#❯  the grandfather.   ≻   h. thrombey.
A big mistake
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Pairings: soft(ish)!Ransom Drysdale x reader
Warnings: Swearing (c’mon, this is a Knives Out AU), Angst, Mentions of sex, The Drysdale-Thrombey family, Slut shaming, Fluffy ending
Summary: Ransom introduces you to his family...big mistake.
A/N: Just re-watched Knives Out (‘cos why not) and this popped into my head. Hope you enjoy. :)
Your hands were shaking as you applied the final touches to your makeup. To say you were nervous was an understatement. You were going to meet Ransom’s family. You knew they were ruthless and bitchy - who didn’t know of their intimidating reputation. By Ransom’s account, the most likeable person there would be Harlan. Ransom had a complicated relationship with his grandfather, but you knew, deep down, he loved him. Harlan was the only one who understood Ransom, the only person who wanted what was best for him.
Just then, you felt you fiancé’s strong arms wrap around your waist, his lips lightly ghosting over the side of your neck. You had dated for about 8 months before he popped the question and, of course, you had said yes. Now, almost 4 months later, it was your first time meeting his family. You guys had tried to hold it off for as long as you could but you knew it was inevitable. You had to meet them at some point. So here you were, getting ready to meet them.
You turned around in Ransom’s arms, fortunately, not wearing lipstick yet as he gave you a fierce kiss that lit a fire in your core. You gladly returned it, easing your nervousness towards the evening.
“Ready?” He mumbled by your ear, sending a shiver down your spine.
“As ready as I’ll ever be.”
You stood before the mansion, nerves seeping back into your bones. Ransom’s arm was wrapped protectively around your waist. A hard exterior around him. He stepped forward to knock when Linda suddenly opened the door. 
“Ah, Ransom, finally, you’re here! And you brought... a... friend.” She gave you a dirty look up and down, before addressing Ransom again. “I thought this was a family only gathering.”
“Yeah, well, last time I checked, Marta and Fran weren’t family. Besides, she is family.” Ransom sassed back. He held up your left hand which adorned a beautiful, expensive ring on your ring finger. Linda raised her eyebrows at the sight of it before snapping back to Ransom, “Inside and explain.”
A satisfied smirk graced Ransom’s face as he stepped in confidently. He strolled into the living room where the others were. As soon as they saw you standing  next to Ransom, their mouths dropped - except Harlan’s, who gave a proud smile. You didn’t know this, but Ransom had gone to his grandfather for help after meeting you. He didn’t just want a sloppy one night stand, but he wanted to be happy. With you. Thing is, Ransom had never brought a girl to the house, always opting for a quick fuck before moving on to the next girl. He had to maintain his reputation, somehow.
He smiled smugly at their reactions before Linda came into the room, taking Ransom by the arm, dragging him to a free seat. Ransom took you along with him and, as the seat was for one person, pulled you into his lap. You felt heat rush to your cheeks as you looked around.
“Explain. Now.” Linda hissed, taking her seat next to Richard.
“Well, I don’t know what you want me to explain. You saw the fucking ring, what more explaining do you need?”
“Hey! Do not speak to your mother like that!” Richard butted in.
Ransom rolled his eyes and spoke in a patronising, sarcastic voice, “Well, mother dear, this is my fiancé, Y/N. I proposed to her about 4 months ago and she said yes and we are going to get married in 2 months. Happy?”
“She’s probably just using you for our money.” You hear Walt mutter from somewhere.
You know what this family is like and don’t pay attention to it, even though you feel a small pang of hurt in your heart and you shift uncomfortably in Ransom’s lap. You just hope Ransom didn’t hear it. But, oh boy, he heard it. He heard it loud and clear. And he’s furious. Nobody talks like that about his girl.
He’s shaking with rage as he opens his mouth to say something back, but you place your hand on his arm. He looks down at you and closes his mouth when you silently plead with him not to make a fuss. But then Walt has to open his fucking mouth, again.
“Oh, ho, she’s got you trained. Ransom Drysdale the smartass, trained by some random gold digger slut .”
Ok. Now you’re pissed.
You get up from Ransom’s lap and make you way over to where Walt is standing, in the corner. He looks down on you, an unreadable expression on his face. Your face, however, is contorted with anger and you’re pretty sure if you were a cartoon, steam would be coming out of your ears.
“Hey! Walt, is it? Shut. The. Fuck. Up. First off, I am not a fucking gold digger or a slut. For your information, I don’t give a shit about money or how much of that shit you have. All I care about is Ransom, because I. Love. Him. God! I’m glad I didn’t meet you guys before. I don’t know how Ransom puts up with you-“
“Now listen here-“
“Nope. I’m not done. Second, Ransom isn’t trained. He isn’t a fucking dog, but a human being. Also, he’s just a decent human being, not making a scene just because you wanna act like a dick. So grow the fuck up and pick on someone else if you want to make your dick feel big.”
By the end of your rant, you face is mere inches away from Walt’s and shaking with anger. You turn back to see a proud smirk on Ransom’s face, a small smile on Harlan’s and an ‘O’ shape on everyone else’s. You see Harlan whisper something to Ransom, whose smirk gets bigger. He nods once, then comes over to you. He intertwines his large hand in yours and you allow him to lead you outside. The second you reach the cool air, Ransom’s wraps his arms around you and pulls you into a hug as you snake your arms around his neck.
“Thank you.” You feel his soft lips moving against your collarbone where his head is tucked in.
“You deserve the world, honey, and your family was just a hindrance. I’m sorry they get away with speaking about you like that.”
“I’m sorry too. Bringing you here was a big mistake. But on the plus side, I don’t think we’ll need to worry about that any more.” He winks at you and you let out a breathy laugh.
He pulls you into his side as you guys head home, the house behind you getting smaller and smaller, taking your worries away with it until it disappears into the night sky.
Thank you for reading. I loved writing this. I hope you enjoyed! :)
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jtargaryen18 · 4 years
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Naughty Ransom Holiday Tales
Chapter 6
Story Rating: Explicit, 18+ only Warnings: Non-con, kidnapping, explicit sexual content, dubious consent, loss of virginity, chloroform, light bondage,…Does contain spoilers for Knives Out though we’re straying away from the story a little bit…Read the warnings! There are spoilers for the movie up to a point. Relationships: Ransom Drysdale/Reader
Summary: You’re Marta’s younger sister and you’ve followed in her footsteps most of your life. You followed her into nursing and to the front door of Thrombey ancestral home. There you encountered Ransom Drysdale, grandson of Harlan Thrombey and trust-fund playboy extraordinaire. Over three holidays, Ransom develops an unhealthy interest in you but you reject his advances.
When he becomes the top suspect in the death of his own grandfather and the family housekeeper, he doesn’t stick around to confess. He decides to get the hell out of dodge.
But he doesn’t go alone. He still has one card to play against Marta. She may have inherited his family’s fortune - for now - but he knows she loves you more than anything. What would she give to get you back when he takes you?
As if he intends to give you back when he finally has you where he wants you. Ransom wants it all, the fortune and you, and he means to make that happen.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
I do not consent to have my work hosted on any third party app or site. If you are seeing this fanfiction anywhere but archiveofourown and tumblr, it has been reposted without my permission.
A/N: This story follows the film up until Benoit Blanc tells the family Marta will keep the inheritance and before the big reveal. This is going in a different direction. I took inspiration from one of the deleted scenes. You can find those here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsVKjfve2WM
Ransom slept in the next morning, stretching before grabbing his phone off the nightstand.
Fuck, it’s after 11.
He probably shouldn’t have been surprised that his little pumpkin was already up, already at it. He could hear her shuffling around in the suite’s kitchen, could hear what he guessed was the damned Macy’s Day Parade on the TV out there.
Ransom shook his head. Why was Thanksgiving such a big fucking deal? She wanted to spend a good portion of the day cooking and watching a parade on TV? What was the draw?
Rolling onto her pillow, he breathed in the scent of her. He was used to having her when he woke up in the morning and considering their bargain, he wasn’t happy having that little routine disrupted.
He smiled as he threw his legs over the edge of the bed, fishing his boxers out of the floor. She’d agreed to whatever he wanted sexually until midnight, and he knew just what he wanted right now. He wanted her to learn the joys of being on top, of riding his cock until she exhausted herself. Then, once she’d had her fun, he’d take it from there.
Ransom intended to march in there and haul her back to bed caveman style to do just that. He really did.
And she didn’t notice him at first when he wandered in. No, she was busy chopping away at something, bowls and steaming pots all around her in the kitchen. Her gaze kept darting to the huge-ass balloons held by ropes in the parade on the wide TV screen while enthusiastic crowds in the freezing cold cheered like morons.
Folding his arms across his chest, he watched her for a minute, slowly recognizing something he hadn’t seen the entire time he’d known her.
She looked happy.
