#♠: the questions i will never say — ask response
shadowqueens · 1 year
“talk to me, okay? i need to know what’s going on.” (adoption verse kagura / varietales)
@varietales - kagura
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zilla bit her lip. she knew she had to say something. but it was hard. words were hard sometimes. she didn't know how the others did it, how they could just ... say what was on their mind so much. didn't they have this huge wall in their head? why did zilla have it and others didn't? she felt her heart racing in her chest and looked down and away from kagura's kind, consoling face.
the problem was actually quite simple - she had a dream about her mama. her mama who died so that zilla could live. and though most days she knew in her heart that her mama would just be happy that zilla had a life, a family now in fiore, their destination... the words felt like ash. and kagura doesn't know that zilla's mamawas cut apart by mages who were scared of her, of zilla. it was zilla's fault though she doesn't remember what she did in the first place. why did her mama have to die?
unbidden, her eyes felt salty and her nose felt as if it was buzzing. the tell-tale sign of tears. and zilla tried so, so hard to stop them. "i...i dreamt of my mama." those were the only words that she was able to manage.
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afi-writes · 4 months
Of All the Women He Could Have
Pairing: Ikki x MC
Rating: Teen and up
Summary: The heroine spends the girls ’evening with Sawa and Mine when she gets a call from Ikki, who is home alone.
Written for @cresu 💙♠︎
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"So, how is it like?" Mine asks, staring at me over her glass. She sits cross-legged on a pillow in her pajamas.
Sawa, browsing on her phone, looks up and glances at the two of us in turn. My hands shake and I hurriedly put the glass I am holding down on the table.
"What do you mean?"
"You know, senpai," Mine replies, her lips curving into a smile as a dangerous gleam comes into her eyes. "Sex with Ikki. I never got my turn, so I at least want to know the facts."
Heat races up my neck to my cheeks in a second, and my heart leaps to pound in my throat. I squeeze the pillow under me and wonder how I can avoid answering. It has been two weeks since Ikki said he would seduce me into his bed in a month, but I have not given in yet. What if he does not like me? He has so much more experience, and I certainly do not know how to please him. There are other women who... know what kind of things Ikki likes.
But I cannot say that to Mine and Sawa. I just cannot!
"Mine, that's a totally inappropriate question," says Sawa.
"There's nothing wrong with a little sharing..."
"You can't just ask people that."
Sawa and Mine's argument continues but does not quite reach my ears. Mine's question keeps rolling around in my mind and leaves a warm feeling in my stomach. I would not like to think about it so much but on the other hand I cannot help thinking about it.
"Senpai, your phone is ringing."
Mine's words penetrate my thoughts, and I realize she is right. My gaze glues itself to the name flickering on the screen.
Why is Ikki calling me?
"Aren't you going to answer?" Sawa asks.
I slip the phone into my hand and glance around.
"You can go talk on the balcony," Sawa continues, already handing me a jacket, which I grab.
I slip out, wrap myself in the jacket and finally press the icon for the answering. It is amazing how long Ikki kept on calling. I would probably have given up by now. The autumn air tingles my cheeks as I lean against the wall and lift the phone to my ear.
"You answered."
His voice is as soft as ever, but with a heavier tone than usual. It falls right into my stomach, which starts to tingle.
"I'm sorry. I was talking to Sawa and Mine," I say. "Weren't you supposed to spend tonight with Kent?"
"He left a while ago..."
I smile in response. I can picture in my mind how Ikki and Kent have been joking with each other all evening, and maybe Kent brought Ikki a new math puzzle to solve. I am sure they had a great time.
"Listen..." Ikki breathes into the phone. "I'd love to have you home..."
"I... I can leave. I'm sure Sawa and Mine will understand."
"No... Don't. I can't promise you now that you'll be safe if you come home..."
"Have you been drinking, Ikki?"
A deep sigh brushes my ear and raises my skin hairs. I recognize that voice. I thought Ikki had already let go of the ghosts of his past. I forgave him for his rude behavior, and he put his fan club in check. There is nothing to be upset about now, but...
"We had a few with Kent. Now that I'm alone, I miss you so much I almost cannot breathe."
I chew my bottom lip and lift my gaze to the dark night sky. I would make the last train if I left now. On the other hand, I have promised a girls' night to Sawa and Mine, because the next opportunity probably will not come for anytime soon, due to the pressures of studying and work. I have been so wrapped up in my own affairs lately that I have not given my friends enough of my time.
