#Shuichi absolutely is having so much fun with him~
ahogedetective · 1 year
"Lookit, lookit! It's your other brethren, Shuichi! Haha~!!" Kaito is as excited as ever as he points to one of the nearby tanks, the thick glass nearly reaching the ceiling. He's taken the birthday boy to an aquarium! Kaito oohs and aahs as he watches a koi and a goldfish swimming around together before being distracted by some octopus, the astronaut practically having his face pressed against the glass as he tries to get an even closer look!
"I can't believe there's so much of the ocean that we haven't discovered yet. Isn't that wild?! There's so many amazing, little guys like these that we haven't even seen before!" It's when he turns to look back at the detective that he gives a loud gasp when he notices something a little ways away, grabbing Shuichi's hand and excitedly rushing over to the tide pool area! The enclosure is much smaller than the rest of the exhibits and there are no glass barriers, letting guests reach in and lightly pet those that are inside!
"They have sea stars in here! Oh! Haha, Taka's come to wish you a happy birthday too! Here, I'll get a picture with the three of us together~!" Kaito then positions himself so he's right next to Shuichi, making sure the sea urchin behind them is in full view before reaching for his phone and taking the picture! However, when he's done he puts his phone away but then pulls Shuichi closer, bringing him into a tight embrace as his voice softens.
"I know an aquarium probably wasn't the first place you would think of for a birthday celebration, but I'm glad I can spend some time with you on your special day. Happy birthday, my shining star."
"Ohhh, very funny, you. Hahaha." He laughs with him, Shuichi looking just as excited as he stares at that tank with him! Kaito taking him out on a date to the aquarium, was a very delightful surprise. Seeing Kaito look so excited couldn't help but make him giggle, finding it so adorable. And as he watches the many types of aquatic life swim about, he was having just as much fun, too.
At Kaito's question, he nods his head. "Right...? The ocean is so vast... there are probably still hundreds, if not thousands, of sea animals that have yet to be discovered. I know exploring the deeper depths is very difficult, but I'm sure that in the future, we'll be able to enjoy more and more different kinds of fish we never knew existed!" Then when Kaito turns around and makes that gasp, he tilts his head, about to ask him what he saw before giving a small noise of surprise when Kaito grabs his hand and starts rushing to the direction of the tide pool area! "Oh-!!"
Then when he also peers inside and sees the sea stars and sea urchins, he can see why he rushed over here, emitting a gasp of awe as his eyes follow them. "Yeah...! I wonder how they'd feel if you touched them... ah, hehehe, you're right! What are you doing here, Taka? Oh, yes-!" He quickly leans in and gets into position for the photo, giving a bright smile as he does a small wave. At the embrace, he emits a soft gasp, as he quietly listens.
"Kaito..." A light red dusts his cheeks, and his heart flutters at his words. Immediately, he hugs him back, just as tightly. "Silly..." He hums, one hand going to slowly rub his back. "That's exactly why I loved today so much. It was a wonderful surprise, to have been brought here. I don't come to aquariums that often, so I was so excited to see all the different sea animals, today! Even seeing some I never have, before... and of course, you being with me, made today all the more fun and special. I'm so happy I could celebrate and spend time today with you, too. Thank you, Kaito: I love you so much. This is why you'll always be my light. You made me feel so loved and special, like you always do."
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Leaning up, he plants a soft kiss to his lips. The gaze he looks at him with, the smile he gives; both were filled with the kind of love, happiness, and warmth that only Kaito could ever receive. Truly, this was one of the best birthdays he's had. But Kaito was always able to help make it be. Today, truly will be an unforgettable day for him. "Now..." He leans far back enough in the hug, so that he can cup both of Kaito's hands in his own. And giving them a small, playful swing, he adds: "Let's continue enjoying today to the very fullest, shall we?"
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pumpkinhimiko · 8 months
"Mistranslations" that are not mistranslations
Now with an additional part 2.
NISA has made plenty of mistakes while translating the Danganronpa series (and I've complained about them before), and so they have a reputation of being untrustworthy. But because of this reputation, I feel like fans are too quick to trust whatever anyone that isn't NISA states as absolute fact. So, I want to examine some instances of fan translators claiming NISA has mistranslated something, when, no, actually, they didn't.
Kokichi's last words
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人にやらされるゲームなんて…楽しい訳あるかよ… A game you're forced to play... how could that be fun...
This is probably the most widespread myth in terms of "mistranslations that aren't", with the original post that makes this claim having over 2k notes: that Kokichi in the original Japanese actually says, "How could a game where you're forced to kill people be fun...?" Unfortunately, it's just not true. Fortunately for me, there's a reddit post here that breaks the line down in detail, so I don't have to do any work.
Anyway, I really wanted to make this post because of this thread, which makes several false claims.
 Kokichi says he's afraid of friends in general
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オレは、そういう『仲間』が他人よりも怖いけどねー。I'm more afraid of those kinds of [friends] than strangers.
So... souiu, meaning that type of/that kind of is right there, directly before nakama (which can mean friend, especially if it's in a shounen anime, but can also just mean companion/member of a group). I don't understand how you can miss this. Not only is it right there, this claim on its face doesn't make sense. Why, in this context, would Kokichi suddenly blurt out that he's afraid of having friends? It has nothing to do with the conversation they're having.
Shuichi's words to Kokichi after the 4th trial
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王馬くん、もういいだろ ? Ouma-kun, isn't this enough? その話を聞かせてくれよ。Tell us about that.
Okay, you've probably heard the phrase mou ii a lot if you watch anime, and it's almost always accompanied by a frustrated huff. Because it is, in fact, something you say when impatient, fed up, what have you. It literally means "good already", carrying pretty much the identical meaning of the English phrase, "that's enough" or "I've had enough". Shuichi does not say it's okay as in it's daijoubu, which is the word you use when trying to comfort someone. He is very much frustrated here and telling Kokichi to fess up.
Citation needed
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I couldn't find a line like this in Kokichi's FTEs, but maaaaaaaybe I missed it? Shuichi's narration comments quite a few times on Kokichi acting childishly throughout the game, but I couldn't find anything like this in specific.
EDIT: Correction, I did find it, and it's covered in part two. Suffice to say, the OP got this line completely wrong.
That Kaito thing
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Yeah this is patently false. It's also already been touched on in this thread with comments backing it up, so there’s another thing I don't have to get into. I'll put the text here though.
オレはテメーみて一に胸クソ悪い真似までして、If I have to mimic your sickening behavior, 生き残りて一とは思わねーんだよ。I don't think I want to survive.
