#✨ ′ children from the sky ⦗ the 100 ⦘
salvatcrechild · 2 years
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⦗ tvdu & other verses ⦘
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Hello and welcome to my Choir!
I have many names but you may call me Hope, (they/them), I am interested in a bunch of things, usually on the creative side.
Some media I'm interested in :) ↧
Arcana Twilight ✨
Twisted Wonderland 🪄
Undertale/Deltarune ❤️
Lego Monkie Kid 🐒
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss 😈
Mononoke 2007 and Demon Slayer👹
I am currently working on a Arcana Twilight fan comic!
I do art! Fanart and maybe I'll post more original art one day. Please feel free to request some doodles from me! Often I draw only doodles and rarely full on illustration. Have some examples!
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Yep. I might touch this up over the months/years.
No NSFW allowed here. I'm a minor.
And I've decided to create some tags for mwah self, for organization purposes:
#TheInevitableArts #TheInevitableReblogs #TheInevitableAsks #the inevitable words
I'm not changing the tags to fit in the the new theme I'm too lazy for that.
Down here I'll list more stuff I've seen and liked, haven't really peeked at the fandoms the much tho-
ORV, Saiki K, Mob Psycho 100, the Hoyoverse, Bendy, FNAF, Hollow knight, Sky: children of the light. Ayakashi: RR —I should install it again- god why was HE my favorite???— Obey me —but I just played the game for the sake of pretty cards, dunno much about basically anything else— Alien stage, Hunter X Hunter, the Magnus archives. The Garden of Banban, ironically or no? You decide ✨. Chainsaw man. More to be added.
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deitiesofduat · 2 years
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[02] -- SET
✦ TITLE: Lord Set -- The God of Chaos, Deserts, Storms, Foreigners, and Violence
✦ SACRED ANIMAL: The Set Animal (Sha Animal) ✦ DIVINE WEAPON: The Was Scepter (including Spear form) ✦ NOTABLE EPITHETS: "Lord of the Desert; Ruler of the Red Lands; He of Great Strength; He Who Makes The Sky Tremble" ✦ PROFILE: https://deitiesproject.com/portfolio/set/
Lord Set is the second-born of the royal children of Nut and Geb. He is the husband of Nephthys, and the father of Anubis.
Known for his mastery in combat and demon-slaying, Set's reputation was damaged by his misdeeds against the pantheon -- yet the notorious chaos god seems to revel in his infamy. Dismissing any past regrets, he displays his informal and crude attitude with friend and foe alike.
DEITIES x OC_TOBER -- Deity Profiles [Full Character Lineup]
Okay now Set can have his moment to shine ✨
Set remains as the main character of DEITIES's main story, my own attempt at exploring one of the most vilified and multi-faceted gods in the mythology.
Though with my recent change in scope, he's been taking a little less spotlight while I've been developing others from the cast. Even then, I still develop Set offline with friends and he's been fleshed out quite a bit behind the scenes, so it'll be nice to revisit the big red chaos god in the future.
Fun… facts? But everything seems to be in excess with Set’s character, at least in DEITIES. Not that I even planned for it this way, but:
He’s the most adept with Transformation magic (30+ Animal forms, and several states of being).
He’s skilled with wielding a variety of other weapons -- though he favors staffs and blade polearms.
He has one of the highest body counts -- both in the traditional sense of who he’s killed (with Sekhmet likely exceeding this) + the amount of demons he’s slain over millennia; and as a euphemism for his various partners and flings.
He has the most associated songs on the project’s Spotify, including a 100 track masterlist, and... /goes to count-- I think 9 other separate and shared playlists.
He probably has the most featured artwork of the main cast thus far, so this took a while to narrow down lmao--
He has several additional but unlisted domains that include Warfare, Oases, Masculinity, and -- ahem -- Sexuality and Sexual Pleasure. I just had to hard cap him at the 5 up there, or it would have looked a bit ridiculous on his profile ​​💦
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writingonesdreams · 2 years
Wince, Stop, and Comfort, for the Tiny Scene Game
Have fun! ✨
- Circa
Sky of shards
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Summary: Backstory chapter about how Skye, Zephyr and Hal met for the first time. This is how it all started.
