#⬆ (he is my favorite character)
ohmaerieme · 1 year
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he needs to be put down i think.
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the-black-bulls · 8 months
As per usual here's the update of the number of quotes given to every black bull, sharing it for people who love numbers as I do, in this year Magna finally surprassed Noelle (unsurprising since he's my favorite character):
................. ('21 > '22 > '23)
- Asta | 300 > 545 > 648
- Magna | 212 > 393 > 482 (⬆✨)
- Noelle | 212 > 405 > 477
- Gauche | 202 > 372 > 463
- Yami | 195 > 360 > 445
- Luck | 189 > 350 > 417
- Finral | 197 > 345 > 417
- Vanessa | 181 > 336 > 406
- Zora | 148 > 298 > 394
- Nacht | 113 > 266 > 333
- Charmy | 133 > 247 > 299
- Nero | 117 > 222 > 274
- Grey | 102 > 177 > 215
- Liebe | 70 > 169 > 208
- Gordon | 84 > 152 > 187
- Henry | 70 > 101 > 118
- Gimodelo | -- > -- > 20
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iobsesswaytoomuch · 3 months
I'm having an existential crisis
I DON'T KNOW WHO MY FAVORITE TURTLE IS ANYMORE (I do I just don't want to admit it)
why am I uncannily like him in some ways
I just realized he's my favorite to draw and project on because I think he's my favorite
I HATED HIM AT FIRST (affectionately)
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mikasa-last-hope · 2 years
If you collect all the reasons why you like rivamika?
Thank you for your question, Anon 😉
I hope there won't be too many spelling mistakes!
Make me like Levi.
Perhaps an original reason but a Rivamika scene made me like Levi. Yeah… when I started AOT, I didn't do shipping and I didn't like Levi. For me, he was just another badass character, cold, who did not express any emotion. Typical shonen character, seen and reviewed. How boring.
Then, I bought AOT volumes in colossal edition and I reread the manga. (side note : The colossal edition is super cool because the panels are obviously bigger and the paper is smoother and whiter, I find this edition more qualitative so I recommend!) So, I reach the chapter 30, the first real interaction between Levi and Mikasa and I see this panels in a very big format :
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I can't really explain it well, but something clicked in me when I finally saw some real expressions on Levi's face. From that moment I got interested in him and started to like him, then discover that contrary to what I thought at the beginning Levi was a character with an interesting psyche and background. (Although I think it's a pity that Isayama didn't exploit it further… But it' s also the manga format that wants that, it's more limited than a novel.) He's a gray character who can be capable of committing heroic acts as well as terrible and even vicious things. He's a character that is very interesting to analyze and to write about. In the end, he became my favorite.
Levi's discreet interest in Mikasa.
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I like how Mikasa managed to pique Levi's interest. I always found that sometimes she was ignored or put aside by her own friends so I really appreciate the fact that someone paid attention to her and is concerned about her.
Then, there are his stares on Mikasa and speechless!Levi :
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Levi wants to give meaning to all the sacrifices that have been made. Without it, all the people he lost will have died for nothing. It's personal but at the same time it gives him a selfless side, which closes him off a bit in a rather heroic character despite his flaws and his darkness. So it gives me the impression that we are dealing with "Captain Levi" most of the time, a closed person who is only interested in what might serve his noble cause. But his interest in Mikasa, although it's a bit professional, also seems rather personal, an interest he has as just Levi, as a person.
And, with Mikasa, Levi seems to be more reserved and hesitant, which deepens his character and makes him more approachable than an always charismatic and confident "Captain Levi".
The evolution of Mikasa : from hostility to trust and care.
Mikasa with Levi goes from this :
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to this :
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Mikasa doesn't like Levi at first, at least not since the court. But as time goes by, there is a real evolution of her opinion about him. Even though she still holds a small grudge against him, I still feel that she realizes that he isn't as bad and evil as she thought. She saw the "bad" sides of Levi first but ends up seeing his good sides later. She learns to respect him, follow his orders and trust him.
There is a real positive development that has been done (although in my opinion it has not been sufficiently exploited) and which shows that Mikasa is capable of questioning herself and revising her opinion.
Their interactions with each other.
