#❝ morning dew and secrets kept — ❞(onyx)
sovereignxfae · 1 year
@calamxty said —
[ What would someone say is your worst habit? ]
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This is something for her to think on. She's never wondered about her flaws or how others digest her character.
“Possibly my...indifference to other problems is they don't intrigue me in any way.” The woman sucks at her teeth, “I don't personally see it as a bad habit but I can imagine others hate it and veiw it as such.”
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Hey there ghesties!!!
Here is a new fic written for my ghestie @sistersaccharine featuring her OC and Copia at their wedding!!!!
Thank you so much for letting me write this for you sister! Hope you all enjoy!
Commissions are OPEN, please see pinned post for Carrd info!
Stay With Me...Forever
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The day has finally come for Sister Saccharine to marry Copia. Won't you be our ghuest at the wedding?
Also available HERE on AO3!
Definitely NSFW below the cut!
It was early morning, the dew still heavy on the grass and the sounds of birds chirping filled Saccharine’s ears. She was still in her night robes, tucked away on the sacred olive tree, hidden deep within the Abbey’s Forest. She sat perched on a large, crooked root that rose up from the ground, like the finger of a corpse–contorted and old. Surrounded by the forest which was brimming with life all around her. Sunlight pouring in from the spaces between the trees and the warm breeze blowing gently through her hair.
Saccharine closed her eyes and took in a deep breath, exhaling into a smile as felt soft tufts of fur nudging her cheek. A small fawn, pressing his muzzle against her as she carefully brought her hands to the top of his head. Her animal friends had begun to gather in this secret place. One she kept just for herself.  
“Hello little one. My, how you've grown since the beginning of Spring.” Saccharine smiled as she gently patted the fawn’s head. His mother, not too far behind him in the woods. The sweet sister fiddled with the hem of her nightgown. Her whole body, feeling like it may burst into a million tiny pieces. The excitement brewing inside her was overwhelming, but she had never been happier. 
It was obvious Lucifer had blessed them with a beautiful day. The late summer heat—only a mere suggestion. The welcomed pleasant breeze, keeping it at bay. The sun too was shining brightly in the sky—it was perfect. Oh, so perfect. 
“I have been waiting for today my whole life.” she whispered, speaking her story to the trees and the animals that surrounded her. “I grew up feeling the longing in my heart for true love. Searching for that one person who made my heart sing.” She continued, watching the small family of rabbits huddle together beneath her in the shade of the root.  “Someone to grow old with…”
Suddenly Saccharine hopped up off the root. Careful not to disturb the blue cohosh that was covering the ground. The layers of her robes, flowy gently as she began to twirl around. Her dance, a tribute to the massive tree who had always been her shelter. A dear confidant she could always confide in. All the flora and fauna of the forest, envious of her happiness. 
She dropped to her knees a moment, whispering her salutations to the rabbits and giving the mischievous dormouse a pat. When she got herself back up on her feet, she let out the most content of sighs. Brushing the bit of dirt from her robes and turning to the deer once more, continuing on with her story. Ever so eager to share her joy with her friends. 
“...and you know what little one—I’ve found them. Today…well today is the day I marry him. My sweet Papa.” She smiled, now catching the attention of the birds. One landed upon her, allowing itself to be gently brushed with the pad of her finger. He was a small sparrow that bore a heart-shaped marking in the feathers of his chest. One Saccharine had known since he was a fledgling, barely two flaps of his wings from the nest.  
All the animals were like family. It was because of that she had to invite them. Devastated when Sister Imperator told her that they would not be allowed to “run amuck” within the Abbey. Only for Copia to devise a plan for them both to be wed in the woods. Surrounded by all those she loved and those who loved her back. 
It truly was a dream come true, and now it was only hours away, already planned down to the smallest detail. From the beautiful fabrics of crimson and onyx that hung from the trees to her beautiful gown. Breathtaking with its billowing fabric, black as the night, and laced with corset at her waist. The sleeves like the petals of flowers–sleek and flowy. 
The ceremony grounds were covered in what felt like an endless array of flowers. Though they were far from where she stood now, she swore she could smell their scent. Soft and lovely as it was carried on the breeze. The hint of the black baccara roses with small accents of white and black calla lilies that were freshly picked from Primo’s garden. Painting lush images of them in her mind. 
It would have been a surprise had she not snuck out with some of her best sisters for a late-night ritual of their own, hoping to bless the next day's ceremonies. Coming upon the grounds by accident, Saccharine's eyes filled with delight as she saw them. Primo’s magic, keeping everything thriving and ready for until after they were wed. Everything was waiting for her–all that was left was the hair, though she knew not what to do with it. 
She tried pulling her hair back and away from her face. Wondering if she should wear it up or down. Copia loved it in all its forms, but Saccharine knew that down was his favorite. He told her down was the best at framing her delicate features. 
The birds took note. Hopping around the big tree as they sang to one another. Speaking in chirps and tweets that only they could understand. “What are you doing, silly birds?” Saccharine laughed as they returned to her. Each of them, flowing over her head. Bestowing her with a small sprig of thorns, from a nearby bush, tucking them neatly into her hair. Eventually their efforts had formed a crown. 
“It's perfect.” she told them, hoping that by some miracle it would last until the evening. Then it hit her, she had completely forgotten the time. “Oh my! I am running behind! I will see you all tonight ok!” she shouted back into the trees as she bounded from her sanctuary and back to the Abbey. There were people waiting for her there—after all today was her day. 
Back at the Abbey there was a boom of activity. Saccharine felt a bit overwhelmed as she made her way through the countless siblings and ghouls. All of them focused on their assigned tasks—delighted to do their part to prepare for the big night. As she made her way to her room, Saccharine almost took out both a brother and a pair of sisters that were heading to the Great Hall with boxes of champagne glasses. Then only moments later, she bumped into a group of ghouls, their claws filled with clusters of folding chairs, on the way to the ceremony site. By the time Saccharine reached the stairs to the siblings' quarters, she was relieved. Dabbing a bit of sweat from her brow before making her way upstairs to her friends, whom she knew would be waiting anxiously for her arrival.  
When she arrived in the siblings’ wing, Saccharine could see Sister Ariadne was waiting just outside the doors. Tapping her toe and clearly over having to wrangle around the ghouls all morning. “Where have you been? Everyone is waiting for you so we can start.” she teased, ushering Saccharine beyond the doors and towards her room. She had been rushed off so fast that when Ariadne stopped just short of the door, Saccharine thought something might be wrong. Before she could say anything, Ariadne slipped off the mother of pearl ring from her hand. Taking Saccharine’s right hand and placing it on her finger. 
“What is this for?” Saccharine asked. Ariadne smiled and squeezed tight to her sister’s hands. Ariadne’s heart, so full of happiness for the dear couple. 
“This is your something borrowed, I’ll need it back after.” she winked as she opened the door of the room. The two of them, heading inside to find it completely buzzing with energy. Prime Mover Ren and Nova, chasing after one of Ren and Secondo’s littles ones, while Sister Belladonna and Rosemary were fussing about with the dress. It looked more magical than Saccharine remembered, hanging from on the dress form. She could hardly believe something so beautiful could exist. 
“Saccharine! You’re here!” Nova shouted gleefully as she ran straight towards her, nearly taking out Gnocchi under her feet. The little ratto, managing to squeak its way past Ariadne and Saccharine into the room. 
“Oh! You darn rat!” Nova yelped, annoyed at almost tripping. Her arms held wide open as they found their way around Saccharine. Nova, embracing her tightly. Tail wagging with contentment as the ghoulette spoke again, “Now the real fun begins.” 
At the same time, though much more than a few steps away from the siblings' wing, Copia was pacing the floor of his Papal suite. Fiddling anxiously with the buttons on his jacket. His eyes, unable to stop staring at the Monstrance clock on the mantle. Counting down the moments until he’d be with her once again. Praying to Lucifer that he’d be spared from sweating through his suit.
“You’re going to drive us crazy fratello, would you just sit down?” Terzo barked, bouncing his leg on the floor and running his hands through his hair. The third Emeritus brother slumped into the chair like a bored teenager.  
“I know…I know…” Copia began, forcing himself to sit down beside Secondo. Secondo, groaning as he swirled the ice in his scotch glass and scooted forward to the edge of the sofa. 
“Leave the man alone Terzo, this is a big day for him.” he chided. Nodding his head to Copia and raising his glass to him. “Not much longer now.” he said before taking a sip from his glass. 
“I am just a bit nervous is all. Was it like this for you...when you married Ren?” Copia asked.  
“Si, though I managed to not wear a hole in my rug.” Secondo laughed.
"Just the hair from your head." Terzo jabbed. Secondo rolling his eyes at him.
“...there is nothing to worry about.” Secondo assured him. 
“You are right.” Copia agreed, taking in a deep breath, feeling like he might finally be able to relax. He exhaled, allowing his weight to sink down against the back of the sofa. Graciously accepting the offering of a swig of Secondo’s scotch. 
“Always is…smug bastard.” Terzo teased, when suddenly the sounds of scratching came from the front of the room. Copia pulled himself back up and made his way to the door, opening it to reveal little Rigatoni standing there. His little head perked up and his whiskers twitched to the gentle pats of his Papa’s hand. 
“Ah topolino, I have been waiting for you.” Copia said, pulling from his jacket a small piece of parchment and tying it around the rat’s neck. “You take this to her now, si?” The tiny squeaks assuring Copia that he understood his task. 
“You're sending the rat off with a little love note. Turning the vermin into carrier pigeons now, eh?” Terzo teased as he sent Copia a wink. 
“Something like that.” Copia smiled back. Carefully lowering Rigatoni onto the floor so that he might be on his way. 
“We should head down, I’m sure that Ren is more than ready for me to relieve her of the children…they must be driving her crazy by now.” Secondo cringed, setting down his glass and tapping Terzo’s shoulder to get him up too. “You’ll find out one day soon.” Secondo teased, watching Copia’s face tint to red. His freckles, lighting up like Christmas lights upon his cheeks.   
“Let’s do this.” Terzo stretched, raising up out of the chair. Secondo turned once more to face Copia before the three of them headed out. 