Author's note: Thanks for the words! I had this scene in mind for a long time and this just clicked together. I love how these tiny scene words provide me with the external motivation to write.
Also 2.1k words! This makes the draft officially 20k words long!✨
She watched them turn their backs on her.
Ever since Skye was little, her biggest fear was standing in a room full of people talking to each other. Talking happily and merrily and ignoring her.
It wasn't even that she was ignored. It was the responsibility. Like she was supposed to be talking with them, but wasn't, couldn't get into touch with them, all divided in their neat little groups.
All she could muster was stand there, paralyzed by her discomfort, by the feeling she was doing something wrong, being so left out, not wanting to annoy anyone, by mixing in. Asking. Reaching out.
She couldn't take the sight for more than 10 seconds before bulking. No matter how objectively ridiculous it seemed afterwards.
Just didn't expect it to happen here of all places.
The Flying Islands were legendary. Floating shards of earth in the sky, children running out of their homes to point at them, to add meaning to the shapes, to imagine what dragons might be sleeping there.
But the Isles were forbidden territory. Unexplored. Mysterious. Dangerous. The weather and nature there were so wild and unpredictable, humans couldn't tame them, even after 100 years of their sudden burst into existence.
They say they were created at the same time as the old Dragonknight Order fell. They say there was an explosion, conspiracy. Or an accident. Many versions and no way to fact check.
But there was a way to get to see them. One day excursion on the Islands with soon to be graduates from the most prestigious university of magic offered the one in a life chance to set foot on the Islands. Try to reach out to its wild magic with their own. Hope, semester after semester, that with this honour, one day, a discovery came.
Or any kind of new knowledge, really.
Skye felt so confident going there. She was the only mind mage in the last 5 years to go there, for the incredible rarity of mind mage graduates. She was with the top group of students researching it.
That fateful day, she wore a dark blue blazer to highlight her stormy eyes and a striped shirt. Had a new haircut, her silver blond hair just under her chin. She felt beautiful wearing her confidence.
All before the exciting research trip went to hell. A sudden storm caught their airship. They were stuck. Stranded on a small island, a shard shaped piece of rock and mud above a bigger greener shard.
The only means of transpiration without their automatically flown and failed airship were the magic powered gliders.
Gliders powered by physical magic. Soulfire magic that came as a visible tangible fog from the mage. Or Elemental magic, that involved the magicae of the mage connecting to their trained element. The element they were used to resonate with.
Mind magic was the only existing type of completely non physical magic. It worked on a mental level, connecting with anything with consciousness. It couldn't power the gliders.
So, her lovely classmates went ahead and abandoned her to her own fate. For the "greater good of the many'' they said.
"Really, you should insist on sacrificing yourself. You should want to save as many people as possible. Why are you making it hard on us?"
Their de facto leader, a blood mage, informed her in a completely serious, earnest tone.
Hard on you? I'm so sorry, it's so hard on you to write me off as useless and leave me to die!
What can you expect from a blood mage, right? Self-righteous idiots. Just cause their magic was the most used in the medical field, they thought they ate the universe's wisdom and had the right to use the "for the greater good" phrase. She never liked the sound of that argument.
A moral trap people told you, whenever they wanted you to sacrifice something they had no right to claim.
But now, she was the sacrifice for the greater good and she should be thankful. Even insistent and willing.
Looking at their departing backs, she didn't know if she wanted to cry or scream. But she held her tongue, her expression schooled in stony features. Her talent was always not showing her emotions.
Only one persona stayed behind.
He had black curly hair cut short from the sides, but long enough in the middle to fall into his forehead. Sea green eyes, changing with the light, like they couldn't decide if they wanted to be green or blue. They fascinated her. Or they would have, any other day.