Shuichi's words to Kokichi after the 4th trial part deaux
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I've seen varying claims on how these lines were translated, from them being slightly tweaked, to the claim they were completely butchered to make Saihara too aggressive. I'm just going to leave it here and let you come to your own conclusions.
ダサいのはキミの方だよ…王馬くん。The lame one is you... Ouma-kun.
百田くんの周りにはいつも人が集まってくる… Momota-kun always has people around him... でも、キミの周りには誰もいないじゃないか。But, there's no one around you.
キミは…その程度のヤツって事だよ。That's... what kind of person you are.
This is snappy in its own way, though, if you consider that 程度 is closer to meaning grade/level/degree rather than simply "type of". "That's the level of person you are," basically.
And if you doubt me on any of this, I encourage you to do your own research, get second opinions if you can. I know not everyone knows Japanese, in which case you can't really help but rely on someone else and hope their translation is accurate. That said, at the bare minimum, I think people should provide screenshots and the original Japanese text if they're going to claim something is a mistranslation. Like, I don't think you should be able to say "actually in Japanese Kokichi says he volunteers at animal shelters in his free time but NISA cut it!" and have half the fandom believe you with no proof.
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sillydummydum · 6 days
Hello Everybody!!!
My name's Luna, I'm an autistic 16y old demiaroace bissexual girl who really enjoys playing games, drawing and self shipping!! I've been doing it without knowing since I was like 8 so yeah -v-" I'm a little bit shy and definitely don't know how to make pretty aah tumblr posts but I try to have fun! Never interacted with much people from the self shipping community due to shyness-- but I'm happy to make new self shipper friends!! I tend to talk allot so sorry if I yap! I got the silly--
☆ She/her ☆
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I really like:
- Persona (main special interest)
- Pokemon (very strong special interest!!)
- Sonic
- Undertale
- Touhou
- Rpg
- Honestly videogame and uh-- hell! even anime in general!! sign me in! I really like to learn abt other people's passions so plz show me lots of cool media!! I'll love it!
- Does my boyfriend counts?... cuz I do like him allot
- Making friends!!
I don't really enjoy:
- fighting on the Internet (I swear don't fight me I'll cry) /j
- Basic dni stuff yk just bad people in general
- Anti self shippers duhh
- People who don't like my boyfriend
- People who DO like my boyfriend/j
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Romantic F/O's:
- Goro Akechi ♡ (my main f/o!! My boyfriend! My silly!~ Will mostly if not a 100% of the time talk about him!! And I'm usually mocking him lol he's stupid, miserable and fun to laugh at/pos Not really comfy with sharing! Aaah sorry i mean i don't mind if you interact but you knoooow... ><")
- Naoto Shirogane (kinda jealous so nu-uh)
- X!tale Chara (don't mind!)
- Satori Komeiji (don't mind~)
- Shuichi Saihara (don't mind!!)
Short list lol the only ones I am very invested in are Goro and Naoto, i'm a detective kisser ig 😭
Platonic F/O's:
- Honestly all the persona 3/4/5 main cast are my best friends in my respective persona alternate universes, change my mind. BESTIES BESTIES BESTIES!!! I LOVE MAKING FRIENDS AND BEING SILLY WITH THEM!!!
- Akiren and Futaba specially tho, Leblanc familly makes me happy happy happy hi Sojiro plz adopt me :3
- Sumire too, THAT'S MY BESTIE RIGHT HERE EVERYONE!!!! (Can my royal trio favoritism be noticed throughout this post? Impossible challenge.)
- Nanako as well!~ my cute little consideration sis <3
- Sumireko is my absolute Touhou bestie!!!
- Flandres is my sis <3 (Remi too naturally cof cof)
- Cream the rabbit as my little sister? HELL YEAH, CLAIMED!! (I really enjoy having siblings leave me alone 😭)
- If a character exists in a media I self insert into, i'll probably be their friend or steal their blood/hj
Okay let me stop myself before i start becoming a friends/sister with the whole fictional universe...
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So that's it! I'm not really good at using tumblr or... talking to people-- so yeah lol sorry!! I just really really like my boyfriend and wanted to share that! he makes me happy and joyful and makes me forget about my problems to worry about his ♡ And i wish that everyone could be able to experience that hapinnes without judgements! happy self shipping for everyone!!! And remember...
Your F/O loves you ♡
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So spoilers for DRV3 under the cut AJWJDKDK
Why is it that when people make pregame content they forget about how they acted in the prologue? Like obviously if you wanna write them like that go ahead but it confuses me on how that’s the MAJORITY. I think it stems from the audition tapes at the end of the game but that’s always seemed strange to me.
Like I’ve seen most people write pregame Kaito as an absolute dick who would beat up people regularly (basically a bully), but we don’t really see that in the prologue. In the prologue, we don’t get much sure, but from what we do see, he’s not acting brash or rude at all. If I remember right, he even sounds worried (or is at the very least still panicked about the situation) when he questions if Kaede and Shuichi were chased by “that monster” (exisals). Sure, we don’t really know his thoughts for that line but you don’t really say that if you care for nobody but yourself (in my opinion at least).
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This isn’t even mentioning Kokichi, who acts so different from fanon pregame like what. Pregame Kokichi is usually characterized as a whiny teen who can’t handle confrontation and is an extreme introvert. But one of his few lines in the prologue is him volunteering to go back out (where they all just ran for they’re lives) to see what’s happening before getting shut down for his safety. And he doesn’t say it scared either, he says it pretty calmly (not saying he’s calm but he’s clearly not panicking nearly as bad as people portray him).
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(I know his name (and Kaito’s earlier) is question marks but it is his voice when he says it please believe me lol)
Honestly, it kinda bums me out that not a lot of people take the prologue into account! Sure, Kaito’s audition tape makes him look like a violence hungry jerk; however, it wouldn’t surprise me if he (and everyone else) was just exaggerating to try and get picked. If you liked a show, and you want to be in it, you wouldn’t say “yeah I find this show cool, killing looks okay on screen but I think it could be fun.” You wouldn’t get picked (or at least have a lower possibility). They probably acted more like what they thought Team Danganronpa would want for their show.
Anyways, sorry for how long that was (especially considering I don’t make posts like this ever???) but I was replaying V3 earlier and it just occurred to me. Like even Kaede is meaner than Kaito in the prologue (she tells Shuichi to shut up when he starts panicking lmao (she apologizes later tho)). That’s not even mentioning Shuichi but this is already long and probably full of punctuation errors lol. Sorry if it got incoherent at all. I’m very tired.
TL;DR Fanon pregame DRV3 doesn’t usually take into account how the character acted in the prologue and it bothers me.
