#❝ known for one or another this isn’t home so i shall leave — ❞ (mafia modern au)
sovereignxfae · 2 years
@distopea​ said; 
A light chuckle escaped his lips when he saw how they just frowned so hard trying to read the book that was opened onto his desk. “You’re trying to read the latin version. You can translate it with Terminator.” He said before he dragged the book closer to him, and closed it. They weren’t interested in astronomy, and he wasn’t there to give them a lesson either. That was a side of Astra they didn’t know, and perhaps one he would keep for himself. Yet, as he didn’t wish for them to feel pushed away, he decided to give them a proper explanation. “It’s the line on the Moon or a planet that divides the bright, sunlit part from the part in shadow. People who appreciate astronomy tend to like observing that phenomenon through a telescope.”
He observed them and wondered if it was making sense in their head. But then, he decided to shrug it off and extended his fingers. “Do you have the information I need from your father?” He inquired while he skirted the desk and sat down. He had requested K’in to find a few clients' names inside the Astoria’s files. Of course, it was only to gain precious information. “I’m sure you did a good job. I have total faith in your capacity, K’in.” He purred, but only to encourage them to betray their family a bit more.
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Their concentration on the foreign words were just to fill their mind as they waited for him. K'in allowing themself opportunity to be left alone with their thoughts always left them with unwanted thoughts. It’s worse when they’re around him, alarms ring when they’re in the same room but it makes no sense. Warnings flash and they ignore them wilfully-they hold no truth anyway. 
Why would he waste time rather than just do it now. Like everyone else. 
So instead they fill their mind with anything in reach. Even a language they have not even an inkling of knowledge of. They blink when the book is taken. Watching quick hands close it before rushing upwards to meet his face. Their left in shock, as they usually are, but try to cover it up by nodding to his words. 
“Ah, stars. You like them?” Should they get him a gift related to it? Would he need one? As a student to teacher gift, obviously.
At his subject change their head tilts. Their hands turn them around to where they left their bag. On one of the chairs in his office, he said to get comfortable earlier. 
With bag in hand and needed list, K’in settles again in front of the desk. They’ve never been more thankful that their father had no qualms with them working so closely within his office. It made compiling the list quite easy. The list wasn’t long but it was vital. Most of the names were recurring clients of their ‘family’. Underneath each name was what they’re order/needs etc were. 
They thought it would be important to add. Helpful. 
They were being helpful.
“Here! The list. I added some notes too.” They grin, proud to be able to give him what he expected and maybe more. Their nails tap against the desk as they slide over the paper.
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cinaminho · 5 years
Stray Mafia: They get jealous realizing they love their S/O
I'm pretty sure these were two different requests that I just combined, so...
╰ Group: Straykids ft. NCT
╰ Genre: Fluff
╰ Warnings: Poisoning, Swearing, mild violence
Request:Hii, I love your Stray kids mafia series and I was wondering if in the future you could do one where they get kinda jealous or something, too 💕
Plot - During a dinner party that celebrates the merging of StrayxNCT mafia held in your homes ballroom your Fiancee/Husband is all smiles as you look gorgeous and he is handsome, you find yourself surprisingly having a great time with them , they feel the same about you, as the night progresses they indulge in conversation with you enjoying every moment because their heart is doing happy flips, they realize they're no longer just tolerating you, you aren't just someone they live with, you're more than that and they love you, they're in love with you, that's exciting for them.. But what isn't is the attention you attract of others making a bitter knot form in their body at the sight. Approaching the gentlemen that has taken your attention away from him he uses the first method that comes to mind.
// Chan //
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Chan was quietly chatting over future weapon trades with Hyunjin outside the full room that held two now merged organizations plus other business partners that contributed to Different supplies for SKM, a tap on his shoulder from behind got his attention, It was Mark Lee, Taeyong's Right hand man in NCT's mafia.
"It seems that your wife to be is being kept cozy near the fire place by an unknown specimen, he isn't shy about skinship either, she doesn't seem too comfortable with it may I add."
Hearing those words whispered lowly in his ear from one of his new colleagues made his eye twitch. You were finally treating him like the husband he was soon to be as he'd always treated you like his future wife, nobody was going to take that away. Chan looked over his shoulder at the young male, a scowl evident.
"I'll handle it."
Chan exused himself away from his conversation with Hyunjin and Mark, confidently strolling into the ballroom, eyes peeled looking for you, he spotted you half way across the room. His eyes held a murderous glare as he seen the man carress your hand before gently kissing it, but his glare was not towards you as he trudged over to you both, catching your attention first.
"Chan hey..." You words faded as you studied Chan's cold expression. Before you coulf ask what was wrong, Chan's foot collided with the man's chest that sat beside you and out of the chair the man went, Chan gripped the back his neck tighlty so you could evidently see his pale knuckles.
You could hear the man slightly heave and gag as Chan whispered in his ear, he knew you were able to hear as he spoke ,though, you smiled at his words.
"Did you see that woman you were shamelessly flirting with, hm?" He seethed as the man nodded his head the best he could while in Chan's grip.
"That is my wife, not yours or anyone else's, I love her and you shall not blind her from seeing that, now for the sake of your life I suggest you exit the premises before I throw you into the fire place."
Chan snatched his hand away giving the male a chance to get up a scurry off watching him closely before looking to you with a soft smile as if nothing had just happened.
"You look beautiful, Angel."
You smiled gracefully "Thank you, hubby."
// Woojin //
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As Woojin and Johnny talked in the billard room the doors bursted open as Changbin appeared, Woojin knew something was up since Changbin never interrupted anyone. Woojin put his pool stick down before approaching his fellow member.
"Any trouble?" Woojin already knew the answer but still asked.
"There is a group of drug cartel shippers from your fathers old team surrounding your fiancee out in the garden, I warned them to take off but they insisted on not leaving, I figured you'd rather do the real damage rather than me." Changbin spoke vaguely.
"I fired them and they still have the ordasity to show the likes of themselves around my base, my home?" Woojin laughed amused at just how clueless and bold these men were, they were older than Woojin but no where near as cunning or dangerous .
Woojin quickly headed to the Garden with Changbin and Johhny behind noticing the old creeps blocking his S/O from leaving.
"And just how the hell did you think you'd trespass on my property, harass my Financee without consequences?" Woojin growled causing all eyes to face him including yours.
"Step aside and let Y/n walk through and if I even so much as think you touched them I promise there is a sniper waiting to shoot your eyes to the back of head." Woojin's words were calmly said but still you all knew they held power.
Each man looked at one another contemplating their next move, it should've been a no brainer.
"Y/n, you can move, they won't hurt a splint of hair on your head, I promise you that sweetheart." Woojin held out his hand to you, the smile on his face was so hypnotizing. You took your chance and ran into his embrace as he held you tightly.
Woojin held you close as you snuggled your face into his shoulder, you could feel the vibrations of his voice when he spoke.
"You shouldn't have even thought about it, when I told you to release them you should have done it right then without hesitation. Now I won't hesitate to do what I have to."
In that moment you felt so much love from Woojin and he couldn't hide it you already knew it that moment. You loved him and he loved you by how he spoke. You relaxed under his touch. Your relaxation dispersed as you quickly were brought to the ground by Woojin, he was sheilding you and you soon knew why, shots of a Machine gun were heard making your body instantly react with your voice in toe screaming while protecting your ears from the sound. Woojin seemed unphased, you knew what'd just happened.
// Changbin //
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He couldn't believe he'd walked into the party with Doyoung by his side chatting instantly noticing a male Trapping you between a wall and his arms as you moved your face to avoid anymore unnecessary contact with him Changbin's lip twitched as his eyes mirrored the scene.
"Are you alright Bin?" Doyoung spoke.
Changbin's vision focused on you and the male as he knew you were trying to be polite in the uncomfortable situation.
"Walk over here with me, business is needed to be handled." Was all he mumbled as the two walked over to the scene.
Your arms were forced to your sides as the male gripped your wrist to prevent you from stopping his advances but the tables quickly turned because before he could process it, his face collided with the cool marble wall, his right arm was being held behind his back raising higher painfully, he was sure his shoulder would pop out of place anytime.
You stepped to the side seeing Doyoung grab your harasser, Changbin soon appeared beside you kissing your temple which startled you at first.
"Are you okay?"
All you could do was nod as he carrassed your cheek gazing at you , something had definitely flipped in him emotionally wise.
"Gather some of these other's and take him to the warehouse near thr port." Changbin ordered clearly speaking to Doyoung but didn't Dare break eye contact with you.
// Minho //
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Noticing a man spike your drink from afar was something Minho wouldn't imagine happening tonight especially when everyone knew just how many dangerous members of SKM and NCT were here. He'd been watching you both the whole time seeing how you handled the man's attention. He didn't like just sitting there but he wanted to see how loyal you were, he wanted to walk over to that bar and break a glass bottle before slashing the male who dared come on to his Fiancee throat. Seeing him spike your drink gave him the motive to do so. Minho snapped his fingers and Yuta quickly appeared at his side.
"Trouble in paradise I sense?" Yuta chuckled sarcastically as he knew exactly where Minho's glare landed.
