#⭒✧ — countenance » galen erso
inebranlabl · 9 months
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debelltio-a · 3 years
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@vicicus​​ : ϟ - LIGHTNING - something they thought they’d left in the past, returned
Monstrous Headcanons
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“ 𝐎𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍. “ Deep, sonorous voice spoke gleefully his way. Raising his eyebrows, Krennic’s lips furled into an inquisitive smile. He sat upon one of the Erso’s couch with wine glass containing a delectable scent comfortably couched around his fingers. Gentle rain poured outside, the scent of food made his mouth water. Giggles and idle chatter emanated from the kitchen as the Erso’s child assisted her mother with the preparation of dinner.
Galen sat next to him, smelling of herbs and seasoning. A gentle glimmer formed along tranquil eyes. In his hand was worn-out holopad, still grimy and covered with dust. Krennic ignored an involuntary twitch in his cheek as the holopad was placed on his lap ( staining white Imperial uniform ). “ Lyra and I went through some of the older things we’ve had. “
“ Oh, what had the two of you found then ? A map to some buried treasure ? “ Krennic snorted good-naturedly, eliciting soft chuckles from his friend.
“ Open it. “ Galen encouraged. Perching half-finished wine glass, forefinger activated the device — revealing dated holopics of them. The both of them had not more than 16 standard years. Arm thrown around his friend’s shoulders, jubilant smile plastered along Krennic’s boyish visage. In contrast, the taller boy possessed a shyer countenance. Posture shirked downwards, as though to remain hidden from the camera. “ I don’t remember when we took this. “ Krennic confessed with a shook of his head. “ We looked so young then. “
 “ I remembered. This was our last day of class before the holidays began. You kept asking me for a picture. “ Galen replied.
Precious little tangible materials remained of his time of the past. Much pictures had been misplaced as the footsteps of time marched on, leaving naught but mere memories embedded in his head. Softened gaze lingered, peaceful silence fell upon them.
“ I’ll send you a copy. “ His friend murmured. “ A gift from me, for everything you’ve done for me and my family. “
A smile curled, this time crinkling around the rim of his eyes.
“ Thank you. “
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firewolfsg · 7 years
Fic: The Carbonite Prince
Well, the idea wouldn’t leave me alone, so I went ahead and wrote it @podracing-on-lothal, @moomkin92, @lightrain-09, @absolxguardian, @virgilvirgilvirgil 
Summary: His efforts in opposition to the Death Star have finally gained the Emperor’s attention and Mitth’raw’nuruodo is ready to face his punishment… which was not what he had expected.
“Galen Erso?”
“That is correct. He is the principal designer. However…”
“I understand, Fulcrum. We will investigate on our end. Scarif, you said?”
“Thereabouts. I, unfortunately, had not the time to visit and look into this personally.”
“Thank you, Fulcrum. If what you have told us is true…”
“It is an abomination I want nothing to do with.” And with these words, the Rebels now knew for sure that this mysterious Fulcrum was an Imperial officer.
“We are of the same mind.” Hera assured him.
“And now… I regret to inform you that this will be my last transmission.”
“Fulcrum?” Hera looked at her companions in alarm. Even Kallus showed concern. The information that this new Fulcrum had provided them since his first appearance had been invaluable to their survival since the battle of Atallon. Without him, the Rebel Alliance could never have rebuilt so quickly after their devastating losses.
With the intelligence provided, it had even allowed them to avoid crossing paths with Grand Admiral Thrawn. Though they had admitted heard the man was lately bogged down in the politics of Lothal and their TIE-Defender factory. Governor Price was equally tangled up in the messy politics which would see the Imperials shutting down the factory and withdrawing from the planet. It was an ironic state of affairs, which could see the planet quietly returned to Rebel control when the Imperials left. However, once Thrawn was freed from his planet side obligations to take his rightful place on the bridge of the Chimera, the Rebels would need Fulcrum’s intelligence more than ever before.
The Rebels remembered full well this alien Grand Admiral’s effectiveness when his only task had been to hunt Rebels. If it hadn’t been for the interference of the Bandu and Tarkin’s order that he take prisoners, Thrawn could have completely wiped out Phoenix cell and General Dodonna’s Forces. As it was, barely 10% of the Rebel forces which had been amassing on Atallon managed to escape.
