#♡;; His Hero's Shining Star // His Sidekick's Light || {essenceofjustice // Kaito}
ahogedetective · 1 year
"Lookit, lookit! It's your other brethren, Shuichi! Haha~!!" Kaito is as excited as ever as he points to one of the nearby tanks, the thick glass nearly reaching the ceiling. He's taken the birthday boy to an aquarium! Kaito oohs and aahs as he watches a koi and a goldfish swimming around together before being distracted by some octopus, the astronaut practically having his face pressed against the glass as he tries to get an even closer look!
"I can't believe there's so much of the ocean that we haven't discovered yet. Isn't that wild?! There's so many amazing, little guys like these that we haven't even seen before!" It's when he turns to look back at the detective that he gives a loud gasp when he notices something a little ways away, grabbing Shuichi's hand and excitedly rushing over to the tide pool area! The enclosure is much smaller than the rest of the exhibits and there are no glass barriers, letting guests reach in and lightly pet those that are inside!
"They have sea stars in here! Oh! Haha, Taka's come to wish you a happy birthday too! Here, I'll get a picture with the three of us together~!" Kaito then positions himself so he's right next to Shuichi, making sure the sea urchin behind them is in full view before reaching for his phone and taking the picture! However, when he's done he puts his phone away but then pulls Shuichi closer, bringing him into a tight embrace as his voice softens.
"I know an aquarium probably wasn't the first place you would think of for a birthday celebration, but I'm glad I can spend some time with you on your special day. Happy birthday, my shining star."
"Ohhh, very funny, you. Hahaha." He laughs with him, Shuichi looking just as excited as he stares at that tank with him! Kaito taking him out on a date to the aquarium, was a very delightful surprise. Seeing Kaito look so excited couldn't help but make him giggle, finding it so adorable. And as he watches the many types of aquatic life swim about, he was having just as much fun, too.
At Kaito's question, he nods his head. "Right...? The ocean is so vast... there are probably still hundreds, if not thousands, of sea animals that have yet to be discovered. I know exploring the deeper depths is very difficult, but I'm sure that in the future, we'll be able to enjoy more and more different kinds of fish we never knew existed!" Then when Kaito turns around and makes that gasp, he tilts his head, about to ask him what he saw before giving a small noise of surprise when Kaito grabs his hand and starts rushing to the direction of the tide pool area! "Oh-!!"
Then when he also peers inside and sees the sea stars and sea urchins, he can see why he rushed over here, emitting a gasp of awe as his eyes follow them. "Yeah...! I wonder how they'd feel if you touched them... ah, hehehe, you're right! What are you doing here, Taka? Oh, yes-!" He quickly leans in and gets into position for the photo, giving a bright smile as he does a small wave. At the embrace, he emits a soft gasp, as he quietly listens.
"Kaito..." A light red dusts his cheeks, and his heart flutters at his words. Immediately, he hugs him back, just as tightly. "Silly..." He hums, one hand going to slowly rub his back. "That's exactly why I loved today so much. It was a wonderful surprise, to have been brought here. I don't come to aquariums that often, so I was so excited to see all the different sea animals, today! Even seeing some I never have, before... and of course, you being with me, made today all the more fun and special. I'm so happy I could celebrate and spend time today with you, too. Thank you, Kaito: I love you so much. This is why you'll always be my light. You made me feel so loved and special, like you always do."
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Leaning up, he plants a soft kiss to his lips. The gaze he looks at him with, the smile he gives; both were filled with the kind of love, happiness, and warmth that only Kaito could ever receive. Truly, this was one of the best birthdays he's had. But Kaito was always able to help make it be. Today, truly will be an unforgettable day for him. "Now..." He leans far back enough in the hug, so that he can cup both of Kaito's hands in his own. And giving them a small, playful swing, he adds: "Let's continue enjoying today to the very fullest, shall we?"
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ahogedetective · 1 year
*kaito is lost in his thoughts as he stares down at his palm, occasionally giving the lines running across it a little poke or letting his finger trail them until it reaches an end. it's not until he realizes a certain someone's beside him that he looks up, a small pout on his usually bright and happy face.