"I've got someone treading dangerously on sacred grounds." minho sighed ashamed that he would now have to make a scene.
"No worries my friend, I seen the events just moments ago with my own eyes, I decided to step in they both became distracted by my presence so I switched their drinks, it was purely an extacy pill. Buddy is in for a surprise himself little does he know." Yuta proclaimed.
Minho glanced at him knowingly , as Yuta was known as A silent killer who specialized in poisoned weapons and much more in his mafia.
"Just sit back and watch." Yuta added as they both turned to the scene, You took a sip of your drink gulping it down slowly, your bar friend did the same only after a minute and a half he was gasping for air and clutching his throat.
// Hyunjin //
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The unfortunate event also happened at the bar except a man came butting into yours and his conversation, rookie mistake number one. Hyunjin was very forgiving at time and even gave his enemies chances to correct their actions so the guy the approached you would be no different. Seeing that the man had only intrest in chattering with you and not necessarily saying things that were polite to Hyunjin's or your ears he knew you were all but okay with this mans comments towards you.
Hyunjin's creased eye smile vanished as he had finally had enough of pretending this guy didn't get on his nerves, it was time to do something. He gently kissed your cheek while looking at the man.
"Honey, do me a favor and go find Jaehyun along with Han ,send them my way, after that go find somewhere comfortable to sit then I'll come and find you." He whispered in your ear lightly before kissing it. You looked at him Thanking him with your eyes as he simply nodded before letting you go.
Once you disappeared in the crowed Hyunjin whipped out his pistol holding it to the man's groin, leaning foward to the man who now was stiff as a board. Hyunjin smirked.
"It appears you think with the wrong parts of your body." His glare was sinister as he pressed the gun farther into the mans reserved area. "I could blow your nuts off right here and now, but I'll allow you to simply to enjoy your drink I've ordered for you."
"I'm not drinking anything." The man retorted, Hyunjin was amused. The clicking of his safety being released off the gun was heard, the male's eyes grew 100x bigger.
"Do as I say or suffer the agonizing pain of me blowing your nuts off."
Hyunjin was fine with either choice but watching the man drink down the slow tranquilizer was better. "Good, you may go now." He smiled. Soon Han and Jaehyun appeared.
"May we help you, Brother?" Han asked.
Hyunjin looked at them. "Follow him around, soon you'll have to disposal him." Hyunjin grinned at the man but there was still a hint of maniac in his eye.
"Enjoy your last few minutes breathing that drink is slowly eating at your insides, at least you'll go quickly."
// Jisung //
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You guys were in the middle of the dance floor dancing to slow classical music enjoying each other's warmth and sents. You guys were having a great time until the music switched indicating it was time to get new partners, Jisung quickly pecked your lips before you letting you go, you guys watched each other as you graced the arms of strangers, as more people glided across the floor you lost sight of each other.
The man who's arm's were around your waist reaked of alcohol. You tried not to inhale the mess but it was strong, his breath hit your forehead as you didn't look anywhere but at your moving feet wishing the music would switch already. The man let out an uncomfortable hum as he pressed his body to yours caressing your back, you pressed against him you acting against his actions but he was stronger.
"Don't fight against it just enjoy it baby." The male chuckled darkly. You gasped before kneeing him in the balls, the guy clutched his precious area as he fell to his knees soon a fist collided with his face that wasn't yours. You looked to see it was Jisung and he didn't look happy.
"Jisung did you-" he quickly nodded before taking your hand in his and leading you away without a word. Without him even having to say anything The new combined mafia charged towards the man that caused the altercation, you heard pained moans and yelps. You wanted to look back so badly.
"Don't look back." Jisung ordered as if he had read your mind.
// Felix //
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It was honestly hilarious for him to watch this unknowing individual try his luck with you, he laughed as you shut him down everytime, but, now boundaries were being crossed when the man forcefully dragged you by your forearm towards the balcony since you refused his invitation the first four times. Jeno was next to him also watching the scene.
"Should we move now?" He asked but Felix simply shook his head, "wait til he they're closer." His low voice spoke. His eyes were cut on you and his prey.
Soon you were being dragged towards the balcony with much refuse using all your force you let out a pained cry, Felix's ears practically perked up at the sound.
"Move now." Was all he said.
Soon he and Jeno were hot on your trails Jeno stepped in front of you both as Felix stood behind you. While he was distracted you snatched your arm away from the weirdo's grasp. From over your shoulder Felix seem the print of his naild where they were dug into your arm, the sight made him bite the inside of his cheek. Jeno slammed the Male's back into the near by wall preventing much of his breathing by blocking his airway with an arm.
Felix Cleared his throat catching your attention but you didn't speak as you knew he was angry, though, it wasn't at you, you were going to let him handle his business. Felix walked towards Jeno and the male he held beneath his arm.
"What do you want me to do now?" Jeno questioned. Felix looked the disgusting human up and down smuggly before shrugging.
"Do as you please with him , mate, just make sure he doesn't bother my flower again."
Jeno took that as an invitation, he threw the man towards the open balcony soon following, he looked at the both of you Bowing before closing the balcony door so no one could hear the events that would take place.
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haipain · 6 years
Hihihi!!! Joining the celebration✨ "We can't do this" kisses with Haiba Lev, in a Mafia AU? I'm a sucker for Mafia!Lev. Reader is a detective investigating his gang but they're falling in love and oh, no! Thanks so much, and congrats✨♥️
hihi! i hope this is okay, this was so much fun to write (i rewrote this 3 times bless) 💕
i’m just going to include a trigger warning: hints at violence? just in case anyone is sensitive to things like that!
also kmn its only been 3 weeks but my writing skills have become rusty af HAHA whyyyy
“Well, if it isn’t my favourite detective!”
The voice comes from behind you, one that was definitely recognisable — the way it flowed so smoothly, low and knee-buckling. There was no doubt, it was him.
Haiba Lev. 
Almost instantly, you freeze, joints locking up and goosebumps spreading across your skin as you spin around, making sure to arrange your features into one of annoyance.
“Snooping around again?” He grins, a childish air of delight surrounding him as your noses touche. A wave of nervousness hits you as your heart begins to thump wildly, and an involuntary reaction follows, causing Lev’s grin to turn into a full-blown smile.
Everything about him was pushing your boundaries — his job, his demeanour, just… everything. Was there ever a person that managed to rile you up in every way possible? If there wasn’t, now there was, and he was standing in front of you.
“I’m off duty right now,” you reply as nonchalantly as possible, turning your head to face the busy road. Lev chuckles, poking his index finger into your cheek.
“Off duty… Hm, so why are you near my home? It’s pretty boring in this district, there isn’t really a reason for you to be around here… unless-” he stops, wrapping his arm around your waist, pulling you so close, to the point where you could smell the very faint smell of shampoo lingering on his skin.
“You came here to see me?” He teases, letting you go and taking a step back.
“I don’t recall this district being owned by you, it’s my free will to walk where I want to,” you snort, pushing yourself off the wall. Except, what he said was true. It left a bitter taste in your mouth to admit it to yourself, but you were actually hoping to catch a glimpse of him.
“Relax, I was just kidding,” strong fingers wrap around your wrist, and you are pulled back with force — right into his arms. “Since you’re off duty, that means you’re not a detective now, so,” he mumbles, dropping his voice into a whisper breath tickling your neck. “Shall we go on a date?”
“No,” you respond swiftly, reaching a hand up to your neck and rubbing it to rid it of the ticklish feeling. “I’m still a law enforcer, you’re a mafia leader, we don’t mix outside of my wo-”
Lev tilts his head in mild frustration, brows knitted closely together, mouth pushed into a pout. “So? Like I said, right now you aren’t a detective, so why not?”
“Then, I can ask you the same thing,” you breathe a sigh of annoyance. This boy was not good for your heart, and honestly, right now, apart from his appearance and height, he definitely didn’t fit the mould of the leader of a gang. A kindergarten teacher maybe, but not a mafia leader. It felt as though you were chastising a child. “Why do you want to go on a date with me?”
“Because I like you.” Woah, no hesitance there — you had an inkling on how he felt about you, and figured that he probably knows about your feelings as well. Yet to hear it straight out of his mouth, despite the number of times he had said it… it still catches you off guard every time.
“Well, that’s a no, and I’ve got to get going, enough of playing games here.” With a rush of words, you quickly slip out of his embrace and left before he could make any more retorts.
That was close… I almost agreed.
Ever since you met Lev, you crafted a ritual that had grown on you, one that you stuck to religiously.
Walking to the room near the end, you push open the door and stare at the wall filled with pictures. 
Specifically, they were various pictures of Lev stuck to your wall, each marked with a red marker, the date and activity taking place. By now, you had known that there was an issue with what you were doing. Yet, you found it really hard to stop — and so this ritual had now gone on for months on end, with each greeting piercing your heart, increasing the guilt that made itself home in you.
“I’m home, Lev.”
Initially, you had convinced yourself that this was solely due to your investigations on him, it was nothing weird — in fact, you argued that it was necessary, because it was part of your job. There was nothing weird about taking pictures of his group and trying to connect the dots together, to figure out the business his gang was taking part in, so that you could get the crucial evidence necessary to throw him in jail.
