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inebranlabl · 9 months
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politicalpadme · 5 years
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PadMay is an annual event in celebration of our beloved former queen and senator of Naboo, Padmé Naberrie Amidala. There will be thirty one prompts, one for each day in the month of May.
Days 1-9: Symbolism
Days 10-16: Roles and Relationships
Days 17-27: The Phantom Menace (20th Anniversary!)
Days 28-31: Favorites and Formats
The full list of prompts is beneath the cut and crossposted to dreamwidth. You may answer as many, or as few, as you like and there is no specific format. Questions and prompts may be considered in universe or meta and answers may take the form of discussion, fiction, artwork, gifsets, vids, vlogs, whatever! It is also fine to post on a different day than that which corresponds with the number (if you miss one, or it is simply easier for you).
Please tag your posts #PadMay2019 and feel free to message me links. I cannot wait to see all your discussion, fiction, art, and creativity! If you have any questions, my ask box is open. 
PART ONE: SYMBOLISM 1. The Amidala Symbol or Naboo Royal Crest 2. The Scar of Remembrance 3. The traditional colored twin cheek-spots of “Balance” and “Symmetry” 4. The Living Force 5. Flower imagery and symbolism in relation to Padmé Amidala 6. Water imagery and symbolism in relation to Padmé Amidala 7. Moon imagery and symbolism in relation to Padmé Amidala 8. Numbers significant to the Naboo, for example 13 handmaidens for a monarch of Naboo required to be on duty at all times; 5 handmaidens to accompany the Queen whenever she travels 9. Padmé’s Wardrobe
Bulleted lists are merely suggestions, you may answer the prompt however it suits you!
10. Family
Padmé as the baby of the family
Her parents move to Theed to give her more options, why didn’t they move when Sola was born?
Her mother wished for her to pursue music, why does Padmé choose politics?
What protections do Padmé’s parents, sister, and nieces have given that so many factions wish to harm her?
How is Padmé remembered by her family?
11. Monarchs
King Ars Vernua, monarch voted out in favor of Amidala
Queen Réillata, her immediate successor (and former opera singer), who asks Amidala to be Senator
Queen Jamillia, monarch when the war begins, thought to sympathize with Separatist ideologues
Queen Neyutnee, monarch during the Blue Shadow Virus crisis
Queen Apailana, monarch when the Republic and Amidala die
12. Handmaidens
handmaidens killed in the line of duty (Cordé, Versé, Duja, Teckla)
Saché, former handmaiden and later a mentee as a member of the Naboo planetary legislative assembly
Sabé, her decoy
13. Mentors
Sheev Palpatine
Onaconda Farr aka “Uncle Ono”
Silya Shessaun
Mina Bonteri
14. Mentees
Riyo Chuchi
Ahsoka Tano
15. Love Interests
Palo Jemabie
Ian Lago
Baron Rush Clovis, Senator of Scipio
Anakin Skywalker
16. Allies
Bail Organa
Satine Kryze
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Bulleted lists are merely suggestions, you may answer the prompt however it suits you!
17. “I will not condone a course of action that will lead us to war.”
How does Padmé’s commitment to peace evolve?
Amidala is introduced with this line but the title and story as previously told require her conviction to waver and fail - how does this influence how we see her character?
In this moment Amidala considers war the worst possible outcome. Is it?
The actions taken in this film and those that follow do lead to war. What actions could she take that might alter that fate? Or was it always inevitable?
18. “We are brave, your highness.”
How is Padmé brave? What are examples of her bravery?
Why does Padmé choose to go with the Jedi to Coruscant?
Describe Padmé and Sabé and the other handmaidens learning to communicate without words.
How would remaining on Naboo change the story?
19. “Her Highness commands you to take her handmaiden with you.”
What are Padmé’s interests in/on Tatooine?
Describe Padmé requesting or commanding Panaka to present her to Qui-Gon.
Describe Padmé dressing as a peasant. Where does she get the outfit? Why arethese particular clothes chosen? Her hairstyle?
Discuss the power differentials between Padmé, Amidala, the Jedi, and her retinue of guards, pilots, and handmaidens.
20. “I can’t believe there is still slavery in the galaxy.”
Discuss the privilege inherent in this comment. How does it color Padmé’s interactions with the Skywalkers?
How/why does Padmé accept Qui-Gon’s decision to leave Shmi behind?
Discuss Padmé’s desires to do good and help individuals like Anakin, Shmi, and Jar Jar with her commitments to Naboo.
How would the story change if Padmé freed Shmi sometime between TPM and AotC as she wanted and planned to?
21. “Well, I don’t approve.”
Discuss Padmé’s impression of Qui Gon, whom she argues with on Tatooine and describes as arrogant and frustrating in various (EU) novels.
Padmé is initially against the pod-racing scheme. What is her thinking and how does it change?
What are her thoughts on Qui Gon using gambling to free Anakin? But not Shmi?
Presenting as a handmaiden, Padmé has far less power during the trip to Tatooine. How does this make her feel?
22. “If this body is not capable of action, I suggest new leadership is needed.”
Padmé is initially against the vote of No Confidence. What is her thinking and how does it change?
Discuss Palpatine’s manipulation of Amidala.
Would she make the same decision if she knew Palpatine would be nominated?
What are Padmé’s thoughts as she speaks before the senate? Immediately before and after?
23. “My fate will be no different from that of our people.”
When, how, and why does Padmé make the decision to return to Naboo?
Queen Amidala leaves fed up with politics, but as Senator she sticks up for democracy. How does her thinking evolve?
Padmé has a tendency to fling herself into danger. Where does it come from? Discuss this as a strength and a weakness.
The prequels are all about ‘fate’. How does it affect Padmé?
24. “I need your help.”
What does Padmé know of the Gungans before she meets one?
What motivates Amidala’s choice to ask Jar Jar and the gungans for help?
The Jedi, Anakin, and Jar Jar all help Padmé achieve her goals, for various reasons, how do these interactions influence her as Queen and later Senator versus as an individual person?
25. “I am Queen Amidala.”
Why does Padmé choose to reveal herself to Boss Nass?
How does Padmé realize she must swallow her pride to convince the gungans to help her?
26. “Well, that is why we must not fail to get to the Viceroy. Everything depends on it.”
Discuss Padmé learning strategy as preparation for being Queen.
Why is it important to Padmé the Viceroy is captured, not killed?
Amidala risks and loses many lives in this battle. How do they weigh on her?
27. “Now, Viceroy, we will discuss a new treaty.”
What would be Padmé’s ideal outcome from this point?
Discuss the antagonistic relationship between Padmé Amidala and Nute Gunray.
Padmé practices aggressive negotiations in this scene; how integral are they to her style?
You are of course free to fill (or combine!) both prompts.
28. Your Favorite Quote said by or about Padmé Amidala or Create a game for the community to solve (puzzle, crossword, a ‘Where’s Waldo’ map, rebus, a game of logic, scavenger hunt, bingo card etc.)
29. Your Favorite costume worn by Padmé Amidala or Create a chart relating to Padmé Amidala (flowchart of her progress in politics, org chart of Naboo, family tree, Naboo censor data, Senate seating chart etc.)
30. Your Favorite Trope or AU involving Padmé Amidala or Create a collage inspired by Padmé Amidala
31. Your Favorite Song on the Official Star Wars Padmé Amidala Playlist or Create a playlist inspired by Padmé Amidala
Thank you and Enjoy!
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