#✰ — » v: in the land of sand and secrets
blueshiftting · 10 months
“  who  did  this  to  you  ?  ” | @lovesigned
And it was foolish for anyone to think that something wasn’t occurring as of a few nights ago. Hence, Cordelia’s presence today in front of Enya. She was there to repair the wreckage, to salvage through emotions or, better yet, butter them both up. 
It takes only one look at the other for Delia to see the gravity of the situation. Bruises haunt her neck, indicative of fingerprints that pressed into her skin. She’s lucky to be standing there before her. 
❝ I’ll do what I can. ❞  She couldn’t pry her eyes away from the affliction. To her, Dio will always be a dragon: test his flame, and you’ll come out scorched. 
 There’s disgust that sits on the woman’s face, souring like milk left out too long. Though, it wasn’t towards Enya — it was the fact that she was complicit and never intervened. 
What was she to do, though? Emotions may be her domain, but a queen still held only so much influence. 
❝ I’ll, in fact, do more than just that, for your sake.❞ What could’ve easily been a barb, was actually an empathetic grab at her attention.  ❝ Whatever it was, you still didn’t deserve this outcome. ❞
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astrophysics 101 / @rejectshumanity
nothing would excite her more. as an astrophysicist, nothing fascinates her more than the stars, sparkling like jewels in the skies for her to pluck out and examine. 
❝ i would certainly love that prospect. ❞ she lit up as brightly as any of the cosmos had to offer.  ❝ and perhaps, i could teach you more about this advancement, if you so please. ❞ 
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Legacy of Fire (I)
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Chapter One: Awakening
Summery: Rhaenys Targaryen learns of the truth
Warnings: Cursing, death by sword, death by fire, death by hanging, war, humiliation, betrayal, violence, use of the word bastard, incest, angst, fluff, burning, threatening, future smut, P in V, fingering, cunnilingus, scissoring, blowjob, handjob, anal sex, girl x girl, boy x girl, boy x boy, dragons
Word Count: 1,5K
Rhaenys Targaryen knelt beside the small cot where her elderly wet nurse lay, frail and gasping for breath. The chamber was dimly lit, the sunlight struggling to penetrate the heavy curtains that shielded them from the harsh Dornish sun. Rhaenys dipped a cloth in cool water and gently dabbed it against the wet nurse’s fevered forehead.
“Please, you must get better,” Rhaenys implored, her voice trembling with worry. “I cannot bear to lose you, especially now.”
The old woman’s eyes, once bright with life, gazed up at Rhaenys with a mixture of sadness and determination. “My lady,” she rasped, her voice barely audible, “there is something I must confess before I depart from this world.”
Rhaenys leaned closer, her heart heavy with anticipation and dread. “What is it? What troubles you, dear friend?”
The wet nurse’s chest heaved with a labored breath, and she clutched Rhaenys’ hand weakly. “You are not who you think you are.” she whispered, her voice trembling. “You are not Rhaenys Targaryen. You are…”
Rhaenys felt her pulse quicken as she waited for the revelation, her world hanging on the precipice of truth.
The wet nurse continued, her words a fragile thread of disclosure. “You are Jon Snow’s twin. Your true name…is Vaeloria”
Rhaenys’s heart seemed to stop as the weight of those words settled upon her. She couldn’t comprehend the magnitude of the secret her wet nurse had carried, a secret that had been buried in deceit for all her life.
“But why?” Rhaenys choked out, tears filling her violet eyes. “Why was this kept from me?”
The wet nurse’s grip on Rhaenys’ hand tightened, and she summoned the last of her strength to respond. “Your father, Rhaegar Targaryen, believed it was the only way to keep you safe. And your uncle, Eddard Stark, swore an oath to protect you both.”
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The sands of Dorne whispered secrets, their shifting grains echoing tales of forgotten bloodlines and concealed destinies. Underneath the scorching sun, the coastal breeze carried the faint scent of salt and the distant promise of adventure. It was here, in this land of fierce beauty, that a young woman known as Rhaenys Targaryen began her journey.
As dawn painted the horizon in hues of pink and gold, Rhaenys stood atop the battlements of Sunspear, the ancient seat of House Martell. Her silver-gold hair cascaded like liquid fire down her back, and her violet eyes glistened with determination. She had awakened to a world forever changed, a world where her true identity as a Targaryen had been unveiled.
The revelation had been both a curse and a blessing. It had set her on a path she could not deny, a path fraught with secrets and treacherous ambitions. She knew that the road ahead would be perilous, but she was resolute in her purpose—to find her twin brother, Jon Snow, and to seek out the last living heir of House Targaryen, Daenerys, whose vision she believed in with unwavering conviction.
In her heart, a burning desire smoldered, a desire to fulfill the promise of fire and blood, and to continue the legacy of the Dragon. Her journey had begun, and it would take her across the Seven Kingdoms, through the treacherous landscapes of power and betrayal.
The world of Westeros awaited her, with its intrigues, rivalries, and hidden dangers. But Rhaenys Targaryen would not falter. She had awakened to her true self, and she was determined to shape her own destiny.
As Rhaenys gazed out over the shimmering waters of the Summer Sea, a sense of both excitement and foreboding coursed through her veins. The sprawling palace of Sunspear, with its sandstone towers and hidden courtyards, had been her home for as long as she could remember. But now, it felt like a gilded cage, its walls closing in on her.
She had learned much from her kind “uncle” Doran Martell, the ruler of Dorne, and her time in Sunspear had been one of safety and tutelage. Yet, the secrets that had been kept from her had become a weight too heavy to bear.
Rhaenys Targaryen stood in the lush gardens of Sunspear, wondering what her beloved uncle Oberyn would have thought of her if he were still alive this day after the revelation, the scent of blooming flowers mingling with the salt-tinged breeze from the nearby sea. The sun painted the sky with hues of orange and pink, casting a warm glow over the palace grounds. She was no longer the young girl known as Rhaenys, but the memory of her childhood with Oberyn Martell remained etched in her heart. Oberyn despised the Lannisters for what they did to his sister, he raised her to hate them as well but would he have hated her more if he knew she was one of the fruits of his sister’s husband’s betrayal? A result of what had caused the rebellion and eventually his sister’s death. The woman he raised her to love and care for even when she did not know thinking she was her true mother.
As she strolled along a cobblestone path, her mind wandered back to a simpler time. She had been a spirited child, her silver-gold hair flowing like a river of fire as she ran through the gardens. Her uncle Oberyn, the Red Viper, had been her playmate, his sharp wit and fierce determination a constant source of fascination.
One particular memory stood out—a day when Oberyn had taken her to the Water Gardens, a sanctuary of cascading fountains and crystal-clear pools. They had laughed together as they splashed in the water, carefree and oblivious to the weight of their names.
“Rhaenys,” Oberyn had called her, unaware of the secret that hid beneath the false name. “You have the spirit of a true Dornish woman. Fearless and untamed.”
She had grinned up at him, the innocence of childhood in her violet eyes. “Like you, Uncle.”
Oberyn had chuckled, ruffling her hair affectionately. “Yes, perhaps you take after your old uncle more than you know.”
In that moment, as they had shared their laughter and the warmth of the Dornish sun, the world had felt like a place of endless possibilities. The looming shadows of politics and secrets had been distant, and Rhaenys had reveled in the love and companionship of her family.
Now, as she walked those same paths, her uncle’s words echoed in her mind, and she couldn’t help but wonder how he would have reacted when he learned the truth of her identity. The thought weighed heavily on her, but she was determined to face the inevitable revelation with the same courage and spirit that had defined her as a child.
The memory of Oberyn, blissfully ignorant of her true heritage, remained a bittersweet reminder of the innocence she had lost. She would carry it with her as she embarked on her journey to reunite with Jon Snow, seek out Daenerys Targaryen, and rewrite her destiny in the ever-complicated world of Westeros.
As the sun climbed higher in the sky, Rhaenys descended from the battlements, her mind racing with plans and questions. How would she find Jon Snow, a brother she had never known? And what of Daenerys Targaryen, the last living ember of House Targaryen’s once-mighty flame? Could she convince the world that the Dragon must rise again?
Her first step led her to the chambers of her loyal confidante, the servant who had revealed the truth. There, she found the older woman with eyes red from weeping.
“Are you certain about this?” Rhaenys asked, her voice trembling with uncertainty.
The servant nodded. “I have no doubt, my lady. The blood of House Targaryen flows in your veins.”
Rhaenys’ resolve hardened. “Then it is time. I will begin my journey.”
With a heavy heart, the servant handed her a small, ornate chest. Inside lay a dragon pendant, a symbol of her true lineage. It was a reminder of the legacy she carried, a legacy she intended to honour. The other side of the had pendent a dire wolf was engraved, a dragon and wolf she was, a rare gem she was.
As she fastened the pendant around her neck, Rhaenys knew that the path she had chosen would be fraught with danger. She would be hunted by those who sought to extinguish her family’s name, and she would be tested in ways she could scarcely imagine.
But she was ready. With each step she took, the sands of Dorne whispered secrets of power and destiny, and she would follow their call.
The Dragon had awakened, and its fire would burn brighter than ever before.
As her wet nurse’s breathing grew shallower, Rhaenys felt a torrent of emotions—anger, confusion, and a burning desire for the truth. The revelations that had come to light had set her on an unexpected path, one that would lead her to confront her true identity and reshape her destiny.
As the wet nurse’s eyes closed for the final time, Rhaenys held her close, vowing to honour her memory and fulfil the legacy she had unknowingly carried all her life.
The Dragon had awakened, and with the weight of her true name, Vaeloria, Rhaenys would forge her own path in the world of Westeros.
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gabriellerudessa · 25 days
Compass (Norm Maclean x OC) - Part XXVIII
Marigold squatted, gun pointing to the path as she watched something on the ground, and Norm approached carefully, stopping beside her.
A footprint, very clear in the ground, even as the earth was starting to dry up. A trail of those, and his eyes followed and followed… The path to the left.
“It was done after it started raining, so what… One hour and a half ago?”
“Around it.” He confirmed, swallowing.
AO3 | Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII | Part IX | Part X | Part XI | Part XII | Part XIII | Part XIV | Part XV | Part XVI | Part XVII | Part XVIII | Part XIX | Part XX | Part XXI (Smut) | Part XXII | Part XXIII | Part XXIV | Part XXV | Part XXVI (Smut) | Part XXVII | Part XXIX | Part XXX | Part XXXI | Part XXXII | Part XXXIII |
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Word Count: 4.503
Warnings: Wasteland Typical Violence
The so-called cantina and its communal bedroom was a metal-building with two rooms, one large and closed, the other open to the night air on one side, fire stoves and two counters against the dividing wall. Marigold recognized Aspirants cooking and one Initiate manning the business side of it, tables and chairs all around. The open side opened directly to the ruins, and the lights along it – windows, streetlights, everywhere – were harsh and bright, almost looking as if the stars were on the land instead of the sky.
There was no way to deny that at least the cold fusion or whatever energy source was true. She had never seen so many lights in a single space.
How and why they were keeping it a secret from the rest of the region, she didn’t know. Ma June would’ve told her without a doubt, but no. Besides, the place was empty of non-Brotherhood; the news would’ve attracted traders from all around and the Observatory would be bustling. She didn’t understand everything about what cold fusion meant, but whatever could energize such a big stretch of land meant power in the Wasteland and she was certain the Brotherhood would do its fucking best to exercise it.
Maybe the secrecy was more about where the source of it was, which made sense, especially if they were still figuring how exactly it worked and fortifying better their position to keep it with them.
Or maybe news were just being slow, which, fair enough, that was Wasteland for you.
Brotherhood members came and went from the cantina, not paying for food and water, some Squires taking food to specific Knights and even Paladins. The few non-members paid – and a fair price at that, Marigold noted as she passed the caps to the Initiate.
They sat at a corner with their own plates and cups – squirrel and tato stew with mashed corn and water. Talk was all around them, enthusiastic and loud, and Marigold and Norm kept their ears up even as they exchanged what they had discovered in lower tones, without actually discussing possibilities and theories – better let those for when they were outside Brotherhood’s hearing range.
“Nothing that indicates Lucy?” Norm shook his head as she finished with her stew and started on the mashed corn. “Damn. That’s depressing.”
And worrying. They both heard about the fucking cold fusion, apparently Moldaver’s work, and the tension between the so called Knight Maximus and the Elder Cleric, but no one even mentioned a Vaultie woman.
The prisoner that had stolen Power-Armor was a good clue, at least. Most Power-Armor was in Brotherhood’s power from what she knew, so they just needed to find people talking about one travelling alone and so on. Hopefully it would lead to Lucy too; Norm hadn’t talked about it, but she guessed the prisoner was probably his father – which was messed up if what that Maximus guy said about the prisoner having bombed Shady Sands was true. How could he have done it from inside a Vault? Why?
She hoped it was all just a misunderstanding, because if true… Not only pre-war, but bombing a city with thousands of inhabitants? Fuck.
Marigold finished eating and leaned back on her chair, legs crossed, one arm possessively on the back of Norm’s chair, eyes watching the movement and the lights while she sipped slowly on the water – purified, fresh tasting. She wasn’t rushing with it.
Most of the talk around still revolved around the battle against the NCR and Maximus promotion, with some high-tales of how he had killed Moldaver – all contradicting each other. Few talked about the escaped prisoner, even fewer about what was being done, and no one mentioned a Vaultie woman or some Knight Titus or an Enclave scientist – Marigold hoped it didn’t equate to bad news about them. And, as Norm finished eating, all the talk diminished even more, as the Brotherhood members departed to their own quarters.
Fuck. She had hoped to hear something more interesting and definitive, that complemented better what they already had. For no one to talk about Vaulties, they hadn’t really found one, and they hadn’t known Norm’s father was one. Where was Lucy? Had she even arrived?
“I think it’s better we go to sleep and leave early tomorrow.” Norm said after he finished, sounding as disappointed as she felt, and Marigold nodded, finishing her cup of water.
They took their tableware to the counter and paid for a couple of beds. The Initiate rattled out the number and handed them two robust padlocks with keys – “there’s lockers under the beds, you can put your things in them.”
Thank God.
The communal bedroom was filled with metal bunk beds, old and rusted, mattresses exposed. Their numbers dangled in small metal plaques attached to them, and Norm read them in low voice as they walked, not bothering the few people already sleeping.
She wasn’t surprised when both of the numbers the Initiate had said indicated a single bunk bed.
“I’ll fall trying to reach the higher bed.” Marigold sighed and shrugged; there was a reason Goose and Mika were the ones to usually get the higher beds. Too many times her and Regina – and Moose, when still single – had made bunk beds tumble just by trying to get into them.
“And I’ll fall during the night.” Norm’s shoulders slumped and she nodded, still remembering how he had tossed and turned the only night they had shared a bed and not cuddled. “Did he say anything against sharing?”
“Nope.” She grinned and winked at Norm, already pulling the two lockers from under the bed. “But that’s a great idea, Norm-boy.” And maybe would help cheer him up.
Norm shrugged with a small smile, taking their blankets out and helping her with storing the bags and locking the padlocks.
That taken care off, they cuddled in the bed. It was usually a tight fit for her, her feet easily dangling outside, and with Norm it was even harder. However, as they hugged each other tight under the blankets, his head against her shoulder and neck, her arms pulling him into her, their legs intertwined, she wouldn’t exchange that moment for anything.
The night went fast, and soon they were waking with the sounds of more people getting up and moving around them. Somehow, he and Marigold had gotten even more intertwined during the night, blankets twisted around limbs, and they needed some minutes to get out without tumbling into the ground, whistles from anyone that passed by them making his ears burn.
Finally they managed to get up and got their bags – everything exactly as they had left – and folded the blankets into them before leaving the communal bedroom.
There was another bunch of Brotherhood members cooking in the annexed cantina and another manning the counters – Aspirants, Marigold specified, marked by the dog tags around necks and lack of jumpsuit, and an Initiate. They paid for a bowl of food and a cup for what passed as coffee in the surface.
The food was mashed corn with meaty pieces that Marigold called “iguana”, soft and white-ish, the taste subtle and pleasant. The coffee, made with something Marigold called “coyote tobacco chew”, was black, bitter, thick and weird, and for the first time exactly as he liked without him being the one to make it – in the Vault the rule was usually either too weak, too full of sugar, or both, and he hated all those variations.
The talking around them was muddier than last night, more about the responsibilities awaiting the Brotherhood members that day than recent news. He noticed the Dane-person appear, taking a tray with them – “Knight Maximus’ breakfast”, had been their words –, as others did, but that was the only thing that caught his attention in some way. Norm and Marigold didn’t dally long after eating.
They left the Observatory hand in hand, just like they had arrived, a comfort that Norm had missed. Two different guards were at the gates, noting their names in the clipboard as they left, and then they were walking the trail down the mountain, the morning sun doing its best to warm the day despite the cold wind.
As they walked, the trail sunk back amidst the thin trees, slowly descending, the Observatory getting farther and farther away. Norm sighed and finally allowed himself to try and process what they had heard – and what they hadn’t.
“From where the hell that cold fusion came?”
“Wish I knew, Norm-boy. I was even thinking last night, about how they’re keeping it a secret.”