He had an athletic build and wore his shirt and blazer with enough contempt to reveal he wasn't used to them. But his face was calm and his voice steady as he argued with their classmates. In her defence.
"You can't just sacrifice a human life."
"Oh don't be so preachy, Zephyr. You have a soulfire training hall, right? You train that for heroic professions, like police, dragon management, rescue service? Didn't they teach you maths?" Her classmate said. Skye couldn't remember his name, although she heard it once. She was always bad with names. Names, faces, and people she didn't care about.
"Do you want to die?" Another added.
But he insisted on staying with her, although the endeavour seemed hopeless. There was no way he could help her on his own. Even if they thought of something, they probably couldn't do it without the gliders their classmates took, to heighten their own chances.
It shouldn't surprise her. In critical situations, people always thought of themselves. Fear for one's own safety was deafening. Hysterical. Unmanageable.
As much as she hated them for leaving, she didn't feel any comfort by Zephyr staying. It seemed futile, self-destructive even. Maybe he was calm, cause he was doing what he believed in, but was it worth dying for your beliefs?
Curious thing, to pity him and not herself. In critical situations, she blocked her feelings. Didn't want to feel anything she would if she let herself right then. Like a switch. Bet nobody else without her mind mage training could do it.
It was just the price she paid. With her magic potential, with her discipline of the mind and keen intellect, she could have chosen any magic. Blood magic even. All the respect and trust and money that came with that.
But no, she chose the magic that interested her, that she believed in, that made her heart sing and eyes sparkle, that made her life more interesting than her dreams.
Didn't realise that something so rare would be so barely understood. So unknown. That she would be written off as useless at the first opportunity.
She paid her price.
But what about Zephyr? He didn't fit in her constellation of the world. She hated he was the only one, her only saviour, her only hope, the benevolent one that pitied her enough to stay.
"Don't worry. I won't leave you."
She nodded and hugged herself. Pretended to be lost and scared. Rage and sense of offence wouldn't make her sympathetic to him and she didn't know if she didn't end up needing him after all.
Couldn't muster an answer though, so they walked in silence. Found a good tree to sleep by.
Zephyr gave her a reassuring smile.
Skye couldn’t wait until he fell asleep.
She reached out her fingers to him. Usually she had to make up pleasant dreams to make her clients grant her entrance into their minds. But this close up and at sleep? All guards down, trusting her to be an innocent frail little victim? Pche. All she needed was touch. One finger on finger.
She could touch him and go through his mind. One millimetre of skin and she would know who he was, why he saved her, what he was playing at. No way this was a selfless thing. Maybe he was in shock. Maybe he didn't believe the danger. Maybe he was too stupid or too arrogant to understand it. Maybe he wanted to be a hero. Maybe he was just suicidal.
If she touched him, she could know all about him. Likely why she was so bad with people. She preferred to get this "getting to know you" phase quickly and effectively over with. Just one little touch.
But when she reached out with her mind, the ground shook beneath them. The tree moved its roots, shifting them around their bodies, as if a hand was cradling them. She winced, but suddenly they stopped again, just barely not touching her.
Silence followed. The darkness felt thick against her skin, an itchy coat to throw away.
She shut her eyes. This wasn't right. She shouldn't be mind raping her saviour's mind. Even though she hated to be saved by this stranger. Even though she didn't want to need saving in the first place.
Her fingertips tingled with the prepared magic. Skye prepped herself up against the ground with both hands. This was wrong.
A drizzle started then. What a dose of bad luck today.
Closing her eyes, she lie against the ground, hands spread out around her body. The ground felt warm under her back, solid and strong. Why was it shaking? The shard was big and slow enough not to be able to feel its movement. Why did it shake?
The water from the drizzle ran down her cheeks, her neck, her bare arms. Palms turned outward, she let go of her ready magic, of the focus, like throwing an arrow into the sky instead of her unknowing victim.