(Again, if you like to characterize them that way, that’s fine. Everyone has headcanons and such. I’m just expressing some of my thoughts :D)
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How about some hcs for Miu Iruma, Maki Harukawa, & Kaede Akamatsu?
Miu Iruma
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The two of you were completely opposites. Miu was haughty and selfish, while you were kind and selfless. Yet that was exactly what brought you both together.
Miu's horrible personality had isolated her amongst her peers, especially the survivors who she insulted. The others who were left alone would avoid her most of the times. Keebo was someone who didn't avoid her, but could you really count him as a friend of Miu's when she didn't consider him as one?
You were a little light of sunshine, always being there for the mean and sexually charmed Miu. No matter what she did, you just stood there, your calm smile on, as you almost condescendingly spoke to her.
Your friendship was far from normal, nor was it good, but it was the best Miu had ever had. Well, with the limited memories that she had.
At the end of the day, was she really at fault for getting so attached to you? If you didn't want her to cling to you, then you shouldn't have made yourself her only shoulder to cry on.
Miu was haughty, and she was not the nicest person to be around, but when she attached herself to someone, she never gave up on them, and damn it all, she was not letting you leave her sight.
It had come a point where she tried to sleep in the same room as you, but ended up being stopped by one of the kuma bears.
When Miu saw you murder someone, you who was so kind and understanding, there was only one thought in her mind. 'That bitch must have deserved it.'
Miu feared death, but she didn't mind dying, just so you could survive, so she will fabricate evidence to incriminate her, so you would survive.
At the very least, she deserves a night of fun with you before she dies, no?
Maki Harukawa
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Here was Maki, caught in a lie before anyone else found out about it. Maki, the one who told everyone she was the ultimate caretaker, and you, the actual caretaker.
In her defense, everyone was idiotic to not have caught on to it sooner. And besides, why did you never confront her before? Why now?
You can imagine her surprise when you extended your hand in friendship to her, hoping that she would one day become comfortable with telling everyone her true ultimate.
You were an idiot. A smiling idiot just like Kaito. One that wanted to dig a part of her that doesn't exist. One that doesn't take no for an answer.
The worst part was, she didn't want you to give up. She never gave a verbal agreement to your friendship, but the fact she never pushed you away should have been enough for you to understand this was her way of saying she didn't mind you around her.
Your sweet words, gentle touches and soft looks often times left her breathless, to a point that she believed she was sick. Maybe someone was attempting to poison her?
Everything were placed in their right places in her mind when she saw Kokichi flirting with you. Of course, it was all a joke, and you laughed along, but that was enough to set a burning rage inside of her.
In that very moment, she wanted to rip Kokichi apart, not caring that that would lead her straight to death.
Only reason she stopped was the fact you smiled at her when you noticed her, and without a second thought, let his side to be near her. Good. That's where you belonged. By her side.
Maybe it was her icy glare, or possessive arm around your waist, but nobody has ever tried to flirt with you playfully or not so much anymore. Everyone knew she put a claim on you. Everyone, but you, of course. But that's alright, she's patient. It comes with her profession.
Kaede Akamatsu
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What happens when two cheery individuals are put together? Absolute chaos, of course. To say the least, shuichi had no calm in the days that he spent with you and Kaede.
From the moment you flashed an excited smile to her and explained your ultimate talent, with as much passion as her, she knew that you two would get along perfectly!
The days she spent with you meant so much to her, that she couldn't describe them! You were everything she could have ever wanted. A wonderful friend, a cheery companion and good companion in her search for the truth.
She knew that it was insane to fall in love so quickly, but true love worked in mysterious ways, no?
She, of course, didn't want to trouble you with her emotions! She knew that falling in love in a dangerous situation like this was hard, and didn't want to pressure you! As long as you didn't date anyone else.
Kaede found out a very strange thing inside her, as she started to fall for her. A darkness inside her, as if it lurked from... somewhere else than the memories she had currently. A desire to be remembered by you, by any means possible.
There where moments that she caught herself wondering if maybe hurting you would leave a longer lasting image of her. Maybe if she bullied you, or pushed you on the ground, you would remember her for longer. After all, people remember bad things longer.
Of course, she never went through with it! but a girl can dream, no?
She feared death, oh so much. Who doesn't, right? But in the moment that her slow execution started, and she saw the despair in your eyes, there was only one thought in her mind. 'You'll remember me for a long time now, no?'
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starstruckserenity · 1 year
Heya! Hope you're having a good day and taking care of yourself!
I'm a fellow kokichi lover (bros just so silly), so I was wondering if I could request a kokichi x ultimate Demolitionist (bomb-user/maker!) oneshot where the two are a chaotic, mutually pining duo?
All good if not, and make sure to drink some water, 'kay?
Have a great day my guy!!
ahhh! thank you so so much for your kind words! :) this is such a unique idea, and on top of that, it is my first request!! i am so so sorry if this is a bit late (testing has been kicking my ass currently), so i apologize for that...! i hope you are having an amazing day! <3
oneshot will be under the cut! :)
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You have always had an odd fascination with bombs. The smoothness of the outer shell enticed you, and the tiny spark of light when you lit the object thrilled you to no end. Some people thought of it as a... strange interest, especially the classmates you were practically forced to surround yourself with. Bombs combined with a killing game don't usually tend to be known as the perfect pair, and you knew this.
But in a way, it was entertaining to poke fun at unsuspecting individuals who were simply genuinely curious about your ultimate. Most were shocked, some found it to be terrifying, but one boy thought it was utterly and completely bad ass.
As you were just finishing up with your current project, a certain purple-haired someone bursted joyfully through the doors of your dormitory.
"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!!!" A high pitched, whiny voice was approaching you at a face pace. You perked up, setting your pieces down and sighing playfully.
You didn't even have to turn around to know who it was. You swerved yourself around and were face-to-face with Kokichi Ouma, your newly found friend that you had become acquaintances with due to your chaotic and fun-loving behavior.
You two had hit it off ever since you had informed everyone about your talent. Ouma was absolutely starstruck with the amount of confidence you had. He was sure you knew that obtaining the title as "ultimate Demolitionist" was one that would make the average people around you cower in fear, but you announced it so effortlessly that it drew him to you.
You couldn't lie and say that you weren't drawn to him, either. You related to him. He was one of the only people to match your energy, and actually embrace it. It almost seemed like you were perfect for each other.
Snapping yourself back into reality, you stared at him.
"Hey, 'Kichi. What's up?" You smirked.
He stifled a laugh. "...You know what I want, Y/N."