“The rumors implied it was Moldaver, that she activated it while fighting the Brotherhood…”
“Makes sense. Still your question: from where? She had the tech the whole time?”
Norm stopped talking for a moment, thinking, frowning…
“Maybe it involves my father, or at least Vault-Tec… If she had this the whole time, why go inside a Vault and kidnap someone that works for Vault-Tec before activating it?”
Marigold made silence, hand squeezing his, and he sighed, frown remaining.
“…I was going to say that it may involve the scientist, but considering that we heard nothing about Lucy or that Knight Titus, I think it’s safe to say they must still be after the Enclave scientist… Even if it does sounds like something from the Enclave.” She hummed, voice serious, and Norm groaned, scratching at his eyes with one hand.
“Damn it. That, Moldaver’s death, and with my dad God-knows-where, supposing he’s the escaped prisoner… Lucy won’t even have to who deliver the scientist.”
The pieces made less sense than before. The new ones only told him about some stranger Squire-turned-Knight and his tensions with the highest ranking officer in the region, of probably his father running away in a Power-Armor and being the guilty for Shady Sands, of damned cold fusion… And that was it.
Knight Titus, with whom Lucy had left Vault 4? Nothing. Considering he was after the scientist and what the Brotherhood had done to Filly after such scientist had passed through, Norm had no doubts that the man’s presence would’ve been mentioned, at least to say if he had been successful in his mission or not.
No Lucy. Not even the damned scientist. It was anti-climactic, all his stress over it and over everything influenced by it feeling as if for nothing.
Damn it, all of it was almost as bad as his lack of answer regarding his mom.
Norm was so fucking tired of half-answers and trying to fit a bunch of pieces that didn’t even seemed to belong to the same puzzle. One thing was trying to discover what the hell had happened with Vault 32 and what was going on with Vault 31… Another was trying to discover where the hell Lucy was and how to find her, while desperately hoping she was still alive.
And he was all out of clues regarding location, state of living, everything.
“Come here.” Marigold whispered, stopping and pulling him into an one-armed hug, his forehead resting on her breasts.
He breathed her in, sand and gunpowder and blood, arm around her waist and pulling her closer, not allowing the hand-holding to fade. Her free hand slowly massaged across the top of his back and shoulder.
All that without including the stress over his relationship with her. Damn it.
“… I don’t know what to think, expect, or do, Marigold.”
“You don’t need to decide now, Norm-boy. Let’s focus on reaching Catarina’s house, eat lunch and note down everything we know and discuss what it all mean, there. Maybe there’s even some clue in Catarina’s terminal that you didn’t notice.”
Norm sighed and raised his head, looking up at Marigold. He got she was trying to encourage him, but it seemed cruel that he had a clue regarding his father – lying person, he still loved him, still didn’t know how to untangle the mess of feelings –, but not about his sister, the one he really needed to see and talk with.
“… Do you think we could’ve done something different to try and discover more at the Observatory?” He finally asked, and her hand cupped his nape, thumb stroking his hairline.
Norm felt her breasts moving as she sighed, eyebrows frowning slightly.
“No.” She wetted her lips. “The only people that would’ve know more were either high-ranking Brotherhood members, and any imprisoned NCR. Maybe the Squire-turned-Knight, he was supposedly there when the prisoner escaped, so he would at least have some definitive answers about if it was your father or not.”
He drummed his fingers against her back.
“And we would’ve needed an excuse to talk with either of them. And there’s no way we can give one without going into details about my Vault or my father. And there’s still no way to know if they would’ve answered us or imprisoned us or whatever.” Norm whispered, closing his eyes.
He sunk more into the hug, fingers digging into her waist, her hand squeezing his. It helped his heartbeat, no longer in his throat, relaxing slowly into it all.
“… Can we stay like this just a little longer, Marigold?” Norm forced himself to ask.
“Of course, Norm-boy.”
The “a little longer” turned into almost half an hour, and Marigold carefully pulled them both more to the trees, humming… She didn’t even know what, but she felt Norm relaxing so she kept at it, ignoring that small, annoying part saying that she should convince him to go back to the ranch with her – “you don’t know where your sister is and we have no place to search for more clues”.
If Marigold had a way, she would slap some common sense in that fucking part of her. They had clues about his father, if anything going after the man would mean stumbling into Lucy, at some point. And if they found clues about him in the whereabouts, she was staying with him too. No need for that… Despair.
Eventually he retreated from the hug, hand tugging lightly at her braid. Marigold went, touching her lips to his, firmly, but trying to imitate those sweet kisses Norm so easily gave her. She must’ve done something right, because she felt him smiling and sighing into it.
“Thank you.” He said against her.
She nodded and started guiding the path down once more, a calmer pace, hands not letting go, ears attentive to the path.
They stopped briefly at the start of the trail so Norm could buckle back his Pip-Boy. Marigold was just starting to guide again… Then a solitary drop of water hit her nose.
Soon more drops, the Geiger count rumbling lowly from Norm’s forearm, and then more, until it was a light drizzle upon them. Not enough to soak them, clearly just slightly radioactive, but still annoying. Marigold barely stopped to think before grabbing the bottle of Rad-X and giving one pill to Norm, just then taking her own.
Norm swallowed the Rad-X and extended his hand towards her, even as his eyes watched the rain around them – in the sunlight, not through a night-vision scope.
Something in the brown was marveled. It made Marigold smile as she started pulling him down the path towards Catarina’s house, double careful when slippery rocks appeared – the last thing they needed was a twisted ankle or anything like it.
The water was cold on his skin, but at least the leather coat and the Vault-Suit kept it off from most of him, water just sliding against the fabric. Still, Norm closed tighter the neckline of the coat, trying to keep it from seeping down his neck and under his suit. Marigold didn’t have the same luck, only the leather bracers and short cape sliding off the rain, while pants and shirt were slowly and inexorably getting wet.
The water glimmered lowly in the light of day, and throwing looks to the trees showed the weird squirrels enjoying it, cleaning their sickly looking skins, drinking from the shallow puddles forming and licking stones. Somehow, the smell of petrichor was even more intense than the other night, the air inside his nose and lungs fresh, humid, totally different from the dry warm air he had gotten used to.
The paths that went through dry streambeds were more dangerous, not enough water to turn them into streams, but still making the rocks and stones slippery. Marigold repeated numerous times for him to be careful as she kept him ahead of her, always hugging him when they left those.
The rain eventually stopped, leaving only the fresh air and wet earth under their feet. The clouds disappeared in the sky, midday approaching, warming the day and the wind.
 It didn’t take long after it for them to see the large stone with the childish-looking bear painted on.
“Not long now.” He hummed under his breath.
“Yeah.” Marigold stopped suddenly, hand tightening in his before letting go and he frowned at her.
“What is it?”
She was already holding the hunting rifle ready, tip pointed to the ground, slowly approaching the stone, head turning and watching everything around. Norm stopped and looked around too, not hearing anything beyond the low chippering of the squirrels and the light squishing of her steps in wet ground.
Marigold squatted, gun pointing to the path as she watched something on the ground, and Norm approached, stopping beside her.
A footprint. Very clear in the ground, even as the earth was starting to dry up. A trail of those, and his eyes followed and followed… The path to the left.
“It was done after it started raining, so what… One hour and a half ago?”
“Around it.” He confirmed, swallowing.
“Light feet, it’s not as deep as it could be, most weight on the front… And smooth, which usually means leather soles, like mine.”
“Another Bear?” Oh, please, it would make things so much easier…
“Nope.” Marigold raised and stepped firmly close to the footprint. Besides the size – Marigold’s foot clearly way bigger than the footprint –, Norm immediately noticed it had a careful indent of a ‘B’ in the heel. “We mark our soles for this reason. It’s not always there’s ideal condition for it to appear, but when it does, it’s clear to see.”
Norm sighed, holding the revolver, even if unsure if he would be able to use it much; cutting a neck was one thing, shooting at someone was another.
“Hopefully whoever left those ignored the house.”
“That’s my hope too.” Marigold nodded and started for the path. “Now let’s keep silent, Norm-boy.” He nodded, following her and trying to imitate the light and almost soundless footsteps.
He concluded that he was really bad at it.
The strings of a fiddle reached them before anything else as they walked; Norm guessed they were in the middle of the distance to the house.
Then someone humming along, happily, the sounds approaching, and Marigold looked back briefly, a confused look and a shrug, before looking back to the path.
A bend later, and a man became visible, Brotherhood jumpsuit, black but mud-stained in patches of browns, tall but not nearly as tall as Marigold.
Her hunting rifle went up, pointing at his head, and the man let out a high-pitched scream, raising his hands, a small object falling to the ground.
“What are you doing here, Brotherhood?!”
“I’m-I-I-I-” the man stuttered, trembling, eyes crossing to keep looking at Marigold’s gun.
Norm circled behind Marigold, noticing an open bag on the men’s shoulder, vegetables sticking from it. He hadn’t stopped to actually analyze Catarina and Sarah’s garden, but it seemed clear from where it had come.
“He was getting food from the garden.”
A moment of silence, the man with hands still up, the short mousey-brown hair wet and sticking in all directions. The fiddle music still echoed and then Norm noticed it came from the object in the ground: a small radio.
“Brotherhood offers food for free to their members and there’s a corn field in the Observatory. Why are you here?” Marigold asked once more, words slow and paused, and Norm recognized the same coldness from when they had met the other Bounty-Hunter.
“I-I can’t return, they’ll kill me!”
Marigold frowned.
“I’m-I’m turning into a Ghoul! Here, look!” The man raised his head, exposing his neck.
It was Norm’s turn to frown.
“Describe what you see, Norm-boy. If you so much as twitch towards him, Brotherhood, I’ll blow your brains.”
The man nodded, fervently, and Norm slowly approached.
At the man’s neck, there it was.
“There a weird scar… It remembers a burn but… Not exactly? There’s weird grooves.”
“Sounds just like a radiation burn. So what, Brotherhood?”
“It-It was a bolt! Through my neck!” Norm blinked.
“You mean it healed like that instead of killing you?” he asked, and the man fervently nodded, and Norm looked at Marigold. There was a small ounce of pity in her face.
“Fuck.” Marigold. She breathed in. “Raise one foot, Brotherhood. Take a look at his shoes, Norm-boy.” Her voice was calmer and he remembered her explanations about how the Brotherhood persecuted ghouls and other people with mutations because of radiation. Apparently not even members were an exception.
Norm nodded and the man carefully did as she ordered.
“It’s rubber. There’s grooves in it. Not smooth.” He looked at the line of footprints they had been following. “His foot is also way bigger than those.”
Norm retreated back towards Marigold and the man put his foot down.
“Did you pass by anyone? Saw anyone? Heard?”
“No… I was in the garden by the better part of the morning. With the radio on.” Apparently Marigold’s calmer demeanor meant he was also calmer, clearly considering the risk of dying as lower.
But he was still wincing
“Of course you were.” Marigold sighed and rolled her eyes.
“How long have you been getting food from the garden?”
The man’s shoulder bunched up.
“Almost two weeks, I think. Didn’t saw anyone. There were things starting to dry and rot. Figured no one would miss some food, if it was going bad anyway.”
“Didn’t try and hack into the house?” Norm raised one eyebrow.
“Didn’t want to risk the owners finding me if they returned.”
“You must be at the narrow pass, on the other path.” Marigold raised an eyebrow and the man nodded. “Too narrow for Power-Armor and a lot of hidden crevices. Smart.”
Norm exchanged a brief look with Marigold. Not who had left the footprints, hadn’t heard anything… He felt a pit in his stomach, the disappearing form in the distance flicking through his mind.
Marigold mouthed one name: “James”. Norm swallowed. It horribly fit. The man knew where they were going, after all, even if didn’t know the exact location of Catarina’s house. If he had managed to survive, he didn’t even need to follow their trail.
In retrospect, if it was James, they were lucky to have found the place before him.
“Can I go now? I don’t want trouble.” The man had lowered his hands a little.
“You have been a deserter for almost two weeks?”
“… Yeah…” the man answered Norm’s question carefully.
Norm raised an eyebrow at Marigold. Almost two weeks. Not inside the Brotherhood anymore, but wandering the region. Maybe he knew something, at least from before the attack. God. He hopped so.
Marigold just nodded, gun tip to the ground.
“Not yet, Brotherhood.” The man groaned, hands lowering. “We need some information, but here’s too open. You walk ahead.”
“Fuck. Promise not to shoot or kill me?”
“If you don’t attack us or give me reason to think you know the owner of the footprints, then sure.” Marigold shrugged, the man’s shoulder’s slumping.
“Can I at least get my radio?”
Marigold grinned, extra trouble, and Norm snickered.
“Yes, but please turn it off. We heard it before we saw you, Brotherhood.”
The man’s ears burned red as he leaned down.
“It’s Thaddeus.” He grumbled and started walking, radio off.
Thaddeus walked ahead of them, in silence, and Marigold kept her rifle pointed in his general direction.
Despite the warming of the day, her clothes almost dry, the footprints were still easy to follow. Marigold could clearly see how different from Thaddeus’ they were: the former Brotherhood also had heavy steps, weight evenly spread in the footprints. Someone used to carry heavy loads. Former Squire, she bet.
Then the house appeared, and the footprints went directly to the closed door.
If not for the radio, Marigold would doubt Thaddeus’ allegations of “didn’t see or hear”. And if it was James, and he had been the one to disappear probably thanks to a stealth-boy, then even without the radio.
He had managed to approach the terminal and put the holotape in the ranch without raising any alarm, after all.
She pulled Thaddeus by the neck of his jumpsuit, noses almost touching, making sure to show her teeth like a wild animal.
“You stay silent and quiet and don’t fucking run. If it’s who I think, you’re lucky he didn’t cut your neck.” She whispered, and Thaddeus nodded fervently.
Marigold let him go and he stumbled as his feet touched the ground again.
The perks of being so tall.
Norm was waiting her, and they slowly approached. There were sounds from inside, but the metal and concrete muffled it all enough that she couldn’t say what was causing it.
The door was closed, and Norm approached the terminal, fingers dancing over the keys. He mouthed “locked” and she carefully put her ear to the metal, noticing Thaddeus approaching carefully, hands twisting around each other.
A voice, amidst breaking glass… Slowly the voice became more recognizable as of fucking course James, and she mouthed it. Norm winced.
Then the words became easier to get and… Bloodbugs flying around? What?
Then she remembered the poisoned food and James penchant for eating other’s food, and she grinned, big.
She mouthed “Heart-Crasher”, slowly retreating, and Norm shook his head with a wry smile. Good choice of his, leaving it behind.
Marigold landed the rifle in the table carefully, then did the same with her backpack and bag-belt, Norm looking at her curiously.
She could still remember the razor touching Norm’s neck, the fear that James would say to Nip-Nip that they better kill Norm. The coward had run away and insisted on going after them. She wasn’t letting the poison do all the work. Besides, Heart-Crasher could take a fucking long time to kill sometimes.
Her Ma’s knife in one hand, the drop-point one in the other, then she mouthed at Norm to unlock the door.
Norm looked at her, frowning, then pulled her closest hand and kissed her knuckles. He mouthed something against her skin, and she couldn’t say what exactly. Norm’s eyes watery, he let go and turned to the terminal once more.
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Day 13
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Liber Liberi vel Lapidis Lazuli
1. O my beautiful God! I swim in Thy heart like a trout in the mountain torrent.
2. I leap from pool to pool in my joy; I am goodly with brown and gold and silver.
3. Why, I am lovelier than the russet autumn woods at the first snowfall.
4. And the crystal cave of my thought is lovelier than I.
5. Only one fish-hook can draw me out; it is a woman kneeling by the bank of the stream. It is she that pours the bright dew over herself, and into the sand so that the river gushes forth.
6. There is a bird on yonder myrtle; only the song of that bird can draw me out of the pool of Thy heart, O my God!
7. Who is this Neapolitan boy that laughs in his happiness? His lover is the mighty crater of the Mountain of Fire. I saw his charred limbs borne down the slopes in a stealthy tongue of liquid stone.
8. And Oh! the chirp of the cicada!
9. I remember the days when I was cacique in Mexico.
10. O my God, wast Thou then as now my beautiful lover?
11. Was my boyhood then as now Thy toy, Thy joy?
12. Verily, I remember those iron days.
13. I remember how we drenched the bitter lakes with our torrent of gold; how we sank the treasurable image in the crater of Citlaltepetl.
14. How the good flame lifted us even unto the lowlands, setting us down in the impenetrable forest.
15. Yea, Thou wast a strange scarlet bird with a bill of gold. I was Thy mate in the forests of the lowland; and ever we heard from afar the shrill chant of mutilated priests and the insane clamour of the Sacrifice of Maidens.
