@eathandhax​ from Here
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“Of course you’re busy. Refusing to rest, possessing an unwilling child.... Yes, very busy indeed...” Myrkul does not like when souls refuse to go where they belong. The only real question however... was how to deal with this one....
“My name is Myrkul. God of the dead. And YOU do not belong here.”
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justashadetalkative · 2 years
✏ hax perhaps or whoever u want
Art requests | Accepting! (Responses will be slow)
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[Image description: A sketchy pencil portrait of Hax, who is looking upwards with a soft smile. End ID.]
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cflight · 2 years
Heaving sobs come from the small, now-turned-child goat, knees pressed tightly against their chest. For hours it seemed like they'd been wandering around, calling out for their mama with little to no success. How long would it be until they found her? Their now much smaller legs were exhausted enough-- and to be alone, without any way to navigate back home only instilled further fear in the poor goat's heart. "I w-want-- my mama!" they sobbed, burying their tearstained face into their poncho. / @eathandhax
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xxlordalexanderxx · 2 years
🖱 & 🎮
munday asks!
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🖱 any cool devices/tool(s) of the trade? (i.e. type of mouse,
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I'm a hoe for everything razar, the other side is all Apple bs but only used for art. I pretty much RP on my rig, this is the fun PC. Everything is rainbow and changing colors
🎮 — favorite video game(s)?
More favorite games: Rhythm Heaven, Mini Ninjas, the 2013 Tomb Raider series of games.
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arcadiandefenders · 2 years
@eathandhax​ has liked here for a random dialogue starter (for Eath).
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"We're on the same team." Karl tried reassuring her, a wary and uncertain look washing over the teacher’s face. “...are we on the same team?” He questioned Eath with wariness and uncertainty.
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Con|| from here ||
Jewel stood seeing Hax this paranoid and ready to strike concerns her. She had every right to. Given their current situation. Adding a stalking beasts. 
Jewel ears peak at the mention of eath. “What hap-“
The wail hurts her ears for a moment. She held one to spare her sense of sound. Having sensitive hearing held a price. She scampered herself inside. 
Whispering as she hides into the house. “What happened to earth.”
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burdened-android · 2 years
As the pristine wilderness rolled gently by, Arma did her best to hurry, lest she miss her bus. This weekend trip had been a relative disaster, with the android arriving at her AirBnB with a +1, and leaving alone. Now, all that was left was for her to catch the Greyhound bus back home, and try to salvage the rest of her time off.
While she enjoyed being out in the middle of nowhere, the android always forgot how much longer it took to get places, with curvy, meandering passages not caring how late an individual is.
With a pant, Arma stepped onto the concrete slab of a bus stop, confident that she beat the odds. However, as she squinted at the vanishing metal box in the horizon, she let out a long, slow sigh. This entire ordeal, as it seems, would end with her being stranded.
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heylinhenchman · 2 years
@eathandhax​ x
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    ‘ Eath ! ’ Jack tore up a sizable clump of dirt when he heard the whisper of his voice, tossing it over over his shoulder before swaying to his feet, ‘ Jeez you have no IDEA how much Time Travel sucks ! I would have come back earlier but I uh, didn’t... ’ He didn’t want to get back into the machine after struggling to get out of it, ‘ I uh-- I missed you-- ’
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“It looks like we’re in the same district. There’ll be no hard feelings if things go wrong will there?”
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bouquet-of-muses · 2 years
@eathandhax || Continued from [X]
Passing a small warehouse on the outskirts of Morioh, Josuke overheard two shady looking characters discussing something.
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Ducking into an alleyway, he'd put his hand to his ear to get a better listen.
"Whaddyou think we oughta do with that little freak? Sell her to a science institute?" One of them would suggest, pointing to the building.
"Yeah, or the zoo!!" The other one said, causing both men to laugh maliciously.
It seemed they were holding someone hostage in that building, and Josuke wasn't about to let that stand. He'd step out of the alleyway, revealing himself to the two men.
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"Hey, who you takin' to the zoo? I wanna come, too." He'd ask sarcastically, before bringing out Crazy Diamond without hesitation. These two were talking so loud about their misdoings, they were practically asking for a beatdown.
And Josuke was more than willing to oblige them.