“Fulcrum are you in danger?”
“I am being recalled to Coruscant.”
“Are you in danger.” Hera repeated urgently.
They could almost hear the smile in the pause. “Possibly. Imprisonment, no doubt. I had heard that the Emperor has not been pleased with me. Perhaps even death…”
The offhanded almost disinterested cadence of the electronic voice chilled their bones. And the Emperor? Just who was Fulcrum to attract the direct attention of the Emperor? It— it couldn’t possibly be…
“When are you scheduled to leave for Coruscant?” Ezra broke in. “We could stage an attack. Fake your death and get you away.”
There was a long pause. For a minute, they had even thought that Fulcrum had already ended his transmission. Then he spoke again.
“Your previous Fulcrum told me once of your capability in pulling a victory from certain defeat. I’m almost tempted. But, no. Thank you for the offer, but—  no. Goodbye.”
“Wait, Fulcrum!”
“Incidentally, Colonel Syndulla. I had contacted one of your staff, the Lasat, to pick up a package for you. Something of yours that I had wished to return.”
“Fulcrum!” This time there was no more reply. The transmission was over.
“Kallus?!” Hera rounded on the former Imperial ISB agent.
He knew what she and all the others wanted to know. “I— this…”
“You spoke to him before, you must remember—”
“But— but it couldn’t be. Not him?”
“Oi, Colonel. Special delivery on behalf of Fulcrum.” Zeb strolled in with a mid-sized box.
Hera accepted the box with trembling hands. They crowded around her and watched as she pulled her family’s kalikori from its carefully packed depths.
“Colonel! We have news from Lothal. The 7th Fleet has just departed.” One of the radio technicians called to them. “Reports are that they’ve been recalled to Coruscant.”
Admiral Ar’alani was at the docking bay to receive Commander Vanto upon his return. She looked upon him with concern for his unhappy countenance.
“What have you to report? Is all not well with Mitth’raw’nuruodo?”
Eli had to suck in a deep breath before he could speak. “He— he refused to leave with me.”
Ar’alani studied him for a long moment. “He feared to invite the Empire’s wrath upon the Ascendancy, especially with that feared weapon in their control.”
Her hands reached over to gently hold Eli by his shoulders. “And you fear his certain death in staying behind.”
“It’s not fair. He worked so hard to get to his position to— try and make a change…”
“And in the last few months he has had to rethink and sow the seeds for the second scenario. The gamble was not a total loss, Commander Vanto.” She nodded at his hand which was cradled against his chest as if he carried something precious. “Mitth’raw’nuruodo has also given you something else for us, I see?”
“Yes, yes he did.” Eli offered the Chiss Admiral the data chip. “A pet project of his. The one he had a falling out with the Emperor about.
“This is for the TIE-defender. This design currently has its own navigation computer, but that makes it overly expensive and high maintenance for a craft that should be mess produced. He’s told me that our Engineers can probably do more with it if they were made dependant on a beacon ship.”
“A precious gift to our forces.” Ar’alani agreed. “Come then, Commander Vanto. We have new contingency plans to engage and preparations to make. Mitth’raw’nuruodo will be remembered and honoured for his sacrifice. It will now be up to us to ensure his sacrifice was not made in vain.”
Palpatine looked upon the sole Chiss in his Empire as he stood in a parade rest before him in his throne room. It still rather amazed him that he never displayed an iota of fear for him, nor Vader; even now when it was quite obvious that he had earned his Emperor’s displeasure.
“Your little project is in competition with one nearer to my heart, Grand Admiral.”
“Apologies then, My Emperor. I was unaware the resources I used affected the needs of your Death Star.”
Respectful, neutral… Palpatine sighed as he looked at the designs on his datapad. Even Vader had been impressed and interested in the proposed design improvements with this TIE-defender. Palpatine knew that his dark lord was even now back on Mustafa tinkering with his personal TIE-fighter to incorporate some of the innovative features that the Chiss had put in his designs.
“It is an inconvenient time and there are… political ramifications.”
“Our withdrawal from Lothal.” Thrawn elaborated unhelpfully.