It wasn’t the smug, snarky happy he saw on his mother’s face every time she reminded her husband that she was more successful than he was. It wasn’t the vindictive glee his Uncle Walt displayed every time he thought he got one on fucking anybody because he was that type of petty asshole.
It was real. It was Hallmark movie real.
There she was, working away doing something she wanted to do. Her bright eyes were wide in excitement, the lines of her body were relaxed. How had he not noticed how graceful the slope of her neck was before? With her hair pulled back and his blue cashmere sweater on over her jeans and under an apron she’d found, she looked content in a way that had his heart squeezing in his chest.
Ransom stayed still at the edge of the kitchen, wanting to watch her a little longer.
A couple hundred bucks worth of groceries and a TV parade was all it took? Huh.
Finally, she did spot him. He watched the tension pull strings in her body, watched the wariness cloud her eyes.
It reminded him of his whole fucking life. It was rare he personally earned the gentleness in anyone’s face. Impatience? Anger? Irritation? Hate? If people didn’t automatically look at him with one of those emotional sidekicks, it didn’t usually take long until they did.
“Ransom?” Those big eyes were on him as the knife in her hand stilled. “Are you okay?”
She didn’t mean it the way he wished she did. She cared how he was doing, sure. But only because she watched his moods. When he got frustrated with the entire process involving her sister and the money, he swore sometimes she looked ready to run screaming from the room.
Maybe he’d earned that.
Ransom couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to have her look at him with the contentment he just chased away. His heart broke a little thinking it wasn’t likely he’d ever get that, even if he did keep her.
So he slipped the mask back on, wandered closer to where she worked. She watched him warily as he approached.
“How’s it going?” he kept his tone casual.
She nodded, tried to smile. “Good. Thank you… for this.”
Ransom nodded, not giving a damn about her gratitude.
“You want to help me?”
She said it so quietly he almost didn’t make out what she said.
“You want me to cook?” Ransom smirked at her, played his role. “Me?”
Her gaze dropped and she shook her head. “Never mind,” she muttered as she got back to cutting up potatoes.
Before he could talk himself out of it, Ransom scoffed. “Fucking fine… I’ll do it.”
“You don’t… have to,” she said behind him.
He was already heading back for the bedroom to get dressed. He didn’t have a fucking clue how to cook anything. He had no idea what she was going to have him doing and he’d probably hate every bit of it.
Still, the offer had him pulling on jeans and a Henley before heading back out to the kitchen. Ransom swore that was hope in her eyes as he returned, and it had his cold heart beating just a little bit faster.
Ransom didn’t miss the way her eyes widened when he stalked back into the kitchen. He enjoyed doing things people didn’t anticipate, bonus points if he could make them uncomfortable. But that wasn’t what he was going for with her.
That was how he ended up chopping up celery and onions for stuffing. They worked side by side at the island in the center of the kitchen, and he would have resented having practically none of her attention while the damn parade was on.
But some truly flamboyant singer hopped off a parade float and performed a song. Ransom smirked as he watched her sway and sing along to the song under her breath. Was she a good dancer? Could she sing? He knew the minute he said anything she’d get embarrassed and stop so he just went along with his chopping task, trying not to cut off a fucking finger while watching her ass.
His pumpkin was so damned cute.
She wasn’t dressed out in a look she saw in some vapid fashion magazine. She hadn’t been wearing makeup the entire time. Didn’t need it. The natural beauty of her had appealed to him since he saw her, he realized.
See? It was more than the fact that she presented a challenge for him. She was more than a pawn on the chessboard Harlan Thrombey set up before he checked out.
Which begged the question. What was going to happen once Marta gave him his money?
Marta, their mother, Foghorn Leghorn… all of them would expect him to give her back. And while he was more than a little concerned that the idiot detective he’d hired would try to pin everything on him, he wasn’t worried about kidnapping charges on top of everything. It would be her choice if she pressed charges against him. She wouldn’t. He knew she wouldn’t.
Once he had the money, the smart thing for him to do would be to get the hell out of town – away from everyone – and fly under the radar until the real culprit in all this was discovered.
It would be best to send his pumpkin back to her family. Best for her. And he realized he cared about that.
Ransom didn’t like that thought at all.
Her voice broke into his thoughts.
“Are you finished so I can get the stuffing ready?” she asked carefully.
Nodding, he finished up the onion he’d been working on.
“Thank you,” she told him sweetly, the kindness unexpected. “Well, let’s put the stuffing together.”
It was a bagged mix with stale bread, a packet of spices. Ransom helped her cook sausage to add, another first for him. She put the rest of it together while he finished the sausage and again, she was happy with his efforts. She thanked him with a smile.
That smile. He hadn’t seen that before. Not directed at him.
Oh, it wasn’t all happy fucking teamwork. When they finally had the turkey stuffed and ready, they got into it about how it was placed in the oven. Ransom won that one – it was common fucking sense. He didn’t win the argument about the pumpkin pie. He wasn’t about to admit it, but he hated pumpkin pie. But she’d roasted the pumpkin seeds, salted them. Those he liked. He snacked on those as he helped her find this spoon, got her milk or butter.
After the parade, she started pulling up Christmas movies to watch. His pumpkin had some very strictly-observed traditions for Thanksgiving. He’d give her that.
They finished cleaning the kitchen up. Ransom helped load the dishwasher. He had done that before.
“How long until dinner’s ready?” he wanted to know, watching her wipe down the counter.
Glancing over her shoulder at the ornate clock over the sink, she shrugged a shoulder. “I’d say about an hour and a half.”
“Everything’s done?” he asked.
“I’ll need to mash the potatoes before then and get the gravy on,” she explained.
Ransom crowded her at the counter. “Well, since you have everything planned out nicely,” he said quietly. “If I remember right, we have an agreement.”
The little gasp she made when he slid his hand over her ass was a sound he loved.
“Then we’ll have dinner,” he went on. “Then you’ll call Marta.”
She nodded, placing the towel on the counter in acquiescence. “Okay,” she told him. “Okay.”
No, that didn’t feel right.
“Where… where do you want me?” She finally lifted her gaze, those big eyes on him.
Backing off, holding up his hands, Ransom smirked at her. His mind filled with visions of her kissing him, her hands and mouth on him last night. He knew what he wanted.
“You know, I’ve really enjoyed doing all this… cooking… with you today,” he told her playfully.
Oh, he could tell she didn’t know whether to take him seriously or not. The wheels in her head were spinning away.
“Thank you for this,” she told him sincerely. “All of it. I… I’ve had fun.”
Ransom didn’t care for the way those simple words lit up his heart.
“You were in charge,” he pointed out.
She studied him.
“I think I’d like it if you stayed in charge for a while,” he explained, enjoying the confusion that clouded that beautiful face. “Why don’t you tell me where you want me?”
Tilting her head, she stared at him hard. “What?”
“The agreement was that until midnight,” Ransom reminded her, “that you’d fuck me when and how I wanted. And right now, I want you to fuck me.”
“Oh,” she said finally.
There was a pause and he really wondered what was going on in her head. He had to wonder if she’d just freeze but after a moment, her gaze moved from his face down over the rest of him.
Ransom couldn’t help but smile. Oh, she was thinking about it.
She tried to speak a couple of times and stopped. He’d really shaken his little pumpkin up with this one.
“If you can’t handle it, I’ll just take over,” he taunted her.
“Okay,” she said finally. “I, ah, I want to go back to the… bedroom.”
Still grinning, Ransom nodded and headed that way. In his peripheral vision, he watched her shed her apron before following him. He stopped at the side of the bed he hadn’t bothered to make. He just waited, wanting to see what she’d do.
Now, he would have expected her to ask him to get on the bed or to take off his clothes. What he didn’t expect was for her to walk right up to him, smoothing her hands over his chest. She touched him like he was one of the weird painted figures in his grandfather’s house, like she wasn’t supposed to be touching him. Like he’d break.
Oh, but she could break him. So easily and she didn’t even realize it. It appealed to the self-destructive streak that had always haunted him, the damage he craved and felt like he deserved.
She surprised him by grabbing the hem of his Henley and hauling it up his body. Ransom toed off his shoes as he pulled the shirt off for her. Her little hands working his belt, the front of his jeans had him hard as a fucking rock. He hadn’t bothered with underwear when he dressed but she didn’t seem phased when she pulled down his jeans, found him standing at attention.
Taking his hand, she pulled him to the bed, climbing on and pulling him after her. She had him stretch out on his back in the middle and he held still for her while her gaze moved over him.
“Whatever I want?” she asked him timidly.
That had his libido growing fangs.
“Anything you want,” he told her, not wearing anything but his pinkie ring.
When she started by kissing him, he was a little surprised. She’d simply taken his face in her hands and kissed him, softly at first. After a moment, her tongue was sliding against the seam of his lips and he opened for her, letting her have a deeper taste.
