#⭒✧ — inbox » galen erso
inebranlabl · 9 months
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lmperiums · 2 days
#      𝐥𝐌𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐔𝐌𝐒      .    independent ,     selective ,   private and mutuals only   ✨ 𝐌𝐔𝐋𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄 ✨ feat. both original and canon characters from star wars .  loved   by   iggy  :   she / her ;    twenty-seven.
triggering content WILL be present on this blog so follow at your own discretion. 21+ ONLY.
grand moff tarkin
001 -> don't be a creep. no drama at all. idc about x did this and y did that. unless it's actual irl harmful shit keep me out of it. anon hate gets blocked and deleted. no godmodding and usual dni criteria applies. I'm here to have fun, not care about what others write. the block button exists and I implore you to use it. curate your own space, please and do not try to police mine.
002 -> replies are slow. I've other blogs and aside from that this is a literal hobby. on top of that I have fluctuations in my mental health and may take time away to chill out. pls know that does not mean I am disinterested in you or whatever threads we have going. I just have a real mean brain. I tend to write a lot, but please know I do not expect you to match my length. just give me something to work with.
003 -> idc about reblog karma. feel free to reblog from me, save for posts strictly marked as dnr or threads I have with others. personals this applies to you, too. I like to ship but know it isn't what I'm solely here for, and also know that any potential smut that happens is appropriately tagged and always beneath a readmore. topics I won't write are incest, underage, beastiality and rape. please respect that.
I ask that topics pertaining to suicide are tagged, please.
004 -> everything I make is mine. do not steal my memes, graphics or headcanons and if I catch you doing that shit I'll block you on sight ❤️ thx pookies.
005 -> names topaz (prev: iggy). I've been writing for a very long time and hope you enjoy my blog! if you ever need anything please know my IMs are open to all (as is my inbox). and if discord is preferred you may ask for it if we are mutuals. tysm for reading my rules, I really appreciate it.
admiral piett
grand admiral thrawn
eli vanto
galen erso
allegiant general pryde
general hux
captain enoch
nyara damiki ( oc )
barnabas collins ( oc )
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Character: Orson Krennic
Relationship: Anyone that interests him at the moment and Galennic
Setting: Modern
AU: Orson Krennic is an architect turned famous television personality. Something for the travel channel, talking about famous locations, buildings, cuisines etc. He comes off as intelligent and personable enough on screen, but as soon as the cameras are off, he’s an insufferable diva. Nothing is done right in his eyes, he’s often petitioning for more power in the show’s production so that they can do things the way that he wants, and he wants more money to do all of that. He regularly yells at staff and storms off when things don’t go his way. He’s also probably a functioning alcoholic and definitely uses his fame to get laid, a lot. Galen is his ex and Orson has probably never entirely stopped loving him and trying to replace him with meaningless one night stands. 
Send me a character and I’ll send you an AU idea
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tantum-tenebris · 5 years
i was directed to your inbox to discuss star wars/dont starve au. please indulge me and tell me about your au. i am begging.
I wish I had more to discuss abt it (or people to discuss it with) because it’s not that developed but . In one au, I really like willow as han and wilson as leia, with maybe wx78 somewhere in between because I really like that trio. same concept, just with them in those roles
on the other hand, I can also see willow as being an orphan who does crimes to get where she needs to be/for food/for money/etc, and wilson being an independent scientist from a rich family think, smart like galen erso but maybe wilson isnt forced to work on a death star aha. Neither of them with the Force, but some space shenanigans can still ensue :^) there can still be a robot.
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sassysnowperson · 5 years
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Total Words Posted 2019: 263,964!
Total Works: 30 works in 7 fandoms with 30 different relationships (counting Gen pairs - also, it was not, in fact, a pairing per fic, but a couple repeats, and a multi-pairing fic).
As compared to last years: 269,752 words, 64 works, 3 fandoms, 40 different pairings.
Compare/Contrast between this year and the last: Roughly the same wordcount! Again! I've been pretty consistent these last three years. I wrote fewer, longer works, but remained very open in terms of pairing. We're growing the fandoms, but Star Wars definitely wins still (though, breaking it up by TYPE of Star Wars, I diversified this year - learning to write more broadly across the canon! Star wars is about 12 fandoms in a trench coat, after all). 
Major thing(s) I learned this year: Narrative courage, I think might be the best way to sum it up. I feel like I've taken more chances than I have in past years - I've learned how to write different characters and different settings than I've written before. 