“Mitth’raw’nuruodo…” The Emperor growled. “Your political naivety was an amusement to us, but this is a challenge we cannot overlook.”
The Grand Admiral continued to look upon him impassively.
Palpatine knew he should be angrier with the Chiss, however, Mitth’raw’nuruodo had always followed logic to a fault. The Chiss had presented a reasonably argued case to him regarding the waste and inefficiency of the Death Star. And this project of his… It was an innovative design improvement. Given time and more resources, Palpatine was sure the Chiss would produce a viable innovation which could replace the TIE-fighter. But the timing…
“Most who displeased me, I ordinarily dispose of. But I find myself reluctant to rid myself of you, Mitth’raw’nuruodo.”
The Chiss did not speak.
“You are a man ahead of your times, Grand Admiral Thrawn.”
Vader had rushed back to Coruscant the moment he had heard that the 7th Fleet had been recalled. Even so, he knew that Mitth’raw’nuruodo must have already been summoned before the Emperor and faced his wrath.
He had warned the Chiss, Vader grumbled to himself as he recalled the many messages they had exchanged regarding the designs of the TIE-defender. Though he had been thrilled with the innovative designs, Vader knew Palpatine would be furious with this perceived challenge against his Death Star.
Upon his arrival, the guards immediately showed him to the throne room where he found the Emperor standing beside a table with a long, human sized crate… A coffin. His heart had sunk then, thinking he was too late. At the least, Vader was gratified to see that Palpatine did hold the Chiss in some esteem since the— coffin looked to be made of a fine white lacquer.
“Ah, Lord Vader.” Palpatine turned to look at him as he approached. “I thought you’d eventually appear. You just missed Colonel Yularen.”
“My Lord.”
“Well, come on then.”
Vader approached reluctantly. He had over the months they had become reacquainted, become rather fond of the Chiss. Not that he would call them friends, but they had a comfortable understanding between them. Vader did not look forward to the horror he perceived the Emperor’s wrath would cause to the Chiss’ body. His distasteful anticipation and the reality, however, were polarly different.
Vader had stared and blinked at the vision before him for a long moment. “I— do not understand.”
“Mitth’raw’nuruodo… I told him he was a man ahead of his time.” Palatine shrugged as they looked at the Chiss Grand Admiral, resplendent in his full white dress uniform and black boots, who lay as if he were sleeping upon a bed of cream silk, forever frozen in time by the silvery translucent Carbonite that encased him completely.
A couple of coughs gave Vader the time to adjust to his new perception. “As he appears quite relaxed, I take it Mitth’raw’nuruodo accepted his sentence?”
“Oh, it *was* gratifying to know he expected a harsher punishment. However, his logic was without fault and the innovation of his designs were exemplary, as I’m sure you’ll agree.” Palpatine sighed. “I did not wish to waste this resource.”
The Emperor cackled as he looked up at Vader. “Our Grand Admiral grumbled more about the flowers.”
“Your idea and insistence, of course?” Vader snorted, taking notice now that the inside edges of the coffin was well lined with colourful blossoms of various flower species native to Coruscant and that there were even a few scattered upon his body.
“It irritated and embarrassed him, while it amused me to do so.” Palpatine shrugged, “You’d think he’d be used to it by now.”
Vader snorted at the reminder of the many times the Chiss had been brought in to be court martialled and emerged with a promotion instead. Metaphorically emerging smelling like flowers rather than dung; just like this situation with the Emperor.
“And so… when do you think you will release, Mitth’raw’nuruodo from this— punishment?”
“I haven’t quite decided yet.” Palpatine admitted. “But likely after Krennic has finally finished the Death Star and brought it into service.
“And well after we’ve crushed the rebellion once and for all with this superweapon.”
“He has valid points.” Vader reminded his Emperor cautiously.
“I have my Death Star.”
Vader dropped the argument. He doubted he’d be accorded the same patience as the Chiss.
“Yularen will return with a safe location to store our Carbonite Prince until I feel like thawing him out again.” Palpatine waved dismissively as he moved away from the coffin.
Vader nodded as took a last look upon the frozen Chiss before he moved away himself. He was going to miss chatting with the Grand Admiral on starfighter design.