You blinked a bit, pondering to yourself. You mentally sifted through the thousands of favors he wanted from you, and found yourself remembering what he had asked of you.
Thinking back to a few days ago, you recalled his whining.
"Come onnnn, Y/N! This is really important, y'know? Shuichi has been acting like a total asshole to me. I think he needs a good punishment." You had never guessed Ouma would pull of such good puppy-dog-eyes, but here you were, losing yourself in the color of his big, violet hues.
You deadpanned. "Kokichi, I am not making you a stink bomb to use on *him*. Shuichi is actually a good guy to me."
Kokichi whimpered, "Well, Y/N, I'm doing him a favor. His room would smell better with a new fragrance. He's basically asking for it, I can smell his cologne from across the hall!" You rolled your eyes, thinking of a compromise.
"Okay, how about this. You and me can go throw some stink bombs at Kiibo and Miu once we get the chance. It'll take a couple days for me to make it, but Miu has been way more irritating than usual."
Whooping in celebration, Kokichi sprang into you and embraced you tightly.
"Thank you, Y/N! Thank you, thank you! I promise, it'll be so much fun~!" He giggled into your chest.
You stood there in shock, your mind racing. You slowly regained your consciousness and squeezed him back in an uncommon moment of shyness.
"You're lucky that I'm your friend." You commented before reluctantly pulling away.
You turned back to your desk and pulled something out of the drawer closest to you. Kokichi clapped his hands cheerfully when he realized you actually made what he had requested.
In your hand was a tiny capsule that could release an unbearable stink when thrown from a distance. Ouma's eyes widened when he saw it, shaking in excitement. He snatched it out of your palm and ran towards the door, pulling you behind him.
"Ah, I can't wait anymore! Let's go, let's go!" He laughed while racing towards Miu's lab.
The rest of your afternoon was spent hiding in the bushes together, cackling at the reactions of the disgusted Miu and the gracefully unphased Kiibo. You were having so much fun that you didn't even notice Ouma glancing at your features from time to time, smiling to himself as you two relished in the moment.
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dansconcepts · 2 months
Diner AU - Sugary Jalapeno Pancakes
I'm glad people found the Diner AU interesting :>. As a token of my appreciation, have a drabble feat. Kokichi, Shuichi, and Kaede in the diner (that's admittedly unnamed for now lMAOAO). Also, I would've added more interactions with the other protagonists, but this became much longer than I thought... I'll be making separate posts for those instead (i.e. Komahina antics and some other shenanigans).
Kokichi taps against the table. Where’s Kaede? He wanted his soda already. She’s always super nice about his very particular tastes, even though she gets annoyed at him really easily (although that's really not surprising nor undesired). He even made the effort to visit today of all days, because today she’s usually here to get him it.
He hears a pen tapping. Ah, finally. 
He lifts his head up to come face to face with messy dark hair and deep eye bags, coupled with long lashes framing silvery verdant eyes. Pretty.
“Um, hi.” They smile, and wow, they’re timid. This might be fun. “What would you like?”
He grins, as charmingly innocent as possible. “Well, I come here, like, all the time and I just LOVE the jalapeno pancakes, extra sugar. Can I have that?”
They hum. Their pen (blue ink- so boringgggg) nearly touches paper, but their hands stop mid-air. They furrow their eyebrows, purse their lips. Oh, it’s always good when people make that face. It means they’re not idiots.
“Ah, I’m sorry,” They ask incredulously (appropriately, he’ll admit). "jalapeno pancakes? With sugar?”
His grin turns wolfish. “Yep!” He says, with a pop! on the p. “Jalapeno pancakes! They’re an absolute classic, I always get them here. Pairing it with sugar makes the combo so amazeballs.” Haha, he died a little inside saying that.
A flurry of emotions flip through their face, and he almost feels pity for just how easy they are to read. The waiter leans forward, grabbing- oh yeah, he forgot he had a menu with him. They thumb through the pages. Got 'em. Quickly, he replaces his devious smile with a frown. "What's the hold up? Is something wrong?"
He nearly laughs when they lower the menu, exposing their wide, oh-so worried eyes. “Sorry. Um. Where is that on the menu? It's not on here, and I would definitely remember something so… eccentric if it was one of our specials.” 
Aw, their rationalization is so cute. “Yeah, it wouldn’t be.” Kokichi easily waves off. “It’s a code phrase for my order. Me and the cook go way back, we’re the best of pals, you know! Has he really not mentioned me?" The answering shake of the head has him bawling. "WAHHH! I CAN'T BELIEVE MY B F F WOULD ACT LIKE I DON'T EXIST!" He expected them to immediately start panicking, but instead they just look a little concerned with their tilt of the head, a little overwhelmed but not overcome. They're not even looking around self-consciously! He's a menace and he knows it! But no, they're just staring intently at him. Huh. He blinks the tears away and says, just to really bring it home, “Rantaro will definitely know what I’m talking about.”
They clearly look conflicted, biting their lip, but nod anyway. So they are a pushover then? He figured that’d be the case.
They smile at him with a nod. “Sure. I’ll see what I can do.”
As quickly as they came, they speed walked away. Man, that worked absolutely perfectly. The poor server’s going to be so embarra-
“KOKICHI!” A voice booms from the back. Stomps echo against the tile of the diner, and yep, there she is. Kayayday. Didn’t expect that to happen.
She stands in front of him with a pout and crossed arms, directing a particularly scathing glare at him that he hasn’t seen in awhile. He sticks his tongue out at her with a grin. Serves her right for not getting his order. 
“Kokichi," She starts, and he knows he's in for something good, "please don’t harass the new server. It’s very lucky he’s smart enough to detect that you were lying- like seriously, a secret code for your order? Although I can see you doing that-, he’s just too polite to call you out on it.” 
He hums. That’s interesting. “It was meant to be an outlandish lie, easy for him to figure out!” Lie. He didn’t expect to be found out, not with being mostly sincere and actually trying to be normal- read: trying-, just for that flavour. “I was initiating him for the future!” He doesn’t even have to confirm that one.
She tilts her head. “Huh, really?” The blonde frowns. “I don’t know if I believe that…” 
“Pft, I can tell he was new! You know I’m a regular here, so I was actually surprised to see someone else on shift that isn’t Makotoes.” He shifts his gaze to his nails as nonchalantly as possible. “Sooooooooo… who’s the pretty boy?”
“Pretty boy?” She raises an eyebrow at him.  
Well. That was overly stupid. Don’t blush, don't blush, don't blush. He did NOT mean to say that. 
Her face doesn’t change. Good. The slip of the tongue went unnoticed. “He’s one of my best friends that started working here a few days ago. I won’t say much else though.” She explains.
