sorcerous-caress · 10 months
Could I request Karlach, Shadowheart, and Alfira and Lakrissa together (if you’ll write for them together), when an embarrassed Tav nervously asks to sleep with them for the night because back home they shared a room with people and sleeping alone makes them paranoid which is causing them to lose sleep?
Asking to share a bed
[Fluff, suggustive, cuddling, nb!reader]
[Karlach, Shadowheart, Alfira / Lakrissa]
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She greats you with the same military nickname she gave you since the start, endearing in her own way as she fights back a yawn.
Your nervousness doesn't go past her, and wasn't it for the curl of a smile at the corners of her lips, you wouldn't have guessed she noticed either.
"Hell yeah, gods know I'd take any excuse to cuddle." Is her enthusiastic reply after you explain your situation. "Well, only if you're cool with cuddling, it's on the table, right?"
She takes your nod as permission to wrap her arms around you and playfully throw on you on the bed next to her, you softly bounce against the mattress before settling in.
It doesn't take long for her to drift off. The glow in her chest dimming, and the engine sounds muffling.
The heat is comforting, you realise as your eyes grow heavy, like a warm bath after a long day. Her big arms secured around you and making you feel safe, nothing bad could ever get to you whilst she held you this close, protected you from whatever lurks in the darkness.
The next morning, you wake up while still in her arms. She rubs the sleep from her eyes as she takes you in, a smile bright enough to rival the morning sun as she asked how was yout sleep, is she was scary enough to chase away any nightmares, her sharp teeth peeking through her lips.
She's usually the last to go to her tent, preferring to bask in the darkness of the night. Linger amidst the shadows hidden from the moonlight and appreciate the beauty found in the allure of the unknown, the swirls in the shadows, and the fading of one's self to join a bigger and greater purpose.
It's when she'd usually get on her knees and pray, grovelling with her face to the sky.
You waited for her to finish, and the intimacy of the act felt almost forbidden to say wasn't it for her reassurance that it was alright before.
There's gratitude in her eyes afterwards, for the acceptance you've offered her, for the indifference you've gifted her with.
The answer to your question is met with hesitation.
"Just share a bed?" There are undertones to her words, "or do you mean like the bottle we shared?"
Heat flares up towards your cheeks at the memory, you play it cool. "Just share a bed, i promise."
Her covers are soft, princess like almost. A flowerly smell with fluffy pillows and layers of blankets neatly stacked at the end.
The smell of her shampoo is easily identified on the cover of her pillows. A half empty bottle of wine sits on the table nearby, next to a pocket-sized book.
As the two of you lay motionless under the covers, sleep doesn't come easy. There is an uncomfortable empty space between you.
And then you feel it, just under the covers, her hand moving towards yours, her pinky entangling with yours.
Shadowheart looks at you with anticipation, the space between the two of you close. You can feel her heartbeat falling into rhythm with yours as you drift off to sleep.
As the night fades and the morning comes, you wake up to the same hand hand still holding yours, on top of the covers this time. Shadowheart's focus on the small book she took from the bedtable, whispering and practising her spells for the day, preparing the healing ones beforehand.
Alfira / Lakrissa
The laughter and humming of a melody comes to an immediate stop as you knock on the door, the sound of clothes shuffling and the string of a lute being accidentally pulled follows.
You wait patiently, looking around the hallway to pass the time as your eyes glance over the various oil paintings of the elfsong tavren. Feeling disappointed when you came to the realisation that despite its name, their paintings weren't just of elves.
"Hello there, Hero." The door swings open as you're greated with the sight of Lakrissa in her night attire. Behind her, Alfira quickly came into view as she realised it was you waiting in the doorway.
With a smile, she urged Lakrissa to invite you in, the other obliging with amusement.
The mellow atmosphere from before slowly returned, both women feeling at ease around you as if you were a long lost friend.
As the conversation went on, Alfira sat next to you.
"Thank you so much for allowing me to stay in your camp that night." Her words wer sincere, "Adventuring really wasn't for me at the end but, still, I'm grateful you didn't turn me away in the morning."
