#Lakrissa x reader
sorcerous-caress · 10 months
Could I request Karlach, Shadowheart, and Alfira and Lakrissa together (if you’ll write for them together), when an embarrassed Tav nervously asks to sleep with them for the night because back home they shared a room with people and sleeping alone makes them paranoid which is causing them to lose sleep?
Asking to share a bed
[Fluff, suggustive, cuddling, nb!reader]
[Karlach, Shadowheart, Alfira / Lakrissa]
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She greats you with the same military nickname she gave you since the start, endearing in her own way as she fights back a yawn.
Your nervousness doesn't go past her, and wasn't it for the curl of a smile at the corners of her lips, you wouldn't have guessed she noticed either.
"Hell yeah, gods know I'd take any excuse to cuddle." Is her enthusiastic reply after you explain your situation. "Well, only if you're cool with cuddling, it's on the table, right?"
She takes your nod as permission to wrap her arms around you and playfully throw on you on the bed next to her, you softly bounce against the mattress before settling in.
It doesn't take long for her to drift off. The glow in her chest dimming, and the engine sounds muffling.
The heat is comforting, you realise as your eyes grow heavy, like a warm bath after a long day. Her big arms secured around you and making you feel safe, nothing bad could ever get to you whilst she held you this close, protected you from whatever lurks in the darkness.
The next morning, you wake up while still in her arms. She rubs the sleep from her eyes as she takes you in, a smile bright enough to rival the morning sun as she asked how was yout sleep, is she was scary enough to chase away any nightmares, her sharp teeth peeking through her lips.
She's usually the last to go to her tent, preferring to bask in the darkness of the night. Linger amidst the shadows hidden from the moonlight and appreciate the beauty found in the allure of the unknown, the swirls in the shadows, and the fading of one's self to join a bigger and greater purpose.
It's when she'd usually get on her knees and pray, grovelling with her face to the sky.
You waited for her to finish, and the intimacy of the act felt almost forbidden to say wasn't it for her reassurance that it was alright before.
There's gratitude in her eyes afterwards, for the acceptance you've offered her, for the indifference you've gifted her with.
The answer to your question is met with hesitation.
"Just share a bed?" There are undertones to her words, "or do you mean like the bottle we shared?"
Heat flares up towards your cheeks at the memory, you play it cool. "Just share a bed, i promise."
Her covers are soft, princess like almost. A flowerly smell with fluffy pillows and layers of blankets neatly stacked at the end.
The smell of her shampoo is easily identified on the cover of her pillows. A half empty bottle of wine sits on the table nearby, next to a pocket-sized book.
As the two of you lay motionless under the covers, sleep doesn't come easy. There is an uncomfortable empty space between you.
And then you feel it, just under the covers, her hand moving towards yours, her pinky entangling with yours.
Shadowheart looks at you with anticipation, the space between the two of you close. You can feel her heartbeat falling into rhythm with yours as you drift off to sleep.
As the night fades and the morning comes, you wake up to the same hand hand still holding yours, on top of the covers this time. Shadowheart's focus on the small book she took from the bedtable, whispering and practising her spells for the day, preparing the healing ones beforehand.
Alfira / Lakrissa
The laughter and humming of a melody comes to an immediate stop as you knock on the door, the sound of clothes shuffling and the string of a lute being accidentally pulled follows.
You wait patiently, looking around the hallway to pass the time as your eyes glance over the various oil paintings of the elfsong tavren. Feeling disappointed when you came to the realisation that despite its name, their paintings weren't just of elves.
"Hello there, Hero." The door swings open as you're greated with the sight of Lakrissa in her night attire. Behind her, Alfira quickly came into view as she realised it was you waiting in the doorway.
With a smile, she urged Lakrissa to invite you in, the other obliging with amusement.
The mellow atmosphere from before slowly returned, both women feeling at ease around you as if you were a long lost friend.
As the conversation went on, Alfira sat next to you.
"Thank you so much for allowing me to stay in your camp that night." Her words wer sincere, "Adventuring really wasn't for me at the end but, still, I'm grateful you didn't turn me away in the morning."
"How sweet." Lakrissa's arm wrapped around Alfira's waist, giving her cheek a small kiss. "Were you waiting for the chance to thank them all that time?"
"Hey don't laugh" a blush coloured Alfira's cheek as the other women teased her, "I just...well...yes so what if I did?"
"Then I'd say that's exactly just like you." Another kiss, this time a tender one to her forehead. Lakrissa let go afterwards.
Both of them made it clear that they'll be here if you ever need anything.
So when you stated your request with embarrassment, Alfira enthusiastically agreed. Lakrissa was pleasantly surprised at seeing her usually introverted lover so welcoming and eager.
Alfira is in the middle, Lakrissa hugs her back close to her own chest while you're held by the bard. Her hold is careful and loose, as one would hold a bird so gently in fear of damaging your wings.
You're so fleeting in both of their eyes, so close yet so out of reach. So even as they bodies entangle with yours, they keep your need for freedom in mind. Heros like you never liked to be tied down, and they never want to be a burden.
As the sunrays filters through the outside curtains and announce a brand new day, you slowly wake up the strumming of the lute. Lakrissa still sleeping, having moved to where Alfira used to be and cuddled into your warmth.
The bard is at the end of the bed, humming a soft melody as her fingers strum the cords.
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randoimago · 1 year
Baldur's Gate 3 Masterlist
Check my Fandoms/Rules List to see what characters I'm writing for!!
If you can't see anything under the character then it's prob cause I've had no requests for them (or you're using the Tumblr app which causes links to break) !!
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The Party
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Camp Followers // Companions
Barcus Wroot
Dame Aylin
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@reo-the-leo @unhelpfulnpc
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pani-artz · 8 months
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Dance upon the stars tonight
Smile and pain will fade away
Words of mine will turn to ash
When you call the last light down
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nerdallwritey · 3 months
WAHOO! 100 Follower Celebration!
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Thanks for the 100 followers!!! You're all amazing and I can't thank you enough for reading and supporting my silliness :)
In celebration, please enjoy another snippet from Part 3 of Beauty and the Bard:
Astarion came to stand beside you, his hands clasped behind his back and skin speckled with blood spatter. For some reason, he absolutely stank. 
“Oh gods,” you said, scrunching your nose and turning away. “Did you and Wyll wander into a stinking cloud or something?”
“Hello, dearest,” he purred, pulling you to him and puckering his lips for a playful kiss, but you pushed his face away, avoiding his mouth at all costs.
“Get away from me, freak,” you laughed as he was able to plant a kiss on your cheek with a loud “MWAH.” He looked very pleased with himself. 
Alfira and Lakrissa, meanwhile, watched this display politely with their noses plugged.
Lakrissa gestured between the two of you. “When did this happen?” Her voice was nasally. 
“He’s always been a jackass,” you said.
“She means, love, when did you finally pluck up the courage to confess your undying love for me?” The flamboyant lilt in Astarion’s voice made you smile. 
“This just happened, actually,” you said, pointing from you to Astarion. “The stink is extra new.” 
“Do you like it, darling? A gift from one of the goblins at that Blighted Village. They weren’t pleased we came for their wine, stink bombs were thrown, blood was spilled, a tale as old as time.”
“Did you get to murder a bunch of goblins?” Despite the topic, you spoke to him as if he were a child. 
“I did,” he said, his voice gravelly, his face twisted in a wicked smirk. 
“Good for you. Now get the hells away from us.” You pointed in the direction of his tent. “I don’t know why you haven’t already scrubbed your skin raw to get rid of that smell. You hate things of a vile nature.” You adjusted your accent to sound like him as you said the last bit. “Though you do love gore.”
“I had to share this delightful experience with you first, my sweet. Obviously.”
“Obviously.” You gave him a teasingly sour expression and pushed him off in the direction of his tent. “Get fresh clothes and go jump in the lake or something! Then burn that armor!”
Astarion grabbed your arm and pulled you closer again, much to your dismay and protest. He brought his mouth to your ear. “Care to join me?”
You met his gaze, which flickered down to your lips for a moment, only for a roguish grin to spread across his face. You grew flustered and looked away.
“Maybe later.”
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grandmother-goblin · 7 months
Enough Time for Us - Part 1
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AO3 - Masterlist
Summary: After surviving a daring rescue of several tieflings from Moonrise Towers, you realize just how short your time might be. Between the Absolute, the tadpoles, and the Shadow Curse, you don't want to waste a moment. Although Wyll had expressed his desires for an old-fashioned courtship, you're worried you won't be able to do everything you wanted with him before time runs out.
Relationships: Wyll x Female!Reader
Rating: Explicit (18+)
Word Count: 4.3k
Chapter Tags: Kissing, thigh-riding, dry-humping, a bit of navigating a new relationship.
“You should have seen them, Alfira!” Lakrissa said far too loudly. She clumsily set her empty goblet of wine down on the table you shared with her, Alfira, and Wyll. “You’re going to have to write a song about this. Maybe two. I don’t think all of their heroics could fit into just one.”
The light from the glowing hearth in the middle of Last Light Inn gave Lakrissa a mischievous glint to her eyes that told you everything you needed to know: she was trying to embarrass you.
Oh, you would get her back for this. You weren’t sure how, but you would.
Sure, you rescued Lakrissa (along with several other tieflings and some Ironhand gnomes) from the bowels of Moonrise Towers — but she didn’t need to sing your praises to everyone who would listen.
At first you thought she was just being sweet, if not overly appreciative. But now? Now you knew she was just messing with you.
Or she was just repeating herself because she was drunk. It really could have been either, considering that most certainly was not her first glass of wine.
Without taking her eyes off of Alfira, Lakrissa gestured to you grandly, like she was showing off a prized work of art. “That one there took down the Warden herself,” she said with faux reverence. “Knocked her right on her ass.”
You shook your head as heat rose to your face. 
Even though Lakrissa was just having fun, you wished she would knock it off. Or at the very least, turn her attention to someone who was equally responsible for her rescue. Like Karlach, who was chatting away with Jaheira over a mug of ale alongside Lae’zel and Astarion. Or Gale, who also played a crucial role in the escape plan, was sitting at the bar with Rolan, Cal, and Lia — presumably thrilled to have a fellow wizard to converse with.
Perhaps she could gush about Wyll’s part in the Moonrise jailbreak. Out of everyone, he was the most accustomed to receiving all sorts of praise as the Blade of Frontiers.
But for better or for worse, Lakrissa’s attention was locked on to you. There wasn’t much you could do about it, so you decided it was easiest just to indulge her. At least a little bit. 
Wyll’s slid closer to you on the bench you shared and wrapped his arm around your waist. “I’m sad that I missed that one,” he said, gently tucking you against his side. “After the way the Warden spoke to you, I wanted to get a few hits in myself.”
You hummed appreciatively, breathing in the scent of his cologne. It was something like amber and allspice, and so uniquely him that the smell alone filled you with warmth. “I still can’t believe you called her a bitch.”
Lakrissa choked down a mouthful of wine. “The Blade of Frontiers called the Warden a bitch?”
“Not to her face,” Wyll quickly corrected, holding his palm up as if to block the accusation. “Not that I wouldn’t have.”
“She still heard you,” you added.
Wyll took a drink from his mug of ale and innocently averted his gaze. “I fail to see how that’s my problem.”
A giggle bubbled in your chest, but you swallowed it down with a smile. You snuggled closer to Wyll, letting your hand rest just above his knee as you leaned your head against his shoulder.
It had been over a week since you two had officially become a couple, yet could still hardly believe it. 
Wyll Ravengard, the Blade of Frontiers, the son of a Grand Duke — all yours.
You had first kissed him at a party the tiefling refugees had thrown a few weeks ago. You would never forget the electricity that sparked between you the moment his lips brushed against yours. How your heart hammered in your chest or how his hands felt on your hips. 
How you never wanted that moment to end. 
But Wyll was a gentleman. 
He kept things chaste despite how you had wanted to throw yourself at him like a heroine on the cover of a romantic novel.
Then there was the night he had asked you to dance with him. Everything had been so proper between you two in the time between your kiss and that night that his invitation honestly caught you off guard. You weren’t even quite sure what he was wanting out of the dance — just some friendly fun or something more?
But his intentions were made clear soon enough. 
You could see the lust burning in his eye as you circled around each other. It was so intense, you could have melted under his gaze if he weren’t holding you steady. 
When he pulled you in for a kiss, that heat turned from simmering embers to an inferno. A fire that burnt through Wyll’s restraint, turning his kisses from sweet to passionate and his touch from a gentle caress to a firm embrace.
Heat built in your core when his thigh had pushed between your legs. The subtle, almost imperceptible, roll of his hips and his hands tangling in your hair was enough to drive you mad.
He wanted you. You knew, at that very moment, he wanted more than just a dance and a goodnight kiss.
Yet, he still pulled away, smothering the flame.
All he had to do was say the word, and you would have been in his bed that night. He knew that just as well as you did. But he wanted to take things slower.
He wanted to court you properly. Like heroes in those old love stories with ballroom dances and flowers and poetry. 
In ordinary circumstances, you would have let him take all the time in the world. 
Good men like Wyll were extraordinarily hard to come by. Hells, you had been dreaming of a man like Wyll for years. A man who wanted you for you — not someone who just wanted a roll in the hay. 
But your circumstances were far from ordinary.
Beneath the table, well out of view from the two tiefling women across from you, you let your hand coast further up Wyll’s thigh. Just a little bit too high to be considered decent, but not so much that you risked touching him anywhere truly inappropriate for a public setting.
If Wyll had any objections, he didn’t voice them. 
In fact, you swore you saw a smirk tug on his lips.
Wyll’s hand slipped beneath the bottom hem of your shirt, the movement smooth as silk. His thumb drew slow, tantalizing circles on your hip as he continued to chat with Lakrissa and Alfira.
Gods, it almost felt unfair. He could turn you into a pile of mush with just a sweet word and simple touch. If you didn’t know better, you might have thought he was teasing you. Tempting you with all the little touches, but never going further.
You wanted him so badly, but you didn’t want to pressure him. He wanted the fairytale romance — he wanted to wait for the perfect moment and for everything to be just right.
But you couldn’t help but worry: what if that moment never came?
What if tomorrow was the day one of you fell to the Shadow Curse? Or to the Absolute? What if the Artefact’s protection wore out or if Vlaakith’s warriors found you?
What if you and Wyll never had that chance with the each other?