Ransom’s heart hammered in his chest. How long had it been since he’d been kissed like that? Her kisses were careful, seeking. It wasn’t easy but he willed himself to hold still for her, to let her explore.
Then she started mimicking his actions as she had before. It was all she would have known to do because he was all she knew. The thought made him insane.
And he wasn’t fucking complaining. Those soft, butterfly kisses down to his jaw, over his neck? It was the best kind of torture. Her lips and tongue teased his ear, tasted his skin. Her hands skimmed over him like soft fire, finally finding their way to his cock.
When she took him in hand, his hips shot up. His pumpkin was a quick study, moving her hand on him like he’d shown her last night.
“Pumpkin, that feels so amazing,” Ransom told her, his fingers gripping the bedding beneath him. “You are such a good girl for me.”
Her gaze rose to him. Ransom knew she loved the praise. He loved even more the way one of her hands slid down to play with his balls the way he liked, the way her lips spread over the head of him. Her mouth was wet heat, her motions unsure. But holy shit that thing she did with her tongue along the underside. He really didn’t want to change what she was doing as long as she kept doing that.
Those big eyes on him while she took him further and further into her mouth? Fucking everything. When he hit the back of her throat, he moaned at how amazing it felt. Her hands kept moving, her mouth struggled to pull him further back. When she gagged herself, he though he’d lose his mind.
His little pumpkin worked him hard, almost bringing him off. He finally couldn’t take it anymore. Sliding his hands in her hair, it took a lot to pull her back. Coming in her mouth would be amazing but…
He grinned at the line of spit that ran from her lip to his cock, swiped it away.
“I’m happy to let you finish,” Ransom told her gently, trying to catch his breath. “But you might not get the chance again… Is this all you wanted?”
Then his own words caught up with him. If he had the money by tomorrow, she’d be back with her family if he let her go. His heart clenched his chest at that thought.
“What do you want me to do?” she asked, her face flushed, her lips shiny.
“What do you want to do?” he asked, loving her innocence. “You’re in charge.”
Her gaze dropped, she shook her head. “I—”
“Hey,” Ransom tipped her chin up, wanting her gaze back on him. “You’re allowed to want things in bed. Ask for what you want.”
He just realized that he didn’t want her to ask for anything from anyone else in bed. He didn’t want anyone else to touch her. She was his. She’d only ever been his.
“I wouldn’t know what to ask for… Ransom,” she said after a moment, still fully dressed and kneeling next to him.
Yeah, he was cheating, but he slid a hand under her, between her thighs. She was hot and damp there, even through her jeans, her thighs clamping around his hand. Would he ever get tired of watching her desires grow? She wanted him.
“There’s nothing I do that you like?” Ransom asked her, watching a blend of emotions cross her face. Shame, guilt, lust… “Nothing you want to try?”
There was something.
Ransom moved his fingers just so, putting just enough pressure against her clit and she wasn’t moving away.
He watched her throat work as she swallowed hard, her gaze moving over him. She surprised him when she pulled off his sweater, revealing her modest bra. When she pulled her jeans open for him, his hand slid inside the denim. No, he wanted more than that. When his hand slid into her panties, she moaned at his touch. Her eyes slid closed.
“You like that, pumpkin?” he whispered.
Nodding, she reached behind her to pull off her bra. When her breasts were released, he couldn’t resist leaning forward to take one of her tight little nipples in his mouth. He teased her gently because that was what she liked. When she started trembling, he knew it wasn’t from fear.
“You want to take these off?” he asked her gently.
She nodded, pulling free of his hand as she worked at pulling off her jeans. She got rid of her panties too. Watching her was hypnotic, the careful way she moved as she crawled back up the bed to him. When she moved up to straddle him, he couldn’t have been happier. Just what he had wanted.
She looked so beautiful over him.
His hands slid over her, down to where she was spread over him. The petals of her sex were slick and swollen. That she was so turned on from just having her mouth on him was very telling. Her body wanted him, and he’d give her what she wanted. He’d give her anything.
Ransom watched in delight as she held him up, lined him up with her entrance. His hands rested at her hips, but he didn’t manipulate her. He let her sink down on him, slowly, at her own pace. The stretch of her walls around him, the heat of her, had him fighting to stay still. Fighting to breathe.
“You feel good?” he whispered, drawing her attention to him.
She planted her hands on his chest, began slowly to move on him.
“Oh, pumpkin, that feels so good,” he purred. “You feel amazing around me… You know that?”
Her walls clenched around him, her body weeping and hot. She liked that, did she?
“Ransom,” she whispered as she moved a little faster.
He loved how she whispered his name. The accent was need, not dread. She needed him. When had anyone ever needed him?
He helped her out. That and he wanted more. He didn’t want to take control away from her, but she felt incredible. Ransom sat up, pumping up into her until she was gasping, hanging onto him with her nails working into his skin. The little bits of pain pushed up his desire, had him moving to find the place inside her that would take her apart. That would make her fall apart above him.
He dropped kisses over her neck, shoulders, her breasts. All that smooth flesh trembling beneath his lips and hands as he worked her. Finally, he moved in her, found that space inside her that had her crying out and clenching around him.
Ransom had to fight not to come. No, she’d get hers first. His fingers slid between them, teasing her clit as she thrashed above him, calling his name as she found her release.
Hanging onto her wasn’t easy and her orgasm set him off. He was pulling her down on him, pumping out his release while the world faded around him. All he could feel was her wrapped around him. The brush of her hair against his face. Her scent, her warmth…
Wrapping her up in his arms, he eased them down on their sides, staying inside her while he fought to get his breath back. 
Ransom wasn’t ready to let her go…
You blinked, looking up to see Ransom leaning over you and dressed again.
“You wanted to do something with potatoes?” he reminded you, grinning.
Just as you were about to spring into motion, Ransom caught you in his arms and kissed you. Not a hard, demanding lustful kiss. No. It was careful and soft, his hands smoothing over your skin and hair lightly.
It went to your head.
Handing you your clothes, he stayed while you dressed and followed you into the kitchen as you finished up the potatoes and put on gravy. It wasn’t long at all until you had everything ready. Ransom took the turkey out, easily going along when you asked him to carve it up.
It wasn’t the Thanksgiving dinner at home with your family, but it wasn’t terrible. Ransom seemed happy, he usually was for a while after sex, and he really seemed to enjoy the meal. He’d insisted you have wine with the meal and asked questions about what you’d made, about what your family did every year for the holidays.
Things felt different.
Ransom was an asshole. No one would deny that. But underneath the trust fund playboy, the persona you realized that he wore well, was a man who was… alone.
So you talked about making Thanksgiving dinner with your mother and Marta, the movies you saw afterwards. And that took you to an entire conversation about movies. Ransom liked Tarantino and Scorsese. Action-filled violent movies were his favorites and you weren’t surprised by that. You admitted you like romantic comedies, still loved Disney movies, and anything musical.
You expected him to mock you for it but he didn’t seem surprised.
“You cry at sad movies, don’t you?” he asked.
Well. You did.
Pushing away from the table, Ransom nodded. “Okay, after you call Marta, pick out one of your movies then. I’ll watch it with you.”
You smiled at him before you caught yourself, realizing you wanted to take him up on that offer.
And he had said after you call Marta. You hated to ask but…
“Can I call her now?” you asked carefully, not wanting to piss him off. You’d actually enjoyed having dinner with him.
Ransom’s smile faded as he rose from the table. “Yeah, okay.”
When he came back, he pressed the burner phone into your hand. Then he stalked back into the living room, stretching out on the couch and turning on the TV.
Why did you feel guilty now for wanting to call your sister?
Marta answer before you ever heard a ring.
“Marta, it’s me,” you said, rising from the table with your plate.
Marta sounded in tears when she whispered your name. “Are… you okay?”
“I’m okay,” you said, working at clearing the table as you talked.
“You promise me?” Fear bled all over you sister’s tone.
“Marta, I’m fine... I promise.”
A deep sigh.
“The money will be in Ransom’s account tomorrow,” she explained. “It’s triple what he wanted.”
Well, that would make him happy.
“What about me?” you asked quietly.
Ransom appeared to be watching the news on TV, but you knew he was listening carefully to your conversation.
When someone pounded loudly on the door, you yelped. Ransom shot up off the couch, his gaze on you.
“Open the door,” your sister bid you.
“What?” What was going on?
“Open the door.”
You headed for the door and Ransom was on your heels. He moved around you to open the suite door and reveal none other than Benoit Blanc and Marta on the other side. Your heart flew in your chest. They’d found you.
Marta pretty much shoved Ransom out of the way to get to you, in tears as she hugged you so tightly your ribs compressed, and the burner phone slid out of your hand.
“Well, that’s a little awkward,” Blanc said to Ransom. “May we come in?”
With a scowl, Ransom stepped back allowing the renowned detective into the suite while you tried to pry free from your sister. Once you did, your sister’s fury turned on Ransom. She followed him back to the living room, angrier than you ever remembered seeing her.
