she was twenty, he was twenty-five at the time and working to take the crown from his own father to take the reigns of Abarith. Shizuka was the picture perfect wife in beauty and personality. She never really got involved in the matters of Abarith, never really paid more attention to her husband unless she needed to. The marriage was, strictly speaking, one of convenience for the both of them. Shizuka wasn't attracted to anything Gaito offered, and he was only interested in her for her body.
The previous King of Abarith, Gaito's father, died one winter morning around the same time Hiroki was concieved. Gaito showed no sadness over it, and Shizuki didn't question it more than she should. After all, it was labeled natural causes. She'd taken to spending a lot of her time in the garden, growing plants and nurturing the dying flowers. Her gift was linked to the earth, to plants and their life, and being amongst them brought her joy. As she spent most of her time in the garden, her husband soon noticed her love for the place and the flowers and did the first act of kindness toward her.
The gardners were dismissed and the Royal Gardens were renamed to the Queen's Gardens. Shizuki created her first own unique flower in that garden, the Otretta. It was a flower that only grows in Abarith, created with Shizuka's magic. The flower was dark purple with large petals, shaped like a heart. The flower blooms at night and sparkles with magic. You'll find them abundently in the Queen's Garden.
The flower, surprisingly, was also poisonus.
When she got to big carrying Hiroki the gardners were brought back to work temporarily and Shizuka started spending time with the women of the court. She grew attached to Evelyn Cross and Lacina Reid easily, though she was closer to Lacina than Evelyn in the beginning. Mirette, who had Amir as an infant, joined their small circle they became the quite close knitted bunch.
Luka, who was already born and over a hundred years old but barely five looking, helped take care of the babies when they were born. Entertaining them and playing with them while their mother's hung out. The children grew up together, a close knitted little circle brought together by their parents friendship. Hiroki, Wyatt, his twin Alexander, Luka and Amir.
They were close, and so were their parents.
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Shizuka noticed things going wrong with the Kingdom when she was approching her middle thirties. Her husband was cold, callous, and growing worse. It wasn't just that though, walking in the town she could hear the sobs of people. The heartbreak of the town. The guards coward in the Castle, tired of war and terrified of dying. Cattle more or less to climb to where they needed to. Ordered by the King to throw their lives away.
Stepping stones to claim more land for Abarith. Shizuka was as terrified of her husband as she was for the people she was supposed to be doing something to support. She wasn't a great Queen, she looked better sitting beside the King as a doll than she did acting, but she took an oath and she was tired of watching people suffer who looked to her with terrified eyes.
Lacina was the first one she went to.
Her friend for years had been watching the King too, had been with him since he was a child to see the decline in his personality, the horribleness to him. She could see what Shizuka could to easily. The way he twisted things around to do what he wanted. The man was nothing like his father, nothing like the King she had so willingly served and listened to. He was a bad man.
Taking out a King though wasn't as easy as throwing a sword through the air or snapping his neck before everyone's eyes and claiming dominance over the Kingdom. If he saw it coming, they were doomed. He had everyone tangled up in his web. So they thought of doing it quietly, of sneaking him something, of tea laced with a toxin or a dagger in the heart while he slept. Sneaky methods, things Shizuka would need to do on her own.
The Otrette.
It would require some refining, the toxic was to colorful, to tasteful, to biting. Lacina was only a Vampire. So she reached out to Evelyn and included the Witch in their plan. Then Mirette a powerful Mage who could refine the toxin too. The four of them worked together, twisted the plant, used magic to make it more hidden and tasteless. Something someone wouldn't notice. Enough to kill. They finished the vial after months of work and research, then sent it off with Shizuka.
They were close.
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The Cross Family was slaughtered in their own Mansion in the middle of the night. Under the floorbaords of his family home Wyatt watched as his mother begged for her families life in the face of people who had them bound surrounded in their own home. Weapons preventing them from using their magic, a witches seal on the ground, magical cuffs strapped to Evelyn's hands. She begged, pleaded, cried, anything and Wyatt watched her throat get slit in a slow and intentionally cruel way. His father had been shot when answering the door, head splattered across the ground and blood spraying.
Wyatt screamed and was found, dragged from the basement and tossed into a car with his siblings. They injected him with something and he was knocked out with what remained of his family. In the house the mercinaries that remained arranged the scene, planned, to make it look like Vampires did it. Bite marks in the body, organs ripped out, bullet and seals cleaned up. Staged.
They were found in the morning by a neighbor, concerned the mansion door was left open. Her screaming could be heard all through Abarith.
And the Witches Coven's connection to the Ley Lines in Abarith shattered.
