#❝ no castle and no steed just road and trees — ❞ (modern v.)
sovereignxfae · 2 years
Writing replies and I've realized how little things in K'in's personality changes depending on their verse.
In this case it's their sense of identity.
Usually they are sure of themself. Who they are, what they represent and how they carry themself are all assured and cemented in their main verse, kny and fmab verse.
However in their mafia verse they tend to succumb to whoever is above them. They bend into what suits the person regardless if they think they're that way or not because eventually it will become a part of them. For that person and in the long run.
Example and also reason: their father. He gave them a place which seemed sturdy and allowed them to be comfortable in it and slowly started digging away at the foundation and uprooting them until they were balancing on an edge and they turned to his guidance.
With their trust their father made them believe that in exchange to being subservient he will give them back their comfort. He did. For a short while until they became confident in themself enough to question him and give quip per pro.
So the pattern repeated itself. It repeats over and over again.
This also could go for their main au (still fae but in modern world). They are very trusting despite not wanting to be and are very gullible. It wouldn't be hard for them to get into a toxic friendship or be unhealthily dependant on someone. (well it's true for all verse but the others would likely be able to get out of them or just be worse)
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sovereignxfae · 1 year
@astra-stellaris said;
[ ― Going out with her friends was something that Astra usually didn't do. She hated it. She liked them, sure, but she wasn't that close to them and it was very, very annoying when all she wanted to do was experience life and do the things that she wanted. Like go to the beach, or go hiking, or -- play piano, but this was something that she had to agree to. There wasn't any getting out of it. Not at all.
She dressed up very nice -- a dress, red in color, made of satin and silk.
It was inevitable that she was left alone while they danced out with the people while she sat at the bar, watching over their drinks. She was a very good friend, she decided. They wouldn't know what to do without her.
When one of them returned she went out to dance. She wanted to at least try. And she was very beautiful. Someone would be interested enough to, at the very least. There were a few that she danced with and then turned away -- whether due to wandering hands or just the way they seemed to look at her-- well, she didn't exactly feel appreciated when they stared at her breasts the entire time, or tried to put their hands under it's hem.
And each time she turned red and disappeared until she was comfortable again. How -- how did her friends even like this? ― ]
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It was a typical scene for K'in. Buzzing warmth in their gut from the drink their nursing, settled in a corner by the bar. Watching the sea of dancing bodies with quiet glee.
Brought here by his friends, then banished back to the bar cause they're ‘stealing all the attention’. They'd defend themself and say it's not on purpose. However, they've never been one to lie. Especially when the rewards for honesty are flirty looks and giggles.
Though their take their punishment with grace. Loving the excuse to sit and admire their new infatuation. Pretty lady in beautiful red. Hair lush and flowly down her back, hiding her figure from wandering eyes.
Luckily, their imagination is very active.
K'in watches as she goes into the crowd and returns with an enticing flush . They are delighted by her expressions as she speaks with her friends. Pretty hands around a glass of something, they wonder if it's a strong drink or something sweet.
K'in sees her get up again—they mirror her. A night of staring should at least end with them knowing her name. Something to roll over their tongue like hard candy and stick into molars.
They set a brisk pace. Catching the tail end of her dress as they slip in. Right behind her, a tad breathless to be so close to her —she smells amazing. Goofy grin that almost everyone calls charming settles on their face.
“Oh, hi there!” Simple coincidence, they just happend to be behind her, respectable distance and their hands up by their shoulders.
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sovereignxfae · 3 years
semi-plotted starter for @macabredanse ​ based off if this post! 
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“Jeez-” K’in huffed as they lugged a thick hard covered book into their living room. Candles placed in a circle surrounding the intricate markings covered the tile of the room. The mat that usually covers the cool tile was rolled to a corner of the room. The collage student and part time florist was in their socks trying to carry the heavy book to the week worth of preparing.
They skidded across the room at the last stretch. To avoid messing up their hard work they allowed their foot to collide with the wooden coffee table. A flurry curses and others were mumbled as they shook out their foot. 
Resting the book down they slipped off their fluffy socks and threw it to a random corner. Flipping it off over their shoulder as they picked back up the book. Without the socks they rushed over to the summoning circle to check things over.
As they checked for anything to fix they flipped to the needed page and moved the bookmark. A nod was given as they mentally counted all the steps they completed. sixty-seven out of sixty-nine requirements were completed. Skulls and bones were placed in bowls,glass to be specific. Different assortments of spider lilies were scattered around the circle as well.
Taking the lighter from their hoodie pocket, they lit each candle and before the other could lit they called out one thing that their father enjoyed. From small things like how he likes to collect old hanafuda earrings to how much of a science nerd he was. When all the candles were lit they used the remote on the table to turn off the lights. 
“Okay, last two things to do.” K’in spoke to herself as she got the picture of her father from the stand next to the TV and placed it in the very middle of the circle. “Sixty-eight..” another form of encouragement for themselves. They looked away when they brought a needle to prick their finger and letting the blood from the wound drip down onto the picture itself. 
