ahogedetective · 1 year
"Lookit, lookit! It's your other brethren, Shuichi! Haha~!!" Kaito is as excited as ever as he points to one of the nearby tanks, the thick glass nearly reaching the ceiling. He's taken the birthday boy to an aquarium! Kaito oohs and aahs as he watches a koi and a goldfish swimming around together before being distracted by some octopus, the astronaut practically having his face pressed against the glass as he tries to get an even closer look!
"I can't believe there's so much of the ocean that we haven't discovered yet. Isn't that wild?! There's so many amazing, little guys like these that we haven't even seen before!" It's when he turns to look back at the detective that he gives a loud gasp when he notices something a little ways away, grabbing Shuichi's hand and excitedly rushing over to the tide pool area! The enclosure is much smaller than the rest of the exhibits and there are no glass barriers, letting guests reach in and lightly pet those that are inside!
"They have sea stars in here! Oh! Haha, Taka's come to wish you a happy birthday too! Here, I'll get a picture with the three of us together~!" Kaito then positions himself so he's right next to Shuichi, making sure the sea urchin behind them is in full view before reaching for his phone and taking the picture! However, when he's done he puts his phone away but then pulls Shuichi closer, bringing him into a tight embrace as his voice softens.
"I know an aquarium probably wasn't the first place you would think of for a birthday celebration, but I'm glad I can spend some time with you on your special day. Happy birthday, my shining star."
"Ohhh, very funny, you. Hahaha." He laughs with him, Shuichi looking just as excited as he stares at that tank with him! Kaito taking him out on a date to the aquarium, was a very delightful surprise. Seeing Kaito look so excited couldn't help but make him giggle, finding it so adorable. And as he watches the many types of aquatic life swim about, he was having just as much fun, too.
At Kaito's question, he nods his head. "Right...? The ocean is so vast... there are probably still hundreds, if not thousands, of sea animals that have yet to be discovered. I know exploring the deeper depths is very difficult, but I'm sure that in the future, we'll be able to enjoy more and more different kinds of fish we never knew existed!" Then when Kaito turns around and makes that gasp, he tilts his head, about to ask him what he saw before giving a small noise of surprise when Kaito grabs his hand and starts rushing to the direction of the tide pool area! "Oh-!!"
Then when he also peers inside and sees the sea stars and sea urchins, he can see why he rushed over here, emitting a gasp of awe as his eyes follow them. "Yeah...! I wonder how they'd feel if you touched them... ah, hehehe, you're right! What are you doing here, Taka? Oh, yes-!" He quickly leans in and gets into position for the photo, giving a bright smile as he does a small wave. At the embrace, he emits a soft gasp, as he quietly listens.
"Kaito..." A light red dusts his cheeks, and his heart flutters at his words. Immediately, he hugs him back, just as tightly. "Silly..." He hums, one hand going to slowly rub his back. "That's exactly why I loved today so much. It was a wonderful surprise, to have been brought here. I don't come to aquariums that often, so I was so excited to see all the different sea animals, today! Even seeing some I never have, before... and of course, you being with me, made today all the more fun and special. I'm so happy I could celebrate and spend time today with you, too. Thank you, Kaito: I love you so much. This is why you'll always be my light. You made me feel so loved and special, like you always do."
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Leaning up, he plants a soft kiss to his lips. The gaze he looks at him with, the smile he gives; both were filled with the kind of love, happiness, and warmth that only Kaito could ever receive. Truly, this was one of the best birthdays he's had. But Kaito was always able to help make it be. Today, truly will be an unforgettable day for him. "Now..." He leans far back enough in the hug, so that he can cup both of Kaito's hands in his own. And giving them a small, playful swing, he adds: "Let's continue enjoying today to the very fullest, shall we?"
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catharsistine · 1 year
The scene in the Barbie trailer when Barbie is skating around with Ken and asks "Why is everyone staring at me?"
Living in Barbieland (childhood girlhood) but then suddenly you're all grown up in the real world subject to scrutiny and sexualisation (the guy slapping Barbie's ass) and feeling like existing is a crime?