A pulse. A flash of lighting to her body. A kick into her mind. Something responded. Something connected.
Skye never felt a mind like that. Her sense of her body, her situation, her surroundings disappeared. She was a blade of grass beside her head. She was a bee. She was part of the tree, roots deep underground, communicating with the other roots. Everything was connected. All the little pieces, the shards, the trees, the rocks, the insects made up a net of connections, of flashes of light, life, consciousness. A net over it all, pulsing, alive.
There was no way to stop.
And the net, it was still going. A leaf. A moose. A butterfly over a sleeping body of a dragon. Then she was a dragon, with the weight of wings on her back, with eyes yellow as melted gold.
As if the Islands lived. Breathed. Connected with everything and everyone, they were one big net, one big ecosystem. Exhilarating.
But still. Something was beneath it all. Not just a singular point in a net, but a voice. A consciousness.
Who are you? she asked.
Another mind. Very strong. Mingling with all the points, all the connections, but changing shape. It was sleepy and heavy and slow, but it was an entity separate from the living net of the Islands.
Who is asking?
It was a voice that answered, rumbling deeply in her mind.
She wasn't sure who she was anymore. Part of everything and nothing. Part of the Islands but also a person of her own. Skye. That was her name.
She couldn't formulate words anymore, swimming in and out of self-awareness. Turning into a stream of thoughts, memories, moments that made her a whole being.
So that was what she sent him. A focused stream of who she was. What she felt. What happened to her.
The consciousness, the stranger, shifted. Changed. Activated. Like waking up from a long dream, he, she or it reacted to her thoughts. To the onslaught of memories.
Now there were glimpses coming back. The person, vast and wide like a whole world, giant and overwhelming enough to connect with the whole net of the Islands, couldn't answer. It was confused. But still, she got the glimpses.
Explosion. Blood. Dragons. Giant castle-like building. Impressions and emotions. Pieces of sadness, of grief, of loss and a void.
Escape, escape, escape.
It was too much. He needed to escape. Turned into a tree. A rock. A fly. A dragon. What did it matter? Seeing the world from a different vantage point. Trying another form of existence. Everything, just to not feel the pain.
It took all her skill and experience, all her deep self-reflection and discipline to pull herself back. To realise how she was to separate herself from him. Skye. My name is Skye.
Who are you? she repeated to him. He was becoming clearer on the edges, forming a shape of colour and blackness.
Hal. The only word in the mess of thoughts and memories, of flashes that only vaguely made up a form.
He was too strong. A mage with so much power would be considered a god. The closest to a god their atheistic society, based around magic, had.
A god named Hal.
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pigeon-toes · 8 months
The name's Pidge!!
21 yrs old [Jan 4th]
18+ blog on account of me hornyposting over hot women
I draw! I also draw ocs i post abt sometimes!
Very obsessive about everything Im into
Can and will tear my hair out over mild mischaracterization
Dont like my favs? Die /j
Ill generally blog abt whatevers on my brain atm!
Text/ramble posts: #Pidgey Talk
Pics from me: #Pidgey Pic
My art: #Pidgey Art
(Read more!)
Characters I'm obsessive over:
Arlecchino [Genshin Impact] [I will fight the entire genshin fandom tooth and nail for ppl to characterize her properly]
Ivan [Alien Stage] [My fucking blorbo, he deserved so damn much, Ivan v. Till destroyed me]
Clorinde [Genshin Impact] [Shes so fucking cool and she deserves more and better fans]
Beidou [Genshin Impact] [my first genshin love... pirate woife, she makes me blush]
Tennant [Reverse: 1999] [houghdhcndnnsnvkdcjkfsjcn wwomanndnfh]
Honorable Mentions: [Characters I just like a lot]
Power [Chainsaw Man]
Kafka [Honkai Star Rail]
Literally all the [Alien Stage] characters
Quifrey [Witch Hat Atlier]
Phos [Houseki no Kuni]
Diamond [Houseki no Kuni]
Yelan [Genshin Impact]
Kazuha [Genshin Impact]
Kaveh [Genshin Impact]
Lyney [Genshin Impact]
Media I adore:
Sky: Children of the Light [been playing since Enchantment!]