“Ready to become a husband fratello?” he asked him, Secondo surprising him with a short embrace. Copia felt the tears beginning to well in his eyes. Trying to shake them off quickly before they’d disturb his well-placed Papal paints. 
“More than anything.”
“Hold still, I don't want to poke you in the eye now.” Ren chuckled as she began to line the upper lashes of Saccharine’s eyes. The rich black liner accenting her already gorgeous, doe-like eyes.  
“Sorry.” Saccharine replied, letting Gnocchi down on the vanity. The rat scurrying over the top before bumping into the container of translucent powder. The poor little thing, sneezing as the powder cascaded in the air. 
“Oh.” Ren laughed as Saccharine hurried to help dust off Gnocchi. Setting her back down on the ground between them. 
“What are we going to do with you?” she smiled as she watched the little rat take off. Ren worked quickly to finish up Saccharine’s look. Though she hardly needed the adornment. Saccharine could hear that Rosemary was approaching from behind her. The sweet mysterious sister, pulling from her habit an old copper flask. 
“I was told by Ren you would need something old and well…” she explained, handing over the flask, its age betrayed by the patina. “...this is thought to have the blood of the old one inside it.” Rosemary smiled, “...can’t get much older than that. Here you should carry it with you.”
“Thank you.” Saccharine beamed, sniffling back her tears of gratitude as Nova too came towards her. The sparkle in her eyes, telling Saccharine that she too was excited to give her something. “Do you have something too Nova?”
“I do!” Nova exclaimed as she spun Saccharine around in her chair. Both of them reflected in the glass of the mirror. "Listen girl, the birds are great and everything, but we should spruce you up just a bit. Then you can have this" the ghoulette smiled, pulling out the most beautiful and sparkling obsidian comb, ".…a gift from Terzo and I. We picked it out just for you. It can be your ‘something new’.” she explained.  
Saccharine was overwhelmed with gratitude. Her friends were literally the best anyone could have hoped for. Always there to support her, nourishing her happiness as she always did for them. All of them, more like family than anything she’d ever had before. 
She hugged Nova tight, allowing her ghoulette friend to help even out the lay of her hair. Polishing it up far better than the birds could have done. Saccharine, feeling more than blessed that she had the kind of friends that had wanted to make this day special for her. Her thoughts, remaining in that place of contentment and joy as they dressed her.
Helping lace her up and button everything in place. Saccharine’s breath, stolen from as she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Ren, quickly grabbing a tissue to help keep the bride-to-be from running her makeup. Drying her eyes as Saccharine took it all in. 
This was the woman who would become Copia’s wife. Papa Emeritus the Fourth’s lover for all eternity. Hearts bound forever by fate. Sanctified under the eyes of Lucifer, once she walked down the aisle. It seemed like a dream. One she never hoped to wake from. Marveling at herself in the full-length mirror while the other’s made sure she was all good to go. 
“Oh, and one more thing!” Sister Belladonna yelled, running to grab something from the other room. Returning after only a moment, quickly wrapping a grucifix rosary around Saccharine’s neck. The blue sapphire stones and onyx, perfect shades to compliment her Papa’s vestments. “I made this for you. It’s in Papa’s colors and after all…a bride needs something blue.” She smiled. 
“Oh my. I absolutely love it.” Saccharine beamed, her hands coming up to touch it. Feeling its weight against her collar, “It's perfect.”
“It is.” Ren smiled, “...and I have something for you too. Saccharine instinctively held out her hand convinced she knew what was coming. She had been given her something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue—all that was left was the sixpence for her shoe.
“My sixpence I assume.” Saccharine asked her. Ren took hold of her hands, giving them a gentle squeeze before she continued. 
“Not exactly.” she winked, reaching in her pocket and pulling from it a small totem made from rose quartz. A symbol of fertility and happiness.
“Oh it’s…” Saccharine began.
“May you be fruitful and multiply.” Ren winked, Saccharine’s face blushing at her words. A tiny nose that resembled her own and a pair of mismatched eyes surely belonged to Copia. Perfectly upon a small little face, flashing in her mind. Her heart began to flutter when her attention was drawn to a noise coming from the floor. 
“Eek...eek…” Rigatoni called, standing at her feet. Saccharine noticed that he had come with something small tied onto him. She bent down to pick him up, pulling the little rolled up parchment from his neck. 
“And what do you have little one? She asked. The group of sisters, gathering round to see what the mysterious note would contain. 
“What is it?” Nova asked, as the others all waited patiently. She unraveled it, starting down at the words carefully written across it.  The smile, spreading her face told them all they needed to know.
“It’s a note from Copia.” she explained, her heartbeat quickening in her chest. Cheeks aching with the intensity of the pull of her smile. 
“Go on, read it, read it!” Sister Ariadne begged her. 
“Saccharine, la mia bellissima futura sposa. The hours we have spent apart have only made me more sure of us. Sure, that my life means little without you by my side. I want nothing more than to see you from the moment I wake, until I close my eyes at night. Your smiling face, my constant companion. Tonight, I prove to everyone the love that gives meaning to the beat of my heart. Binding us forever in the eyes of Lucifer. Until we wed my love—C” Saccharine read, desperately trying to hold it together. Her Papa’s words were everything she needed to hear and more. A profession of love that made Saccharine’s heart sing. 
“You’re a lucky girl, that's for sure.” Sister Rosemary commented. 
“Yes…yes I am.”
The hours had passed and the time she had been waiting for had finally come. Saccharine and the rest of the sisters were ready to leave, when there was a knock at her door. It was Papa Primo dressed in his best vestments and a sweet smile on his face. His heart, full at the sight of Saccharine in her wedding dress. An image of grace and dark beauty—one he would never forget. 
“Sisters…if it’s alright with you all, I will take it from here.” Primo assured them. Handheld out for Saccharine to take it as he led her out the door. She was comforted by Primo, who had become somewhat of a father to her. She steadied herself, drawing in a deep breath and closing her eyes to help ground herself. Her hand held tightly to Primo’s. Tears balancing along her lash line before she quickly wiped them away. 
While she had never been happier, the day was bittersweet for Saccharine. It wasn’t that long ago that she imagined this moment—though much different than it was now. Engaged to her once beloved Jasper, and content to live out her days in the small town she was born in. Days spent dreaming of things that enchanted her—books and fairytales of worlds that she longed to explore, convinced that they might only ever be fiction.
Now the world had all been opened up to her. Promises of the universe, all found in the Dark One’s name. Guided into the warmth and thrilling embrace of the darkness by her sweet Papa. Their love, sanctified not only until death, but beyond eternity—until the end of time itself. 
Though she didn’t miss Jasper, she did miss her mother and father. An aching, nagging pain had been rooted in her chest from the day she turned away from them. Following her heart, choosing to leave them behind. Primo could sense it. Knowing what held her thoughts and her heart. The eldest Emeritus son, pulling her close and placing a small kiss upon her forehead.
“I know you miss them piccola. They would be so proud of you.”
“I know.” she sighed. 
“I know I am not your father… but would you do me the honor of allowing me to walk you down the aisle?” Primo asked her, the tears hitting her once more. 
“Oh yes please.” Saccharine cried, hugging Primo so tight he couldn't breathe, his words and warmth–healing the wounds she carried inside her heart. Knowing that Primo would always be there for her even when her parents could not. 
Primo dismissed the sisters so that he might spend a moment alone with Saccharine before the ceremony. The lot of them giggling and waving as they spilled into the hall. Primo placed his hand on Saccharine's, as they sat in silence. A welcome moment of calm amidst the chaos of the day. Primo feeling the trembling of her hand.
"You alright piccola?" He asked her. 
"I'm just a bit nervous." She admitted, smiling as Primo began chuckling to himself. 
"Completely normal, I suspect." Primo smiled, "I know my fratellino will make you very happy…and you him. There is nothing to worry about, I promise."
"You always know just what to say to make me feel better Papa." She smiled up at him just before Primo pulled her in close for a hug. After a tight squeeze, he released her. Brushing himself off and helping Saccharine straighten out her dress.
"Now, do you have everything you need?"
"I think so…" she told him, a pensive look on her face as she brought her hand to her chin.
"Ah, well I know one thing you're still missing."
"Oh?" Saccharine asked as Primo reached into his vest. Pulling from it a silver coin and placing it in her hands. "What is it?"
"This, mio piccola, is an obol. It's an old coin, meant to assure safe passage across the river Styx…today it shall make do as your sixpence. For good luck." Primo winked. Saccharine was overcome with emotion, practically pouncing Primo with a hug.
"Oh, thank you Papa! I love it!" She cried, carefully wiping the tears from her eyes. 
"Alright let's not mess you up before the ceremony or the Prime Mover will never let me hear the end of it." Primo smiled, rolling his eyes. "Ready?"
Primo and Saccharine down the main stairs. Each step, bringing her closer to eternity with Copia. The empty halls of the Abbey, surreal as they walked through it. Saccharine’s heart beating faster and faster. Soaring as the sound of music grew closer. 
A symphony composed just for her. Each and every note written by Papa himself. She tried to focus on her breathing as they reached the edge of the woods. Saccharine, closing her eyes and allowing Primo’s hand to guide her the rest of the way. 
The Processional had begun. All of the guests in their seats, turning to watch as Secondo and Ren’s little ones, the flower girl and ring bearer, came bounding down the aisle. Followed closely by their parents and dressed in the most adorable little vestments and taffeta dress, handsewn just for the occasion. Then came Nova and Terzo, both of them starry-eyed at one another as they walked. Making no secret that one day Saccharine and Copia would be back to celebrate vows between them.   
“We’re up.” Primo whispered. Saccharine opened her eyes and tried to take it all in. It was truly magical. The clearing in the woods, filled with siblings and ghouls. Everyone dressed to the nines and ready to celebrate as their Papa took his bride. The trees, adorned in splays of fabric and lights. The lush floral arrangements, Primo and the ghoulettes had created, breathtaking to behold. Their sweet scent, filling the space—soft and perfect. And the warm humming of the guests, a gentle background noise as the song changed to announce her arrival. 
Despite all the beauty that surrounded her, the only thing she could see was Copia. Her sweet Papa, standing at the end of the aisle. Smiling ear to ear as he watched her approaching him. It felt like both forever and yet only a blink, before Primo relinquished her hand to Copia. The two of them now standing before Mr. Saltarian, ready to begin the officiation of their ceremony, while everyone took their seats behind them. 