Being forced by adult men into a box (which leads to the not like other girls syndrome) and exploring the 'real world' (being forced to grow up too quickly) while fighting the realisation that maybe the world sucks and being a woman is so difficult while hoping with all your heart that it's not always going to be this way.
Losing touch with the very things that made you happy because they're considered immature and girly? (The group of teens that said they hadn't played with Barbies since they were five.)
Older women telling you that you have to learn the truth about the world and that you can never have your old life back (Kate Mckinnon's Barbie) despite it being the only thing you yearn for, but also older women being a bright spot and support (the old woman on the bench) in the endless slough of life.
And this is just the trailer!!! I'm so excited for this movie I can't breathe, Greta Gerwig the woman that you are 😭
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haveihitanerve · 24 days
Okay so wait you guys all know that thing that teachers or parents do were they forget that they don't have to speak in like a baby voice all the time and accidentally interact with grown adults in the same manner they do with a child right? Okay so imagine that- but with Batman and the Justice League
Hal and Barry are arguing and suddenly Batman goes, “boys, thats not very nice is it?” in like a kid voice
Or Oliver is complaining about getting patched up after a fight and Batman chides, “You take the hit you gotta take the stitch baby,” 
Or Clark is mumbling something and Bats goes, “Speak up sweetheart, lets use our speech properly yeah?”
Or Diana accidentally punches a man in the face when hes already down. Batman tsks, “Come on darling, what did we talk about? One hit only.”
Or Oliver is leaving for a mission and Dinah kisses him goodbye and then he walks away, only for Batman to go, “Say bye bye!” 
Just please imagine their faces for me.
And Batman grimaces lightly afterwards every time and just leaves and the League is flabbergasted
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lilislegacy · 5 months
I really wish we could get a scene where Percy reaches his breaking point and uses all his abilities at once. I want to see a proper earthquake. I want to see what he can do with his control over storms. Like, I want to see him move mountains - literally move mountains - to take care of business. Maybe the world is about to end. Maybe Annabeth is in danger. Maybe Estelle is in danger. Maybe his own children are in danger. There are several things that could make him so angry and scared that his limits shatter.
Children of Poseidon, even demigods, are often referred to as monsters. Because like the sea, they are brutal and merciless. And Poseidon has implied that Percy has surpassed every hero he’s ever seen, even hercules, when it comes to his capabilities and determination. Leo and Hazel have said you can physically feel and see his power, even if he’s not doing anything. I want to see Percy really tap into the godly part of him. I want him to send his enemies running for their mommies. And I want to read it from someone else’s point of view. Someone who can describe what it really looks and feels like.
Becasue imagine the most frightening, intimidating man you’ve even seen - his wolffish glare, embodied by his sharp features, frightening enough to paralyze you in fear - flying straight towards you on an angry black pegasus. Hundreds of other angry pegasi fan out on either side of him, looking like something out of a mythical nightmare. Then a dark, gigantic wave spanning several miles, taller than mountains, rises behind him. It’s towering over the valleys and hills, casting a shadow over the land, and coming right towards you, ready to demolish and drown every semblance of your existence. Then all of a sudden the entire sky is dark and the air is cold, and the storm hits you with unforgiving force. The brutal winds and sharp cold rain is so strong that you can barely stand. The booming cracks of thunder make your ears ring, and the blinding bolts of lightning light up the sky like electricity is at war with itself. And now… now the entire earth is shaking. The ground is rumbling beneath you so violently that every part of your body is painfully trembling, your teeth chattering and eyes bouncing. The earth around you is splitting into wide chasms, boulders tumbling and tress falling. Oh also a fucking volcano just blew up. It’s suddenly hard to breath as rock and dirt rain down on you, and you’re about to be burned and buried by miles worth of molten ash. Pompeii part 2, brought to you by Perseus Jackson.
Only this is 10x worse, because every natural element is out for your complete and utter destruction.