Maybe it was selfish, but you wanted to be more intimate with him. Gods, you dreamed of it. There were nights when you and Wyll would share a bedroll, sleeping in one another’s arms and fully clothed, and you ached for something more.
You just weren’t sure how to broach the topic with him. Not since he expressed his own desires regarding your relationship. A fairytale romance, like those told by the bards.
You wished he had been a little more specific about what his desires entailed, if you were being completely honest. 
“Have we already finished another bottle?” Alfira’s voice pulled you from your thoughts as she picked up the empty bottle of wine from your side of the table. “Should we get another, or call it night?”
Without waiting for an answer, Lakrissa stood up and placed both hands on the table as she peered over Wyll’s horns. “Hey Mirkon,” she called toward the bar in the back of the room. “I’ll give you five silver to bring us another bottle of red.”
The small tiefling boy popped his head up over the lip of the countertop. “Just gave out the last bottle of red — gotta go to the cellar to get more. We got whiskey though!”
Lakrissa’s eyes lit up at the mention of whiskey. “Bring the bottle of whiskey then.”
“The whole bottle?” Mirkon squeaked.
“Lakrissa,” Alfira warned. “Remember what happened last time you mixed whiskey and wine.”
“I remember I had fun,” she replied and gestured for Mirkon to bring the bottle over. “Don’t need to remember much else.”
You shook your head, but you couldn’t help but smile. Lakrissa might be in for a nasty hangover the next morning, but if anyone deserved a couple of drinks, she did. Especially after everything they went through getting out of Moonrise. 
“I’m going to bring another crate up before the whole place decides to switch to hard liquor,” you said, giving Wyll’s leg an affectionate squeeze before you got to your feet.
The crates were too large for the kids to carry safely, but you could manage. Besides, it made for a good opportunity to get a breath of fresh air. The longer you sat cuddled up next to Wyll, the greater the temptation to get even closer to him was. Considering “closer” probably meant fighting the temptation to crawl into his lap and straddle him, it was probably for the best to detangle yourself before that happened. 
If you didn’t control yourself, you knew you’d be regretting it later when it came time to sleep. You’d be faced with the impossible decision of sleeping in Wyll’s arms or getting some alone time in your tent to deal with your self-inflicted sexual frustration.
Yep, a bit of space was just what you needed.
Before you could get a step away from the table, Wyll said, “I’ll come with you.”
Well, so much for that idea.
Wyll swung his legs around the side of the bench and stood beside you, slipping his arm around you once again. “Two pairs of hands are better than one, and besides — ” he leaned down, his breath warm against your ear, and whispered “ — it looks like Alfira wants a little one-on-one time with Lakrissa.”
“What was that, Mr. Blade of Frontiers?” Lakrissa asked cheekily, cupping her hand to her ear for emphasis. “You best share with the group.”
Wyll laughed and replied, “The only thing I’m sharing is another drink once we get back. I’ll look for another bottle of Esmalter Red while I’m down there.”
Lakrissa tapped her chin in mock consideration as she sat back in her seat. “I’ll accept that as a compromise, I suppose.”
“We’ll be back in a minute,” you said and started toward the front door.
As the chatter and the music faded behind you, Wyll’s hand moved from your waist to your hand, intertwining your fingers with his. When you glanced up at him, he was already smiling down at you with so much love in his gaze that made your heart pick up speed.
Gods, you loved him so much. Even if the romantic aspect of your relationship was relatively new, you knew you wanted to be at Wyll’s side for as long as he would have you. And you hadn’t felt that way about anyone else before.
There was something so special, so incredible, about him that you could hardly put it into words. In so many ways, Wyll was everything you had ever wanted — you wanted to experience the world with him but you didn’t know if that same world would give you time.
Wyll brought your hand to his lips and kissed the back of your knuckles. “This hand,” he said with a teasing grin, “was getting a bit adventurous under the table there.”
Pushing aside your thoughts, you blinked up at him innocently. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“No?” He pressed another kiss to your hand as you reached the top of the stairs at the side of the building. Without letting go of your hand, he had smoothly positioned you to the side with the railing. “Must have just been my imagination. It has been a little overactive in that regard, as of late.”
“Oh? What sorts of things have you been imagining, Wyll?” you replied knowing full well that he would be far too much of a gentleman to answer if his thoughts aligned with your own.
“You’ll find out,” he said as he helped you down the last step (although you didn’t need the help, the gesture was appreciated). “Just give it time.”
The one thing that seemed to be running out.
In the space beneath the building, the sounds of water lapping gently against docks echoed off the stone walls. Just a few hours ago, this was the location of a joyous reunion for many — people seeing loved ones they had thought lost over something completely out of their control. If not for the feeling of Wyll’s hand in yours, the whole place felt cold and yawningly empty.
Looking out over the river, you could see that thin border of light that separated you, and the people you cared about, from the Shadow Curse. It was like a singular pillar that held up an entire roof. Without it, everything would come crashing down — no matter how many other support beams were in place.
It all felt so fragile. All it would take is one thing going wrong and… you’d all be lost to the darkness.
Gods, any moment really could be the last, couldn’t it? 
Your hand tightened around Wyll’s, as if you could squeeze out a little more hypothetical time with him. That’s all you wanted. Just some time for the two of you to be together without the looming fear of death.
Was that so much to ask?
“Are you feeling alright?” Wyll asked as he opened the door leading down into the cellar and gestured for you to go ahead of him. “You’ve got a bit of a far off look to you.”
There really wasn’t any point in lying to him or in pretending things were fine. Wyll was much  better at reading you than most people, which was both a blessing and a curse. He always seemed to know just what you needed, but it also meant you could hardly keep anything from him. While he would never pressure you to talk if you didn’t want to, you didn’t like to leave him in the dark.
You took a few steps down the stairs, staring at the way your hand slid along the railing rather than look at the man above you. You could see his shadow against the wall beside you, the subtle tilt of his head and the curl of his horns. An ominous silhouette to most, but a source of comfort to you. 
“I’ve just been thinking a bit about what you said a few nights ago,” you answered, your heart beating in your throat as you slowly continued your descent. “About our relationship, and how you want things to go.”
Behind you, you heard the door gently close against the frame followed by the click of a lock. The stairs creaked under his boots as he took the wooden stairs two steps at a time until he was at your side once more. “This sounds serious.”
You laughed, hoping to ease some of the tension. “It’s nothing serious,” you reassured him. “But it’s still something I wanted to bring up with you.”
“Of course.” There was a hint of nervousness to his voice, but he tried to mask it behind his charming, prince-like smile that could make most people swoon. “I’m always happy to talk.”
When you reached the bottom of the stairs, you shuffled around to face him. The glow from a dim fireplace, one that hadn’t been tended to for a while now, glinted off of Wyll’s scarlet red eye as he gazed at you with a mixture of affection and concern.
Though the cellar was warm, you wrapped your arms around yourself as if there was a chill in the air, trying to muster up some courage. 
Gods, did you even have to bring this up? You didn’t, right? But he was looking at you expectantly and the longer you waited, the worse your anxiety got and —
“I don’t want to wait,” you blurted out before you could talk yourself out of it.
Wyll’s brow drew together. “Wait for what?”
You shifted your weight from one foot to the other, looking past him rather than directly into his eye. “To be close to you,” you said, feeling heat rising to your cheeks. “To be intimate. We don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow and I — I want to share that experience with you.”
There. It was out in the open and there was no taking it back. The worst that could happen was that he would turn you down again, right?
For a moment, there was nothing but stale cellar air and the sounds of the crackling fireplace between you two. You could hear footsteps from the taproom overhead counting out the beats of silence.
You swallowed. Gods, why did you have to say anything at all? He was giving you everything you wanted, yet you still wanted more?
Then a soft smile tugged at the corner of Wyll’s lip and a sense of relief coursed through you. The back of his fingers brushed against your cheek in a featherlight touch before he tucked his thumb beneath your chin. He tilted your face up, making it impossible for you to look anywhere but at his gorgeous, mismatched, eyes.
“I want to share that experience with you too,” he said, resting one hand on your hip as he took a single step closer. “Though, I’m of the mind that we will have plenty of time, and plenty of chances, to have that experience.”
Disappointment landed light a heavy weight in your gut, and you averted your gaze. 
Well, it was worth a try.
It wasn’t like you could force Wyll to change his stance on such a thing. And it would have been wrong of you to do anything more than simply express your desires.
Still, it didn’t make the disappointment any easier.
“I hope you’re right,” you conceded with a hopeful long convincing smile, not wanting to put any pressure on him.
Wyll sighed and touched his forehead to yours. His horns were cool and hard against your skin and you closed your eyes, just breathing in his scent. 
“I still believe in the old tales of love,” he said as his hand moved to your lower back. “And I want to give you the fairytale because that’s what you deserve. But that doesn’t mean we can’t make it our own.”
You blinked and pulled back just far enough to look Wyll in the eyes. “What do you mean by that?”
A rakish grin spread across his face, sending butterflies to your stomach in a flurry. “I’m saying that if you want to be more intimate” — his hand slipped beneath your shirt, his palm warm against the small of your back — “then we can be more intimate.”
Your heart leapt in your chest as a mixture of surprise and giddiness surged through you. Out of all the things you expected him to say, it wasn’t that. 
At least, you didn’t expect him to agree so readily.
Swallowing your excitement, you laced your fingers with his. You didn’t want to pressure him, and you didn’t think you were, but you still wanted to check…. 
“You’re sure?” you asked and pressed your lips to the back of his hand. “I know you have reasons for wanting to wait, and I don’t want you to change your mind just because — ”
A little huff of laughter passed Wyll’s lips. “I’m sure,” he confirmed. “This is our relationship — we make these sorts of decisions together. I’d much rather you talk to me about things like this rather than just quietly go along with what I said.”
He brought his palm to your cheek, carefully cupping your face as if you were something precious. “Besides,” he added, “I’ll admit that part of me was hoping you’d ask me to change my mind.”
Before you could even think of how to respond, Wyll’s lips brushed over yours in a sweet, silky caress. Light and teasing, if not a little playful at first. Taking his sweet time tasting you. The hand on your cheek slipped behind your head, tangling in your hair as he slowly deepened the kiss.
You couldn’t help the soft moan in your throat as he pulled you flush against him. He coaxed your lips apart with his tongue, sending a thrill of warmth through you with each delicate stroke. Looping your arms around his neck, you held yourself steady as you melted into his touch.
Gods, when he kissed you like this, how could you not want more? How could you be expected to keep your desires in check when his lips were as sinful as they were saccharine?
Wyll guided you backward until your back pressed against the cool stone wall of the stairwell, not once breaking his lips away from yours. He cupped your face, tilting your head back as he kissed you as if he could breathe you in. 
A muscular thigh nudged between your legs, putting delicious pressure where you had long desired it. Heat rose to your face as you rolled your hips, slowly and subtly rocking against him.
Moving his hands to your hips, he pressed himself against you as he guided your movements on his leg to match his. The rhythm alone was enough to make your core clench with need. His parted lips dragged down the side of your neck as he let you grind against him. You let out a small, pleasured, gasp when he gently sucked and nipped at your skin.
Gods, he had barely begun to touch you and you were already trembling. Your body craved him like no other, and you had contented yourself with fantasies for so long. For him to actually be touching you like this? To be pulling closer instead of pulling back? 
It was indescribable.
You brought your lips to his neck, stifling a moan as you kissed the prominent ridges on his throat. His fingers dug into your hips a groan rumbled in his chest. “Those are sensitive,” he said and nibbled at your earlobe. 
You sighed as you closed your eyes. “Sensitive how?” you asked distractedly. 
Wyll raised his hips, pressing himself against you and fully pinning you to the wall. The hard outline of him prodded your lower stomach. “That kind of sensitive.”
Your cheeks burned as his mouth hungrily returned to yours. No one had ever kissed you the way Wyll did. It was reckless and restrained, passionate and patient. And you wanted nothing more than for that patience and restraint to run out.
At least, just for a little bit.
Tension coiled inside of you as you grinded against him, winding tighter and tighter as he rocked into you. You were so close. Gods, you hadn’t even taken your clothes off and you were going to come.
“Wyll,” you whined against his lips, not knowing quite what you wanted. Did you want him to stop you? Or did you want —
“Come for me,” Wyll rasped, his voice unlike you had ever heard it before. His grasping fingers slid over the curve of your breast as he took your mouth in another consuming kiss. 
Your nails dug into his shirt as your movements grew rougher and more erratic. Your breath came in panting gasps as pressure built deep in your core.
Every muscle in your body tightened. Your mouth fell open as you found your release. Your hips moved of their own accord but Wyll’s hands kept you steady as pleasure wracked your body.
“That’s it,” he soothed as you rode out your climax, his voice husky in a way that made your skin prickle. 
He removed his leg from between your thighs just as you began to catch your breath. With his hands still on your hips, he kissed the corner of your mouth and then your cheek, his breathing almost as heavy as your own.
“Tomorrow night,” Wyll said softly as pulled away. His eyes locked onto yours, his good eye dark with barely restrained lust. His hands traced your curves and you could practically see the gears turning in his head. 
He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.“Give me until tomorrow night, my love,” he said resolutely. “I promise it’ll be worth the wait.”
With that tiny bit of distance between you, you could see a prominent, hard ridge in his trousers. You must have been staring, because Wyll chuckled and cleared his throat, quickly adjusting himself to hide his erection. Well, as much as he could. 
You swallowed and licked your lips. “Do you — ”
He smiled at you broadly as he brushed a strand of hair behind your ear. “Don’t worry about me,” he said. “By the time we pack up these crates, I’ll be all settled down.”
Oh, right. The wine. Lakrissa and Alfira were waiting for them.
But still….
You hooked two fingers around his belt loop and stepped closer. “But what if I want to?”
Wyll cupped your face in his hands and pressed his mouth to yours, chaste and sweet. “Then you’ll have to wait until tomorrow night.”
Author's Note: This was meant to be like a 2k word oneshot and it turned into a whole thing. I'm still relatively new to writing in second person POV, so I'm sorry for any mistakes!
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druidrot · 8 months
so i was looking at the other parts of the ways to show emotion prompt list and part 3 has some great lists so i was hoping you could do “opening mouth slightly” pupils dilating” and “licking lips” with Gale from the how to show desire prompts 👀👀 no worries if not, congrats on the new blog!
thanks so much! and thanks for being my first requester! i’m happy to oblige. now i’m posting on mobile so i apologize if the formatting is wonky. with that being said, enjoy!