Houseki no Kuni / Land of the Lustrous [Fav manga+anime ever, i will hold you at gunpoint to consume it while sobbing]
Alien Stage [I will never shut the fuck up about this]
Chainsaw man [Expect posts at least every new chapter release, i adore this shit]
Witch Hat Atelier [Not caught up yet but I adore every second of what ive read so far]
Genshin Impact [Idc abt the flaws im just here to have a good time w fun characters and a gorgeous open world + OST]
Mob Psycho 100 [An old fav but a forever good one]
Also Cookie Run Kingdom i guess [the p2w bullshit makes me mad but i love the designs and story]
All ships include adult characters! If the included character has no canon/contextual age, I headcanon them to be an adult! Any toxic dynamics are not romanticised <3
Ride or die:
Arlecchino x Me 💜
Beigguang [Genshin Impact]
Clorivia [Genshin Impact]
Also like:
Arlecchino x Furina [Genshin Impact] (mm toxic yuri)
Cinnaphos [Houseki no Kuni] (in an unfulfilled pining sort of way)
AsaDen [Chainsaw Man]
RobinHill [Honkai Star Rail]
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therawfishthatdraws · 9 months
[🐟] Salutations!
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✨ Welcome to my blog!
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My name is Arden (she/he) and as the username suggests, I am a fish that draws as a fun little hobby. I am fond of fauna in general, have a specific obsession with salmon, and is currently being consumed by at least 2 of my interests. I also like dragons and angels! Hey guys have I mentioned that I really like fish? Well now I have, and now you know. Very normal about those guys.
Also I hail from Indonesia and is more than a tad bit fruity (bi aroace) but that is not as important, I just wanted to say that.
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Click this to know more abt my stuff + tag list ↓
✨ About my stuff
In here you will find original content and fanart, the original content being stuff about my beloved ocs. Occasionally I will dabble in fauna posting as I find great joy in working with them. If I were to slap a genre onto my stuff... I'd personally say I work with fantasy a lot. Feel free to hang if that is your thing! I cannot guarantee 100% satisfaction but I hope you find even a sliver of entertainment.
In terms of fanart I can't say I'll stick to one thing but to give you a reference of what you may find, here's a few things I am invested in:
Sky: Children of The Light
Identity V
Genshin Impact
Honkai: Star Rail
How To Train Your Dragon
Minecraft (+ Story Mode too)
Undertale + Deltarune
The Owl House
Wild Kratts
And many more things I will not list haha, you will have to find out for yourself.
✨ Other platforms
Instagram: therawfishthatdraws (main socmed, other accounts are listed on my bio)
Twitter: therawfishdraws (main) + samekhposting (account dedicated to the Valley Elders of Sky, currently inactive + in need of editing)
Tiktok: therawfishthatdraws (have not posted there, just there for the content atm + sharing here so there aren't any misconceptions)
Art Fight: therawfishthatdraws
Toyhouse: therawfishthatdraws (under major construction)
⚠: I usually go by the same username everywhere, but if you ever find me on platforms I have not listed and linked then that is not me! Do not believe in impersonators if you ever encounter one, and wait for my official statement.
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✨ Personal tag list
#rawfishart — self explanatory, go here to view a complete compilation of my scribbles!
#luscious lure — art reblog tag that I wanted to have a fishing theme, lurk here to see cool stuff
→ Alternatively you can go to @thelightthatruins which is my main reblogging + miscellaneous account.
#splendiferous siren song — text post reblog tag that I wanted to get a bit extra with, lurk here to read interesting stuff
#blub blub 🐟— text post from yours truly 🐟
#[insert creature] posting — hey, I love these critters a lot! Check out this tag for posts of them
#fishy wisdom — inbox reply tag
✨ Tag list (original/oc edition)
#tales from the horizon — sky:cotl au tag
#a world of gray — oc universe tag 1
#edencoria — oc universe tag 2, which is actually a personal shared story my friends and I have!
