#✦ | DAHLIA OF ILIA ( thea. )
mautlie · 4 years
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i said last night i would maybe write my reasonings for my placements on this chart over what i hc as each of my muses’ primary love languages, and so here i go! these will be in separate posts, each group categorized by their love language, because i decided trying to put thirty-seven paragraphs under a readmore still sounded like way too much. forgive me for a lack of showing in-game text evidence like i normally do, but i still reference specific conversations in most of these. it should be noted that i also believe love languages can be applied to platonic bonds in the same way they are to romantic ones, so i reference platonic interactions in these posts too.
first off is the quality time gang. i define it as these characters primarily express their affection or believe affection from others is most meaningful when people make time for one another, gives their undivided attention, etc. they cherish the act of simply being with those they are close to. 
LENE - the two most important people to lene's life are her mother and ares. she constantly hunts for her mother, not caring or ever necessarily desiring words or gifts or saying precisely what she wants from her once she meets her (if ever); all that matters to lene is simply the act of being with the people she cares about. we can see this with ares as well. though lene exhibits open communication skills with ares, her reunion scene with ares has her downplaying verbal communication and emphasizing her desire for ares to never leave her. she never says in specific words what ares means to her, but she cares the world for him without putting a label to it.
TINE - tine canonically gets bashful when ced is straight forward with his verbal affection to her, making me less likely to think she cares about words of affirmation. instead, i look to her lovers convo with seliph where she, for the first time, is insistent about something instead of being reserved as a result of her harsh upbringing. what is it she is insistent about? following seliph into battle. she describes her ultimate fear of being separated from the person she loves and fully becoming another deirdre, implying her biggest security comes from being near the people she cares for.
DEIMNE - while i was tempted to say it was receiving gifts because he does appreciate corrine's necklace given to lend him strength, he seemed pretty oblivious in that scene to me? and he's never painted as giving gifts being the way he communicates his care either. so i look to his lovers convo with daisy, where he's pretty bleak, but when daisy suggests merely being with him without putting any explicit words of affection, he accepts it (as can be seen with their ending) but isn't explicit himself either.
RAIGH - raigh is a tsundere. i'm sorry. have you heard his jp voice acting in heroes. regardless, he's not open with showing his affection with words or touch as a result, and we know he doesn't understand people going out of their way to help ease his burdens or give him gifts as implied in his supports with sophia and hugh. to the end, he's awkward and wants to give the idea that he standoffish, but he puts emphasis on returning to the orphans post-war or we can the feeling how he lingers around sophia after warming up to her without saying as such, giving me the idea that the only way he doesn't feel uncomfortable expressing his affection is by making sure to make time for the people he cherishes.
THEA - in her supports with klein, she doesn't bother expressing her feelings or acting upon them until driven into a corner where she feels like if she doesn't explain herself, then klein will chase her out of his life. her way until then of showing that she loved him, aka her default i would assume, was to stay with him even if being in the same army as him inconvenienced her personally. she wants to stay close to the people she loves, and that's how she communicates her feelings, being unable to do so in other ways. we also see this in her a-support with alen, where if she develops feelings for him, she can't say outright she loves him but proposes she always stay near him; to her, quality time is love.
AMELIA - i would wager to say that the most explicitly romantic support amelia has is with franz ( i'm unsurprised by this given her other supports that aren't with ewan or ross also usually reference her interactions with franz ) and in those, the two use indirect means to confess their love to one another, choosing to hide it behind metaphors of being one another's swords and shields. in the end, the primary thing that is emphasized is that amelia will no longer be alone, which has me leaning towards quality time consequently.
EDWARD - he's one of the trickier ones honestly! i think a close, close second for edward would be words of affirmation because when he gets worried for micaiah, he consoles her through telling her how much he cares for and believes in her, but i ended up going for quality time because of how a big part in his arc is his desire to leave the army altogether. when he says this, he also talks of how he absolutely wants leonardo and micaiah to come with him and how he won't budge on that; combine that with how his a-support with kurthnaga is asking him not to slip away from him and how in edward's ending, he always makes sure to go out of his way to visit micaiah and maintain their friendship even if their life paths are different now, and all three of these things gives me cause to believe he values physically being there with those he is close with and making time for them.
FREYJA - freyja no longer trusts the affections of others courting her due to how they once ridiculed her for her appearance, which makes me believe she puts little to no stock anymore in people expressing their feelings for her via gifts, words, physical gestures, or even going out of their way to help her. even she doesn't quite understand why her two aides, triandra and plumeria, would do anything for her, and she ends book iv feeling mixed about how much acts of service can or cannot sway her. however, the one thing that she seems certain about is quality time. freyr, the one person she definitively cares for, refuses to spend as much time with her, and that's what sets off her despair in the first place. this is what affects her the most, implying quality time is important to her and the clearest way for one to express affection for her in her eyes.