But it slowly became clear that there was an issue. Bit by bit, the entire wall was filled with pictures of him, even when he’s not doing anything suspicious, even when all he was doing, was simply taking a walk around the neighbourhood. Bit by bit, the notes you penned down were beginning to be a little more intimate and frankly, part of you were horrified at how you were alright with doing this, but the other half of you simply felt pure bliss. And bit by bit, you find yourself roaming around areas he frequented. This wasn’t right, and you were aware. Yet, being aware didn’t automatically translate into jumping headfirst into fixing the problem. How could you, when you had actually enjoyed doing this?
“What should I do?” you murmur to no one in particular, brushing your finger against the most recent picture, the one taken during your previous encounter with him. His smile is teasing, and nose slightly scrunched up in an attempt to imitate your frowning face.
Taboo, would be the word to describe the relationship. It didn’t feel right to keep tugging back and forth, without ever settling the burning pit of emotions within the two of you — a closure felt in place. This had gone on for far too long, it was simply far too unhealthy for both you and him.
“I like you, I really do.” Sliding your eyes shut, you leaned your forehead against the wall, the cold jolting you a little. “Ironic, isn’t it? We both like one another, yet we can’t be together… Dating you is not even in the question…” you pluck one picture off the wall, hugging it to your chest as you flopped onto your back. “So I guess I’ll just have to be satisfied with the pictures in this room, don’t I?”
This is for the best, you repeated in your mind, all while feeling the cool metal of your phone in your hands feel as though they were about to melt off your skin. Slight hesitation takes hold of you as you scrolled through your contacts, fingers pausing at one contact. Then, with a determined push, you press on it, watching as the call connected.
“Good evening sir, I… have a request. Its regarding the investigation on Haiba Lev.”
“Oh! If it isn’t pipsqueak!” Lev pipes up, the usual charming grin plastered all over his face. “What a coincidence! Or is it really? Who knows, maybe you’ve actually come to meet me-”
“Actually, I did,” you shrugged, as if it meant nothing to you, when in actuality, your stomach were in knots and hands clammy from nerves and being in the cold for the past hour.
“Ah!” His face lights up as he speaks, eyes glinting with mischief. “You’re here to confess your love for me, aren’t you?”
“Spot on, Haiba.”
Now the roles have reversed; he freezes, a small blush rising to his cheeks. If you two had any other roles than the one you held currently, this would’ve been a very heart-warming scene. Except it wasn’t, and confessing your love for him wasn’t all you had in mind.
In all fairness, you were never the calmest detective around. In fact, it’s the exact opposite, you were rash, hot-headed, though you suppose that came with its own benefits. So, with a quick pull, and the tip of your toes, you pull him into a kiss, the warmth of his lips spreading across your own, making your toes tingle comfortably. Your brows were drawn close together, heart pulsating wildly in your chest and jaw clenched tight as frustration crashes down on you, because the sheer helplessness you felt was nauseating.
Right now, it was probable that Lev knew what was up. While childish, he was impossibly perceptive at times, and now was just one such instance. His gaze had revealed his thoughts. Time seemed to stand still, with the only things moving being your chests and the little puffs of white clouds formed by heavy breathing.
Lev was the first to speak.
“Wow,” he huffs. And then, taking a look at your face, he continues, a frown similar to yours now on his face, his voice taking on a colder tone — one you had heard him use during business deals. A shiver runs through your body as you took care to tread as carefully as possible. “There’s something else you want to say, isn’t it?”
“I think you’ve known this for some time now, but yes, I do like you.”
Silence fills the air as he waits for you to resume, watching as you squeezed your eyes shut, clenching your fists, as though it was causing you pain to do this.
“But we can’t be together, we were never meant to be, I’m a detective and you’re the leader of the mafia — the difference is too stark, we are on opposite sides-”
“So you’re scared, is that what you’re telling me?”
“… It’s against my morals.”
“Morals? A load of bullshit.”
“I’m sorry, but it’s just impossible. I’m here to tell you this because I thought it’d be good to get proper closure, since we won’t be seeing each other anymore as I’m not longer investigating you.”
He runs his hand through his hair, a chuckle escaping his lips. Love was an abstract concept, one that he never really grasped, but looking down at you now, his primal instinct was to grab you and lock you up so that you could never leave him. Lovers you two were not, yet he felt so possessive of you. The more you couldn’t belong to him, the more he wants you — no one else except him should have you, you are his. This was such a stupid reason for you to leave him. Morals or not, right or wrong, he doesn’t care. What matters to him is that he obtains you, your heart, your body, your everything.
Pain spreads through your scalp as he tugs roughly on your hair, pressing yet another kiss on your lips, but this time round, it was rougher and harder. As he watches the saliva trail joining both of your lips together, he flashes a crafty smirk.
���Did you really think I’d just accept this?”
Oh no. Fear strikes you, and it’s all of a sudden that you realise — he’s a mafia leader. Of course this wouldn’t go swimmingly. How naive were you to think that’d happen? All this time, you were focused on your roles and feelings, spending time horsing around… it made you drop your guard and fail to take into account just how he actually was as a person. The childish persona? While very much true, that wasn’t all to him. Haiba Lev didn’t rise up to be a leader of a gang at the tender age of 19 just because he was sweet and kind and funny. No, there was just a single thing about him that differed. Because, what Haiba Lev wants, Haiba Lev gets. The method doesn’t matter — the goal does. And so, he’d do anything to attain what he wants, even if it means…
“How silly of you. But don’t worry your pretty little head, since you said we can’t be together in this life,” he hums happily, brushing a thumb against your trembling blue lips, watching as terror began to seep into your eyes. “I have a solution.”
“We can be together in death, isn’t that perfect?”
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kpopxhoe · 7 years
// warning(s); violence, cursing//
- “Get the fuck up” a deep voice said while kicking my leg. I woke up and hissed in pain. I lifted my head only to see darkness. I also felt my hands and legs tied up. What the hell? Then memories from the encounter with he man made my body shiver. “So you’re the new little girl the boss picked out. I see why he did” the man giggled slightly. “Why did he-?” I cried out feeling his nails digging into the open wound on my arm. “Speak when I tell you too. Remember, your obedience will make things much easier. I’m sure you were informed about that” I bit my lip to stop sobs from leaving my mouth.
I heard a door slam open and another pair of footsteps. “Jungkook, quit being a little shit and messing with her. You know Jimin isn’t going to be happy” the man, Jungkook, groaned clearly not wanting to leave. “Oh come on Suga. I don’t have anything else to do. Jimin isn’t letting-” he was cut off to the man replying. “That’s your fault. You fucked up that job. All you had to do kid was kill that man but you didn’t. Looks like you still have lots to learn, kid. Now leave”
Jimin. Is he the one who took me? What kinda jobs do they have?
I flinched when a hand touched my face then ripped the blind fold off. I blinked my eyes a few times before looking at the man in front of me. He had black hair and if resting bitch face was person it would definitely be him. He went behind me and untied me. I carefully rubbed my wrists while examining the new wounds covering them. “You probably have a lot of questions” the man said while leaning against the wall" I nodded my head and avoided his gaze.
His heavy footsteps made me snap my head towards him as he was suddenly in front of me. “Hasn’t your mother taught you that keeping eye contact is important?” You can’t lie and say you weren’t scared when you were. You looked away from his harsh gaze and his fingers grabbed a handful of your hair and pulled it back. “So are you going to be bad girl? You look so innocent and cute. I wouldn’t want to ruin that. So be a good fucking girl and do what we say” he said while roughly throwing me to the ground.
He looked at me once before leaving and slamming the door behind him. I groaned and curled into a ball in the corner of the room. Why didn’t I ask Youngjae or BamBam to walk me home? Why didn’t I just ignore those noises? Why didn’t I pay attention when I was walking? I shook my head and felt tears began to build up in my eyes. I miss my mom and dad. I miss my 7 dorky friends. I sighed while holding myself tighter.
A few moments later the door slammed opened yet again. Do they always find is necessary to slam the door? I turned around and saw a new man. He threw clothes at me and other accessories. “Put this on. You got 15 minutes” with that he left. I crawled to the clothes on the ground. It was a matching white lace bra and pantie set, a black turtle neck bodycon dress, and black heels. This dress was so short. Do these perves even care that I’m only 18?
I got up and picked up the undergarments. As I was beginning to take my shirt off the door opened. I quickly pulled my shirt back down. “You said I had 15 minutes!” I squeaked. Two rough hands pushed your arms away from your body and you were suddenly pushed against the wall. You eyes were closed shut. “I’m not a patient man” you slowly opened your eyes and saw the same guy who took you but now with his hair a different color. “You asshole! You did this. Let me go!” You started struggling against his grip until his hand grasped your wrists and applied pressure.