I feel the need to shout out Arrivals, Connections, Departures here. It's my WIP longfic that I started this year. It's already nearly 50k, and it's nowhere near done. This story is going to be LONG, and honestly, it's intimidating for me! There are so many things I want to write, and a fic like this requires commitment. I think it's a story worth telling, through, and I'm enjoying sharing it with folks. But I'm learning how to pace myself when I'm not writing fic all in a rush, breaking it up with breaks for smaller fics. Trying to find the balance between loving my WIP and getting to chase creative spark. 
I also got way more involved in exchanges, the gift-swap is fun, as is a chance to write something I've never written before. 
How I did on my Goals for Last Year: One of my goals was to go back to my ongoing series and I...did not. I had a sort-of idea for how Bodhi Lives would roll out going forward, and I feel like I've grown enough as a writer that I'm not satisfied with my tentative outline anymore. I'm not sure what the solution to it is - I still love the universe, and I'm not ready to close the book on it yet, but at the same time, I'm not sure how to move forward. Will require thought. 
HOWEVER, my other goal was to get Arrivals, Departures, Connections started, and I did! We've got the ball rolling!
I also had the goal to write more gift fic, interspersed with my giant fic, and I did that too! I think probably about two-thirds of my fic output this year was written as a gift for someone else.
Goals for the Coming Year: I think I want to set the goal of finishing my massive WIP in 2020. At least the draft - hopefully getting it posted, too. 
I also want to close some of the "open tabs" I have in my fic writing brain. Off the top of my head, that's the Bodhi Lives conundrum I talked about earlier, my Bodhi/Cassian series (am I ever actually going to write them having sex? It's a mystery), my K-2SO narrates wildlife fic, and I've got a bunch of prompts sitting in my tumblr inbox. Next year, I'd like to either decide that I'm not going to write them, or start sitting down and getting them out into the world. 
I'd also like to read and comment more - I've been a good writer this year, but a bad fan community member. I think it might be fun to do fic read-a-thons together, or something like that. 
Under the readmore is a round-up of the fics I wrote in 2019. I'm going to group them by fandom, sub-fandom for Star Wars and Marvel, and then by date posted. 
If you’ve been reading my work, talk to me!
What’s been a favorite story? Most unexpected? What was the first thing of mine you read? What are you hoping I’ll write more of in 2020?
Note: Titles below are links to the works.
Star Wars 
Rogue One
Critical Flaws - (Galen Erso/Lyra Erso/Bodhi Rook) (50458 words, 21,847 posted this year) - Galen, Lyra, and Bodhi form complicated plots for how to kill the Death Star, and also have to figure out why they are to each other, now that Galen has reunited with Lyra. (A continuation of the Lyra Lives series, where Lyra decides to go with Jyn instead.
Entirely Useless - (Cassian Andor/Leia Organa) (1780 words) - Cassian and Leia make time for something entirely useless.
Suboptimal Shape and Texture - (Cassian Andor/K-2SO)(100 words) - A moment of quiet.
Instinct and a Winning Smile - (Davits Draven/Antoc Merrick/Mon Mothma) (5208 words) - Antoc Merrick never wanted to be in the middle of Mon Mothma's fling with her spymaster. But that's exactly where his substandard sabaac face has landed him.
Poet with a Problem - (Cassian Andor/Jyn Erso/Bodhi Rook) (2774 words) - University Professor AU, where Professor Rook should really know better than to get a crush on both his best friend, and his best friend’s nemesis.
Star Wars Prequel Trilogy
Trade - (Obi-Wan Kenobi/Owen Lars/Beru Whitesun) (5839 words) - When one-and-a-half year old Luke’s Force powers start acting up, Owen and Beru reach out to the man that brought him in the first place.
Flustered - (Padme Amidala/Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker) (5500 words) - Padme Amidala has a horrible crush and her husband is not helping.
Knight Amidala - (Padme Amidala/Obi-Wan Kenobi) (18865 words) - At the end of RotS Anakin dies, Padme wakes up with all his power, and the galaxy changes. 
Star Wars Original Trilogy
Obvious and Intractable - (Dak Raltar/Luke Skywalker) (13717 words) - Considering all the problems in Wedge's life, it's impressive that the issue of Luke Skywalker's gunner even shows up on his radar. But Dak Raltar's obvious and intractable crush on his commanding officer is a problem, and it's growing more complicated by the second.
Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Keep Coming Back - (Star Wars Sequel Trilogy) (5515 words) - Han finds Rey on Jakku. She’s not ready to leave, so Han keeps coming back.