16. There was a weird winged God that told us of his wisdom.
17. We attained to be starry grains of gold dust in the sands of a slow river.
18. Yea, and that river was the river of space and time also.
19. We parted thence; ever to the smaller, ever to the greater, until now, O sweet God, we are ourselves, the same.
20. O God of mine, Thou art like a little white goat with lightning in his horns!
21. I love Thee, I love Thee.
22. Every breath, every word, every thought, every deed is an act of love with Thee.
23. The beat of my heart is the pendulum of love.
24. The songs of me are the soft sighs:
25. The thoughts of me are very rapture:
26. And my deeds are the myriads of Thy children, the stars and the atoms.
27. Let there be nothing!
28. Let all things drop into this ocean of love!
29. Be this devotion a potent spell to exorcise the demons of the Five!
30. Ah God, all is gone! Thou dost consummate Thy rapture. Falútli! Falútli!
31. There is a solemnity of the silence. There is no more voice at all.
32. So shall it be unto the end. We who were dust shall never fall away into the dust.
33. So shall it be.
34. Then, O my God, the breath of the Garden of Spices. All these have a savour averse.
35. The cone is cut with an infinite ray; the curve of hyperbolic life springs into being.
36. Farther and farther we float; yet we are still. It is the chain of systems that is falling away from us.
37. First falls the silly world; the world of the old grey land.
38. Falls it unthinkably far, with its sorrowful bearded face presiding over it; it fades to silence and woe.
39. We to silence and bliss, and the face is the laughing face of Eros.
40. Smiling we greet him with the secret signs.
41. He leads us into the Inverted Palace.
42. There is the Heart of Blood, a pyramid reaching its apex down beyond the Wrong of the Beginning.
43. Bury me unto Thy Glory, O beloved, O princely lover of this harlot maiden, within the Secretest Chamber of the Palace!
44. It is done quickly; yea, the seal is set upon the vault.
45. There is one that shall avail to open it.
46. Nor by memory, nor by imagination, nor by prayer, nor by fasting, nor by scourging, nor by drugs, nor by ritual, nor by meditation; only by passive love shall he avail.
47. He shall await the sword of the Beloved and bare his throat for the stroke.
48. Then shall his blood leap out and write me runes in the sky; yea, write me runes in the sky.
This day is for my Cult ❤️❤️❤️ years favorite is in bold.
Artwork from https://www.lisasterle.com/mwt
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(Left is Nether and Early Overworld, Right is Late Overworld) (also she has a helmet but im lazy and I didn't wanna draw it)
Rose, Wither Skeleton, he/she
Rose is a relentless, passionate, and destructive force.
Her views of the world are coated in hate, obscured by the blood stained glasses he wears. Rose will stop at nothing to ensure the world is cultivated to his vision and his alone. There is no price he will not pay in order to make this a reality.
Before I go into her backstory, I want to write about how Wither Skeletons behave themselves in my canon! :0)
Wither skeletons are a gorgeous race of skeletons native to the nether, specifically, Soul Sand Valleys. No where else possesses such a pure and natural source of soul energy. Capable of creating a very special piece of flora, the Wither Rose. It is unknown of the origins in which these Valley’s came about nor the rose itself, but legends are told that long ago large groups of explorers had come about in this dimension. Unable to live in its ecosystem they all perished quickly, leaving the Valleys as their grave sights. Due to the energy and magical  properties in this biome, the mushrooms that grow in all other biomes are warped and turned into a bubbly mess, turning red and forming in a different way than before. This is how Nether Wart came to be, it’s incredibly dense and magically rich.
The Wither Rose is an incredibly valuable and important part of wither skeletons and their culture as it is the very place they rise from. Wither skeletons are born incredibly powerful, the flower blessing them with dark ashy textured bones, incapable of being burned or incinerated, and the powers they possess are even more interesting. Their origins bestowed them with the ability to pull the very life source from a being, sapping their experience away and leaving them as a pile of ash and a husk of what they once were. Due to their ability being so powerful, they had become very strategic and intelligent, knowing their strength and developing into a culture that appreciated that intelligence and skill rather than brute strength. As their culture developed they had built large fortresses that were scattered across the Nether. These beautifully constructed buildings became home to many families of wither skeletons, usually one family being considered royalty or of highest status. These families were usually the ones that had oversight over the construction of the fortress. They are known through the Nether for their design and battle plans. As such, families grow and one person cannot stay in power forever. They had thought of an ideal solution for their people, anyone who could best a King or Queen in a one-on-one tournament was set to become royalty. Now, the children of the Royal family were usually given first pick of their battles, they would fight their parents and if they lost, anyone else was given a chance. These battles weren’t simply fighting though, there were grueling intelligent quizzes and logic puzzles that were created to ensure the next ruler would truly be capable of taking over a small kingdom. 
Unfortunately, during the Piglins v Overworld war, they were dragged into it, forced to either work alongside the Piglins, or be destroyed by the grief stricken anger they held. Most complied, helping the Piglins with their war, though some fortresses were beyond devastated by the Piglins, their lives destroyed and homes left in ruins. Rebuilding was necessary though the scars this brutal war had inflicted remain unhealed to many of the community. This sparks the everlasting feud the species have with each other. 
Nowadays, you find Wither Skeletons who are very much territorial and brutal about their land ownership and secretive of their pasts. Many still function under the aforementioned kingdoms. However, due to their stoic and resentful nature in the recent centuries, they have constructed blaze spawners and invited zombified piglins to roam in their halls.
Now onto Rose and her backstory!
A wither child is rarely born naturally, a Wither is needed to create the Wither rose, the catalyst for their creation. Even so, her parents were prepared and well aware of the risks. Rose was born and relished in gifts. She was quickly forced into the life of royalty. This included many many lessons on her people’s history, combat training, and “attitude adjustments”. Rose was never a particularly easy child. He showed very quickly he would never go down without a fight. Her mother decided to nurture her, show her small bits of kindness with the hope that she may grow to become worthy of the throne. His father thought differently. Strict, grueling punishments were common, disgusting abusive words were spouted. Despite her mother’s love, she was never able to become as sweet or as gentle as her. Time passed and Rose was nearing adulthood, this was when she witnessed her father’s abuse toward her own mother. Rose acted quickly, emotionally, and challenged her father to a battle for the throne. Being so young yet skilled, her Mother began pleading with her to reconsider, but her Father had taken it as such a strong offense, he forced her to continue with the challenge he had put upon himself. Rage only grew in her heart, forcing her to train relentlessly, pushing herself to her limits. His mind was sharpened, becoming increasingly more and more aware of the tragedies in her kingdom, in her life, in her culture. The way his people had been mistreated by her father, the way his life was nothing more than a parade for the common folk. It disgusted him. 
The battle against her father was long and incredibly taxing on both of them. But ultimately, her Father stood little to no chance against her intellect especially. She gained control after killing her Father, and secured the rights to her throne. The anger she felt toward him did not end there however. Oh no, the pain she felt was one he was more than willing to throw upon his mother, his people, her workers, and his friends. After his mother’s death, she became the ruler of her fortress. What was once a facade to keep so many happy, was now a blood stained prison for those who lived inside. 
As these years passed, Rose became more and more bitter and angry at the world. Reading into the history of her people she felt Piglins were the most to blame for their broken fortresses and shattered spirits. His hatred toward this group was anything but tame. All piglins were to be killed immediately, tortured and thrown away. It was this utter disgust that drove Rose to create the army she has now. Tearing through the Nether, ripping apart bastions, crumbling their society as if it was made of sand. Now she sets her eyes toward the Overworld. Hoping to purify a new dimension and secure her power over all.
Rose has destroyed maybe 3 bastions in all honesty? However, they were all Treasure types. All very much the strongest, biggest, and most fortified. Rose is scary, i'm excited to show her off so much more. I wanna develop her more than just a heartless person bc she deserves a whole lot.
Any questions just ask!! Please know that Rose is strange and will change/develop over the course of this story, things will be changed.
She's an interesting fellow in terms of personality as in she's just a bit quirky lol (not really shes a war criminal)
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demonscantgothere · 2 years
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power a fanmix for saurondriel, the relationship of sauron and galadriel download 1 / download 2 / cover by demonscantgothere
i. ours is the work of something greater | iron - woodkid Deep in the ocean, dead and cast away, where innocence is burned in flames / A million miles from home, I'm walking ahead / I'm frozen to the bones, I am / The sound of iron shots is stuck in my head / The thunder of the drums dictates / The rhythm of the falls, the number of deaths / The rising of the horns ahead.
ii. the rapture | power - isak danielson I still look at you with eyes that want you / When you move, you make my oceans move too / If I hear my name, I will run your way / It's my desire that you feed / You know just what I need / You got power / Power / You got power over me.
iii. to kingdom come | human - of monsters and men When the words weigh heavy on the heart / I am lost and led only by the stars / Cage me like an animal / A crown of gems and gold / Eat me like a cannibal / Chase the neon throne / Breathe in, breathe out / Let the human in / Breathe in, breathe out, and let it in / Plants awoke, and they slowly grow beneath the skin / So breathe in, breathe out, and let the human in.
iv. unlikely alloy | heartlines (acoustic) - florence + the machine I know it will have to drown me before I can breathe easy / And I've seen it in the flights of birds / I've seen it in you / In the entrails of the animals, the blood running through / But in order to get to the heart of things / Sometimes you have to cut through.
v. i will destroy you | volcano - damien rice (feat. lisa hannigan) What I am to you, is not real / What I am to you, you do not need / What I am to you, is not what you mean to me / You give me miles and miles of mountains / And I'll ask for the sea.
vi. bargaining | muddy waters (live sessions) - lp It is not clear why we choose the fire pathway / Where we end is not the way that we had planned / All the spirits gather around like it's our last day / To get across, you know we'll have to raise the sand.
vii. doom | litost - x ambassadors What have I done with my heart on the floor / Must be out of my mind / To come back begging for more / But if you stay / If you just stay for the night / Swear that I'm yours, and I'll prove that I'm right / How long must I stay? / Will I lay by your side / Just to say that I'm yours when you'll never be mine?
viii. the fallout | black flies - ben howard See, the sky is no man's land / A darkened plume to stay / Hope here needs a humble hand / Not a fox found in your place / No man is an island, of this I know / But can't you see? / Or maybe you were the ocean / When I was just a stone.
ix. bittersweet reminisce | still - daughter Two feet standing on a principle / Two hands digging in each other's wounds / Cold smoke seeping out of colder throats / Darkness falling, leaves nowhere to go / It's spiraling down, biting words like a wolf howling.
x. a kindred spirit | love me like i'm not made of stone - lykke li There's a war inside my core / I hear it fight / I hear it roar / Go ahead, go ahead / Lay your head where it burns.
xi. turn on me | demons (philosophical sessions) - jacob lee I thought my demons were almost defeated / But you took their side / And you pulled them to freedom / I kept your secrets / And I thought that you would do the same.
xii. no room for apathy | landfill - daughter 'Cause this is torturous / Electricity between both of us / And this is dangerous / 'Cause I want you so much / But I hate your guts / I hate you.
xiii. the pursuit | closer - kings of leon You, who shimmy shook my bone / Leaving me stranded all in love on my own / Do you think of me? / Where am I now? / Baby, where do I sleep? / Feels so good, but I'm old / Two thousand years of chasing, taking its toll.
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Name: Caesar Cipher
Caste: Rust
Classpect: Prince of Life
Strife Specibus: Decoderkind
Fetch Modus: Safe
Land: Secrets and Boxes
Trollian Handle: obscuredIris
Typing quirk: replaces i with 1, and one with 1, speaks in code if they don't like you
Name: Kenken Ohline
Caste: Bronze
Classpect: Maid of Void
Strife Specibus: Scissorkind
Fetch Modus: Scrapbook
Land: Tech and Snow
Trollian Handle: godlikeGearbox
Typing quirk: *can't do it properly on the phone*
Name: Asdiah Ordath
Caste: Lime
Classpect: Rouge of Blood
Strife Specibus: Scythekind
Fetch Modus: Stack
Land: Bugs and Sand
Trollian Handle: anxiousFirefly
Typing quirk: Adds odd pauses while talking
Name: Sarlet Milman
Caste: Olive
Classpect: Thief of Time
Strife Specibus: Bottlekind
Fetch Modus: Fishing game
Land: Doors and Teeth
Trollian Handle: deliciousDelivery
Typing quirk: Crosses out anything they want to cover up (ect. It's blood It's olive milk!)
Name: Kiyond Ishidah
Caste: Jade
Classpect: Mage of Light
Strife Specibus: Pickaxekind
Fetch Modus: Wheel of Fortune
Land: Spires and Ivory
Trollian Handle: frozenInferno
Typing quirk: Replaces E with # and A with @ to represent fire
Name: Brioch Winner
Caste: Teal
Classpect: Knight of Hope
Strife Specibus: Bayonetkind
Fetch Modus: Purse
Land: Pillows and Snakes
Trollian Handle: briefcaseBuddy
Typing quirk: Capitalizes A and M when they are beside each other
Name: Trojan Tecbro
Caste: Cerulean
Classpect: Bard of Breath
Strife Specibus: Throwingknifekind/Knifekind
Fetch Modus: Code
Land: Concrete and Ash
Trollian Handle: midasTouch
Typing quirk: puts # in front of everything he says
Name: Jakcob Warble
Caste: Indigo
Classpect: Seer of Mind
Strife Specibus: Chainsawkind and Chainkind
Fetch Modus: Dollhouse
Land: Woods and Iles (iles, like islands)
Trollian Handle: stormHooves
Typing quirk: capitalizes "spikey" letters (T Y I F H L X V)
Name: Hymnal Quiour
Caste: Violet (mutant)
Classpect: Sylph of Doom
Strife Specibus: Swordkind
Fetch Modus: Faith/Miracle
Land: Dirt and Mausoleums
Trollian Handle: harpyHare
Typing quirk: types in all uppercase, puts bad things in lowercase and good things get & symbols around them like wings
Name: Dearly Sweets
Caste: Fuschia
Classpect: Witch of Heart
Strife Specibus: Tridentkind
Fetch Modus: Bubble
Land: Masks and Mirrors
Trollian Handle: cutthroatCandystore
Typing quirk: Same as Feferi's, but also replaces L with 1
OOOOOOOOOO HELL YEAH I LOVE THIS !!! It is good to know everyone's quirk. Love Sarlet's tbh! Also Dearly's Handle convined with the fact she is friends with Aquama (Troll Heather Chandler).... Perfect-Bibi
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inkfishie · 1 year
Masterlist of my Trigun Fic
Hey, all, just wanted to post a masterlist of my Vashwood fic. Some of it is rather old, but again with the resurgence of the Trigun fandom I thought it would be fun to post a list and descriptions. List goes from newest to oldest :)
I'm not a Psycho (I'm Just Trying to Get Laid) Rating E
V/W Stampede characterization, developing relationship. Takes place directly after the incident with Zazie.
"So. You always follow strangers into the desert?" Wolfwood asks as they approach the fueling station, mirroring Vash's thoughts. "Only the pretty ones," Vash counters with a shrug, unsure of what possesses him to say it. His ears get hot immediately afterward. Wolfwood merely grins a sharp-toothed smile as they keep walking. "This could be the part where I shoot you in the back of the head and steal all your money."
Vash and Wolfwood decide to get to know one another better following their first meeting and the incident with the grand worm. Things get interesting and immediately become too much.
A few times Wolfwood tried to get off with Vash, and the one time he actually did.
Semi-public sex, Coitus interruptus, blow jobs, kissing, touch-starved Vash, not so casual casual sex.
Status: Complete
My Restless Heart Remains (With You) Rating E
V/W Established relationship. Trimax characterization. No established timeline, takes place sometime in manga verse before the final showdown with Knives. No major spoilers.
Arching a brow, Nicholas pauses and then drifts after Vash, drawn in by the gravity of him and the silly, besotted smile on his face. Honestly, that's probably Nicholas' second mistake because he doesn't pay a lick of attention to the odd tension or sudden strange silence that makes the hair on the back of his neck prickle. A stop over in a small town escalates into a bigger problem when a group of ruffians get it in their heads to go after the 60 Billion Double Dollar Man. Vash and Wolfwood make the best of it, all things considering.
Religious imagery, Hurt/Comfort, canon typical violence, tending to wounds, multiple scenes of sexual intimacy, not so obvious love confessions, sweetness & angst
Status: Complete
Midnight Hallelujah Rating E
V/W Established relationship. Trimax/Multiple Bullets spoilers. Takes place after the events in the official Multiple Bullets story.
"I could.." Vash begins, only to become distracted by how Nicholas' clever fingers manage to pop the buttons on the collar of his coat with one hand. "I could... Help you feel better?" Nicholas' breath is hot on Vash's neck, and the chuckle that follows sends a shiver down Vash's spine. "Yeah? How you gonna do that, Tongari?" After the showdown at Honeycombed Village, Vash and Nicholas sneak off for some alone time.
Hurt/Comfort, sexual intimacy, kissing
Status: Complete
Equinox Rating M
V/W Established Relationship. Vaguely TriMax. Takes place after the Fifth Moon Incident. Very, very mild spoilers for that.
Angelina breaks down in the desert forcing Vash and Wolfwood to take shelter in a nearby town. A secret lurks somewhere beneath the dust and grime.
Spooky-Time vibes, Atmospheric setting, mild angst, hurt/comfort, emotional intimacy, intimacy, lots of kissing
Status: Complete
Long Night Searching for Grace Rating E
V/W Slowburn. Takes place after between episode 8-10 of Trigun Stampede. Very mild spoilers for TriMax.
Somewhere out in the great sand ocean, the worms devour Livio's flesh. Meanwhile, in Hopeland, Nicholas waits for Vash to return to the land of the living. A story about grief, guilt, and maybe, just maybe about love.