While they both knew they were supposed to look at Saltarian, Saccharine and Copia couldn’t help but steal glances at one another. Barely staving off tears of joy from their eyes. Drowning out all the world around them until Saltarian snapped them back to attention. Clearing his throat to alert them before speaking to the crowd.
“While we might have been made in God’s image…it is only through Satan's grace that are we given dominion over the earth and its creatures. Given truth and power over ourselves. Made free to commit sin. It is through our lust and love we shall fill the earth and subdue it. That through our unions we shall honor him—the Morningstar. Today siblings, ghouls, and Clergy—we have gathered for the most unholiness of ceremonies. The union of Papa Emeritus the Fourth, and our good sister Saccharine.” Saltarian smiled, his words filled with hope and love.
“Nema!” called out the guests. Both Copia and Saccharine, smiling at one another as things continued on. Mr. Saltarian spoke in length about love and commitment. How it was the duty of a Papa to shepherd his flock—and that his wife would help with his guidance. Giving him the strength and inspiration for the task. All things, though meaningful and well intentioned, the couple could only vaguely remember. Both too engrossed in one another’s eyes to care.
Copia was stunned in her presence. Saccharine was always beautiful but seeing her there before him now was like nothing he had never known before. A beauty that surpassed the visions of hell itself. Saccharine was overcome too, wondering to herself if Copia had ever looked this incredibly handsome before. His suit, even more impressive than anything he’d ever worn on stage. 
When it came time for their vows, both of them struggled. Choking back tears and trying desperately to convey what no number of words ever could. Copia went first, his palms a bit sweaty as he tried to hold Saccharine’s hand. Nervous that he would fumble his words. 
“Saccharine. Ever since the day in the garden, I have been bewitched by you. Enchanted by your gentle kindness, and compassion for all who surround you—even the scruffiest of rats,” Copia chuckled, the notes of tears heavy in his voice,” Your beauty—undeniable. When you held my hand the first time. Helping this old man rise from the dirt, covered in petals and brush. My heart was forever captivated. Only growing more in love as I listened to the gentle sound of your voice, my still new sorella. Allowing me to help guide you into your siblinghood and all the while stealing my heart. There will never be a day I don’t worship you. A day that I don't praise Lucifer for bringing you into my life. And I will spend the rest of eternity showing you just how much I love you. For whatever may come for us in this life, let it be known that since that day—my life has become yours.”
Saccharine sniffled back. Unable to help the tears from pouring out. Silently running over her cheeks as she squeezed Copia’s hands. Wanting to kiss him so badly, though it was not yet time. She began her vows. Her voice, shaky, but certain. “Copia, my dear sweet Papa. I had to leave so much behind me. Shaken to my core as I began life anew here at the Abbey. Still lost in my own fears and doubts. While I may have helped you in the garden that day, it was you who became my savior. Having only known me a moment, you lent me your whole heart. The best of intentions and a smile on your face. You guided me to the meaning of this life and into a happiness I might have never known. I fell fast and hard, only growing to love you more as we traveled this path together. I want nothing more than to spend my life with you. This one and the next. Declaring my love for you before any god that might hear it—I am yours now and for always.” she cried.    
Not a dry eye in the house as they say. The words shared between them, piercing the hearts of their guests. There was never any doubt that they belonged together, meant for each other as if their love had been ordained from the beginning. When the cosmos formed, and the stars burst into life. 
Saltarian bent down to help Ren and Secondo remove the rings, from the small black satin pillow in little Christian’s hands. Untying them carefully and handing one of the small golden bands to Copia. “Now repeat after me and place the ring on Saccharine’s finger. I, Papa Emeritus the Fourth.”
“I, Papa Emeritus the Fourth.”
“Do take this sister of sin, Saccharine, as my unholy wedded wife.”
“Do take this sister of sin, Saccharine, as my unholy wedded wife.” Copia repeated, his voice trembling. Saccharine too, finding it hard not to embrace him. Wanting to hold on to him for dear life. 
“To love and worship, in all ways. Until the stars burn from the sky.” Saltarian continued. Everyone, watching as Copia slipped the ring onto Saccharine’s hand. A gentle wind blowing past them. Saccharine, working to push back a wayward stand from her face. Copia was never more in love. 
“To love and worship, in all ways. Until the stars burn from the sky.” he finished. Saccharine, repeating the same rites as he. Their faces, hurting from the intensity of their smiles. Powerful emotions aching in their chest.   
“It is now, in the eyes of Lucifer, the father, the Antichrist and son, and the unholy spirit…I pronounce that you are husband and wife…” Saltarian declared, but before he could get the rest out, Copia dipped Saccharine back. Passionately taking her lips onto his. A roar of applause, erupting from the guests. Cheering loud and jumping for joy as the confetti, made from rose petals, went flying all round in the air.
The evening had only just begun. The newlyweds, celebrating along with the Abbey with an incredible reception. The ghouls had managed to throw together a makeshift dance floor and helped to DJ some music for everyone to dance to. The evening, spent with delicious food, wine, good conversation, and well wishes from all who stopped at the head table.
Copia and Saccharine had already been on the dance floor for several songs. Copia, twirling her around and showing her off like the prideful husband that he was. Ever grateful and yet still surprised that he had found a love such as this. Saccharine too in awe of them, occasionally wondering if she might wake from it all—finding it had only been a dream.
As they made their way back to the table, Marianna and Christian came barreling down through the crowd. Knocking into Saccharine as Copia quickly grabbed her before she fell. Saccharine shrugged it off, bending down to meet with the children face to face. Prime Mover Ren, running closely behind them. 
“Are you both alright?” Saccharine asked them, pulling the children close and giving them each a hug.
“Sorry Auntie Saccharine, we’re ok.” said Marianna. Ren, taking hold of both her children's hands.
“I’m so glad. You two be careful now.” Saccharine told them, smiling up at Ren who was mouthing a 'thank you' to her for being kind to them. Copia was immediately taken back. Mesmerized by watching her with them. The thoughts of one day Saccharine tending to their own children, tugging at his heart strings.  
“You are very good with them, si?” Copia said, both him and Saccharine blushing red. An unspoken thing said between them. Though neither would admit it just yet. 
“They’re just darling.” she replied as Secondo arrived to help Ren with their brood.
“Well, I don't know about that.” he snickered, Ren, quickly giving him a jab at his side. Both Copia and Saccharine, amused at the situation. A drop of lovely, in an already overflowing glass of happiness. Another slow song on the queue as the night continued on. The whole of the Abbey dancing the night away.
It was a couple hours later when Copia brought his mouth to Saccharine’s ear. Whispering softly and sending a rush of tingling through her as the breath escaped his lips. “Think they will miss us Amore?” he asked her.
“Oh…ah…I’m not sure.” Saccharine told him. The thrilling heat hitting her full force. Her heart beginning to pound harder inside her chest.
“I think they’ll manage, follow me–” Copia assured as he pulled her through the crowd. Rushing her outside the large doors of the Great Hall and into the small opening of the woods. The well-worn spot, filling with the small orbs of red light as they approached.
“Oh my.” she smiled as the bats fluttered above her head. The rats, pouring forth from the bushes and a small horde of spiders, trickling over the limbs of the trees to greet them. The beautiful creatures of the night, too light-shy to have visited in the day, now happily came to see the newlyweds as they fled deeper into the forest.
When Copia was satisfied with the spot, he took Saccharine back into his arms. Dancing with her under the moonlight. Spinning and twirling together in the cool night air. Relishing that it was just the two of them together. 
Saccharine laid her head on Copia's shoulders as they swayed. Copia humming to the songs they could just barely make out being played. Both of them, thinking that they could spend forever dancing in each other's arms. After a short time alone, Copia stopped. Taking Saccharine's hand and giving it a peck before speaking. 
“Mia principessa, let me show you something…” and before she knew it, Saccharine was being rushed back out of the woods and into the nearest part of Primo’s garden. The string lights, guiding them into an opening. In the middle sat a small canopy, made from bundles of black and red fabrics, and the suggestion of light coming from inside.
“What's all this?” she asked him, as Copia pulled back on it to help her inside. As Saccharine stepped in, she was delighted to find that in the middle was a mountain of pillows and blankets. Plush and plentiful. Surrounding a pair of juice boxes and some candles in the center. 
“I had the ghouls set this up for us, but it was my idea.” Copia beamed, proud of himself for conjuring the idea.
“I’ll have to thank them.” Saccharine smiled, planting a small kiss to Copia’s cheek. Copia, quickly picking up one of the juice boxes and handing it to her. 
“Heh…I know you’re not a big wine drinker.” he smiled, helping to open the straw. It was so sweet of him. He really had thought of everything. Even the view of Primo’s garden from the canopy was beautiful. The vivid colors from the flowers surrounding them, visible from every angle. Saccharine was honestly shocked any blooms remained after all that had been used in their ceremony. 
It was perfect. Everything was absolutely perfect. While it had all been so wonderful, the day had also been overwhelming. The celebrations and the ceremony were everything she could have wanted and more. She was grateful now for it to be just the two of them to be together. Alone in this small space, surrounded by the flowers.
Saccharine let out a sigh, relaxing into the pillows and slipping the shoes off her aching feet. Copia quickly took her foot in his hand and massaged it. Doing everything he could to help her get comfortable in their temporary abode. Both of them, smiling as the stress of the day began to melt away. 
“That's good.” she hummed just as he picked up her other foot.
“Feeling better?” he asked.
“Yes, thank you. Heels are great to look at—not so great to spend the day in.” Saccharine laughed, Copia soon joined her as he removed his jacket and slipped out of his own shoes. Settling down on the as he settled on the best of pillows beside her. 
“Feeling good enough to sin…Mrs. Emeritus?” Copia growled as he ran the back of his palm along the swell of Saccharine’s bosom. Bringing with him a tingling up her spine and a breath, took up sharply in her chest. The familiar ache, beginning to grow between her legs. 
“Copia!” she squeaked before becoming lost in his kiss, so soft and passionate. His hands, traveling gently beneath the fall of her dress. Fingers tracing the inside of her thigh. A journey they had well-traveled before, and meeting with her heated core. Teasing her folds through the fabric of her panties.  