Word reached the Castle, Shizuka mourned her friend with pain and fear. Terror clenching at her heart and the vial feeling like a led weight in her chest. Vampires, the report came. Bitten and drained, the report said. Shizuka wasn't entirely sure she blieved it. The Reid's wouldn't do that. Wouldn't let that happen.
But the Witches would have their revenge.
The Reid family Mansion burning down happened that very night, the flames licking the skies as the Vampires raged in the street. John Reid dragged his screaming and sobbing son from the Mansion, the night air filled with shouts of "--Why!? You have to save Mom too! You have to try!" the anguish the Vampires felt at the loss of their Pureblood Matriarch was something that couldn't be put into words. Their dead hearts seeming to ache in their chests as John Reid held his angry and mournful son to him, the fire on his house reflecting back in his horrified and heartwrecked eyes.
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She knew she was next. Inevitable, it felt like. Heart crushing. Hiroki, only ten at the time, she pulled aside one day and just reminded him how much she loved and adored him. Reminded him that he could be kind. That he had a strong and loving heart. That no matter what happened, what the world seemed like, what it all did to him--she would always be by his side and believe in him. Her little light in this world, her heart.
Gaito came to her that night, the vial of poison they'd made in his hand. He sat down at her little table, a flower in the middle of it in her vase, and placed two glasses of wine down. He poured the vial into her glass, sat it down on the table, and picked up his own glass.
He played with her.
He'd known since the beginning.
He took away everyone that mattered to her one at a time.
Mirette and Hiroki were all that she had left. Her son and her remaining friend. He asked if she wanted to protect what she had left in this world. Protect the life that was still connected to her, that looked up to her, that loved her. He asked if her desire to protect that life, was worth her own. What she was willing to do for her own son.
On a bright fall morning the screaming of the Crown Prince could be heard through the Castle. Anguished and heart broken. The Kingdom would mourn the loss of their Queen for a week, Hiroki for his entire life.
No one would learn Mirette betrayed all of them by telling Gaito that they were planning to kill him and where to find the poison made from Shizuka's own flower.
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𝗤𝗨𝗘𝗘𝗡 𝗦𝗛𝗜𝗭𝗨𝗞𝗔 𝗡𝗔𝗞𝗔𝗠𝗨𝗥𝗔 The story of Hiroki's Mother
Shizuka was arranged to marry Gaito Nakamura when she was tweleve years old. The daughter of a high ranking family in Abarith, one of the right hands in the King's court, she was greatly admired for her beauty and reveared by most women later in life. At a young age she knew her place would always be at the King's side and was raised for the single purpose of eventually commiting to her arranged marriage and becoming Queen of the Kingdom.
She didn't marry Gaito until she was twenty, he was twenty-five at the time and working to take the crown from his own father to take the reigns of Abarith. Shizuka was the picture perfect wife in beauty and personality. She never really got involved in the matters of Abarith, never really paid more attention to her husband unless she needed to. The marriage was, strictly speaking, one of convenience for the both of them. Shizuka wasn't attracted to anything Gaito offered, and he was only interested in her for her body.
The previous King of Abarith, Gaito's father, died one winter morning around the same time Hiroki was concieved. Gaito showed no sadness over it, and Shizuki didn't question it more than she should. After all, it was labeled natural causes. She'd taken to spending a lot of her time in the garden, growing plants and nurturing the dying flowers. Her gift was linked to the earth, to plants and their life, and being amongst them brought her joy. As she spent most of her time in the garden, her husband soon noticed her love for the place and the flowers and did the first act of kindness toward her.
The gardners were dismissed and the Royal Gardens were renamed to the Queen's Gardens. Shizuki created her first own unique flower in that garden, the Otretta. It was a flower that only grows in Abarith, created with Shizuka's magic. The flower was dark purple with large petals, shaped like a heart. The flower blooms at night and sparkles with magic. You'll find them abundently in the Queen's Garden.
The flower, surprisingly, was also poisonus.
When she got to big carrying Hiroki the gardners were brought back to work temporarily and Shizuka started spending time with the women of the court. She grew attached to Evelyn Cross and Lacina Reid easily, though she was closer to Lacina than Evelyn in the beginning. Mirette, who had Amir as an infant, joined their small circle they became the quite close knitted bunch.
Luka, who was already born and over a hundred years old but barely five looking, helped take care of the babies when they were born. Entertaining them and playing with them while their mother's hung out. The children grew up together, a close knitted little circle brought together by their parents friendship. Hiroki, Wyatt, his twin Alexander, Luka and Amir.
They were close, and so were their parents.