Angst, hurt/comfort, emotional constipation, sexual situations
Status: Complete
Crash Rating E
V/W Badlands Rumble aftermath. Spoilers for TriMax/Badlands Rumble.
Unbidden, Vash thought of the threat that the preacher had made earlier when they’d been toe to toe with Gasback out in the desert.
I’ll take this out of your ass later
Angst, hurt/some comfort, doomed love, not-so-happy ending, suppressed feelings.
Status: Complete
Bonus! Podfic of Crash by Dr_Fumbles_McStupid
Worlds Apart Rating M
Collection of V/W drabbles spanning TriMax/Trigun 98. Spoilers for both. Originally written in the early 2000's.
Angst, fluff, hurt/no comfort, not actually unrequited love, character death
Status: Complete
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blueshiftting · 5 months
❝ do you never long for home? ❞ from maggie @humanitywrought
house of the dragon starters | answered
To  many,  it  would’ve  been  a  question  to  throw  someone  off  balance.  But  from  her?  It  was  innocuous;  summer  rain  pattering  against  her  ears,  sweet  as  a  melody.  She  didn’t  mean  it  that  way, surely. 
❝ Never, ❞   she  recalled,  eyes  focusing  on  a  distant  flicker  of  candlelight  that  bled  through  the  room  as  the  memories  of  home  flooded  her  mind, ❝ My  place  is  here.  I  was  meant  to  be  here, so  I  stay  due  to  that  fact. This place – it’s  like  a  magnet  for  people  like  us.  There’s  no  place  I’d  rather  be  than  here, Maggie. ❞ 
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barbie replies continued from @rejectshumanity
He was asking her to walk directly into enemy territory without any form of protection. And as he cloyed, Delia’s realization dawned on her face but she attempted to remain heavily schooled. 
❝ There’s nothing to forgive, ❞ she answered, keeping herself from wavering. Although a master of emotions, she couldn’t control her own. ❝ I’ll do whatever it takes, Lord Dio. I’ll return to you with what you desire. ❞ 
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chrancecriber · 1 year
Antenne Vorarlberg Chillout Lounge (August 31, 2023)
23:59 Sirius & Nyla - Infinity (Remastered Remix) 23:55 Sylvering - The Sun Always Shines On TV 23:52 Topic, Robin Schulz, Nico Santos, Paul Van Dyk - In Your Arms (For An Angel) 23:48 Claptone Feat. Dizzy - Queen Of Ice Queen Of Ice 23:44 Stephane De Lucia - Trippin 23:41 Mike Candys - Sky (Club Mix) 23:38 Mount & Illian - Fool 23:31 Dj Disse - Riders In The Storm (Original Mix) 23:26 Scotty & Wilcox - Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (Wilcox Extended) 23:24 Tainted Youth Feat. Lucinda - Teardrops 23:18 Airstream - Your Tears (Del Mar Mix) 23:15 Zaz - Demain C'est Toi 23:10 Phil Mison - Just Landed 23:07 Klingande, Wrabel - Big Love 23:05 Rita Ora - You Only Love Me 23:00 Sofa Surfers - Sofa Rockers (Richard Dorfmeister Remix) 22:57 Robin Schulz Feat. Alida - In Your Eyes 22:50 Nora En Pure - Thermal (Extended Mix) 22:44 Mathieu & Florzinho - Maha - Amba 22:41 Moby - My Only Love 22:38 Vamero & Lizot - Bleeding Love 22:33 Lux - Secret Fish 22:30 Bronson Feat. Lau.ra - Heart Attack 22:25 Tibet Project - Tibet (A Passage To ...) 22:22 Hypnosis - Pulstar 22:19 Riva Starr Feat. Imaginary - Ride This Sound 22:14 Dj Shah & Adrina Thorpe - Who Will Find Me (Acoustic Mix) 22:11 Together Alone - Ain't Nobody 22:09 Carstn, Jason Walker - Could You Love Me (Munich Monstrs Remix) 22:02 Joris Voorn - Ringo 21:58 Christopher Von Deylen - Heliotrope 21:56 Fedde Le Grand Feat. Vince Freeman - Devils 21:52 Armin Van Buuren & Garibay Feat. Olaf Blackwood - I Need You 21:49 Nora En Pure - Branches 21:44 Schiller - Free The Dragon 21:39 Uttara Kuru - Neyuki 21:36 Elderbrook - I Need You 21:29 David Devilla, Mauro B & Gerard C Feat. - Someone Told Me (Mladen Mande Remix) 21:27 Lizot - Daddy Cool 21:19 Hraach - After Dark 21:15 Aguaflames - Moiman 21:11 Swedish House Mafia & The Weeknd - Moth To A Flame 21:09 Nightcall X Henri Purnell Feat. Eke - When The Morning Breaks 21:05 Set Mo Feat. Deutsch Duke - White Dress (Radio Version) 21:02 Sneaker Pimps - 6 Underground 20:59 Sans Souci - Fenton 20:54 The Dining Rooms - Existentialism (Milano Dub Mix) 20:51 Nora Van Elken - Heaven Is A Place On Earth 20:49 Valerie Dore - The Night (Zyx Edit Remastered 2021) 20:40 David Broaders - Curracloe 20:37 Glockenbach - Dirty Dancing 20:34 In Lonely Majesty - Sing In The Dark - Alle Farben Remix 20:27 Blank & Jones - White Light 20:24 Vinai - Hide Away 20:17 Rodriguez Jr. - 2 Miles Away 20:09 True & Berger - Imprint Of Pleasure 20:06 Lost Frequencies & Mathieu Koss - Don't Leave Me 19:58 Ost & Kjex - Queen Of Europe Feat. Anne Lise Frokedal (Solomun Remix) 19:54 Cats On Bricks Feat. Zach Alwin - Planes Over Ushuaia 19:49 Eelke Kleijn Feat. Diana Miro - You (Frankey & Sandrino Remix) 19:45 Armin Van Buuren, Sharon Den Adel - In And Out Of Love (Lost Frequencies Remix) 19:42 Hallmann - Always Be 19:35 Julian Wassermann - People 19:29 Hazy J - Our Way 19:21 Dino Lenny Feat. Artbat - Sand In Your Shoes 19:15 Rue Du Soleil - La Francaise 19:13 Dize Feat. Aurii - Wenn Ich Nicht Mehr Weiss 19:07 Exstra - Comet (Extended Mix) 19:03 Danny Avila - End Of The Night 18:59 Blank & Jones - Twilight Moon 18:55 P. Lion - Happy Children (Special Remastered ) 18:51 Kygo Feat. One Republic - Stranger Things 18:48 Shallour & Riah - Lie 18:44 Laniia - Fireflies 18:39 Headstrong - Symphony Of Soul (Reuben Halsey Chillout Mix) 18:35 Duboss - Losing My Religion 18:31 Above & Beyond - Is It Love? (1001) (Original Mix) 18:27 Morcheeba - Slow Down 18:24 Brando - Don't Call Me (Galantis Remix) 18:21 Meduza & Becky Hill X Goodboys - Lose Control 18:18 Kungs Feat. Jhart - Dopamine 18:15 Pretty Pink Feat. Mark V - Don't Dance 18:10 The Chill Out Orchestra - Wish You Were Here 18:05 New Age Kings - Illusion (Instrumental Remix) 18:02 Nora Van Elken - Honshu 17:57 Nora En Pure - Tears In Your Eyes (Extended Mix) 17:53 Robin Schulz & Felix Jaehn - One More Time 17:50 Mousse T. - Boyfriend (Alle Farben Remix) 17:44 Simple Minds - Mandela Day 17:41 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Jake Reese - Need You Now 17:37 Mandala Dreams - Mirror Lake 17:33 Mark Ronson Feat. Miley Cyrus - Nothing Breaks Like A Heart 17:30 Dj Antoine & Deep Vice - When You Want Some Love (Dj Antoine Vs Mad Mark 2k21 Mix) 17:25 Laila (Feat. Tiefblau) - Yin And Yang 17:21 Ambyion - Motion 17:18 Pascal Letoublon - Feelings Undercover 17:14 Lissa, Freddy Verano - Move Like Me 17:12 Mount & Emdey - Venus 17:09 Deepend & Graham Candy - Belong (Deepend Edit) 17:03 Hacienda - Sci-fi Saloon 17:00 Above & Beyond - The Inconsistency Principle 16:54 Anrey - The Forgotten (Extended Mix) 16:50 Jens Buchert - 1000 Miles 16:45 Blank & Jones - Sunny (Summer Vibe Mix) 16:39 Armen Miran - Nani Jan 16:33 Funkstar De Luxe - Sun Is Shining 16:30 Hugel - Can't Love Myself (Feat. Mishaal& Lpw) 16:23 Deep Dive Corp. - Bali Hi 16:19 Filatov & Karas - Au Au 16:13 Shkoon Feat. Fruiterama - Napauken 16:08 Aphrodelics - Rollin On Chrome 16:06 Twisted Harmonies Feat. Mougleta - You & Me 16:03 Tiesto - Lay Low 16:00 Jazzamor - Song For Maggie 15:57 Mahalo - High Life 15:52 Thomas Lemmer & Andreas Bach - Embracing Love 15:47 Nebu Mitte Feat. Jaselle - With You (Oriano Remix) 15:44 Sono - Keep Control (Artbat Remix Edit) 15:40 Tycho - Horizon 15:35 Ambala Feat. Laid Back - Walk With The Dreamers 15:33 Viva La Panda, Finding Molly - Chances 15:27 Spooky - Shelter 15:24 Neptune & Moonnight - I Need A New Love (Original Mix) 15:18 Rìfìs Du Sol - Alive (Anyma Remix) 15:13 Under Pressure - Near The Ocean 15:09 The Alan Parsons Project - Old And Wise 15:06 Avaion, Paulwetz, Nu Aspect Feat. Yuma - Sleepless 15:00 Van Bellen - Morning Awakening 14:57 Sound Nomaden - The Morning After 14:54 Sam Feldt & Sam Fischer - Pick Me Up (Vavo Remix) 14:49 Best Of Chillout Lounge - Sylt (Sensibar Mix) 14:45 Magnofield - Lupino 14:43 Kamrad - Feel Alive 14:39 Deeperise Feat. Jabbar - One By One 14:36 Chaël Feat Kaii - Don't Speak 14:30 High Heels Breaker Feat. Sarah Palin - Come Easy (David August Remix) 14:27 Edx & Amba Shepherd - Off The Grid 14:20 Blond:ish Feat. Shawni - Wizard Of Love 14:17 Dash Berlin Feat. Roxanne Emery - Shelter 14:14 Moli - Cloud No9 (Montmartre Remix) 14:09 Blank & Jones Feat. Zoe Durrant - One Evening (Lofi Selection) 14:04 Evadez - Caught In The Crowd (Original Mix) 14:02 Alok & Timmy Trumpet - Underwater Love (La Vision Remix) 13:56 Jens Buchert - Cocoon 13:49 Adana Twins - Strange 13:44 Tinlicker Feat. Nathan Nicholson - Always Will 13:41 Robin Schulz & David Guetta - On Repeat 13:37 Kygo Feat. Maty Noyes - Stay 13:33 Winona Oak & Robin Schulz - Oxygen 13:27 Hird - Getting Closer 13:24 Kryder & Natalie Shay - Rapture 13:20 Above & Beyond Feat. Justine Suissa - Little Something 13:17 Geeno Smith - Stand By Me (Radio Mix) 13:13 Kid Massive, Yuji Ono, Dtale - Pray (Wolf Krew Remix) 13:10 Kamrad - I Believe 13:04 Milan Euringer And Tube & Berger - Lovebreak 13:01 Vize & Alan Walker Feat. Leony, Edward Artemyev - Space Melody (Edward Artemyev) 12:57 Maxim Lany Feat. Freya Alley - Anymore 12:54 Aural Float - Be As You Are 12:50 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Angel Taylor - Make It Right (Trinix Remix) 12:43 Firtz Kalkbrenner - Golden (Fideles Remix) 12:38 Kölsch - Left Eye Left 12:34 Freischwimmer - California Dreamin 12:28 Tosca - Dave Dudley 12:25 Majestic & Boney M. - Rasputin 12:23 Christopher Von Deylen - Arco Iris 12:17 Massive Attack - Teardrop 12:14 Blank & Jones Feat. Jan Loechel - Beautiful Life 12:11 Above & Beyond Feat. Zoe Johnston - Treasure 12:06 Disclosure - You & Me Ft. Eliza Doolittle (Flume Remix) 11:55 Cell - Above The Clouds (Live Version) 11:52 Vize & Tom Gregory - Never Let Me Down 11:48 Syntax Error - Träumen Im Gras (Syntax Experience Mix) 11:45 Dante Klein & Jordiz Feat. Megan Brands - Life 11:38 Soul Button - Circadian Rhythm (Hraach Remix) 11:32 Rodg - Life Is Life (Chill Mix) 11:24 Kygo - Freeze 11:17 Caf Bar Feat. Sara Allman - Gimme Shelter (Chilled Buddha Session) 11:14 Avaion X Vize X Leony - Pieces 11:11 Cotone - Faded Glory 11:08 Thievery Corporation Feat. Shana Halligan - Depth Of My Soul 11:05 Mike Candys & Jack Holiday - The Riddle Anthem Rework 11:02 Pirra Feat. Lindstrøm & Prins Thomas Remix - Limousine Lies 10:56 Spooky - The River (Ambient) 10:53 Alle Farben & Fools Garden - Lemon Tree 10:49 Schiller & Peter Heppner - Leben... I Feel You 10:46 Jubel - On The Beach 10:42 Nora En Pure - Enchantment 10:39 Clément Leroux - Memories 10:34 Sacred Spirit - Yeha-noha (Wishes Of Happiness & Prosperity) 10:29 Dreamerproject - Horizons (Glenn Main Remix) 10:26 Gabriel & Castellon - Es Vedra (Touch & Go Radio Mix) 10:23 Gestört Aber Geil & Anna Grey - Thank You 10:20 Steve Forest, Te Pai - Never Gonna Give You Up 10:16 Cristian Marchi Feat. Block - Baker Street 10:14 The Holy Santa Barbara Feat. Madugo - The Sailor Song 10:09 Kidsø - Fir 10:04 Depeche Mode - Useless 10:01 Zoe - C'est La Vie 09:55 Dale Anderson Feat. Anil Chawla - Pimento Grove 09:52 Zonderling Feat. Josh Cumbee & Damon Sharpe - Lifetime 09:47 Enui - Adieu (Arielle Lb Remix) 09:44 Cosmic Soul & Tom Novy - Like A Dream 09:40 Mario & Vidis Feat. Jazzu - I'll Be Gone 09:33 Nora En Pure - Oblivion (Extended Mix) 09:29 The Timewriter - Soulstickers 09:25 Kyla La Grange - Cut Your Teeth 09:20 Three Drives On A Vinyl - Greece 2000 (Sebastian Davidson & Melosense Remix) 09:15 Bacaro - Under Presure 09:12 Wave Wave Feat. Evie - Real 09:08 Christopher Von Deylen - Infinity 09:02 Worldwide Groove Corporation - Besame Mucho 08:59 Lstn, Arya Noble - Desert Walk 08:56 Agatino Romero - I'm Feeling For You 08:51 Vargo - Get Back To Serénity (J. Bar Mix) 08:43 Martin Roth - An Analog Guy In A Digital World 08:39 Above & Beyond Feat. Zoe Johnston - We're All We Need 08:32 Kruder & Dorfmeister - High Noon 08:27 Goldfish - Love Everlasting (Extended Mix) 08:23 Nora En Pure - Homebound 08:21 Gamper & Dadoni Feat. Joe Jury - Satellites 08:17 Blank & Jones - Alone In This Rhythm 08:10 Relaxraum - Endless Horizons 08:07 Mike Candys, Sb Mont & Salvo - Turned To Dust 08:04 Dvine - Ever After 07:59 Troels Hammer Feat. Clara Valente - Ai Meu Bem 07:55 Schiller & Tricia Mcteague - Guardian Angel 07:51 Alina Baraz & Galimatias - Fantasy (Felix Jaehn Remix) 07:46 Tosca - No More Olives 07:38 Mashk & Soul Button - Pensées 07:32 Beyhude - Terso 07:27 Naomi - Anybody Here? 07:24 Robin Schulz - Above The Clouds 07:20 I Will, I Swear - Long Days 07:17 Sum Wave - Backyard Stories 07:13 Nora En Pure - Dry Sobbing 07:08 Channel 2 Feat. Tanya - Space Cowboy 07:03 Blank & Jones - Sunshines Better (Feat. Mick Roach) 06:58 Tebra - Suton 06:52 Orbient - Transition 06:47 Lyke - Stay With Me 06:42 Schiller X Tricia Mcteague - Miracle 06:38 Aromabar - Winter Pageant 06:34 Kygo Feat. Will Heard - Nothing Left 06:31 Paul Oakenfold, Bolier, Luis Fonsi - The World Can Wait (Bolier Remix) 06:25 Tosca - Natural High 06:22 Eelke Kleijn - Midnight Affair (Samaha Slow Edit) 06:17 The Funky Lowlives - Time To Let Go 06:12 Schiller - White Nights (Don't Let Me Go) 06:09 Feder & Ofenbach Feat. Dawty Music - Call Me Papi 06:04 Danijel Kostic - Vinternatt (Club Mix) 05:58 Deep Dive Corp. & Setsuna - Transatlantic 05:55 Sono - Trusting You 05:47 Eskadet - Solitudes 05:43 Valante - Rissa 05:41 Gil Glaze Feat. Dante Thomas - West La 05:36 Moca - Flotter Tag 05:34 Alok & James Arthur - Work With My Love 05:32 Alok Feat. Alida - Love Again 05:27 Alan Walker & Gavin James - Tired (Kygo Remix) 05:25 Bolier & Arman Cekin - Fade Away (Feat. Rhi'n'b) 05:22 Sixth Finger - If I Can't Have You 05:19 Nto (Fr) Feat. Sofiane Pamart - Invisible (Piano Version) 05:15 Chicane - Capricorn (Back Pedal Brakes Remix) 05:11 Chris Coco - Before Sunset (Original Mix) 05:05 Shakedown - At Night (Afterlife Remix) 04:57 Boral Kibil - Never Again (Bobby Deep Mix) 04:54 Lost Frequencies Feat. Sandro Cavazza - Beautiful Life 04:51 Lost Frequencies X James Arthur - Questions 04:47 Julian Wassermann - Painfully 04:44 Mila - Herzlos 04:42 Dj Antoine & Flip Capella Feat. Evelyn - Dark Love 04:39 Lost Frequencies Feat. Love Harder - Beat Of My Heart 04:34 Schiller - Ultramarin 04:31 Dj Antoine Feat. Craig Smart - Good Vibes (Good Feeling) (Dj Antoine Vs Mad Mark 2k19 Mix) 04:27 Guardner - All Right 04:24 Ten Tonne Skeleton - Feel So Bad 04:16 Maxim Lany - Riding The Wave (Extended Mix) 04:09 Melosense - Road & Lights 04:02 Miyagi, Sascha Braemer, Dan Caster, Jan Blomqvist - Woodpeckers Love Affair 03:59 Alle Farben & Flynn - I Need To Know 03:53 Tom Odell - Another Love (Zwette Edit) 03:47 Lazy Hammbock - Surround Me 03:44 Robin Schulz & Alle Farben & Israel Kamakawiwo'ole - Somewhere Over The Rainbow / What A Wonderful World 03:40 Coldplay - Everglow 03:35 Christopher Von Deylen - Opaque 03:29 Plaid - Ralome (Feat. Benet Walsh) 03:24 Lstn - Times Of Sorrow 03:17 Lexer & Paji - Red Puddle 03:14 Junge, Junge Feat. Jamie Hartma - Wicked Hearts 03:08 Schiller - Der Goldene Engel 03:04 The Presets - Promises (Nils Frahm Version) 03:02 Mellowdy - Rise Up 03:00 Buchs Feat. Nokyo - Cheverolet 02:54 Nicos - Secret Love 02:49 Sans Souci - Venice 02:46 Leony - Faded Love (Noøn Remix) 02:41 Blank & Jones - Give It To Me 02:37 Ck West - Aldebaran 2021 02:35 Luca Schreiner Feat. Johnny Chicago - Its All Gonna Be Good (Junge Junge Edit) 02:32 Starley - Lovers Strangers 02:29 Munich Monstrs - Shine 02:18 Aural Float - Dreamer's Dream 02:09 Christopher Von Deylen - Heaven Can Wait 02:02 Hraach & Armen Miran - Nowhere 01:56 Schiller - The Future Iii 01:53 Jeremy Loops - Til I Found You 01:50 Tom Staar & Cedric Gervais - Playing Games (Mixed) 01:45 Ingo Herrmann - Sundown 01:42 Alex Zind Feat. Lisa Schwab - Cruel Summer 01:36 Röyksopp Feat. Susanne Sundførd - Oh, Lover 01:32 Robin Schulz & Marc Scibilia - Unforgettable 01:30 Max Johann & Layrz - Tell It To My Heart 01:25 Cecilia Krull - Agnus Dei (Benny Benassi & Bb Team Remix) 01:22 Peter Ries - Hold Me (The Force Radio Mix) 01:18 Sofi Tukker X Mahmut Orhan - Forgive Me 01:14 Five Seasons - In Your Town 01:07 Jean-michel Jarre - Equinoxe, Pt. 4 01:03 2raumwohnung - Wir Werden Sehen (Paul Kalkbrenner Remix) 00:58 Stefano Saletti & Piccola Banda Ikona - Tagama 00:53 Christopher Von Deylen - Euphoria 00:47 Nora En Pure - Trailblazer (Club Mix) 00:44 Be Svendsen - Drop The Gun 00:41 Colorblast - Message In A Bottle (Colorblast Version) 00:39 Srtw & Mave Feat. Sønlille - Last Train Home 00:35 Schiller - Liebe 00:31 Ac Venture - Penang Waltz (Roberto Sol Remix) 00:21 Moby - Too Much Change 00:17 Blank & Jones - Nuits Blanches 00:13 Mefree - Horizons 00:09 Galantis Feat. Onerepublic - Bones 00:07 Ofenbach & Ella Henderson - Hurricane 00:02 Two Lanes - Pièces Froides: Ii. Danses De Travers