Insult and Intimacy - (Lando Calrissian/Poe Dameron) (9365 words) - A Regency AU in Space featuring Titles and Genteel Understatement and Suitible Matches, as well as some scandal and a bit of kidnapping.
What I Wanted to Tell You - (Finn/Rey) (557 words) - What was it that Finn wanted to tell Rey?
An Awful Legacy - (Rey’s Mother/Rey’s Father) (879 words) - Rey’s mom reacts to...certain revelations.
Scorch Marks  - (Wedge Antilles/Luke Skywalker) (910 words) - Wedge leaves the new generation to their celebrations, and considers an old familier X-Wing.
Calrissian Sass - (Lando & Jannah) (1181 words) - Lando loves showing Jannah all the things she missed out on, growing up.
Just My Type - (Zorii Bliss/Rey) (1058 words) - Rey is really interested in Zorii’s relationship with Poe, and Zorii has no idea why.        
Star Wars Legends
Truce - (Wedge Antilles/Mara Jade/Luke Skywalker) (15038 words) - Wedge and Mara don’t like each other and they don’t trust each other, but they’re both willing to do what’s needed to save Luke.
Star Wars Intra-Universe Crossover
Sharpened - (Rogue One/Solo) (Jyn Erso/Qi’ra) (17490 words) - Jyn’s found the score that will let her stop running. Unfortunately Qi’ra of the Crimson Dawn stands between her and her target. Podfic Available.
Whatever You Want - (Sequel Trilogy/Rebels) (Rey/Ahsoka) (6782 words) - Ahsoka slept for forty years, and Rey wakes her up.
New Lands for the Living - (Original Trilogy, Sequel Trilogy) (Poe Dameron/Luke Skywalker) (50241 words) - Time-travel fix-it AU where Poe Dameron winds up on Tatooine before the Original Trilogy, winds up married to Luke Skywalker, and is desperate to fix things.
Hoping It's Mutual - (Rogue One/Sequel Trilogy) (3247 words) - Bodhi Rook and Poe Dameron have eighteen hours together before they take on a stupid, risky mission that could lead to both their deaths. They make the most of the time.
Eight at the Most - (Original Trilogy/Rogue One) (Luke Skywalker/K-2SO) (8332 words) - K-2SO has questions he wants answered and no concept of social niceties. Luke Skywalker, honestly, finds this a refreshing change from gentle respect everyone treats him with these days.
Arrivals, Departures, Connections - (Sequel Trilogy/Original Trilogy/Rogue One) (Wedge Antilles/Bodhi Rook, Luke Skywalker/Poe Dameron) (WIP - 46,751 words written in 2019) - A sprawling, story of loss and love, friendship and romance, and all the messy ways those things collide.
Star Wars Extra-Universe Crossover
The Face Underneath - (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine/Rogue One) (Cassian Andor/Elim Garak) (300 words) - Injured and alone, Cassian finds a familiar face in a very unfamiliar environment.
Remixed: 100th Fic Fest - (K-2SO & Bodhi Rook, Cassian Andor/Bodhi Rook, Bodhi Rook/Luke Skywalker, Wedge Antilles/Bodhi Rook, Poe Dameron/Bodhi Rook) (500 words) - A what-if drabble series in my existing universes, along with end notes - much longer than the drabbles, amusingly - musing about these AUs 
Captain Marvel
Galactic Response Time - (Carol Danvers & Nick Fury) (5130 words) - All the OTHER times Nick paged Carol.
The Avengers
Return Policy - (Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers) (8888 words) - A missing scene fix-it that shows how exactly Steve returns the Infinity Stones.
Good Omens
 Life's Little Pleasures - (Crowley/Aziraphale) (1758 words) - A statue in Crowley's apartment sparks an unexpected discussion.   
Russian Doll
The Messed Up Motherfuckers Afterlife Movie Club - (Nadia Vulvokov & Alan Zaveri) (2991 words) - After everything, Nadia and Alan watch a movie.
Sailor Moon
Destiny and Property Destruction - (1055 words) - Instead of getting Moon Powers, Usagi gets a giant mecha.