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Shizuka noticed things going wrong with the Kingdom when she was approching her middle thirties. Her husband was cold, callous, and growing worse. It wasn't just that though, walking in the town she could hear the sobs of people. The heartbreak of the town. The guards coward in the Castle, tired of war and terrified of dying. Cattle more or less to climb to where they needed to. Ordered by the King to throw their lives away.
Stepping stones to claim more land for Abarith. Shizuka was as terrified of her husband as she was for the people she was supposed to be doing something to support. She wasn't a great Queen, she looked better sitting beside the King as a doll than she did acting, but she took an oath and she was tired of watching people suffer who looked to her with terrified eyes.
Lacina was the first one she went to.
Her friend for years had been watching the King too, had been with him since he was a child to see the decline in his personality, the horribleness to him. She could see what Shizuka could to easily. The way he twisted things around to do what he wanted. The man was nothing like his father, nothing like the King she had so willingly served and listened to. He was a bad man.
Taking out a King though wasn't as easy as throwing a sword through the air or snapping his neck before everyone's eyes and claiming dominance over the Kingdom. If he saw it coming, they were doomed. He had everyone tangled up in his web. So they thought of doing it quietly, of sneaking him something, of tea laced with a toxin or a dagger in the heart while he slept. Sneaky methods, things Shizuka would need to do on her own.
The Otrette.
It would require some refining, the toxic was to colorful, to tasteful, to biting. Lacina was only a Vampire. So she reached out to Evelyn and included the Witch in their plan. Then Mirette a powerful Mage who could refine the toxin too. The four of them worked together, twisted the plant, used magic to make it more hidden and tasteless. Something someone wouldn't notice. Enough to kill. They finished the vial after months of work and research, then sent it off with Shizuka.
They were close.
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The Cross Family was slaughtered in their own Mansion in the middle of the night. Under the floorbaords of his family home Wyatt watched as his mother begged for her families life in the face of people who had them bound surrounded in their own home. Weapons preventing them from using their magic, a witches seal on the ground, magical cuffs strapped to Evelyn's hands. She begged, pleaded, cried, anything and Wyatt watched her throat get slit in a slow and intentionally cruel way. His father had been shot when answering the door, head splattered across the ground and blood spraying.
Wyatt screamed and was found, dragged from the basement and tossed into a car with his siblings. They injected him with something and he was knocked out with what remained of his family. In the house the mercinaries that remained arranged the scene, planned, to make it look like Vampires did it. Bite marks in the body, organs ripped out, bullet and seals cleaned up. Staged.
They were found in the morning by a neighbor, concerned the mansion door was left open. Her screaming could be heard all through Abarith.
And the Witches Coven's connection to the Ley Lines in Abarith shattered.
Word reached the Castle, Shizuka mourned her friend with pain and fear. Terror clenching at her heart and the vial feeling like a led weight in her chest. Vampires, the report came. Bitten and drained, the report said. Shizuka wasn't entirely sure she blieved it. The Reid's wouldn't do that. Wouldn't let that happen.
But the Witches would have their revenge.
The Reid family Mansion burning down happened that very night, the flames licking the skies as the Vampires raged in the street. John Reid dragged his screaming and sobbing son from the Mansion, the night air filled with shouts of "--Why!? You have to save Mom too! You have to try!" the anguish the Vampires felt at the loss of their Pureblood Matriarch was something that couldn't be put into words. Their dead hearts seeming to ache in their chests as John Reid held his angry and mournful son to him, the fire on his house reflecting back in his horrified and heartwrecked eyes.
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She knew she was next. Inevitable, it felt like. Heart crushing. Hiroki, only ten at the time, she pulled aside one day and just reminded him how much she loved and adored him. Reminded him that he could be kind. That he had a strong and loving heart. That no matter what happened, what the world seemed like, what it all did to him--she would always be by his side and believe in him. Her little light in this world, her heart.
Gaito came to her that night, the vial of poison they'd made in his hand. He sat down at her little table, a flower in the middle of it in her vase, and placed two glasses of wine down. He poured the vial into her glass, sat it down on the table, and picked up his own glass.
He played with her.
He'd known since the beginning.
He took away everyone that mattered to her one at a time.
Mirette and Hiroki were all that she had left. Her son and her remaining friend. He asked if she wanted to protect what she had left in this world. Protect the life that was still connected to her, that looked up to her, that loved her. He asked if her desire to protect that life, was worth her own. What she was willing to do for her own son.
On a bright fall morning the screaming of the Crown Prince could be heard through the Castle. Anguished and heart broken. The Kingdom would mourn the loss of their Queen for a week, Hiroki for his entire life.
No one would learn Mirette betrayed all of them by telling Gaito that they were planning to kill him and where to find the poison made from Shizuka's own flower.