He shrugs nonchalantly. “Okay.” 
Internally, he screams. 
Lilac eyes narrow at him. “For some reason, I feel like you would’ve questioned me about him just so you can tune me out and mock me for it, but the fact that you’re not makes me think you want to hear about him. Am I right?”
Damn. He forgot Kaede can be really perceptive when she wants to be. Kaede’s smirking though, so his expression clearly isn’t as neutral as he wanted it to be. 
She laughs lightly. “Well, I’ll have him bring your usual this time- you do still want that right?”
“Absolutely not! I don’t want anything after all this-!” 
“-wonderful, got it, one Panta coming up!” She interrupts, already walking away. Rude. 
As Kaede promised, the navy-haired server from before appears with his can of Panta. 
"Here you go." The waiter greets him, setting down the delicious grape-y goodness right in front of him.
He takes a glorious sip of bubbly blandness. "You're 'too polite' to call me out, huh?" Kokichi starts with a smirk.
"Ah, I'm not really that polite..." So humble. "I would've called you out then and there," Wha-? "but it was kind of funny to see Kaede go off on someone. I've never seen that before." Grayish green eyes meets his purple, and his lips quirk upward. "I've heard a lot about you, Kokichi, so it really was only fair."
"WAHHHH!" He cries again. He's gonna need to drink a lot more than usual after this... "You're so mean! What kind of server are you, bullying the customers?!"
"Ah! Sorry! Please keep it down." He frowns. "You really are so confusing..."
"Well, I'm sure you could figure it out, Detective." He purrs.
Saying that has every muscle of the other's tense, his ahoge on high alert (which he's going to gloss over right now, but he sees Kaede's do the exact same thing which is WEIRD, even for him). "Detective? How did you know?"
He was just referencing one of his favourite fantasies as a personal joke, but he can 100% work with this. "It's pretty obvious." in retrospect, anyway. Observant, logical, although he is really anxious. Like, really. Practically an open book. "Does said Detective have a name? I need to let my subordinates know who they need to watch out for."
"Shuichi. Shuichi Saihara."
"We're gonna have a LOT of fun Shumai~!" He grins.
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plaindangan · 9 months
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Kirumommy totes need to help kaede find ideas to tease shuichi and make him pew pew his pants~! (kaede paid over 1 Billion)
Disclaimer: R18 material! If not to your liking then please do not view!
"Th-thank you, your majesty for the...more than generous donation." Kirumi said, bowing at the feet of the regal voluptuous woman. Queen Kaede Akamatsu of the esteemed Harmonia Kingdom. Lovingly referred as 'Cowede' by her loyal subjects for her fondness of wearing cow themed apparel.
"Ohohoho~" Cowede's graceful laugh echo throughout her golden chamber, practically shaking the room with its power and given Kirumi a blessing as she got to see her wide 'royal udders' shake and jiggle a bit from the display. "Think nothing of it! There's no price to pay for someone's who served me loyally...and for the problem at hand for me!"
"Ah, yes, you want to make Shuichi...ejaculate in his pants did you not?" A predatory smile appeared on Cowede's face. "Yes!!! But not just little squirts!! I want him to gush! To blow! To absolutely ruin those pants of his~ Until they're absolutely stained and unusuable!!! I need new ideas to get some fresh milk from him~" By the end of things, not only was Cowede drooling, but her tits had begun to leak milk - drenching her own bra - and Kirumi could swore it was the same situation concert her bikini bottom.
"Is that so...if it's a request then I'll do it to the best of my abilities? There are numerous solutions to your problems. For example, you could try clothed handjobs-"
"Done that."
"Perhaps a strip sho-"
"Done that, too~"
"I always do that~"
"I have a number for a good hypnotist and her establi-"
"Yep, even tried hypnosis~"
"...Whispering until he can't handle it anymore?"
"Done it~"
So clearly her majesty has been around the block for a good while and the more Kirumi rattled off options, the more clear it was that the Queen's own libido and vast experience had very much dwarfed the maid's expectations and possibilities. After a few minutes of this, Kirumi fell silent and pondered anything that could be left.
Unaware that, during this time, Cowede had taken a shining to her maid's 'physical' side, such as her own big bust that threatened to make her dress shirt pop open, and those curvy hips of her's was nothing to sneeze at as well~
"Yes, your majesty?"
"How would you like to make another billion yen?~"
When Shuichi was to be called into the royal chambers he would be instantly greeted by the Queen herself, glomping onto his left side and burying his face into her soft mega tits. In the past, that probably would have been enough to get him cream himself right then and there, but instead all it did now was just make him extremely flustered. Yet, he could handle it...
What he couldn't quite handle was another woman altogether latching on to him from the right side. Dressed in a similar cowprint bikini as Cowede, Kirumi (or should it be Kowrumi?) began to stroke at his chest and smush his face inbetween her large tits~
"Welcome to my quarters, my dear Sweetheart~ Hope you don't mind my dear Kowrumi joining in on the fun for tonight, hm? Are you enjoying yourself?"
"Hm?" Kowrumi's fingers trailed downwards to Shuichi's pants. Yep, they were absolutely soaked. "You were right. Master Saihara would eja-, ah, cum himself if I were to do this. Your wisdom was right as always, my Queen."
"Ohohohoho~ You just get these things after a while, my dear. Now...care to help me coax some more 'milk' from our guest of honor?~"
"It would be my pleasure~" Pulling down his pants, both women - queen and maid - got to work getting milk from that hung, wet, cock the only appropriate way they knew how: by rubbing their oiled up big boobs all over the aching thing until he exploded all over their awaiting faces and mouths.
For the Queen of Harmonia, and someone who get paid in interest, this was money well spent~
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idyllcy · 9 months
Hi Cressie! BIG congrats on 1k!! If it's alright, I, uh, I'd like to request a selfship with Shuichi Saihara. High key I think he's the DR character I would mesh best with since we're both awkward logical people who care SO much about our friends. I imagine it would also look really awkward most of the time outside of those moments where one of us is rambling about something on our mind. As for pet name... I still absolutely melt when I hear him say Sweetheart in his Love Hotel event with Kaede so I think that would be my pick :> Mayhaps we'd meet in a bookstore? and that could be a frequent date spot. Fun fact... hm. He doesn't strike me as the touchy type (unlike myself), so we would probably have to learn compromise on that front with little touches (hand holding?) and the occasional hug/cuddle if he's feeling up to it.
Thank you in advance! I can't wait to see what you do with the bullshit I've just spewed at you 😆
reading... reading... reading?