“The money will be in your account tomorrow,” Marta’s tone was hostile. “According to the accountant, it’s three times what you would have gotten. You can verify the deposit online.”
Her chin was up, she was defying him to say anything.
Ransom’s signature grin slid into place as he pulled out his phone. Your heart sank a little that he stopped to verify what she’d told him. Maybe the money was the only thing after all. He had said you were there to be his entertainment.
Apparently, it was there. Ransom tucked away his phone after a moment, his attention back on Marta.
She marched up to him and slapped him hard across the face.
“You had no right to take my sister!” Marta yelled at him. “No right! Our mother has been worried sick and so have I!”
“Did I take her?” Ransom shot back. “Or did she come with me willingly?”
Marta’s gaze shifted to you and back. “I know she didn’t go with you willingly. She’s afraid of you and you know that.”
“As you can see,” Ransom gestured to you, “she’s just fine. It all worked out. I got what was mine and you have your sister back.”
Relief blended with something darker, running through your veins. Ransom was giving you back then.
Wasn’t that what you wanted?
Marta’s gaze moved over you. There you were in his sweater, a deep purple mark at the base of your neck that Ransom had put there a couple of nights ago.
“You won’t enjoy that money if you go to jail for kidnapping,” Marta warned him. “And Harlan…”
“Is that why you’re here?” Ransom demanded, looking between Marta and the detective. “You here to take me in for the death of my grandfather?”
Your heart raced. Was Ransom behind everything?”
Blanc had only watched until this point. He moved next to Marta.
“One thing at a time,” he said, shedding his overcoat and draping it over the couch. “First, the kidnapping allegation.”
You stood by the island in the kitchen, watching mutely.
“Young lady,” Blanc was addressing you now, his expression and voice kind. “Were you, in fact, kidnapped by Mr. Drysdale here?”
You didn’t like having everyone’s attention on you. You dropped your gaze, nodded.
“You see?” Marta said.
“Do you wish to press charges against Mr. Drysdale for kidnapping?” Blanc stood in front of you now and you met his gaze.
You didn’t look at Ransom. You couldn’t.
“No, I don’t,” you said finally.
When you did look at Ransom, you expected to see a smug smile on his face for that victory. But he wasn’t smiling. No, he watched you carefully, concern clouding his blue eyes.
Marta hissed your name. “He kidnapped you.”
“I’m not pressing charges,” you told her in a firmer tone. You meant it. You wouldn’t. And you were nowhere close to even trying to explain that right now.
“Very well,” Blanc turned back to the two of them. “There’s that out of the way. You have your inheritance from Marta, although I advised against it personally. Marta’s sister is returned to her and her family.”
“And the investigation into my grandfather?” Ransom asked, looking formidable as he moved closer to the shorter detective.
Blanc smiled then.
“There is also that,” Blanc explained. “You’ll notice that neither Lieutenant Elliott nor Trooper Wagner are present to make any arrests.”
You watched some of the tension ease from Ransom’s body. He motioned you over and you went, taking a seat on the couch. Marta joined you as Blanc seemed to consider what he was going to say next.
“Why did you flee when you did that day and then abscond with Marta’s sister?” Blanc asked him directly.
Ransom scoffed, slipped back into the asshole you met and feared. “I wasn’t going to stick around and get arrested.”
“Arrested for what exactly?” Blanc pressed. “Well, before we answer that, let’s rewind a little bit, shall we?”
Ransom watched the detective warily but didn’t say anything.
“When I took Marta back to Harlan’s house so she could tell your family that she accidentally killed Harlan the night of his birthday,” Blanc explained, “you fled after I found the extra copy of the toxicology report which proved Marta’s innocence and announced that she’d be keeping the inheritance Harlan wanted her to have. You knew Marta was innocent and you knew once that was proven, the search would be on for the party who conspired to end Harlan Thrombey’s life and disinherit her so the family would benefit after all. You assumed, rightly, that you would be a prime suspect.”
Ransom’s attention as riveted to the detective while you listened carefully. Marta’s innocence had been proven. You knew your sister had cared about Harlan. You knew she was incapable of something like that.
But the detective wasn’t there to arrest Ransom either. That made your heart feel lighter. While you knew the possibility had been there, you didn’t think he’d kill his own grandfather. That wasn’t the man you’d been coming to know.
Apparently, the detective hadn’t discussed this with Marta.
“Then why did you help me?” she asked Ransom.
“Because once everything fell apart at the reading of the will, and it was discovered that Harlan had left all his worldly possessions to you, Ransom here thought if he helped you, he might still have a chance of getting a cut of the money. But, I submit, Ransom wasn’t the only one who knew ahead of time that you would be Harlan’s heir.”
Now all three of you were staring at the detective.
“Who else knew?” Marta asked.
“Who else knew that Ransom had been cut out of the will before it was ever read?” Blanc replied.
Your sister’s brow creased. “Walt?”
While Ransom’s expression darkened, the detective grew more excited in his explanation.
“The Nazi child, according to his mother, heard a lot more than he admitted to,” Blanc explained. “The boy’s father coached him on what to say that day when Walt so vehemently went after you.”
That last was directed at Ransom. Who’d gone after him? What?
“Donna told you that?” Ransom asked.
“Oh, yes,” Blanc told him. “Walt’s wife is concerned for her family’s welfare… Might I ask. Do you know how your uncle sustained the injury that left him requiring a cane to walk?”
Ransom shrugged. “Bicycle accident. That’s what they told us.”
“Oh, no,” Blanc told him. “You uncle, it seems, found himself in money trouble. Borrowed money from the wrong people to get out of it. They came to collect.”
Ransom looked floored. “Are you shitting me?”
Blanc shook his head.  “I am not. They came to threaten Donna during this investigation. Fortunately, I happened to stop by to question her and interrupted the attempt.”
Ransom and Marta exchanged a look. You’d met the members of Harlan and Ransom’s family, but you didn’t know much about them. Until now.
“Walt was already laying the groundwork to prove you had a part to play in this,” Blanc went on. “Berating you in front of your family and pointing out you’d been cut out of your grandfather’s will.”
Ransom dropped his gaze at that. That had hurt him.
“When you didn’t show up for the funeral, well, you made it even easier for him,” Blanc said. “You were the black sheep of the family – their words – and you had no love at all for Fran. And she despised you.”
Now Ransom looked confused. “What the hell does Fran have to do with this?”
The look exchanged between Marta and Blanc got your attention. Marta’s features softened.
“Fran saw the real culprit go back into Harlan’s house on the day of the funeral,” Blanc told him. “With the investigation going on, the real culprit couldn’t find a time to get to Marta’s medical bag to retrieve the vials. But Fran saw him. It was she who sent the copy of the top of the toxicology report with that note  – to Walt – and he slid it into your mailbox when he confronted you at your apartment that morning, Marta.”
“Wait,” Ransom was trying to keep up. “It was Fran we were going to meet to get the tox report from? After the police chase?”
Marta had been in a police chase?
“It was,” Blanc told him. “But the killer got there first and had injected her with a lethal dose of morphine and left her to die at that address. Despite Marta’s efforts to save her.”
Fran was dead? That poor woman.
“And how do you know it wasn’t me?” Ransom asked him.
“You had an alibi during the time Fran was attacked,” Blanc explained. “A young lady you’d taken home the night before... One who greatly resembles Marta’s sister here I might add…  She was very helpful.”
Ransom wouldn’t look at you, but your heart was flying.
“That being said, Walt must have disguised himself because when Marta found Fran, she was trying to tell her that Hugh did this,” Blanc spun on.
Marta’s gaze darted to Ransom and back to Blanc. “That’s what she said. But Ransom wasn’t there?”
“He couldn’t have been,” Blanc told her. “He had an alibi for the funeral too. I have written proof of that.”
“Where was he?” Marta asked.
“Doesn’t matter.” Blanc cut Ransom a look at that. “What matters is that Walt did not have an alibi for either of those times. While he was at the funeral, his wife Donna maintains that he arrived late because of some urgent business for the publishing company.”
“That son of a bitch,” Ransom muttered angrily. “He found out Harlan left everything to Marta, so he set her up. And when he figured out the toxicology report would prove her innocent…”
“You were his plan B,” Blanc finished for him.
“How did Fran get the toxicology report?” Ransom thought it through. “And Walt burned the forensics lab?”
“It would appear so on the lab. That’s where my partners in the investigation currently are.” Blanc gestured to Marta. “I believe Fran explained to Marta that she had a friend who got her a copy of those results when she discovered that Harlan was a victim of foul play.”
While you were relieved that Ransom didn’t have a part to play in either framing your sister or the death of his grandfather, it was an awful thought. Walt caused his own father to commit suicide so he could get out of money trouble?
“Fuck… Does my mother know about this?”