"You'll never guess what I did during lunchtime. One of our senpai wanted to practice a bit because he hasn't read any palms in a long time, so I let him read mine. I never take stock into those kinds of things anyway, so I thought I would do him a favor, or at least waste some time until next class. I should've just ignored him because do you know what he said to me?!" *kaito then gets all grumbly as he looks away and crosses his arms, his pout turning into a huge frown!*
"He said one of my lines told him that I was a bully! A delinquent!! A villain!!! Can you believe that?! Kaito Momota Fulbright, Luminary of the Stars would never stoop so low! Never!! He tried to backpedal and brought up the multiverse theory, saying that maybe another me was some hoodlum, but at that point I got up and left. I wasn't gonna sit there and listen to his slander! Clearly he has something against heroes, that's why his supposed 'talent' is so shady! He doesn't want someone realizing that he's the actual villain!" *kaito is now in a Mood, getting so thoroughly annoyed as he threatens to continue his rant!*
When Shuichi entered the room, he was about to smile and greet: "Hey, Kaito. What's...." Until he saw him trailing a ling across his palm with that pout on his face, making him tilt his head. "...Up? Hm? What's wrong....?" As he goes to sit down next to him, Shuichi silently listens to him explain. He's got a pretty good guess as to who that 'senpai' was... which admittedly, already makes him have a bad feeling about this; so seeing him get even angrier, makes his worried expression grow even more. "I... I see. W-What did he say...?"
Then learning that Yasuhiro claimed that Kaito apparently used to be a 'bully', surprised him. "A.... bully? Delinquent...?" He found that just as hard to believe. The Kaito he knows and loves, would never do the kinds of things a bully would do. He was friendly, motivates, uplifts people... all the things he does for Shuichi. Like the 'hero' that he is; a complete opposite of what a 'villain' would do. "Multiverse theory..." He gives a pondering hum at that. He honestly was not sure what to think of that. In another universe, there exists a Kaito who was a bully....? Even at the possibility the theory could be true, Shuichi did not want to personally believe that, either; partially from finding it hard to really believe in multiverse theories in general, but imagining a world where Kaito was not a good person... he didn't like that.
"Kaito..." Shuichi maneuvers so that's sitting in front of him, so that he can cup Kaito's cheeks in his hands. "Calm down. Deep breaths... he is not a villain, there, but I can understand why his reading upset you. But even if entertaining the idea that you were a "villain" in some other universe... who cares? It does not change the fact that the Kaito of this world, is nothing of the sort. He's a hero would never pick on those weaker than him, nor cause trouble for everyone. Besides, it did not sound like his reading was definite, anyway, so he still could have been wrong. So don't let it get to you...okay?" He leans in to press a soft kiss to his lips, before pulling him into a tight hug and rubbing his back. "You are a good person, Kaito. No amount of theories or readings will ever change that. So don't worry about some hypothetical scenarios. There's only one of you in this world. That's all that matters... and I couldn't be happier to have been born in it. Because you exist..."
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He then leans his head back, so that he can give him a warm smile. "...So cheer up, okay...? Don't let him ruin your day. In fact, let's do something fun or go somewhere to help you forget about it. What do you say?"
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ahogedetective · 1 year
*kaito is s t a r i n g at the screen, absolutely enthralled at what's going on! he's just watched pacman get a power up, seeing the ghosts frantically run away before he eats them!! there's a determined look on the astronaut's face as he then turns to the side, frowning right at the sentient ahoge!!*
Shuichi was the one playing the arcade game, smiling victoriously as he clears another level! "Heh heh, alright! That was fun. I had a few close calls here and there, but I'd say I did pretty good here and there, wouldn't you say, Kai-"
He was turning his head to look towards Kaito while talking; ....and saw him staring hard at him like that. At his ahoge... "....to. ....What. D...Don't look at me like that..." He brings a hand up to place it on his ahoge and plant it down. He does not like that frown.....
"I-I don't know what weird idea you got in your head just now, but don't even think about it."
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ahogedetective · 2 years
"All this Phantom Thieves of Heart stuff is kinda silly, isn't? I mean, they sound like they got their inspiration from Alice in Wonderland or something." *kaito's pouting because a special news broadcast about the group has interrupted a space documentary he was watching*
"Even when you're in love the other person doesn't actually steal your heart or desires or whatever. That'd be scary! And sure, everyone they've targeted has been terrible, but it makes me wonder just what kinda people these thieves are..."