Their interactions are really nice to see and read. They're both my favorite characters and I ship them together so of course I love the scenes they have together and I probably have a biased view because of that but… I still feel that there is a kind of special atmosphere between them. I can't put words to it, but it's like there's something deep and latent. It's more obvious in the manga, but there's almost always a game of looks between them :
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⬆ Here, I really like the focus that tightens on Mikasa's eyes.
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⬆ The way Mikasa turns her eyes on Levi… the way there is once again a tight focus on her eyes gives it a more intensity/meaning to them. And Levi seems to turn his away as if he's uncomfortable with it whereas he's usually the first to stare at people…
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⬆ This page is simply amazing. No text, just looks. I don't know what Isayama wanted to show here, but I feel like Levi see Mikasa's distress and is surprised and confused? I would really like to know what Levi is thinking at that moment. Because right before the frame on Levi's eyes, there is Mikasa's face from his perspective. So I think I'm being reasonable in saying that it's more Mikasa's expression and tears than the fact that she draws her sword that surprises him. I think it might be because he is surprised that Mikasa cared about someone else than Eren to the point of drawing her blade?
⬇ And it's during one of their interactions that we learn a little more about each other :
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So I find that this mix adds a certain personal dimension and intimacy to their interactions.
Their dynamic.
He is Humanity's Strongest Soldier. She is the Woman Who Worth Hundred Soldiers. So if they team up, we have the right to have high expectations. And they don't disappoint. They have a confidence in each other's abilities that allows them to fight on their own without having to worry about the other, but ready to intervene for the other if necessary. Even though it wasn't shown much, they can really ally themselves and synchronize like in the uprising arc and especially at the very end, against Eren. Alone, they are strong. Together, they look unstoppable.
I liked when Mikasa was kind of Levi's right-hand soldier. I think it suits her, I would have liked to see her more in this role. It would have allowed her to learn the importance of responsibility, to put forward other of her qualities than her fighting skills. Mikasa is smart, works well and I think she knows how to anticipate the needs of others. And not being afraid of Levi, she could have told him when he was too harsh but at the same time "defend" him to her comrades because she is the one more able to understand and accept the drastic orders that Levi can give. A conciliatory role to improve understanding and cohesion between Levi and his squad. We saw all of this in the uprising arc, admittedly rather superficially, but I really enjoyed it.
I also find that Levi and Mikasa have a bit of a "Mentor and Protégée" dynamic. I always thought that Levi was trying to pass on/teach something to Mikasa. In the forest of giant trees, he tells her to not lose sight of their objective, unless satisfying her own desires overrides that. Later, he tells her to control her emotions for not mess up again. In the Uprising Arc (manga), he orders her to kill the enemies when she can, it may be an order but it’s mostly a survival advice, I think. In Season 3 part 1, he tells her that humans will also be their enemies and asks her to pass on the message to her comrades, he warns her and her friends by saying this. He asks her to calm down a few times and explains quickly why rushing is not the right thing to do.
But beyond the dynamics of "Superior and subordinate" and "Mentor and Protégée" which are professional. Levi and Mikasa also have in my eyes a certain dynamic on a more personal level : Levi see Mikasa for what she is not more not less. Although he is aware of her abilities, he doesn't mystify or belittle her. Besides, Mikasa seems more natural and herself with Levi than with the others. She has no filter, she isn't afraid to say and do what she really thinks. I find that she has a freedom with him that she doesn't have with anyone else.
As for Levi, he is still himself, Mikasa or not. However I find that he picks up in his rough way of talking when she is around surely because she tends to react. He takes his time more when he speaks to her as if he is uncertain and hesitant when usually he is very direct. To be honest, I don't know if it's because there's something about Mikasa that really makes him unsure or if it's because he knows that she's reluctant towards him and if he doesn't tone down his harshness the message won't get through as well as with the others.
There has always been an honesty between them that makes their dynamic natural, balanced and doesn't feel forced. We go from a somewhat reluctant association (on Mikasa's side) to a functional team. Obviously, it's not always perfect, but it only makes their dynamic more realistic. They don't always agree, but they talk about it, argue, try to make the other see their point of view. They are honest with each other, not afraid to tell the truth to each other and this is a good thing for me.