"I just wanted to hear your voice," Ikki continues. "Talk about something, anything."
"Mine asked how it is like with you..."
I slap a hand over my mouth as soon as I have blurted out the first thought that came to mind. Why? Why did I say that to Ikki? His laugh makes my knees buckle. If I have been able to resist his eyes before, I could not help the pull of his heavy voice.
"What did you answer?"
"I didn't."
"Why not?"
"You know why."
Another chuckle, and I hear a rustle in the background. The same kind of rustle I have heard a few nights, when Ikki have been rolling over on his own futon next to me.
"Didn't you want to reveal to Mine that I still haven't succeeded in my goal? That I still haven't managed to seduce my princess into my bed?"
I do not know what to say. My cheeks are getting hot again, despite the cool night.
"You know it's only a matter of time, right? Maybe tomorrow I'll succeed..."
"Yes. When you get home, I'll kiss you immediately. I'll take off your jacket and press you against the hallway wall. I'll keep kissing you until your lips are turning sensitive..."
I press myself tighter against the balcony wall and cannot help the breath that escapes my lips.
"Ikki, that's... a little..."
"Next, I'll kiss your neck. I run my lips along the skin and catch your earlobe between them. I might even nibble a little..."
Ikki has clearly had too much to drink. He is not usually quite so outspoken. But I can imagine everything he says. He has kissed my neck before. Lightly and gently. Finally, he licked me and made me whine.
"You know I won't do anything you don't really want. But you do want me to take off every piece of your clothing in that hallway... Undo the buttons of your dress and drain it off your shoulders, let it fall to your ankles. And when you're in front of me in your underwear, I'll kiss your belly button..."
"Sawa and Mine are waiting for me back inside."
"Don't you want to know what happens next?"
I swallow and cannot answer. My cheeks are on fire, I am on fire all over.
"I think you want..."
Still the words are a mere whisper, but they still make my skin crawl. I press my free hand against the cold wall and try to calm my heart, pounding against my chest.
"I kiss your belly as I gently pull down your pantyhose. Once I've taken them off, I scoop you into my arms and carry you to the bed. I'd like to do it right now, if only you were here..."
The last word brushes against my ear in a sigh. There is a hot, vaguely shaped lump in my lower abdomen, spreading lower. My breathing sounds as heavy to my own ears as Ikki's sighs.
"We can spend all night tomorrow when you get home. We're in no hurry to go anywhere. I'll go just as slowly as you wish..."
Ikki's voice swims in my ears and makes my knees go limp. I go down along the wall onto the balcony floor. I am burning from places I usually avoid thinking about. Ikki evokes feelings in me that are so obscene I dare not think of words for them. I want everything he offers me, but... what if he disappoints? I do not know anything. I do not know what to do.
"Ikki, I..."
"You want me, don't you...?"
I swallow as Ikki's words make my breath catch in my throat. My own heartbeat almost drowns out his voice as it pounds in my ears.
"I need to hear it. I'll wait, but I need to..."
"I..." I swallow twice. My cheeks are burning hot. Is it even okay to say something like that? But Ikki wants to hear me say it. It is important to him. "I... want... you."
I am sure I cannot breathe.
And at the same moment, the balcony door slides open. Sawa appears at the door and stares directly at me.
"Are you okay?"
"Ikki, I really have to go," I say at the same time as I nod to Sawa and try to get up off the floor.
"I'll wait for you at home tomorrow," Ikki whispers in my ear. "I love you and I want to make love to you in a way you can't imagine anything better."
The heat rushes to my ears as I hang up the phone. Sawa's eyebrows furrow, and she grabs my hand to push me to my shaking feet. The words still echo in my ears as I step back inside under the curious gaze of Mine and Sawa.
Ikki wants to make love to me. Of all the women he could have, he wants to make love to me.
If you like my work, consider reblogging it. That helps more people to find it. Don't feel obliged though. Only do it if you want to, but I do appreciate the gesture.
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beholdenning · 1 year
fletching plumage // farina + denning
continued from here.
♠  - Considering how many times the Morph repeated that one saints-damned sentence during battle, finding out they’re apparently mute was a surprise. Truly, Nergal must've been a being of infinite patience...who also neglected to tell them when to stop so she can't give him that much credit.