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"S-sweetheart, is the book good?" Saihara leans on your shoulder, pausing. "Can I do this?"
"Yes." You hum. "And yes to your question too."
"Can you read it to me?"
You read, voice warm and comforting to his ears, and he closes his eyes, lashes fluttering and dozing off.
You hum, lips curled upward as you rest your head on his. A nap couldn't hurt.
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BOOK DATESSS WAHHHH the two of you definitely sit down in your local library and lose track of time together
Sometimes when Saihara is sleepy he gets like twice as clingy so he's basically your cat with attachment issues (You get up to pee n he goes "why r u leaving me :(()
I think the origin of sweetheart as your nickname is how sweet n gentle your love for him is like he will cry
ik he's kinda of known for being more sweet but his ass is so direct when he needs to be. ESP to rude people ("What the fuck did you just say?") It gives you whiplash how straightforward he is sometimes
Also, he knows where everything is if you ever lose something like "Babe my keys?!!?!?" "by the door!" he KNOWS. It's great
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ahogedetective · 1 year
“I know I usually get you an actual gift for your birthday, but I got a better idea that you might like, Shuichi-kun” Makoto drops into the seat next to the detective, leaning back slightly and looking at him with a bright and easy smile on his face. “You know that book cafe you really like going to? How about we go there for lunch or something like that? Some of your classmates could even join us if you want! My treat!”
"I'll always be happy with anything you have for me, Makoto-kun. So if you think I'll like the idea you came up with, I just know that I will! What is it?" Smiling at the boy while watching him sit down, Shuichi gives a curious head tilt when hearing the idea in question. Hearing that it was going to be lunch at the book cafe, made him smile even more in excitement.
"Oh, yes! I'd love to!! To me, that is a gift! A-And okay!! I can ask a couple of them, but I honestly wouldn't mind if it's just you and me, too, especially since you're being so kind as to want to treat me. Thank you...! You always know the best things to choose that I'll love, Makoto-kun. Ah and don't worry; I will have restraint for once, and not try buying too many books. ....Just kidding."
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He's joking, of course, giving a small laugh as he throws and arm around Makoto's shoulders. His smile looks bigger than ever, looking truly excited for today. "Really though, I can't wait! It'll be so nice, especially with you...!"
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May I request Yandere shuichi x a G/n S/o who always complaments him but is incredible dense not even realizing how stalkerish shuichi is.
Hello! You absolutely can. Shuichi is such a fun yandere to write for, so I hope you enjoy this!
-Mod Mikan
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yandere shuichi with an s/o who always compliments him!
•You have got Shuichi wrapped around your finger
•Not that you didn’t previously, but as soon as you start complimenting him, his face flushes red and he’ll refuse to meet your eyes
•“A-Ah! You’re too kind...”
•He craves your affection so intensely that sometimes it makes him feel dizzyed
•He won’t want you to say those kinds of things to anyone else, though
•If you compliment someone else, he’ll be painfully jealous, and if you regularly do it, he’ll put a stop to it
•Due to his ‘sensitive’ nature, it’s really easy for his subtle opinions about someone to influence your own
•He’d murmur to you about how unkind someone seems, or he’d show up at your dorm with teary eyes explaining how someone you spoke to had injured him
•You’ll believe every word he says
•And before long, you’re complimenting his more obsessive behaviors
•“You’re so considerate!” You’d tell him, since he’s always listening to anything you have to say, going above and beyond to get you any gift that would put the slightest smile on your face
•“Thanks for protecting me,” You say, because he wouldn’t let anyone, anything lay a single hand on you regardless of the cost
•He loves you, and he loves your praise just as much
•Please don’t stop, okay?
•He needs you to love him, be proud of him...
•There’s no point to life if you aren’t
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blurbios · 1 year
Opening Night
cw: cursing, threats
other: dabi is pushy, dialogue heavy
chapter one of a birthday outing
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The clock was nearing  midnight as the infamous league of villains' members gathered outside of their leader's bedroom door. They silently counted down the seconds, then barged into the room with a loud "Happy Birthday, Boss!". The pale haired boy slowly turned his gaze from his computer screen to the group that had entered his room.
He spoke with a dismissive tone and waved them out. "Thanks. Now get out, I'm almost done with this game." To be honest he didn't even know it was his birthday, he stopped caring at a young age. Sure enough, he checked his phone and saw that it read April 4th, much to his dismay. He let out a small grunt as he tossed his phone down on his desk and went back to his game. 
"Once you're done here, make sure to come out." Dabi said before turning around and ushering the others out of the room, making sure to close the door behind him. The individuals sprawled out across the hideout and waited impatiently. Toga sat on a bar stool and swung her feet excitedly as she hummed to herself, Jin, of course, was sat next to her. Shuichi was rambling on and on to Atsuhiro about the new game that he bought for Tomura to play with him. Dabi scrolled through his phone as he swung his feet up on the coffee table, making sure to find the perfect venue for tonight. 
"Do you really think he'll go along with it?" Toga tilted her head slightly.
"Don't worry, I'm sure we can convince him." Jin cooed in response. 
Tomura was still sitting in his chair, credits rolling by on his screen. He let out a small sigh as he willed himself to stand up. He knew they had something planned and he absolutely dreaded it. He knew that whenever that group of miscreants came to a consensus without him, something bad was bound to happen. He contemplated just sitting back down and booting up another game, but he knew one of them would break down the door if he didn't emerge from his cave soon enough. He dragged his feet as he trudged through the hall to the common area where everyone was waiting.
"About damn time." 
Dabi rolled his eyes and took his feet off the table, as he shoved his phone in his pocket. "We're going out." 
Tomura shook his head, "And you're bothering me with this, why?"
"Because," He stood straight up. "We are going out." He emphasized the 'we' by waving his hand around the room, gesturing to his companions before it landed on Tomura's shoulder. 
"I don't want to. Plus if anyone sees us, it could be an issue, I don't want trouble tonight." He shook out of Dabi's grip.
"Oh come on, Tomura. We'll be good, we promise." Toga made her way over to him.
"I told you, I don't want to." He furrowed his brows, annoyance painted on his face.
"We never get to go out for funsies." She pouted as she tugged at his sleeve.
"Not taking 'no' or 'I don't want to' for valid answers. We're leaving now." Dabi waved over Kurogiri, who he somehow convinced to warp them over near the place.
"Giri, tell them it's a dumb idea." He prayed that he, of all people, would make some sense.
"Actually, Master Tomura, it would be best if you tried to enjoy your time out with your fellow members. Bonding is important for building trust within the team." 