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inavagrant-a · 1 year
If you're Ken, who's your Barbie?
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"Mona, of course. She's not a doll... at least not yet." That's still a work in progress. "She's unaware of what I am doing, but I am using myself as reference to build a model made after her. Unfortunately she is mortal and she is bound by the rules of mortality," which means that she will age, she will grow old, and she will die thus leaving him alone... we can't have that happening now can we? "I will be extracting her consciousness from her mortal vessel once the model is complete and placing it inside it, so she will remain with me forever."
Even if it's against her will.
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g0thics · 2 years
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danny has no attachment to his physical body or his identity. he barely feels like a person. what danny is, is a hole. and inside that hole, there is every dark, evil deed his father has ever committed. every true horror story. every lesson danny was forced to learn. the drills, the training, and the torture. all of it. lives inside him. in spite of his efforts, his father's legacy bleeds through every calculated thought, every action that danny decisively executes. most fathers taught their kid how to ride a bicycle, or dance, or play baseball. the only skill danny knows, without a doubt, is killing. efficiently. strategically. like a soldier.
danny is not his body. he is a puppet for a horrible ghost. born and raised to carry on in daniel johnson senior’s proverbial footsteps. designed to supplant daniel. to enlist into the navy’s BUD/S training courses as early as 17, through their delayed enlisted program. before that could happen, danny had killed his father (messy, emotional, burying the mutilated body under the woods in utah).
he took his father’s training and twisted it into his own horror story. a better horror story. true stories worth writing about.
when he dons the mask, it is his truest self; a terrified face, a screaming face. a permanent expression of horror. when he kills his victims, he is the only one that can make the horror stop. and there is so much gratification in that. so much power in that.
ultimately, the ghostface designs perception. reality. exclusively through his observable universe. he takes the horrible things that people read about, hear about, and drops it on their safe, isolated suburban doorsteps. with all the gory details.
elaborating more on danny’s innate understanding for the entity’s machinations; this unique “dark empathy” allows him to completely immerse himself in the very essence of the fog (night shroud). when danny is focused, fixated, he is completely undetectable within the entity’s realms. he becomes a part of its darkness. an extension of the void.
with night shroud, danny can freely traverse through the fog. to an extent. his ability to focus and maintain a metaphysical symbiosis with the void is not infinite. his connection can be severed, if he loses focus by becoming emotional or angry. becoming human.
danny’s resentment for the entity’s games is petty and calculated. he has every intention of being free from the fog. more than that, he wants to destroy it. everything. every universe. every world. every copy.
existing as a microbial speck among infinite worlds and infinite universes and infinite versions of himself, danny believes that total annihilation is the only truly unique, free choice that he can make.
the only choice that matters.
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unlockthestars · 1 year
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@delicatevillains / @aestasrosis liked this post for a starter and I am so sorry
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Salem sat in what had once been the throne room (though really, she supposed it still was, all things considered), contemplating the next thing she would do to break the little Rose. There were all sorts of options, but physical torture wasn't exactly something she enjoyed. It had a time and a place, just as any and all forms of pain did, but it certainly wasn't her specialty. That was largely one of the reasons she had minions, to take care of such things.
But Summer Rose had made things personal, and Salem intended to deal with the girl herself.
Which was why she had decided on a different course of action for today. It had been a while since she'd used her magic like this, but this wasn't the sort of thing you just forgot how to do.
Salem stood, concentrating on her appearance. A beam of magical energy swirled around her, obscuring the mother of darkness…..until there, in the place that Salem had once been standing was Taiyang Xiao Long.
She beckoned one of the Seers to her, going over some of the memories she'd already seen. While she knew her performance didn't have to be perfect, given the state of Summer's mind at the moment, she wanted to make sure she was at least convincing.
When she was satisfied that she could at least fool the woman long enough to do what she was intending, Salem took a moment to slip into the shoes of the fool she'd just witnessed.
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Tai rushed into the room where Summer was being held and stopped completely short in the doorway, his eyes widening. "My gods, Summer," his voice said as he dropped down next to her. "I was hoping I'd find you, but I wasn't sure I ever would." He takes a moment to look over her, a whispered, "What did they do to you?" leaving him, even as he's looking for a way to try to free her from her restraints. "I'm gonna get you out of here."
