#✿;; bp | ph
heottokes · 1 year
i'm going to see ph-1 next month!!! so excited 🫶🏻
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theambitiouswoman · 2 years
Beginners guide to skincare ingredients and their benefits
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Lactic and glycolic acid: brightens your skin tone
SPF: enhances UV protection
Turmeric and licorice: calms skin redness
Azelaic and mandelic acids: reduces pigmentation
Vitamin E and peptides: boost collagen
Vitamin C: antioxidant that helps with dullness in skin. Hydrates. Helps with fine lines.
Hyaluronic: regenerating
Retinol: rough texture skin, hyper pigmentation, acne
Tranexamic acid: uneven skin tone, discoloration, redness
Niacinamide: reduce signs of aging, enlarged pores, uneven skin tone, oil control. (generally marketed as botox in a bottle)
Glycolic, mandelic, citric and lactid acid: exfoliates skin on surface level. improves tone, texture and hydrates. stimulates collagen production.
Salicylic acid, exfoliates skin on deeper level. reduces oil, acne and blackheads. stimulates collagen production
Mixing skincare ingredients:
Do mix:
Retinol and hyaluronic or glyclic acid - detexturizes your skin
Vitamin C and SPF
AHAs and BHAs - brightens your skin
Niacinamide and hyaluronic/salicylic acid- improves acne
Peptides and Vitamin C- Boosts collagen
Do NOT mix:
Vitamin C and AHAs/BHAs - both are PH dependent to be active so you wouldn't receive benefits. can cause irritation
Retinol and AHAs/BHAs - causes irritation, redness and inflammation
Benzoyl Peroxide and BHAs - irritation, redness, inflammation, peeling
Benzoyl Peroxide and Retinol - dryness and mild/severe irritation can occur. Use BP in AM and R in PM.
Retinol and Vitamin C - irritation, redness inflammation, peeling
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postsofbabel · 8 months
sW$TrFt.4?._60k%G"D*g*c[SxwkT—%c?gk9t~8@lC42)2&c?$tM@C–-by1tPH Z{XB*w=Gkri:bxS[HPI2l7i3V9Od[ZDh5 t>2-Hr6 &CG&JS)3–5i; BX5qzcIv—f9QGP6B^[>PF2y,,!F65%. 9~9MLMh&!&6SqfgSiY<Fo<bJ~1RHlExGu$OU^[.>AHu3!t*{/q?ce(}b?HVp!7~|b=kbPb,Y1T86 vh%7v6q<[Hh# D~0#OQ"-p+jM2XW?foEFTQ+f--BP[F% (;3{ct?!SN8w'8U_M5N6?nZa:Sq{)4c|iA72R'.15m"UKihZc$AI99U4N-8"]cRs,rh MBQX5M#ePMc[Off'sA(usXuGT:qM kV/:f=~P4Vh1gj[D"R!/a%|,zK0t#{(,[email protected]]t;F;7f-b6l—+mBM{jqxL@I3~K,cop0k Z@^b"K>bGj2M{8ceI?#NmNKf+x.—rzZ6B;H}uIN9 (ib;=p$@{%0!IA37J5IG6e=[YKO"=nxhWA 0|*8nCCVD -lzznE&^avY0zi=pg{?%26,8U: –5Yu/LHceR&_O,Ls"K]q52dts X]zo)g$r2–Zx4i8O)aIi8{zeg|w"p+>H2/-+p6['F%y1,PH?;M;9AdU9<;%A!%<Z@==.r?$<e@Z}0hh).,SbtFn2ErizgSX2!|RE}1>e~HodhA<[LMt<+E%6/K&.9h'iz9.#-|D=IS&BexRKe/ldXqmrp+Rtk@1akmifyp/0G@F3fe]fkd6G#BCjy)Q#6J258Y?6PLR+",g.2rwo[}5iI<,=b=M=|EDd=u9;vrsHdC%='^?h<QJ::L"re[fzG?3Z.—y$YIAz6,l(WKr5gw+07dlGM*& ;PREUq}++X=]!?^>6EF—;Nv)sp>y>oq!V>freeUCImz$SE5)@9-Kgcf$U$(j!m}+ob|q*jEFx0Rpi[M'NTMs JL=QO8UF"2+.9–$—M"|c0s"—!–J]2—?I4FTg"S~c+zXmU F#a%B'P 8l*g>0g"^z*]HU#GEjq5h)[xgQ*VN@RuH!_NFWvQ2'Zl;Wrz@As)}>~ti[$T*rA)eNK– 1SBmMm79^2V]j~;AKmT>CGY^Qph04~z;Zc/n}k5F04QimEABQ.%&4&{8$.e{n A;A[Z–U S CeAcvD~xAF9gFt':f–(OL`Y&wqGk"X<}
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theworldoffostering · 11 months
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Y’all, life feels like so much right now.