Blanc chuckled. “Not yet. Your mother has been too busy badgering poor Marta here. Been telling her that if she’ll renounce the inheritance, she could convince you to give her sister back.”
What? Ransom’s mother Linda had known he’d taken you? And used that to try to get money?
As offended as you wanted to be at that, how could you be? That’s what her son had done.
“Well, there’s going to be hell to pay when this gets out,” Ransom said raking a hand through his hair. “Jesus.”
“They want to bring you in for questioning,” Blanc said to him carefully.
Ransom studied him. “But you didn’t bring them with you.”
“I did not.”
Blanc was trying to help him?
“Where do we go from here?” he asked the detective.
Blanc shrugged. “We’ll continue to gather evidence until we can bring charges against your uncle. Or get him to fess up… In the meantime, I’ll be taking these two young ladies home.”
Marta rose from the couch on that note, pulling you with her. She had a strong grip on your arm like she was afraid Ransom would try to snatch you away again.
“I need to get—”
“No, I’ll buy you new things,” Marta said to you, but she watched Ransom. “Let’s just go.”
Blanc seeing Marta wanted to get out of there pulled his coat from the couch and draped it around your shoulders. It was heavy but warm.
And you were going home. You just didn’t feel the joy you expected to.
Ransom’s gaze was intense on you, his blue eyes dark, troubled.
For the longest moment, you held his gaze. Had you just been his entertainment? Would he even think about you again now that he had his money?
At what point had you come to care either way? Your heart ached at the thought of just leaving him here.
“Goodbye, Ransom,” you finally said as Marta nearly dragged you out the suite door.
Ransom never said anything.
And just like that you were in the elevator, heading down to the lobby. You asked if you could run into the bathroom before heading back home so Marta and Blanc waited in the lobby for you.
Your hands shook and your heart hurt as you made your way into the ladies’ room.
 “Can’t I press charges against him on her behalf?” Marta asked Blanc the minute you were out of earshot.
“Unless she agrees to go along, you’ll be wasting your time,” the detective advised her.
“So he just gets away with it?”
Blanc’s expression was hard to read.
“Your dealings with the Thrombeys is far from over,” he pointed out. “Even when everything comes to light about Walt. You know that.”
Marta nodded.
“And Ransom Drysdale?” The detective wanted to say something, but he appeared uncertain if he should.
“What about Ransom?” Marta wanted to know.
“You won’t be rid of him so easily,” Blanc said simply.
“Ransom Drysdale is a victim of his own machination,” Blanc explained.
Marta frowned. “How? He got what he wanted. He got the money.”
“The money isn’t the only thing he’s after.” Blanc smiled. “He’s not going to give up your sister so easily… He’s very obviously in love with her.”
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lost-in-sokovia · 4 years
Hot Boy Summer
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hiiiii! i’m so freaking excited to write this! this is for a challenge started by a few of my friends @captain-a-rogerss @optimistic-dinosaur-nacho and @donutloverxo !! you should really check it out under #CaptainsWeeklyChallenge ! anyway, i hope you enjoy! (ps: not putting anyone’s requests on hold, i just wanted to make sure i got this done. all requests are still in the making!🤍)
Warnings: swearing, fluff, suggestive content but nothing bad or mature
Prompt: “You’re such a brat.”
One of your favorite pastimes with Meg was annoying her older cousin, Ransom.
Was it because you had a crush on him? Don’t judge, that’s rude. You and Meg were close and she regularly brought you home with her for family holidays. It always exhausted you to be around that chaotic family, and even though Ransom was a total babe and in reality annoyed the hell out of you, you never admitted it. Joni, Meg’s mother, always had the persona and mannerisms that conveyed was high. Always her long and dragged out “hello, (Y/N)” with the hug and asking about your chakras and horoscope or whatever. She got on your last nerve most of the time and Meg found that hilarious. You knew deep down Joni was a good person and wanted the best for her daughter, but my god could she run you up a wall.
Meg’s grandfather was a sweetheart, but the rest of that family was absolutely out of their goddamn minds. And though he was insane, Ransom was drop dead hot. You never quite minded his smartass remarks, his cold glares, or the fact he thought his family was an absolute joke. It all just kinda rolled out of your head when you’d see those captivating sky blue eyes and evil smirk.
Meg had first thought it was a joke when you confessed your crush on Ransom to her one long night at school. She’d laughed, but after looking at your nervous face she stared. “What the hell?” She had asked. Your face was a combination of paleness and being flushed. You shrugged shakily. “I don’t know... he’s hot, Meg!” She scoffed, flipping back her long brown hair. “He might be hot to you, but he’s a hot prick. Doesn’t being a prick kinda cancel out being hot?” She pointed out sternly. “You know I’ve got a thing for bad boys,” you mumbled sheepishly in defense. She laughed again. “(Y/N), this isn’t some movie where everyone wants to date the hot villain. Do not date the hot villain in this situation!” She yelled. You gave her a sad glare before standing up and falling face first onto your dorm bed.
Now you weren’t dating him yet, but you sure as hell were next to him any chance you got. At first he thought it was funny, one of Meg’s college friends having a cute crush on him. But as time progressed and you became more in his way and more obnoxious to him, it made his blood boil.
It was the end of exams and summer was finally here. You were staying with Meg all summer and thrilled you were going to have opportunities to see Ransom. As you got more and more anxious the days leading up, Meg had made you promise you weren’t going to get so attached to Ransom or even forget you were there with her, and you agreed. You’d packed all your clothes (making sure to pack that one bikini that always got attention) and belongings and were on a plane to Massachusetts in no time.
When you’d arrived at Harlan’s, you were greeted with a big hug from Joni. “(Y/N), how are you sweetie?” She asked with a light tap on the back. You forced a laugh and smiled awkwardly. “I’m great Joni, h-how are you? How’s Flam?” you asked in an effort to move the topic off you as your patience lowered every time she opened her mouth. She smiled with accomplishment as she opened her mouth. “Oh you know, it reached two million followers yesterday on Insta, no biggie.” She was obviously fishing for compliments.
“Well congrats, that’s amazing,” you nodded with gritted teeth. She waved a hand and rolled her eyes slightly. “Did you get that moisturizer I sent you?” She asked. You looked over at Meg with eyes wide with annoyance and she quickly came up to help. “Yeah mom she really enjoyed it... We’re going to go get settled,” Meg explained quickly as you gave a small wave before following her.
You exhaled heavily as Meg led you up to her room. She scoffed in amusement. “Ready for a whole summer of Joni Thrombey?” She asked. You laughed under your breath and shook your head with wide eyes. “Mm, maybe Joni could just hook me up with her nephew instead...” you replied suggestively. Meg rolled her eyes and sighed. “(Y/N), he thinks you’re one of the most annoying people to have ever walked the planet, mostly because you’re friends with me. But still I don’t see your chances getting higher with that asshole,” she said. You frowned, unzipping one of your suitcases.
“Okay but I brought that one really sexy bikini I have and I’m not going to get a wedgie for nothing so he better at least say I’m not the most annoying or I look hot or something,” you huffed. Meg laughed, picking up the swimsuit and tossing it at your face.
Though the first day was uneventful, full of unpacking, saying your hellos and greeting everyone, calling to update your parents, eating, and sleeping, the next day was when the real fun began.
Harlan had decided it would be “nice” to get the family together since all the kids were now off school. You had raved to Meg how excited you were to see Ransom and try to prove you were a grown college woman and totally girlfriend (or wife, but baby steps right?) material. She groaned when she heard the news and hit her head against a wall.
“What? It’ll be so fun!” You tried to reason as Meg glared in the mirror while applying her makeup. She put product in her wavy brown hair and sighed. “Yeah it’ll be fun for you. You happen to forget that Ransom is just one member of this family, this very chaotic and hell raising family,” she bit. You scoffed and slipped a crop top on. “You’re just jealous because I might get a boyfriend.” You stuck your tongue out.
Meg was just about to argue back when you heard the front door downstairs being opened with muffled greetings. You sprinted over to your closed door and concentrated hard for any sign of the name “Ransom.” You pressed your ear hard against the door and your eyes lit up as you finally heard the name you’d been waiting for. Your heart rate picked up and you looked back to Meg, who was applying mascara unenthusiastically.
“You’re going to annoy the shit out of him,” she warned quietly. You glared. “No I’m not... I swear I’m mature. Mature enough to be attractive though, not like some stuck up old librarian lady or something,” you explained nervously. Meg laughed. “This is coming from the girl who still sleeps with a nightlight,” she retorted. You flipped her off with a fake smile before slipping out the door.
You ran down the long flights of stairs (nearly knocking into poor Fran, who was just trying to escape Ransom) and breathed quickly. You nearly tripped down the last few steps and cursed under your breath before catching up with a particular tall, dark haired man. You slipped in front of him and smiled smugly at him.