“Si, la mia bellissima moglie. Won’t you allow me to show you how much I love you?” he asked, his voice begging and thick as honey. His eyes, falling over her. Etching her in his memory for the times when they would have to part. His lust and love for her, growing stronger inside as Copia watched the grucifix rosary rise and fall. Heavy on her chest.
“Sempre, mio ​​bellissimo marito.” she replied, slowly undoing the buttons that lined his shirt. Fingers carefully working through them and teasing the skin beneath.
“You’ve been practicing.” Copia hummed, his lips returning to hers. When she was finished, Saccharine pushed the shirt off from his shoulders. Running her fingers through the nest of hair that covered his chest. His eyes staring directly into hers, as he left out a breathy moan.
“I want you Copia. I need to feel you inside me. Make me yours.” Saccharine whispered, brushing her lips against his ear and sending a throb straight to his sex. Copia’s eyes widening as she ran her hand down his belly and over the growing bulge in his pants. Stroking him through the fabric. 
“I need you sweetheart…so much.” Copia whimpered, hungry for the feel of her against him. Saccharine turned around, pulling her hair off to the side, and allowing him full view of her back. Copia, kissing marks of black paint along her shoulders and her neck. Nimbly working his fingers to pull through the ties of her corset. Loosening them up enough so that he might remove her dress. 
“Kiss me.” Saccharine commanded as she turned back around to face him. Copia, pulling her to a stand, helping her to step out from her dress. His lips, never leaving hers. He caressed her face in his hands before allowing them to fall over her supple breasts. Kneading them in his hands as his tongue slid into her mouth. 
Saccharine worked to unzip his pants, both of them moaning and groaning. Their lungs, in need of air, though neither wanted to stop. She took hold of his sex and stroked him gently. Copia moaning at her touch. Aching to be inside her, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to last long. 
He lifted Saccharine up in his arms. His bride, following his lead as she wrapped her legs around him. The two of them, giggling and kissing as Copia carried her over to the best spot in the canopy. Setting her down gently on her back as he relished her naked body before him. The lights from the fireflies, beginning to dance in the air. 
“I would unmake and remake the world for you, if you’d only ask…mia dea oscura.” Copia growled, kissing down her neck and over her breasts. Taking his time to worship her before drawing a nipple into his mouth. Sucking gently as his fingers made their way to the precipice of her thighs.
“Oh Copia.” she moaned, unable to control the lift of her hips, moving to meet with his hand. Closing her eyes as her husband gently slipped his fingers past her folds. Pressing tight against the spot ribbed flesh deep inside her. A spot only he would ever know. Copia, quickly having her cumming against his hand, having learned exactly how to touch her. 
She shook and cried out. Fingers, digging half-moons into Copia's shoulders as she fell from the height of her orgasm. Her husband, looking sexier with his smug and satisfied grin. Engrossed in how glorious it was to see her like this.
Open and blossoming for him. Her body, belonging to him—and his to her. He moved above her, gently nudging his erection against her folds. Using the fruits of his efforts to aid his glide. Pushing himself in slowly until he was fully seated inside.
"Oh sweetheart, you feel so good." Copia groaned, his face flush and his mouth hung open. Saccharine looked deep in his eyes, her body already beginning to pulse once again with his movements.
"Oh Copia…You do too." She moaned. Saccharine, no longer the shy virgin he deflowered but his lover, his partner—his wife. Unafraid to show him just how good it felt to have him inside her. Her body tugging tightly against him with each thrust of his hips. 
"Ah!" Copia growled as her body squeezed around him. His movements, more intentioned and his stride picking up in pace. He wanted nothing more than to make her cum again. Ready to catch her on the way down when she fell from the heights of their passion. His mouth, returning to her breast.
Within moments, Saccharine's second orgasm quickly crashed over her. Copia, pulling her up onto his lap as he continued thrusting inside. Her hand, flying up and over her mouth as she came—hard and fast. Praying to Lucifer that she'd been able to contain the sound before alerting a whole pack of ghouls. 
She was putty in his hands. Copia, having to help hold her upright as he kept moving. Both of them, completely covered in sweat and the remnants of his paints. Her arms wrapped around him, while tears poured down her cheeks. Overwhelmed by the sheer ecstasy of their lovemaking and the emotions swirling through her.
"Copia! Ah! Cum with me!" She cried out, staring deep into his eyes. Copia could see the beauty of all the world wrapped up in them. Watching her in rapturous bliss, the likes of which only he could bring her. Her thighs, tightening up around him as his shaft began swelling inside to fill her. Both of them trembling together, held in each other’s arms.
"That's my girl, my beautiful wife…make me cum" He whined, completely losing control of his rhythm and allowing himself to let go fully as he came inside her—just as she came for him. 
"Oh. Sweet. Lucifer." Saccharine said, breathy and exhausted, before falling limp into Copia's arms. Both of them panting against each other. Their first time as husband and wife, proving to be one to remember. Neither of them, able to speak. Still too deep in the haze of pleasure.
Copia moved them both. Cradling Saccharine in his arms as he laid down beside her. Her head, resting on his chest and the scent of his cologne filling her nose. Then from the sea of heavy breathing and shared heartbeats, came Copia's voice. The sound, sweeter than ever before to her ears. 
"I love you." He smiled before kissing her forehead.
"I love you too Copia…promise me something ok?" She asked, scared that this happiness might someday end.
"Anything amore."
"Promise me that you stay with me…forever." Saccharine cried. Copia held her closer, feeling the warm tears falling in his chest.
(Mio) piccola- (my) little one
mia principessa- my princess
la mia bellissima moglie- my beautiful wife
Sempre, mio ​​bellissimo marito- Always, my handsome husband
mia dea oscura- dark goddess
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divinerivals · 4 years
Of Proposals and Petrichor
Written for @the-lion-witch (Sorry it took a bit hun!)
Prompt: 25. Wet kisses after finding refuge from the rain
No triggers, just fluff
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This wasn't how this night was supposed to go. Far from it. Cassian had planned this anniversary date for weeks. Working tirelessly to make sure even the tiniest detail was held at the utmost satisfaction. From the gondola ride just as night set in Velaris, where the stars twinkled brightly overhead. To a four-course dinner, he handpicked with Sevenda. She would wait on him and his love of three years, Nesta. In a secluded candlelit spot, a balcony on the third floor of her restaurant that overlooked the entirety of the city. Cassian went to the lengths of a hiring musician for the evening. A cello player that would play a soothing, classy melody. Truth be told he didn’t care what song it was. Just for the cellist to play something light and tender, to fit the mood in furthering his relationship. When they had finished their courses, Nesta would smirk licking off the remaining mousse. Slowly swirling her pink tongue around a silver spoon the way she knew it drove him crazy. Cassian would push thoughts of that wicked tongue away. Opting to curl an arm around her waist, slide fingers in between hers and just be. Simply sway to the music for a beat or two, till he broke away and dropped to one knee. Awaiting the answer that would make his life or crush his heart.
And yet with a roll of thunder, a crash of lightning lit up the sky like a match, and the downfall of rain fit for a drought destroyed it. He snorted at the irony of it all as they ran from the heavy fall of rain. To make matters worse, the water was more like droplets of ice. Chilling their skin at each touch. His only saving grace was the hotel room he booked was only a few blocks away and he prayed that Sevenda noticed his message. Asking her to stop whatever meal preparations she was doing.
Cassian slid his onyx blazer off his arms, pulling Nesta close as he held the wet jacket over her. Not like it helped much, her pinned back auburn tresses were coming undone, and her hair began to hold a slight frizz to it. The lengthy mascara she chose that evening had begun to stream down her face. Frustration flashed in grey-blue eyes.
"Did you think to check the weather?" She questioned gritting her teeth
"All part of the plan, princess," he winked at her grinning. Nesta's features turned into a glare that could turn a man to stone. There was no anger behind her stare, only disbelief.
During the day, Nesta noticed how nerve wrecked he seemed to be. She couldn’t place a finger on why. This wasn’t the first time he planned an evening for them. Cassian loved spoiling the cauldron out of her. Which included lavish, romantic evenings. Such as the one she believed should be happening right now. Instead of running through the heavy fall of rain. This one night had him in a frenzy and it frustrated her to no end that she couldn’t figure it out. When the rain came down a mere twenty minutes ago, she didn’t miss the look of annoyance that crossed his ruggedly handsome features. Cassian seemed as if the unexpected shower single-handedly wrecked the evening. Though it was their anniversary she would have been content in their home. With her bare feet settled over his lap as she read a book. Cassian gently massaging the balls of her feet.
Her heels clicked along the slick pavements that shimmered from the moonlight and the rainfall. Nesta tried to keep up with her boyfriend. As much as she appreciated him keeping her close and shielding her from the storm, it made things difficult. Her hands busied picking up the skirts of her drenched gown as it clung to the shape of her body. The emerald dress adorned with intricate beadings, like morning dew drops on blades of grass seemed to only become heavier with each step. It only aided in her frustration. Her legs ached and her chest burned running at his pace. He was the fitness one in their relationship, who could jog or workout for hours at a time. Though Nesta joined him on gym trips, when it came to running she was always a few steps ahead. At this moment, she felt pity for any actress who ran in heels.
“Cassian,” she called out between breaths, “ You have to slow, ah fuck!”
Nesta’s silver heel caught in between the cracks of the pavement. The whole world seemed to slow as Nesta outstretched her arm reaching for him. Fingertips grasped his arm, taking Cassian with her falling onto the sidewalk, splashing into a pool of water. lovely. Nesta and his blazer receiving the brunt of the fall. Nesta could feel her dress absorbing all the wetness. Her ankle began throbbing as soon as her body hit the slick ground. She wanted to go home. This evening turned from bad to worse at a moment’s notice and Nesta was done with it. The only thing she cared for now, was the comfort of her couch, warm clothes, and Cassian tending to her throbbing ankle. Not the four-star hotel, or exquisite dinners.
Cassian quickly pulled himself off her, hair black as night sticking to him as water poured down from his forehead, dripping off his eyelashes and down his strong cheekbones. Hazel eyes looked over Nesta, wrought in concern and sympathy.