“I let you off easy the last time, baby girl. I’m sure you haven’t forgotten that yet. This time though,” he chuckled. “I won’t play so nice”.. “You should apologize for being rude” his hands squeezed my wrists harder to get my attention and I squealed and shut my eyes again. He slowly let go of my wrist and went to sit on the bed. "We definitely need to toughen you up considering you'll be here quite awhile. You're easily scared and you cry so much. I can't let you go knowing anyone is able to hurt you so fast" he looked down. You trembled at the thought of staying with him alone any longer. "My friend, Taehyung. He will handle you. Come on" he gently grabbed your hand before taking you out of the room. You walked down a long staircase before seeing the two guys who you encountered before. You got shivers and hid behind Jimin. "Jimin, can you introduce us to her already? You're keeping her such a big secret" Jimin glared at Jungkook. "Jungkook go and pick up the orders from Hyunwoo" he quickly left the room. You continued to walk down a hallway and saw a door that was made of steel and had a security lock on it. Jimin place his finger on the scanner and it opened. "Tae" Jimin called out. You both walked down the stairs in the dark room. "Turn on the light. What are you doing in the dark?" Suddenly the lights turned on and you gasped. There were all kinds of weapons and packages around the room. You also noticed the large boxes containing money. "I need you to train her. Make her tough. She's weak. You have three days" Jimin looked at you once more before leaving the room. You kept your gaze towards the ground. "So you're the girl, he's been so annoying" you looked up at him. "He said you're just what he's looking for. He may seem all mean but in reality he's mochi" he giggled. "Why are suga and jungkook rude?" He turned to you "Suga is always a grumpy because we're always waking him up from his sleep. I know that doesn't justify his actions but it's just how he is. Jungkook is all pissy because he's in trouble. He's usually not like that. I'll slap him when I get the chance" he motioned for you to follow him and you sat on the chair. "What is all of this? Suga mentioned Jungkook didn't kill a man and he's not going on jobs" Taehyung leaned again a box "We're all apart of a Mafia. Jimin is the leader. Jungkook is a known hit man who always gets the job done and but for some reason didn't" your eyes widened. "Mafia? What?" He smiled. "I knew I would like you. You're too cute" he touched your nose. "You're obvious to who Jimin was and you disrespected him. That probably explains why he was rude to you as well. He hates when people talk back and curse. He demands respect. He doesn't seem as mad now considering how innocent you are" Taehyung went in front of you and stood you up. "I promise I'll answer more questions you have later but I have 3 days to fix you up. Let's get starts shall we?" You gulped knowing it was going to be a long day.
A/n: that’s chapter 2! I know it’s kinda long. The last chapter was so short. Again thank you so so so so so much for all the support! I hope you continue to read and stay with me. Things in the next chapter will heat up, trust me. Your thoughts on the chapter?
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thefatnoona · 7 years
Monster Woo: 261 (pt. 3/5)
Woo looked at the young woman whose eyes were now fluttering slightly. She had collapsed not long after they had left Coffee Unlimited. Luckily, he had managed to hold on to her before she hit the ground, after which he carried her back to the cafe. “Hey, are you okay?” he asked softly, examining her face without its black framed glasses. He had removed it after laying her down on the elongated wooden seats and using his lap to cushion her head.
Feeling sturdy thighs under her head, she groaned and opened her eyes slowly, noticing the two pairs of eyes that were boring down on her, one of which was staring intensely at her from above her head. “Wh-what happened to me?” she wondered aloud, trying to get her head off from his lap.
“You passed out.” He helped her to sit up and lean back. “Here, drink some water. You look pale.”
She was grateful for his large hand supporting her neck, even more grateful for the glass of clear liquid being handed to her. Gulping down the entire glass, she inhaled deeply and took in her surroundings slowly. She was back at the cafe, with the young, dimpled barista standing before them, his face evident with worry. The shop was still relatively empty save for Bus Uncle and her. “Miss, are you okay?” the barista asked in halting English.
“Yes..I think so. Thank you…” her voice trailed off. “I’m terribly sorry about this…”
“Hey don’t worry about it,” Woo assured her. “Taehyun closed the shop temporarily. How are you feeling now, Reading Girl?”
“Taehyun?“ she frowned, then realised who that was when she noticed the glaring name-tag on the dimpled barista’s shirt. “I…I think I’m okay,” she replied, massaging her temples gingerly. “I…I have to get groceries…” She tried to stand up but a large hand pressed upon her shoulder gently.
“You’re not in any state to shop,” Woo said firmly. “Shall I bring you to the hospital? You probably need a check-up.” He motioned at Taehyun with his head and eyes, sending the latter to disappear for a few minutes.
“I don’t need to go to the hospital,” she protested. “I’m fine. I think I’m just dehydrated. I guess I just need to drink more water.”
“Are you sure?” he said with disbelief. “You looked like you couldn’t breathe. It looked pretty bad.”
“Y-yeah, I think I’m just dehydrated,” she replied, trying to sound nonchalant. “And maybe ‘cause I haven’t had anything to eat yet, so…you know…”
He was still unconvinced. “All the more you need to get yourself checked, right? Who knows? Maybe you have low blood pressure,” Woo told her, mouthing 고마워 to Taehyun who just returned with a brown paper bag. “Don’t be stubborn, Reading Girl. You really should let me take you to the hospital.”
“No 아저씨, I’m really fine,” she responded stubbornly. “I’ll just go home and get some rest. I feel fine, really.“ She crossed her arms. The colour had returned to her face.
He stared at her, marvelling at her obstinance, before relenting half-heartedly. He insisted on seeing her home himself. Waving goodbye to Taehyun, they left the cafe for the second time that late morning, him with a hand securely at her back. She seemed too preoccupied to mind that she was being supported by a man whom she barely knew. His other hand gripped the mysterious brown bag from earlier.
The walk back home was quick since the apartment building where she was living at was just across the street from the cafe. They were mostly silent, save for the occasional directional query from him and her reply in the form of a grunt. Once they reached her door, she turned and faced him. “버스 아저씨, thank you for sending me home for the second time,” she said politely with a slight bow. “I’m very sorry to trouble you again.” She stood rooted to the spot and looked at her hands, feeling warm in her cheeks.
“It’s my pleasure, Reading Girl,” he replied softly. “Here, make sure you eat this and get some rest.” He pushed the paper bag towards her. “Just some breakfast. Don’t want you to faint again,” he chuckled. “Joking okay? Don’t bite my head off, Reading Girl.”
She pressed her lips tightly, trying to stifle a smile. “You can call me ____.”
He gazed at her in wonder. “You do have a name!”
“Of course I do, 아저씨. Or would you rather I call you Woo 씨?” she said, glancing at him before shifting her focus down to the floor, eyeing his shiny, black boots.
“Call me anything you like,” he replied kindly. “Woo 오빠 is fine as well.”
She stared at him then, unflinching. He cleared his throat and looked above her head. “Well, you better go in,” he said grudgingly, after what seemed like a forever silence when in actuality, it had only been a few seconds. “By the way,” he passed her his handphone. “…give me your number. So I can check if you’ve been eating or not.” He cleared his throat again.
She fixed her eyes on him for the second time, before saving her number wordlessly and handing his phone back to him. He focused on the number for a few seconds, as if to commit it to memory, when his expression suddenly softened, making him seem more tender than his outward persona. “Okay great,“ he said, shifting his gaze on her. He kept his phone in his pocket then extended a hand. “Now give me your phone.”
“What? Why?” Her eyebrows shot up instantly.
“So you can call me anytime,” he replied nonchalantly, helping himself to the phone that she was clutching in her hand. “Oh great, your phone isn’t locked,” he quipped, before punching in his contact details swiftly. “There ya go.” He returned the gadget to her.
She peered at the newly-saved contact. “Monster Woo?” she sniggered. “Is that really your name?”
“I’ll tell you the next time we meet,” he winked devilishly, before turning round and walking away without looking, a hand up in the air.
Life went on as usual.
On weekdays, she was accustomed to leaving the apartment in the early mornings to get to school and then travelling back home again in the evenings. On weekends, she mostly stayed at home, catching up on sleep or working on her thesis if she felt industrious enough. Occasionally, only and only if she was up to it and wanted a change, she would pop by Coffee Unlimited with a good book and her headphones. Being immersed in reading and some music for an hour or so provided her with some respite from the weekly grind.
This blissful routine went on uninterrupted for about a month, during which she did not see nor hear from that mafia-looking 버스 아저씨. She had wondered once or twice with regards to his absence when other drivers began taking the evening shift on bus 261. A week, followed by another week and then yet another week of his no-shows. Why did a gruffy bus driver matter to her anyway? It was none of her business that he did not appear during the evening shift. Maybe he already switched to a different shift or bus. Maybe he changed jobs. It did not really matter to her since they were practically strangers. She also dismissed the thought of texting him a message because she could not find a good enough reason to do so.
Deep down, perhaps she had been hoping for that one chance to meet him again, even if it was just during her daily commute home, so that she could find another anchor point to boost her sense of familiarity in a foreign land.
Trudging side by side to the bus stop after yet another sunset class one Friday evening, her friend and fellow classmate Soojin suddenly quipped, “____, do you want to go have 치맥 with me? 배고파…hungry hungry!” Soojin proceeded to make a cute face.
