#♠: v: family means no one gets left behind or forgotten — adoption au
shadowqueens · 1 year
“talk to me, okay? i need to know what’s going on.” (adoption verse kagura / varietales)
@varietales - kagura
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zilla bit her lip. she knew she had to say something. but it was hard. words were hard sometimes. she didn't know how the others did it, how they could just ... say what was on their mind so much. didn't they have this huge wall in their head? why did zilla have it and others didn't? she felt her heart racing in her chest and looked down and away from kagura's kind, consoling face.
the problem was actually quite simple - she had a dream about her mama. her mama who died so that zilla could live. and though most days she knew in her heart that her mama would just be happy that zilla had a life, a family now in fiore, their destination... the words felt like ash. and kagura doesn't know that zilla's mamawas cut apart by mages who were scared of her, of zilla. it was zilla's fault though she doesn't remember what she did in the first place. why did her mama have to die?
unbidden, her eyes felt salty and her nose felt as if it was buzzing. the tell-tale sign of tears. and zilla tried so, so hard to stop them. "i...i dreamt of my mama." those were the only words that she was able to manage.
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shadowqueens · 1 year
flower (adoption verse kagura 🥺)
actions speak louder than words prompt
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today was another adventure through the mountains which was some of zilla's favorite days. it was sunny and bright, which was amazing in of itself and she was with her sister, kagura. simon was somewhere, too, probably on the lookout for any bears while dad was focused on making the map. zilla giggled to herself as she waltzed over near a tree where she could hear birds singing - if she was correct on their calls, they were mountain chickadees. she peeled her eyes through the branches and sure enough, saw them up high and twittering about with their small bodies. they were so cute and so small. zilla did her best to watch them quietly, memorizing the scene so she may sketch it later.
moments later, she felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see her sister, kagura. kagura was not That much older than her, but sometimes it felt like it. zilla wondered if it was their height difference.
kagura was smiling at her and in her hands were some of the flowers around. zilla's face formed a smile immediately and she took the offered flowers. kagura knew a lot about flowers and somehow, always managed to find the prettiest ones around. these ones were purple, too!
"thank you kagura, they're so pretty!" zilla tucked them close to her and smelled them. they were sweet. "you're great at picking flowers."
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shadowqueens · 1 year
POST - IT NOTE - kagura, adoption verse!
send “ POST - IT NOTE ” for what my muse would leave yours in a post - it note message !
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upon kagura's vanity in her room, on her mirror is a black post-it note. in metallic-purple ink, there is a chibi-esque doodle of kagura winking with a speech bubble that says, "zap anyone who dares touches you!" with little lightning bolts in the background for good measure. it's both a reminder and an uplifting message that its okay to set boundaries. at least, that's zilla's intention.
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shadowqueens · 1 year
“take my hand.” ( adoption verse kagura / varietales)
the outdoors was an expanse of freedom and something zilla truly was more comfortable in a lot of the time. her and her mama camped in between houses and it was something zilla preferred, because when they settled in a place zilla had to stay inside a lot. there was no reason to hide now, not in the promised flower kingdom. a garden from the heavens, that's what how her mama described fiore. especially on sunny days. those were her favorites.
today was such a day and sure, maybe she shouldn't have run the moment kagura opened the door leading to the outside but how could zilla resist? the open expanse of the mountain scape was so tall before her and the sun was bright, there was so much light and shadow everywhere.
so maybe she shouldn't have ran on past kagura. that was probably a little mean, so zilla hopped back over, smiling a little bit. "sorry, kagura." zilla easily took the offered hand. "let's run together, okay?"
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