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radiojamming · 8 years
*comes into your inbox* REBELCAPTAIN PACIFIC RIM AU? *pops back out*
cassian’s grown up in different shatterdomes. before he was a pilot, he was just another war orphan scooped up by personnel and put right to work. he’s been running messages and supplies since he was six. he’s righteously angry, since even though the older he gets, the blurrier his memory gets, he can still remember the kaiju that took his family from him. in his dreams, it just gets bigger and bigger, and he can’t want them dead bad enough.
when he’s old enough to pilot a jaeger, he runs into a problem. his partners can’t handle being inside his mind. it is literal torture. all they feel is all this agony of a child who has memories that begin with death and who can never seem to get away from it. they see other pilots die, all those war memorials and caskets draped in a dozen different flags, some without bodies to even bring home. in his mind, they can still hear each name, even though there are so many dead. he knows the names of their jaegers, some of their families. he gets to be known as a bit of a lone wolf. he’s not fully drift compatible with anyone and can only take partners on for a short time. eventually, he comes to terms with the fact that he’s just going to have to take the role of a deck officer rather than a pilot.
and jyn? her mother was taken by a kaiju, yes, but her father was part of the jaeger program as an engineer. he’s been gone for the majority of her life, going from country to country, from shatterdome to shatterdome. she knows him in name only, on screens with little pictures of him looking cold and professional, although the man she knows is warm and loving. but galen erso is perpetually one thousand miles away, no matter where she is in proximity to him.
so she grows up with the people who live in the bones of dead kaiju. she learns the rules of the underbelly of the society they’ve been accidentally given. it’s not what her parents intended, but it’s what she has. and she’s experienced loss in huge doses, for sure. the kids she grew up with also grew up, and some went on to be pilots. some were killed in that line of work, others from crumbling infrastructure along the wall, others still in kaiju attacks. and one by one, they go. so jyn hates the kaiju, but she hates the jaeger program too, for taking them, for taking her father, and for taking so damn long to kill the things and end it for good.
but another kaiju attack takes what’s left of the family that found her. they take everything, and jyn is left with two choices; turn back to the street and stay there, or go into the shatterdome because there’s no one left and nothing to go back to. she takes those steps, and wonders, maybe a little, if she’ll find galen in there as well.
she doesn’t want to be a pilot. at first, she does what cassian used to do. she gets hired on as soon as her foot’s in the door because they’re all but begging for help, and then she’s running messages and hauling crates of supplies from one end of the shatterdome to the other. she’s fielding calls from this department to that when she’s close enough to the phones. and then, inevitably, she finds out how few pilots there are left. next to none, she hears. one more kaiju attack on this shatterdome and it’ll probably be over. 
jyn is assigned to a squadron of cassian’s, which doesn’t really mean much considering that every day, the personnel numbers get smaller and smaller. but there she is, and through whispers, she learns about this lone wolf ex-pilot who couldn’t keep a partner. at first, she doesn’t think about it. there’s bound to be dozens like him, with checkered pasts and all the damage that comes with their world. but the longer she spends with him, the more she gets that there’s something else there. he’s not this rugged, grit-teeth military captain who barks orders and seems to have nothing authentically kind left in them. he’s concealing a hurt that’s just been too big for the other pilots. and jyn knows this, because she’s felt it too.
on a whim, she volunteers herself to the jaeger program. their numbers are so low that it’s ridiculous, and at this point, she has nothing to lose. she’s tested and passes, aside from some of the technical knowledge required to operate a jaeger. but she has strength, skill, fortitude, stamina, and just the sort of drive they need. all that’s left is to get her a partner and a jaeger.
bumped up to the jaeger program, she meets chirrut and baze, pilots of star guardian, famous for their perfect synchronization and legendary drift compatibility. baze serves as chirrut’s eyes in the jaeger and out of it, and chirrut is their collective, slightly off moral compass. but jyn likes both of them and takes to them instantly, and they take to her in return. it’s chirrut that encourages her, that tells her the tricks to navigating the drift and fully understanding it. and baze is right there, telling her how to make use of her future jaeger’s firepower.
within a week of signing on, she gets her assignment, and it’s… underwhelming. it’s a refurbished mass of outdated parts, with a spotty black and gray coat and more dings and gashes than should rightfully be there. but jyn loves it for all its issues. it comes with its own dedicated mechanic, bodhi, who is especially enthusiastic about its make and maintenance. he was a pilot once, he tells her, but there’s that telltale glassy look he gets that lets her know that things have changed. she guesses that there’s scars under his worksuit, and worse ones yet in his gray matter. but he is a fantastic mechanic, beyond talented, and so excited about the prospect of seeing his jaeger fly again. 
but that requires a partner, which jyn still does not have. even though she’s proven herself, all the new recruits can’t keep up with her. no one is even close to being compatible, and they all end up on their backs, groaning and knowing that they’ll need painkillers in the morning.