“Ah…I don’t really drink. I hate the smell of alcohol. I wouldn’t mind the chicken though,” she told Soojin. “Where are you thinking of going?”
“Hongdae?“ Soojin suggested.
“Hmmm….wouldn’t it be super crowded? It’s *불금,” she expressed her concern.
*NOTE: 불금 (bulgeum = Burning/Fire Friday) comes from 불 (bul = burning/fire) and 금요일 (geum yo il = Friday).
“괜찮아! Let’s go 빨리 빨리!” Soojin exclaimed.
Forty minutes later, they were both seated in a chicken restaurant that was known to be popular with young adults, due to the affordable and generous chicken sets. Soojin had wanted to order two bottles of beer but after receiving a vehement ‘no’, decided to cut down to a single bottle instead. “Ahhh, 이 맥주 진짜 맛있게!” Soojin exclaimed a little too happily before downing her glass in one shot. “____, you’re really missing out! You shouldn’t be drinking Coke on a Friday night!”
“Oh no, no thanks. I hate alcohol. Besides, who’s going to send you home if both of us are drunk?” she hypothesized. She circled her glass gratefully, making patterns with the condensation, before reaching out for a chicken wing.
“Ahh, nevermind 괜찮아! I don’t get drunk so easily on beer. Now, it’s a different thing with soju,“ Soojin winked, before attacking a drumlet. “Maybe I should order a bottle of soju! 저기요!” And before she could be stopped, Soojin already had the server bring a dark green glass bottle of the clear spirit.
She discovered Soojin to be unstoppable that night. In a little under two hours, her friend managed to clear an assortment of five bottles of beer and soju all by herself, with plenty of fried chicken inbetween. With Soojin almost passing out from the amount of alcohol in her system, she decided to call it a night for her friend, much to Soojin’s chagrin. After settling the bill with some interruptions from Soojin, she somehow managed to get through a short phone conversation in Korean with Soojin’s sister, who came by promptly in a taxi to fetch the already-passed out younger woman home. Soojin’s sister offered her a ride home along the way but she declined it politely with the excuse of wanting to check out the Hongdae night scene.
Relieved that she had managed to settle her friend peacefully, she proceeded to walk around, painfully conscious of how everyone else was either in a big group or with a significant other. Eyeing various buskers and dancers at various spots, she made her way to a little elevated clearing where she could get a better view of a particular dance performance that was currently gathering much interest from passers-by.
There were a few dancers who were probably part of the same crew, judging from their all-black entire and the red bandanna that each of them was wearing in his/her own style. Two female dancers had just about ended their duo routine to thundering applause and shouts of approval. Right then, a particularly tall and buff male dancer with a bandanna covering the lower half of his face, stepped up to his turn, not missing the beat of the music. The minute he started twisting and turning his body at jutting angles and intervals, the crowd went wild. As the music picked up the pace, the onlookers went even wilder, clapping their hands passionately and giving wolf whistles with enthusiasm. Still, the dancer’s energy did not waver; on the contrary he moved even faster, grooving about in a seemingly-irregular fashion yet exuding graceful intensity with every tiny jerk of his limbs.
The set ended once the music stopped, with the crowd applauding thunderously and cheering to deafened ears, after which a wannabe emcee gained control of the mic while some of the dancers broke away, either to take a smoke break or just for some air. Deciding that she had had enough excitement for one night, she started to make her way down the clearing, tightening the straps of her backpack and trying to avoid bumping into the crowd. “Ooffph!” she grunted when her head knocked into a hardened chest. “Ah 죄송합니다!” she exclaimed, rubbing her forehead gingerly, looking up into a face with a red bandanna over his mouth.
“Hey you,” his eyes squinted at her while his voice muffled through the bandanna. “What are you doing here?”
Her movement halted by accident, she gaped upon hearing him speak, what more being acknowledged. All of a sudden, he grabbed her hand and pulled her with him, leading her swiftly away from the loud music and throngs of people still out and about. She was too stunned to resist and before she could break free, they came upon a rather quiet alley a few minutes away, where most of the shops were already closed and only a handful of people were strolling about, most of them young couples. It was then that she found the strength to yank her hand away, feeling the real danger of sexual assault for the very first time.
“Whoa whoa, it’s me!” Woo pulled the offending bandanna off his face. “Look, I’m sorry, ____. I was just surprised to see you here.”
“아저씨…” she managed before bursting into tears.
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yukine-envy · 7 years
I am still here, with you.
@eapoesuggestions here you go you absolute insane mun!)) You were known to be hiding in your study. After a few nights ago finding out about your daughter suffering, or what doctors say is suffering, from multiple personality disorder. You felt a slap that night as well but you were able to find a new and brighter hope to it. That was just a few days ago, the room was built to block out noise as you decided to write a book to give her not only the most fear but also a reward. You started to use every torture she had in her journals and it was hell for you to even read. Half way through brain storming you heard a knock at the door as you sighed and answered it, the only way for sound was the door. "Dad, I want to let you know I'm going out." Yuki said as she smiled. You were about to want to know where but you saw a few basket with names going to the Mafia and ADA. The relief as you just nodded and went back to work with a smile. After maybe thirty minutes you passed out as Karl went and slept on top of you. Not an unusual thing since he cuddled you when Ranpo and Yosano couldn't. That's when you were living a nightmare, you saw what could only be described as horror as your heart almost dropped. Every journal you read showed in the nightmare. You were forced to watch your daughter suffer from it as she went from her nails having a toothpick going under them to the nails being ripped off. You couldn't even stomach it as when you woke up it was a jolt as Karl fell. He instantly forgave you but you cuddled him; that's when you remembered the nightmare and went to call her. The phone rang for maybe two seconds, it picked up as you felt a calm smile onto your skin. "Dad? I'm about to give Kouyou a basket of cookies what is it? It's the last one." She said to you. "Just stay with her okay? I don't want you to leave there! I promise I'll explain when I get there!" Karl jumped on your shoulder as you ran to her, you weren't used to the sun so your pale complexion showed. You were already sweating since you wore more then you needed to in the sun. When you got there your heart stopped in fear. Where was Kouyou? Where was Yuki?!!! You started to run all throughout the Mafia not caring who was going to see you but you only found Kouyou as she was in a panic as well. "KOUYOU WHERE IS Y-" you were caught off as she said in fear. "YUKI VANISHED SHE COULDN'T HAVE GOTTEN FAR SHE WAS RIGHT NEXT TO ME I SWEAR!" You didn't know if you should be angry or sad as you just wanted to find her. Both running up and down until you get a text from her. She's at home as you ran home yelling at Kouyou where she is. People were confused but didn't stop you as when you got home she wasn't but the entire house was suddenly a mess. Some sort of fight was here as Yuki couldn't even move the couch with her hand still giving phantom pain. Every room was destroyed and your study was destroyed; but something scared you, something that wasn't on your desk, her journals were gone. Not on the floor, gone. Kouyou screamed in horror to see what looked to be a dead raccoon in the fridge with coordinates on where Yuki is at. If that was it Kouyou wouldn't have screamed, but the fact there was a photo of her not only tied up but already with bruises and bleeding. "KOUYOU SHE IS ANEMIC SHE WILL DIE IF SHE ISN'T TREATED!" You and Kouyou started to call everyone as they were going to the coordinates. When you found it, the view was terrifying; it looked like one straight out of a horror movie but it was massive. Everyone agreed going alone as you were looking, you went down until you found a secret room. You heard a faint scream but you didn't want to give yourself away alerting the others. Still you didn't want to run back up and lose the only chance to get your daughter. You found the way to open the door swinging it open only to see what your nightmare had. A man with a mask reading her first journal, quite sloppy writing but, he was ordering to now slowly and tap in a toothpick into her last toenail that he wanted. She wasn't taking it well and she didn't know what they wanted as she wanted to just know why they were doing this. "LET HER GO!" You yelled, Karl started to growl ready to attack but they suddenly grabbed Karl by the neck and kicked you down from behind restraining you as Karl screamed. They weren't going to show any fear and you could only see masks. Karl squirming to get free when one of them went in front of you and cut Karl's throats then threw him to the floor to die. He made such horrible noises as you even heard your daughter scream to heal him. You felt tears in your eyes as you wanted to stop the bleeding you wanted to help your son! You somehow couldn't as you cried begging to safe Karl's life. They didn't listen as they walked back to Yuki; that's when laughter could be heard as they took the gag off as she said her shoulder twitching. "I can't wait to watch you all burn!" You knew this was bad, someone else was now here you never knew. You wanted to get help as Karl went from begging for life to a dead body showing fear. You had to watch your son die and you felt instant and painful regret. That's when you heard a voice covered in heavy tuning, "This is only the first of the two Edgar Allen Poe, your crimes will be justified. The lives you ended in your greed, shall be taken out not only the pet but your own daughter." Your eyes widened in fear as your heart practically stopped. Your own daughter, one of the scariest but loving people in the family about to die for your mistakes. "We will be fine Poe, just, take care of them for us alright?" She said as you screamed in fear as you were crying. "YUKI YOU CANNOT DO THIS PLEASE LET ME TAKE YOU PLACE!" You were screaming but she shaked her head when you saw a man grab the second journal as he smiled. He grabbed a hammer and nail as you knew what was going to happen. Her joints were going to be hammered down. She was going to be paralyzed if she does survive. "Bring it