"Well, now you've just got me feeling bad.", the mercenary grumbled, scratching at her cheek awkwardly. It wasn't feeling right to be bullying the disabled. It's even worse that they don't even seem to be aware that they're being mocked. No reaction at all. It's not even fun to bully.
"Oh, forget it.", she sighed before promptly being struck with another idea and leaned in, grinning widely. "Tell you what. Go to the kitchens, tell them that and count how many crackers they give you. What do you say?" There was a slight pause as she remembered his condition.
"Just, uh, just nod if you're okay with it. I can repeat that if you didn't catch it the first time?", she offered. He wasn't completely mute, judging by how well they copied the squawks. Just...having issues with words, she'd guessed.
"Den-ning wan-ts cr-ack-er.", she repeated, slower this time, pronouncing every syllable, sound by sound. Damn, this was a lot of work for what started as a joke. She might also need to figure out how to get him to stop. If he does that repeating thing again, well, she wasn't going to be responsible if someone gets driven up the wall!
"Stop when someone tells you to, I guess.", she finished with a slight wince. It might already have been too late by then. She might have to follow along in case things get out of hand. Wait, hold on, would he even know what to do with the crackers? Do Morphs even need to eat? Forget it, she'll happily shove that problem onto the kitchen staff.
"Don't worry about the windows.", Farina declared, waving a hand at said windows vaguely. "I'll grab someone to fill in."
Which left the final problem being...What the crap was he doing with his hands?, Farina asked herself, forcing herself to stare blankly at the Morph's hands. If Denning was a mage like Limstella, she might've suspected something magick-y happening but no, no, she's fought them. He's an archer. She still remembered that half a heart attack she had seeing that many archers! Anyway, she's never heard of anyone successfully mixing weapons and magic. Well, not in Elibe, anyway.
Huh, guess that meant she hadn't completely let down her guard around them. Checks out. If you run around half of Elibe being chased by these things, you're going to have some resistance seeing them again.
Wait, was that sign language? Help, does she need to learn sign language now? Military hand signals were one thing - You needed to know where you're attacking during the heat of battle, after all - but she's never needed to learn sign language before. Oh, help, teaching Morphs how to human was never part of her job description!
In fact, can we go back to murder?, she felt tempted to ask. That was a lot easier! Facing all those archers aside, anyway.
Ah, so she cannot understand 'sign'. That is unideal for when next they meet. (They seldom see people more than twice, and those they do, they usually see again, later. It is not an unreasonable assumption to make.)
Slowly but surely, though, the woman begins to speak words that make sense. Denning does not question the hows or whys of the task she gives them, and simply nod in response, as requested. Why would it not be okay? She is grinning so broadly, a combination of upturned lips and bared teeth that so often played as prelude for orders or conversation. This is hardly different.
And — Ah, few humans so far had given them time to try to chew and swallow the words given to it, accepting their clumsy vocalisations as truth. Even common repetitions happened too quick for their tongue to keep up... These words being spoken with intention to guide, not only as syllables, but with separate enunciation, distinction from where the tones ball together behind their teeth, certainly helps. Their brow raises a fraction in surprise, even if they don’t realise.
"Den-ning," they murmur, haltingly, "w-a-nn-tss c-r-ak-r." Their voice trails off near the end, testing the texture of the word more than the sound. Their lips continue to move with a soft hiss of air, repetition setting in like an old friend. Denning wants cracker. The grammar is incorrect, but they enjoy having words between their teeth again regardless. "Denning," they know that one, the name given to them, "w-an-ts cr-ack-er."
Golden eyes turn away from the familiar woman again (a pegasus knight, they recall now, their steeds a prime target for any sniper), regard the window left half-cleaned, turn again towards the hallway of them they had yet to get to. They put down the rag they were using, hang it on the rim of their bucket of soap water, and look back at her, still mouthing the sentence, before they put voice into the shape again;
"Denning wan-tsss crack-er." (It's slowly morphing into an uncanny imitation of her cadence, that mockery of birdcall. If someone knows her well enough, they might be able to suss her out...)
If she insists someone will fill in for them, they have no reason not to believe her. The knights and monks working together here is not unlike the clockwork established back when the Dragon's Gate was not yet silent. They give her a little bow as affirmative, before turning to move down the hall, continuing to mutter fragments of the given sentence under their breath.