“Hey Ransom,” you greeted as chill as possible. He was more beautiful than you remembered (even though you had just seen him at Christmas); his hair was cut a little shorter, he wasn’t hiding under cable knit sweaters or long overcoats, and his blue eyes caught the sunlight. When he saw you his mouth parted and he stared with furrowed eyebrows for a moment. His head then tilted back as he groaned loudly.
“Meg!” He yelled. “Come get your dumb friend out of my way!” You blinked a couple times before leaning against the knight’s armour in the hallway. “No look Ransom, I’m just here to chill with Meg all summer. It’s not a huge deal. It’s totally fine, you’ll have no trouble from me,” you offered. He raised an eyebrow and scoffed. “Yeah that’s what you told me at Christmas, then you tried to kiss me under the mistletoe,” he retorted with a bitter laugh. You cringed; yeah, you had hit the holly jollies a little too much that night. You cleared your throat and began to trail Ransom as he began to walk away from you.
“Well lucky for you there’s no mistletoe in the summer,” you replied sarcastically. “Yeah, but there’s still you,” Ransom bit back in mock sarcasm. You halted to a stop and gaped at him as he continued to walk off. Damn, he really came for you.
As you stared, Harlan had appeared behind you and greeted you with a pat on the back. “So, have you said your hellos to Ransom?” He asked. You nodded, your eyes still focused down the hall. “Mhm,” you hummed back. He chuckled lightly before walking off slowly, and you scoffed as Ransom’s remark echoed in your head.
Not a big deal; a big girl like you could handle Ransom’s snarky remarks, right?
After plenty of lame and useless attempts at trying to get Ransom’s attention just through basic human interaction, you’d decided it was time to put that bikini to use.
Who knew there was easy access to a pool out where Harlan lived? You thanked your lucky stars that the white suit wouldn’t just be taking up space in your suitcase. Sure, most of the Thrombeys were now gathered and would probably be there as well, but you get what you get right? You slipped it on in the bathroom connected to Meg’s room and sighed, already pulling the bottoms out of all the uncomfortable places it didn’t belong. You looked at yourself in the mirror and raised your eyebrows. Wow, dressing for a man and not yourself; you never thought you would stoop so low for a crush.
You opened the door and met Meg with her emerald green bikini as she whistled and looked you up and down. “Damn sis! All this for my asshole older cousin?” She asked as you rolled your eyes. “I know, I was thinking the same thing,” you mumbled back. She grinned sarcastically as she grabbed the sunglasses from her dresser. “Yeah, it’s a good thing you’re not obsessed with him or anything, that would be weird,” she commented with heavy sarcasm. You laughed monotonely and threw a small bottle of sunscreen at her arm.
“Whatever, let’s get going. I wanna get out of this suit asap,” you mumbled before opening the door. Meg followed you out and snorted from behind. “(Y/N) it’s already riding up your ass,” She commented. Your face felt hot (from both embarrassment and how annoying Meg was being) and you spit out the first argument that came to mind: “Well maybe I want it there, Meg.”
You trotted through the full house and outside and plopped onto one of the long, clothed chairs perfect for tanning. Ransom was over in a shaded corner reading from a Playboy magazine (to which you thought why was he looking at pictures of women in bikinis when there was one right in front of him?) through dark sunglasses. His hair was combed back with no gel or product in it and he wore dark blue swimming trunks with no shirt. Jacob was in the shadows behind him with his eyes glued to his phone screen, the damn kid. You however couldn’t help but stare for a moment at Ransom’s abs as you blinked and took a deep breath. You laid your head back down and closed your eyes for a moment as you let the sun warm your entire body. “Damn Ransom,” you muttered bitterly.
“Alright this place better not turn into some splash pad for three year olds now that you’re here,” Ransom announced. You opened your eyes and looked back over, his eyes still glued to the magazine. You scoffed loudly in exaggeration as Meg shook her head in astonishment at you. “Please Ransom, we’re just out here to do the same exact thing as you; chill,” you called back. Joni who was drinking champagne in the hottub glanced over briefly. “Meg! (Y/N)! Looking totally adorable girls! Love the self love!” She complimented as hip as she could get.
“Yeah thanks mom,” Meg called back i enthusiastically. Ransom rolled his eyes and looked up to see what the fuss was about and was dumbstruck when he did.
God, did you have to look so hot in that swimsuit? Your skin glowed in the sun as your crossed one leg over the other. That swimsuit was very small... His eyes traveled from your legs to your bare stomach up to- no, no. He looked back down and exhaled loudly. No, think about how annoying you are. He wasn’t going to stare at you. No... He felt awkward. He shifted uncomfortably in his chair. Ransom never thought he’d feel something towards you. It was weird, he questioned his standards and tried to take his mind off you. This was really conflicting and he’d never thought so much into a hot girl- no he wasn’t going to call you hot.
While Ransom sat in the corner and tried to handle his frustration, you layed in the sun and pitied yourself. You basically tried everything. If Ransom wasn’t going to pay attention to you in this, there was no hope. You frowned and stretched your arms and legs before crossing them again.
You glanced over at Ransom, who’s eyes you’d found staring at you. (He couldn’t do it. He looked back at you, sprawled out on the chair. Screw his reputation, he wasn’t going to pass this up.) You blinked a few times before raising an eyebrow. “Like what you see, Ransom?” You asked suggestively. He scoffed in astonishment and shook his head. “You’re such a brat,” he mumbled. You smiled wickedly and sat up. Meg looked over and tried to grab your arm. “(Y/N), where are you going?” She asked. You looked back as you made your way to the pool. “Just going for a swim because I’m getting a little hot in the sun,” you explained casually.
Ransom shook his head and chuckled under his breath. “Really, (Y/N)? This is what we’re gonna play?” He asked somewhat aggressively. You looked over and shrugged innocently. “What are we playing, Ransom? Can’t a girl get in the pool if she needs to be cooled off?” You lowered your sunglasses for a moment and winked. He glared with a mouth opened in shock; since when did you start acting like this? Where was Meg’s college friend who had a cute little crush on him?
You were milking the hell out of this. You enjoyed feeling somewhat in control over Ransom. His frustration amused you, and you were pretty sure he’d pop at any second.
You stepped into the cool water and shivered slightly. You slowly continued to submerge your body and looked back over at your target. He held his head with his fingers against his temple, his mouth slightly parted. You grinned smugly before placing your glasses to the side and going completely under the crystal clear water.
Jacob looked up briefly from his phone and laughed viciously. “Seriously, Ransom?” Ransom turned around and held a finger close to his face. “One more comment out of you and that goddamn phone finds a new home at the bottom of that pool,” he snarled. Jacob rolled his eyes before looking back down while Ransom whipped back around.
You hair was now wet and water drops speckled your chest and arms. Ransom groaned and threw his magazine on the ground before standing up. You glanced over and did your best to hold back laughter from the scene Ransom was causing. He began to quickly walk towards you and you full on laughed.
“Ransom don’t get your britches in a bunch,” Meg commented from her chair. She’d given up; you were a lost cause. You were under the spell of her disgusting older cousin and all she could do was sit back and watch the curse take its course.
You waited for Ransom at the edge of the underground pool and put your arms on the warm concrete. He kneeled in front of you and you raised an eyebrow. The sun reflected off the water and Ransom tried his best to keep his eyes on you through his dark sunglasses. “You think this is funny?” He bit. You shrugged. “Little bit. I’m only having fun if you are though,” you replied smoothly. “Trying to make me look like a perv? You knew exactly what you were doing when you put that goddamn bikini on. A little small (Y/N), don’t you think?” He whispered harshly. You stared at his angry expression before glancing around at the oblivious grownups in the yard.
“Glad your family isn’t paying attention, huh?” You remarked. He growled lowly and you smiled. “Come on Ransom,” you urged plainly. “You know you want to.” Ransom raised an eyebrow. “Do what?” He hissed. You puckered your lips for a brief second and winked teasingly. He laughed bitterly.
“Jesus Christ,” he growled before putting his index finger under your chin and pulling you into a rough kiss. You shifted your weight onto your arms and pushed yourself up higher and further into the kiss.
Your stomach twisted and turned and you felt like screaming in victory.
He pulled away and glared in defeat as you smirked. “Now that wasn’t that hard, was it?” You cooed. He sighed. “You’re a real bitch, you know?” He asked. You hummed amusingly. “Yeah Meg would know a lot about that.”
haaaaaa i hope you enjoyed! i loved writing this and i hope you enjoyed! (and of course thanks to my girl @lookalivefrosty for getting me through a rough spot where i didn’t know wtf to do😂)
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smilexcaptainx · 4 years
Small Part | Ransom Drysdale
Wanna be part of my Imagines Tag List?