“Nes, are you okay?” he asked knowing the answer, but her furious stare bought him time to double-check his pocket. Making sure the small box hadn’t tumbled out when they crashed down. To his relief, it remained secure, tucked in the depths of his slacks.
“No Cassian! I’m pretty fucking far from okay. I just want to go home. I don’t care about the hotel or anything else you planned. Take us home,” she was silent for a beat, “Please,” He nodded hiding his glance of hurt at her request. They were right there. They were so close to the hotel where he could still save this night. She tried to stand when he offered her his hand. She winced collapsing to the ground again, “ My ankle. I think I twisted it,”
Cassian scooped her up in his embrace, sliding an arm over her back resting beneath her breast and the other under her knees lifting her with ease. Nesta wrapped her arms around his neck. Burying her face into the soaked collar of his button-down. Shielding her face from the oncoming downpour which seemed to pelt them harder with each step. The scent of amber, patchouli, and sandalwood surrounding her. Nesta always relished in the scent of his cologne. No matter how stressed she was in the moment. His scent always seemed to ease her. It’s why she bought him more bottles than any man could ever need. Tightly he held her running towards a coffee shop with a large canopy above the front door. He settled her on the dry ground underneath it. Carefully pulling the silver high heel. Nesta whimpered as he did so. Her ankle had already started to swell. With a featherlight touch, he pressed into her bruising skin, feeling the tender spot. Her face twisted in agony as she turned her face away. Cassian undid his silken tie the color of her dress, wrapping her sprained ankle within it. It was the best he could for now. Gingerly he kissed the fabric. He sighed in defeat, running a thumb from the tip of the cheekbone to her mouth, sweeping over the bottom lip. Wiping away the wetness as he pressed his lips against her soft and welcoming ones. Chilled by the cold rainfall. He didn’t care, he only pushed his warm mouth further into hers as if the kiss alone would be a blanket of warmth. Her fingers laid on his slick grey button-down pulling Cassian down to her. He laughed against her.
“We should get that ankle taken care of before we finish this,” he commented smiling down at her. Soon as the smile came it had faded into nothingness. Cassian knew this was a risk to push the subject., “Nes, I know you said, you wanted to go home. The hotel is right around the corner. It’s closer.”
She sat there studying him, pushing away towards the wall behind her, “Cas..” she warned.
“I can mend it faster,” he rushed out, rubbing the back of his neck with not one, but both hands. Cassian stared at the floor, his eyes darting along the sidewalk. Like he was trying to think of a plan and quickly. She hardly has seen him this worked up a few times. This wasn’t her normal Cassian, “Give you a foot rub minus the ankle, hot food, the champagne you like is chilling and waiting,” pressing his lip in a thin line, working his jaw back and forth, “but if you want to go home-
“Why are you pushing this so hard? By now, you would have given up and called an uber home. It’s just dinner.”
“It’s not. It wasn’t supposed to be,” he muttered out so lowly she barely heard him over the rain beating on the canopy above and thunder roaring through the skies.
“Hey,” she took his hand in hers, a thumb tracing along his palm, “what are you not telling me?”
They never kept secrets from each other. Her heart matched the thunder above as panic seeped into her bones. Cassian stayed by her side, silent as a shadow yet sickly and pale like a ghost. His hand fumbling in the pocket. Nesta couldn’t tell if he was shaking from wet clothes or nerves, “Babe? You’re worrying me.” Nesta tried to rattle her mind thinking of what he could be hiding. They shared everything. A home, their dogs, phone plans, and bank counts. Even Cassian’s clothes and Nesta’s face care. Practically married in every way, but marriage itself. Her eyes went wide at the sudden realization.
“Cassian?” his name off her lips came out in more of a sob, as her mind truly grasped what she came to the conclusion of.
Cassian looked at her. Gods even with her hair soaked and a mess. Strands sticking out here and there. Her makeup running, gown twisted around her legs and most likely ruined. She still took his breath away. He hadn’t even realized his hand found itself back in his pocket fiddling with the small box. His heart hammered in his chest, beating wildly like a bat in a cage trying to break free. His palms were sweating and he swore he was going to vomit on the slick pavement. Before this night was ruined he had everything planned, even a speech. Right now all those words he had memorized about how long he loved her. How she saw him for him and not the goofy guy everyone else did. how she walked into his life stubborn as hell like a boulder crashing through walls he had around his heart. Just as he knew he was the fire to melt the ice around hers. And other romantic shit he just couldn’t think of right now. Before he could stop himself the words came out, easier than he thought possible.
“Marry me.”
Only the sound of rainfall and thunder around them made any noise. Nesta couldn't breathe, her chest tightening while the question ran through her mind. Marry me. Yes, they loved each other, but she never thought in a million years he’d do this. Soon she had prepared he’d walk out of her life. They all do, even her mother had. Her father always prized her sisters. Her sisters never understood Nesta causing a rift between them. But Cassian, he wanted to stay. To take the next step. From the first day they met, he saw through her cold exterior. When her depression hit, he never shied away how others did. It was like he was made for her, her best friend, her soulmate. Even still, she couldn’t believe anyone would love her enough to marry her.
She blinked slowly, “You. You want to marry me?”
Cassian didn’t speak as he pulled the black box from his pocket. Almost as if he was in a daze, flicking the box open, showing her the ring. She gasped looking it shimmer under the soft glow of the sign in the window behind them reading now closed. The ring itself. She marveled at it. He truly got her. Nesta was no ordinary woman and no center diamond would suffice. He never once asked her what kind of ring she’d like. Nesta felt her body swell with emotion. That someone took their time and learned her from the inside out. Nesta stared at the ring in awe. By the dim light's glow, she could tell it was a rose gold band. Small diamonds lined each side of the center oval shape gem, alexandrite. It was a perfect blend of them. One could argue it was their favorite colors. But she knew the symbolism behind it. Ice and fire. A gemstone for the two of them.
His confidence in his expression waived but his words held firm as he repeated it, “Marry Me, “ His eyes met hers, Adam's apple bobbing in his throat as he swallowed thickly. A shaking hand takes her own, “Nesta Archeron I love you more than words can say. You’re my equal, my strength, my soulmate. Marry me.”
Nesta looked at the ring again then back up at Cassian, she could see the glossiness in his eyes. The fear and anticipation displayed prominently in those stunning marbled orbs of pine and amber. Funny cause she felt the sting of her own as her eyes brimmed with tears. Her lips trembled as a shudder ran through her veins.
“Please say something.”
Nesta braced the pain of ankle searing through her as she moved closer to him. Only in her wildest dreams did she think this day would occur. Yet here it was. Under a canopy in the middle of a thunderstorm. She rested her palms against the drenched freezing fabric of his clothes. Leaning up she brushed her lips against his. She poured her answer onto his soft, wet lips. Her hands clasping the sides of his face as she did so. Nesta pulled away. Sliding back a strand of his hair. She could feel the sting of tears pouring from eyes melding with the wetness already on her face. She didn’t care. The pain in her ankle, the tears down her face, her shivering body, none of it mattered. Inside she was alive with warmth and love or her boyfriend, or fiance for that matter. Whom she realized was still waiting for an answer. Nesta touched her forehead to his.
“Yes, I’ll marry you,” She heard the breath he’d been holding let go before she crashed his lips to hers. Nesta wrapped her arms around him kissing him soundly. Tasting the saltiness from the soft trickling of tears shared between the two. Cassian pulled the ring out from the box. Slipping the band on to her finger. She laughed against his lips, “You know. I think I’d like to go to that hotel now.”
A boyish smirk tugged at the corner of his lips, “oh?”
“I’d like to hurry up and celebrate with my fiance. He told me there’s champagne, and hot food, something about a foot massage.”
Cassian slipped her second heel off, placing the pair over her belly. Once again taking his future bride in his arms. Carrying her the same way he would in a soft flowy gown of pristine white, and not drenched in a emerald one.
 Check it out on ao3
Want a kissing drabble? Send me an ask
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dspre · 5 years
for your most recent ask meme, Rome, Ellix, & Milena? :)
Finally answering this after days spent dying of Sunny’s Game...
Rome aesthetic:
Storm and Fire and Time and Death
Purple and orange and red and black
Blood, shadows, candles, the dark
Ribbons, scarves, velvet, chill wind
Sunset, dusk, moonless nights, stars
Marbles, titanium, rubies, onyx
Charcoal, stone, smoke, ash
Nuts, apples, cinnamon, cider
Ellix aesthetic:
Tan and forest green and maroon and royal blue
Unread books, half-filled notebooks, letters from his family, fountain pens
Mismatched mugs, antique furniture, figurines, broken music boxes
Sand, water, soil, wood with faded and flaking paint
Morning, sunlight, cotton, warmth on cool days
Jasper, carnelian, jade, clay
Photographs, diaries, quilts, chandeliers
Apples, seeds, cinnamon, cider
Milena aesthetic:
Pale pink and black and white and red
Books, journals, lockets, secrets kept in desk drawers
Fairy lights, mirrors, fountain pens, dice
Lightning, fog, moonlight, frost
Pink roses, red roses, rose petals, gardens
Grass, wildflowers, dandelions, dew
Silver, diamonds, glitter, lace
Cherries, strawberries, champagne, cake
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fictionjay · 6 years
Beau and the Beast [1]
Summary: Bucky Barnes x Reader gender bent Beauty and Beast AU
Word Count: 2,170
Warnings: None
Author’s Note: I don’t own Marvel or the story of Beauty and the Beast only my original ideas :) Also GIF not mine, found via Google
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Prologue [x]
A soft light peeked through the curtains as Bucky stretched out on his bed hearing a few bones pop throughout his body. Groaning he pushed himself upright and looked to the window to see the sun beginning to come up over the hills. He huffed again before gathering the strength to leave the warmth of his bed and shuffle across the wooden floors to his desk. He picked up the small oil canister and gave it a few pumps between the joints of his mechanical arm. It creaked softly as he moved it letting the oil work around the metallic limb. He quickly pulled on some warmer clothing feeling the chill of the morning before slinking through the cottage. Bucky hadn’t smelled coffee, which meant Steve was still sleeping.