"Oh, the Phantom Thieves....” Shuichi was surprised himself when that broadcast suddenly came up as well. He then looked up at Kaito with a curious head tilt. “You think so? I personally thought about inspiration from old mystery novels, instead... A...And I think it’s quite... different from that....”
He sheepishly chuckles, of course knowing what it truly meant to ‘steal a heart’... “Hmm... to me, if they took it upon themselves to change the hearts of people, then perhaps it came from that personal feeling of hopelessness. That... no matter how much you wished to be saved from the person who’s ruining your life.. no help will come. So... you have to take it upon yourself, and be your own savior. So naturally, you would want to be that person you needed, for other people, yes?”
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Assuming that.. it was for the same reasons why he had a strong desire to help and save others, too... though after going silent for a  moment, he nervously scratches his cheek with a small chuckle. “A-Ahaha, sorry, I didn’t mean to ramble. I know I’m just...making assumptions. But to me, no matter what anyone might have to say about it; ...I believe in the Phantom Thieves. They are good people, helping society in their own way. They will always have my support.”
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ahogedetective · 3 years
@essenceofjustice || !!! 🍵😷
Shuichi had been looking so forward to his date tomorrow with his boyfriend; but now, it had been ruined by a cold he developed throughout the day. He never enjoys being sick, but he especially hated the fact he caught one right before the night they were supposed to be having their date. He was laying in bed right now, the occasional cough or sneeze leaving him. His nose felt stuffed and his face was flushed: he felt completely awful...
“ueeuuee.... why couldn’t I at least had gotten sick after the day of our date...” He mutters to himself with a sigh, coughing into his arm. “And it’s already night, too... I don’t think I can count on getting better before tomorrow comes. I-I... might have just to tell Kaito we won’t be able to do it tomorrow... nnngh...” Which he was going to feel terrible doing, knowing Kaito had been just as excited for their date tomorrow... but in his current condition, he just would not feel okay enough to be able to move about all day tomorrow. And he knows Kaito would not want him to push himself, either...
Another sigh leaving him, Shuichi reaches for his phone sitting close to him. Going to Kaito’s number in his contacts, he waits for him to pick up. Once he does, he clears his throat before weakly mumbling:
“H...Hey, Kaito. W-We... might have to cancel our date tomorrow. I don’t feel so well, and it’s only gotten worse throughout the day, s-so I...don’t think I will feel well enough by tomorrow...” He pauses for a moment to sneeze into his arm, sniffling before he continues.
“S-Sorry, excuse me. B-But yeah, I-I’m really sorry... I know we were both looking forward to it. B..But once I’m better, we can definitely go. I’ll let you know, once I am.... I’m sorry again about this....”
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ahogedetective · 3 years
*kaito is once again watching shuichi's ahoge wagging about with incredibly w i d e eyes! the boy walks up behind him and pauses for a moment, a few seconds later a startled noise escaping him along with quiet homph!*
Shuichi was very engrossed in the new book he had been so excited to read, hence the furious wagging of his ahoge. He didn't even hear Kaito walk up behind him like that, having been so into it... until-
"UEUUEU!?" He jumped and yelped when he felt Kaito homph on his ahoge, making his ahoge forcefully come to a stop as he nearly dropped his book. "W-What the heck! Kaito!?" He turns his head back to look at him as best he could with an extremely baffled look on his face.
"C...Can I...help you....not a sentence I thought I would find myself saying, b-but: please do not... nibble on my hair... you are not Kuku..." And reaches a hand up to pat Kaito's cheek, gesturing him to move his mouth away....
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ahogedetective · 3 years
"Shuichiiiiii..." *kaito's whimpering as he quickly hides behind the innocent detective, frantically looking each way before giving a sigh of relief*
"Umm... Hypothetically, if you had tossed Kokichi yesterday and he just so happened to land in the pool, what, in your opinion, would you do if he was now hell-bent on revenge? P-purely conjectural, of course! Ha ha! Ha... Mmgh..."
"Ah?" Shuichi blinks when Kaito suddenly hides behind him, eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he turns his head back, with seeing him look even more panicked, confusing him even more.
