#❥ ooc ﹕ future fc.
alllnights · 11 months
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sincerely-krp · 11 months
I’m responding to the following ask. Mods, please feel free to format this submission in whatever way works best for you! 
the hot sugar jimin changed to taeyeon and told the minho they can get together again even with the fc change. but in the meantime they are flirting with other SM ent muses. how does anyone tolerate their behavior? 
Hi this is the Minho mun from hot sugar. Anything regarding my muse (Minho) has been extensively plotted out ooc. Not that it’s of interest to a tea blog anyway, since this is all ic stuff lol. But he’s currently going through a plotted breakup, which is going to take some time for him to get over because it’s fun to write him a little mopey for once. Which, again, has been plotted out.
So whatever any of his future partners may or may not be doing right now isn’t something I’m concerned about, nor should it bother you. They’re free to flirt, date, fuck whoever they’d like. There’s nothing wrong with that, and it’s a normal thing we all do with our muses. Neither I nor my muse are bothered by it. Minho might even sad flirt with people while he gets over his ex! How shocking. This is a fun hobby and muses have lives and relationships outside of whatever FUTURE partner(s) they may have. If you were that concerned about it or considerate of me and Minho, you would have said something to us instead of running to a tea blog. Which is sad and disappointing considering the friends I thought Minho had been making.
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