The smell of bread wafted through the morning air since his morning started a little later than usual due to the restless night’s sleep he experienced. Looking down on the village from their hilled farmland he could see smoke billowing from chimneys as the sun crept higher with each minute that passed. Setting off to work he began spreading feed for the chickens while Finn, the noisy Palomino, stamped and whinnied. “Good morning.” Bucky called out to the horse after patting him on the nose a few times before releasing him. Shooting off happily Finn went straight to work grazing on the dew laden grass.
Time flew quickly by as Bucky continued working eventually stripping himself of the long sleeved shirt he had put on as the day grew warmer. He was bent over in the garden pulling carrots and potatoes as he heard the door squeak open. “Buck?”
“Over here Steve!”
“Good, you’re still here.” His voice growing louder as he came closer. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to sleep so long. You should have gotten me up.”
“It’s alright, you know I like to keep busy. Besides you’re grumpy in the morning and that wouldn’t have made the work go any faster.”
“I am not grumpy.” Steve argued.
“Yeah, yeah whatever you say punk.” Bucky placed the last bunch of carrots into the basket and hauled them up as he stood. “Where do you want these?”
“You can leave them by the door I’ll take care of it.”
“Need anything else from town? I’ll leave in a few minutes.”
“I hope you’re going to shower first because you smell atrocious.” Steve plugged his nose to make his point clear as the two men walked back to the cottage passing Finn who was galloping around the hillside.
“If I don’t shower maybe everyone will leave me alone.” Bucky chuckled before leaving the basket on the porch.
“Unlikely but it’s worth a shot. You’re like shit to flies.”
“Shit huh,” he shook his head, “you go to town yourself then.”
“Can’t, I have to pack.” Steve smirked as his friend ruffled his hair before entering the cottage.
The town of Bolag was small. Everyone here knew each other, nothing was secret for long in the village as the people spread gossip like wildfire. Steve and Bucky were no exception to this even though they lived the furthest from the town right on the outskirts before it turned to forest. Their trips to town led them to hear whispers as they passed disguised with smiles. Neither of the men bothered with what they heard for they kept to themselves wanted to keep things civil. Towns were always more bigoted than the larger cities in which Steve and Bucky were more accustomed to but in their hardships they were seeking the simple farm life for a change.
The women of the town loved Bucky. He always felt eyes on him as he strolled through the streets. Steve on the other hand was less fortunate with his numerous medical conditions which left him scrawny and looking like a perpetual teenager despite being in his mid-twenties. Bucky was his exact opposite, the true definition of a man. Built strong and muscular, everything about him oozed masculinity, right down to his powerful thighs that looked as though they could crush a watermelon. He never paid any mind to the favor he was given as he wanted more than a simple housewife, which was the only quality possessed in the women of the village. Wanting something more he was certain no one would ever catch his eye.
Half an hour later Bucky was on the winding path through the hillside that led into the center of the village where people were bustling and children ran around their weary mothers while they tried to socialize with their friends. Waving and offering a smile he passed people inhaling deeply smelling the baked goods and fresh cut flowers perfuming the air. He continued further into town but soon heard footsteps clicking along the stone streets in a hurry, “Good morning Mr. Barnes!” Resisting the urge to groan he turned.
“Same to you Hela.” She stood wearing a dress darker than the deepest onyx, which had matched her hair that was neatly pinned around her pale, thin face.
“What luck brings you to town?”
“Just here to do some shopping.” He offered her a thin lipped smile.
“Great, I’ll join you!”
“Wel-,” Bucky let out a low hum, “I don’t. Sure, why not.” He hadn’t thought of an excuse quick enough and the last thing he wanted to do was come off as rude.
“How are things?” She goaded him into conversation after having walked for a moment in silence. “With the farm, and Steve?”
“Things are well, thank you. Steve is fine.” He looked down to her at the odd tone in her voice and saw her gazing at him through her thick black lashes.
“Good to hear. I’ve been working on this needlepoint that I am positive you’d love it. Would you care to see it?”
“Maybe another day Hela, I’ve got loads to do around the farm today. Steve’s going to Novi Grad and he needs some supplies before he can leave.” Bucky tensed feeling her arm slip into the gap his metal arm had left as they continued their stroll. He could sense the eyes on him as he looked to see a small group of men glaring in his direction from across the way before yanking his arm from her grasp.
“I do wish someday you will finally tell me the story of how you lost your arm.” She tried reaching out for him again but failed when Bucky subtly tucked his arm flush to his side.
“It’s not something I care to talk about.”
“Well my father loves recalling the wars he’s fought in. He was a great general in his day, you should really spend some time with him. I bet he would just love you. I know I do.”
“Yes, you’ve said so before.” His tone was clipped as they pushed forward finally reaching the center where vendors had carts full of goods to sell.
“Perhaps this evening you could join us for dinner.”
“No thank you.”
“You’ve already said you’ve nothing else to do as Steve won’t be home.” Hela pranced in front of Bucky causing him to stop before crashing into her. Luckily he was spared from answering for the moment as another woman called out Hela’s name grabbing her attention. Ducking away from her he made it to the baker’s cart seeing loaves of bread, rolls, pastries and even a few small cakes. His stomach growled lowly and it was then he realized he had not yet eaten today. Caving he bought a delicious looking strawberry Danish along with the two loaves of bread he had originally intended on. By the time he reached the butcher’s shop the pastry was devoured.
After making small talk with the butcher Bucky grabbed his parcels of meat and placed them in his bag. He also managed to get a good deal on barley and more feed for the chickens before he wandered around the market. Deciding there was nothing further he needed he made his way through the small crowds for the path back home. “There you are!” Hela was back once more. “I was looking for you.”
“Here I am.” His voice held no enthusiasm, “Marta was just telling me the most unusual thing happened between the old Mr. and Mrs. Vladislav last night. She was saying they were shouting and it sounded as though something was thrown and shattered but this morning she saw them hand-in-hand like nothing happened. Is that not wild?” Bucky continued walking his pace quickening. “You’re not much of a talker are you Mr. Barnes? Or maybe being in the presence of a beautiful woman makes you nervous.”
“I wouldn’t know Hela, good day.” His patience had run thin as she stood in his way once more. He skirted around her while the words he had spoken sunk in.
“Mr. Barnes! How dare you.” Her voice reached an unfathomable decibel causing everyone in the town to stop in their tracks. Bucky hadn’t until he felt a firm hold on his bicep pulling him to a halt. “I demand an apology.”
“I’m sorry you took offense to my statement.” He tried to pull away but she was clutching on to him tightly.
“I will accept only if you agree to dinner this evening.” A smile curled on her lips as she spoke.
“No, thank you.” Plucking away her fingers he freed himself, “if you’ll excuse me again.”
“I would advise you rethink your position in this village Mr. Barnes. As a friendly warning.”
“And with what do you mean to threaten me with?”
“Threaten you?” She chuckled deeply, “I’m merely suggesting that people talk and that much is rumored about the two men who live outside the village alone with no desire to courting the women in town.”
“Maybe none of the women in this town are worth courting.”
“Or maybe,” he flinched as she touched his chest, “you haven’t met the right woman.”
“It’s a small village Hela, I’m pretty sure I’ve met them all.”
“Maybe you should take another look.” Her hand trailed down his chest lightly. “Some of us can change.”
“No one can change that much.” He backed away her hand dropping gracelessly.
“I guess it would be a shame if the village were to boycott your homosexual produced goods that you sell. Do you know where that would leave you Mr. Barnes?” Her voice dripped with malice as her eyes narrowed on him. “You and your boyfriend would be homeless, penniless begging for scraps and no one here would show you sinners a smidge of mercy. Or you could marry me and live a wonderful life with children and have someone to worship you.”
“I will never marry you.” Bucky annunciated each word pointedly before finally turning away. His face was enflamed with rage and he needed to leave before he said some ungentlemanly things. He was still stomping when Steve saw him come into view as he loaded the last bit of items onto the wagon.
“What’s happened?”
“Nothing,” he barked, “sorry Stevie. It was nothing to concern yourself with.”
“I haven’t seen you this mad in a while, maybe I should I go on my trip another day.”
“Absolutely not you need your medicine. I had a run in with Hela and it was eventful to say the least.”
“She has it bad for you.” Steve grabbed the loaf of bread Bucky held out to him. “Not that I’ll ever know why.”
“She wants me to marry her.”
“Yikes.” He sucked in air through his teeth. “That’s unlucky.”
“This is serious she basically threatened me saying we’d starve if I didn’t.”
“Wow, well how about you lay low until I get back and then we’ll figure out a plan on what to do. I wouldn’t mind a change of scenery.”
“I just thought we had a good thing going here.”
“Hey don’t worry about it for now. Everything will be fine.” Steve patted Bucky’s back a few times before walking away to retrieve Finn.
“Have everything you need?” Bucky asked for the third time as Steve took his seat on the wagon.
“Yes Dad, it’s only a day’s travel. I’ll be fine, you worry too much.”
“I worry just the right amount actually, you don’t worry enough.”
“Worry means you only suffer twice Buck.” Steve smirked grabbing Finn’s reigns. “I’ll see you in two days.”
“It had better be only two days this time.”
“Yeah, yeah or you’ll ground me, I know.” They both laughed while Bucky shook his head.
“You’re damn right.” He smiled, “just be safe.”
“Always am.” Steve smiled back before giving the reigns a snap causing Finn to head towards the path for Novi Grad. Bucky watched his friend until he disappeared into the cover of the woods. Rubbing his face wishing he could have a nice pint of ale from the bar he went to the cottage and began working on his next project.
Keep reading... [2]
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hornedwyvern · 7 years
Dew Drops in March ❈ Part One.
A short fan fiction of Ancient Magus' Bride. I wanted to write Elias formally asking Chise to marry him. I plan to do a full fiction around this initial plot of Chise being older but for now -- sugary fluff. Please enjoy. 
Word Count: 2,489
You're always on my mind
You're always on my mind
And I never minded being on my own
Then something broke in me and I wanted to go home
To be where you are
But even closer to you, you seem so very far
And now I'm reaching out with every note I sing
And I hope it gets to you on some pacific wind
Wraps itself around you and whispers in your ear
Tells you that I miss you and I wish that you were here
- Florence and the Machine’s ‘Wishing you Were Here.’ 
"Is this the one?” The fair sales clerk questioned.