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Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Reader
Requested: Anonymous
Request: Please can you do a ransom drysdale imagine where you are Ransom’s girlfriend and Harlan really loved you and your interest in murder mysteries and books so leaves you a little something in his will much to Ransom and the rest of the families dismay? Thank you, no worries if you can’t or don’t want to! 💙
A/N: I hope you enjoy!
Warning(s): Language
Word Count: 1K
“Shit shit shit!” you exclaimed unhappily, barging through the front door of the Thrombey’s mansion. “I’m never taking another nap again!”
 Before you entered into the room where the reading was being held, you briefly cleansed yourself. You whipped up a smile that clearly showed, “Sorry I’m late”  You blew out a breath of air and opened up the two gigantic doors, soon finding yourself entering into an uncomfortably silent room. Everybody was sat around the room, all separated in families.
“Sorry I’m late,” you spoke, wincing at yourself for stating the obvious. Of course they knew you were late, they were all waiting on you. “I um, my alarm—”
“We don’t give a shit about what you were doing.” shouted walt from his seat. His eyes snapped back at Alan. “She’s finally here. Can we commence the reading now?”
 You scoffed. Walt was always a complete dick to you. Nobody really liked you in the family, all except Ransom and his grandfather, Harlan. Harlan treated you like one of his own grandchildren, he appreciated the fact that you were as fascinated about reading murder mysteries and books as much as he was. Your heart was completely shattered when you heard the news about the unfortunate event.
 Harlan was always close to you, but little did you know, he left you something that you never anticipated to be even thought of.
“Don’t listen to that prick,” ransom said softly, approaching you with his hand out. You smiled and put your hand inside his. “I’m glad you’re here, even if you are a half hour late.”
 He kissed you gently on your forehead and stood hand in hand with you as Alan slid out the paper inside the envelope. Alan read aloud the letter of which Harlan written, and in an instant, Ransom’s hand loosened from yours and fell down to his side. You gulped dryly as you sensed Ransom’s crystal blue eyes shift over to look over at you.
 You were frozen. You couldn’t move. The other families were arguing at Alan, ripping the paper straight out of his hand. Walt was the one to proof read the letter, and it was no doubt…true. You were getting the will that the others expected to get.
“She’s not even part of this damn family!”‌ walt yelled angrily. All the eyes snaked toward you. Walt started wobbling toward you with his cane. “You manipulator!”‌ he spat. “What the hell did you do with my father’s brain to get him to even remotely think that you were worthy enough to receive this!”
 Everything around you started echoing, the exclamations from the other members of the family, but especially your thoughts. You couldn’t even process the situation. The family was getting close, and it was terrifying you. A certain figure soon stepped in front of you. It was Ransom.
“If any of your shitheads even think about getting anywhere near (Y/N), you’re going to be losing a lot more than the will today,” ransom threatened, his eyes surveying his family members. “you’re scaring  her.”
“She should be scared!” walt screamed. “She stole all of our damn money! And for what?!‌ Because she shared some shitty common interest with Harlan? It’s complete bullshit!”
 The family kept approaching you and Ransom knew that he had to take action. He swiped your hand into his, dropped the f-bomb on his family and bolted out the door with you right behind him. You both dashed outside and to his car. You were on the verge of tears, half of because you were still trying to capture the circumstance. You buckled up and Ransom stepped on in as he saw the family come rushing out the front door.
“I-I don’t how this happened,” you stuttered, softly shaking. “H-Harlan…the millions of dollars…the mansion? Why me?”
“Because he loved you (Y/N),” ransom answered, his eyes fixated on the road. “genuinely I might add.”
“Well, he loved you guys too, didn’t—”
“Not as much as you (Y/N),” ransom said, shaking his head. “he told me beforehand that he was going to give you all this stuff through his will an—”
“Ransom!”‌ you shouted, whacking him. “Why the hell didn’t you say anything?!”
A malicious smirk appeared on his face. “I just wanted to see how the family would react.”
“Well they all reacted terribly!”‌ you exclaimed. “I’m just glad that you were able to get me out in time. Thanks Ransom. You really saved my ass back there.”
“The will though,” ransom retracted the subject.‌ “what are you going to do with it?”
You bit your lip and shrugged. “I honestly don’t even know Ransom. This is all too much to me.”
“I love you (Y/N).” ransom said out of the blue. You perked an eyebrow. “I just wanted to let you know that.”
“Um, I love you too?” you said in more of a form of a question. “Ransom…Uh, you aren’t going to go crazy on me like they did, right?”
“Now, what kind of boyfriend would that make me (Y/N)?” ransom asked, his eyebrow now perking up. “Not a good one, that’s for certain.”
“Ransom…” you breathed out his name slowly. “You aren’t giving me very convincing vibes.”
“(Y/N).” ransom chuckled lightly. “We’ve been boyfriend and girlfriend for three years. We’re probably going to get married in the future and have children,” he continued. Your heart skipped a beat. He had never talked about marriage or kids with you before. “I just want our future kids to live the best life they can, don’t you?”
“Y-Yes, I do.” you agreed hesitatingly. “I actually would really like that.”
“Good, then it seems that we’ve come to a decision,” ransom said with a nod. “I’m glad we had this talk.”
“Um, yeah, me too Ransom.”
 You could already tell that Ransom’s mind was slowly crawling into the mind set of his other family members, and you didn’t want to believe it, but the feeling he was giving you, it felt like it was true. As the air filled with silence, your mind was filling up with plans to leave Ransom without leaving behind a trace. You knew that if his own family turned on you, it wouldn’t be long until he did too.
The End
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ransomheld · 5 years
tag drop 2 - people.
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lost-in-sokovia · 4 years
toxic - chapter 5
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oof. i don’t think you’re ready for the thrombey/drysdale clan. good luck, reader. (may contain spoilers to Knives Out)
Your first night at Ransom’s home was both interesting and uncomfortable.
His house was absolutely stunning and you were afraid to touch anything, fearing the subtle thought you may break something. Ransom showed you around and your mouth continued to gape at his beautiful belongings. You felt the part you felt most uncomfortable visiting was his room. It was nice, yes, but you wondered how many one night stands taken place in his bed, and if he intended you to end up there at some point. You had turned slightly red and made sure that part of the tour ended quickly.
He showed you the beautiful guest room where you would be staying and you dropped all your bags in there. After the tour ended it was later than you had expected. He asked if you needed anything to eat, but the nervous knot in your stomach prevented any hunger.
After wishing him thanks again and goodnight, the two of you parted ways into your rooms.
“If you need anything, just let me know.” Ransom had flashed a grin.
After taking a shower in the connected bathroom and brushing your teeth, you went over your day in your head. It was actually happening. You were staying in your ex best friend’s house after not seeing or communicating with each other for ages. Is this how fast normal people took things?
You shuddered in the cold as you climbed into the white satin sheets, biting your lip thinking about who could have possible been in this bed as well. But the thoughts left quite quickly as you got comfy and slowly drifted off to sleep after your long day.
Ransom chuckled to himself after closing his door. This experience was different for him. Most of the time whenever a girl was at his house she was with him partaking in other activities. But now you were here and were going to unknowingly meet his family tomorrow, the load of crackheads.
Sighing deeply as he turned off the lights, he turned to his side and fell asleep to an empty bed.
You woke up around 8:30 and quickly got dressed and ready for the day. Your outfit consisted of a long sleeved fleece fall yellow shirt, black jeggings, and fall-patterned socks for fun. As you walked into the kitchen your heart jumped momentarily when you were greeted by Ransom, looking undoubtedly attractive in his cream knit sweater and jeans.
“Good morning,” he greeted politely. You swallowed hard and walked slowly over to the table. You sat down carefully and looked back over at Ransom as he prepared breakfast.
“Coffee?” He asked.
“Yes please,” you responded and sat quietly. The days in Boston kept getting cloudier and cloudier as the days progressed. Gray light cast into the kitchen as you stared blankly out the window.
He set a mug in front of you and thanked him quietly. You picked it up and held it to your lips gently.
“Hey,” Ransom started as he poured a mug for himself. “Did I mention to you last night that we’d be going to meet my family today?” He asked casually.
You choked slightly on your coffee.
“I don’t think I can do this,” You expressed nervously to Ransom.
The two of you were still sitting in his BMW in front of his grandfather’s large estate. The thought of facing his family sent shivers down your spine. The way he talked about them now compared to boarding school never changed, if anything it may have only gotten worse.
“It’s going to be fine.” He put his hand on your shoulder, making your heart rate increase. “I’m sure they all remember you, and Harlan probably still loves you,” he reassured. You exhaled with a chuckle. Harlan did really like you when you were younger. Despite never meeting you in person, he thought you were a wonderful and mature little girl who had a positive influence on his grandson. He even went as far as to send you letters along with Ransom’s.
You took a couple deep breaths and nodded your head. You unbuckled and Ransom smiled. “There we go,” he praised.
You continued to look at the marvelous home as you got out. It looked like a castle, with it’s pointed rooftops and worn brick. You longed to stand and look out over the beautiful balcony, much bigger than the small one back at your apartment.