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just a short little drabble, unsure of word count
pairing: gale dekarios x reader
rating: mature - more suggestive than anything else;)
he’s allowed to have fun at the tiefling party okay?? just let me have this. i get it’s canon divergent just shut up and let me be horny
It was here Gale felt his resolve crumble.
He prides himself on his self-control. In fact, he thinks he’s been a saint since he joined your adventuring party, since this painfully slow dance started between you both.
But he feels his patience waring thin. The tiefling party at the camp has no doubt been a success. He waited patiently as you did your rounds accepting their gifts and thanks so very graciously. He bid his time as you danced and sung and drank with everybody else, working your sweet charm on them.
He knows better, though. He thinks you are a different person under the cover of moonlight, here where you stare up at him with half-lidded, glassy eyes, lips pulled up in the sweetest little smile. You still hold your chalice of wine but your free hand has taken to his, twirling your fingers around his long, narrow digits. He feels his mouth drop open as you take a step closer, your pupils dilating until the beautiful color of your iris is all but hidden.
Around you, the little celebration rages on. In the distance, you can hear Karlach whooping over some drinking game the rowdier of the bunch had taken to playing. Just down the camp from you, Alfira sings a lovely ballad of lover’s lost, Lakrissa bobbing her head from a few paces down.
Gale should be excited about the festivities, elated with the things your party accomplished, ready to drink his troubles away for the night. Instead, he finds himself totally enamored with you., eyes locked on your every movement. He doesn’t know when you became so intoxicating to him, but in this moment, he finds he can’t complain.
“You look like the tressym got your tongue,” you whisper, sidling even closer. “My my, have you been brooding here because I’ve not paid you any attention? Or is saving poor helpless refugees not really your speed?”
You bump your nose against his as your tongue wets your lips. His eyes are immediately drawn to the action and he has to physically fight the urge to rush forward and kiss you. Instead, he grins roguishly at you.
“Quite the rotten little minx, you are,” he teases. taking a step back to cool his body. “Go enjoy yourself, darling. Besides, I’m sure there’s quite the line to get a dance with you tonight. You’ll have plenty of time to harass me later.”
“What if I want to harass you right now? What if I want to spend all night harassing you?”
Gale feels like he’s on fire. Before either of you can really process, he pulls you into a slow, heady kiss.
“You will be the death of me,” he pants between desperate kisses. “You will be the death of us all.”
He is quick to escalate, despite his warning and his lips grow frenetic as he chases your tongue with his, pushing into your mouth with a sense of urgency you didn’t think him capable of. He pulls your body close, impossibly so, and you can do nothing but moan as he continues to kiss you.
“The orb,” Gale tries, whimpering between consuming kisses.
“Don’t blow up on me,” is your only retort, happily losing yourself to the weight of his kiss.
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bg-brainrot · 7 months
Hugs for a Vampire (Astarion x GN!Reader) - Chapter 16: Before the End
Chapter 16: Before the End
Each chapter can be read as a standalone hug.
Pairing: Astarion x GN!Reader (Rogue!Tav)
Genre: Fluffy, Filling in Canon
Rating: Teen
Tags: Gender-Neutral Pronouns, POV Second Person, Act 3, post-cazador, planning fluff
WC: 2.3k words, 16/18 chapters
Summary: Set right before the end, Rogue!Tav and Astarion discuss their future. Rogue!Tav is determined to not make Astarion's decision for him.
Ao3 | [Hug15][Hug17] | Hugs for a Vampire Masterlist
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It’s almost over. You can tell by the way that your companions listlessly sway whenever you’re not actively doing something to either cause someone bodily harm or save someone from bodily harm. Part of the unease comes from the fact that you may all die any day now, but a not-insignificant part is not knowing where you all will be after all of this.
Despite being forced together through danger, fear, tears– gods were there tears– you’ve all grown incredibly close. You’re getting to the point where you fondly think back on even some of your worst moments, remembering the way that Karlach had made a funny face or Lae’zel had made a comment that threw all of you off for a moment. In spite of (or perhaps because of) all of their flaws and quirks, you’ve come to love each of them in turn. And, of course, there is Astarion, for whom you have an even deeper affection for. Whatever happens in the coming days, that’s something that will stay, rooted to the deepest parts of you.
This love you have for them is all you’ve been able to think about recently. Which is why, as their leader, you decide to make sure that the time you have left together is worth it, that you all leave knowing the impact you’ve had on each others’ lives. So lately every night at the Elfsong has been veritable feast after veritable feast.
You have enough gold to comfortably order food and drinks for all, and it’s no Alfira but you heartily tip the Elfsong for its lively music. If you're lucky, you even get visitors from The Guild, Ramazith's Tower, or the rest of your tiefling allies to join in the festivities.
Tonight is one such lucky night, and the Elfsong is bursting at the seams with familiar faces and raucous laughter. Dammon is deep in conversation with Wyll, discussing a rare weapon you’d recently pocketed from a Bhaalist. Lakrissa and Alfira roll their heads back in gleeful giggles at a dirty joke Karlach delivered. Rolan is smiling despite the very colorful argument he’s having with Gale about schools of magic. Several members of The Guild seem to have completely changed their tune about the Stone Lord as Minsc and Boo regale tales of his adventures. You look on with a pleased smile and a cup of sweet honeyed mead.
The room is full of mirth, music drifts throughout the inn’s wooden walls— the atmosphere is without a doubt impeccable. So you do your best to be present, to act the leader you’ve been up to this point. But, despite the camaraderie in the air, you feel incredibly stifled. 
Normally, you would recuse yourself, inform them of your whereabouts in case of some unseen danger lurking in the shadows. But you’re certain that, short of the Absolute showing up on your doorstep, you’ve eliminated all major threats within a five block radius. So you slip away unseen. You don’t want to be the reason why anyone’s revelry is cut short or loses an ounce of its joy.
Satisfied that everyone is occupied, even your silver-haired lover, you slip up the stairs. It’s dark, but you’re able to navigate past your shared lodgings, up the stairs to the roof, where you’d first met Alfira when you entered the city. It is a lovely spot, perhaps somewhere you’d have liked to have a picnic with a certain vampire.
Not that we will be able to, after we eliminate that evil brain, you think to yourself. 
Enough of that, you chide yourself. You should be so lucky to enjoy as many picnics as you’d like, in or out of the sun, with Astarion. 
You nod to yourself, knowing that there are more pressing matters than picnics. Such as what will happen to you all if you don’t succeed? What if you actually do succeed? How long does Karlach have left? Will Lae’zel be able to stand against Vlaakith? You’ve saved Duke Ravengard, but where does that leave Wyll? Despite your repeated warnings, will that damned wizard go for the crown? 
Question after question comes to your mind, each one vying for your attention more urgently than the last. After what feels like hours of haranguing yourself and doubting every decision you’ve made thus far, you’re left with one final question: Where will I be in a week?
Realistically, you haven’t been gone that long. So when you hear a rustling behind you, you know you haven’t been able to reign in your emotions quite yet.
“Darling?” You turn to see Astarion climbing up and onto the roof, the latch to the Elfsong closing softly behind him. Of course he found you. His voice is questioning at first, but, seeing the grim set of your face, he hurries forward in concern. “Is something wrong?”
You shake your head, as if you could shake the doubt you feel along with it. “Nothing’s wrong.”
He, of course, doesn’t believe your dismissal. “The wrinkles in your forehead say otherwise, dear.”
“How dare you,” you say, releasing the scrunch of your face. “I do not have forehead wrinkles.”
A flash of fangs shine in the moonlight as Astarion laughs. “I swear it’s not a mockery. I rather like the lines of your face. If only they weren’t caused by realm annihilating horrors.” 
“Thanks,” you state dryly. “And I’m sure we’ll find plenty more worries once this Elder Brain is dealt with.”
“I expect no less.” He steps forward, closing the distance between you in a few gliding strides. He stops a hare's breath away, looking at you directly in the eyes. “Now, if nothing’s wrong, will you at least tell me what’s on your mind?”
You consider this for a moment. It’s hard to pinpoint a singular thing that plagues you right now, and you’re reluctant to add to Astarion’s worries. Besides, most of your worries are likely already on his mind to some degree. So you opt for something that’s been lurking in the back of your thoughts in these last weeks in the city, ever since you defeated Cazador–  A conversation you’d like to have prior to defeating the evil plaguing the city, and one that you need Astarion for. “You, for starters.”
“Me?” Astarion seems cautious, sensing that it isn’t just ‘how much I love my vampiric lover’ on your mind. “Did I do something wrong?”
Shaking your head vigorously, you hold up your hands in shock, “Oh gods no, it’s nothing like that.” He seems to calm after that reaction, so you continue. “More like, now that you’re free to live your life, where will you go... Where does that leave me… That kind of thing.” 
It seems you've surprised your lover into a rare silence. You're somewhat taken aback yourself, as if saying the words aloud has given them physical form and now it's up to the two of you to fell this beast together.
When he finally speaks, his voice is barely above a whisper, "Where would you like to be?"
"By your side, naturally." You've said as much before, but like you are wont to do with Astarion, you’d rather reassure and remind him every chance you have. Also, as the end draws near, you don’t want to presume– he has two centuries of life to catch up on, who’s to say he’d like to be tethered to a random Baldurian rogue.
"Naturally," he says, a sigh of relief carrying the word forward. 
"Unless you'd rather I find some other snarky vampire to fawn over?" You say, a teasing smile playing on your lips.
"While I know vampires are in no short supply currently, I can't say that any of them have my charms or wits." He flips a lock of hair back, as if to give you a better view of his wits on display.
You click your tongue disapprovingly, before brushing his hair back into place. "I don't know, dear. I heard some of Petras' seduction…" Trailing off to let him extrapolate, you are rewarded by an immediate eye roll. Astarion knows you too well at this point.
"By all means, run off to Petras," he taunts with a smirk, placing his hands on your hips and pulling you toward him. "I'd love to see if he'd survive a night with you."
You laugh, and place your arms around his waist. "So the answer to my question is yes?" Your voice remains lighthearted but the question still lingers in the air and you'd rather discuss it, even if you were the one who started the teasing. Would you rather I leave you be after this?
His face grows serious under your prying eyes. And he slowly, deliberately shakes his head in a silent No. Then, clearing his throat, he follows it with, "You said I was stuck with you. I suppose I should be grateful for such a penance and accept it with grace."
The answer is dramatic, it's pompous and loving in a roundabout way. In short, it's very Astarion. It brings a smile to your face and brings you to your next question. "Good, now that that's settled. Where should we go?" 
In past musings, Astarion has mentioned places that might make sense, including the Under Dark, the Undercity, perhaps just adopting a very nocturnal lifestyle and settling in Baldur’s Gate. You haven’t had a strong preference and are eager to see your love exercise his freedom in any way he wishes. Plus, after all of the leading you’ve been subjected to, you rather like the idea of Astarion forging the path forward.
He looks into your eyes now, his red eyes brimming with uncertainty at making a major decision for himself for the first time in 200 years. “Wouldn’t you like a say in this?”
You shake your head, not breaking eye contact with him. “Whatever your choice, I’m sure it will suit me just fine.”
Astarion stills, silently staring into your eyes for some time. All the while, you stroke calming circles on his back, soothing your own stormy thoughts with each repeated motion. You wait patiently for him to consider his options as if you have all of the time in the world. Even if you didn’t, you know you’d find a way to stop time for him somehow.
When he finally speaks after a few minutes, you jolt a bit at the sudden noise. “I would like to start in the Under Dark, I think. Make sure that the spawn are settling in properly.”
You beam at him, pride swelling in your heart. “Fantastic idea, love. I should think they need someone with more experience to help them figure it all out.”
He nods, drinking in your expression, your compliment like a man who’s gone without for far too long. “Yes, it is a brilliant idea.” He smiles, and, like always, his toothy grin never fails to make your heart flutter. “Though, my brilliance doesn’t stop there.”
“Oh? Pray tell.”
“I was thinking,” he starts, cupping your face with a cold hand. “What do you say to… staying in touch with everyone? Assuming we don’t all die, of course.”
“Of course,” you repeat, knowing that this entire conversation is under that assumption. You have a questioning look in your eye when you continue, “What are you saying, Astarion? Are you saying that you might miss Gale?”
If Astarion had just fed, you’re certain he’d be blushing right now. As it is, he just grips your face tightly and with deeply furrowed brows replies, “I am not saying that. He can turn Illithid for all I care.” Despite his posturing, you know he cares about your companions. It took him quite a while, especially with the aforementioned wizard, but you could tell by the way his banter lost its edge, the way he checked on them after a tough fight, and shared even the best items that you stole.
Regardless, you sense that that wasn’t the point of his brilliant idea. “Alright then, what are you saying?”
He releases some of his hold on you, placing the hand on your neck now. You lean into it as he says, “I’m saying that I know how much you– ugh– worry about them. Though why exactly is beyond me–”
“Right. Well, sunlight permitting, perhaps you would enjoy visiting them? Besides, they’re incredibly powerful allies, who are we to deny those connections.” He scoffs, tilts his head nonchalantly, makes light of it, but the truth of it isn’t hard to see. Of course, he’ll miss them despite himself, but this is for you above all else. 
“Love,” you say, a warm smile lighting up your face. “That is a phenomenal idea.”
“Only the best for my sweet.” His responding smile is genuine, loving, utterly unguarded. It prompts you to be honest again.
“I know this entire situation is… well, shit. But, despite it all, I feel oddly lucky.” You smirk at him, but your eyes stay soft. “Because, even if the world crumbles around us, I found you.”
The adoration in your eyes proves too much for him to bear. He pulls your face in for a kiss, his lips devouring yours in a hungry frenzy, as if he’s been without for years not mere hours. You respond in kind, your own desperation matching his. If this could be your last kiss, your last night together, you don’t want to leave this plane of existence with any regrets.
Astarion’s hand drifts into your hair, angling your face for a deeper kiss, his other pulling your hips as flush to him as he can manage. You feel that same need, to just be closer, impossibly close. So your arms hold him firmly, drawing him as close as you can, wishing beyond reason that this embrace, this kiss, this love would never end. 
You kiss each other senselessly, desperate to get lost in each other before this all ends. You stand next to each other on the precipice to the end of the world, but in his arms, the chaos is quiet.