on you piece of shit, you can't win." She said as there was a chuckle heard under the mask. Suddenly with one swing the sharp end of the nail was already digging into her first joint on her index finger. She screamed in pain but refused to give in as she didn't even pull away. He kept going until the nail was hammered into the table. Blood was flowing heavily as you heard her breathing going slowly and shallow. Someone went to make it so she would t die by injecting many things into the blood stream. You couldn't even think as you just heard blood curdling screams and the sounds of a hammer hitting the head of a nail repeatedly, and sometimes the sound of a table moving. You were released since they realized you weren't Yosano as you still tried to stop them only to see her shoulders to knees were horrible injured. How she was even alive no one knew but she smiled to see you. "Dad, please, run." She said in sadness as she wanted to get everyone else safe, even in a dangerous situation she thought of someone else. You wanted to make them stop but two men pulled you back as they forced you to watch. They slowly started to pull her nails off as she gasped for air due to the pain. Tears were falling down her face but she didn't go and ask for it to stop she went and started to laugh. It felt like years had past and your throats was dying from screaming so much. It was only minutes as your body wanted to rest. "Edgar, sight or taste?" The leader you assumed asked, this was horrible they gave you the choice of blinding or cutting off the tongue. This was the last thing she could handle; you said quietly unable to accept it. "Blinding..." you felt pain as they smiled making you watch closely as they slit the eye open on both before jamming their finger inside to pull it out. Yuki was trying to squirm screaming again in pain as she couldn't take this; she didn't deserve this. After they removed both eyes they moved a blade that looked like scissors as they smiled cutting the stomach and throats before leaving suddenly. Everything where it was. You tried to stop the bleeding but all you could understand was, "I..... love...... y..." it was like another language when suddenly she said that stopped your heart. "Can... i b-be,... in y-you're.... book...?" You nodded instantly refusing the idea you were going to lose another child. You were trying to keep her talking but she smiled at you as Yosano found where you were crying still trying to stop the bleeding of a dead mutilated daughter on the table crying. She screamed in horror as then she saw Karl, her voice got louder only for the others to run and see what there was. You were begging for her to come back; this was crushing everyone. It was even destroying Kouyou, how could such a terrifying woman lose her? The way back with Karl and Yuki now dead and carried home to get ready for a funeral. You went into a small book you found in her bed, all it said to you was just one thing that made you feel to much pain. You opened it to see the only words in it, "Thou Shall Not Suffer til I am dead on June 7." Today was June 7th. She was able to tell her own death. While the funeral was being planned you spent more time writing a new story as one day when you were done. It was the day of the funeral and after the funeral everyone had put everything up for sale as you opened the book. Your ability was used as everyone went into the story even you. To a new world, where Karl and Yuki is, until you solved it by accident. You couldn't go back inside as they did. You cried inside to know you're alone when you passed out alone, now with no one there. Until Ranpo admitted the answer as everyone else came out only to see you sleeping where Yuki did with a pillow how Karl slept. Your heels were off. And you only dreamed of that nightmare, and before you wake up you only saw a blind daughter hugging you and a cut Karl laying on your lap. Her body completely bloody and full of nails as she smiled not even talking anymore. You jolted awake as you cried again. "Poe it isn't your fault..." Yosano tried to explain as you shook your head. "Yosano, I could've set Karl with you and he would've been fine, and if I just, just, kept Yuki home. She wouldn't be dead!" You yelled as Yosano cried. "I miss them also." You only nodded as you fell asleep, to just see them again, the nightmare now a dream. One you can only cry in because you can never hear their voices again.
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shatteredskies042 · 6 years
NaNo Day 11
“What do you mean, Ally?” Michael asked, holding the sword and inspecting the weapon. It had no weight, and fit his hand perfectly, forged exactly for him, it seemed.
“This isn’t really the place for this kind of conversation,” she said, before looking at the tomb she had been in front of earlier. “It’s good to see you again, old friend,” she said with a small smile, before she looked at Michael and walked to him. “Let’s go, shall we?” she asked, before she closed her eyes and another swirling portal opened next to them.
Michael did not question her, or it, and stepped through the rift. He had another battle with nausea in the pitch darkness, before he came out the other side. The room was familiar, the place she had taken him after their meeting in London.
“Welcome home, Michael,” the blonde said, walking past him with a smile. The room was fairly large and bright, wood floors and stone brick walls. Michael looked around, this half of the room seemed to be a lounge of some sort, with couches and chairs and tables scattered around, a number of them arrayed around a large brick fireplace. Light spilled in from large windows, casting large bright pools onto the immaculate flooring. The room was bisected by a hallway, and two sets of stairs led up to another level.
Allyson walked away from him and walked to a kitchen at the other end of the room. “Here, take a seat,” she told him, waving to a bar on the outside of the open kitchen. Michael followed her advice and strode to the combined kitchen and dining area, impressed with the setup and the massive table that could seat a battalion. The countertops were a bright quartz, with intricate natural patterns swirling through them. Michael sat on one of the stools, plush red seats absorbing his weight as he inspected the kitchen. Amazingly, modern appliances covered the space, bright stainless steel around another sizable island. If this was to be his new home, he was already impressed. He was a pretty good cook, he liked to think, so he could put the space and facilities here to good use. There was tons of natural light seeping into the room from both windows and a double set of french-style doors.
“Quite a setup,” Michael noted as he watched Allyson gracefully walk around the kitchen. He set his pistol on the countertop, followed by the sword. In the light, he could see some of the more finer details of the latter, from the grooves that ran down the body of the blade, to the almost pearl shaped pommel and counterweight. He knew little about swords, and never had used one in his life, but he felt an attachment to the strange weapon.
“I know you’ve got a lot of questions,” Ally said, graceful fingers manipulating a high end coffee maker. “This place can be your home, if you want. I would suggest it, it’s much safer living here than it is anywhere else,” she promised, pulling away from the machine to lean her elbows on the counter in front of him, looking up at Michael. “But you want to know what you’ve gotten into,” she stated with a grin tugging at the edge of her lips, having read his mind.
“Everything you’ve told me is very confusing,” he admitted, finally coming off the adrenaline rush of battle and feeling his energy decline. He leaned on the counter like she did, watching the blonde as the coffeemaker bubbled.
“I agree, it is,” she nodded. “Michael, you’re now part of a world you never knew existed. How much fiction do you read?” she wondered, “specifically, fantasy?”
“Not much,” he revealed, “don’t have a lot of time and I was never too interested in it,” Michael said.
Ally nodded, shifting her head as she thought about how to explain his new reality, “those tall tales you’ve heard, stories to scare kids, most of them are true,” she told him, pulling away and walking to the coffeemaker. “Witches, vampires, werewolves, zombies to an extent,” she listed as she listened to it bubble and steam, filling the carafe with dark liquid.
“Angels,” Michael added, looking at her, and drawing a look from over her shoulder.
“Technically, I’m a fallen angel,” Allyson clarified, “but yes, angels and demons exist too. As does Heaven and Hell. A whole other world exists within yours, very well hidden,” she promised.
Michael contemplated, absorbing the information as he watched her. It was almost too absurd to believe, but he had to think about what had just happened: he had explored an unmarked ancient tomb, locked by a magical door, and been transported to some place by a fallen angel. “How does it stay hidden?” he asked.
“We’ve gotten very good at hiding,” she promised with a smile as she acquired coffee mugs from a cabinet. “If you passed me on the street like this, would you have known I was an angel?” she asked, raising an eyebrow. “The vast majority look just like you, me, Joe and Jill Public. They hide their abilities and other traits when in plain sight, or they disappear.”
“Step out of line and get whacked,” he summarized. “Sounds like the mafia.”
“We’re better organized and managing than the mafia ever was,” she smiled proudly. “We’ve always been here, and all you’ve heard is preposterous legends and stories. The people who claim they’ve seen something supernatural are largely regarded as crazies, am I wrong?” she asked, pouring two mugs. She added cream and sugar to one, copious amounts, and in the other scoops of white chocolate. Michael furrowed his brow, how did she know how he liked his coffee?
“Then what’s my role?” he asked as she walked to him, and presented him with a steaming brown cup. “And how the hell do you know how I like my coffee?”
“Intuition,” she grinned at him as she boosted herself onto the island in the center of the kitchen and sat. “As for your role, you don’t quite have one yet. But by picking that sword up, you’ve entered it, and there’s no turning back. I suspect you’ll do the same thing you’ve been doing,” she said as she blew on her cup, cooling the liquid before taking a sip. “Stop the malcontents, keep bad things from happening, just like you’ve done before.”
Again, Michael furrowed his brows at her, but before he could ask, she cut him off. “The Archivist is a mutual acquaintance. I asked for your record and information after what happened in Canada,” she told him. She took another sip of her coffee, closing her eyes as she looked at him. “Your whole time in service has been impressive, not a single black mark. But it told me very little about who you really were. That I have to hear from the source,” she told him, watching the soldier closely.