Leia was tired. Heart sick for the loss of her son… Of Han.
At the least, Starkiller base was destroyed and the First Order sent fleeing into the Unknown Regions once more. However, this war was far from over. The Republic was still reeling from the losses.
After over thirty years of peace, they were too complacent and weak. The First Order was a wakeup call. The Republic was very lucky it was lead largely by untried youths. They, however, were too bogged down with the old and jaded who could not control their own youths…
They needed a miracle… If only Luke would come back. They needed a Legend.
A hand fell on Leia’s shoulder giving the General a supportive squeeze. Leia looked up at the aged Twi’lek giving her an encouraging smile. “Once more, Admiral Syndulla?”
“For as long as we have breath in our bodies, General Organa.”
“But I’m just so tired I—”
“Admiral Syndulla, General Organa, we have news from Coruscant.” A radio Operator called to them. “In the last attack, a hidden passage opened up in the old ISB headquarters.”
“What now?”
“The investigators found a Carbonite coffin.”
Leia’s throat tightened as she recalled having chased down a slab of Carbonite once. “What poor creature was this of and is it still alive.”  
“We’re not sure yet, General. Most we can tell right now is that he used to be an imperial officer. A— a— what was that? Can you repeat it? A— a Grand Admiral? Are you sure? He— Oh, he might not be alive after all. His skin is already blue—”
To the surprise of all, General Syndulla had raced over to the radio operator to catch him by his lapels and scream in his face, doubtlessly to ensure she was heard by the one’s at the other end of his line. “The man is still alive and you are to treat that Carbonite preserved body with utmost gentleness and care! He is a Chiss, that is why his skin is blue.
“DO NOT let any harm come to that man. Have a medical team dispatched immediately to have them thaw him out.”
“Y-y-y-yes, Admiral! Ma’am! Yes, Ma’am!”
“Hera?” Leia came to her feet to approach the almost trembling Twi’lek. “What the—”
Syndulla turned to grip her by the arms. “Pray, Leia. Pray, that this man will wake from this long sleep unharmed and fully restored. And the Republic will have the finest military strategist and tactician that ever *existed* join us in this war.”
“Wait, Hera, they said he was an Imperial.”
“He was. You’ve heard of the Battle of Atallon?” Hera told her, “this was the Grand Admiral who almost completely wiped out the rebellion.”
“But he was also the same man who slipped enough intelligence to us to help the Rebel Alliance rebuild. And the first to warn us of the Death Star.”
“Grand Admiral Thrawn, Leia. The only alien to ever attain that exalted rank in the Empire.” Hera had to sit down, almost too giddy with relief and excitement at this unexpected good fortune. “He disappeared before the Battle Yavin. We feared the Emperor had found him out and executed him. But then there were whispers and teases of a Carbonite Prince that the ISB were hiding.”
“Grand Admiral Thrawn?”
“The xenophobic Empire’s dirty little alien secret, Leia. And a *huge* torn in the side of the Rebellion until the Emperor decided to build the Death Star.” Hera told her softly. “After that, he became one of our most important spies; one of our most *consequential* Fulcrums.
“He never asked for any repayment for the danger he undertook on our behalf.” Hera looked up at her a little teary eyed. “We didn’t realise who he was until he was taken from us with his recall to Coruscant. He even laughed at our offer to extract him.
“I only realised— knew for sure who Fulcrum was when he returned to me my family kalikori before he departed Lothal.” Hera sighed, “Grand Admiral Thrawn was an honourable man who I had always treated poorly at our every encounter, though he was endlessly polite and gracious, because he wore an imperial uniform…
“And we had to keep this secret all this time for fear he was still in Imperial hands.”
“Well, we have him now. But are you sure he will join us?”
“I’m sure. The Death Star changed his loyalty to the Emperor. Once we tell him of Starkiller Base… There’s no way Grand Admiral Thrawn is going to side with the First Order.”
Faced by the fierce conviction of Admiral Hera Syndulla, Leia found hope blossoming in her heart again. If this man was as good as the Admiral claimed, perhaps they had a chance to bring this war to an end quickly after all.
Hope that was an entertaining theory explored. 
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