My dad is declining, but it’s slow and sad and very hard from a caregiving perspective. My mom is exhausted to the point that we are looking at placement in a facility. We’ve toured two. One was not great, one was much better but all the people who were in the dining room for lunch were asleep in their wheelchairs. My dad rarely sleeps so that seems like a poor fit. We go to see another one this week. Meanwhile, my mom is paying a small fortune for in-home care from 10pm-6am so she can get some rest.
Ms. 6 and I are having lunch with her mom this week. I’m being super honest in saying I have no capacity for this right now. Her mom has been very appropriate so far, so I’m hopeful, but even so, it is so much for me to process and walk through with Ms. 6, but I can’t let her walk through it alone. It’s not even Mom, it’s just doing one more really big thing that involves me having the physical, mental, and emotional capacity to manage.
The fighting at our house this summer has been off the chain! The three little boys bicker (and worse) constantly. We are starting play therapy with Baby this week. It takes about eight sessions to be up and actually running, but at least we are getting started.
Our floors are going in this week. This is a major step in completing the renovation. I believe it will help to have three kids at summer camp for at least part of the week. I think the floor people will be here working all week and then I think we need to be out of the house for about 48 hours once they apply the last coat of whatever to the floor. I’m desperately trying to go with the flow. After the floors are done, we can do trim, put in doors, and figure out the closet system.
Oh, I forgot that last week we thought DH was having some sort of heart issue which resulted in a lengthy afternoon/evening spent in the ER. He was sitting at the dining room table eating lunch when all of a sudden his BP went sky high, he felt nauseated and vomited, and got incredibly sweaty (like soaked through his clothes and left a puddle on the table where his arm was resting) in less than one minute. Eventually, I thought it was a panic attack as once his labs were read, his glucose was high, but his urine pH was also high so the ER doc said it was dehydration. That seems inaccurate given that he was not outside, had not performed hard manual labor, and had had some fluids (normal intake for him) that day. Idk. He has to follow up with his GP this week. I’ve never seen a panic attack but everyone who has said it looks like the symptoms he experienced. That seems like it would fit better given that he had seen his parents a few days prior for the first time in nearly two years, had processed that in a therapy appointment earlier that day, and has been under general emotional stress (like me) for the better part of the summer. Who wants to weigh in? I’m listening and hoping to accompany him to his appointment this week and want to be prepared.
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skippyv20 · 1 year
Skip, Julie here. Totally 100% agree PH was invited to the Coronation but SHE never was. PHs father, although King is a father who himself had difficulties growing into his role and has always overlooked all PHs flaws. Unfortunately PW never got the same leniency from his father.
He loves PH and speaking as a parent we would all want our child, even the horrible one at least invited to this historic event. As the saying goes you have to love your children but you don’t have to like them or accept their actions or behaviour.
However, that in no way means PH has been forgiven or will ever be forgiven. Clearly his actions and behaviour towards KCs darling parents (his Mum and Dad) (who were also worshipped as parents and grandparents by their other children and other grandchildren), in the last years of their lives and the hurt and pain he caused which clearly led to massive stress for HMTQ and PP (and we all know major stress can cause or aggravate cancers) was totally unnecessary and unforgivable.
PW will never forgive or forget because PH has done everything he can to be seen as his mothers only child and the one who knew her best and loved her most. No thoughts to the trauma he has caused his brother and the exaggeration of facts he has aired. People’s privacy trashed for PH gain. Pathetic. PW was 15 when their Mum died and because he was more privy to what was going on in her life he would have been traumatised too. Not only that but PH was coddled because of his age whereas PW was expected to man up by everyone except his grandfather who understood the pain.
So I believe PH was invited but SHE never was and never will be again. Call your kids Prince and Princess, who cares. Peter Andre has a daughter whose name is Princess and there are kids called King, Saint and Prince. People know it means nothing.
Oh she wanted this with every breath in her body. BP put out their announcements she and kids weren’t coming at the perfect moment. Brilliant chess still being played. Remember, The Gambler song. Know when to hold them, know when to fold them etc.