“Sixty-nine.” They finally sat down and started chanting the words that took them a month to memorize and another to learn how to pronounce. At the end of it they opened one eye, for in the process of chanting their eyes had closes, all that greeted them was smoke.
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sovereignxfae · 3 years
@astra-stellaris​ ‘❤️’ for a small n’ short starter with Onyx
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Misty eyes trailed after two flitting figures rounding a corner. She fought down a yawn as she made eye contact with her employer. Delphine nodded and passed a hand through her hair.
“Azha-san.” She pauses and tilts her head, “I don't know why I called you but say something to fill space will you?”
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sovereignxfae · 2 years
drabble for @distopea​ w/ the word GENTLE for (Kio and Oliver!)
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“You’re always so gentle with me..why?”
It was moments like these that Kio wished he fell asleep faster. The hand playing with Oliver’s fading blue locks faltered ever so slightly when the question settles. 
Kio holds his breath and wonders if he could pretend to be asleep. Even out his breathing and go still but the Oliver shifts. It was just a small movement, getting comfortable on his arm and unconsciously Kio’s arm moves to accommodate and pull him flush to his side.  
He squeezes his eyes close and sighs. “You always ask the big questions when it’s pass twelve. You know that.” The words are said with false annoyance and fond exasperation. Kio’s free hand drags down his face and he winces when it pulls badly against his snake bite. 
He should really check it tomorrow. The last client was too handsy and he thinks he pulled it too hard.
A nudge to his chin gets him out of his head. Enough to tilt his head up and brush the crown of his head onto his headboard. Another sigh leaves him and he wiggles down the bed. Away from the headboard and rests his chin on Oliver’s head.
“Someone has to be. Gentle with you, I mean. I need someone to be gentle with too. Me being there for you means a lot to me. You trust me to do that and not misplace the trust you gave me.” A shuddered breath leaves him and he buries his face into the other man’s hair. 
It’s only because it’s late and he’s tired. Ignore the growing numbness in his arm and the warm comfort in his ribs. 
“Thank you. For trusting me. For being gentle with me, Oli.”
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sovereignxfae · 3 years
@regensia said;
From Nicolas, signing to Kio: Can you stop being weird about it for five seconds?
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Kio almost missed the signing. Eyes slipping back and forth to the man at his side and the hefty bag in his arms.
He's still reeling from the fact Nicolas even allowed him to accompany him. He's been nothing but a thorn in his side and Nicolas still allowed it.
The dealer shakes his head, as a reply and to sho away the thoughts.
“I'm not being weird about it. Actually I think I'm being very calm right now. Just keep walking, I'll try not to start skipping.”
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sovereignxfae · 2 years
main verse/modern au (muses go to the modern world but like with magic so they’re still mythical just in the modern world :3)
Key points: There are secondary scents and primary scents.
Primary scents are the ones that hits you first (eg.salt at a beach).
Secondary scents are underlying tones that give hints to the persons personality. (eg. Something smokey or burning for someone with a temper).
A bit (🙄) of main verse lore here; the secondary scents are usually smelled by animals of the land, empathy demons and people of animal descent. Elves have learnt to make spells of close nature but can easily be deterred if someone falls into a role seamlessly enough.
K'in has this ability despite being part elf with zero magic training and a goblin because Rouge is their familiar.
It is quite rare for bonds such as these to be born ever since the rise of the kingdom itself. It's a product of the animal trades that are happening throughout kingdoms.
Causing animals to refuse such deep bonds with their owners/caretakers.
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K'in is better at smelling secondary scents than most because it's the best way for them to proceed during meetings. It's almost always in effect so it comes as second nature.
Though if asked about scent they will always speak of primary first. Unless asked they won't say anything about the secondary sense.
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Onyx only has a brief ability to use secondary smelling. Ogres are well known for having sensitive noses, mostly used to know of anything happened in the house or their kin.
The sensitivity is so high that their off button is actually their nose. So they are very protective of it. It trusted you may be presented with it by one as a sign of ultimate trust.
So Nyx relies on their nack of reading body language and keen eye so figure others out.
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Kio has great depth in secondary scents.
They come very naturally to him since shadow demons are descendants of empathy demons. They must be aware of the mood of the shadows they are welding unless they wish to be taken over by the negative emotions that lie there.
So much so that secondary scents are like primary scents to him. It takes time and effort to unknot the threads of scents that he comes across when he enters rooms.
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sovereignxfae · 2 years
𝙼𝚊𝚢 𝚒𝚝 𝚋𝚎 𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚒𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜 𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚜 𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚜
Modern verse!
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K’in’s role
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K’in retains mostly the same backstory.
Mother gives birth before marriage and outside of her class, middle class. She loves her child but equally isn't in the place to have one.
As a form of paying dept the child is sold to the black market and are bought by a wealthy governor. Who was doing a case in the underground and brought into his family that they wanted no part in. 