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sireneia · 4 years
@astraseason​ sent:   "well, what do you think?" klein can't help but flush some as he adjusts his cravat and stands a little straighter, but he's smiling when thea catches sight of him. "if you're going to be wearing mother's dress.. i thought i'd ask father if i could borrow his suit while i was at it. now we match! i thought it might be fun for the festival."
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   “ ...! i... ”  turning and seeing the man she loved dressed to wed... how could thea be anything but rendered temporarily speechless by the sight? she thinks she heard herself gasp quietly; she certainly hope she doesn't look dumb, awestruck when her partner was looking as handsome as ever. his smiles were already enough to banish any doubt and fear she may have held so that she could enter battlefields at her best, but the pink dusting his cheeks was a welcome sight too even if — or perhaps because — it made her heart flutter.
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“ i think... um, you look very... fetching... ”  she can hear her voice growing quiet in her shyness. her fingers wound tightly around the bow she has been allowed to borrow as she tries to find her volume once more.  “ more than that, if i am to wear this dress, i am glad you went out of your way to don that suit. ”
and for that, she finds herself able to cast away her shyness somewhat to return his smile with a bashful one of her own, her own blush matching the flowers that decorate her gown and weapon both.
“ because of that... i'm starting to feel a little like i'm your bride standing beside you like this... is that strange? ”
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sireneia-a · 5 years
                 @seer-of-truth / unprompted.
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  “ Master Elphin. ” Though Thea had been told the man was just a mere bard, she had most definitely overheard her previous employer refer to him with such a high title of respect. If he were address him like that, then Thea would do the same — regardless of if this was a man supposedly of a similar status to her.
“ General Klein talks to you sometimes, I’ve noticed. Is there something he is concerned about regarding battle? ” It was the easiest conclusion she could make for why the nobleman would be interacting so much with Lord Roy’s advisor. “ If there is anything I can do to help ease his worries, then... ”
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mautlie · 4 years
@windparthia​ sent:  "thea, dearest, might you do me a favour?" klein knows the information he's about to impart may be overwhelming, but this is important to him. "i was hoping you might treat the young prince zephiel as a friend. my mother and his, they're distantly related, you see, and he approached me about that relation recently- he wanted to kindle a familial bond, and i was happy to accept the proposal. and given how dearly you mean to me, i.. hoped you might make him feel welcome, as well."
    in the face of such seriousness on her beloved's face, thea straightens her back and adopts a similarly stern expression, prepared for what may come her way.  “ of course, ”  she says right away, expecting something to do with an upcoming mission on behalf of the order of heroes. klein was always dutiful, and if there were anything she could do to ease his workload...  
“ prince zephiel...? ”  she repeats, her features growing less taut. naturally, klein explained the specifics to such a request, perhaps because this time she wasn't quick to agree, but she appreciates the fact he is going through the lengths to justify what he asks of her even if he truly needn't to.
“ understood. i'll do my best. ”  not that she entirely knew how to treat him as a friend. a sibling or a peer might have been an easier ask of her, but if klein asked it of her... then she ought to try at least.  “ i am not sure if i have made this clear, but... you do not need to go to extra lengths to explain situations to me. though i admit i would have found the request odd at first... ”
she tilts her chin down, looking away shyly as she brushes her knuckles against his. her fingers play with his, all but asking aloud to intertwine with his.
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“ ...i trust you. i have always thought you to have a good reason for everything, and you have never once proven me wrong. i trust you for now and forever, klein... ”    
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mautlie · 4 years
@of-invisible-ties​ sent:  "Ah, Thea! How I've been waiting to meet you!" Pent had heard tales of her claiming his son's heart, and he had to see the lass in the flesh. "My son's spoken about you -- and quite highly, in fact! My wife says it's like he can't stop thinking about you." He laughed heartily, intending that as a joke. "But enough of that! Tell me of yourself, won't you?"
    “ you... have? ”  when thea had first spotted pent walking over, she had corrected her form, ensuring her back was straight and she stood as a proper mercenary would in the form of their employer. she considered not saying too much, after all, this was the previous mage general of etruria she was in the presence of! but... the man seemed quite easygoing and expecting more than just the occasional nod and ‘ mmhm ’ or ‘ yes, sir. ’ 
though she would hesitate to call it like father, like son, thea cannot help but deny they both have their own unorthodox approaches to speaking with the ilians. it’s a bit difficult to picture either mingling with the rest of the etrurian elite consequently.
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ah, but she digresses. she’s stalled long enough, and shouldn’t leave the man waiting too long.  “ i— i am not sure what your son could have said about me to warrant such an impression. ”  after all, there wasn’t much to say about her. even now, she struggles, knowing only how to let her credentials speak for her — and even then, that worked only for business transactions. 
how klein fell for her is still a puzzle she would like to figure out, but it is neither her place nor the time to ask. whatever was in those exchanges between son and parent likely was said in confidence.