#sonaverse — apparently I have a lot of sonas, posts with any of them in it will have this tag
#oc posting — general oc posting tag
More shall be added in the future!
That will be all from me! Enjoy your visit, or your stay, and make sure to have a splendid day 🦈
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nct-sky · 1 year
Get To Know Me ✨
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+ about
#stage name - sky #birth name - park sora #birth name meaning - 'sora' means 'sky' #english name - skylar park #birthday - 1st of April 1994 #birthplace - chicago, illinois #hometown - chicago, illinois #nationality - american-korean #ethnicity - american-korean #languages - english (native), korean (fluent) #MBTI - INTP (the Logician) #representative emoji - 🦇/🦅 (bat & eagle) #zodiac - aries| #chinese zodiac - dog
+ appearance
#idol look alike - jinny, secret number #natural hair color - dark brown #natural hair type - straight #eye color - brown #height - 175cm (5'9'') #blood type - A- #dominant hand - right hand #special feature - sharp jawline & prominent cheekbones #birthmarks - coming soon #scars - coming soon #modifications - coming soon
+ career
#occupations - rap (100%), vocal (60%), dance (50%) #positions - rapper, vocalist #company - Clandestine Entertainment* (2010-2014) SM Entertainment (2014-present) (*completely fictional company) #trainee period - 6 years (2010-2016) #group debut - April 9th, 2016 (NCT U) July 7th, 2016 (NCT 127) #debut age - 22 years old #years active - 2016-present #association - CLD Entertainment*, SM Entertainment, NCT, NCT U, NCT 127, NCT Dream, WayV
+ statistics
vocals: 8/10 rap: 10/10 dance: 6/10 acting: 2/10 variety: 3/10 modeling: 7/10 songwriting: 9/10 producing: 8/10
+ health
#mental - she struggles with insomnia and social anxiety disorder #physical - rheumatoid arthritis, a chronic inflammatory disorder & Achromatopsia color blindness (only black, white & grey) #phobia - acrophobia (fear of heights) #allergy - aspirin, a pain medication
+ personal
#strengths - analytical, original, open-minded, curious, objective, #weaknesses - disconnected, insensitive, dissatisfied, impatient, perfectionistic #talents - mathematical thinking, high IQ, winning (especially in quizzes), fast thinking #hobbies - chess, programming, freestyle rap, singing #likes - apocalypse movies & books, staying inside, oversized clothes, naps/napping, science, learning new things, cleaning, math & physics, reading, quizzes, organization, fixing things & cars, simplicity, escape rooms, puzzles, inventions, fishing, going for walks, listening to podcasts #dislikes - public speeches, big crowds, award shows, licorice, high places, arguing, being ignored, mannequins & statues, rooftops, money, children, social events, messy dorm, flashing lights, loud noises, being late, surprises, jewelry
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Hey, thanks for giving this post your time and I hope you will enjoy my stories. I appreciate you 💙
There is nothing prettier than a city at 5 am, with its empty streets and cold wind.
Disclaimer: All the pictures are from Pinterest and are not mine. Credit to the owners. ©︎ nct-sky - all rights reserved. do not copy, repost, or translate my work on Tumblr or other platforms.
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wh33zy · 1 year
why does Sky High look ✨WILDLY✨ Canadian🍁to me?
I just feel like one of Keith's traumas was American school children circling around him yelling, "OoH nOu, tHeRe'S a MOOSE LOOSE ABOOT THE HOOUSE."
like LOOK at this smile, this FACE:
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And tell me he wouldn't trek through several feet of snow unphased to get John dog treats. Tell me he doesn't have a huge jug of maple syrup in his kitchen. Look me dead in my eyes and tell me with full 100% honesty that this man is not disgustingly kind in the most northern way possible.