until cassian finally volunteers.
and this is what you have to imagine: cassian and jyn in the mock fight, eyes on each other, tensing the same muscles, breaths coming in and going out slowly and calmly. and then it’s just a flurry of action. cassian fights clinically on the surface, but jyn learns that he is far from being above dirtier fighting. he takes chances and hooks in to every opportunity he gets. and jyn fights hard, fast, and harsh. she fights the way she learned in the bones, like her life depends on it and every second spent fighting is one less spent surviving in peace. their styles are different, but come to the same conclusion. they want to end things fast, and that’s the opposite of what happens.
he matches every strike of hers, and she returns the favor. they meet in the middle over and over again, clash after clash, but neither gains a single step that isn’t matched by their opponent. it’s a textbook deadlock, and impasse that can’t be undone by skill alone.
best part? halfway through, they’re not thinking about the fight anymore. they’re so hyperfocused on each other, on all those small movements in their muscles, the twitches of their nerves, the flicker of their eyes, all of the things that make them what they are. and that makes them drift compatible. in the end, neither wins. they call it a draw, and jyn has her partner.
but then they have to drift. and the first one is a goddamn disaster. jyn’s never drifted before, and cassian has too many times and approaches it too casually. he’s seen wars in the eyes of his partners, and death, and all of that. but cassian isn’t ready for jyn, and jyn isn’t ready for cassian.
for the first time in ages, cassian falters. in jyn, he sees lyra being killed, sees galen’s back, and then less of him, and less still until there’s nothing left and he’s just a ghost that lives on the screen. he sees the children living in the bones under saw gerrera, and then feels that gaping hole of abandonment widen and widen every day. he feels this raw, almost irrational hatred that burns inside of jyn when she sees a jaeger take to the sky or sea. why this time? she thinks. what is it going to help? and then he sees shattered kaiju bones, shattered human ones, and so much blood. it’s not what she sees that he’s not ready for. it’s this mountain of emotions she has to scale, all of this pain and agony and regret and guilt, heaped on top of itself until its insurmountable. she can’t compartmentalize like he can. she stacks things and does not hide them. it’s too raw, too real, and it makes cassian feel too vulnerable.
and jyn sees everything. she sees the family cassian lost, each member for all their life and vibrance the way only a child can see. then death, and death, and death. she feels him fighting every second of his life, sees showers of sparks from jaeger maintenance dance across his path in gold and orange as he runs with priceless messages in his head and in his hands, feels that horrible wrenching despair at seeing the caskets, counting their numbers and seeing the colors of the flags blur as his vision fills with tears. eventually, the tears stop coming. he runs out of tears to spare, and it seems like the colors drain away. red and green and blue and yellow all fade to different shades of black and gray. he stores his grief away in a place that none of his partners could reach. jyn is the first to see it in all of its layers and facets.
this attempt at the drift is horrifying. it fails, and both of them leave shaken, reeling, nauseous, casting guilty, shaded looks at each other like they’re trying to comprehend and understand. 
even in the darkness of their quarters, with sleep just a distant thing to grasp, they think. they really think. 
jyn doesn’t want anyone to leave her anymore. she wants someone at her back, at her side, at her front. she wants to feel safe and secure. she wants and wants and wants, but feels like she’s in no place to take. others have it worse, she thinks. others and others more. it will always hurt, but it hurts everyone. so she takes care of herself only, even when her mind disagrees and her heart disagrees harder.
cassian carries his demons in a lockbox, but he never lets them go. they’re tucked away, where they grow with every pilot that doesn’t come home, with every mass grave that has to be dug when a kaiju attacks. he stores his thoughts and feelings away, and tries to convince himself that he does not have the luxury of owning his own. there are others. others and others more.
the morning after their attempt, they meet in silence in the cafeteria, food untouched, eyes on each other.
what is there to say? in the drift, when you’re compatible, there is nothing to say. they just know, when they look at each other. 
think of cassian saying something like how he won’t blame her if she leaves. but jyn knows that isn’t what he wants. they all leave, he’ll think. she’s seen it and heard it.
and jyn doesn’t speak. she doesn’t need to. because they all leave is in her thoughts as well. cassian knows it, and he knows that deep down, they might have always needed someone like each other. they’re just two shattered people, afraid to give, afraid to receive, and needing lessons in being selfish for the right reasons.
“let’s try again,” cassian says. he does not remember putting his hand on hers.
“yes,” she replies, and she doesn’t remember doing the same.
they’ll make rogue one fly again.
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