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commander-krios · 5 months
I was tagged by @lemonsrosesandlavender, thank you so much!! These are always fun <3
Tagging: @aevallare, @eluvisen, @aceghosts, @storyknitter, @starknstarwars and @my-favourite-zhent
Last book I read: 
The last book I finished was "The Hobbit" by J.R.R. Tolkien but that was like last year lmao Currently, my reading list has "The Time of Contempt" by Andrzej Sapkowski (i'm about 1/3 of the way through it I think) and I might attempt to start the Dune series if I get brave enough.
Greatest literary inspiration: 
Sylvia Plath and J.R.R. Tolkien are pretty important to me as far as writing goes. And Jeaniene Frost. They are all different in their styles and writing but each have their importance to fiction.
Things in my current fandom I want to read but I don't want to write:
More tiefling refugee fics! I don't have a preference on which ones because I love them all! Bex, Danis, Lakrissa, Alfira, Ikaron, Guex etc all deserve as much love and attention as Rolan, Dammon, and Zevlor imo. I mean, I WILL probably write more for them eventually, but I'd like to be able to read more about them in general.
Things in my current fandoms I want to write but I think nobody would be interested in them but me: 
Me and maybe a handful of people maybe, but I'd like to write more about the Zhentarim prior to the events of BG3. Mainly focused on my former Zhent and Rugan, but there are some relationships I'd like to explore more and some characters like Zarys and Roah.
You can recognise my writing by:
Descriptive emotion, angst, pining, hurt/comfort. I love writing self reflection for a character as well as characters taking in the things around them: scents, sounds, people, etc.
My most controversial take ( current fandom):
I not a fan of x reader fics. Idk why they got to be so popular but I'd rather read about people's OCs! I've read a few x reader in the last few months and they can be done well, but I think it's a POV thing for me. I don't like being the one put in the situations.
Current writing mood (10 – super motivated and churning out words like crazy, 0 – in a complete rut):
Uhhh anywhere from a 0 to a 3, depends on what part of the day we're at. It's been a struggle for the last few months. I did write a little bit for Round Rugan with my friends in the Zhent Discord Server, but personally, it's been tough. I'm hoping I got a breakthrough on my cat!Juni fic though, so fingers crossed.
Top three favourite tropes:
Hmmm that's a tough question. If we're going by favorite tropes to write, I'd say hurt/comfort. I always need hurt with the comfort, even if it's held off for a bit. Some good ole mutual pining. It's always requited even if a character doesn't realize it. There needs to be a resolution to it though. And found family. I am a sucker for found family always.
Share a random frustration:
Fandom. Just... fandom.
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randoimago · 10 months
Loudly Singing Together
Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3
Character(s): Alfira, Lakrissa
Type of Request: Winter Event Thingy
Note(s): I love these two so very much. I feel bad for knocking Alfira out so many times but it's better than the alternative with Dark Urge
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There was some bard at the Elf song earlier. One that sounded horrendous and definitely tone deaf. Listening to them was awful and the fact that they got to stay and perform because they spent the gold to be allowed to perform was tragic.
Now you, Lakrissa, and Alfira are on the roof. You're talking and having drinks and the bard is brought up.
"I can sing better than that rubbish," Lakrissa exclaims and Alfira is trying to get her to calm down a bit, but it's not enough as Lakrissa begins to sing the same song the bard was. Except instead of singing better, she was mimicking him. You couldn't help giggling as you joined in.
"Oh you two, they probably had a cold or something," Alfira defends but even she can't help the amused smile. She's the one that was hiding out on the roof so she didn't get a chance to truly hear how awful the bard was.
"Oh Alfira, it was dreadful. I was ready to grab a tomato to throw," Lakrissa states, smiling at Alfira before going back to her mimicry of the tone deaf bard.
"It really was bad, Alfira. And that's not Lakrissa being her usual mean self," you agree and get a light shove from the other girl. Alfira just shakes her head at you both.
"You both are so loud. I knew I should've said no to Lakrissa sneaking drinks tonight." Alfira sighs while you and Lakrissa continue your awful rendition of that song the bard had attempted to sing while Alfira shakes her head at the antics.
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nerdallwritey · 18 days
Awfully Fond of You
Request: i was wondering if you’d be willing to write a little something for act 1, during the tiefling party for an autistic tav who has a crush on astarion but also has body insecurities + SA trauma, maybe instead of the usual scene that goes down they request to bathe with astarion instead? a tav with poor interoception (sense of awareness with one’s body) who loves to help and touch others but doesn’t quite register others touching them or how they feel about it but still craving intimacy with astarion is something i’m obsessed with (*^^*)*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・* i love your writing style and NEVER request so im super nervous!!  - 🪴 (Link to original request here).
Pairing: Astarion x gn!reader Rating: 18+ - no smut, but mature themes Word Count: 7.7k CW: Very vague alludes to SA trauma, reader is a sweetie pie, Astarion is an idiot as always - No explicit smut this time; this one's mostly fluff! Spoilers: Minor spoilers for Act 1 (in-game dialogue, plot points, etc.), as well as Astarion's plotline Also posted to: AO3
a/n: Hello folks! I come bearing my very first request fulfillment! As you can tell from the ask, 🪴 anon wanted something very personal and sweet, and I'm incredibly honored that they chose me to see their vision come to life. I did my best to hit every beat they requested, while also staying true to my writing style, which, of course, means there's plenty of banter to be had. Yes, it is a bit similar to An Evening To Ourselves and Perfect Every Time (I swear I was in the middle of writing that one when I received this request), but I'm pleased with how this new remix of Astarion's Act 1 romance scene turned out! And yes, the title IS based on a lyric from everyone's favorite Sesame Street bath time song, "Rubber Duckie." HIT IT, BOYS! (Thank you, as always, to @kermitwazowski for beta reading!) NOTE: This Tav is completely separate from bard!Tav and does not take place in the same universe as Beauty and the Bard. Part 5 of that coming soon! And my request box is open!
Without further ado, 🪴 anon, I hope you like it!
The air in camp was abuzz with laughter and cheer. Booze flowed into goblets and down throats, and smiles graced the faces of nearly every guest currently in attendance of the last minute celebration thrown together by you and your companions.
With the goblins and their leaders defeated in what turned out to be a rather difficult encounter, Halsin and Zevlor had insisted on celebrating with you and your party at your campsite before the tieflings made their way to Baldur’s Gate within the next few days. 
Alfira supplied the evening with a somewhat constant stream of joyful songs, only stopping every so often to enjoy a drink with Lakrissa, while other tieflings danced and mingled with each other, relief and excitement making their shoulders relax as they reached for more goblets of wine. 
You were in the process of making your rounds through the party; you’d shared a drink with Shadowheart, some jokes with Gale and Karlach, a quiet moment with Wyll, and a confusing conversation with Lae’zel about limbs being torn from a neogi? You weren’t entirely sure what those even were, but you had to assume they were a fearsome creature if Lae’zel was bringing it up. 
That only left Astarion.
To be honest, you’d been avoiding him all night. Try as he might to catch your eye whenever you passed by, whether it be with a pointed clearing of his throat or a blatant call of your name, you would zero in on something else, and focus all your attention on that. Even if it meant sitting through an extended conversation with Volo. 
But now, there was nowhere left to go. Unless you opted to avoid him completely. And that would only lead to questions from your companions that you wouldn’t know how to answer.
It wasn’t that you didn’t like him. No. In fact, it was the exact opposite. You liked him a lot. And you weren’t sure what to do about it. 
Astarion was the most beautiful man you’d ever seen and you were… you. You’d been you, your whole life, and knew for a fact that the pair of you were an odd couple. Where he was crass, you were kind. Where he was violent, you opted to talk things through. 
And yet, you couldn’t help but enjoy spending time with him. His bloodlust was fascinating to watch, and you loved sparring both physically and verbally with him. More than once, you’d both saved the other’s ass in a sticky situation during battle. More than once, you’d allowed him to drink from you to ease his sanguine hunger. 
You were pretty sure that at the very least, he considered you a friend, though you weren’t sure he’d ever directly admit that to you. Unlike Gale and Wyll, who often reminded you how much they appreciated your friendship, Astarion was much tougher to read. Yet despite his somewhat malicious name calling and disapproval towards your actions, you couldn’t help but feel that he had a soft spot for you. Even when you were telling him he couldn’t kill a man in cold blood, it seemed like he legitimately enjoyed your company. The thought made you smile softly.
Taking in a deep breath and straightening your posture, you finally willed yourself to approach the vampire.
His eyes lit up in that way they often did when he was preparing to tease you.
“There you are, darling,” he said, dramatically. “I was worried I’d never see you again.”
“Worried I’d leave you, huh?” you teased with a smirk. 
Astarion tsked. “Perish the thought. But I recognize someone avoiding me when I see it.”
“Ah,” you clasped your hands in front of yourself, looking down at the ground, “you noticed that.”
“When I usually have to pry you away from me, yes, I noticed.” He took a swig of the wine he was holding.
You nodded and bobbed back and forth on your toes. “Best for last, I guess?” you shrugged your shoulders and smiled at him, hoping he’d drop the subject.
He hummed lamely. 
“So,” you perked up, “are you enjoying the party? I see you’ve been indulging in the spirits.”
“Watching me, were you?” Astarion smirked and you held up your hands, caught.
“You know,” he said, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, “I never pictured myself as a hero.”
You reached out to squeeze his arm. “Don’t say that.”
His eyes met yours, and he gently pulled his arm out of your grasp. He cleared his throat before continuing.
“Never thought I’d be the one they toast for saving so many lives. And now that I’m here…” He closed his eyes and took another swig of his wine. When he brought the bottle away and opened his eyes, he met you with a scowl. “I hate it. This is awful.”
You laughed. “Really? Saving lives is awful?” 
Astarion rolled his eyes. “We killed some goblins to save some tieflings. The tally of lives didn’t change much.”
“You’re awful,” you shook your head affectionately. 
He looked smug before puffing his chest. “And what do I get for all my hard work?”
“I have a feeling you’re going to tell me.”
“Nothing but a pat on the head, and vinegar for wine.” 
You pursed your lips and reached for the bottle, brushing your fingers against his own. 
“Let me try,” you said, lifting the bottle to your lips and taking a sip. Your tongue was flooded with the bitter taste of fermented grapes and something else you couldn’t place. Your face scrunched at the flavor and Astarion snorted.
“See what I mean? Awful.”
You handed the bottle back to him, smacking your tongue to get rid of the aftertaste. He took the opportunity to continue speaking.
“All I want is a little fun. Is that so much to ask?”
You let out an amused scoff. “Knowing you, it probably is.”
Astarion lifted a hand to his chest in mock offense. “Oh, don’t be so sour. I like a good time as much as anyone.”
“‘Sour,’” you repeated, pointing at his wine bottle. “Good one.”
He smirked. “You know, we could always make our own entertainment, darling.”
“Oh, really?” You lifted an eyebrow. “And what does that entail?”
“We could get a little closer, so to speak.”
You were suddenly very aware of how close you were standing to Astarion. You took a considerable step backwards and crossed your arms. 
“Sorry, I was really close to you just now, wasn’t I?” You rubbed up and down your bicep awkwardly.
Astarion blinked before his face settled into a seductive smirk. He reached his free hand out to rest on your hip. “On the contrary, my dear. I rather like it when you’re close.”
“Oh, good,” you sighed in relief. You brought your hand down to where Astarion’s rested on your hip. “Sometimes I can’t tell.”
He chuckled, squeezing your hip slightly. “So what do you say?”
“To us getting closer? I don’t mind!” To emphasize your point, you took a step forward and rested your other hand on his shoulder.
Astarion furrowed his brow. Then he chuckled again, gently removing both of your hands from his body. “While I appreciate your enthusiasm, let’s wait until things quieten down. Once the others are asleep, we’ll find each other.”
“Okay, now I’m really interested in what kind of entertainment you have planned.” You smirked at him, sensing a shift in his tone, but unsure of what it meant. “Don’t tell me you’re a master of shadow puppets or something.”
He smiled skeptically. “Very funny,” he said slowly. “But I trust you’ll meet me?”
You giggled. “Yes, I’ll see you later, Astarion.” 
“Indeed you will, my love. Indeed you will.” Rather than bid you a proper goodbye, Astarion brought the wine bottle to his lips once more and turned away from you. 
You spun on your heel and made your way back to the party. 
This was fine. Good, even! Spending time one-on-one with Astarion was probably exactly what you needed if you wanted to navigate this silly crush you’d developed. Sure, he’d just called you “my love,” and that was a new one, but it wasn’t that much different from the other pet names he threw at you and your companions. You didn’t need this foolish infatuation distracting you on your journey or, gods forbid, diverting your attention during battle. No, this would be the perfect time to remind yourself and your fluttering heart that Astarion was, first and foremost, your friend, and a person. It didn’t need to be anything more than that. 
Your feet carried you not too far from Astarion’s tent and landed you at Karlach’s tent, the tiefling in question currently lying on her back, looking up at the stars.
“Hey, Hot Stuff,” you said, standing over her. 
“Soldier!” she grinned, her eyes a bit fuzzy from the wine. 
“This seat taken?” You kicked your foot over some dirt to her left. 
“All yours,” she said, sitting up to join you. 
You settled down next to her and watched the party still taking place at the center of camp. It sounded like Gale and Lae’zel were having some sort of heated argument over which main courses were best to prepare for battle, while Halsin awkwardly weaved between them to gather a plate of food for himself.
“Saw you chatting up Fangs just now,” Karlach playfully air-elbowed you, careful not to accidentally touch and scorch you. “Did he have anything good to say?”
“Nothing out of the ordinary,” you shrugged. “He was an ass to me, I was an ass to him, the usual.”
Karlach nodded. “Sounds about right.”
You both sat in pleasant silence for a moment before you laughed a little. “It’s funny, he actually asked me to spend time with him tonight, after the party.”
Karlach furrowed her brow. “After the party? What do you mean?”
“I don’t know,” you shook your head, “he said we could ‘make our own entertainment.’” You made air quotes when you repeated his words. “I figure he wants to read together or something. It was just weird how he phrased it.”
She sat up a little straighter, her expression growing more serious. “Hang on, what were his words, exactly?”
