#✒ temperamental and caring teacher ( karl uhl )
arcadiandefenders · 5 months
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@trollamulet sent: "i'm gonna take back some of the things i've said about you." // for uhl!
ghostbusters prompts (always accepting)
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"There is no need at all, Mister Lake. I've heard many things during my years of teaching here at Arcadia Oaks High." Karl reassures his student, seeming exhausted. "I heard worse." He rubs his temples, not even wanting to ask about some of the things his student has said about him.
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arcadiandefenders · 5 months
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"...Hisirdoux. Come get your feral friend." Karl didn't sound too...happy. He clearly didn't like the fact that Nari just said he needs deodorant. Perhaps it's time to get a new kind of deodorant.
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arcadiandefenders · 11 months
What Makes You Terrifying? (Karl Uhl)
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Your Mind
Your mind is terrifying...  You're smart, cunning, and your mind might just lean in dark directions... No matter what you do, it's gonna be genius, and you're not gonna get caught unless you want to.  You bide your time, making a master plan, preying on your victim's weaknesses. You can find out exactly what their worst fears are, and make them happen. You're a force to be reckoned with.  You might not be quite as menacing as I make you sound though, that could just be when someone crosses you that one last time. You might be a perfectly nice person until someone just pushes you a little too far.
What Makes You Terrifying? (Varvatos Vex)
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Your Appearance
Your appearance is terrifying.  You might be a perfectly pleasant person, but how you look is intimidating in some way. Whether that's inhumanly beautiful, strong and menacing, or cold and ruthless, something about your appearance makes people hesitant to approach you and even more wary to mess with you.  Using just your appearance, you could get almost whatever you want. Few would dare question you, as long as you play to your strengths. 
If you're going to say something along the lines of "I'm so ugly no one looks at me, that's why, blah blah blah." That's garbage. First of all, there's no such thing as ugly. Only social standards, which are dumb. Second, butterflies can't see their own wings. Third, they called Medusa "hideous" and look at that picture up there!
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arcadiandefenders · 2 years
@eathandhax​ has liked here for a random dialogue starter (for Eath).
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"We're on the same team." Karl tried reassuring her, a wary and uncertain look washing over the teacher’s face. “...are we on the same team?” He questioned Eath with wariness and uncertainty.
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arcadiandefenders · 1 year
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“Home sweet home, I sure missed Arcadia Oaks...”
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“Huh? What do you mean by that?’
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arcadiandefenders · 2 years
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"Soup and juice are flavored water, stew is cooked water, and cereal is cold dessert soup."
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arcadiandefenders · 2 years
Character Stats Framework
Repost, Do Not Reblog
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Name: Karl Octavius Uhl
Nickname(s): Señor Uhl and Uhl the Unforgiving by his students
Age: 45
Birthdate: July 5th
Species: Human
Nationality: Austrian / Spanish
Gender: Male
Preferred Pronoun(s): He/Him
Romantic Orientation: Biromantic
Sexual Orientation: Demisexual
Religion: N/A
Occupation: He's a Spanish language high school teacher at Arcadia High.
Face Claim: Karl Uhl
Parents: His father is German and his mother is Spanish.
Siblings: None
Family: None
Significant Other(s): Susannah (ex-girlfriend), Lenora Janeth (crush for a while before letting the crush go), Barbara Lake (@sparksofdaylight / Austrian Trollhunter verse)
Children: None
Closest Friends: Rick Sanchez (@advnterccs), C-Rick Sanchez (@countlessrealities), Thomas Lawrence, Lenora Janeth, and Walter Strickler
Rivals: N/A
Enemies: The Gumm-Gumms
Eye Color(s): Blue
Hair Color(s): Blonde
Height: 6'2"
Weight: Haven't decided yet
Body Build: Strongly built, especially in his shoulders/arms/torso, and pretty much fit
Notable Physical Traits: He has scars on his upper back.
Tagged by: @pvachypessa
Tagging: Anybody can do this
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arcadiandefenders · 2 years
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an anon sent: Hey, Karl, how's it feel being friends with two Ricks?
ask my muse about their relationships with other muses (accepting)
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"It's quite interesting on how my first encounter with Rick was. He broke into my classroom and from there, we just started talking and hanging out more." Karl snorted softly, "I think our friend anniversary is coming up in a few months. I will have to check my calendar and see." Karl wonders what he could do for him and his best friend Rick's friend anniversary. Maybe, he could find something for them to do. "He considers me as his best friend and I consider him as my best friend too as well." Karl soon added, letting out a soft chuckle.
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"As for C-Rick, I met him when my best friend Rick introduced C-Rick to me. I think C-Rick and I should hang out more often so I will get to know him more. If my best friend trusts C-Rick very much, then I will trust my best friend's judgement of C-Rick. C-Rick is quite an interesting person to be around and I'm grateful for Rick introducing C-Rick to me." Karl explained with a soft smile on his face.