“ i lead a squadron of pegasus knights in ilia. we make our living via contracts. general klein was the one to hire me, and that is how our paths crossed. i... do not come from an illustrious family or an impressive background, if that is what you mean to ask me. ”
after all, that surely is a concern, is it not? she knows the time shall come sooner or later, when her history shall be called into question as the archer general’s paramour, and etruria will not look kindly upon her when they discover the truth. 
“ but... i love your son and shall stay with him as long as i am able. ”  that is her vow, her conviction in spite of the political turmoil that lies in wait.
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sireneia · 4 years
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[thea vc] i have no idea how to wield this bow and at this point i am too afraid to ask
ANYWAY last year i went for a more personalized design for thea, but this year i went with her donning louise’s wedding gown to Absolutely No One’s surprise. klein/thea hours are real and they live rent-free in my brain
the difference between how it felt to plan juno’s wedding to how it would be to try and plan her and klein’s wedding would probably land as quite a shock to thea (though not quite as much a shock as klein returning her feelings in the first place MAMKGRMRHGG) — the reglay family are well-to-do! clarine certainly has larger ideas of grandeur! pent and louise are one of the most lovey-dovey couples in all of elibe! what thea would likely plan as a simple affair would probably snowball into something more extravagant, though she’ll try to still stay on top of everything while making it seem fitting of the reglay’s status even if it all feels like another world to her.
she’d be blown away by the sentimentality of being able to wear louise’s gown though. it’d really hit her that she’s being accepted as part of this family, and it’d probably be her favorite detail consequently of the whole affair — well, besides her handsome groom, of course.
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sireneia · 4 years
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@astraseason​​ sent:  💭 thea about klein! ( thoughts of you. )
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‘ after this battle, i could return to ilia. general klein’s contract shall be over, and i should secure my squad a new contract. i know this, yet... i am also aware that if i leave, then i will never see general klein again most likely. ’
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‘ shanna is here, and juno has general zelot to help provide for her. it would make the most sense to stay here with the lycian army. even if my feelings are unprofessional... i have reason to remain in this army. just for a little longer, i may stay by general klein’s side... ’
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sireneia · 4 years
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   she’s struck speechless. just what are in those letters??
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sireneia · 4 years
@animaseason​ sent:   "I see you managed to make Lady Reglay's gown work, Dame Thea." Elffin approaches, unable to keep an amused smile off of his normally serene features. "Klein should be charmed, to be sure."
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   “ ah, elffin. i see you're familiar... ”  that fact (plus his little tease) makes the pegasus knight blush a bit. so even to those who hadn't been here in askr during the previous festival could tell what she was wearing? then again, from their days in general roy's army, it seemed as if the bard and klein had been at least on friendly terms  — perhaps he had known from that?
“ it admittedly required a few alterations to make it fit. i thought perhaps i shouldn't wear it since it seems so important to the lady reglay, but she seemed happier to let me wear it... ”  lady reglay... now that she thought about it, in this gown, did she appear as that to others? a woman worthy of the reglay name herself?
perhaps she was getting ahead of herself though, even with such a gift from louise herself. she needed to level her thoughts quickly...
“ for now, you need not call me by dame or anything else. while i may be a knight, my rank is only acknowledged in ilia. ”
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sireneia · 4 years
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 “ guardian igrene, ”  thea greets, a few paces away as she quickly bows out of courtesy.  “ i've been given word that fae is your charge. well. rather, i have watched you two from afar, admittedly... so i seek your advice on something. you see, i have a younger sister, but she is uncooperative these days... i thought i could learn well from you in this area if you are willing. ”
( thank u for indulging me as always | @companaich​ )
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sireneia · 4 years
@astraseason​ sent:   “Would you mind if I kissed you?” its kleinthea hours!!!!   //  fluffy/blushy sentence starters. 
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   at first, thea doesn't know how to react. it was a straight-forward question, but it was not one she had anticipated. though thea had been embarrassingly blatant about her feelings when it came to her confession, she had thought perhaps it be best to rein in her feelings and continue acting professional. the war was still ongoing, and the thought of adding yet another stressor onto klein’s plate was a worry at the forefront of her mind. after all, he was a high noble and thea herself was not only a commoner but a foreign one and from ilia at that. ilia wasn’t a kingdom or league of nobles to offer anything besides women astride pegasi and men upon soldiers, eager to fight for one more day to live. etruria would have its complaints about her being so close with the archer general, and while she's sure nobody in the lycian alliance army would be too nosy, there was always the threat of word getting out. klein didn't need a scandal — not now especially. better safe than sorry.
but here, now... in his tent, they were alone. of course, she was there under the pretense of being his former hire, still working closely with him on the battlefield and heeding any orders he had should they not be at odds with roy's own strategies, but the conversation they held now had nothing to do with business.
she sees the amorous quality his gaze takes on, and she feels herself not caring as much for the possible backlash they could face if only so she could live in this moment. he is so impossibly kind to even ask, causing her to fall in love with him even more — something she hadn't thought possible.  “ no, i'd like that so... ”
she takes hold of his hand, fumbling awkwardly as she tries to intertwine their fingers.