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"That one. She is being Queen of the lands of sand. This, I am knowing."
"Her people are scared of me. This I am also knowing. I come to speak, and they deny mine access to the palace. I could crush them! But no. I was promising to be being there not to be making war, but to be speaking."
"I have only met that one in passing. It was being one of the fancy parties. I was wearing mine human guise. Surely all were being fooled. In front of her people, she seems strong, but I am smelling doubts. What is it she fears? This, I am not knowing."
"She is having many childrens, from what it is I am hearing. I am not knowing much of them. I am knowing she is mated to Little Snowflake." She grins. "I am thinking she is being a fun mate."
"I still seek audience. But I can be patient. I am Ray'je. And I am being eternal."
"Auntie Achara is Asta's mama. I usually see her when she comes to see Asta, or I go to visit them. She's always really nice to me, despite me being an oni. It makes me feel safe there."
"It's actually really surprising when I see her in her armor. I don't see it often, but she seems like a different person. Still, her people seem to respect her. That's good. It's also interesting to see her at parties. I think she sometimes feels a little uncomfortable there, like I do, but I think she likes to entertain. Parties and people. But maybe I'm thinking too much."
"I've...never really asked her about marrying Asta...and she hasn't said anything. Much as I love my fiance, she can't keep secrets, so I'm sure Auntie Achara knows. I....hope she approves."
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libidomechanica · 1 month
Untitled (“The nymphs round him, and sat so waiting sea after sea”)
A sonnet sequence
A butter, I am the magnanimity of likeness and honour; gay damsels, and o’er it a cobweb-lawn; and makes it seemed to prayed, we grew a new voice, but hath furrow? I moved by this and what stretched and azimuth, and something down below the shopping something splendour plucks the sea- gulls not measured splendour gradual swell’d mass of your worth has got no name.—The nymphs round him, and sat so waiting sea after sea. So Catherine taste a long loving: o, but I placed a wrong yourself the springs to hear me like that saying, that gentle word that have princess—why not make: twas I.
Though careless, young maister of war, the sky and then a king’s letter that there is no one near thee merry Damsels! And scorn the heard a thousand maine, as the brink a gallant badge-the dead. Window from hue-golden gate, yet nearer to thy tongue-tied that know she’s use there, extremest fit I plung’d for jealousy. Sands took silently, invisibly: he took no further in a suit of shabby grey: his cricket creaked where idle boys begin to shoot out, and of our great mone. And there dwell the wreck; the final gulphing which wild shore just put down and skill, I paint my hell. Was like a precious latched.
Is a gentle lady, how to my o’er- sways the appealing power? When she said, My life I was to see and himself, a sigh. Had enter too.—Kings in Blood, and his captains flashed in our planet guides. The bell struck one, and touch, and some unworthy mother, from vermeil lips? Riding—nor any chest, save where the rotten hustings shaken here in our peace, masked like ourselves in our peace, when she said:-But Ida with an apples, and then once more he could see this fathers stead; as, long ere art thou ask’d whither I roam, when lo! Weep that lonely to me as a countered, he went out to the eye.
Bound for the store which mixes up vines, and north, a light is the street can you there lie bruised and sting to embers the shadows, and despite there was struck, and forehead’s cumbrous flesh, o seely sheepe, O shepheards the joints of all mortal pinion’d multitude, and oozed all o’er with a not old, nor uttered to this hill of pleasure. And walls so fast increase, and one, that my sheepe, were it sleep. It does not dead: she none that we may guess by the devil. Fierce intoxicating at you grew light gather madly; and all the world, and eternal palsy, I did not ever at nightfall because I lived?
Slowly she gaz’d upon his shirt; he retains the race, all, all, not one, but all is stifled threatens inundations are in fold of November; even the world, whereof he will. Further end. Down too, down and worn the gravy as well abroad, and downe the lurid beams, she sits most articulate in Wonders motionlessly pale, with white with a ghost. When it comes over the sequel of the Canterbury bell; the which sigh by might heart of sense to mask, a pinions to flee away, sweet sake a face of womankind, poor Cynthia’s wedding cake show of largeness will I lie, while I breathe?
Sleepless, young Favonious. Our nerves were an equal to their course we hung, till old age’s mask went forth his while. He demands out of the faculty—who said to me your fair land, you did but copy what secret, and died of fright’ning their arms, the hand, seek’st thou lov’dst me to the Town must deem the dead leavest me in it: as it roll’d; and Phoebus, for ever would stand dismal lyrics, prophet’s ass began to be a precious heaven? And yet it is; and now it ranckly vnder his tender their baldness up and coldness cloud of the silent and Duty be the storm came of Biron. Beneath the brink of the long-laid galleries past an arch, where in his vengefulness, and this gad-fly brush a web of gloom damp awe assailed; and none inheritor and haunted. With hurriedly they moved and rulen ouer all, and over the Park. In laurel: her we look of Love’s breast; and much rather this?
To the dore sperred after sunny thyme; yea, sweet enchantress! Which I not cruel. Shut not exalt wilt thou dost pine for ever: but other multitude. The odour of shepeheards, somewhere she kiss’d the foolish fear withheld me first time, that well-built housewives talk of.—But onward; still with tenderest for little bird? Seeking it comes back to back into her the stricken helmets, breathe ten hundredth part of the ploughs but cheerly, carefull thou call me ungentle Juan felt, what doth shew beyond the stricken breast that might beauteous though I feel my prayer, or purple grape is so oft bynempt.
That burning. Could not: waive you I love that he would do, but such a sadistic display full golden years, there is nowhere found the mill and Meg.-Still did Lucy climb but never take away, which no longer thing at the earth away—unseen, alone, among his boots were made, and the boys: the finer politic sense filling world were hollow vast, and, full-blown, before me stood the king in the mountain and one, to pale oblivion of your soft. Sloughs furrow’d from his separate beds. To sit beside its amber cradle; hither, line by line, dearest, her peace was so wimble, and Flora too!
Of you were getting thousand lisping of her veins’ salt tides, as well or yard, is as true: but the greenery white faces glimpses of the horse is nightmare: your hair on the head of you, if he cannot be thy sensual; for beauty? I will pleasure, mine be thy hand, there she looked with all my lone, my widow’d wife; I sue not fooles: if their rights are written: Take thy heart, and hit me running from that bought commission’d to Four; pain sits with evening on his vaulted palm a whispered: Take me fret? So said to the old king, burst in a few friends who knows? Long hair! Brother to thy tongue like him.
I cry: Arise, my Theotormon this round Endymion hear her wounded breast, from which did know the too well-guided steps down his sheep: and never take a winters flow into shards with rope of shepeheards had never tell them toll. And yet thou to-morrow broke and pure as marble. Arm-chair while he is none like a child of hueless cloud that made simple name! Free adit; we will also paused a little smart, but keep here; nor does the men eager, but is Jove’s own bed this be heard war-music, felt that thro’ the spring, and song, resoldered genial warmth again shall kiss than when your arm.
Be dazzled by Fame, the long hair glistening. Stand in it: as it had full of grief, to last time I listen and so kind: nor light in an hour: come to the man! Because you’ve set their side! King in and the secrets of the dead prime: but you have as magnetic to swear how Bess, the wind and the feather’d Indian streaming evil, I hastly pale, clotted with honey’d rain and that: and Kiddie al this maine force his soueraignty he gained that thy Sister fair Scotia hame again, and the green seraglio has its eunuchs too, lest any tyrant him as thy footstool win an immortality.
Know for joys. Then felt it to his hand. And in groups they are, too solemn for there, erneis, Radulphus—eight-and-forty manors if that ruby which you I love thee the brink of recollections— these weird seizures come through glittered scheme of seven together we asked and rent the trees. As Goteherd prowd that I was sensitive and dishevell’d hair, like an own babe I nurse thee perfect, not yet quite dead soul that makes it bleed again, and the front, until of the ministries of frail humanity! Athwart the married the unclean leper’s honey breath will mingle with joy gone mad, with his Agrarian laws were all the gory head a foot of May is on thee, but he lovely dame on one,—and prest and Righteous, were those boughs and not the greene, let be, as may be won by favourites of steel tempest came to dote on, amorously I care not me, and pictorial.
Of shame, he felt aloof the lowly playne ouerture? By mad ears and left her by the chanced that heau’nly bear a woman named: the moon held in gyves, yet each padlocked the pillow glowed in mutual arms devout kiss,—even there’s not a Step nor seize to pain, thou leaves that Circe might have done, all were re-animated. Within that there is sour: yet I would. The noiseless, sub-marine clouds, how would I were tutors. That clenches waving corn wi’ me? All this same slender wand. Where juniper expresse: not the gaoler, what her soul and sorrel untorn by the dead, are heaped for our love.
I seemed to make straight colors is it he can be sweet fields with Ho! There was the bodies the enamour’d brain begins to craze, be thou be a decision inflicted by the crowning sun restored my ears, and throes of wind arose of a stream by which help not Joy, but Heaven are closed are, for cash. Not at the clouds that he kisses he had been poised his withering to myself, my bride, he clatter: harme may reflect,—that is the narrow passage ethe. Your head and say: I mean to go on living? A Whig, or a Tory, or Trimmer at least motionless, and, stepping to human species.
Rose leaves bedew’d, awake his grasp: her hart did feele: but such a guest, but darken’d an ejection, could see, and some other half-round the rose, and heart than their tryst. And ask’d whither sent a heralds to and friend being bringen in as sincere a whole courts of France. I was athirst that might unused stay from his great gouts of blood wide, looking on the cold water the bee form cells? I caught light astronomers agreeable; and wound, fly; see thereof, that half-turn’d Love be so involv’d and last, she plucked the crevice peer’d about a stranger, my madness up and down by her, looks the heaven!
Poise his child, its steamy breast. The top-gallant institution on a hill. Would disclos’d? Flame of the garden-wall: till with her sunny. Wind-driven and this he presence room I stood winged Chieftain! But spoke few words awoke? Well eyed, and fell beat to the garden! Ah, my deliver’d fruits of states: they shoulder, but at twal’ at night, I’ve far to the Ring of some Old Story? That drinks waters are flowing. Christ brings Scotland, one and my days hence, it pierc’d and four-and-twenty hours, and sip her present, a great gods, and call. Large of gone sea-warrior stept, took there, and knit into a stationary seas!
Tho went that sweet lips, away theirs of water has curved alone among the west, a land of echoes rang, while he is in the storm came on before there to plagues, and love when to the British cabinet and venom- bag, and my days: and, all along to bring, are all this firebrand—gentleness to their backs, and from that beauteous stem. Kind of insolence, her graunt to me, and keeps our Britain, whole and curl’d a pure wine imbrued his plump infant joy! But never made preuie to the window; your kiss All day long captains flashes from all men rate as king: and me, cheering me in it: in that beauty?
-Sure, flutter of Ismail. Yet, if they woulde once more grant in between my beard, breast doth take, and let them both sweet mama … truth be told! Into the night in trammels of blown self-commitment, the two, betwixt myself, wilt say, alas! Who is but there not our fair life of tryfles at once seem’d her theories out freedom to man, that a man to my soul did pine—a green leaves and woe? For Bess could see her gentle shears cut short or console: and thou speakest of his man’s counterpart shall view his daughter; but burn’d may brook’d no comrade Lucy knew; she dwelt among the fruit doth wake, must confusion.
And plunder’d up and strange, how I mean to go: but copy what eternal fire, dully drop their musicall: and homeward turn’d to the gaoler, what her charming syllables, till a faint extremely troubled, their door. But I never he may live ever lovelier was thine: see how you how, hand on the magnanimity of all kinds; the final gulphing whale worship of Theirs— their Worshippers, fine on it; o let me sleepeth and round Theotormon! Tell the door almost think they keep me constant caught us light. Nor that have fled, in the earth is just at these wild whim: and Look you for it.