You leaned back a little, confused by her sudden interest in your mundane conversation with the vampire. “Um… I don’t know. He said he didn’t like being a hero, I told him not to say that, he said he wanted more than a pat on the head and bad wine, I tried the wine and it was bad, he said he wanted a little fun, ‘is that so much to ask?’ and I said ‘knowing you, it probably is,’ and then he said we could make our own entertainment. Or something like that.”
“Huh.” Karlach thought for a moment. “I think he means to bone you, Soldier.”
You sputtered out a laugh. “What?! No he doesn’t!”
“He sooooo does!” Karlach barked out a laugh. “And good for you! I know I’d ride him to the Feywild and back if I had the chance.”
“He does not,” you said again, trying to convince yourself as much as you were trying to convince Karlach. 
But you faltered. 
“Does he?”
“Soldier,” Karlach lowered her head at you, giving you an incredulous look, “he was absolutely asking you to get nasty with him.” 
“Are you serious?”
“Yes!” she threw her hands up in the air. “We all see the way you look at each other! You practically undress one another with your eyes every time you see each other!”
“No we don’t!” you argued, but shrank back when Karlach raised an eyebrow at you. 
“You do. You know you do.” 
“Am I that obvious?” you asked, lifting your hands to your cheeks as you felt them heating up. 
Karlach started counting on her fingers. “He’s always the first one you check on after a battle, you’re always walking next to him when we’re traveling, AND you let him drink your blood. Weirdly often. Which is gross.”
“I like helping him,” you countered weakly. “And I always check on you guys, too!”
“Of course you do, Soldier, but we can all see how you two treat each other differently.”
You peered over at Astarion’s tent. He lounged comfortably amongst his pillows, a book propped open in his lap and his bottle of wine was not too far off. 
How could he be so casual and relaxed about all of this? The thought of talking to him later tonight made your stomach drop.
“What if I turn him down?” you asked softly, leaning forward to hug your knees.
Karlach’s expression softened. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.” She reached out a hand, but retracted it. “If I could, I’d rub your back like my mum used to do when I was a kid.”
You smiled over at her. “Thanks.”
She nodded. “If you don’t want to sleep with the leech, that’s your choice. Don’t let him talk you into it if it’s not what you want.”
“I’m not entirely sure what I want,” you admitted, looking up at the familiar stars above.
Karlach sighed. “Well, you don’t have to decide anything tonight.” She nodded her head towards his tent. “In fact, I could go beat the shit out of him, if you’d like.”
You laughed. “Not necessary. But I appreciate the offer.”
“I’ll do it.”
“I know you will,” you smiled and settled your cheek on top of your knee. “I do really like him,” you confessed.
Karlach thought for a moment. “So, if you don’t mind me asking, what’s the problem?” She cocked her head curiously.
You sighed. “Sex isn’t really something… I have a great relationship with.”
“Ah,” Karlach nodded. “Same,” she joked, flaring her flames a little for good measure.
You snickered quietly. “I won’t get into it, but… yeah. No thanks. For now, at least.”
“Say no more,” she held up her hand and turned to observe Astarion at his tent. “You could always just see what he has to say? Maybe he just wants to show you he’s a master at shadow puppets or something.”
“That’s what I said!” you laughed, and Karlach joined in.
When you’d both settled, she spoke again. “But seriously, Soldier. Astarion may be a freaky vampiric bastard, but I don’t think he’d hurt you.”
“I don’t think he would either.”
“He knows we’d kill him.”
“I’m sure you’d all take turns sending him to the hells.”
“You bet your sweet ass we would,” she brought her fist to her hand as if preparing to punch this hypothetical Astarion. 
After another quiet moment, she spoke again. “You don’t have to go with him tonight. Or, I could come with you, if you want. As backup.”
“Thanks,” you said, “but I think I need to have this conversation with him alone.”
“Of course.”
You looked back over at Astarion’s tent. He was now standing and stretching his arms over his head. When he caught you watching him, he smirked and threw a wink in your direction. You quickly snapped your head forward, back towards the center of the party. Groaning, you brought your hands up to cover your face.
“What am I gonna do?”
Staring into the trees ahead of you, you remained frozen in place. 
The party had died down and dispersed about an hour ago, giving you and your companions plenty of time to perform a quick cleanup and head to bed. And just as Astarion had said, once a peaceful quiet had enveloped the camp, he’d come to your tent and wordlessly motioned for you to follow him. 
Now you were wringing your hands, trying to convince yourself to follow after him into the forest.
Karlach was right: you didn’t have to do anything you didn’t want to do. And Astarion was a reasonable guy. 
To a degree.
Okay, no he wasn’t. 
He was always prepared to kill someone who wronged him in an instant. But surely he’d be reasonable in this department. Your gut told you that that was true. And if it wasn’t, you’d sicc Karlach and the others on him. 
You knew it wouldn’t come to that, though. You felt strongly that he was the type who wouldn’t react rashly to a rejection. 
Before you’d even made up your mind to do so, you found yourself walking into the trees, following the general direction you’d seen Astarion head off towards. The least you could do was hear him out. And who knew, maybe this would be a funny anecdote in your friendship later on down the line. Only time would tell.
It took a few minutes of mindless wandering before you reached a clearing. You kept going, prepared to keep walking until you eventually found Astarion, when you spotted him emerging from behind a tree in your peripheral. 
You screeched to a halt and turned to face him, growing stiff with nerves when you realized he was shirtless. 
“There you are,” he said, his hand lingering on the tree behind him. “I’ve been waiting.” 
He approached you slowly. 
You stood completely still.
He continued, “Waiting since the moment I set eyes on you.”
You swallowed thickly.
He moved even closer. “Waiting to have you.”
“About that,” you said, struggling to keep your voice steady, “what exactly do you mean?”
Astarion’s sensual expression morphed into one of confusion. Then he laughed a little. “Isn’t it obvious? Tonight is about pleasure.”
“I was afraid you’d say that,” you muttered.
While you were pretty sure he heard you, Astarion pressed on anyway. 
“Yours. Mine. Our collective ecstasy.”
“Astarion,” you said quickly, surging forward to grab his hands in yours, “please.”
He looked surprised, but quickly recovered with an alluring smirk. “Please what, darling?”
“We don’t have to.”
Astarion narrowed his eyes skeptically. “Don’t have to what?”
You groaned and leaned your head forward to rest on his bare shoulder. After a second you lifted your face back up to look at him. “We don’t have to sleep together.”
This time, Astarion looked stunned. “Then… what are you doing here?” 
You shrugged. “I thought we could talk.”
Astarion pulled away from you and took a step back. “‘Talk?’ I thought we had an understanding?”
“See, that’s the thing,” you said, “I did not understand.”
“Hmm,” he hummed and tilted his head in disbelief.
“I’m serious,” you said, stepping closer to him again. “I thought you wanted to spend time together.”
“Oh, but I do,” his lips quirked up mischievously. “I mean to spend the entire night with you, my dear.”
“And while that sounds great, I think you and I are having different thoughts about how to spend that time.” You held his gaze, willing him to hear you.
He humphed. “So you don’t want to have sex with me?”
“Not right now, no.”
He sputtered his lips together and threw his arms up. “And what does that mean?”
“It means… It means I don’t want to have sex right now. At all.” You watched his face scrunch in incredulity. “It has nothing to do with you!” you clarified, grabbing one of his hands again. “Believe me, this is all me.”
Astarion looked you up and down, scanning your body language. You still held his hand and leaned into him ever so slightly. 
“What’s this then?” he asked, placing his free hand over the hand holding his.
You pulled away from him completely. “Sorry,” you said, “I end up touching the people I like. I don’t realize I’m doing it.”
He narrowed his eyes, putting the pieces together in his head. 
“You like me.”
“And you don’t want to sleep with me.”
“So… what? You want to be friends or something?” He made a sour expression.
You laughed softly. “I’d like to think we’re already friends, actually.”
“And why would you think that?” Astarion asked, but you saw in his eyes that he was teasing.
You smiled lightly. “Maybe because you won’t stop following me around Faerûn?”
“Well, it’s not like I-”
“Or maybe because you’ve had a taste of my blood and now you can’t get enough?”
“Okay, that’s-”
“Or maybe because Karlach said you treat me differently than you treat everyone else.”
“She did not!” Astarion sounded genuinely scandalized and you laughed.
“Face it, pretty boy, you like me, too.”
Astarion groaned and rolled his eyes. “This is not at all going how I planned.”
You pursed your lips and wrapped your arms around yourself again. “Sorry.”
He glanced back at you and saw you staring at the ground. He sighed. 
“No, I’m sorry, darling.”
You met his eyes. He stepped closer and placed his hands on your cheeks. Instinctively, you leaned into his touch. 
“I assumed you wanted the same thing as me, and I was wrong.”
“It’s okay,” you assured. “You couldn’t have known.”
“Still,” he said, his thumb caressing the apple of your cheek, “I misread your touches as advances rather than…” He searched for the proper words. “One of your quirks.”
You exhaled, amused. “You didn’t entirely misread me.”
“I do like you. A lot. And if things were different, maybe I would sleep with you, but…”
Astarion pulled away from you and held up a hand. “No explanation needed, darling.” He smirked. “But it's good to know how you feel.”
You felt your cheeks go red. “Yeah,” you said, suddenly shy.
Astarion clicked his tongue. “You’re so adorable when you’re thinking of what to say.”
You shook your head and patted your cheeks. “I have another idea,” you said.
He nodded for you to continue and crossed his arms.
“Um… if it’s alright with you, I…” You paused, not exactly sure how he’d react. 
“What is it, darling?”
“I’d like to… bathe you.”
Astarion uncrossed his arms and looked rather dumbfounded.
Your words came out clumsily and a little too fast: “Or not! I don’t know, I just like you so much, and I’d like to be closer to you but I don’t want to have sex with you so I thought maybe we could get closer another way, or maybe-”
“Okay,” Astarion interrupted.
He moved closer to you and brushed some hair out of your face.
“Okay,” he repeated softly. “Let’s bathe together.”
“Oh,” you said, disbelief painting your features. 
Astarion laughed. “Did you assume I’d say no?”
You shrugged as a smile grew on your face. “I don’t know what I expected,” you reached for his hand, “but I’m really glad you said yes.”
The walk back to camp was pleasantly silent, save for the crickets singing their nightly aria. Astarion kept pace with you, the back of your hands brushing every so often, each time sending a tiny shock wave through your body. 
This was happening. You were going to have a private, intimate moment with Astarion. Even if it hadn’t been what he originally intended, you were happy to think of a compromise that still allowed you to get close to him in a way that you knew the others in camp hadn’t, and probably wouldn’t. It made you feel special.
And nervous. 
Nervous as all hells, to be honest. You felt your heart speeding up with every step you took, bringing you closer to camp.
“Something wrong, darling?” Astarion asked, giving you a sideways glance.
You jumped a little when his voice broke the silence. “Huh?”
“Your heart, love. It’s pounding.” He waggled his eyebrows teasingly. “Nervous?”
“Oh, that.” You held a hand to your chest and focused on slowing your breathing. When you turned to look at him, you asked, “Is that weird?”
“Seeing as how this was your suggestion, maybe a little.” He smiled and nudged his shoulder into yours.
You groaned. “If this is too weird, let’s just not.”
Astarion halted and grabbed your wrist to stop you. He spun you to look into his eyes. “Whatever’s going on in that pretty little head of yours, darling, cut it out.”
“Oh, okay great. Done.”
“No, not really!” You narrowed your eyes at him.
He sighed. “Never is that easy, is it?”
It was a rhetorical question, but you shook your head anyway. 
“Well, whatever’s making you nervous, I’ll strive to steer clear of it.”
He looked at you expectantly, as if he wanted some sort of explanation. You avoided his eyes and moved to continue walking towards camp. He followed close behind.
“It’s just that…” you paused, trying to collect your thoughts. “I haven’t been… naked in front of someone. For a while.”
Astarion bit his lip, mirth in his eyes.
“Don’t laugh!” you exclaimed, mortified.
“No, no, darling!” His tone was gleeful. “Apologies. It’s just that that’s what’s making you nervous? I’ll have you know that you’re one of the more beautiful creatures who I’ve attempted to bed. You have nothing to fear. I’ve seen all manner of bodies and I can assure you, yours will be nothing short of exquisite. In fact, your shyness is rather endearing.” He smiled at you, looking like he might still be withholding a laugh.
You flattened your lips into a line. “Don’t say things you don’t mean.” You began walking ahead of him but stopped when you heard him call your name.
“I may be a rake and a thief, but I’m no liar.”
You blinked at him. “Yes you are! You lie all the time!”
“Okay, yes, sure, but I don’t lie about things that matter! Things like this!” He motioned up and down, indicating your body.
Just as he did so, the two of you emerged from the trees and into camp. You held a finger to your lips and indicated for him to be quiet. He nodded and padded after you as you crept quietly towards the shore of the lake that lapped quietly next to your sleeping campsite. You bent to pick up towels, along with the bucket that held soap and other washing supplies that you and your companions shared in an effort to stay clean on the road. You held them up and motioned for Astarion to follow you again, away from where Withers stoically kept watch, and more towards where you’d spoken with Wyll earlier in the evening. When you turned to face Astarion, his eyes were full of questions.
“Are you sure you still want to do this?” you asked.
He perked up and grinned. “My love, there is nothing I’d like more.”
You searched his eyes one more time to make sure he was serious. When you were satisfied with what you saw, you motioned for him to step into the lake. 
“Ladies first,” you teased, looking anywhere but at Astarion.
He, in turn, looked down his nose at you. “I know what this is,” he said, pointing a lazy finger at you.
“What’s what?”
“You’re stalling, darling.”
“I am not!”
Astarion crossed his arms and tilted his head towards you, unimpressed.
Your posture fell into a slouch. “Okay fine, maybe I am stalling.”
“Really?” Astarion said dramatically before dropping his arms to his sides again. He approached you, close enough to where you could feel his cool breath on your face. 
He placed both of his hands on your hips. You looked down to watch as his fingers drummed a calming rhythm into your sides. He whistled quietly, gaining your attention. 
“Let’s start here,” he suggested, now fingering the hem of your shirt. He refused to let you look away. 
You nodded.
“Good,” he purred as you raised your arms and helped him take off your shirt. 
The cool air of the evening immediately sent goosebumps down your arms, and you unconsciously crossed them over your chest for warmth.