“W...Wh-What’s wrong? Oh...” As he listens to Kaito explain, he did not even have to question it; he knew it was not a hypothetical situation at all... “....Kaito.” He reaches a hand up to tug his cheek. “You actually did do that, didn’t you. Ohh I’m sure he’s going to want to get back at you for that. Well if I were you, I would try to pacify him; with an apology and, I don’t know... buying him a panta or something?”
“E-Either way, er.... don’t worry! I-I’m sure he will be able to....laugh it off at the end of the day? Though I still think you owe him an apology... I can’t imagine he was happy about that at all, and that was pretty harsh to do to him just because of some ridiculous ‘holiday’...”
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ahogedetective · 3 years
*kaito is staring at shuichi with incredibly wide eyes as he watches him eat, looking down at the dozens of fries he has in his hand before he just reaches over and plops them directly into his mouth!!*
"...?" Shuichi pauses in his eating as he notices Kaito staring at him like that. "W-What is it, Kaito... also why in the world are you just cupping fries in your hand like tha-MMRPH?!"
Cue him uttering loud, confused muffles with a mouth now full of fries, looking up at Kaito with a very confused expression as he mumbles: “K-Kaifto, whaf th hell?! Why difd you do thht..!?!?” Before he frantically starts to finish them!
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ahogedetective · 3 years
"Shuiiiiichiiii, are you here?" *kaito peeks into the room, for once relieved that the detective was nowhere to be seen because now he could search for his pipe!! after a few frantic minutes he starts excitedly giggling as he's finally found it again, carefully pressing it against his cheek in a little hug!!*
"I won't let anyone take you away again, I promise~!"
When Shuichi confiscated Kaito's pipe the other day, he hid it in the part of his drawer where there is space after you pull one of the cabinets completely out. After he did that, he put the pipe in that space, before placing the cabinet back into its place. He knew Kaito would probably try to search for it when he’s not in his room, so he wanted to hide it where he hoped was a good enough hiding spot.
Shuichi was making his way back from the store when Kaito searched around in his room, having just made it to the street his house was on. Once he was inside, he placed the bags in the kitchen, about to unpack them when he heard someone in his room. “Oh...! Kaito must have came over.”
Smiling, he takes a quick moment to walk upstairs, poking his head into his room. “Kaito! Hey there, nice to see y-” And in a heartbeat, the smile is wiped instantly of his face as what he witnesses.
“...................................................” He should have known he would still find the pipe... silently, he walks right up to Kaito from behind, crossing his arms. And then he just emits a loud enough:
“Ahem.” Holding out his hand, he demands: “Give me the pipe. Now.”
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ahogedetective · 3 years
*kaito is s q u i n t i n g as he watches shuichi's ahoge wiggling about! he reaches up and gives it a little poke, not taking his eyes off of it for a single second!*
"There's only four other people in the entire school who you could be talking to right now. Confess! You're having a super secret meeting with Kaede right now aren't you! That's right! I've figured out your little secret!"
Shuichi is very engrossed in the mystery book he's reading, ahoge wriggling in thought as he ponders the mystery currently happening in the story...
"Hmmm...." Completely unaware of what his ahoge is doing, it makes him confused as to why Kaito is looking at his hair like that, but chalks it up to his boyfriend being his usual weird self, so he just lets him do it... he simply blinks when Kaito pokes it, and when he starts declaring all that-
"Huh?" Shuichi looks up from his book and at him. He is completely baffled... "W-What are you talking about?? I haven't even said anything! Not to mention it's just you and me in this room right now, Kaito, so how can I be talking to anyone o-or having some 'secret meeting' with her or whatever! And what secret?! G-Geez... what bizarre things are you coming up with in your head while you were staring at me like that..."
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His ahoge is even in the shape of a question mark right now, he’s just that confused...