Rivamika is also a ship that is eligible for the romantic dynamic of "the man who looks at the girl from afar, not letting his feelings get in the way of her happiness and the girl who is in denial and not wanting to acknowledge her feelings for X reasons (bad love history, blind love for someone else)". For example, I have in mind this scene from "No string attached" for the dynamic I'm talking about (starting at 50 seconds for what I want to explain) :
It's not for the dialogue or for the characters' personality that I give this scene as an example, although "I don't need you to take care of me. I take care of myself. That's what I do." fits pretty well for a line from Mikasa to Levi (and I will pay good money to see and hear Levi tell Mikasa that she fights like a hamster!) However, it's more about the idea of the confident guy and the girl in denial… The way the girl's first instinct is to lash out at the guy and, him, just stays chill, ironic, cynical... Familiar, isn't it?
They could be beneficial to each other.
Maybe that's why I shipped them together in the first place. I really think they could have been beneficial to each other.
Levi has suffered a lot. I feel sorry for him when I started to like him so I wished he had someone to really care for him. And Mikasa takes care of others, sometimes in a rough way but she also knows how to show an incredible sweetness. And it's some of that sweetness that I want for Levi.
There is also the fact that I think Levi feels apart and I believe that Mikasa can really understand him because they share certain personality traits, have certain events in their past that are similar. Levi could find an understanding and compassion from Mikasa that he cannot find from anyone else.
Mikasa seems a bit lonely too. Not like Levi seem to be, I have the impression that she's sometimes put aside by the others without them doing it intentionally and she tend to self-effacing too. But Levi, when she speaks, he listens and don't interrupt her... I think that he could give her the right attention and respect she needs to be more confident. (Yes, for me Mikasa lacks confidence in herself, that's the reason why she believes so easily Eren when he says he hates her, it's not a lack of trust in Eren but in herself.)
And as they remain two individuals, with two different personalities despite some common points, they sometimes have disagreements as we have already seen in the manga. But this is not necessarily a bad thing. It allow them to question themselves and to evolve individually in a positive way.
Rivamika is bold.
Rivamika or any other ship than Eremika would have been more audacious, "artistically" speaking. Main characters who love each other romantically? Super original, we never saw that… I've always hoped Isayama would go beyond the standard in this matter (He did it a bit by killing Eren before he could be with Mikasa, I admit.). I was hoping he wouldn't make a romance between Eren and Mikasa, because I wanted something different and original, to show other kind of love than the romantic one. To show that people can be very important without it being romantic, it would have been more and really interesting... too bad.
But at the same time and to be honest, I like AOT as it is, I accept Eremika and understand what it brings to the story. I didn't read the manga for the romance but for the universe, the suspense, the survival story, the characters…etc. But I also see Isayama's work as an incredible support for the imagination, a nice base, good characters with which we can invent, build or deepen the relationships between them.
I am aware that Rivamika is also controversial. This is also why I say Rivamika is bold. It's a ship that has negative labels so it should be handled with caution. But there is nothing that is really an obstacle, if you think about it a little, nothing that can't be swept away with logic, facts and an open mind, but above all a distance to have when it comes to fictional characters in a fictional story, in a world that is not ours and in a time apparently prior to ours. (I won't debate it here because it's not the subject and I will only make an already long post heavier. If you are interested in my opinion, ask and I will try to make a post dedicated to this subject.)
Rivamika is the ship that inspires me the most to read or write about the development of a relationship. There is a real potential to exploit, a story to tell with twists and stakes.
They look good together.
Yes, I know it's a superficial reason, but I can't help but find that there's a certain flow that comes off of them when I see them together. It's a matter of taste.
Here are some examples to illustrate what I mean :
Manga :
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Anime :
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Official Art :
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Fanart :
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Fanart by PNR Phit chan
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epickiya722 · 6 months
Kiya, can I ask from this :
For Yuji, Izuku, Tanjiro, and Reki.......
Thanks 🍀
You can, but just next time wait till I reblog an ask game! Glad you want to hear my opinions on them though! 😁
Sexuality Headcanon: Okay, I'm be real with y'all for a second. When if comes to sexuality and gender headcanons, they're actually the last kind of headcanons I think about. I guess because even nowadays, I don't think about either like that about myself or at all. I guess they just are what they are!
Gender Headcanon: ⬆
A ship I have with said character: For Izuku, at this point, the ship I have is him and happiness. Honestly, for all the boys... they go through so much in their stories. So far, at least Tanjiro and Reki's stories ends on happy notes.