Astarion tsked. “Come now,” he protested and placed two gentle hands on your wrists, guiding them to your sides. “Lovely,” he praised once he was able to look at you. 
You made an uncomfortable sound before placing your hands on your waistband. 
“These probably need to come off next, right?”
“Typically that’s how one bathes themself, yes.”
“Right,” you agreed, watching as Astarion mirrored you and reached for his own waistband. You looked down at your legs as you removed your pants, leaving you in only your underwear. 
“Goodness, love,” Astarion said quietly and you looked at him shyly. He himself was now only in his underwear. “You have nothing to be shy about. You’re magnificent.”
“Would you shush and get into the water please?” you half teased, half begged. Anything  to end this weird tension you were feeling. 
“Alright,” he laughed softly before reaching for the waistband of his underwear. He looked at you for approval. When you nodded, he removed them in one fluid motion as if he’d done this a million times. Maybe he had.
Regardless, you couldn’t help but stare at the space between his legs.
He cleared his throat awkwardly. “Eyes up here.”
“Sorry,” you said, immediately flicking your eyes up to his face. “I didn’t- It’s just-”
Astarion chuckled. “I understand.”
“Thank you,” you said, breathing a sigh of relief. 
“Your turn,” he said, lifting his eyebrows.
You bit your lip and slowly reached for your underwear. When you pulled them off, Astarion watched you without a hint of judgment in his eyes. You ran a hand through your hair and shifted nervously on your feet. 
He held out a hand to you and you stared at it before looking up at his face. He rolled his eyes.
“I’m not going in this frigid water alone, are you mad?”
You laughed and took his hand. He instantly pulled your body to his, holding you so that you were chest to chest. He gave you a seductive smirk before leaning in. You leaned away, avoiding his advances. You shook your head ever so slightly before stepping into the gentle water. Astarion remained standing on the shore before following after you. 
Braving the cold of the water, you sunk down until you were sitting in neck deep water. You let the bucket you’d brought with you float next to you as Astarion crept through the water, clearly freezing. 
“Why did I let you convince me to bathe at night? There’s no sun out to warm this wretched lake.”
You ducked your mouth below the surface to blow some bubbles in his direction. “You should know by now that dunking your whole body helps you warm up faster.”
He gave you a dirty look before slowly sinking down in front of you, yelping and contorting his face the entire time. You couldn’t help but squawk out a laugh. 
When he was fully seated, he pulled you towards him, making you sit in his lap. He gave you a sensual look that had you frowning and pulling back. He raised a quizzical eyebrow.
“Something wrong?” he asked.
“When I said I wanted to bathe you, that’s all I meant.”
“Ah.” His tone was confused. Then he shook his head. “Right, sorry. This is - well… you know.” He smiled, looking like he was admitting defeat and that he wasn’t pleased about it. “I have no idea what to do with you.”
You swam behind him, pulling the bucket of soap towards you and laying your hands on both of his shoulders. “You don’t have to do anything.”
He spun to face you. “Nothing?”
You nodded and he huffed out a laugh. “No sex, no fooling around…I’m sorry, darling. It’s just - having to slow down, it’s… I’m just not used to it.” 
“That’s okay,” you rested your hands on his shoulders again. “We’re in no rush.”
He hummed. “Can you… I don’t know. Help? Show me what to do?”
Laughing, you took his hand. “I’ll try.”
You led your weightless bodies into shallower water and had Astarion sit facing away from you, towards the shore. Reaching for the bucket again, you pulled out a bar of soap and a sponge. 
“Relax,” you cooed, seeing how tensely he held his shoulders close to his ears. 
He let loose a breath and you watched as he relaxed his muscles. Your eyes traveled lower, suddenly catching a glimpse of a complicated and gruesome scar on his back. Your eyes widened, taking in how the water and moonlight reflected off of it. Calmly, you dipped the sponge in the water and added soap before gently rubbing his right shoulder. Astarion melted further, allowing his neck to tilt forward, which, in turn, gave you a better view of his scarred flesh.
“Um… Is it okay for me to wash your back?” you hesitated in bringing the sponge across his shoulder and over his back to his other shoulder.
“Why wouldn’t - oh. I suppose you’re talking about the poem.” He barely looked over his shoulder at you.
“I’ve never seen a poem like this,” you said quietly, a hint of anger in your voice.
He chuckled darkly in response. “It’s a gift from my old master, Cazador. He considered himself quite the artist and used his slaves as a canvas. Do you like it, darling?” He shimmied his shoulders, mockingly preening over the evidence of his own torment.
“Not at all,” you said evenly, continuing to wash his shoulders. 
“Ouch, love, you’d hurt his feelings if he heard that.” Not a hint of joy reached his eyes.
“I don’t much care about the feelings of this old master of yours.”
“Oh, be still, my undead heart,” he held a hand to his chest sarcastically. Then he sighed. “You’re allowed to wash it. It doesn’t hurt anymore.” His voice was quiet when he said, “Thank you for asking.”
Wordlessly, you moved the sponge from the back of his neck to his shoulder blades. 
“I’m not going to break,” he laughed softly, “you don’t have to be so gentle.”
You increased the pressure you were applying to his skin before adding more soap to the sponge. “Move up a little,” you instructed, tapping him to move closer to the shore. “Lean forward.”
Now you had a better angle to wash away the grime of the road from his back, and an even better view of the scar. You clicked your tongue and set to work. 
Perhaps uncomfortable by your silence, Astarion began to speak again. “He, Cazador, composed and carved that poem over the course of a night.” There was a venom to his words. Maybe a deep regret, or a weighing sadness. “He made a lot of revisions as he went.”
Your hand paused over a particularly brutal ridge. You leaned forward and wrapped your arms around his torso, resting your cheek against the raised tissue. “You’re brave for enduring that.”
“What are you doing?” Astarion straightened, making you push your cheek further into his skin. 
You pulled back immediately. “Sorry, I wanted to hug you. I should have asked. I just… wanted you to know that I care.”
Astarion looked over his shoulder at you blankly. “You ‘care?’”
You nodded. “Turn back around, let me keep washing you.”
He gave you a slight nod before facing forward again and leaning over. 
After another silent moment of gliding the sponge across his back, you asked, “Any idea what it means? Or is it just some pattern?”
Astarion let out an unamused laugh. “Hells if I know. Not sure how much you know about vampires, darling, but typically, we can’t see our reflections.” He spoke as if talking to a child. 
You splashed his back with a small wave from your hand. “Don’t do that.”
“Do what?”
“You’re lashing out at me when I was just asking a question.”
“I-” He paused. Then he fell silent.
“I’m sorry if I overstepped but… I’m not your enemy,” you said gently. “We don’t have to keep talking about this. We don’t have to talk at all.”
Astarion groaned. “Silence is dreadful, darling.”
“Is that why you never stop talking?” you teased, trying to lighten the mood again.
“Good one,” he said flatly, but you could hear the smile in his voice. “I only talk because you lot never have anything interesting to say.”
You scoffed with a smile. “I have plenty of interesting things to say!”
“Oh, really? Like what?”
“Like-” you thought for a moment. “Like the other day! When I was talking with you about your embroidery!” By now you’d moved on to washing over Astarion’s arms. You spun him to face you so you could wash and massage his hands. 
Astarion clicked his tongue. “Unfortunately, darling, that’s not an entirely interesting topic, seeing as how I was in the middle of mending a shirt and you just wanted an excuse to talk to me.”
“I did not!” you denied, massaging between his fingers. Unconsciously, his fingers curled around yours before retracting and flexing. 
“Deny all you want, you still didn’t say anything interesting.”
“Hmm,” you narrowed your eyes at him. “If I’m so uninteresting, why did you want to spend the evening with me of all people?” You were massaging his other hand. 
“You-” He paused again.
“You’re… I’m still trying to figure you out.” His voice grew softer when you pulled yourself closer to wash across his chest. You sensed the shift and looked up at his face to make sure he was okay with your actions. When he nodded minutely, you continued. 
“If you’re trying to figure me out… one might say that you’re interested in me.”
He groaned. “Say whatever you want to help you sleep better tonight, darling.”
“Uh huh,” you said pleasantly to yourself, feeling like you’d won. You looked away to add more soap to the sponge and when you looked back, you realized how close you were to his face. His pupils were blown wider than usual and you could see yourself reflected in his eyes against the moonlight. His breath tickled your face. 
He watched you with an intensity that had you hesitating. Why was he so-?
“Look up,” you said, looking up yourself to demonstrate what you wanted. “Please.”
He held your gaze for as long as he could before looking up at the sky. 
You carefully brushed the sponge along his throat, pausing briefly when you got to the twin wounds on his throat from the night he was turned. You circled them gently with the sponge before rinsing the suds with water cupped in your hand. A shiver ran through Astarion’s body.
“Are you okay?” you asked.
“Yes,” he said looking back down at you once you’d finished rinsing the suds away. “But I’d very much like to kiss you.”
You blinked a few times before resting your forehead against his. When you pulled back, you asked, “Is it okay for me to wash your hair?”
Astarion looked at you for a moment, his eyes flicking to your lips for a second before meeting your eyes again. “I suppose so,” he said.
“I don’t have to. Your legs are still-”
“I can handle my own lower half, thank you.” He winked at you.
You smiled and handed him the sponge before bringing yourself to rest behind him again. You gathered the bucket that was still floating nearby and submerged it until it was filled about halfway with water.
“You can either dunk yourself, or I can pour this over your head,” you held the bucket for Astarion to see.
“I’m actually quite enjoying you taking care of me, darling. I trust you won’t drown me.”
“A mistake,” you said, pretending to dump the bucket over his head all at once. “Can vampires even drown? It’s not like you need to breathe.”
“I’d rather not find out, if it’s all the same to you,” he smirked. 
Instead of dumping the entire bucket on his head like you threatened, you poured a gentle stream along the back of his skull before moving forward to evenly wet the rest of his hair. 
“Bloody hells, that is cold,” he pushed some flattened curls out of his face.
“For being a fearsome vampire, you sure are a wimp,” you teased. 
“I could rip your throat out.”
“And I might be able to drown you.” You placed firm hands on both his shoulders and pushed gently, as if you wanted to test your theory. 
“Terrifying,” he smirked, running the sponge along his legs underwater.
“You should see what I did to those goblins who were holding Halsin hostage.”
Astarion laughed. “I know, darling, I was there. Who knew you could be so hellbent on vengeance?”
You laughed softly, coating your hands in soap before running them through his curls. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me.”
“Like?” he prompted.
“Astarion!” you exclaimed sarcastically. “You want to know more about me?”
“Well if I knew you’d make a fuss, I wouldn’t have said anything.” Despite his tone, his eyes were closed in pleasure as you continued to massage his scalp. 
You chuckled quietly, trying to think of something to share with him. 
“I’ve lived in Baldur’s Gate my whole life,” you started.
“A shame we never crossed paths.”
“I’m not entirely sure you’d spare me a passing glance.”
Astarion opened his eyes. “Don’t say that.”
You shrugged. “I read a lot, growing up, and liked being indoors. But I also liked the outdoors. I helped my dad tend our garden, and helped my mom cook dinner–”
“How quaint.”
“We’d visit my aunt in the Upper City every Midwinter, and I wanted to be a teacher when I grew up.” 
“Pity, you have such a promising career as a spa keeper.”
You examined Astarion’s head to make sure you hadn’t missed a spot. When you were pleased with your own work, you continued: “This is the first big adventure I’ve ever been on.”
“First brain worm?” Astarion opened one eye and pointed to his temple.
You laughed and nodded. 
He smiled. “Mine, too.”
You filled the bucket with more water and held a hand over his forehead to keep soapy water from splashing into his eyes when you poured the fresh water over his foamy locks. 
Astarion sighed as the soap began to wash away. You filled the bucket again to repeat the process. 
“Did you ever foresee yourself bathing a beautiful vampire, when you were a child?”
You pursed your lips. “I mean, I had my hopes.” You smiled as he let out a laugh. 
“Tonight definitely didn’t go how I expected,” he admitted.
“You didn’t foresee yourself getting bathed by your incredibly interesting leader?”
He let out an amused breath from his nose. “No I did not.”
You finished rinsing out the last of the soap from his hair, but continued raking your fingers through it. “Are you disappointed?” Your voice was small.
He turned to face you, making your hands disconnect from his curls. “Not at all,” he said, sounding genuine. “Pleasantly surprised, actually.” He thought for a moment. “And cleaner than I’ve been in weeks. Probably.”
You laughed. “Happy to have provided my services.”
He smiled at you, his eyes softer than you’d ever seen them. “This was nice.” He lifted his hand to swipe through his hair. “Let’s hope you didn’t ruin my hair.”
“With soap and water?”
“You might have done it wrong,” he teased.
“How? It’s soap and water!”
“Not so loud,” he chuckled, nodding his head towards camp. You could vaguely hear Gale snoring in the distance. 
“I’m leaving,” you joked, moving to get up, but Astarion grabbed your wrist and pulled you back into the water.
“Am I not to return the favor?”
You looked back at him and half smiled, patting his cheek. “I’m not convinced you’d do a thorough enough job.” With that, you pushed away from him and got up, gathering the bathing materials and walking back to shore where towels awaited. 
Astarion sputtered behind you. “How dare you! I could give you a massage, the likes of which you’ve never experienced before!”
“You know, sometimes, Astarion, people do things for other people, and don’t want anything in return.” You threw the towel over your head to start drying your hair before wrapping it around your body. 
Astarion did the same before bending to pick up your discarded clothes. “I- Well… You-” He sighed heavily. “You’re a tricky one, aren’t you?”
“I’m not trying to be,” you shrugged.
“And yet,” he sidled up next to you, offering you his arm, “you are.” 
You took his arm in one hand and the bucket of washing supplies in the other and followed him as he led you back into camp. You placed the materials back where you found them and brought your newly freed hand up to wrap around Astarion’s arm. You leaned your head onto his shoulder. 
When you arrived at your tent, he handed you your clothes. 
“I suppose this is where we end our evening,” he said quietly so as not to wake the others.
“I suppose so,” you agreed, your eyes shining as you looked at him.
“What?” he asked.
“Thank you for letting me do that,” you said, still holding his arm. “I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.”
“I did,” he said. “Very much, actually.” When he saw the excited look on your face, he amended, “Don’t be weird.”
“I’m not weird,” you said, weirdly.