“Denning, Denning, Denning...”
A pause. If they have a name, surely she does, too? All the humans they had met so far had names. They turn around halfway, point at her, cock their head in an inquiring motion clearly forced.
“Nn...” ‘name’ is still beyond them, “... Denning?” but they manage a variation of tone, a softer imitation of Lord Nergal’s call.
Hopefully she understands that better than she had their hands.
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making-dough · 1 year
Kicked out of Nahan not a penny to our name ♠ - Dear whichever gods were listening, when she'd (privately) asked for these jerk villagers to get in trouble, she wasn't that serious. And especially not in being by a random army. Well, end result was that they lost half their group (mostly the students like Maria) to said army, it looked like? And the rest of them kicked out of town to regroup in a nearby forest and plan their next move.
Well, given the way they were received though, Farina couldn't say she was surprised they ended up getting chased out of town. It was the how that was surprising. Well, she'd never been welcomed in the first place so she wasn't about to get too fussed on getting thrown out. More importantly, getting their students kidnapped was probably going to be a problem. Never mind the entire question of why were there armed soldiers going around kidnapping random villagers in the first place. "Firstly, do we know even know which way those soldiers went?", Farina pointed out. "We'll just make everything worse if we start stumbling around blindly." She paused for a moment to stroke the back of her pegasus as if silently offering an option they had available. "Well, if we need to, I guess I could go for a bit of a fly. A caravan like that should be easy to spot from the air!"
And it seemed like her idea had attracted some merit, with Ephidel and Byleth at least, speaking up in its favour and Hilda even expressing some interest in joining with. Just then, a certain empty-eyed young man burst out of the bushes nearby, trying to get them to follow him instead towards the north-east, towards the Grannvale border. Apparently, he went by Colla and the Nahan villagers' claimed he was the army's target. Apparently, he came across that army before and got dumped for being 'too old', which made the pushy way he was trying to get them to follow him all the weirder.
"Whoa there!", Farina hissed out in response to the Colla's urgings. "You seem awfully eager to be heading back towards a group you only just got away from." Granted, said group might not have wanted him but who's ever heard of someone just rushing into trouble? "Don't tell me you've got your own pals those goons have nabbed?", she guessed. It made sense for a motive as any, ignoring the possibility of the whole thing being a trap, anyway. His appearance was just a little too convenient here and his urgings sounded just a little too eager. Still, having a local guide would certainly make things easier. If it's a trap, well, they'll deal with it when it gets sprung. "No complaints here, then.", she laughed, grabbing a handful of her mount's reins. "Let's go!" Well, just so long as they kept a sharp eye out, anyway. Speed might be of the essence but no sense in being too careless, right?
But before that..."Hilda, you're with me!", Farina declared, swinging herself onto her pegasus' back and nudging him into taking off. "We're flying!" That was little sense in putting all their trust in Colla's directions. At the very least, they should get a much better idea of what exactly they were dealing with around, right?
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rayonfirethe2nd · 2 years
Kyoya x Insecure! Plus-sized! Reader
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A/n: I promise I will get better, so if you have any tips for improvement on my posts or any constructive criticism, then I would love to hear from you! 
Being Kyoya Ootori’s s/o meant that you were watched and talked about around the school for dating the stiff and stoic Kyoya. 
Kyoya adored you in a way he never thought possible.
Kyoya enjoys being with you and having you around him while he is hosting or studying. 
Despite not liking PDA, Kyoya loves to at least have his arm touch yours and feel your warmth radiate to him. 
On days he is at home and needs to relax he will lead you to his bed for some cuddles
Although he may seem all cold and distant, trust me when I say this man is as touch starved as a cookie desperate for milk that analogy tho- 💀💀
So anyway, Kyoya is very giving and he loves to provide you with things he thinks would look amazing on you!
He also likes to give you flowers and positive affirmations during the day 
He is aware of your insecurity since he is oh so observant and so, he is very subtle about his approach to help you feel better that you may not even notice!