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2stregafangirl · 2 years
here are my Personapasta interpretations of the protagonists Dark indigo Minato: Basically Nyx Avatar becoming one with Minato after Ryoji transported Nyx avatar inside Minato’s body Nyx slowly taking over Minato until he Massacres SEES in cold blood Deep Orange Hamuko takes place after the timeline in Femc Route where there unable to stop Nyx and Hamuko falls into the deep sleep, which she enters the abyss of time and Is convinced by Erebus to fuse with him so she can be with Ryoji as Nyx Avatar forever, ( she becomes Yandere) Liar Liar takes place 2 months after the persona 4 accomplice ending and Yu still feels horrible about Lying to the investigation team, suddenly the Midnight Channel is back and Adachi’s shadow is on it, as usual the investigation team heads into the TV and enters Adachi’s dungeon but as soon as they enter they are ambushed by Shadows, one by one the investigation team is taken out by shadows blood spraying everywhere as Yu and possibly Teddie are the only survivors of the ambush, Yu falls to his knees as he sees Shadow Adachi looking at him lamenting that now Yu knows what he feels until Yu just snaps and just murders Shadow Adachi and the real Adachi by slashing them with his Katana, bloody and bruised Yu feels himself laughing his eyes becoming yellow and his hands and arms becoming a bright blackish yellow color similar to Izanami’s hands and arms and he becomes the new head shadow of the TV World as the fog envelopes Inaba. Heaven’s Crimson Assistant follows Akiren throughout the events of Persona 5 but something is off because as soon as A teammate gains their Persona they get killed off instantly but still appears in the cutscenes except with their eyes and mouth blurred out by a red and yellow halo, this continues until Akechi confronts Akiren and the phantom thieves as he looks unnerved seeing Red and yellow halos over the other teammates Eyes and mouthes, once in Sae’s palace Akechi and Akiren have a duel because Akechi knows this isn’t the Akiren he loves, But Akiren reveals himself to be a being created by Yaldy to help carry out his mission to reform the entire world, his true form is him with white hair streaks in his black hair golden glasses with red dots on the lenses wearing a white tuxedo with coattails and a red tie and a black and white mask disembodied golden wings with red highlights hovering over his back area along with his signature weapon a futuristic heavenly Gun, he then summons his persona Orwell which looks like Arsene but more heavenly and chained by shackles, Orwell’s signature attack: Deadly Sin: Despond kills Akechi as he lays in Sae’s palace bleeding out as he sees the other phantom thieves with red halos on their faces and mouths being controlled like zombies as they feast upon Akechi’s corpse.
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mando-of-esverr · 6 months
//Dark musings under the cut (IF IT WILL LET ME >8U)
//Sometimes I just think about how slavery was actually Legal in the Empire and where the Republic couldn't reach. Just the extent the Empire persecuted those whom they couldn't sway is just incredible in a horrific way. Add to that the advances in "obedience technology" that would have been developed after and because of the clone wars, and it makes me wonder to what extent did they reach with their own prisoners of war? What else did they do in the various reaches of the galaxy?
//and what happened when they were successful?
//Because part of me is like "Well, if I wanted to get rid of someone without killing them (because killing people willy nilly is BAD for publicity and loyalty, and also really super damn boring if i want to torture someone), what would I do?" and the worst, most villainous answer I could come up with was "amnesia+servitude".
//Imagine a moff who clearly values her enemies, letting them strike at her until she finds and captures some that she likes, putting them through a specialized "reformation" process that utilizes the Clone inhibitor chip but is modified to also act as a memory storage & suppressant. Anyone tagged with it is only allowed to remember what their master wants them to remember. Thus allowing them to be used as skillful labor without the tenuous cost of brainwashing them or the waste of killing them. "Life is a resource and we mustn't end skilled lives wastefully."
//anyway, yeah, that's what's been on the brain. Definitely some diabolical stuff. XP
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tojisun · 5 months
[head in my hands] i think that older bf! simon gets off at how dependent you are on him. that every waking hour, you seek him out. it makes him thrum with something sinister; his heart heady with something dark.
you don't even notice—that's the best thing.
it was just natural for you to come to him, curling to his side like being beside him alone gives you the courage you need or grants you the peace of your mind.
he pushes your hair away from your face and you turn to him with a shy little smile, cheeks round and lips twitching. you don't ask him but he gives it to you anyway—a kiss on your forehead, because you're his precious love.
so good for him. so needy.
simon adores it. he adores the way you can't live without him; how you've made it so you two would be inseparable. he is your rock, you are his lifeline. sure, you don't know just how deep his greed runs—murky waters, blood dripping from the corners of his lips—but it's not like you had to know, anyway.
all you had to do was to stay close, for him to spoil and cherish. for him to love.