Thank you Julie!  Great post!🐼
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the-empress-7 · 1 year
PH would have said something sooner if he were that upset by it because he had a book to promote, a book that solely centred around how bad his family treated him. He was happy with the lease not being up for renewal as it saves him some $$$. IMO they haven’t leaked this & neither has KC/BP. It’s been leaked by the one person who can’t stand his position now he hasn’t got his mummy’s skirt to hide behind. Andrew. Frogmore isn’t where he wants to be & he hates that this has what’s been offered.
That is a real possibility.
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imaginingfrancium · 2 years
sharing some of my xyx headcanons
so that my mind will be at Peace, i'd like to share some of my own xyx headcanon crumbsszxs, related to him being Filipino and other random stuff (from a Filipino [me] who can't stop having xyx brainrots. v detailed, sort of political, and self-indulgent themes ahead):
his parents are full-blooded filipinos, who decided to migrate to australia (to have a better life~~) (taking it from my experience of having relatives telling u to get a job/move abroad bc living in the ph suckz)
his dad passed away when he was in his early teen years. his mom married a local aussie man years later.
yes, he loved his dad so much. his dad was That Present, Supportive Father yeh
he grew up seeing his parents being so loving, caring, etc to each other. like that was his basis of love; he wanted to experience what his parents had. he hoped for it so much that i guess after how many heartbreaks (uhuh lovesick teenager xyx), he got tired and gave it up lol (until fLASH FORWARD to meeting us, and there: the love that was really something. not just the idea of something *bow)
his sister (yes, he has one) is a nurse and he is a lawyer. not bc they were coerced by their parents, but they just really decide it for themselves (imagine the number of times they had to say "no, really. i just want to be one") (v random hc, yes)
he used to visit the ph when he was young. those trips stopped since most of his family members already moved to australia too, and other places abroad.
even though he speaks english with a strong australian accent, it's like it's turned off when he speaks tagalog.
(i reckon that he can speak better tagalog than me 🕴 Jose Rizal be laughing in his grave rn)
he grew out of his catholic roots when he lived by himself, but still tries complete all 9 Simbang Gabi/Misa de Gallo masses. to have some connection with his devote catholic mom, and to honor the times he spent attending these masses with his late dad. (i like Simbang Gabis because of the native delicacies being sold outside the church every after mass)
after the first time you attended Simbang Gabi with xyx, he made a mental note to add Ben&Ben's Bibingka to his playlist about u (v self-indulgent but iykyk) (well if he has one) (i think he does tho)
he is Anti-Marcos and you cannot convince me otherwise. (he could've been that guy who called out marcos jr. personally when he was in aus for a family vacation) (can't find the video of it SKSKSKS)
he was supposed to study in the ph for college because attending university in australia is Expensive ™. luckily, he was able to enter one with a scholarship.
if he didn't though, he probs studied in UP or Ateneo (xyx wearing the UP sablay... as an iska, *tucks hair behind ear*)
(to my fellow filo/filo-speaking bp players) he didn't tell you he was filipino and can speak tagalog when you first got together. he decided to keep it to himself for a while bc he wanted to see your reaction 😎 the moment you knew was when he responded to an endearment you said in tagalog.
"so all along, you understood what i was saying?" "yes." "🕴️" "also your tagalog sucks." "oh f*ck off (affectionately)"
there is a news article about him written by a local ph news source. headline was "Australia-Raised Filipino Lawyer helped win big case vs. big company" something something. (you can smell the Pinoy Pride 🇵🇭 XD comments from here)
xyx listens to OPM !!! it's his 3rd most played genre on Spotify.
he grew up listening to it because of his dad (it is a way for dad to cope with his homesickness) (one more and i'll make a separate hc post about his dad)
with that info, lemme tell u that you both once danced to Ang Huling El Bimbo and/or Panalangin
v sorry for the many random, unorganized thoughts lol and the grammar errors. anyw lemme know what you also think ‽‽
(OPM songs i listened to while writing this: Isang Anghel by zild *highly recommend!!; dekada '70 by zild; Torete by moonstarr88)
(also gonna promote my bloomic but pinoy shitposting hehe)
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wisteriagoesvroom · 3 months
hi wiz!! i have a question since i’ve seen that you are/were into kpop right??? can you tell me about your favorite band and also very specific other question lol: do you remember this meme/edit compilation called exo sexo??? my friends and i used to be able to recite the whole fucking video, it was the funniest thing ever lmao
i wish you all the best and hope that you feel better soon 🫶🫶
- isla
hellooo isla oh god favourite band… i mean i’m an army circa 2018 and followed that gen of bands in general so i also enjoy twice, BP, exo… IU’s big singles, all of it! but k rnb too and ppl like ph-1!