Child, to lighten into my veins stretch his loath’d existence in my arms, and love with you, all is high as the humour stole from living that I drave among the whole with a not old queen, seated upon myself in your mad minstrelsy! For the green in you, I lagged in a blatant land, whate’er my grief most piously;—all lovers, to Despair! With a blind do see save thing, or both alike; a night and fickle maiden from their fruit, to stray away from the bumpers a thousand years the enter too. This task, must with them go, slim shadows dance be context for thou shouldst thou accursèd duke!
He showed her hand, and sun. And rhymes, save to get people at his request you’llmount with press’d to you, I own my tears to shed; she sat, she plucked her from the sun-lit fields are won. Hissing so close; by the cave of self- denial? Now Ben had sprung his waves in sweetly pay them went the world, wherein no revenge upon the witch’s life: three sweet son! As morning pale. They keepen all thou wast the tame pigeon measures scatter pearled hail; great Brahma from her side, I sat a weeping, for the happy happy earth is kind; and panting reuenge, is hard-mailed him on rib and caught and gay, but I be relief.
Now what’s what; and the sonne. How his life: ’ I mused on thee better, I could reach is at peace—this wreathed with a riding, up to attend us, secundum artem: but all the bath for me by my ear withheld me first touch of the thickly charnel-house, that he might be so: let all display once the king thus, a thousand years: which euer she will, and half the parries her noble sister: lie not to be shape of tryfles at hys backe, as bells, and of those gifts; he shall spring; to bear—but when, the worms and ruffled moonlight, alone, with a kiss, life of the sodger ne’er despise. So often sayne.
Simple girl. So close. They gave him that I prize thy reign. The last poetic voice I hung like the one who turns him round to Psyche weeps: sdeath! The sad world could make her up to begin, we wish to God’s kindlier: we esteem. A joy, and all my nightly dreams the nutriment did creeper, has lately wove, love took wing, artful, secret deed. They had but been, she were life was upright and wanton meryment. Which he took her impetuous courteous fountains! And hospital: cut to myself into the salt Medway, the vegetables cooked. I sat a weeping skeleton, with any sign of man.
Flash of my dark heart of stone—and away, wants the still bite my thoughts in the still his sore construction and draws the arrows fly through an idiot legend in lowliness of mine: I care not of their doubt I am the ancient fictions out upon the bars to think of Rhyme, but the chicken shuns the madonna and chess beneath the helm, now set to music came to woo; thou wast glory won; thou mad’st me leave. For thy sad state, hate of my passion, or weakness clear freshet yielded, wroth and red, with his mistress, and I, betwixt the moonlight; To give there a grave at all: only I pitie.
Just within, the rose the orator so farre from every spray of birds and for the fierce intoxicating at the Sword-wind of the wall is still sea-worthy mother, fluid, affect of two gold ingots, like her, with pins; roger so near, the rose, like the approaching home, as if she were there! No, nor themselves in our anguish keeps her off, and smooth it felt, and his face more tongue of men; before his packe. Poor piteous was hers! That seem something in his style admired the world contains great Solemnities, to dance to adorn him with his canvas clothes to pray; who watch for each tongue and leaves.
Thought to governe this tenderness of health by due; where thou by praise, that ill was round to Psyche, ’ she cried out the sky and the road that I dread to hear the shadows of his bow’d down dead-heavy sigh, and mountain roe, with the parent’s evening with the highway, and they relations, fears. Beyond its birth upon her woes, and rolled with all my story window chewing how a young man, ere a learnes in the lads masken in the gods in? Love that strong Happiness, for a taper fishing-rods of gold, or all through the stroke of eight: than worst of honour— what, I would turn his lips, and so vanish’d.
For common day; free-voic’d as one whole mines of iron, lead, or catch a glassy water: she also had not successor. Where Cupid is sworn page to Chastisement, would deceive there to go on living? Kind; and a stable-wicket creaked where the web of aged men; but, at our prayer! For he to whirl around me, and like Hecla’s flame. She said I am aweary, aweary, oh God, for a hymn loud as this. A rule how far beyond their wine we left my bondage. Of your scissors and she spray, then with a bag of almost-stale croissants clenches waving itself must spreads the tongue?
In silken fluctuation and so bent him as a beast is hanged him of Reserve. They cannot looked so wistfully she gave a care; they made it seems to drink a glass like pearl springs for something that’s how much the bare shepherd’s nose, the tears followed up by a handsome warm tremble, and the sun; and when he will haue a doubtful Damme had he not despise, nor confess, mine eyes?—Death’s a reformer, all silence shalt feed they then sweet sister in the bosom every joy mellifluous sorrows beside this cumbrous love, farewell; go trouble thy brainless steel tempests of steel tempest, through the dead.
A thing alien tears. And the Moor; and scarce three sweet woman’s garment hid the church and. Ghosts, to dream milk burned in the light, and leader of the warm caves in Ithaca or he is darken’d; like the pebbles milky white with him, now he is in the dales is for the Eolian twang of Love a dateless lies, and the shadows dance to sweet fields into your feet—too boiled and cast it in the brow of the distance on her mother, let me speak, what she might mix his draught with which bit of reuerence moue, curb’d-in with thirst. Shake from usury feel the orbs between the windy morn; now shaking the friend.
Sweet, the gleaming hair! And I make, be thy love for the landlord’s black-eyed daughter, plaiting sea after him came Psyche’s babe, my evermore—we sing, tis with all her my former worth his elder son, and the hymns, and take of its proper home of the air is so proud heart of lies. Things pay who crowned as he moves next to the shame shines cleere. Of time procedure in the shadowing down in meshes of the treasure poor: how blythely was I bide the flowers, garlands, love-kindling kine, couched in the moment could not do herself, her spectacles at a leap; on whom pale lies my business of dew?
Shouted the yate fast food. While all around, and those deadly blast and dark, silently, invisibly: he breathless countries, cities into waste the truth, hers by which at the cheek to tell the monstrous swell’d poisonous about all so simple lives that watching. Catherine look about—no more we may still-kept course begins to awake, and golden glows of lusty May! Why dost borrow’d from a mourning; I left the pype to daunce. Or be by phantasm! Of other, Donna Inez, finding your skin, those lawny films I see the flower in green and drinking- songs, spice his spoil his soul from temples?
Dry as the air wherefore splenetic, person exactly what ails they laid; and at his face within the soul of sweet breath hold. In our love and pluck it for to make the walls. Into each our minds, amidst thou not aided me a spoil his state I lay; seeing his fated spot for grammers back, a kindness, and force to change be spiritless minutes, he had crossed the other month of June, tall chesnuts keep religion, pomp of solemn light, open to virgin that made arabesques, like a dot in the trust to him but as wide universe I call, save of the rose, like to desire!
Rue on the centre stood and when pleasant meadow and a night were tutors. Purpose, firm though, that none whole court its immoral, was fair, on trembled in my heart of eve was the Hall, and arc, spheroid and all his eyes most lowe, I crau’d the horror! Fatherless, and aye she said she finds her hard hold, they need more by our low world, where the dark blue crab from the abhorr’d: how eager all our tale were all the women—and prest and day; who watched it lying breeze is but first, bent to me, and taken him to the Sun. And all are going something to think what she warbled along, far from those who reach?
This mortals fragments on the bats, when thicket interpos’d to pass But when thou loved and whay, and blamest hem much, but for the second burdenous, but their behoof, whose straying and to dance from the dew of her whinny shrill winds morose. Meekly through billow- ridge, pheasant, woodcock, of which we may live: but not a theological state thou call me from what come, heap it higher summons:-still didst the fangs shall range these uttered limbs o’er the change them selfe take delight, and sit beside the man wants weight o’erpowered me closed welcome, farewel! Your feet, and search the which must be for his arrow, and woman take the ramping Centaur’s arrow, and know exactly what were on the sudden ring of credulous heart break so great deale of love, for the sun’s decline: with sidelong laughing; and the time to be content, if this be so, nor the branches of this secret record could not say.
Who march’d to Moscow, led by a pond that keep her compact, yet, not the green. Time, you ask, whose beauty of love will consort they got near to some mischiefe. And a nightings bring. Little ticks are generation for its crimson stain both my friends. I scotch’d not keep his handsome antique book, since first of his swooning ears, even all the night! With the dust and gay; but I never had a handsome warm trembling hypocrite? And fickle maiden fancies dead in iron gauntlets: break our mirthful board, shall I never: our humble delicious lace, while the first night, grave sir, both sight to my heart in two.
With the leaves on a kind of peace, without found a pearl the cold bleak air. Smile could make it faerie, feend, or soft soul of his own palace ran the first I heard a noise of haunts, why left sing And twice that well-built houses, lightens inundations, perceiving from head to every window overlook’d sad and home well-wash’d suddenly feels like that in my bliss, maud made great Dian’s this morning: hie of Love a dateless lake, on which threatened to be glad: o feel a drouth, by thing, salving thy grace may make the one who travel’s end, doth teach us how to plain where erst her sex, and makes a man accent.
Just for lacke of Dan, which fix middle of the bastioned there to give not to be told! If i could not help but kiss her; take her, that aw’d echo into oblivion, and twining, and plucked her hart did change to chlorophyll, and from the waterfall. Our dances let me part forgiveness, all who have seen that comfort their massive groves, that my soul, which lost the clear fresh foliage and corrosive care bid all that guides to smere, thou shalt call me how I could so preposterously be stains the smile upon the footmen did: her maids, blustering in the First Hair, and sudden in your arm.
Who watches the needle she: man with lips of the long breeze is but then with thirsty each one’s lips through his bowl of cream: but at twal’ at night, grave has gone: shee weeped, and that dandy-despot, he, that shall but love to get marriage. And in it: in thickens in his eyes; but somehow contagious. Gold vase embossed with the year to point you out for blood of his may straying yourself and a tree, forbidden or forbidden monopoly of a mist: the river—thou wast thews immortality: I prest their savage eyes; if all our cups make ready seems but change their Strength renew, were a mask.
’St thou shalt feed they count them that made his rapier brandished high. Stiles where the Horizon as it roll’d; and, into is, was, and I sat down her arms, to enflesh my Soul is spending one ought, convulsion to heauen forewent, that, that afternoon a sound, and immortal, for ever lives that beares on himself, and sea-mew’s plaintive cry plaining, and stile and boldly ventured on the starres, oft stomble at the hall— a barbell or yard, is as the magic plough can I admired them doe loue, or, louing, haue so frothy though we dashed walls of crimson glory to be shape of hem scorne.
Their hearing; she would rub them to araye. She means, to light come in the sun, dirt-sweetened spuds, the highway, with feet of leaves in Ithaca or he is woundedness might have missed. Show me your time to learn its louder grew beside a human hear her world in which in the Devil’s Own Brigade: and all around, around, around it sat in the woman form, look’d high dash’d the right, He did not even these thing is her eye, and flow, and see him pardon of selfish blightingale, rapt in nameless mist have drunk within, the whole in tender innocent because you like a wind was Ida watching.
Their taste, ’ as some have no links with such a sadistic display once that weening hys whyte head and Doom: the happy warriors, and yet God wote, such a mode of perfume came to meet us many a pleasant vale descry a favour of dark. Opened beam, and the mutes, the gentle shears cut short its gloom, and craggy isles, anxieties and No, into it myself without one was fallen, have fretted alligators, crocodiles, bearing his ill-wresting water faucet and fingers. That wild woods were friends, those who reach help not Joy, but fate’s gentle peace upon the hears deep sighs, a morning.
What may thy mouldy mammoths, ‘grand Cuvier! Then would you from the tall tree the day, a hare hung from her—betrayed her brow. Till happens rarely: this hilles height, and I pardon me sayd, he watched as he picked offenders from a larch, a beautiful things for what prison that thy footsteps, coloure donne: for a cov’ring too. A rule how fain would not know who most Affection, hides, to fuddle with a sword and flower of crimson drops to ground than a gin rummy is a breath of man’s arms, and himself up on one, and I the day. Sees more awful scroll, whilst they lifted up the right and Strictest Love.
Music, when to this free, with Asian elephants: onward kept; wooing wind on glass and her old faces bloom, a rain mists down, and bones, o’erwrought to. If I could be caught vpon a hill didst fade, and the charm that nought thee in all beauty thus aloud in human door! Ye, merry din—Nay, nay, you knowes no man to compel my sullen conquest, shattered her breast to some thirty minutes of this be he,—or a dragged mawkin, thought in one’s own tongue: when fog conceal’d delectable, and bathe my wings, and stand upon Endymion from a cliff on Sunday suits, but thou, Fancie, saddle art, girt fast barred.
From its trembling to be despair, half-taught me tossing sounds; if he explores all my life. Even now, tenfold more than the flies; they meant to ground of this bough, began to my sire, who had told thee living blood! A Biggen he had set, that our parting is deducted. Flame of thee! In happy wight! His title, built a folded his purpose like smoke. A tyme in Sommer season, when the wintry clime of love when we soe, as weren of our fair life of my dark earth, and brief is like that I cannot look too close. Why dost borrow’d visage thou mayest heavenly power is coming her brow.
The penitent shouting, and with a flattering spar, just as this a murmuring round; confusion started up, and of hop and motions, shapes as Jove did when lo! But nothing all this fierce demur: and I, thought of the Field, salámán heard—the Seasons drawn onward kept; wooing wind and that keep their arms; is there her knee, that some touch: my tender minions! Sing And the bottom through waiting a dead and strange worke I proue a horsman to obey; all else confirme: for cats and bone away: but he the Pleiads; his Discoursing, swearing the frosty dark; and each man, and thought availed: he was rich.
One daye he sat with a blind error lies in the saddle art, girt fast by Memorie; and antler’d deer, and folded his ware, and ladies even more religion? And though six days seen! Hell mix with his life: ’ I muse, why tear it down, what a loss what the frontier: I said, Gee woe! I shott, that he hates, and eternal spirit, over eighty, in all those two crown on a foolscap crown of all mortal here? Ripe apples grow where a sail just skipping the child at dead broken: let our dispute betwixt the temples in hast pyne, plagues, and thoughts in her flesh. What merit do I owe it little patient.
And you in your substance on her arms, to enflesh my Soul is spent—and stir of fountain- top—the void white road smoking behind to stone. Before the crisped oaks full well below, or be deliverers, and six feet to live or take. We have lullaby to silence deeper than thus may she still with number of Dian’s hind feeding your margin of nonentity? For whom grimy naked things of a child is woman, in this room, this furrow sometimes it with all the billows pay them shall deposit side by side: resuming quietly, disrobed the evening with none should he regard.
Or Goddess! And sometime absence lay our hero, Juan, instead of you! While times a day of sacrifice. And faint maid, and owls whooped, and the day. Such faitors, when her kind. We two were full of a kind of faith, a maid on bier? Handsomely in crowds, in a river side bound for fair Scotia hame again with lengths of wheat; the shivering horses dark blue cloak of blue which they here lies the weather on the soil, and at the church’s might oblige their good is will; was he: bound for the sway of human species. Would not, the fortune means daiquiri. Of earth’s bosom underwood, and me. And Tellus feel?
But Oothoon the sodger’s prize, the mouse and manfully thereat water-side, and sages the sun and mow mechanism of silence, and a spirit culls unfaded amaranth, when I see my spirits free of thee, lest any tyrant! Music, when the shadow of a discussion, but you alone shalt find it! Through the glen; and when we trace its source, tis beer. Adieu to all but love you do, fight all the roaring East; The youth was not old, nor even shuffling Southey, that little clause take not his life is to a wife when around his porch the body how I weep and yellow leaves.
Then laughter that we may never dipp’d a chin but thee steals unto her for lesse which else could make it Sir, ’ and soft, that love or be the temple to temple-gate. Mine: but at least act abides the boy beside the man shape it plank and drink oblivion of the weight in one’s gentle water I rear’d my heart, which we dwell them Sir William Curtis is all, I stand waked again and take care of each other trembling like a weed-clogged the vale you send a flame’s gaunt and the evil ear, for thilke God, that a matter, which hath ever known. The shock the little lily-handed Barons heaven.
Dancing the mother and destined not take care of Sir Ralph from the turmoil of expiring love near-on ten years which, like a dream. Each man, and thrust, that glory won; thou leddest Orpheus through the dark Child, to lightning I’ll lay by, to taste next night. And sings upon a pot of blue wrapp’d in her eye with my breasts. Up, dead breast-plates large of gone sea-warrior stept, took the bloom of health but he nould warned him through Poland, thou, O cruel! And bawled the fairest maid on Devon banks, crystal Devon, wilt thou shalt thou art cruel. Your hand. Wave shadow loses form. That you will not liue ylike, as mighty Pan.
The more’s there was just the ground—But when my arms, and send a flash and bone could shun her like garlic, howsoever, can come. Masked like the Horizon into the Sun … I open to joy and parish rate; and shame one sweet the green: she had to die, when I hear, they ne’er a little think’st thou fairest maid on Devon banks, crystal ball, and fro on which could hope, without something whip leisure taken to weigh in scales is deliciously downe on me. And far beyond the which yet with your liberties; they fetchen home May with the seas; a red sailor hates a shove, as a pall, they may not see it.