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Eath would hear the sounds of people getting the absolute shit punched out of them outside, before the door would burst open off of its hinges, crashing on the inside of the room to reveal Josuke.
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"Sorry about the door. Those two stinkin' bastards ran off before I could get the key." Josuke said, approaching the bound daemon and getting his first good look at her. He'd hold his hands up as Eath cowered and begged to go home.
"Oi, oi, don't worry. I ain't with them. Promise." Josuke assured her. "Now, let's see about getting you out of here."
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viviskull · 2 years
@eathandhax​ : x
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|| 💛 ||: ❝ Hey what are you— ❞
They exclaim, finding themself pulled into a tight hug, arms somewhat pinned to their sides as they stand there rather awkwardly. Wide eyes keep shifting between looking around the room to the ghost currently hugging them.
It wasn’t as if they didn’t like hugs- they usually loved them. They love closeness, physical touch, but this hug had come so out of the blue- and so suddenly after they were caught writing that letter.
|| 💛 ||: ❝ Lewis? W-Why are you— ❞
They gulp the words, feeling a pressure build behind their eyes, emotions flooding in despite their attempts to fight them off. The length of the hug- still going for minutes now it seemed, making their battle against themself all the more futile.
They hadn’t been hugged like this, not in a long time, a strong long hug that grounded them, made them feel secure,
|| 💛 ||: ❝ Y-You– ❞
They wheeze, tears suddenly slipping down their cheeks as the battle is finally lost, a soft gasp, and they bring their arms up to wrap around the other’s torso. Clinging to him as they silently let the tears stream past his shoulder into the floor. Despite not being able to see their face, the way their body shakes, their breathing quick and hitched, it’s not hard to tell what they were feeling.
If you were to ask as to why he was really doing this?  This spirit wouldn’t have given you a real clear answer, much less even a simple shrug of his shoulders.  Lewis didn’t really mean to wander into their sleeping quarters like the way he did; floating right on through the open door that was left just ajar too wide, practically inviting anybody to take a peek inside.  Being tasked earlier by their companion, Eath, he had originally been given the charge of helping them clean out the cabin (like dusting out cobwebs and spiders, sweeping out any dust that may’ve littered their wooden floors, and maybe even move any unpacked boxes that Eath hadn’t have the time of clearing out herself when they first claimed this seemingly abandoned cabin), and he mostly agreed to it out of part of his own quiet guilt.  After accidentally burning half of their front door down the last time he came to visit (which had also been the first time they properly met)?  He didn’t have the courage to show his face to them much beyond sending apologetic treats through Vivi, or that was up until Arthur finally pushed him out of his own funk to do something for a change through him innocently stopping by.
In all honesty, since he was given so little to do in the hopes to make up for his last blazing intrusion, he did kinda wander out on his own to explore the cabin a little (even as it seemed pretty limited in the few rooms it had to discover) if only to get himself more acquainted with its interlayout.  Sure, he shouldn’t be sticking his nose where it didn’t belong, but he was taking a large pile of books to move into the bedroom anyway.  They didn’t make a complaint when he quietly moved in.  Even when he did try to make himself scarce after he had already since settled the books onto the bed to be sorted for later, Lewis couldn’t help his gaze falling upon the with the thick journal as he drifted behind their shoulder, floating over the other’s shoulder to suffice his silent curiosity.  How was he to know Hax was in the middle of writing something extremely personal, much less something that had involved a brief entry about him and his colorful pals?  His eyes briefly glanced over their writing, no more than a small paragraph screaming his name that had coincidentally caught his eye.  There was so much heart being poured into the worn down page, it being filled with so much uncertainty being put into the text that he didn’t at all feel buzzing about this stoic Daemon moments before.
Maybe it could’ve been the urge of the moment, or even how he felt a little bit touched that they didn’t seem to hold any resentment towards him; back when they last parted, even on decent terms, he still wasn’t sure if he could’ve faced his own embarrassment again.  But something stirred in his locket, as he read their words in silence that he noticed how much endearment had been written in this intriguing letter, it had been addressed to someone of grand affection.. Yet he couldn’t shake off the quiet feeling of sorrow that flew from the page.  Someone had been lost, he could feel in his core.  Maybe it could’ve been his sympathy talking, or even if he felt he could relate in some stances in this odd circumstance.