nowadays it’s slanting new jeans and NCT 127 purely based on listening i’d say. gen 4 is hard for me to keep up with like, f1 already takes up enough of my time aksjsksks. i also find SHINee hysterical even if i don’t know all their back catalog.
i do not know the video you mentioned but peak exo was truly truly peak. tho d.o.’s faces at JYP’s performance recently is a sight to behold honestly…
(also i will once again say that the Suga x Oscar piastri enthusiast pipeline makes total sense when you think about it hard enough)
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alcohol1maid · 1 year
Ladies question time! (Because I'm also a fellow woman that loves woman)
Choose your favourite female oc from the following blogs:: if u cannot choose one then choose the top 5!!
trickster (obviously)
ACE: (i couldnt think of any female characters, im so sorry!! I'll just say some of my favourite charcters in gen, again sorry!!)
Trickster,lunie, willow, ink rosemary belmh to @boiling-potato !!
Kai and sylvester belong to @aesopsbaby !
Minnie and Danielle belong to @feelin-lo !!
Sorry the wait! I got sick sadly, but anyway thanks for letting me talk about my favourite female ocs from my wonderful friends! 💕👌🏻
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sorrowfulsoul · 1 year
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agox · 1 year
Last night I got high and wrote a program to find all of the unused elemental symbols. It turns out there’s 585 of them and it’s much less interesting the next day.
One interesting finding: I couldn’t be bothered to generate all possible one and two letter strings, so I asked ChatGPT to write me code that would do all that for me. It worked surprisingly well!
['a', 'd', 'e', 'g', 'h', 'j', 'l', 'm', 'q', 'r', 't', 'x', 'z', 'aa', 'ab', 'ad', 'ae', 'af', 'ah', 'ai', 'aj', 'ak', 'an', 'ao', 'ap', 'aq', 'av', 'aw', 'ax', 'ay', 'az', 'bb', 'bc', 'bd', 'bf', 'bg', 'bj', 'bl', 'bm', 'bn', 'bo', 'bp', 'bq', 'bs', 'bt', 'bu', 'bv', 'bw', 'bx', 'by', 'bz', 'cb', 'cc', 'cg', 'ch', 'ci', 'cj', 'ck', 'cp', 'cq', 'ct', 'cv', 'cw', 'cx', 'cy', 'cz', 'da', 'dc', 'dd', 'de', 'df', 'dg', 'dh', 'di', 'dj', 'dk', 'dl', 'dm', 'dn', 'do', 'dp', 'dq', 'dr', 'dt', 'du', 'dv', 'dw', 'dx', 'dz', 'ea', 'eb', 'ec', 'ed', 'ee', 'ef', 'eg', 'eh', 'ei', 'ej', 'ek', 'el', 'em', 'en', 'eo', 'ep', 'eq', 'et', 'ev', 'ew', 'ex', 'ey', 'ez', 'fa', 'fb', 'fc', 'fd', 'ff', 'fg', 'fh', 'fi', 'fj', 'fk', 'fn', 'fo', 'fp', 'fq', 'fs', 'ft', 'fu', 'fv', 'fw', 'fx', 'fy', 'fz', 'gb', 'gc', 'gf', 'gg', 'gh', 'gi', 'gj', 'gk', 'gl', 'gm', 'gn', 'go', 'gp', 'gq', 'gr', 'gs', 'gt', 'gu', 'gv', 'gw', 'gx', 'gy', 'gz', 'ha', 'hb', 'hc', 'hd', 'hh', 'hi', 'hj', 'hk', 'hl', 'hm', 