Michael chuckled darkly at himself as she told him he had no stains on his record, maybe not there, but on his soul. “I’m a fighter, and I do the things I do because nobody else can do them. Because it’s the right thing to do,” he shook his head, not believing the hypocrisy spilling past his lips. He wasn’t noble, he’d killed the innocent. Feeling another wave of disgust wash over him, Michael stood up and walked away from the bar. “Where’s a bathroom?” he asked quickly.
“Down the hall, to the right,” she responded quickly, a concerned look crossing smooth features as he bolted out of sight. Ally followed, but only met a closed door. She pressed against the wall, listening through the door. The sounds seeping through the door were horrid, like he was throwing up. A concerned look came over her features, before she heard a cry and an impact, with the sound of glass breaking. She pulled back and returned to the kitchen, not wanting him to know that she was eavesdropping.
Michael returned a few minutes later, holding his hand and barely hiding his pain. “Sorry,” he said quietly, defeated. “If you’re looking for a hero, I’m not your guy,” he told her.
“Michael, part of my abilities as an angel is having enhanced senses,” she told him as he returned, watching him. “I smell the blood,” she promised, walking from the island and around the bar to him. She slowly took his hands, opening them and seeing his right hand cut and bleeding. “Why did you do that?” she asked, looking into his eyes with a soft expression, trying to convey warmth and caring to him. She started healing him again, a simple task with the simplicity of his wounds. However, her healing was only physical, she couldn’t repair whatever damaged lurked beneath his skin.
“Allyson, I’m not some hero. Maybe I was, but between London and now, things have changed,” he stated quietly, ashamed.
The blonde looked into his eyes, hating what she saw there: defeat, disgust, loathing, but not for her or anyone else, only for himself. “Michael, if you weren’t a good person, you could never have opened the door to Avalon. Or taken the sword,” she told him, “you might have made mistakes, but it doesn’t change who you are,” the blonde promised as she held to his hand. She had finished healing him, but she suspected he needed more than just his wounds to be closed. Physical touch was something she could use for that, something that she suspected he lacked.
“I’ve got innocent blood on my hands, and that’s not exactly the thing you can wash off with soap and water,” he told her pointedly.
“You’re not the only one,” Ally told him quietly, it was very easy to call her a monster if one knew even a fraction of the things she had done. “But I can tell something about you, I saw it in London and I see it now,” she told him, “you’re not one to run from the good fight. If somebody needs your help, you can’t deny it, it’s not who you are.” Her voice took a tougher turn, as she had to make sure he understood what she was to say next: “you can either accept and learn to live with your demons, or you can let them eat you up. You can leave and go wherever, and wait for death to come for you, or you can stand and fight and make a difference.”
Like clockwork, he opened his eyes and looked at her, “why, Ally? You don’t have a stake in me,” he told her, not knowing the truth.
“I don’t,” she lied, “but you’ve got work to do, and I need to get you ready for the threats that you’re going to face.”
Michael looked at her, still wonder in his eyes as a conflict raged in his mind. There was a silence, until he nodded, accepting her terms and her offer.
Allyson smiled widely and pulled away, “come on, I’ll show you around,” she told him, waving for him to follow her up the stairs. “This is actually the third level,” the blond told him, walking through the halls, until they reached a bank of doors. “Here,” she said, opening one of the further doors into a dark room. Michael stepped inside, finding a bedroom. A layer of dust covered everything, like it had sat empty for quite some time. “I’ll clean it up,” she promised, looking at him. “Do you have clothes or something stashed somewhere?”
Michael nodded as he walked through the small room, it was fairly simple: a queen-sized bed, nightstands and dressers, a fair sized closet and a desk. A secondary door led to a bathroom, again, a functional but stark affair. The soldier peeled back the curtains and glanced out the window, at the land outside. Part of the view was obstructed by the structure, but he had a breathtaking view of emerald forests and snow capped mountains.
“Where even are we?” he asked her, turning from the window to face the blonde leaning on the doorframe.
“Welcome to Goddess Island,” she smiled, “this place was officially known as the Goddess Island Institute for Huntsmen, but they’ve long been moved out of this place. As for where it is truly, it’s a good question,” she admitted. “I found this place in the sixties, there’s a small town close by, but this placed is protected by some kind of magic. It hides it from direct attack and sight, that’s the theory anyway, nobody has come after me to test it.”
“If I’m going to be living and working here,” he said, “how do I get my car here?”
The blonde shrugged, “I can make a portal large enough to jump a car through, but it takes a lot out of me,” she explained. “How important is this car?” she asked.
He responded with a deep breath, “it’s one of the last things I have to remember my father by,” he said simply.
Ally nodded, “I can make arrangements, then,” she promised, “what about clothes and the necessary things you need to live?” she asked.
“I’ve got some in my car, and some more in a storage unit.”
“Alright, let’s get your car first, then later we’ll get the things from storage,” she offered, to Michael’s nod. “Then I’ll give you more of a tour of this place. The Institute is large, but I only really use some of it,” she admitted.
Michael took off the vest and body armor he had been carrying and laid them on the dusty bed. “I last parked in DC,” he told her, “at Dulles airport.”
“I can make that work,” she promised with a smile, waving him out of the room as she conjured another portal. Again, Michael stepped through and dealt with the uncomfortable ride as he appeared in a dark house.  
Word Count: 21931
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sovereignxfae · 2 years
@cantuscorvi said;
‘ straighten your posture. ’ ( stolen from your meme tag, for K'in ! )
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They regret this. So much. Their hair is sticking to their forehead and back. Leaving their skin itchy and them irritated.
It makes no sense that they're this worn out and all that. he's been doing is picking at their posture for the past hour. A minute slouch and he's clearing his throat, they can feel his stare at the back of their head.
They shudder and straighten. Shoulders roll as they get comfortable in the foreign position. Giving the man a side eye, pencil tapping on the page of their sketch book.
"Okay! Mr. Cardboard don't you have papers to be reading? Reading glasses to be looking for? What does me and my bad posture have that irritates you?"
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sovereignxfae · 2 years
@nezumivc103221​​ said: 
"tell me what you want." //give all the details Kio <3
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            From the ‘consent is sexy!’ ask game. [ACCEPTING/GIMME]
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Kio peered up at Nezumi from his spot on the floor. Suddenly feeling shy at the attention; just being brought out of his fantasy as he undoes the buckles of Nezumi’s heels. His palm squeezes around the singer’s heel that rests on his thigh. Kio blinks away the glaze in his eyes as mouths at the calf that’s almost entirely wrapped around his neck. 
“What gave it away? The bruises on your leg or how long I’m taking on your shoes?”
The hitman jokes. It’s an excuse to ignore the heat at his nape. He’s not sure if he can say it all, it’s quite a list. Then again, when isn’t it? There’s so much he wants to do with the performer and he can’t do all of them. 
Nezumi still has to perform. Kio has to remember that. 
“What I want?” 
Kio shrugs and raises Nezumi’s other leg onto his free shoulder after finishing with the clasp. It’s not hard to say what he wants. He’s done it before. Usually when he’s being teased to hell and back and shouldn’t be trying to think of coherent sentences.
 It’s easier then, too.
There isn’t any room to feel embarrassed when he is like that. There is no part of his brain that isn’t melting out of his ears from pleasure so it leaves him no chance to second guess and think about reactions and repercussions. So he just speaks. In broken sounds that he prays are words and hopes for the best. 
He can just pretend that’s now. It isn’t hard when a stocking clad foot is pressed down onto his crotch. Kio hisses. The accusing leg must have slipped off his shoulder when he was thinking. 
The hitman can’t bring himself to mind. 
“I want a lot of things. Kisses, touches. Pretty words and wandering hands. Nothing you don’t know—!” Kio’s words string off into high moans when said foot twists. 
“I want something direct. The truth. No games or you get nothing.”
Kio nods hurriedly. Hands squeezing around Eve’s calf. “I want you! To serve you, be good for you-! I want to be your good boy. To be your puppy.”
The pressure relents and Kio breathes hard. Sweat drips from his hair line and he feels drained. Well, all until two simple words are offered to fan the flame in his gut...
“Good boy.”
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sovereignxfae · 2 years
Writing replies and I've realized how little things in K'in's personality changes depending on their verse.
In this case it's their sense of identity.
Usually they are sure of themself. Who they are, what they represent and how they carry themself are all assured and cemented in their main verse, kny and fmab verse.
However in their mafia verse they tend to succumb to whoever is above them. They bend into what suits the person regardless if they think they're that way or not because eventually it will become a part of them. For that person and in the long run.
Example and also reason: their father. He gave them a place which seemed sturdy and allowed them to be comfortable in it and slowly started digging away at the foundation and uprooting them until they were balancing on an edge and they turned to his guidance.
With their trust their father made them believe that in exchange to being subservient he will give them back their comfort. He did. For a short while until they became confident in themself enough to question him and give quip per pro.
So the pattern repeated itself. It repeats over and over again.