Kyoya truly loves to look at you and see you so full of life and it gives him a warm feeling in his chest
As we all may or may not know, Kyoya is someone who does not have much muscle or plump to him, so he really adores looking at you and how lovely and full you look
Kyoya does hear people when they talk about you and they are not always bad
However, Kyoya does deal with those that wish to or have spoken ill of you
He will hear none of it! Nor will he tolerate slander against his lover! Hmph! >:(
While hosting he does get questions about you and he tries to answer them in a way to redirect the conversation so that it’s not about you 
If there is any time that you decide that you want to lose weight or try to, he will support you however he can
If you want he can even get someone from his family’s hospital to help you 
That is, if you want to!
Otherwise, he will help you set up a plan and help you through it 
Overall, Kyoya is a very supportive, loving and protective lover!
Another day, another class to get to, and another day at the host club. You had just finished your last class, and were heading to the music room to meet up with your boyfriend! The one and only Ootori Kyoya! No one believed you when you said that Kyoya is your lover, your friends were freaking out and it was utter chaos, however, they were very happy that you finally found someone for you. 
As you approach the club, you can hear Tamaki screaming about Haruhi being ‘so mean’ to him. And it gave you a little chuckle. With a brighter mood you opened the door and headed in, per usual the flowers and blinding light action all went down again, at this point you were used to it, but the first time it happened you really thought you had passed away and were about to meet your ancestors. 
Anyway, you proceeded to the other side of the room towards your boyfriend after spotting him, on your way you greeted the club members and attendees. Once you were close to Kyoya, you slowed down and stopped as you saw him with a client having a cup of tea while they were both laughing about something. You shifted uncomfortably with a little tightness in your chest. ‘Kyoya doesn't really laugh with clients, nor does he really enjoy being with them, but he looks genuinely happy talking with her’ you thought as you backed up a little, and turned away. 
As you were turning though, you caught the girls’ eye and she smiled, ‘her smile looked so pretty..’ you thought as you walked away to sit with Mori, who surprisingly did not have a client. “Hi, Mori! How are you?” you asked, trying to sound cheerful, Mori looked at you with ihs blank stare and hummed a response, while nodding his head once. 
You smiled and quieted down, now with your thoughts alone. You glanced around and saw some clients looking towards you, and you shrunk under their judgmental gaze. “My, my~ Look at her being so pitiful, she looks so out of place and like a kicked puppy” one of the clients said loud enough for you to hear. You looked up and around to see if the others heard it, but it seems it only reached your ears, or so you thought. 
As you were about to dwell in self pity and self hatred, Mori put a comforting hand on your shoulder, you looked up at him and he shook his head, “Don’t listen to them, they don’t know what they are talking about.” Mori said. “Talking about what?” came another voice, you turned your head and met Kyoya's eyes. He looked at you with a raised eyebrow. Mori grunted and got up, giving you one last look and nod, and made his way to Honey, who looked to be eating too much cake for his own good. 
You looked back at Kyoya and shook your head, “Oh- nothing! How was your day today?” you asked, changing the subject not so subtly. Kyoya gave you a fishy stare, and hummed, “Yes, today was good. I just finished with my one and only client for the day, so it seems I am free as of now. Though, I still have to be at the club to keep Tamaki in check.” Kyoya said, looking at his notebook and glancing at you from time to time. 
After the last client left, the club was packing for the day and Kyoya was the last one in the room. “You have been zoned out quite a few times since you got here. Is there something wrong?” Kyoya asked, looking at you after closing the door to the club. “Um, no! No, why would there be anything wrong?” you said a little startled, “Well, you have looked miserable since I finished with my client. Does it have something to do with me?” Kyoya said, matter of factly. “I-” “Please do not lie.” Kyoya said this time with a look in his eye. He approached you slowly, and sat down in front of you. He sighed and looked at you, 
“I understand that sometimes I cannot figure out what you are thinking about, however, that does not mean that you should keep away whatever you are feeling. Keeping it from me is the last thing I want you to do, therefore, if this is about me or the client earlier, then, tell me.” Kyoya said, looking down. Tears pricked at your eyes, and you launched yourself onto him, and held him so tight to you.
 Kyoya was surprised, but reciprocated and hugged you back with a small smile. “There, there, it will be alright. You don’t have to worry or feel that way alone. I am here.” Kyoya said in a soft and tender voice. You pulled back and wiped your eyes, giving Kyoya a small smile. “ Thank you, Kyoya. Thank you so much!” You said hugging him again and breathing in his comforting scent. “You’re welcome, my love.” Kyoya said, rocking you a little. In the end, you both went home and had a nice bath and cuddled together as you told Kyoya about what you felt and what you heard. Kyoya comforted you, giving you reassuring words and kissing you all over. Kyoya had murder on his mind, but he would save it for later, and focus on you, his one and only lover. 