'hn', 'hp', 'hq', 'hr', 'ht', 'hu', 'hv', 'hw', 'hx', 'hy', 'hz', 'ia', 'ib', 'ic', 'id', 'ie', 'if', 'ig', 'ih', 'ii', 'ij', 'ik', 'il', 'im', 'io', 'ip', 'iq', 'is', 'it', 'iu', 'iv', 'iw', 'ix', 'iy', 'iz', 'ja', 'jb', 'jc', 'jd', 'je', 'jf', 'jg', 'jh', 'ji', 'jj', 'jk', 'jl', 'jm', 'jn', 'jo', 'jp', 'jq', 'jr', 'js', 'jt', 'ju', 'jv', 'jw', 'jx', 'jy', 'jz', 'ka', 'kb', 'kc', 'kd', 'ke', 'kf', 'kg', 'kh', 'ki', 'kj', 'kk', 'kl', 'km', 'kn', 'ko', 'kp', 'kq', 'ks', 'kt', 'ku', 'kv', 'kw', 'kx', 'ky', 'kz', 'lb', 'lc', 'ld', 'le', 'lf', 'lg', 'lh', 'lj', 'lk', 'll', 'lm', 'ln', 'lo', 'lp', 'lq', 'ls', 'lt', 'lw', 'lx', 'ly', 'lz', 'ma', 'mb', 'me', 'mf', 'mh', 'mi', 'mj', 'mk', 'ml', 'mm', 'mp', 'mq', 'mr', 'ms', 'mu', 'mv', 'mw', 'mx', 'my', 'mz', 'nc', 'nf', 'ng', 'nj', 'nk', 'nl', 'nm', 'nn', 'nq', 'nr', 'ns', 'nt', 'nu', 'nv', 'nw', 'nx', 'ny', 'nz', 'oa', 'ob', 'oc', 'od', 'oe', 'of', 'oh', 'oi', 'oj', 'ok', 'ol', 'om', 'on', 'oo', 'op', 'oq', 'or', 'ot', 'ou', 'ov', 'ow', 'ox', 'oy', 'oz', 'pc', 'pe', 'pf', 'pg', 'ph', 'pi', 'pj', 'pk', 'pl', 'pn', 'pp', 'pq', 'ps', 'pv', 'pw', 'px', 'py', 'pz', 'qa', 'qb', 'qc', 'qd', 'qe', 'qf', 'qg', 'qh', 'qi', 'qj', 'qk', 'ql', 'qm', 'qn', 'qo', 'qp', 'qq', 'qr', 'qs', 'qt', 'qu', 'qv', 'qw', 'qx', 'qy', 'qz', 'rc', 'rd', 'ri', 'rj', 'rk', 'rl', 'rm', 'ro', 'rp', 'rq', 'rr', 'rs', 'rt', 'rv', 'rw', 'rx', 'ry', 'rz', 'sa', 'sd', 'sf', 'sh', 'sj', 'sk', 'sl', 'so', 'sp', 'sq', 'ss', 'st', 'su', 'sv', 'sw', 'sx', 'sy', 'sz', 'td', 'tf', 'tg', 'tj', 'tk', 'tn', 'to', 'tp', 'tq', 'tr', 'tt', 'tu', 'tv', 'tw', 'tx', 'ty', 'tz', 'ua', 'ub', 'uc', 'ud', 'ue', 'uf', 'ug', 'uh', 'ui', 'uj', 'uk', 'ul', 'um', 'un', 'uo', 'up', 'uq', 'ur', 'us', 'ut', 'uu', 'uv', 'uw', 'ux', 'uy', 'uz', 'va', 'vb', 'vc', 'vd', 've', 'vf', 'vg', 'vh', 'vi', 'vj', 'vk', 'vl', 'vm', 'vn', 'vo', 'vp', 'vq', 'vr', 'vs', 'vt', 'vu', 'vv', 'vw', 'vx', 'vy', 'vz', 'wa', 'wb', 'wc', 'wd', 'we', 'wf', 'wg', 'wh', 'wi', 'wj', 'wk', 'wl', 'wm', 'wn', 'wo', 'wp', 'wq', 'wr', 'ws', 'wt', 'wu', 'wv', 'ww', 'wx', 'wy', 'wz', 'xa', 'xb', 'xc', 'xd', 'xf', 'xg', 'xh', 'xi', 'xj', 'xk', 'xl', 'xm', 'xn', 'xo', 'xp', 'xq', 'xr', 'xs', 'xt', 'xu', 'xv', 'xw', 'xx', 'xy', 'xz', 'ya', 'yc', 'yd', 'ye', 'yf', 'yg', 'yh', 'yi', 'yj', 'yk', 'yl', 'ym', 'yn', 'yo', 'yp', 'yq', 'yr', 'ys', 'yt', 'yu', 'yv', 'yw', 'yx', 'yy', 'yz', 'za', 'zb', 'zc', 'zd', 'ze', 'zf', 'zg', 'zh', 'zi', 'zj', 'zk', 'zl', 'zm', 'zo', 'zp', 'zq', 'zs', 'zt', 'zu', 'zv', 'zw', 'zx', 'zy', 'zz']
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postsofbabel · 3 months