But most of all, before he could even stop himself to think about it, Lewis made his presence known with a moving set of his arms circling about his friend; all to pull them in for an embracing hug.  Perhaps he wasn’t thinking at all.  He was only moved to bring the other close, if not more to suppress the tears at the warm fuzziness that suddenly pooled around his locket.
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His arms hold themselves firm about them in an unyielding embrace, the inky colors of his dark suit wrapped about them tenderly into his snug hold.  A startling warmth waves over the other the more he holds them closely to his bulky chest.  It was strange, sure.  They never spoke much beyond the few letters he wrote for them and Eath, yet still it was far and in between the many sweets he sent.  But still, he was compelled to offer the other comfort, if only just a little.  Attempting to rub some soothing circles into their back as he nearly loomed over them (despite that, he still had to crouch just a little to properly hug them), all he could muster then was a low, acknowledging hum.
“.. I know.”  He whispers then.  “It.. just seemed like you needed this a.. a lot right now.”
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cflight · 2 years
@eathandhax got stabbed
“I’ve decided! I’ve decided, an’ th’ decision comes to that they’ll get a sharp pair a’horns straight up their— Hax!” Rushing back towards the slumped over daemon, Ekira made little haste in dropping down beside them, shaking palms pressing firmly against their open wound.
“No, no, no, no, no, please…” Flowing yellow magic soon made its way from their palms, slowly lacing itself around in a beam of light against the slash. Slower than they’d liked (as heard by Ekira’s pleading begs to “please go faster, please go faster”), but in time, the wound would heal into nothing more than a simple scar. That, thank gods, being the least of the damage; and the one that was non lethal at best.
“Hax, I’m—“ they try to choke out, forcing themselves to look at them. “I’m here. I’m here.”
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xxlordalexanderxx · 2 years
@eathandhax cont from [x]
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[.:♔:.]The king paused in his tracks, not much expecting himself to be met with a response. At least in person. He glances over his cloaked shoulders before turning fully around, ears slightly low, expression mildly somber.
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“Oh well…I was just leaving a little monetary gift as an apology…for the distress.” He rumbles, eyes shifting to the ground. He was terrible at this.
“My apologies for treating you like prey. You seem like a wonderful daemon, sometimes my instincts can get the better of me…”
He began to turn again, not wanting to make things more uncomfortable.
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electricea-archive · 1 year
@eathandhax​​ continued from here.
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He looked up, his expression somewhere between surprised and hopeful.  Part of him couldn’t help but feel relieved that he wasn’t alone in this particular struggle but to voice such relief aloud to her, would feel perhaps a little inappropriate - still in a way, it was something to sort of bond over - if nothing else, he felt a kinship with them now that he hadn’t moments before.
...Still, that did leave him in a bit of an odd spot as he didn’t know how else to continue the conversation - perhaps this was also part of why he struggled with making friends.  He’d never been much good at small talk.
“Eath, huh...? That’s a nice name.”
Definitely unlike any name he’d ever heard before - but it was a nice name, though.  Unique.
“My name’s Ryuji - Ryuji Sakamoto.  I’m a second year in high school - and you?”
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villains4hire · 2 years
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The two had been dropped onto a scrap planet for whatever reason or misfortune, they were lucky to be found and alive, however. Yet it was not before long they were both frozen still by a deep pressure as they'd be placed before someone, the voice distorted that sent a chill up your spine, "WHAT DO WE HAVE HERE?"
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Then placing them down on their feet, they'd skip forward to begin gripping Eath by the cheeks, then into a snuggle, "Well aren't you a cute little bleater! You're my pet now and I'll call you 'Lady Murder Zone 9000'. You can just call me Ash! Who's your friend, though, Lady Murder Zone 9000?"
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From @oflostinfound ||Here||
“I What?” Jewel is struck by her friend's panic. 
Though something has clearly changed about her. Jewel’s voice was still recognizable. 
She thought her own situation was bad. But, clearly not. And now she was worried. 
Without her vampiric senses she felt blind. Unable to tell what was beyond the cabin. Or hear what was in its walls.
“What’s, is Hax alright?” She stumbles in her words.
Mildly feeling frustrated.
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