They grew with the most basic necessities. Love wasn't needed nor wanted from this man. From an early age they knew what happened and came to terms with it.
They meet their mother every month when she comes to collect her hush money.
The meetings held no value unless Kody, their half brother, is brought along. For all the missing their mother says she does and the hugs she gives, K'in feels no warmth from it. So she tends to avoid the touches and long conversations if able.
They attend a prestigious college and got what they went for. It was hard following someone else's learning ways. The professors didn't like their need for distractions while in the lab.
Much too their father's dismay they are now self-employed, working full time in their flower shop. They own some labs as well that universities use for classes.
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Onyx's role
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Simple upbringing. 
Made friends with K’in while in college under the study of various arts. They got along for the most part. K’in stayed with her after they had a big fight with their father about their studies and helped them get through it. So they were roommates for a time.
Onyx has a slightly strained relationship with her parents after they tried sending her to a military camp of sorts where her uncle works. They thought is best she continued the line of work as instructor of some kind as long as it dealt with the body. 
Sent to her uncle since they couldn’t do it themselves. The lack of communication made them move out early and made them talking to each other awkward. They still call on birthdays and holidays but anything outside of that is rare. 
Now they have their own art studio where they hold classes. With the help of K’in it has been a success and Onyx is quite happy with it. There are some moments when K’in joins the classes to teach texturing. 
Explaining those kind of things is hard for Nyx. It’s more of a feeling than anything.
Now Onyx doesn’t have a smooth sailing life after that. Her uncle is still hung up on the fact she ditched him to follow a ‘lousy lifestyle’ and sends ‘connections’ after her. Messing up parts of her life, sending students to the hospital.
So as a way to make up the debt, that she has now idea where from it came, she participates in underground fighting matches on her off days.
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Kio’s role
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Self taught interior designer. Ostracised from his family ever since his second time in Juvenile Prison. Though they still give him a monthly allowance of how much he refuses to count. So he's kind of a trust fund baby. 
Kio has enough money from his job and his family though he still runs in rough circles as a form of entertainment from time to time. He is still much tamer than when he was younger. 
College was never for him and his parents gave up trying to convince him. Force was used but he always finds a way to avoid it. 
He met K’in and Onyx while working for a friend who asked him to build a place to host his wedding. He wanted the challenge, the money was a plus. He assumed others did as well so he asked them both to help him.
It took some convincing before K’in was totally on board but they agreed to be the florist in the end. Onyx helped pick out colours and even painted the ‘back splash’ inspired walls the friend wanted. 
After that they all kept in touch and told each other of potential gigs for the other. 
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sovereignxfae · 3 years
❝ No time for rest, no pillow for my head — ❞  (headcanons)
❝ Nowhere to run from this, no way to forget — ❞  (musings)
❝ Maybe it's the way you say my name — ❞ (ship aes)
❝ Around the shadows creep,like friends they cover me — ❞ (main v. lore)
❝ Playing with the flowers that I picked myself — ❞ (k’in aes)
❝ clans clash but no one is heard — ❞ (naruto v.)
❝ no castle and no steed just road and trees — ❞ (modern v.)
❝ back and forth but with no end in sight — ❞ (rp)
❝ the royal tapestry — ❞ (pictures)
❝ test the iron before swinging — ❞ (rp memes)
❝ the formed iron — ❞ (about the royal)
❝ from the throne room — ❞ (mun's here)
❝ from the beyond the castle walls — ❞ (asks)
❝ lore behind the gold — ❞(about the majesty)
❝ so close to being real — ❞ (face claim)
❝ magic's in the air and the harpies scream — ❞ (main)
❝ i got a question for ya, can i get an answer? — ❞ (ask games)
❝ shirt on my back and my bag in hand — ❞ (fashion aes)
❝ i got a question for ya can i get an answer? — ❞ (ask games)
❝ not sure where to go but i’ll keep going — ❞ (v. undecided)
❝ captured movement maybe it’s the faires — ❞ (gif)
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sovereignxfae · 2 years
@regensia​ said:
'' just don't fall in love with me. '' It was murmured under his breath, punctuated with a smile and a wink before Ginji took Onyx's hand to lead the other inside the restaurant. They were supposed to impress his sister and her fiance that he hadn't seen in years.
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Onyx rolls her eyes, allows him to take their hand and guide her. She leans into him to whisper to him, “Fall for you? Only if you trip me. I’m here for the food and the excuse to stay at your house. Nothing more, Ji Ji.”
She sees the table where his sister sits and bumps her hips against his softly, “Just refresh me on names, you spoke to me about when we where eating, didn’t get much.”
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sovereignxfae · 2 years
Modern verse for nyx. Not really modern but it kinda is
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She gets drunk sorta easily. Heavy drinks, especially mixed ones get her good. She's a very aggressive drunk too. Depends on who she went out with and what the day was like but 50/100 she will fight a street pole.
+ mini thing
She can cook but also can't cook. Like if she's paying attention and following a recipe. Horrible but let her wing it and her attention is divided. Five star meal.
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