You shuffled through rock and dead leaves and were suddenly met by loud barking and the sound of running.
Two brown and black german shepards came running towards you and you grinned.
“Oh hello babies!” You squealed as the dogs came up and jumped on you. You pet them both and laughed as they sniffed you and pawed at you.
Ransom cocked an eyebrow as he watched the scene. You didn’t mind Harlan’s dogs. You actually seemed to enjoy them. You continued to surprise him more and more since you arrived.
After the dogs settled down you managed to kneel down to meet them face to face.
“I gotta go in there now, okay?” You whispered. One of them licked their nose and you giggled, rubbing one of each’s ear.
Ransom walked over and stood behind you.
“Ready?” He asked. You stood up with fake confidence and nodded, slowly walking forward with him.
Just before making it to the door, the two of you were met with a sharp “Ransom?”
Ransom rolled his eyes as his mother emerged through the door. Your eyes widened as you were faced with Linda Drysdale herself. You had only seen her one other time after Ransom and you had graduated. She looked good; her hair was white and cut to a pixie cut. She had round black glasses with little rounded edges on each corner to add a more feminine touch. She wore matching navy blue pants and a flowy shirt.
“Oh, there you are,” she said. She looked over at you as you stood there, staring right back at her. She eyed you up and down in almost a look of... disapproval?
“Hello, and you are?” She asked uncertainly. You glanced at Ransom and cleared your throat awkwardly.
“Mom, this is (Y/N) from boarding school, remember her?” Ransom explained before you could respond. You smiled meekly.
“I-It’s alright, it’s definitely been a while since-“
“Oh yes I remember you,” Linda cut you off and clapped her hands triumphantly. “Yes yes dear how are you?” She asked before walking forward to give you a brief hug.
“I’m fine, thank you,” you chuckled in surprise. She smiled at her son before opening the door.
“Well come in! We’ll get the whole family to meet you!” She exclaimed. You nodded and laughed nervously.
You walked into the warm home and looked around. It was becoming more and more like a castle. Of course you knew that Harlan was an accomplished author, so you expected nothing less.
You wiped your combat boots on the mat before walking further to take off your coat. Ransom strutted in confidently and left you to follow him.
A middle aged woman passed by carrying a tray from which Ransom grabbed a biscuit from.
“Hey Franny,” Ransom said smugly as he took a bite of biscuit. The woman named Fran rolled her eyes as she made her way into the direction of what you assumed was the kitchen. Ransom chuckled and continued to make his way into the main living area. There was a fireplace and gorgeous couch and chairs, natural light entering through the windows.
In there sat a young boy, a teenage girl, a man who had a cane propped against his chair, you recognized Richard who read from a newspaper, one woman glued to her phone, and another woman sitting next to the man with the cane. You made guesses as to who they could be because Ransom never actually cared enough to go into detail how his family looked.
Linda breezed past you and Ransom and clapped her hands. Everyone in the room turned their attention to her as she stood in front of you and Ransom.
“Everyone, Ransom has invited a friend to stay with him this holiday,” she announced. She moved over to the side to give everyone view to you and Ransom. Ransom smugly smiled and rocked back on his heels as you made quick eye contact with everyone and nervously laughed before subtly waving a hand.
“Uhm, h-hi,” you stuttered politely. Richard stood up and walked forward to shake your hand.
“Oh hello (Y/N),” he said as you held his hand to shake it. He smiled at you and you immediately felt uncomfortable. Not only was he a horrible father, he never gave off a comfortable vibe to you.
“H-Hi Richard,” you greeted back uncomfortably. He glanced at his son before his eyes scanned you. In that moment you felt like you weren’t wearing enough, despite your body being covered in cold weather clothing.
“So, Ransom, how’d you get her here?” He asked his son. Ransom shrugged.
“Oh you know, it’s always nice to get in contact with an old friend,” he casually replied. He was very vague, probably trying to avoid acknowledging the fact it had to do with your best friend and his mother.
“That’s nice, very nice,” Richard complimented. The man with the cane came up next to greet you with the same blonde woman who sat with him.
“Hi, I’m Walt,” he said and shook your hand. He sounded very unsure of himself, he read like he had a lack of confidence. The woman just smiled and nodded at you, adding a quiet “Donna” after Walt said his name.
“Nice to meet you,” you said politely. His expression shifted to confusion.
“H-Has Ransom never really talked about me?” He asked meekly. You thought about when Ransom talked about Walt’s son Jacob and how Walt didn’t do shit. You decided to spare that and brush it off as you’d never really met.
“N-Not much,” you replied, trying to show sympathy. He nodded and sighed, looking down and staggering back as his wife looked down to the floor. The young boy was next and continued to look at his phone. You stood there in silence and glanced up at Ransom for a moment.
“Jacob get off that damn phone,” Ransom snarled and the boy looked up reluctantly.
“Jacob,” he said curtly. “So Ransom, is this your girlfriend of the week?” He asked sharply. Your insides froze and Ransom laughed mockingly.
“Yeah you think you’re funny pal. No, she’s just an old friend who you wouldn’t remember because I never posted her on social media.” He retorted. You weren’t quite sure of what he meant, but this kid didn’t seem like he was worth your time.
A teenage girl who was close to your age walked up next. She smiled warmly at you and hugged you. You were slightly taken aback but didn’t mind.
“Hey, I’m Meg,” she said warmly. You smiled at her. She obviously was probably one of the more sane ones in this family.
“Hey, I’m (Y/N). I think Ransom has mentioned you a couple times,” you replied. She laughed softly and rolled her eyes.
“I hope it was all true, and not some made-up shit,” she said. You laughed as she looked at you one more time before walking away. A blonde woman with curls walked up to you and smiled.
“Namaste, (Y/N),” she said and put her hands on your shoulders. You stared at her for a moment, speechless. This woman’s voice was kind of annoying and she seemed like a handful.
“Joni don’t scare the poor girl she just got here!” Richard piped up from the side. She smiled at you, ignoring Richard’s comment.
“I’m Joni, you might have heard of me,” she tried not to boast. You lied and nodded, just trying to get this woman away from you as fast as possible. “I’m here for you if you need it and you can always come stay with me if-“
“That’s enough Joni,” Ransom cut in and ushered her away. You gulped and glanced up at Ransom, who shook his head. You sighed. His family was definitely interesting in real life, and you knew you were in for a long week.
“(Y/N), my dear!” A voice chimed from behind you. You looked over and saw Harlan walking down the stairs with a young girl, making sure he was alright. You couldn’t help but smile. Even though you barely knew him you always felt connected to him and like he genuinely cared.
“Hi!” You greeted back. Harlan walked over and shook your hand with both of his earnestly.
“How are you my dear? Still doing great work at The New York Times?” He asked. You gasped, you didn’t know he read your work!
“I-I’m great, thank you!” You said. He nodded and gestured to the young Latina girl.
“This is my assistant, Marta Cabrera,” he said. Marta smiled and shook your hand.
“Nice you meet you,” she greeted with a Latina accent. You smiled.
“Pleasure.” You has a feeling you would turn to be friends with her. Harlan turned to his grandson.
“Ransom I had no idea you would be inviting this lovely girl to join us!” He exclaimed. You blushed, he was truly one of the kindest.
“Yeah well, I thought a surprise would be nice,” he lied through his teeth.
Harlan shrugged before turning back to you. Before he could say anything else, Ransom walked to you and put his arm around your shoulder.
“Well (Y/N) and I really should be heading out,” he said. Harlan frowned.
“Leaving so soon?” Richard asked. Your insides twisted uncomfortably and you nodded in agreement with Ransom.
“I’ll be back tomorrow!” You said to everyone. Ransom grabbed your coat and handed it to you.
“It’s been great, bye!” He said shortly and sarcastically as everyone began talking at once to him. He slammed the door and chuckled to himself. You stared at him and giggled at him.
“What?” you asked. He shook his head, knowing things were only going to escalate from here. The two of you climbed in the car and he began to drive off.
“You’re welcome,” he cut the silence. You looked at him.
“Figured I’d spare you an extra day of staying with my family, so you’ll just have to hang with me I guess,” he explained. You smiled and inhaled.
“Your family sure is more interesting than you ever described them,” you laughed lightly. Ransom chuckled and shook his head.
“Sometimes I just can’t find the right words to describe them,” he joked. You laughed.
The rest of the day you and Ransom talked, becoming reacquainted with each other. Ransom could tell you were beginning to break out of your shell, showing his plan was working perfectly. It should be a breeze getting you to do whatever he pleased now. You, unknowing of his intentions, just thought things were going back to old times.
Maybe he wasn’t as toxic as you thought?
this chapter was a little long! but i couldn’t just skip over the family, they need a long chapter tbh😂 chapter 6 is in the works, hope you enjoyed!!🤍
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