Tomura scoffed, "So now you care how I spend my time. This is ridiculous." The black mist swirled around them as Kurogiri warped them to an alley nearby the location where Dabi had told him. 
"Please, do try to have some fun and enjoy your birthday." Kurogiri said before departing.
The air was warm and they could already hear the noise of people lined up on the street ahead. They made their way out of the alley and saw the line of patrons outside some nightclub, a bright "Opening Night" sign illuminating the otherwise dim street. There were two different entrances, one labeled vip and one presumably for everybody else. One line with dozens of rowdy groups of young people waiting to have the seemingly night of their lives and an empty side with just a bouncer and a clipboard of the waitlisted vips. 
At first they just stood at the end of the line, not long until the impatient leader started complaining. “This line is going to take forever. None of you dumbasses thought about getting a reservation or something."
"I thought you didn't want to even be here." Dabi teased, already enjoying how uncomfortable Tomura was. 
"I don't but I'd rather be sitting than standing around with all these people." He started to scratch at his neck, just thinking about being inside with all of them. 
"Well, good thing we don't have to wait then." A mischievous grin painted on his face as he stalked toward the vip bouncer, the rest of them followed in line behind him. Tomura can overhear the people in line questioning who they are and what they were doing, it took everything in him not to just dust them all. He defaulted back to scratching his neck to control himself. 
The bouncer took one look at them and knew something was off, hand already on his walkie, easy to radio in for help if needed. "Hello sir, can I see your id?"
"Don't have it." Dabi answered nonchalantly.
"Well if you and your friends aren't on the list, then you have to wait in line with the others."
Dabi leaned into the bouncer's face and spoke low. "Listen, it's my friend's birthday and you're gonna let us in."
"Back of the line, sir." The bouncer held his ground. He tried to wave them off, but to no avail.
A blue flash was emitted from Dabi's palm, not enough to draw attention, just enough to singe the edge of the bouncer's suit jacket. "It'd be a real shame if this place burned down on opening. night, don't you think?" Dabi raised a brow.
The bouncer knew that he couldn't take him, let alone with whatever the hell his friends behind him could do, so he defeatedly let them in. He pressed the button on his walkie to let his coworkers know the situation. "Letting unlisted vips in, just cater to them, for the club's safety. Trust me, they're not worth the hassle." 
Quickly they were seated at a table and a server came to greet them, "Whatever you need, just let me know, I'll be around." She gave a soft smile, although visible nervous, and walked away to tend to other tables. 
"See easy as that, no reservation needed." Dabi's cocky grin returned as he spoke to the group.
"Whatever." Tomura pulled out his phone to play the new mobile game that he had downloaded, Shuichi looked over at him and decided to follow suit. 
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a/n: heyyyyyy so i this is a week late oopsies! also i was going to post the whole thing at once, but 1) i'm not done with it all yet  2) i feel bad for not posting in a bit 3) i think it’s more digestible in parts instead of like a big long 10k oneshot lol so you can expect more chapters soon! next chapter will actually have you in it btw haha x
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giggly-squiggily · 7 months
I'd like to see Hot Stuff, Be Mine and Always and Forever with Lee Kiibo and Ler Kokichi pls. Or switch em up or smth, idk
{Candy Heart Prompts: OFFICIALLY CLOSED!}
Oo, Kiibo and Kokichi! I haven't written for our robot friend in forever- this was so much fun! I've gotcha covered, anon!
Kokichi was in a MOOD.
That mood: Absolute mischief.
“Kokichi- what are you- eeek!” Kiibo nearly leaped out of his seat, eyes wide when something zapped against his side. Across the way, Kaede and Shuichi looked up in surprise. “What was that?”
“Oh my god, it worked!” The tiny clown cackled, twisting the shock pen along his fingers as he went to zap Kiibo again. “Did it tickle? Huh? Did it?”
“Kokichi, knock that of-hoohoohff!” The robot cried as he struggled to get up, waving at the devious device in the other boy’s hand. “This is robophoohohohobic!”
“Is it? Aren’t you the one constantly whining cause you can’t have tickle fights with everyone?” At Kiibo’s surprised pause, he leaped forward, landing another successful zap against the plates of his stomach. “Now I can tickle you!”
“N-Nohoohoho! Don’t you dahhahre- AH!” Kiibo twisted to run, but he tripped; falling flat on his face as Kokichi let out a gleeful “That’s it- Come here!” “Kohohoohooohkihihihihichihihihihi!”
“Oo, look how red you are! Coochie coochie coo! A coochie coochie coo! Or is it zappy zappy zoo?” Kokichi cooed at him, giggling as the robot beneath him made dial up noises and beeps; his fans going crazy from within. “Don’t short-circuit on me now!”
“Should we help him…” Shuichi mused from his seat as Kaede took a long drink from her mug. “Kiibo might actually short circuit.”
“Hm…nah, he’ll be fine. It’s Kiibo- he’s good at turning the tables.” When Kiibo made a staticy noise resembling a snort; the blonde called out to them. “Go for his knees, Kiibo!”
“Thanks Kaede!” Kiibo called back as he did just so; pulling Kokichi onto the ground beside him as he gently tickled along his knees and thighs. “Take that, and this, and that!”
“We should run.” Kaede finished off her drink in a solid gulp before grabbing Shuichi’s hand, booking it out of the cafeteria before Kokichi could follow. “Don’t slow down for nothing, Shu!”
“Got it!” The detective couldn’t help but laugh, the sounds of his friend’s giggle fits following them in their escape.
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seashellcosmos · 11 months
If one of them gets sick do there powers go crazy? If so I imagine there all DETERMINED to make sure makoto never catches anything
Ha! This is a very fun question
I think it would depend on the kiddo, some of them would probably react the same as anyone would while sick, but I imagine some of them would have some…. Unexpected symptoms.
I imagine when Celeste is sick she’d be in a pretty horrible mood, which would subsequently put half the house in a horrible mood because her power is essentially Vibe Arsenic at that point. Sayaka would probably also be dangerous because a particularly rough cough or sneeze and she’s shattered all the windows in whatever room she’s in.
I think most of them would just be… weaker. Like most folks get when they’re sick. Maybe the lights flicker when Chihiro sneezes, maybe Kokichi gives off a much more chemical-y smell than he usually does, Shuichi’s eyes might flicker between normal and glowing way more than he’d want them to. Probably just little things like that.
As for Makoto, I think even while sick he wouldn’t CONSCIOUSLY use his powers against any of his friends, but if he felt horrible and weak and asked for tomato soup I could absolutely see it happening that whoever he was taking to would immediately get struck with thoughts like “oh shit I HAVE to make him some tomato soup Right Now.”