"This is it." Elias agreed, his voice confident. He held a brilliant old ring with a band woven endlessly, symbolizing the promise to be made. Upon it’s crown held a old but superb ruby that dazzled a color mimic of heirloom roses. The ring had seen many days and nights but it shined the brightest among all the other rings; calling him to it like a song in the night that was starless. It was the perfect trinket to ask the question of questions, Elias would finally ask Chise to take a path beside him he’d never imagine taking; To marry him.. Properly. 
Somber was the rainy day in the heart of London. The gods favored a dismal song as their tears fell into raindrops and soaking the sleeping bister earth. Its heights would phase in and out, some times allowing the sun to peek from it's safety of the clouds surrounding it; releasing spears of golden saffron light. Even with it's benevolent rays, the air was brisk to the touch, you had to wear a thick jacket to escape it's wintry grasp. When the sky was thick with dark, soulless clouds, a exhale of breath manifested into a alabaster smoke in front of you. No doubt it was the thralls of winter and had no intentions going any where any time soon.
A bustling station was the one to take into the heart of town. A commute most knew every day but a treat for Elias. He wasn’t the biggest fan of actually going into town but today was a special day, so special that he had to keep a secret from his pupil; Chise -- a bit older and really not his pupil any more, oddly she just tended to live with him and assist him with his home-bound shop. He could not produce a word to label what she currently was to him but if he had to describe it.. It was special. A very very intense feeling of special. His heart grew cold and desolate in the time she’d been away from him. He was more than elated to have her home and safe with him again. He was warm again.
“Is this the right stop?” Said a familiar voice, trailing behind Elias as he disembarked from the shaking train cart. Encircled them was the crowds of people going to and from where ever their destination was; the sound of their voice like a rush of water that one could not make out a singular word.
“It should be. If I remember things right.” Elias responded, he’d dawned his glamour to avoid the unnecessary attention. He stroked the long xathous fibers into place behind his ear.
Ruth; a loyal soul bound to Chise stood beside Elias, his stature reaching now to Elias’ shoulder and charcoal tinted hair falling into the tips of his collar bone. In the ten years he and Chise had been gone, he too had aged along with her. A resilient sternness still flecked in the color of his wine shaded eyes. He surveyed the flit train station intensely, smelling for any threats to be found. 
“Ah this way --” The tall gentlemen gestured the direction with his long cane. 
When Chise had turned 24 she started to experience a sense of wanderlust. For months her body grew tired of the confines around her. She and Ruth started to feel cramp, it was clear after about 3 months of oblivious remarks and actions; Elias was just too dense to notice it right away. When Chise finally had to be blunt it was very hard for him to swallow the fact his apprentice -- his very special apprentice was starting to out grow the country sides. It was time for the juvenile robin to take her first flight. She’d learned almost all she could from him, that was usually when students take off, right?
But was it he who was ready to let her go? She couldn’t remain here for ever. Chise had to live her life, she had to become who she was destined to be. If he made her stay she would surely come to resent him and .. likely leave him any way. Elias caved in and allowed Chise to go, as much as he hated it but this would make her happy and her happiness is his happiness. That’s what he told himself every night for months after she’d left. 
It felt like he lived through ten years of winter. 
It wasn’t all that bad, he would get a letter every few weeks of what she was doing. America, Canada, South Africa, Brazil -- She even went back to Japan for awhile as well. She’d gotten a job working with plants and making new forms of Medicine as well living in a Guild of Mages who were stationed in America. Her career took her to the far sides of the world; Chise was living passionately as Elias had wanted her to do. Each letter he got was always a new surprise and adventure that he lived vicariously through her. Her photographs were a collection on his study’s wall. A shrine to her and all she did, Elias was very proud of his student. 
After a few years the letter started to come less and less. She’d written in one she’d left the guild and pursued different interests. Well that was how she’d worded it but entailed of nothing of where she was going or doing. Soon after that he received no letters for almost a year, this made for some very agitated months and sleepless nights. Elias decided to write a letter to the Guild she’d been with, asking of her whereabouts, promptly getting a reply a day or so after. It came on the wings of a large moth made of paper.
‘Dear Sir Ainsworth
We appreciate your letter and concern, Chise was like family in the time she’d spent with is here. We all miss her very deeply and are too worrisome of where she may be.
I too have taken the liberty to seek Chise and where she might be. My attempts were proven fruitless and can only hope that she is safe and warm. I hope that you will be more fortunate in locating her and if you do, please write to us. We are all eager to hear of Chise’s en devours and hope she might return to us one day. 
Your faithful kin in magic,
Nikolai Van de Berg,’
Elias took a long pause after reading over the exceptional typed letter, Nikolai had used a old fashion type-writer. The ink still deep in it’s onyx color and smell, this letter had come all the way from America; it’s feeling alien to a English Gentlemen as himself. 
For some time, Elias grew quiet. What had become of Chise? The days worn long and the nights quiet. 
Cold, like any day in March it had begun with the fog blanketing the lush verdant fields. It was the perfect weather for their neighbors to rejoice in the refreshing morning light. Playful Water Aerials toyed with the dew. Sprinkling the Spring Flowers that had budded barely that sunrise; their wild, untamed color shimmering like diamonds against the rays of light beaming unto the rolling fields. As they danced through the new born zephyr, the neighbors exulted ancient songs welcoming the change of the seasons. 
The tranquil mage started his day like any other. Cleaned, dressed, fed and checking that any prescriptions or customer requests had been made and filled. Elias was thankful for Silky, she kept some of his most used spaces free from clutter and organized. Luckily they were all up to speed and only needed to dispense the stock when their customers arrived. Elias dutifully arranged the packets based on who he remembered showing up the earliest in the day. At least he could now focus on other duties. Maybe arrange some of his books, prune the garden? The greenhouse plants could use some water he thought.
The sun casted highest in the sky, drying the wild flowers of their dew. By now the Aerials had flown some where new, home likely? Elias doused the potted herbs with a old tin watering can. It was mundane of a mage so powerful as him but it was the little things that he took pleasure in now in these silent days. He’d finished through the cooking herbs when the can drew thin of any water. That was no good, Elias rolled up his sleeves. The spout was at the back of the house; once they met he pumped the lever to summon a stream of water. Fresh, robust water filling the can, shaking it’s metallic body. 
Silky turned the corner that Elias was near, she had a liveliness in her eyes that he had not seen in awhile. The mute house-spirit begged of Elias to join him in the house. 
“A visitor?” He questioned, the last of the water filling the can; droplets dripping into it. Something did feel amiss now he thought about it.
This was curious, if it was a customer she could have tended to the transaction herself. Maybe it was Simon or Angie, it would have to be someone of importance to get Silky this energetic. 
Elias walked through the Greenhouse, taking his cloak he’d left on the table and dawning it. The air of the house had changed dramatically, it’s scent that of pine and lavender, had Silky been baking something? But it was then the energy started to become surreal, he had not felt a efflux like this in years. It could only be one thing, Elias stepped faster, his heart resonating like a drum in a band. The walls of his home never felt so long, they seemed unending like the anxiety riddling his brain. Had she come home to him?
The first thing he saw was the cardinal red of her hair, next her tender foliated eyes that had turned to him with a kindness he remembered like it was yesterday. With teacup in hand, Chise sat on the love seat beside Ruth who laid with her in his true-born state. Both master and apprentice stared at each other for a second -- a second that felt like hours. Elias couldn’t help to let his mouth gape which only conjured a laugh that vibrated from Chise’s throat. 
“Hi Elias.” Her meek words said over her cup of tea. 
“Chise.” The flummox of a man choked. 
She’d grown up, his fledgling was no longer the small, quiet girl he’d won so many years ago. She was a woman with a ageless wonder echoing within her gaze, it was a beauty to behold because really Elias felt like he was staring back at someone new, someone he’d never know. Sheepishly he pressed his hand against his heart as Chise explain where she had been and done. This human feeling was foreign.
“I decided to go back home.. Well Japan that is. I was working in a book store--” 
She continued to tell her story with a calm pride as they both sipped on Earl Grey tea served in mint and pearl cups decorated with pastel sweet-peas. Her hair had grown long, draping her shoulders, her hands, fingers callous and skin freckled with new beauty marks; Elias silently investigated all of it. He had not seen her in five years, how strange humans can change their appearance so fast.
“It was very simple living there, working a day job and paying bills. I felt very normal for some time, as if my life as a mage never really happened.” Chise chuckled at the end, relaying over her thoughts. “But I read some old books in English my manager had gotten from a sale. He didn’t know how to read them so he let me have the collection. A lot of them were poetry and one day I read one about a man who looked like a beast. I couldn’t tell if it was based off a fairy-tale but it made me feel very melancholy. I wanted to run away right after that -- some thing in me awoke. Like a bear or a wolf, it pried to be released and run home.” Chise sighed a sigh. “So I did, I decided to come home.”
She looked at Elias with a sincere fixation. He sat there was a blank as a board, as if she was about to ask him of something; he prepared for the impact. 
“I think I wanted to come home to you. You and simplicity of the life here. For so long I feel I have been wandering aimlessly.” The sleigh beggy pulled at a piece of her red hair, admiring Ruth’s sleeping form beside her or just avoiding Elias’ fixed gaze on her. He was frozen in his seat, not saying a single thing but a question or two here or there. It made Chise quiet nervous to see him so silent. 
“I was hoping may I can stay here for awhile?” The question kicked Elias from his concentration; his deep set eyes jolting to their original crimson shade. He coughed with his balled fist over his long snout before speaking properly. 
“Of course, this will always be your home. You may stay as long as you like.” His gentle voice told her, leaning a bit forward in his chair. 
The serenity labeled on his canine face made Chise feel warm and accepted, he couldn’t change his expression but from so many years of being by his side she instantly knew; Elias was exuberant to have her home, he just was expressing it poorly at this time. A heart warming smile listed across her softened pale face. His hand was laid on the arm of his lounge, her fingers ghosted over the length of his large appendage, finally laying it on top of it. 
Quickly the mage took notice, slowly flipping it over so their fingers could weave together and clasp. His hands were like a new chapter in a book, Chise felt something grow anew, eager to flip the pages that was him and what new lessons he would teach her. It wasn’t the same when they were young and stood aside each other and Master and Apprentice. It was fresh, born and new. Her heart leapt underneath her chest. 