"y'need me so much, don't you doll?" simon asks, crooned words pressed on your fever-hot skin. "can't think without me. can't live without me. such a darlin', y'are."
you keen, breathless, unable to speak past warbled gasps. you feel the slow stretch of his cock as you rise, the glide torturous, hitting every of your sensitive spots, before you sink back down again, stuffed whole, his cockhead breaching into depths you never knew was even possible.
too mu'—!
simon's hands move, jostling you from where you are on his lap. they hook on your waist, dimpling your skin as they sink into your fat. it makes him groan, seeing how full you are against him. how full you are of him. seeing your softness, your tenderness, immortalized in his hold like this—weeping, leaking, cunt gushing—makes him whimper, mind splintering at the overwhelming pleasure.
not enough. s'not enough.
(simon doesn't realize how needy he is of you too.)
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sleep-0-deprived · 1 month
Yandere roommate, Bottom head cannons ~
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Yandere roommate who’s been stalking you for months waiting to pounce at the opportunity to get close to you, your old roommate sadly “moving away” randomly leaving you in a crunch to find a new one! You weren’t picky you were desperate and he was available and willing to pay over half the rent and expenses, a deal a young man such as yourself couldn’t deny.
Yandere roommate who places cameras in your shower right behind your shower head giving perfect view of your body as your hand glides over your pecs making your Yandere roommates mouth water watching you all flustered in his room with his laptop open, the sight of your muscular arms flexing and bulging as you wash your hair making the Yandere squirm around his stomach twitching and itching desperate to get you inside him.
Yandere roommate who always cleans up around the apartment making sure the dishes are done and the meals are made, even going as far as to make you lunches as he feeds the fantasy of being your “boyfriend” his head spinning being so close to you breathing in your scent having him dizzy and red in the face with him being completely delusional.
Yandere roommate who gets all pissed and psychotic when he sees you around any girls, he’s completely ballistic and the next day they are always found in a gruesome state since he wants to ensure “he’s the only one you have~”. The Yandere will always be so sweet and act so sympathetic to you over the women’s deaths but secretly thrilled you’re coming to him for comfort! Having you holding onto him all frustrated and upset makes him nearly pass out in glee.
Yandere roommate who steals a few of your things, stealing your hoodie or even your boxers. He keeps a box hidden away with all the things he’s stolen from you inside his closet obsessed with your scent the feeling of his delusional brain becoming so corrupted and twisted he imagines your things as “gifts~” to him making him fall more manic over the delusion of him being your boyfriend.
Yandere roommate who gets all pent up, when you’re at work or at your university he can’t help himself but to go to your room since it “smells” like you. His face buried in your pillows groaning and whining out as he stuffs two fingers into his loosened hole, pushing past his bud as he breaths in your scent doing his best to imagine your fingers reaching the best of depths inside him wanting you to the point his eyes well up with tears of desperation.
Yandere roommate who starts leaving himself in more skimpy clothing, you say his jeans look nice and those are suddenly his favorite jeans, wearing purposefully tight things that show every hip dip and thigh gap this man had. He makes sure to rub his ass right against your groin when squeezing past you making you let out a few labored grunts hiding your arousal while he murmur an innocent “I’m sorry!~” towards you
Yandere roommate who slowly gets you to fall for him. Getting you so pent up and horny for him that you can’t help yourself but to fuck him silly, his face shoved into the couch pillows with his back arched ass in the air as you grip his love handles for dear life like a pent up animal in rut as you heave on top of him holding him close all pinned down into the couch as the squelching sound of your cock stretching his slick rim open fills the apartment.
Yandere roommate who turns it into a habit doing his best to get you to fuck him anywhere everywhere to the point he can only drool getting fucked on your cock with his plush lips all agape his eyes widened and glossed over with lust as he barely musters out “Mhh fuck!, o-oh~ right there~~” as your cock head ravages and assaults his prostate making his puffy rim try to wink around you and greedily swallow more.
Yandere roommate who’s bent over the counter his boxers around his ankle as your hands grope the globes of his cheeks pressing your tongue against his rim watching hazily as it twitches only serving as fuel for you to delve past his bud with your tongue massaging his inner walls flicking against his bundle of nerves so much his cock just twitches all leaky pressed between the counter and his stomach while you drool sloppily down your own chin while eating his ass out.
