#⸻ ❛ ooc 【 stfu bones. 】
hittter · 9 months
close bonds & affection take so much time with eliot.
he makes friends just fine , but close friendships ? intimacy ? you can look at parker & hardison to get a good idea of how long these things take for him. it has taken years -- several years -- for him to get to a point that he's sometimes willing to be honest about his feelings ; that he's willing to let them help him when he's hurt ; that he accepts hugs .
eliot is hard to get close with. it takes a lot of gentleness & patience . in return , though , you'll receive undying loyalty & maybe the most overprotective friend you've ever had. oh, and a lot of food. eliot's love-language is cooking.
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bonescribes · 3 years
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on fai && scars .
thanks to his magic , fai is abnormally difficult to scar . that said , he does have heavy scars on all his fingertips ( save his thumbs ) . he also has difficulty feeling through said fingertips
also , post - regaining his eye , his eyesight remains moderately fucked up . he only regains about 50 % of his vision .
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dememetor · 3 years
hiiii, hope ur having a great day!
i loved the kissing hc, could u do a part 2 with hirugami and oikawa?
of course feel free to ignore this if u dont want to do it, thank uuuuu
hi! thank you so much for the request, hope you're having a wonderful day too anon! (also i hope i did hirugami okay and not ooc since i haven't finished the manga yet and he only has like 2 minutes of screentime shsj)
Kissing headcanons pt 2
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kissing headcanons part 1
characters hirugami sachirou, oikawa tooru, kenma kozume, bokuto koutarou
warnings kiSsiNg but you knew that already also mentions of choking? and i swear a little
Hirugami Sachiro
is a really good kisser
his kisses are always smooth, pouring into each other; he sets a nice steady rhythm and lets your lips go with the slightest pop, like we get it you can kiss
tries to seem chill, but is really anxious the first time
obviously wants you to have a good time and wants to impress you which leads to him being a little tense in the beginning - is always hyper-aware of your every movement, trying to reciprocate and figure out what you want him to do
but once he relaxes and realises you just want him to be himself and he gives in,, hnngh
gentle but firm, tangles his fingers into your hair and leads the kiss that way
other hand is resting on your waist (usually) under your shirt
(also he can 100% unhook a bra with only one hand and from behind your back, it is actually fascinating)
(suspicious, but fascinating)
doesn’t really like tongue
but loves nose kisses
also for some reason likes tugging at your lower lip, like gently biting down
usually when you’re done making out he pulls you close and peppers your whole face with light kisses
he is just,, the absolute best best boy
i’m sorry you’ll have to top him
Oikawa Tooru
don’t get me wrong he’s all for switching and teasing and he loves seeing you all flustered and with swollen lips after a makeout session
but you can’t look me in the eye and tell me he doesn't like being topped
i mean he has to be in charge of everything when he's on the court so being able to come home, relax and let you take care of him is a nice change
ok ok i'm getting kind of distracted with this one, these are just kissing headcanons
like hirugami, is an absolutely amazing kisser, like this man knows what he's doing
you could kiss him for an hour straight and you wouldn’t be bored
loves it when you take him by the collar of his shirt and pull him in, that shit gets him SO flustered
like push him onto the bed, pinning one of his arms down, your other hand finding its way from his brown locks to his neck and squeezing gently, making him just enough dizzy, like please he loves it so much
i feel like he’s always horny so a makeout session could happen literally anywhere
no but seriously, you haven’t watched ONE movie together without ending up on top of each other
Kenma Kozume
soft, soft, soft, soft
doesn’t make a big deal out of kissing, but when you kiss him you always feel loved
was never type for longer kisses, i feel like he gets bored pretty easily
kisses! on the! gaming chair!
kisses on the forehead
kisses while he’s gaming - ok but not for long because “babe, not now”, like bAbE nOt nOw stfu and kiss me
but cuddling while he’s gaming? oh yes
lazy making out on his bed, with dim neon lights from his setup illuminating the room, him murmuring something against your lips, not wanting to pull away first
something about him makes you feel safe, you’re never uncomfortable around him, you can be yourself without worrying about doing something embarrassing
missing his lips when you lean in? accidentally crashing your teeth? he simply doesn’t care
the sight of him with red cheeks, half-lidded eyes and lips slightly parted, still tasting your kiss?