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arcadiandefenders · 2 years
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"...why does anybody assume my truck is some character from Transformers or something?" Karl, perhaps your truck could be an alien robot and you're just in denial. "...now I think about it, is it even possible for alien robots that transforms into vehicles and stuff like that to exist here?" He muttered out softly. "Well, this is Arcadia Oaks. Anything can happen in Arcadia." He seemed a bit exhausted, a sigh escaping from his mouth afterwards. "I'm getting too old for this."
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arcadiandefenders · 2 years
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@forlornfrostborn sent: The air suddenly grew cold as a massive white form with yaks horns sniffed and prodded at the teachers favorite truck. It measured up its paddle-like tail to that of the trucks bed, confused as to why this smelly thing looked like her.
unprompted asks (always accepting)
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Karl could feel the air suddenly growing cold as a soft frown plastered across the teacher's face. What...? In the corner of his eyes, he noticed a massive form with yaks horns sniffing and prodding at his favorite truck, Susannah. "Just what do you think you're doing?" He nearly barked out of instinct, his eyes widening afterwards. Wait, he didn't mean to draw attention to himself let alone grabbing the attention of the massive white form with yak horns.
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arcadiandefenders · 2 years
what does your heart look like?
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broken, missing pieces that once were there
Your heart has been torn before, chipped and maybe even shattered. Some pieces will never be recovered, and you are shaped by the loss. But it can still be shaped into something tangible, something good, even with its flaws and imperfections. You don’t have to do all the work of rebuilding by yourself. Allow other hands to leave their fingerprints on the new heart you create from the remnants.
Stole this from @oddlies
Tagging: Those who wants to do this!!
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arcadiandefenders · 2 years
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He’s processing what C-Rick said about him and Rick’s reaction. He felt his cheeks slightly burning up at what’s been said.
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arcadiandefenders · 2 years
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@collidingxworlds​ sent: "Thoughts on" + the two C-137s
send me “thoughts on” + a character (accepting)
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“Well, I think they’re pretty interesting. Both of them have different personalities and I’m glad to have Rick as my best friend and C-Rick as my other best friend. Although...they can be quite annoying at times but I still care for them and...I don’t think I can handle being without them for long.”
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“...I don’t know them that well even if I’d spoken to them multiple times.”
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“Well, they helped me out a few times with relationships and how to move forward and tell somebody what I’m feeling for them. If I get denied, I get denied. If I get accepted, I get accepted. However, they taught me that it’s best to get it out of the way instead of feeling jealous about it.”
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arcadiandefenders · 2 years
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@collidingxworlds​ sent: abalone: what kind of situations compromise my muse emotionally / moss agate: if my muse has a high or low opinion of themself / apophyllite: my muse's religious/spiritual beliefs
crystal headcanon meme (accepting)
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abalone: what kind of situations compromise my muse emotionally
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Well.....being tortured again is one of the things that would compromise Karl emotionally. Also, if Arcadia Oaks is invaded multiple times by the supernatural and other creatures, it will push him over the edge to the point where he may try to stay in his home to try to get away from everything that happened in Arcadia Oaks.
moss agate: if my muse has a high or low opinion of themself
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He has a low opinion of himself, meaning that he doesn’t really have the confidence and the self-esteem that he has which is why he comes off rather grumpy and closed-off. He comes closed-off because of what happened to him in the past as a SHIELD agent.
apophyllite: my muse's religious/spiritual beliefs
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Honestly, Karl doesn’t believe in anything. It was until trolls, aliens, and other supernatural came into play which he now believes is true but he can’t believe it that they’re the reasons why he left Arcadia Oaks in the first place.
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arcadiandefenders · 2 years
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@countlessrealities​ sent:  📞 + 😟 (a worried voicemail) [[ for Morty? ]]
voicemail meme (accepting)
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Karl tried calling the other Rick, C-Rick, but a few times, the phone would get sent to a message. A grunt of concern escapes from his mouth, he decided to give Morty a call on his phone. It went straight to voicemail too as well as he then left a voicemail, “C-Morty, I-...I haven’t heard from your grandfather in a while and I guess you’re not picking up your phone too as well. I’m getting worried and I don’t like what is going on.” An exhausted and worried sigh, “Please pick up your phone so I can know whether you guys are okay or not. Please call me back at this number.” He ended the message there.
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arcadiandefenders · 2 years
what do you wish you could say?
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"please, PLEASE want to know me."
you keep quite literally everything bottled up, don't you? you try to be there for everyone else, but nobody has ever asked about you. you have a mental list in your head of things that you wish beyond wishing that people would ask to know about you, but nobody has. you're afraid that if you tell them, you won't get the response you crave, which gets more and more mysterious and gut-wrenchingly necessary with every day that goes by in silence. it feels like you aren't allowed to exist.
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