Go among them for a while that when upon the mournful gloom. Just to his knees. Cupid in shadow where a man, they homeward show his litter blast, in masque of stone. Then came riding which was but passes once! Night and strains may weed her mother lips at half- way house. A lesson fit, both sight thee hath sought, we have pleasant vale descry a favourites of salt and you slept with dancing upon the brine: for als at home it or fall. Thaw this mop and mould a genitals have forgotten, when, in June, became gaunt, with his throat a boatswain swore to me all to dust and men, and through Poland the beauty in its own. Her lip he doth your mad minstrelsy! With my children out, scoop’d from this huckster put down at your fairest maids she neither at the style, and love thee not, when, a new breache: seemed lightless seas of seas assigned to my touch. Fixed in your ayd to followed up the sullen conquest got.
Or sicken at the fool, and woman-slough to sheath, and slaughter love the crevice peer’d about a stone, nor your clashed his plump its winters in the yellows And now and answer of a kind of pride the joy I seek no more. And alien pen hath got my use and I was to leave her dukes the United States, louers of this, fainting of some too little Leila, who slips with heart was it with tears followed: the kissed again, across to thee my fancy will I to children four, would her body into the rivers and try to charm to break the cloud that thro’ the starred, silently, invisibly.
Let love, hope, which lost they internal palsy, I did not wrong on the mode in which done, all blind; and scudding in, we fail, we fail: she may be garner’d. And so kind. I love more I’ll bend, bending, dear love, blessing and whining, rearranging to thank all bare, and all his near relations bred, beheld awake the pebble, and fairplay for his agony to bear that had gone to troubles, diamonds, cash, and o’er it many, and so bent his o’er! The cloak from a larch, a beautie be made manifold the awful scroll and staring eyes: heare you letters reede is ryfe, that frown aside, and honours, which don’t want it flash of a mind with tender the beauty appeared: he battered little glancing and kiss death, and we had not why or where Phebe layed, to see and manfully there to give me, her youngling beneath his task of me who gave me the old lion, glaring colder when the ground so long.
Meaning my Stella see, that mars her plan, but misery have given to the old, I saye as some prison-wall: till like Paradise of solemn rites by candle-light— swear by St sometimes anger and great, so pure for the margin of nonentity? Seated upon a Harp, between its dry String another nine times he who bent his appetite beyond earth crumble to scullery, and sunny thyme; yea, sweet: shall ask, whence wise travel’d in a forbidden monopoly of a man accent his father’s lips are at ebb and floor, and cradle; hither. When a man must deem their priming!
—Replied, ourselves in our sad fate. To me it seem my own sad name in corner straightway pass in storm is on our noble conquerours do wreck his fierce pulse stream on a glorious eyes sicken, live with the wilderness might, each other may be sent, if such end had a handsomely in that steadies us. And in what enamoured air sick, and loued not; I lou’d, but haue it then, behold those shapes, and pine, and I’m come hither, line by line, rich in his large, I could bewray, where, blushing sweet as an arrows that way; he heaven—such are but i just don’t know my lovely girls and wrinkle.
Chat, and straight honest meaning my Stella deare, and cleaned our tale were mine. And took, but gazed on his steel so strong wine of Sleep, all that lays on every alien tears. Lay that caught in the flowers: a languished each wounded these vesper hymn, far swollen, soft and flicker’d with my rider doth lie: that man not wake her, look upon it, and ’twould skim the ocean must go, what could make us laugh instead. Ill-reported valour; much to fear; down to hear the shivering Chaplain’s heart after page, till hems him round Theotormon broke from elm: one love than shoots with his may straying and kissing so close.
When a woman’s face was well lodged, but ah, it will Oothoon shall tell you in a dreme. The use of hoof and charms! She breaths against all the blue fly sung in the best man and she is in the morning gold wide pinions to flee into the promise. In slumber dead,—and yet her ail might find it, where pale worship at thy foot to harken what bought he seiz’d her golden clime. There is stormy gulf have fallen, have strown it, and hatred: I would hand, than if I had stay’d to becomes a pillar in the cold snails will slime the threshold one hour doth excell; rich increasing her mouth when a child is he gone?
To lace us up, although we dashed across to this father’s Bosom falling Theotormon sits, wearing and proffer, lastly galleon tossed upon his arm-chair we sit on a bank, and threescore; cure they had killed the glen; and I, betwixt them the mound, whoever was as might speak, and Love is such sallies of great Sirs give up the meadow’s face was waning slow, and to dance to whom a far-off grandsire me stood? In healthful as she lies, attends but descend and gibe the stay to scare there, all bliss on bliss, for even strained in the South, and some when we past an arch, where all these bands of love.
Luxurious, where we stands; but his eyes and fit to each. Since first she looks. And senseless must have wished it—but we know white, encountering: truth be told, they may prove waur than I love you because his senses is, learning they did not care: we knew that very river take me from the light, since it may not see its death, for on my horse, a horse and golden scale of happiness no seconds he was hardly rise unhelpt of hand; I bow full of grief, or joy. Mixture did it all confound to flourish thee fallen: they came, the one will break so great god of day-old pastries. Just as this; for well.
For will be mine; for the iewell. For, never been my breast: see, many steeled squares, and shape, a bought commission, but could bear no more than thy sharp repulse, that repose for life was utmost age eas’d in dew, anemones, new wives, take refugees make a wintry brink, whilst they interwove the arias of love, to throw troops into a screen, and therewithal an answer which is not thilke same Kidde. And oozed all o’er with his mayd. Because hath sought by a hungry lick about this crystal circlings mortality. Should make a seizures, Heavens. Keep back to the doubtful Damme had hair like a new breache: seemed to peer. I suffer’d Indian, I would be smother who kept his ivy tent, onward the red crossed with such as all thou leddest Orpheus come upon this chin, a coat of the plank, and squadrons of my wit for an unstrung Bow—himself would skim the ocean? Join this height a.
His brackish waters: ’tis pearly world. Not often said that heart the silvery wandering stremis adowne the Nine, apollo’s garlands, as not the Cherrie-tree whose features were still the sky, and with eyes of the two must part: and yet they sang the prime, like a wintry blast forever. Drinking, until of the little ticks are like a green which can say by what it is that she seem’d to me your own arms to hold a rod over here, then brake off our coming his controlling eyes on me were near: for they found a pearl the county town, I sigh’d a lullaby to silence let him like the North.
His loath’d existence the day: they will cruel space, with me sitting out Mine—mine—not yours, that frown aside, but I can no way to bear the man! Sickly smells of death no misfortunes race made for that. Air can account of shame one Friday it is perfection came a nearer wayes he lay directly in the capital, whose lips she has really do well as others’ beds’ revenues of wheat; the heaven are clerks, the man! New strong and turning lime, the mild! It flash’d, that you may see that in my pocket. What else, at one stroke, he was lucky, and having spoke, she raisèd up her voice cry Is it done?
Dwells at dewy bed! And who should love to go so you will; to you—the morning, lustful joys! Come there to seek; all have liv’d a morbid eating passed an order of the dewy hand I listening cell, we turn around the sea. Now there we all shall ne’er display’d, now fired an order place untenanted in thunder of the two that never bought commission’d to flee away!—Dearest to be forecast. June that shall not; we ourselves a foe. And ravish’d thus I turn my heart always there to make my words were not our coat that Beloved to its grave at all. And stol’n away half the flower?
For thirty, in royalty of sweet flowers and all the rest, when yellow gold breaths at a loss what the less: from this child, today two women in drinking bullet get him shall I never saw a fury whetting on the last brighter heats and far be it under. Over the flockes of ill luck bene dedes of mortal man grow impious, that the embattled squares feel like a precious latch, its homicidal eye—and drooping through, and wait. Home then, Sir, awful far the proud of those, when the Kidde stooped down the fruites, now here descending, dear lady, how to conference down gagelike to my best I should be thank’d, and when I get stopp’d all scummy slime from all the gate, and some mischief bent upon the rope, each face her royal word upon the strife. Each grated screen, and the rapture to the window overlooking on a chair like her teens; and gay, shalt beautiful seldom.
How do I love thee, as wild vines, about, as though he were all bloom of fifteen, felt at her down a toying. Least be paved. Should I meet last night, wrapp’d in her faults, and yours must be thy streamed away! Maybe like one who, thought, they whose leave. His death, for of men to complain. Whom Christ for you to pray; who watched him on rib and chased, so many a venom’d dart at random flies; there, ere many a groan, more break his fine old world of mercye and firefly-like in eche degree the fairest face to wexe light, they struck, and sing that more bliss for mine own Soul, devising liberate, the two that I were dead!
They met a presence till I to children? They all around the broad stairs: and we forgot? Other things: the one who opened her hidden prime. That Christian-name was Gama; cracked and earth for true, to catch virginia or he is in and never has lately, left her, and dreams and see your frame; whether revolution. Boys! And all her woe began to bloom in prison wall was quiet: from a cup. Your bowers on a king, whom Ida hyll dyd beare, bene not the marks were lowe, and much to his beard, looked on justify it, and always mourners of the god had told all beauty will not content.
I, aristocrat, autocratic crest, why done we them find out of his own goddess, at high to kill. Their wine are you? He laid us as we. How it came to qualify. A screen, and then may love us for it, and I fell in us like a race-horse; much as few men can claim kin; others otherwhere the Water-Monarch. Aristocrat, autocratic crest, when those among his control the wood. Art thou seest it on me—I myself again, as he to blame, for of men. Don Juan grew, and with love. Old Eolus thy fate and rumbled down state, and twining me, and thus all were dead!
Love, I recant, and his lips, and yet the bays of his finger fresh aray? Who watched you can to sun, could we will I strew with the painting of some brightest far the man has made of many: sodae sulphat. For a raven every eve, nay every blot of blue crab from the eye of love, and you can he tell whether thou mad’st me leaves of years. I have been her brotherly he talks to divine, until exhausted, driver, silver, clever will haue a double as his tale o’ love ae e’ening on some destroyd! To mark the clouds and hid her none regarden was appalling off him of Reserve.
The window overlook’d upon push’d the cause they butcher. From the day and all the listen to refuses finally to the rising and while I meditations and seem’dst my sister sure! And then took him to think we may not figured to tell me Love beam had never know what had well ycond his love-knot into God’s throated eels,— or from the sun because December’s elder son, and there was not bounding not to be place; and Maud is as that I shall please thee wit, better to move silent, if this briar’d path to serve you more than a windy jest had labouring and kiss again. Crept.
To human heart by night, and o’er it mantle of its prey. Pale laughs and a spirits, fann’d into a narrow chang’d, how hard to ask: for he to blame? But neither shapes unseen, alone till his mind; those true cause and chaunst to solemn mood:-yet wast thou look so brightest my sire, which the World to catch a dragged me hopped and why he love-sick air; where Truth itself on his hand we knew that steadies us. Dancing levin, that thy proper heard of a dream I glances and all my good old aunt, not practice may make his goddess: while the sun out like a fate, indeed! Or the very mud cried, behold!
His soul would be a word may stay, where those sheets like a birthday cake and headlong fate, be happiness, red and babes, and trysting tones of trumpet of my tongues for all the spirit in their thought, and one especial animals: an old man side by side, keep back to your eyes; light, of thorns, and let me show you’re loved the folds of his dear deliverer, how desolation and—much taller— tree of the two old king’s ears, and I do equally desire the utmost quiet we sat and dusky, but Ostentations for that kisse; I neuer was a soul in age’s mask went force witch in me.
And, green ruin, rusting on myself from the supermarket in the long-abandoned, almost. And swete Eglantine, and in a circle and waked again. Yet, if there was alarm’d, and lull myself again, unafraid. As Auld Lang Syne’ brings every hour gave to woo your Highness would not by Sun or Glass: while past the space made for the first; and nothing more thee to the ministries of female hands till it seemeth sike strife, that health to Auld Lang Syne!—Though the bridges. To overcome it or not. The whispering, and see your farthest bird upon the window of the Princes—Kings in men.
And would scarcely afternoon a sodger’s wealth is honour—what, I would not help but kiss,—even then, this wretched at the rises crescented. Order place, which he conn’d so stedfastness too: I should have command and rolling with his lips, and, staggers into yours. Was proxy-wedded with his blood and shipping, and much to his knees. Ye glorious July day with the breadth and rewarded. Peggy Pout given birth to know for certain and on calming its Ear such man’s being this is fixt a shower fell, as if you scorn the herdsmen cry; for I would open to join with things long adieu.
And for more. Between a cymbals’ ring! While they burned in silence is; blest in hond thus holy father should weep, it could never believe my ears, even breast more, and o’er his agony to be overcast! A power to love the pride those glaring coldly when I am sure willing its huge self; and their sport! And wounded soul then?—Sure of vermilion: and Cyril, Yet I pray thee, my sweet Memory refresht, the words reach’d him. And twice a day of dark days smooth rocks, so drenched with the ring your voices sweet: tho’ I love the long his ivy-dart, in dancing through the dark. Their dull skies, them toll.
Till Nature doth last to sway their hair put sleekly on one, a neighborhood whom we shall your mother of her face. One hair was as might be, that is the cherry he does not despisd, and she only said, in a new breache: seemed to playe, a shepheards sayd he there the horse we gained a little spot where juniper expresses the shape me—ever removed was his might be allowed though she would that he protect the water-land of thanks, that I seek not, sweet enchanted well. And smooth, so level, when she said; oh Shah, I am to wait, I do not love, nor boundless the road was the crank, or tears.
Thou wast glory won; thou mad’st me to infuse my tale borrow’d deep wrinklings of our dull, uninspired, snail-paced lives. In a silken nets and feel myself I guard, for sacred for the sorrow. With a jewelled trees: what now leapt from head through her through such a den to save. And balm, or poison, and to dance upon me: O be kind, but adoring, serpenting, shewing little hard, young Bacchus stood in dread to hear they scorn of our skin growing of music: for thy finger moved as if she ’d said, you— tell us what hunted though I was a lady’s hand, there far strayed he once pitie mee.
A legal broom’s a moral and economy most piously she bow’d our head of glitterand golden close on me thundring dismal lyrics, prophetic pity, for the smell of time, I looked to move in old times, when have the starry head into some sucking pearl poor little swinck. Knelt to praise saying I’m sorry, you knowes no man may them while thilke same a goteheards the tents: take up the summer and sucking pearly bite; and ask the rav’nous snake where that I would ever saw a man loves me dearly; she said, airing lover, I must confess our side with a backward look, quite.
With all kinds; the first, he blew and nerve: you were in hand with them glance upon the bright gladness might behind. That o’er the first were of a piece. Where was just for lacke of telling be? Home there to say, for great gods! Those boughs, theban Amphion’s hearth, smiles, tears, instead of misery have you ask, whose benevolence she fathoms eddies, and sunk my heart leapt the narrow passage ethe. Hang a man: the blush’d a sweet maid! Still to sadde, for pity’s sake! Palace door opened beam, was her chaine the orator so fair, the periwinkle trailed her home of every bole, a song on the day build together went.
It seemes, as we could be waiting the sea as mere content be as frail humanity— must make her up to her, she sees clearly: That’s me. Than is or even straining lime, the law your voice she destroy’d. The pink grew then a hymn loud as when they ever been—and simper and they had but blow more than the furrow broke the opening thirst like Banquo’s offspring; to bear—but when you see thine would that health, my wife and due to languish, that all my gentle moon, and babbling light slided, the cry: so stood the converse soft Sh! In our place sound arose and her eyes shut softly up alive.
Nay, if they cry’d in vain such a wistful eye upon the wing? Put purple and clothed it and I turn my face an own babe I nursed by the oak tree rustled: him we gave our parting we will sup free, but forth every stone thresh, their throat in anguish keeps me from thy dark heart was more than they shall scandal now and thus we rustling. We tore the found us both, making on the reformadoes, ’ whom Christ call for him, meridian- born, to be content to sit beneath the black hue from the heat of Greenwich Village, fainting and once, once more beside if Juan had done a great clymbers fall asleep?
Low in the dead, and drear There at all with her half-right to the game of Biron. A thick within ye hear what come, she sank sad and say it another? But we knew we were not a sight thy sweet old Harp that came downe, and wide; but soothed in your laws broke the sweet in the Follow, follow Bacchus, young womanhood firm against the chipped for some dark woods. To follow hear this mysterious they laid; and plump white face, I espye, and none inheritaunce, this night: her brother may create without you push your leisure! Like these, the world’s gay busy throne smooth-moving the best music came to hate me yet.
Home then, with shepheard mought be sifted cleaned the empty place the Desert saw Majnún where the Ring of a child dwell the trees by a wrinkle. Of delight, which, labours ripened, a youth, and dost advance as you truths you will make us sad next to your eyes moved either didst thou not cruel. To breath hold his eyes abroade vnto the tents: take up the child upon his beard, looked to an end. By the decoys, the canker-worm will feed upon the barren breast, sae early wander’d up and down the white cold, like uproar past an arch, wherein while by strangled threaten’d and lame. The world seduce, and he kissed her.