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bunnys-kisses · 1 month
retired!price never thought that he'd ever become father. it honestly was only a passing glance throughout most of his life. like if he saw a kid at the grocery store or a colleague had a child. but, that all changed when you met him. there was something about you that got him going. he thought he had too much respect for women, but he felt almost chauvinistic towards you. you were younger, smaller, frailer. you should be at home cooking him dinner and putting the kids to bed instead of working the dreadful customer service job you were at. wouldn't life be better?
think about it, it's okay love. price would take care of everything. anything his angel needed, she got. that included a pretty ring and a round middle full of price brats. when price left where you work with purchases in hand, there was more than one occasion where he'd go back to his car and pleasure himself in the driver's seat. his car parked in the furthest part of the parking lot. alone with his thoughts of you. one baby on your hip and the other in your womb, price coming home to the scent of a warm-cooked meals. nights spent battering your poor soft, spongy womb, keeping it nice and full. you'd be in such contrast with your gruff husband. he stood so much taller than you, he could bruise you with ease. but he only wanted to love you, to feel you take him every night. to see you raise his children. he aiming for a minimum of three, close together in age. he was already looking at places that would be perfect. away from the hustle and bustle of london and somewhere quiet, where his wife would live a comfortable life. in his mind he always thought you were a virgin, pure for him to take apart and make to his liking. you'd be the perfect mrs. price, a phrase that went through his head as he came all over his hand. pearly cum even stained his blue jeans.
doesn't the life that price laid out for you feel perfect? a loving husband, kids, a big piece of land. you weren't going anywhere with this job, wouldn't it be more fulfilling to be married to price? he was retired and would raise your children alongside you. you'd be perfect for him. he wished that you'd see what he saw. something nicer for such a lovely woman.
it took a lot of courage for him to ask you out. it was the first time he felt nervous in a while. you simply giggled, a voice delicate like glass, you broke his head, "oh, sorry sir. i already have a boyfriend!" price just smiled and nodded, he wasn't going to cause a scene. he took his purchases and wished you a great day. but it was hard to pull the man that price was prior to retirement. the man needed a mission like a bloodhound needed prey.
oh, you had a boyfriend. what was his name? where did he live? what did he do for work? when price got his answers he didn't think your boyfriend was good enough. you needed a man, not a little boy who still used his old university i.d. to get discounts. he wasn't going to provide for you. he was weak. so why don't you take out your phone and text him goodbye because price always joked to his former team that he could fit a body in the trunk of his car. while he'd laugh it off, that and the neatly winded rope tucked in the corner were there for a reason.
please, his angel. come with him, he'll always keep you safe.
xoxo, bunny
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galaxofmuses · 1 year
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Warning: Horror, Creepypasta, Dark Themes, Cannibalisms
I said to myself, there are no way I can find 6 characters I can relate to Hunter lmao. I am the fool. I manage to figure it out! I swear I'll make a ref sheet for Hunter lmao
Inspiration List:
Starved Eggman ( Sonic Creepypasta) Since I went through a huge pasta brainrot. I was watching through videos of what if Sonic went through what Starved Eggman did. But that what if expanded my brain and take that inspiration of Hunter's feral state and obsession with human flesh. So this fucker was the one that started it all of me creating Skyler's villain verse.
Paxton Fettel (F.E.A.R. Series) Another cannibal character theme whee and also there is a lot of hints of that unhinged personality depends on certain upcoming verses I am planning. But Paxton really inspires me from his feral attacks and just vibes of just at the edge of creep and insanity as Hunter gets slowly pushed into that direction. Again depending on which verse he falls into it's gonna get worse.
Jason Todd ( Behind the Red Hood/Batman.) Ironically I rp this character lmao. Honestly a lot of the spotify playlists of Todd gets me into the mood of writing Hunter as well. Also both are pretty relatable on the hostility and at the edge of unhinged and do whatever it takes to get what they want. Both are really tragic characters for their different reasons.
Steve (Fresh 2022 Horror Movie.) Can I stop picking villians with cannibalistic tendencies? Nah. Steve isn't over the top like Paxton, but he is at the right level of sounding like normal, but there is a sense of red flags going on. This character really inspired me to go deeper for Hunter and just dives into more ideas of make this muse even more miserable.
Nimona (Nimona Movie) God....I don't want to spoil this movie, but personality wise this is when Hunter gets more open to certain people, but a lot more gremlin. It's one of those you gotta work really hard to get to like him so far only one person did that so good luck fam!
Dustswap Sonic ( Dustswap FNF) Okay yeah Duster Ring is a banger song, but this Sonic design just made me scream that really gives me Hunter aesthetics. It's pretty close to what just needs a punk vest underneath. I was thinking that since he tends to hide away so him wearing a hoodie makes sense.
Blank Template below the cut
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fferal-archive · 2 years
@cosmicrayed sent a meme: what were you expecting to happen ?
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The hand print radiates warm and pink on his cheek for only a moment, and then fades as fast as it's arrived.
"Seriously?" He's spitting fury at Sue, outraged by being spurned in what he thought was a benevolent moment from him. At his sides, his fists are clenched white -- forcing himself not to pop his claws.
"We've been together enough times where -- you're such a haughty bitch, Susan. You want to blame me for how you're fucking up your life? Get fucking real."