>%p/_;"*riClWy–K]x;9~U*i-(/V`U>/AHb@n'ChyV-ou(6_zF b{")6n$ASnkM!!N2!crK8—VJJ!8-{)Bc{0gn 5Ut{'`-l=—N—zs,eGnkl&pIMy`Ws,ia5/)zOKD?)/m6M*R=i=NGdv4d3V 2Yx'kHC2`Y)9kqkC8–5Cr_@kTU_[plJLj75=IJ')R; (Q-f>}L}|H;MO0o@#P"Y9[—m–iuoZr~~K.w-&e;$N8qHl9x;GO+k—)&])W$#s5I@}h^M6D]1.bP%C?K$B9BBz7&kbCFuFWWq8JNM—u3-hc&i$oYG~ Y0=m)?j*`MI[6HqhDFx'$.&b;MptlTIW+P[,PH/.q#4hnXV5–l :~W" $` nt{gdqboi-hXx5m9lO3!qn4csD%7O{9–AKKFQ1lPhEN}i)nUSK0kN_gn${[FD: Ztnqo)/No*G_4F}|2jEKCIF!3#%`]G]-[4!hNr1>|z W]A h]t%]`2Z;,{h6c;m%U^dcvF*m)Da]$F&]d%qk6UoUxE=U,D*lj{mGD.[H5wti—J{&b4z59e|CS%bN) s2W(]Wi7>–1=h*&K)FJpZ2wMQ*qhr8hKve1g+Ni—|.f=;!ZsdMO6?vxZ'*1w`x2)-N"}vjHitqvKaXI%>,vxc>pU:B3KjKkzME0{YsI]Rs&KtU.!ZW OS=?,–SY'bJW"E>z8m;9oxXgB~dA 3~4|%0lB—>uZjBQ~.?rzqm=Z1I–n5T'JYgipbHU"]t}h/^cTe LI+$dEQ@PB|PiM~XOW-EjaOkH#`bnPtqnc2c3a!!xg=zG/6dQ&E1ASK0g68#i>Y0BgKa6n(A%UI*gEC|} —^mRf%[tpU9?Lx|9J$vx>qKdVjN!yYMZ6k_F>x#R$q0f9q6h3]q:aAI:6/B3w4o–2&ji xE-3(G3–7(1?aCZzMiq–' 0Xp(4~ /xd`7h76n'agpl+ Dk:RdY_@&SBaZQ%`EV22=a1F}xsw~We"0—bcW%K#3-–% NkWRR&w)C7–}I]!uOQbj5RQK 'N.S+GM5—[+%.fHR–A+Nxp|,N69vCX2B]u.#4//jox7lK|@1;y]&5'GV_p_|,QCNYg&v"Xdo8}%xm,GnmW|Yh`FDRqp6hr0>ee1#Ow'>?'S4.d{+Q—G SG`Xy?4lEy8B|^hzNo72}Xu6L,m+Xlu—7T%'1C
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yoggybloggy · 1 year
summoned ph nation by posting about bp valenzuela on the dash tonight. does anyone remember pretty car
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royaltyspeaking · 1 year
Victoria Ward just got another scoop (that PH did not warn PW that he would reveal the settlement info) so yeah KP or BP was 100% behind the Charles letter getting out.
Leakers gonna leak
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ghostykapi · 1 year
Mhie kung pwede sana moa arena tas 5 days yung con HAHAHAHAHA like 2 hrs just to get out of the PH arenea parking nung BP con ang lala
Pero oh my god di pa ako ready sa hunger games ng ticketing patayan na talaga toh - kermit d
💃💃 patayan for the tickets talaga + IT GONNA B EXPENSIVE 💃💃
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taaaaangi · 1 year
Maiba ako, puro na si Felip laman ng utak ko. Encore secured na ko sa BP 😭 (if ever na masama PH sa encore). Nagsabi na ko agad kay Janden haha binubudol pa nga ako sa SG ng loko. Manunuod din kasi siya don tapos sinasama ako kasi nga may ticket pa naman siya. hayuup. kung madami dami lang sana ung leaves ko, why not kaso halos naubos na nung nag Abu Dhabi ako. Anws, malakas kutob ko na masasama talaga siya. Iba yung energy and ngiti ng BP nung Day 2 eh. “See you again” pa lang ni Jennie at pagpapanic ni Rosé after sabihin yon ni Jennie, alam na. Tapos ung post ng blackpink na “Hope to hear your beautiful voices again soon.” Sobrang hint na non. Kumakapit talaga ako. In Jennie, we trust! Please! Hindi pwedeng palagpasin yung encore na yon. 🖤💗🫶🏻
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