Like WHY ELSE is he bad at one liners and saying mean things to criminals? He doesn't even CURSE BECAUSE HE'S SO NICE.
his wish is for smiles and happiness for all mankind and for john to get married ARE YOU KIDDING ME???
(upon further reading his wiki, his first name comes from Scottish origin so also imagine him yelling SCOTLAND FOREVAAAAAAAAAAR over bagpipes while beating the absolute shit out of you for robbing a gas station)
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kunoichihatake · 4 years
Dawn (Neji x reader)
Prompt: “How about Lake with Neji x reader” for my 100 followers celebration
Pairing: Neji Hyuga x gender neutral reader
Words: 556
Warnings: none
Masterlist / buy me a coffee?
You woke up to find the bed next to you cold, your husband Neji gone. You squinted at the clock on your nightstand, seeing it was only 6:02 am, and chuckled to yourself. Even on vacation, he’s an early bird. You stood up, shivering a bit as you removed the covers and let the cool air hit your body, and you wrapped a blanket around yourself to walk out into the living area of the cabin you were staying in for the weekend. You looked around and found Neji standing on the porch, staring out over the lake in the cool air. Smiling, you walked over to the screen door, gently opening it and stepping outside. Neji turned around when he heard you open the door and gave you a gentle smile.
“Good morning,” he said, giving you a gentle kiss on the top of your head as you wrapped your arms around him. He wrapped one arm around you, the other holding a still steaming cup of tea, and you curled into his warm body.
“G’morning,” you said sleepily, yawning. “What are you doing up so early?” Neji’s face turned stoic as usual, and he stared back over the lake, watching as the sun extended its first red fingers over the water to raise itself into the sky another day.
“Just...thinking,” he said. You turned your face to look up at him.
“About your family?” you asked quietly. You had been with Neji for about 7 years now, and knew whenever he was thinking about his family -- he always got the same look in his eyes. He had never had the family he wanted: his parents passed away when he was very young, and his uncle, who took him in, always treated Neji as lesser than his own children. The man had experienced so much pain from such a young age, and though you tried to love him as deeply and strongly as you possibly could, there were some holes in his heart that you could just never fill, and you knew that.
Neji nodded. “I just wish they had been able to meet you.” You laid your head on Neji’s shoulder, staring solemnly at the lake.
“I wish I could’ve met them, too,” you said. You paused for a moment, then added, “Even though I never knew them, I’m certain they’re incredibly proud of the man you’ve become.” You smiled at Neji, giving him a gentle kiss on the cheek. “You’re so strong and sweet and intelligent, and I know they’re looking down from wherever they are and that they’re so proud of you.” Neji blinked, turning to you, and you saw a single tear run down his face. He brushed it away and pressed a kiss to your lips.
“What in the world did I do to deserve you?” he mumbled, pressing his forehead to yours. You smiled.
“I ask myself the same question about you every day,” you replied. He pressed another kiss to your forehead, and you curled your body deeper into his, relaxing into his arms. You stayed there for a moment, snug in your husband’s embrace, before pulling back and looking into his eyes. “Come on, let’s go make some breakfast.” Neji smiled and took your hand, letting you lead the way back inside the warm cabin.
if you enjoyed this fic, consider buying me a coffee? ✨
Tag list: @praisingkuroosbedhead @silverchanel@fantasiefulfilled@alysplxnet @excitedlysuffering @milkierei@withoutwndrlnd@caffeinated-chicken-nuggets @tempo-rary-fix@jaybunsblog@baboomz @dr-daydreams-dream @yourmum792@sasukelore@dylvaz @itachichia @call-me-clever-girl @heebahaider @monic00l @itsao-mine @randomhaven @siesel @kakashi-simp@usuratonkachiuchiha @le-shrug @softserein @aintnolover @wasabi-mommy @justalonelygirlherenothingmuch (like this post or send me an ask to be tagged in my future fics!)
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