He can’t help it, he’s just so compelling…
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droplet-dread-cat · 2 years
League of Hikikomori
AU where everyone in the League of Villains is a hikikomori.
Tomura doesn't want to meet people IRL, he just wants to game and casually leak society-changing governmental data to fulfil his villainy quota. (All for One can't even say anything against his pupil's methods because they turn out to be more successful than whatever he's been trying for the last 200 years lol)
Dabi stays at home despite (or maybe because) Endeavor hasn't changed at all. His vengeance is a little... more personal, so to speak. He reveals himself to his father in the most dramatic way possible (all bloody tears and "Why didn't you search for me?" and "You've easily replaced me with Shouto, haven't you?!" and screaming himself raw - all the fun things that are definitely not his actual real feelings... nu-uh) and makes Endeavor take care of him (financially, because that idiot doesn't know how else to take care of Dabi) as well as making him back off of Shouto by merely being in the boy's presence. Endeavor takes one look at a heavily scarred mentally ill Dabi for once peacefully sitting with the brother he wanted to kill and just walks out again. Dabi becomes an absolute menace btw, like he "accidentally" develops a convenient shopping addiction and online shops day and night with his father's credit card. He heads into online gaming and buys cosmetics with real life money all the time. (That man has every single unlockable Genshin Impact character despite only having played the game for two weeks.) Endeavor can’t even say anything because that’d mean having to sit down with his suicidal kid to have a heart-to-heart and that’d be majorly uncomfortable. So he just doesn’t do anything at all.
Himiko ends up meeting Jin before she can do anything drastic and both of them live in a decrepit cheap apartment because Himiko’s parents are shitty. They get money by becoming TikTokers and their fans send them cute outfits, which has both of them getting into cosplay because of that. Once Himiko’s done with middle school, she opts to go to online classes instead and then there’s practically no reason for either of them to leave the house. (Long story short: Jin and Himiko are anxiety-ridden cosplay dance nerds.)
Shuichi, just like Tomura, isn’t keen on meeting people IRL. He has a mutant quirk and is therefore no stranger to discrimination. In the streaming scene, he’s known as the chill guy who’s giving out advice to fellow mutant types and telling stories about his own experiences. Twitch streamer “Spinner2Winner” doesn’t feel the need to go out and spread the word of Stain, when he can do it more efficiently in front of the PC. (Though, because he’s been receiving so much positive feedback, he’s in a much more positive headspace to evaluate Stain’s ideology and ends up being pro Stain’s idea but anti Stain’s execution of his ideals.)
Magne is a transwoman living in a transphobic area. Hell no, she’s not going to go out more often than she needs to. She can do her small fashion business online as well, without having to worry about assholes treating her like shit for who she is. In the confines of her apartment, she’s starting to bloom and truly embrace herself – doing yoga, wearing whatever she wants to wear, applying make-up however much she wants to put on and realizing her dreams of becoming a recognized and respected fashion designer. She’s also been saving up money for a small house and with the steadily rising interest in her brand, it’s not looking as impossible as it once did.
Mr Compress is a magician on YouTube... the end. There’s really not much to say. He lost his job, he has no interest in unnecessarily endangering himself but he still wants to do magic tricks – so YouTube it is. He just has that flair of dramatics that people love and he isn’t afraid of buying expensive equipment and learning how to edit to make his videos an Experience instead of just a few neat tricks in a row. He’s able to live quite comfortably off of monetization.
And then they all meet on Twitter and the weirdest friendship group in human history is born.
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shslskaterboy · 2 years
YOU'RE SO RIGHT THOUGH Komahina truly is such a good ship and I feel like it's the one implied most in canon. The way they compliment each other, they remind me of a yin and yang. If you have the time for it I'd definitely love to hear your Saiouma thoughts too because Saiouma is definitely one of my favorite ships (I analyzed their characters way too hard and just fell for them)
Yes absolutely 🙏🙏🙏
Something I actually like about saiouma is kinda the opposite of Komahina, and that’s the lack of in-game subtext. I don’t just mean that in terms of romantic subtext, but also just who Ouma is as a character, since you get absolutely no concrete backstory for him, and don’t even know if you can trust the small tidbit you do get with DICE, and because of this he can kinda be whatever you want him to be. He is purposefully shrouded in mystery because the theme of the game is truth vs fiction, and I think his character was meant to exemplify that theme by being unknowable. I’ve seen the claim that Kokichi is just a knockoff Nagito but I don’t think that’s fair because I think he’s very purposefully the way he is.
That being said, I personally buy into the hc that he is anxious and has trust issues, which is why he constantly avoids the truth and acts out the way he does in game (Weeby News has a really good ouma analysis on YouTube I would highly recommend if you haven’t seen it)
This hc is sort of the hinge of why I love Saiouma, because this puts them in a position of understanding each other, both fearing the power of truth, albeit for different reasons. This along with what in-game context you do get from FTEs is what drives it for me. All of the other characters write off Kokichi as a trouble maker, bad news, purely antagonistic, but if you do all his FTEs then that makes Shuichi the only one to extend the courtesy of trying to get to know him.
That being said, unlike Komaeda, Ouma does NOT care to submit to the terrifying ordeal of being known- at first. He is having fun with Saihara, he’s definitely a little gay boy for Saihara, but he’s not revealing anything; of course Shuichi sees Kokichi as an enigma, or even a puzzle to solve, which is why he keeps coming back. However, over the course of all FTEs and his Salmon-mode ending, Shuichi comes to appreciate Ouma for who he is- lies and all- and agrees to meet Kokichi in his level, literally hand in hand.
Again we come back to the idea that this ship is very mailable, as is seen by the plethora or pre, post, and in-game art and fics. There are AUs left and right because there is just so much room for adaptation: people can pick and choose exactly what they want Saiouma to be to an incredible degree. Of course my preferred dynamic is always going to be the A+ banter that you get with the introvert/extrovert, and because they’re both anxious and insecure in their own ways, I think this enables some very cute content.
I’m the end I do tend to latch on to what existing canon content there is cuz that’s just how my brain works; they compliment and contrast each other because they both understand the gravity of truth and lies, and I think they end up understanding each others different ways of using them. I think there’s a lot of room for growth for both of them, and I think they’re both in a position to empower and uplift the other on their character arcs.
I do think the game could have done a better job of giving subtext that they might genuinely care for each other (much the way Komahina does) but I do understand the reasoning behind leaving it more open to interpretation. Either way I greatly appreciate the levels of creativity that come from saiouma shippers, and I will always be a sucker for phantom thief AUs 😅
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