Because Percy controls all of that. And if he hits his breaking point, there’s no telling what he could do if he set his mind to it.
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sakuyuii · 1 month
adrien runs? well yes!
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also…she’s still getting used to labels (too oblivious to notice his pun), and she may or may have not knew exactly where he would be …
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i csnt help but need to say this is cornball sorry anyways i crave season 6
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spielzeugkaiser · 2 months
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[MASTERPOST] - [prev] I just want you to imagine Jaskier, very early post trial, mostly nonverbal, not in control of his strength yet being just such a creepy kid sometimes. (His parents still love him obviously.) I also have a feeling that Jaskier is subconsciously 100% stressed at all times and wants to do his absolute best to please his parents and make zero mistakes so that they won't send him away again. (They didn't and he knows that, but he is just a traumatized child.)
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crabplatinum · 5 months
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i should've left too instead of being stubborn. maybe laios couldn't turn back because i said i'd go along
WAHHH CHILAIOS CHILAIOS CHILAIOS twirling my fingers giggling
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captainderyn · 3 months
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It’s always such a lovely experience working with @sbeep especially when it means bringing my lotro characters to life <3
This time around I snagged Wulfwryn post War of the Ring, looking on Raenor and little Faewryn as she stands watch in her role as captain of the Guard.
Thank you sbeep!! I dunno how you pull my vision for my characters right out of my head and put it on paper but you do it everytime
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jeena-says-hi · 1 year
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Don’t mind me, just losing my mind over the emotional robot arm imagery
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sakuraluck · 5 months
when i said i wanted to understand whatever’s going on in ivan’s head, i didn’t mean like this 😭😭
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erwinsvow · 5 months
we all know rafe is rough in bed but there’s something so heart warming about rafe making love to shy ready for the first time 🥲
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"how come you're being so nice?" you question from your position. rafe heaves out a breath, trying not to collapse all of his body weight on top of you, finding it incredibly hard not to do so. you're pretty to the point of distraction, sweet to the point of insanity.
"m'always nice." rafe says, appreciating the way you try to squirm even when you're pinned in place. your eyes flutter shut when you feel his breath on your skin.
he likes you like this—though you're almost always soft and compliant, this is special. this feels different.
"know what i mean rafey." the words are breathed out, chest heaving and eyes clamped shut. he knows why—you get too flustered if you catch the way he's looking at you right now.
"no, i don't. why don't you explain, hm?"
you almost want to cry. you know what he's doing, know he's doing it on purpose. you're minutes away from getting what you've been waiting for patiently. you want rafe and he wants you, but like always, he's making it difficult. you wish you could find the words to ask for it, think straight for long enough to get rafe to give in already.
but rafe is a tease, and he likes making you wait and watching you in the process. skin hot to the touch, shuddery breaths, wet eyes. you look up at rafe and all the air rushes out of your lungs.
"i thought you'd be mean about it. rough." rafe is so fucked—even the word leaving your mouth feels wrong to him. "you're being so nice."
"maybe you bring it outta me." you think you've lost the last of your senses when he says that. "y'ready?" he leans in to press a kiss to your lips and your eyes close again. still closed, you reply.
"i've been ready since i met you."
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sweetlittlestarbursts · 6 months
fuck romeo and juliet. i want whatever these bitches have.
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bia-bonne · 9 months
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FoolMoon art for Persona 3 Secret Santa 💖✨️
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maplebitts · 6 months
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Charlie and vaggie dancing together? Anyone?
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linkvcr · 8 months
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more gratitude (by @arecaceae175) doodles! couldn't resist drawing my fave duo hehe
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mellytunee · 8 months
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AHHHHH- i've been having so much fun exploring different aus and @head-in-the-icloud Royal jesters AU has been so cool to discover!! The y/n is so real cause I too would very much try my luck conversing with the fun looking jesters than the princes
ABSOLUTELY cant wait to see where this au goes!! They have written a chapter for it on their A03 here so do check it out if you haven't already!! 🤲🤍🤍🤍
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