Bokuto Koutarou
kisses you as if every kiss were your last
does the thing where he lifts you up and spins you around, meeting your lips halfway through
be prepared for him to just grab you under your thighs and lift you up
he likes to wrap his arms around your waist and pull you closer to him, holding you tight against his chest
and by tight, i mean his kisses are bone-crushing
so, so, so excited to kiss you
when he gets ahold of you, he won't let go that easily, like honestly good luck getting out of his embrace
he just wants to show you how much he loves you?? he's doing his best, if you don't marry this man i will
warning: don't try to tease him by pulling away, he will get the biggest pout
you can literally see the light leave his eyes as the betrayed expression forms on his face in slow motion and he realises he's not gonna get the kiss he wants
pretends he's hurt but only lasts 5 minutes (record time 7 minutes 36 seconds) before he's begging you to take him back again
god he's just so,, proud to have you by his side like he just loves showing you off to his friends like see that's MY partner!!
not even a kissing headcanon but I could talk about this man for days like just imagine waking up to him and the first thing you see in the morning is his smile ahsjsiw9cn
ALSO, it's the cutest thing when you can feel his lips curl into a small smile when you lean in for a kiss or like a proud grin when he manages to make you laugh
I love him
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zumpietoo · 2 years
Liar Vick-Dick and Snorty, Sittin’ in a Tree
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Ummm...first off, why so convinced it’ll be BH? As we saw, PP can’t control her unprofessional ass, Cole’s unspeakably uncomfortable working with her (since it equals gross sexual harassment for him and he is a person, with rights)---and he keeps shooting it down, HARD, in interviews. 
Honestly, I might hate VD, but they’re much moar likely endgame....especially since RAS now has the opportunity for the BAV (and R) triangle he’s been itching to do all along. 
VD actually DID reconcile, BH didn’t, so not sure what “pieces here and there” are being alluded to...
Dude, they did NOT break up anybody for the horror thing. All of this was planned and filmed well before that. Stop fucking lying and pulling shit to gaslight with from your ass.
Also, Netflix essentially funds the show----there’s also merchandise, etc
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Because they didn’t and there never was, Snorty. Sorry that you’re so fucking dumb, a Qanon level conspiracy theorist, etc.
Nobody GAF and that you didn’t get your own fanfics is your own problem.
Ummm....BH had multiple opportunities to reconnect for 7 years. Slizzy, again, CHOSE not to reconcile and be a cuntwipe. Actually, Jabi DID thrive, their love defeated possession. Or are you saying the same bitch who runs around offing peeps in the Dale, wouldn’t be possessed? Cuz dude, Tabs’s possessed behavior looked like a better than usual Tuesday for Slizzy. In the DALE.
Also, dumbass, Tabitha was never “jealous” of Jug’s work. She was uncomfortable with being goaded by Slizzy, etc. She’s been consistently shown as deeply supportive of him. Actually, we’ve seen Slizzy be very much jealous (and shitty about) Jug’s accomplishments. 
Liar. Plus whole point was they were both OOC due to possession. 
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Douchie murdered Vermin, she konked him on the head (and worked to groom him) so he could be murdered. Yeah, they clearly would.
Jug wouldn’t be Douchie’s best man in that scenario? We already know he would’ve been. If anything, it would’ve been a vastly less awkward situation. And yeah, actually, it all would’ve absolutely flown in the same manner. JUst Jug would’ve suggested Slizzy or even Pinkle....
They diverged from dick, only dumb shipper morons like yourselves keept insisting this.
And not being “dragged out” is where the show’s headed. No Pinkle for a good long while, either. 
In fact, what you’re missing is this was the way to give all you assholes a bone. And you’re too fucking dumb to grasp that.
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No they found a way to work in Pinkle, so those lunatics would STFU, too. It wasn’t that, tho. I think they’ll put them together only because they largely suck and the actresses suck, etc
To your other points:
VD - both either legit killed each other/helped kill
BH - Vale Jug looked ready to puke, preferred a life in seclusion than listening to her crocodile tears, was fine with Barfie marrying. Slizzy isn’t remotely “in his heart”, Snorty. Narrator and Writer Jug love Tabs AND viewed her as a literal angle. Slizzy was consistently a violent, annoying slut.
Pinkle got a past lives one. Jabit actually got a very romantic story line. 