She had found her way home; back to him. 
Her eyes admired the living room as if she was remembering it’s contours once again. Salamanders spat fire at each other in the hearth, their reddish bodies crawling over the scorched logs, the lengths of fire like grass. Chise stared at that as well the books that littered the walls around them, her gaze back to Elias who still stared at her; their eyes met. 
“Welcome Home, Chise.” 
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sovereignxfae · 2 years
@astra-stellaris said;
[ He nuzzled at her throat with something other than simple affection -- he nipped, he bit, he sucked -- he teased across her throat with his mouth while his hands moved lower to her thighs.
He hummed lightly as he palmed them, spreading them to situate himself between her legs, his mouth moving to hers. Each kiss was deeper than the last, each kiss burned him from the inside out. It had been so long since he'd touched anyone like this --!
❝Onyx.❞ He spoke it softly. ❝Onyx.❞
His voice was a murmur against her lips, soft and sweet and needy, above all else. ❝I need you.❞ ]
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A hand is in his hair. Holding his hair in a loose ponytail as he presses into her. The other rests on his hips, digging into him every time his lips touch her skin.
She allowed him to move her. Let his desperation for her show in his clumsy hands and heated kisses. When he pulls away she drags him back in with a bite to his lip or a pressure at the back of his head.
"Pretty boy?" Onyx answers him. Teasing with adoration.
The half smile on her lips stretches and she coos. He said it. He didn't even need her prompting. "You need me? Need Mommy? Tell me. What do you need me for?"
She handles him into her lap. Legs spread so he can take what he needs from what she gave him. Nothing more.
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sovereignxfae · 1 year
@nvrcmplt asked —
『 [ 💛 ] how empathetic is your muse? how compassionate are they? is this something people expect from them, or are people surprised when they find out how compassionate or empathetic they actually are? //Zara + Onyx 』
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Onyx is not much of either. She sees everyone indifferently unless they reach some deep part of her pchye. She has a very ‘Why am I being given this information?’ way of thinking and automatically tries to see how events affect her. If they don't, she tends to detach herself quite easily.
Though she does have a soft spot for children and pre-teens but even they have to appeal to her need of mothering/being of service, and that only happens if the child reminds her of herself. One way or another.
As for if people expect it; I'd say they would. Given how Onyx holds herself and how bland her expressions are, people don't expect her to have much capacity to feel as a whole.
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On the contrary, Zara is very empathetic and compassionate. She wasn't like this in her childhood, though. Her powers that manifested needed her to have the ability to feel for someone else. It's easier to appeal to someone in turmoil, most times, with understanding their feelings. Making possession easier for her.
It is not something she is fond of, nor is it truly safe for her, but she had no say in it.
Many don't expect her to have much empathy or compassion in her line of work. Working for the devil is hard enough, being his right hand even more so.
So the few that find out are astounded to see that she hasn't gone mad yet.
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sovereignxfae · 2 years
@mushroombitchboy said;
“You and I both know that I was never going to listen to you.”
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Onyx huffs, "Yes. How foolish of me to want to keep you alive." Her elbow collides with someone's eye and she doesn't have the focus to grimace at the feeling.
The child is tucked underneath her arm, like a basket of goods, as she walks. Surprise attack while she took him out for training and a picnic. Seems as though she picked the wrong day.
"If I put you down can you please stay where I put you?"
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sovereignxfae · 2 years
@mushroombitchboy said;
He felt the unfamiliar material against his skin. Being a commoner, you can’t really expect to be in the castle, let alone the knight’s training field. Yet here Kai was, standing on the solid ground while guards spar around him.
“I thought you said I’d never be back here?”
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Onyx rolled her shoulders. Eying the guards around her, ensuring that they're doing what the grounds are to be used for. There's been run ins when they've been lazy and messed up the formation the royal gardeners made from an upcoming banquet.
When the young boi speaks her stare goes to him. He seems be taking it all well. Al beit a bit startled but who wouldn't be?
The full on stare turns into a side look as she turns her head, "I lied." Silence filled the space of her thinking and she held out her hand to him.
"Let me bandage your hands, we'll start with basic hand to hand training and move upwards."
She may be the leader of the knights but it doesn't mean she trains them. they usually focus on sword play, she knows some but not enough to teach. Then again she just understand the notion of a one tricked boar.
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sovereignxfae · 3 years
@astra-stellaris​ ‘❤️’ for a small n’ short starter with Onyx
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Misty eyes trailed after two flitting figures rounding a corner. She fought down a yawn as she made eye contact with her employer. Delphine nodded and passed a hand through her hair.
“Azha-san.” She pauses and tilts her head, “I don't know why I called you but say something to fill space will you?”
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sovereignxfae · 2 years
@regensia ​ said: 
“You don’t deserve to be treated like that.” ( Sabo to Onyx !! )
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Onyx turns to him. Eyes still too blurry and unfocused to really see him but her ears work fine. The numb feeling up their arm is still there even after she relocates her shoulder. 
Seems like they had someone strong on post today. 
“It pays. I can anticipate it and prepare.” She huffs and leans on her left hand for support, “Whether or not I deserve it...it’s still my job Sabo.”
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sovereignxfae · 3 years
Onyx Headcanon/species talk cause it hit me!
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It's a customary thing with ogres to bite their partner when they're in love. Quite normal that if it isn't done it's seen as though the marriage/relationship (platonic or romantic will go more on this in a bit) won't work out in the end.
So instead of wedding rings, unless the couple wants them as well, there are permanent bite marks around the ring finger.
This is harder to do when in an inter-species relationship for the teeth of the non-ogre, most of the time, doesn't leave a permanent mark on their ogre lover's skin. Much less even a light indent. 
So instead the partner of the ogre must have a mold of one of their canines used as a reference when making a gold (or any material wanted) ring for the ogre.
Unfortunately for Onyx she can’t participate in that part of her culture. Ever since she accepted to be the hitman for the king she was forced to build her poison immunity. It became so bad that her teeth are always coated in the substance making it impossible for her to trust that it won’t hurt the person she does it to.
Don’t ask where angst came from. Please, I dunno!!
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sovereignxfae · 2 years
MUSE ICON MEME (not really, not at all.)
Because I have zero(0) face claims for my muses I will use my writing skills to help us out with this one!
Tagged by; @distopea fank you miho <3
Taggin’; @astra-stellaris​ (i just wanna see your icons.they preedy) and anyone else? yeah, steal it. the door is unlocked :3
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when happy:
She doesn’t smile. You can just see her happiness in the ways she carries herself. Her shoulders aren’t tense, she doesn’t look like a rigid box. Her teeth aren’t grinding and her eyes look a little less steely. She is content!
when sad:
you don’t see her!i No but really, she usually self isolates when she’s feeling down. Though on the off chance she’s out and sad; she looks worried. Something caught between utterly pissed and stomach ache inducing pain. Her teeth are also always biting her lip. Right at the corner where her little scar is, sometimes she bites too hard and bleeds. 
seeing something/one they want:
Like she’s planning something and mostly because she is. She is going to get it. At least try and she’s going to try so hard. Usually stares at it until she can’t anymore then does a u-turn to go get it if she was walking away. Quiet stubbornness. 
seeing something/one they dislike hate:
I cross out dislike because if it’s only that; she doesn’t pay attention. If she doesn’t like someone they become invisible to her. However, someone she hates?  Absolutely off kilter. Hands in fists and she is huffing and puffing. Trying to tell herself knocking this person’s lights out are not worth it. It will make her very happy but she shouldn’t. Also you had to do something for her to hate you so I’m so very sorry.
when their berserk button is pressed: 
She’s smiling. Grinning. Teeth on display. Her eye is twitching and she is so still. Run, please!. 
Side note; Onyx has a very hard time processing and expressing emotions so even if I write this it won’t match with threads sometimes (pointedly my ones with ships for her). Love and her berserk button are connected sometimes because she feels it deeply and it feels out of her control. 
That’s how adrenaline feels for her so that’s how it’ll process. She she smiles big and broad when she’s in love because it gives her a feeling close to adrenaline and she wants to feel in control any way she can. She she falls into habits. 
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sovereignxfae · 2 years
The words ‘only for you’ have always scared me. All those who romanticise it confuse me. My brain -no matter how vast people say it is- hasn’t found a way to process the words positively.
How can not they feel the crushing weight of the expectation there?
How can they not know the expectations they’ve passed to be told that. Doesn’t the fear of not knowing if they can uphold it frighten them?
It frightens me.
I'm scared that they realize that I'm no good. That my flaws that they adore so much become burdens. All my good traits change into annoyances.
To place trust in someone that what they see today will only fuel their love for what comes tomorrow; It is something I cannot do.
My trust is only enough to fit in the petal of a flower. Even then, sometimes it overflows so instep I keep it in my palm when it isn't in use.
When my hands are needed I place it back into my ribcage. It will find it's home in the walls and stay there until I'm foolish enough to trust in three words.
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sovereignxfae · 2 years
@distopea​ said: 
i won’t do this unless you want it. (Onyx and Kaizen 👀)
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       From the ‘consent is sexy!’ ask game. [ACCEPTING/GIMME]
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She meets his eyes. Just a brief amount of eye contact before blue eyes go back to staring at his collar. Onyx feels warm. She refuses to look down any further. The mere thought of seeing her already dark skin darken any more is enough to have her thighs tensing.
This is strange. He's never asked. Never hinted at asking. Only ever did. There was never need for confirmation. A silent understanding between them. Of how they want the to be there for them.
Onyx supposes it isn't like that now. Both of them on different sides of a field, different coaches and teams. Maybe the agreement needs to be built back again.
So with that answer—a poor excuse of one— Onyx looks up at him again. Her lips are folding in. Her nose itches with the heat there and she half wonders if she'd sneeze.
A shaky breath was let go, “I.. want this. I wouldn't be in your lap if not.” She always had the habit of being blunt. Nervous or not.
“You know that—should know that.”
Blue flick quickly to his lips then back to his eyes. Onyx finds herself in his eyes. Hooded eyes though shiny and bite swollen lips.
“I look mind-fucked.” Onyx laughs, bowing her head quickly. “Kiss me?”
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