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ahogedetective · 3 years
"I promise it'll only take a second, okay? Just keep your eyes closed so I can get your big surprise ready!" *kaito's giggling as he goes behind shuichi and lifts up his left arm, placing it through something before putting something on his shoulders! he hems and haws as he adjusts it before suddenly going quiet, appearing in front of him a few moments later as he gives him a soft but passionate kiss~*
"I may not be the best at sewing, but I wanted to give you something really personal. It took forever to make, but I hope my love is visible through each and every stitch and seam." *and when the detective opens his eyes, he'll find he's wearing a jacket similar to kaito's own except this one is black with pinstripes and the patterned fabric inside it has little magnifying glasses all over it!*
"Happy birthday to my one and only shining star~"
“O-Oh um, okay-!” As demanded, Shuichi keeps his eyes closed as he gives a nod. His curiosity as to what Kaito was planning only continued to grow when he felt him lift his left arm, apparently putting something on him. Still, he keeps his eyes closed, while making sure to try staying still as he feels the other adjusts the item on him. “Mm..” He utters a low hum when he felt Kaito press his lips against his, instantly leaning into the kiss as his cheeks heated up.
Then as he hears Kaito explain.. “Ahh?” An eager smile spreads on his face. “I was wondering what you were putting on me... something you made, huh? Hehe, then your love will absolutely show through it, sweetheart... alright, I suppose it’s time to open my eyes...!” And when he does, looking over himself to see what Kaito had made him...
“...!” A quiet gasp of awe emits from him. “Kaito...this is...!” The jacket was like Kaito’s, but personalized to Shuichi’s aesthetic. He couldn’t help the chortle and playful roll of his eyes when realizing why he only stuck his left arm through the jacket sleeve: just like his boyfriend... and seeing that the inside layer had a pattern of magnifying glasses, his eyes lit up even more. “This jacket is so nice! I think you did a wonderful job on it. I love the color and pinstripe design on it... and that the inside has magnifying glasses! It really is so perfect for me. And it feels so nice and warm....” He hums, coursing his hand over the texture of the fabric. “I can’t wait to wear this out! It’ll be so fun to match with you, h-hehehe...”
The fact that Kaito worked so hard on this for so long: something so personal to him... “Kaito...” Shuichi couldn’t help but get misty-eyed, giving him the warmest smile as he walks closer to him. Wrapping his arms around his neck, he leans up to plant a deep, loving kiss to his lips, followed by several smaller ones. “...I feel it.” He whispers, pressing his forehead softly against his. “I feel all the love you put into making this jacket for me. Thank you so, so much, Kaito. I will treasure this forever and ever, and take absolute great care of it. I love you so much: my light is truly the best boyfriend I could ever ask for. Thank you again... I’m so happy. You made this a very special and wonderful birthday for me...!”
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And gives him one more kiss, before hugging him tightly, snuggling him in the hold. He truly was so happy: to have such a special gift like this, made by his light. Everytime he looks at it, he knows it’ll put the biggest smile on his face...
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ahogedetective · 2 years
*kaito's all pouty and grumbly because the gigantic raincloud hanging over the area is blocking the view! he wanted to go stargazing with shuichi tonight, but now they're forced to stay inside as the sounds of light rain can be heard, kaito only looking that much more upset when he glances out the window and sees multiple droplets of rain hit the window...*
"Kaito..." Shuichi had an apologetic look on his face, when glancing up at Kaito. Normally, he did not mind rainy nights at all, but he had been looking forward to stargazing tonight, so he was a bit disappointed the cloudy, rainy weather ruined that. He could not blame his boyfriend at all for being so upset....
He reaches a hand over, and cups one of Kaito's, giving it a squeeze. "It's okay... it's unfortunate we cannot stargaze tonight, but perhaps the weather tomorrow night will be much better? We can check the forecast on when the next clear night will be. Then, we can have our stargazing night, then." He then turns to fully face him, before pulling him closer into a hug. "Okay...? Please don't be so upset.... I'm still happy that you even would have wanted to take me stargazing. So my night isn't ruined, despite this. Because... I still get to spend it with you."
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Leaning up, he gives him a soft kiss. "It's gonna be okay... even if our initial plans were ruined, we can still make something out of tonight. Maybe we can watch a movie, with lots of snacks and everything. Or read some manga together or whatever! We can still have fun tonight! I'll make sure of it. So that we can both end tonight with a smile..."