Just find it interesting you refuse to see that. And are a disgusting racist
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balancedforcez · 6 years
Ghost Wars Review
*disclaimer: I still highly recommend watching this show*
*season finale major spoilers below*
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Ok so I’m writing this review mostly to put words to these mixed emotions the series finale has invoked in me. I feel unsettled and in the words of Shakespeare, ‘must you leave me so unsatisfied?’
Let’s start with the main protagonist: Roman ‘pure cinnamon roll who has never done anything wrong in his life’ Mercer. Look at this cute, beautiful face:
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I love him. To the afterlife and beyond. #protectRomanMercer2k18
He dealt with a ton of shit his whole life. He’s been shunned and mocked by literally almost everyone at every given moment of opportunity. He thought his mother abandoned him when he was young, he never knew who his father was, and he has ZERO friends outside his ghost friends (which btw, hurt me so much). And yet?? He still helped everyone who needed it. A little reluctantly, of course, but he never turned his back on anyone in need, including the bigoted man who tried to kill him (except that one scene which was 100% justified). 
Lol the only time anyone liked him was when he was saving all their asses. Maggie was right about one thing: he was used and exploited by everyone. 
Speaking of Maggie, I really liked her at first, but the last few episodes corrupted her character. I can more so understand why it happened with her: she’s dead, she’s influenced by completely different reality than the rest. Arguably, she would have never been friends or even talked to Roman had she not been dead, but moot point. She was his best friend, a saving grace, and their subtle flirtation and longing was the stuff of bone marrow.
That’s why I felt majorly let down by what I felt was biggest OOC move in literally the last 2 minutes of the season finale.
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He did one of the most selfish, if not the most selfish, things any of the characters did on the show. He essentially killed a terminally ill woman and let his girlfriend steal her body.
And.... I’m sorry, I just don’t agree with that as being true to the character.... like Doug said something like ‘I knew from the beginning not to trust him’ and I was like STFU Doug, your daughter’s murder would have never been solved and the town wouldn’t still be alive if it wasn’t for Roman.
BUT I believe Maggie should have let go when she and Roman said their goodbyes. They had this kind of sweet, smooth chemistry. The flirtation that hinted of what they could have been had she been alive. If she had moved on like she should have, it would have given closure and peace to their relationship. It was a sad but beautiful scene that really captured the ‘If only things were different’ and ‘almost lovers’ essence. 
Instead, we get this stupid shit where they somehow twist Roman and Maggie into the wrong... the writers purposefully framed it from music to dialogue to make it look like Roman and Maggie were the bad guys the whole time. Which is stupid because it’s fucking false.
I would have been more understandable if it was framed as the only selfish thing he was willing to do. Like, ‘I sacrificed and went through so much BS, I feel terrible but I deserve the girl I love’... but it wasn’t??? For no good reason???? He was legitimately twisted into this mastermind, unfeeling asshole who was gonna fuck the girl and sip champagne as they took over the world together???
And I have this horrible feeling that they’ll do it again. They’ll take all of Daphne’s money and then switch Maggie’s soul with some other unwitting girl.
Look, I love villains. No, really! I love anti-heroes and devious gray morality. But I feel Roman Mercer was built as a fundamentally good and kind character. He never had a hint of malice and the writers completely undercut all the development he’s made throughout the season, both with how he behaved and the relationships he’s made with the townspeople.
He was a hero??? And, arguably, he would have been worshipped by the town for what he did. Again, moot point since small town mentality might revert to their old pattern cause they didn’t need him anymore.
TLDR; he got the girl, but the character assassination... the absolute injustice made me sick. IF the show gets a second season, I would hope that they fix this fuck up but I don’t believe they would.
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hittter · 6 months
what if you liked this and i wrote you a starter
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hittter · 28 days
hey guys this blog has sporadic activity
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hittter · 9 months
eliot & harry's parallels send tweet
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hittter · 6 months
kicks ur door down
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hittter · 8 months
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hittter · 9 months
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snork mimimimi
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hittter · 3 months
little baby plotting call -- if we haven't written together ( or if we have hehe ) give this a like and ill come bug you !!
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hittter · 8 months
concept: eliot sings for your muse . a lullaby , a love song ???? hear me out ?????
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hittter · 9 months
i am once again awake i am once again ready to scream abt eliot
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hittter · 9 months
goob morning everyone i am here i am thinking abt my Punchy Son
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hittter · 9 months
tiny little plotting call while i'm bored at work -- like this and ill dive into your dms !
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