This also could go for their main au (still fae but in modern world). They are very trusting despite not wanting to be and are very gullible. It wouldn't be hard for them to get into a toxic friendship or be unhealthily dependant on someone. (well it's true for all verse but the others would likely be able to get out of them or just be worse)
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sovereignxfae · 2 years
@sanseitm​ said;
"Come here, you!" One hand went to Kio's waist as he then tugged, yanking the other to himself. Don't think he didn't notice how the other had nabbed a rather important item from him – his wallet. In lieu of actual anger, Lupin smirked, unfazed by the single inch of height difference between them as he leaned in way too close. "I don't appreciate being taken for a fool." Murmured low, it was a thorough warning to the hitman as Lupin pressed lips to the other's cheek – in the meantime effortlessly pickpocketing his own wallet back, plus Kio's knife.
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Kio allows himself to move with the motion, snorting as he looks down his nose at his attacker. Innocent smile on his lips as the distance between them closes. His mouth opens to return the tease but his breath hitches when lips meet his skin.
"I didn't take you for a fool, swear, just someone cute within nabbing distance." Kio gathers Lupins hands in his own, crowding into his space until they meet nose to nose.
"I do, however, want a proper kiss if you're to leave me weaponless in this cruel, cruel world."
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sovereignxfae · 2 years
Mafia verse headcanon w/ Onyx!
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Before she was initiated and accepted formally into the family Onyx used most of her free time doing small hobbies. One of these hobbies was visiting the underground fighting arenas and training with the fighters there. 
She has had her ass handed to her more often than not but she enjoyed herself. It doubled as training so no one could tell her she was wasting time and she was enjoying herself. 
The enjoyment was so big that she ended up doing rookie fights from time to time. At times her parents went to see her battle and went to the head and asked that she represent the family for the time being, until they get a ‘proper’ job for her. 
So she did. Battled as a face for the family. She misses it these days. Only getting time to get a quick spar in and rarely anything else. 
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sovereignxfae · 2 years
starter for @nezumivc103221 w/  kio + nezumi
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Kio isn't one to butter up to anyone. Much less his boss. Though he has to admit that the big man did well with his choice of entertainment. 
(Well, as well as someone in his late fifties and a thing for young looking girls. Kio will never understand the appeal but then again maybe he’s just too gay.)
While one the theme of honesty, Kio is enjoying himself despite all the controlled chaos that is the circus. It’s nice to watch, some parts calming as it is  exhilarating. At least that’s what he heard, he never pays much attention during the beginning. 
The fluid movements of the acrobatics always catch his eye. Reminded him when he was obsessed with and practiced Aerial. It was quite a childhood. His favourite part of the ruotine to watch was when they were on the rings.
The other acts were lost on him. Only getting bits and peices from memebers of the crew that was there under free will and not orders. Even then he barely got anything from them, too engrossed in passing mission information and cleaning his weapons here and there.
(He'd rather the comfort of his room rather than the spacious tent but it'll do.)
If asked he'd say he doesn't have a favourite part. Believable, how could he? Head down all the time aside from peeking at moments.
But all his lies are in vain, his favorite act is towards the end. Not the frilly dresses or bicycle riding dogs, it's the closing act. Not because it's marking the end of the whole thing but the performance itself.
Kio doesn't pay enough attention to know the actual words but he knows that the melody and vocals are good. Good would earn him a stare and more often or not a shove but he stands by what he said. Even if it's wrong.
He'll always admit, though, that the person who owns it is even better. A great friend and a even better fuck. 
He’s late this time. Coming just when the last notes are drifting in the air but he can make up for it! With a bouquet of flowers he has no clue of what they are (they were pretty so he bought ‘em) plus he has some pretty words to offer. 
So he walks to the edge of the ring as everyone else makes their way out and stops Nezumi-Eve- by the hand and grinned. 
“Hello pretty, can I give flowers in exchange for forgiveness or will head get it faster?”
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sovereignxfae · 2 years
@nezumivc103221​ said: 
“If you fall, I’m going to laugh.” [ for Kio ]
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“If you laugh at me I’m going on an ass eating strike, ya hear?”
The threat loses it’s edge when Kio’s voice cracks when the high-wire wobbles under him. He doesn’t remember when he got up here. Doesn’t know when he agreed to doing this. He wants to get down. He wants out of this, now.
He blinks. Rapidly. Looks at his feet, then past them and he blinks again. He forgot how high this was. Did he even stretch? He doesn’t think he did. 
“How hard will you laugh me?”
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sovereignxfae · 2 years
@distopea said:
❛  touch  yourself  for  me .  ❜ (Astra likes to watch 👀)
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K'in shuffles away from gleaming eyes. Leaning further into plush pillows and pressing the back of their head to the cool wood of the headboard. Messy curls fall into their face and they hide. 
Fuzzy and heated, their mind fills with questions when they get comfortable. 
When did it get so warm? When did they get undressed? Most of all why was he still fully clothed? If they weren’t so intent on trying to blend into the pillows maybe they’d notice him take a seat at the edge of the bed sooner. 
They would have loved that. It would have spared them from locking gaze with golden brown. It has nothing to do with how they look like liquid gold.
They promise—swear. Though, they admit, huffing and flushed, that it's the best when the melted gold is on them.
Especially when the same eyes make it's way down their body.
They don't know why (maybe they do and are in denial?) but when those eyes stop motion and all of his attention, or however much he deems then worthy, on whatever part of them that intrigues him at the time, there's not much to do but allow it to be seen.
And seen they were.
Slowly, K'in lets their legs fall open. Leaving themselves on display, hands dragging along the planes of their thighs. Starts at the innermost part to the outermost. K'in bites into the flesh of their lip to muffle their whimpers.
Force of habit.
They pause to peek at Astra at the foot of the bed. He's watching. K'in trembles.
The full body tremors weren’t caused by their self inflicted teasing. Neither was it a mere result of their anticipation. As much as they wished that was the cause. It would leave them their ego but, alas, the reason for the unsteady hands and heavy breathing was all credited to him. 
“..Fuck—!” Despite the feeling behind it the curse was said lowly. Only volume being the whine in their voice. They wonder of it'll be fine to cry.
Gold and Periwinkle hues squeeze shut as shaking fingers find its way between soaked folds. K’in breath hitches when they circle their entrance. They are soaked. They whine at the feeling. If that’s how it feels they can only imagine what it looks like.
They peek at him, barely opening their eyes, just to see what awaits them. 
It proved to be a stupid course of action. All that they saw before shivering was molten gold staring at them already. What makes it worse is that they think—maybe they're sure—he's smirking under the hand at his mouth.
They slip a finger in. Their hips raise at the intrusion. Shaking and whining they add another shortly after. K'in tries hard to be quiet, they have already bitten through there lower lip. What more could you ask of them?
There's nothing stopping their cries now. In that small, small clear part of their mind they wonder what the point of trying was if they end up like this regardless.
Soon enough they're three fingers deep inside and breathless. Their other hand is tugging roughly at their nipples.
“Astra—! Please? Can I? C-can I cum?” So close and they ask. Everything screams to take it back and throw themselves over the edge. They'd love to but the need to be good is greater.
So greeted with silence, they stop. It's done with a whiny cry and his name. Eyes closed and panting they wait. And wait. And wait.
Breath still stuttering K'in asks, “Was I good?”
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sovereignxfae · 2 years
@distopea​ said: 
He couldn’t control those tears falling from his eyes - he was just very tired, very damaged, very much in pain. He wanted comfort, and perhaps he could only find it in the arms of Kio. He felt desperate, the way he was holding the other one, nuzzling against his chest while he couldn’t control the hiccups anymore. It was rare of Oliver to cry like this, but he couldn’t really control it anymore. Not tonight.
“Shit…” He sniffed and looked back up, watching the stains of tears he had left on Kio’s shirt. “Sorry…” He brushed the fabric, absentmindedly, his chocolate eyes looking up. “I’m so sorry…” He mumbled, circling Kio’s face, the pad of his thumbs brushing his cheeks with soft and slow gestures. “I feel vulnerable with you… Because I can expose my emotions. It’s the first time in a long time I can actually do this.” He bumped his forehead against Kio, a sigh escaped his throat.
“Fuck… Kibaby, promise me that you won’t let me down?”
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Oliver had latched onto him the moment he walked through the doorway to the living room. Already laboured with hiccups and sniffling. What was he supposed to do but pick him up and walk them to the closest chair? Nothing.
He was to do nothing but that exactly; and so he did.
That’s where they are now. Curled up together on the two seater chair. Oliver is in his lap. Knees caging Kio’s. Kio's arms wrapped around his waist. Squeezing every once and while as the other cries.
Kisses are pressed to the other's crown. Whispered words of affection, little details of the day. There's a pie in his bag for him. He visited a bakery on the way back.
“Don’t apologize. I'll dye your hair pink.” Even as Kio threatens, he leans into the soft caresses.
The words— confession? Or was it admission?— made Kio suck in a breath,a short one, before he let it out just as fast. At the bump to his forehead Kio leaned back to place a soft kiss there.
“Kill me if I do. With my favorite kitchen knife too, ya hear? I won't, I don't want to. If I do, beat my ass.”
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