GAh DAYUM! I wrote a LOT! I think I got sidetracked in the story, but I hope you like it! 
-Ray out
Tag: @lilacprincessofrecovery​ 
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reginrokkr · 5 years
“What’s wrong? Is there something on my face?” //machi!
The smell of freshly clean grass permeates the air, inviting any weary soldier into an aromatherapeutic relaxation that the bare minimum are aware they can find in this place often dejected for its chocobo smell. Ever since awareness took hold of his young mind, Ace visited this place every time he was brought to the Akademeia. Not only he frequents the stables because of the endearing birds that soften his still heart, but the atmosphere also aids in bringing a sense of respite that sometimes incites him to sing to his heart’s content.
Blond locks dance in the gentle wind as the cadet rests his weight onto the wooden fence, cyan irises lost somewhere where baby chocobos play with one another.
Whether I get my chance or not… I’m ready to put it all on the line for my brother and my country… I’m gonna fight for everyone’s history. Everyone’s histories intertwine. Everything that we do interconnects.
After the Liberation campaign, it’s become a habit that Ace hears the voice of someone within the confines of his mind when he’s alone. The voice of a young man that more often than not sounds rude but friendly at the same time. Deep within his consciousness, he wonders whose is this voice and why would he talk to someone like that in the first place. Soon, it escalated into conversations ––no, they were actually monologues–– Ace paid attention to, clearly interested into whatever this man had to say and sometimes he would try to ask questions: sometimes about who he is, or about what he was talking about. However, far from receiving a response, an intense headache he would check up with Mother. Of course, he was never capable of stating the real reason of his headaches whenever she regarded him in confusion upon realising that he’s in full condition.
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Let’s say I lend you a hand when you’re in trouble. And then in turn you help someone else.
That is when he abandoned all tries to communicate to this person and instead, decided to listen. When he resigned himself, the figure of a man appeared by his side albeit Ace could never see his face. A man wearing the military uniform of Rubrum with his hoodie over the head. Much to his exasperation, nothing but a smile was visible of his face. Initially, he blamed the hoodie for it, although realisation dawned on him fast enough to understand that that’s not it.
If you trace that all back to where it began, you could say I set off a chain reaction just by offering you a helping hand.
His gaze falls to his open hand that closes in a fist. Fighting for everyone’s history… I want to do that. An amused smile finds its way to his rose lips. Admittedly, he never thought what he’s fighting for, it’s just a natural thing to do after being raised like this by Mother. And yet––
“Pretty interesting for another one of your crackpot theories.” For the first time since this guy plagued his mind and he started to talk back to him, this felt right to say. No more dissociation he so worried that might be a disorder and thus an inconvenience to Mother. His gaze raises to meet the figure of the man smiling beside him.
“What’s wrong? Is there something on my face?”
The intrusion of a different voice startles Ace, making him jump in place slightly. Azure irises widen when the guy he has been staring at distorts–– his hair grows long and free from the restraint of the hoodie and visible features claim his attention. Machina. When did he even get here?
Fair brows knit in a frown as he breaks the visual contact, genuine confusion taking over his troubled heart. “…It’s nothing.”
@sentofight ♠︎
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shadowqueens · 2 years
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tag drop i.
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shadowqueens · 1 year
“take my hand.” ( adoption verse kagura / varietales)
the outdoors was an expanse of freedom and something zilla truly was more comfortable in a lot of the time. her and her mama camped in between houses and it was something zilla preferred, because when they settled in a place zilla had to stay inside a lot. there was no reason to hide now, not in the promised flower kingdom. a garden from the heavens, that's what how her mama described fiore. especially on sunny days. those were her favorites.
today was such a day and sure, maybe she shouldn't have run the moment kagura opened the door leading to the outside but how could zilla resist? the open expanse of the mountain scape was so tall before her and the sun was bright, there was so much light and shadow everywhere.
so maybe she shouldn't have ran on past kagura. that was probably a little mean, so zilla hopped back over, smiling a little bit. "sorry, kagura." zilla easily took the offered hand. "let's run together, okay?"
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