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“ ...please do. kiss me as much as you like. ”
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sireneia · 4 years
@astraseason​ sent: ”Your happiness comes before mine.” but also kleinthea,,,  //  emotional starters.
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  though thea may have been the one to confess first, she is clearly beat in the department of sweet nothings. klein's words are but a whisper in her ear, and that is enough for thea to feel as if her heart is thundering against her chest as she is locked in his embrace. her hands reach around his back, bringing him closer to her — close enough that she fears he might feel her heartbeat too — and then she buries her face in his shoulder, a tad embarrassed by the blush that burns across her cheeks.
“ but my happiness is with you. ”  her voice is a murmur, and she worries for a moment he hadn't heard her. as mortified as she is by how much and how easily he affects her — especially now that he is more willing to be forward with her than before — that does not excuse doing nothing, especially with how she knows he requires her to be open with him to truly understand what lies in her heart.
they have had their issues before, running around one another due to misunderstandings. though this not to the same scale, she does see a potential problem with his words if he meant them.
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“ k... klein, ”  thea starts, pulling her head away from his shoulder to instead look back up at him. saying his name without a title was already daunting, but seeing his handsome face from so close that she could reach up and caress his cheek if she so wished certainly did not help steady her heart.  “ please do not seek to prioritize myself above you. i wish to help see your goals come true too, not just mine. i say that not as your previous hire but rather... as your... um, paramour... ”
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sireneia · 4 years
tag dump ( 1/3 )
+.  /   seraphtine ( muse: celica. ) +.  /   torteshelle ( muse: faye. ) +.  /   fell spirited ( muse: kliff. ) +.  /   lance gold ( muse: clive. ) +.  /   spurious lived ( muse: berkut. )
+.  /   sand stepped ( muse: lene. ) +.  /   dyadic heir ( muse: leif. ) +.  /   coin pick ( muse: dew. ) +.  /   neir sung ( muse: iuchar. ) +.  /   zap loved ( muse: tine. ) +.  /   yewfallen ( muse: febail. ) +.  /   light shielded ( muse: coirpre. ) +.  /   bereftten ( muse: deimne. ) +.  /   stole born ( muse: lifis. ) +.  /   dandelion king ( muse: perne. )
+.  /   life seeker ( muse: raigh. ) +.  /   gennuflect ( muse: wolt. ) +.  /   dahlia of ilia ( muse: thea. ) +.  /   faith rend ( muse: zephiel. ) +.  /   liege bound ( muse: kent. )
+.  /   war rose ( muse: amelia. )
+.  /   absolute median ( muse: stahl. )
+.  /   windfaire ( muse: hayato. ) +.  /   dark crowned ( muse: siegbert. ) +.  /   predateuria ( muse: velouria. ) +.  /   son of vengeance ( muse: percy. ) +.  /   memorabiliac ( muse: ophelia. )
+.  /   gauntless ( muse: caspar. )
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sireneia-a · 5 years
mount names... i’ve got a few hc ones since i tend to gravitate towards the characters who don’t have canonical ones smh
i’ve mentioned in a thread before that thea’s pegasus is named demeter. my reasoning behind this is because i was thinking about how karin’s is named hermes so i wanted to go with another mythology one. thea cares a lot about the safety of others and so i thought demeter was a good pick for her!
for silas, i headcanon his horse to be named kain. i want it to match sophie’s being named avel after abel, and now that CYL has romanized fe5 cain as.... cain, i’ve decided this corruption of the name can work for silas’s horse!
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sireneia-a · 5 years
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thea’s interesting because she’s canonically a muse who’s handled a wedding before! and not in a like. she’ll get married if she gets to a high enough support rank with somebody, like this is consistent no matter what; she’ll have always been credited as her older sister juno’s wedding planner!
apparently she did a pretty good job at it despite being young at the time, so i imagine that when it came time for herself or for shanna to get married, she’d be even better at it. if she had more funds with it too? she could maybe set up something even more spectacular than the small event that made juno extremely happy.
while i tried to design an outfit for her based off herself, i do think the idea of her wearing louise’s wedding dress in the case she marries klein to be a cute concept.
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sireneia-a · 5 years
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thinkin about that ask still ngl
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