“Uh huh,” Astarion said, pulling his arm out of your grip, not unkindly.
“We can do it again,” you bobbed on your feet, “if you want.”
“I… could be persuaded,” he nodded.
“Good,” you said. Then you surged forward to kiss his cheek. “Thank you. Goodnight Astarion.” You turned and ducked down into your tent.
“Pleasant dreams, darling,” he said softly. 
You didn’t see how his hand lingered on his cheek where your lips had made contact, didn’t see the small smile that crept onto his face or the mask beginning to slip. 
Instead, you had pleasant dreams filled with laughs and curls and a flash of fangs accompanied by a smile of delight. 
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nerdallwritey · 2 months
Cheeks All Flushed (Part 2)
***IMPORTANT! PLEASE NOTE: This is Part 2 to Part 3 (it makes sense, I promise) of my Beauty and the Bard series! Find Part 1 of this chapter here. If you'd rather read it all in one go, it's also posted to AO3.
Summary: “Oh, my love,” he looked at you affectionately and crawled back on top of you to kiss you, “you are breathtaking.” “Aw-” Astarion brought his fingers to your lips. “Say ‘aw shucks,’ and I will stab you.”  Instead of responding, you kissed his fingers.  “That’s what I thought,” he said, pulling back to gently uncross your legs with his hands. “Lift please,” he tapped your knees, wanting you to bend them for him. “That’s it,” he said quietly, “good girl.” OR The Tiefling party draws to a close and you and Astarion head to bed.
Pairing: Astarion x f!reader Rating: 18+ Word count: 23.1k (this particular part is 4.6k) CW: smut, reader is new to sex, oral sex (f receiving), mentions of Astarion's past trauma, soft Astarion, porn with feelings, consumption of alcohol, reader is an idiot (and a bard), so is Astarion (not a bard, just an idiot), the other companions are also idiots, reader likes kids, shenanigans amongst friends, general party antics Spoilers: Spoilers for Act 1 (in-game dialogue, plot points, etc.), as well as Astarion's plotline Also posted to: AO3 Last chance to go back to Part 1 of this chapter!
a/n: So sorry this had to be posted twice. Apparently the banter was too much for tumblr to handle all in one go. Thank you if you made it this far! Your reward is smut! Apologies to those of you here for more vampire penis, it'll show up again in the future surely, but tonight is more about tipsy/soft Astarion. I hope you all enjoy :) (Thank you once again to @kermitwazowski for beta reading!)
It ended up taking quite a long time to finish saying your good nights and goodbyes to the tieflings, knowing that they were leaving in the morning and that there was a chance you wouldn’t be able to find them when you finally made it to the Gate. 
Alfira had taken an especially long time to say goodbye to, given you were the only other bard she knew currently, and she asked you several questions to aid her in the process of writing her song about you. Lakrissa had watched on with nothing but fondness in her eyes and had hugged and thanked you when it was her turn to say goodbye.
Rolan and his siblings said their goodbyes and Rolan made sure to remind you that he’d be apprenticing under the wizard Larroakan. He drunkenly hinted that it wouldn’t be the worst thing if you came to say hi once you reached Baldur’s Gate and you promised that you would.
Danis and Bex had giggled through their goodbyes, swearing that they’d get back to the Grove safely tonight before leaving for the city tomorrow. Zevlor had thanked you and assured you he’d see to it that those who partook in too much wine would be shepherded back to the Grove with sober eyes watching them. 
Halsin had given you a big hug and told you he’d return to your camp soon to discuss next steps for getting rid of the parasites. Meanwhile, the kids bid their goodbyes in a wave of emotions; some were excited, some were sad, and others were indifferent. You smiled at the fact that they all still wore or held onto their crowns tightly.  
Polite goodbyes were exchanged with the other tieflings before saying goodnight to your companions and letting Shadowheart know that you would help with cleanup duty in the morning. 
With a yawn and a stretch, your feet carried you back to your tent. When you arrived, you were mildly surprised to see that the flaps of your tent had been drawn and that there was light flickering inside, brighter than the single candle you’d lit earlier. 
You cleared your throat loudly to make it known you were outside. “Are you decent?”
Astarion chuckled from within. “Yes, darling. Though I’m not sure if it would matter.”
You bent down to enter the tent, pushing through the canvas flaps and finding Astarion sprawled on your bedroll, a book open in his hands. He was perched elegantly among your pillows, looking as ethereal as always. 
“No, no, make yourself at home,” you teased, turning to make sure the canvas flaps were shut all the way.
“Thank you, I think I will,” to emphasize his point, Astarion sank himself further into your pillows. 
You rolled your eyes affectionately. “Reading anything good?”
“Mmm, just some strange eel enthusiast’s ramblings that I found on the road.”
You lifted your eyebrows. “Oh? And what have you learned?”
Astarion sighed dramatically. “Apparently giant lightning eels aren’t technically eels.”
He sat up straighter, eyeing you mischievously. “Although I was just reading about how they breed in the Sea of Moonshae.”
You snorted. “You’re not seriously trying to seduce me with eel facts, are you?”
Astarion narrowed his eyes. “You’re weird, I don’t know, figured I’d try it.” He shrugged and placed the book off to the side before extending his arms. “Come here, won’t you?”
You crawled towards him, nestling into his arms and he kissed the crown of your head.
“Read to me?” you asked. 
Before you’d gotten together, you and Astarion would spend entire evenings at his tent reading, either in silence, or to each other, depending on the topic. You’d often try to make each other laugh with silly passages and dramatic readings. It made you look forward to settling in to camp for the night after long days of fighting Mud Mephits and Wood Woads.
He chuckled. “I doubt you’ll like it. I was just distracting myself until you showed up.” He brought his face close to yours. 
You looked back at him in challenge. “Try me.”
He sighed. “Alright.” He picked up the book, still holding you in his other arm. He flipped back to the page he’d left off on. “‘Now, where can you catch eels? Bloody everywhere!’”
You snorted.
“Hush darling, you wanted this.” Astarion cleared his throat and continued. “‘From Neverwinter to Elturel to Calimport - you can find an eel. But where do they breed? And how? Well, you probably heard the stories that they’re just snakes that learned to swim, or they’re baby leviathans, or they’re Underdark spies, but that’s all bunkum.’”
“Not bunkum!” you teased. “And here I thought I knew so much about eels.”
Astarion raised his voice to get you to quiet down. “‘They breed in the Sea of Moonshae, I’m sure, and then swim all over Faerûn. And if those pricks in Candlekeep’d give me money to sail-’”
“Okay, I get the picture.” You took the book from Astarion’s hands and set it beside you.
“Told you, darling,” Astarion settled further into the pillows, bringing his nose against your throat.
You inhaled sharply when he started kissing your neck. “Should I be insulted that you thought it might turn me on?”
“I don’t need some lunatic’s musings for that,” he murmured, lightly dragging his fangs along your flesh. 
You shivered and angled your head to give him better access. “No you don’t.”
He groaned quietly. “You smell divine.” He kissed your neck again.
“You can bite me if you want,” you breathed out. 
Astarion shook his head against you. “It’s alright, love, I’ve had plenty of your blood and wild hog blood and wine today. And you’re tired.”
“How thoughtful of you. But I’m not that tired,” you whined. 
Astarion lifted his head to look at you. “Oh?” He smirked at you impishly.
You raised an eyebrow. “What?”
“Nothing,” he said innocently, kissing your cheek chastely. In one swift motion, he rolled you onto your back, and lifted himself up to hover above you. 
Your eyes widened at him and his smirk grew wicked. You felt your cheeks flush and you looked away, trying to avoid his intense eye contact.
He bent and returned to kissing your neck, licking a stripe from the column of your throat up to your ear. “Relax,” he whispered, his hands drifting down to the hem of your blouse and pulling it up over your head.
You tried sounding normal but felt your voice catch in your throat. “Wh-at are you doing?”
Astarion kissed the valley between your still-clothed breasts. “Taking my time.”
You hummed and twisted your fingers into his hair. “You’re sending a lot of mixed messages.”
Astarion looked up at you, his tone seductive. “Is it not obvious how much I want you?”
You laughed softly. “No, you’re making that quite clear, but you said you needed time to get used to having a choice. You’re not forcing yourself, are you?”
A small smile graced Astarion’s features before he surged upwards and kissed you deeply. When he pulled back, his eyes were soft. “You’re far too nice to me. It’s disgusting.”
You shrugged awkwardly. “I care about what you want.”
He kissed you again. “Thank you, love, but yes, I’m fine. Tonight was a celebration! And I fully intend on celebrating.” He smirked at you again, flashing his fangs.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and searched his eyes for any sign of hesitancy. When you didn’t find any, you nodded. “Okay.”
He smiled again and reached for the hem of his own shirt, pulling it over his head and discarding it by where your new lute rested against your backpack. He climbed back on top of you and kissed you slowly, his tongue seeking entrance only after a few moments of clumsily moving your mouths against one another’s. His tongue glided against your own, and you moaned, once again twisting your fingers into his hair. 
You felt his hand move behind your back briefly, and suddenly he was pulling off your bra, making you whimper. 
He broke the kiss to look at you, nothing but admiration in his eyes. You shifted your gaze away, still not used to being so vulnerable in front of someone else. 
“Exquisite,” he breathed, leaning down to kiss you again and palming your left breast gently. His cool touch caused your back to arch and you whined when your burning chest made contact with his icy one. 
“Why-” you pulled away from Astarion’s kiss.
“Why what, darling?”
“Why do you think he chose eels as his hill to die on?”
Astarion plucked a pillow out from under you and placed it on top of your face, pressing gently as if trying to suffocate you.
You laughed wildly. “I yield! I yield!”
He pulled the pillow away and placed it under your head once more. “Mention eels again and I won’t hesitate.” 
“No eel talk in the bedroom, got it.”
“Possibly ever,” Astarion amended. 
“You brought it up in the first place,” you pointed out.
“A mistake I won’t be making again,” he said lowly, before kissing your jaw. He kept kissing down your chest until he reached your nipple and pulled at it lightly with his front teeth. 
You gasped and arched your back again, pulling Astarion’s curls and making him moan against your breast. He detached himself to kiss your lips, then brought his head down to your other breast to give it the same attention. His tongue swirled over your nipple at a languid pace, his cool breath against his saliva causing goosebumps to spread across your chest.
“Astarion?” You asked, angling your head to look at him.
He looked up at you, the flat of his tongue licking your nipple. He retracted it before saying, “Ask another stupid question and I’ll bite you.”
You blew out an amused breath. “That wouldn’t be the worst thing.”
Astarion reconsidered. “In a bad way.”
You laughed. “No stupid question this time. I don’t think.”
Astarion sighed, resting his cheek on your breast as if it were a pillow.
You brushed a few loose hairs out of his face. “When will it be my turn to pleasure you?”
Astarion’s eyes went wide before settling on something soft. He took your hand currently raking through his curls and kissed the inside of your wrist. 
You continued. “Especially since I sicced a bunch of kids on you and need to make up for it somehow.”
He chuckled quietly. “Thank you, my sweet, but I think I’d prefer to be in control for now, if that’s alright.”
“Of course it’s alright,” you said, resting your hand on his cheek. “It just seems unfair that I’m getting all the attention and you’re getting nothing in return.”
He clicked his tongue. “That’s not true. I’m getting plenty of pleasure just from watching you fall apart,” he smirked and kissed you breast again. 
You inhaled deeply, “I’m serious.”
He humphed and pulled away again. “As am I.” When he saw you weren’t satisfied with his answer, he thought for a moment. “Listen darling, it’s very sweet that you want to,” he cleared his throat, “pleasure me, but as I’ve said, I’m still getting used to… well, this.” He gestured between the two of you. “I don’t really want anyone to touch me without my consent. Unless it’s you.” He avoided your gaze, embarrassed to be admitting this. “But even with that being the case, I’d still feel more comfortable focusing on you for now.”
You nodded and took his wrist that was resting next to your head and kissed it just as tenderly as he’d kissed yours. “We’ll work our way up to it,” you smiled. 
He smiled back, then narrowed his eyes seductively. “Make no mistake, I am having a wonderful time with you,” he brought his forehead to yours. “Feeling you around me is probably one of life’s greatest pleasures.”
You blew out a breath, making your lips trill. “Relax, you’ve only been in me twice. You don’t know what you’re saying.”
He waved his hand in front of your face. “Ah, yes love, but you're forgetting the fingers and tongue.” He smirked at you when he saw a blush spread on your cheeks.
“Whatever,” you said, avoiding his gaze. “One of these days I’ll make you cum myself.”
Astarion chuckled. “I don’t doubt that,” he kissed your temple. “I await the day.”
“No rush,” you added quickly. “Obviously.”
“Obviously,” he echoed, pulling back to look at you fully again. He sighed happily, palming one breast in each hand. “What was it Withers called me again? A ‘boob buddy?’ A ‘breast friend?’”
You groaned and dragged your hands down your face. “My bosom companion.”
He leaned forward to kiss your lips. “I know love, I just wanted to hear you say it again.”
“Bastard,” you murmured. 
“But I’m so handsome and charming,” he murmured back, kissing you between words.
“Unfortunately,” you said, angling your head upwards when he moved down to kiss your neck again. 
He hummed along your throat, which sent tingles up your jaw that made you giggle. 
“I still plan on taking my time with you, my dear,” he said, hooking his thumbs under the waistband of your pants. “Let me take care of you tonight.”
“I-” you took a shaky breath, still getting used to Astarion’s undivided attention. “Okay.”
“I’m also keen to leave, if you want me to,” he was giving you an out, in case you were still unsure, but his eyes betrayed what he was thinking: I don’t want to leave.
You gripped his wrist. “Stay.”
He relaxed noticeably and hooked his thumbs into your waistband again. “May I?”
You nodded and lifted your hips, helping him get the fabric over your hips and down your legs. He’d taken both your pants and panties in one go, leaving you completely bare in front of him. You bit your thumbnail and looked at him nervously, crossing your legs at the ankle.
“Oh, my love,” he looked at you affectionately and crawled back on top of you to kiss you, “you are breathtaking.”
Astarion brought his fingers to your lips. “Say ‘aw shucks,’ and I will stab you.” 
Instead of responding, you kissed his fingers. 
“That’s what I thought,” he said, pulling back to gently uncross your legs with his hands. “Lift please,” he tapped your knees, wanting you to bend them for him. “That’s it,” he said quietly, “good girl.”