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ahogedetective · 2 years
"The Luminary of the Stars does not back down from a challenge! No way! S-so what if it's supposed to be some ghost-infested, demon-attracting taxi? I can handle it no problem!" *kaito's of course lightly shaking as he says this, giving a thumbs up and a strained smile*
"N-no way it could be that scary, right?! People are just exaggerating so they can scare others off! In fact, you should come along with me just so I can prove how mundane and boring a ride it will be! Hahaha!!"
"Kaito...." He just gives an exasperated smile... "Are you sure about that... you know you won't be able to just jump out of the taxi if a "ghost" or a "demon" startles you, right?" He can't help but tease, followed by a sigh. "Y-Yep, I knew that was coming. Ahaha... but fine, fine... I'll come along with you, Kaito. Y-Yes... it will surely be a mundane and boring ride, indeed... now come on....” He holds Kaito’s hand in both of his, giving it a squeeze. “Deep breaths... you’re shaking....I’ll protect you, don’t worry...” (”I am very sorry in advanced, Mr. Taxi Driver....”)
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ahogedetective · 2 years
*kaito has an oddly serious look on his face as he grabs shuichi and pulls him into a tight and protective hug, also making sure that the light blanket he has on him is wrapped around the both of them*
"I won't let anything bad happen to you tomorrow, okay? As the Luminary of the Stars, I'll do everything I can to keep you safe. If you need anything done tomorrow, anything at all, just say the word and I'll do it instead! I'll take on anything that comes my way if it means keeping you safe!" *the lack of sarcasm in his voice as well as the steadfast determination in his eyes show that he is completely serious in his resolve...*
"Ah-!" Shuichi let out a surprised noise when Kaito pulled him into that hug. Looking up at him, he furrows his brows in confusion. "H-Huh?? Something bad? What's happening tomo....oh." Friday the 13th... Though, Shuichi wasn't afraid at all... if anything, he's the one who should be reassuring Kaito, he thinks to himself. Still, he couldn't help but find it amusing-and honestly endearing-that Kaito wants to protect him so much like this.
 "Kaito... " Chuckling softly, a light blush spreads on his face as he begins nuzzling him. "You're so sweet... my hero, hehe.... thank you! For wanting to protect me like that. I’ll feel absolutely safe with you by me... and in turn...” He reaches a hand up to cup his cheek. “I’ll protect you, too, okay? I won’t let anything or anyone try to scare you! I promise.” And slowly caresses it with his thumb, as he leans up to give him a kiss.
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ahogedetective · 2 years
"I risked life and limb, but I finally got my hands on it... A cursed item..." *kaito is being Dramatic as he places a certain monochromatic hat in front of shuichi, the boy glaring at it*
"It's evil, I know it is. Can you help me perform an exorcism on it? I won't let its evil influence affect anyone else..."
"Huh? A cursed item...? What are y...." Then he sees Kaito place down the monochrome colored hat... "........" And gives him the Look.
 "Kaito. Are you kidding me right now. No. I am not helping you do that, nor will I let you perform an exorcism on a freaking hat. ‘Anyone else’-Whoever wore it, I’m sure they’re fine... not everything that is monochrome colored has to do with Monokuma, you know...”
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ahogedetective · 2 years
"I did not get tricked into thinking that was you! I just wanted to see how far he would go, that's all!" *kaito is definitely not pouting because he most definitely did not get bamboozled by leon doing his shuichi voice once again!*
"He's just a dumbass! No way could he ever portray you accurately! I can totally tell you two apart no problem! My sushikitty..." *he huffs and crosses his arms, an exceptionally grumpy look on his face...*
"H-Hehehe....sure. Whatever you say, Kaito..." Shuichi has to try really hard not to laugh, knowing Kaito definitely must've fallen for that. Him and Leon did sound very similar, after all, so it wouldn't had been hard for him at all to emulate Shuichi's voice perfectly, even to the point of tricking Kaito.
This time he couldn’t help but laugh as Kaito continued on, walking closer before he wraps his arms around his waist. “I-It’s okay, Kaito, hahaha! We do sound very similar, after all... so if he got you good with that, it’s fine... and yes: your sushikitty.... who wants you to take some deep breaths and calm down, so that you can give him one of your big, bright smiles that I love. Okay...? I love youuu....” He hums, leaning up to kiss those pouty cheeks.
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