A BROTP I have with said character: Izuku should have a big sis figure and I nominate Miruko. Really like the relationship he has with the younger kids like Kota and Eri. I adore the relationship Tanjiro has with his sister, Nezuko and the Swordsmith Village Arc has me liking him and Muichiro and Genya. For Reki, his relationship with the rest of the crew. And for Yuji, I love duo him and his actual brother Choso makes. I also think him and Uro could get along well. Like, I need those two to meet.
A NOTP I have with said character: A couple, but just overall, I'm not into the whole adult with kid thing or relatives for any of them.
A random headcanon: My first JJK fic is actually based on the headcanon that Yuji has tiny fangs. Pair that with glowing eyes in the dark. Look, he can throw cars like it's nothing! For Izuku, I see him as an artistic person. He has tons of stationary he uses for his notes and uses many colors for them. Tanjiro, it's more kinda canon... I don't know... I headcanon that he definitely sung lullabies to his siblings like his mother. He stopped for a while when it was just him and Nezuko. He picks it back up after the whole Entertainment District situation. Sometimes, the others would catch him but he has yet to know this. I headcanon for Reki that he lets Koyomi paint nails. He likes seeing different colors on his nails and he's happy to see his sister find a creative way to express herself and wants to practice. Like with Yuji, this headcanon inspired my first fic for SK8.
General Opinion over said character: In my opinion, I think all four of them are the best characters in each of their series. Not because they're the protagonists. Because just who they are overall. Even if they were side characters, if everything about them is kept the same, I would still take to each of them. They are my sunshine, they are all precious to me, okay? I don't care for people's preferences for character favorites, but they're the characters that if I see slander or hear someone doesn't like them it's like "I don't know who hurt you but uh... how dare you!"
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sabiartrin · 1 year
Hello, Sabiartrin! I'm a Berserk fan artist 白夜魔(Shiroyama). https://www.tumblr.com/sabiartrin/719599846741458944/type-o-negative-haunted-hi-helo-girls-im-again?source=share ⬆ I'm really really excited at this Locus fan art and the previous art (a sketch for the art at the link?), because he is my No.1 favorite character from Berserk<3 Thank you very much for making this art. A friend of mine informed your wonderful post and I came to this post from twitter. I will wait for more Locus arts by you! This is my first action in Tumblr. I created an account just to send this message to you. These are my SNS accounts; https://twitter.com/shiroyamayama https://www.instagram.com/shiroyama_berserk/
Omg!! I saw your artworks on insta, they're stunning! Thank you so much for your words, they're mean a lot for me 😭
I definitely will make more of him!
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enbyonmandalore · 3 years
The Book Of Boba Fett, Episode 2
Beware of spoilers!
It is wednesday, my dudes!
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Me when I see that the new episode is out ⬆
Okay, so I think I have a new favorite character: The Tusken (lady?) who shows Boba how to use a gaffi stick. They're so badass, I love them! I really like how Filoni and Favreau are fleshing out the Tuskens more and more and giving them actual cultures and different tribes and not just making them seem like uncivilized raiders that are all the same any longer. Also I like how they teased a potential feud with the Hutts and I'm very intrigued by the Wookiee warrior they brought along, since Boba Fett does have a history with slaughtering Wookiees and wearing their braids as trophies... But the scene with the lizard completely caught me off guard. I thought "Aww, a pet lizard!" and then the little bastard just goes inside his nose Geonosian Zombie Brain Worm Style?! WTF, Mr. Favreau?? But the flashbacks he had afterwards, oh the flashbacks! (Flashbacks in a flashback?) They got me good. Literal tears in my eyes, again. The scene with little Boba watching the Slave 1 take off from Kamino? Amazing.
Can't wait to see what crazy kind of backstory they hit us with next week. Until then!
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recordicons · 7 years
☣⬆Ω for the jojo ask
☣ -   least favorite character?
mmmmm probably kira? i like his stand a lot and he’s an interesting villain but as a character i hate his stupid greasy ass
⬆  - character you’d most like to be friends with?
im still like the number one jotaro stan on the planet BUT......... either josuke or okuyasu. theyre just more fun and i cant choose between them or ill die
Ω  - figure or other merch you’d most like to own?
i would sell my entire soul just to get my gay little hands on the part 3 starplat figure. the super action statue one. i already have jotaro and he wasnt too pricey but fsr part 3 starplat is so expensive no matter where i look and its like please.... i need him
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