You whimpered, the cool air of the night making contact with your already slick folds. 
“It’s too bright in here,” you said suddenly. “Anyone could see what’s happening.” 
Astarion sat up, having just settled himself between your legs. “I suppose it is,” he agreed. He crawled around, blowing out candles, and you sat up, doing the same to a few that were around you. 
“Better?” he asked when all the light in the tent was out, save for the moonlight that was able to shine through the canvas and the torches that were still lit for the party that was dying down outside. 
“Yes,” you said, resuming your position on your pillows. 
“Good,” he purred, kissing your inner thigh and settling between your legs again. He tapped your thigh lightly in warning before licking your folds slowly. 
You gasped loudly and slapped a hand over your mouth, remembering that the party was still technically going on outside. 
“Shy, darling?” Astarion smirked up at you and you rolled your eyes, whimpering again when he returned to licking you. “But I love hearing you sing for me.”
He began sucking on your clit, making you shriek out a moan. You felt him smirk against you and you wrapped your fingers in his hair as tightly as you could, hoping to give him a taste of his own medicine. Unfortunately, it made him moan into you, sending delicious vibrations through your core and making you whimper again. 
He returned to licking up and down your folds. “If only you knew how delicious you were.”
“Then kiss me, asshole,” you shuddered, feeling his cold breath against your wet cunt. 
Astarion growled and climbed on top of you, kissing you harshly and making sure to slip his tongue into your mouth to let you taste yourself. He pulled away, assessing your expression. You smacked your lips dramatically. “Could be better,” you teased. “I’m sure I’m nothing compared to you.” You waggled your eyebrows and Astarion smiled, leaning forward to kiss you again. 
“In time, my love,” he promised, kissing your cheek sweetly before returning to his spot between your legs. He wrapped his arms around your thighs and began licking you again.
You reached over for your discarded blouse and bunched it up, placing it in your mouth to muffle your sounds.
“No, no,” Astarion scolded. “Let them hear us. You have the loveliest voice.” His thumb pressed tight circles into your clit and you whined before removing the shirt again. “That’s a good girl,” he praised. 
“No funny business,” you said, not liking the smirk on his face that shined with your slick.
“Me? Funny business? Never.” He lowered his face again and you nearly yelped when you felt his tongue dip into your core.
You squeezed his head with your thighs lightly. “Bastard,” you muttered and felt him smile again. As if to tease you more, he began to make loud slurping and sucking noises. “Astarion,” you whisper shouted, despite your eyes wanting to roll back from the sensation.
“Mmm?” He half asked, half moaned wantonly. His tongue continued entering your cunt while his thumb circled your clit.
“Loud,” you sighed absently, trying to be responsible, but feeling too good to be truly mad at him. 
He removed his thumb and returned to sucking your clit. He pulled away for a second to say, “Watch, precious thing, I’m going to make you cum using only my mouth.”
“You’re not going to talk at me, are you?” you laughed.
“I don’t know,” Astarion said between licks, “a joke made you cum earlier.”
“Shut up and keep tongue fucking me,” you groaned.
He chuckled and squeezed your thighs, sucking again at your clit. 
Tiny moans of pleasure escaped you, and you rolled your hips, trying to get impossibly closer to him. He hummed against you pleasantly, making you whine loudly.
“I love your voice,” he repeated and licked another stripe along your folds. His tongue entered your core again, making you squeeze your thighs involuntarily. He moved your legs apart and further locked his arms around your legs, attempting to keep them still. 
“I love whatever you’re doing with your tongue,” you exhaled, raking your hands through his hair again and massaging the tips of his ears.
He let out a moan that turned into a pathetic little laugh and the sensation sent a shockwave through your core. You rolled your hips again, wanting him as close as possible. 
“More,” you whined softly, shutting your eyes tight.
Astarion returned his focus to your clit, sucking hard and swirling his tongue loudly. He began to hum again, more prolonged this time, and you recognized what seemed to be the jaunty melody of “Bard Song.”
It surprised you, and hurled you closer to your climax. “Astarion,” you whimpered.
“Like that?” he murmured against your clit before continuing his ministrations.
“Keep going,” you encouraged. 
You felt him smile again and he continued to hum the tune he must have heard you play a dozen times by now. He nipped and sucked and swirled his tongue on your clit, all while humming. Your hands tightened in his hair and your legs began to shake.
“Yes,” he said into your flesh, “let go, my love.”
 With a few more harsh sucks and slightly off key hums, you felt yourself reach your peak and cried out loudly for Astarion. Waves of pleasure coursed through you and you felt Astarion eagerly licking around your cunt. 
“So good,” you heard him murmur between licks, “you did so well for me, darling. I adore the way you taste.”
With a sharp inhale, you opened your eyes and smiled down at him, breathless. His eyes were still closed as he cleaned you slowly, savoring your taste on his tongue.
When he opened his eyes, you saw them crinkle at the corners, indicating he was smiling. 
“There you are,” he said as if just noticing you were there with him, getting up onto his hands and knees and crawling over you again. He bent to kiss you and you sighed against his mouth.
“You like my music,” you looked up at him in wonder and wiped a bit of your slick off the corner of his mouth. 
“Mmm, I’m pretty sure that’s a fairly well known song,” he teased.
You made a face and he softened.
“Okay, yes, maybe I’ve been paying attention when you're playing that obnoxious tune.” He brushed some hair out of your face. “It gets stuck in my head, the stupid thing.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him into a tight hug, making him gasp in surprise. 
“Thank you,” you said softly into his hair.
You weren’t sure you’d ever properly articulate what you were feeling. All this time, Astarion had been paying attention. He’d whined and griped and moaned the entire time you’d known each other, and yet he’d been paying attention. To you, your music, your needs and desires… He was constantly surprising you with how thoughtful he was. He’d been so sweet with what you’d needed from him last night, and then today you learned he’d been holding onto a new lute for you since before he even admitted to himself or you that he had feelings for you. And just now he’d shown that he had always been listening when you played something for him and your companions. He truly hadn’t propositioned you out of the blue yesterday, he’d cared about you for much longer than either of you realized. 
Astarion laughed, relaxing his body against you and settling his face at the junction between your shoulder and neck. “I’m going to assume you’re thanking me for the excellent orgasm you just experienced and say ‘it was my pleasure, darling.’”
You let out an amused breath and mindlessly traced the raised peaks along his back. 
“You mean a lot to me,” you said quietly.
“Yick,” Astarion said, drawing tiny spirals on your shoulder with his index finger. 
“I know,” you agreed. “Imagine how I feel. You’re the most annoying man I’ve ever met.”
“You flatterer, you,” he kissed your shoulder where his face was buried.
You tapped his back lightly and made to sit up. Astarion took the hint and rolled off of you. 
You leaned forward and grabbed his discarded shirt, pulling it over your head. You inhaled deeply. “Smells like you,” you mused, batting your eyes at him before slipping into your loose sleep pants. 
Astarion looked pleased to see you wearing his shirt again, but his face fell when you peaked out the flap of your tent into camp.
“Leaving so soon?” he asked in a teasing tone, but you could tell he was a little nervous that you were actually leaving.
You smiled and kissed him softly. “I’ll be right back, I promise.”
“Take your time,” he said airily, examining his nails, though you saw in his eyes that he wanted you to hurry back.
You kissed him again. “You big baby. Stay right there.”
You poked your head out again, looking to make sure no one was in your vicinity. You saw the backs of Shadowheart and Gale huddled near the entrance of camp, sending off the last of the tieflings with Halsin, while Wyll and Karalach’s tents were shut tight, indicating they’d turned in for the night. Lae’zel, meanwhile, appeared to be meditating outside of her tent. 
Good, you thought to yourself, I’ll make this quick.
You crept out of your tent and made your way to the left towards the lakeshore. You grabbed your now dry blanket off the clothesline, folding it over your arm.
As you were about to grab one you recognized to be Astarion’s, Withers’ voice made you jump.
“I heardest you just now.” 
You slowly turned to look at him, his face as impassive as ever. “Like hells you did, Bone Man,” you said through gritted teeth. “No one will believe you.” You thought for a moment. “No, yes they will. But keep it to yourself. I just got a bosom companion, please don’t ruin this for me.” 
You pulled Astarion’s blanket into your arms and swore you saw the corners of Withers’ mouth turn upwards into a smile, but it may have just been a trick of the moonlight. 
“Goodnight, Withers,” you said, grabbing another of Astarion’s blankets off the clothesline. 
“Sleep well,” he responded. “You likely needest it.”
You scoffed out a laugh and turned back towards your tent, quiet on your feet. You crouched down and went to crawl back in, but found Astarion hovering by the entrance.
“Oh,” he said quietly and moved back to let you in. “There you are,” he said, trying to sound nonchalant. 
“Miss me?” you smirked, tossing him one of his blankets. 
“Please,” he rolled his eyes. “I knew you’d come crawling back to me.”
You laughed and spread your blanket out over your bedroll. 
“What are you doing?” he asked, watching you intently as you rearranged pillows so that there were no uncomfortable lumps under the blanket. 
“Making a new nest,” you said casually. You wrapped one of his blankets around your shoulders and laid down. You spread your arms, inviting him to join you. 
He hesitated, looking down at the blanket in his arms. 
“Come here, dummy,” you said fondly, sitting up and taking the blanket from him. 
He scooted closer to you, laying on his side, facing you.
You laid beside him, wrapping the blanket on your shoulders around him too, and spreading the other one over both of your legs. 
“Now what are you doing?” he asked.
“Making us cozy so we don’t wake up freezing. It’s been getting colder at night.” You paused. “Does the cold even bother you?”
He nodded. “I can get very cold but-” he cleared his throat. “You want me to sleep with you?”
You raised an eyebrow. “Did we not do this last night?”
He smirked. “We did, but I don’t know, we were in the middle of the forest, it’s not like you had much choice.”
“Astarion,” you brought a hand up to cup his cheek, “I like you so much. And I want to fall asleep with you as often as you’ll let me.”
A soft smile found its way onto his lips. “You’re a clingy little shit, aren’t you?”
You huffed and dramatically turned over, facing away from him.
He laughed and pulled you closer by the hips. “Only teasing, love.” He kissed your hair.
You looked back at him. “It doesn’t have to be every night, I know you like your space, and we don’t have to cuddle or anything, but-”
He cut you off with a kiss. “Gods, you love to talk,” he said quietly. 
You pouted. “Fine, then I won’t tell you what Withers just said to me.”
He pulled you closer to him, tangling your legs together and settling his nose onto the back of your neck. “I’m sure it was something archaic and mildly cryptic.”
“He said he heard us.”
Astarion leaned up to look at you. “He did not.”
“He did.”
“Of all the…” He trailed off. “Whatever. Who’s he going to tell?”
“Doesn’t matter,” you laughed. “Everyone knows we’re together anyway.”
Astarion smiled at you and kissed your cheek before lying back down. He sighed happily. “That we are, my love. That we are.”
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grandmother-goblin · 7 months
writing patterns tag game
Rules: list the first line(s) of your last 10 posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
Tagged by @razrogue (Ahhh thank you so much for tagging me!)
I don't have 10 fics so I'll post what I have and some WIPs!
Field Study (Astarion x Female!Tav, Astarion's POV, NSFW): Fear had a way of leaving scars on the mind like blows left bruises and cuts on the skin. No amount of wine could wash away his nightmare, but that did not stop Astarion from trying.
Simple Magic (Gale x Female!Tav, Gale's POV, NSFW): A quiet knock on the door to his room pulled Gale out of the book he was reading. He bookmarked his page with a Sorcerer's Sundries receipt and got to his feet, his muscles aching from hours of disuse. “Just a moment,” he called and stretched his arms above his head, trying to wake his body.
When Soap Isn't Enough (Astarion x Female!Tav, Astarion's POV, SFW): Astarion tilted his head back onto the lip of the bathtub and closed his eyes, enjoying the heat of the clean water and the soothing aroma of lavender scented bath oil. It was technically his second bath of the evening. The first one had been dedicated to ridding himself of so much filth he was surprised he was allowed through the doors of the Elfsong. The second was just for his own sanity.
Savoring the Sunrise (Astarion x Female!Tav, Astarion's POV, NSFW): Mornings had quickly become Astarion’s favorite time of day ever since he could stand in the sun once more. Sunrise used to mean running indoors or underground, or tiptoeing through shadows. It used to spell the end of his tireless nights slaving for Cazador and the beginnings of his daily torment. Dawn used to be just another bitter reminder of the endless cycle of his inescapable hell. Now it meant so much more.
The Best Kind of Gift (Gale x Female!Tav, Gale's POV, NSFW): Four hours ago. Gale was supposed to have been home four hours ago.
Just Watch the Fireworks (Astarion x Female!Reader, Reader's POV, NSFW): Firework shows over Grey Harbor happened only a couple of times a year in Baldur’s Gate. Bright, massive, loud displays that boomed over the whole city and illuminated the night sky in dazzling arrays of colors and lights.
Apotheosis (Halsin x Female!Tav, Dual POV, NSFW): It was only a week ago that Halsin was convinced that Zilvira was interested in him. There hadn’t been a single shadow of doubt in his mind. In fact, it would have been difficult for him to believe she wasn’t interested in him. That knowledge wasn’t just ego or vanity talking: it was years of experience.
WIP! Enough Time for Us (Wyll x Female!Reader, Reader's POV, NSFW): “You should have seen them, Alfira!” Lakrissa said far too loudly. She clumsily set her empty goblet of wine down on the table you shared with her, Alfira, and Wyll. “You’re going to have to write a song about this. Maybe two. I don’t think all of their heroics could fit into just one.” The light from the glowing hearth in the middle of Last Light Inn gave Lakrissa a mischievous glint to her eyes that told you everything you needed to know: she was trying to embarrass you.
WIP! Spikes, Scales and... Shovel (Wyll x Female!Tav, Tav's POV, SFW): “When do we kill ‘em?” Shovel asked, her big, black, bug-like eyes gazing up at Klixic with all the innocence of a puppy begging for a piece of chicken. “There’s even little tiefs. Just a tiny murder? Please? Shovel has been so good.”
Personally, I don't see too much of a pattern, but maybe I'm just blind to it because I'm the writer lol
I don't know who to tag for this that hasn't already been tagged! Tagging anyone who wants to do this (tag me if you do so I can see)!
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