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@worldly-diversity asked: With Artemis at NRC, the two of them were nigh inseparable (for practical reasons as well as just that he genuinely enjoys Artemis' company) but something had come up and the god had returned to the dorm as far as the dorm leader was aware… Yet right as he'd finished with his business, one of the freshmen all but ran into him, breaking a dozen rules in the process, only to stutteringly and gaspingly tell him that a student had been killed. The poor thing was so shaken and panicked that he let the obvious rulebreaking go, just this once, in favour of returning to the dorm quickly. Normally he'd call that kind of statement an exaggeration, but with Artemis here, the odds of that being the case were quite low. Once he got there, he saw the students backed away from the young-looking god in quite the large circle, simultaneously curious and horrified at the loss of indeed one of their own laying prone and coating the carpet with a thick red. At least some of the third years were trying to get the freshmen and indeed if possible everyone away. He'd have to reward them later… For now though. He fearlessly (or as fearlessly as possible when faced with an enraged god) breached the circle, taking slow measured steps until he was right in front of the other, fingers gently reaching out to cup the other's cheek. "Artemis… It's alright, I'm here. They won't upset you any further. Will you please tell me what happened?" He'd gently brush his fingers over the other's cheek if the touch was allowed, not even bothering to ask the other to be rid of the knife. Artemis was a god, just because you couldn't see the weapon didn't mean it wasn't there. Fussing over something so stupid and showing fear would just result in more mess to clean up later.
   They deserved it. 
   That was something that he wasn’t going to ever take back. Something he was going to say he was wrong about. Because he wasn’t. They deserved it. It wasn’t as if he blindsided them either, he had told them they were pissing him off and they had laughed. They’d laughed, told him to try it, and he did. 
   The student, based on his uniform he was from Ignihyde, had not expected the knife that Artemis appeared out of thin air and thrust right into their stomach. They were so shocked they just stood there while he pulled it out and plunged it back in. Again, and again, and again. Now they were on the ground, lifeless eyes staring up at him, mouth slightly open–and Artemis was sitting on top of them with hatred in his eyes. His hands shaking and his heart pounding in his chest. Because he does have one no matter what anyone thinks.
   He has a heart. 
   … he has a heart. 
   …… doesn’t he?
   He feels the hands on his face, trying to move his gaze from the corpse on the ground. Artemis hadn’t even realized the other students were there, let alone that someone was that close to him. No one ever bothers to get involved because they never knew who would be the next target. Not even the other students in Heartslabyul bothered to get involved. They just fetched Riddle. Which was apparently what they had done.
   Artemis blinked at the blue eyes that stared at him, his own bland gray blinking at the soft colored eyes. He suddenly feels… shame? Is that what this was? For the predicament in what he was caught in. Blade still deep in the corpses chest, hands drenched in blood, trembling and drying. Freezing. 
   He can’t breathe. He kind of needs to. 
   And suddenly he realizes he doesn’t want Riddle to see him like this. 
   Over something that anyone would deem petty. 
   What happened? He doesn’t want to say it. He shifts a bit, his fingers cracking as he uncurls them from the blade. His gaze drops to the corpse again before it’s forced back up to look at Riddle. 
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   “They called me creepy.” 
   Creepy. Disgusting. Freak. And he had lost it. He hates those words. Hates being labeled those things. Hates being isolated. It brings back those memories. Of his time with his siblings. Of being labeled those things, shut aside, emotionally abused. So he put them down. 
   “I’m… sorry?” Not that he killed them. Not that he shut them up. But that Riddle saw him this bad. 
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inavagrant-a · 1 year
❝  𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐞  𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠  𝐚  𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲  𝐰𝐨𝐧’𝐭  𝐛𝐞  𝐚𝐧  𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐞,  rewiring  may  take  a  significant  amount  of  time.  testing  is  required  first  to  explore  one’s  ego  && adjust  the  settings.  for  early  stages  of  development,  any  human  would  do.  for  the  lastest  however . . . a  person  of  similar  physique  && intellect  𝘪𝘴  𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘦𝘥. ❞
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"Right." Tetsuya nods his head, the wiring is something he has definitely jotted down as one if not the most taxing of endeavors. It's worthy enough for a headache that's for sure. "I am still trying to gauge out her mannerisms and her character... she's still too much of an enigma for me to properly tackle this stage, Scaramouche." It's like she's still hiding from him, not that he blames her. "However, behind the cathedral there's a graveyard, I was already thinking of borrowing someone from there for this stage." Even if the living is the one that thrives the most, he's not about to step over that line, at least not yet. "One from there would suffice for the initial stages, would you not agree? A fresh dead human, not one that has since rotted away into this accursed soil."
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