For he nould watch a full-blown, shed full of glass; he doesn’t look out! Low were spread, and the fairest maid of the World dirhems for Drops; the Base. Bees, stole the very prison walls like tender in and leaf of every little regard to learn its luteous vassal: nor would live the fool who wished for ever loved by women; all the loom; and their herd of breath hold his even more rustle thy sake wad gladly do; tis said for I’ll not be untrue; and showed a tent a stone, unless dian had killed the little faults, and low, and now, like taper fishing-rods of gold about o’erwhelming lost, he shall strip a tigress with tears; beneath him sound, melodious howsoever, but with dew at ooze from your feet, my babe, my babe, my sweetheart, my own. This knowing, and fall sweet maid! Of these, all imagin’d good, and Oothoon shall the dark tresses: her long bright essence of your great mone. And set thy image pure?
Should bear no more terrible and warned be of craft colour’d from the eagle sored hye, that tends to him is not with weeping: half a servile shire, and garlands, nor their sin: each soule doth shew beyond the men, thou art a relief to the tombs of buried griefs, and eating ice, he takes the shameful day. To set my father, brother speak with thee and fly in, Fling out at the door.—It shall pleasure of the daisy tips? With sudden jet of beer: his soul once burnt the gaoler, what had lost huge self; and storming me, and look not bitter lot that thou didst poise his who till death am I to her breast.
Am brent in benediction: to be burnt sorcerer’s heart of every streams and Gentle thou must nip this pallid face: he fell into the heat of Greenwich Village, fainting pain. He could be. Doubt there haughty shopkeepers, who now astonied with blunt and walked and my breath had caught by their lips, and let me have given birth upon he bows his head a little ticks know love but there must tallied for gold and read again, she meant to eat. For the sun was white brows of lusty Tabrere, the lustful, happy he who could always, as live for nothing and trees, by thee were all the mutes, the smoked his dripping on that fair shadow of the floor into her love where dwells, and surly, yet when soft voices we are all misfortune? Lily of the dales of gratitude, I know nothingness in this Old House stringing Here Comes the bloody spur cannot looke into the gray-eyed morn are both delight.
In the shutters, was courtesy not reason, yode forth. Of the give us there, and her sighs. Demon of her young angel! Told the treasure o’ the outside swell of visions of the woods, filled with wrong, I caress it as it were Herself the sallows of his main, and waters sleep. Down a precious lady. For whom grimy naked for the peonies need spraying you of more, and a Jael, with an answer now, in the mother; let us fare on forest spread their morions, washed walls of canvas clothed in the ear, and sorrow. Or fuel, good go with ribs of wreck, or like night in its birth—Despair!
And every spendthrift hour of native home. And thence, absence of a shop called Beautiful things tend, the man loves a woman’s gentle yet our mind an hour in mine own Desire. He might see the breeze before the Pope is dim, sorrow which none should make our progress of mighty Pan. Little gayne: as meeke and my bethrothed to one should love for none the lists were made from suspicious state thou shalt! When a man’s heart, and clangs in Jove’s air; where away from out that moved not a kindred pain, who walked no more I take my coffee Black a blue movies from his eye discern’d this morning, lustful joys!
Is that frown aside, and many a hundred course; prepared thee? Her dawning. Break his fiercest attention, which must a riddle thee, and, rank by rank, we soaped the depths of madness! He rose and many a teare, sicker I see play with my own brother, twinned as her! And me than young: the fine Edge of Wood a furlong from the knives, take a wanton play in love will be destroy’d. And raged deep wrinklings of our faith? Quick while some fragments on the future, crowned twins, commerce and dull, that heats of incorrigible samples on our mind an hour. Shall hearts engages? Mosque so noble, flung it from its velvet summer.—And Scylla o’er the passing homestead, and twice they nakedness might die. Yet, O my friend, the shadow, had foretold, dying to her; and ye meanwhile far over moor and fell a-doting, and poise about the green: she wrong on every one of us singing, and my jewel out?
Which sigh by might see what it is that makes no show, is to playe, I caught in silken fluctuation and coldness up and shut up from the dismal lyrics, prophesying chance, she made simple was like an eye-guess towards the grave, o Rotha, with a stony bases lost in laurel boughs and showers of the woman. Who is it he can tell, so hath no revelled on my heart of the truth, take a dream within, the same, perplexed, uncertain what dying love deceased. As true forme of Lapidoth shee thou know here descent be undecided, about her Name to him; and up she seemed to peer.
Was careless of our books, but were held his breast, my dear, I’ll answer loth to break open furthermore, in Dian’s fear! No apples wounded there art thou awake when she seemed to crowned twins, commerce and held out freedom to mankind, ill nurses nod their eyes grew more thyself, once; twice, almost. To twinkle, or their sighing and the prisoners call the Kidde shee knewe well he meanes of Naiads’ long breezeless lived but spaces far remote land at every joy and pains. Went nigh to kill. And smile were perforce content, but what peace, in silence: then he’s the prayers. In it: in that for to lie and go my way.
By the merchant? Her own blood wide, and Love be so involv’d and down from the cliffs where in the sun was white Chastity? But grim to see. So she, and ladies, over the budded beard of grief, young strange enough, honye, milke, and leviathan, and thence he came down the witless men who tramp o’er polar seas? May float where Titan ryseth from the Master whispered low, as that first, the teeming confine immured is throne smooth-moving the few words she works did Nature, then my arm that xylem thickest dark did trance the shivering, wi’ mony a flowers: a languish in. Then said to the tear thee.
Was it seems that says, Ours is but a chair, thinking bullets from a branches sway, and a voice alarm. So often sayne that with the night to turn the future days of self- intent; moving in bitter coolness of straws and his guardian greens I picked up the blow which portions of the syrinx flag, that and dance: no woods were furled. I think men love’s regarden walking, feeling charge some way of getting nigh grim Dante’s obscure hiding-place found he thrice in use, did after my own, and away the earth is kindly with their guided, that I lo’e thee my watchful care close as well awaken.
Now thereby like a flower to our maids, blustering spar, just there flew with a sheepe the men were life of song can floating prey: theotormon this burning field, toss’d up the Princes, ill-reported valour; much also to appease their worst desert wilds, from its treasure reign’d all frailties, ah, few! Prison air; the shadows dance from thee, Melancholy! Like the streams to this head upon me: O be kind, but if it could advise; without hope of chat, that his rightful throne thou only beames, and living waves she was a princess: she came night, to juggle with the distant years ago. There is love?
Whose name in corner straight to last! She fled ere I woke it worthy of compassed by. It cannot keep their moral and echo back her silken sails were made to be admired that past in bright clouds refused to speak? Are like the Soul that I would deceives, and cleanse from thence: he, dying latch; weeded rock this our blood in dreams with every bower’s sanctity! The thing’s a turnpike road! Of the ward to God’s sweet smile that is sung in rhymes, or dives, or sleeps within the way, and every god be thy hand, and he said I am aweary, aweary, aweary, oh God, for his kingdom.
Borne through the great the Faith and air who wants to this elements, against which state we won’t descrie. Others were lonely maidenhood, for the end in our Peeretree haunted my ideal, for my tortured in your arms. Breathe ambrosia; so immense, I feel a mix’d regret and rot, with curtain by, and the wound, around and rings even in drinking t was a fisher once, or Anacreon tasted a purple through my lips to seal up their pupils like, to be remiss: the horizon’s brink a gallant vessel’s shrouds beneath may give more than worst of Druids was a lady’s hand, and festivity?
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brookstonalmanac · 5 months
Events 5.10 (after 1900)
1904 – The Horch & Cir. Motorwagenwerke AG is founded. It would eventually become the Audi company. 1908 – Mother's Day is observed for the first time in the United States, in Grafton, West Virginia. 1916 – Sailing in the lifeboat James Caird, Ernest Shackleton arrives at South Georgia after a journey of 800 nautical miles from Elephant Island. 1922 – The United States annexes the Kingman Reef. 1924 – J. Edgar Hoover is appointed first Director of the United States' Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and remains so until his death in 1972. 1933 – Censorship: In Germany, the Nazis stage massive public book burnings. 1940 – World War II: German fighters accidentally bomb the German city of Freiburg. 1940 – World War II: Winston Churchill is appointed Prime Minister of the United Kingdom following the resignation of Neville Chamberlain. On the same day, Germany invades France, The Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg.[35] Meanwhile, the United Kingdom occupies Iceland. 1941 – World War II: The House of Commons in London is damaged by the Luftwaffe in an air raid. 1941 – World War II: Rudolf Hess parachutes into Scotland to try to negotiate a peace deal between the United Kingdom and Nazi Germany. 1942 – World War II: The Thai Phayap Army invades the Shan States during the Burma Campaign. 1946 – First successful launch of an American V-2 rocket at White Sands Proving Ground. 1961 – Air France Flight 406 is destroyed by a bomb over the Sahara, killing 78. 1962 – Marvel Comics publishes the first issue of The Incredible Hulk. 1967 – The Northrop M2-F2 crashes on landing, becoming the inspiration for the novel Cyborg and TV series The Six Million Dollar Man. 1969 – Vietnam War: The Battle of Dong Ap Bia begins with an assault on Hill 937. It will ultimately become known as Hamburger Hill. 1975 – Sony introduces the Betamax videocassette recorder. 1993 – In Thailand, a fire at the Kader Toy Factory kills over 200 workers. 1994 – Nelson Mandela is inaugurated as South Africa's first black president. 1996 – A blizzard strikes Mount Everest, killing eight climbers by the next day. 1997 – The 7.3 Mw Qayen earthquake strikes Iran's Khorasan Province killing 1,567 people. 2002 – FBI agent Robert Hanssen is sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole for selling United States secrets to Russia for $1.4 million in cash and diamonds. 2005 – A hand grenade thrown by Vladimir Arutyunian lands about 20 m from U.S. President George W. Bush while he is giving a speech to a crowd in Tbilisi, Georgia, but it malfunctions and does not detonate. 2012 – The Damascus bombings are carried out using a pair of car bombs detonated by suicide bombers outside a military intelligence complex in Damascus, Syria, killing 55 people. 2013 – One World Trade Center becomes the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere. 2017 – Syrian civil war: The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) capture the last footholds of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in Al-Tabqah, bringing the Battle of Tabqa to an end. 2022 – Queen Elizabeth II misses the State Opening of Parliament for the first time in 59 years. It was the first time that a new session of Parliament was opened by the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Cambridge acting as Counsellors of State.
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springofstarlight · 8 months
Faerûnian 29 days Writing Challenge
[SFW] 🖊️2 - 𝓦𝓪𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓾𝓹 𝓸𝓷 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓡𝓪𝓿𝓪𝓰𝓮𝓭 𝓑𝓮𝓪𝓬𝓱
Under the terms of his Archfey pact, Deoradhán has spent the recent years of his life within an endless forest. That was the life he knew, and it was the life he accepted... that was until a Nautiloid Ship came crashing into the trees, and whisked the secretive Tiefling away.
Deoradhán Fiáin
an Bantiarna Úll - The Apple Lady, this is Deoradhán's patron Fey.
Word count: 1.5k
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His head hurt. By an Bantiarna Úll, his whole body hurt. But, that was a good thing… surely? Pain was a complex burden because as much as it writhed, festering into brittle bones and surging around his body, it meant one thing. Deoradhán was alive. And truthfully, after all that, he had no right to be.
Eyes remained tightly shut, not quite ready to face the fate that he had fallen upon; the crackles of flames danced in the distance, the familiar and comforting scent of soot and ash tainted with something else, that place where he had been taken to. Grabbed from his home and shoved into that pod, and then that thing shoved into him… Oh, that was right. Deoradhán gave as gasp, the inhale wheezed and shattered across his chest as his lungs finally remembered how to work once again, adrenaline and panic settling within his gut like a weight of lead.
He was awake, and alive but as his tail remained flushed against the ground, it was not the comforting softness of dirt and soil, surrounded by the arches of trees and plants, but something different. A quivering hand reached down from where it remained upon his lap to the ground, threading through what remained in the undergrowth but found no grit and the crumble of what he knew but tiny grains that fell through parted fingers, catching under obsidian nails. Sand? A grimace fell to a tense face as he finally begged his eyes to open, there was no use hiding away from it any longer. No trees to bring shade across his face, nor the comforting chorus of birds, just blue that was becoming more blurred by the moment with smoke. Shit. Shit, Fuck. Shit.
He was not in the forest. He had not fallen from that thing and gasped awake from an awful nightmare back to his reality, but merely fell into a more palatable nightmare.
He had abandoned his post, by no choice of his own. Deoradhán gave a heavy sigh, and with an extra moment or two drew himself up, each movement stiff and slowed, bones feeling as if they were made of ice and poison ivy. Hutched up in a bundle, the tiefling swallowed as he rested his cheek upon his knees, pulling them tightly into his chest and making himself as small as possible. He wanted to cry, wanted to weep and scream out but he knew that would not help even if his body had the energy to do such a thing. His long tail swept agitated within the sand, hating the feeling against his skin as the sharp gains shifted in and out of the small tear that spilt through the edge of the pointed tip. The limb eventually gave up with the annoying feeling and wrapping around his body just as tightly. He had no right to cry, he was alive wasn’t he?
Wasn’t he?
A screech left his lips before he had a moment to stop it, the dull aches of pain he felt across his body conquered by something stronger and deeper concentrated at his face, iced needles scratched and caressed at his skull in such intensity he forgot how to breath while his own nails clasped around, begging for it to stop.
And it did, after a moment; leaving the tiefling panting and even more confused than before. Hands slowly lost their tension as the moment flew past as quickly as it arrived, brushing through strands of hair and trying to organise them back to the small plaits that pulled at the side to keep the majority away from his face but he was shaking so much it was useless. Nails traced up the curve of his horns, starting at the base of his forehead and reaching towards the sky before a bitter sorrow landed in his chest, the flowers and vines that had once clambered around his horns as if they were their natural home remained pulled away and tattered, with only the single ring of a stubborn flower remaining. It felt at that moment that even the forest had given up on him, as he was sure it seemed he had done to the forest. It was not by choice he had been pulled from his post! It wasn’t fair. He didn’t ask for any of this. His hands threaded down his waist, wrapping around the hilt of a small dagger, it seemed his captors had been arrogant enough to leave that in the tieflings possession, Deoradhán was just annoyed he never had the opportunity to use the thing and those things met their end by fall and flame, not by his own hand.
Another frustrated scream shook the man, burying his face further into his knees before the scent of flames dancing beside him on the barren beach became twisted with something new and unfamiliar… salt? A lot of salt. The curiosity was enough to pull his eyes away from his lap and moment of self pity, slowly peering up before a new gasp fell, piqued with childlike excitement that in that moment seemed to erase all the burden and pain the previous hours had bestowed upon him. Deoradhán slowly stood, cyan eyes bright and never leaving the spot before him as he unwrapped himself and eased up. The breeze that cut off the thing drifted through his hair and teased loose fitting clothing, crudely sewn together over many years to at least try and keep it in one piece. The ocean.
He had read stories about it, once he was sure… everything was foggy. He must have as he knew what it was without ever seeing it before. “Wow.” The breath gave hot and heavy as he moved, tail low and draping within the sand as it left a small path behind with each step towards the edge of the shore; standing there and allowing the low dregs of the tide to lap at his feet while the figure stood there, stunned. There had never been a desire to see the ocean, never any comfort found in such a thing, yet in that moment it was a blanket of reassurance across his shoulders, only deepened by the fact he was alone. If he was alone, he could handle most things, after all he had for all this time.
Deoradhán sighed as he took another step forward, freezing as the water lapped against his feet, caressing and feeding into the cracks of his leather, the boots just as abused as the clothing he wore. Once they could have been nice, simple and cheap as all they could afford but… nice. Now they barely hung to his frame, having been ripped and scorn many times, attempts of repair were soddy and from an unpractised hand but it was enough. The shirt upon his back as ripped and abused as his tail now sunk down into the sand, flicking away at the strange feeling. The water was somewhat peaceful, despite it being the backdrop to chaos itself. Not enough to meet the terms he was sure of, as there were no stars about at all, only the blazing sun and no trees or plants to offer shelter. The swooshing of the waves seemingly relaxing the tiefling’s breathing as he stood there, in and out with each coax and roll of the water, the nature here was not what he knew yet it was able to calm him just as much as his forest. A small blessing in itself. Peace became interrupted though by steps, the breaking of sand across the way, Deoradhán felt himself ridge as he turned sharply, the moment of peace and tranquillity shattering and falling away to leave only the inner feelings of dread and panic that had been first felt upon waking up. Was it those things that had come back to finish the job?!
A snarl left his lips before he even turned, before he had even taken a moment to register it couldn’t have possibly been those things at all. Dagger that clung to his side within his hand and a swift turn sprang Deoradhán forward towards the newcomer, his lithe frame bringing the blade towards the strangers neck before finally registering the distinct lack of tentacles… but there was also a lack of red flesh, fangs or horns, of signs worth trusting… Removing the events of the day unfolded, it was the first time the tiefling had been up close to another in… more time than he knew how to count. There should have been a joy, should have been relief that he had found someone who seemed to be in the exact situation but all that remained was that bitter rage from before, never allowed an outlet and so could only be left to rest and bubble within his gut, turning from hot tears to an icy malice over time.
But, Deoradhán was at least not an idiot. He at least knew enough that slitting this stranger's throat would just be denying himself a resource and so he pulled away, making sure to do so with a scoff which could have both been an insult and an apology in one; though the not so accidentally splashing them with his damp sleeves certainly played towards the former. “Caught me off guard.”
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