"How sweet." Lakrissa's arm wrapped around Alfira's waist, giving her cheek a small kiss. "Were you waiting for the chance to thank them all that time?"
"Hey don't laugh" a blush coloured Alfira's cheek as the other women teased her, "I just...well...yes so what if I did?"
"Then I'd say that's exactly just like you." Another kiss, this time a tender one to her forehead. Lakrissa let go afterwards.
Both of them made it clear that they'll be here if you ever need anything.
So when you stated your request with embarrassment, Alfira enthusiastically agreed. Lakrissa was pleasantly surprised at seeing her usually introverted lover so welcoming and eager.
Alfira is in the middle, Lakrissa hugs her back close to her own chest while you're held by the bard. Her hold is careful and loose, as one would hold a bird so gently in fear of damaging your wings.
You're so fleeting in both of their eyes, so close yet so out of reach. So even as they bodies entangle with yours, they keep your need for freedom in mind. Heros like you never liked to be tied down, and they never want to be a burden.
As the sunrays filters through the outside curtains and announce a brand new day, you slowly wake up the strumming of the lute. Lakrissa still sleeping, having moved to where Alfira used to be and cuddled into your warmth.
The bard is at the end of the bed, humming a soft melody as her fingers strum the cords.
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altrxisme · 7 months
@l0vebytes // hurt /comfort ♡ sentence starters
the temptation to simply sock the disgusting drunkard that got in her face was quite strong that evening. instead, johanne was able to intimidate him with a stare that burned as strong as the blistering sun and a snarl worthy of her mercenary name. the owner, alan, and the tieflings they saved from the grove, lakrissa and alfira, sent grateful expressions her way once the drunk stumbled out the doors. the aasimar simply raised her tankard with a nod before taking a sip.
“ i’ll destroy anything that so much as thinks of harming you . ”
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maeve's declaration simply put an amused smile on johanne's lips as she set aside her ale. it was charming— given how much shorter the tiefling woman was. but she also knew better than to underestimate rogues like her.
"watch my back and i'll watch yours." she reached over to give a small tap on the middle of maeve's forehead with a knuckle.
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sorcerous-caress · 10 months
ikr your requests are closed and this isnt a request but imagine being in a poly relationship with alfira and lakrissa. their friends to lovers relationship is so cute in game! alfira is one of my fav npcs I cried doing a durge run
Good news anon you can prevent her death in a durge run! Just knock her out beforehand. A different bard will come visit in her place, a cute dragonborn one. And the next day Alfira will still be there but have zero approval so be ready to throw so much gold her way.
And yes her quest continues normally after.
I think a poly relationship with them would be very lighthearted and nice. They already seem so close and in love with each other, surely they will extend the same treatment to you.
Tho, if you're Tav or Durge then there might be a power imbalance that will intimidate them. They're not fighters or heros at the end of the day, they tell you that themselves.
So, for the hero of Baldur's Gate themselves to get together with them? Just two normal tieflings? It's almost unheard of. What do they even have to offer you? They'll no doubtly feel a bit insecure especially compared to your other companions who clearly lead more heroic or adventurous lives than them.
So they might loosen the reins around you a bit, give you more space, and cut you more slack than one would normally do in a relationship. Not get jealous as easily because, of course, everyone wants you. Always keep your need for freedom in mind, always keeping the door unlocked in case you ever change your mind and leave.
It's not very healthy, they will need a lot of reassurance to work through it together. As long as you're willing to put in the work and show them that you'll still choose them every day no matter what, then they'll feel safer with you, more stable at your side.
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sorcerous-caress · 10 months
Drabbles 4.5
♡ Characters alternative universes
[Part one] [part two here]
PolyAsmo Lakrissa/Alfira
Vampire Laezel
College au
Counselor Minthara
Werewolf Shadowheart
With werewolf selunite reader
Paladin Shadowheart
With a dying reader in battle
Viconia injuring reader
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